BSC6900 UMTS Parameter Reference (V900R012C01 - 06) RF Parameters
BSC6900 UMTS Parameter Reference (V900R012C01 - 06) RF Parameters
BSC6900 UMTS Parameter Reference (V900R012C01 - 06) RF Parameters
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This document provides information about the BSC6900 parameters, including the meaning, value, and usage of th
Intended Audience
Network planners Field engineers System engineers Shift operators
Each parameter is described in the following aspects. Description MO Parameter ID Parameter Name NE MML Command Meaning IsKey Mandatory Feature ID Feature Name Value Type GUI Value Range Actual Value Range Unit
Default Value
Recommended Value Impact Parameter Relationship Access Service Interrupted After Modification
Interruption Scope Interruption Duration (min) Caution Validation of Modification Impact on Radio Network Performance Introduced in Version Attribute
n about the BSC6900 parameters, including the meaning, value, and usage of the parameters.
following aspects. Remarks Managed object of NE Simple string for identifying a parameter Name of the parameter NEs on which the parameter is set Commands for setting the parameter Definition, purpose, and protocols of the parameter Whether the parameter is used to identify an MO instance Whether the parameter is mandatory for creating an MO instance ID of the feature that uses the parameter Name of the feature that uses the parameter Parameter value type Parameter value range displayed on the GUI Actual parameter value range corresponding to the GUI Value Range Parameter value unit Initial parameter value assigned by the system. There is no default value for a mandatory parameter. None indicates that there is no default value. For a bit field parameter, the value ON of a sub-parameter means that the bit representing the sub-parameter is set to 1, and the value OFF means that the bit is set to 0. Generally, it is displayed on the configuration window of an ADD command but not displayed on the configuration window of a MOD/RMV/DSP/LST command. Parameter values recommended for different scenarios Parameter impact scope, that is, objects specified when the parameter is set Relationship between this parameter and other parameters. For example, to use this parameter, you need to set related switches and parameters. Whether this parameter is Read & Write or Read Only. Whether modifying the parameter value interrupts the ongoing services
Possible interruption scope Possible interruption duration (unit: minute) Cautions to be taken during the modification How this parameter takes effect and whether the equipment needs to be restarted after the modification Impact of the parameter on radio network performance Product version in which the parameter is introduced Whether the parameter is a radio parameter, a transport parameter, or an equipment parameter
Parameter ID Parameter Name MML Command Meaning IsKey Mandatory MaccPageRepeatTimes Repeat Times of Macc Paging SET UDPUCFGDATA(Optional) This parameter defines the times of retransmission of paging messages. If the time NO NO RNCID RNC ID ADD GPS(Mandatory) ID of the RNC where a GPS receiver is installed NO YES CellId Cell ID ADD GPS(Mandatory) ID of the cell to which a GPS receiver belongs NO YES SETOBJECT Set Object License SET LICENSE(Optional)Product application mode NO NO ISPRIMARYPLMN Primary Operator Flag SET LICENSE(Optional)Primary operator flag. YES indicates to activate the license of the primary operator, NO NO CNOPERATORINDEX Cn Operator Index SET LICENSE(Optional)Operator index NO NO CsErlang Voice Erlang-Erlang SET LICENSE(Optional)Number of Erlangs for voice services NO NO Psthroughput PS throughput only-kbpsSET LICENSE(Optional)Max throughput of PS NO NO HSDPAthroughput HSDPA Throughput-kbps SET LICENSE(Optional)The total HSDPA traffic of all operators cannot exceed the HSDPA value in the lice NO NO CellId Cell ID ADD USCPICH(Mandatory)of a cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. ID YES YES ScpichPhyId SCPICH ID ADD USCPICH(Optional) niquely identifying a SCPICH in a cell. U NO NO ScpichPower SCPICH transmit power[0.1dB] ADD USCPICH(Optional) X power of the SCPICHNOa cell.NO T in RNCId RNC ID ADD U2GNCELL(Mandatory)MOD U2GNCELL(Mandatory)RMV U2GNCELL(Mandatory) ID of an RNC YES YES CellId Cell ID ADD U2GNCELL(Mandatory)MOD U2GNCELL(Mandatory)RMV U2GNCELL(Mandatory) Uniquely identifying a WCDMA cell, to which neighboring GSM cells can be added. YES YES GSMCellIndex GSM Cell Index ADD U2GNCELL(Mandatory)MOD U2GNCELL(Mandatory)RMV U2GNCELL(Mandatory) Unique ID of a GSM cell YES YES CIOOffset Neighboring Cell-Oriented CIO ADD U2GNCELL(Optional)MOD U2GNCELL(Optional) cell. This parameter is used for decision making fo Cell individual offset for the GSM NO NO Qoffset1sn Qoffset1sn ADD U2GNCELL(Optional)MOD U2GNCELL(Optional) GSM cell and WCDMA cell.This specifies the offset Offset between the neighboring NO NO Qrxlevmin Min RX Level ADD U2GNCELL(Optional)MOD U2GNCELL(Optional) cell.Before the UE camps on the cell, take the meas Minimum RX level of the NO GSM NO TpenaltyHcsReselect HCS Cell Reselect Penalty Timer ADD U2GNCELL(Optional)MOD U2GNCELL(Optional) reselection. If this parameter is set to a greater va Specifies the penalty time for cell NO NO TempOffset1 HCS Cell Reselect TempOffset1 ADD U2GNCELL(Optional)MOD U2GNCELL(Optional) Cell offset used for CPICH RSCP measurement value in HCS cell selection. If this p NO NO BlindHoFlag Blind Handover Flag ADD U2GNCELL(Optional)MOD U2GNCELL(Optional) Whether to perform blindNO handover.The value FALSE indicates that the cell is not c NO BlindHOPrio Blind Handover Priority ADD U2GNCELL(Mandatory)MOD the neighboring cell for blind handover.The value 0 represents the highes Priority of U2GNCELL(Mandatory) NO YES DRDEcN0Threshhold DRD Ec/No Threshold ADD U2GNCELL(Optional)MOD U2GNCELL(Optional) DRD Ec/No threshold forNO determining whether to perform the blind handover. The D NO SIB11Ind SIB11 Indicator ADD U2GNCELL(Optional)MOD U2GNCELL(Optional)system information block 11 (SIB11) including neighb Indicates whether to send the NO NO SIB12Ind SIB12 Indicator ADD U2GNCELL(Optional)MOD U2GNCELL(Optional)SIB12 indication including the neighboring cell inform Indicates whether to send the NO NO NPrioFlag Neighboring Cell Priority ADD U2GNCELL(Optional)MODflag of neighboring cellsThe value TRUE indicates that the neighboring cell Flag Priority U2GNCELL(Optional) NO NO NPrio Priority of Neighboring Cell U2GNCELL(Mandatory)MOD neighboring cells. A smaller value of this parameter indicates a higher pri ADD Priority of U2GNCELL(Mandatory) NO YES MBDRFlag Flag of MBDR Cell ADD U2GNCELL(Optional)MOD U2GNCELL(Optional)measure-based directed retry (MBDR) algorithm. The Whether the cell supports the NO NO MBDRPrio MBDR Cell Periority ADD U2GNCELL(Optional)MODof a MBDR cell. This parameter is valid only when the "MBDRFlag" parame Priority U2GNCELL(Optional) NO NO AcRstrctSwitch AC Restriction Switch SET UACALGO(Optional) OFF indicates that the AC algorithm is automatically disabled. ON indicates that the NO NO AcRstrctPercent AC Restriction Percent SET UACALGO(Mandatory) Access restriction ratio. When a cell performs access classes restriction, you can s NO YES AcIntervalOfCell AC Restriction Interval Of CellUACALGO(Mandatory) SET Interval of automatic access classes restriction between cells. When a subsystem NO YES AcRstrctIntervalLen AC Restriction Interval length UACALGO(Mandatory) SET Interval of access classes restriction. When a cell performs access classes restricti NO YES IuAcIntervalOfCell AC Restriction Interval ofSET UACALGO(Optional) Cell By IU When the Iu interface is faulty, theNO gradually restricts cell access in Bar mode. NO RNC AFSetObj AFSetObj SET UADMCTRL(Mandatory) The activity factor at the radio layer varies with the service priority. The configuratio YES YES UlSrbActFactor UL AF of SRB SET UADMCTRL(Optional) activity factor of SRB.Signals might be discontinuously transmitted because of t UL NO NO DlSrbActFactor DL AF of SRB SET UADMCTRL(Optional) activity factor of SRB.NO DL Signals might be discontinuously transmitted because of NO UlAmrConvAF UL AF of R99 AMR convSET UADMCTRL(Optional) activity factor of the R99 AMR conversational service. Signals might be disconti service UL NO NO DlAmrConvAF DL AF of R99 AMR convSET UADMCTRL(Optional) activity factor of the R99 AMR conversational service. Signals might be disconti service DL NO NO UlNonAmrConvAF UL AF of R99 non AMR conv service SET UADMCTRL(Optional) activity factor of the R99 non AMR conversational service. Signals might be disc UL NO NO DlNonAmrConvAF DL AF of R99 non AMR conv service SET UADMCTRL(Optional) activity factor of the R99 non AMR conversational service. Signals might be disc DL NO NO UlStreamAF UL AF of R99 StreamingSET UADMCTRL(Optional) activity factor of the R99 streaming service. Signals might be discontinuously tra service UL NO NO DlStreamAF DL AF of R99 StreamingSET UADMCTRL(Optional) activity factor of the R99 streaming service. Signals might be discontinuously tra service DL NO NO UlInteractAF UL AF of R99 interactive SET UADMCTRL(Optional) activity factor of the R99 interactive service. Signals might be discontinuously tra service UL NO NO DlInteractAF DL AF of R99 interactive SET UADMCTRL(Optional) activity factor of the R99 interactive service. Signals might be discontinuously tra service DL NO NO UlBackgroundAF UL AF of R99 background service SET UADMCTRL(Optional) activity factor of the R99 background service. Signals might be discontinuously UL NO NO DlBackgroundAF DL AF of R99 background service SET UADMCTRL(Optional) activity factor of the R99 background service. Signals might be discontinuously DL NO NO MbmsAF AF of MBMS service SET UADMCTRL(Optional) Activity factor of the MBMS service. Signals might be discontinuously transmitted be NO NO HsupaConvAF AF of hsupa conv service SET UADMCTRL(Optional) activity factor of the HSUPA conversational service. Signals might be discontinu UL NO NO HsdpaConvAF AF of hsdpa conv service SET UADMCTRL(Optional) activity factor of the HSUPA conversational service. Signals might be discontinu DL NO NO HsupaStreamAF AF of hsupa streaming service SET UADMCTRL(Optional) activity factor of the HSUPA streaming service. Signals might be discontinuousl UL NO NO HsdpaStreamAF AF of hsdpa streaming service SET UADMCTRL(Optional) activity factor of the HSUPA streaming service. Signals might be discontinuousl DL NO NO HsupaInteractAF AF of hsupa interactive service SET UADMCTRL(Optional) activity factor of the HSUPA interactive service. Signals might be discontinuousl UL NO NO HsdpaInteractAF AF of hsdpa interactive service SET UADMCTRL(Optional) activity factor of the HSUPA interactive service. Signals might be discontinuousl DL NO NO HsupaBackGroundAF AF of hsupa background SET UADMCTRL(Optional) activity factor of the HSUPA background service. Signals might be discontinuou service UL NO NO HsdpaBackGroundAF AF of hsdpa background SET UADMCTRL(Optional) activity factor of the HSUPA background service. Signals might be discontinuou service DL NO NO CellId Cell ID ADD UAICH(Mandatory)RMV a cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. ID of UAICH(Mandatory) YES YES PRACHPhyChId PRACH ID ADD UAICH(Optional) Uniquely identifying a PRACH in aNO corresponding to the AICH YES cell PhyChId AICH ID ADD UAICH(Optional)RMV UAICH(Mandatory) AICH in a cell Uniquely identifying an YES NO AICHTxTiming AICH Transmission Timing UAICH(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO transmission timing information of an AICH relative to ADD the NO STTDInd STTD Indicator ADD UAICH(Optional) This parameter indicatesNO whether NO SCCPCH shall use STTD or not. For detailed the CellId Cell ID MOD UAICHPWROFFSET(Mandatory) detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. ID of a cell. For YES YES AICHPowerOffset AICH Power Offset MOD UAICHPWROFFSET(Mandatory) specifiesNO power offset between the transmit power of an AICH a This parameter the YES
DlThdE1 DL E1 Event Relative Threshold SET UAMRC(Optional) Threshold E1 of DL AMRNO speech rate adjustment. Periodical reporting is used for D NO DlThdE2 DL E2 Event Relative Threshold SET UAMRC(Optional) Threshold E2 of DL AMRNO speech rate adjustment. Periodical reporting is used for D NO DlThdF1 DL F1 Event Relative Threshold SET UAMRC(Optional) Threshold F1 of DL AMRNO speech rate adjustment. Periodical reporting is used for D NO DlThdF2 DL F2 Event Relative Threshold SET UAMRC(Optional) Threshold F2 of DL AMRNO speech rate adjustment. Periodical reporting is used for D NO UlModeChangeTimerLen Mode Change Timer SET UAMRC(Optional) To adjust the UL AMR speech rate, AMRC delivers the TFC CONTROL command UL Length NO NO DlModeChangeTimerLen Mode Change Waiting Timer Length DL SET UAMRC(Optional) The AMRC needs to check whether the TFO/TrFO exists before adjusting DL AMR NO NO GoldMaxMode Max Mode Of Narrowband AMRC for Golden Users SET UAMRC(Optional) Maximum rate of the narrowband AMR speech service for gold users. NO NO SilverMaxMode Max Mode of Narrowband AMRC for Silver Users Maximum rate of the narrowband AMR speech service for silver users SET UAMRC(Optional) NO NO CopperMaxMode Max Mode of Narrowband AMRC for Copper Users SET UAMRC(Optional) Maximum rate of the narrowband AMR speech service for copper users. NO NO DlThdE1 DL E1 Event Relative Threshold SET UAMRCWB(Optional) Threshold E1 of DL wideband AMR speech rate adjustment. Periodical reporting is NO NO DlThdE2 DL E2 Event Relative Threshold SET UAMRCWB(Optional) Threshold E2 of DL wideband AMR speech rate adjustment. Periodical reporting is NO NO DlThdF1 DL F1 Event Relative Threshold SET UAMRCWB(Optional) Threshold F1 of DL wideband AMR speech rate adjustment. Periodical reporting is NO NO DlThdF2 DL F2 Event Relative Threshold SET UAMRCWB(Optional) Threshold F2 of DL wideband AMR speech rate adjustment. Periodical reporting is NO NO UlModeChangeTimerLen Mode Change Timer SET UAMRCWB(Optional) adjust the UL wideband AMR speech rate, AMRC delivers the TFC CONTROL c UL Length To NO NO DlModeChangeTimerLen Mode Change Waiting Timer Length DL SET UAMRCWB(Optional) AMRC needs to check whether the TFO/TrFO exists before adjusting DL wideb The NO NO GoldMaxMode Max Mode Of Wideband SET UAMRCWB(Optional) AMRC for Golden Users Maximum rate of the wideband AMR speech service for gold users NO NO SilverMaxMode Max Mode of Wideband AMRC for Silver Users Maximum rate of the wideband AMR speech service for silver users SET UAMRCWB(Optional) NO NO CopperMaxMode Max Mode of Wideband AMRC for Copper Users Maximum rate of the wideband AMR speech service for copper users SET UAMRCWB(Optional) NO NO CellId Cell ID ADD UBCH(Mandatory)RMV UBCH(Mandatory) information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. ID of a cell. For detailed YES YES TrChId BCH ID ADD UBCH(Optional) Uniquely identifying a BCH in a cell YES NO BCHPower BCH Transmit Power ADD UBCH(Optional) Offset of the BCH transmit power from the PCPICH transmit power in a cell. For de NO NO CacSwitch CAC algorithm switch SET UCACALGOSWITCH(Optional) values are described as follows: NODEB_CREDIT_CAC_SWITCH: The parameter NO NO RsvdPara1 Reserved parameter 1 SET UCACALGOSWITCH(Optional) Reserved Parameter1. NO NO RsvdPara2 Reserved parameter 2 SET UCACALGOSWITCH(Optional) Reserved parameter 2. NO NO RsvdPara3 Reserved parameter 3 SET UCACALGOSWITCH(Optional) Reserved parameter 3. NO NO CallShockCtrlSwitch Call Shock Control Switch ET UCALLSHOCKCTRL(Optional) S The parameter specifies NO whether to perform Call Attempt Per Second (CAPS) contr NO RegByFachSwitch Register Bear by Fach Switch UCALLSHOCKCTRL(Optional) SET The parameter specifies NO whether to set up RRC connection for registration on the F NO CallShockJudgePeriod Call Shock Judge PeriodSET UCALLSHOCKCTRL(Optional) time length The parameter specifies NO period of entering flow control at SPU subsystem level the NO SysTotalRrcNumThd System Call Shock Trigger Threshold SET UCALLSHOCKCTRL(Optional) The parameter specifies NO threshold of entering flow control for RRC connection r the NO SysAmrRrcNum AMR_RRC Number per Second for System SET UCALLSHOCKCTRL(Optional) The parameter specifies NO number of RRC connection requests per second for or the NO SysHighPriRrcNum HiPri_RRC Number per Second for System SET UCALLSHOCKCTRL(Optional) The parameter specifies NO number of RRC connection requests per second for re the NO SysRrcRejNum Max RRC_REJ Number per Second for System The parameter specifies NO maximum number of RRC Connection Reject message SET UCALLSHOCKCTRL(Optional) the NO NBTotalRrcNumThd NodeB Call Shock Trigger Threshold SET UCALLSHOCKCTRL(Optional) The parameter specifies NO threshold of entering flow control for RRC connection r the NO NBAmrRrcNum AMR_RRC Number per Second for NodeB SET UCALLSHOCKCTRL(Optional) The parameter specifies NO number of RRC connection requests per second for or the NO NBHighPriRrcNum HiPri_RRC Number per Second for NodeB SET UCALLSHOCKCTRL(Optional) The parameter specifies NO number of RRC connection requests per second for re the NO CellTotalRrcNumThd Cell Call Shock Trigger Threshold SET UCALLSHOCKCTRL(Optional) The parameter specifies NO threshold of entering flow control for RRC connection r the NO CellAmrRrcNum AMR_RRC Number per Second for Cell SET UCALLSHOCKCTRL(Optional) The parameter specifies NO number of RRC connection requests per second for or the NO CellHighPriRrcNum HiPri_RRC Number per Second for Cell SET UCALLSHOCKCTRL(Optional) The parameter specifies NO number of RRC connection requests per second for re the NO CnOpIndex Cn Operator Index ADD UCBSADDR(Mandatory)MOD an index for a CN operator. UCBSADDR(Mandatory) Represent UCBSADDR(Mandatory)RMV YES YES AreaId CBS Area ID ADD UCBSAREA(Mandatory)RMV UCBSAREA(Mandatory) ID of a CBS area. YES YES CnOpIndex CN Operator Index ADD UCBSAREA(Mandatory) Represent an index for a CN operator. YES YES AreaType CBS Area NameCBS Area Type ADD UCBSAREA(Mandatory)RMVCBS area. Type of a UCBSAREA(Mandatory) YES YES LAC Location Area Code ADD UCBSAREA(Mandatory)RMV location area, where theYES can move without location update. Proper di Code of a UCBSAREA(Mandatory)MS YES CellId Cell ID ADD UCBSAREA(Mandatory)RMV UCBSAREA(Mandatory) ID of a cell. For details on this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. YES YES MsgIndex CBS Message Index ADD UCBSMSG(Mandatory)MOD UCBSMSG(Mandatory)RMV UCBSMSG(Mandatory) Represent an index for a CBS message. YES YES MsgTypeId CBS Message ID ADD UCBSMSG(Mandatory) Channel ID for a CBS message. YES NO GeographicalScope Geography Scope ADD UCBSMSG(Mandatory) Geographical coverage of a CBS message. A normal CBS message can be transm NO YES Priority CBS Message Priority ADD UCBSMSG(Optional) Priority for sending simplified CBSNO NO messages. RepetPeriod CBS Message Repeat Period UCBSMSG(Optional)MOD UCBSMSG(Optional) CBS messages. ADD Interval between sendingNOtwo NO of NumOfBrdcstReq Number of Emergency Broadcasting Messages NumberUCBSMSG(Optional) ADD UCBSMSG(Optional)MOD of transmitted CBS messages. NO NO CodeType Coding Scheme ADD UCBSMSG(Mandatory) Coding scheme of a CBS message. NO YES AreaID CBS Area ID ADD UCBSMSG(Mandatory)MOD UCBSMSG(Optional) YES Area for transmitting a CBS message. NO EmergencyType Emergency Broadcasting Type ADD UCBSMSG(Mandatory) of emergency CBS NO Type messages. YES CBSMsg Message Content ADD UCBSMSG(Optional) Content of a emergency message.If "Emergency Broadcasting Type" is set to "Eart NO NO CBSMsg CBS Message Content MOD UCBSMSG(Optional) Content of a normal CBS message. NO NO CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLSETUP(Mandatory)ADD UCELLQUICKSETUP(Mandatory)MOD UCELL(Mandatory)MOD UCE ID of a cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. YES YES CellName Cell Name ADD UCELLSETUP(Mandatory)ADD cell name NO Identifying a UCELLQUICKSETUP(Mandatory) YES MaxTxPower Max Transmit Power of Cell UCELLSETUP(Optional)ADD UCELLQUICKSETUP(Optional)MOD UCELL(Optional) detailed inform ADD Sum of the maximum transmit power of all DL channels in a cell. For NO NO BandInd Band Indicator ADD UCELLSETUP(Mandatory)ADD UCELLQUICKSETUP(Mandatory)MOD UCELLSETUP(Optional) Indicating the selected frequency Band in the cell setup process. For detailed inform NO YES PeerIsValid Peer Cell Is Valid Or NotADD UCELLSETUP(Optional)ADDpeer cell is valid or not. NO Indicating UCELLQUICKSETUP(Optional)MOD UCELL(Optional) NO PeerCellId Peer Cell ID ADD UCELLSETUP(Mandatory)ADD UCELLQUICKSETUP(Mandatory)MOD UCELL(Mandatory) Node R Indicating the corresponding peer YESID of the cell in a RNCPOOL in RNC NO cell CnOpGrpIndex Cn Operator Group Index ADD UCELLSETUP(Mandatory)ADD UCELLQUICKSETUP(Mandatory) Represent an index for a CN Operator Group. NO YES UARFCNUplinkInd UL Frequency Ind ADD UCELLSETUP(Optional)MOD UCELLSETUP(Optional) of the cell need be configured. TRUE indicates Indicating whether the UL frequency NO NO UARFCNUplink Uplink UARFCN ADD UCELLSETUP(Optional)ADD UCELLQUICKSETUP(Optional)MODshown below:Band1:General freque Depending on the value of [Band indication], as UCELLSETUP(Optional) NO NO
