This document provides an overview of Flexi Hol vacation packages offered by Cox & Kings that allow travelers to explore Europe in different ways. It highlights the various destinations offered across Europe and provides details on how to book packages online. Key options include guided coach tours, rail passes, self-drive holidays, and private tours that give flexibility to design custom itineraries at one's own pace. High quality accommodations are ensured and additional services like sightseeing options and transfers are also available.
This document provides an overview of Flexi Hol vacation packages offered by Cox & Kings that allow travelers to explore Europe in different ways. It highlights the various destinations offered across Europe and provides details on how to book packages online. Key options include guided coach tours, rail passes, self-drive holidays, and private tours that give flexibility to design custom itineraries at one's own pace. High quality accommodations are ensured and additional services like sightseeing options and transfers are also available.
This document provides an overview of Flexi Hol vacation packages offered by Cox & Kings that allow travelers to explore Europe in different ways. It highlights the various destinations offered across Europe and provides details on how to book packages online. Key options include guided coach tours, rail passes, self-drive holidays, and private tours that give flexibility to design custom itineraries at one's own pace. High quality accommodations are ensured and additional services like sightseeing options and transfers are also available.
This document provides an overview of Flexi Hol vacation packages offered by Cox & Kings that allow travelers to explore Europe in different ways. It highlights the various destinations offered across Europe and provides details on how to book packages online. Key options include guided coach tours, rail passes, self-drive holidays, and private tours that give flexibility to design custom itineraries at one's own pace. High quality accommodations are ensured and additional services like sightseeing options and transfers are also available.
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No one shows you
Europe like we do!
Great Britain c Ireland c France c Italy Switzerland c Austria c Netherlands c Spain Belgium c Germany c Hungary c Russia Czech Republic c Finland c Scandinavia SPAIN Madrid Barcelona Bern Rome Paris Berlin Cophenhagen Oslo Stockholm Helsinki Rovaniemi Moscow Prague Vienna Budapest Bratisalva London Amsterdam Brussels Dublin FRANCE SWITZERLAND AUSTRIA ITALY HUNGARY SOLVAKIA CZECH REPUBLIC GERMANY NETHERLANDS DENMARK NORWAY SWEDEN FINLAND RUSSIA GREAT BRITAIN IRELAND BELGIUM 1 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs A E uropean hol i day i s best expl ored at your own pace and on your own ter ms. Fl exi H ol from Cox & Ki ngs L i mi ted hel ps you to do j ust that. I t gi ves you the conveni ence of expl ori ng E urope the way you want; stay i n the heart of the ci ty to soak io t/ fo.or ooc l.ol .oltor f o./ .it,, tro.l .o.oiotl, o t/ fot f Eoroo roil otor/, ./ fro o roo f i/tio tor t oit ,or ioci.icool tot, ,o ol /o. oo rtooit, t choose coach tours i n sel ected desti nati ons whereby you travel around wi th touri sts from di f ferent parts of the worl d. WELCOME TO FLEXI HOL Ruzbe Dar uwal a Busi ness H ead - Fl exi H ol Seet the Best of Europe 2 See Europe i n Four Di fferennt Ways 4 H ow to Book Onl i ne 6 Great Br i tai n 16 I rel and 24 Fr ance 28 I tal y 34 Swi tzerl and 40 Austr i a 46 Netherl ands 50 Bel gi um 54 Ger many 58 Easter n Europe 64 Spai n 68 Scandi navi a & Fi nl and 74 Russi a 78 European M edl ey 82 I nsi ght Vacati ons 88 Fr anchi sees 90 Cox 8 Kings Olnces 9o 2 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs Accommodati on i s of utmost i mpor tance to your enj oyment on your hol i day and we under stand ano ensure that by selecting centrally locateo nrst class hotel. The oistinctive leatures ol our hotel s are of hi gh standard wi th qual i ty accommodati on, al ong wi th contempor ar y faci l i ti es at par with worlo stanoaros. We oller a wioe array ol hotel, meeting every neeo ol the traveller. Europe i s the home of I mpressi oni st ar t, the Cathol i c Church and cl assi cal musi c and i s al so home to many beauti ful sceni c areas, i ncl udi ng the Al ps, the countr ysi de of Fr ance, Scotl and ano Irelano ano the Black Iorest ol Germany ano the coast ol the Meoiterranean Sea. A trip to Europe can provioe experiences ano memories to last a liletime. HOT EL S SI GHT SEEI NG SEE T HE BEST 3 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs There is no better to experience the excitement ol the natural paraoise nrst hano than to take an excursion to the mountains where you will nno an untoucheo worlo ano an abunoance ol rustic charm. But none as beautilul as the journey to it - either by a panoramic trains, a cable car or open-air chairlilts. Ol course there are many sports that can be inoulgeo in. We offer l uxur i ous and comfor tabl e tr anspor tati on for si ghtseei ng and ai r por t pi ck-up and orop. All vehicles ollereo are air-conoitioneo ano strictly aohere to international salety norms. You have the opti on of booki ng economi cal and great val ue-for-money, Seat-i n-Coach (SI C) Translers as well as Frivate Translers, the luxury ano convenience ol your own private vehicle. MOUNTAI N EXCURSI ONS T RANSPORT OF EUROPE 4 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs The ultimate experience in travelling through Europe - where you get to aomire the lanoscapes lrom a see` view - large winoows. Travelling by rail is not only easy, but also convenient between countr i es vi a thei r extensi ve network, l i nki ng one ci ty centre to another, r i ght from the ai r por t to the smallest ol towns. Discover a comlortable ano economical way ol travelling. Enj oy Europe at your own pace and ti me, tr avel l i ng together i n a van/ mi ni bus dr i ven by a private chaulleur. Major stops to small picnic halts all can be oone. It is an organiseo tour, the itineraries are carelully planneo ano lully personalizeo to suit your interests ano prelerences. You can relax ano enjoy the scenic beauty while your experienceo oriver ooes all the haro work. RAI L EUROPE PRI VAT E JOURNEYS SEE EUROPE I N FOUR 5 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs Sell-orive holioays provioes the ultimate lreeoom ano nexibility to experience Europe at your own pace.You can choose the type ol car lor hire, the stanoaro ol the accommooation, the time of the year to vi si t, the dur ati on of your sel f dr i ve tour, whi ch regi ons and most i mpor tantl y, you can select a itinerary that lulnls your personal interests. Coach touring experience shows you the best ol Europe`s scenery, history ano culture. The tour s i ncl ude careful l y pl anned i ti ner ar i es, moder n ai r-condi ti oned coaches, and hand-pi cked hotels, ano you will be accompanieo by an experienceo ano knowleogeable Tour Director. You`ll also get to make new lrienos as locals ano travellers ol all nationalities join the journey. SEL F DRI VE GUI DED COACH TOURS DI FFERENT WAYS 6 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs STEP 1: Just go to our websi te www.coxandki and cl i ck on H ol i days or you can cl i ck di rectl y on Fl exi H ol . Get a choi ce of hol i days that r ange from three to basi c 5 star hol i days or on l uxur y Escapades for 5 star pl us l uxur y hol i days. STEP 2: Search for your hol i day based on the desti nati on, ci ty, your depar ture date, the number of ni ghts youd l i ke to spend. You can sel ect your hol i day by your i nterests such as fami l y, expl orer, shopper, romance, deal hunter, l uxur y, adventurer and your roomi ng based on number of passenger s and how many are adul t and chi l dren. You can sel ect packages that have an ai rl i ne ser vi ce bui l t i n or si mpl y choose l and packages onl y. STEP 3: You wi l l get a var i ety of packages. Sel ect your choi ce from the opti ons. a. You can add addi ti onal ni ghts to each i ndi vi dual ci ty. b. You can vi ew the hotel detai l s i ncl uded i n the package or you can change the hotel s for al ter nati ves. c. You can view select ano aoo nights in your itinerary. d. Read the I ti ner ar i es, I ncl usi ons, Excl usi ons, Ter ms Condi ti ons and Cancel l ati on Pol i cy. STEP 4: Revi ew your i ti ner ar y. Now the fun par t ! You can add opti onal tour s and excur si ons to your i ti ner ar y based on your free ti me avai l abl e. STEP 5: I f you want to add a Vi sa faci l i tati on ser vi ce and / or a Tr awel l Tag wi th I nsur ance, you may. STEP 6: Now revi ew your compl ete i ti ner ar y, wi th your sel ecti on of ser vi ces, opti onal s and the HOW TO 7 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs price. You have the nexibility to remove certain services optional tours that you oo not want and can revi ew the pr i ce agai n. So si mpl e ! STEP 7: Reaoy to book? Just nll in the passenger oetails. Check the User Agreement ano Cancel l ati on Pol i cy before accepti ng them onl i ne. STEP 8: Now comes the payment par t ! Fi l l i n the bi l l i ng detai l s page, al ong wi th the del i ver y address i f i t i s di fferent from the bi l l i ng detai l s. You have the opti on ei ther to make par t payment as a token reser vati on amount onl i ne or make a ful l payment for your hol i day i n one go. You can pay by Debit Creoit caro or Net Banking or you can pay partially olnine. STEP 9: Next, we requi re the fol l owi ng documents cour i ered to us urgentl y to the address l i sted. T hi s hel ps us for the K YC K now your customer nor ms as requi red by RBI ( Reser ve Bank of I ndi a) Cox 8 Kings Limiteo, Attention: Operations Manager, 3 AB Rushabh Chambers, Marol Makwana Roao, Oll Anoheri Kurla Roao, Marol, Anoheri ,East,, Mumbai - !00 09. The oocuments are: a. Physi cal l y si gned booki ng for m by the tr avel er. b. Physi cal l y si gned Ter ms & Condi ti ons for m by the tr avel er. c. Signeo Fhotocopy ol the nrst 2 pages ano last 2 pages ol your passport. o. Frool ol Aooress by way ol copies ol Bills ol utility services like Telephone Bill, El ectr i ci ty Bi l l or Rati on Card etc. e. Cheque Demano oralt in the name ol Cox 8 Kings Lto.` lor any olnine payment. f. Vi sa documentati on BOOK ONL I NE PLEASE NOTE: On payment ol the booking amount ano oocumentation amount lull payment you wi l l recei ve an acknowl edgement for the amount pai d. On the website il you have paio via creoit caro, you will be able to view the monies paio under the Vi ew Tr ansacti on l i sted on the si te. You will have to pay all bank charges incluoing charges relating to cheque oemano dr aft at the appl i cabl e r ate i n addi ti on to the tour cost. Courier charges will be applicable. The prevailing rate ol exchange on the oate ol the transaction woulo be applicable. Your service vouchers will not be emaileo to you unless all oocuments ano payments have been gi ven to us. Il the utility bill that you are provioing as prool ol aooress is in the name ol some other member of your fami l y, wi th whom you are l i vi ng and are cl osel y rel ated, then you woul d need to provi de us such uti l i ty bi l l al ong wi th a decl ar ati on from the per son named i n such uti l i ty bi l l stati ng that you are a rel ati ve and are stayi ng wi th hi m / her. We have a helpline listeo on each webpage to assist you with your enquiries ano bookings. 116 bi s avenue des Champs - l yses 75 008 Pari s - Tel . : +33 (0)1 40 76 56 49 - E-mai l : touri sme@l i DINNER & SHOW CHAMPAGNE & SHOW THE FAMOUS CABARET O F CH AM PS- LYSES: 70 arti stes on stage, 600 sumptuous costumes, 23 monumental sets... Best view of Eiger, Mnch and Jungfrau! www.schi l thor OPORFDWLRQ The paradise for families and hikers! www.schi l thor OPORFDWLRQ MOMENTS OF ;32()6 SPARKLING SHOPPING EXPERIENCES 6112 Wat t ens, Aust r i a, Tel . + 4 3 (0) 52 24 510 8 0 www. swar ovsk i . com/ k r i st al l wel t en Open dai l y f r om 9. 0 0 a. m. t o 6. 3 0 p. m. Last ent r y 5. 3 0 p. m. Cl osed 2nd and 3r d week of November MINI-EUROPE Bruparck, B-1020 Brussels Tel.: +32 (0)2/474.13.13. - Fax : +32 (0)2/478.26.75 - Email : Open every day between the 17 th of March 2012 and the 06 th of January 2013 from 9:30 am till 05:00 pm. Open By Night with musical firework at 9:30 pm every Saturday from July 28 till August 25. Catalogue available in 10 languages (D, E, F, EN, I, NL, HB, RU, PL, PT). Restaurant - cafetaria Mini-Europe is above all an invitation to travel. The chimes of Big Ben, the gondolas in front of the Doges Palace, the Grand-Place in Brussels, the Acropolis... an animated tour with visual and sound effects of 350 miniatures and attractions that you wont find anywhere else. The best miniature park in Europe. All the monuments have been recreated down to the smallest detail. Big Ben is 4 m high. With its height of 13 m, the Eiffel tower projects above a 3-storey building! And yet all the buildings are on a scale 1 to 25. All kinds of working models. Be surprised by the eruption of Vesuvius or the fall of the Berlin wall, watch the launch of Ariane V and marvel at many other working models, for both young and old. Europe in a few hours A U N IQ U E
L a k e
M a g g i o r e
a n d
V a l l e y s Find romance, come to Ticino. Swiss quality, Italian lifestyle. 16 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs GREAT BRI TAI N T hat l and of Shakespeare and Beckham, of Bagpi pes and the Beatl es, of Bucki ngham Pal ace and the L och Ness M onster - the U ni ted Ki ngdom i s a travel l ers paradi se. A treasure chest of cul ture, hi stor y and natural beauty, i t i s a l and of contrasts. Land of Royalty GREAT BRI TAI N BEST TI ME TO TRAVEL T he best ti me to vi si t Great Br i tai n i s Apr i l to September. Chr i stmas i s i n the ai r from M i d- December and Januar y gi ves shopahol i cs a bi g reason to vi si t - the post - Chr i stmas sal es. Jul y and August are the hottest months and the most eventful months i n ter ms of festi val s. WHY GO? Besi des bei ng the l argest i sl and of Europe, many claims to lame oenne Great Britain cover i ng Engl and, Scotl and and Wal es. H ome to some of the worl ds greatest spor ti ng events and si tes l i ke the Wi mbl edon and the L ords Cr i cket Ground, i t dons a proud spor ti ng l egacy. I f Vi ctor i an ar t and hi stor y capti vate you ambl e around the dozens of free museums. I n L ondon expl ore the theatres, bal l et and the oper a. T hen there i s the vi br ant musi c scene and the fasci nati ng tea-ti ppl i ng customs. When i t comes to di scover i ng Br i tai ns i dyl l i c countr ysi de, you wi l l be spoi l t for choi ce. THE COST DI FFI CULTY OF TRAVEL H I GH LOW H I GH LOW York L ondon Oxford Gl asgow I nver ness Edi nburgh 17 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs
J F M A M J J A S O N D MAX O C 6 7 11 13 17 21 23 22 19 14 9 7 MI N O C 2 2 3 4 7 11 13 12 11 7 4 2 Dai l y maxi mum and mi ni mum aver ages are gui des onl y and may var y Aver age Cl i mate i n London - Gr eat Br i tai n CURRENCY CONVERSI ON T he cur rency of Great Br i tai n i s Sterl i ng Pound (GBP). 1 GBP = 78 I NR* GETTI NG AROUND Heat hr ow Expr ess: T he H eathrow Express tr ai n provi des a regul ar ser vi ce from H eathrow Ai r por t to L ondons Paddi ngton Stati on, seven days a week. Tr ai ns l eave H eathrow ter mi nal s ever y 15 mi nutes wi th a j our ney ti me from Ter mi nal 4 of 23 mi nutes, from Ter mi nal s 1,2 and 3 (H eathrow centr al ) i t takes 15 mi nutes. T he fare one way i s GBP 15 and retur n tr i p i s GBP 23. Chi l dren under 15 tr avel free i f accompani ed by an adul t. Under gr ound: T he L ondon Underground i s the ol dest and bi ggest metro system i n the worl d. T he Underground system i s di vi ded i nto 6 fare zones. T he pr i ce of your ti cket depends on how many zones you tr avel through. Underground tr ai ns oper ate ever y 5 mi nutes i nto Centr al L ondon wi th a j our ney ti me of approxi matel y 50/ 60 mi nutes. Cost i s around GBP 4 for a si ngl e j our ney. One day or weekl y tr avel cards are more economi cal . London Tr avel Car d: Br i t Rai l Pass al l ows you to expl ore al l of Br i tai n, Scotl and and Wal es. You can vi si t exci ti ng ci ti es l i ke M anchester and Edi nburgh. Pl ease contact our tr avel councel l or s for advance purchase pr i or to tr avel . The olncial language spoken is Engl i sh. DI FFERENT LANGUAGES TI ME DI FFERENCE Great Br i tai n i s... 5 hr s 30 mi nutes behi nd I ndi a i n Wi nter (Oct - M ar ) 4 hr s 30 mi nutes behi nd I ndi a i n Summer (Apr - Sept) MUST SEE Expl or e t he st r eet s: See the Farliament house to aomire the perpenoicular Gothic architecture ano nno out how the monarchs are crowned. Get your postcard photos cl i cked wi th the maj esti c Bucki ngham Pal ace gate i n the background. I ndul ge i n a boat r i de down the Ri ver T hames i n L ondon. Browse through the hi gh street shops and uni que bouti ques at the Queens Street and the Oxford Street. Museums and Monument s: Castl es make for great fami l y outi ngs. Take a tour to the i mposi ng for tress - the Tower of L ondon. A symbol of royal ty. I n Wal es wi tness the Roman for ts and the si ghts l i nked to K i ng Ar thur.
Count r ysi de Advent ur es: Trek the l ong di stance routes of the l ush Scotti sh l andscape. Expl ore Eni d Bl ytons Engl and i n Swi ndon repl ete wi th scones, pi cni cs i n meadows and babbl i ng brooks. Theat r e: Watch l egendar y pl ays l i ke the Phantom of the Oper a, the cl assi c musi cal . Of f t he beat en t r ack: T he Petti coat M arket or the H ay M arket, one of the fashi on and cl othi ng markets, i s l ocated i n East L ondon. On Sunday i t extends over the sur roundi ng streets, wi th over a thousand stal l s. 18 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs Get an i nsi ght i nto the her i tage and cul tur e of thi s bustl i ng metr opol i s. Day 1 - Ar r i ve London On ar r i val i n L ondon, you wi l l be tr ansfer red by a chauffeur dr i ven car to your hotel . T he rest of the day i s free. Over ni ght i n L ondon. Day 2 - London Di scover L ondon on an Open Bus tour. L ater vi si t M adame Tussauds Wax M useum and get cl ose to your favour i te cel ebr i ty. End the day wi th a cr ui se on Ri ver T hames. Over ni ght i n L ondon. (B) Day 3 - London T he day i s free to expl ore L ondon on your own. Opti onal vi si t the Tower of L ondon or the L ondon Eye, the worl ds l argest obser vati on wheel offer i ng spectacul ar vi ews of L ondon or you can take Expl or e the best of Engl and and Scotl and wher e hi stor y and l egends bl end together agai nst a backdr op of spectacul ar scener y and castl es. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Edi nbur gh On ar r i val i n Edi nburgh, you wi l l be tr ansfer red by a chauffeur dr i ven car to your hotel . Over ni ght i n Edi nburgh. Day 2 - Edi nbur gh Today, board an open top bus for a tour of the ci ty hi ghl i ghts, whi ch cover s al l maj or si ghts i ncl udi ng the Royal M i l e, H ol yrood Pal ace and Edi nburgh Castl e. Over ni ght i n Edi nburgh. (B) Day 3 - Edi nbur gh Today the day i s free or you can take the opti on of spendi ng a day i n the l and of Scot heroes, on the L och L omond Nati onal Park and Sti rl i ng Castl e tour. Over ni ght i n Edi nburgh. (B) Day 4 - Edi nbur gh - Gl asgow (2 hr s) T hi s mor ni ng tr avel to Gl asgow. L ater, enj oy the si ghts of Gl asgow on an Open Bus tour. Di scover Gl asgow at the oppor tuni ty to expl ore thi s beauti ful ci ty or go shoppi ng on your own wi th the hel p of L ondon two day pass. Over ni ght i n L ondon. (B) Day 4 - London T he day i s free to rel ax or you can conti nue to expl ore the vi br ant ci ty of L ondon wi th the hel p of your L ondon two day pass. (Opti onal ) Over ni ght i n L ondon. (B) Day 5 - London T he day i s free to enj oy shoppi ng i n centr al L ondon or take an opti onal to di scover three of Engl ands most popul ar attr acti ons on a day tr i p from L ondon on your Wi ndsor, Stonehenge and Oxford tour. Over ni ght i n L ondon. (B) Day 6 - Depar t London T hi s mor ni ng, you wi l l be tr ansfer red by a chauffeur dr i ven car to the ai r por t for your night back home. ,B, BEST OF ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND 8 ni ghts Vi si t Edi nburgh, Gl asgow, Wi nder mere & L ondon LONDON GETAWAY 5 ni ghts Vi si t L ondon your own pace and vi si t the hi ghl i ghts of the ci ty such as the Gl asgow Cathedr al , St. M ungos M useum and the Gal l er y of moder n ar t. Over ni ght i n Gl asgow. (B) Day 5 - Gl asgow - Wi nder mer e (3 hr s) T hi s mor ni ng enj oy a sceni c j our ney to the L ake Di str i cts Wi nder mere, home to the l argest natur al l ake i n Engl and. Expl ore thi s quai nt l i ttl e town, wi th wal k down to the l ake. Over ni ght i n Wi nder mere. (B) Day 6 - Wi nder mer e T he day i s free to rel ax or expl ore the ci ty on your own. I n the eveni ng enj oy a sceni c cr ui se on the beauti ful l ake on your own. Over ni ght i n Wi nder mere. (B) Day 7 - Wi nder mer e - London (4 hr s) Tr avel back to L ondon. On ar r i val check i nto the hotel . T he day i s at l ei sure or you can opt to vi si t Tower of L ondon or L ondon Eye. Over ni ght i n L ondon. (B) Day 8 - London Todays si ghtseei ng hi ghl i ghts i ncl ude an Open-bus Tour, vi ewi ng the Bi g Ben, H ouse of Parl i ament, a vi si t to M adame Tussauds and a cr ui se on T hames Ri ver. Over ni ght i n L ondon. (B) Day 9 - Depar t London T hi s mor ni ng, you wi l l be tr ansfer red to the ai r por t by a chauffeur dr i ven car for your night back home. ,B, We r ecommend you to stay i n a ful l y fur ni shed and comfor tabl e apar tment i n Centr al London. Vi si t www.coxandki for a wi der sel ecti on of our hol i days 1o /o. o oic l.tio f Stoocorc ooc Firt Clo /tl t ./ fro. 1o /o. oo tio t tro.l o Brit Roil `tor/ io .oc .lo r frt .lo. Jccitiool oi/t ooc i/tio tor .oo o io.locc ot oo, iot io t/ oo. itiorori. Rooo. . S/r Rooo. . Exlrr LONDON L ondon i s a bustl i ng and var i ed metropol i s, whi ch combi nes a sense of hi stor y wi th moder n vi br ancy, maki ng i t one of the most thr i l l i ng capi tal s i n the worl d. T he ci ty i s studded wi th stel l ar si ghts, a cul tur al trendsetter and offer s enter tai nment on a maj or scal e, avant-garde ar t, fashi on and desi gn, and a famousl y revi ved di ni ng scene. 19 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs Offer i ng great val ue and conveni ence, the Two Day L ondon Pass al l ows you to expl ore L ondon at your pace wi th di rect access to the hi stor i cal monuments, museums and ar t gal l er i es of the ci ty. Jump the queues and enj oy free entr ance to more than 60 top attr acti ons such as K ensi ngton Pal ace, Tower of L ondon, St Paul s Cathedr al , L ondon Zoo, Tower Br i dge, a cr ui se on T hames Ri ver and more. T he L ondon Eye i s the worl ds tal l est obser vati on wheel at 135 meter s hi gh and i s vi si bl e from al l over the ci ty. L ocated on the banks of the Ri ver T hames i t offer s an unrivalleo 3o0 view ol Lonoon ano beyono - the gothic Houses ol Farliament, Westmi nster Abbey, Tower Br i dge, Canar y Whar f and Bi g Ben are j ust a few of the 55 attr acti ons that can be admi red from the top of the arc. Di scover three of Engl ands most popul ar attr acti ons on a day tr i p from L ondon. Discover Winosor Castle, olncial resioence ol the Royal lamily. Enjoy a walking tour of the State Apar tments. Conti nue to tour the Worl d H er i tage Si te of Stonehenge and mar vel at thi s anci ent feat of engi neer i ng and desi gn. L astl y, you wi l l vi si t Oxford for a fasci nati ng wal ki ng tour of thi s uni ver si ty town. Ri pl eys Bel i eve I t or Not! M useum offer s vi si tor s the ul ti mate i nsi ght i nto the worl d of the odd and bi zar re. Famed for i ts uni que attr acti ons that one must see to bel i eve, you can mar vel at over 500 wei rd and unusual ar tefacts i n over twenty themed gal l er i es spanning lour noors. Complete your Ripley`s experience with souvenir items, exhibit remi nder s, and oddbal l obj ects al l for purchase i n our M oroccan Bazaar. Exper i ence what i t i s l i ke to be famous as you j oi n a host of the worl ds hottest cel ebr i ti es at M adame Tussauds M useum. L i fe-l i ke wax model s of pop star s, actor s, pol i ti ci ans, spor ts star s and royal ty feature i n thi s worl d-famous waxworks museum. Get a taste of Bol l ywood as you star al ongsi de Shahr ukh K han, Ai shwar ya Rai , Ami tabh Bachchan and the l atest addi ti on of Sal man K han. Entr ance to Madame Tussauds, London Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Oo ,or oo Pi ck Up T i me - Dur ati on Flxiol On thi s hop-on hop-off bus tour get aquai nted wi th the mai n attr acti ons of L ondon. Experience the architectural ano cultural magnincence as you see, the Big Ben ano the H ouses of Parl i ament, Bucki ngham Pal ace, Tower of L ondon and much more. Enj oy super b vi ews of L ondons maj esti c r i ver si de bui l di ngs and see L ondon from a fresh per specti ve as you gl i de smoothl y on a T hames Ri ver Cr ui se. Open Bus Tour wi th Thames Cr ui se, London Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Any ci ty bus stati on Pi ck Up T i me 0900 to 1700 hrs Dur ati on Flxiol Take a day tr i p from L ondon and tr avel through the enchanti ng Cotswol ds. Vi si t medi eval War wi ck Castl e and l ear n about the tal es of treacher y and tor ture, passi on and power. Conti nue to Shakespeares bi r thpl ace i n Str atford-upon-Avon and gai n some fasci nati ng i nsi ghts i nto hi s chi l dhood. Enj oy a wal k through the cobbl ed streets of Oxford and vi si t Chr i stchurch Col l ege. T he Tower of L ondon i s one of the worl ds most famous for tresses and has seen ser vi ce as royal pal ace, pr i son, ar mour y and even a zoo. T he anci ent stones rever ber ate wi th oark secrets, priceless jewels glint in lortineo vaults ano pampereo ravens strut the grounds. So stand on the executi on si te of three Engl i sh queens and hear the myths and l egends of thi s famous and spectacul ar for tresss. Two day London Pass, London Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Britoio 1iitr Cotr Pi ck Up T i me 0930 hrs Dur ati on Flxiol Entr ance to London Eye, London Iic . Jc.otor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Oo ,or oo Pi ck Up T i me - Dur ati on Flxiol Entr ance to The Tower of London, London Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Oo ,or oo Pi ck Up T i me - Dur ati on Flxiol Wi ndsor, Stonehenge & Oxfor d Tour, London Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt 1i.trio Co./ Sto. Pi ck Up T i me 0845 hrs Dur ati on 10 hrs 30 mts Entr ance to Ri pl eys Bel i ve I t or Not, London Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Oo ,or oo Pi ck Up T i me - Dur ati on Flxiol War wi ck Str atfor d, Oxfor d and Cotswol ds, London Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt 1i.trio Co./ Sto. Pi ck Up T i me 0810 hrs Dur ati on 10 hrs I ndi an Restaur ants Shoppi ng Ni ght Li fe Chor Bi zzar e - 16,Al bemarl e Street, M ayfai r, L ondon. Tel - 02076299802 The Bombay Br asser i e - 149 Gl oucester Rd SW7, L ondon. Tel -02073704040 Mar ks & Spencer - L ondons trendi est Depar tment Store. BHS - Great val ue for money on Oxford Street. Medi eval Banquet - L i ve Entertainment with nne looo and wi ne. Mi ni st r y of Sound - A l i vel y ni ght cl ub wi th worl d cl ass DJs. 20 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs Expl or e two of Scotl ands most popul ar ci ti es on thIs relaxIng fve day tour. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Edi nbur gh On ar r i val i n Edi nburgh, you wi l l be met and tr ansfer red by a chauffeur dr i ven car to your hotel . Domi nated by a medi eval castl e on a tower i ng cr ag, Edi nburgh i s the capi tal of Scotl and wi th a hi stor i cal her i tage. Over ni ght i n Edi nburgh. Day 2 - Edi nbur gh Today, board an open top bus for a tour of the ci ty hi ghl i ghts i ncl ude the ol d town, the Scott M onument, H ol yrood Pal ace, Greyfr i ar s Bobby and the renowned Edi nburgh Castl e. L ater, unr avel the myster y of whi sky maki ng on an opti onal excur si on T he Scotch Whi sky Exper i ence tour. T hi s i nter acti ve tour i s a great exper i ence for al l the fami l y Di scover the fai r ytal e ci ty of Edi nbur gh and the Capi tal of the Hi ghl ands, I nver ness. Enj oy some of Scotl ands most spectacul ar scener y and sear ch for the famous Loch Ness monster. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Edi nbur gh On ar r i val i n Edi nburgh, you wi l l be met and tr ansfer red by a chauffeur dr i ven car to your hotel . Domi nated by a medi eval castl e on a tower i ng cr ag, Edi nburgh i s the cel ebr ated capi tal of Scotl and and boasts more than a thousand year s of vi br ant hi stor i cal her i tage. Over ni ght i n Edi nburgh. Day 2 - Edi nbur gh Today, board an open top bus for a tour of the ci ty hi ghl i ghts i ncl ude the ol d town, the Scott M onument, H ol yrood Pal ace, Parl i ament Bui l di ng, Greyfr i ar s Bobby and the renowned Edi nburgh Castl e. L ater, unr avel the myster y of whi sky maki ng on T he Scotch Whi sky Exper i ence tour. T hi s i nter acti ve tour i s a great exper i ence for al l the fami l y and offer s an i nsi ght i nto the worl d of Scotch Whisky at Scotlano`s nve star premier whisky vi si tor attr acti ons. On the tour di scover the secrets of and offer s an i nsi ght i nto the worl d of Scotch Whi sky. Over ni ght i n Edi nburgh. (B) Day 3 - Edi nbur gh Today the day i s free for you or you can take the opti on of spendi ng a day i n the l and of Scot heroes, on the L och L omond Nati onal Park and Sti rl i ng Castl e tour. Over ni ght i n Edi nburgh. (B) Day 4 - Edi nbur gh - Gl asgow (1 hr ) T he day i s free at l ei sure to expl ore Edi nburgh on your own. L ater proceed to the stati on to board your tr ai n to Gl asgow, one of the l i vel i est cosmopol i tan desti nati ons. On ar r i val check i nto the hotel . Over ni ght i n Gl asgow. (B) Day 5 - Gl asgow Today enj oy the si ghts of Gl asgow on an Open Bus tour and expl ore the r i ch cul tur al her i tage of the ci ty. See al l the mai n si ghts as you hop on and hop off 21 conveni entl y l ocated stops around the ci ty. Over ni ght i n Gl asgow. (B) Day 6 - Depar t Gl asgow Today, you wi l l be translerreo to the airport lor your night back home. ,B, SCOTTI SH LEGENDS 6 ni ghts Vi si t Edi nburgh, I nver ness & Gl asgow SCOTTI SH HI GHLI GHTS 5 ni ghts Vi si t Edi nburgh & Gl asgow the Water of L i fe and enj oy a compl i mentar y dr am (taste) of bl ended whi sky. Over ni ght i n Edi nburgh. (B) Day 3 - Edi nbur gh - I nver ness (3 hr s) T hi s mor ni ng, proceed to I nver ness, renowned for i ts natur al sceni c beauty and awe i nspi r i ng monuments. Over ni ght i n I nver ness. (B) Day 4 - I nver ness Today an exci ti ng day awai ts you as you enj oy the Jacobi te Temptati on cr ui se H i ghl i ghts i ncl ude a cr ui se on L och Ness to exper i ence the magnincence ol the loch ano its stunning attractions, such as the anci ent r ui ns of Urquhar t Castl e. Over ni ght i n I nver ness. (B) Day 5 - I nver ness - Gl asgow (3hr s) T hi s mor ni ng tr avel to Gl asgow, one of the l i vel i est and most cosmopol i tan desti nati ons i n Europe. On ar r i val check i nto the hotel . Over ni ght i n Gl asgow. (B) Day 6 - Gl asgow Today enj oy the si ghts of Gl asgow on an Open Bus tour and expl ore the r i ch cul tur al her i tage of the ci ty. See al l the mai n si ghts as you hop on and hop off 21 conveni entl y l ocated stops around the ci ty.Over ni ght i n Gl asgow. (B) Day 7 - Depar t Gl asgow Today, you wi l l be translerreo to the airport lor your night back home. ,B, Vi si t www.coxandki for a wi der sel ecti on of our hol i days 1o /o. o oic l.tio f Stoocorc, Firt Clo ooc Dlox /tl t ./ fro. Oo ,or i/tio tor ooc troofr, ,o /o. o ./i. f ot-io-.o./ r ri.ot troortotio. Jccitiool oi/t ooc i/tio tor .oo o io.locc ot oo, iot io t/ oo. itiorori. Rooo. Rooo. . Exlrr EDI NBURGH, GLASGOW & I NVERNESS Edi nburgh i s a ci ty of pal aces, gal l er i es and monuments as wel l as r i ch tr adi ti on, l egends and dark tal es. Gl asgow boasts excel l ent ar t gal l er i es and museums, countl ess restaur ants and bar s and a rol l i cki ng ar ts scene. T he capi tal of the Scotti sh hi ghl ands, I nver ness i s wel l known for i ts natur al sceni c beauty and i ts awe-i nspi r i ng monuments. 21 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs I ndi an Restaur ants Shoppi ng Ni ght Li fe The I ndi an Caval r y Cl ub - 22 Coates Crescent, Edi nburgh EH 37AF Mi st er Si nghs I ndi a - 149 El der sl i e Street, 0186 2041, AW7 3G, Gl asgow Pr i nces Mal l Shoppi ng Cent r e - Edi nburghs trendi est shoppi ng centre Buchanan gal l er i es - Gl asgow s famous shoppi ng mal l Bongo Cl ub - L i vel y M usi c at the foot of the H i gh Street i n Edi nburgh The St and - Edi nburghs comedy cl ub Dest i ny - Gl asgows Dance Cl ub T hi s i nter acti ve tour i s a great exper i ence for al l the fami l y and offer s an i nsi ght i nto the worlo ano the whisky making process ol Scotch whisky at Scotlano`s nve star premier whi sky vi si tor attr acti ons. Di scover the secrets of the water of l i fe as our gui ded tour takes you through the di fferences between M al t, Gr ai n and Bl ended Scotch Whi sky. Enj oy a compl i mentar y dr am (taste) of bl ended whi sky. Di scover Gl asgow at your own pace on thi s Open Bus tour and expl ore the r i ch cul tur al her i tage of the ci ty. Wi th great vi ews, i nteresti ng commentar y and 21 stops cover i ng al l of Gl asgows mai n attr acti ons such as the George Square, Gl asgow Cathedr al , St M ungos M useum and the Gal l er y of M oder n Ar t, thi s tour provi des the per fect i ntroducti on to the ci ty and the best Gl asgow has to offer. A fasci nati ng tour that wi l l i ntroduce you to the hi stor y of Sti rl i ng, wi th i ts famous Castl e and the natur al beauty of the L och L omond Nati onal Park. M ar vel at the magnincent splenoour ol the meoieval strongholo ol Stirling Castle ano unoerstano why it is calleo the Key ol Scotlano. Aomire the lorest ol Scotlano`s nrst National Fark and the nor th east si de of the banks of L och L omond. Loch Lomond Nati onal Par k & Sti r l i ng Castl e, Edi nbur gh Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt X change shop Pi ck Up T i me 0915 hrs Dur ati on 9 hrs 30 mts Expl ore the hi stor i c capi tal of Scotl and wi th a 24 hour ti cket aboard an open-top doubl e-decker bus. T here are 24 stops and the enti re route takes approxi matel y 60 mi nutes. T he bus depar ts ever y 30 mi nutes from each stop. T hi s fun, ful l y nar r ated tour cover s al l maj or si ghts, i ncl udi ng the Royal M i l e, H ol yrood Pal ace, Parl i ament Bui l di ng, Greyfr i ar s Bobby and the famous Edi nburgh Castl e. Open Bus Tour, Edi nbur gh Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Any ci ty bus stati on Pi ck Up T i me 0900 to 1715 hrs Dur ati on Flxiol The Scotch Whi sky Exper i ence, Edi nbur gh Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt S.t./ J/i/, Cotr Pi ck Up T i me 1000 to 1700 hrs Dur ati on Flxiol Open Bus Tour, Gl asgow Iic . Jc.otor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Any ci ty bus stati on Pi ck Up T i me 0930 to 1630 hrs Dur ati on Flxiol 22 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs Embar k on a two-day escape expl or i ng the mesmer i zi ng beauty of the hi ghl ands. Thi s spectacul ar coach tour takes you i n sear ch of the famous Loch Ness monster wi th an over ni ght stay i n the Hi ghl and capi tal of I nver ness. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Edi nbur gh On ar r i val i n Edi nburgh, you wi l l be met and tr ansfer red by a chauffeur dr i ven car to your hotel . Domi nated by a medi eval castl e on a tower i ng cr ag, Edi nburgh i s the capi tal of Scotl and wi th a hi stor i cal her i tage. Over ni ght i n Edi nburgh. Day 2 - Edi nbur gh - I nver ness T hi s mor ni ng check out of the hotel and your Coach tour star ts from Di scover the fai r ytal e ci ty of Edi nbur gh and the Capi tal of the Hi ghl ands, I nver ness. Enj oy some of Scotl ands most spectacul ar scener y and sear ch for the famous Loch Ness monster. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Edi nbur gh On ar r i val i n Edi nburgh, you wi l l be met and tr ansfer red by a chauffeur dr i ven car to your hotel . Domi nated by a medi eval castl e on a tower i ng cr ag, Edi nburgh i s the capi tal of Scotl and wi th a hi stor i cal her i tage. Over ni ght i n Edi nburgh. Day 2 - Edi nbur gh - Por tr ee T hi s mor ni ng check out of the hotel and your Coach tour star ts from Edi nburgh. Tr avel west passi ng L i nl i thgow Pal ace and Sti rl i ng, admi r i ng the vi ews of the i mposi ng castl e and the Wal l ace M onument. Crossi ng i nto the H i ghl ands, head nor th towards L och L ui bnai g and car r y on west on the Road to the I sl es through the stunni ng Fi ve Si ster s of K i ntai l . Stop to vi si t the famous Ei l ean Donan Castl e, one of Scotl ands most photogr aphed castl es, set at the j uncti on of 3 l ochs and compl etel y sur rounded by water. Crossi ng over the br i dge to Skye, fol l ow the dr amati c coastl i ne nor th towards the Edi nburgh. H ead nor thwest past L i nl i thgow Pal ace, the Sti rl i ng Castl e, Doune Castl e, set of M onty Pythons H ol y Gr ai l . Cross over the geol ogi cal faul t l i ne, taki ng i n the spl endour of L och L ui bnai g. Conti nue your j our ney nor thwards up the Great Gl en to L och Ness, cover i ng the famous L och and ar r i ve i nto I nver ness, capi tal of the H i ghl ands. Over ni ght i n I nver ness. (B) Day 3 - I nver ness - Edi nbur gh T hi s mor ni ng, tr avel south al ong L och Ness and conti nue west towards gl or i ous Gl en Affr i c, enj oy a wal k through the anci ent forest, al ongsi de the Ri ver Affr i c. Conti nue to tr avel east to Dr umnadrochi t, stoppi ng for photos of Urquhar t Castl e. Jour ney south through the Gr ampi an M ountai ns. Conti nue to Edi nburgh where your tour concludes. Over ni ght i n Edi nburgh. (B) Day 4 - Depar t Edi nbur gh Today, you wi l l be tr ansfer red by a chauffeur dr i ven car to the ai r por t/ tr ai n stati on for your onward j our ney. (B) ENCHANTI NG HI GHLANDS 4 ni ghts Vi si t Edi nburgh & Por tree SCENI C SCOTLAND 3 ni ghts Vi si t Edi nburgh & I nver ness i sl ands capi tal , Por tree.Tr ansfer to your hotel and enj oy the eveni ng at l ei sure. Over ni ght i n Por tree. (B) Day 3 - Por tr ee Today, you can expl ore Skye at l ei sure. Tr avel nor th to the stunni ng Qui r ai ng M ountai n Pass and enj oy a spectacul ar wal k through some of Skyes extr aordi nar y geol ogi cal scener y. See the K i l t Rock, composed of basal t col umns wi th i ts water fal l cascadi ng over the cl i ffs and down i nto the sea bel ow. Fol l owi ng l unch, tr avel to Nei st Poi nt and take a wal k to the l i ghthouse that i s the fur thest poi nt west on Skye. You can al so vi si t the Tal i sker Di sti l l er y, or the famous Cui l l i n H i l l s. Over ni ght i n Por tree. (B) Day 4 - Por tr ee - Edi nbur gh Tr avel south through the Cui l l i n H i l l s and then back over to the mai nl and. You can admi re the stunni ng vi ews over L och Dui ch and the Fi ve Si ster s of K i ntai l . T here i s a boat tr i p (summer onl y) avai l abl e here that wi l l get you that bi t cl oser. Jour ney south through the Gr ampi an M ountai ns, past Dalwhi nni e, home to Scotl ands hi ghest whi sky di sti l l er y and Bl ai r Castl e at Vi ctor i an resor t of Pi tl ochr y before retur ni ng to Edi nburgh, past Per th. Conti nue to Edi nburgh where your tour concludes. Over ni ght i n Edi nburgh. (B) Day 5 - Depar t Edi nbur gh Today, you wi l l be tr ansfer red by a chauffeur dr i ven car to the ai r por t / tr ai n stati on for your onward j our ney. (B) Vi si t www.coxandki for a wi der sel ecti on of our hol i days Co./ Tor rot o fxc cortor cot. Plo .oolt or ol x.oti. fr ctoil. Docio o ,or fi/t ./col, ,o oo, o roirc t orri. o co, rir r to, oo occitiool oi/t. Exlrr . Fooil, Exlrr . Fooil, SCOLAND COACH TOURS Joi n one of our Scotl and Coach Tour s and enj oy the exper i ence of tr avel l i ng through thi s beauti ful and hi stor i c countr y. Enj oyi ng the panor ama of the best that Scotl and has to offer. Spectacul ar scener y and awe-i nspi r i ngl y r ugged vi stas, L ochs and H i ghl ands, H aggi s, ki l ts and bagpi pes makes Scotl and one of Europes most popul ar coach tour desti nati ons. COACH TO UR COACH TO UR 23 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs Enj oy the magi c, hi stor y and the undi stur bed tr anqui l i ty of four fantasti c i sl ands - Mul l , I ona and Staffa and the r omanti c beauty of the I sl e of Skye on thi s fantasti c 5-day coach tour. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Edi nbur gh On ar r i val i n Edi nburgh, you wi ll be met and tr ansfer red by a chauffeur dr i ven car to your hotel. Domi nated by a medi eval castle on a tower i ng cr ag, Edi nburgh i s the capi tal of Scotland wi th a hi stor i cal her i tage. Over ni ght i n Edi nburgh. Day 2 - Edi nbur gh - Oban T hi s mor ni ng check out of the hotel and your Coach tour star ts from Edi nburgh. Travel west to Scotlano`s nrst National Fark arouno L och L omond. Dr i ve through the West H i ghl ands, passi ng by the r ui ns of the romanti c K i l chur n Castl e. Over ni ght i n Oban. (B) Day 3 - Oban An i sl and adventure awai ts you as you expl ore the dr amati c coastl i nes and wi l d beauty of M ul l before taki ng the smal l fer r y to the peace and tr anqui l i ty of I ona, bi r thpl ace of Cel ti c Chr i sti ani ty and anci ent bur i al ground of Scotti sh K i ngs. You can vi si t the hi stor i c abbey or expl ore the rocky headl ands WEST COAST I SLANDS TOUR 6 ni ghts Vi si t Edi nburgh, Oban & Por tree HI GHLAND EXPLORER 6 ni ghts Vi si t Edi nburgh, I nver ness & Por tree and sandy coves of thi s i sl and gem. You al so have an oppor tuni ty to take a smal l boat out to the i sl and of Staffa and vi ew the dr amati c basal t col umns. Retur n on the fer r y to Oban. Over ni ght i n Oban. (B) Day 4 - Oban - Por tr ee Today, your sceni c j our ney takes you nor th al ong the west coast to For t Wi l l i am and through the dr amati c mountai n scener y of the Fi ve Si ster s of K i ntai l . Stop to vi si t the famous Ei l ean Donan Castl e, one of Scotl ands most photogr aphed castl es. Cross over the br i dge to Skye, towards the i sl ands capi tal Por tree. I t i s i n a ver y pi cturesque setti ng wi th the M ountai ns i n the background. Over ni ght i n Por tree. (B) Day 5 - Por tr ee T he day i s at l ei sure to expl ore Skye on your own. Tr avel nor th to the stunni ng Qui r ai ng M ountai n Pass, vi si t K i l t Rock or a wal k out at the most westerl y poi nt on the i sl and at Nei st. T he eveni ng i s at l ei sure. Over ni ght i n Por tree. (B) Day 6 - Por tr ee - Edi nbur gh Tr avel south through the Cui l l i n H i l l s, onto the myster i ous L och Ness and j our ney through the Gr ampi an M ountai ns, al ong L och L aggan, before retur ni ng to Edi nburgh. Conti nue to Edi nburgh where your tour concludes. Over ni ght i n Edi nburgh. (B) Day 7 - Depar t Edi nbur gh Today, tr ansfer to the ai r por t/ tr ai n stati on for your onward j our ney. (B) Exlrr . Fooil, Exlrr . Fooil, COACH TO UR COACH TO UR I ndi an Restaur ants Shoppi ng Ni ght Li fe Chor Bi zzar e - 16,Al bemarl e Street, M ayfai r, L ondon. Tel - 02076299802 The Bombay Br asser i e - 149 Gl oucester Rd SW7, L ondon. Tel -02073704040 Mar ks & Spencer - L ondons trendi est Depar tment Store. BHS - Great val ue for money on Oxford Street. Medi eval Banquet - L i ve Entertainment with nne looo and wi ne. Mi ni st r y of Sound - A l i vel y ni ght cl ub wi th worl d cl ass DJs. See It all on a grand fve-day coach tour, exlorIng some of the most dr amati c and beauti ful pl aces i n the Hi ghl ands of Scotl and. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Edi nbur gh On ar r i val i n Edi nburgh, you wi ll be met and tr ansfer red by a chauffeur dr i ven car to your hotel. Domi nated by a medi eval castle on a tower i ng cr ag, Edi nburgh i s the capi tal of Scotland wi th a hi stor i cal her i tage. Over ni ght i n Edi nburgh. Day 2 - Edi nbur gh - I nver ness T hi s mor ni ng check out of the hotel and your Coach tour star ts from Edi nburgh. Tr avel towards Per thshi re, the hear t of the Gr ampi an M ountai ns and the Cai r ngor m Nati onal Park. Conti nue on a dr i ve to the Speysi de regi on and ar r i ve i nto I nver ness. Over ni ght i n I nver ness. (B) Day 3 - I nver ness Today, you j our ney i nto the far North West Highlanos visiting the nshing village ol Ullapool and the expansi ve wi ldness and gr andeur of the mountai ns of Assynt. Over ni ght i n I nver ness. (B) Day 4 - I nver ness - Por tr ee Wi tness more breathtaki ng vi stas and spectacular scener y as you tr avel to the I sle of Skye. From the fer ti le far mland to the steep si ded rocky mountai ns the var i ety of scener y on thi s day i s extr aordi nar y. I n the after noon, you wi ll cross over to Skye and the deli ghtful har bour town of Por tree. Over ni ght i n Por tree. (B) Day 5 - Por tr ee T he day i s at lei sure to explore Skye on your own. Tr avel nor th to the stunni ng Qui r ai ng M ountai n Pass and enj oy a spectacular walk, see the K i lt Rock composed of basalt columns wi th i ts water fall cascadi ng over the cli ffs and take a walk to the li ghthouse that i s the fur thest poi nt west on Skye. Over ni ght i n Por tree. (B) Day 6 - Por tr ee - Edi nbur gh Tr avel south from Skye through the Cuillin Hills, stopping nrst at the lamous strongholo Eilean Donan Castle, leatureo in the nlm H i ghlander . Conti nue through the r ugged mountai ns of K i ntai l i ncludi ng the splendor of the Fi ve Si ster s, on your way to For t Augustus and myster i ous L och Ness. Jour ney. Conti nue to Edi nburgh where your tour concludes. Over ni ght i n Edi nburgh. (B) Day 7 - Depar t Edi nbur gh Today, tr ansfer to the ai r por t/ tr ai n stati on for your onward j our ney. (B) 24 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs I REL AND From bi zar re l unar l andscapes and the mi ghty Atl anti c to l abyri nthi ne caves and cr ystal cl ear waterways, di scover I rel ands breathtaki ng beauty. Bei ng hi p, vi brant and cosmopol i tan, thi s bi g l i ttl e countr y i s as el usi ve as i ts mi sts and as sati sfyi ng as a pi nt of Gui nness. An Island Paradise I REL AND WHY GO? Famed for i ts l egendar y pubs, i mposi ng castl es, heather-coated mountai ns and countr y parks i deal for strol l i ng I rel and offer s a di ver se ter r ai n to expl ore. Take wal k around the campus of Tr i ni ty Col l ege, one of the anci ent uni ver si ti es of I rel and. Vi si t Bunr atty to expl ore the Bunr atty Castl e and Fol k Park whi ch i s open al l year round. Tr adi ti onal I r i sh Ni ghts take pl ace regul arl y at the castl e, whi ch are a great way to spend an eveni ng. Expl ore the ol d- worl d char m of the K i l l ar ney l akes. Unr avel the eni gma of I rel and, the onl y countr y whi ch carries a musical instrument on its nag. BEST TI ME TO TRAVEL I f spr i ng i s your thi ng, Apr i l and M ay are the i deal months. October offer s many festi val s. I f you woul d l i ke to bypass the tour i st crowds, avoi d vi si ti ng I rel and i n Jul y and August. M ay, June and September are some of the best months to vi si t, when the hotel s are l ess busy. THE COST DI FFI CULTY OF TRAVEL H I GH LOW H I GH LOW Dul bl i n L i mer i ck K i l l amey Cork Der r y Bel fast 25 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs MUST SEE Hi st or y and Cul t ur e: The country ol Irelano has been oenneo by gallant events. The Dublinia ano Viking Worlo allow a gl i mpse of Dubl i ns earl y hi stor y, star ti ng wi th the ar r i val of the Vi ki ngs wi th the l i fe-si ze recon- str ucti ons depi cti ng maj or events. Over 60 mi l l i on peopl e worl dwi de now cl ai m I r i sh ancestr y. You can nno inlormation about your ancestors in the National Archives ol Irelano. Take a tour to one of the countr ys many her i tage centres. I rel and al so boasts some of Europes most absor bi ng museums and ar t gal l er i es.
