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Questionnaire On Work - Life Balance

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Questionnaire on Work Life Balance

1. Do you spend more hours than you would like at work? a) Yes b) No 2. Do you spend more hours than you would like working at home? a) Yes b) No 3. If yes, how many hours do you work at home in an average week? a) 1-4 hours b) 5-9 hours c) 10+ hours 4. If you have a home based business, how many more hours than do you work in an average week? a) 1-4 hours b) 5-9 hours c) 10+ hours 5. Do you have find yourself thinking about work instead of focusing on home/ pleasure activities? a) Yes b) No 6. Have you giving up activities you enjoy to work? a) Yes b) No 7. If yes, how many activities have you given up? a) 1-3 activities b) 4-6 activities c) 7+ activities 8. Do you get enough sleep, exercise and healthy food? a) Yes b) No

9. Do you spend as much time as youd like with your family? a) Yes b) No 10. Do you spend most of your time doing what is most important to you? a) Yes b) No 11. Are you happy with your work and life? a) Yes b) No 12. Are you living your ideal life? a) Yes b) No 13. What is more important for you? a) Balanced b) Happy life c) Achieving greatness 14. In a year, how many leaves do you take to spend time with family? a) 5-10 b) 10-15 c) 15-20 15. In a Year, how often do you have goes out with your family picnic? a) 1-2 times b) 2-3 times c) None of above 16. In a Year, how often do you goes out for fun with your colleagues? a) 1-2 times b) 2-3 times c) None of above 17. Are you satisfied from the environment of working? a) Yes b) No

18. How satisfied are you with your current working arrangements? a) b) c) d) e) Very satisfied Satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied

19. What is the main reason you are dissatisfied with your current working arrangements? a) b) c) d) Work too many hours Work long shift hours Unhappy with shift hours Poor salary

20. Over the last 2 years, have you approached your employer to make a request to change how you regularly work for a sustained period of time? a) Yes b) No 21. If no, why have you made a request to change your working arrangements with your current employer (over the last 2 years?) a) b) c) d) Job does not allow it Too much work to do Concerned about my career Concerned about my job security

22. If yes, you have approached current employer to make a request to change how regularly work for a sustained period of time. What did you request? a) b) c) d) Too reduce hours of work Work part time Work from home Flexi-time

23. Was your request to change the way you regularly work agreed to? a) b) c) d) Yes, fully Yes, partially accepted/ compromises No, declined Awaiting/ pending decision

24. Once your employer considered your request, did they accept it, or did you have to negotiate further or appeal a) Accepted b) Negotiate/appeal 25. How important is the availability of flexible working to you now? a) Very important b) Quite important c) Not important 26. Any suggestions..

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