UCELL UARFCNDownlink Downlink UARFCN ADD UCELLSETUP(Optional)ADD UCELLQUICKSETUP(Optional)MODshown below:Band1General freque Depending on the value of [Band indication], as UCELLSETUP(Optional) NO NO UCELL TCell Time Offset ADD UCELLSETUP(Mandatory)ADD UCELLQUICKSETUP(Mandatory)MOD UCELLSETUP(Optional) Difference between the System Frame Number (SFN) and NodeB Frame Number ( NO YES UCELL NInsyncInd Num of Continuous in Sync Ind ADD UCELLSETUP(Optional)MOD UCELL(Optional) This parameter defines the times of successive in-sync indications required for the NO NO UCELL NOutsyncInd Num of Continuous Out of Sync Ind ADD UCELLSETUP(Optional)MOD UCELL(Optional) This parameter defines the times of successive in-sync indications required for star NO NO UCELL TRlFailure Radio Link Failure TimerADD UCELLSETUP(Optional)MODfailure timer duration. When the radio link set is in the synchronized state Length Radio link UCELL(Optional) NO NO UCELL PScrambCode DL Primary Scrambling Code UCELLSETUP(Mandatory)ADD UCELLQUICKSETUP(Mandatory)MOD in a cell. For detailed informati ADD Sequence Number of a DL primary scrambling code UCELLSETUP(Optional) NO YES UCELL TxDiversityInd TX Diversity Indication ADD UCELLSETUP(Mandatory)MOD UCELLSETUP(Optional) This parameter indicatesNO whether YES transmission diversity configuration of the cell's d UCELL SpgId Service Priority Group Identity UCELLSETUP(Mandatory)ADD UCELLQUICKSETUP(Mandatory)MOD UCELLSETUP(Optional) of s ADD Indicating which service priority group this cell belongs to. The service priorities NO YES UCELL LoCell Local Cell ID ADD UCELLSETUP(Mandatory)ADD UCELLQUICKSETUP(Mandatory)MOD UCELLSETUP(Optional) to 3 Uniquely identifying a local cell. For detailed information of this parameter, refer NO YES UCELL LAC Location Area Code ADD UCELLSETUP(Mandatory)ADD UCELLQUICKSETUP(Mandatory) Mobile Network (PLMN) of the GSM Identifies a location area NO for a Public Land code YES UCELL SAC Service Area Code ADD UCELLSETUP(Mandatory)ADD UCELLQUICKSETUP(Mandatory) Service Area ID (SAI). SAI = MCC MCC,MNC,LAC and SAC together compose the NO YES UCELL CfgRacInd RAC Configuration Indication UCELLSETUP(Mandatory)ADD UCELLQUICKSETUP(Mandatory) ADD This parameter indicatesNO whether YES is configured. If the RNC supports the PS d RAC UCELL RAC Routing Area Code ADD UCELLSETUP(Mandatory)ADD routing areaNOa location area for a Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN Identifying a UCELLQUICKSETUP(Mandatory) in YES UCELL STTDSupInd STTD Support Indicator ADD UCELLSETUP(Mandatory)MOD UCELLSETUP(Optional) TX diversity is supported. This parameter indicatesNO whether YES STTD UCELL CP1SupInd CP1 Support Indicator ADD UCELLSETUP(Mandatory)MOD UCELLSETUP(Optional) This parameter indicatesNO whether YES the closed loop TX diversity mode 1 supported. UCELL ClosedLoopTimeAdjustMode Loop Time Adjust Mode Closed ADD UCELLSETUP(Mandatory)MOD UCELLSETUP(Mandatory) The parameter takes for NO adjusting YESphase and amplitude of the DL dedicated cha the UCELL DpchDivModforOther DPCH Tx Diversity ModeADD UCELLSETUP(Mandatory)MOD UCELLSETUP(Optional) for Other User Specifies the TX diversity mode on DPCH for the non-MIMO users and non-DC-HS NO YES UCELL FdpchDivModforOther FDPCH Tx Diversity Mode for UCELLSETUP(Mandatory)MOD TX diversity mode on F-DPCH for the non-MIMO users and non-DC-H ADD Other User Specifies the UCELLSETUP(Optional) NO YES UCELL DpchDivModforMIMO DPCH Tx Diversity ModeADD UCELLSETUP(Mandatory)MOD UCELLSETUP(Optional) for MIMO User Specifies the TX diversity on DPCH mode for the MIMO users. NO YES UCELL FdpchDivModforMIMO FDPCH Tx Diversity Mode for UCELLSETUP(Mandatory)MOD TX diversity mode on F-DPCH for the MIMO users.According to the pr ADD MIMO User Specifies the UCELLSETUP(Optional) NO YES UCELL DivModforDCHSDPA Tx Diversity Mode for DC-HSDPA User ADD UCELLSETUP(Mandatory)MOD TX diversity mode for the DC-HSDPA users.According to the protocol Specifies the UCELLSETUP(Optional) NO YES UCELL CIO Cell Oriented Cell Individual Offset ADD UCELLSETUP(Optional)MOD UCELLSETUP(Optional) of neighboring cell-oriented Cell Individual Offs This parameter works with the offset NO NO UCELL VPLimitInd Cell VP Limit Indicator ADD UCELLSETUP(Optional)ADD UCELLQUICKSETUP(Optional)MOD UCELLSETUP(Optional) This switch defines whether a video phone is barred in a cell. If a video phone is all NO NO UCELL URANUM URA number ADD UCELLQUICKSETUP(Mandatory) Number of UTRAN Registration Areas (URAs) which the cell belongs to NO YES UCELL URA1 URA ID 1 ADD UCELLQUICKSETUP(Mandatory) A cell can belongs to multiple URAs. This parameter indicates the ID of the first UR NO YES UCELL URA2 URA ID 2 ADD UCELLQUICKSETUP(Mandatory) A cell can belongs to multiple URAs. This parameter indicates the ID of the second NO YES UCELL URA3 URA ID 3 ADD UCELLQUICKSETUP(Mandatory) A cell can belongs to multiple URAs. This parameter indicates the ID of the third UR NO YES UCELL URA4 URA ID 4 ADD UCELLQUICKSETUP(Mandatory) A cell can belongs to multiple URAs. This parameter indicates the ID of the fourth U NO YES UCELL URA5 URA ID 5 ADD UCELLQUICKSETUP(Mandatory) A cell can belongs to multiple URAs. This parameter indicates the ID of the fifth UR NO YES UCELL URA6 URA ID 6 ADD UCELLQUICKSETUP(Mandatory) A cell can belongs to multiple URAs. This parameter indicates the ID of the sixth UR NO YES UCELL URA7 URA ID 7 ADD UCELLQUICKSETUP(Mandatory) A cell can belongs to multiple URAs. This parameter indicates the ID of the seventh NO YES UCELL URA8 URA ID 8 ADD UCELLQUICKSETUP(Mandatory) A cell can belongs to multiple URAs. This parameter indicates the ID of the eighth U NO YES UCELL SupBmc CBS support ADD UCELLQUICKSETUP(Optional) Indicating whether the cell supports the CBS service NO NO UCELL CBSOpIndex CBS Operator Index ADD UCELLQUICKSETUP(Mandatory) of the cell A CBS Operator NO YES UCELL CBSSAC CBS SAC ADD UCELLQUICKSETUP(Mandatory) which the cell belongs to. The cell can belong to only one CBS se CBS service area NO YES UCELL PCPICHPower PCPICH Transmit PowerADD UCELLQUICKSETUP(Optional)MOD UCELL(Optional) TX power of the PCPICHNOa cell.NO parameter should be set based on the actua in This UCELL PSCHPower PSCH Transmit Power MOD UCELL(Optional) Offset of the PSCH transmit power from the PCPICH transmit power in a cell. NO NO UCELL SSCHPower SSCH Transmit Power MOD UCELL(Optional) Offset of the SSCH transmit power from the PCPICH transmit power in a cell. NO NO UCELL ScpichPower SCPICH transmit power[0.1dB] MOD UCELL(Optional) TX power of the SCPICHNOa cell.NO in UCELL BCHPower BCH Transmit Power MOD UCELL(Optional) Offset of the BCH transmit power from the PCPICH transmit power in a cell. For de NO NO UCELLACCESSSTRICTCellId Cell ID ADD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Mandatory)MOD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Mandatory)RMV UCELLACCESS ID of a cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. YES YES UCELLACCESSSTRICTCellReservedForOperatorUse Cell reserved for operator use UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional)MOD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) status of cell is NOT_BAR ADD Indicating whether the cell is reserved for operators. If the NO NO UCELLACCESSSTRICTCellReservationExtension ell reservation extension DD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional)MOD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) barred indicator] is NOT C A Indicating whether the cell is reserved for extension. If [Cell NO NO UCELLACCESSSTRICTIsAccessClass0Barred Access class 0 barred indicator ADD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional)MOD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) can be allowed to initiate a Indicating whether the UE allocated with Access Class 0 NO NO UCELLACCESSSTRICTIsAccessClass1Barred Access class 1 barred indicator ADD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional)MOD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) can be allowed to initiate a Indicating whether the UE allocated with Access Class 1 NO NO UCELLACCESSSTRICTIsAccessClass2Barred Access class 2 barred indicator ADD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional)MOD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) can be allowed to initiate a Indicating whether the UE allocated with Access Class 2 NO NO UCELLACCESSSTRICTIsAccessClass3Barred Access class 3 barred indicator ADD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional)MOD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) can be allowed to initiate a Indicating whether the UE allocated with Access Class 3 NO NO UCELLACCESSSTRICTIsAccessClass4Barred Access class 4 barred indicator ADD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional)MOD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) can be allowed to initiate a Indicating whether the UE allocated with Access Class 4 NO NO UCELLACCESSSTRICTIsAccessClass5Barred Access class 5 barred indicator ADD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional)MOD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) can be allowed to initiate a Indicating whether the UE allocated with Access Class 5 NO NO UCELLACCESSSTRICTIsAccessClass6Barred Access class 6 barred indicator ADD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional)MOD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) can be allowed to initiate a Indicating whether the UE allocated with Access Class 6 NO NO UCELLACCESSSTRICTIsAccessClass7Barred Access class 7 barred indicator ADD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional)MOD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) can be allowed to initiate a Indicating whether the UE allocated with Access Class 7 NO NO UCELLACCESSSTRICTIsAccessClass8Barred Access class 8 barred indicator ADD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional)MOD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) can be allowed to initiate a Indicating whether the UE allocated with Access Class 8 NO NO UCELLACCESSSTRICTIsAccessClass9Barred Access class 9 barred indicator ADD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional)MOD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) can be allowed to initiate a Indicating whether the UE allocated with Access Class 9 NO NO UCELLACCESSSTRICTIsAccessClass10Barred Access class 10 barred indicator ADD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional)MOD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) can be allowed to initiate Indicating whether the UE allocated with Access Class 10 NO NO UCELLACCESSSTRICTIsAccessClass11Barred Access class 11 barred indicator ADD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional)MOD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) can be allowed to initiate Indicating whether the UE allocated with Access Class 11 NO NO UCELLACCESSSTRICTIsAccessClass12Barred Access class 12 barred indicator ADD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional)MOD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) can be allowed to initiate Indicating whether the UE allocated with Access Class 12 NO NO UCELLACCESSSTRICTIsAccessClass13Barred Access class 13 barred indicator ADD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional)MOD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) can be allowed to initiate Indicating whether the UE allocated with Access Class 13 NO NO UCELLACCESSSTRICTIsAccessClass14Barred Access class 14 barred indicator ADD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional)MOD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) can be allowed to initiate Indicating whether the UE allocated with Access Class 14 NO NO UCELLACCESSSTRICTIsAccessClass15Barred Access class 15 barred indicator ADD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional)MOD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) can be allowed to initiate Indicating whether the UE allocated with Access Class 15 NO NO UCELLACCESSSTRICTIdleCellBarred Cell barred indicator for SIB3 UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Mandatory)MODUE in idle mode is allowed to access the cell. When the cell ADD Indicating whether the UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) NO YES UCELLACCESSSTRICTIdleIntraFreqReselectionIntra-freq cell reselectionADD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional)MOD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Mandatory) another intra-frequenc ind for SIB3 Indicating whether the UE in idle mode is allowed to reselect NO NO UCELLACCESSSTRICTIdleTbarred Time barred for SIB3 ADD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional)MOD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Mandatory) is BARRED. It indicate This parameter is valid when [Cell NO NO barred indicator for SIB3] UCELLACCESSSTRICTConnCellBarred Cell barred indicator for SIB4 UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Mandatory)MODUE in connected mode is allowed to access the cell. When th ADD Indicating whether the UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) NO YES UCELLACCESSSTRICTConnIntraFreqReselection Intra-freq cell reselectionADD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional)MOD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Mandatory) another intra-frequenc ind for SIB4 Indicating whether the UE in idle mode is allowed to reselect NO NO
UCELLACCESSSTRICTConnTbarred Time barred for SIB4 ADD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional)MOD UCELLACCESSSTRICT(Mandatory) is BARRED. It indicate This parameter is valid when [Cell NO NO barred indicator for SIB4] UCELLACINFO CellId Cell ID MOD UCELLACINFO(Mandatory) For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. ID of a cell. YES YES UCELLACINFO LAC Location Area Code MOD UCELLACINFO(Optional) a location area YES for a Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) of the GSM Identifies code NO UCELLACINFO SAC Service Area Code MOD UCELLACINFO(Optional) MCC,MNC,LAC and SAC together compose the Service Area ID (SAI). SAI = MCC NO NO UCELLACINFO CfgRacInd RAC Configuration Indication UCELLACINFO(Optional) MOD This parameter indicatesNO whether NO is configured. If the RNC supports the PS d RAC UCELLACINFO RAC Routing Area Code MOD UCELLACINFO(Mandatory) a routing areaNOa location area for a Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN Identifying in YES UCELLALGOSWITCH CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLALGOSWITCH(Mandatory)MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH(Mandatory)RMV UCELLALGOSWITC ID of a cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. YES YES UCELLALGOSWITCH NBMCacAlgoSwitch Cell CAC algorithm switchDD UCELLALGOSWITCH(Optional)MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH(Optional) A "The above values of theNO algorithms represent the following information:CRD_ADC NO UCELLALGOSWITCH NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch Uplink CAC algorithm switch UCELLALGOSWITCH(Mandatory)MODthe above values represent are as follow:ALGORITHM_OFF: D ADD The algorithms with UCELLALGOSWITCH(Optional) NO YES UCELLALGOSWITCH NBMDlCacAlgoSelSwitch Downlink CAC algorithm ADD UCELLALGOSWITCH(Mandatory)MODthe above values represent are as follow:ALGORITHM_OFF: D switch The algorithms with UCELLALGOSWITCH(Optional) NO YES UCELLALGOSWITCH NBMLdcAlgoSwitch Cell LDC algorithm switch DD UCELLALGOSWITCH(Optional)MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH(Optional) as follow:INTRA_FREQUENCY A The algorithms with the above values represent are NO NO UCELLALGOSWITCH NBMMachsResetAlgoSelSwitch Reset algorithm switch Mac-hs ADD UCELLALGOSWITCH(Optional)MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH(Optional) as follow:ALGORITHM_REQU The algorithms with the above values represent are NO NO UCELLALGOSWITCH HspaPlusSwitch Cell Hspa Plus function switchUCELLALGOSWITCH(Optional)MODused to select aNO ADD This parameter is UCELLALGOSWITCH(Optional) HSPA+. If a feature is selected NO feature related to UCELLALGOSWITCH HspaEnhSwitch Cell Hspa Enhanced function switch ADD UCELLALGOSWITCH(Optional)MODselected, the corresponding function will be enabled; otherwise, d If E_F_DPCH are UCELLALGOSWITCH(Optional) NO NO UCELLALGOSWITCH CellCapacityAutoHandleSwitch Cell Capability Auto Handle Switch ADD UCELLALGOSWITCH(Optional)MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH(Optional) as follow:TX_DIVERSITY_ON_ The algorithms with the above values represent are NO NO UCELLALGOSWITCH NbmLdcUeSelSwitch Inter-freq Handover Select User algorithm switch The algorithms withUCELLALGOSWITCH(Optional) as follow:NBM_LDC_ALL_UE: ADD UCELLALGOSWITCH(Optional)MOD the above values represent are NO NO UCELLALGOSWITCH RsvdPara1 Reserved parameter 1 ADD UCELLALGOSWITCH(Optional)MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH(Optional) as follow:RSVDBIT1~RSVDBIT The algorithms with the above values represent are NO NO UCELLALGOSWITCH RsvdPara2 Reserved parameter 2 ADD