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Everything You Wanted To Know About Visual Basic 6 Colors

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Everything you ever wanted to know about VB6 Colors

Everything you wanted to know about Visual

Basic 6 Colors
The topic of beautifying your Visual Basic program is always a popular
one in my classes. If you are like most of my Visual Basic students,
right about now you are clamoring to make your programs prettier.
Personally, I'm pretty much a believer in accepting the default colors
that Visual Basic assigns. As you will see during the course of the
book, these default colors are the colors the user has selected in the
Control Panel of their PC. But invariably, beginners love to experiment
with features such as colors and Font styles. So these are the topics
I'll cover in this handout.
During the course of the book you'll see that many of the objects in
Visual Basic have color properties---most notably, the BackColor and
ForeColor properties. Again, if you accept the default values for these
properties, your object will exhibit the same colors that the user has
selected in their Windows Control Panel. Most importantly, if the user
then changes their color selections, the colors in your program will
change accordingly.
Is there a default color?
Yes, each object in Visual Basic that has a color property already has
a default value established for it when you create the control. Lets
take a look at these default values now. If you want, while you're
reading about the default colors, place some controls on a from. How
about a Command Button, label, text box, list box, CheckBox, and an
option button? Now bring up the Properties Window and examine the
value for the BackColor property of the form. What do you see?
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Everything you ever wanted to know about VB6 Colors

Heres the number that I see in the Properties Window.
If you have already read Handout B, which is my handout on the
various number systems in use in the computer, then you recognize
this number as a Hexadecimal number. But what exactly does it mean?
What is that funny number?
The format of this number may appear familiar to you. We saw in
Handout B that the &H combination indicates that this number is a
Hexadecimal numbers. The rest of the number I'll discuss in just a few
moments. My point is that Visual Basic establishes a default value for
the color property of your form and any control you place on the form.
How does Visual Basic know what the default value should be? It
looks for the user's color preference in their Control Panel. Naturally,
the user's preferred color selections will vary from machine to
machine. But the default value for the BackColor property won't
change, as it just refers to the Control Panel value. Here's a screen
shot from my Control Panel to show you what I mean.
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Everything you ever wanted to know about VB6 Colors

The default value for the BackColor of the form is always
&H8000000F&, although the actual color that this value represents
may vary from computer to computer. According to the Visual Basic
documentation, this number tells Visual Basic to look up the color that
the user has specified in the Windows Control panel for the
WindowBackground setting. For the ForeColor property of the form,
again according to the Visual Basic documentation, Visual Basic uses
the 'Window Text' color selection in the Windows Control Panel.
I did a little experiment, which you'll repeat yourself later, where I
noted the BackColor and ForeColor properties of the Form and the
controls that we'll discuss during our course. Here's a chart I have
prepared based on that experiment.
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Everything you ever wanted to know about VB6 Colors
CheckBox &H8000000F& &H80000012&
&H8000000F& None
Form &H8000000F& &H80000012&
Frame &H8000000F& &H80000012&
Image None None
Label &H8000000F& &H80000012&
ListBox &H80000005& &H80000008&
&H8000000F& &H80000012&
PictureBox &H8000000F& &H80000012&
Textbox &H80000005& &H80000008&
Now the natural question to ask at this point is, how do you know what
these numbers correspond to in the Control Panel. That's what this
chart tells you. I developed this chart by accessing the Visual Basic
Object Browser.
