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The Federation of Universities: Promotion & Development Department

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Promotion & Development Department (PDD), a constituent of The Federation of Universities, (FedUni) is a department, encompassing all marketing activities to promote Flexi mode programs, Full Time programs and Publications of the member Universities of FedUni. PDD has more than 230 branches spread across the length and breadth of the country. These are manned by marketing personnel and support staff numbering nearly 1800 and each one of them thrive to achieve the goals set, in line with the principles of FedUni. The HR section of PDD provides support in the journey of every employee to excel in his / her profession by adopting an universal approach. A set of rules and regulations of FedUni is enumerated in the succeeding paragraphs for the guidance and compliance of all employees.


1.Joining Report & Other Documents 1.1On joining PDD, an employee has to fill the joining report and submit to his/her Reporting Officer. Pay particular attention to the following points while filling the form. The format of the joining report is given at Annexure -1. 1.1.1 Ensure all columns are filled 1.1.2 Ensure that self attested copies of all testimonials as mentioned in the form are attached. The attestation is to be done by the Reporting Officer. The Reporting Officer is advised to verify the originals before attesting the same. 1.1.3 Provide PAN no. with a self attested copy of the PAN card (both sides). If not available, please register with the appropriate authorities and submit the PAN application no / acknowledgement number. This is mandatory. 1.1.4 Provide bank account number of a specified bank, if available or attach duly filled Salary Account Opening form of a specified bank Viz, HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, Axis Bank, Syndicate Bank, State Bank of India and Punjab National Bank. 1.1.5 Attach a recent passport size colour photograph in the box provided and affix your signature ( in black ink only) in the designated box for issue of Identity card. 1.2 Also fill the Employee Personal Particulars form and send it with Joining report. Employee Personal Particulars form contains information that may undergo change over a period of time and therefore required to update the HR data. The form is to be sent for the first time at the time of joining, and then should be sent before March 31, of every year to update the records. Format of Employee Personal Particulars form is placed at Annexure -2. 1.3 Form of Nomination of beneficiary as explained at Para 6.2 should also be sent with joining report 1.4 The joining report should be forwarded to PDD HQ along with the relevant documents. The reporting officer should ensure that the joining report along with the relevant documents is sent on the same day the employee joins duty. Please note that in case the joining report along with

the relevant documents is not received on time, the employees salary cannot be processed and will be delayed. 1.5 Check list of documents to be forwarded on joining. Joining Report and personal particulars form Copies of Educational qualifications and Date of Birth Service certificate from previous employer (Original) Relieving certificate from previous employer (Original) Last drawn Pay Slip Self declaration of Medical Fitness Bank Account opening form , if required Nomination of Beneficiaries Form ESI declaration form, if applicable. Photo copy of PAN Card

1.6 Probation/Confirmation : An employee will be on probation for a period of one year from his/her date of joining. The management may, at their discretion extend the period of probation. Till it is intimated in writing, the employee continues to be on probation. At the end of probation period he/she will be appraised and if found suitable will be confirmed. 1.6.1 An employee on probation is paid a salary comprising of Basic pay, House Rent Allowance (HRA), City Compensatory Allowance (CCA), Transport Allowance, Personal Allowance and employers contribution towards PF. This package is termed as CTC-1 (Cost To Company -1) 1.6.2 On confirmation, the employee will also be eligible for, Medical reimbursement and Leave Travel Concession (LTC)and encashment of Earned leave, in addition to CTC-1 salary. This package is termed as CTC-2 (Cost to Company -2) 1.7 Contract Period : On confirmation an employee will be on contract The initial period of contract is usually for Five years. The contract may be further extended on mutual consent. The contract can also be terminated by either party as stipulated in the employment offer letter. 1.8 Pay and Allowances: The salary structure in PDD is based on Fixed Basic system. Other allowances are House Rent Allowance, Transport allowance and personal allowance. These allowances are derived as a percentage of the basic salary and also depend on the category of the city an employee is posted at. All cities are categorized into four types viz; A,B,C, and D. ( Annexure 3 gives these categories) For example HRA is 50% for Category A cities, 45% for B, 40% for C and 35% for D category cities. Also a fixed amount is added to the salary as city compensatory allowance (CCA). Apart from these monthly allowances, an employee who has been confirmed , is also entitled to certain additional fixed benefits, such as, Medical Reimbursement, Leave Travel Concession (LTC) at specified fixed periods. These allowances are also calculated on the Basic pay (the details are given in section 4).