Sceni c Vi st as: Dr i ve down Antr i ms pi cturesque coastl i ne to Gi ants Causeway, hai l ed by the I r i sh as the ei ghth wonder of the worl d. Cr ui se on Ri ver Shannon, L oughs Er ne and the Royal Canal . Expl ore stor ybook haml ets and tr adi ti onal taver ns al ong the way. T he Donegal l andscape i ncl udes the enchanti ng Gl enveagh Nati onal Park and Castl e.
St r eet s of I r el and: Follow the whi ff of beer, I relands local brew to the Gui nness H ouse. Chug a compli mentar y glass from the rooftop Gr avi ty Bar wi th the best vi ews of Dubli n. Di scover the demon dr i nk at the I r i sh Whi skey Cor ner. T hi s i s also a good place to buy souveni r s. H ead to the Ball O M alt Bar for some whi skey-tasti ng after that. Vi si t M er r i on Square, the most maj esti c of Dubli ns set-pi ece squares.
J F M A M J J A S O N D MAX O C 7 7 9 11 14 17 18 18 16 13 9 8 MI N O C 2 2 3 4 6 9 11 11 9 7 4 3 Dai l y maxi mum and mi ni mum aver ages are gui des onl y and may var y Aver age Cl i mate i n Dubl i n - I r el and CURRENCY CONVERSI ON T he cur rency of I rel and i s Euros (EUR). 1 EUR = 69 I NR* GETTI NG AROUND Car : Dennitely the best way to travel arouno Irelano. Car rental allows you total inoepenoence al l owi ng you to choose when and where you tr avel to. Pi ck up poi nts for your car hi re are easi l y ar r anged and i ncl ude ai r and fer r y por ts. Bus: I rel and has a good bus network wi th ever y regi on wel l ser ved. Busar as i n Dubl i n i s the centr al bus stati on for the Republ i c of I rel and . Al l maj or towns i n I rel and have a mai n bus stati on. T hi s al l ows tr avel to sor roundi ng smal l er towns and vi l l ages easi er. Rai l : I rel ands r ai l tr acks extend to ever y regi on of the i sl and. Dubl i n has two centr al stati ons. H euston stati on ser ves the south and west regi ons whi l e Connol l y stati on ser ves the nor th and nor th west of I rel and. Great Vi ctor i a Street Stati on i n Bel fast i s the centr al base of r ai l tr avel i n Nor ther n I rel and. Irelano has two olncial languag- es, I r i sh whi ch i s the nati onal l an- guage and Engl i sh. DI FFERENT LANGUAGES TI ME DI FFERENCE I rel and i s... 5 hr s 30 mi nutes behi nd I ndi a i n Wi nter (Oct - M ar ) 4 hr s 30 mi nutes behi nd I ndi a i n Summer (Apr - Sept) 26 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs I RI SH DI SCOVERY 6 ni ghts Vi si t Dubl i n, K i l l ar ney, Galway & M eath BEST OF I RELAND 7 ni ghts Vi si t Dubl i n, Water ford, K i l l ar ney, Galway, Der r y & Bel fast Vi si t www.coxandki for a wi der sel ecti on of our hol i days Co./ Tor rot o fxc cortor cot. Plo .oolt or ol x.oti. fr ctoil. Docio o ,or fi/t ./col, ,o oo, o roirc t orri. o co, rir r to, oo occitiool oi/t. Exlrr . Fooil, Exlrr . Fooil, I RELAND Wel come to a l and of unpar al l ed sceni c beauty. Di cover the dr ama of i ts di ver se yet spectacul ar l andscapes, the natur al l y scul pted beauty of i ts award wi nni ng beaches, the mysti cal char ms of i ts anci ent past, the qual i ty and var i ety of i ts worl d cl ass attr acti ons, the uni que per sonal i ty of i ts towns and vi l l ages and the war mth and creati ve spi r i t of i ts peopl e. COACH TO UR COACH TO UR Embar k on a spectacul ar j our ney expl or i ng the hi ghl i ghts of I r el and. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Dubl i n On ar r i val, you wi ll be met and tr ansfer red to your hotel. Over ni ght i n Dubli n. Day 2 - Dubl i n T hi s mor ni ng, enj oy a gui ded tour of Dubli n ci ty centre. Vi si t elegant Georgi an squares and Tr i ni ty College to vi ew the i llumi nated gospel manuscr i pt of the Book of K ells. I n the eveni ng head to the near by Abbey Taver n for di nner and a festi ve enter tai nment progr am. Over ni ght i n Dubli n. (B, D)
Day 3 - Dubl i n - Ki l l ar ney Depar t Dubli n for K i llar ney, stop to vi ew the stately church r ui ns atop the Rock of Cashel. Conti nue your dr i ve south to vi si t Blar ney Castle. Also vi si t the Blar ney Woollen M i lls before dr i vi ng through M acroom and i nto County K er r y. Over ni ght i n K i llar ney. (B, D)
Day 4 - Ki l l ar ney Di scover the sceni c Di ngle Peni nsula. Dr i ve along the south shore and stop to admi re vi ews, halt i n Di ngle before conti nui ng to the wester n ti p of the peni nsula. Tour the Blasket Centre i n Dunqui n to lear n about the Blasket I slands. Retur n to K i llar ney. Over ni ght i n K i llar ney. (B, D)
Day 5 - Ki l l ar ney - Gal way Tr avel nor th to Foynes to vi si t the Flyi ng Boat M useum. Conti nue to the vi llage of Bunr atty and look around Dur ty Nellys Pub or the Bunr atty Folk Park. Conti nue to Galway for a panor ami c dr i ve. Over ni ght i n Galway. (B, D) Day 6 - Gal way - Meath L eave Galway and dr i ve to the centre of the countr y to vi si t Clonmacnoi se. See round tower s and the r ui ns of many churches set on the banks of the tr anqui l Ri ver Shannon. Conti nue your dr i ve eastward to your hotel, j ust outsi de Dubli n. Relax unti l your farewell di nner. (B, D)
Day 7 - Meath - Depar t Dubl i n Today you wi ll be translerreo to the airport lor your night back home. ,B, Di scover I r el ands magi c, cul tur e and hi stor y on a coach tour travellIng through nagnIfcent seascapes, enchanti ng ci ti es and sl eepy vi l l ages. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Dubl i n On ar r i val i n Dubli n, you wi ll be met and tr ansfer red to your hotel. I n the after noon, enj oy a half-day gui ded tour. Retur n to your hotel and enj oy a welcome dr i nk. Over ni ght i n Dubli n. Day 2 - Dubl i n - Water for d Tr avel to Glendalough. L ear n about St. K evi ns monaster y i n the Glendalough Vi si tor Centre and explore the evocati ve r ui ns. Car r y on to Water ford. Before di nner, enj oy a br i ef gui ded walki ng tour. Over ni ght i n Water ford. (B, D) Day 3 - Water for d - Ki l l ar ney Tr avel to Cobh, the last por t of call for the i ll-fated T i tani c. Enj oy a walki ng tour. Next, dr i ve to the Blar ney Woollen M i lls, for excellent I r i sh goods. Over ni ght i n K i llar ney. (B, D) Day 4 - Ki l l ar ney Enj oy I relands most splendi d scener y on a dr i ve along the 100-mi le route around the Ri ng of K er r y. Wi nd your way through char mi ng towns i ncludi ng K i llorgli n and Cahi rci veen. Over ni ght i n K i llar ney. (B, D) Day 5 - Ki l l ar ney - Gal way Dr i ve to Foynes to vi si t the Flyi ng Boat M useum. Tr avel through the outski r ts of L i mer i ck and Bunr atty Vi llage before headi ng to the coast of County Clare. Take a shor t or i entati on tour around centr al Galway. Over ni ght i n Galway. (B, D) Day 6 - Gal way - Der r y H ead nor th to vi si t the pi lgr i mage town of K nock. On to Der r y, where on ar r i val, enj oy a br i ef dr i ve around the ci ty and a gui ded walki ng tour. Over ni ght i n Der r y. (B, D)
Day 7 - Der r y - Bel fast - Dubl i n Today explore the nor th coastli ne, vi si ti ng the Gi ants Causeway, created by volcani c acti vi ty. Conti nue south to vi ew along the Ni ne Glens of Antr i m. Check i n to another hotel i n Dubli n. T hi s eveni ng, enj oy di nner at the popular Abbey Taver n. Over ni ght i n Dubli n. (B, D)
Day 8 - Depar t Dubl i n Today you wi ll be tr ansfer red to the airport lor your night back home. ,B, 27 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs Exper i ence I r el and by vi si ti ng i ts popul ar ci ti es r i ch i n sceni c beauty, hi stor y, cul tur e and her i tage! Day 1 - Ar r i ve Dubl i n On ar r i val i n Dubl i n you wi l l be tr ansfer red by a chauffer dr i ven car to your hotel . Rest of the day at l ei sure. Over ni ght i n Dubl i n. Day 2 - Dubl i n T hi s mor ni ng enj oy the Open Bus tour of Dubl i n. L ater enj oy some free ti me or enj oy the Vi ki ng Spl ash tour. Over ni ght at Dubl i n. (B) Day 3 Dubl i n - Ki l l ar ney (3hr s) Today you wi ll take the trai n to K i llar ney. Proceed by taxi to your hotel. Enj oy the bustle i n the town centre or take a Jaunti ng Cart ri de from the hotel to K i llar ney Nati onal Park. Walk through K i llar ney Nati onal Park. You have the opti on of vi si ti ng M uckross H ouse whi ch are fur ni shed i n peri od style and see exhi bi ti ons and di splays i llustrati ng vari ous aspects of the li festyles and crafts of the people of K er r y. Over ni ght at K i llar ney. (B) Day 4 - Ki l l ar ney Enj oy a day of spl endi d scener y Fr om vi br ant Dubl i n to the Ri ng of Ker r y, and the nagnIfcent clIffs of Moher - exerIence the wonder s of I r el and on a one-week sel f dr i ve tour. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Dubl i n On ar r i val i n Dubl i n, you wi l l be met and tr ansfer red to your hotel . L ater enj oy an open-top bus tour, wi th entr ance i ncl uded to Gui nness Storehouse. Over ni ght i n Dubl i n. Day 2 - Dubl i n to Ki l l ar ney Col l ect your sel f-dr i ve car at Hertz oowntown olnce or chaulleur-oriven mi ni bus from your hotel and head south from Dubl i n to K i l l ar ney, a di stance of 180 mi l es. Vi si t on your own the I r i sh Nati onal Stud & Japanese Gardens, Bl ar ney Castl e and Fota H ouse & Gardens. Over ni ght i n K i l l ar ney. (B) Day 3 - Ki l l ar ney Today you may l i ke to take a ful l day tour and enj oy I rel ands most spl endi d scener y on one of the most famous dr i ves i n the worl d, the 100-mi l e route around the Ri ng of K er r y. Di scounted vi si ts i ncl ude K er r y County M useum and Skel l i g Exper i ence. T he sceni c Di ngl e Peni nsul a i s al so a I RI SH EXPERI ENCE 9 ni ghts Vi si t Dubl i n, K i l l ar ney, Galway & Bel fast I RI SH SPI RI T 6 ni ghts Vi si t Dubl i n, K i l l ar ney & Galway as you tour the Ri ng of K er r y whi ch i s sai d to contai n some ol the most magnincent scenery in Irelano. Over ni ght at K i l l ar ney. (B) Day 5 - Ki l l ar ney - Gal way (5hr s) Tr avel by bus to Galway ci ty vi a L i mer i ck. Day i s free at l ei sure. Over ni ght i n Galway. (B) Day 6 - Gal way Today expl ore Cl i ffs of M oher, home to one of the maj or col oni es of cl i ff nesti ng seabi rds i n I rel and. Over ni ght i n Galway. (B) Day 7 - Gal way - Dubl i n (3 hr s) Today you wi l l take the tr ai n to Dubl i n. Check i nto the hotel . Free ti me for shoppi ng. Over ni ght i n Dubl i n. (B) Day 8 - Dubl i n - Bel fast (2 hr s) Board tr ai n to Bel fast. On ar r i val i n Bel fast tr ansfer to the hotel . L ater enj oy Open Bus tour of Bel fast. Over ni ght i n Bel fast. (B) Day 9 - Bel fast Enj oy a tour of the UNESCO worl d her i tage si te of the Gi ants Causeway renowned for i ts pol ygonal col umns. L ater you have the opti on of wi tnessi ng a show at the Gr and Oper a H ouse or the L yr i c T heatre. Over ni ght i n Bel fast. (B) Day 10 - Depar t Bel fast Today you wi l l be tr ansfer red to the airport lor your night back home. ,B, l ovel y day tour opti on and woul d be about 120 mi l es. Over ni ght i n K i l l ar ney. (B) Day 4 - Ki l l ar ney to Gal way Todays j our ney i s about 120 mi l es tr avel l i ng vi a L i mer i ck. Di scounted vi si ts i ncl ude Foynes Fl yi ng Boat M useum and Bunr atty Fol k Park. Or you may cross the Ri ver Shannon by fer r y and tr avel al ong the coast of Cl are, stoppi ng at the awe-i nspi r i ng Cl i ffs of M oher. Dr i ve through the Bur ren and around Galway Bay. You can vi si t the Bur ren Centre and K nappogue Castl e on your own. Over ni ght i n Galway. (B) Day 5 - Gal way Tour stunni ng Connemar a, a regi on of unspoi lt open scener y wi th mi sty mountai ns and sparkli ng lakes. You can on your own vi si t K ylemore Abbey and Gardens and embark on a catamar an cr ui se aboard the Connemar a L ady around K i llar y H ar bour, I relands only fj ord. Over ni ght i n Galway. (B) Day 6 - Gal way to Dubl i n Travel through breathtaki ng scener y from the Atlanti c Ocean on the West Coast to the I ri sh Sea on the East Coast, a di stance of 130 mi les. Stop for si ghtseei ng enroute or get to Dubli n by lunchti me. Check i n to your hotel located besi de the Ri ver Li ffey. Over ni ght i n Dubli n. (B) Day 7 - Depar t Dubl i n Today drop your rental car or minibus at the airport to boaro your night. ,B, Exlrr . Fooil, Exlrr . Fooil, Jai pur - 41 South Great Georges Street, Dubl i n. Tel - 01 677 0999 T he Spi ce Cl ub - 117, M i l l town Rd, Shaws Br i dge, Bel fast. Tel - 028 9092 3515 Gr aft on St r eet - T he famous shoppi ng area i n Dubl i n. The Li sbur n Road - I ts cal l ed the Bond street of Bel fast. Cr own Li quor Sal oon - Bel fasts most el egant Vi ctor i an pub. I ndi an Restaur ants Shoppi ng Ni ght Li fe SELF DRIVE 28 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs FRANCE Froo. i o f t/ ror .ootri o/i./ rtoio t/ ooioo f it rio fro t/ ort ooc archi tecture of Pari s to the l andscapes and cul tures f it ` o .iit oill .r r.ol oll t/ot it /o t ffr ooc t/ oc f o./ .iit oill /o. ,o loooio fr ,or oxt. Relive the Romance FRANCE WHY GO? I magi ne strol l i ng ar m-i n-ar m wi th someone you l ove down the Champs-El yses, shar i ng a gl ass of wi ne at a cozy outdoor caf and setti ng off on a l ei surel y cr ui se down the Ri ver Sei ne. Dubbeo as the lano ol nne architecture ano vi br ant streets, Fr ance i s the i deal desti nati on to savour romance. You can speno nve hours si tti ng i n a pavement caf watchi ng the worl d go by. Be i t br avi ng the l i nes at the i coni c Ei ffel Tower, wi tnessi ng the stage spectacl e of L i do Show or pi cni cki ng around the countr ysi de of Burgundy Fr ance has a mi l l i on ways to sweep you off your feet. BEST TI ME TO TRAVEL T he weather i n Fr ance i s gener al l y char acter i zed by mi l d summer s and col d wi nter s. Jul y and August for m the br i ef summer season. T he best ti me to vi si t Fr ance i s dur i ng spr i ngti me M ay to June or the begi nni ng of autumn, September to October. THE COST DI FFI CULTY OF TRAVEL H I GH LOW H I GH LOW Par i s Chamoni x Ni ce L ourdes L yon 29 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs
J F M A M J J A S O N D MAX O C 6 7 12 16 20 23 25 24 21 16 10 7 MI N O C 1 1 4 6 10 13 15 14 12 8 5 2 Dai l y maxi mum and mi ni mum aver ages are gui des onl y and may var y Aver age Cl i mate i n Par i s - Fr ance CURRENCY CONVERSI ON T he cur rency of Fr ance i s Euros. (EUR). 1 EUR = 69 I NR* Irench is the olncial language, al though Engl i sh i s wi del y spoken. DI FFERENT LANGUAGES TI ME DI FFERENCE Fr ance i s... 4 hr s 30 mi nutes behi nd I ndi a i n Wi nter (Oct - M ar ) 3 hr s 30 mi nutes behi nd I ndi a i n Summer (Apr - Sept) MUST SEE Ar t and Hi st or y: Apar t from the M ona L i sa, there are 35,000 other pi eces of ar t on di spl ay at L ouvre. M ar vel at the enor mous rose wi ndows of the Notre Dame Cathedr al and enj oy spectacul ar vi ews of Par i s. Wal k around the Garden of Ver sai l l es as i t sur pr i ses you wi th i ts mani cured l awns and fountai ns. L et the vi be of the poets and pai nter s of M ontmar tre mesmer i ze you as you si p on your coffee. Count r ysi de: Stay over ni ght at one of the vi neyards i n Bordeaux. Expl ore the char mi ng vi l l ages of the sparkl i ng wi ne produci ng di str i ct of Champagne. I f mountai neer i ng i s your passi on, venture across to L es H ouches, i n the Chamoni x val l ey for a breathtaki ng vi ew of the M ont Bl anc. St r eet s of Par i s: I t i s i mpossi bl e not to hal t ever y few steps i n Par i s. Si mpl y toddl i ng on the streets can treat you to a host of war m cafes, open-ai r markets, char mi ng baker i es and cobbl ed pathways. L i nger around the Arc de Tr i omphe and the Champs-El yses. Gl amour Quot i ent : St. Tropez i s where the r i ch and beauti ful pl ay. I ndul ge i n some cel ebr i ty spotti ng i n Cannes at the Fi l m Festi val , i f you vi si t i n M ay. Gambl e i n one of the casi nos at M onte Carl o. Strol l on the fr agr ant streets of Gr asse, Fr ances foremost per fume produci ng town. GETTI NG AROUND Taxi : Taxi s can be taken from the taxi r anks - i ndi cted by a square si gn wi th Taxi i n whi te on a bl ue background or hai l one on the street whi ch i s i ndi cated by the l i t Taxi si gn on the roof. Rer Met r o : Usi ng the subway as a means of tr ansi t i s the Par i si an way of l i fe. I t i s the easi est way around, even i f you are new to Par i s. Easy access from al l 3 ai r por ts to the ci ty centre, i n the for m of si ngl e ti ckets or passes for tr avel on al l zones of the ci ty wi th the Par i s Vi si te Pass. I nt er ci t y Tr ai n Tr avel : It is elncient ano punctual ano comlortable. Irance is also known lor its high speeo trains service. TGV connects Par i s to Geneva / Zur i ch, Eurostar whi ch connects Par i s to L ondon and T hal ys goi ng to Br ussel s and Amsterdam. Dependi ng upon the route and sector, reser vati ons charges appl y. Popul ar Routes : Par i s - Geneva 3 hr s, Par i s - Zur i ch 7 hr s, Par i s - L ondon 2 hr s, Par i s - Br ussel s 1 hr, Par i s - Amsterdam 4 hr s. 30 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs Exper i ence the bohemi an r hapsody of Par i s wi th dazzl i ng i l l umi nati ons, gr and boul evar ds, wor l d famous museums and ar t gal l er i es, spectacul ar fashi ons and endl ess enter tai nment ! Day 1 - Ar r i ve Par i s On ar r i val i n Par i s, you wi l l be tr ansfer red by a chauffeur dr i ven car to your hotel . I n the eveni ng, enj oy an opti onal di nner cr ui se on r i ver sei n, al l l i t up and sci nti l l ati ng as you gl i de down the Sei ne Ri ver on the Bateaux Par i si ens Di nner Cr ui se. Jour ney on board an enti rel y gl ass-encased boat provi di ng unobstr ucted vi ews of the i l l umi nated r i ver si de si ghts of Par i s. Over ni ght i n Par i s. Day 2 - Par i s Di scover the Par i s ci ty on Open Bus tour. Vi si ti ng Gr and L ouvre, the Notre-Dame Cathedr al , Basti l l e Square Sor bonne, the Sai nt-Ger mai n des Pres, Champs-El ysees, Arc de Tr i umph, the Ei ffel Tower, I nval i des, Concorde Square, M adel ei ne Church, Thi s fantasti c hol i day combi nes the gl i tz and gl amour of the fashi on capi tal of the wor l d wi th l oads of whol esome fun, enter tai nment and adventur e at the pr emi er r esor t of Di sneyl and ! Day 1 - Ar r i ve Par i s On ar r i val i n Par i s, get tr ansfer red by a chauffeur dr i ven car to your hotel . I n the eveni ng, enj oy an opti onal L i do Show, mesmer i zi ng you wi th gl i tz and gl amour. Over ni ght i n Par i s. Day 2 - Par i s T he mor ni ng i s free to rel ax. L ater di scover the hi stor i cal l andmarks and admi re the beauti ful archi tecture of Par i s on a Sei nor ama tour, vi si ti ng the hi stor i cal si ghts. I n the eveni ng, enj oy an opti onal di nner cr ui se on r i ver sei n, al l l i t up and sci nti l l ati ng as you gl i de down the Sei ne Ri ver on the Bateaux Par i si ens Di nner Cr ui se. Jour ney on board an enti rel y gl ass-encased boat provi di ng unobstr ucted PARI S FUN & FROLI C 5 ni ghts Vi si t Par i s & Di sneyl and PARI S GETAWAY 5 ni ghts Vi si t Par i s vi ews of the i l l umi nated r i ver si de si ghts of Par i s. Over ni ght i n Par i s. (B) Day 3 - Par i s T he mor ni ng i s free to rel ax. I n the eveni ng, enj oy an opti onal di nner cr ui se on r i ver sei n, al l l i t up and sci nti l l ati ng as you gl i de down the Sei ne Ri ver on the Bateaux Par i si ens Di nner Cr ui se. Jour ney on board an enti rel y gl ass-encased boat provi di ng unobstr ucted vi ews of the i l l umi nated r i ver si de si ghts of Par i s. Over ni ght i n Par i s. (B) Day 4 - Par i s - Di sneyl and Today, tr avel on your own by tr ai n to M ar ne l a Val l ee Stati on for your stay i n hotel next to Di sneyl and Par i s. Di sneyl and i s the most popul ar and worl d-cl ass fami l y attr acti on. (T he hotel offer s free shuttl e ser vi ce to and from Di sneyl and Park at sel ected ti mi ngs). Over ni ght at hotel near Di sneyl and Par i s. (B) Day 5 - Di sneyl and Vi si t Di sneyl and where you soak i n the fai r ytal e atmosphere and enj oy a magi cal day. Over ni ght at hotel near Di sneyl and Par i s. (B) Day 6 - Depar t Par i s Today, tr ansfer on your own to the Faris airport lor your night back home. ,B, We r ecommend you to stay i n a ful l y fur ni shed and comfor tabl e apar tment i n Par i s. Vi si t www.coxandki for a wi der sel ecti on of our hol i days 1o /o. o oic l.tio f Stoocorc, Firt Clo ooc Dlox /tl t ./ fro. Jccitiool oi/t ooc i/tio tor .oo o io.locc ot oo, iot io t/ oo. itiorori. Rooo. . Fooil, Fooil, PARI S T he ar ti sti c and cul tur al capi tal of Fr ance, Par i s i s one of the most vi si ted ci ti es i n the worl d. From cul i nar y del i ghts to cul tur al si ghts, haute couture to heady romance, Par i s wi l l tempt ever y one of your senses. T he ci ty i s ever ythi ng i t shoul d be - the ver y essence of al l thi ngs French ! Oper a Square, Pl ace des Pyr ami des and much more at your own pace..Over ni ght i n Par i s. (B) Day 3 - Par i s T he day i s free. Or you may opt to vi si t Di sneyl and for a day of non-stop fun and acti on. Over ni ght i n Par i s. (B) Day 4 - Par i s T he mor ni ng i s free to rel ax. L ater opt to di scover the hi stor i cal l andmarks and admi re the beauti ful archi tecture of Par i s on a Sei nor ama tour, vi si ti ng the hi stor i cal si ghts. Over ni ght i n Par i s. (B) Day 5 - Par i s T he day i s free for shoppi ng. Vi si t Gal er i es L afayette or vi si t many shoppi ng mal l s on Champs El yees. I n the eveni ng enj oy the worl d famous musi c and dance extr avaganza, the L i do Show. Over ni ghti n Par i s. (B) Day 6 - Depar t Par i s T hi s mor ni ng, you wi l l be tr ansfer red by a chauffeur dr i ven car to the ai r por t for your night back home. ,B, M OST POPULAR 31 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs Di scover the magi c of Par i s; al l l i t up and sci nti l l ati ng as you gl i de down the Sei ne Ri ver on the Bateaux Par i si ens Di nner Cr ui se. Jour ney on board an enti rel y gl ass- encased boat provi di ng unobstr ucted vi ews of the i l l umi nated r i ver si de si ghts of Par i s. Combi ned wi th sumptuous French cui si ne and musi cal enter tai nment from a l i ve band and si nger, thi s i s a must-do Par i si an exper i ence. An enchanti ng eveni ng awai ts you at the worl d famous L i do Show whi ch wi l l mesmer i se you wi th i ts gl i tz and gl amour. Revel i n the spl endi d di spl ay of extr avagant costumes, breathtaki ng scenes, extr aordi nar y speci al effects, spectacul ar water di spl ay, capti vati ng musi c, i ncredi bl e sets and a fasci nati ng di spl ay of l aser s and l i ghts. Sparkl e over a gl ass of champagne and an I ndi an Di nner (opti onal ) at thi s magi cal show. L et your hai r down as you enj oy a ful l -day excur si on to Di sneyl and wi th your 1-day pass at ei ther Di sneyl and Park or the Wal t Di sney Studi os Park. Di scover the fun, lantasy ano excitement ol the nve uniquely themeo areas incluoing Main Street USA, Fronti erl and, Adventurel and, Fantasyl and and Di scover yl and or wi tness the magi cal worl d of cel ebr ati on of al l thi ngs of ci nema and tel evi si on. Ver sai l l es i s a town l ocated about ten mi l es to the southwest of Par i s and i s renowned for one of Fr ances maj or tour i st attr acti ons - the Chateau, bui l t by L oui s X I V. M ar vel at the luxury ano magnincence as you wanoer through the Royal Apartments, the Chapel , the H al l of M i r ror s and the Queens Apar tments. Al so, enj oy some free ti me to aomire the magnincent garoens, that are perlectly styleo. Di scover the Par i s ci ty usi ng four tour routes (your ti cket i s vali d on all routes) i n your own ti me and at your own pace. See the hi stor i cal si ghts i ncludi ng Gr and L ouvre, the Notre- Dame Cathedr al, Basti lle Square Sor bonne, the Sai nt-Ger mai n des Pres, Champs- Elysees, Arc de Tr i umph, the Ei ffel Tower, I nvali des, Concorde Square, M adelei ne Church, Oper a Square, Place des Pyr ami des and much more at your own pace. Open Bus Tour, Par i s Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Al l bus stati ons Pi ck Up T i me 030.!000 /r Dur ati on Flxiol Di scover the beauty of Par i s on a tour whi ch i ncl udes famous l andmarks such as the Pl ace de l a Concorde, Boi s de Boul ogne Avenue Champs-El yses and Arc de Tr i omphe. Cr ui se on the beauti ful Ri ver Sei ne and admi re the archi tecture of the hi stor i cal monuments and caf l i ned boul evards. Enj oy a vi si t to the 2nd l evel of the i mposi ng Ei ffel Tower for a fabul ous over vi ew of the ci ty. Sei nor ama Tour, Par i s Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Cit,rooo Off. Pi ck Up T i me 1415 hrs Dur ati on 4 hrs Vi si t one of the worl ds l argest and the most vi si ted museum i n the worl d, a hi stor i c monument - T he Gr and L ouvre. Nearl y 35,000 obj ects from prehi stor y to the 19th centur y are exhi bi ted here wi th the most famous works such as the M ona L i sa by Leonaroo oa Vinci. Here we explore the history ol this extraoroinary eoince ano ol the museum that has occupi ed i t si nce 1793. Embark on the beauti ful Ri ver Sei ne sai l i ng past some of the ci tys romanti c br i dges and admi r i ng the spectacul ar si ghts, that are magi cal by ni ght. Conti nue on an i l l umi nati on tour and di scover the magi c of Par i s by ni ght. T he br i l l i antl y l i t popul ar attr acti ons l i ke the Champs El ysees, the Notre Dame Cathedr al , the Arc de Tr i omphe and other s dazzl e you wi th thei r spectacul ar br i l l i ance. Di nner Cr ui se on Ri ver Sei ne, Par i s Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Oo ,or oo Pi ck Up T i me !100 /r Dur ati on Flxiol Entr ance to Li do Show, Par i s Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Oo ,or oo Pi ck Up T i me 1900 hrs Dur ati on 4 hrs I l l umi nati on Tour, Par i s Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Cit,rooo ff. Pi ck Up T i me !!00 /r Dur ati on 1 hrs 45 mts Di sneyl and, Par i s Ki ds Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Cit,rooo Off. Pi ck Up T i me 0800 hrs Dur ati on 1! /r Ver sai l l es Pal ace, Par i s Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Cit,rooo Off. Pi ck Up T i me 08!5.1!00 /r Dur ati on 4 hrs Gr and Louvr e Wal ki ng Tour, Par i s Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Cit,rooo Off. Pi ck Up T i me 0945 hrs Dur ati on ! /r 30 ot I ndi an Restaur ants Shoppi ng Ni ght Li fe New I ndi en - 09, Boul evard De L a Republ i que, 06240 Beavsuei l , M ontecarl o. Tel : 00493781789 Jyot i - 148 Rue De Vaugi r ard - 15E 75015, Par i s. Tel : 0147834545 Gal l er i es Lafayet t e - For al l your l uxur y shoppi ng. Fr agonard - T he per fume museum and bouti que where you can create your own per fume on your vi si t. The LI DO des Par i s - A l i vel y enter tai ni ng Cabret Show. Moul i n Rouge - Enj oy an eveni ng 32 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs A per fect mi x of cul tur e, hi stor y, enchanti ng vi neyar ds and exoti c wi nes makes thi s pr ogr am a compl ete Fr ench Exper i ence. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Par i s On ar r i val i n Par i s, you wi l l be tr ansfer red to your hotel . I n the eveni ng, enj oy the opti onal L i do Show of Par i s. Over ni ght i n Par i s Day 2 - Par i s T hi s after noon di scover the hi stor i cal landmarks and admi re the beauti ful archi tecture on a Senor i ma tour. Cr ui se the Ri ver Sei ne and vi si t the secono noor ol the Eillel Tower. Overnight in Faris. ,B, Day 3 - Par i s Enj oy the del i ghts of Burgundy on a day tr i p and di scover the r i ch cul tur al her i tage and hi stor y of thi s regi on and vi si t a l ocal cel l ar for whi te wi ne tasti ng. Over ni ght i n Par i s. (B) Day 4 - Par i s - Bor deaux (3 hr s) Tr avel by tr ai n to Bordeaux, the wi ne capi tal of the worl d. Spend FLAVOURS OF FRANCE 9 ni ghts Vi si t Par i s, Bordeaux, M ar sei l l e & Ni ce ROMANCI NG THE RI VI ERA 5 ni ghts Vi si t Ni ce & Par i s the day at l ei sure to taste and exper i ence the regi ons enchanti ng vi neyards. Over ni ght i n Bordeaux. (B) Day 5 - Bor deaux Today you wi l l enj oy a ful l day excur si on to the UNESCO Worl d H er i tage Si te of Sai nt Emi l i on, one of the worl ds most famous vi neyard regi ons. Enj oy a gui ded cel l ar tour and wi ne tasti ng. Over ni ght i n Bordeaux. (B) Day 6 - Bor deaux - Mar sei l l e (7 hr s) T hi s mor ni ng, you wi l l tr avel by tr ai n from Bordeux to M ar sei l l e. Over ni ght i n M ar sei l l e. (B) Day 7 - Mar sei l l e Today, di scover the mai n attr acti on of M ar sei l l e on a H op-On, H op-Off Tour, the best way to see the ci ty. Over ni ght i n M ar sei l l e. (B) Day 8 - Mar sei l l e - Ni ce (2 hr s) Jour ney by tr ai n from M ar sei l l e to Ni ce and check i n to your hotel . Over ni ght i n Ni ce. (B) Day 9 - Ni ce T hi s mor ni ng, tour the el egant ci ty of Ni ce. I n the eveni ng, you can opt for the M onaco and M onte Carl o by Ni ght Tour. Over ni ght i n Ni ce. (B) Day 10 - Depar t Ni ce Today, you wi l l be tr ansfer red to the airport lor your night back home. ,B, Vi si t www.coxandki for a wi der sel ecti on of our hol i days 1o /o. o oic l.tio f Stoocorc ooc Firt Clo /tl t ./ fro. 1o /o. oo tio t tro.l o Froo. Roil `tor/ io .oc .lo r frt .lo. Jccitiool oi/t ooc i/tio tor .oo o io.locc ot oo, iot io t/ oo. itiorori. Rooo. . Exlrr Exlrr NI CE, BORDEAUX AND MARSEI LLE T he capi tal of the Cote d Azur, Ni ce i s a ci ty of ar t and cul ture bui l t around a bay. T he l ovel y por t ci ty of Bordeaux i s not onl y the wi ne capi tal of the worl d but al so r i ch i n hi stor y, cul ture and ar ts. M ar sei l l e i s the second-bi ggest ci ty i n Fr ance and i s known for i ts stunni ng M edi ter r anean coastl i ne and maj or har bour. Enj oy a r endezvous i n the capi tal of the Fr ench Ri vi er a r enowned for i ts beauti ful beaches, shoppi ng, museums, Roman r ui ns and exci ti ng ni ghtl i fe. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Ni ce On ar r i val i n Ni ce, you wi ll be met and tr ansfer red by a chauffeur dr i ven car to your hotel. I n the eveni ng, take an opti onal vi si t to expl ore the gl i tz and gl amour of M onte Carl o and M onaco by Ni ght tour. Do not mi ss the oppor tuni ty of tr yi ng your luck at the casi no. Over ni ght i n Ni ce. Day 2 - Ni ce T hi s mor ni ng, proceed on an or i entati on tour of the elegant ci ty of Ni ce and di scover i ts many attr acti ons. H i ghli ghts i ncludes the Promenade des Anglai s, Castle H i ll, Ci mi ez H i ll and the Russi an Or thodox Cathedr al. Over ni ght i n Ni ce. (B) Day 3 - Ni ce - Par i s (6 hr s) Tr avel by hi gh-speed TGV tr ai n to Par i s, where on ar r i val, you wi ll check i nto the hotel. T he eveni ng i s free or take an opti onal to enj oy an exci ti ng ni ght out at the world famous musi c and dance extr avaganza, the L i do Show. Par i si an ni ghtli fe i s the envy of the world so dont mi ss the oppor tuni ty of enj oyi ng the eveni ng. Over ni ght i n Par i s. (B) Day 4 - Par i s T he mor ni ng i s free to relax. L ater di scover the hi stor i cal landmarks and admi re the beauti ful archi tecture of Par i s on a Sei nor ama tour, vi si ti ng the hi stor i cal si ghts. Cr ui se on the Ri ver Sei ne and enj oy an aer i al vi ew of Par i s from the second level of Ei ffel Tower. Over ni ght i n Par i s. (B) Day 5 - Par i s T he day i s at lei sure for you to explore thi s fabulous ci ty on your own. Or you can opt to vi si t the Gr and Ver sai lles Palace or enj oy a di nner at Ei ffel Tower and admi re the i llumi nated monuments of the ci ty by ni ght.Over ni ght i n Par i s. (B) Day 6 - Depar t Par i s T hi s mor ni ng, you wi ll be tr ansfer red by a chauffeur dr i ven car to the ai r por t for your night back home. ,B, 33 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs Expl ore the gl i tz and gl amour of M onte Carl o and M onaco at ni ght. T he awe-i nspi r i ng French Ri vi er a and the stunni ng Casi no Square i n M onte Carl o i l l umi nated at ni ght wi l l take your breath away. Strol l through the streets of M onte-Carl o, enj oy a dr i nk or di ne i n one of the famous restaur ants at the Casi no Square. Tr y your l uck at the casi no frequented by the cr me de l a cr me. Enj oy fabul ous sceni c vi stas and the col our ful ol d town as you dr i ve to Cannes, the ci ty ol lestivals, nreworks ano nlm stars. Stop at the Iilm Iestival Falace, explore the shops and sandy beaches and strol l through the famous Croi sette Boul evard whi ch stretches al ong the beachfront. Conti nue to Sai nt-Paul de Vence, a medi ewal vi l l age, whi ch has typi cal Provencal atmosphere for an or i entati on tour. A hop-on-hop-oll tour ol Marseille is a great way to get a navor ol this beautilul French ci ty steeped i n hi stor y. Enj oy fantasti c and uni que vi ews of the ci ty from the open top deck and hop on and off at your own pace. Wi th 16 stops cover i ng al l of M ar sei l l es mai n attr acti ons such as Vi eux Por t, For t Sai nt Ni col as, Pr ado, Vel odrome stadi um, Notre Dame de l a Garde and Parc Borel y among other s. Tour the el egant ci ty of Ni ce and di scover i ts many attr acti ons. Strol l through the lamous Fromenaoe oes Anglais, explore the nower market ano marvel at the ruins at the Castl e H i l l as you enj oy i ncredi bl e vi ews of the M edi ter r anean and the town. Expl ore the monuments at the pl ush resi denti al nei ghbour hood of Ci mi ez H i l l and get a sl i ce of Russi a as you see the stunni ng Russi an Or thodox Cathedr al . Ci ty Tour, Ni ce Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt H otel L obby Pi ck Up T i me 030.1!30 /r Dur ati on 3 hrs Enj oy the del i ghts of Burgundy on a day tr i p and di scover the r i ch cul tur al her i tage and hi stor y of thi s regi on so exal ted by wi ne l over s. Tr avel to Chabl i s and vi si t a l ocal cel l ar for whi te wi ne tasti ng. Fol l owi ng l unch i n a l ocal restaur ant, conti nue to Vezel ay, a UNESCO Worl d H er i tage Si te, an enchanti ng town wi th pretty al l eyways and cour tyards. Enj oy a gui ded tour of the basi l i ca of Sai nt M ar y M agdal ene. Bur gundy Tour, Par i s Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates Mo.T/o Pi ck Up Poi nt Cit,rooo Of. Pi ck Up T i me 0745 hrs Dur ati on 11 hrs Expl ore the vi neyards that have made Bordeaux wi nes famous the worl d over on thi s ful l -day wi ne tour and get an i nsi ght i nto Bordeauxs centur i es ol d wi ne cul ture. Your excur si on takes you through the ci ty of Bordeaux and i ts vi neyards, i ncl udi ng the hi stor i c wi ne merchants di str i ct, L es Char trons. I n the after noon, admi re the uni que Bordeaux wi ne countr y and vi si t some presti gi ous vi neyards. Monaco and Monte Car l o by Ni ght, Ni ce Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt H otel L obby Pi ck Up T i me 1900 hrs Dur ati on 5 hrs Tour of Cannes, St. Paul and the Seasi de, Ni ce Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt H otel L obby Pi ck Up T i me 000.1330 /r Dur ati on 4 hrs Bor deaux Wi ner y tour, Bor deaux Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates Jc.Sot Pi ck Up Poi nt Torit Off. Pi ck Up T i me 0930 hrs Dur ati on 9 hrs Open Bus Tour, Mar sei l l e Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Torit Off. Pi ck Up T i me Flxiol Dur ati on Flxiol I ndi an Restaur ants Shoppi ng Ni ght Li fe Achi ana - 29, Rue Assal i t, 06000, Ni ce. Tel - 493888087 Vi l l a Verde - 106, Route de Tur i n 06300, Ni ce. Tel : 682676502 0147834545 Lar t Gour mand - Best I ce cream and Chocol ates i n Ni ce Johnnys Wi ne Bar - Rock offer i ngs and constant stream of street per for mer s make for a l i vel y dr i nki ng spot. Waynes - M ost popul ar bar. 34 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs I TALY Re- l i ve the Roman E mpi re at the Col osseum, bump i nto M i chel angel os D avi d i n Fl orence, support the L eani ng Tower of Pi sa and enj oy a gondol a ri de i n Veni ce. E ach of I tal ys maj or ci ti es has i ts own enti ci ng character, hi stor y, cul ture and the cui si ne seduces j ust about ever yone. Land of the Mystique I TALY BEST TI ME TO TRAVEL I taly i s the most vi br ant i n the summer, June - July. August i s when the I tali ans go on vacati on and establi shments are closed. September- October i s an i deal ti me to vi si t the countr ysi de. Wi nter months from November to M arch are mi ld i n the south and har sh i n the nor th. WHY GO? L a Dol ce Vi ta or T he Good L i fe succi nctl y oennes the leisurely vibe ol Italy. Italy`s soul resi des i n i ts pavement cafs and squares where you can watch l ocal s i ndul gi ng i n l engthy ani mated conver sati ons. H ome to worl ds greatest thi nker s and wr i ter s, I tal y i s a ml ange of ar t, del i ci ous food and wi ne. Ci ti es l i ke Rome rest on thei r hi stor i cal l y heady l aurel s. T he pastor al Tuscan l andscape i s home to vi neyards and then there i s Veni ce wi th i ts other worl dl y Gondol a r i des. Expl ore the hi gh fashi on shoppi ng i n Rome and M i l an, but dont i gnore the bargai ns at the street vendor s. THE COST DI FFI CULTY OF TRAVEL H I GH LOW H I GH LOW Fl orence Assi si Rome M i l an Veni ce Napl es Amaln Coast 35 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs MUST SEE Ar t and Hi st or y: I tal y i s cel ebr ated for i ts anci ent monuments and ar ti sti c her i tage. Rel i ve the gl or y of the gl adi ator er a at the Col osseum. M ar vel at the famed pai nted cei l i ng of the Si sti ne Chapel . L ose your sel f i n the vast l abyr i nth of the Vati can museums that hol ds anti que treasures from di fferent countr i es. M ake a wi sh at the Trevi fountai n. Wi tness the creati ons of M i chel angel o at the M useum of the Works of the Duomo i n the renai ssance ci ty of Fl orence. Pose for pi ctures at the L eani ng Tower of Pi sa.