System Color
Hex Value Description
vbScrollBars &H80000000
Scroll bar
vbDesktop &H80000001 Desktop color.
vbActiveTitleBar &H80000002
Color of the
title bar for the
active window.
vbInactiveTitleBar &H80000003
Color of the
title bar for the
vbMenuBar &H80000004
vbWindowBackground &H80000005
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Everything you ever wanted to know about VB6 Colors
vbWindowFrame &H80000006
Window frame
vbMenuText &H80000007
Color of text
on menus.
vbWindowText &H80000008
Color of text in
vbTitleBarText &H80000009
Color of text in
caption, size
box, and scroll
vbActiveBorder &H8000000A
Border color
of active
vbInactiveBorder &H8000000B
Border color
of inactive
vbApplicationWorkspace &H8000000C
color of
vbHighlight &H8000000D
color of items
selected in a
vbHighlightText &H8000000E
Text color of
items selected
in a control.
vbButtonFace &H8000000F
Color of
shading on
the face of
vbButtonShadow &H80000010
Color of
shading on
the edge of
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Everything you ever wanted to know about VB6 Colors
vbGrayText &H80000011
vbButtonText &H80000012
Text color on
push buttons.
vbInactiveCaptionText &H80000013
Color of text in
an inactive
vb3DHighlight &H80000014
Highlight color
for 3D display
vb3DDKShadow &H80000015
shadow color
for 3D display
vb3DLight &H80000016
lightest of the
3D colors after
vbInfoText &H80000017
Color of text in
vbInfoBackground &H80000018
color of
The chart shows the Visual Basic System Color Constant, along with
its Hex value, and what the value means. I'll discuss Color Constants
in just a few moments. For now, suffice to say that a Visual Basic
Color Constant is just an easier way to remember a long Hexadecimal
number, and its name can be used interchangeable with the value in
Visual Basic code.
Note here that the value for the
BackColor of the form (&H80000F)
according to Visual Basic's
documentation should correspond to
the WindowBackground setting in
the Control Panel. However, the
Object Browser's description for the
Color Constant indicates that this
value is the setting for the user's
selection for the color of a
Command Button.
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Everything you ever wanted to know about VB6 Colors
Yes, youve seen and heard this term before. Pixels are the dots that
form the characters and graphics displayed on your computer's
monitors. Pixels are also a unit of measurement for computer
monitors. For instance, your display monitor may display 800 pixels
horizontally and 600 vertically. Pixels are varied in intensity and color
to display the many beautiful colors that you see on your computers
monitor. A single pixel is capable of displaying over 16 million different
colors by combining varying proportions of Red, Green and Blue
(more on that later).
When color monitors were first introduced, there was a brief period of
time when the colors on a display monitor were produced by
combining three pixels. With todays modern technology, combining
pixels in this way to form colors is not necessary, but this is something
you should bear in mind if you are writing a program for a user with an
older computer, and you choose a color other than the default color
If the user has older hardware (either a monitor of Video display
adapter), it's possible that the PC will not be able to display all 16
million plus colors natively, that is, by using a single pixel. If that's the
case, then the PC's hardware will attempt to produce the color by
combining three pixels. This process is called 'dithering' and the
results are less than optimal. The user will be able to tell the difference.
Those aren't the primary colors!
I mentioned that a pixel's color is created by mixing the proportion of
Red, Green and Blue. But those aren't the so-called primary colors!
Youre correct. The primary colors of light are Red, Blue and Yellow.
And if I remember my kindergarten training, green is actually the
combination of Blue and Yellow. Why is it that computer engineers
decided to use Red, Green and Blue to produce the 16 million colors
of today's modern display monitors over the primary colors of Red,
Blue and Yellow?
Well, as it turns out, the colors Red, Green and Blue are known as the
Additive Primary Colors. And combining the Additive Primary Colors
produces more colors than combining the Primary Colors of Red, Blue
and Yellow. As it turns out, it isn't only the computer engineers who
know this. The next time you go the theater, take note of the colors
used for stage lighting. Youll see the Additive Primary colors in use.
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Everything you ever wanted to know about VB6 Colors
But What's that number in the BackColor property mean
Let's get back to that default number in the BackColor property of the
This number you see here serves a dual function. Sometimes it
represents the Visual Basic Color Constant I referred to earlier. And
sometimes it represents a Hexadecimal value that corresponds
directly to one of the 16 million possible colors that can be displayed
on a color monitor. How can you tell what's what? If the first four
characters of the number start with anything other than &H00, then
you know you are looking at a Visual Basic Color Constant. If the
number starts with &H00, then the remaining 6 Hexadecimal
characters represent one of 16 million colors.
