The Art of Writing in The Sciences: First Meeting Course Overview
The Art of Writing in The Sciences: First Meeting Course Overview
The Art of Writing in The Sciences: First Meeting Course Overview
One of the primary recommendations: Offer a course in written and oral communication.
C&E News 2/19/2001
Of the academic skills used by students, writing is the most widely required as a demonstration of learning.
And the most difficult to master.
Main Objectives of this Course To become a better writer To develop and enhance your own writing To tell a linear story To report on science with clarity To write so that others understand your science The Three Cs Clear Concise Coherent
This is a course in Applied Writing (writing with a purpose) Primarily, we will be writing in the sciences, not about the sciences Nearly all science students need a course like this Nearly all students need a course like this
[Many faculty need a course like this]
Caveat: the instructor does not pose as an expert in writing or English, but is a seasoned practitioner of the art
So, in this course: you will improve your bag of words you will polish your writing tools you will become a better writer
Good writing does not come from fancy word processors or expensive typewriters or special pencils or hand crafted quill pens. Good writing comes from good thinking. Ann Loring
Writing came easy. It would only get hard when I got better at it.
Gary Wills
Dont think and then write it down. Think on paper. Harvey Kemelman How do I know what I think until I see what I say. E. M. Forster
Types of Writing: > Prewriting > Writing > Rewriting Good writing is always rewriting.
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Multipage printout
CHM 6180
Section 4565
Meetings: T-Th -- 4thPeriod (10:40 11:30 am) 104 Leigh Hall The Craft of Scientific Writing 3rd Edition -- Michael Alley Springer-Verlag 1996 The Elements of Style 4th Edition Strunk and White Allyn and Bacon 2000
Course: There is a general recognition that the science curricula, while excellent in technical content, are inadequate in helping students develop effective communication skills. This course is an attempt to address the writing needs of students in the sciences. It is not a remedial course; students should have some general grasp of the language. It is also not a grammar course, although basic language elements will be reviewed and emphasized. Writing well in any area requires an appropriate appreciation of mechanics and style. This course will be driven more by application than theory, aiming for immediate practical value to students. We will write early and often, but in manageable proportions (thinking both of the students and the instructor). Examples of good writing and not-so-good writing will be presented and analyzed. Skills will be crafted by addressing specific types of writing that scientists are called upon to do (e.g., abstracts, memos, letters, papers, dissertations). Even e-mail communication, which increasingly consumes us all, can benefit from attention to specific improvement skills. This is a course intended to improve current writing levels and to encourage continued attention to this important craft. No matter how good the science may be, if it cannot be communicated to others, careers can languish. Writing is not easy, but it should not be a source of dread. A goal of this course is to improve your skills to the point that you might even enjoy writing.
Evaluation of your performance in this class will be based on a series of writing assignments (85%) and a mid-term exam (15%). The exam will be given at the time indicated on the class schedule. In general, no makeup exams will be given. If some emergency causes you to miss an exam, see me as soon as possible. Inconvenience does not constitute an emergency All the writing you submit in this class must be your work alone. No assistance permitted from fellow students, mentors, professors, etc. Such help is considered an Honor Violation.
Attendance: You are expected to attend all classes. If you to miss a class, you are still responsible for material covered that day, and note that not all class material will be posted on WebCT. Disability: Please see me if you have a problem in this regard. The university wants us to include the following statement: Students requesting classroom accommodations must first register with the Dean of Students Office, which will provide documentation to the student, who must then provide this documentation to the Instructor when requesting accommodation. Just see me if you have a problem. I begin the class on time (10:40 sharp) and also end on time, so please dont be late to class. And turn off any cell phones.
Coverage includes Science writing -- how its like other writing; how its not Writing writ large -- the many kinds of science writing Applied writing -- with a purpose in mind Learning to write -- effective writing may not come naturally; but as a craft it can be learned and cultivated The writing scientist -- writing on a daily basis Basic writing tools -- the irreducible elements of grammar Word selection -- precise, yet concise Avoiding embarrassment -- commonly misused words Sentence construction -- strive for simplicity Architecture of paragraphs -- telling a story, sentence by sentence Language appreciation -- communication, yes, but with a modicum of style The scientific method -- how it guides the writing Origin of good writing -- clear writing from clear thinking What is good writing? -- some common traits To be avoided -- pet peeves about writing Terror of the blank page -- getting started may be the hardest part. Basic organization skills -- bringing order from chaos Aids in writing -- basic resources you should know and appreciate Personal matters -- CVs, resumes, applications, cover letters Abstracts -- short is not always easy Manuscripts for journals -- telling colleagues what you did (and in a way that they understand) Revise, revise, revise -- assuming three times is enough Revising on a word processor -- maybe too easy Proofreading -- deceptively difficult; always important Research proposals -- seeing the forest and the trees e-Mail writing -- todays oxymoron Writing outside the specialty -- essays, editorial pieces Writing and the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics -- reducing entropy
Week 7 Chapter 9 (Alley). Preparing a resume. Seventh writing assignment. Week 8 Chapters 10 and 11 (Alley). Proofreading 101. Writing in the passive voice (not always bad). Eighth writing assignment. Week 9 Critique of science literature articles. Week 10 Week 11 Review of accomplishments; areas yet to cover. Chapter 12 (Alley). Computer assisted writing: strengths and weaknesses. Ninth writing assignment. Week 12 Writing to clarify your research. Style points in writing. Chapter 13 (Alley) Tenth writing assignment. Week 13 Dissertations vs. journal articles: differences and similarities in writing. Chapter 14 (Alley). Eleventh writing assignment. Week 14 The completed manuscript: bringing it all together. Chapter 16 (Alley). Revisions of active writing. Week 15 Review of critical writing elements. Oral presentation: the complement of writing. Chapter 15 (Alley). Week 16 Last week of classes. One class day (Tuesday), April 24). A summing up and discussion of the writing experiences. (Reading Days: April 26-27) Final Exam: Your Major Writing Project Mid-term Exam on March 1