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Hunger Cycle Board Game

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Resource: Permission to reproduce is granted. 2008 by World Vision Resources.

Sorry, false hope.

The government grants you a new piece of land, but you discover the soil is too poor to produce good crops. Move back two spaces. Your harvest was good, but 30 percent was lost in storage because of rodents and insects. Move back one space.

Sorry, false hope. Sorry, false hope. Congratulations!

The harvest looks good, but it is destroyed by insects. Lose a turn.

A community health program provides a well-baby and immunization clinic near your village. Roll the die. If you roll a 1, 3, or 5, your mother takes you. Youve broken the hunger cycle! Valid only if you are in the birth and infancy section of the board.

Sorry, false hope. Sorry, false hope.

You and your family move to the city in hope of a better life. But with no skills, you cant earn enough to buy nutritious food. Move back two spaces.

Sorry, false hope.

A school opens near your farm and your parents send you. Roll the die. If you roll a 2, 4, or 6, you do well and the future looks brighter.

The government announces a school for your area, but a coup unseats the party in power and the promise goes unkept. Lose a turn. Another older brother moves to the city but is unable to earn enough to send any extra money. Move back one space.

Youve broken the hunger cycle! Valid only if you are in the childhood section of the board.

Sorry, false hope.

The rains did not come, and your country has experienced a long drought. Your surplus food has been used up. Lose a turn.

Sorry, false hope.

Your village is not included in a new community health project. Move back two spaces.

The harvest looks good, but it is destroyed by disease.

Sorry, false hope.

A government program in your area teaches new techniques for making your land more productive. Roll the die. If you roll a one, three, or five, you try them and your harvest increases.

Youve broken the hunger cycle! Valid only if you are in the adulthood section of the board.

Your village cooperates to dig a well for fresh clean water. Daily watercarrying chores are reduced by two hours. The villages endless battle with water-born diseases begins to succeed.

Sorry, false hope.

Local women form a cooperative to sell crafts and make extra income for food. Roll the die. If you roll a two, four, or six, you join.

Sorry, false hope. Congratulations!

Youve broken the hunger cycle! Valid only if you are in the adulthood section of the board.


Youve broken the hunger cycle! Valid only if you are in the adulthood section of the board.

Government loans are only for farmers that grow food for export. No loans are available for small farmers like you. Lose a turn.

The harvest looks good, but it is destroyed by disease. Lose a turn.

Resource: Permission to reproduce is granted. 2008 by World Vision Resources.

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