UCELLALGOSWITCH(Optional)MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH(Optional) Reserved parameter 2 NO NO UCELLALGOSWITCH RsvdPara3 Reserved parameter 3 ADD UCELLALGOSWITCH(Optional)MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH(Optional) Reserved parameter 3 NO NO UCELLAMRC CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLAMRC(Mandatory)RMV For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. ID of a cell. UCELLAMRC(Mandatory)MOD UCELLAMRC(Mandatory) YES YES UCELLAMRC GoldMaxMode Max Mode Of Narrowband AMRC for Golden Users ADD UCELLAMRC(Optional)MOD rate of the narrowband AMR speech service for gold users. Maximum UCELLAMRC(Optional)NO NO UCELLAMRC SilverMaxMode Max Mode of Narrowband AMRC for Silver Users Maximum rate of the narrowband AMR speech service for silver users ADD UCELLAMRC(Optional)MOD UCELLAMRC(Optional)NO NO UCELLAMRC CopperMaxMode Max Mode of Narrowband AMRC for Copper Users ADD UCELLAMRC(Optional)MOD rate of the narrowband AMR speech service for copper users. Maximum UCELLAMRC(Optional)NO NO UCELLAMRCWB CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLAMRCWB(Mandatory)MOD detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. ID of a cell. For UCELLAMRCWB(Mandatory)RMV UCELLAMRCWB(Mandatory) YES YES UCELLAMRCWB GoldMaxMode Max Mode Of Wideband ADD UCELLAMRCWB(Optional)MOD UCELLAMRCWB(Optional) service for gold users AMRC for Golden Users Maximum rate of the wideband AMR speech NO NO UCELLAMRCWB SilverMaxMode Max Mode of Wideband AMRC for Silver Users Maximum rateUCELLAMRCWB(Optional) service for silver users ADD UCELLAMRCWB(Optional)MOD of the wideband AMR speech NO NO UCELLAMRCWB CopperMaxMode Max Mode of Wideband AMRC for Copper Users Maximum rateUCELLAMRCWB(Optional) service for copper users ADD UCELLAMRCWB(Optional)MOD of the wideband AMR speech NO NO UCELLCAC CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLCAC(Mandatory)MOD UCELLCAC(Mandatory)RMV UCELLCAC(Mandatory) ID of a cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. YES YES UCELLCAC CellEnvType Cell environment type ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) type of the cell, such as a typical town cell, urban ce Defining the radio environment NO NO UCELLCAC UlNonCtrlThdForAMR UL threshold of Conv AMR service ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) NO AMR service threshold to the 100% uplink loa The percentage of the conversational NO UCELLCAC UlNonCtrlThdForNonAMR L threshold of Conv non_AMR service U ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) NO non-AMR service threshold to the 100% uplin The percentage of the conversational NO UCELLCAC UlNonCtrlThdForOther UL threshold of other services UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) thresholds to the 100% uplink load. The services re ADD The percentage of other NO service NO UCELLCAC DlConvAMRThd DL threshold of Conv AMR service ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) NO AMR service threshold to the 100% downlink The percentage of the conversational NO UCELLCAC DlConvNonAMRThd DL threshold of Conv non_AMR service ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) NO non-AMR service threshold to the 100% down The percentage of the conversational NO UCELLCAC DlOtherThd DL threshold of other services UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) thresholds to the 100% downlink load. The service ADD The percentage of other NO service NO UCELLCAC UlNonCtrlThdForHo UL handover access thresholdUCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) service admission threshold to the 100% uplink loa ADD The percentage of the handover NO NO UCELLCAC DlHOThd DL handover access thresholdUCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) service admission threshold to the 100% downlink ADD The percentage of the handover NO NO UCELLCAC UlCellTotalThd UL total power threshold ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) uplink power. This parameter is related to the targe Admission threshold of total cell NO NO UCELLCAC DlCellTotalThd DL total power threshold ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) cell downlink power. If the value is too high, too ma Admission threshold of the total NO NO UCELLCAC UlCCHLoadFactor UL common channel load reserved coefficient ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) is only for dedicated channels. For common channe The admission control decision NO NO UCELLCAC DlCCHLoadRsrvCoeff DL common channel load reserved coefficient ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) used for dedicated channel and common channel u Different admission policies are NO NO UCELLCAC UlTotalEqUserNum UL total equivalent user number ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional)thisNO When the algorithm 2 is used, NO parameter defines the total equivalent user num UCELLCAC DlTotalEqUserNum DL total equivalent user number ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional)thisNO When the algorithm 2 is used, NO parameter defines the total equivalent user num UCELLCAC HsupaLowPriorityUserPBRThd Low priority HSUPA userADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) PBR whose schedule priority is lower than that of PBR threshold Threshold of all the HSUPA user NO NO UCELLCAC HsupaEqualPriorityUserPBRThd Equal priority HSUPA user PBR threshold ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) PBR whose schedule priority is the same as that o Threshold of all the HSUPA user NO NO UCELLCAC HsupaHighPriorityUserPBRThd High priority HSUPA user PBR threshold ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) PBR whose schedule priority is higher than that o Threshold of all the HSUPA user NO NO UCELLCAC UlHsDpcchRsvdFactor UL HS-DPCCH reserve factor UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) NO the system will not perform CAC. If the HS-D ADD If the HS-DPCCH carriesNO ACK/NACK, UCELLCAC HsdpaStrmPBRThd Hsdpa streaming PBR threshold ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) threshold of the HSDPA streaming service. If the su Average throughput admission NO NO UCELLCAC HsdpaBePBRThd HSDPA best effort PBR threshold ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) threshold of the HSDPA best effort traffic. If the sum Average throughput admission NO NO UCELLCAC MaxHsdpaUserNum Maximum HSDPA user number ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) NO by the HSDPA channel. The user in this para Maximum number of users supported NO UCELLCAC MaxUlTxPowerforConv Max UL TX power of conversational service ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) conversational service in a specific cell. It is based Maximum UL transmit power for NO NO UCELLCAC MaxUlTxPowerforStr Max UL TX power of streaming service ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) the streaming service in a specific cell. It is based Maximum UL transmit power for NO NO UCELLCAC MaxUlTxPowerforInt Max UL TX power of interactive service ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) for the interactive service in a specific cell. It is ba The maximum UL transmit power NO NO UCELLCAC MaxUlTxPowerforBac Max UL TX power of background service ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) for background service in a specific cell. It is base The maximum UL transmit power NO NO UCELLCAC BackgroundNoise Background noise ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) NO If [Auto-Adaptive Background Noise Update Switch] is set to OFF, it is used to set b NO UCELLCAC DefPcpichEcNo Default PCPICH Ec/No ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) NO open power control, it evaluates link consum When the RNC is performing downlink NO UCELLCAC BGNSwitch Auto-adaptive background noise update switch When the parameter is 'OFF', the auto-adaptive background noise update algorithm ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) NO NO UCELLCAC BGNAdjustTimeLen Background noise update continuance Time ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) NO noise's duration reaches this parameter, the Only when the measuredNO background UCELLCAC BGNEqUserNumThd Equivalent user number threshold for backgroundWhen the number of uplink equivalent users is not larger than this parameter, the R ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) NO noise NO UCELLCAC MaxHsupaUserNum Maximum HSUPA user number ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) NO by the HSUPA channel. The user in this para Maximum number of users supported NO UCELLCAC DlHSUPARsvdFactor Dl HSUPA reserved factor ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) NO user. The higher the value is, the more resou Reserved DL power factor for HSUPA NO UCELLCAC DlMBMSRsvdFactor DL MBMS reserved factor ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) NOservice. Reserved DL power factor for MBMS NO UCELLCAC MtchRsvPwr MTCH reserve power ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) the MTCHs. This parameter is a protection for the Available guarantee power of all NO NO UCELLCAC MtchRsvSf MTCH reserve SF ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) the MTCHs. This parameter is a protection for the Available guarantee codes of all NO NO
UCELLCAC MtchMaxPwr MTCH maximal power ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) the MTCHs. This parameter is a protection for the Available guarantee codes of all NO NO UCELLCAC MtchMaxSf MTCH maximal SF ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) NO This parameter is a limit to the maximum be Maximum code limit of all the MTCHs. NO UCELLCAC UlHoCeResvSf UL handover credit reserved SF ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) NO Uplink Credit Reserved by Spread Factor for HandOver. SFOFF means that none o NO UCELLCAC DlHoCeCodeResvSf DL handover credit and code reserved SF ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) NO for handover UEs to guarantee handover suc Some cell resources canNO reserved be UCELLCAC BgnStartTime Background noise update start time ADD UCELLCAC(Mandatory)MOD UCELLCAC(Mandatory) (1) This parameter, along with the YES NO [Algorithm stop time], is used to limit the validatio UCELLCAC BgnEndTime Background noise update end UCELLCAC(Mandatory)MOD UCELLCAC(Mandatory) ADD time (1) This parameter, along with the YES NO [Algorithm start time], is used to limit the validatio UCELLCAC BgnUpdateThd Background noise update trigger threshold ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) NO update of background noise. If the differenc The difference of RTWP NO trigger the that UCELLCAC BgnAbnormalThd Background noise abnormal threshold ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) "BGNSwitch" is set to ON. (1) If the difference of m This parameter is applied when NO NO UCELLCAC MAXEFACHUserNum Maximum EFACH user number ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD UCELLCAC(Optional) user number the EFACH channel can supports. The parameter indicates NO max NO the UCELLCAC CellUlEquNumCapacity Cell Uplink Capacity of Equal User Number ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD check whether the number of equivalent users is overlarge in a cell. If the r Used to UCELLCAC(Optional) NO NO UCELLCAC HsdpaMaxGBPThd Threshold of Maximum Guaranteed Bit Rates for HSDPA UCELLCAC(Optional) NO power for HSDPA users. This threshold limi ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD of the maximum guaranteed Threshold NO UCELLCAC HsupaMaxGBPThd Threshold of Maximum Guaranteed Bit Rates for HSUPA UCELLCAC(Optional) NO power for HSUPA users. This threshold limi ADD UCELLCAC(Optional)MOD of the maximum guaranteed Threshold NO UCELLCBSDRX CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLCBSDRX(Mandatory)RMV UCELLCBSDRX(Mandatory) parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. ID of a cell. For detailed information about this YES YES UCELLCBSSAC CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLCBSSAC(Mandatory)MOD UCELLCBSSAC(Mandatory)RMV UCELLCBSSAC(Mandatory) Uniquely identifying a cell. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP YES YES UCELLCBSSAC CnOpIndex Cn Operator Index ADD UCELLCBSSAC(Mandatory)MOD index for a CN operator. Represent an UCELLCBSSAC(Mandatory) NO YES UCELLCMCF CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLCMCF(Mandatory)RMV UCELLCMCF(Mandatory)MOD UCELLCMCF(Mandatory) Unique ID of a cell YES YES UCELLCMCF CmcfCellType CM Cell Type ADD UCELLCMCF(Optional)MOD UCELLCMCF(Optional)NO are configured on the basis of the CM type CM type of the cell.The CM parameters NO UCELLCMCF DlSFTurnPoint DL SF Threshold ADD UCELLCMCF(Optional)MOD compressed mode (CM)NO Downlink UCELLCMCF(Optional) implementation mode selection threshold. When NO UCELLCMCF UlSFTurnPoint UL SF threshold ADD UCELLCMCF(Optional)MOD UCELLCMCF(Optional)NO Uplink CM implementation mode selection threshold. When the uplink spreading fa NO UCELLDCCC CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLDCCC(Mandatory)RMV For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. ID of a cell. UCELLDCCC(Mandatory)MOD UCELLDCCC(Mandatory) YES YES UCELLDCCC BePwrMargin BE Event F Reporting Power Margin ADD UCELLDCCC(Optional)MOD UCELLDCCC(Optional)NO traffic, used to calculate the triggering thres The relative power margin of single BE NO UCELLDCCC CombPwrMargin Comb Event F ReportingADD UCELLDCCC(Optional)MOD UCELLDCCC(Optional)NO traffics, used to calculate the triggering thre Power Margin The relative power margin of combined NO UCELLDCCC UlFullCvrRate Uplink Full Coverage Bit ADD UCELLDCCC(Optional)MOD UCELLDCCC(Optional)NO entire cell is ensured under certain load. F Rate Maximum UL rate when coverage of the NO UCELLDCCC DlFullCvrRate Downlink Full Coverage Bit Rate ADD UCELLDCCC(Optional)MOD UCELLDCCC(Optional)planning when coverage of the entire cell is ensu Maximum DL rate duringNO network NO UCELLDISTANCEREDIRECTION CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLDISTANCEREDIRECTION(Mandatory)MOD UCELLDISTANCEREDIRECTION(Mandatory)RM Unique ID of a cell YES YES UCELLDISTANCEREDIRECTION RedirSwitch Redirection Switch ADD UCELLDISTANCEREDIRECTION(Optional)MOD UCELLDISTANCEREDIRECTION(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO whether the distance based RRC redirection algorithm is v NO UCELLDISTANCEREDIRECTION DelayThs Propagation delay threshold UCELLDISTANCEREDIRECTION(Optional)MOD UCELLDISTANCEREDIRECTION(Optional) ADD Redirection algorithm works only when the propagation delay between UE and Nod NO NO UCELLDISTANCEREDIRECTION RedirFactorOfLDR Redirection Factor Of LDR ADD UCELLDISTANCEREDIRECTION(Optional)MOD load state of the serving cell is LDR(basic congestion When the UL load state or DL UCELLDISTANCEREDIRECTION(Optional) NO NO UCELLDISTANCEREDIRECTION RedirFactorOfNorm Redirection Factor Of Normal UCELLDISTANCEREDIRECTION(Optional)MOD UCELLDISTANCEREDIRECTION(Optional) ADD When the load of the serving cell is within the normal range, a UE may be redirecte NO NO UCELLDRD CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLDRD(Mandatory)MOD of a cell Unique ID UCELLDRD(Mandatory)RMV UCELLDRD(Mandatory) YES YES UCELLDRD DRMaxGSMNum Maximum Times of Inter-RAT UCELLDRD(Optional)MOD UCELLDRD(Optional) RAB directed retries. It decides the size of the cand ADD Direct Retry Maximum number of inter-RAT NO NO UCELLDRD ServiceDiffDrdSwitch Service Steering DRD Switch UCELLDRD(Optional)MOD UCELLDRD(Optional) NO ADD Whether the service steering DRD algorithm is applied. NO UCELLDRD LdbDRDSwitchDCH Load balance DRD switch for DCH ADD UCELLDRD(Optional)MOD UCELLDRD(Optional) algorithm is applied to DCH services. - ON: The lo Whether the load balancing DRD NO NO UCELLDRD LdbDRDSwitchHSDPA Load balance DRD switch for HSDPA ADD UCELLDRD(Optional)MOD UCELLDRD(Optional) algorithm is applied to HSDPA services. - ON: Th Whether the load balancing DRD NO NO UCELLDRD LdbDRDchoice Load Balancing DRD Choice UCELLDRD(Optional)MOD UCELLDRD(Optional) based on power or on user number. - Power: Powe ADD Whether load balancing DRD is NO NO UCELLDRD LdbDRDLoadRemainThdDCH balance DRD power remain threshold for DCH Dl load ADD UCELLDRD(Optional)MOD UCELLDRD(Optional) NO balancing DRD for DCH services. The load Downlink load threshold to trigger load NO UCELLDRD LdbDRDLoadRemainThdHSDPA Dl load balance DRD power remain threshold for HSDPA UCELLDRD(Optional) NO balancing DRD for HSDPA services. The loa ADD UCELLDRD(Optional)MOD load threshold to trigger load Downlink NO UCELLDRD CodeBalancingDrdSwitch Code Balancing DRD Switch UCELLDRD(Optional)MOD UCELLDRD(Optional) NODRD algorithm. The "DR_RAB_SING_DRD_S ADD Whether to apply the code balancing NO UCELLDRD CodeBalancingDrdMinSFThd Minimum SF Threshold for Code Balancing DRD One of the triggering conditions of NO balancing DRD. The other condition is the c ADD UCELLDRD(Optional)MOD UCELLDRD(Optional) NO code UCELLDRD CodeBalancingDrdCodeRateThd Code Occupancy Thres for Code Balancing DRD One of the triggering conditions of NO balancing DRD. The other condition is the m ADD UCELLDRD(Optional)MOD UCELLDRD(Optional) NO code UCELLDRD ReDirBandInd ReDirection target band indicator ADD UCELLDRD(Optional)MOD UCELLDRD(Optional) and DL UARFCNs to which the UE is redirected. I Frequency band of the target UL NO NO UCELLDRD ReDirUARFCNUplinkIndRedirection Target UL Frequency Index ADD UCELLDRD(Optional)MOD UCELLDRD(Optional) to which the UE is redirected needs to be configur Whether the target UL UARFCN NO NO UCELLDRD ReDirUARFCNUplink Redirection target uplink ADD UCELLDRD(Optional)MOD UCELLDRD(Optional) for RRC redirection. The value range of the UL UAR UARFCN Target uplink UARFCN of a cell NO NO UCELLDRD ReDirUARFCNDownlink Redirection target downlink UARFCN ADD UCELLDRD(Optional)MOD UCELLDRD(Optional) redirection. Different values of "RedirBandInd" cor Target DL UARFCN for the RRC NO NO UCELLDRD ULLdbDRDSwitchDcHSDPA load balance DRD Switch for DC-HSDPA This parameter specifiesNO Uplink ADD UCELLDRD(Optional)MOD UCELLDRD(Optional) to enable the uplink load balance for DC-HSDPA whether NO UCELLDRD ULLdbDRDLoadRemainThdDcHSDPA Uplink load balance DRD remain threshold for DC-HSDPAUCELLDRD(Optional) NO of triggering the uplink load balance for DC-H ADD UCELLDRD(Optional)MOD This parameter specifiesNO threshold the UCELLDRDMIMO CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLDRDMIMO(Mandatory)MOD UCELLDRDMIMO(Mandatory)RMV UCELLDRDMIMO(Mandatory) Unique ID of a cell YES YES UCELLDRDMIMO LegacyHDrdSwitchOfSTTD Switch for LegacyHADD UCELLDRDMIMO(Optional)MOD UCELLDRDMIMO(Optional) DRD under STTD Whether to enable DRD NOtechnological satisfaction of non-MIMO legacyH in STT for NO UCELLDRDMIMO LegacyHDrdSwitchOfSCPICH Switch for LegacyHADD UCELLDRDMIMO(Optional)MOD UCELLDRDMIMO(Optional) DRD under P and S CPICH Whether to enable DRD NOtechnological satisfaction of non-MIMO legacyH in prim for NO UCELLDRDMIMO CQIRefValueOfSTTD CQI reference value for STTD UCELLDRDMIMO(Optional)MOD UCELLDRDMIMO(Optional) condition by comparing with the CQI thr ADD Reference CQI for determining the channel NO NO UCELLDRDMIMO CQIRefValueOfSCPICH CQI reference value for P and UCELLDRDMIMO(Optional)MOD UCELLDRDMIMO(Optional) condition by comparing with the CQI thr ADD S CPICH Reference CQI for determining the channel NO NO UCELLDRDMIMO ExcellentCQIThdOfSTTD Excellent CQI Threshold ADD UCELLDRDMIMO(Optional)MOD for determining thatNO channel condition is Excellent. for STTD CQI threshold UCELLDRDMIMO(Optional) NO the UCELLDRDMIMO GoodCQIThdOfSTTD Good CQI Threshold for ADD UCELLDRDMIMO(Optional)MOD for determining thatNO channel condition is Good. STTD CQI threshold UCELLDRDMIMO(Optional) NO the UCELLDRDMIMO BadCQIThdOfSTTD Bad CQI Threshold for STTD UCELLDRDMIMO(Optional)MOD for determining thatNO channel condition is Bad. ADD CQI threshold UCELLDRDMIMO(Optional) NO the UCELLDRDMIMO ExcellentCQIThdOfSCPICH Excellent CQI Threshold ADD UCELLDRDMIMO(Optional)MOD for determining thatNO channel condition is Excellent. for P and S CPICH CQI threshold UCELLDRDMIMO(Optional) NO the UCELLDRDMIMO GoodCQIThdOfSCPICH Good CQI Threshold for ADD UCELLDRDMIMO(Optional)MOD for determining thatNO channel condition is Good. P and S CPICH CQI threshold UCELLDRDMIMO(Optional) NO the UCELLDRDMIMO BadCQIThdOfSCPICH Bad CQI Threshold for PADD S CPICH and UCELLDRDMIMO(Optional)MOD for determining thatNO channel condition is Bad. CQI threshold UCELLDRDMIMO(Optional) NO the UCELLDSACMANUALPARA CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLDSACMANUALPARA(Mandatory)MOD UCELLDSACMANUALPARA(Mandatory)RMV UCELLD ID of a cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. YES YES UCELLDSACMANUALPARA CnOpIndex CN Operator index ADD UCELLDSACMANUALPARA(Mandatory)MOD UCELLDSACMANUALPARA(Mandatory)RMV UCELLD Specifies the index of the telecom YES YES operator. UCELLDSACMANUALPARA CsRestriction Restriction for CS ADD UCELLDSACMANUALPARA(Mandatory)MOD UCELLDSACMANUALPARA(Optional) Specifies whether to impose the access restriction on the CS domain. NO YES UCELLDSACMANUALPARA PsRestriction Restriction for PS ADD UCELLDSACMANUALPARA(Mandatory)MOD UCELLDSACMANUALPARA(Optional) Specifies whether to impose the access restriction on the PS domain. NO YES UCELLDSACMANUALPARA RestrictionType Restriction Type ADD UCELLDSACMANUALPARA(Mandatory)MOD UCELLDSACMANUALPARA(Optional) Specifies the mode of restricting the access classes. NO YES UCELLDSACMANUALPARA AcRestriction AC Restriction Indicator ADD UCELLDSACMANUALPARA(Mandatory)MOD UCELLDSACMANUALPARA(Mandatory) restriction mo Specifies the access classes that are restricted according to the fixed NO YES UCELLDSACMANUALPARA NumberOfACs Number of restrained ACADD UCELLDSACMANUALPARA(Mandatory)MOD UCELLDSACMANUALPARA(Mandatory) every time Specifies the number of access classes that are restricted at a time according to the NO YES