1.9 Salary payments are based on calendar month , that is, from 1st of every month to the last day of the same month. However to facilitate crediting of the salary on the last working day of the month, attendance from 26th of previous month to 25th of current month is taken into consideration. A separate web page is created for every individual at website www.feduni.org/hr wherein information useful to individuals including details of monthly salary disbursement is posted. 1.10 Bank Account opening. Monthly emoluments to the employees will be made through

bank account only. Hence opening of bank account with designated banks is mandatory. If an employee has an account with any of the specified banks, existing account no, may be provided. .If not available fill and attach a bank account opening form of a designated bank, along with the joining report at the time of joining. Pay particular attention to the name and spellings to be used for the name of account holder. Married woman employees should check their surname as given in the records and as changed after marriage. If they differ, a copy of the marriage certificate or duly certified affidavit should be attached. The account opening form will be returned after obtaining the signature of the HOD HR to the employee for onward submission to the concerned Bank. The account number obtained is to be sent to PDD HQ and also the same is to be mentioned at the time of submission of attendance. Until such time that the bank account number is not furnished, salaries will not be credited 1.111 Permanent Account No (PAN). It is necessary for each employee to furnish Permanent Account no at the time of joining itself. In case PAN is not available, the employee is strongly advised to apply for the same and furnish the acknowledgement number, pending issue of the PAN.. Until such time the PAN is not furnished , salaries will not be credited 1.12 Employee Identification (ID) Cards. On joining the organization every employee will be issued with an employee identity card. The identity card is the property of the organization and due care should be taken to ensure it is not lost / misplaced etc. Duplicate cards will be issued on payment of Rs 250/-. In such cases employees have to fill up a requisition form for issue of duplicate card. The format of the form is placed at Annexure 4. These cards are to be returned when an employee leaves the organization. If the ID. card is not returned, the relieving certificate will not be issued.

2. Appraisal 2.1 PDD follows an annual appraisal system and every employee is appraised on an annual

basis in order to determine his/ her eligibility for an increment in salary and advancement in career. 2.2 Appraisals are carried out once in each quarter, i.e. January March, April June, July September, October December. Each employee is placed in the quarter depending on his /her date of joining and all the employees who fulfill the criteria in the respective quarter will be

appraised. The effective dates will be 01 February, 01 May, 01 August, and 01 November respectively. Second and subsequent appraisals will be one year after the previous appraisal.


Each employee is assessed on a set of attributes and each attribute has a maximum score.

The employee is assessed only on the attributes which are applicable to him / her, and the quantum of increment and recommendations for promotion would depend on the performance evaluation of the employee as per the guidelines on the subject. The appraisal of the employee is routed through the Reporting Officer and the final appraisal is based on the recommendation of the appropriate in-charge of the region / section 2.3 If the appraisal is delayed for any reason due to processing delays at HQ /Regional/ any other level, the employee will be paid arrears as per the effective date. If the appraisal is delayed for reasons of performance / discipline then the employee will not be eligible for any arrears and the new effective date of increment will be the date when appraisal is subsequently implemented. This will then, be the date based on which the next appraisal date would be determined. 2.4 All appraisals are subject to approval by the management committee of The Federation of Universities (FedUni). 3. LEAVES 3.1 There are three types of leave. Employees on probation are entitled for casual leave and non-encashable leaves only. On completion of the probation period the employee also becomes eligible for sick leave besides becoming eligible to encashing 15 days of leave per year. Confirmed female employees will be entitled to 12 weeks of maternity leave in addition to casual leave, earned leave and sick leave 3.2 Casual Leave: Every employee is entitled to one day casual leave per month subject to

a maximum of 12 days in a calendar year. Prior sanction is to be obtained on the prescribed form before proceeding on leave. However under urgency of a situation one may avail the leave without prior permission but should mandatorily inform the reporting officer at the first opportunity. Unless warranted by extra-ordinary circumstances, no employee shall be granted more than six days of leave at one spell. The employees are to ensure that they are not

absent from duty for more than 8 days ( CL+ prefixed and suffixed holidays)at a stretch 3.2.1 Balance of un-availed portion of Casual Leave, will lapse as on December 31stof the same year and there will not be any kind of right on the part of the employee to claim it. 3.2.2 Casual leave can be availed for half a day also. 3.2.3 Casual leave cannot be combined with any other kind of leave. 3.3 Earned Leave 3.3.1 Every employee appointed at PDD is entitled to 30 days of earned leave for every completed year of service.

3.3.2 Earned Leave shall be credited only twice in an year to the account of each employee at the rate of 15 days each on the 1st day of January and 1st day of July which shall be known as standard dates for the purpose of leave rules. 3.3.3 If an employee joins the services of the FedUni at any time during the calendar year, leave shall be credited to the account proportionately at the rate of 2 days per month if he she/ he has served for more than 15 days in that particular month. 3.3.4 The earned leave shall be reduced by one day for every 15 days of absence due extra-ordinary leave, maternity leave availed of in any particular half-year. Earned leave of employees on Loss of Pay will also be treated in the same way. 3.3.5 Earned Leave is cumulative, that is , it can be carried forward to next year and `can be clubbed with that years leave. Total leave that can be accumulated is 180 days 3.3.6 Subsequent to confirmation in service an employee is authorized to encash 15 days of EL per year out of entitled leave of 30 days. Encashable portion is also cumulative upto a maximum of 180 days @15 days per year. 3.3.7 Whenever any such earned leave is availed of by an employee and

granted/sanctioned by the Competent Authority, the employee is entitled to full salary along with other benefits like provident fund etc. 3.4 Conditions for availing Earned Leave 3.4.1 Employee desirous of availing earned leave shall apply for it in the prescribed form at least 10 days in advance. 3.4.2 No employee shall be granted/sanctioned earned leave at a time for more than 120 days in a calendar year. ELs can be availed of in maximum of three spells 3.4.3 Intervening Sundays and holidays as declared by the institute occurring during the EL spell will be treated as on leave and will accordingly be reduced from the leave balance of the employee. 3.4.4 Prefixed/suffixed holidays will be excluded for the purpose of calculating number of

days EL taken. 3.5 Sick Leave ; All confirmed employees are eligible for sick leave upto 20 days at half pay or 10 days with full pay. Medical documentary evidence is required to avail the leave. 3.6 Maternity Leave: Confirmed female employees are eligible for 12 weeks of maternity leave. The leave can be availed six weeks before the expected of delivery. This leave is applicable for a maximum of two children

