41.international Standards On Related Services
41.international Standards On Related Services
41.international Standards On Related Services
The purpose of this International Standard on Related Services (ISRS) is to establish standards and provide guidance on the auditors professional responsibilities when an engagement to perform agreed-upon procedures regarding financial information is undertaken and on the form and content of the report that the auditor issues in connection with such an engagement. Objective of an Agreed-upon Procedures Engagement The objective of an agreed-upon procedures engagement is for the auditor to carry out procedures of an audit nature to which the auditor and the entity and any appropriate third parties have agreed and to report on factual findings. As the auditor simply provides a report of the factual findings of agreed-upon procedures, no assurance is expressed. Instead, users of the report assess for themselves the procedures and findings reported by the auditor and draw their own conclusions from the auditors work. The report is restricted to those parties that have agreed to the procedures to be performed since others, unaware of the reasons for the procedures, may misinterpret the results. The auditor should comply with the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants issued by the International Federation of Accountants. Ethical principles governing the auditors professional responsibilities for this type of engagement are: The term auditor is used throughout the pronouncements of the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board when describing audit, review, other assurance and related services that may be performed. Such reference is not intended to imply that a person performing review, other assurance or related services need be the auditor of the entitys financial statements. ENGAGEMENTS TO PERFORM AGREED-UPON PROCEDURES REGARDING FINANCIAL INFORMATION (a) Integrity; (b) Objectivity; (c) Professional competence and due care; (d) Confidentiality;
(e) Professional behavior; and (f) Technical standards. The auditor should conduct an agreed-upon procedures engagement in accordance with this ISRS and the terms of the engagement. Defining the Terms of the Engagement The auditor should ensure with representatives of the entity and, ordinarily, other specified parties who will receive copies of the report of factual findings, that there is a clear understanding regarding the agreed procedures and the conditions of the engagement. Matters to be agreed include the following: Nature of the engagement including the fact that the procedures performed will not constitute an audit or a review and that accordingly no assurance will be expressed. Stated purpose for the engagement. Identification of the financial information to which the agreed-upon procedures will be applied. Nature, timing and extent of the specific procedures to be applied. Anticipated form of the report of factual findings. Limitations on distribution of the report of factual findings. When such limitation would be in conflict with the legal requirements, if any, the auditor would not accept the engagement.ATED SERVICES It is in the interests of both the client and the auditor that the auditor sends an engagement letter documenting the key terms of the appointment. An engagement letter confirms the auditors acceptance of the appointment and helps avoid misunderstanding regarding such matters as the objectives and scope of the engagement, the extent of the auditors responsibilities and the form of reports to be issued. Matters that would be included in the engagement letter include the following: A listing of the procedures to be performed as agreed upon between the parties. A statement that the distribution of the report of factual findings would be restricted to the specified parties who have agreed to the procedures to be performed. In addition, the auditor may consider attaching to the engagement letter a draft of the type of report of factual findings that will be issued. Planning The auditor should plan the work so that an effective engagement will be performed.
Documentation The auditor should document matters which are important in providing evidence to support the report of factual findings, and evidence that the engagement was carried out in accordance with this ISRS and the terms of the engagement. Procedures and Evidence The auditor should carry out the procedures agreed upon and use the evidence obtained as the basis for the report of factual findings. The procedures applied in an engagement to perform agreed-upon procedures may include the following: Inquiry and analysis. Recomputation, comparison and other clerical accuracy checks. Observation. Inspection. Obtaining confirmations.
Reporting The report on an agreed-upon procedures engagement needs to describe the purpose and the agreed-upon procedures of the engagement in sufficient detail to enable the reader to understand the nature and the extent of the work performed. The report of factual findings should contain: a) Title; b) Addressee c) Identification of specific financial or non-financial information to which the agreed- upon procedures have been applied; d) A statement that the procedures performed were those agreed upon with the recipient; e) A statement that the engagement was performed f) When relevant a statement that the auditor is not independent of the entity;
g) Identification of the purpose for which the agreed-upon procedures were performed;
h) A listing of the specific procedures performed; i) A description of the auditors factual findings including sufficient details of errors and exceptions found; j) Statement that the procedures performed do not constitute either an audit or a review and, as such, no assurance is expressed; k) A statement that had the auditor performed additional procedures, an audit or a review, other matters might have come to light that would have been reported; l) A statement that the report is restricted to those parties that have agreed to the procedures to be performed; m) Date of the report; n) Auditors address; and o) Auditors signature. Public Sector Perspective The report in a public sector engagement may not be restricted only to those parties that have agreed to the procedures to be performed, but made available also to a wider range of entities or people (for example, a parliamentary investigation about a specific public entity or governmental department).
It also has to be noted that public sector mandates vary significantly and caution has to be taken to distinguish engagements that are truly agreed upon procedures from engagements that are expected to be audits of financial information, such as performance reports.
Questions: 1. Describe International Standard on Related services? Source Compiled By : : CA Club Neethu Mohan neeths89@gmail.com, 9645007490