Food and Wi ne: I ndul gent I tal i an food i s a par t of the countr ys commi tment to the good l i fe. A countr y as regi onal as I tal y ser ves an ar r ay of pi zzas, pastas and gel atos. Expl ore r usti c peti te towns dr aped around rol l i ng hi l l s i n the l and of Tuscany. Gasp and gawk at the medi eval -er a castl es, extr aordi nar y var i eti es of wi ne and wal l ed towns envel opi ng the areas of Si enna, San Gi mi gnano and L ucca. Wi ne-tasti ng and a vi neyard tour i s a must on your vi si t to Chi anti .
Romance: L i nger on one of the most breathtaki ng pl azas i n the worl d, St. M arks Square i n Veni ce. Watch the sun sl i p over the hor i zon on the banks of the Gi udecca Canal . Di scover romance on the I tal i an Ri vi er a, Ci nque Ter re where i mposi ng cl i ffs hug seasi de vi l l ages or on the ter r aced sl opes ol the Amaln Coast scenteo with lemon groves.
J F M A M J J A S O N D MAX O C 11 13 15 19 23 28 30 30 26 22 16 13 MI N O C 5 5 7 10 13 17 20 20 17 13 9 6 Dai l y maxi mum and mi ni mum aver ages are gui des onl y and may var y Aver age Cl i mate i n Rome - I tal y CURRENCY CONVERSI ON T he cur rency of I tal y i s Euros (EUR). 1 EUR = 69 I NR* GETTI NG AROUND Taxi : Avai l abl e i n most towns and ci ti es. I n Rome and M i l an they are rel ati vel y expensi ve, wi th extr a charges for ni ght ser vi ce, l uggage and taxi s cal l ed by tel ephone. Al l charges are l i sted on a r ate card di spl ayed i n the cab wi th an Engl i sh tr ansl ati on. Taxi s can onl y be hai l ed at str ategi cal l y l ocated stands or by tel ephone. A 10% ti p i s expected by taxi dr i ver s. Met r o / Bus: T he metro can be useful i f you are cl ose to the stati on. Smal l er towns and vi l l ages most buses pul l i n at the centr al pi azza. Ci ty buses are ver y cheap and the ti ckets are easi l y avai l abl e. I nt er ci t y Tr ai n Tr avel : T here are regul ar and convi eni ent tr ai ns. TrenI tal i a i s the tr ai n network whi ch oper ates throughout I tal y. Compul sor y Reser vati on i s requi red for i nterci ty tr avel wi thi n I tal y (Eur 20 per sector ) and from I tal y (Eur 30 per sector upwards). Popul ar Routes: Rome - Fl orence 1 hr, Fl orence - Veni ce 3 hr s, Veni ce - Vi enna 8 hr s, Veni ce - Par i s 12 hr s. The olncial languages are I tal i an, Ger man and French. DI FFERENT LANGUAGES TI ME DI FFERENCE I tal y i s... 4 hr s 30 mi nutes behi nd I ndi a i n Wi nter (Oct - M ar ) 3hr s 30 mi nutes behi nd I ndi a i n Summer (Apr - Sept) 36 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs I DEAL I TALY 8 ni ghts Vi si t Rome, Fl orence, Si ena & Veni ce I TALI AN ESCAPE 7 ni ghts Vi si t Rome, Fl orence & Veni ce Vi si t www.coxandki for a wi der sel ecti on of our hol i days 1o /o. o oic l.tio f Stoocorc, Firt Clo ooc Dlox /tl t ./ fro. Oo ,or i/tio tor ooc troofr, ,o /o. o ./i. f ot-io-.o./ r ri.ot troortotio. Jccitiool oi/t ooc i/tio tor .oo o io.locc ot oo, iot io t/ oo. itiorori. Exlrr . Rooo. Exlrr ROME, FLORENCE & VENI CE Founded more than 2700 year s ago, the Eter nal Ci ty of Rome i s a l i vi ng museum of hi stor y wi th i ts monuments and churches. Fl orence i s the the j ewel i n the crown of Renai ssance I tal y . Veni ce i s a uni que ur ban master pi ece of pai nted pal aces and serene churches, serenadi ng Gondol i er s, pi cture- per fect ski r uns and el egant centres of hi gh fashi on. M OST POPULAR Vi si t thr ee famous I tal i an ci ti es on one i ncr edi bl e vacati on. Vi ew the famous monuments of Rome, sampl e r enowned wi ne i n Fl or ence and r i de the canal s of Veni ce. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Rome On ar r i val i n Rome, you wi ll be tr ansfer red by a chauffeur dr i ven car to your hotel. I n the eveni ng, enj oy the I llumi nated Rome tour (opti onal). Over ni ght i n Rome. Day 2 - Rome Today, exper i ence the hi stor y, ar t and archi tecture of Rome on an Open Bus Tour. L ater you can vi si t the Vati can M useums and Si sti ne Chapel on an opti onal tour. Over ni ght i n Rome. (B) Day 3 - Rome Enj oy a full-day excur si on to Naples, Capr i wi th i ts Blue Grotto and the pi cturesque M edi ter r anean-style vi llage of Anacapr i (opti onal). Over ni ght i n Rome. (B) The combi nati on of Rome, Fl or ence and Assi si i s per fect for tr avel l er s l ooki ng for an unr i val l ed assor tment of hi stor y, gour met food and wi ne. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Rome On ar r i val i n Rome, you wi ll be tr ansfer red by a chauffeur dr i ven car to your hotel. I n the eveni ng, enj oy the I llumi nated Rome tour (opti onal). Over ni ght i n Rome. Day 2 - Rome Today, exper i ence the hi stor y, ar t and archi tecture of Rome on an Open Bus tour. L ater you can vi si t the Vati can M useums and Si sti ne Chapel on an opti onal tour. Over ni ght i n Rome. (B) Day 3 - Rome - Fl or ence (1hr ) Today ar r i ve i nto Florence. I n the after noon enj oy an opti onal excur si on to Pi sa, home of the L eani ng Tower of Pi sa. Enj oy a walki ng tour of Pi sa. Over ni ght i n Florence. (B) Day 4 - Rome - Fl or ence (1hr ) Today ar r i ve i nto Florence, the bi r thplace of the renai ssance. I n the after noon enj oy an opti onal excur si on to Pi sa, home of the famous L eani ng Tower of Pi sa. Enj oy a walki ng tour of Pi sa, i ncludi ng the area sur roundi ng the famous tower. Over ni ght i n Florence. (B) Day 5 - Fl or ence T hi s mor ni ng enj oy a ci ty tour of Florence on the hop on hop off bus tour vi si ti ng, Pi azale M i chelangelo, Pi azza del Duomo, Gi ottos Bell Tower and the Bapi ti str y. Over ni ght i n Florence. (B) Day 6 - Fl or ence - Veni ce (2hr s) Today, tr avel i nto the romanti c ci ty of Veni ce. T he day i s free for you to explore thi s vi br ant ci ty of Canals on your own. Over ni ght i n Veni ce. (B) Day 7 - Veni ce T hi s mor ni ng, enj oy an excur si on to M ur ano, Bur ano & Torcello. Vi si t the famous i sland of M ur ano known worldwi de for i ts exqui si te glasswork, Burano lor lace ano Torcello lor Venice`s nrst catheoral. Over ni ght i n Veni ce. (B) Day 8 - Depar t Veni ce T hi s mor ni ng, you wi l l be tr ansfer red by a pr i vate boat to Veni ce Ai r por t for your night back home. ,B, Day 4 - Fl or ence Today, enj oy a ci ty tour of Florence on the hop on hop off bus tour vi si ti ng, vi si ti ng Pi azalle M i chaelangelo, Pi azza del Duomo, Gi ottos Bell Tower and the Bapti ster y. Over ni ght i n Florence. (B) Day 5 - Fl or ence - Si ena (1hr s) T hi s mor ni ng tr avel to Si ena, i n Tuscany regi on. I talys premi um Wi ne produci ng regi on. Over ni ght i n Si ena. (B)
Day 6 - Si ena Today vi si t the Chi anti an oppor tuni ty to taste one of the most famous wi nes. Conti nue to San Gi mi gnano a splendi d example of medi eval town declared a World H er i tage Si te by Unesco. (B) Day 7 - Si ena T he day i s free to explore the Chi anti & Castle tour on your own. Over ni ght i n Si ena. (B) Day 8 - Si ena - Veni ce (4hr s) Today ar r i ve i nto the romanti c ci ty of Veni ce. L ater i n the eveni ng opt Gondola Serenade on canals of Veni ce whi ch i s the ultimate experience. Be captivateo by its magnincent palaces and churches. Over ni ght i n Veni ce. (B) Day 9 - Depar t Veni ce Today, you wi ll be tr ansfer red by a private boat to the airport lor your night. ,B, 37 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs Tr avel south passi ng the Abbey of M ontecassi no to the l i vel y ci ty of Napl es and onto the l ovel y i sl and of Capr i . Board a motor boat for a tour of the Bl ue Grotto. T he water s in the cave are a brilliant nuorescent blue. Next you will visit Anacapri, which ollers wonder ful vi ews of the Bay of Napl es. Fol l owi ng l unch, enj oy free ti me at shoppi ng before retur ni ng to board the boat back to Napl es. Tr avel to Pi azzal e M i chel angel o, for a bi rds eye vi ew of the ci ty of Fl orence. Conti nue to the hi stor i c centre for a wal ki ng tour of the Pi azza del Duomo, Gi ottos bel l tower, the Baptistery with its bronze ooors ano the Catheoral with the magnincent Cupola del Br unel l eschi , whi ch i s possi bl y the l argest dome ever bui l t. Car r y on to the Gal l er i a del l Accademi a and admi re the famous Davi d by M i chel angel o. Expl ore the beauty and her i tage of the I sl ands i n the Veneti an L agoon on a sceni c boat tour. Vi si t M ur ano, worl d renowned for the exqui si te gl asswork and see an exper t gl ass bl ower at work. Proceed to the i sl and of Bur ano, whi ch i s famous for i ts l ace i ndustr y. Vi si t the del i ghtful i sl and of Torcel l o, home to Santa M ar i a Assunta cathedr al , a master pi ece wi th i ts mosai cs and Byzanti ne str ucture. An oppor tuni ty to taste one of the most famous wi nes i n the worl d: Chi anti wi th a sel ecti on of br uschettas (garl i c bread), typi cal cheeses and Tuscan sal ami and sl i ced col d meats. Expl ore the mar vel l ous unspoi l t l andscapes cr adl i ng the Chi anti vi neyards for centur i es. Conti nue to San Gi mi gnano a spl endi d exampl e of medi eval town decl ared a Worl d H er i tage Si te by Unesco. Vi si t the Vati can M useums, housi ng stunni ng master pi eces from Roman, Etr uscan and Egypti an anti qui ti es to l ate Renai ssance and the papal compl ex around St. Peter s Square. Visit the lamous Sistine Chapel. Marvel at the beauty ol the magnincent lresco of the L ast Judgement by M i chel angel o, al ong wi th works by Botti cel l i , Per ugi no and Rossel l i ni . Al so, admi re the ar t and archi tecture of St. Peter s Basi l i ca. Vati can Ci ty and Si sti ne Chapel Tour, Rome Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Vi al e Vati cano Pi ck Up T i me 015.1!15 /r Dur ati on 3 hrs Expl ore Rome on a hop on hop off tour as you see maj or si ghts such as the Trevi Fountai n, Pantheon, Vati can Ci ty, Col osseum, Arch of Constanti ne, Pal ati ne H i l l , Pi azza Venezi a and l ots more. Wi th commentar y i n 6 l anguages, depar tures ever y 15 mi nutes, 13 stops l ocated near the most i nteresti ng pl aces and wi th a choi ce of a 24 or 48 hour ti cket you are free to expl ore the Eter nal Ci ty at your own pace. Open Bus Tour, Rome Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Jo, Cit, Bo Stotio Pi ck Up T i me 0830 to 1700 hrs Dur ati on Flxiol Di scover the breathtaki ng, uncontami nated l andscapes cr adl i ng the Chi anti vi neyards for centur i es, presenti ng a har mony of col our s that can onl y be found i n the hi l l s of thi s regi on. the beauti ful r uby-red col our and the char acter i sti c bouquet wi th scents of vi ol et are the speci al features that reveal the i denti ty of one of the most famous wi nes i n the worl d: Chi anti . Enj oy the tour of typi cal vi l l ages, Abbeys and Castl es. A tr i p to Fl orence i s not compl ete wi thout a vi si t to near by Pi sa, home to amazi ng archi tectur al str uctures. Enj oy a wal ki ng tour vi si ti ng the Pi azza dei M i r acol i , whi ch i s the si te of the mai n attr acti ons of Pi sa; the Cathedr al , the Bapti ster y and the i ncompar abl e L eani ng Tower of Pi sa. Conti nue to the Pi azza dei Caval i er i and admi re the hi stor i c Scuol a Nor mal e, one of the most famous uni ver si ti es i n the worl d. Napl es Capr i and Anacapr i Tour, Rome Coltor Oper ates T ue - Sun Pi ck Up Poi nt Vastours Ter mi nal Pi ck Up T i me 0715 hrs Dur ati on 13 hrs 30 mts Ci ty Tour, Fl or ence Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Pioo Dllo Stoio Pi ck Up T i me 0930 hrs Dur ati on 3 hrs Excur si on to Pi sa, Fl or ence Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Pioo Dllo Stoio Pi ck Up T i me 1345 hrs Dur ati on 5 hrs 30 mts Mur ano, Bur ano and Tor cel l o, Veni ce Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Sereni ssi ma Boat Stati on Pi ck Up T i me 015.1!15 /r Dur ati on 3 hrs Chi anti & San Gi mi gnano Gr and Tour, Si ena Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates Mo.Jc.Fri.Soo Pi ck Up Poi nt SIE`J Pioo Croo.i Pi ck Up T i me 1400 hrs Dur ati on 5 hrs Chi anti and Castl es Tour, Si ena Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt H otel L obby Pi ck Up T i me 1400 hrs Dur ati on 5 hrs I ndi an Restaur ants Shoppi ng Ni ght Li fe Mahar aj ah - Vi a del Ser penti , 24, Rome. Tel : 064747144 Mahar ani - Vi a verde, 97, Veni ce M estre. Tel : 041984681 Mur ano Gl ass Wor ks - Famous for i ts gl ass work di spl ays. Vi a Tor nabuoni and Vi a Vi gna Nuova - M ost el egant street i n Fl orence. Al i en - One of the l ongest and best known di scos i n the capi tal ci ty - Rome. Meccano - Fl orence most popul ar ni ght cl ub wi th outdoor and i ndoor dance areas. 38 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs Di scover the cl assi cal l andmar ks of I tal y al ong wi th the beauty of Lake Como. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Mi l an / Rome On ar r i val, you wi ll be tr ansfer r ed to your hotel. L ater , pr oceed on a gui ded tour thr ough the beauti ful scener y of Emi li a Romagna. T uscany and L azi o Regi ons. Over ni ght i n Rome. Day 2 - Rome T hi s mor ni ng enj oy a gui ded tour of M onumental Rome. Over ni ght i n Rome. (B) Day3 - Rome - Assi si - Si ena - Fl or ence T oday depar t for Assi si . Vi si t the Basi l i ca of Sai nt Fr anci s. T hen pr oceed, towar ds Si ena, r enowned for the Pal i o Conti nue to Fl orence. Over ni ght i n Fl orence. (B, D) BEST OF I TALY 10 ni ghts Vi si t Rome, Fl orence, Veni ce, L ake Como & M i l an BEAUTI FUL I TALY 7 ni ghts Vi si t Rome, Fl orence, Veni ce, L ake Como & M i l an Vi si t www.coxandki for a wi der sel ecti on of our hol i days 1o /o. o oic l.tio f Stoocorc, Firt Clo ooc Dlox /tl t ./ fro. Oo ,or i/tio tor ooc troofr, ,o /o. o ./i. f ot-io-.o./ r ri.ot troortotio. Jccitiool oi/t ooc i/tio tor .oo o io.locc ot oo, iot io t/ oo. itiorori. Exlrr . Fooil, Exlrr . Rooo. MI LAN, LAKE COMO & NAPLES M i l an, L ombardys j ewel ci ty i n Nor ther n I tal y, i s a styl i sh, sophi sti cated metropol i s that bl ends the hi p and new wi th over 2500 year s of hi stor y. L ake Como i s a haven of tr anqui l l i ty, super b cui si ne, snow capped mountai ns, cour teous fol k and styl e. Napl es wi l l capti vate you wi th i ts sunny, l i vel y, sassy and unforgettabl e beauty. Day 4 - Fl or ence After br eakfast enj oy gui ded si ghtseei ng tour of Fl orence on the hop on hop off bus tour. Vi si t the Pi azza de Duomo and the Academy of Fi ne Ar t Gal l er y. L ater take an opti onal tour of Pi sa. Over ni ght i n Fl orence. (B, D) Day 5 - Fl or ence - Padua -Veni ce T oday depart for V eni ce V i a Padua, where you wi ll vi si t the Cathedral of St. Anthony. Conti nue towards Veni ce and upon ar ri val enj oy a walki ng tour. Over ni ght i n Veni ce. (B, D) Day 6 - Veni ce Enj oy a tour to a gl ass factor y i n M ur ano by motorl aunch. Over ni ght i n Veni ce. (B, D) Day 7 - Veni ce- Ver ona Si r mi one (Gar da Lake) Lake Como Earl y mor ni ng depar ture to Verona to see the town of Rome and Jul i et T hen conti nue to Si r mi one on the Gar da l ake. T hen pr oceed to L ake Como. Over ni ght i n L ake Como. (B, D) Day 8 - Como- Mi l an T oday depar t for M i l an and on ar r i val pr oceed on a panor ami c tour of the ci ty and then tr ansfer on your own to M i l an ai r por t. (B) On thi s exoti c tour, you wi l l di scover why Rome i s eter nal , Fl or ence ar ti sti c, Tuscany r omanti c, Veni ce enchanti ng and Mi l an so fashi onabl e ! Day 1 - Ar r i ve Rome On ar r i val i n Rome, you wi ll be tr ansfer red by a chauffeur dr i ven car to your hotel. I n the eveni ng, you can opt for the I llumi nated Rome tour. Over ni ght i n Rome. Day 2 - Rome Today, exper i ence the hi stor y, ar t and archi tecture of Rome on an Open Bus Tour. L ater you can vi si t the Vati can M useums and Si sti ne Chapel on an opti onal tour. Over ni ght i n Rome. (B) Day 3 - Rome Enj oy a full-day opti onal excur si on to Naples, Capr i wi th i ts Blue Grotto and the pi cturesque vi llage of Anacapr i . Over ni ght i n Rome. (B) Day 4 - Rome - Fl or ence (1hr ) Today ar r i ve i nto Florence. I n the after noon enj oy an opti onal excur si on to Pi sa, home of the L eani ng Tower of Pi sa. Enj oy a walki ng tour of Pi sa. Over ni ght i n Florence. (B) Day 5 - Fl or ence T hi s mor ni ng enj oy a ci ty tour of Florence on the hop on hop off bus tour vi si ti ng, Pi azale M i chelangelo, Pi azza del Duomo, Gi ottos Bell Tower and the Bapti str y. Over ni ght i n Florence. (B) Day 6 - Fl or ence - Veni ce (2hr s) Today, tr avel to the romanti c ci ty of Veni ce. Over ni ght i n Veni ce. (B) Day 7 - Veni ce T hi s mor ni ng, enj oy an excur si on to M ur ano, Bur ano & Torcello. Vi si t the famous i slands of M ur ano known worldwi de for i ts exqui si te glasswork, Bur ano for lace and Torcello for Veni ces nrst catheoral. Overnight in Venice. ,B, Day 8 - Veni ce - Lake Como (4hr s) Tr avel to L ake Como, the deepest lake i n I taly wi th i ts beauti ful vi llas and the si lk factor i es. Over ni ght i n L ake Como. (B) Day 9 - Lake Como T he day i s free to enj oy thi s sceni c haven on your own. Over ni ght i n L ake Como. (B) Day 10 - Lake Como - Mi l an (50 mi ns) Today, tr avel to M i lan. I n the after noon enj oy a ci ty tour of M i lans hi ghli ghts vi si ti ng the Duomo, Castello Sfor zesco and the Oper a H ouse. Over ni ght i n M i lan. (B)
Day 11 - Depar t Mi l an Today, tr ansfer by a chauffeur oriven car to the airport lor your night. ,B, COACH TO UR 39 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs Take a tr i p to the hi stor i cal and ar ti sti c hear t of M i l an wi th i ts beauti ful bui l di ngs and anci ent churches. Vi si t the Duomo, one of the worl ds l argest and most str i ki ng gothi c cathedr al s; Castel l o Sfor zesco, a for mer for tress whi ch houses a col l ecti on of fur ni ture, ar tefacts and scul ptures and L a Scal a Oper a H ouse founded by Empress M ar i a T heresa of Austr i a, to repl ace the Royal Ducal T heatre. A Gondol a Serenade on the Canal s of Veni ce i s the ul ti mate romanti c exper i ence. Compl ete wi th musi c and sweet mel odi es, you wi l l gl i de al ong the Gr and Canal and the nar row but enchanti ng canal s of Veni ce. Be capti vated by the gl amour and el egance of the city ano its magnincent palaces ano churches. One ol the gonooliers will play music and si ng songs throughout the r i de. Discover the granoeur ol the historical ano magnincient attractions ol Rome at ni ght when they are br i l l i antl y l i t. Enj oy T he Fountai n of the Nayads, the Exhi bi ti on Pal ace, Pi azza Venezi a wi th i ts Tomb to the Unknown Sol di er and the Capi tol i ne H i l l . Gl i mpse the I mper i al Roman Age as you dr i ve by and admi re the Roman For um, the Col osseum and Arch of Constanti ne and the Ci rcus M axi mus. Begi n atop Col l e Oppi o wi th a panor ami c vi ew of the Col osseum. Descend to the speci al Ski p the L i ne access to the Col osseum and hear stor i es about the bl oody past of the amphi theatre. After a br i ef stop at the Arch of Constanti ne, ar r i ve at the Pal ati ne H i l l , the most famous of the Seven H i l l s of Rome. Strol l al ong the mai n path through the evocati ve r ui ns of the Roman For um, that ones sparkl e wi th tr i umphal processi ons. Ci ty Tour, Napl es Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt H otel Nh Ambassador Pi ck Up T i me 1335 hrs Dur ati on 3 hrs Enj oy an excur si on to Capr i by hi gh speed hydrofoi l . H i dden bays, turquoi se water s and char mi ng squares l i ned wi th cafes - a tour of the i sl and of Capr i i s a great way to enj oy the beauty of I tal y. On ar r i val , tr ansfer to Anacapr i that offer s beauti ful vi ews of the bay. Vi si t Vi l l a San M i chel e and tr avel to the top of M onte Sol are by chai rl i ft. Retur n to Capr i and enj oy a strol l i n the pi cturesque square. Take the oppor tuni ty to di scover the hi dden beauty and treasures of Napl es. Enj oy a wal ki ng tour, exper i enci ng the ti mel ess beauty of the ci ty fol l owed by a panor ami c ci ty tour passi ng through Posi l l i po vi a Car acci ol o and Castel del l Ovo. Vi si t the Pi azza del Pl ebi sci to, the Royal Pal ace, the M aschi o Angi oni no, the Pi azza del Gesu, the S. Chi ar a, the Gesu Nuovo and the Spaccanapol i . Tour of Capr i and Anacapr i , Napl es Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt H otel Nh Ambassador Pi ck Up T i me 08!0 /r Dur ati on 8 hrs A per fect i ntroducti on to the Eter nal Ci ty! After passi ng by Vi a Veneto and Pi azza del l a Repubbl i ca wi th the Naj adi s Fountai n, our wal k star ts wi th the famous Trevi Fountai n, Spani sh Step ti l l Pi azza Navona (stop), admi re Pi azza Col onna wi th the Col umn of M arcus Aurel i us and the Pantheon, wi th the wi dest dome i n the worl d (vi si t). Vi si t Sai nt Peter s Square and Sai nt Peter s Basi l i ca. City built on three hills ano surrounoeo by well preserveo walls, is nlleo with nne exampl es of Gothi c archi tecture and has one of the worl ds most uni que pi azzas. Vi si t the Pi azza del Campo stands at i ts hear t, and the Duomo and St M ar i a del l a Scal a ser ve as addi ti onal cul tur al l andmarks. I n addi ti on to the bustl i ng dai l y l i fe of the streets and squares of the ci ty, Si ena offer s many cul tur al events, concer ts, ci nema. Ci ty Tour, Mi l an Coltor Oper ates T ue - Sun Pi ck Up Poi nt ooi 1ioi Off. Pi ck Up T i me 030.1!30 /r Dur ati on 3 hrs Gondol a Ser enade, Veni ce Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Santa M ari a del Gi gl i o Pi ck Up T i me 1930 hrs Dur ati on 40 mts Ci ty Tour, Si ena Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt SIE`J Pioo Croo.i Pi ck Up T i me 1300 hrs Dur ati on 1 hrs I l l umi nated Ci ty Tour, Rome Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Vastours Ter mi nal Pi ck Up T i me !000 /r Dur ati on ! /r Col osseum and Pal ati ne tour, Rome Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Cll Oi Pi ck Up T i me 0945 hrs Dur ati on 3 hrs Monumental Rome, Rome Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Vastours ter mi nal Pi ck Up T i me 0830 hrss Dur ati on 3 hrs I ndi an Restaur ants Shoppi ng Ni ght Li fe Punj ab - Vi al e M ontenero,25, M i l an. Tel : 25460243 Gal l er i a Vi t t or i o Emanuel l e - houses the most fashi onabl e br ands i n M i l an. Foxt own - Depar tment Store i n L ake Como wi th sever al di ni ng opti ons. Rol l i ng St one - Per fect pl ace i n M i l an for those who l ove rock Casabl anca Caf - A caf cum bar l ocated i n M i l an. Cor so Como 14 - Di sco bar. 40 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs Zer matt L ausanne Zur i ch L ucer ne I nterl aken Geneva Basel St M or i tz L ugano SWI T ZERL AND Soitrlooc ioociotl, orio t oioc ioo f t/ Soi Jl, .r,tol olo lo/, i.toro medi eval vi l l ages and del i ci ous chocol ates and ./. J fo.orit oit/ /o,oor, it i ol an i deal fami l y desti nati on, as i t has somethi ng to of fer ever y age group. Alpine Wonderland BEST TI ME TO TRAVEL Swi tzerland dons two di sti nct i denti ti es. T he summer i s moder ate and the wi nter i cy. T he dayli ght from Apr i l 15 to the end of August allows tour i sts to cover a lot of ground. I f you want to i ndulge i n acti vi ti es around the snow, plan your tr i p between November and Januar y. WHY GO? I f a fai r ytal e needed a setti ng, thi s woul d be i t. Swi tzerl and hol ds an exhausti ve l i st of enchanti ng towns- L ucer ne wi th i ts l ake streamer cr ui ses, Zur i ch, Swi tzerl ands l argest metropol i s and the Jungfr au regi on wi th i ts panor ami c vi ews amongst other s. T he bi r thpl ace of recreati onal ski i ng, Swi tzerl and is also a chocoholic`s oreamlano. Wilonowers, al pi ne val l eys and snow l aden mountai n r anges make thi s smal l l andl ocked countr y. T he maj or attr acti ons of Swi tzerl and are concentr ated wi thi n shor t di stances. Qui ck tr ai n r i des can take you from one ci ty to another. SWI T Z ERL AND THE COST DI FFI CULTY OF TRAVEL H I GH LOW H I GH LOW 41 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs MUST SEE Mount ai n Vi l l ages: Wengen ti cks al l the boxes i f you desi re to stay i n a qui et car-free resor t vi l l age. I t hosts the i nter nati onal l y wel l -known and one of the most chal l engi ng downhi l l L auber hor n ski r aces. T he Swi ss Nati onal Park i n the Engadi ne offer s a great excur si on area. T he mountai n vi l l age of Zer matt i s one of the great ski and cl i mbi ng centres of the worl d. Nestl ed i n a deep val l ey encl osed between steepl y scar ped mountai ns, i t i s domi nated by the huge and gr aceful l y cur ved pyr ami d of the M atter hor n.
Lakesi de Towns: Ambl e around the pedestr i an-onl y streets of the smal l town of L ugano i n the I tal i an speaki ng T i ci no. Enj oy the stunni ng vi ews of the L ugano l ake by the ni ght and go on a wi ne-tasti ng tour. L i nger around L ucer nes l akesi de promenade. Stop by at Chapel Br i dge that spans the Reus Ri ver. M ontreux and Vevey don l ush vegetati on, pal m trees and magnol i as. I nterl aken i s a str i ki ng hol i day desti nati on, l ocated between two Al pi ne - L ake Br i enzsee and L ake T hun.
Shoppi ng: Cuckoo cl ocks, fancy watches, Swi ss cheese and chocol ate are perched on top of the l i st of tour i st souveni r s here. You can al so buy the most rel i abl e ar my kni ves i n Swi tzerl and. L arge depar tment stores, smal l bouti ques, and worl d-cl ass aucti on gal l er i es can be found i n Zur i ch.
J F M A M J J A S O N D MAX O C 2 3 8 12 16 19 22 23 18 12 7 3 MI N O C -1 -1 2 4 8 12 14 13 11 6 2 0 Dai l y maxi mum and mi ni mum aver ages are gui des onl y and may var y Aver age Cl i mate i n Geneva - Swi tzer l and CURRENCY CONVERSI ON T he cur rency of Swi tzerl and i s the Swi ss Fr anc (CH F). 1 CHI ~ ! INR* 1 CHI ~ 0.83 EUROS* 1 CHI ~ 1.1 USD* Tr ai n: Swi ss Rai l Network i s extensi ve, cl ean and punctual . Any tr ai n j our ney i n Swi tzerl and i s an at- tr acti on i n i ts own r i ght because of i ts spectacul ar Jour ney. T he Swi ss pass gi ves unl i mi ted tr avel on al l state r ai lways, boats and buses. On some of the pr i vate mountai n r ai lways and cabl e car s, the pass enti tl es you to a di scount. Passes are avai l abl e for var i ous dur ati ons wi th the opti ons of I st / I I nd cl ass, Consecuti ve or Fl exi bl e tr avel . Bus: T he yel l ow postal bus ser vi ce ser ves remote vi l l ages i n Swi tzerl and whi ch are not reached by tr ai n. T hese buses always depar t from outsi de r ai lway stati ons and are ti med to coi nci de wi th tr ai ns. T he Swi ss pass i s val i d on most bus routes gi vi ng free or di scounted tr avel . T i ckets for the bus al so can be purchased from the dr i ver. Boat : Swi tzerl ands l akes are al l ser ved by fer r i es, unfor tunatel y many are restr i cted to the summer season (M ay-Sep). L ake L ucer ne and L ugano are the excepti ons, they oper ate wi th a l i mi ted ti metabl e i n wi nter (Nov-mar ). The olncial languages useo are Ger man, French, I tal i an, Engl i sh and Romanstch. DI FFERENT LANGUAGES TI ME DI FFERENCE Swi tzerl and i s... 4 hr s 30 mi nutes behi nd I ndi a i n Wi nter (Oct - M ar ) 3 hr s 30 mi nutes behi nd I ndi a i n Summer (Apr - Sept) 42 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs Sti mul ate your sense of adventur e and expl or e the pi ctur esque envi r ons on your al pi ne hol i day! Day 1 - Ar r i ve Zur i ch - Onto Zer matt (3hr s) On ar r i val i n Zur i ch, you wi l l wal k across to the Fl ughafen stati on (l ocated adj acent to the ai r por t) for your tr ai n to Zer matt. On ar r i val , check i nto your hotel . Over ni ght i n Zer matt. Day 2 - Zer matt T hi s mor ni ng, di scover a top- cl ass natur al par adi se as you enj oy an excur si on by cog r ai lway up the Gor nergr at M ountai n. Up an al ti tude of 3089 metres enj oy stunni ng vi ews of the M atter hor n and the sur roundi ng mountai n summi ts. Over ni ght i n Zer matt. (B) Day 3 - Zer matt - I nter l aken (2 hr s) Today, your j our ney takes you i nto the hear t of the Ber nese SWI SS DELI GHT 7 ni ghts Vi si t Zer matt, I nterl aken & L ucer ne SWI SS GRANDEUR 6 ni ghts Vi si t L ucer ne, I nterl aken & Zur i ch Oberl and. On ar r i val , check i n to your hotel . Rest of the day at l ei sure. Over ni ght i n I nterl aken. (B) Day 4 - I nter l aken T hi s mor ni ng, enj oy an excur si on by cabl e car to Schi l thor n wi th i ts uni que revol vi ng panor ama restaur ant. Over ni ght i n I nterl aken. (B) Day 5 - I nter l aken A day of fun and exci tement awai ts you as you board the cogwheel tr ai n for an excur si on to Jungfr auj och - Top of Europe (opti onal ). Over ni ght i n I nterl aken. (B) Day 6 - I nter l aken - Lucer ne (2 hr s) Today, you wi l l tr avel by tr ai n to L ucer ne. Enj oy Swi ss her i tage and cul ture as you strol l around. Or enj oy an opti onal excur si on to M t. Pi l atus. Over ni ght i n L ucer ne. (B) Day 7 - Lucer ne Enj oy a day of sheer exci tement and adventure on an excur si on to the gl aci er par adi se of Mount Titlis ano enjoy a magnincent 3o0 panoramic vi ew. Over ni ght i n L ucer ne. (B) Day 8 - Lucer ne - Depar t Zur i ch (50 mi ns) Today, you wi l l tr avel by tr ai n to the Zur i ch Fl ughafen stati on ano proceeo to the airport lor your night. ,B, Vi si t www.coxandki for a wi der sel ecti on of our hol i days 1o /o. o oic l.tio f Stoocorc ooc Firt Clo /tl t ./ fro. 1o /o. oo tio t tro.l o Soi Roil `tor/ io .oc .lo r frt .lo. Jccitiool oi/t ooc i/tio tor .oo o io.locc ot oo, iot io t/ oo. itiorori. Fooil, . Rooo. Exlrr . S/r LUCERNE & I NTERLAKEN Si tuated i n the hear t of the Ber nese Oberl and, I nterl aken wi th i ts beauti ful mountai ns and l akes i s an i deal star ti ng poi nt for excur si ons to some excepti onal mountai n summi ts. Recreati ng i mages str ai ght out of a fai r ytal e, the ci ty of L ucer ne abounds i n nar row cobbl estone streets, sl ender spi res and tur rets, covered br i dges and frescoed houses. Di scover the spl endour of unconquer abl e and nagnIfcIent AlIne ranges. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Zur i ch - Onto Lucer ne (50 mi ns) On ar r i val i n Zur i ch, you wi ll walk across to the Flughafen stati on (located adj acent to the ai r por t) for your tr ai n to L ucer ne, the epi tome of swi ss beauty. On ar r i val i n L ucer ne, check i nto your hotel. T he rest of the day i s free to explore the ci ty on your own. Over ni ght i n L ucer ne. Day 2 - Lucer ne Enj oy a day of sheer exci tement and adventure on an excur si on to the glaci er par adi se ol Mount Titlis. Boaro the worlo`s nrst revolving gondola Rotai r and take the oppor tuni ty to r i de the spectacular I ce Flyer chai rli ft and see the i ce grotto i n the T i tli s Glaci er Park. Use the Fun L i ft for sledgi ng or per haps the chi ld i n you wi ll be i nspi red to have a snowball-nght Overnight in Lucerne. ,B, Day 3 - Lucer ne - I nter l aken (2 hr s) Today, your j our ney takes you i nto the hear t of the Ber nese Oberland. On ar r i val i n I nterlaken, you wi ll check i nto your hotel. I n the eveni ng, enj oy the opti onal Di nner Cr ui se along the shores of L ake Br i enz. Over ni ght i n I nterlaken. (B) Day 4 - I nter l aken T hi s mor ni ng, enj oy an excur si on by cable car to Schi lthor n wi th i ts uni que revolvi ng panor ama restaur ant and i ts thr i lli ng James Bond history. Once you reach the top, enjoy the magnincient and breathtaki ng vi ew over Ei ger, M onch and Jungfr au. Over ni ght i n I nterlaken. (B) Day 5 - I nter l aken Spend the day at lei sure or enj oy a day of fun and exci tement as you board the cogwheel tr ai n for an excur si on to Jungfr auj och - Top of Europe (opti onal). Vi si t the I ce Palace wi th i ts i ce for mati ons. Over ni ght i n I nterlaken. (B) Day 6 - I nter l aken - Zur i ch (2hr s) Today, tr avel by tr ai n to Zur i ch and check i nto your hotel close to the ai r por t.Over ni ght i n Zur i ch. (B) Day 7 - Depar t Zur i ch Today, tr ansfer on your own to the Zur i ch Ai r por t. (B) 43 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs An unforgettabl e Al pi ne tour to Jungfr auj och - Top of Europe at 3,454 m. Begi n the sceni c j our ney i n L auter br unnen by boardi ng the cogwheel tr ai n to Jungfr auj och and enj oy the i ncredi bl e worl d of eter nal snow and i ce. Vi si t the I ce Pal ace and exper i ence spectacul ar and breathtaki ng vi ew from the Sphi nx Obser vati on Ter r ace overl ooki ng the Al etsch Gl aci er (Europes l ongest gl aci er ). Spectacul ar vi ews, turquoi se water, the gr andeur of the gi essbach water fal l , mountai n peaks and typi cal Swi ss chal et vi l l ages - al l thi s and more on an exci ti ng eveni ng cr ui se al ong the shores of L ake Br i enz. Combi ne the sceni c spl endour s of an eveni ng cr ui se wi th del i ci ous I ndi an speci al ti es from M ay-June and enj oy a speci al Swi ss exper i ence wi th a tr adi ti onal buffet di nner and fol kl ore musi c from Jul y - August. Di scover a top-cl ass natur al al pi ne par adi se, ami d aromati c stone pi ne and l arch forests. Across vast alpine meaoows in summer lull ol nowers ano covereo with oeeply snow- capped gl aci er s i n wi nter, l i es the famous Gor nergr at. Sur rounded by 29 peaks r i si ng to above 4000m, the M atter hor n Rai lway render s i t so cl ose, you can al most touch i t. Wi th i ts sunny vi ewi ng pl atfor m Gor nergr at can be reached through out the year. Tr avel to the Swi ss Open-Ai r M useum i n Bal l enberg for an i nsi ght i nto the hi stor y of Swi tzerl and. Recreati ng the r ur al l i fe of Swi ss peasants at the tur n of the 19th centur y, the M useum provi des a taste of authenti c Swi tzerl and. M ore than one hundred centur y-ol d bui l di ngs from al l over Swi tzerl and are exhi bi ted here. Bal l enberg i s i ndeed uni que (Entr ance to the museum i s free on the Swi ss pass). Joi n us for a gui ded wal ki ng tour of hi stor i c L ucer ne wi th i ts cobbl estone streets, covered br i dges, frescoed houses and dotted throughout wi th many Renai ssance and Baroque fountai ns. T he her i tage of thi s hi stor i c l ocal e i s pal pabl e i n ever y l andmark. You wi l l l ear n some funny, i nteresti ng and tr ue facts about L ucer nes hi stor y and famous si ghts, and of cour se about L ucer nes tr ademark, the Chapel Br i dge wi th the Water Tower. Schilthorn is renowneo lor its spectacular 3o0 panorama ol the 200 mountain peaks wi th i ts most breathtaki ng vi ew of the Al pi ne scener y. Di ne and wi ne at an al ti tude of 3000 metres i n the uni que revol vi ng restaur ant, Pi z Gl or i a. Fol l ow the tr acks of James Bond i n the Tour i stor ama where you can vi ew gl i mpses of the 007 movi e On H er Majesty`s Secret Service`, nlmeo at the Schilthorn. Schi l thor n, I nter l aken Jc.otor . Iic Oper ates D ai l y M ay to Oct Pi ck Up Poi nt Iotrlo/o Ot Pi ck Up T i me Open Dur ati on Flxiol Enj oy a breathtaki ng j our ney to Engel berg and vi si t M ount T i tl i s, that offer s a snow ano ice experience on the highest view point. Experience a rioe in the Rotair, the nrst revolving aerial cable car in the worlo, ano enjoy a magnincent 3o0 panoramic view. Ri de the I ce Fl yer to the crevasses to vi si t the I ce Grotto, use the Fun L i ft for sl edgi ng or perhaps the chilo in you will be inspireo to have a snowball-nght Ti tl i s, Engel ber g Jc.otor . Iic Oper ates Doil, x.t `. 1!-!3 Pi ck Up Poi nt Eolor Pi ck Up T i me Open Dur ati on Flxiol T he l argest covered aquati c park i n Europe i s great fun, from acti vi ti es to wel l ness - a pl easure for the whol e fami l y. T he attr acti ons i ncl ude 10 fantasti c water chutes total l i ng 1500 m i n l ength, a sur f wave i ndoor pool , the Ri o M are r i ver bath, Al pa ther mal bath with Jacuzzis, iooine-saline thermal bath ,3oC,, aqua ntness, massage, saunas, restaur ants and spectacul ar, unpar al l el ed vi ews. Jungfr auj och, I nter l aken Jc.otor . Iic Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Iotrlo/o Ot Pi ck Up T i me Open Dur ati on Flxiol I ndi an/Swi ss Di nner Cr ui se, I nter l aken Coltor Oper ates To . Fri (Mo,-Jo, Pi ck Up Poi nt Iotrlo/o OST oot loocio Pi ck Up T i me 1730 hrs Dur ati on ! /r Gor ner gr at, Zer matt Coltor . Jc.otor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Gor ner grat Stati on Pi ck Up T i me Open Dur ati on Flxiol Bal l enbur g Museum, I nter l aken Coltor . Iic Oper ates D ai l y Apr to Oct Pi ck Up Poi nt Flxiol Pi ck Up T i me 1000 . 1700 /r Dur ati on Flxiol Wal ki ng Tour, Lucer ne Jc.otor . Iic Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Torit Iofrootio Cotr Pi ck Up T i me 0945 hrs Dur ati on ! /r Al pamar e Water Par k, Zur i ch Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Al pamare Pi ck Up T i me Flxiol Dur ati on 4 hrs I ndi an Restaur ants Shoppi ng Ni ght Li fe Kanchi - Fr i edemstr 2/ Zur i chstr 4, 6000 L ucer n 6. Tel - 041 4106708 Wel come I ndi a - Rosenstr asse 7, I nterl aken. Tel -033 8225204. Bucher er - Gi ft and sover ni ur shop i n L ucer ne. Ki rchhofer Casi no Gal l er y - one of the l eadi ng watch and j ewel l er y store i n I nterl aken. Jazz Kant i ne - H appeni ng Ol d Town caf - bar besi de L ucer ns j azz school , wi th DJs and l i ve musi c (not onl y j azz) i n the basement on weekends onl y. 44 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs SCENIC TRAIN TOUR EXOTI C SWI TZERLAND 8 ni ghts Vi si t L ucer ne, I nterl aken, M ontreux and Geneva SWI SS PANORAMA 8 ni ghts Vi si t I nterl aken, L ugano, Zer matt and L ucer ne Vi si t www.coxandki for a wi der sel ecti on of our hol i days 1o /o. o oic l.tio f Stoocorc ooc Firt Clo /tl t ./ fro. 1o /o. oo tio t tro.l o Soi Roil `tor/ io .oc .lo r frt .lo. Jccitiool oi/t ooc i/tio tor .oo o io.locc ot oo, iot io t/ oo. itiorori. Fooil, . Rooo. Fooil, . Rooo. LUGANO, ZERMATT, MONTREUX L ugano i s a great exampl e of beauty and busi ness and a per fect bl end of a worl d-cl ass ci ty. Si tuated i n the Canton of Val ai s at an al ti tude of 1620 m, the car-free town of Zer matt i s one of Swi tzerl ands most famous hol i day resor ts. Nestl ed i n the water front of the pr i sti ne L ake Geneva, M ontreux i s a l ovel y l i ttl e town sur rounded by vi neyards. SCENIC TRAIN TOUR Di scover the spl endour of Swi tzer l and - A j our ney on Gol den Pass Panor ami c tr ai n. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Zur i ch - Onto Lucer ne (50 mi ns) On ar r i val i n Zur i ch, you wi ll walk across to the Flughafen stati on (located adj acent to the ai r por t) for your tr ai n to L ucer ne. On ar r i val, check i nto your hotel. Over ni ght i n L ucer ne. Day 2 - Lucer ne Enj oy a day of sheer exci tement and adventure to M ount T i tli s.Over ni ght i n L ucer ne. (B) Day 3 - Lucer ne - I nter l aken (2 hr s) Today, your tr ai n j our ney takes you to Ber nese Oberland. On ar r i val, check i n to your hotel. L ater, enj oy opti onal Di nner Cr ui se. Over ni ght i n I nterlaken. (B) A frst-class holIday nIth glorIous nountaIn scener y and a r i de on the l egendar y Gl aci er Expr ess, one of the wor l ds gr eat tr ai n j our neys! Day 1 - Ar r i ve Zur i ch - I nter l aken (2 hr s) On ar r i val i n Zur i ch, you wi ll walk across the Flughafen stati on (located adj acent to the ai r por t) for your tr ai n to I nterlaken. Over ni ght i n I nterlaken. Day 2 - I nter l aken Enj oy a day of fun and exci tement as you board the cogwheel tr ai n to Jungfr auj och - Top of Europe. Over ni ght i n I nterlaken. (B) Day 3 - I nter l aken - Lugano (4 hr s) Jour ney by tr ai n to L ugano, a town nestled between the peaks of San Salvatore and M onte Br . Over ni ght i n L ugano. (B) Day 4 - Lugano Today, enj oy a vi si t to Swi ss M i ni atur, an open-ai r museum boasti ng more than 120 models Day 4 - I nter l aken T hi s mor ni ng enj oy a day of fun and exci tement as you board the cogwheel tr ai n for an excur si on to Jungfr auj och - Top of Europe. Over ni ght i n I nterlaken. (B) Day 5 - I nter l aken - Montr eux (3 hr s) Today, tr avel by tr ai n to Zwei si mmen. Conti nue on the Golden Pass Panor ami c tr ai n to M ontreux. Enj oy M ontreux on your own, vi si t Castle of Chi llon or the hi ker s Par adi se of H auts de M ontreux. Over ni ght i n M ontreux. (B) Day 6 - Montr eux T hi s mor ni ng escape to the hi gh Alps of Glaci er 3000 excur si on a spectacular mountai n vi stas. Over ni ght i n M ontreaux. (B) Day 7 - Montr eux - Geneva (1 hr ) Jour ney by tr ai n to Geneva and check i n to your hotel. I n the after noon, proceed on a ci ty tour. Over ni ght i n Geneva. (B) Day 8 - Geneva T he day i s free to take the opti onal Chamoni x M ont Blanc tour. Over ni ght i n Geneva. (B) Day 9 - Depar t Geneva Today, you wi ll be tr ansfer red to the airport lor your night back home. ,B, representi ng, the castles, cathedr als and other bui ldi ngs of Swi tzerland. Over ni ght i n L ugano. (B) Day 5 - Lugano - Zer matt (6 hr s) Jour ney by tr ai n to Ander matt and connect on the Glaci er Express to Zer matt. To prevent ai r polluti on whi ch could obscure the towns vi ew of the M atter hor n electr i c vehi cles, hor se-dr awn cabs and sledges are the pr i nci pal means of tr anspor tati on. Over ni ght i n Zer matt. (B) Day 6 - Zer matt T hi s mor ni ng, enj oy an excur si on by cogwheel r ai l to Gor nergr at for a super b panor ami c vi ew of the Alps. Over ni ght i n Zer matt. (B) Day 7 - Zer matt - Lucer ne (3 hr s) Today, tr avel by tr ai n to L ucer ne. T he rest of the day i s free to explore thi s ci ty at your lei sure. Over ni ght i n L ucer ne. (B) Day 8 - Lucer ne Enj oy an excur si on to the glaci er par adi se of M ount T i tli s. Exper i ence a r i de i n the Rotair ano enjoy a magnincent 3o0 panoramic view and also r i de the I ce Flyer to the crevasses to vi si t the I ce Grotto. Over ni ght i n L ucer ne. (B) Day 9 - Lucer ne - Depar t Zur i ch (50 mi ns) Today, you wi ll tr avel by tr ai n to the Zur i ch Flughafen stati on ano transler to the airport lor your night. ,B, 45 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs Dr i ve through the canton of Vaud and the famous towns of Vevey and M ontreux to the Castl e of Chi l l on, one of the most beauti ful hi stor i c bui l di ngs i n Swi tzerl and. Erected i n the 13th centur y, the Castl e was the resi dence of the Counts of Savoy throughout the M i ddl e Ages. Fol l owi ng a shor t cr ui se on the L ake, conti nue to M ontreux where you wi l l have some free ti me to strol l around the street. Enj oy a sceni c dr i ve to Chamoni x i n Fr ance, one of the most famous mountai n vi l l ages at the foot of the remarkabl e and maj esti c M ont-Bl anc. Conti nue by cabl e car to Ai gui l l e du M i di and enj oy panor ami c vi ews of the Chamoni x Val l ey. Next take the electric railway lrom Chamonix to Montenvers, a vantage point with nne views ol the magnincent 7km long Mer oe Glace glacier. Di scover H ei di s worl d of mountai ns and val l eys, al pi ne l akes and meadows, water fal l s, gorges, caves and fasci nati ng sceni c reser ves. H i ghl i ghts i ncl ude a tour of Zur i ch - the ci ty of roses, then fol l ow the shorel i ne of L ake Zur i ch to Rapper swi l famour for i ts pi cturesque Ol d Town and medi eval castl e, Vaduz, the capi tal ci ty of the soverei gn state of L i echtenstei n and M ai nfei l d, the setti ng for the H ei di stor i es. Vi si t Schaffhausen, one of the most capti vati ng medi eval town centres i n Swi tzerl and. On our way to the fal l s we pass through some smal l , typi cal wi ne grower s vi l l ages. I n addi ti on, j ust 3km down r i ver are the mi ghty Rhi ne fal l s, Europes l argest water fal l . The magnincience ano the sheer orama ol the place enchants you with the spray rising i n a cl oud of r ai nbows above the forested banks. Enj oy a spectacul ar vi ew of the maj esty of the M atter hor n, M ont Bl anc and Jungfr au and much more of the Al ps agai nst the cl oudl ess bl ue sky. Vi si t Gl aci er 3000 whi ch i s at 3000 m. above sea l evel , j ust 70 mi l es away from Geneva. From the mountai n top stati on you have access to al l the gl aci er adventures. Exper i ence the thr i l l of r i des on the Al pi ne Coaster the worl ds hi ghest bobsl ei gh tr ack and the snow bus. Hei di l and Tour, Zur i ch Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Si/looi Bo Troiool Pi ck Up T i me 0700.1100 /r Dur ati on Flxiol Exper i ence the ci ty hi ghl i ghts on a uni que Cl assi c Trol l ey . T hi s tour takes you through the shopping ano nnancial centre, the lamous Bahnholstrasse, historical Limmatquai, St. Peter s Church, a secti on of the Ol d Town, the Grossmunster cathedr al , the Uni ver si ty di str i ct, the Fr aumunster Church wi th i ts renowned Chagal l -pai nted gl ass wi ndows and the statel y vi l l as i n resi denti al Zur i chberg. The Tr ol l ey Exper i ence, Zur i ch Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Si/looi Bo Troiool Pi ck Up T i me 0!5.1!00 /r Dur ati on Flxiol Vi si t Swi ss M i ni atur, an open-ai r museum where one can admi re the most i mpor tant Swi ss bui l di ngs and means of tr anspor tati on. Al l the 1-25 scal e model s are i nser ted in a 1!,000 park, oecorateo by 1,000 varieties ol nowers ano more than 100 trees. T he park boasts of more than 120 model s representi ng the patr i ci an houses, the castl es, the cathedr al s and other bui l di ngs of Swi tzerl and. On a ci ty tour of Geneva, you wi l l vi si t the I nter nati onal par t of the ci ty through the centre of the worl ds peacemaki ng organi zati ons fol l owed by a panor ami c dr i ve hi ghl i ghti ng the ci tys mai n attr acti on l i ke the Fountai n and the wonder ful Fl ower Cl ock sceni c route. Get a taste of Genevas hi stor y wi th the Tr amway Tour and di g even deeper i nto the Ol d Town wi th your gui de on a wal ki ng tour. Gateway to Rhi nefal l s, Zur i ch H i stor y Oper ates To.Jc.T/o.Fri Pi ck Up Poi nt Si/looi Bo Troiool Pi ck Up T i me 0915 hrs Dur ati on 3 hrs Gl aci er 3000, Montr eux Adventure Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Cl co Pillo Pi ck Up T i me 000.1630 /r Dur ati on Flxiol Panor ami c Ci ty Tour, Geneva Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Gare routi ere Pi ck Up T i me 1030.1330 /r Dur ati on ! /r Lausanne - Montr eux - Chi l l on, Geneva Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates Jc.Sot Pi ck Up Poi nt Gare routi ere Pi ck Up T i me 0930 hrs Dur ati on 9 hrs Chamoni x Mont - Bl anc, Geneva Adventure Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Gare routi ere Pi ck Up T i me 0830 hrs Dur ati on 9 hrs Swi ss Mi ni atur, Lugano Ki ds Oper ates M ar - Oct Pi ck Up Poi nt Oo ,or oo Pi ck Up T i me - Dur ati on Flxiol I ndi an Restaur ants Shoppi ng Ni ght Li fe Ravi s I ndi an Cui si ne - Rutschi str asse 29, 8037 Zur i ch. Tel : 013616656 Le Dar shana - 5 Rue Adr i en- L achenal 1207 Geneva. Tel : 0227363648 Gl obus - Depar tment store i n Zur i ch famous for i ts cl othi ng, cosmeti c, j ewel l er y and househol d suppl i es. Bon Geni e - El egant cl othi ng store i n Geneva for women and chi l dren. Ca Ba Re - Exubur ant cl ub wi th l i vel y di sco musi c CREM - Boul evard H el vti que 101206 Geneva. 022 347 22 20. 46 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs I nnsbr uck Sal zburg Vi enna AUST RI A T/ .otr f t/ lot rot Eoir f Eor, Jotrio i ./oro.tric o, o ri./ .oltor, spectacul ar scener y and an unri val l ed musi cal trocitio. It` .iti fo.ioot oit/ t/ir or./it.tor oooio oll oor ./ fro t/i. t rooioo., fro ooro t t ocroio. The Heart of Europe AUST RI A BEST TI ME TO TRAVEL Summer s are from June to September whi ch can be fai rly war m. T hi s i s the ti me for hi ki ng and lake swi mmi ng. Wi nter s that last from December to M arch are cold i n the lowlands and ver y har sh i n the Alpi ne regi on. June and September are the best ti mes for ci ty tr i ps. WHY GO? Austr i a i s the home tur f of M ozar t; l i ttl e sur pr i se then that the countr y takes i ts musi c ver y ser i ousl y. T he Vi enna State Oper a and other musi c festi val s are i ts cl ai ms to fame apar t from bei ng the wi nter spor ts capi tal of Europe. Vi enna i s al so renowned for i ts baroque str uctures and the Danube Ri ver. Expl ore the pedestr i an fr i endl y Sal zburg, wi th i ts H el l br unn Pal ace and unear th the ol d worl d char m of I nnsbr uck. Ar t and beauty are the watchwords i n thi s countr y that has bl ended the M edi eval , the Baroque and the M oder n i nto a har moni ous whol e. THE COST DI FFI CULTY OF TRAVEL H I GH LOW H I GH LOW 47 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs MUST SEE Monument s: Vi si t the Swarovski s Cr ystal Worl d i n the vi l l age of Wattens i n I nnsbr uck. T he Vi enna State Oper a i s one of the top oper a addresses i n the worl d. Tour the Schnbr unn Pal ace, home to Austr i as er stwhi l e monarchy. Check out the Gi ant Fer r i s Wheel i n the famed Pr ater amusement Park at Vi enna. Vi si t M ozar ts house i n Sal zburg. Rel i ve the Oscar wi nni ng musi cal T he Sound ol Music` as you visit the locations where the nlm was shot. Il contemporary art intrigues you, expl ore K unsthaus, a famed qui rky ar t exhi bi ti on.