3.7 Procedure to avail leaves :-Employees desirous of availing the leave should fill the leave application form clearly stating the reasons for the request atleast ten days before

commencement of leave.(except for casual leave which should be atleast one day before). The leave should be sanctioned by the competent authority i.e Reporting Officer. Specimen leave application is placed at Annexure 5. 3.8 Approval of Leave :- Please note that written approval (either signed on hard copy or approved through e-mail) is required for all types of leaves from Reporting Officer /Regional Headquarters /PDD headquarters (as the case may be). In case written approval is not obtained, the leave will be treated as Absent without Leave and dealt accordingly. Approval authority for leaves is as given below. 3.8.1 Leaves not exceeding Four days --- Branch Head / Territory Manager

3.8.2 Leaves exceeding four days but not exceeding Ten days--- Regional Headquarters 3.8.3 Leaves exceeding Ten days ---- PDD HQ / Director PDD

Approved leave applications are to be filed in the respective branch office where the employee is working. Requests for leaves for more than four days (Earned leaves, Maternity Leave etc) are required to be approved by Regional Headquarters. Leaves exceeding ten days are to be

forwarded by Regional Headquarters to PDD Hq. for approval 3.9 Leave on Loss of Pay (LOP). There is no authorised leave as leave on loss of pay.

Employees are strictly forbidden to resort to proceeding on leave without sufficient leave balances to their credit. As it is against the policy of the organization to allow the employees on leave without having sufficient leave to their credit, disciplinary action will be initiated as mentioned below and the same will be noted in the Personal Records of such employees and may also affect their appraisal. Needless to emphasise that such absences will result in loss of pay besides inviting disciplinary action including termination of services. No. of days proceeded on LoP (per annum) Below 3 days 4 6 Days Verbal warning Issue of Memo 1.In the case of employees under probation, the probation period will be extended by minimum one month. More than 6 Days 2.In the case of confirmed employees, the Medical Reimbursement shall be stopped for one quarter. 3.May be deemed to have terminated their own services as per the clause in Employment Offer Letter Disciplinary Action

Hence employees are advised not to go on leave without having sufficient leave balance to their credit.

4. Additional Benefits (On Confirmation)

4.1 Medical Re-imbursement.

An employee who has been confirmed, is eligible for re-

imbursement of one-month basic pay per annum for the expenses incurred on minor treatments and medical bills. The claim for self and family, can be preferred at the rate of th of the Basic pay, in every quarter ending i.e. March, June, September and December. The claim is to be filled in the appropriate form accompanied by declaration of expenditure incurred is to be forwarded to PDD HQ (HR section) so as to reach latest by 15th of the month . Medical reimbursement form is placed at Annexure - 6 4.2 Leave Travel Concession. All confirmed employees are eligible for this concession. This benefit is available to every confirmed employee at the rate of one basic pay once in two years called block years. Normally the block year is reckoned from the date an employee is taken on scale type of payment rolls (CTC-1). For example, for an employee who came into scale in Feb 2007 (CTC-1) and confirmed in Feb 2008 (CTC-2), the block year is Feb 2007 to Jan 2009 and the next block will be from Feb 2009 to Jan 2011 and so on. The claim is restricted to actual cost of travel subject to maximum of one basic pay. The first claim is to be made after six months from date of confirmation. The concession can be claimed for the whole family, limited to maximum of one basic pay. Production and verification of cash receipts for journeys performed is necessary. The claims should reach PDD Hq latest by 15th of the month. LTC form is placed at Annexure 7 5. Transfer/Resignation / Termination 5.1 Transfer. During the period of contract, an employee can be transferred to any of the offices/centers/Branch/department of the FedUni and its affiliates or to its associate Transfer

organizations existing or to be set up at any other location in India or abroad.

allowances will be paid for orders issued in the interest of the organization as per the applicable rules. In case the transfer is on the request of the employee, no transfer allowances are paid. On transfer, the allowances as evinced at para 1.5 ( HRA, Transport Allowance and Personal Allowance)will be modified as applicable to the category of the city/town where the employee is transferred to. 5.2 Resignation. An employee desirous of resigning should submit his/her resignation to his/her reporting officer, giving clear advance notice period as specified in the offer letter. In all cases resignations are to be in the hard copy format. All dues including ID Card needs to returned to the reporting Officer. Resignation is subject to acceptance by Management. Exit interview form should accompany Resignation letter. Exit Interview form is placed at Annexure 8. 5.3 Termination. Employment will automatically come to an end, on completion of the fixed

term of contract as enumerated in the offer letter, unless the Management decides to extend. An employee will lose the lien on employment if absented himself/herself without leave or remain absent for a period of 8 working days or more beyond the period of leave originally granted is considered as having voluntarily terminated his/her employment without giving any notice.