UCELLDSACMANUALPARA AcRange Range of restrained AC ADD UCELLDSACMANUALPARA(Mandatory)MOD UCELLDSACMANUALPARA(Mandatory) polling rest Specifies the access classes that are restricted according to the flexible NO YES UCELLDSACMANUALPARA AcRstrctIntervalLen Interval of DSAC Restriction UCELLDSACMANUALPARA(Mandatory)MOD between consecutive pollings according to the flexible p ADD Specifies the interval delay UCELLDSACMANUALPARA(Mandatory) NO YES UCELLDYNSHUTDOWN CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLDYNSHUTDOWN(Mandatory)MOD UCELLDYNSHUTDOWN(Mandatory)RMV UCELLDYNSH ID of a cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. YES YES UCELLDYNSHUTDOWN DynShutdownSwitch Cell Dynamic ShutDown ADD UCELLDYNSHUTDOWN(Mandatory)MOD UCELLDYNSHUTDOWN(Optional) Switch When the "Cell Dynamic NO ShutDown Switch" is on, the cell dynamic shutdown featur YES UCELLDYNSHUTDOWN StartTime1 First Cell Dynamic ShutDown Interval Start Time Start time of the first interval whenYEScell dynamic shutdown feature is valid. ADD UCELLDYNSHUTDOWN(Mandatory)MOD UCELLDYNSHUTDOWN(Optional) NO the UCELLDYNSHUTDOWN EndTime1 First Cell Dynamic ShutDown Interval End Time End time of the first interval when YES dynamic shutdown feature is valid. ADD UCELLDYNSHUTDOWN(Mandatory)MOD UCELLDYNSHUTDOWN(Optional) NO the cell UCELLDYNSHUTDOWN StartTime2 Second Cell Dynamic ShutDown Interval Start Time time of the second UCELLDYNSHUTDOWN(Optional) ADD UCELLDYNSHUTDOWN(Mandatory)MOD interval when the cell dynamic shutdown feature is valid. Start NO YES UCELLDYNSHUTDOWN EndTime2 Second Cell Dynamic ShutDown Interval End Time time of the second interval when the cell dynamic shutdown feature is valid. ADD UCELLDYNSHUTDOWN(Mandatory)MOD UCELLDYNSHUTDOWN(Optional) End NO YES UCELLDYNSHUTDOWN StartTime3 Third Cell Dynamic ShutDownUCELLDYNSHUTDOWN(Mandatory)MOD UCELLDYNSHUTDOWN(Optional) feature is valid. ADD Interval Start Time Start time of the third interval when the cell dynamic shutdown NO YES UCELLDYNSHUTDOWN EndTime3 Third Cell Dynamic ShutDownUCELLDYNSHUTDOWN(Mandatory)MOD UCELLDYNSHUTDOWN(Optional) feature is valid. ADD Interval End Time End time of the third interval whenYEScell dynamic shutdown NO the UCELLDYNSHUTDOWN DynShutDownType Cell Dynamic ShutDown ADD UCELLDYNSHUTDOWN(Optional)MOD UCELLDYNSHUTDOWN(Optional) shut down in the shutd Type When DynShutDownType is ForceShutDown,the cell will be NO NO UCELLDYNSHUTDOWN TotalUserNumThd Cell Dynamic ShutDown ADD UCELLDYNSHUTDOWN(Optional)MOD UCELLDYNSHUTDOWN(Optional) number is no greater th Total User Number Threshold The cell is shut down automatically only when the total user NO NO UCELLDYNSHUTDOWN HsdpaUserNumThd Cell Dynamic ShutDown ADD UCELLDYNSHUTDOWN(Optional)MOD UCELLDYNSHUTDOWN(Optional) user number is no great Hsdpa User Number Threshold is shut down automatically only when the HSDPA The cell NO NO UCELLDYNSHUTDOWN HsupaUserNumThd Cell Dynamic ShutDown ADD UCELLDYNSHUTDOWN(Optional)MOD UCELLDYNSHUTDOWN(Optional) user number is no great Hsupa User Number Threshold is shut down automatically only when the HSUPA The cell NO NO UCELLDYNSHUTDOWN NCellLdrRemainThd Cell Dynamic ShutDown ADD UCELLDYNSHUTDOWN(Optional)MOD UCELLDYNSHUTDOWN(Optional) Neighbour Cell Load Remaincell is shut down automatically only when the neighboring cell load is less than The Threshold NO NO UCELLEFACH CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLEFACH(Mandatory)MOD UCELLEFACH(Mandatory)RMV UCELLEFACH(Mandatory)25.401. ID of a cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS YES YES UCELLEFACH EFACHDTCHGBP EFACH DTCH GBP ADD UCELLEFACH(Optional)MOD UCELLEFACH(Optional) guaranteed power of the DTCH mapped on This parameter specifiesNO maximum the NO UCELLEFACH BcchHsscchPower BCCH HS-SCCH Power ADD UCELLEFACH(Optional)MOD UCELLEFACH(Optional)offset between HS-SCCH and P-CPICH when B This parameter specifiesNO power the NO UCELLEFACH BcchHspdschPower BCCH HS-PDSCH Power ADD UCELLEFACH(Optional)MOD UCELLEFACH(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO transmission power of the HS-PDSCH that sends the the NO UCELLEFACH CCCHGBR CCCH MAC-c Flow GBRADD UCELLEFACH(Optional)MOD UCELLEFACH(Optional) The MAC-c on Iub interface will increase after the Enhanced CELL_FACH is suppo NO NO UCELLEFACH CCCHMBR CCCH MAC-c Flow MBRADD UCELLEFACH(Optional)MOD UCELLEFACH(Optional) The MAC-c on Iub interface will increase after the Enhanced CELL_FACH is suppo NO NO UCELLEFACH SRBGBR SRB MAC-c Flow GBR ADD UCELLEFACH(Optional)MOD UCELLEFACH(Optional) The MAC-c on Iub interface will increase after the Enhanced CELL_FACH is suppo NO NO UCELLEFACH SRBMBR SRB MAC-c Flow MBR ADD UCELLEFACH(Optional)MOD UCELLEFACH(Optional) The MAC-c on Iub interface will increase after the Enhanced CELL_FACH is suppo NO NO UCELLEFACH CONVGBR Conversational MAC-c Flow GBR ADD UCELLEFACH(Optional)MOD UCELLEFACH(Optional) The MAC-c on Iub interface will increase after the Enhanced CELL_FACH is suppo NO NO UCELLEFACH CONVMBR Conversational MAC-c Flow MBR ADD UCELLEFACH(Optional)MOD UCELLEFACH(Optional) The MAC-c on Iub interface will increase after the Enhanced CELL_FACH is suppo NO NO UCELLEFACH STREAMGBR Streaming MAC-c Flow GBR UCELLEFACH(Optional)MOD UCELLEFACH(Optional) ADD The MAC-c on Iub interface will increase after the Enhanced CELL_FACH is suppo NO NO UCELLEFACH STREAMMBR Streaming MAC-c Flow MBR UCELLEFACH(Optional)MOD UCELLEFACH(Optional) ADD The MAC-c on Iub interface will increase after the Enhanced CELL_FACH is suppo NO NO UCELLEFACH INTERACTGBR Interactive MAC-c Flow GBR UCELLEFACH(Optional)MOD UCELLEFACH(Optional) ADD The MAC-c on Iub interface will increase after the Enhanced CELL_FACH is suppo NO NO UCELLEFACH INTERACTMBR Interactive MAC-c Flow MBR UCELLEFACH(Optional)MOD UCELLEFACH(Optional) ADD The MAC-c on Iub interface will increase after the Enhanced CELL_FACH is suppo NO NO UCELLEFACH BGGBR Background MAC-c FlowADD UCELLEFACH(Optional)MOD UCELLEFACH(Optional) will increase after Enhanced CELL_FACH is su GBR The MAC-c flow on the Iub interface NO NO UCELLEFACH BGMBR Background MAC-c FlowADD UCELLEFACH(Optional)MOD UCELLEFACH(Optional) increase after the Enhanced CELL_FACH is su MBR The MAC-c flow on Iub interface will NO NO UCELLEFACH IMSGBR IMS MAC-c Flow GBR ADD UCELLEFACH(Optional)MOD UCELLEFACH(Optional) The MAC-c on Iub interface will increase after the Enhanced CELL_FACH is suppo NO NO UCELLEFACH IMSMBR IMS MAC-c Flow MBR ADD UCELLEFACH(Optional)MOD UCELLEFACH(Optional) The MAC-c on Iub interface will increase after the Enhanced CELL_FACH is suppo NO NO UCELLFRC CellId Cell ID RMV UCELLFRC(Mandatory)ADD UCELLFRC(Mandatory)MOD UCELLFRC(Mandatory) Unique ID of a cell YES YES UCELLFRC UlBeTraffDecThs UL BE traffic DCH decision threshold ADD UCELLFRC(Optional)MOD UCELLFRC(Optional) to set up a PS domain background/interactive servic Rate threshold for the decision NO NO UCELLFRC DlBeTraffDecThs DL BE traffic DCH decision threshold ADD UCELLFRC(Optional)MOD UCELLFRC(Optional) to set up a PS domain background/interactive servic Rate threshold for the decision NO NO UCELLFRC AllowedSaveCodeResource Allowing Code ResourceADD UCELLFRC(Optional)MOD UCELLFRC(Optional) Saving Mode indication This parameter specifiesNO whether the DL code-resource-saving mode is applicable NO UCELLFRC EcN0Ths Ec/N0 threshold ADD UCELLFRC(Optional)MOD UCELLFRC(Optional)signal quality in a cell. If the reported Ec/No exceeds Threshold for determining the NO NO UCELLFRC EcN0EffectTime Ec/N0 effective time ADD UCELLFRC(Optional)MOD UCELLFRC(Optional) Ec/No is valid. The reported Ec/No is valid for the Time duration when the reported NO NO UCELLFREQUENCY RNCId RNC ID MOD UCELLFREQUENCY(Optional) ID of an RNC YES NO UCELLFREQUENCY CellId Cell ID MOD UCELLFREQUENCY(Mandatory) detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. ID of a cell. For YES YES UCELLFREQUENCY BandInd Band Indicator MOD UCELLFREQUENCY(Mandatory) Indicating the selected frequency Band in the cell setup process. For detailed inform YES YES UCELLFREQUENCY UARFCNUplinkInd UL Frequency Ind MOD UCELLFREQUENCY(Optional) Indicating whether the UL frequency of the cell need be configured. TRUE indicates NO NO UCELLFREQUENCY UARFCNUplink Uplink UARFCN MOD UCELLFREQUENCY(Optional) the value of [Band indication], as shown below:Band1:General freque Depending on NO NO UCELLFREQUENCY UARFCNDownlink Downlink UARFCN MOD UCELLFREQUENCY(Optional) the value of [Band indication], as shown below:Band1General freque Depending on NO NO UCELLGPSFRMTIMINGStartFlag GPS Frame Timing Active Flag ADD UCELLGPSFRMTIMING(Optional)MOD UCELLGPSFRMTIMING(Optional) timing measurement is no When the parameter is set to INACTIVE, the GPS frame NO NO UCELLHCS CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLHCS(Mandatory)MOD UCELLHCS(Mandatory)RMV UCELLHCS(Mandatory) ID of a cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. YES YES UCELLHCS UseOfHcs Use of HCS ADD UCELLHCS(Optional)MOD UCELLHCS(Optional) For details, refer to 3GPP TS 25.304. Indicating whether HCS is used. NO YES UCELLHCS HCSPrio HCS priority level ADD UCELLHCS(Optional)MOD UCELLHCS(Optional) to.NO parameter depends on HCS rules. For detai HCS priority of the cell belongs NO The UCELLHCS SsearchHCS HCS cell reselection thresholdUCELLHCS(Optional)MOD UCELLHCS(Optional) start threshold. When Srxlev of the serving cell is ADD Intra-system HCS cell reselection NO NO UCELLHCS SHCSRat HCS inter-rat reselectionADD UCELLHCS(Optional)MOD UCELLHCS(Optional) start threshold. When Srxlev of the serving cell is threshold Inter-system HCS cell reselection NO NO UCELLHCS Qhcs Quality threshold for HCS reselection ADD UCELLHCS(Optional)MODthreshold of HCSNO reselection. It can be used to calculate the quality leve Quality UCELLHCS(Optional) NO cell UCELLHCS TCRmax Time for evaluating max ADD UCELLHCS(Optional)MOD UCELLHCS(Optional) NO This parameter, along with the [Max number cell reselection Maximum duration of cellNO reselection. UCELLHCS CRMaxNum Max number of cell reselectionUCELLHCS(Optional)MOD UCELLHCS(Optional) NOThis parameter, along with the [Time for evalu ADD Maximum number of cell NO reselection. UCELLHCS TCrmaxHyst Time before revert to low-mobility meas ADD UCELLHCS(Optional)MOD UCELLHCS(Optional) NOmeasurement. For detailed information of this Time before reverting to low-mobility NO UCELLHCS SlimitSearchRat HCS search inter-rat limit threshold ADD UCELLHCS(Optional)MOD does not start the inter-RAT measurement if it detects that the quality of the The UE UCELLHCS(Optional) NO NO UCELLHCSHO CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLHCSHO(Mandatory)MODaUCELLHCSHO(Mandatory)RMV UCELLHCSHO(Mandatory) Unique ID of cell YES YES UCELLHCSHO SpdEstSwitch Algorithm Switch for UE Speed Estimation ADD UCELLHCSHO(Optional)MOD UCELLHCSHO(Optional)estimation. This parameter indicates whether Switch of the algorithm for UE speed NO NO UCELLHCSHO TFastSpdEst Time Window for UE Fast Speed Decision ADD UCELLHCSHO(Optional)MOD UCELLHCSHO(Optional) UE is in high-mobility state.The start point Time window for estimating whether the NO NO UCELLHCSHO NFastSpdEst Threshold for UE Fast Speed Decision ADD UCELLHCSHO(Optional)MOD UCELLHCSHO(Optional) UE is in high-mobility state.After the UE repo Threshold for determining whetherNO NO the UCELLHCSHO TCycleSlow Period for UE Slow Speed Decision ADD UCELLHCSHO(Optional)MOD UCELLHCSHO(Optional)is in low-mobility state. The RNC periodically d Period for determine whether the UE NO NO UCELLHCSHO TSlowSpdEst Time Window for UE Slow Speed Decision ADD UCELLHCSHO(Optional)MOD UCELLHCSHO(Optional) UE is in low-mobility state. Every time the slo Time window for deciding whetherNO NO the UCELLHCSHO NSlowSpdEst Threshold for UE Slow Speed UCELLHCSHO(Optional)MOD UCELLHCSHO(Optional) UE is in low-mobility state. After the UE repo ADD Decision Threshold for determining whetherNO NO the UCELLHCSHO TRelateLength Time Window For Ping-Pong Handover Decision in Best Cell UCELLHCSHO(Optional) ping-pong handover occurs in the best cell du ADD UCELLHCSHO(Optional)MOD for determining whether Time window NO NO
UCELLHOCOMM CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLHOCOMM(Mandatory)MOD UCELLHOCOMM(Mandatory)RMV UCELLHOCOMM(Mandatory) Unique ID of a cell YES YES UCELLHOCOMM InterFreqRATSwitch Inter-Frequency and Inter-RATUCELLHOCOMM(Optional)MOD UCELLHOCOMM(Optional) ADD Coexist Switch Cell-level switch for controlling inter-frequency and inter-RAT handover.When interNO NO UCELLHOCOMM CoexistMeasThdChoice Inter-Freq and Inter-RAT ADD UCELLHOCOMM(Optional)MOD UCELLHOCOMM(Optional)measurement threshold of which measur Coexist Measure Threshold Choice This parameter specifiesNO event 2D/2F the NO UCELLHOCOMM CSServiceHOSwitch Inter-RAT CS Handover Switch ADD UCELLHOCOMM(Optional)MOD UCELLHOCOMM(Optional) for CS services.When the switch is set Whether the cell allows inter-RAT NO NO handover UCELLHOCOMM PSServiceHOSwitch Inter-RAT PS Handover Switch ADD UCELLHOCOMM(Optional)MOD UCELLHOCOMM(Optional) for PS services.When the switch is set Whether the cell allows inter-RAT NO NO handover UCELLHSDPA CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLHSDPA(Mandatory)MOD UCELLHSDPA(Mandatory)RMV UCELLHSDPA(Mandatory) ID of a cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. YES YES UCELLHSDPA AllocCodeMode Allocate Code Mode ADD UCELLHSDPA(Optional)MOD UCELLHSDPA(Optional) Number for HS-PDSCH " determines HS-PD If Manual is chosen, parameter " Code NO NO UCELLHSDPA HsPdschCodeNum Code Number for HS-PDSCH UCELLHSDPA(Optional)MOD UCELLHSDPA(Optional) of HS-DPSCH codes. This parameter is valid ADD The parameter specifies NO number the NO UCELLHSDPA HsPdschMaxCodeNum Code Max Number for HS-PDSCH ADD UCELLHSDPA(Optional)MOD UCELLHSDPA(Optional) The parameter determines the maximum number of HS-PDSCH codes (SF=16). Th NO NO UCELLHSDPA HsPdschMinCodeNum Code Min Number for HS-PDSCH ADD UCELLHSDPA(Optional)MOD UCELLHSDPA(Optional) number of the HS-PDSCH codes (SF=16). T The parameter specifies NO minimum the NO UCELLHSDPA HsScchCodeNum Code Number for HS-SCCH UCELLHSDPA(Optional)MOD UCELLHSDPA(Optional) number of subscribers that the NodeB can s ADD This parameter decides the maximum NO NO UCELLHSDPA HspaPower The Offset of HSPA Total Power ADD UCELLHSDPA(Optional)MOD UCELLHSDPA(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO offset between the total HSPA power and the maximu the NO UCELLHSDPA HsPdschMPOConstEnum HS-PDSCH MPO Constant UCELLHSDPA(Optional)MOD UCELLHSDPA(Optional) Offset Constant is used to compute measur ADD This parameter named Measure Power NO NO UCELLHSDPA CodeAdjForHsdpaSwitch Code Adjust Switch for HSDPA ADD UCELLHSDPA(Optional)MOD UCELLHSDPA(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO reshuffling switch for HDSPA. If the switch is set as O code NO UCELLHSDPA CodeAdjForHsdpaUserNumThd User Number for Code Adjust UCELLHSDPA(Optional)MOD UCELLHSDPA(Mandatory) threshold. When the switch "Code Adjust ADD for HSDPA H-based code tree reshuffle user number NO NO UCELLHSDPA HCodeAdjPunshTimerLength Timer Length for ADD UCELLHSDPA(Optional)MOD UCELLHSDPA(Optional) punish timer length for code adjust for hsdpa. Punish Code Adjust for HSDPA This parameter is used for setting NO NO the UCELLHSDPA MIMOMPOConstant MIMO MPO Constant[dB] DD UCELLHSDPA(Optional)MOD UCELLHSDPA(Optional) for calculating MPO. The formula is as follow A Measure power offset (MPO) constant NO NO UCELLHSUPA CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLHSUPA(Mandatory)MOD UCELLHSUPA(Mandatory)RMV UCELLHSUPA(Mandatory) ID of a cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. YES YES UCELLHSUPA EagchCodeNum Code Number for E-AGCH UCELLHSUPA(Optional)MOD UCELLHSUPA(Optional) of codes (SF=256) used by the E-DCH Absolu ADD The parameter specifies NO number the NO UCELLHSUPA ErgchEhichCodeNum Code Number for E-RGCH/E-HICH ADD UCELLHSUPA(Optional)MOD UCELLHSUPA(Optional) of codes (SF=128) used by the E-DCH Relativ The parameter specifies NO number the NO UCELLHSUPA MaxTargetUlLoadFactor Maximum Target Uplink Load UCELLHSUPA(Optional)MOD UCELLHSUPA(Optional) ADD Factor The parameter specifies NO targetNO the value of the uplink load. HSUPA power control o UCELLHSUPA NonServToTotalEdchPwrRatio Non-serving E-DCH to UCELLHSUPA(Optional)MOD UCELLHSUPA(Optional) the non-serving E-DCH RX power to the total E Target ADD Total E-DCH Power Ratio This