The Aust r i an Way Of Li fe: Vi enna i s a mel ti ng pot of the ol d and the new. Sal zburg i s the careful l y preser ved wal ki ng town and I nnsbr uck i mbi bes the ol d worl d char m evi dent i n i ts beauti ful bui l di ngs and hor se car r i ages. Spor t s Gal or e: Ski i i ng i s bi g i n Austr i a, as i t has the best to offer i n ter ms of mountai ns and sl opes and i s wel l suppor ted by the i nfr astr ucture and equi pments.
J F M A M J J A S O N D MAX O C 1 3 8 15 19 23 25 24 20 14 7 3 MI N O C -2 -2 1 6 10 14 15 15 11 7 2 -1 Dai l y maxi mum and mi ni mum aver ages are gui des onl y and may var y Aver age Cl i mate i n Vi enna - Austr i a CURRENCY CONVERSI ON T he cur rency of Austr i a i s Euros (EUR). 1 EUR = 69 I NR* GETTI NG AROUND Taxi : The taxis in the larger cities are provioeo with an olncially controlleo meter ,basic lee in Vienna i s Euro 2 dayti me and Euro 2.1 ni ght. T he r ate i s cal cul ated accordi ng to ki l ometer s dr i ven, as wel l as ti me. Bus: T he buses r un to the centre of town ever y 20-30 mi ns. A bus ser vi ce al so oper ates from the ai r por t to Westbahnhof and Sudbahnhof tr ai n stati on approx once an hour between the hour s. Cost wi l l be Eur 6 or Eur 5 wi th the Vi enna Card. Under gr ound: Runs ever y 30 mi ns from the ai r por t to the mi ddl e of the ci ty. Cost of a si ngl e ti cket wi l l be approx Eur 3. I nt er ci t y Tr ai n Tr avel : T here are regul ar and conveni ent tr ai ns to connect wi th any poi nts i n Swi tzerl and, I tal y. Wi thi n Austr i a there are no reser vati ons requi red, whereas cer tai n i nter-countr y tr avel i mpose compul sor y reser vati on. Popul ar Routes: Vi enna - Sal zburg 3 hr s, Sal zburg - I nnsbr uck 2hr s, Vi enna - Veni ce 8 hr s, I nnsbr uck - Zur i ch 4 hr s. The olncial language is German. DI FFERENT LANGUAGES TI ME DI FFERENCE Austr i a i s... 4 hr s 30 mi nutes behi nd I ndi a i n Wi nter (Oct - M ar ) 3 hr s 30 mi nutes behi nd I ndi a i n Summer (Apr - Sept) 48 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs Di scover a uni que bl end of i mper i al tr adi ti ons and moder n ar chi tectur e combi ni ng the thr ee capi tal ci ti es of the Austr o Hungar i an Empi r e. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Vi enna On ar r i val i n Vi enna, you wi l l be tr ansfer red by a chauffuer dr i ven car to your hotel . L ater i n the after noon, get an over vi ew of Vi enna on a ci ty tour. Over ni ght i n Vi enna.
Day 2 - Vi enna T he day i s at lei sure or you have the opti on of taki ng a day tri p to the capi tal ci ty of VI ENNA MAGI C 4 ni ghts Vi si t Vi enna AUSTRI AN WONDERS 6 ni ghts Vi si t Vi enna, Sal zburg & I nnsbr uck H ungar y - Budapest, a ci ty ri ch i n tradi ti ons, si tuated on the banks of the Danube. Enj oy an ori entati on tour of thi s ci tys famous landmarks. Over ni ght i n Vi enna. (B) Day 3 - Vi enna T he day i s free for you to enj oy the many si ghts and sounds that Vi enna has to offer. Or you can opt for the Panor ama and Danube tour where you can enj oy a l ei surel y boat tr i p on the Danube. Over ni ght i n Vi enna. (B) Day 4 - Vi enna T hi s mor ni ng, you can opt for a day tr i p to Pr ague, the gol den ci ty on the banks of the M ol davi a and the economi c and cul tur al centre of Bohemi a. Over ni ght i n Vi enna. (B) Day 5 - Depar t Vi enna Today, you wi l l be tr ansfer red by a chauffuer dr i ven car to the ai r por t. (B) Vi si t www.coxandki for a wi der sel ecti on of our hol i days 1o /o. o oic l.tio f Stoocorc, Firt Clo ooc Dlox /tl t ./ fro. Oo ,or i/tio tor ooc troofr, ,o /o. o ./i. f ot-io-.o./ r ri.ot troortotio. Jccitiool oi/t ooc i/tio tor .oo o io.locc ot oo, iot io t/ oo. itiorori. Rooo. . Fooil, Exlrr VI ENNA, SALZBURG & I NNSBRUCK T he spectacul ar ci ty of Vi enna on the Ri ver Danube i s worl d renowned for i ts ar i stocr ati c char m and el egance. Sal zburg, the bi r thpl ace of M ozar t, i s a pi cturesque ci ty of musi c. I nnsbr uck, the capi tal of the Al ps i s an i deal base for tour i ng the Tyrol regi on and i s a l i vi ng treasure house of hi stor y and cul ture. M OST POPULAR Exper i ence the Al pi ne wonder l and on thi s tour whi ch offer s vi si tor s a thoughtful mi x of gr eat cul tur al and hi stor i cal attr acti ons as wel l as ampl e l ei sur e ti me. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Vi enna On ar r i val i n Vi enna, you wi l l be tr ansfer red by a chauffuer dr i ven car to your hotel . L ater i n the after noon, get an over vi ew of thi s spectacul ar ci ty on a ci ty tour and expl ore var i ous hi stor i cal l andmarks such as the Schonbr unn Pal ace with a tour ol some ol the most magninciently decor ated rooms, the Ci ty H al l , the Uni ver si ty and much more. Over ni ght i n Vi enna. Day 2 - Vi enna - Sal zbur g (3 hr s) Tr avel to the musi cal town of Sal zburg and exper i ence a memor abl e stay i n M ozar ts ci ty. I n the after noon, di scover the treasures, secrets and speci al features of thi s baroque enchanti ng ci ty on a Ci ty tour Vi si t the magnincient Mirabell Falace, the Mozarteum school of musi c, H el l br unn Pal ace and the vi l l a of Frohnburg. Over ni ght i n Sal zburg. (B) Day 3 - Sal zbur g Today, you can opt for the fasci nati ng Sound of M usi c tour whi ch i ncl udes a br i ef or i entati on of the ci ty, a r i de i nto the Sal zkammergut, vi si t beauti ful l akes and mountai ns around the ci ty and stop at some on-l ocati on spots from the movi e such as the beauti ful gardens i n H el l br unn and the weddi ng church i n M ondsee a treat to al l fans of the nlm. Overnight in Salzburg. ,B, Day 4 - Sal zbur g - I nnsbr uck (2 hr s) Enj oy a spectacul ar j our ney by tr ai n to the val l ey of I nnsbr uck, the capi tal of the Al ps and an i deal base for tour i ng T i rol and i ts nei ghbour i ng areas. T he day i s at l ei sure to expl ore the famous ci ty whi ch i s a l i vi ng treasure house of hi stor y and cul ture. Archi tectur al gems l urk around ever y cor ner of the ol d town, i ncl udi ng i mper i al resi dences, cathedr al domes and museums. Over ni ght i n I nnsbr uck. (B) Day 5 - I nnsbr uck Today, vi si t the Swarovski Cr ystal World i n Wattens. A world of fantasy, an adventure museum wi th cr ystals, li ght and sound desi gns. Some of the hi ghli ghts i nclude the worlds largest cr ystal, a cr ystal dome and works by Salvador Dali and Andy War hol. T he museum grounds are also qui te beauti ful featur i ng a large head fountai n i n the front and a shr ubber y maze. Over ni ght i n I nnsbr uck. (B) Day 6 - I nnsbr uck - Vi enna (5 hr s) T hi s mor ni ng, you wi l l tr avel back to Vi enna. On ar r i val check i nto the hotel . T he day i s free for you to enj oy the many si ghts and sounds the ci ty has to offer or enj oy shoppi ng. Over ni ght i n Vi enna. (B) Day 7 - Depar t Vi enna Today, ti me i s free unti l depar ture. L ater you wi l l be tr ansfer red by a chauffuer oriven car to the airport lor your night back home. ,B, 49 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs Enj oy a ful l day tour to the Danube Val l ey tr avel l i ng through ol d vi l l ages and steeped vi neyards. Revel i n the exqui si te beauty of the Wachau, exper i ence the romanti c scener y, mar vel at the myster i ous castl es whose hi stor y and l egends wi l l l eave you spel l bouno. Enjoy a boat rioe on the Danube, visit Melk to see the magnincent Beneoictine Abbey and see the ol d vi ne-merchants town, K rems. Expl ore the si ghts of Pr ague, the capi tal ci ty of the Czech Republ i c. Enj oy a ci ty tour to admi re the panor ami c vi stas from the Charl es Br i dge. Other hi ghl i ghts i ncl ude the the Nati onal T heatre, the el egant resi dences on the M ol davi en r i ver banks, the Jewi sh cemeter y, the Par i si an street, the Ol d Town Square and Wencesl as Square. Shop to your hear ts content i n the ol d quar ter s of Pr ague. Expl ore the ci ty on a panor ami c tour whi ch commences from M i r abel l Square and takes you through M ozar teum, one of the most presti gi ous musi c academi es, then onto M ozar ts Resi dence. Conti nue i nto the baroque Ol d Town wi th i ts respl endent Dome and the festi val quar ter. Passi ng the Nonnberg Abbey you wi l l see Castl e L eopol dskron, useo as the von Trapp lamily home in the nlm, Souno ol Music`. See the original nlm locations ano relive the true story ol the von Trapp lamily, nlmeo as the Sound of M usi c i n the Sal zburg area. Enj oy the spectacul ar vi ews of the sceni c countr ysi de, breathtaki ng vei ws of the l andscapes and stop i n pi cture per fect pl aces such as Wol fgangsee and M ondsee. See the hi stor i cal and archi tectur al l andmarks i n the ci ty and some of the beauti ful l akes and mountai ns i n the area. Panor ama and Danube Tour, Vi enna Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Soctirlrlot Pi ck Up T i me 1445 hrs Dur ati on 4 hrs Expl ore the ci ty on an or i entati on tour where you wi l l see the Ri ngstr asse wi th i ts numerous magnincent builoings, the Holburg, the lamous resioence ol Empress El i zabeth, Ci ty H al l , the Burgtheater and the Uni ver si ty. Vi si t the Schonbr unn Pal ace, the for mer summer seat and resi dence of the H absburgs. End the tour at the State Oper a, dr i vi ng past the famous Bel vedere Pal ace. An added bonanza! As an i deal suppl ement to the Ci ty Tour, enj oy a l ei surel y boat tr i p on the Danube and vi ew some stunni ng bui l di ngs. See the Danube Tower, Uni ted Nati ons bui l di ngs the H under twasser haus, the K nusthaus and the Pr ater. From the hi l l s ol the Vienna Wooos, enjoy a magnincent view over the vineyaros ano the city. Eno the tour wi th a dr i ve through the romanti c wi ne growi ng vi l l age of Gr i nzi ng. Ci ty Tour and Schonbr unn Pal ace, Vi enna Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Soctirlrlot Pi ck Up T i me 0!5. 1!!5 /r Dur ati on 3 hrs Tour the three-di mensi onal adventure museum - a wonder worl d of cr ystal and an underground fantasy wi th seven l i nked chamber s. Wander i nto the Pl anet of the Cr ystal s; get to go i nsi de a gi ant cr ystal at the Cr ystal Dome and wi tness a fai r ytal e worl d unfol d at the Cr ystal T heatre. A real treat for cr ystal enthusi asts i s the shop wi th i ts remarkabl e col l ecti on of beauti ful exhi bi ts. Wi th thi s tour gai n an i nsi ght i nto the hi stor y and cul ture of the capi tal ci ty of H ungar y, Buoapest a city rich in traoitions. On your coach tour, aomire the nne architectural wonder s, the r i ng boul evards and the numerous ecl ecti c and revi val bui l di ngs. Other hi ghl i ghts i ncl ude the H eroes square, Vaj dahunyad Castl e, Oper a house, Parl i ament, Fi sher mans basti on, M atthi as church and the Ci tadel . Wachau - Danube Val l ey, Vi enna Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Soctirlrlot Pi ck Up T i me 0945 hrs Dur ati on 8 hrs Day Tr i p to Pr ague, Vi enna Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates Jc.Fri Pi ck Up Poi nt State Opera H ouse Pi ck Up T i me 0715 hrs Dur ati on 1! /r Day Tr i p to Budapest, Vi enna Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates Doil, x.t Jc.Fri Pi ck Up Poi nt State Opera H ouse Pi ck Up T i me 0715 hrs Dur ati on 1! /r Mozar t Ci ty Tour, Sal zbur g Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Si/tio Off. Pi ck Up T i me 030.1!00 /r Dur ati on 1 hr 30 mts Sound of Musi c Tour, Sal zbur g Hitr, . Iic Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Si/tio Off. Pi ck Up T i me 030.1!00 /r Dur ati on 4 hrs Swar ovski Cr ystal Wor l d, I nnsbr uck Coltor . Iic Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt H auptbahnhof Pi ck Up T i me 000.1500 /r Dur ati on Flxiol I ndi an Restaur ants Shoppi ng Ni ght Li fe Shal i mar - Schmal zhofgasse 11 A-1060 Vi enna. Tel : 6505964317. Sahi b - Si l l gasse Nr.3 -6020 I nnsbr uck. Tel : 512571468. Ger ngr oss & Eur ocent er - M ost popul ar depar tmental stores i n Vi enna. Swar owski Cr yst al Wor l d - Shop i n Wattens, I nnsbr uck worl d famous for i ts cr ystal s U4 Di sco - A hi gh tech di scotheque l ocated i n Vi enna. Li mer i ck Bi l l s I r i sh Pub - An I r i sh styl e pub i n I nnsbr uck. 50 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs Amsterdam Rotterdam NET H ERL ANDS T he Netherl ands evokes i mages of tul i ps, oiocoill, .oool ooc oco /o. Mor .iti o./ o Jotrcoo, Rttrcoo ooc T/ H ague are home to museums, gal l eri es, castl es ooc oo./. T/ .ootr, i /ooo fr oootifol .or,, fo ort ooc fo.iootio /itr,. Land of Windmills, Clogs & cheese BEST TI ME TO TRAVEL Weather changes are ver y frequent i n the Netherl ands. T he peak season i n Netherl ands stretches from Apr i l to October. Autumn i s a good ti me to vi si t Utrecht to wi tness i ts fal l col our s. Avoi d the wi nter i f you do not l i ke strong wi nds. WHY GO? Dio you know that the nrst skyscraper in Europe i s si tuated i n Rotterdam? Wi th abundant tul i ps, pi cturesque squares, l i vel y markets and romanti c canal s there can never be a dul l moment i n Netherl ands. Fi nd out how many hi stor i cal bui l di ngs H ague i s speckl ed wi th. I f you want to tr avel l i ke a l ocal , tr y the most common Dutch for m of tr anspor tati on the bi cycl e. Sampl e the Dutch food, taste the Dutch beer s. Study up cl ose the famous Dutch ar ti sts Van Gogh and Rembr andt. Sai l the canal s, exper i ence the water-spor ts and take a tour of Rotterdams har bour. NET H ERL ANDS THE COST DI FFI CULTY OF TRAVEL H I GH LOW H I GH LOW 51 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs MUST SEE Ar t and Hi st or y: Vi si t the house where Anne Fr ank penned her di ar y and hi d dur i ng the Nazi occupati on of Am- sterdam. T he 200 year ol d Ri j ksmuseum i n Amsterdam i s famed for i ts excepti onal col l ecti on of ar t. Vi si t the Van Gogh museum i f you are an ar t buff.
Si ght seei ng: Cr ui se on the 17th centur y canal s of Amsterdam. Vi si t the pul sati ng Dam square housi ng the Royal Pal ace. Tour the H ei neken beer brewer y. Vi si t M adurodam to vi ew a mi ni ature ver si on of H ol l and. Panor ama M esdag, a gr and i l l usi on i s the l argest ci rcul ar canvas i n Europe offer i ng a stunni ng panor ama. Take the automati c l i fts to the top of the Euromast or the Space Tower i n Rotterdam to enj oy vi ews as di stant as Antwer p i n Bel gi um. Get doused i n a r i ot of col our at the largest nower garoen in the worlo the Keukenhol Garoen in Lisse.
Ol d Wor l d Char m: T here are over a thousand wi ndmi l l s i n the Netherl ands. T hey are an embl em of Amsterdams str uggl e wi th water and are i nsepar abl e from the l andscape. I ndul ge i n qui rky tr i vi a l i ke how the hook and the beam at the top of ol d-styl e houses was desi gned to hoi st fur ni ture si nce the door s were too nar row. Pi ck up souveni r s l i ke cl ogs, tr adi ti onal wooden shoes. I n Amsterdam you can see mother s, gr andmother s even busi ness peopl e mer r i l y bi ki ng.
J F M A M J J A S O N D MAX O C 4 5 8 11 16 18 21 20 18 13 8 5 MI N O C 1 1 3 6 10 13 15 15 13 9 5 2 Dai l y maxi mum and mi ni mum aver ages are gui des onl y and may var y Aver age Cl i mate i n Amster dam - Nether l ands CURRENCY CONVERSI ON T he cur rency of Netherl ands i s the Euros (EUR). 1 EUR = 69 I NR* GETTI NG AROUND Taxi : Taxi s can be recogni zed by the bl ue l i cense pl ates wi th bl ack l etter s and di gi ts and the taxi si gn on top of the roof. Al so exper i ence Trei ntaxi (tr ai n-taxi ) wherei n you can share the taxi wi th other s. Tr am: Excel l ent way of getti ng around the ci ty, wi th j ust 17 l i nes they are easy to navi gate. Bus: Bus ser vi ces r un from 6 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. T here are hal f hourl y shuttl e bus ser vi ces whi ch r uns between Schi pol Ai r por t (from Stop A7) to sever al of Amsterdam maj or hotel s. I nt er ci t y Tr ai n Tr avel : Tr avel i ng through T he Netherl ands by tr ai n i s fast, comfor tabl e and ver y affordabl e. Tr avel on H i gh speed tr ai ns l i ke TGV and I CE and get connect to Fr ance and Ger many i n few hour s. Popul ar Routes: Par i s - Amsterdam 4 hr s, Amsterdam - Rotterdam 1 hr, Amsterdam - Fr ankfur t 4 hr s, Amsterdam - Br ussel s 3 hr s, Amsterdam - Col ogne 2 hr s. The olncial language is Dutch in addi ti on to Ger man and French. Engl i sh i s al so wi del y spoken. DI FFERENT LANGUAGES TI ME DI FFERENCE Netherl ands i s... 3 hr s 30 mi nutes behi nd I ndi a ti me i n Summer (Apr - Sept) 4 hr s 30 mi nutes behi nd I ndi a ti me i n Wi nter (Oct - M ar ) 52 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs Exper i ence Amster dam, the capi tal of Hol l and, wi th i ts mi x of ol d wor l d char m and a moder n atti tude. Thi s l and of wi ndmi l l s, wooden shoes and tul i ps wel comes you. Come exper i ence Eur opes cool est metr opol i s wi th thi s four -ni ght speci al . Day 1 - Ar r i ve Amster dam On ar r i val i n Amsterdam, you wi l l be tr ansfer red by a chauffuer dr i ven car to your hotel . T he rest of the day i s at l ei sure to expl ore the wonder s of thi s bustl i ng ci ty of canal s and wi ndmi l l s on your own. Or take an opti onal tour and enj oy an eveni ng on a canal cr ui se in a glass toppeo boat aomiring the magnincient view of the ci ty. Over ni ght i n Amsterdam. Day 2 - Amster dam Di scover Amsterdam and the rest of H ol l and at your own pace wi th the H ol l and HOLLAND EXPLORER 4 ni ghts Vi si t Amsterdam wi th H ol l and Pass BEST OF HOLLAND 4 ni ghts Vi si t Amsterdam & Rotterdam Pass. I t provi des 5 free entr ances of choi ce at more than 40 museums and attr acti ons i n Amsterdam and sur roundi ngs. H i ghl i ghts i ncl ude the Ri j ksmuseum, Amsterdam canal cr ui ses, di amond factor i es and 24 hour publ i c tr anspor tati on ti ckets. Al so choi ce at more than 100 museums and attr acti ons i n ci ti es l i ke Utrecht, T he H ague, Rotterdam, M aastr i cht and other i nteresti ng si ghts. Over ni ght i n Amsterdam. (B) Day 3 - Amster dam T he day i s at l ei sure to expl ore the ci ty si ghts and sur roundi ngs wi th the H ol l and Pass. T he free entr ances and numerous di scounts l et you di scover al l of Amsterdam and rest of H ol l and at your own pace. Over ni ght i n Amsterdam. (B) Day 4 - Amster dam Another exci ti ng day at l ei sure for you to expl ore the many fasci nati ng si ghts and canal s of thi s vi br ant ci ty wi th the H ol l and Pass. Over ni ght i n Amsterdam. (B) Day 5 - Depar t Amster dam Today, the day i s free to shop to your hear ts content, unti l depar ture. L ater you wi l l be tr ansfer red by a chauffuer dr i ven car to the airport lor your night back home. ,B, Vi si t www.coxandki for a wi der sel ecti on of our hol i days 1o /o. o oic l.tio f Stoocorc, Firt Clo ooc Dlox /tl t ./ fro. Jccitiool oi/t ooc i/tio tor .oo o io.locc ot oo, iot io t/ oo. itiorori. Fooil, Exlrr AMSTERDAM Wi th i ts uni que combi nati on of Ol d Worl d char m and cosmopol i tan cul ture, Amsterdam i s one of the most popul ar European ci ti es. Consi dered to be the cul i nar y capi tal of Europe, the ci ty i s renowned for i ts romanti c canal s, ti ny al l eyways, quai nt quar ter s, fashi onabl e bouti ques, chi c shoppi ng streets and a gl i tzy ni ghtl i fe. Thi s tour wi l l gi ve you an over vi ew of the hi stor i c centr e of Amster dam, the famous canal r i ng and the sur r oundi ngs. Meander thr ough the ci ty as i t has exi sted for al most 400 year s and soak up the ar t and ar chi tectur e of Amster dams Gol den Age i n thi s i ntr oductor y tour. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Amster dam On ar r i val i n Amsterdam, you wi l l be met and tr ansfer red by a chauffer dr i ven car to your hotel . Amsterdam has pl enty to offer i n addi ti on to i ts canal s and br i dges. T he ci tys r i ch hi stor y, i ts uni que cul tur al offer i ngs, the congeni al nei ghbour hoods and subur bs wi th cafs and anti que shops or the muni ci pal l arge parks are enough to confound the senses. Expl ore the stunni ng sur roundi ng area by rel axi ng at the beach, di vi ng i nto hi stor y or enj oyi ng the beauti ful pastures and wi ndmi l l s of the countr ysi de. T he rest of the day i s free to expl ore the wonder s of thi s ci ty on your own. Over ni ght i n Amsterdam. Day 2 - Amster dam Today, cr ui se around the ci tys canal s expl ore Amsterdam at your own pace wi th a Canal Day Pass. T hi s pass offer s a per fect oppor tuni ty tr avel l i ng around Amsterdam wi th i ts weal th of water ways. Exper i ence the worl d of H ei neken i ts hi stor y and di scover the brewi ng process of the most popul ar beer - H ei neken at the H ei neken Exper i ence. Over ni ght i n Amsterdam. (B) Day 3 - Amster dam - Rotter dam (1 hr )Jour ney by tr ai n to Rotterdam a vi br ant ci ty known for the busi est and l argest Por t i n the worl d. Rest of the day i s free at l ei sure. Over ni ght i n Rotterdam. (B) Day 4 - Rotter dam Today, di scover Rotterdam on the Rotterdam Tr avel card. Vi si t the Euromast, a 185 meter-hi gh str ucture accessed by a super fast automati c el evator offer i ng best vi ews of the ci ty from the top, the K i j k-K ubus (Cube H ouses) - a set of i nnovati ve hoses i n the for m of a cube, Di ergaarde Bl i j dor p (Rotterdam Zoo), Spi do, Spl ashtour s, Netherl ands Archi tecture I nsti tute & H ouse Sonnevel d and many more. Over ni ght i n Rotterdam. (B) Day 5 - Rotter dam - Depar t Amster dam Today, Jour ney by tr ai n back to Amsterdam ai r por t. (B) 53 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs This tour covers the magnincent area ol Dutch poloer lanoscape north ol Amsteroam, marked by wi ndmi l l s, di kes and di tches. After a stop to taste some tr adi ti onal l y made prooucts at a cheese larm, continue to Volenoam, a nsherman`s village situateo on the shows of the for mer Zui der zee. Car r yi ng on by boat, vi si t M arken, or i gi nal l y an i sl and, whi ch i s now l i nked to the mai nl and by a di ke. A tour through Dark Amsterdam can be r ather i l l umi nati ng, as i t centres on the famous Red L i ght Di str i ct. Vi si t the Wal l en (the Red L i ght Di str i ct) and see for your sel f the ol dest professi on of the worl d. Conti nue past i nteresti ng monuments and through ol d streets, one of whi ch i s the wel l -known Zeedi j k , an area ful l of l i vel y Dutch pubs and restaur ants accompani ed by a rel i abl e gui de throughout the tour. Gr and Hol l and Tour, Amster dam Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates Mo.Jc.Fri.Soo Pi ck Up Poi nt Keytours Pi ck Up T i me Keytours Dur ati on 8 hrs T he best way to expl ore Amsterdam i s to take a cr ui se down i ts var i ous water ways. You wi l l pass many hi stor i cal bui l di ngs. T he Canal Bus, a hop-on-hop-off cr ui se, i s i nfor mati ve - as you gl i de past Amsterdams maj or l andmarks, l i steni ng to commentar y on board. T he comfor tabl e boats offer a regul ar ser vi ce al ong 3 routes wi th 14 stops l ocated near the maj or museums, shoppi ng areas and attr acti ons. This tour takes you to Aalsmeer to show you the worlo`s largest nower auction. Conti nue to Del ft and vi si t Del ftse Pauw, a bl ue potter y factor y. Onto Rotterdam, a dynami c ci ty renowned for i ts exper i mental archi tecture and ecl ecti c bui l di ngs. Proceed to T he H ague for a vi si t to M adurodam where you can expl ore the mi ni ature model s of famous Dutch bui l di ngs, such as Peace Pal ace and the H ouse of Parl i aments. Canal Bus & Hei neken Exper i ence, Amster dam Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Any Bus Stati on Pi ck Up T i me 030 /r ooorc Dur ati on Flxiol Cr ui se around the ci tys canal s expl ore Amsterdam at your own pace wi th a Canal Day Pass. T hi s pass offer s a per fect oppor tuni ty tr avel l i ng around Amsterdam wi th i ts weal th of water ways. Comfor tabl e Boats offer a regul ar al ong 3 routs wi th 14 stops. Exper i ence the worl d of H ei neken i ts hi stor y and di scover the brewi ng process of the most popul ar beer - H ei neken at the H ei neken Exper i ence. Vol endam & Mar ken, Amster dam Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt I,tor Off. Pi ck Up T i me 13!5.1!30 /r Dur ati on 4 hrs Twi l i ght Wal ki ng Tour, Amster dam Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates Jc.Fri.Sot Pi ck Up Poi nt Liocor/ Ex.orio Pi ck Up T i me !000 /r Dur ati on ! /r Canal Bus Day Pass, Amster dam Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Any ci ty bus stati on Pi ck Up T i me 1000 to1910 hrs Dur ati on Flxiol I ndi an Restaur ants Shoppi ng Ni ght Li fe Mayur Rest aur ant - K or te L ei deswar str aat, 203, Amsterdam. Tel : 206232142 Rat t er man wooden Shoes & Souveni r s - A must see i n Amsterdam where wooden shoes are made. De Kr oeg - A gr and caf bar i n Amsterdam. 54 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs Antwer p Br uges Br ussel s BELGI UM BEL GI UM Blioo o.oo oll t/ ot t/ot Eor /o to of fer. Admi re the stunni ng archi tecture dotti ng t/ ooiot .oolto oor ooc o, t/ io.rciol .oiio. To/ o roooti. .roi coo o .oool io Bro, /oot fr cioooc io Jotor r xlr t/ oooo io Brol. Gourmet Land BEST TI ME TO TRAVEL The weather is at its nnest in July ano August. I n September you can exper i ence a few weeks ol nne late-summer weather. Winters at the coast can be r ai ny and lakes freeze to become playgrounds for i ce skater s. Temper atures are lowest i n December and Januar y. WHY GO? Bel gi um wi l l boggl e your senses wi th i ts many i ngredi ents l i ke the pi cture postcard ci ty of Br uges, the medi eval ci ty of Ghent, the cosmopol i tan Antwer p, famous for di amond shoppi ng. Antwer p i s a char acter i sti c ci ty wi th l ots of ar ts, ni ght l i fe and ni ce restaur ants. I magi ne a countr y that has erected an enti re museum dedi cated to a si ngl e comi c book ser i es T i nti n. Bel gi um i s famed for i ts anci ent chocol ater i es sel l i ng i ndul gent hot chocol ate and i ts beauti ful hi stor i cal bui l di ngs. Beer i s more than a bever age here. I t i s a cul ture wi th more than 500 br ands of beer. THE COST DI FFI CULTY OF TRAVEL H I GH LOW H I GH LOW 55 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs MUST SEE Monument s: Br ussel s centr al square Gr and Pl ace boasts Bel gi ums best baroque gui l dhal l s. M anneken Pi s, the statue of a l i ttl e boy ur i nati ng i nto a fountai n i s the most l oved l andmark of Br ussel s. T he al umi num coated monument of Atomi um honour s the metal and i ron i ndustr y and the bel i ef i n atomi c power. I t wei ghs 2400 tons and i s 102 meter s hi gh.
Bel gi ums Ol d Wor l d Char m: Ducks swi mmi ng i n canal s, anci ent br i ck br i dges, and gi nger bread houses on i mmacul ate streets Br uges i s an epi tome of provi nci al l i fe. M eander through the cobbl estoned streets and take a l ei surel y boat r i de down the r i ver. Watch the Bel gi an l adi es weave thei r renowned l ace. Di scover the por t ci ty and the uni ver si ty town of Ghent i n the Fl emi sh regi on on Bel gi um. Shoppi ng Tooay, the glory ol touring Belgium`s chocolate shops lies in sampling the many oillerent navor combi nati ons that resul t from chocol ati er s creati vi ty. T he i ntr i cate l ace patter ns i n Bel gi um are unmatched i n any other countr y. Bel gi an l ace i s bought today mai nl y as a souveni r.