5.3.1 Service of an employee is also liable to be terminated without any notice or salary in lieu there of on following grounds: Misconduct Loss of confidence Inefficiency Disloyalty Commission of an act involving moral turpitude 6. Provident Fund.(PF) (General Information)

6.1 Provident fund is creation of a saving account for an employee , by compulsorily deducting a certain percentage of salary and crediting to the account. An amount equal to this saving is also contributed by the employer to this fund. It is statutory and is governed by Employees Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 of the Government of India and is subject to all EPF rules and regulations. It is mandatory for all employees. 12% of Basic Pay will be deducted as employee contribution towards PF. An equal contribution of 12% will be made by the employer also. Out of 12% of the employers share of contribution 8.33% is remitted towards Employee pension fund. This fund is created to provide pensionery benefits to the employee and /or his family when employees pass away or retire. The amount of pension depends on the length and amount of contributions. Additionally 0.5% of the employers contribution is remitted towards Employee Deposit Linked Insurance (EDLI) scheme and remaining amount is credited to employees account. It is in the interest of the employee /his family to keep this account active by transferring the account to his /her new organization when he /she changes employers

6.2 Nomination of Beneficiary . Every member has to give the details of himself & details of the nominee for Employees Provident Fund & Employees' Deposit Linked Insurance Schemes (EDLI), Gratuity and Ex-gratia. In the event of untimely demise of an employee, the money available under these heads will not form part of the estate of the deceased and therefore to be distributed separately as per the wish ( as declared through nomination) of the employee . Therefore the nomination form as placed at Annexure 9 is to be filled and sent along with the joining report at the time of joining and also as and when there is change in the details provided there at.

6.3 PF withdrawal Procedure. After an employee leaves the organization, he /she may wish to withdraw the amount in PF account, after two months of leaving the job, provided he/she is unemployed as on that date. Alternatively this amount can be transferred to his/her new PF account, if any, opened with his/her new organization. Application for withdrawal/transfer of provident fund is to be submitted after completion of 2 months from the date of leaving service. The forms can be down loaded from the web site www.epfindia.com. The relevant forms duly

filled are to be sent to PDD Hqs and the same will be forwarded to AP Provident Fund commissioner/ Provident Fund Manger with whom the PF amount of an employee is deposited. 1. Form 10C : To withdraw ones own contributions + employers portion of contribution. 2 Form 19 : To withdraw contributions from Employee Pension Scheme 3. Form 13 : To transfer contributions made to PF account to new account opened by new organization. 6.4 All amounts standing to the credit of the employee will be returned by the PF office. However, in case of any employee resigning from the organization before completion of six

months of service, only the amount contributed by the employee will be paid and not the amount the employer has paid towards PF contribution. 6.5 Employees should note that the PF is governed by the EPF rules and regulations as applicable from time to time and the above details are indicative only. 7 Gratuity 7.1 An employee who serves the organization for longer periods, a certain amount is paid to him/her on resignation / retirement as a benefit to the employee. The amount thus payable is equal to half a months salary for every completed year of service. For example an employee retiring after completing ten years of service will be eligible for five months additional salary. However the minimum period of service to qualify for the gratuity is four years and two hundred and forty days of continuous service (with no service breaks) counted from date of joining 8 Holidays 8.1 All employees are granted holidays with wages on three national holidays viz, Republic Day, Independence Day, and Gandhi Jayanthi and other festivals of general and local importance. The total number of Holidays, including the three National Holidays, to be observed during the calendar year shall be decided and notified by the Management. The specific dates on which the holidays will be observed is published every year. 9 Medical Welfare 9.1 It is mandatory that all employees are covered for hospitalisation expenses. SEAL Care Medical Welfare Scheme provides such coverage as per the following scheme 9.2 Membership: The Scheme is extended to all employees, their children and dependent parents The term dependent parents or children mean that they are financially and wholly dependent on the concerned employee and are not employed. The coverage is provided to the family of an employee, with family size being limited to a total of 5, i.e., principal person (employee) + 4 dependents consisting of spouse, dependent children upto 2 and/or dependent parents. Dependent parents include only mother and father of the employee who have not crossed the age of 75 years. Only 2 dependent children up to the age of 22 years are covered. However age limit is relaxed incase of permanently disabled dependent children who are wholly dependent on the concerned employee.

9.3The membership is optional to the following categories of employees. 9.3.1 Employees of 60 years of age and above. 9.3.2 In the case of employees covered under other similar group scheme(s), they are

exempted till the expiry of such policy; and on completion they will be covered under this scheme. Employees seeking exemptions have to furnish details of the insurance scheme they are covered by and give a declaration to that effect. 9.3.3 Employees earning salary (CTC) less than Rs. 10,000/- pm. ( These employees will be covered for medical benefits from Employee State Insurance Scheme) 9.4 Scheme Coverage: The scheme coverage depends on the income of the employee. Employees drawing less than Rs. 15,000/- (CTC) per month are covered for Rs. 1 lakh only. However, employees whose monthly salary (CTC) is Rs. 15,000/- or more, can opt for an increased scheme coverage of Rs. 2 lakhs / 3 lakhs. 9.5 Contribution: The contribution amount per annum per employee is as under: Sum Covered (Rs.) 1 lakh 2 lakhs 3 lakhs Total Contribution (Rs.) As currently Applicable 3600 9000 15000