That's right. With just 6 Hexadecimal characters, 16 million colors
(actually 16,777,216 colors) can be displayed. As I mentioned earlier,
these colors can be displayed by varying the intensities of Red, Green,
or Blue. 2 Hex characters represent the intensities of Red, Green and
Blue, and their values range from 0 to 255 Decimal, or 0 to FF in Hex.
An example will make this easier to understand.
For instance, the hex value
represents the color Red. Read the Red-Green-Blue values from Right
to Left. In other words, FF is the Red component of the color. '00' is
the Green component. And '00' is the Blue component. The displayed
color will be Red because the highest intensity of Red has been
This hex value
represents the color Green. Again, reading the Red-Green-Blue
values from right to left, '00' is the Red component, 'FF' is the Green
component, and '00' is the Blue component.
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Everything you ever wanted to know about VB6 Colors
This hex value
represents the color Blue. Again, reading the Red-Green-Blue values
from right to left, '00' is the Red component, '00' is the Green
component, and ' FF ' is the Blue component.
What about this hex value?
This value represents the color White. White is the full intensities of
Red, Green and Blue. Reading from Right to Left, we have the
maximum value('FF')for Red, Green and Blue.
My favorite color, Cyan, is achieved by combining the full intensities of
Green and Blue, with no Red.
The important thing to note about all of these examples is that the Hex
value began with &H00. If you see a Hex value begin with &H80, then
you know that you are dealing with a Color Constant. Here are
Hexadecimal equivalents for some common colors.
Property Value Color
&H00000000& Black
&H00FF0000& Blue
&H00FFFF00& Cyan
&H0000FF00& Green
&H00FF00FF& Magenta
&H000000FF& Red
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Everything you ever wanted to know about VB6 Colors
&H00FFFFFF& White
&H0000FFFF& Yellow
What does all of that mean?
Where to from here? I'd like to suggest that you take a moment now to
experiment with the Visual Basic Default colors on your own system.
1. Start a new Visual Basic Standard.EXE project.
2. Use your toolbox to place a Command Button, Checkbox,
Frame, Image, Label, ListBox, OptionButton, PictureBox and
Textbox on the form.
3. Bring up the Properties Window, and record the default values
for the BackColor and ForeColor properties for the form and each
Here are the default values that I noted:
CheckBox &H8000000F& &H80000012&
Has no
Form &H8000000F& &H80000012&
Frame &H8000000F& &H80000012&
Image None None
Label &H8000000F& &H80000012&
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Everything you ever wanted to know about VB6 Colors
ListBox &H80000005& &H80000008&
&H8000000F& &H80000012&
PictureBox &H8000000F& &H80000012&
Textbox &H80000005& &H80000008&
What does all of this mean? It means that without any effort on your
part, you have default colors already selected for you, and that you
already have a 'leg up' with the user since these are colors that they
have already selected in the control panel. Bear in mind, that if you
accept these default values, if the user goes to the control panel and
changes their color selections, the colors in your program will also
change automatically. Who could ask for more?
Well, to put it bluntly, programmers. For whatever reason,
programmers love to deviate from the default colors. And so they
customize. And some even permit the user to change their own colors.
So yes, if you want to get fancy, you can change the default color
selection in your program. All you need to do is provide Visual Basic
with a valid color value, either in the Properties Window, or through
Visual Basic code. And that gets us back to that Hexadecimal number
notation again.
Whats that you say? Hex still scares you a bit? I don't blame you.
Suppose all you want to do is change the BackColor property of the
form to Cyan. It's difficult to remember that the Hex value for Cyan is
&H00FFFF00&. Surely there must be an easier way? And there is. In
fact, there are several easier ways to change colors in Visual Basic.
Color Constants
The first alternative to those nasty Hexadecimal values is to use a
Visual Basics Color Constant, not to be confused with the Visual
Basic System Color Constants we discussed earlier in this handout.