J F M A M J J A S O N D MAX O C 5 5 9 12 17 19 22 22 18 14 8 6 MI N O C 1 0 3 4 8 11 13 12 11 7 3 2 Dai l y maxi mum and mi ni mum aver ages are gui des onl y and may var y Aver age Cl i mate i n Br ussel s - Bel gi um CURRENCY CONVERSI ON T he cur rency of Bei gi um i s Euros (EUR). 1 EUR = 69 I NR* GETTI NG AROUND Tr ai n: Tr ai ns i s the qui ckest way to tr avel wi thi n Br ussel s. Excel l ent Bel gi an r ai l network comes i nto i ts own for l onger di stances. I ts the qui ckest and best way to get to Br ussel s Ai r por t and to Br uges, Ghent, Antwer p. Taxi : T he mi ni mum r ate for taxes i s Euros 2.35 dur i ng the day and Euros 4.20 at ni ght. Charges di ffer dependi ng on l ocati on and ti me. T i p and taxes are i ncl uded i n the meter pr i ce. Al l taxi s are metered and can be hai l ed from the taxi s stands l ocated i n the ci ty center or near r ai l stati ons. Met r o: Metro is the quickest ano elncient ano covers many important city-center locations, as well as reachi ng out to the subur bs. Tr am & Bus: An extensi ve network of tr am l i nes provi des the i deal way to get around the ci ty. T he stops are marked wi th red and whi te si gns. A tr am or bus i s stopped by extendi ng your ar m so the dr i ver can see i t and stop accordi ngl y. The olncial language spoken is Dutch, French and a l i ttl e bi t of Ger man. DI FFERENT LANGUAGES TI ME DI FFERENCE Bel gi um i s... 4 hr s 30 mi nutes behi nd I ndi a i n Wi nter (Oct - M ar ) 3 hr s 30 mi nutes behi nd I ndi a i n Summer (Apr - Sept) 56 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs BELGI UM EXPLORER 4 ni ghts Vi si t Br uges and Br ussel s BRUSSELS DELI GHT 3 ni ghts Vi si t Br ussel s Vi si t www.coxandki for a wi der sel ecti on of our hol i days 1o /o. o oic l.tio f Stoocorc, Firt Clo ooc Dlox /tl t ./ fro. Oo ,or i/tio tor ooc troofr, ,o /o. o ./i. f ot-io-.o./ r ri.ot troortotio. Jccitiool oi/t ooc i/tio tor .oo o io.locc ot oo, iot io t/ oo. itiorori. Exlrr Exlrr BRUSSELS T he ci ty of T i n T i n, famous for chocol ates and beer and descr i bed by Vi ctor H ugo as the most beauti ful square i n the worl d , boasts of beauti ful bui l di ngs, museums, uni que str uctures l i ke the Atomi um and the worl d famous M anneki n Pi s. A ci ty, whose l i vel i ness, natur al appeal , ceremoni es and col our ful festi val s make i t one of the most desi r abl e capi tal s i n Europe. A per fect i ntr oducti on to a ci ty whi ch i s r omanti c, hi stor i cal , fun and a shopper s par adi se. Exper i ence amazi ng ar chi tectur e, endl ess acti vi ti es and wor l d cl ass cui si ne and enj oy the si ghts, sounds and chocol ates of Br ussel s. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Br ussel s On ar r i val i n Br ussel s, you wi l l be tr ansfer red by a chauffuer dr i ven car to your hotel . T he rest of the day i s at l ei sure to expl ore thi s i nter nati onal metropol i s, a mosai c of cul ture, tr adi ti on, l anguages, fr i endl y peopl e, gastronomi c speci al i ti es, brewer i es, hi stor i c archi recture and much more on your own. Over ni ght i n Br ussel s. Day 2 - Br ussel s T hi s mor ni ng, expl ore the ci ty si ghts on an Open Bus tour. You can hop on and off as many ti mes as you l i ke aboard thi s open-top doubl e-decker bus. T here are 12 stops and the enti re route takes approxi matel y 1.5 hour s. T he bus depar ts Expl or e the char mi ng Bel gi an towns, Br uges and Br ussel s. I ts per fect for r ambl i ng thr ough the cobbl ed str eets, dabbl i ng i n cul tur e and i ndul gi ng i n good food and dr i nk. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Br ussel s - Br uges (2 hr s) On ar r i val i n Br ussel s ai r por t, you wi l l be tr ansfer red by tr ai n to Br uges, known as the Veni ce of the Nor th and home to Europes best preser ved medi eval bui l di ngs. On ar r i val , check i nto your hotel . T hen proceed on the ci ty tour of Br uges. Vi si t hi stor i cal Br uges, wel l know for i ts ol d churches and chapel s, Town H al l Square, botani cal gardens, Church of Our L ady, Gr uuthuse museum, nsh market, l ace maki ng and i ts pl easant shoppi ng centre. Over ni ght i n Br uges. (B) Day 2 - Br uges Today, enj oy the day on your own or you coul d take an opti onal tour to Ghent, vi si ti ng the ever y 30 mi nutes from each stop. Wi th great vi ews from the top of the bus, str ategi cal l y pl aced stops and an i nteresti ng commentar y, thi s tr ul y i s the best way to see the famous l andmarks of Br ussel s such as the Royal M useum, the Atomi um, Pal ace of Justi ce, the Congress Col umn, St. M i cheal s Cathedr al and the Gr and Pal ace. T hen enj oy, a tour of the enti re Europe i n few hour s i n M i ni Europe i nvi tati on to tr avel . A tr ul y uni que voyage. Strol l ami d the typi cal ambi ance of the most beauti ful towns of the Ol d Conti nent. Over ni ght i n Br ussel s. (B) Day 3 - Br ussel s T he day i s free to expl ore Br ussel s on your own or you coul d take an opti onal tour to Ghent and Br uges, a uni que tour combi ni ng the beauti ful hi stor i cal ci ti es. Over ni ght i n Br ussel s. (B) Day 4 - Depar t Br ussel s Today, the day i s free to i ndul ge i n l ast mi nute shoppi ng before you depar t. T here are many cl othi ng shops, bouti ques and l arge depar tment stores. L ater you wi l l be tr ansfer red by a chaulluer oriven car to the airport lor your night. ,B, We r ecommend you to stay i n a ful l y fur ni shed and comfor tabl e apar tment i n Centr al London. St Bavo Cathedr al , home of the worl d famous M ysti c L amb pai nti ng. Over ni ght i n Br uges. (B) Day 3 - Br uges - Br ussel s (1 hr ) T hi s mor ni ng, you wi l l be tr ansfer red by tr ai n to Br ussel s. On ar r i val , you wi l l be tr ansfer red to your hotel . T he rest of the day i s at l ei sure to expl ore thi s i nter nati onal metropol i s on your own. Over ni ght i n Br ussel s. (B) Day 4 - Br ussel s T hi s mor ni ng, expl ore the ci ty si ghts on an Open Bus tour. You can hop on and off as many ti mes as you l i ke aboard thi s open-top doubl e- decker bus. T here are 12 stops and the enti re route takes approxi matel y 1.5 hour s. T he bus depar ts ever y 30 mi nutes from each stop. Wi th great vi ews from the top of the bus, str ategi cal l y pl aced stops and an i nteresti ng commentar y, thi s tr ul y i s the best way to see the famous l andmarks of Br ussel s. T hen enj oy, a tour of the enti re Europe i n few hour s i n M i ni Europe i nvi tati on to tr avel . A tr ul y uni que voyage. Strol l ami d the typi cal ambi ance of the most beauti ful towns of the Ol d Conti nent. Over ni ght i n Br ussel s. (B) Day 5 - Depar t Br ussel s T hi s mor ni ng, tr avel to Brussels Airport lor your night back home. ,B, 57 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs Enj oy thi s uni que tour combi ni ng the beauti ful hi stor i cal ci ty of Ghent and the pi cturesque Br uges. I n Ghent, vi si t the St Bavo Cathedr al , home of the worl d famous M ysti c L amb pai nti ng. Dur i ng the ci ty tour you wi l l see Bel fr y, the St. Ni col as Church and the Castl e of the Counts of Fl ander s. Proceed to Br uges, wel l known for i ts ol d churches, the Begui nage cour t and l ace maki ng. An enj oyabl e way to see the hi stor i cal ci ty of Br uges i s on board one of the comfor tabl e panor ami c ai r-condi ti oned mi ni -buses. T hi s tour takes a route around the mai n si ghts dr i vi ng past the M arket Square wi th the Bel fr y and the Town H al l Square wi th the Chapel ol the Holy Blooo, Church ol Our Laoy, Gruuthuse museum, nsh market, Botani cal gardens, Gui do M useum and the Jer usal em church. Mi ni Eur ope, Br ussel s Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates Mo.Jc.Fri.Soo Pi ck Up Poi nt Oo ,or oo Pi ck Up T i me 0930 hrs Dur ati on 3 hrs Expl ore Br ussel s wi th a 24 hour ti cket aboard an open top doubl e-decker bus. Admi re the great vi ews from the top of the bus and l i sten to an i nteresti ng commentar y. T he hop on hop off tour takes you around the many i nteresti ng si ghts and i s an excel l ent way to expl ore the ci ty. T hen vi si t the onl y park where you can tour around Europe i n a few shor t hour s. Strol l ami d the most beauti ful towns of the Ol d Conti nent. T he onl y park where you can tour around Europe i n a few shor t hour s. Strol l ami d the typi cal ambi ance of the most beauti ful towns of the Ol d Conti nent. T he i ncompar abl e chi mes of Bi g Ben wel come you to the hear t of L ondon. T he gondol as and mandol i ns wi l l i nvi te you to di scover the char ms of Veni ce. Fol l ow the T.G.V. from Par i s to the other end of Fr ance. I n total 350 model s and si tes i n a qui et unequal l ed cr aftmanshi p. Br ussel s Open Bus Tour and Mi ni Eur ope, Br ussel s Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Any ci ty bus stati on Pi ck Up T i me 1000 to 1600 hrs Dur ati on Flxiol Ghent and Br uges, Br ussel s Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Cit, Tor ff. Pi ck Up T i me 0900 hrs Dur ati on 9 hrs 30 mts Ci ty Tour, Br uges Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt M arket Pl ace Pi ck Up T i me 1000.1!00 /r Dur ati on 50 mts I ndi an Restaur ants Shoppi ng Ni ght Li fe Au Pal ai s Des I ndes - 263, Avenue L oui se 1050 Br ussel s. Tel - 26463305 Taj Mahal - 519,Ch. De L ouvai n 1030 Br ussel s. Tel : 27030681 Dod - H i ghl y recommended shop i n Br ussel s famous for cl othes and shoes. Neuhaus - famous chocol ate shop i n St H uber ts gal l er y i s wor th a vi si t. Fuse Di sco - Best Di sco bar i n Br ussel s. De Ul t i eme Hal l uci nat i e - A magnincent restaurant in Brussels whi ch ser ves French cui si ne. 58 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs Frei burg Fr ankfur t H ei del berg Stuttgar t Col ogne Fussen M uni ch Dussel dor f GERM ANY GERM ANY Crooo,` ci.rit, otooc t/ .iitr oit/ it` foir,tol .otl, i.toro .illo, .r,tol-.lor lo/ ooc oo-.oc oootoio, t/ o,ti.ol Blo./ Frt, toooio R/io Ri.r .roi, trocitiool C/ritoo oor/t ooc t/ orlc- famous Oktoberfest. Fairytale Land BEST TI ME TO TRAVEL The weather is at its nnest lrom March to September. November Febr uar y i s the dark r ai ny season. T he vi br ant Chr i stmas mar kets open i n the l ast week of November and r un thr ough Chr i stmas. T he ski season i s i n ful l swi ng fr om Januar y to M ar ch. WHY GO? Ger many, a countr y ful l of hi stor y, ar t, medi eval towns, and the best of ci ty hi gh-l i fe. T he r i ch cul tur al l i fe and i ts poi gnant past are the mai n features of Ger many. T he symbol s of hi gh l i fe - oper as, bal l ets and museums are ver y accessi bl e. Oktober fest, the Bavar i an beer fest i n M uni ch i s one of the l argest festi val s i n the worl d. Ger manys mountai nous ter r ai n of Bavar i a and the Bl ack Forest can be a treat for the adventurous soul s. Ger many i s al so famed for i ts automobi l es and the Ger man Autobahns have no specinc speeo limits. Cruise the many famous r i ver s of Ger many such as the Rhi ne. THE COST DI FFI CULTY OF TRAVEL H I GH LOW H I GH LOW 59 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs MUST SEE Hi st or y and Cul t ur e: Rei chstag, the Parl i ament H ouse i n the Ger man capi tal of Berl i n i s a must-vi si t. K ol ner Dom in Cologne is a magnincent catheoral with its soaring twin spires. The Deutsches Museum in M uni ch hol ds the worl ds l argest sci ence and technol ogy col l ecti on. Tour the Ol ympi c Stadi um and the M ercedes Benz M useum.
Out door Li fe: Watch the castl es as you cr ui se on the r i ver Rhi ne. Cycl e on the path that r uns al ong the Danube Ri ver and mar vel at meadows, monaster i es and countl ess worl d her i tage si tes al ong the way. M ountai n bi ke the bi rch-studded Bl ack Forest. Wi nd your way through M uni chs Engl i sh Garden or al ong H amburgs har bor. Sampl e l ocal var i ati ons of beer i n Bavar i a, home to beer gardens.
Pi ct ur esque Towns: Tr avel the wi ndi ng route of the Fai r y Tal e Road and vi si t the setti ngs of the wonder ful fabl es l i ke the L i ttl e Red Ri di ng H ood and Snow Whi te al ong the way. Get l ost i n the haml et of H ei del berg. Wi tness the 2000 year-ol d towns on the Romanti c Road. Dont mi ss the Neuschwanstei n Castl e, the i nspi r ati on for Di sneyl ands Sl eepi ng Beauty Castl e si tti ng atop a hi l l i n Bavar i a. Expl ore the magnincent patrician houses ano palaces in Augsburg, the oloest city ol Germany. Visit H ei del berg i n the beauti ful setti ng at the Neckar r i ver, worl d famous for i ts romanti c castl e.
J F M A M J J A S O N D MAX O C 3 5 10 14 19 22 24 23 20 14 7 14 MI N O C -2 -1 2 3 7 11 13 13 10 6 2 0 Dai l y maxi mum and mi ni mum aver ages are gui des onl y and may var y Aver age Cl i mate i n Ber l i n - Ger many CURRENCY CONVERSI ON T he cur rency of Ger many i s Euros. 1 EUR = 69 I NR* GETTI NG AROUND Taxi : T he l arger towns and ci ti es have l ots of taxi r anks and taxi s can al so be hai l ed i n the street. Ger man taxi s are cream-col ored wi th a bl ack and yel l ow taxi si gn on the roof. UNDERGROUND: M ost of the towns and ci ti es can be qui ckl y and easi l y reached by underground or l ocal subur ban r ai lway. T i ckets can be bought for m a ti cketi ng machi ne pr i or to tr avel . For l onger stays or week passes are better val ue than ti ckets. I NTERCI TY TRAI N TRAVEL: Ger many has an extensi ve r ai l network that cover s ever y par t of the countr y. I nterci ty (I C) and I nterci ty Express (I CE) tr ai ns r un ever y hour, connecti ng more than 50 Ger man towns. T he tr ai ns al so connect to var i ous other desti nati ons such as Austr i a, Fr ance and Swi tzerl and. Fr ankfur t - Col gone = 1 hr, Fr ankfur t - M uni ch = 4 hr s, M uni ch - Sal zburg = 2 hr s, Col ogne - Amsterdam = 2 hr s, M uni ch - Vi enna = 4 hr s. The olncial language is German. DI FFERENT LANGUAGES TI ME DI FFERENCE Ger many i s 4 hr s 30 mts behi nd I ndi a i n Wi nter (Oct - M ar ) 3 hr s 30 mts behi nd I ndi a i n Summer (Apr - Sept) 60 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs HI GHLI GHTS OF SOUTHERN GERMANY 6 ni ghts Vi si t M uni ch, Stuttgar t and Fr ankfur t BLACK FOREST SPECI AL 6 ni ghts Vi si t Stuttgar t, Baden Baden, Tr i berg, Str asbourg & Fr ankfur t Vi si t www.coxandki for a wi der sel ecti on of our hol i days 1o /o. o oic l.tio f Stoocorc, Firt Clo ooc Dlox /tl t ./ fro. Oo ,or i/tio tor ooc troofr, ,o /o. o ./i. f ot-io-.o./ r ri.ot troortotio. Jccitiool oi/t ooc i/tio tor .oo o io.locc ot oo, iot io t/ oo. itiorori. Fooil, . Jc.otor Fooil, . Exlrr FRANKFURT & MUNI CH Iranklurt is the nnancial capital ol Germany. Worlo-class opera, ballet ano theatre, museums ano gal l er i es l end an ai r of sophi sti cati on to thi s metropol i s on the M ai n . Bavar i as gl i tter i ng state capi tal , gateway to the Bl ack Forest, home of BM W, host to the fun Oktober fest - M uni ch i s a cool ci ty wi th medi eval her i tage and an ul tr a-moder n outl ook. Embar k on a one-week escape expl or i ng the mesmer i zi ng beauty of the Bl ack For est. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Stuttgar t On ar r i val i n Stuttgar t, you wi l l be met and tr ansfer red to your hotel . T he after noon i s free or take an opti onal vi si t to the Merceoes Benz Museum which renects the history ol the company. L ate i n the eveni ng, you can strol l al ong the banks of the Ri ver Neckar or expl ore K i ng Street, the mai n shoppi ng street. Over ni ght i n Stuttgar t. Day 2 - Stuttgar t - Baden Baden (1 hr ) T hi s mor ni ng, tr avel by tr ai n to Baden Baden, a premi er spa resor t town i n the Bl ack Forest. I n the after noon, enj oy a gui ded wal ki ng tour. Vi si t the 250 year ol d Casi no, the Car acal l a Baths, Convent of the H ol y Sepul chre, Ei nhards Basi l i ca and Greek-Romani an Chapel . Over ni ght i n Baden Baden. (B) Day 3 - Baden Baden - Tr i ber g - Baden Baden Today board the tr ai n to Tr i berg, a wonder ful l y quai nt town, renowned for i ts Gutach water fal l and Cuckoo Cl ocks. Over ni ght i n Baden Baden. (B) Day 4 - Baden Baden T he day i s free to expl ore the ci ty on your own. T he most beauti ful casi no i n the worl d, two ther mal spas, i nter nati onal hor se r aces and the Festspi el haus , Europes second l argest oper a house, awai t you. Over ni ght i n Baden Baden. (B) Day 5 - Baden Baden - Str asbour g (1 hr ) Tr avel to Str asbourg. Check i nto the hotel . Enj oy the Cathedr al pl atfor m, a boat tour through Str asbourg, entr y to the astronomi cal cl ock of the Cathedr al on your own. Over ni ght i n Str asbourg. (B) Day 6 - Str asbour g - Fr ankfur t (2hr s) Tr avel to Fr ankfur t and check i n to your hotel . I n the after noon, enj oy a ci ty tour vi si ti ng the famous Fr ankfur t Skyl i ne, the museum embankment, Ol d Sachsenhausen, Ci ty hal l , St Paul s Cathedr al and the Roemer berg , the hi stor i cal town centre. Over ni ght i n Fr ankfur t. (B) Day 7 - Depar t Fr ankfur t Today you wi l l be translerreo to the airport lor your night back home. ,B, Embar k on a spectacul ar j our ney expl or i ng sceni c l ocal es and magi cal ci ti es. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Muni ch On ar r i val i n M uni ch, you wi l l be tr ansfer red to your hotel . I n the after noon enj oy M uni ch ci ty tour vi si t ci ty centre, pedestr i an zone wi th M ar i enpl atz. L ater take a metro tr ai n on your own and vi si t BM W M useum and BM W Worl d. Over ni ght i n M uni ch. Day 2 Muni ch Today vi si t two extr aordi nar y castles, Neuschwanstei n and L i nder hof (opti onal), bui lt by the famous K i ng L udwi g I I both testi fyi ng to the vi si on of Bavar i as fai r ytale K i ng. Over ni ght i n M uni ch. (B) Day 3 Muni ch Expl ore M uni ch on your own. Or take an opti onal mountai n excur si on to vi si t Zugspi tze, the hi ghest mountai n i n beauti ful Ger man Al ps. Over ni ght i n M uni ch. (B) Day 4 - Muni ch - Stuttgar t (2 hr s) Travel to Stuttgart by trai n. Ar ri ve by after noon and vi si t the stunni ng museum of M ercedes-Benz (opti onal), the bi ggest automoti ve museum. Over ni ght i n Stuttgart. (B) Day 5 - Stuttgar t - Fr ankfur t ( 1 hr ) T he mor ni ng i s free. Vi si t the br and new Por sche M useum. Or vi si t WI L H EM A, Ger manys onl y zool ogi cal and botani cal garden. L ater, depar t by tr ai n to Fr ankfur t, check-i n and enj oy the mai n si ghts of the ci ty, the hi stor i cal ol d town centre, i ncl udi ng i ts spl endi d hal fti mbered houses. Over ni ght i n Fr ankfur t. (B) Day 6 - Fr ankfur t Today proceed on a ful l day excur si on to Baden-Baden and the Bl ack Forest. Dr i ve to Baden-Baden, one of Europes most beauti ful heal th resor ts and best preser ved spas. Dr i ve through the dark woods of the Bl ack Forest up to l egendar y l ake M ummel see . Over ni ght i n Fr ankfur t. (B) Day 7 - Depar t Fr ankfur t Today you wi l l be translerreo to Iranklurt Airport lor your night. ,B, 61 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs I ndi an Restaur ants Shoppi ng Ni ght Li fe I ndi a Pal ace - Dar mstadter L andstr 6 Fr ankfur t. Tel : 069613294 Sangam - Fr anz - Joseph str asse 28 D-80801 M uni ch. Tel : 8934023215 Neuhauser st r asse & 3I]VOMZ[\ZI[[M.amous shoppi ng streets i n M uni ch. Zei l - Fr ankfur ts most premi er shoppi ng street. Babyl on - the l argest cl ub i n M uni ch, wi th huge packed oance noors ano a laser show Ti ger pal ast - T he most sought out and famous cabaret i n Fr ankfur t. Si tuated above the roar i ng Pol l at Gorge, 5km from Fussen, are the Neuschwanstei n and L i nder hof Castl e. T he gl or i ous fol l y was bui l t i n the 19th centur y by the famed mad K i ng L udwi g I I , a man obsessed wi th myth and who hi msel f became a l egend. I t i s the i nspi r ati on for Di sneys Sl eepi ng Beauty Castl e and i s famous the worl d over as the Chi tty Chi tty Bang Bang Castl e. To vi si t i t i s to step i nsi de a fai r ytal e. Ci ty Tour, Fr ankfur t Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt ETS Crolio Off. Pi ck Up T i me 1000.1300 /r Dur ati on ! /r Become acquai nted wi th the famous Fr ankfur t skyl i ne, the banki ng di str i ct, the museum embankment, Ol d-Sachsenhausen, the Cathedr al and St. Paul s Church, Ci ty H al l , Town Square and much more. Wal k across the hi stor i cal Rmer berg (the ci tys beauti ful ol d town centre) and enj oy a vi si t of the Goethe H ouse (bi r thpl ace of the famous author and poet Johann Wol fgang Goethe). Expl ore the southwest cor ner of Ger many, the Bl ack Forest regi on. Di scover the sunny regi on of deep-green woodl and that cover s the mountai ns. El egant and sophi sti cated, Baden-Baden offer s a del i ghtful townscape of tree-l i ned avenues, gr and bui l di ngs and bouti ques al ongsi de i ts l egendar y ther mal baths. See the famous K ur haus Casi no before tr avel i ng through the dark Bl ack Forest woods to vi si t L ake M ummel see. Spor t, cul ture, food, dr i nk or wel l ness - whatever Baden-Baden does, i t i s never l ess than nrst-class. Baoen Baoen has many lacets that has something lor everybooy. The spa assembl y rooms and the famousl y el egant casi no for m the focal poi nt of the town, both archi tectur al l y and soci al l y. T hey are the soci al hear t of Baden- Baden and the scene of gl i tter i ng gal as and bal l s, gr and concer ts and broadcast events. Ci ty Tour, Baden Baden Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt H otel L obby Pi ck Up T i me 0930 hrs Dur ati on 1 hrs 30 mts Ger manys hi ghest mountai n at al most 3.000 m, offer s an exper i ence whi ch nobody can easi l y forget. Whether you are a nature l over, sun wor shi pper, ski er or hi ker, there i s somethi ng here for ever ybody. You l l gai n a spl endi d i mpressi on of thi s uni que mountai n on the Zugspi tz round tr i p. T he mountai n stati on enti ces you to rest a whi l e i n the panor ami c sur roundi ngs. Descent by cogwheel tr ai n. Bl ack For est Tour, Fr ankfur t Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Gar mi sh Pi ck Up T i me 0930 hrs Dur ati on Flxiol The Neuschwanstei n Castl e & Li nder hof, Muni ch Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Bo/o/flot Pi ck Up T i me 0830 hrs Dur ati on 10 hrs Excur si on to Zugspi te, Muni ch Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Gar msi h Pi ck Up T i me 0930 hrs Dur ati on Flxiol 62 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs GERMAN EXPLORER 7 ni ghts Vi si t H amburg, Berl i n and Dresden FASCI NATI NG GERMANY 10 ni ghts Vi si t M uni ch , Stuttgar t, Fr ankfur t, Col ogne and Berl i n Vi si t www.coxandki for a wi der sel ecti on of our hol i days 1o /o. o oic l.tio f Stoocorc, Firt Clo ooc Dlox /tl t ./ fro. Oo ,or i/tio tor ooc troofr, ,o /o. o ./i. f ot-io-.o./ r ri.ot troortotio. Jccitiool oi/t ooc i/tio tor .oo o io.locc ot oo, iot io t/ oo. itiorori. Fooil, Exlrr Exlore the hIstorIcal and nagnIfcIent monuments of the Ger man ci ti es. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Muni ch On ar r i val , you wi l l be tr ansfer red to your hotel . L ater, enj oy ci ty tour vi si ti ng ci ty centre and pedestr i an zone wi th M ar i enpl atz. L ater take a metro tr ai n on your own and vi si t BM W M useum and BM W Worl d. Over ni ght i n M uni ch. Day 2 - Muni ch Today vi si t two extr aordi nar y castl es, Neuschwanstei n and L i nder hof, bui l t by the famous K i ng L udwi g I I . Over ni ght i n M uni ch. (B) Day 3 - Muni ch Expl ore M uni ch on your own. Or take an opti onal mountai n excur si on to vi si t Zugspi tze. Over ni ght i n M uni ch. (B) Day 4 - Muni ch - Stuttgar t (2 hr ) Tr avel to Stuttgar t by tr ai n. On ar r i val , vi si t the museum of M ercedes-Benz. Enj oy the eveni ng on the banks of the r i ver Neckar wi th a gl ass of wi ne from the l ocal vi neyards. Over ni ght i n Stuttgar t. (B) Day 5 - Stuttgar t - Fr ankfur t ( 1 hr ) T he mor ni ng i s free. Vi si t the br and new Por sche M useum. Or take your l oved ones to WI L H EM A. L ater, depar t by tr ai n to Fr ankfur t, check-i n and enj oy the mai n si ghts of the ci ty. Over ni ght i n Fr ankfur t. (B) Day 6 - Fr ankfur t Today proceed on a ful l day excur si on to Baden-Baden and the Bl ack Forest. Over ni ght i n Fr ankfur t. (B) Day 7 - Fr ankfur t - Col ogne (1 hr ) Today tr avel to Col ogne by tr ai n. I n the after noon enj oy a gui ded wal ki ng tour of Col ogne ci ty, hi ghl i ght i ncl udes Col ogne Cathedr al , l ater enj oy a cr ui se on Ri ver Rhi ne. Over ni ght i n Col ogne. (B) Day 8 - Col ogne - Ber l i n (4 hr s) T he mor ni ng i s free at l ei sure to expl ore the ci ty. Or vi si t the Chocol ate museum on your own. I n the after noon tr avel by tr ai n to Berl i n. Over ni ght i n Berl i n. (B) Day 9 - Ber l i n Today proceed on a open bus tour of Berl i n. I n the after noon take an opti onal vi si t to L egol and. Over ni ght i n Berl i n. (B) Day 10 - Ber l i n T he day i s free at l ei sure. OR, take an opti onal tour to vi si t Potsdam (Castl e Sanssouci ). Over ni ght i n Berl i n. (B) Day 11 - Depar t Ber l i n Today you wi l l be tr ansfer red to Berlin Airport lor your night back home. ,B, Enj oy the cosmopol i tan aur a of Ber l i n and Hambur g and the r usti c town of Dr esden. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Hambur g On ar r i val , you wi l l be met and tr ansfer red to your hotel . Over ni ght i n H amburg. Day 2 - Hambur g T hi s mor ni ng di scover H ambur y on har bour cr ui se. T he rest of the day i s free. Over ni ght i n H amburg. (B) Day 3 - Hambur g - Ber l i n (1 hr ) Today, you wi l l be tr ansfer red to Berl i n. Over ni ght i n Berl i n. (B) Day 4 - Ber l i n Today proceed on a open bus tour of Berl i n. Vi si t Br andenburg Gate, Potsdamer Pl atz, Charl ottenburg Pal ace, Rei chstag Parl i ament bui l di ng, Al exander pl atz. I n the after noon take an opti onal vi si t to L egol and. Over ni ght i n Berl i n. (B) Day 5 - Ber l i n T he day i s free at l ei sure. OR, take an opti onal tour to vi si t Potsdam (Castl e Sanssouci ). Over ni ght i n Berl i n. (B) Day 6 - Ber l i n - Dr esden (2 hr s) Today tr avel to Dresden. On ar r i val enj oy Dresden ci ty tour, see the state capi tal of Saxony by water, funi cul ar r ai lway and bus. Over ni ght i n Dresden. (B) Day 7 - Dr esden T he day i s free at l ei sure. Or expl ore the ci ty on your own vi si t the Semper Oper a or make an excur si on to the wel l known porcel ai n manufactor y i n M ei ssen. Over ni ght i n Dresden. (B) Day 8 - Dr esden - Depar t Ber l i n Today you wi l l be tr ansfer red from Dresden to Berl i n Ai r por t for your night back home. ,B, COLOGNE & BERLI N I n Col ogne, the cathedr al spi res tower over the ci ty and i ts i nnumer abl e cul tur al and hi stor i cal treasures, museums and acti ve ar t scene. L i fe i n Col ogne i s uncompl i cated and vi vaci ous. Berl i ns extensi ve tr anspor tati on network makes i t easy to get around. I n addi ti on to popul ar desti nati ons such as the Rei chstag and Br andenburg Gate, take i n the ci tys many ar t and hi stor y museums. 63 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs I ndi an Restaur ants Shoppi ng Ni ght Li fe Rangol i - Brei te Str ae 24-26, 50667 Col ogne, Tel + 49 221 25 87 95 64 Amma, Kr euzber g - Ur banstr 28A, 10967 Berl i n + 49 30 74073516 4711 Echt Kl ni sch Wasser - The Or i gi nal Eau de Col ogne and per fumes KaDeWe - Wi t t enber gpl at z, I nter nati onal desi gner l abel s. Cor koni an I r i sh Pub: Kl sch - Exper i ence K l sch, I r i sh-styl e. Pr enzl auer Ber g & Mi t t e, enj oy the foodstal l s and atmosphere Our doubl e decker busses provi de you the i deal oppor tuni ty to get to know thi s fasci nati ng ci ty at the r i ver El be. L et us show you Dresden on a 1,5 hour s gui ded si ghtseei ng tour. I f you br i ng some more ti me, you can l eave the bus at each of the 22 stops, to have a cl oser l ook at al l the di fferent si ghts and enj oy i t to your hear ts content. T hen conti nue the tour on one of the next busses. Open Bus Tour, Ber l i n Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Torio Off. Pi ck Up T i me 0900 to 1700 hrs Dur ati on Flxiol Di scover Berl i n wi th our Ci ty-Ci rcl e-Tour, that i s conducted i n 8 l anguages (mul ti voi ce system). Board and l eave the coach as you wi sh at 15 di fferent stops throughout the ci ty, or remai n seated i n the coach and exper i ence the capi tal dur i ng the two-hour tour : the choi ce i s your s. T hi s tour offer s an i deal way to expl ore the ci ty of Berl i n and vi si t the mai n tour i st hi ghl i ghts at your space, dur i ng one day. T hi s tour takes you to the most beauti ful par ts of Col ogne. Dur i ng a gui ded tour you oiscover the olo town ol cologne with its meoieval city gates ano magnincent Roman churches and bui l di ngs. One of the hi ghl i ghts you vi si t i s the famous Cathedr al of Col ogne. M oreover you wi l l see the town hal l as wel l as the moder n par t of Col ogne wi th i ts i mpressi ve archi tecture and many shoppi ng center s. On thi s tour you di scover the hi ghl i ghts of the ci ty. Addi ti onal l y the tour conti nues to the Pal ace of Nymphenburg, the for mer summer resi dence of the Bavar i an el ector pr i nces and ki ngs wi th i ts beauti ful and spaci ous gardens. To get an i mpressi on of mooern Munich, you visit the Olympic grounos where you may nno other attractions l i ke Sea L i fe, the BM W museum and the new BM W Car Worl d. Ci ty tour, Muni ch Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt M ai n T rai n Stati on Pi ck Up T i me 0900 hrs Dur ati on ! /r 30 ot Onl y i n H amburg you can tour the ci ty by boat - on the Bi nnen- and Auenal ster l ake. Experience all the charm ol the Alster with its lovely Alsterpark, villas ano notillas ol sai l i ng boats set agai nst the panor ami c background of tower s and church spi res. Your Al ster boat tr acks al ong the banks of the Bi nnen- and Auenal ster, whi l st your gui de recounts tal es of H amburgs hi stor y and i ts peopl e. Ci ty tour, Col ogne Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Torio Off. Pi ck Up T i me 1000.1!00.1!00 /r Dur ati on 1 hr 30 mts Open Bus Tour, Dr esden Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Jo T/otrlot Pi ck Up T i me 0930 hrs Dur ati on 1 hr 30 mts Ci ty tour, Hambur g Hitr, . Jc.otor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Jungfer nstei g Pi ck Up T i me 1000 hrs Dur ati on 50 mts 64 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs CZECH REPUBL I C AUST RI A Vi enna Br ati sl avi a Budapest SLOVAK I A H UNGARY T he L and of the sceni c D anube i n Budapest, the ot C/ritoo oor/t io Proo, t/ oci.ol pedestri an al l eys i n Sl ovaki a and the l argest fr/ootr Lo/ Boloto io Hooor,, Eotro Eor i o loocoio littrc oit/ troor. Eternal Mystery EAST ERN EUROPE EAST ERN EUROPE BEST TI ME TO TRAVEL Slovakia`s weather is at its nnest in the months of M ay, June and September . Summer can be war m and excepti onal l y l ong but autumns can be a good ti me to vi si t the hi l l s ar ound Budapest. T he i deal ti me to vi si t the Czech Republ i c i s M ay or September . WHY GO? Unear th the tr anqui l natur al r i ches of Sl ovaki a i n the M al Fatr a Nati onal Park. Al l ow the medi eval bui l di ngs set deep i n the V l atva Ri ver val l ey and the fai r ytal e vi stas i n the Czech Republ i c to bl ow your mi nd. T he peti te countr y of H ungar y i s famed for i ts hospi tal i ty, char mi ng provi nci al ci ti es and r i ch fol k tr adi ti on. T he beer, i t i s tr ue that the beer i n the Czech Republ i c i s cheaper than water, and not to menti on some of the best i n the worl d. Brewer i es can be found through out the countr y, al l offer i ng uni que and di sti nct bl ends from speci al dark to hal f dark brews. THE COST DI FFI CULTY OF TRAVEL H I GH LOW H I GH LOW 65 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs MUST SEE Czech Republ i c: Step i nto the hi l l top K arl stej n Castl e i n Pr ague and vi si t the ol d gothi c Charl es Br i dge. See the astronomi cal cl ock, the ol dest one worki ng at the Ol d Town Square. T he ol d and the new worl ds seaml essl y bl end here as contempor ar y retai l shops and anci ent establ i shments si t cheek by j owl . Dont mi ss out on the whi msi cal bui l di ng, Tancc dum (Danci ng H ouse). K nock back a dr i nk at the L etna beer garden and wander around the cobbl ed al l ey of the Gol d L ane.
Hungar y: Go to the Fi sher mans basti on for an unobstr ucted and unforgettabl e vi ew of Budapest. Step back i n ti me and vi ew the Sovi et-er a statues l i ke that of L eni n and M ar x at the Statue Park. Cr ui se on the Danube for an over vi ew of Budapest. T he L abyr i nth i s for the i ntrepi d compr i si ng 1000 yards of compl ex caves, cel l ar s and spr i ngs r unni ng beneath the Castl e H i l l . Rel ax at the day spa, K arl ovy-Var y.
Sl ovaki a: Sl ovaki as br i l l i ant cl ai m to fame i s the H i gh Tatr a the maj esti c mountai n r ange. Cl i mb to the top of the Br ati sl ava Castl e for some phenomenal vi ews of how the ci ty seaml essl y reconci l es opposi tes. Strol l al ong the streets of the Ol d Town i n Br ati sl ava and stop by the l andmark of ST. M i chael s Gate. Vi si t the Trenci n Castl e i n the val l ey of the Vah Ri ver. GETTI NG AROUND Tr ai n: Train travel in Eastern Europe is comly, pleasant ano lairly elncient. Almost all ol Europe are l i nked by r ai l ser vi ce. I n gener al tr ai n tr avel i n Easter n Europe i s more expensi ve than bus tr avel but for l ong di stance j our neys where over ni ght tr ai ns are requi red thi s gets you to your desti nati on and save the cost of a ni ght i n a hotel . Car : Publ i c tr anspor tati on i n Easter n Europe i s gener al l y excel l ent and a good way to cover a l ot of ter r i tor y i nexpensi vel y. Renti ng a car i s advi sabl e for Easter n European ci ti es but i t has to be booked i n advance and the r ates are l ower. Bus: Bus tr avel i s a way of l i fe i n al l of Europe, i ncl udi ng Easter n Europe. Buses tend to be the best for reachi ng smal l er towns and remote si tes and someti mes they are the onl y opti on for reachi ng mountai ns vi l l ages and ti ny haml ets. Seats does not have to be bl ocked i n advance you can buy a ti cket from the dr i ver i tsel f when you board the bus.
J F M A M J J A S O N D MAX O C 2 4 10 15 21 23 26 26 21 15 7 3 MI N O C -2 -2 1 5 10 13 15 15 11 6 1 -2 Dai l y maxi mum and mi ni mum aver ages are gui des onl y and may var y Aver age Cl i mate i n Easter n Eur ope CURRENCY CONVERSI ON T he cur rency of H ungar y i s H ungar i an For i nt (H UF) 1 H UF = 0.23 I NR, Czech Republ i cs i s Czech K or une (CZK ) = 2.65 I NR Czech Republ i c i s Czech, H ungar y i s H ungar i an and i n Sl ovaki a i ts Sl ovak. DI FFERENT LANGUAGES TI ME DI FFERENCE Easter n Europe i s 3 hour s and 30 mi nutes ahead of I ndi a dur i ng summer 66 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs THE I MPERI AL CAPI TALS 8 ni ghts Vi si t Vi enna, Pr ague, Br ati sl ava & Budapest EASTERN EUROPE TREASURES 6 ni ghts Vi si t Pr ague, Vi enna & Budapest Vi si t www.coxandki for a wi der sel ecti on of our hol i days 1o /o. o oic l.tio f Stoocorc, Firt Clo ooc Dlox /tl t ./ fro. Oo ,or i/tio tor ooc troofr, ,o /o. o ./i. f ot-io-.o./ r ri.ot troortotio. Jccitiool oi/t ooc i/tio tor .oo o io.locc ot oo, iot io t/ oo. itiorori. Exlrr Exlrr AUSTRI A, CZECH REPUBLI C, HUNGARY, SLOVAKI A Di scover four remarkabl e countr i es: Austr i a - a ver i tabl e j ewel box of beauti ful treasures; Czech Republ i c - where hi stor i c monuments and enti re towns have been i ncl uded on the Worl d H er i tage L i st; H ungar y - famous for Baroque archi tecture and ther mal spas and Sl ovaki a - a mar vel l ous l and of nati onal parks, mountai ns, val l eys and r i ver s. M OST POPULAR Tr avel thr ough the hear t of Eur ope and di scover thr ee beauti ful and hi stor i c Capi tal s - Pr ague, Vi enna and Budapest. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Pr ague On ar r i val i n Pr ague, you wi l l be tr ansfer red by a chauffuer dr i ven car to your hotel . I n the eveni ng enj oy the opti onal Pr ague by Ni ght tour. Enj oy a dr i ve past br i l l i antl y i l l umi nated monuments fol l owed by a di nner cr ui se on Ri ver V l tava. Over ni ght i n Pr ague. Day 2 - Pr ague Today, i mmer se your sel f wi th the r i ch, opul ent beauty of Pr ague on a combi ned Gr and Ci ty tour. Over ni ght i n Pr ague. (B) Day 3 - Pr ague - Vi enna (4 hr s) Tr avel to Vi enna by tr ai n and tr ansfer to your hotel . L ater, enj oy a ci ty tour of Vi enna. T he hi ghl i ght of the tour i s a vi si t to the Royal Schonbr unn Pal ace, the number one attr acti on i n Vi enna. Over ni ght i n Vi enna. (B) Day 4 - Vi enna T he day i s at l ei sure or you have the opti on of a day excur si on to Sal zburg, the ci ty i mmor tal i zed as the bi r th pl ace of the l egendar y composer M ozar t. Over ni ght i n Vi enna. (B) Day 5 - Vi enna - Budapest (3 hr s) Tr avel to Budapest by tr ai n and tr ansfer to your hotel . Rest of the day i s at l ei sure or expl ore the si ghts of Budapest on a Cr ui se on the Danube (opti onal ). Over ni ght i n Budapest. (B) Day 6 - Budapest T hi s mor ni ng, enj oy a compl ete over vi ew of H ungar i an hi stor y on a Ci ty tour and see some of the maj or l andmarks. T he tour takes you across the Danube on the M argaret Br i dge, shows you the H ouse of Parl i ament, the Royal Castl e, Fi sher mans Basti on and much more. Dr i ve towards H eroes Square passi ng by the Oper a and St. Stephens Basi l i ca. Over ni ght i n Budapest. (B) Day 7 - Depar t Budapest Today, you wi l l be translerreo to the airport lor your night back home. ,B, Cel ebr ate the best of Austr i a, Czech Republ i c and Hungar y wi th a gl i mpse of Sl ovaki a! Day 1 - Ar r i ve Vi enna On ar r i val i n Vi enna, you wi l l be tr ansfer red by a chauffuer dr i ven car to your hotel . L ater, enj oy a ci ty tour of Vi enna. T he hi ghl i ght i ncl udes a vi si t to the Royal Schonbr unn Pal ace. Over ni ght i n Vi enna. Day 2 - Vi enna T he day i s at l ei sure to expl ore Austr i as capi tal . Or you have the opti on of a day excur si on to Sal zburg. Over ni ght i n Vi enna. (B) Day 3 - Vi enna - Pr ague (4 hr s) Tr avel to Pr ague by tr ai n. I n the eveni ng, you have the opti on of taki ng the Pr ague by Ni ght tour. Over ni ght i n Pr ague. (B) Day 4 - Pr ague Today, i mmer se your sel f wi th the r i ch, opul ent beauty of Pr ague on a combi ned Gr and Ci ty tour. Over ni ght i n Pr ague. (B) Day 5 - Pr ague - Br ati sl ava (5 hr s) Tr avel by tr ai n to Sl ovaki as capi tal , Br ati sl ava, whi ch was al so the capi tal of the H ungar i an Empi re for 200 year s. Rest of the eveni ng i s free. Over ni ght i n Br ati sl ava. (B) Day 6 - Br ati sl ava T hi s mor ni ng, enj oy a Wal ki ng Tour of Br ati sl ava. Vi si t mai n Domi nant - Br ati sl ava castl e, where you can make amazi ng pi ctures of the hi stor i cal and moder n Danube Ri ver. T he tour conti nues to the Pedestr ai n zone passi ng al l Cul tur al and H i stor i cal Si tes. Over ni ght i n Br ati sl ava. (B) Day 7 - Br ati sl ava - Budapest (3 hr s) Tr avel to Budapest by tr ai n and tr ansfer to your hotel . T he remai nder of the day i s at l ei sure or expl ore the si ghts of Budapest on a Cr ui se on the Danube (opti onal ). Over ni ght i n Budapest. (B) Day 8 - Budapest T hi s mor ni ng, enj oy a compl ete over vi ew of H ungar i an hi stor y on a Ci ty tour and see some of the maj or l andmarks.whi ch takes you across the Danube on the M argaret Br i dge. Over ni ght i n Budapest. (B) Day 9 - Depar t Budapest Today, you wi l l be translerreo to the airport lor your night back home. ,B, 67 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs Gai n an i nsi ght i nto the hi stor y and cul ture of Budapest on a Ci ty Tour. Cross the Danube on the M argaret Br i dge and dr i ve to the Royal Castl e on the Buda si de. Vi si t the Fi sher mens Basti on and the M atthi as Church. Fol l owi ng a photo stop at the Ci tadel , cross El i zabeth br i dge and dr i ve past the Ci ty Park towards H eroes square passi ng by the Oper a and St. Stephens Basi l i ca. Enj oy a Wal ki ng Tour of Br ati sl ava, a ci ty best expl ored on foot to ful l y appreci ate i ts r i ch archi tectur al her i tage. T he i nteresti ng mi x of Ger man, H ungar i an, Austr i an, Jewish ano Czech innuences is evioent everywhere. Walk through the historic Olo Town, nleo with quaint cobblestone streets. See the lamous lanomarks like the St. M i chael s Gate, M ai n Square and much more. Expl ore the souther n par t of Vi enna Woods, passi ng by the roman ci ty of Baden, before we reachi ng M ayerl i ng, where we vi si t the convent. T he for mer hunti ng-l odge of Crownpr i nce Rudol ph. We conti nue wi th a vi si t to the Abbey of H ei l i genkreuz where we wi l l see the tomb of the Babengerd Fami l y. Fi nal l y we wi l l vi si t the Seegrotte , or Seagrotto for a boat r i de on Europes l argest l ake. Pr ague By Ni ght, Pr ague Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Premi ant ci ty tour booth Pi ck Up T i me 1830 hrs Dur ati on 4 hrs A cl assi c tour of both the hi stor i c and moder n quar ter s of Pr ague. You wi l l vi si t the Ol d Town, the New Town and the L i ttl e Quar ter i ncl udi ng an excur si on of the Pr ague Castl e wi th entr y to a par t of the St. Vi tus Cathedr al . Conti nue on a V l tava r i ver cr ui se featur i ng pi cturesque vi ews of Pr ague. T he tour ends at the top of the Ol d Town Square Tower wi th a fantasti c vi ew of the ci ty. Di scover Pr ague on a di nner cr ui se over Ri ver V l tava. Enj oy a dr i ve past br i l l i antl y i l l umi nated monuments and squares. Be capti vated by the sheer beauty whi l st cr ui si ng al ong the Ri ver V l tava taki ng i n the sceni c vi ews of Pr agues skyl i ne. Enj oy buffet di nner accompani ed by musi c i n a romanti c and festi ve atmosphere. Conti nue on a br i ef coach tour of Gol den Pr ague for a di fferent per specti ve of the ci ty. Gr and Ci ty Tour, Pr ague Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Premi ant ci ty tour booth Pi ck Up T i me 1000.1!00 /r Dur ati on 3 hrs 30 mts Di scover Vi enna from the r i ver Danube! Rel ax on board the M S Vi enna as you sai l past some ol Vienna`s most signincant builoings like the Urania observatory, UNO Ci ty, Danube Tower (252m), M i l l enni um Tower (202m), T her mal Waste Treatment Pl ant Spi ttel au, Vi enna Ri ng Tower and the St. Ruper ts Church. T he Danube r i ver, through i ts r i ch hi stor y, remai ns tr ul y capti vati ng. Ci ty Tour, Budapest Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Eorooo Tro.l Jo., Pi ck Up T i me 1000 . 1!30 /r Dur ati on 3 hrs Wal ki ng Tour, Br ati sl ava Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Iofroo.oo Ioo.lorio Pi ck Up T i me 1400 hrs Dur ati on ! /r Gr and Danube Ri ver Cr ui se, Vi enna Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt S./ocolot: DDSC Pi ck Up T i me 1500 hrs Dur ati on 3 /r !0 ot Vi enna Woods & Mayer l i ng, Vi enna Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Soctirlrlot Pi ck Up T i me 0945 hrs Dur ati on 4 hrs I ndi an Restaur ants Shoppi ng Ni ght Li fe Bombay Pal ace - Di str i ct Vi , Andr assy ut. 44, Budapest. Tel : 1332863 Govi nda - V. Bel gr adr akpar t, 18 Budapest 1056. Tel : 13181144 Bar Bar Lounge Caf, Budapest - M oder n attr acti vel y decor ated bar cum restaurant with oance noor. Cer na Ruze, Pr ague - a ver y famous depar tment store. 68 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs M adr i d Barcel ona Val enci a Gr anada Cordoba M al aga Ser vi l l e T/ Looc f oollf/tr, fooo. to coo.r, ,or-rooc .ioroot foir, fooo,oot .ot/crol ooc littrio ooo, oo./ Soio i o cli/tfol vi sual overl oad. Emblematic of The Free Spirit SPAI N SPAI N BEST TI ME TO TRAVEL Apr i l - June and September - October are i deal months to vi si t Souther n Spai n. Jul y and August can be ver y hot months. T he nor th can be ver y chi l l y between November and Febr uar y. M ay - June and September ar e the best months to vi si t the nor th of Spai n. WHY GO? Bullnghters, namenco tap oancers, year- rouno vibrant lairs, namboyant catheorals and gl i tter i ng sunny beaches Spai n i s a oelightlul visual overloao. Savour the nne wine i n M adr i d. Gape at the bi zar re bui l di ngs of Barcel ona. Even after you have expl ored the cl i chs, Spai n remai ns a treasure chest of pul sati ng attr acti ons and a youthful spi r i t. I t bel i eves i n the pur sui t of pl easure. You have to eat the pael l a and the tr adi ti onal tapas and so many other del i ci ous Spani sh di shes! I n Spai n, you wont resi st the temptati on of par ti ci pati ng i n open-door spor ts acti vi ti es. THE COST DI FFI CULTY OF TRAVEL H I GH LOW H I GH LOW 69 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs MUST SEE Ar t and Ar chi t ect ur e: Feel the sur real vi be of Gaudi s touch throughout Barcel ona. Vi si t Park Guel l for i ts whi msi cal mosai c-l aden scul ptures. Nearl y 80 year s after Gaudi s death, work conti nues on the massi ve str ucture of L a Sagr ada Fami l i a. Vi si t Sal vador Dal i s eccentr i c house and del ve i nto the M oor i sh gr andeur of Andal ucas monuments. Seek out the H angi ng H ouses i n Cuenca.
St r eet s of Spai n: Soak up the ambi ence of one of the most beauti ful l y preser ved squares i n M adr i d, Pl aza M ayor. Bunol is literally painteo in reo ouring La Tomatina a lree-lor-all-tomato nght helo in August in the mai n square. T he streets of Pampl ona are swathed i n a r i otous fer vor dur i ng the Runni ng of the Bul l s Festi val . Sevi l hol ds romanti c, medi eval , hi dden pl azas dappl ed i n the scent of or ange bl ossoms. T he streets come al i ve at ni ght wi th the best par ti es and Tapas Bar s. Stop by M ercat de l a Boquer i a, Barcel onas busi est and br i ghtest market.