The amount of contribution can vary from year to year. PDD-HR may be contacted to know the contribution for the current year

The user will pay 50% of the annual contribution and the balance 50% will be borne by the organization. Employees share of contribution shall be deducted in 3 installments from salary payable for the months of October, November and December or from the month of joining whichever is later. The contribution payable is calculated from the month of joining of the scheme. The amount of contribution may vary from year to year at the discretion of SEAL Care Trust. The unique feature of the scheme is that it covers all existing diseases. All claims under this scheme are governed by the rules and regulations of the SEALCARE Scheme. For details of the scheme refer to web site www.sealcare.org. SEAl care is

administered by SEAL CARE TRUST which is an independent Trust



10.1 All the premises of the Organisation and its associated bodies are NO SMOKING ZONES. All employees are required to to restrain themselves from smoking within the premises and in close surroundings of the premises. Any violation in this regard will be severely dealt with.

11.EMPLOYEE CONDUCT 11.1 The policy of FedUni is that all employees must observe both the letter and spirit of the law and adhere to high standards of business conduct and strive for best practices based on the principles of Meritium and Ethicus .i.e. All internal operations and external business doings are to be based on merit and conducted in a transparent manner. 11.2 Compliance with ethical standards is important to enhance the organisations reputation for fair and responsible transactions. 11.3 Our reputation as an organisation that our users can trust is our most valuable asset, and it is up to all of us to make sure that we continually earn that trust. All of our communications and other interactions with our users should increase their trust in us. 11.4 Consumption of alcoholic drinks and prohibited drugs is completely forbidden in the premises of FedUni or its associated organisations. 11.5. Information in respect of salaries and other privileges at FedUni is confidential. Employees are therefore expected to preserve the confidentiality in all circumstances. 11.6 It is impossible to spell out every possible ethical scenario we might face. Instead, we rely on one another's good judgment to uphold a high standard of integrity for ourselves and our organisation. All employees are expected to be guided by both the letter and the spirit of this Code. 11.7 Employees should strive to maintain cordial relations at work and work as a team to adhere to their as well as the organisation goals. 11.8 Employees are encouraged to report any actual or suspected breach of code or guidelines or financial or other irregularities observed to their superior or to PDD HR or to Director (PDD). Strict confidentiality will be maintained in such cases. 11.9. Employees should adhere to all guide lines designed for their job profile. 11.10 Acceptance of cash from FLP students is not permitted under any circumstances. Strict action will be taken for any violation. 11.11. Any type of financial irregularity committed will be dealt with severely. Violations of such nature would invoke legal action and dismissal from service. 11.12 As the code of conduct is important, any employee who breaches the code or the guidelines made there under or permits breaches by a subordinate in sufficiently serious circumstances, may be subject to disciplinary action including dismissal. 11.13 To maintain the decorum of the organization, the following dress code will be strictly observed.

11.13.1 Gentlemen : Clean Pant with shirt tucked in. Only formal shoes are to be worn while attending the office. Neck Tie may be worn for visits of business / marketing purposes. Chappals are not permitted. Daily shaving of the chin and cheeks is

compulsory except when a person sports beard on religious grounds or otherwise. 11.13.2 Ladies : Traditional dress of either western or Indian style may be worn. Excessive make up is to be avoided 11.13. Informal /Casual attire is not permitted in the office premises

12. SEXUAL HARRASSMENT 12.1 FedUni being a provider of equal opportunities, has a mix of employees of both genders. To ensure congenial work atmosphere, Feduni places great emphasis on avoidance of sexual harassment. The basic definition of sexual harassment at the workplace "includes such unwelcome sexually determined behaviour (whether directly or by implication) such as: (a) physical contact and advances (b) a demand or request for sexual favours (c) sexually-coloured remarks (d) showing pornography (e) any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature" 12.2 It is imperative that sexual harassment incorporates the element of subjectivity to allow the issue of sexual harassment to be seen from the perspective of the woman.(though equally applicable to men also). Sexual harassment in any form is a serious offence. Erring employees are severely dealt with, in terms of existing law, besides losing the lien on employment (termination of employment). 12.3 Any employee facing sexual harassment can write in confidence to or contact in person, the Designated Authority - Chief Manager HR (PDD). 13. Whistle Blower Policy 13.1 FedUni is committed to the highest standards of ethics and integrity and to promoting and maintaining a corporate culture that adheres to these values. With a view to further raising of the bar for ethical behavior, the organization considers it appropriate to provide a channel to all its employees for informing fearlessly any event of concern, to the HQ. The employees can a play a constructive role here since usually they will be the first to know when someone in the organization / team is doing something improper or flouting the rules or is involved in any illegal activity. Since many times the employee who has knowledge of any such wrong doing would feel worried about voicing it, fearing of unfavourable repercussions, it is essential as a policy to

encourage such an employee to discrimination of any kind.