Both the SystemColor Constants and the Color Constants are a
subset of the much larger universe of Visual Basic Intrinsic Constants.
The idea behind the Visual Basic Intrinsic Constants is to give you a
name that you can remember in place of a hard to remember value.
For instance, what's the Hex value of the color cyan? Even though I
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Everything you ever wanted to know about VB6 Colors
told you that it's my favorite color, off the top of my head I don't
remember its Hex value. But it's easy to remember its Color Constant
name. It's vbCyan. Get the point?
Here is a list of the Color-related Visual Basic Intrinsic Constants. To
view these yourself, select On-Line Help, then select Constants, then
scroll down to Color.
Constant Value Description
vbBlack &H0 Black.
vbRed &HFF Red
vbGreen &HFF00 Green
vbYellow &HFFFF Yellow
vbBlue &HFF0000 Blue
vbMagenta &HFF00FF Magenta
vbCyan &HFFFF00 Cyan
vbWhite &HFFFFFF White
Heres an Exercise show you how easy using an Intrinsic Constant to
change the color of the form can be.
1. Start a new Visual Basic Standard.EXE project.
2. Use your Toolbox to place a Command Button on the form.
Accept the default name that Visual Basic assigns.
3. Double click on the Command Button, and place the following
code into the Click Event Procedure of the Command Button.
Private Sub Command1_Click()
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Everything you ever wanted to know about VB6 Colors
Form1.BackColor = vbRed
End Sub
4. Run the program. There is no need to save either the project or
the form for these non-China Shop project related Try-It-Outs, so
when Visual Basic asks you if you want to save changes to those
files, answer 'No' by clicking on the 'No' button.
5. Click on the Command Button. The color of the form will change
to red.
You can only use Intrinsic
Constants in Visual Basic code.
The Properties Window only
accepts numbers.
The QBColor Function
One problem with the Color Constants is that there are only eight of
them. While this is fine for color-challenged people like me, many
programmers feel the need to work with more than eight colors.
Fortunately, there are two other methods to specify colors--- the
QBColor Function, and the RGB Function.
The QBColor function is a holdover from the original version of
Basic. The QBColor expands on the eight colors provided by the Color
constants and gives you sixteen. The QBColor function requires a
single argument, which is a number ranging from 0 to 15.
The color argument has these values:
Number Color Number Color
0 Black 8 Gray
1 Blue 9
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Everything you ever wanted to know about VB6 Colors
2 Green 10
3 Cyan 11
4 Red 12
5 Magenta 13
6 Yellow 14
7 White 15
The QBColor function returns a value that can then be assigned to any
of the color properties. For instance, this code returns a value which
when assigned to the BackColor property of the form changes it to
Form1.BackColor = QBColor(2)
Again, the advantage of the QBColor function over using the Intrinsic
Color Constants is the eight additional colors that it can generate for
you. The disadvantage of the QBColor function is that you need to
know the argument necessary to produce that color, and that can be a
real problem.
The RGB Function
The RGB function , while not extremely user friendly, gives you the
ability to generate any valid color property value.
Here is the syntax for this function.
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Everything you ever wanted to know about VB6 Colors
As you can see, the RGB function requires three arguments, with valid
values for each being 0 to 255. Similar to what we saw earlier when
examining the syntax of the hex value for a color property, each
argument represents varying intensities of Red, Green, and Blue.
The following table lists some standard colors and the red, green, and
blue values they include:
Black 0 0 0
Blue 0 0 255
Green 0 255 0
Cyan 0 255 255
Red 255 0 0
Magenta 255 0 255
Yellow 255 255 0
White 255 255 255
For instance, using the RGB function, this code will change the
BackColor of Form1 to Red.
Form1.Backcolor = RGB(255,0,0)
Since these arguments are named arguments, you could also use this
syntax. This code will change the BackColor of Form1 to Green.
Form1.BackColor = RGB(Red:=0, Green:=255, Blue:=0)

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