Beaches: T he beaches of I bi za are famed for thei r outr ageous summer s and al l -ni ght-l ong par ti es. T hi s i s the i sl and envel oped by swanky cl ubs for the di e-hard par ty peopl e. I f you want to stay away from the crowds, expl ore the qui et i nter i or s of Val enci a. L ounge i dl y on the stretches of si l ver y sand on Costa de l a L uz. GETTI NG AROUND Met r o: T he fastest, safest and economi cal way to tr avel . T he l i nes are di fferenti ated by col our and are numbered. T he ti ckets can be purchased at any ki osk or stati on. T he ti ckets can be used wi th the metro or wi th the publ i c bus system and r uns from 6 am to 2 am. Bus: T he bus network i s extensi ve and i s easy to master wi th a tr anspor t map. Buses have desi gnated lanes so are able to avoio tralnc congestion. Night buses take over lrom about 10 pm to ! am. M ost towns have bus ter mi nal s. Bus and metro ti ckets are the same. I f the bus ti cket i s not purchased earl i er the same can be purchased from the dr i ver. Rai l : T he r ai lway network i n spai n i s di rected by the RENFE and connects al l the regi ons of the peni nsul a. Tr ai n tr avel i s suggested for cer tai n routes i n Spai n l i ke M adr i d to Sevi l l e and M adr i d to M al aga as you can enj oy the exper i ence of hi gh speed tr ai ns l i ket the AV E. T he seat reser vati on i s recommended for the i nterci ty tr avel .
J F M A M J J A S O N D MAX O C 11 13 16 18 22 28 33 33 28 21 15 12 MI N O C 1 2 4 6 9 14 17 17 13 9 4 2 Dai l y maxi mum and mi ni mum aver ages are gui des onl y and may var y Aver age Cl i mate i n Madr i d - Spai n CURRENCY CONVERSI ON T he cur rency of Spai n i s Euros (EUR) 1 EUR = 69 I NR* Spanish is the olncial language of Spai n DI FFERENT LANGUAGES TI ME DI FFERENCE Spai n i s 4 hour s and 30 mi nutes behi nd I ndi a. 70 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs BEST OF SPAI N 6 ni ghts Vi si t M adr i d, Cordoba, Sevi l l a, Gr anada and M adr i d SPANI SH FI ESTA 4 ni ghts Vi si t M adr i d & Barcel ona Vi si t www.coxandki for a wi der sel ecti on of our hol i days 1o /o. o oic l.tio f Stoocorc, Firt Clo ooc Dlox /tl t ./ fro. Jccitiool oi/t ooc i/tio tor .oo o io.locc ot oo, iot io t/ oo. itiorori. Fooil, Fooil, . Exlrr MADRI D & BARCELONA M adr i d, the Spani sh capi tal i s an exci ti ng and fasci nati ng ci ty, successful l y bl endi ng i ts col our ful hi stor y wi th moder n chi c. L ocated on the M edi ter r anean coast, Barcel ona one of the worl ds busi est seapor ts i s the capi tal of Catal oni a and the second l argest ci ty i n Spai n. M OST POPULAR See the hi ghl i ghts of Spai n and encounter hi stor i c monuments, ar chi tectur e and cul tur e. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Madr i d On ar r i val i n M adr i d, you wi l l be tr ansfer red to your hotel . T hi s after noon take an opti onal tour to T ol edo, a UNESCO Wor l d H er i tage Si te, to admi r e i ts beauty thor ough the ar chi tectur al her i tage. Over ni ght i n M adr i d. (B) Day 2 - Madr i d T oday enj oy a panor ami c ci ty tour of M adr i d, di scover i ng M adr i ds hi stor i cal si tes and monuments. H i ghl i ghts I ncl ude: T he Royal Pal ace, Sabati ni Gar dens and Campo del M or o, the chur ch of San Fr anci sco El Gr ande, the fountai ns of Paseo del Pr ado, the T ol edo Br i dge, the Pr ado M useum and Puer ta de Al cal . Over ni ght i n M adr i d. (B) Day 3 - Madr i d - Cor doba (2 hr s) T hi s mor ni ng you wi l l be tr ansfer r ed to M adr i d stati on for a hi gh speed tr ai n to Cor doba. Ar r i ve Cor doba, a Wor l d H er i tage Si te by UNESCO ci ty, you wi l l be met and tr ansfer r ed to your hotel . Over ni ght i n Cor doba. (B) Enj oy the wonder ful Spani sh cul tur e wi th thi s gr eat vacati on package. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Madr i d On ar r i val i n M adr i d, you wi l l be met and tr ansfer red by a chauffeur dr i ven car to your hotel . T he rest of the day i s free at l ei sure. T hi s after noon take an opti onal tour to Tol edo, a UNESCO Worl d H er i tage Si te, to admi re i ts beauty thorough the archi tectur al her i tage. Over ni ght i n M adr i d. Day 2 - Madr i d Today enj oy a panor ami c ci ty tour of M adr i d. Di scover M adr i ds hi stor i cal si tes and magincient monuments to the the mooern Maorio ol skyscr aper s and cosmopol i tan archi tecture. H i ghl i ghts Day 4 - Cor doba - Sevi l l a (1hr ) T oday enj oy a wal ki ng tour of Cor doba. Str ol l thr ough the hi stor i c quar ter of Cor doba to di scover a beauti ful the M osque- Cathedr al , vi si t Synagogue, whi ch i s the symbol of the three cul tures, because Chr i sti ans, Ar abs and Jews. L ater i n the eveni ng you ar e tr ansfer r ed to the tr ai n stati on for your tr ai n to Sevi l l a. On ar r i val you ar e met and tr ansfer r ed to your hotel . Over ni ght i n Sevi l l e. (B) Day 5 - Sevi l l a - Gr anada (3hr s) T oday expl or e Sevi l l a on a si ghtseei ng tour . H i ghl i ghts i ncl ude: Gothi c Cathedr al , one of the wor l d s most beauti ful Gothi c templ es, Santa Cr uz quar ter , we wi l l pass by the Real es Al czar es, Guadal qui vi r r i ver . I n the after noon you ar e tr ansfer r ed to the tr ai n stati on for your hi gh-speed tr ai n to Gr anada. On ar r i val tr ansfer to your hotel. In the evening take an optional namenco dance show. Over ni ght i n Gr anada. (B) Day 6 - Gr anada - Madr i d (5 hr s) T oday morni ng di scover Alhambra and Generali fe Gardens. At Alhambra the UNESCO World H eri tage-li sted si te, vi si t the most i mportant halls and courtyards. Conti nui ng to the Generali fe Gardens, you ll vi si t the retreat of the M oori sh ki ngs. Later, you wi ll be transfer red to trai n stati on for trai n to M adri d. Overni ght i n M adri d. (B) Day 7 - Depar t Madr i d T oday you wi l l be tr ansfer r ed to Maorio Airport lor your night back home. ,B, I ncl ude: T he Royal Pal ace, Sabati ni Gardens and Campo del M oro, the church of San Fr anci sco El Gr ande, the fountai ns of Paseo del Pr ado, the Tol edo Br i dge, the Pr ado M useum and Puer ta de Al cal . Over ni ght i n M adr i d. (B) Day 3 - Madr i d - Bar cel ona (3 hr s) T hi s mor ni ng you wi l l be tr ansfer red to M adr i d stati on for a hi gh speed tr ai n to Barcel ona. On ar r i val at Barcel ona Stati on you wi l l be met tr ansfer red to your hotel . Over ni ght i n Barcel ona. (B) Day 4 - Bar cel ona Di scover the exuber ance and beauty of Barcel ona on a Ci ty tour. H i ghl i ghts i ncl ude the Cathedr al , the Pl aza de Catal una, the magi cal Gothi c Quar ter, Pl aza Sant Jaume, Vi l l a Ol ympi ca, panor ami c vi ew of the ci ty and har bour from M ontj uc M ountai n. Over ni ght i n Barcel ona. (B) Day 5 - Depar t Bar cel ona Today you wi l l be translerreo to the Airport lor your night. ,B, 71 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs Jour ney throught the pi cturesque vi l l ages to get to the town of M ontser r at, whose r ugged mountai n setti ng i nspi red the composer Ri chard Wagner as he wrote Par si fal . L ocated 40kms from Barcel ona, M ontser r at i s one of Catal oni as most i mpor tant rel i gi ous si tes, wi th a monaster y and museum on the summi t. Vi si t the Royal Basi l i ca wi th i ts 12th-centur y car vi ng of the Bl ack Vi rgi n and many more. Be seduced by the Andal ucan char m of Sevi l l e on a day excur si on. Tour hi ghl i ghts i ncl ude Pl aza de Espana - epi tome of M oor i sh revi val i n Spani sh archi tecture; Gothi c Cathedr al - a UNESCO Worl d H er i tage Si te; Gi r al da Tower ; Or ange Tree Cour tyard; Gol den Tower ; whi ch i s a symbol of Sevi l l e, Santa Cr uz Quar ter ; the M oor i sh Al cazar Pal ace and the beauti ful M ar i a L ui sa Park. A hop-on-hop-off tour i s a great way to get a gl i mpse i nto the cul ture and hi stor y of the ci ty. Bi r thpl ace of Pi casso, M al aga boasts pretty streets, l eafy boul evards and l ush gardens and memor abl e l andmarks. Wi th 13 stops cover i ng al l of M al agas mai n attr acti ons such as L a Al cazaba, L a M anqui ta cathedr al , Casti l l o de Gi br al faro, among other s, thi s tour provi des the per fect i ntroducti on to the ci ty. Di scover the exuber ance and beauty of Barcel ona on a Ci ty Tour. H i ghl i ghts i ncl ude the Cathedr al , the Pl aza de Catal una, the magi cal Gothi c Quar ter, Pl aza Sant Jaume, Vi l l a Ol i mpi ca, home to athl etes dur i ng the Ol ympi cs, panor ami c vi ews of the ci ty and har bour from M ontj ui c, vi si t to the Pobl e Espanyol to see typi cal regi onal archi tecture and taste Catal an cava, the renowned l ocal sparkl i ng wi ne. Ci ty Tour, Bar cel ona Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Pul l amantur Ter mi nal Pi ck Up T i me 0!5.1530 /r Dur ati on 3 hrs 30 mts Get a uni que vi ew of M adr i d aboard an open-top doubl e-decker bus. Di scover hi stor i cal si tes and monuments to the moder n M adr i d of skyscr aper s and cosmopol i tan archi tecture. M adr i ds attr acti ons i ncl ude the Pl aza M ayor (square), the Royal Pal ace, Pr ado M useum, Sal amanca Quar ter s, the Pl aza de Or i ente and the Paseo del Ar te , famous for i ts uni que museums, pal aces and gardens. Open Bus Tour, Madr i d Adventure Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Any bus stati on Pi ck Up T i me 1000 - !100 /r Dur ati on Flxiol Excur si on to Montser r at, Bar cel ona Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Pul l amantur Ter mi nal Pi ck Up T i me 0930 hrs Dur ati on 5 hrs Open Bus Tour, Mal aga Adventure Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Any bus stati on Pi ck Up T i me 0945 - 1800 hrs Dur ati on Flxiol Cl assi c Sevi l l e Tour, Sevi l l e Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates Mo.To.T/or.Sot Pi ck Up Poi nt Al - Andal us H otel Pi ck Up T i me 1000 hrs Dur ati on 3 hrs I ndi an Restaur ants Shoppi ng Ni ght Li fe Swagat - C/ Al sono H eredi a, 22, 28020 M adr i d. Tel : 917131155 El Cor t e I ngl es, Madr i d - One of the trendi est depar tmental Stores. Lepant o, Madr i d - Famous for i ts l eather cl othes and gi ft i tems Cabr at , Barcel ona - A funky bar wi th great cocktai l s Joy Esl ava Di sco, Madr i d - a happeni ng Ni ghtcl ub l ocated i n ci ty centre. 72 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs CLASSI C SPAI N 6 ni ghts Vi si t M adr i d, Val enci a and Barcel ona SPANI SH EXTRAVAGANZA 6 ni ghts Vi si t Barcel ona, M al aga, Sevi l l e and M adr i d Vi si t www.coxandki for a wi der sel ecti on of our hol i days 1o /o. o oic l.tio f Stoocorc, Firt Clo ooc Dlox /tl t ./ fro. Jccitiool oi/t ooc i/tio tor .oo o io.locc ot oo, iot io t/ oo. itiorori. Exlrr Fooil, Be fasci nated by astoni shi ng ar chi tectur e, gr aceful Gothi c desi gn and gol den sands to sunbathe on i n Spai n. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Madr i d On ar r i val i n M adr i d, you wi l l be tr ansfer red to your hotel . T he rest of the day i s free at l ei sure. L ater, enj oy tour to Tol edo, a UNESCO Worl d H er i tage Si te. Over ni ght i n M adr i d. Day 2 - Madr i d Today enj oy a ci ty tour of M adr i d. Di scover M adr i ds hi stor i cal si tes and monuments to the the moder n M adr i d of skyscr aper s and cosmopol i tan archi tecture. Over ni ght i n M adr i d. (B) Day 3 - Madr i d - Val enci a (2 hr s) T hi s mor ni ng you wi ll be transfer red to M adri d stati on for your trai n to Valenci a. On ar ri val, transfer to your hotel. Spend the day shoppi ng for some exqui si te and world famous Llaoro porcelain ngurines. Overnight in Valencia. ,B, DIscover the urry of anenco and the snIsh mar bl ed str eets of Spani sh Towns. Day 1 - Bar cel ona On ar r i val i n Barcel ona, you wi l l be tr ansfer red to your hotel . I n the after noon di scover the beauty of Barcel ona on a Ci ty tour. H i ghl i ghts i ncl ude the Cathedr al , the Pl aza de Catal una, the magi cal Gothi c Quar ter, Pl aza Sant Jaume, Vi l l a Ol ympi ca, panor ami c vi ew of the ci ty and har bour from M ontj uc M ountai n. Over ni ght i n Barcel ona. Day 2 - Bar cel ona Today enj oy a half day M ontser r at tour. L ocated 40 kms from Barcelona, M ontser r at i s one of Cataloni as most i mpor tant reli gi ous si te, wi th a monaster y and museum. Over ni ght i n Barcelona. (B) Day 3 - Bar cel ona - Mal aga (5 hr s) T hi s mor ni ng you wi l l be tr ansfer red to Barcel ona stati on for a hi gh Day 4 - Val enci a Enj oy a hal f day tour of Val enci a. H i ghl i ghts I ncl ude: See the or nate 14th centur y Ser r anos Tower, Centr al market, Gothi c Cathedr al , Val enci a I nsti tute of M oder n Ar t, L onj a the ol d Si l k Exchange, recogni zed by UNESCO as one of the most beauti ful bui l di ngs of European ci vi l Gothi c archi tecture. Over ni ght i n Val enci a. (B) Day 5 - Val enci a - Bar cel ona (3 hr s) T hi s mor ni ng you wi l l be tr ansfer red to Val enci a stati on for a hi gh speed tr ai n to Barcel ona. On ar r i val , tr ansfer to your hotel . I n the after noon di scover the exuber ance and beauty of Barcel ona on a Ci ty tour. H i ghl i ghts i ncl ude: T he Cathedr al , the Pl aza de Catal una, the magi cal Gothi c Quar ter, Pl aza Sant Jaume, Vi l l a Ol ympi ca, panor ami c vi ew of the ci ty and har bour from M ontj uc M ountai n. Over ni ght i n Barcel ona. (B) Day 6 - Bar cel ona Today enj oy a hal f day M ontser r at tour. L ocated 40 kms from Barcel ona, M ontser r at i s one of Catal oni as most i mpor tant rel i gi ous si te, wi th a monaster y and museum on the summi t. Over ni ght i n Barcel ona. (B) Day 7 - Depar t Bar cel ona Today you wi l l be translerreo to Barcelona Airport lor your night. ,B, speed tr ai n to M al aga. On ar r i val , tr ansfer to your hotel . Expl ore M al aga by Open bus tour. H i ghl i ghts i ncl ude: Bi r thpl ace of Pi casson and M al aga boat pretty streets. Over ni ght i n M al aga. (B) Day 4 : Mal aga Sevi l l e (2 hr s) T hi s mor ni ng you wi l l be tr ansfer red to M al aga stati on for a hi gh speed tr ai n to Sevi l l e. On ar r i val i n Sevi l l e you wi l l be met and tr ansfer red to hotel . Over ni ght i n Sevi l l e. (B) Day 5 - Sevi l l a - Madr i d (3 hr s) T hi s mor ni ng you wi ll be tr ansfer red to Sevi lle stati on for a hi gh speed tr ai n to M adr i d. On ar r i val, tr ansfer to your hotel. T hi s after noon take an opti onal tour to Toledo, a UNESCO World H er i tage Si te. Over ni ght i n M adr i d. (B) Day 6 - Madr i d Today enj oy a ci ty tour of M adr i d. Di scover M adr i ds hi stor i cal si tes and monuments. H i ghl i ghts I ncl ude: T he Royal Pal ace, Sabati ni Gardens and Campo del M oro, the fountai ns of Paseo del Pr ado, the Tol edo Br i dge, the Pr ado M useum and Puer ta de Al cal . Over ni ght i n M adr i d. (B) Day 7- Depar t Madr i d Today you wi l l be tr ansfer red to Maorio Airport lor your night back home. ,B, SEVI LLE & VALENCI A Seville, with its Moorish innuence ano Ilamenco heartbeat is the most brilliant city ol Spain. Don`t mi ss out on the tapas. T he ci ty i s credi ted wi th the i ts i nventi on and has more than a thousand bar s where the choi ce of food, i s vi r tual l y unl i mi ted. I n Val enci a, enj oy al l the beauti ful l andscapes, get i nvol ved wi th hi stor y and vi si t the enti re hi stor i cal and monumental her i tage and the museums. 73 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs I ndi an Restaur ants Shoppi ng Ni ght Li fe Taj Mahal - L ui s Bel monte, 2. Sel l i ve Tel : 954-420-952 Sher e Khan - 11 46004 Val enci a tel :963-950-645 El Cor t e I ngl s - the gi ant Spani sh depar tment store wi th j ust about ever ythi ng you coul d i magi ne Nuevo Cent r o Val enci a - a l arge compl ex of var i ous shops Bar Jot a Avda. Lui s Mont ot o (Ner vi n) - A great pl ace to star t for a beer and tapas Bar r i o del Car men - Ful l of restaur ants & bar s. Tour wi l l star t i n your hotel wi th your l ocal gui de. Because i t was the l ast ci ty reconquered by the Cathol i c M onarchs i n 1492, Gr anada has an unmi stakabl e Ar ab navour.Its culture is consequence ol the city`s glorious history. Not in vain its oloest di str i cts, the Al bai cn together wi th the Al hambr a and the Gener al i fe.was decl ared a Worl d H er i tage Si te. Vi si t Al hambr a bui l t i n the top of a hi l l , to get i ncredi bl e vi ews. T hi s anci ent ci ty, whi ch has been decl ared Worl d H er i tage si te, i s a l i vi ng l egacy of the di ver se cul tures that settl ed i n i t throughout hi stor y. Sti l l preser ves tr aces of the anci ent spl endour of the Cal i phate of Cordoba, whi ch made thi s ci ty one of the most cul tured ano renneo ol meoieval Europe. Our tour start with your local guioe in your hotel. Vi si t wi l l be a wal ki ng tour, due the smal l streets of the center of Cordoba. Wal ki ng tour, Cor doba Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates To.Sot Pi ck Up Poi nt H otel L obby Pi ck Up T i me 1000 - 1!00 /r Dur ati on 3 hrs Al hambr a and Gener al i fe tour, Gr anda Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt H otel L obby Pi ck Up T i me 0900 hrs Dur ati on 3 hrs Enj oy an excur si on to the i mper i al ci ty of Tol edo, a UNESCO Worl d H er i tage Si te, to admi re i ts beauty throught the archi tectur al her i tage. Spai ns medi eval capi tal and a treasure trove ol El Greco artworks, oiscover a glorious city nlleo with amazing medi eval archi tecture as you take a wal k i nto the past al ong i ts cobbl estone al l eyways. See the many beauti ful si tes i ncl udi ng the amazi ng 13th centur y cathedr al . Experience the energy ano orama ol namenco oancing, one ol Spain`s most celebrateo tr adi ti ons. I t i s a uni que and col our ful Andal ucan ar t for m, combi ni ng gui tar pl ayi ng, si ngi ng, cl appi ng and danci ng. Feel the passi on as you watch a dynami c Fl amenco Show per for med by some of the best dancer s i n the countr y. So put on your danci ng shoes ano let namenco weave its magic over you Di scover Val enci a wi th your choi ce of a one, two or three-day tour i st card. This nexible combineo pass ollering lree public transport ,city bus, metro, ano tons of di scounts, makes di scover i ng Val enci a easy. Di scounts at more than 145 par ti ci pati ng establ i shments, i ncl udi ng museums, attr acti ons, restaur ants and shops bring Valencia`s culture, history ano attractions to your nngertips. Excur si on to Tol edo, Madr i d Adventure Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt Pul l amantur Ter mi nal Pi ck Up T i me 08!5 . 1500 /r Dur ati on 5 hrs Fl amenco Show, Madr i d Adventure Oper ates Mo.To.Jc.T/or Pi ck Up Poi nt Lo Corooro Flooo. Pi ck Up T i me !!30 /r Dur ati on 50 mts Tour i st Car d, Val enci a Adventure Oper ates Doil, x.t Soo Pi ck Up Poi nt Any bus stati on Pi ck Up T i me 0900 to 1900 hrs Dur ati on Flxiol 74 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs T/ Looc f or.ti. riocr /rcr, frc, .ro/loio troio ric, t/ Micoi/t Soo ooc the L egend of the Vi ki ngs, Scandi navi a i s bursti ng ot it oo oit/ i/t t/ot oill lift ,or irit. Unrivalled Nordic Charms SCANDI NAV I A SCANDI NAV I A & FI NL AND BEST TI ME TO TRAVEL T he mi dni ght sun can be seen fr om the mi ddl e of M ay ti l l the end of Jul y. I f you vi si t dur i ng the tr yi ng wi nter you wi l l be treated to the Nor ther n L i ghts. Nor way and Sweden ar e their nnest lrom late May to September, when the dayl i ght hour s ar e l onger . WHY GO? T he Scandi navi an countr i es of Nor way, Sweoen, Denmark ano Iinlano are oenneo by the abundance of natur al resources. I n Nor way, r i de on a funi cul ar r ai lway to the top ol Mount Iloyen to take in magnincent views of Bergen al ong wi th the sur roundi ng i sl ands. Bask i n the 150-year-ol d day and ni ght T i vol i Gardens i n Copenhagen. I n Nor way, step out onto the l edge of the Trol l s Tongue and l ook over the edge to the steep drop bel ow. I n Fi nl and, sur render to the al l ure of the wi l der ness. Scandi navi a has somethi ng for ever y taste - castl es, shoppi ng and ni ghtl i fe. THE COST DI FFI CULTY OF TRAVEL H I GH LOW H I GH LOW Osl o NORWAY Stockhol m Rovani emi H el si nki Cophenhagen SWEDEN DENM ARK 75 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs MUST SEE Nor way: Expl ore the uni que rock for mati ons, gl aci er s and the sheer soul -sti r r i ng natur al beauty i n the ljoro country ol Norway. Bergen is a quaint nshing town ano the gateway to the ljoros. Visit the Vi ki ng Shi p M useum or the Nati onal Gal l er y i n Osl o. Sweden: M ar vel at the exhi bi t of some of the most presti gi ous gl assmaker s at the K i ngdom of Cr ystal . Ri de the rol l ercoaster at L i seberg, the bi ggest amusement Park i n the Nordi c countr i es. Ambl e around T he Stor torget Square i n the Ol d Town Gaml a Stan, i n Stockhol m. Denmar k: Enj oy a sceni c canal cr ui se from the Nyhavn har bor i n Copenhagen and pose for pi ctures wi th T he L i ttl e M er mai d i n L angel i nj e. Take a fer r y tr i p to ngs Nati onal Park to gaze at the meadows ol wilonowers. Iollow the trail ol storybook writer Anoersen`s lairytale city ol Copenhagen. It is studded wi th crooked back streets, char mi ng hi dden squares and secret cour tyards. Fi nl and: Di scover the sea-town of H el si nki wi th i ts upbeat summer y spi r i t. Run i nto gol d-panner s at L emmenj oki , the l argest nati onal park i n Fi nl and. M ake the most of the Fi nni sh Water worl d the swi ft cur rents of the mi dl ands and the desol ate streams of L apl and. GETTI NG AROUND Tr ai n: T r ai ns ar e fast, r el i abl e, cl ean and offer s sever al hundr ed tr ai n connecti ons. Both Eur ai l and I nter Rai l tr ai n passes ar e val i d on tr ai ns i n Fi nl and and a Fi nnr ai l pass. Bus: Buses are sale, comlortable ano elncient. Commuter buses run through major towns ano are always clean, prompt ano elncient. Tickets may be bought at travel agents, bus stations or on the buses themsel ves and di scounts r angi ng fr om 25 - 50% ar e avai l abl e for chi l dr en, young peopl e, students, seni or ci ti zens and those tr avel i ng i n a gr oup. Boat : T her e i s a dai l y fer r y ser vi ce between both H el si nki and Stockhol m (j our ney ti me 14hr s) and T ur ku and Stockhol m (j our ney ti me 10-12hr s Pr i ces can var y dr amati cal l y accor di ng to the ti me of year at whi ch you ar e tr avel l i ng, the day of the week and whether you wi sh for a cabi n dur i ng an over ni ght tr i p. T he fer r i es ar e huge and fai r l y l uxur i ous, wi th pl enty of enter tai nment. & FI NL AND
J F M A M J J A S O N D MAX O C 0 0 3 9 16 20 21 20 15 9 3 0 MI N O C -6 -7 -2 1 7 11 12 11 7 3 -1 -5 Dai l y maxi mum and mi ni mum aver ages are gui des onl y and may var y Aver age Cl i mate i n Scandi navi a CURRENCY CONVERSI ON T he cur rency of Nor way i s Nor wegi an K rone 1 NOK = 8.7 I NR, Sweden i s Swedi sh K rone 1SEK = 6.5 I NR Denmark i s Dani sh K rone 1 DK K = 7.4 I NR, T he cur rency of Fi nl and i s Euro 1 EUR = 69 I NR* Olncial language ol Norway is Norwegi an, Sweden i s Swedi sh, Denmark i s Dani sh & Fi nland i s Fi nni sh. DI FFERENT LANGUAGES TI ME DI FFERENCE Scandi navi a i s 3 hour s and 30 mi nutes behi nd I ndi a. Fi nl and i s 3 hour s and 30 mi nutes behi nd I ndi a. 76 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs SCANDI NAVI A CAPI TALS WI TH HELSI NKI 12 ni ghts Vi si t Copenhangen, Osl o, Bergen, Stockhol m and H el si nki Vi si t www.coxandki for a wi der sel ecti on of our hol i days 1o /o. o oic l.tio f Stoocorc, Firt Clo ooc Dlox /tl t ./ fro. Oo ,or i/tio tor ooc troofr, ,o /o. o ./i. f ot-io-.o./ r ri.ot troortotio. Jccitiool oi/t ooc i/tio tor .oo o io.locc ot oo, iot io t/ oo. itiorori. Exlrr . Rooo. OSLO, STOCKHOLM & COPENHAGEN Osl o, Nor ways capi tal and home to the Nobel Peace Pr i ze Award, i s a bustl i ng ci ty wi th pl enty on offer. A ci ty of breathtaki ng natur al beauty, r i ch hi stor y and vi br ant cul ture, Stockhol m i s a tour i sts del i ght. T he l ovel y Dani sh capi tal of Copenhagen i s one of Europes most desi r abl e desti nati ons. Di scover the ver y essence of thr ee of Scandi navi as most tr endy and i nvi ti ng capi tal s! Day 1 - Ar r r i ve Copenhagen On ar r i val i n Copenhargen, you wi ll be met and tr ansfer red by a chauffeur dr i ven car to your hotel. Explore the ci ty on your own wi th a walk down Str get, the worlds longest and the oldest pedestr i an shoppi ng street. Over ni ght i n Copenhagen. Day 2 - Copenhagen Today enj oy ci ty tour of Copenhagen. T he Ci ty Tour passes, the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Chr i sti ansborg Palace, seat of the Dani sh Farliament, Thorvalosen`s Museum, a magnincent collecti on of sculptures. T he Nati onal M useum and the Royal T heatre, world famous for i ts Royal Ballet and Amali enborg Palace. Not to forget T he L i ttle M er mai d, i nspi red by H ans Chr i sti an Ander sens fai r ytale. I n the eveni ng we recommend you to vi si t to the world famous T i voli Gardens fantasy park, a char mi ng combi nati on of amusement r i des, food pavi li ons, car ni val games and open-ai r stage shows on your own. Over ni ght i n Copenhagen. (B) Day 3 - Copenhagen - Osl o (Over ni ght Fer r y) T he mor ni ng i s free. L ate i n the eveni ng tr ansfer on your own to the DFDS Seaways ter mi nal for your over ni ght fer r y to Oslo. Over ni ght on board the fer r y. (B) Day 4 - Ar r i ve Osl o T hi s mor ni ng you ar r i ve i nto Oslo and proceed on your own to hotel. T he day i s free at lei sure to explore the i mpressi ve Vi geland Sculpture Park on your own. Over ni ght i n Oslo. (B) Day 5 - Osl o Today mor ni ng Oslo ci ty tour, a comprehensi ve day tour that br i ngs you to the ci ty attr acti on such as K onti ki M useum, the Nor wegi an Folk M useum & Vi geland Park. Over ni ght i n Oslo. (B) Day 6 - Osl o - Fl am - Gudvangen - Voss - Ber gen T hi s mor ni ng tr avel from Oslo to Bergen on Flam Rai l, one of the spectacular tr ai n r i des and an equally impressive trip by boat ano bus. View magnincent snow- capped mountai ns from the comfor t of a Nor wegi an tr ai n; exper i ence the uni que Flm r ai lway as i t snakes i ts way along the nar row Flm valley sur rounded by soar i ng peaks and gushi ng water falls. T he boat tr i p along Aurlandsfj orden and Nr yfj orden i s another hi ghli ght of the tour. Gudvangen to Voss and then onto Bergen is the nnal leg ol the journey ano the scenery here i s j ust as fantasti c as the rest of the tour. I n the eveni ng di sembark your tour i n Bergen, proceed and check-i n to your hotel. Over ni ght i n Bergen. (B) Day 7 - Ber gen Today explore Bergen on a ci ty tour. H i ghli ghts i nclude the famous Br yggen har bour wi th i ts gabled pack houses, the hanseati c quar ter and old Bergen. Vi si t the Rosenkr antz Tower and the H akons hall, r i de on the funi cular to M ount Floei n, vi si t the old church of M ar i a M ar i aki rken, Bergen Aquar i um. Over ni ght i n Bergen. (B) Day 8 - Ber gen - Stockhol m Today tr ansfer on your own to Bergen Airport lor your night to Stockholm. On ar r i val i n Stockholm, tr ansfer on your own to the hotel. L ater, we suggest you step back i n ti me to the world of the Vi ki ngs and tr avel by boat to Bi rka. A UNESCO World H er i tage Si te, i t was founded i n the 8th centur y ano is olten relerreo to as Sweoen`s nrst real town. Over ni ght i n Stockholm. (B) Day 9 - Stockhol m T hi s mor ni ng, enj oy the Ci ty of Stockholm on Stockholm card, whi ch offer s you entr y to i ts theme park, zoo & many other wonder ful museum such as Vasa museum & the open ai r Skansen. Over ni ght at Stockholm. (B) Day 10 - Stockhol m Hel si nki (Over ni ght Fer r y) T he day i s free to explore the ci ty on your own. I n the eveni ng tr ansfer on your own for an over ni ght Si lj a L i ne Fer r y from Stockholm to H elsi nki .(B) Day 11 - Ar r i ve Hel si nki Ar r i ve H elsi nki thi s mor ni ng, proceed on your own to hotel. T hi s after noon explore H elsi nki on a ci ty tour. H i ghli ghts I nclude: Senate Square, Uspenski Cathedr al, Parli ament Bui ldi ng, Olympi c Stadi um, Presi denti al Palace, Oper a H ouse, Fi nlandi a H ouse. Over ni ght i n H elsi nki . (B) Day 12 - Hel si nki T he day i s free to explore the ci ty on your own. Or take a full day excur si on to vi si t Talli n, Estoni a. Depar t by fer r y to the Estoni an capi tal and enj oy a panor ami c ci ty tour that takes you past the 18th centur y. Vi si t Toompea Castle H i ll, Parli ament Bui ldi ng, Alexander Nvesky Cathedr al, the Dome Church and the Town H all Square. I n the eveni ng retur n back to H elsi nki . Over ni ght i n H elsi nki . (B) Day 13 - Depar t Hel si nki T hi s mor ni ng you wi ll be translerreo to Helsinki Airport lor your night. ,B, 77 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs I ndi an Restaur ants Shoppi ng Ni ght Li fe Bombay Dar bar - K arl Johans gate 23 B 0159 Osl o. Tel : 22 33 6372 I ndi an Taj Rest aur ant - Jer nbanegade 3-5, DK 1608 K ovebhavan V, Tel : 33 131010 Pedest r i an Pr eci nct - A street i n Osl o whi ch has sever al chai ns l i ke H &M and Benetton. St r ogr et - Worl ds l ongest pedestr i an shoppi ng street i n Copenhagen Caf Mono - A qual i ty pl ace i n Osl o ci ty center for qual i ty rock and beer Vega House of Musi c - A popul ar dance cl ub i n Copenhagen Spend two ni ghts exper i enci ng the wonder s of the Fi nni sh capi tal , the per fect getaway! Day 1 - Ar r i ve Hel si nki On ar r i val i n H el si nki , you wi l l be met and tr ansfer red by our l ocal representati ve to your hotel . On ar r i val check i nto your hotel . T he remai nder of the day i s at l ei sure. Expl ore Fi nl ands capi tal on your own, a mi x of parks, water ways and archi tectur al styl es. UNESCO Worl d H er i tage Si te of Suomenl i nna For tress I sl and across the bay. We recommend a strol l i n the Espl anade Park si tuated i n the hear t of H el si nki for some great shoppi ng bargai ns and al so ser vi ng as a promenade for tour i sts. Over ni ght i n H el si nki . Day 2 - Hel si nki T hi s mor ni ng, you wi l l enj oy a sel f- gui ded Audi o Ci ty tour di scover i ng the var i ous si ghts The per fect getaway exper i enci ng the adventur es of Lapl and and the wonder s of Hel si nki . Day 1 - Ar r i ve Rovani emi (vi a Hel si nki ) On ar r i val i n Rovani emi , the hear t and capi tal of L apl and, you wi l l be tr ansfer red to your hotel . T he rest of the day i s at l ei sure. You can expl ore Rovani emi , a moder n town, ful l of l i fe wi th i ts own uni que char acter i sti cs at your own space. T hi s i s al so, the l and of the M i dni ght Sun, where the sun never sets dur i ng summer. Over ni ght i n Rovani emi . Day 2 - Rovani emi An exci ti ng day awai ts you as you get ready to meet Santa on the Santa Cl aus Safar i . Get a gl i mpse of l ocal cul ture on an exhi l ar ati ng Santa Cl aus Safar i . Your adventure begi ns wi th a cr ui se on a tr adi ti onal r i ver boat. Enj oy a vi si t to the home of a L appi sh fami l y and thei r workshop. L ater par ti ci pate i n the myster i ous L app ceremony of crossi ng the Arcti c Ci rcl e. I n the after noon, you wi l l vi si t Santa Cl aus Vi l l age and meet Santa hi msel f. Over ni ght i n Rovani emi . (B) Day 3 - Rovani emi T he day i s at l ei sure to expl ore the capi tal of Santas real m on your own. Rovani emi boasts an i ce gol f cour se, restaur ants wi th i magi nati ve themes, excel l ent shoppi ng and the vast Arkti kum museum, whi ch depi cts l ocal hi stor y and the di fferent i ndi genous cul tures l i vi ng nor th of the Arcti c Ci rcl e. HELSI NKI GETAWAY 2 ni ghts Vi si t H el si nki LAPLAND EXPERI NCE 5 ni ghts Vi si t Rovani emi & H el si nki of H el si nki . T he many si ghts i ncl ude Senate Square, Uspenski Cathedr al , Parl i ament Bui l di ng, Ol ympi c Stadi um, Presi denti al Pal ace, Oper a H ouse, Fi nl andi a H ouse are amongst the hi ghl i ghts of thi s speci al tour. Stops wi l l al so be made at the Si bel i us M onument and i f possi bl e, at the Temppel i auki o Church. A vi si t to the Seur asaar i Open Ai r M useum i s recommended. I t i s l ocated on a beauti ful green i sl and and represents al l the di fferent provi nces of Fi nl and gi vi ng an over al l vi ew of Fi nni sh countr ysi de l i fe from the 18th to the 20th centur y. At present, there are 87 separ ate bui l di ngs at Seur asaar i M useum. Over ni ght i n H el si nki . (B) Day 3 - Depar t Hel si nki Today, the day i s free to i ndul ge i n l ast mi nute shoppi ng before you depar t. H el si nki offer s the best and wi dest r ange of shoppi ng oppor tuni ti es i n Fi nl and, i ncl udi ng top fashi on, l arge oepartment stores, small boutiques, inexpensive nea markets, and ever ythi ng i n between. T he shops i n the ci ty centre are al l l ocated wi thi n easy wal ki ng di stance of each other. T he Desi gn Di str i ct i n Punavuor i i s a must for vi si tor s i nterested i n fashi on. L ater you wi l l be translerreo to the airport lor your night back home. ,B, Toni ght, enj oy the M i dni ght Sun Exper i ence. Over ni ght i n Rovani emi . (B) Day 4 - Rovani emi - Hel si nki T hi s mor ni ng, you will ny to Helsinki ano check in to your hotel. In the after noon, Di scover the hi ghl i ghts of the Fi nni sh capi tal on a Ci ty Tour. Enj oy a sceni c coastal and get a gl i mpse of the UNESCO Worl d H er i tage Si te of Suomenl i nna For tress I sl and across the bay. Vi si t Si bel i us Park Ol ympi c Stadi um, Oper a H ouse, Fi nl andi a H al l and the Uspenski Cathedr al . End the tour wi th a wal k around Senate Square. Over ni ght i n H el si nki . (B) Day 5 - Hel si nki Today rel i ve the mi ddl e ages through the ful l day tour of medi eval Tal l i nn! (Estoni a vi sa requi red) Just a hop away from H el si nki , Estoni as beauti ful H anseati c capi tal , Tal l i nn represents year s of uni nter r upted archi tectur al hi stor y, al l wi thi n a shor t wal k.Depar t by fer r y to the Estoni an capi tal and enj oy a panor ami c coach tour, that takes you on a tour around the most i mpor tant si ghts of the ci ty and al so outsi de medi eval Tal l i nn - such as the Song Festi val grounds and the 18th centur y K adr i org park and pal ace. Wal k through the Ol d Town area. Si nce 1997, the Ol d Town has been on the UNESCO Worl d H er i tage L i st for i ts compact maze of cobbl estone streets, hi stor i cal bui l di ngs and breathtaki ng vi stas. L ater, you wi l l be gi ven free ti me to expl ore the shops and si ghts on your own before the tr ansfer to the har bour and j our ney back to H el si nki . Over ni ght i n H el si nki . (B) Day 6 - Depar t Hel si nki T hi s mor ni ng you wi l l be translerreo to the airport lor your night back home. ,B, Exlrr . Rooo. Exlrr . Fooil, A D D O N 78 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs T/ Looc f oo-.oc oootoio, oo,io grassl ands, anci ent ci tadel s, church spi res and .ot ro/i.ol citoo., Roio i o looc f .otrot oit/ o tric ot. Land of the Czars RUSSI A RUSSI A BEST TI ME TO TRAVEL T he festi ve summer months of M ay and June and the autumn month of September ar e the best months to vi si t. V i si t St. Peter sbur g i n ear l y Jul y to exper i ence the Whi te Ni ghts , when ther e i s dayl i ght al l day l ong. T her e s a speci al char m to Russi an wi nter s. WHY GO? Russi a i s home to the hi stor i cal St. Peter sburg, vi br ant M oscow, the i cy Si ber i a, and other awe- i nspi r i ng gems. T here i s so much to mar vel at i n Russi a l i ke the Tr ans-Si ber i an Rai lway - the l ongest r ai lway i n the worl d, opul ent pal aces, the char mi ng Vol ga Ri ver, the Ol d Pr ussi an resor t of K r anz, now known as Zel enogr adsk, the massi ve ci ti es and the extensi ve roads. Russi a has an i ncredi bl e hi stor y, both anci ent and moder n. From the remnants of Sovi et r ul e to the earl i est l andmarks of the Tsar s, Russi a i s ful l of hi stor i cal l andmarks, from pal aces to pai nted i cons. THE COST DI FFI CULTY OF TRAVEL H I GH LOW H I GH LOW St. Peter sburg M oscow 79 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs MUST SEE Museums and Monument s: Go to the museum ci ty of St. Peter sburg to vi si t T he H er mi tage wi th 2.7 mi l l i on exhi bi ts and St. Isaac`s Catheoral, the Russian Empire`s largest Catheoral. The lortineo Kremlin Towers is the hear t of the countr ys pol i ti cal l i fe. T he Russi an Rai lway Stati ons are monuments i n themsel ves ano worth a visit. The Winter Falace is the olncial resioence ol the Russian monarchs.
Count r ysi de: I f you woul d l i ke to escape the busy l i fe of the ci ti es and get a taste of the provi nci al l i fe, stop by the smal l towns near M oscow such as K ol omna, T ver and Tul a.
Hi st or y and Cul t ur e: You can feel Russi as tur bul ent hi stor y as you wal k through i ts streets. Go beyond the I ron cur tai n and unr avel the myster y of the Col d War. Expl ore the for mer cour se of the Berl i n Wal l . T he East Si de Gal l er y i s a mul ti col ored secti on of the Berl i n Wal l , whi ch has been tur ned i nto the l argest open-ai r gal l er y. Tour the Sovi et Col d War Bunker. Vi si t the Patr i oti c War M useum i n M oscow. Ent er t ai nment Russi a ni ghtl i fe i s of compl ete fun and enter tai nment. T here are i nnumer abl e dance cl ubs, casi nos, l ounge and bar s. M ar i i nsky T heatre i s the si te of the most presti gi ous works and bal l et of St. Peter sburg and i s one of the most i mpor tant i n the worl d. Dont mi ss the oppor tuni ty to see a bal l et or hear a concer t by the K i rov orchestr a. Russi an Ci rcus, i s per for med under the magnincent cupola ol the circus palace oroereo built by Ciniselli. Russian lolk show, Nikolaevsky Pal ace i s the el egant setti ng of the Russi an fol k show, a spectacl e of chor uses and dance groups. GETTI NG AROUND Met r o: I n bi g ci ti es l i ke M oscow, St.Peter sburg the mai n means of tr anspor t i s underground. Especi al l y i n r ush hour s i t i s faster to go by metro than by any other tr anspor t. But to tr avel by underground one must acqui re a map i n advance and deci de how to get to the poi nt of tr avel l i ng, where to change and how many stops to go because al l names i n the underground and al l di recti ons are i n Russi an l anguage! I n the metro one must buy a token or a card to tr avel r i ght before the j our ney. Publ i c buses and trol l eys can be used too. T i ckets are sol d i nsi de. Taxi : When using taxis it is better to negotiate about the price belore you get into the car. Olncial taxis can be seen by speci al si gns or ordered by phone from any cafe or restur ant. I t i s better to use olncial taxis ano not to take other private cars lor salety.