voice his/her concern without fear of reprisal, retaliation ,

13.2 The policy is intended to encourage all employees to report unlawful conduct, misconduct, malpractices, violation of any legal or regulatory provisions, sexual harassment, financial mismanagement, accounting irregularities etc. 13.3 The role of the informant (whistle blower) is to convey reliable information to HQ. They are not expected to act as investigators or fact finders nor would they determine the appropriate corrective or remedial action that may be warranted in a given case. Whistle Blowers are not usually at risk of suffering any form of reprisal or retaliation like discrimination, harassment or vengeance in any manner. The informant should identify himself / herself clearly, avoiding aliases like Subh Chintak Well wisher etc. Confidentiality of the individual will be strictly maintained and he/she will be protected against any reprisal, discrimination, or any other job related harassment etc. This protection is applicable provided that 13.3.1 The communication / disclosure is made in good faith 13.3.2 The informant reasonably believes that the information is substantially true 13.3.3 The informant is not acting for personal gain. 13.4. Anonymous Information : If an informant does not declare his / her identity, it will be

much more difficult to look into the matter or to protect her/his position or to give feedback to her/him. Accordingly while considering anonymous reports, at the discretion of the management, this policy is not well suited to concerns raised anonymously. 13.5 Concerns reported not in good faith : All concerns must be raised in good faith. Anyone who abuses the procedure (for example by maliciously raising a concern knowing it to be untrue) will be subject to disciplinary action as will anyone who victimizes a colleague by raising an untrue concern through this procedure. If considered appropriate or necessary, suitable legal actions may also be taken against such individuals. 13.6 Procedure for Reporting : Chief Manager-HR, PDD is the Designated Authority to receive all reports / complaints made under this policy. A communication reporting any event / information of concern may be addressed to Chief ManagerHR either through e- mail or by a letter at the following address. Mr. RS Reddy Chief Manager HR 126, Maalaxmi towers,

Next to Nikhil Hospitals, Srinagar Colony Hyderabad -500 073 e-mail rsreddy@ifenindia.org 14.Grievance Redressal / Disciplinary Committees 14.1 During the period of employment, some employees might have been aggrieved. In such cases they can use the grievance redressal mechanism. The preferred mode of reporting is through his / her immediate superior who in turn will bring it to the knowledge of PDD. At times it may also happen that the superior himself / herself could be a part of the problem. Or an employee might have been aggrieved by his /her superior. In such cases an employee may also directly approach PDDHQ ( Chief Manager HR ) through e-mail or a letter 14.2 Two committees have been formed at PDD HQ, one to deal with redressal of grievances and other to deal with breach of discipline. The members of each committee are drawn from the senior staff of PDD with co-opted members where necessary. Whenever an issue involving

grievance or discipline is reported, the appropriate committee members will meet , examine the issue and thoroughly investigate by themselves or through the Vigilance section. They then will advise suitable remedial action to be taken and the same will be implemented with Directors concurrence and guidelines of FedUni. 14.3 Procedure for reporting : Same as explained at Para 13.4 14 EMPLOYEE HELP LINE

14.1 For any information or clarification on HR related issues, you may contact Human Resource section of PDD on telephone 040-23423101 to 3105, extension - 333 or through e mail at pddhr@ifenindia.org.

Note : All efforts have been made to concisely compile the information as required for an individual employee. Errors/omissions if any, are purely incidental. However the Rules and Regulations as approved by the Management Committee from time to time will have the statutory effect on all issues related to the organisation. All employees are expected to keep themselves informed of the changes, at all times, during the course of their employment with the organisation.

Annexure -1
JOINING - REPORT To HRD 126, Maalaxmi Towers, Srinagar Colony, Hyderabad 500 073. Sir, In terms of your appointment order Ref. No ___________________________ dated _______________________________________ I _____________________________ here by report to duty on __________________ Designation _ _________________________ Department _____________________ Location _______________________________ I am providing below my particulars: 1. Permanent Address: ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Phone #__________________________ Mobile # _________________________ E Mail ID _______________________ 3. Bank Account Details: My bank account details are as follows: Please ( ) HDFC Bank State Bank Of India Bank Name & Branch 2. Current Address: __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Phone # ___________________________ Mobile # ___________________________

ICCI Bank Axis Bank

Syndicate Bank Punjab National Bank Account #

4. Permanent Account Number (PAN) 5. I am enclosing the following Certificates a. Date of Birth & Educational Certificates. (Photo copies) b. Service Certificate from the previous employer/s. (Original) c. Relieving Certificate from the previous employer. (Original) d. Last drawn Pay Slip / Salary Certificate. e. Self declaration on Medical Fitness. f. Bank Account Opening Form. (incase necessary) g. Requisition Form. (for issue of employee ID Card) h. Nomination Form j. ESI declaration Form Signature of Candidate Date: Certified that the Certificates enclosed are Verified & Authenticated Signature of the Reporting Authority / Center Head

Name: Date: ----------------------------------------FOR OFFICE USE ONLY (HR Department) The above particulars are updated: Updated by: Name: __________________________ Head of the Department HR Date -------------------------------------------REQUISITION FORM (ISSUE OF EMPLOYEE. ID. CARD) Emp. No Name Designation



(To be sent to PDD HQ every year by March 31, even if there are no changes in the details)