parameter specifiesNO ratio NO the of UCELLID RNCId RNC ID MOD UCELLID(Optional)D of an RNC I YES NO UCELLID SrcCellID Source Cell ID MOD UCELLID(Mandatory) ID before modification Cell YES YES UCELLID DesCellID Destination Cell ID MOD UCELLID(Mandatory) cell ID New YES YES UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Mandatory)MOD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Mandatory)RMV UCELLIN Unique ID of a cell YES YES UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV InterFreqReportMode Inter-frequency Measure ADD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODNO report mode.If this parameter is set to PERIODICAL_ Report Mode Inter-frequency measurement UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV InterFreqFilterCoef Inter-frequency Measure ADD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODNO Layer 3 filter coefficient for the inter-frequency measur Filter Coeff This parameter specifies UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) the NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV PrdReportInterval Inter-frequency Measure ADD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODNO Periodical MeasurementInterval between periodic UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) Report Period reporting for the inter-frequency handover. In periodic repo NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV HystFor2B 2B Hysteresis ADD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODevent 2B.The value of this parameter is associated with the Hysteresis for triggering NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV HystFor2D 2D Hysteresis ADD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODevent 2D.The value of this parameter is associated with the Hysteresis for triggering NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV HystFor2F 2F Hysteresis ADD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODevent 2F.The value of this parameter is associated with the Hysteresis for triggering NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV HystForPrdInterFreq HHO Hysteresis ADD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODNO Hysteresis in the inter-frequency hard handover triggered by the periodic measurem UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV WeightForUsedFreq Weight for Used frequency UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODNO ADD The parameter WeightForUsedFreq is the frequency weighting factor used to calcu UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV TimeToTrig2B Event 2B Trigger Delay ADD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODNO Interval time between the UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) detection of event 2B and sending of measurement repor NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV TimeToTrig2D Event 2D Trigger Delay ADD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODNO Interval time between detection of NO 2D and sending of the measurement repor UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) event UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV TimeToTrig2F Event 2F Trigger Delay ADD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODNO Interval time between detection of NO 2F and sending of the measurement repor UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) event UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV TimeToTrigForPrdInterFreq Period Trigger Delay HHO ADD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODNO periodical reports and triggering of the inter-frequency Interval between reception of UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV InterFreqCSThd2DEcN0Inter-freq CS Measure Start Ec/No THD ADD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODNO the inter-frequency measurement for CS services.The Ec/No threshold of triggering UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV InterFreqCSThd2FEcN0 Inter-freq CS Measure Stop Ec/No THD ADD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODNO the inter-frequency measurement for CS services.The Ec/No threshold of stopping UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV InterFreqR99PsThd2DEcN0 Inter-freq R99 PS Measure Start Ec/No THD ADD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODNO the inter-frequency measurement for PS non-HSPA se Ec/No threshold of triggering UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV InterFreqHThd2DEcN0 Inter-freq H Measure Start Ec/No THD ADD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODNO the inter-frequency measurement for HSPA services.T Ec/No threshold of triggering UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV InterFreqR99PsThd2FEcN0 Inter-freq R99 PS Measure Stop Ec/No THD ADD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODNO the inter-frequency measurement for PS non-HSPA se Ec/No threshold of stopping UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV InterFreqHThd2FEcN0 Inter-freq H Measure Stop Ec/No THD ADD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODNO the inter-frequency measurement for HSPA services.Th Ec/No threshold of stopping UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV InterFreqCSThd2DRSCP Inter-freq CS Measure Start RSCP THD ADD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODNO the inter-frequency measurement for CS services.The RSCP threshold of triggering UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV InterFreqCSThd2FRSCPInter-freq CS Measure Stop RSCP THD ADD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODNO the inter-frequency measurement for CS services.The RSCP threshold of stopping UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV InterFreqR99PsThd2DRSCP Inter-freq R99 PS Measure Start RSCP THD ADD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODNO the inter-frequency measurement for PS non-HSPA se RSCP threshold of triggering UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV InterFreqHThd2DRSCP Inter-freq H Measure Start RSCP THD ADD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODNO the inter-frequency measurement for HSPA services.T RSCP threshold of triggering UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV InterFreqR99PsThd2FRSCP Inter-freq R99 PS Measure Stop RSCP THD ADD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODNO the inter-frequency measurement for PS non-HSPA se RSCP threshold of stopping UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV InterFreqHThd2FRSCP Inter-freq H Measure Stop RSCP THD ADD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODNO the inter-frequency measurement for HSPA services.Th RSCP threshold of stopping UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV TargetFreqCsThdEcN0 Inter-freq CS Target Frequency Trigger Ec/No THD ADD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODNO Threshold of the target frequency for triggering inter-frequency measurement based UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV TargetFreqHThdEcN0 Inter-freq HSPA Target Frequency Trigger Ec/No Threshold of the target frequency for triggering inter-frequency measurement based ADD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODNO THD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV TargetFreqR99PsThdEcN0 Inter-freq R99 PS TargetADD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODNO Frequency Trigger Ec/No THD Threshold of the target frequency for triggering inter-frequency measurement based UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV TargetFreqCsThdRscp Inter-freq CS Target Frequency Trigger RSCP THD ADD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODNO Threshold of the target frequency for triggering inter-frequency measurement based UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV TargetFreqHThdRscp Inter-freq HSPA Target Frequency Trigger RSCP Threshold of the target frequency for triggering inter-frequency measurement based ADD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODNO THD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV TargetFreqR99PsThdRscp Inter-freq R99 PS TargetADD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODNO Frequency Trigger RSCP THD Threshold of the target frequency for triggering inter-frequency measurement based UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV UsedFreqCSThdEcN0 Inter-freq CS Used frequency trigger Ec/No THD Threshold of used frequency quality for triggering inter-frequency measurement bas ADD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODNO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV UsedFreqR99PsThdEcN0 Inter-freq R99 PS Used frequency trigger Ec/No THD ADD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODNO quality for triggering inter-frequency measurement bas Threshold of used frequency UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV UsedFreqHThdEcN0 Inter-freq H Used frequency trigger Ec/No THD Threshold of used frequency quality for triggering inter-frequency measurement bas ADD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODNO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV UsedFreqCSThdRSCP Inter-freq CS Used frequency trigger RSCP THD Threshold of used frequency quality for triggering inter-frequency measurement bas ADD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODNO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV UsedFreqR99PsThdRSCP Inter-freq R99 PS Used frequency trigger RSCP THD ADD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODNO quality for triggering inter-frequency measurement bas Threshold of used frequency UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV UsedFreqHThdRSCP Inter-freq H Used frequency trigger RSCP THD Threshold of used frequency quality for triggering inter-frequency measurement bas ADD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODNO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV InterFreqMeasTime Inter-freq Measure TimerADD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODNO Length Length of the timer for the inter-frequency measurement.If the inter-frequency hand UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV PeriodFor2B 2B Event Retry Period ADD UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODNO failure in the inter-frequency handover triggered by th Sets the interval betweenUCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) the NO
UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV AmntOfRpt2B 2B Event Retry Max Times UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODNO ADD Maximum number of inter-frequency handover re-attempts after event 2B is reporte UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) NO UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV TimeToInterfreqHO Inter-freq Coverage Handover UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)MODNO ADD Trigger Delay Maximum delay before triggering the inter-frequency coverage handover. If the inter UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) NO UCELLINTERFREQHONCOV CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLINTERFREQHONCOV(Mandatory)MOD UCELLINTERFREQHONCOV(Mandatory)RMV UCEL Unique ID of a cell YES YES UCELLINTERFREQHONCOV InterFreqFilterCoef Inter-frequency Measure ADD UCELLINTERFREQHONCOV(Optional)MOD UCELLINTERFREQHONCOV(Optional) Filter Coeff This parameter specifiesNO Layer 3 filter coefficient for the inter-frequency measur the NO UCELLINTERFREQHONCOV Hystfor2C 2C Hysteresis ADD UCELLINTERFREQHONCOV(Optional)MOD2C.The NO of this parameter is associated with the slo Hysteresis used for event UCELLINTERFREQHONCOV(Optional) NO value UCELLINTERFREQHONCOV TrigTime2C Event 2C Trigger Delay ADD UCELLINTERFREQHONCOV(Optional)MOD UCELLINTERFREQHONCOV(Optional) Interval time between detection of NO 2C and sending of the measurement repor NO event UCELLINTERFREQHONCOV InterFreqCovHOThdEcN0 Inter-Freq Measure Target Frequency Trigger Ec/No THD of the target frequency quality for triggering inter-frequency handover. Th ADD UCELLINTERFREQHONCOV(Optional)MOD UCELLINTERFREQHONCOV(Optional) Threshold NO NO UCELLINTERFREQHONCOV InterFreqMeasTime Inter-freq Measure TimerADD UCELLINTERFREQHONCOV(Optional)MOD inter-frequency measurement.If the inter-frequency hand Length Length of the timer for the UCELLINTERFREQHONCOV(Optional) NO NO UCELLINTERFREQHONCOV PeriodFor2C 2C Event Retry Period ADD UCELLINTERFREQHONCOV(Optional)MOD UCELLINTERFREQHONCOV(Optional) Interval between the handover re-attempts for event 2C. If the inter-frequency hand NO NO UCELLINTERFREQHONCOV AmntOfRpt2C Event 2C Retry Max Times UCELLINTERFREQHONCOV(Optional)MOD UCELLINTERFREQHONCOV(Optional) specifies the ADD Maximum number of handover attempts for event 2C. This parameter NO NO UCELLINTERRATHOCOV CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Mandatory)MODYES Unique ID of a cell UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Mandatory)RMV UCELLINTER YES UCELLINTERRATHOCOV InterRatReportMode Inter-RAT Report Mode ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MOD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) Inter-RAT measurement reporting NO NO mode.When PERIODICAL_REPORTING is sele UCELLINTERRATHOCOV FilterCoefOf2D2F 2D/2F Filter Coefficient ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MOD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) this parameter is set L3 filtering coefficient for NO 2DNOevent 2F measurementIf event or UCELLINTERRATHOCOV MeasQuantityOf3A 3A Measure Quantity ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MOD used in coverage-based inter-RAT measurement in event 3A Measurement quantity UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) NO NO UCELLINTERRATHOCOV InterRATFilterCoef Inter-RAT Filter Coefficient ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MOD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)inter-RAT measuremen This parameter specifiesNO Layer 3 filter coefficient for the the NO UCELLINTERRATHOCOV WeightForUsedFreq Weight for Used Frequency UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MOD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) factor used to calcu ADD The parameter WeightForUsedFreq is the frequency weighting NO NO UCELLINTERRATHOCOV InterRATPeriodReportInterval Inter-RAT Period Reporting Interval ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MOD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) the RNC.This param Interval that the UE reports inter-RAT measurement results to NO NO UCELLINTERRATHOCOV Hystfor2D 2D Hysteresis ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MOD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) ping-pong reporting of Hysteresis for event 2D. This parameter is used to avoid the NO NO UCELLINTERRATHOCOV Hystfor2F 2F Hysteresis ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MOD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) Hysteresis for event 2F.The value NO parameter is associated with slow fading. I NO of this UCELLINTERRATHOCOV Hystfor3A 3A Hysteresis ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MOD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) Hysteresis for event 3A.The value NOthis parameter is associated with slow fading. NO of UCELLINTERRATHOCOV HystforInterRAT Inter-RAT Hysteresis ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MOD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)is used to avoid incorre Hysteresis for inter-RAT periodicalNO NO reporting.This parameter UCELLINTERRATHOCOV TrigTime2D 2D Event Trigger Delay Time UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MOD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) measurement repor ADD Interval time between detection of NO 2D and sending of the NO event UCELLINTERRATHOCOV TrigTime2F 2F Event Trigger Delay Time UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MOD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) measurement repor ADD Interval time between detection of NO 2F and sending of the NO event UCELLINTERRATHOCOV TrigTime3A 3A Event Trigger Delay Time UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MOD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) measurement repor ADD Interval time between detection of NO 3A and sending of the NO event UCELLINTERRATHOCOV TimeToTrigForNonVerifyTime to Trigger Handover to Non-Verified GSM Cell delay for triggering NO ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MOD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) Time handovers to GSM cells with non-verified BSIC.During the NO UCELLINTERRATHOCOV TimeToTrigForVerify Time to Trigger Handover to Verified GSM Cell Time delay for triggering NO ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MOD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) BSIC.During the peri handovers to GSM cells with verified NO UCELLINTERRATHOCOV BSICVerify BSIC Verify Switch ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MOD Base Station Identity Code (BSIC). This parameter is used t Switch for verifying the UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) NO NO UCELLINTERRATHOCOV InterRATCSThd2DEcN0Inter-RAT CS Measure Start Ec/No THD ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MOD inter-RAT measurement for CS services when measuremen Threshold of triggering UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) NO NO UCELLINTERRATHOCOV InterRATCSThd2FEcN0 Inter-RAT CS Measure Stop Ec/No THD ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MODinter-RAT measurement for CS services when measurement Threshold of stopping UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) NO NO UCELLINTERRATHOCOV InterRATR99PsThd2DEcN0 Inter-RAT R99 PS Measure Start Ec/No THD ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MOD inter-RAT measurement for PS domain non-HSPA services Threshold of triggering UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) NO NO UCELLINTERRATHOCOV InterRATHThd2DEcN0 Inter-RAT HSPA Measure Start Ec/No THD ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MOD inter-RAT measurement for HSPA services when measurem Threshold of triggering UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) NO NO UCELLINTERRATHOCOV InterRATR99PsThd2FEcN0 Inter-RAT R99 PS Measure Stop Ec/No THD ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MOD inter-RAT measurement for PS domain non-HSPA services Threshold of triggering UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) NO NO UCELLINTERRATHOCOV InterRATHThd2FEcN0 Inter-RAT HSPA Measure Stop Ec/No THD ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MODinter-RAT measurement for HSPA services when measureme Threshold of stopping UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) NO NO UCELLINTERRATHOCOV InterRATCSThd2DRSCP Inter-RAT CS Measure Start RSCP THD ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MOD inter-RAT measurement for CS services when measuremen Threshold of triggering UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) NO NO UCELLINTERRATHOCOV InterRATCSThd2FRSCPInter-RAT CS Measure Stop RSCP THD ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MODinter-RAT measurement for CS services when measurement Threshold of stopping UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) NO NO UCELLINTERRATHOCOV InterRATR99PsThd2DRSCP Inter-RAT R99 PS Measure Start RSCP THD ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MOD inter-RAT measurement for PS domain non-HSPA services Threshold of triggering UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) NO NO UCELLINTERRATHOCOV InterRATHThd2DRSCP Inter-RAT HSPA Measure Start RSCP THD ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MOD inter-RAT measurement for HSPA services when measurem Threshold of triggering UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) NO NO UCELLINTERRATHOCOV InterRATR99PsThd2FRSCP Inter-RAT R99 PS Measure Stop RSCP THD ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MODinter-RAT measurement for PS domain non-HSPA services w Threshold of stopping UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) NO NO UCELLINTERRATHOCOV InterRATHThd2FRSCP Inter-RAT HSPA Measure Stop RSCP THD ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MODinter-RAT measurement for HSPA services when measureme Threshold of stopping UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) NO NO UCELLINTERRATHOCOV TargetRatCsThd Inter-RAT CS Handover Decision THD ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MOD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) Quality requirement for the cell of another RAT during inter-RAT handover for CS do NO NO UCELLINTERRATHOCOV TargetRatR99PsThd Inter-RAT R99 PS Handover Decision THD ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MOD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) Quality requirement for the cell of another RAT during inter-RAT handover for PS do NO NO UCELLINTERRATHOCOV TargetRatHThd Inter-RAT HSPA Handover Decision THD ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MOD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) Quality requirement for the cell of another RAT during inter-RAT handover for HSPA NO NO UCELLINTERRATHOCOV UsedFreqCsThdEcN0 Inter-RAT CS Used Frequency Trigger Ec/No THD ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MOD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) CS services, if Ec/No Ec/No quality threshold for used frequency of CS services.For NO NO UCELLINTERRATHOCOV UsedFreqR99PsThdEcN0 Inter-RAT R99 PS Used ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MOD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) Frequency Trigger Ec/No THD quality threshold for used frequency of PS domain non-HSPA services.For P Ec/No NO NO UCELLINTERRATHOCOV UsedFreqHThdEcN0 Inter-RAT HSPA Used Frequency Trigger Ec/No THD quality threshold UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MOD for used frequency of HSPA services.For HSPA services, if Ec/No NO NO UCELLINTERRATHOCOV UsedFreqCsThdRscp Inter-RAT CS Used Frequency Trigger RSCP THD ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MOD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) RSCP quality threshold for used frequency of CS domain services. For CS services NO NO UCELLINTERRATHOCOV UsedFreqR99PsThdRscp Inter-RAT R99 PS Used ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MOD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) Frequency Trigger RSCP THD quality threshold for used frequency of PS domain non-HSPA services. For P RSCP NO NO UCELLINTERRATHOCOV UsedFreqHThdRscp Inter-RAT HSPA Used Frequency Trigger RSCP THD quality threshold UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) For HSPA services, if ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MOD for used frequency of HSPA services. RSCP NO NO UCELLINTERRATHOCOV InterRATMeasTime Inter-RAT Measure Timer Length ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MODinter-RAT measurement.After inter-RAT measurement starts Length of the timer for UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) NO NO UCELLINTERRATHOCOV InterRATPingPongTimerInter-RAT Ping-Pong Timer UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MOD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) and 3G networks.Wh ADD Length of the timer to avoid ping-pong handovers between 2G NO NO UCELLINTERRATHOCOV InterRATPingPongHyst Inter-RAT Ping-Pong Hysteresis ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MOD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) networks. When a UE Hysteresis to avoid ping-pong handover between 2G and 3G NO NO UCELLINTERRATHOCOV PeriodFor3A 3A Event Retry Period ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MOD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) Interval between handover attempts for event 3A. This parameter specifies the inte NO NO UCELLINTERRATHOCOV AmntOfRpt3A 3A Event Maximum Retry Times ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MOD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) Maximum number of handover attempts after inter-RAT handover triggered by even NO NO UCELLINTERRATHOCOV InterRatPhyChFailNum Inter-RAT HO Physical Channel Failure THD ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MOD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) to physical channel fa Maximum number of inter-RAT handover failures allowed due NO NO UCELLINTERRATHOCOV PenaltyTimeForPhyChFail Inter-RAT HO Physical Channel Failure Penalty Timer ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)MOD for inter-RAT handover failure due to physical channel failure Duration of the penalty UCELLINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) NO NO UCELLINTERRATHONCOV CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLINTERRATHONCOV(Mandatory)MOD UCELLINTERRATHONCOV(Mandatory)RMV UCELLIN Unique ID of a cell YES YES UCELLINTERRATHONCOV InterRATFilterCoef Inter-RAT Filter Coefficient ADD UCELLINTERRATHONCOV(Optional)MOD NO Layer 3 filter coefficient for the inter-RAT measuremen This parameter specifies UCELLINTERRATHONCOV(Optional) the NO UCELLINTERRATHONCOV Hystfor3C 3C Hysteresis ADD UCELLINTERRATHONCOV(Optional)MOD NO Hysteresis used for eventUCELLINTERRATHONCOV(Optional) 3C.The NO of this parameter is associated with the slo value UCELLINTERRATHONCOV TrigTime3C Event 3C Trigger Delay ADD UCELLINTERRATHONCOV(Optional)MOD NO Interval time between detection of NO 3C and sending of the measurement repor UCELLINTERRATHONCOV(Optional) event UCELLINTERRATHONCOV BSICVerify BSIC Verify Switch ADD UCELLINTERRATHONCOV(Optional)MOD NO Station Identity Code (BSIC). This parameter is used t Switch for verifying the Base UCELLINTERRATHONCOV(Optional) NO UCELLINTERRATHONCOV InterRATNCovHOCSThd Inter-RAT CS Handover Decision THD ADD UCELLINTERRATHONCOV(Optional)MOD NO of another RAT during inter-RAT handover for CS do Quality requirement for the cell NO UCELLINTERRATHONCOV(Optional) UCELLINTERRATHONCOV InterRATNCovHOPSThdInter-RAT PS Handover Decision THD ADD UCELLINTERRATHONCOV(Optional)MOD NO of another RAT during inter-RAT handover for CS do Quality requirement for the cell NO UCELLINTERRATHONCOV(Optional) UCELLINTERRATHONCOV InterRATHOAttempts Inter-RAT Handover MaxADD UCELLINTERRATHONCOV(Optional)MOD NO Attempt Times Maximum number of inter-RAT handover attempts after the non-coverage-based ha UCELLINTERRATHONCOV(Optional) NO UCELLINTERRATHONCOV InterRATMeasTime Inter-RAT Measure Timer Length ADD UCELLINTERRATHONCOV(Optional)MOD NO Length of the timer for inter-RAT measurement.After inter-RAT measurement starts UCELLINTERRATHONCOV(Optional) NO
UCELLINTERRATHONCOV CSHOOut2GloadThd CS Domain Reloc GSM Load THD ADD UCELLINTERRATHONCOV(Optional)MOD NO threshold for 2G load of relocation target, in an inter-R This parameter specifies UCELLINTERRATHONCOV(Optional) the NO UCELLINTERRATHONCOV PSHOOut2GloadThd PS Domain Reloc GSM Load THD ADD UCELLINTERRATHONCOV(Optional)MOD NO threshold for 2G load of relocation target, in an inter-R This parameter specifies UCELLINTERRATHONCOV(Optional) the NO UCELLINTERRATHONCOV PeriodFor3C Event 3C Retry Period ADD UCELLINTERRATHONCOV(Optional)MOD NO re-attempts for event 3C. This parameter specifies th Interval between the handover UCELLINTERRATHONCOV(Optional) NO UCELLINTERRATHONCOV AmntOfRpt3C Event 3C Retry Max Times UCELLINTERRATHONCOV(Optional)MOD NO re-attempts for event 3C. This parameter specifies t ADD Maximum number of handover NO UCELLINTERRATHONCOV(Optional) UCELLINTERRATHONCOV InterRatPhyChFailNum Inter-RAT HO Physical Channel Failure THD ADD UCELLINTERRATHONCOV(Optional)MOD NO handover failures allowed due to physical channel fa Maximum number of inter-RAT NO UCELLINTERRATHONCOV(Optional) UCELLINTERRATHONCOV PenaltyTimeForPhyChFail Inter-RAT HO Physical Channel Failure Penalty Timer ADD UCELLINTERRATHONCOV(Optional)MOD NO Duration of the penalty for inter-RAT handover failure due to physical channel failure UCELLINTERRATHONCOV(Optional) NO UCELLINTRAFREQHO RNCId RNC ID ADD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Mandatory)RMV UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Mandatory)MOD UCELLINTRAFRE ID of an RNC YES YES UCELLINTRAFREQHO CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Mandatory)RMV UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Mandatory)MOD UCELLINTRAFRE Unique ID of a cell YES YES UCELLINTRAFREQHO IntraFreqFilterCoef Intra-frequency L3 Filter Coefficient ADD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional)MOD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional) the intra-frequency measur This parameter specifiesNO Layer 3 filter coefficient for the NO UCELLINTRAFREQHO IntraFreqMeasQuantity Intra-frequency Measurement Quantity ADD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional)MOD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional) Quantity of the triggered NO measurements for intra-frequency handovers. This param NO UCELLINTRAFREQHO PeriodMRReportNumfor1A Event 1A to Periodical Report UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional)MOD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional) ADD Number Maximum number of reporting event 1A after the reporting mode is changed to peri NO NO UCELLINTRAFREQHO ReportIntervalfor1A Event 1A to Periodical Report UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional)MOD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional) mode is changed to period ADD Period Interval at which event 1A is reported after the reporting NO NO UCELLINTRAFREQHO PeriodMRReportNumfor1C Event 1C to Periodical Report UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional)MOD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional) ADD Number Maximum number of reporting event 1C after the reporting mode is changed to peri NO NO UCELLINTRAFREQHO ReportIntervalfor1C Event 1C to Periodical Report UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional)MOD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional) mode is changed to period ADD Period Interval at which event 1A is reported after the reporting NO NO UCELLINTRAFREQHO PeriodMRReportNumfor1J Event 1J to Periodical Report Number ADD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional)MOD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional) Maximum number of reporting event 1J after the reporting mode is changed to perio NO NO UCELLINTRAFREQHO ReportIntervalfor1J Event 1J to Periodical Report Period ADD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional)MOD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional) mode is changed to periodi Interval at which event 1J is reported after the reporting NO NO UCELLINTRAFREQHO IntraRelThdFor1ACSVP VP Service Event 1A Relative UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional)MOD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional) ADD Threshold Relative threshold for event 1A decision when VP service is performed. If this para NO NO UCELLINTRAFREQHO IntraRelThdFor1ACSNVP Non-VP Service Event 1A UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional)MOD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional) service is performed in CS d CS ADD Relative THD Relative threshold for event 1A decision when non-VP NO NO UCELLINTRAFREQHO IntraRelThdFor1APS PS Service Event 1A Relative UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional)MOD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional) ADD Threshold Relative threshold for event 1A decision when PS service is performed. If this param NO NO UCELLINTRAFREQHO IntraRelThdFor1BCSVP VP Service Event 1B Relative UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional)MOD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional) ADD Threshold Relative threshold for event 1B decision when VP service is performed. If this param NO NO UCELLINTRAFREQHO IntraRelThdFor1BCSNVP Non-VP Service Event 1B UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional)MOD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional) service is performed in CS d CS ADD Relative Threshold Relative threshold for event 1B decision when non-VP NO NO UCELLINTRAFREQHO IntraRelThdFor1BPS PS Service Event 1B Relative UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional)MOD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional) ADD Threshold Relative threshold for event 1B decision when PS service is performed. If this param NO NO UCELLINTRAFREQHO IntraAblThdFor1FEcNo Event 1F Absolute Ec/No Threshold ADD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional)MOD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional) Ec/No absolute threshold for event 1F in the SHO algorithm. This parameter must b NO NO UCELLINTRAFREQHO IntraAblThdFor1FRSCP Event 1F Absolute RSCP Threshold ADD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional)MOD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional) RSCP absolute threshold for event 1F in the SHO algorithm. This parameter must b NO NO UCELLINTRAFREQHO HystFor1A 1A Hysteresis ADD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional)MOD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional) 1A. The value of this parame This parameter specifiesNO hysteretic value for event the NO UCELLINTRAFREQHO HystFor1B 1B Hysteresis ADD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional)MOD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional) 1B. The value of this parame This parameter specifiesNO hysteretic value for event the NO UCELLINTRAFREQHO HystFor1C 1C Hysteresis ADD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional)MOD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional) 1C. The value of this parame This parameter specifiesNO hysteretic value for event the NO UCELLINTRAFREQHO HystFor1D 1D Hysteresis ADD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional)MOD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional) 1D. The value of this parame This parameter specifiesNO hysteretic value for event the NO UCELLINTRAFREQHO HystFor1F 1F Hysteresis ADD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional)MOD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional) 1F. The value of this parame This parameter specifiesNO hysteretic value for event the NO UCELLINTRAFREQHO HystFor1J 1J Hysteresis ADD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional)MOD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional) 1J. The value of this parame This parameter specifiesNO hysteretic value for event the NO UCELLINTRAFREQHO Weight Weighted factor ADD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional)MOD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional) Used for calculating the relative threshold of the soft handover based on the measu NO NO UCELLINTRAFREQHO TrigTime1A Event 1A Triggering Delay ADD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional)MOD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO interval time between detection of event 1A and sendin the NO UCELLINTRAFREQHO TrigTime1B Event 1B Triggering Delay ADD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional)MOD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO interval time between detection of event 1B and sendi the NO UCELLINTRAFREQHO TrigTime1C Event 1C Triggering Delay ADD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional)MOD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO interval time between detection of event 1C and sendi the NO UCELLINTRAFREQHO TrigTime1D Event 1D Triggering Delay ADD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional)MOD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO interval time between detection of event 1D and sendi the NO UCELLINTRAFREQHO TrigTime1F Event 1F Triggering Delay ADD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional)MOD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO interval time between detection of event 1F and sendin the NO UCELLINTRAFREQHO TrigTime1J Event 1J Triggering Delay DD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional)MOD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional) A This parameter specifiesNO interval time between detection of event 1J and sendin the NO UCELLINTRAFREQHO SHOQualmin Min Quality THD for SHO ADD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional)MOD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional) target cell can be added to th If events 1A, 1C, and 1D NO reported to the RNC, the are NO UCELLINTRAFREQHO MaxCellInActiveSet Max Number of Cell in Active Set ADD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional)MOD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional) Maximum number of cells in an active set. This parameter is used to achieve the ba NO NO UCELLINTRAFREQHO BlindHORSCP1FThreshold Event 1F Blind HandoverADD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional)MOD UCELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional) triggering blind handover. T Trigger Condition Threshold of the quality of the cell NO NO reporting event 1F for UCELLLDB CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLLDB(Mandatory)MOD UCELLLDB(Mandatory)RMV UCELLLDB(Mandatory) ID of a cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. YES YES UCELLLDB PCPICHPowerPace Pilot power adjustment step UCELLLDB(Optional)MOD UCELLLDB(Optional) ADD Pilot power adjustment step increased or decreased in each increase of the cell bre NO NO UCELLLDB CellOverrunThd Cell overload threshold ADD UCELLLDB(Optional)MOD UCELLLDB(Optional) this threshold, the algorithm will decrease the pilot If the cell downlink load exceeds NO NO UCELLLDB CellUnderrunThd Cell under load thresholdADD UCELLLDB(Optional)MOD UCELLLDB(Optional) than this threshold, the algorithm will increase the p If the cell downlink load is lower NO NO UCELLLDM CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLLDM(Mandatory)MOD UCELLLDM(Mandatory)RMV UCELLLDM(Mandatory) ID of a cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. YES YES UCELLLDM UlLdrTrigThd UL LDR trigger thresholdADD UCELLLDM(Optional)MOD UCELLLDM(Optional) to NO uplink capacity is not lower than this threshol If the ratio of UL load of the cell the