J F M A M J J A S O N D MAX O C 3 5 10 14 19 22 24 23 20 14 7 4 MI N O C -2 -1 2 3 7 11 13 13 10 6 2 0 Dai l y maxi mum and mi ni mum aver ages are gui des onl y and may var y Aver age Cl i mate i n Moscow - Russi a CURRENCY CONVERSI ON T he cur rency of Russi a i s Roubl e 1USD = 30 Roubl e* 1 EUR = 40 Roubl e* 1 ROUB = 1.65 I NR* Russian is the olncial language al though Engl i sh i s spoken. DI FFERENT LANGUAGES TI ME DI FFERENCE M oscow i s 2 hr s 30 mi nutes behi nd I ndi a. 80 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs COACH & TRAIN COACH & TRAIN RUSSI AN EXTRAVAGANZA 5 ni ghts Vi si t St.Peter sburg & M oscow RUSSI AN BONANZA 5 ni ghts Vi si t M oscow and St. Peter sburg Vi si t www.coxandki for a wi der sel ecti on of our hol i days 1o /o. o oic l.tio f Stoocorc, Firt Clo ooc Dlox /tl t ./ fro. Jccitiool oi/t ooc i/tio tor .oo o io.locc ot oo, iot io t/ oo. itiorori. Exlrr . Fooil, Exlrr . Fooil, MOSCOW & ST. PETERSBURG M oscow, the capi tal of Russi a, i s a beauti ful and unconventi onal 850-year-ol d ci ty i n the centre of European Russi a. Founded by Peter the Great i n 1703 to be hi s wi ndow on Europe, St. Peter sburg combi nes i ts fasci nati ng Russi an her i tage wi th a di sti nctl y European outl ook. An exci ti ng i ntr oducti on to Russi a, stayi ng i n i ts most exci ti ng ci ti es: Moscow & St Peter sbur g. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Moscow On ar r i val i n M oscow, you wi l l be met and tr ansfer red by our l ocal representati ve to your hotel . T he present day capi tal of Russi a i s one of the worl ds most remarkabl e ci ti es, home to worl d- cl ass museums and gal l er i es and str i ki ng archi tecture. Over ni ght i n M oscow. Day 2 - Moscow T hi s mor ni ng, enj oy a Ci ty Tour and see the maj or si ghts i ncl udi ng Red Square, M oscow State Uni ver si ty, Novodevi chy Convent, the Cathedr al of Chr i st the Savi our, St Basi l s Cathedr al and L ubyanka Square wi th the for mer KGB headquar ter s. T he rest of the day i s at l ei sure. Over ni ght i n M oscow. (B) Day 3 - Moscow - St.Peter sbur g Today, you wi l l be tr ansfer red to the stati on for your tr ai n to St. Peter sburg, one of the worl ds most maj esti c and compel l i ng ci ti es, much of i t unchanged si nce the 18th and 19th centur i es. On ar r i val , you wi l l be tr ansfer red to your hotel . Over ni ght i n St.Peter sburg. (B) Day 4 - St.Peter sbur g T hi s mor ni ng, you wi l l get acquai nted wi th Russi as cul tur al capi tal on an or i entati on Ci ty Tour Vi si t some of the hi stor i cal monuments and gai n an i nsi ght i nto the hi stor y and cul ture of Russi a on thi s Ci ty tour. Wal k down the famous Nevsky Prospect and di scover the char ms of thi s shoppi ng street. Vi si t the Russi an M useum, the magnincent Church ol Resurrection on Spilleo Blooo, Smol ny Cathedr al , the Bronze H or seman and much more. Over ni ght i n St. Peter sburg. (B) Day 5 - St.Peter sbur g T he day i s at l ei sure expl or i ng more of opul ent St. Peter sburg on your own. Over ni ght i n St. Peter sburg. (B) Day 6 - Depar t St. Peter sbur g Today you wi l l be translerreo to the airport lor your night back home. ,B, Expl or e Russi as two gr eatest ci ti es r i ch and thei r di ver se cul tur al and hi stor i cal her i tage on a coach tour. Moscow i s now the epi centr e of the New Russi a, whi l e St Peter sbur g i s r enowned for Its nagnIfcent alaces and nuseuns. Day 1 - Ar r i ve St.Peter sbur g On ar r i val i n St.Peter sburg, you wi l l be tr ansfer red to your hotel . Over ni ght i n St.Peter sburg. Day 2 - St.Peter sbur g Today, enj oy a Ci ty Tour of key l andmarks featur i ng the i mposi ng Peter and Paul For tress, among the ci tys ol dest str uctures. I nsi de the for tress, Peter and Paul Cathedr al , wi th a tal l gol den spi re, contai ns the tombs of the Russi an czar s, i ncl udi ng the ci tys founder Peter the Great. I n the after noon, vi si t T he State H er mi tage M useum wi th i ts unr i val l ed col l ecti on of European master pi eces; boasti ng one of the l argest col l ecti ons of ar t and ar tefacts i n the worl d. Over ni ght i n St. Peter sburg. (B) Day 3 - St.Peter sbur g Today, you wi l l j our ney to Fushkin Visit the magnincent summer resioence ol the Russi an Tsar s as you tr avel to the town of Pushki n. Domi nati ng the vi l l age i s Rastrel l i s bl ue and whi te Cather i ne Pal ace wi th i ts for mal gardens. I t i s one of the best exampl es of Russi an baroque and restored Amber Room. Over ni ght i n St. Peter sburg. (B) Day 4 - St. Peter sbur g - Moscow Fl y to M oscow and check i n to your hotel . T he present day capi tal of Russi a i s one of the worl ds most remarkabl e ci ti es and home to worl d-cl ass museums. L ater, enj oy a Ci ty Tour and see the maj or si ghts i ncl udi ng Red Square, M oscow State Uni ver si ty, Novodevi chy Convent, the Cathedr al of Chr i st the Savi our and St Basi l s Cathedr al . Over ni ght i n M oscow. (B) Day 5 - Moscow T hi s mor ni ng, vi si t the K reml i n, a UNESCO Worl d H er i tage Si te. T he tour i ncl udes the Patr i archs Pal ace, Cathedr al Square and the Ar mour y M useum, whi ch houses an opul ent col l ecti on of treasures col l ected by the Russi an state and church. I n the eveni ng enj oy a vi si t to M oscow Ci rcus. Over ni ght i n M oscow. (B) Day 6 - Depar t Moscow Today you wi l l be tr ansfer red to the Moscow Airport lor your night back home. ,B, 81 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs Di scover Peter hof, an outstandi ng l andmark of Russi an ar ti sti c cul ture of the 18-19th centur i es and a town of fountai ns, parks and pal aces. One of the most famous and l uxur i ous I mper i al estate, i t was used as a summer resi dence by the Russi an Tsar s. Vi si t the Gr and Pal ace and park compl ex wi th i ts uni que ar r ay of fountai ns, consi dered to be one of the most beauti ful i n the worl d. T he Ci ty Tour cover s al l the hi ghl i ghts of M oscow and spl endi d archi tectur al ensembl es and hi stor i cal monuments, beauti ful streets and embankments. Enj oy a panor ama of the K reml i n, Bol shoy theatre wi th i ts l argest spor t arena. Spar row H i l l s, M oscow State Uni ver si ty, Novodevi chy convent, Whi te H ouse of Russi a, L ubyanka Square wi th the for mer KGB headquar ter s and much more. Justl y renowned around the worl d, T he State H er mi tage M useum i s a hi ghl i ght of any Russi a tour. H oused i n the opul ent Wi nter Pal ace, the M useum contai ns over 3 mi l l i on pi eces of ar t wi th dates r angi ng from hi gh anti qui ty to the present day. Per use work by the l i kes of i mpor tant master s such as L eonardo da Vi nci , M i chel angel o, Raphael and T i ti an. T he museum has a great col l ecti on of I tal i an Renai ssance. Explore the Kremlin, a towering lortineo complex that is the lileline ol the nation`s hi stor y, cul ture and pol i ti cs. Wal k around the ter r i tor y, see the famous Tsar s Cannon and Bel l , take photo near Gr and K reml i n Pal ace & enter 1 cathedr al of 12th centur y (assumpti on or Archangel M i chael Cathedr al ). T hen expl ore Ar monr y Champer s, wi th famous col l ecti on of royal car r i ages etc. M oscow Ci rcus i s famous for thei r showmanshi p and exoti c themes, a sheer nostal gi c eveni ng whi ch br i ngs back good ol d memor i es of ci rcus. Wi th ci rcuses goi ng out of fashi on thi s i s one of the l ast pl aces on ear th where you see tr adi ti onal enter tai nment i n a theatr i cal seati ng wi th l i ve band, l aser l i ghts, comi c cl owns, monkeys and Bengal ti ger s per for mi ng acrobati cs combi ni ng wi th l i ve enter tai nment. Visit the magnincent summer resioence ol the Russian Tsars as you travel to the town of Pushki n, 24 km south of St Peter sburg. Domi nati ng the vi l l age i s Rastrel l i s bl ue and whi te Cather i ne Pal ace wi th i ts for mal gardens. I t i s one of the best exampl es of Russi an baroque and restored Amber Rooms. See the exqui si te i nter i or s whi ch i s consi dered to be one of the worl ds wonder s. Vi si t Pushki n, St. Peter sbur g Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt H otel L obby Pi ck Up T i me 1000 hrs Dur ati on 4 hrs Vi si t some of the hi stor i cal monuments and gai n an i nsi ght i nto the hi stor y and cul ture of Russi a on thi s Ci ty tour. Wal k down the famous Nevsky Prospect and di scover the char ms of thi s shoppi ng street. T he hi ghl i ght of the tour i ncl udes a vi ew of the Russian Museum, the magnincent Church ol Resurrection on Spilleo Blooo, Smolny Cathedr al , the Bronze H or seman and much more. Ci ty Tour, St. Pete r sbur g Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt H otel L obby Pi ck Up T i me 0930 hrs Dur ati on 3 hrs T hi s i s one of the newest attr acti ons i n M oscow, thi s 75,000 sq. foot faci l i ty bur i ed 200 feet underground. Enj oy a gui ded tour and di scover the secret hi deout of the Sovi et Ar my, l i vi ng wi thi n whi l e the outsi de worl d was scorched by nucl ear bombs. You al so have an oppor tuni ty to cl i ck photogr aphs wear i ng ol d Sovi et Ar my uni for ms and check out ar ms, ammuni ti ons and communi cati ons equi pment use dur i ng thi s per i od. Tour of Peter hof, St. Peter sbur g Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt H otel L obby Pi ck Up T i me 1000 hrs Dur ati on 5 hrs Her mi tage Tour, St. Peter sbur g Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt H otel L obby Pi ck Up T i me 1000 hrs Dur ati on 3 hrs Ci ty Tour, Moscow Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt H otel L obby Pi ck Up T i me 1000 hrs Dur ati on 3 hrs Vi si t Kr eml i n, Moscow Hitr, . Coltor Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt H otel L obby Pi ck Up T i me 1000 hrs Dur ati on 3 hrs Moscow Ci r cus, Moscow Coltor . Iic Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt H otel L obby Pi ck Up T i me 1900 hrs Dur ati on 1 hrs 30 mts Vi si t Bunker, Moscow H i stor y Oper ates D ai l y Pi ck Up Poi nt H otel L obby Pi ck Up T i me 1030 hrs Dur ati on 30 mts I ndi an Restaur ants Shoppi ng Ni ght Li fe Tandoor - T ver skaya street, 31 M etro M ayakovskaya I ndus - Pl otni kov pereul ok, 15 M etro Smonl enskaya GUM - A depar tment store on the Red Square Ar bat St r eet - Famous for i ts souveni r s Sol yanka Cl ub - one of the best dance venue i n M oscow wi th qual i ty musi c Kar ma Bar - A popul ar dance club with oriental navour 82 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs EUROPEAN MEDLEY SWI T ZERL AND, FRANCE, GREAT BRI TAI N & I TALY JEWELS OF I TALY & SWI TZERLAND 11 ni ghts I tal y & Swi tzerl and BEST OF SWI TZERLAND & FRANCE 6 ni ghts Swi tzerl and & Fr ance Romance / Fami l y E xpl orer M OST POPULAR Enj oy the tr easur es of I tal y & Swi tzer l and on a fasci nati ng hol i day expl or i ng magi cal ci ti es. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Rome On ar r i val i n Rome, you wi l l be tr ansfer red by a chauffuer dr i ven car to your hotel . T he day i s free. I n the eveni ng, di scover the Eter nal Ci ty on the I l l umi nated Rome tour expl or i ng the l andmarks by ni ght (opti onal ). Over ni ght i n Rome. Day 2 - Rome Exper i ence the hi stor y, ar t and archi tecture of anci ent Rome on an Open Bus tour. L ater you can vi si t the Vati can M useums and Si sti ne Chapel on an opti onal tour. Over ni ght i n Rome. (B) Day 3 - Rome - Fl or ence (1 hr ) Today, tr avel to Fl orence. L ater you can take an opti onal excur si on to Pi sa, home of the L eani ng Tower of Pi sa. Enj oy a wal ki ng tour of Pi sa. Over ni ght i n Fl orence. (B) Day 4 - Fl or ence - Veni ce (3 hr s) Today, tr avel to the romanti c ci ty of Veni ce. T he day i s free. Or take an opti onal Gondol a Serenade on the Canal s of Veni ce, an ul ti mate exper i ence. Over ni ght i n Veni ce. (B) Day 5 - Veni ce Enj oy an excur si on to M ur ano, Bur ano & Torcel l o. Vi si t the i sl ands of M ur ano known for i ts exqui si te gl asswork, Bur ano for l ace i ndustr y and Torcel l o, home to Santa M ar i a Assunta Cathedr al , a master pi ece. Over ni ght i n Veni ce. (B) Day 6 - Veni ce - Lugano (4 hr s) Jour ney by tr ai n to L ugano, a town nestl ed between the peaks of San Sal vatore and M onte Br . Over ni ght at L ugano. (B) Day 7 - Lugano Today, enj oy a vi si t to Swi ss M i ni atur, an open-ai r museum wi th 120 model s representi ng the bui l di ngs of Swi tzerl and. Over ni ght i n L ugano. (B) Day 8 - Lugano - I nter l aken (5 hr s) Today, j our ney to the hear t of Ber nese Oberl and. On ar r i val , check i nto your hotel . Over ni ght i n I nterl aken. (B) Day 9 - I nter l aken A day of fun awai ts you as board the cogwheel tr ai n to Jungfr auj och - Top of Europe. Vi si t the I ce Pal ace and enj oy the breathtaki ng vi ew from the Sphi nx Obser vati on Ter r ace overl ooki ng the Al etsch Gl aci er.Over ni ght i n I nterl aken. (B) Day 10 - I nter l aken - Lucer ne (2 hr s) Today, your tr ai n take you to L ucer ne the epi tome of Swi ss beauty. T he rest of the day i s free. Over ni ght i n L ucer ne. (B) Day 11 - Lucer ne Enj oy an excur si on to the gl aci er par adi se of M ount T i tl i s. Board the gondol a Rotai r and take the oppor tuni ty to r i de the spectacul ar I ce Fl yer chai rl i ft and see the i ce grotto i n the T i tl i s Gl aci er Park. Over ni ght i n L ucer ne. (B) Day 12 - Lucer ne - Depar t Zur i ch (50 mi ns) Today, you wi l l tr avel by tr ai n to the Zur i ch Fl ugaffen stati on ano proceeo to the airport lor your night. ,B, A wel l paced hol i day al l owi ng pl enty of ti me for i n-depth si ghtseei ng. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Zur i ch - Onto Lucer ne (50 mi ns) On ar r i val i n Zur i ch, j ust wal k across to the Fl ugaffen stati on adj acent to the ai r por t to connect your tr ai n to L ucer ne.On ar r i val , check i nto your hotel . T he day i s free to enj oy a wal k on your own and vi si t the famous si ghts of the ci ty fol l owed by a l ei surel y cr ui se on L ake L ucer ne. Over ni ght i n L ucer ne. Day 2 - Lucer ne Today, enj oy a day ful l of exci tement on an excur si on to M ount T i tl i s i n Engel berg. Board the worlo`s nrst revolving gonoola Rotair`, rioe the spectacul ar I ce Fl yer chai rl i ft and see the i ce grotto i n the T i tl i s Gl aci er Park. Over ni ght i n L ucer ne. (B) Day 3 - Lucer ne - I nter l aken (2 hr s) Today, your j our ney takes you i nto the hear t of the Ber nese Oberl and. On ar r i val i n I nterl aken, check i nto your hotel . L ater, enj oy the opti onal Di nner Cr ui se al ong the shores of L ake Br i enz. Over ni ght i n I nterl aken. (B) Day 4 - I nter l aken A day of fun awai ts you as you board the cogwheel tr ai n to Jungfr auj och - Top of Europe. Vi si t the I ce Pal ace wi th i ts i ce for mati ons and expl ore the gl aci er. Over ni ght i n I nterl aken. (B) Day 5 - I nter l aken - Par i s (6hr s) Tr avel by hi gh- speed TGV tr ai n to Par i s. I n the eveni ng, enj oy an exci ti ng ni ght out at the worl d famous musi c and dance, the L i do Show (opti onal ) Over ni ght i n Par i s. (B) Day 6 - Par i s T hi s after noon di scover the hi stor i cal l andmarks and admi re the archi tecture on a Senor i ma tour. Cr ui se the Ri ver Sei ne and vi si t the Ei ffel Tower. Over ni ght i n Par i s. Over ni ght i n Par i s. (B) Day 7 - Depar t Par i s Today, you have free ti me unti l depar ture. L ater, you wi l l be tr ansfer red by a chauffuer oriven car to the airport lor your night back home. ,B, 83 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs Europe has i t al l ! Whether you are l ooki ng for a hi stor i cal vacati on, a cul tur al tour, a fami l y getaway or a cul i nar y adventure, Europe wi l l not di sappoi nt you. I ts r i ch her i tage and cul ture begets unl i mi ted oppor tuni ti es for expl or ati on and di scover y. For i nstance, you can begi n your tour at Par i s, get exci ted over the L eani ng Tower of Pi sa and cap i t wi th some exci ti ng days i n L ondon. Sampl e the maj or hi ghl i ghts of Eur ope wi th thei r uni que hi stor y, cul tur e, beauty and scener y! Day 1 - Ar r i ve Zur i ch - Onto Lucer ne (50 mi ns) On ar r i val i n Zur i ch, j ust wal k across to the Fl ugaffen stati on adj acent to the ai r por t to connect your tr ai n to L ucer ne. On ar r i val , check i nto your hotel . T he rest of the day i s at l ei sure. Over ni ght i n L ucer ne. Day 2 - Lucer ne Enj oy a day of sheer exci tement on an excur si on to M ount T i tl i s i n Engel berg wi th the revol vi ng gondol a Rotai r , I ce Fl yer chai rl i ft and i ce grotto. Over ni ght i n L ucer ne. (B) Day 3 - Lucer ne - I nter l aken (2 hr s) T hi s mor ni ng, tr avel to I nterl aken. On ar r i val , check i nto your hotel . Eveni ng, enj oy opti onal Di nner Cr ui se on L ake Br i enz. Over ni ght i n I nterl aken. (B) Day 4 - I nter l aken A day of fun and exci tement awai ts you as you board the cogwheel tr ai n for a ful l -day excur si on to Jungfr auj och - Top of Europe. Over ni ght i n I nterl aken. (B) EUROPEAN SAMPLER 10 ni ghts Swi tzerl and, Fr ance & Great Br i tai n BEST OF PARI S AND LONDON 6 ni ghts Great Br i tai n & Fr ance Day 5 - I nter l aken T he day i s free or you can opt for an adventurous excur si on by cabl e car to Schi l thor n. Over ni ght i n I nterl aken. (B) Day 6 - I nter l aken - Par i s (6hr s) Today you wi l l tr avel by TGV tr ai n to Par i s. On ar r i val , check i nto your hotel . L ater, enj oy an exci ti ng ni ght out at the famous L i do Show (opti onal ). Over ni ght i n Par i s. (B) Day 7 - Par i s T hi s after noon di scover the ci ty on a Senor i ma tour. Cr ui se the Ri ver Sei ne and vi si t the 2no noor ol the Eillel Tower. Overnight in Faris. ,B, Day 8 - Par i s T he day i s at l ei sure to expl ore the ci ty on your own. Or you have the opti on of vi si ti ng Di sneyl and, that guar antees non-stop fun and acti on. Over ni ght i n Par i s. (B) Day 9 - Par i s - London (2hr s) T hi s mor ni ng board the Eurostar to L ondon. On ar r i val , check i nto your hotel . T he day i s at l ei sure. Over ni ght i n L ondon. (B) Day 10 - London Today, vi ew L ondon from an open- top Doubl e Decker bus. Vi si t the M adame Tussauds and cr ui se on T hames r i ver. Over ni ght i n L ondon. (B) Day 11 - Depar t London Today, the day i s free unti l depar ture. L ater, you wi l l be tr ansfer red by a chauffuer oriven car to the airport lor your night back home. ,B, Fami l y / Romance Romance / Fami l y Vi si t www.coxandki for a wi der sel ecti on of our hol i days 1o /o. o oic l.tio f Stoocorc ooc Firt Clo /tl t ./ fro. 1o /o. oo tio t tro.l o Eoroo Roil `tor/ io .oc .lo r frt .lo. Jccitiool oi/t ooc i/tio tor .oo o io.locc ot oo, iot io t/ oo. itiorori. Di scover wor l d-famous attr acti ons i n London and exper i ence the j oi e de vi vr e of Par i s. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Par i s On ar r i val i n Par i s, you wi l l be tr ansfer red by a chauffuer dr i ven car to your hotel . I n the eveni ng, enj oy an exci ti ng ni ght out at the worl d famous L i do Show (opti onal ) Over ni ght i n Par i s. Day 2 - Par i s T hi s after noon di scover the hi stor i cal l andmarks and admi re the beauti ful archi tecture on a Senor i ma tour. Cr ui se the Ri ver Sei ne and vi si t the 2no noor ol the Eillel Tower. Overnight in Faris. ,B, Day 3 - Par i s T he day i s at l ei sure or you have the opti on of vi si ti ng Di sneyl and, for a day of non-stop fun and acti on. Over ni ght i n Par i s. (B) Day 4 - Par i s - London (2hr s) Today, board one of the worl ds fastest tr ai ns, the Eurostar to L ondon. Over ni ght i n L ondon. (B) Day 5 - London Today, vi ew L ondon from an open- top Doubl e Decker bus. Vi si t the M adame Tussauds and cr ui se on T hames r i ver. Over ni ght i n L ondon. (B) Day 6 - London Today you can opt to vi si t to the Tower of L ondon, one of the worl ds most famous for tresses. L ater, you have the opti on of r i di ng the L ondon Eye, the worl ds l argest obser vati on wheel . Over ni ght i n L ondon.(B) Day 7 - Depar t London Today, the day i s free unti l depar ture. L ater you wi l l be tr ansfer red by a chauffuer oriven car to the airport lor your night back home. ,B, We r ecommend you to stay i n a ful l y fur ni shed and comfor tabl e apar tment i n Centr al London. 84 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs AUSTRI AN & SWI SS DELI GHTS 9 ni ghts Austr i a & Swi tzerl and EUROPEAN GEMS 13 ni ghts Fr ance, Swi tzerl and & I tal y Fami l y / E xpl orer E xpl orer M OST POPULAR Thi s hol i day showcases the undi sputed gems of Fr ance, Swi tzer l and and I tal y. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Par i s On ar r i val i n Par i s, you wi ll be tr ansfer red by chauffuer dr i ven car and check i nto your hotel. I n the eveni ng, enj oy opti onal L i do Show. Over ni ght i n Par i s. Day 2 - Par i s T he mor ni ng i s free to relax. L ater di scover the hi stor i cal landmarks and admi re the beauti ful archi tecture of Par i s on a Senor i ma tour i ncludi ng Cr ui se on the Ri ver Sei ne and entr ance to second level of Ei ffel Tower. Over ni ght i n Par i s. (B) Day 3 - Par i s - I nter l aken (5 hr s) Today, proceed to I nterlaken. On ar r i val, check i nto your hotel. I n the eveni ng enj oy the opti onal romanti c Di nner Cr ui se on L ake Br i enz. Over ni ght i n I nterlaken. (B) Day 4 - I nter l aken Today, board the cogwheel tr ai n for an excur si on to Jungfr auj och Top of Europe. Vi si t the I ce Pal ace wi th i ts i ce for mati ons and expl ore the gl aci er. Over ni ght i n I nterl aken. (B) Day 5 - I nter l aken - Lucer ne (2 hr s) Today, your tr ai n take you to L ucer ne. T he day i s free to explore the ci ty on your own. Over ni ght i n L ucer ne. (B) Day 6 - Lucer ne Enj oy an excur si on to M ount T i tl i s, i n Engel berg wi th i ts revol vi ng gondol a Rotai r , I ce Flyer chai rli ft and i ce grotto. Over ni ght i n Lucer ne. (B) Day 7 - Lucer ne - Lugano (2 hr s 40 mi ns) Today proceed to L ugano. On ar r i val check i n to your hotel. Over ni ght i n L ugano. (B) Day 8 - Lugano - Veni ce (4 hr s) Today, proceed to the romanti c ci ty of Veni ce. On ar r i val check i nto your hotel. Over ni ght i n Veni ce. (B) Day 9 - Veni ce Enj oy an excur si on to M ur ano, Bur ano & Torcello. I n the eveni ng you can opt for Gondola Serenade tour. Over ni ght i n Veni ce. (B) Day 10 - Veni ce - Fl or ence (3 hr s) Today, proceed by tr ai n to Florence. L ater, take an opti onal excur si on to Pi sa wi th a walki ng tour. Over ni ght i n Florence. (B) Day 11 - Fl or ence Today, enj oy a half-day ci ty tour of Florence vi si ti ng i ts famous monuments and landmarks. Over ni ght i n Florence. (B) Day 12 - Fl or ence - Rome (3 hr s) Jour ney to the Eter nal Ci ty of Rome and check i nto your hotel. I n the eveni ng, redi scover the Eter nal Ci ty on the I llumi nated Rome tour by ni ght (opti onal). Over ni ght i n Rome. (B) Day 13 - Rome Today, explore Rome on an Open Bus tour. L ater, vi si t the Vati can M useums and Si sti ne Chapel on an opti onal tour. Over ni ght i n Rome. (B) Day 14 Depar t Rome Today you wi ll be tr ansfer red by a chauffuer dr i ven car to the ai r por t. (B) Thi s j our ney cover s al l the hi ghl i ghts of two of Eur opes sceni c countr i es Austr i a & Swi tzer l and. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Vi enna On ar r i val i n Vi enna, you wi l l be tr ansfer red by a chauffuer dr i ven car to your hotel . Over ni ght i n Vi enna. Day 2 - Vi enna T hi s mor ni ng get an over vi ew of thi s hi stor i c ci ty on a ci ty tour whi ch i ncl udes a vi si t to Schonbr unn Pal ace. Over ni ght i n Vi enna. (B) Day 3 - Vi enna - Sal zbur g (3 hr s) Today, tr avel to Sal zburg. L ater, di scover the treasures of thi s ci ty on a Ci ty tour. Over ni ght i n Sal zburg. (B) Day 4 - Sal zbur g T hi s mor ni ng, you can opt to enj oy the Sound of M usi c tour where you see hi stor i cal and archi tectur al L andmarks. Over ni ght i n Sal zburg. (B) Day 5 - Sal zbur g - I nnsbr uck (2 hr s) Enj oy a tr ai n j our ney to I nnsbr uck. L ater proceed on your own to Swar voski Cr ystal Worl ds, a museum wi th cr ystal s, l i ght and sound desi gns. Over ni ght i n I nnsbr uck . (B) Day 6 - I nnsbr uck - I nter l aken (5 hr s) Today, proceed to the stati on to board your tr ai n to I nterl aken. Over ni ght i n I nterl aken. (B) Day 7 - I nter l aken Today, board the cogwheel tr ai n for an excur si on to Jungfr auj och Top of Europe. Vi si t the I ce Pal ace wi th i ts i ce for mati ons and expl ore the gl aci er. Over ni ght i n I nterl aken. (B) Day 8 - I nter l aken - Lucer ne (2 hr s) Board your tr ai n take you to L ucer ne the epi tome of Swi ss beauty. T he rest of the day i s free. Over ni ght i n L ucer ne. (B) Day 9 - Lucer ne Enj oy an excur si on to M ount T i tl i s, i n Engel berg wi th i ts revol vi ng gondol a Rotai r , I ce Flyer chai rli ft and i ce grotto. Over ni ght i n Lucer ne. (B) Day 10 - Lucer ne - Depar t Zur i ch (50 mi ns) Today, you wi l l tr avel by tr ai n to the Zur i ch Fl ugaffen stati on ano proceeo to the airport lor your night. ,B, EUROPEAN MEDLEY GREAT BRI TAI N, FRANCE, AUST RI A & SWI T ZERL AND 85 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs Fi l l ed wi th centur i es of hi stor y, cul ture and archi tecture, Europe i s a tr avel l er s par adi se of thi ngs to do and pl aces to see. From the cobbl estone streets of Engl and to the romance of a Tuscan vi l l a through to the maj esti c l andscapes of Swi tzerl and and the baroque enchanti ng archi tecture of Austr i a, thi s area offer s a var i ety of l andscapes, cl i mates and cul tures to capti vate tr avel l er s of al l ki nd. EUROPEAN WONDERS 15 ni ghts I tal y, Swi tzerl and, Fr ance & Great Br i tai n E xpl orer Vi si t www.coxandki for a wi der sel ecti on of our hol i days 1o /o. o oic l.tio f Stoocorc ooc Firt Clo /tl t ./ fro. 1o /o. oo tio t tro.l o Eoroo Roil `tor/ io .oc .lo r frt .lo. Jccitiool oi/t ooc i/tio tor .oo o io.locc ot oo, iot io t/ oo. itiorori. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Rome On ar r i val i n Rome, you wi ll be tr ansfer red by a chauffuer dr i ven car and check i nto your hotel. Eveni ng, opt for the I llumi nated Rome tour and di scover the gr andeur of the hi stor i cal and magnincient attractions ol Rome at night when they are br i lli antly li t. Over ni ght i n Rome. Day 2 - Rome Today, exper i ence the hi stor y, ar t and archi tecture of Rome on an Open Bus Tour. L ater you can vi si t the Vati can M useums and Si sti ne Chapel on an opti onal tour. Over ni ght i n Rome. (B) Day 3 - Rome Enj oy a full-day excur si on to Naples, Capr i wi th i ts Blue Grotto and the pi cturesque M edi ter r anean-style vi llage of Anacapr i (opti onal). Over ni ght i n Rome. (B) Day 4 - Rome - Fl or ence (1hr ) Today ar r i ve i nto Florence, the bi r thplace of the renai ssance. I n the after noon enj oy an opti onal excur si on to Pi sa, home of the famous L eani ng Tower of Pi sa. Enj oy a walki ng tour of Pi sa, i ncludi ng the area sur roundi ng the famous tower. Over ni ght i n Florence. (B) Day 5 - Fl or ence Enj oy a half-day ci ty tour of Florence on a hop on hop off, vi si ti ng Pi azale M i chelangelo, Pi azza del Duomo, Gi ottos Bell Tower and the Bapi ti str y of St. John. Over ni ght i n Florence. (B) Day 6 - Fl or ence - Veni ce (3 hr s) Today, tr avel i nto the romanti c ci ty of Veni ce. T he day i s free for you to explore thi s vi br ant ci ty of Canals on your own. Over ni ght i n Veni ce. (B) Day 7 - Veni ce T hi s mor ni ng, enj oy an excur si on to M ur ano, Bur ano & Torcello. Vi si t the famous i sland of M ur ano known worldwi de for i ts exqui si te glasswork, Bur ano for lace and Torcello for Veni ces nrst catheoral. Overnight in Venice. ,B, Day 8 - Veni ce - Lucer ne (7 hr s) Today, you wi ll tr avel to L ucer ne, the epi tome of swi ss beauty. On ar r i val i n L ucer ne, check i nto your hotel. T he rest of the day i s free to explore the ci ty on your own. Over ni ght i n L ucer ne. (B) Day 9 - Lucer ne Enj oy a day of sheer exci tement and adventure on an excur si on to the glaci er par adi se ol Mount Titlis. Boaro the worlo`s nrst revolving gondola Rotai r and take the oppor tuni ty to r i de the spectacular I ce Flyer chai rli ft and see the i ce grotto i n the T i tli s Glaci er Park. Use the Fun L i ft for sledgi ng or per haps the chi ld i n you wi ll be i nspi red to have a snowball-nght Overnight in Lucerne. ,B, Day 10 - Lucer ne - I nter l aken (2 hr s) Today, proceed to I nterlaken and check i nto your hotel. L ater, enj oy the opti onal Di nner Cr ui se on L ake Br i enz. Spectacul ar vi ews, turquoi se water, the gr andeur of the gi essbach water fal l , mountai n peaks and typi cal Swi ss chal et vi l l ages - al l thi s and more on an exci ti ng eveni ng cr ui se al ong the shores of L ake Br i enz. Combi ne the sceni c spl endour s of an eveni ng cr ui se wi th del i ci ous I ndi an speci al ti es from M ay-June and enj oy a speci al Swi ss exper i ence wi th a tr adi ti onal buffet di nner and fol kl ore musi c from Jul y - August. Over ni ght i n I nterlaken. (B) Day 11 - I nter l aken A day of fun and exci tement awai ts you as you board the cogwheel tr ai n for an excur si on to Jungfr auj och - Top of Europe (opti onal). Over ni ght i n I nterlaken. (B) Day 12 - I nter l aken - Par i s (6hr s) Tr avel by TGV tr ai n to Par i s and check i nto your hotel. I n the eveni ng opt for the L i do Show. Over ni ght i n Par i s. (B) Day 13 - Par i s Today di scover the hi stor i cal landmarks and admi re the beauti ful archi tecture on a Sei nor ama tour, vi si ti ng the hi stor i cal si ghts. Cr ui se on the Ri ver Sei ne and enj oy an aer i al vi ew of Par i s from the second level of Ei ffel Tower. Over ni ght i n Par i s. (B) Day 14 - Par i s - London (2hr s) Today, board the Eurostar to L ondon and check i nto your hotel. Over ni ght i n L ondon. (B) Day 15 - London T hi s mor ni ng, vi si t L ondon from an open-top Double Decker bus. On thi s hop-on hop- off bus tour get aquai nted wi th the mai n attr acti ons of L ondon. Exper i ence the archi tectur al and cultur al magnincence as you see, the Big Ben ano the Houses of Parli ament, Bucki ngham Palace, Tower of L ondon and much more. L ater, vi si t M adame Tussauds and enj oy the super b vi ews of L ondons maj esti c r i ver si de bui ldi ngs and see L ondon from a fresh per specti ve as you gli de smoothly on a T hames Ri ver Cr ui se. Over ni ght i n L ondon. (B) Day 16 - Depar t London Today you wi ll be tr ansfer red by a chauffuer dr i ven car to the ai r por t for your night back home. ,B, 86 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs EUROPEAN PANORAMA 13 ni ghts Swi tzerl and, Fr ance & Great Br i tai n GREAT EUROPEAN CAPI TALS 8 ni ghts Netherl ands, Fr ance & Great Br i tai n Fami l y / E xpl orer Romance / E xpl orer An exoti c hol i day offer i ng you the chance to exlore Euroe`s fnest cItIes and sIghts. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Amster dam On ar r i val i n Amsterdam, you wi l l be tr ansfer red to your hotel . T he rest of the day i s free to expl ore the wonder s of thi s ci ty on your own. Over ni ght i n Amsterdam.
Day 2 - Amster dam Today, enj oy an exci ti ng canal bus tour of Amsterdam wi th a day pass on a boat. Experience the worlo ol Heineken its history and di scover the brewi ng process. Over ni ght i n Amsterdam. (B)
Day 3 - Amster dam - Par i s (2 hs) Today tr avel by tr ai n from Amsterdam to Par i s. On ar r i val i n Par i s, proceed on your own to hotel . Eveni ng i s free to rel ax OR enj oy an exci ti ng opti onal ni ght out at the worl d famous L i do Show. Over ni ght i n Par i s. (B) Day 4 - Par i s T he mor ni ng i s free to relax. L ater di scover the hi stor i cal landmarks and beauti ful archi tecture of Par i s on a Senor i ma Tour, vi si ti ng the hi stor i cal si ghts. Cr ui se on the Ri ver Sei ne and vi si t the second level of Ei ffel Tower. Over ni ght i n Par i s. (B)
Day 5 - Par i s T he day i s at l ei sure to rel ax or you have the opti on of vi si ti ng Di sneyl and for a day of non- stop fun and acti on. Soak i n the fai r ytal e atmosphere and enj oy a magi cal day wi th your favour i te Di sney char acter s. Over ni ght i n Par i s. (B)
Day 6 - Par i s - London (2 hr s) Today, board one of the worl ds fastest tr ai ns, the Eurostar to L ondon. Over ni ght i n L ondon. (B)
Day 7 - London Today, vi ew London from an open-top Double Decker bus. Later, vi si t M adame Tussauds and enj oy a T hames Ri ver crui se. Over ni ght i n London. (B)
Day 8 - London Today, you can opt to vi si t the Tower of L ondon. L ater, you have the opti on of r i di ng the L ondon Eye. Over ni ght i n L ondon. (B)
Day 9 - Depar t London Today, you wi l l be tr ansfer red to airport lor your night back home. ,B, Di scover the snow capped mountai ns, the Fr ench Ri vi er a and the buoyancy of London. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Zur i ch - Onto Lucer ne (50 mi ns) On ar r i val i n Zur i ch, wal k across to the Fl ugaffen stati on adj acent to the ai r por t to connect your tr ai n to L ucer ne, the epi tome of swi ss beauty. On ar r i val i n L ucer ne, check i nto your hotel . T he rest of the day i s free to expl ore the ci ty on your own. Over ni ght i n L ucer ne. Day 2 - Lucer ne Enj oy a day of sheer exci tement and adventure on an excur si on to the gl aci er par adi se ol Mount Titlis. Boaro the worlo`s nrst revolving gondol a Rotai r and take the oppor tuni ty to r i de the spectacul ar I ce Fl yer chai rl i ft and see the i ce grotto i n the T i tl i s Gl aci er Park. Use the Fun L i ft for sl edgi ng or per haps the chi l d i n you wi l l be i nspi red to have a snowball-nght Overnight in Lucerne. ,B, Day 3 - Lucer ne - I nter l aken (2 hr s) Today, j our ney to I nterl aken. Expl ore the regi on wi th the Jungfr au V I P Pass. Over ni ght i n I nterl aken. (B) Day 4 - I nter l aken Today, enj oy a ful l -day excur si on to Jungfr auj och. Over ni ght i n I nterl aken. (B) Day 5 - I nter l aken Eveni ng, opt for a Di nner Cr ui se on L ake Br i enz. Over ni ght i n I nterl aken. (B) Day 6 - I nter l aken - Montr eux (3 hr s) Tr avel to M ontreux. Vi si t Castl e of Chi l l on. Over ni ght i n M ontreux. (B) Day 7 - Montr eux - Geneva (1 hr ) Jour ney by tr ai n to Geneva. I n the after noon, proceed on a tour vi si ti ng the ci ty l andmarks. Over ni ght i n Geneva. (B) Day 8 - Geneva - Ni ce (7 hr s) Today tr avel to Ni ce. I n the eveni ng, opt for the M onaco and M onte Carl o by Ni ght Tour. Over ni ght i n Ni ce. (B) Day 9 - Ni ce Today, proceed on an or i entati on tour of the ci ty. Over ni ght i n Ni ce. (B) Day 10 - Ni ce - Par i s (6 hr s) Travel by TGV trai n to Pari s. Enj oy the opti onal of Li do Show. Over ni ght i n Pari s. (B) Day 11 - Par i s Enj oy a Si enor ama tour wi th vi si t to the 2nd l evel of Ei ffel Tower. Over ni ght i n Par i s. (B) Day 12 - Par i s - London (2hr s) Board the Eurostar to L ondon. Over ni ght i n L ondon. (B) Day 13 - London Today, di scover L ondon on an open- top Double Decker bus. Vi si t M adame Tussauds and cr ui se on T hames Ri ver. Over ni ght i n L ondon. (B) Day 14 - Depar t London Today, you wi l l be tr ansfer red by a chauffuer dr i ven car to the ai r por t. (B) EUROPEAN MEDLEY SWI T ZERL AND, FRANCE, GREAT BRI TAI N & I TALY 87 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs Europe i s an i ncredi bl e medl ey of cul ture and l andscape. Once youve seen the maj or s - the Ei ffel Tower i n Par i s, the canal s of Veni ce and the Col osseum i n Rome, you l l want to venture i nto the Champagne regi on of Fr ance and si p away to gl or y! From the frozen tundr a of Scotl and to the sunny shores of Fr ance, Europe offer s extremes of temper ature, l andscape and cul ture. Enj oy the ver y best of Eur ope on thi s fabul ous 19-day tour. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Rome On ar r i val i n Rome, you wi l l be tr ansfer red by a chauffuer dr i ven car to your hotel . I n the eveni ng, redi scover the Eter nal Ci ty i n a magi cal atmosphere created by l i ghti ng on the I l l umi nated Rome tour (opti onal ). Over ni ght i n Rome. Day 2 - Rome Today, exper i ence the hi stor y, ar t and archi tecture of Rome on an Open Bus tour. L ater, you can vi si t the Vati can M useums and Si sti ne Chapel on an opti onal tour. Over ni ght i n Rome. (B) Day 3 - Rome - Fl or ence (1 hr ) Today earl y mor ni ng tr avel through l andscapes to Fl orence, the ci ty synonymous wi th names l i ke M i chel angel o, L onardo and Botti cel l i . I n the after noon, enj oy a ful l -day excur si on to Pi sa, home of the worl d-famous L eani ng Tower of Pi sa. Over ni ght i n Fl orence. (B) Day 4 - Fl or ence - Veni ce (4hr s) Today, dr i ve through pi cturesque countr ysi de to the romanti c ci ty of Veni ce. T he day i s free for you to expl ore the ci ty on your own. Over ni ght i n Veni ce. (B) Day 5 - Veni ce Today, enj oy a boat tour on the water ways of Veni ce vi si ti ng the i sl ands of M ur ano for the exqui si te gl asswork, Bur ano for l ace and Torcel l o lor Venice`s nrst catheoral. Overnight in Venice. ,B, Day 6 - Veni ce - I nnsbr uck (5 hr s) Enj oy a spectacul ar j our ney by tr ai n to the val l ey of I nnsbr uck. T he day i s at l ei sure to expl ore the ci ty, where archi tectur al gems l urk around ever y cor ner of the ol d town. Over ni ght i n I nnsbr uck. (B) Day 7 - I nnsbr uck Today, you wi l l be tr anspor ted to a fantasy worl d i n Wattens. Vi si t Swarovski Cr ystal Worl ds, an adventure museum wi th cr ystal s, l i ght and sound desi gns. Over ni ght i n I nnsbr uck. (B) Day 8 - I nnsbr uck - I nter l aken (5 hr s) Today, tr avel i nto the hear t of the Ber nese Oberl and. On ar r i val i n I nterl aken, check i nto your hotel . I n the eveni ng, enj oy a opti onal Di nner Cr ui se al ong the shores of L ake Br i enz. Over ni ght i n I nterl aken. (B) AMAZI NG EUROPE 18 ni ghts I tal y, Swi tzerl and, Austr i a, Ger many, Fr ance, Netherl ands & Great Br i tai n Day 9 - I nter l aken A day of fun awai ts you as you board the cogwheel tr ai n for a ful l -day excur si on to Jungfr auj och. Over ni ght i n I nterl aken. (B) Day 10 - I nter l aken T hi s mor ni ng, enj oy an opti onal excur si on by cabl e car to Schi l thor n wi th i ts uni que revol vi ng panor ama restaur ant and i ts thr i l l i ng James Bond hi stor y. Over ni ght i n I nterl aken. (B) Day 11 - I nter l aken - Hei del ber g (4hr s) T hi s morning, travel to Heioelberg. Home to Germany`s ol dest uni ver si ty, i t l i es on the r i ver Neckar. Expl ore the magnincent ruins ol the 13th century neo-gothic castle on your own. Overnight in Heioelberg. ,B, Day 12 - Hei del ber g - Col ogne (2 hr s 40 mi ns) Tr avel to Col ogne. On ar r i val , check i nto your hotel . I n the eveni ng, exper i ence Col ognes Ol d Town on the Rhi ne Cr ui se and enj oy a panor ami c vi ew of the ci tys maj or l andmarks. Over ni ght i n Col ogne. (B) Day 13 - Col ogne - Amster dam (5 hr s) Tr avel by tr ai n to Amsterdam and spend the day at l ei sure. Over ni ght i n Amsterdam. (B) Day 14 - Amster dam Today, enj oy an exci ti ng canal bus tour of Amsterdam wi th a day pass on a boat. Experience the worlo ol Heineken its history and di scover the brewi ng process. Over ni ght i n Amsterdam. (B) Day 15 - Amster dam - Par i s (4 hr s) Today, tr avel by tr ai n to Par i s. I n the eveni ng, enj oy the opti onal famous L i do Show. Over ni ght i n Par i s. (B) Day 16 - Par i s T he mor ni ng i s free. L ater, di scover the hi stor i cal l andmarks on a Par i s Senor i ma tour. Highlights incluoe Cruise on River Seine ano visit the 2no noor ol the Eillel Tower. Overnight in Faris. ,B, Day 17 - Par i s - London (2hr s) T hi s mor ni ng, tr avel by one of the worl ds fastest tr ai ns, the Eurostar to L ondon. On ar r i val , check i nto your hotel . T he rest of the day i s free for you to expl ore thi s vi br ant and pul sati ng ci ty on your own. Over ni ght i n L ondon. (B) Day 18 - London T hi s mor ni ng, vi ew L ondon from an open-top Doubl e Decker bus. L ater, get cl ose to your favour i te cel ebr i ti es at M adame Tussauds Wax M useum where the star s are wai ti ng for you. End the days acti vi ti es wi th a cr ui se and exper i ence L ondons most famous l andmarks from the T hames. Over ni ght i n L ondon. (B) Day 19 - Depar t London Today, you wi l l be translerreo to the airport lor your night. ,B, Fami l y / E xpl orer Vi si t www.coxandki for a wi der sel ecti on of our hol i days 1o /o. o oic l.tio f Stoocorc ooc Firt Clo /tl t ./ fro. 1o /o. oo tio t tro.l o Eoroo Roil `tor/ io .oc .lo r frt .lo. Jccitiool oi/t ooc i/tio tor .oo o io.locc ot oo, iot io t/ oo. itiorori. 