Annexure 2

Employee Code Name of the Employee (In capital letters) Qualifications Father Particulars of Parents Name Age Address Spouse Name Particulars of Spouse (If married) & Children Age Address Particulars of Next-of-Kin or Particulars of Nominee with relationship to employee (if different from NOK) Permanent Address Name& relationship Age Address Child 1 Child 2 Mother

Residential Address for Correspondence

Residence Telephone Moblie No HDFC / Axis / ICICI / PNB Syndicate / SBI Bank a/c.no. for deposit of emoluments PAN Number Seal Care ID No. / ESI ID No. Bank Name Account Number

Date :

Signature of the Employee

Annexure -3

Categorisation of Cities /Towns

Category :A
1 Ahmedabad (includes Gandhi Nagar) 2 Bangalore 3 Chennai 4 Hyderabad 5 Kolkata (includes Barrackpore & Howrah) 6 Mumbai (includes Thane ,Ambernath,Kalyan) 7 New Delhi (includes Faridabad,Gurgaon,Ghaziabad,Noida) 8 Pune (includes Pimpri and Chinchwad)

Category : B

1 Agra 2 Allahabad 3 Amritsar 4 Aurangabad 5 Bhopal 6 Bhubaneswar 7 Chandigarh(includes Mohali and Panchkula) 8 Coimbatore 9 Cuttack 10 Dehradun 11 Goa 12 Guwahati 13 Hubli 14 Indore 15 Jabalpur 16 Jaipur 17 Jalandhar 18 Jammu 19 Jamshedpur 20 Jodhpur 21 Kanpur

22 Kochi 23 Lucknow 24 Ludhiana 25 Mangalore 26 Meerut 27 Mysore 28 Nagpur 29 Nasik 30 Patna 31 Raipur 32 Ranchi 33 Shimla 34 Srinagar (J & K) 35 Surat 36 Trivandrum 37 Vadodara 38 Varanasi 39 Vijayawada (includes Guntur) 40 Visakhapatnam

Category :C
1 Agartala 2 Ahmednagar 3 Ajmer 4 Alappuzha 5 Aligarh 6 Alwar 7 Ambala 8 Amrawati 9 Anantapur 10 Bareilly 11 Belgaum 12 Berhampur 13 Bhatinda 14 Bhavnagar 15 Bhilai 16 Bikaner 17 Bilaspur 18 Calicut 19 Dharmashala 20 Dibrugarh 21 Durgapur 22 Gandhidham 23 Gorakhpur 24 Gulbarga 25 Gwalior 26 Haldwani 27 Haridwar 28 Hisar 29 Jalgaon 30 Jamnagar 31 Jhansi 32 Kakinada 33 Kannur 34 Karimnagar 35 Karnal 36 Khammam 37 Kharagpur 38 Kolhapur 39 Kollam 40 Kota 41 Kottayam 42 Madurai 43 Mathura 44Moradabad 45 Muzaffarpur 46 Nellore 47 Palakkad 48 Pathankot 49 Patiala 50 Pondicherry 51 Rae Bareli 52 Rajkot 53 Rohtak 54 Roorkee 55 Rourkela 56 Rudrapur 57 Salem 58 Sambalpur 59 Sangli 60 Satara 61 Shillong 62 Silchar 63 Siliguri 64 Solapur 65 Srinagar (Uttaranchal) 66 Thrissur 67 Tiruchirapalli 68 Tirunelvelli 69 Tirupathi 70 Udaipur 71 Ujjain 72 Vallab Vidyanager (Anand) 73 Vellore 74 Warangal 75Yamuna Nagar

Category :D
1 Aizawl 2 Almora 3 Angul 4 Balasore 5 Banswara 6 Bellary 7 Bhagalpur 8 Bhilwara 9 Bhimavaram 10 Bhiwadi 11 Bidar 12 Bijapur 13 Chandrapur 14 Chittoor 15 Chittorgarh 16 Cuddapah 17 Davangere 18 Dhanbad 19 Eluru 20 Erode 21 Faizabad 22 Gangtok 23 Hassan 24 Karur 25 Kasargode 26 Kurnool 27 Latur 28 ahaboobnagar 29 Nanded 30 Nizamabad 31 Ongole 32 attanamthitta 33 Phagwara 34 Raichur 35 Rajahmundry 36 Rajapalayam 37 Rampur 38 Ratnagiri 39 Sagar 40 Saharanpur 41 Sathna 42 Shimoga 43Solan 44 Sreeganga Nagar 45 Srikakulam 46 Tanjavur 47 Tanuku 48 Tumkur 49 Tuticorin 50 Udupi 51 Vizianagarm

Annexure- 4 Form for Issue of Duplicate Employee Identity Card

Place (Branch): Date: To The Chief Manager -HR Promotion & Development Department (FedUni) !26 Maalaxmi Towers, Srinagar Colony, Hyderabad 500 073 Sub :- Issue of duplicate Employee ID Card.

Sir, I Mr./Ms.____________________________,_____________________(FedUni profile, eg:

Counsellor, Branch Executive etc.)

Emp.ID.No _____________ have the honour to state that I

have lost the ID.card issued to me despite taking all the precautions to safe guard the card. I have intimated the fact to the issuing authority. I request that a duplicate ID card may be issued to me to enable me to continue with my official duties. I am enclosing a DD from ____________ bank for Rs 250/- drawn in favour of The Federation of Universities and payable at Hyderabad. Recent passport size photograph is also enclosed.

