World Class Manufacturing Practices
World Class Manufacturing Practices
World Class Manufacturing Practices
1. WHAT IS HOUSE KEEPING Housekeeping is a process where in every one in the company is committed and involved in upkeep of the work place and cleanliness of machines materials / and tools / information etc. such that only needed material machine tools information is kept and its test accessibility is ensured. Therefore House keeping is 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Systematic approach to a better work place. Involves arrangement, cleanliness, discipline and maintenance of standards Assign a place for everything and ensures everything in its place. It is everybodys responsibility It is called as MOTHER OF PRODUCTIVITY i.e. starting point of any improvement activity. It means easy retrieval of information
Need of House Keeping 1. In todays competitive environment organizations have to compete at all fronts. 2. Today customers not only buys products and services but also like to see the condition of the place where it is made. 3. Customer determines the attitude of the organization towards quality after seeing the methods of work, environment and culture at the work place. In this regard 5s Japanese principles have brought out dramatic results for many organizations to improve productivity, quality, safety and reduction in time of doing the activity and boosts employee morale and inspires customer confidence. Good quality management practices can prosper only in clean and serene atmosphere. What is 5S? 1) 5s is principle of housekeeping which has been widely practiced by Japanese management to establish and maintain quality environment in the organization. 2) Japanese management are of the view that if the house keeping in a plant is weak no further diagnosis is needed to know as to why that plant produces a poor quality products. 3) 5s is a technique which can be used in any organization but world class company is using it predominantly.
5s is defined as a systematic and rational approach to work place organization and methods logical house keeping with a sense of purpose. 4) 5s are fine Japanese words starting with 5 as a letter through which we derived English meaning. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Seiri Seiton Seiso Seiketsu Shitsuke Structurise or sort in sort out or segregation Systematic arrangement or systemize i.e. recognize Sanitise cleanup spick and span Standardize uniformity of everything that is done in the organization self discipline / proper attitudes / habit formation
HOW TO APPLY TO WORK PLACE 1) SEIRI segregation 1. Classify items into necessary and un-necessary retain only those which are required and dispose off or discards these are not needed. This requires a methodology called as red tag campaign, which is very useful. In this red tag is tied to all unwanted, unutilized items tools, machines and on a fixed day these items are kept in a central location / where the decisions are taken for its usefulness by an appropriate authorized team for its usefulness. 1) If not required for immediate of in near future these items are scrapped. 2) Rework / repair those which are not in currently working conditions but are useful in near future. 3) Returned borrowed things to their owners 4) Dispose off items non-usable / un necessary category 5) Discard old items and stationary not in use 6) Remove un-necessary files, paper, letters, documents from the files. 2) SEITON systematic arrangement Store things systematically to ensure safety quality and efficiency. Storage methods must permit efficient use of space accident free storage, long shelf life and easy retrievility of items by keeping items at right place. Activities to be under taken for implementation 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Fix a place for everything and put everything in its place. Plan storage of easy identification and traceability and retrieval. Ensure rational layout of machines, erupts, cabinets Name everything (shelves, racks, machine number) assign location on. Plan storage based on frequently used figs / fix units / gauges / tools close to the point of use. 6) Use index for files / records / drawings 7) Look inside the shelves and sort-out materials, parts tools and prevent mixing. 8) Observe FIFO method
9) Mark gangways with yellow lines and keep gangways free from any obstruction. 10) Keep all materials under inspection f.g., non contrary in identified areas. Use visible controls. 11) Keep rubber stamps in a stand and identify then for orientation. Segregation removes un-necessary items from the work place, leaving only minimum number of needed items. These needed items are stored very near to work place and are kept in a place where they can located easily. This segregation helps 1) Easy traceability 2) Simple monetarily 3) Reduction in inventory 4) Un-necessary purchases are avoided 3) SEISO SANATISE SPICK & SPAN / Sweets maintain workplace tree of dirt / dust and garbage by fixing individuals cleaning responsibility. Cleaning the workplace completely so that there is no dust on floor, machines, tools. The objective of cleaning is to return items jigs / fixtures, moulds equipments, other utilities and work places during work to their original clean and polished condition by removing scrap, leftovers and wiping all surfaces to make dirt / dust tree. The presence of dust can cause abrades, scratches, blockages, leakages, bad connection (electrical defects) quality defects and painting on dusty surface variability (wrong measurement and lack of process controls). Cleaning prevents potential problems by discovering abnormalities which are still in initial stages. Japanese believe that when they are cleaning they are cleaning their minds also. Every person is sure to experience this kind of feeling while cleaning. (e.g. annual cleaning before Diwali or New year, cleaning of devasthan, cleaning of work place of pooja.) Cleaning is not one time activity. Some sorts of cleaning standards to be developed and regular follow up is necessary to sustain this improvement steps to be followed during and after housekeeping. Mere cleaning of work area is not the solution but one must find out as to what makes the place dirty. Find out causes than find out root cause and take a remedial action.
Survey one by one each zone to study the extent of problem of grime dirty book Set priorities for cleaning where grime is the most
Establish causes to where things get dirty Repeat for other zones
What makes the place causes dirty 1) Dust / dirt 2) Oil spills / oil mist 3) Water leak / chemical / steam 4) Filling 5) Humidity 6) Rust 7) Chips etc. Advantage: Improve image and attracts customer.
4) SEIKETSK Standardize This involves maintenance of standards 1) Wearing proper working clothes 2) Safety goggles 3) Gloves 4) Shoes 5) Tools / Machines / materials / Assly / 6) Procedure (operating procedures S.O.P) 7) Indirect materials like lubricants / oils / etc. thermal fluid, hydraulic 5) SHITSUKE: Self discipline / proper attitudes / habit formation Make a habit of doing things the way they are supposed to be done. (I e. developing habit of following rules / practices / procedures including daily 5s practices. This includes work ethics for effective management and transparent and disciplined work culture. Doing daily the activities the way in which it is supposed to do. Relationship between 5S 1) They are not inter-related and inter dependant 2) 5s technique is not only useful in manufacturing organizations but in all walks of life. 3) Offices, banks hospitals, hotels / restaurants or in general places where men work and items are handled. One can derive beautiful results by applying these principles in ones home. Advantages of 5,S 1) Creates clean, pleasant and safe working environment 2) Improves employee morale and motivate 3) Eliminates various kinds of MUDA (WASTE) by minimizing the need to search for tools, making job easier, reduces physically strenuous work and generates free space 4) Employee acquire self discipline 5) Reduce rejects / inventory / machines breakdown 6) Improves work efficiency 7) Cost of production is required