NO UCELLLDM UlLdrRelThd UL LDR release threshold DD UCELLLDM(Optional)MOD UCELLLDM(Optional) to NO uplink capacity is lower than this threshold, th A If the ratio of UL load of the cell the NO UCELLLDM DlLdrTrigThd DL LDR trigger thresholdADD UCELLLDM(Optional)MOD UCELLLDM(Optional) to NO downlink capacity is not lower than this thresh If the ratio of DL load of the cell the NO UCELLLDM DlLdrRelThd DL LDR release threshold DD UCELLLDM(Optional)MOD UCELLLDM(Optional) to NO downlink capacity is lower than this threshold A If the ratio of DL load of the cell the NO UCELLLDM UlOlcTrigThd UL OLC trigger thresholdADD UCELLLDM(Optional)MOD UCELLLDM(Optional) to NO uplink capacity is not lower than this threshol If the ratio of UL load of the cell the NO UCELLLDM UlOlcRelThd UL OLC release threshold DD UCELLLDM(Optional)MOD UCELLLDM(Optional) to NO uplink capacity is lower than this threshold, th A If the ratio of UL load of the cell the NO UCELLLDM DlOlcTrigThd DL OLC trigger thresholdADD UCELLLDM(Optional)MOD UCELLLDM(Optional) to NO downlink capacity is not lower than this thresh If the ratio of DL load of the cell the NO UCELLLDM DlOlcRelThd DL OLC release threshold DD UCELLLDM(Optional)MOD UCELLLDM(Optional) to NO downlink capacity is lower than this threshold A If the ratio of DL load of the cell the NO UCELLLDM DlLdTrnsHysTime DL State Trans Hysteresis threshold ADD UCELLLDM(Optional)MOD UCELLLDM(Optional) lasted longer than this threshold, the DL load state If the DL load state of the cell is NO NO UCELLLDM HsupAuRetrnsLdTrigThdHSUPA auto retransmit load trigger threshold ADD UCELLLDM(Optional)MOD auto retransmit load trigger threshold. HSUPA UCELLLDM(Optional) NO NO UCELLLDM HsupAuRetrnsLdRelThdHSUPA auto retransmit load release threshold HSUPA auto retransmit load release threshold. ADD UCELLLDM(Optional)MOD UCELLLDM(Optional) NO NO UCELLLDR CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLLDR(Mandatory)MOD UCELLLDR(Mandatory)RMV UCELLLDR(Mandatory) ID of a cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. YES YES UCELLLDR DlLdrFirstAction DL LDR first action ADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional) NOACT: No load reshuffling actionNOtaken.INTERFREQLDHO: The inter-frequenc NO is UCELLLDR DlLdrSecondAction DL LDR second action ADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional)content as DlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, ho This parameter has the same NO NO UCELLLDR DlLdrThirdAction DL LDR third action ADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional)content as DlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, ho This parameter has the same NO NO UCELLLDR DlLdrFourthAction DL LDR fourth action ADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional)content as DlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, ho This parameter has the same NO NO UCELLLDR DlLdrFifthAction DL LDR fifth action ADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional)content as DlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, ho This parameter has the same NO NO UCELLLDR DlLdrSixthAction DL LDR sixth action ADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional)content as DlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, ho This parameter has the same NO NO UCELLLDR DlLdrSeventhAction DL LDR seventh action ADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional)content as DlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, ho This parameter has the same NO NO
UCELLLDR DlLdrEighthAction DL LDR eighth action ADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional)content as DlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, ho This parameter has the same NO NO UCELLLDR DlLdrNinthAction DL LDR ninth action ADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional)content as DlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, ho This parameter has the same NO NO UCELLLDR DlLdrTenthAction DL LDR tenth action ADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional)content as DlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, ho This parameter has the same NO NO UCELLLDR DlLdrBERateReductionRabNum DL LDR-BE rate reduction RAB number ADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional) DL NO BE traffic rate reduction. In the actual syste Number of RABs selected in a NO LDR UCELLLDR DlLdrPsRTQosRenegRabNum un-ctrl RT Qos re-nego RAB num DL LDR ADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional) DL NO uncontrolled real-time traffic QoS renegotia Number of RABs selected in a NO LDR UCELLLDR DlCSInterRatShouldBeHOUeNum DL CS should be HO user number ADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional) DL NO CS domain inter-RAT SHOULDBE load han Number of users selected in a NO LDR UCELLLDR DlPSInterRatShouldBeHOUeNum DL PS should be HO user number ADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional) DL NO PS domain inter-RAT SHOULDBE load han Number of users selected in a NO LDR UCELLLDR DlLdrAMRRateReductionRabNum DL LDR-AMR rate reduction RAB number ADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional) thatNO action is performed in each [LDR period] and The mechanism of the LDR is NO an UCELLLDR DlCSInterRatShouldNotHOUeNum DL CS should not be HOADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional) DL NO CS domain inter-RAT SHOULDNOTBE load user number Number of users selected in a NO LDR UCELLLDR DlPSInterRatShouldNotHOUeNum DL PS should not be HOADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional) DL NO PS domain inter-RAT SHOULDNOTBE load user number Number of users selected in a NO LDR UCELLLDR UlLdrFirstAction UL LDR first action ADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional) NOACT: No load reshuffling actionNOtaken.INTERFREQLDHO: The inter-frequenc NO is UCELLLDR UlLdrSecondAction UL LDR second action ADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional)content as UlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, ho This parameter has the same NO NO UCELLLDR UlLdrThirdAction UL LDR third action ADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional)content as UlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, ho This parameter has the same NO NO UCELLLDR UlLdrFourthAction UL LDR fourth action ADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional)content as UlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, ho This parameter has the same NO NO UCELLLDR UlLdrFifthAction UL LDR fifth action ADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional)content as UlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, ho This parameter has the same NO NO UCELLLDR UlLdrSixthAction UL LDR sixth action ADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional)content as UlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, ho This parameter has the same NO NO UCELLLDR UlLdrSeventhAction UL LDR seventh action ADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional)content as UlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, ho This parameter has the same NO NO UCELLLDR UlLdrEighthAction UL LDR eighth action ADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional)content as UlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, ho This parameter has the same NO NO UCELLLDR UlLdrBERateReductionRabNum UL LDR-BE rate reduction RAB number ADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional) UL NO BE traffic rate reduction. In the actual syste Number of RABs selected in a NO LDR UCELLLDR UlLdrPsRTQosRenegRabNum un-ctrl RT Qos re-nego RAB num UL LDR ADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional) UL NO uncontrolled real-time traffic QoS renegotia Number of RABs selected in a NO LDR UCELLLDR UlCSInterRatShouldBeHOUeNum UL CS should be HO user number ADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional) UL NO CS domain inter-RAT SHOULDBE load han Number of users selected in a NO LDR UCELLLDR UlPSInterRatShouldBeHOUeNum UL PS should be HO user number ADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional) UL NO PS domain inter-RAT SHOULDBE load han Number of users selected in a NO LDR UCELLLDR UlLdrAMRRateReductionRabNum UL LDR-AMR rate reduction RAB number ADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional) thatNO action is performed in each [LDR period] and The mechanism of the LDR is NO an UCELLLDR UlCSInterRatShouldNotHOUeNum UL CS should not be HOADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional) UL NO CS domain inter-RAT SHOULDNOTBE load user number Number of users selected in a NO LDR UCELLLDR UlPSInterRatShouldNotHOUeNum UL PS should not be HOADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional) UL NO PS domain inter-RAT SHOULDNOTBE load user number Number of users selected in a NO LDR UCELLLDR UlInterFreqHoCellLoadSpaceThd UL HO load space threshold UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional) cell could be selected as the destination of load ha ADD The inter-frequency neighboring NO NO UCELLLDR DlInterFreqHoCellLoadSpaceThd DL HO load space threshold UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional) cell could be selected as the destination of load ha ADD The inter-frequency neighboring NO NO UCELLLDR UlInterFreqHoBWThd UL HO maximum bandwidth UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD can be selected NO ADD The UE UCELLLDR(Optional) to process load handover only when its bandwidth is less t NO UCELLLDR DlInterFreqHoBWThd DL HO maximum bandwidth UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD can be selected NO ADD The UE UCELLLDR(Optional) to process load handover only when its bandwidth is less t NO UCELLLDR MbmsDecPowerRabThdMBMS descend power rab threshold ADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional) MBMS services exceeds this threshold, reconfigure When the priority of the RAB of NO NO UCELLLDR CellLdrSfResThd Cell LDR SF reserved threshold ADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO Cell SF reserved threshold used for judging whether th the NO UCELLLDR LdrCodePriUseInd LDR code priority indicator ADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD means not considering theNO priority during the code reshuffling. TRUE m FALSE UCELLLDR(Optional) NO code UCELLLDR MaxUserNumCodeAdj Max user number of code adjust ADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO number of users selected in code reshuffling. Code re the NO UCELLLDR UlLdrCreditSfResThd Ul LDR credit SF reserved threshold ADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional) credit LDR. The uplink credit LDR could be trigger Reserved SF threshold in uplink NO NO UCELLLDR DlLdrCreditSfResThd Dl LDR credit SF reserved threshold ADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional) Reserved SF threshold in downlink credit LDR. The downlink credit LDR could be tr NO NO UCELLLDR LdrCodeUsedSpaceThd InterFreq HO code used ADD space threshold ratio UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional) threshold. Inter-frequency handover is triggered wh Code resource usage difference NO NO UCELLLDR CodeCongSelInterFreqHoInd congestion select inter-freq indication Code ADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional)the inter-frequency handover switch is enabled. TRUE This switch is valid only when NO NO UCELLLDR GoldUserLoadControlSwitch user load control switch UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional) Gold ADD Indicates whether gold users involve in the switch of congestion control. According NO NO UCELLLDR InterFreqLdHoForbidenTCorbidden Traffic Class for inter-freq HO F ADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO forbidden traffic classes when perform inter-frequency the NO UCELLLDR UlTtiCreditSfResThd Ul TTI HO Credit SF reserved UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional)SF is used for judging the uplink credit state for TTI s ADD threshold The threshold of the reserved NO NO UCELLLDR InterFreqLDHOMethodSelection Load HandoverADD UCELLLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLLDR(Optional)handover method.When network is composed of sam InterFreq Method Selection This parameter specifiesNO load NO UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Mandatory)MODYES Unique ID of a cell UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Mandatory)RMV UCELLMBD YES UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ InterFreqActiveType MBDR Switch ADD UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Optional)MOD UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Optional) MBDR switch NO NO UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ InterFreqUlMbdrTrigThreshold UL Theshold ADD UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Optional)MOD UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Optional) This parameter is the relative threshold of cell for judging whether uplink MBDR alg NO NO UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ InterFreqDlMbdrTrigThreshold DL Theshold ADD UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Optional)MOD UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Optional) This parameter is the relative threshold of cell for judging whether downlink MBDR NO NO UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ InterFreqFilterCoef Inter-frequency Measure ADD UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Optional)MOD UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Optional) Filter Coeff This parameter specifiesNO Layer 3 filter coefficient for the inter-frequency measur the NO UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ InterFreqReportMode Inter-frequency Measure ADD UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Optional)MOD UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Optional) set to PERIODICAL_ Report Mode Inter-frequency measurement report mode.If this parameter is NO NO UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ InterFreqMeasQuantity Inter-freq Measure Quantity UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Optional)MODused in measurement-based inter-frequency measurement i ADD Measurement quantity UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Optional) NO NO UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ PrdReportInterval Inter-frequency Measure ADD UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Optional)MOD UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Optional) Periodical MeasurementInterval between periodicNO Report Period reporting for the inter-frequency handover. In periodic repo NO UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ TimeToTrigForPrdInterFreq Period Trigger Delay HHO ADD UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Optional)MOD UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Optional) of the inter-frequency Interval between reception of periodical reports and triggering NO NO UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ HystForPrdInterFreq HHO Hysteresis ADD UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Optional)MOD UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Optional)the periodic measurem Hysteresis in the inter-frequency hard handover triggered by NO NO UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ Hystfor2C 2C Hysteresis ADD UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Optional)MOD UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Optional) Hysteresis used for event 2C.The NO of this parameter is associated with the slo NO value UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ TrigTime2C Event 2C Trigger Delay ADD UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Optional)MOD UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Optional) measurement repor Interval time between detection of NO 2C and sending of the NO event UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ HOThdEcN0 Inter-freq measure targetADD UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Optional)MOD UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Optional) inter-frequency(Ec/N frequency trigger Ec/No Threshold of signal quality of the target frequency for triggering THD NO NO UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ HOThdRscp Inter-freq measure targetADD UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Optional)MOD UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Optional) inter-frequency(RSC frequency trigger RSCP Threshold of signal quality of the target frequency for triggering THD NO NO UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ MaxAttNum Inter-Freq DRD Max Attempt Times ADD UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Optional)MOD of attempts to perform inter-freq handoversThis parameter s The maximum number UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Optional) NO NO UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ InterFreqMeasTime Inter-freq Measure TimerADD UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Optional)MOD UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Optional) Length Timer length for inter-frequency measurement.After inter-frequency measurement s NO NO UCELLMBDRINTERRAT CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLMBDRINTERRAT(Mandatory)MOD UCELLMBDRINTERRAT(Mandatory)RMV UCELLMBDRIN Unique ID of a cell YES YES UCELLMBDRINTERRAT InterRatActiveType MBDR switch ADD UCELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional)MOD UCELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional) MBDR switch NO NO UCELLMBDRINTERRAT InterRatUlMbdrTrigThreshold UL Theshold ADD UCELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional)MOD UCELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional) whether uplink MBDR alg This parameter is the relative threshold of cell for judging NO NO UCELLMBDRINTERRAT InterRatDlMbdrTrigThreshold DL Theshold ADD UCELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional)MOD UCELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional) whether downlink MBDR This parameter is the relative threshold of cell for judging NO NO UCELLMBDRINTERRAT InterRATFilterCoef Inter-RAT Filter Coefficient ADD UCELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional)MOD UCELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional) inter-RAT measuremen This parameter specifiesNO Layer 3 filter coefficient for the the NO UCELLMBDRINTERRAT InterRatReportMode Inter-RAT Report Mode ADD UCELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional)MOD UCELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional) Inter-RAT measurement report mode.When PERIODICAL_REPORTING is selecte NO NO UCELLMBDRINTERRAT InterRATPeriodReportInterval Inter-RAT Period Reporting Interval ADD UCELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional)MOD UCELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional) to the RNC.This param Interval that the UE reports inter-RAT measurement results NO NO