Yours faithfully,

Recent Passport Size Photograph Specimen signature

Annexure -5


PROMOTION & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR LEAVE Branch / Section:__________________________ To ________________________________ Request for sanction of leave
Name of the employee : From Period of Leave To No. of days CL Employee Id. No Type of Leave EL SICK MATERNITY LEAVE LEAVE

Reasons for Leave

Person responsible for the duties during leave period

Date :

Signature of employee:

Leave Sanctioned / Not Sanctioned / Recommended & Forwarded

Date : Leave Sanctioned / Not Sanctioned / Recommended & Forwarded

Controlling Officer

Date : Leave Sanctioned / Not Sanctioned

Regional Headquarters


PDD Headquarters / Director PDD




To The Head of Department (HR) The Federation of Universities

Name Designation Emp.ID. No. Department

I hereby request you to reimburse Rs. __________ towards Medical reimbursement expenses incurred by me during the Quarter ______________ (Jan - March, April June, July - September, October - December). I certify that the expenditure as indicated above was incurred by me. I may be reimbursed the medical expenses in accordance with the rules of the FedUni.
. .............................................. Signature of the applicant __________________________________________________________________________ ( For Office Use Only)

It is verified from the records that the employee has not made any claim for reimbursement earlier, for the period for which the claim is made now. It is also verified that the employee is on the roles of FedUni and is entitled for reimbursement for Rs. __________ as per rules for reimbursement.
Date: _________________ Authorised Signatory


To The Head of Department (HR) The Federation of Universities Name Designation Emp. ID. No. Department

Annexure -7

Block years during which the concession is being availed Whether LTC Claim is for (Please specify) a. Home Town Details of journey undertaken:Name Relationship to employee Age Date of Journey

Block years during which the concession was last availed

b. Other Place




Mode/Fare Class of ravel

Onward Journey 1. 2. 3. 4

Return Journey 1. 2. 3. 4

Total Amount claimed

4. I am/myself and members of my family are entitled to the Leave Travel Concession under the rules as claimed above and that they are not entitled to this facility from any other source. 5. The Journeys for which the claim is made have actually been performed by the mode and class of travel indicated above 6. I have rendered more than one years service. Countersigned by the Controlling Officer Signature of Employee __________________________________________________________________________________________ (For Office Use Only) The above claim has been verified Personnel Department Date :

Authorised Signatory


Exit Interview Form

We would appreciate your taking the time to answer the following questions as honestly as possible. Your individual responses are treated as confidential, and will not become part of your personnel file. Kindly fill up the form and hand it over the same to your centre head in a sealed cover to ensure confidentiality of information provided by you. We believe that the information is of vital importance and will assist in analyzing the causes of employees leaving. Thank you for your cooperation. Name of the Employee Employee ID Designation Date of Joining Reporting to Department

1. What was your work before your resignation? State briefly ____________________________________________________________________________________ __ ____________________________________________________________________________________ __ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____ 2. What prompted you to seek alternative employment? (Pls tick in the appropriate Box) a. Type of Work b. Quality of supervision c. Compensation d. Working Conditions i. Career opportunity (optional / Please describe) Other reason (Please specify) e. Lack of recognition f. Family circumstances g. Self-employment h. Health reasons

3. Did you explore the possibility of a transfer or change of Job/function before Yes No to leave?

making your decision

If Yes, what options were offered? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________


Exit Interview Form

4. Please provide your honest feedback on the following questions? ITEM Fair and equal treatment by your reporting officer to you Recognition on the received job Developed cooperation and team work Encouraged/listened to suggestions Resolved complaints and problems Followed policies and practices of Dept. / Function / Organization Cooperation within your dept. Cooperation with other dept. Communications in your dept. The training you received Potential for career growth Was your workload usually: Too great Varied but all right About right Too light

Almost Some Never Comments Always times

How did you feel about your salary and the employee benefits provided by the organisation?
(Pls tick in the appropriate Box)

ITEM Salary Benefits






How frequently did you get feedback on your performance? How frequently did you have discussions with your manager about your career goals?

What did you like most about your job and or the organization ? What does your new job offer that your job with us did not ?

Would you recommend to your friend about the organisation as a good place to work?



Place: Date:

Signature of the Employee

Annexure -9


Name of Employee : Designation : Employee Code : Date of Joining:

I, _____________________________________ hereby nominate the person(s) mentioned below who is / are member(s) of my family, and confirm on him / her / them the right to receive , to the extent specified below, any benefit offered by the Federation of Universities viz. PF, EDLI, Gratuity, Ex-gratia etc, in the event of my death while in service.
Sl. No Name of the Nominee with address Relationship with employee % of Benefits payable to each Age PF EDLI Gratuity Ex-gratia

This nomination supersedes the nomination made by me earlier on ----- / ---- / ----_____________________ Signature of the employee Place Date Signature of witness no.1. _____________________________ Address

Signature of witness no. 2 _____________________________ Address

Note:- 1.This form is to be submitted when an employee has a family and wish to nominate one / more than one member for the benefit 2. This form should be submitted along with joining report and whenever there is change in nomination

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