88 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs BEST OF I RELAND & SCOTLAND 13 ni ghts Dubl i n, Water ford, Gl asgow, Edi nburgh Vi si t www.coxandki for a wi der sel ecti on of our hol i days For o oic l.tio f itiorori ,o .oo o/ ,or ol oot fr o ., f Ioi/t or./or. 1o /o. oo tio f ./io Eor, USJ, Coooco ooc Jo.iot Ci.iliotio. 1o .oo o.oil Pr.Pt tor o..ocotio ofr r oftr t/ tor. Fami l y / E xpl orer Di scover the i ncur si ons of the Engl i sh, whi ch r etai ns thei r own di sti ncti ve char acter wi th dr amati c scener y and war m-hear ted peopl e. Day 1 - Ar r i ve Dubl i n Wel come to I rel and! On ar r i val at Dubl i n Ai r por t, your ai r por t tr ansfer ser vi ce l eaves for the tour hotel at 08:00, 11:00 & 13:30. Toni ght, j oi n your Tour Di rector and fel l ow guests for a Wel come Recepti on and l i ght i nfor mal meal . (D) Day 2 - Dubl i n Si ghtseei ng A si ghtseei ng tour of Dubl i n i ncl udes the el egant Georgi an squares of I rel ands fai r ci ty and a vi si t to the Ol d L i br ar y of Tr i ni ty Col l ege to admi re the 8th centur y Book of K el l s. See al so famous O Connel l Street and the historic Customs House, one ol architect James Gandons master pi eces. As eveni ng fal l s, there i s the chance to see an I r i sh Cabaret show. (B) Day 3 - Dubl i n - Ki l dar e - Water for d T hi s mor ni ng dr i ve to K i l dare to vi si t one of the countr ys mai n racehorse breeoing centres ano Europe`s nnest Japanese Gardens. Conti nue to K i l kenny to see the 13C castl e. T hen head for Water ford to see Regi nal ds Tower, the r ui ned ci ty wal l s and vi si t the famous Water ford Cr ystal Showroom. (B, D) Day 4 - Water for d - Cor k - Ki l l ar ney Tr avel vi a the nshing village ol Dungarvan to Cork lor an or i entati on tour. Acqui re the gi ft of the gab by ki ssi ng the Bl ar ney Stone at Bl ar ney Castl e. Conti nue to K i l l ar ney where you j oi n a l ocal Jar vi e aboard one of the j aunti ng car s. (B, D) Day 5 - Ri ng Of Ker r y Excur si on A hi ghl i ght Ri ng of K er r y tour opens up super b seascapes, tower i ng cl i ffs and spectacul ar mountai ns. Tr avel through char mi ng vi l l ages to vi ew the three L akes of K i l l ar ney before retur ni ng mi d after noon for ti me at l ei sure. Toni ght, for your di ni ng pl easure, choose from a sel ecti on of l ocal restaur ants. (B, D) Day 6 - Ki l l ar ney - Adar e - Li mer i ck Jour ney through pi cturesque Adare to L i mer i ck, on the shores of the Shannon, I rel ands l ongest r i ver and the setti ng of Angel as Ashes. Si ghtseei ng takes i n the r ui ns of 13C K i ng Johns Castl e and St M ar ys Cathedr al . (B) Day 7 - Li mer i ck - Gal way - Rosses Poi nt Vi si t Galway to see the Cathedr al of St Ni chol as, the Spani sh Arch and Eyre Square, dedi cated to the l ate US Presi dent John F. K ennedy. Stay toni ght i n a pi cturesque vi l l age on the shores of Sl i go Bay (B) Day 8 - Rosses Poi nt - Bel l eek - Bal l ygal l y Vi si t the Bel l eek Potter y Centre before reachi ng Der r y. Si ghtseei ng wi th a l ocal gui de takes you past the Georgi an houses of Shi pquay Street to the Gothi c Gui l dhal l . Conti nue around the coast to the amazi ng Gi ants Causeway . Now enj oy a spectacul ar dr i ve al ong the Antr i m coast road to your hotel . (B, D) Day 9 - Bal l ygal l y - Al l oway - Gl asgow Take the fer r y to Scotl and and conti nue al ong the beauti ful Ayr shi re coast, taki ng i n vi ews of the Fi r th of Cl yde and the I sl and of Ar r an. Spend the ni ght i n the vi br ant ci ty of Gl asgow. (B) Day 10 - Gl asgow - Hi ghl ands I ts onl y a shor t dr i ve from Gl asgow to the bonni e banks of L och L omond where you wi l l enj oy a gui ded cr ui se on thi s beauti ful l och. Pause at the Commando M emor i al for a vi ew of Br i tai ns hi ghest mountai n, Ben Nevi s, then conti nue al ong L och L aggan to Newtonmore. (B, D) Day 11 - Hi ghl and Excur si on Dr i ve al ong the Spey Val l ey to vi si t the Cul l oden Vi si tor Centre on the moor, where Bonni e Pr i nce Charl i es Jacobi te ar my was nnally oeleateo. Highlano style Enjoy oinner with haggi s and tr adi ti onal Scotti sh enter tai nment. (B, D) Day 12 - Hi ghl and Excur si on A sceni c dr i ve takes you through the Gr ampi an M ountai ns past the Duke of Athol l s Bl ai r Castl e. Tr avel vi a the Pass of K i l l i ecr anki e to Pi tl ochr y, famous for i ts Sal mon L eap. Dr i ve down and cross the Tay to vi si t St. Andrews, the home of gol f. Now conti nue across the maj esti c For th Road Br i dge to the Scotti sh Capi tal . Sel ected oepartures enjoy the spectacular nooo-lit Eoinburgh M i l i tar y Tattoo at the castl e. (B) Day 13 - Edi nbur gh Si ghtseei ng Joi n your gui de for a tour of Edi nburgh Castl e, whi ch houses the Scotti sh Crown Jewel s. Pass St Gi l es Cathedr al , as you dr i ve oown the Royal Mile to Holyrooohouse Falace. Turn on to Pr i nces Street, past the Scott M emor i al to see Edi nburghs Georgi an New Town. L ater, there i s sti l l ti me to shop. Joi n your fr i ends i n r ai si ng your gl asses at a tour nnale Celebration Dinner tonight. ,B, D, Day 14 - Edi nbur gh Depar ture tr ansfer s ar r i ve at Edi nburgh Ai r por t at 06:15 & 09:00. (B) COACH TO UR I NSI GHT VACATI ONS THE ART OI TOURING IN STYLE 89 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs Di scover Europe on an escor ted Coach Tour . From the moment you ar r i ve at your desti nati on, you wi l l be i mmer sed i n the l ocal cul ture, i ntroduced to si ghts that you want to expl ore, customs you l ong to tr y ano to the navours you crave to taste. Your accommooation ano sightseeing tours are pre-bookeo ano you are accompani ed by a professi onal tour di rector who i s often nati ve of the regi on. Exlore varIed landscaes, nagnIfcIent scener y, hi stor y gal or e, a tr easur e tr ove of ar t and ar chi tectur e at i ts best. Day 1 - London - Br uges - Br ussel s Tr ansfer to Dover and set sai l from the whi te cl i ffs over to Fr ance. Dr i ve i nto Bel gi um for a stop i n medi eval Br uges. Strol l by canal s and al ong cobbl ed streets to the M ai n Square, overl ooked by the town bel fr y. Conti nue to Br ussel s, where you vi si t the Gr and Pl ace and cheeky M anneki n Pi s statue. Toni ght, j oi n your fel l ow guests for a Wel come Recepti on wi th dr i nk and a l i ght meal , fol l owed by ti me to rel ax and expl ore. (D) Day 2 - Br ussel s - Col ogne - Hei del ber g Tr avel i nto Ger many to vi ew the i nspr i ng spi res of Col ogne Cathedr al before conti nui ng al ong the Rhi ne, vi a Bonn, to Boppard. Joi n a hi ghl i ght cr ui se past medi eval hi l l -top castl es and steep l eafy vi neyards to the vi l l age of St Goar, near the l egendar y L orel ey Rock. Continue on to Heioelberg, to see the clill top castl e before ar r i vi ng at your hotel . (B, D) Day 3 - Hei del ber g - Rothenbur g - Muni ch Stop i n medi eval Rothenburg-ob-der-Tauber, sti l l sur rounded by i ts ol d wal l s and watch tower s, frozen i n ti me si nce the 16th Centur y. Conti nue al ong the Romanti c Road to the Bavar i an capi tal of M uni ch. See the Ol ympi c Stadi um, L udwi gstr asse, M ar i enpl atz and soar i ng neogothic Town Hall. Tonight, maybe sample a stein of beer i n a l ocal beer hal l . (B, D) Day 4 - Muni ch - Sal zbur g A shor t dr i ve l eads over the Austr i an border to Sal zburg, the ci ty of M ozar t and the sound of M usi c. Si ghtseei ng wi th your l ocal gui de shows you the for mal gardens of M i r abel l Pal ace, the i mposi ng for tress, cathedr al and M ozar ts Bi r thpl ace i n the l i vel y Getrei degasse. (B) Day 5 - Sal zbur g - Veni ce Enj oy a mor ni ng at l ei sure to shop for the l ocal mar zi pan speci al ti es or re-enact scenes or seek out l ocati ons from the Sound of M usi c. L ater enj oy the stunni ng scener y as you dr i ve down to the Car i nthi an L ake Di str i ct. Cross the I tal i an border and descend to the eter nal romanti c ci ty of Veni ce, Queen of the Adr i ati c. (B, D) Day 6 - Veni ce Si ghtseei ng Cr ui se down the canal to St.M arks Square and al i ght to see the Br i dge of Si ghs whi ch connects the Doges Pal ace to the pr i sons. I n the square, see the bel l tower, the beauti ful mosai cs of St. M arks Basi l i ca and the Cl ock Tower M oor s, who have been str i ki ng the hour for over 500 year s. After a demonstr ati on of Veneti an gl ass bl owi ng, HI GHLI GHTS OF EUROPE 13 ni ghts Brussels, Heioelberg, Munich, Sal zburg, Veni ce, Rome, Fl orence, L ucer ne, Par i s, L ondon board a gondol a for a serenade through the romanti c canal s accompani ed by musi ci ans. T he after noon i s at l ei sure to expl ore the town on your own. (B) Day 7 - Veni ce - Rome Heao south over the Apennine M ountai ns and proceed to Rome. (B) Day 8 - Rome Si ghtseei ng Enj oy a tour of the pr i cel ess ar t of the Vati can M useums, fol l owed by a vi si t to the cel ebr ated Si sti ne Chapel . Usi ng your audi o heaoset, a local guioe explains the signincance ol M i chel angel os famous pai nted cei l i ng. T hen expl ore St Peter s Basi l i ca, one of the l argest churches i n the worl d. Cross the T i ber to vi si t the mi ghty Col osseum and l ook out over the Roman For um. T he after noon i s free for shoppi ng i n the l ocal markets or rel axi ng. (B) Day 9 - Rome - Fl or ence Drive to the Chianti Hills and the ci ty of Fl orence. A l ocal gui de accompani es you to M i chel angel os statue of Davi d i n the Academy Gal l er y and on to the Duomo, where the Gates of Par adi se ador n the Bapti ster y. Conti nue to Si gnor i a Square l i ned wi th fountai ns and statues. I n the area around Santa Croce Basi l i ca, vi ew a demonstr ati on by master cr aftsmen of tr adi ti onal l eather work. After wards there i s ti me to shop. (B) Day 10 - Fl or ence - Lucer ne Jour ney nor th past the I tal i an L ake Di str i ct to the Swi ss border. Take the St Gotthard route al l the way to L ucer ne. (B) Day 11 - Lucer ne Si ghtseei ng Fi r st vi si t L ucer nes emoti ve L i on M onument. See the covered Chapel Br i dge and the Jesui t Church, then enj oy a Premi um Highlight ascent ol a Swiss mountain by cog-wheel tr ai n. From the summi t, admi re some of the best possi bl e vi ews of the snowcovered Al ps. Toni ght, enj oy a Di ne-Around eveni ng whi ch offer s a choi ce of di ni ng exper i ences, atmosphere and cui si ne. (B, D) Day 12 - Lucer ne - Par i s Dr i ve to Basel before crossi ng the Rhi ne to enter Fr ance. Tr avel through the wi ne-growi ng Burgundy regi on to Par i s. T hi s eveni ng enj oy good food, wi ne and company at an end-of-tour Cel ebr ati on Di nner i n a Par i si an bi stro. (B, D) Day 13 - Par i s Si ghtseei ng Dr i ve vi a Notre Dame Cathedr al for a pr i vate tour of the L ouvre M useum. See the Venus de M i l o, Wi nged Vi ctor y, M ona L i sa and many more pr i cel ess works amassed over the ages by the K i ngs of Fr ance. Si ghtseei ng conti nues past Garnier`s splenoio Opera House. See the obelisk in the centre of the Pl ace de l a Concorde and dr i ve al ong the gr and Champs l yses to the Arc de Tr i omphe. Now sur vey the ci ty from the hei ghts of the Ei ffel Tower, bui l t for the Worl ds Exhi bi ti on of 1889. T he after noon i s at l ei sure. (B) Day 14 - Par i s - London Cross the Worl d War One battlenelos ol the Somme to arrive at the port ol Calais for your retur n Channel crossi ng to Dover. Conti nue to L ondon, where your tour comes to an end. (B) Fami l y / E xpl orer COACH TO UR 90 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs FRANCHI SEES WEST MAHARASHTRA MUMBAI ANDHERI EAST 9, Ashi sh Apar tment, S. B. M arg, Andher i East, M umbai - 400059 Tel : (022) 65254707, 32402886 M ob: 09820212534 Emai l : ankur .bathwal @coxandki ANDHERI WEST Olnce No 2, Nimbus Centre, Opp L axmi Pl aza, SAB T V l ane, off L i nk Road, Andher i West, M umbai - 400058 Tel : (022) 42648080, 40168985 M ob: 09320391200 Emai l : pr akash.sar af@coxandki DOMBI VALI EAST 3, Shr i Ram Govi nd CH S., T i l ak Road, Near Vi j aya Bank, Dombi val i - East, M umbai - 421201. Tel. ,021, 280399o Mob: 09870790999 Emai l : anand.bhave@coxandki KANDI VALI EAST Shop No.3, Vi ceroy Cour t, Opp. Domi nos Pi zza, T hakur V i l l age, K andi vl i East - 400101. Tel: (022) 28856333/ 444 M ob: 09870414466 Emai l : xavi er .kal l upur akal @coxandki ngs. com POWAI Shop No-133, 1st noor, Gal l er i a Shoppi ng Centr e, H i r anandani Gardens, Powai , M umbai - 400076. Tel: ,022, 32208298 Mob: 9820!1o2o0 Emai l : megha.sahay@coxandki SANTACRUZ WEST Shop No.1, M odi Ni was, S. V . Road, Opp. Standard Char tered Bank, Santacr uz- West, M umbai - 400054 Tel : (022) 67102089, 64520181 M ob: 98200 70294, 98200 01940 Emai l : sar ang.r athod@coxandki THANE WEST Shop no.1 grouno noor, MoreshwarKamal bl dg, Dr Ramesh Pr adhan M ar g, Next to Sai kr i pa H otel , T hane West - 400602. Tel : (022) 66099119 / 199 M ob: 9821149736 Emai l : vi l as.bhandar kar @coxandki NAVI MUMBAI VASHI Olnce No. 2, C - 17, Sector 2, Opp H otel Navr atan, Vashi , Navi M umbai - 400703. Tel : (022) 65172244 M ob: 9320120122 Emai l : r ekha.j agtap@coxandki REST OF MAHARASHTRA AHMEDNAGAR 56/ A, Amber Pl aza, Opp. Bus Stand, Ahmednagar - 414001. Tel : (0241) 2450275 M ob: 9226932072 Emai l : mahavi r .sheti ya@coxandki AURANGABAD 9, 10, L ower L evel , Dwar ka Regi me, Behi nd Chunni l al Petrol Pump, Adal at Road, Aur angabad - 431005 Tel : (0240) 6606010 M ob: 9860003377, 9730031538 Emai l : gaur av.patel @coxandki JALGAON M ob: 09422265617 Emai l : pr avi n.pande@coxandki
KOLHAPUR H otel Pearl , New Shahupur i , K ol hapur - 416001. Tel : (0231) 6616248 M ob: 9822099333 Emai l : vi j ay.ghatge@coxandki LATUR V yapar i Dhar amshal a, Shop No.5, Opp. K astur ba Gandhi Women H ospi tal , Gandhi Chowk, L atur - 413512. Tel : (02382) 245881/ 882 M ob: 9823027790 Emai l : r adhesham.dhoot@coxandki NASHI K MUMBAI NAKA Shop No G - 1, B Wi ng, Suyoj i t Ci ty Center , M umbai Naka, Nashi k - 422002. T el : (0253) 2506000 M ob: 9422246988, 9850680032 Emai l : ami tsi ngh.chandel @coxandki NASI K ROAD M amta Anand Sankul , Shi vaj i Nagar, Near Fame Nasi k, Nasi k Pune Road, Nasi k - 422101. Tel : (0253) 3028444 M ob: 09422265617 Emai l : pr avi n.pande@coxandki NAGPUR 5, M eher Baba Soci ety, Besi de Bhol e Petr ol Pump, Dhar ampeth, Nagpur - 440001. Tel : (0712) 3223200 M ob: 9373197783 Emai l : pr avi n.deotal e@coxandki AKOLA Shop No 21/ 22, 1st Fl oor, Tr i veneshwar Compl ex, T i l ak Road, Akol a - 444001. M ob: 09689503452, 09892011355 Emai l : tr avel .desti ny@ymai l .com RATNAGI RI Shop No - 22, K ohi noor Compl ex, Near Savarkar Natyagr uha, Ratnagi r i - 415612. M ob: 08975955899, 09619143999 Emai l : shashi kant.r ane@coxandki SOLAPUR 24 Smr uti M andi r Shoppi ng Compl ex, Park Chowk, Next to I CI CI Bank, Sol apur - 413003. T el : (0217) 6450501 M ob: 08888222281, 8055885799 Emai l : sudhi r .baswanti @coxandki PUNE Aundh, Shop No. 3, E - Bui l di ng, Chatr i ban Resi dency, H otel Sar j a L ane, Opp. Croma, Aundh, Pune - 411007 T el : (020) 40058550 M ob: 9011050795, 9881553119 Emai l : sangi ta.j adav@coxandki PI MPRI Shop no. C-20, Empi re Estate, Chi nchwad, Pune - 411019. Tel : (020) 32341007 M ob: 9822290459 Emai l : mahavi r .sol anki @coxandki PRABHAT ROAD 759/ 93, Abhi r uchi Bungal ow; Pr abhat Road, Pune - 411 004 T el : (020) 25451823 M ob: 9822455414, 9765499334 Emai l : mohi ni .bar ve@coxandki WANOWRI E G/ 3 T our s & T r avel s, Shop No.G/ 23, Sacr ed Worl d M al l , Jagtap Chowk, Next T o M c Donal d s, Sur vey No.75/ 2 Wanowr i e, Pune - 411040. T el : (020) 41307196 / 97 / 98 M ob: 9604576899, 8007994786 Emai l : yusuf.kar i m@coxandki 91 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs FRANCHI SEES GOA MARGAO F/ 15, 1st Fl oor, Osi a M al l , Near K adamba Bus Stand, M ar gao, Goa - 403601. Tel: ,0832, o!8!222 Mob: 932o110788 Emai l : anand.col aco@coxandki PANAJI 7- Jesui t H ouse, Near M uni ci pal Gar den, Opp. Cafe T ato, Panaj i , Goa - 403001. T el : (0832) 2222205, 2222206 Emai l : habi b.vel j ee@coxandki VASCO Queeny El i te, Shop No. 2 & 6, Vasco-da-Gama, Goa - 403802 Tel : (0832) 2515900, 2515780 M ob: 9422059641, 9923202934 Emai l : kamal aksha.desai @coxandki GUJARAT AHMEDABAD 26 FF, Rudr a Squar e, Next to I DBI Bank, Judges Bungal ows Road, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad - 380 054 Tel: ,079, 2o870o01, !0039809 Mob: 9173436808 Emai l : ani l .j acob@coxandki ANAND 23, 24, 25, Rama Pl aza, Opp. H ome Sci ence Col l ege, V . V . Nagar , Next to V V CC Bank, C/ O P G Gr oup, Anand - 388120. T el : (02692) 654353, 230580 M ob: 9375344353, 9909928353, 9537118992 Emai l : par i xeet.patel @coxnadki ANKLESHWAR M ob: 09825126358 Emai l : pstr avel s1@gmai l .com BARODA VI P ROAD G- 8, Bal aj i Ar cade, Near Ami t Nagar Bus Stand, V I P Road, V adodar a - 390018. T el : (0265) 2491642, 3011311 M ob: 9925764839 Emai l : ki r i tkumar .shah@coxandki DANDI A BAZAR ROAD 301, Sneh Sudha Apar tment, 3r d Fl oor , Near M usi c Col l ege, Dandi a Bazar Road, V adodar a - 390001. Tel : (0265) 2411938 M ob: 9426394101 Emai l : soneetour i JAMNAGAR 9 Neo square, Near Income Tax Olnce, P.N M ar g, Jamnagar - 361008. Tel : 02886541111, 9913155888 M ob: 9824055888 Email: MEHSANA C/ O H otel Sahar a Br i dge, 2nd Fl oor , Opp. Si mandhar Jai n Templ e, State H i ghway, M ehsana - 384002. Tel : (02762) 230823 M ob: 9825113165, 8980522522 Emai l : r udr adatt.zal a@coxandki NADI AD 15/ 16 Pr i me Centre, 1St Fl oor, Desai Vago, Nadi ad 387001. T el : (0268) 2562945, 2568945, 6452945 M ob: 9909962945 Emai l : kuntal .patel @coxandki PALANPUR Shop No 6, 7; 2nd Fl oor , Ar oma Ar cade, Opp Jor avar Pal ace, Pal anpur - 385001. Tel: ,027!, 227722 Mob: 8980190929 Emai l : har di k.modi @coxandki RAJKOT 20-21 L andmark, Astron Chowk, Raj kot - 360 001 T el : (0281) 2468121 / 122, 3056100 M ob: 94262 50680 Emai l : r ahul .popat@coxandki SURAT L -5/ 6, Di gvi j ay compl ex-2, Near Axi s Bank, Ramchowk, Ghod-Doud Road, Sur at - 395001. T el : (0261) 6535251, 6545352 M ob: 9825127621, 7567700800 Emai l : ni mi i vedi @coxandki VAPI 7-Adar sh Vi har, Near Gunj an Ci nema, G.I .D.C. Vapi - 396 195. Tel: ,02o0, 2!2 892 Mob: 98212071 Emai l : tr ushar .shah@coxandki MADHYA PRADESH BHOPAL L G-28, D B M al l , Bhopal 462011. Tel: ,07, oo!!22o78 Mob: 982o3!3000 Emai l : beeba.sahani @coxandki GWALI OR 23 Kailash Vihar, Opp Income Tax Olnce, Ci ty Center , Gwal i or - 474011. Tel: ,071, !0o000 Mob: 9!212o03 Emai l : anubhav.gupta@coxandki JABALPUR Behi nd Amr i t Compl ex, Cor por ati on Road, Jabal pur - 482002 T el : (0761) 4081006 / 07 M ob: 9300105898, 09300812584 Emai l : r am.asr ani @coxandki I NDORE Shop No. G - 1, Si ngapore M arket, Regal Cr ossi ng, I ndor e - 452001. Tel: ,0731, !0!o00001 Mob: 9302103321 Emai l : uttam.bubna@coxandki RATLAM Jai n H ol i days, 10, Do Batti Chour aha, Stadi um M ar ket, Ratl am - 457001. M ob: 09425091779 / 09009833333 Emai l : maneesh.kothar i @coxandki UJJAI N 16, M ahavi r Bhavan, Opp. Vi kr am L i br ar y, Near New Gur udwar a, Freegunj , Uj j ai n - 456010. Tel: ,073!, 22o123 Mob: 9009833333 Emai l : maneesh.kothar i @coxandki SOUTH TAMI L NADU CHENNAI ADYAR 102 Chami er s Road, Adyar, Chennai - 600 018. T el : (044) 45000400. M ob: 099620 39000, 09962055555 Emai l : par as.chor di a@coxandki ALWARTHI RUNAGAR 3, Ar cot Road, Near M ega M ar t, I CI CI Bank Bui l di ng, Al war thi r unagar , Chennai - 600087. Tel: ,0!!, 2!8oo0o0 Mob: 98!103999o Emai l : masi l amani .pr abu@coxandki ANNA NAGAR C- 40, I I nd Avenue, 12th M ai n Road, Opp K FC, Near Adyar Ananda Bhavan Annanagar , Chennai - 600 040. T el : (044) 45500336, 31908989 M ob: 9677024394, 9600139955 Emai l : V i j ay.thooyamani @coxandki PONDI BAZAAR 14, Cor por ati on Compl ex, Dr. Nai r Road, Pondi Bazaar, Chennai - 600 017. Tel : (044) 42123505 M ob: 9787070000, 9047067802 Emai l : mekal a.annamal ai @coxandki 92 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs REST OF TAMI L NADU COI MBATORE 16, R. R. L ayout, Rex H ospi tal Road, R. S. Pur am, Coi mbator e - 641002. Tel : (0422) 4388000 M ob: 9843980000, 9047077766 Emai l : j ai .pr akash@coxandki ERODE 102/ 50, Sampath Nagar, Opp- K ongu T hi r umana M andapam, Er ode - 638011. M ob: 8489727272 Emai l : j pcoxandki ngs@gmai l .com MADURAI 21, South V el l i Str eet, M adur ai - 625001. T el : (0452) 2330984, 2337123 M ob: 9486226089, 9884706140 Email: NAGERCOI L S. J. compl ex, Shop No: 101A, Chetti kul am Juncti on, Opp. APN Pl aza, Nagar coi l - 629002. Tel : (04652) 402000 / 846 M ob: 08870660088 Emai l : pr em.anthony@coxandki PONDI CHERRY M ob: 9867586123 Emai l : ar unv1234@r edi ffmai l .com SALEM No.17, I ndi r a gandhi Road (Near T hul asi Retai l ), Fai rl ands, Sal em - 636016 M ob: 09787822235 Emai l : pr n TI RUPUR Zen Zen T ower s, 179/ 72 K umar an Road, T i r upur - 641601. T ami l Nadu M ob: 7845066455 Emai l : anandbothr a84@hotmai l .com TRI CHY Ground Fl oor, Dukes Compl ex, Ol d No 6 / New No 120, Bhar athi ar Sal ai , Cantonment, T i r uchi r apal l y - 620001. T ami l Nadu M ob: 9361936191 Email: KARNATAKA BANGALORE JAYANAGAR 239/ 26, Raj ashree Tower s, 9th M ai n, Jayanagar 3rd Bl ock, Bangal or e - 560011. T el : (080) 41210197 / 198 / 268 M ob: 9845000867, 9845972220, 09844255156, 9900495004 Emai l : cr ew.j ayanagar @coxandki KORAMANGALA No 100, 5th cross 5th Bl ock, K or amangl a, Bangal ore - 560095 T el : (080) 4228 8585 / 86 M ob: 9743858555, 9620226958 Emai l : fr anci s.manaval an@coxandki MALLESHWARAM 298/ 1, Ground Fl oor, Sr i L akshmi Arcade, 17th Cross, Sampi ge Road, M al l eswar am, Bangal ore - 560003 T el : (080) 23347168, 23346360 M ob: 9845450688 Emai l : pr abhakar .bal aj i @coxandki MARATHALLI No 26/ 2, 1st Fl oor, V . R. Chamber s, M ar athal l i Outer Ri ng Road, Near Presti ge TechPark, K adubeesana H al l i , Bel l andur Post, Bangal ore - 560103 T el : (080) 42288164 / 5 M ob: 9845325989, 9880666916 Emai l : REST OF KARNATAKA BELGAUM 1357/ A, Pai Compound, Opp H otel Ramdev, Nehr u Nagar , Bel gaum - 590010. Tel : (0831) 4207716 M ob: 9448075277 Emai l : nai m.far oodi @coxandki GULBARGA Shop no 02, K haj a Banda Nawas Compl ex, Stati on M ai n Road, Gul bar ga - 585102. Tel: ,08!7, 22300o8 Mob: 988o29!7 Emai l : ayub.i r shad@coxandki MANGALORE 6T H Cr oss Opp K odi al guthu East, M . G. Road, M angal or e - 575003. Tel: ,082!, !23022 Mob: 9008222 Emai l : sandeep.j al an@coxandki UDUPI G-3 Aroor Arcade, Opp. H otel Udupi Resi dency, Near Ser vi ce Bus Stand, Udupi Pi n - 576101. T el : (0820) 2521584 M ob: 9900407128, 9686212498, 9538993644 Emai l : vi nod.pai @coxandki ANDHRA PRADESH HYDERABAD H i Tech Ci ty, QZ Pl aza K othaguda M ai n Road, Opp Toyota M otor s, K othaguda Vi l , Ser i l i ngampal l y M andal , R. R. Di st., H I - Tech Ci ty, H yder abad - 500084. T el : (040) 23004500, 23004316 / 17 M ob: 09985844500 Email: SECUNDERABAD 47, Jawahar Col ony, 1-8-64, P. G Road, Secunder abad - 500 003. Tel : (040) 66334040 / 8080 M ob: 9959998080 Emai l : ni ti n.bhandar i @coxandki NI ZAMABAD C/ O Shr ee Geethanj al i T r avel s & T our s 1st Fl oor , H ar i char an School Compl ex, Stati on Road, Ni zamabad - 503001. Tel : (08462) 225599, 254084, 250634 M ob: 09640225599, 9849825599 Emai l : pgr n MALAKPET Pr emi ses no.16-11-310 / 2 / 2 / 1, G / C & D, M oosar ambagh, M al akpet, H yder abad - 500036. T el : (040) 66655666, 66685662 / 63 M ob: 9866500070 Emai l : vi kas.agar wal @coxandki REST OF ANDHRA PRADESH GUNTUR SBI Compl ex, Opposi te UCO Bank, Br undavan Gardens, 2nd l ane, Guntur - 522006. M ob: 9866203578, 9700777567 Emai l : gr ahesh.j uvvi guntl a@gmai l .com / ki shandammu14@gmai l .com KAKI NADA A B C Wor l d T r avel s, 27-4-14, Templ e Street, East Godavar i Di st. K aki nada-533001 Andhr a Pr adesh Tel : 088! - 23o00 Mob : 900017887 Emai l : eswar a.r ao@coxandki NELLORE D no: 17/ 126, GV R Encl ave, Above H DFC Bank, T r unk Road, Nel l or e - 524001., Andhr a Pr adesh M ob: 9392082966 Emai l : n FRANCHI SEES 93 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs RAJAHMUNDRY Door No. 79-2-10/ 1, T i l ak Road, Raj ahmundr y - 533103., Andhr a Pr adesh Tel : (0883) 2433499. M ob: 9490179999 Emai l : eswar a.r eddy@coxandki TI RUPATI 20-3-2, Opp - Vooalone Olnce, Sivajyoti Nagar, T i r umal a By-Pass Road, T i r upati - 517501. AP T el No: (0877) 2283882, 2281389 M ob: 9959109595, 8099309797 Emai l : si l pa.r eddy@coxandki VI JAYWADA D. NO.: 40-1-22, 1st Fl oor , M . G. Road, L abbi pet, V i j ayawada - 520010. Tel : (0866) 2464777 / 999 M ob: 9393417199 Emai l : n.babu@coxandki VI ZAG 28-10-17/ 2, M aa Padmavati Tower s, Al l ur i Si ta Rama Raj u Road, Sur yabag, Vi sakhapatnam - 530020 Tel : (0891) 2719111/ 222 M ob: 9849000894 Emai l : amar .j ai n@coxandki WARANGAL D. no. 6-1-225, Shop No. 5, Bapti st Compl ex, Besi des M i ssi on H ospi tal , M ai n Road, H anamkonda, War angal - 5060011. Tel : (0870) 2446559, 2446449 M ob: 9849000894 Emai l : j anar dhan.r eddy@coxandki KERALA CALI CUT 1st Fl oor Vyapar Bhavan, Bank Road, Cal i cut - 673001. Tel: ,0!9, 27o7o2o Mob: 9!!7007o7o Emai l : r i j as.khai r ul @coxandki KOCHI 33/ 4344, M . G. Road, Er anakul am - 682016. Tel : (0484) 2356502/ 03 M ob: 9447185758 Emai l : unni .km@coxandki TRI VANDRUM PT C T ower s, S.S K ovi l Road, T hampanoor , Tr i vandr um - 695001 T el : (0471) 4011234 M ob: 09745020000 / 09645177771 Emai l : pr i nod@coxandki NORTH JAMMU & KASHMI R JAMMU Above State Bank of I ndi a, Pl ot Number 513, Sector 4 Channi H i mmat, Jammu - 180014. Tel : (0191) 2467 854 / 954 M ob: 9419211663 Emai l : kusum.gupta@coxandki NEW DELHI EAST DELHI 217 A, Bl ock F, M angal Bazaar, L axmi Nagar , Gal i No. 1, Shastr i Gal i , Del hi - 110092. Tel : (011) 46107619 M ob: 9718587541/ 42 Emai l : sanj eev.gupta@coxandki JANAKPURI UG -6, West end M al l , Di str i ct Centr e, Janakpur i - 110058 Tel : (011) 45621220/ 230 M ob: 9910110220 Emai l : kul deep.shar ma@coxandki LAJPAT NAGAR A 90, L aj pat Nagar I I , 1st Fl oor, New Del hi - 110024 Tel : (011) 45203333 (100 L i nes) M ob: 9811075333 Emai l : pr adeep.mi ttal @coxandki PI TAMPURA 1o, 1st noor, Kapil Vihar, M ai n Road, Pi tampur a - 110088 T el : (011) 27352111 / 2555 M ob: 9873778111, 9868485999 Emai l : vi kas.munj al @coxandki SAKET D-4/ 112, Rectangl e 1 M al l , Saket, New Del hi - 110017 Tel : (011) 46114611 M ob: 9810812925, 9811208230 Emai l : pr i ya.dagar @coxandki DELHI / NCR DWARKA 1st Fl oor, Pl ot No-5 Pocket I V, Sec-11, Dwar ka, New Del hi - 110075. Tel : (011) 40618959 M ob: 09810154387 Emai l : mukul .dal mi a@coxandki FARI DABAD SCI 1, 1st noor, Sec-1 Market, Far i dabad - 121003. T el : (0129) 6464000 / 111 / 333 / 666 / 999 M ob: 9811281077, 9268821800 Emai l : ashok.gul ati @coxandki GHAZI ABAD 113 17, Navyug Market, Opp GDA Olnce, Ghazi abad - 201001 Tel : (0120) 4124925 M ob: 9717838442, 9899881720 Emai l : ar pi t.goel @coxandki GURGAON GF 103G & 130G Ansal s Sushant Shoppi ng Ar cade, Sushant l ok, Phase 1, Gur gaon-122002., H ar yana Tel : (0124) 4308100 / 1 / 2 M ob: 9971411447 Emai l : gul shan.madan@coxandki KAROL BAUG C/ O H otel L a V i sta, 938/ 3, I l l ahi Bux Road (Nai Wal an), K arol Baug, New Del hi - 110005. Tel : (011) 64611222 / 444 M ob: 9999889826 Emai l : r achi t.gupta@coxandki NOI DA Omax Compl ex, 1st Fl oor , M ai n Road Naya Bans Sector - 15, Opp Ni r ul a s H otel , Next to Uni on Bank, Noi da - 201301. Tel: !21999o 97 Mob: 971199208! Emai l : r anj an.kumar @coxandki UTTAR PRADESH ALI GARH 2/ 363, Near Eden Gar den M ar r i age H ome, Ni r anj an Pur i , Ramghat Road, Al i gar h - 202001. T el : (0571) 2742098 M ob: 09837279426, 09219694558 Emai l : udi t.shashank@coxandki AGRA 1st Fl oor , 5, Awagar h H ouse, Above O. P. Jewel l er s, M . G. Road, Agr a UP - 282002. Tel : (0562) 4045100 / 101 / 102 M ob: 9837564441 Emai l : mani sh.bansal @coxandki ALLAHABAD NN A 2, Civil Lines, Near Tralnc Fark, Dhobighat Crossing, Above Blue Dart Olnce, Al l ahabad - 2690029. Tel : (0532) 2261222 M ob: 9532711143, 9839707052 Emai l : al l vi l l i ne@coxandki FRANCHI SEES 94 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs BAREI LLY Near Ram Janak M andi r, Pi l i bhi t Road, Janakpur i , Bar ei l l y - 243003. Tel : (0581) 320405 M ob: 9837085329, 9837065328 Email: KANPUR 7/ 89A Nandan Cottage, 1st Fl oor, Opp Al l enganj , T i l ak Nagar, K anpur - 208002. T el : (0512) 3219031, 2540375 M ob: 09415039445 Emai l : sanj ay.par eek@coxandki LUCKNOW Dubey Chamber s, 1st Fl oor, Sapr u M arg, L ucknow - 226001. T el : (0522) 3210012, 2231550/ 1 M ob: 9415335344, 9305931903/ 04 Emai l : ani l .tekr i wal @coxandki MATHURA Ter a Tower, Bhuteshwar Rd, M athur a - 281001. T el : (0565) 3017127 / 30 M ob: 09837216640, 9690004461 Emai l : mani sh.bansal @coxandki MEERUT A-7, Abu L ane, Abu Pl aza, M eer ut Cant - 250001. Tel : (0121) 4032980 M ob: 9897090951 Emai l : ami akash@coxandki MORADABAD 1st Fl r, Shr i Val l abh Compl ex, Above Bank of Bar oda, Ci vi l L i nes, M or adabad - 244001. T el : (0591)2415244, 2415243 M ob: 7500544400, 7500466600 Emai l I d: or a@coxandki SAHARANPUR Next to T hana Qutub Sher, Ambal a Road, Sahar anpur - 247001. Tel: ,0132, o!o!!! Mob: 09927oo778o Emai l : har i s.akhtar @coxandki VARANASI B 36/ 4-7, 1st Fl oor , Sankat M ochan Crossi ng, L anka Road, V ar anasi - 221005. T el : (0542) 2315454, 2311453 M ob: 9305931906 Emai l : adi nodi a@coxandki PUNJAB AMRI TSAR 3578, Fi r st Fl oor, G. T. Road, Putl i ghar, Adj oi ni ng Navpreet H ospi tal , Amr i tsar - 143001. Tel: ,0183, 002111 Mob: 8!273o1111 Emai l : dal j i ngh@coxandki BHATI NDA Shop No 2740 / A-3, 1st Fl oor Opposi te Zi l a Par i shad, Goni ana Road Bhati nda - 151001. Tel: ,01o!, 01210 Mob: 9888o0182 Emai l : Shi ngar .si ngh@coxandki CHANDI GARH SCO - 91/ 92 Sector 8C, 1st Fl oor , Chandi gar h - 160008. Tel : (0172) 4370000. M ob: 9815077934, 9872991120 Emai l : di nesh.anand@coxandki JALANDHAR 1A, Si yu Compl ex, Near M odel T own Gur udwar a Sahi b, Jal andhar - 144003. T el : (0181) 4606555 / 56 / 57 / 58. M ob: 9814322322 Emai l : sukhj i ngh@coxandki LUDHI ANA Fi r ozpur Road, Opp. Gur udev H ospi tal , Near V i shal T ower , L udhi ana - 141001. T el : (0161) 4635999, 4625799, 2458425 M ob: 9815032560, 8427100425 Email: PATI ALA S.C.O !!, 1st noor, Surya Complex, Leela Bhawan, Pati al a - 147001. T el : (0175) 5010088, 5310085, 5003185 M ob: 9815736379 Emai l : upi nder .dul l at@coxandki HARYANA AMBALA 1769 - B/ 11, Cour t Road, Near Bank of Bar oda, Ambal a Ci ty - 134003. (H ar yana) Tel : (0171) 2533427, 3243877 M ob: 9996915727 Emai l : mukesh.dhawan@coxandki HI SAR DSS-114, Fi r st Fl oor , Sec-15, H uda Shoppi ng Compl ex, K ai mr i Road, H i sar - 125001. T el : (01662) 242029 / 30 / 31 M ob: 9050909919,9813175500 Emai l : sandeep.l amba@coxandki FRANCHI SEES KARNAL SCO 377, Ground Fl oor, M ughal Canal M arket, K ar nal -132001. Tel : (0184) 4037682 M ob: 9254154100, 7206206000 Emai l : bhupi nder .tanwar @coxandki PANI PAT K atar i a Estate (Behi nd H otel Gol d), G. T. Road, Pani pat -132103. T el : (0180) 4000652, 4001523, 2661816 M ob: 9896431873 Emai l : j ati n.katar i a@coxandki RAJASTHAN AJMER B-10, H ar i bhau Upadhye Nagar, Dev Pl aza, Near M i ttal H ospi tal , Pushkar Road, Aj mer - 305005. Tel: ,01!, 2o00!81 Mob: 998387771 Emai l : deepak.khi yani @coxandki KOTA Opp Pol i ce Stati on, Nayapur a, K ota - 324001. T el : (0744) 2320010 M ob: 09414452313, 9828930003, 9828730003 Emai l : sameer .deepak@coxandki JAI PUR ADARSH NAGAR L akhpati Sweets, Shop No 8/ 9, Bees Dukan, Adar sh Nagar , Jai pur - 302004. T el : (0141) 4040401 2602570 M ob: 9829012834, 9828137649 Emai l : har i sh.phul wani @coxandki VI DHYAR NAGAR Shop no 19, 1st noor, Jda centr al mar ket, Near amar pal i ci rcl e, Vai shal i Nagar - 302012 M ob: 08824722888, 09864402673 Emai l : aj ay.j ai n@coxandki JODHPUR 12 C Resi dency Road, Jal j og Chor aha, Jodhpur - 342003. T el : (0291) 2433319, 2771515, 2771233 M ob: 9461144000 Emai l : ngh@coxandki UDAI PUR 169, O Road, Bhopal pur a, Udai pur - 313001. Tel : (0294) 2420001 M ob: 9352305545 Emai l : vi shvas.j ai n@coxandki 95 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs FRANCHI SEES UTTRANCHAL DEHRADUN 81 Chakr ata Road 1st Fl oor , Near Chi l dr en s Academy, Bi ndal Br i dge, Dehr adun - 248001. Tel: ,013, 2o11!113 Mob: 97o0!23132 Emai l : sameer .ber r y@coxandki HARI DWAR Rai l way Road, H ar i dwar - 249401. T el : (01334) 265217, 228081 M ob: 9412070023 Emai l : chetan.ghai @coxandki RUDRAPUR Near Janta I nter Col l ege, Ci vi l L i nes, Rudr apur (U.S. Nagar ) - 263153. Tel: ,09!!, 2!0228 Mob: 901200001 Emai l : vi kas.bathl a@coxandki EAST ASSAM GUWAHATI Abhoy Arcade, 1st Fl oor, M RD Road, Chandmar i , Guwahati - 781003. Tel : (0361) 2665874 / 4455 M ob: 9854046992 Emai l : pr i yansu.bor gohai n@coxandki ngs. com JORHAT Gar - Al i , Opp. Centr al Bank, Jor hat - 785001. Assam T el : (0376) 2932268 M ob: 9864402673, 9706046995 Emai l : sur esh.j ai n@coxandki TI NSUKI A Shop No-3, Amar Compl ex, H i j ugur i , Opp H i j ugur i Pol i ce, Outpost, T i nsuki a - 786125, Assam Tel: ,037!, 233099 Mob: 9o7880383 Emai l : manbendr a.dey@coxandki SI KKI M GANGTOK Axi s Bank, 1st Fl oor , M . G. M ar g, Gangtok, Si kki m - 737101. Tel: ,0392, 200010 Mob: 983o880002 Emai l : gangtok.mgmar g@coxandki TRI PURA AGARTALA Dutta M achi ner y, H ar i sh T hakur Road, K r i shna Nagar, Agar tal a, Tr i pur a (W), Agar tal a - 799001 M ob: 9436126280 Emai l : el ectr i chouseagt@gmai l .com WEST BENGAL NORTH KOLKATA AD-49, Sector 1, Sal t L ake Ci ty, K ol kata - 700064. T el : (033) 30242324/ 25/ 26 M ob: 9230509022 Emai l : ur mi SOUTH KOLKATA 7/ 3 M andevi l l e Gardens, K ol kata - 700019. T el : (033) 65226496 M ob: 9339784329, 9874422255 Emai l : r avi .tapar i a@coxandki CENTRAL KOLKATA 43, Free School Street, Ground Fl oor, K ol kata - 16. Tel: ,033, o3o0930 Mob: 98300!!07 Emai l : kr i shna.chanani @coxandki HOWRAH 37, Abani Dutta Rd, H owr ah, West Bengal - 300061. Tel : (033) 64583997 M ob: 9830983118 Email: DURGAPUR B 203, Bl ock - K al patar u, Bengal Sr i sti Bui l di ng, Ci ty Center, Durgapur, West Bengal - 713216. Tel : (0343) 2542705 M ob: 9830044507 Emai l : kr i shna.chanani @coxandki SI LI GURI 112/ 7, Sevoke Road, Ganeshayan Bui l di ng, Si l i gur i - 734001. T el : (0353) 2522297, 6502589 M ob: 9830117608 Emai l : Sur aj i t.bose@coxandki ORI SSA ANGUL Amal apar a, 6th L i ne, PO/ Di st - Angul , Or i ssa - 759122. M ob: 9437964595, 9937034595 Emai l : pr asanta.pattnai k954@gmai l .com BHUBANESHWAR Shubham M ar ket Compl ex, Shop No.21, Ram M andi r Squar e, Janpath, Bhubaneshwar - 751001. T el : (0674) 2380821/ 22 M ob: 9437212999, 9583045689 Emai l : subhasi i pathy@coxandki SAMBALPUR Pur nabasi Ni vas, At Ai nthapal i , P. O. Budha Raj a, Sambhal pur - 786004, Or i ssa Tel: ,0oo3, 2!007! Mob: 9!370300 Email: ROURKELA Bi g Shop No.10, Sector 19, Di st Sunder Gar h, Rour kel a - 769005, Or i ssa Tel : (0661) 2640012 M ob: 9437153433 Emai l : saubhagya.nayak@coxandki CHATTI SGARH BHI LAI 22/ A Comer ci al compl ex, Nehr u Nagar East, Bhi l ai - 491001. T el : (0788) 2223444 M ob: 9425213091, 9425247405 Emai l : mani sh.sar na@coxandki KORBA Pl ot no 59, T r anspor t Nagar , Behi nd M ahendr a El ectr i cal s, K or ba - 495677. M ob: 08109978963, 9713345669 Emai l : mani sh.dubey@coxandki RAI PUR A Dhebar Compl ex, M ai n Road, Shankar Nagar , Rai pur - 492001. T el : (0771) 4055556 M ob: 9407713510, 9926220000 Emai l : amender .si ngh@coxandki JHARKHAND JAMSHEDPUR Shop No. 53, 2nd Fl oor , K amani Centr e, Bi stupur - 831001. T el : (0657) 2321182 M ob: 09122281222 RANCHI 201, 2nd Fl oor , Gi r dhar Pl aza, H ar mu Bypass Road, Ranchi - 834001. T el : (0651) 6452695 M ob: 9234012011 Emai l : di ngh@coxandki BI HAR PATNA Gr ound Fl oor , H em Pl aza, Fr aser Road, Patna - 800 001. T el : (0612) 2204444, 2208888 M ob: 9431033144 Emai l : shai l esh.kumar @coxandki 96 Fl exi Hol Cox & Ki ngs MUMBAI Cox & K i ngs L i mi ted Tur ner M or r i son Bui l di ng, 1st Fl oor, 16, Bank Street, For t, M umbai - 400001 Tel : (022) 2270 9140, 2270 9100 Fax : (022) 2270 9161 AHMEDABAD Cox & K i ngs L i mi ted 21 Sanskar, Compl ex, Next to K etav Petrol Pump, Pol ytechni c Road, Ambawadi , Ahmedabad 380 015 Tel : (079) 4000 1416, 4000 1442 / 44 Fax: (079) 4000 1400 BANGALORE Cox & K i ngs L i mi ted No.22, BM H Compl ex, K . H . Road Bangal ore - 560 027 Tel : (080) 2207 1000, 22071137 Fax: (080) 22242353, 22238911 CHENNAI Cox & K i ngs L i mi ted 10, K ar una Cor ner, Spur Tank Road, Chetpet, Chennai - 600031 Tel : (044) 2820 9544, 2820 9552, 2820 9542, 2820 9541 Fax : (044) 2836 5902 DELHI Cox & K i ngs L i mi ted I ndr a Pal ace, H -Bl ock, Connaught Ci rcus, New Del hi - 110 001. Tel : (011) 4129 7900 / 11 / 14 / 27 / 84, 2373 8811 Fax : (011) 2331 7373 Cox & K i ngs L i mi ted K amal Ci nema Commerci al Compl ex, Bl ock A & B Safdar j ung Encl ave, New Del hi 110029 Tel . (011) 2676 7900, 2676 8811 Fax: (011) 2617 7373 HYDERABAD Cox & K i ngs L i mi ted Anam Pl aza, M CH 8-2-618, Road No - 11, L ane Opp Care H ospi tal , Banj ar a H i l l s, H yder abad - 500034. Tel : (040) 4477 4004 / 5 / 6 / 3, 4477 4000 Fax : (040) 6682 4947 JAI PUR Cox & K i ngs L i mi ted T i r thr aj Apar tment, Ground Fl oor, Jacob Road, Ci vi l L i nes, Jai pur 302 006 Tel : (0141) 645 4195, 222 0060 / 61 Fax: (0141) 222 1236 KOLKATA Cox & K i ngs L i mi ted 6, L i ttl e Russel Street K ankar i a Estate Bui l di ng, Ground Fl oor K ol kata - 700071 Tel : (033) 4018 3615, 4018 3621 / 22 / 23 Fax: (033) 4018 3683 KOCHI Cox & K i ngs L i mi ted Dar r agh Smai l Chamber s, 39/ 6822, Ground Fl oor, M . G. Road, Ravi pur am, K ochi 682015 Tel : (0484) 422 0404, 235 0973 Fax: (0484) 236 0151 PUNE Cox & K i ngs L i mi ted Krsna Chambers,Olnce No -1, Iirst Iloor, 11,Gal axy Gardens, Nor th M ai n Road, K oregaon Park, Pune - 411 001 Tel : (020) 2605 0354 / 56, 2613 5441 Fax: (020) 26131977 GOA Cox & K i ngs L i mi ted 502, K amat Towers, EDC Comlex, Patto Plaza, Panaj i , Goa - 403 001. 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