UCELLMBDRINTERRAT BSICVerify BSIC Verify Switch ADD UCELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional)MOD UCELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional) This parameter is used t Switch for verifying the Base Station Identity Code (BSIC). NO NO UCELLMBDRINTERRAT TimeToTrigForNonVerifyTime to Trigger Handover to Non-Verified GSM Cell delay for triggering NO ADD UCELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional)MOD UCELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional) Time handovers to GSM cells with non-verified BSIC.During the NO UCELLMBDRINTERRAT TimeToTrigForVerify Time to Trigger Handover to Verified GSM Cell Time delay for triggering NO ADD UCELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional)MOD UCELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional) handovers to GSM cells with verified BSIC.During the peri NO UCELLMBDRINTERRAT Hystfor3C 3C Hysteresis ADD UCELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional)MOD UCELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional) is associated with the slo Hysteresis used for event 3C.The NO of this parameter NO value UCELLMBDRINTERRAT TrigTime3C Event 3C Trigger Delay ADD UCELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional)MOD UCELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional) of the measurement repor Interval time between detection of NO 3C and sending NO event UCELLMBDRINTERRAT InterRATHOThd Inter-RAT CS Handover Decision THD ADD UCELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional)MOD UCELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional) Quality requirement for the inter-RAT cell during an inter-RAT handover with CS dom NO NO UCELLMBDRINTERRAT MaxAttNum Inter-RAT DRD Max Attempt Times ADD UCELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional)MOD UCELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional) for the RNC to perform This parameter specifiesNO maximum number of attempts the NO UCELLMBDRINTERRAT UserPercentage UserPercentage ADD UCELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional)MOD UCELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional) inter-RAT neighbour cell. The ratio of the users which could NO NO launch the handover to UCELLMBDRINTERRAT InterRATMeasTime Inter-RAT Measure Timer Length ADD UCELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional)MOD UCELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional)measurement starts, if no Timer length for inter-RAT measurement.After inter-RAT NO NO UCELLMBDRINTERRAT PenaltyTimer Inter-RAT Penalty timer lengthUCELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional)MODinter-RAT handover failure. No try of inter-RAT handover to the ADD Strech for penalty of UCELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional) NO NO UCELLMBMSFACH CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLMBMSFACH(Mandatory)RMV UCELLMBMSFACH(Mandatory) ID of a cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. YES YES UCELLMBMSFACH ServiceType Service Type ADD UCELLMBMSFACH(Mandatory)RMV UCELLMBMSFACH(Mandatory) This parameter specifiesNO traffic class of the MBMS service carried on the comm the YES UCELLMBMSFACH ServiceBitRate Service Bit Rate ADD UCELLMBMSFACH(Mandatory)RMV UCELLMBMSFACH(Mandatory) This parameter specifiesNO rate of the MBMS service carried on the common chan the YES UCELLMBMSFACH FachMaxPower Fach Max Power ADD UCELLMBMSFACH(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO maximum power of the FACH. For details of this param the NO UCELLMBMSFACH MtchMinPerc0 Mtch Minimal Power Percent for Priority 0 ADD UCELLMBMSFACH(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO minimum coverage percentage of the MTCH correspo the NO UCELLMBMSFACH MtchMinPerc15 Mtch Minimal Power Percent for Priority 15 ADD UCELLMBMSFACH(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO minimum coverage percentage of the MTCH correspo the NO UCELLMBMSFACH ToAWS Time of Arrival Window Startpoint ADD UCELLMBMSFACH(Optional)of the arrival window of NO data frame. Normally, it is forecasted that a D Start point NO DL UCELLMBMSFACH ToAWE Time of Arrival Window Endpoint ADD UCELLMBMSFACH(Optional) the arrival window of DL data frame. Normally, it is forecasted that a D End point of NO NO UCELLMBMSPARA CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLMBMSPARA(Mandatory)MOD UCELLMBMSPARA(Mandatory)RMV UCELLMBMSPARA(Mand ID of a cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. YES YES UCELLMBMSPARA MbmsTransMode Mbms Transfer Mode ADD UCELLMBMSPARA(Optional)MODspecifiesNO transport mode of MBMS services. The point-to-multip This parameter UCELLMBMSPARA(Optional) the NO UCELLMBMSPARA NCountingThd Counting Threshold ADD UCELLMBMSPARA(Optional)MOD UCELLMBMSPARA(Optional) When the number of UEs responding to counting/recounting is greater than or equa NO NO UCELLMBMSPARA NPtpToPtmOffset Ptp To Ptm Offset ADD UCELLMBMSPARA(Optional)MODspecifiesNO NPTP-PTM offset. During recounting in PTP mode, if This parameter UCELLMBMSPARA(Optional) the NO UCELLMBMSSA CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLMBMSSA(Mandatory)RMV UCELLMBMSSA(Mandatory) parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. ID of a cell. For detailed information about this YES YES UCELLMBMSSA CnOpIndex Cn Operator Index ADD UCELLMBMSSA(Mandatory) an index for a CN operator. Represent YES YES UCELLMBMSSA MbmsSaId MBMS SA ID ADD UCELLMBMSSA(Mandatory)RMVFor detailed information of this parameter, refer to the 3GPP 25.346. MBMS SA ID. UCELLMBMSSA(Mandatory) YES YES UCELLMBMSSCCPCH CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLMBMSSCCPCH(Mandatory)MOD UCELLMBMSSCCPCH(Mandatory)RMV UCELLMBMSSCCP ID of a cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. YES YES UCELLMBMSSCCPCH ServiceType Service Type ADD UCELLMBMSSCCPCH(Mandatory)MOD UCELLMBMSSCCPCH(Mandatory)RMV UCELLMBMSSCCP This parameter specifiesNO traffic class of the MBMS service carried on the comm the YES UCELLMBMSSCCPCH ServiceBitRate Service Bit Rate ADD UCELLMBMSSCCPCH(Mandatory)MOD UCELLMBMSSCCPCH(Mandatory)RMV UCELLMBMSSCCP This parameter specifiesNO rate of the MBMS service carried on the common chan the YES UCELLMBMSSCCPCH STTDInd STTD Indicator ADD UCELLMBMSSCCPCH(Optional)MOD UCELLMBMSSCCPCH(Optional)use STTD or not. For detailed This parameter indicatesNO whether NO SCCPCH shall the UCELLMCCH CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLMCCH(Mandatory)MODFor detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. ID of a cell. UCELLMCCH(Mandatory)RMV UCELLMCCH(Mandatory) YES YES UCELLMCCH MichId MICH ID ADD UCELLMCCH(Mandatory) channel ID of the MICH. YES Physical YES UCELLMCCH MichPower MICH Power ADD UCELLMCCH(Optional)MOD of the MICH. The greater the power of the MICH, For details about this pa TX power UCELLMCCH(Optional) NO NO UCELLMCCH MichSttdInd MICH STTD Indicator ADD UCELLMCCH(Optional)MOD indicates whether the MICH uses time and space TX diversity. For detaile The value UCELLMCCH(Optional) NO NO UCELLMCCH PhyChIdforMcch SCCPCH ID for MCCH ADD UCELLMCCH(Mandatory) physical channel carryingYES MCCH ID of the NO the UCELLMCCH FachIdforMcch FACH ID for MCCH ADD UCELLMCCH(Mandatory) transport channel carrying the MCCH ID of the NO YES UCELLMCCH FlcAlgoSwitch Flc Algo Switch ADD UCELLMCCH(Optional)MODthe FLC algorithm. The FLC is a mandatory algorithm used in the multi-fre Switch of UCELLMCCH(Optional) NO NO UCELLMCDRD CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLMCDRD(Mandatory)MOD UCELLMCDRD(Mandatory)RMV UCELLMCDRD(Mandatory) Unique ID of a cell YES YES UCELLMCDRD BlindDrdExceptHRetrySwitch Aperiodic DRD Retry Switch UCELLMCDRD(Optional)MOD UCELLMCDRD(Optional) performed, this parameter is used to determ ADD When the measurement-based DRD is NO NO UCELLMCDRD HRetryTimerLength DRD Measurement Period Retry Timer Length Specifies the time lengthNOthe measurement-based DRD periodic retry timer. After ADD UCELLMCDRD(Optional)MOD UCELLMCDRD(Optional) of NO UCELLMCDRD PrdReportInterval Inter-Frequency Periodic ADD UCELLMCDRD(Optional)MOD UCELLMCDRD(Optional) Measurement Report Interval between sendingNOperiodic measurement reports.This parameter has imp Interval of NO UCELLMCDRD TargetFreqThdRscp Target Frequency RSCPADD UCELLMCDRD(Optional)MOD UCELLMCDRD(Optional) parameter is used to estimate the signal q Trigger Threshold RSCP Threshold for the target cell. This NO NO UCELLMCDRD TargetFreqThdEcN0 Target Frequency EcNo Trigger Threshold ADD UCELLMCDRD(Optional)MOD UCELLMCDRD(Optional) parameter is used to estimate the signal qu Ec/No Threshold for the target cell. This NO NO UCELLMCDRD DrdFaiPenaltyPeriodNum DRD Measurement Failure Punish Periods ADD UCELLMCDRD(Optional)MODretry periods in the interval between a failure of a measurement-based D Number of UCELLMCDRD(Optional) NO NO UCELLMCLDR CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLMCLDR(Mandatory)MODaUCELLMCLDR(Mandatory)RMV UCELLMCLDR(Mandatory) Unique ID of cell YES YES UCELLMCLDR InterFreqMeasTime Inter-freq Measure TimerADD UCELLMCLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLMCLDR(Optional) for inter-frequency measurement.After inter Length This parameter defines the timer length NO NO UCELLMCLDR PrdReportInterval Inter-freq Measure Periodical Report Period ADD UCELLMCLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLMCLDR(Optional) configured value. This parameter has impac The interval between twoNO reports is the NO UCELLMCLDR TargetFreqThdRscp Inter-freq Target Frequency Trigger RSCP THD Estimate the signal quality of the periodic reports. The inter-frequency handover is t ADD UCELLMCLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLMCLDR(Optional) NO NO UCELLMCLDR TargetFreqThdEcN0 Inter-freq Target Frequency Trigger Ec/No THD Estimate the signal quality of the periodic reports. The inter-frequency handover is t ADD UCELLMCLDR(Optional)MOD UCELLMCLDR(Optional) NO NO UCELLMEAS CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLMEAS(Mandatory)MOD For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. ID of a cell. UCELLMEAS(Mandatory)RMV UCELLMEAS(Mandatory) YES YES UCELLMEAS IntraFreqMeasInd Intra-freq Meas Ctrl Info Ind UCELLMEAS(Optional)MOD UCELLMEAS(Optional) NO measurement control information should be d ADD Indicating whether the intra-frequency NO UCELLMEAS InterFreqInterRatMeasInd Inter-freq and Inter-RAT Meas UCELLMEAS(Optional)MOD UCELLMEAS(Optional) NO ADD Ctrl Info Ind Indicating whether the inter-frequency/RAT measurement control information should NO UCELLMEAS FACHMeasInd FACH Measurement Indicator UCELLMEAS(Optional)MODthe UE in the CELL_FACH state performs inter-frequency or inter-RAT me ADD Whether UCELLMEAS(Optional) NO NO UCELLNAME RNCId RNC ID MOD UCELLNAME(Optional) an RNC ID of YES NO UCELLNAME CellId Cell ID MOD UCELLNAME(Mandatory) cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. ID of a YES YES UCELLNAME CellName Cell Name MOD UCELLNAME(Mandatory) Identifying a cell name NO YES UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Mandatory)MOD information about this parameter, see 3GPPUCELLNFREQ ID of a cell. For detailed YES UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Mandatory)RMV TS 25.401. YES UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO EARFCN E-UTRA Absolute Radio ADD UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Mandatory)MOD NO Frequency Channel Number E-UTRA Absolute Radio UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Mandatory)RMV this parameter Frequency Channel Number.For details on UCELLNFREQ YES UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO NPriority Absolute Priority Level ofADDE-UTRA Frequency This parameter specifiesNO absolute priority level of the E-UTRA frequency. The U the UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Mandatory)MOD UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Optional) the YES UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO ThdToHigh RSRP Threshold for High-prio-freq Reselection This parameter specifiesNO RSRP above which the UE performs cell reselection fr ADD UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Optional)MOD UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Optional) the NO UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO ThdToLow RSRP Threshold for Low-prio-freq Reselection This parameter specifiesNO RSRP above which the UE performs cell reselection fr ADD UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Optional)MOD UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Optional) the NO UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO EMeasBW Measurement BandwidthADD UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Optional)MOD UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Optional) This parameter indicatesNO measurement bandwidth information common for all c the NO UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO EQrxlevmin Minimum Required RSRP Threshold of the E-UTRA Cell ADD UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Optional)MOD UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Optional) cell on the target frequ This parameter indicatesNO minimum required RSRP of the the NO UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO EDetectInd E-UTRA Monitoring Indication UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Optional)MOD UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Optional) The value TRUE indica ADD This parameter indicatesNO E-UTRA monitoring indication. the NO UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO BlacklstCellNumber Number of Cells in the Blacklist of the E-UTRA Frequency ADD UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Optional)MOD UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Optional) This parameter is used to set the number of cells in the blacklist of the target freque NO NO
UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO BCellID1 ID of Cell 1 in the Blacklist ADD UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Mandatory)MOD NO This parameter indicatesUCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Optional) Cell in the blacklist i physical YESID of cell in the blacklist. cell UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO BCellID2 ID of Cell 2 in the Blacklist ADD UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Mandatory)MOD NO This parameter indicatesUCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Optional) Cell in the blacklist i physical YESID of cell in the blacklist. cell UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO BCellID3 ID of Cell 3 in the Blacklist ADD UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Mandatory)MOD NO This parameter indicatesUCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Optional) Cell in the blacklist i physical YESID of cell in the blacklist. cell UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO BCellID4 ID of Cell 4 in the Blacklist ADD UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Mandatory)MOD NO This parameter indicatesUCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Optional) Cell in the blacklist i physical YESID of cell in the blacklist. cell UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO BCellID5 ID of Cell 5 in the Blacklist ADD UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Mandatory)MOD NO This parameter indicatesUCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Optional) Cell in the blacklist i physical YESID of cell in the blacklist. cell UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO BCellID6 ID of Cell 6 in the Blacklist ADD UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Mandatory)MOD NO This parameter indicatesUCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Optional) Cell in the blacklist i physical YESID of cell in the blacklist. cell UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO BCellID7 ID of Cell 7 in the Blacklist ADD UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Mandatory)MOD NO This parameter indicatesUCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Optional) Cell in the blacklist i physical YESID of cell in the blacklist. cell UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO BCellID8 ID of Cell 8 in the Blacklist ADD UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Mandatory)MOD NO This parameter indicatesUCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Optional) Cell in the blacklist i physical YESID of cell in the blacklist. cell UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO BCellID9 ID of Cell 9 in the Blacklist ADD UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Mandatory)MOD NO This parameter indicatesUCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Optional) Cell in the blacklist i physical YESID of cell in the blacklist. cell UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO BCellID10 ID of Cell 10 in the Blacklist UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Mandatory)MOD NO ADD This parameter indicatesUCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Optional) Cell in the blacklist i physical YESID of cell in the blacklist. cell UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO BCellID11 ID of Cell 11 in the Blacklist UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Mandatory)MOD NO ADD This parameter indicatesUCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Optional) Cell in the blacklist i physical YESID of cell in the blacklist. cell UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO BCellID12 ID of Cell 12 in the Blacklist UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Mandatory)MOD NO ADD This parameter indicatesUCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Optional) Cell in the blacklist i physical YESID of cell in the blacklist. cell UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO BCellID13 ID of Cell 13 in the Blacklist UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Mandatory)MOD NO ADD This parameter indicatesUCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Optional) Cell in the blacklist i physical YESID of cell in the blacklist. cell UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO BCellID14 ID of Cell 14 in the Blacklist UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Mandatory)MOD NO ADD This parameter indicatesUCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Optional) Cell in the blacklist i physical YESID of cell in the blacklist. cell UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO BCellID15 ID of Cell 15 in the Blacklist UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Mandatory)MOD NO ADD This parameter indicatesUCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Optional) Cell in the blacklist i physical YESID of cell in the blacklist. cell UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO BCellID16 ID of Cell 16 in the Blacklist UCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Mandatory)MOD NO ADD This parameter indicatesUCELLNFREQPRIOINFO(Optional) Cell in the blacklist i physical YESID of cell in the blacklist. cell UCELLOLC CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLOLC(Mandatory)MOD UCELLOLC(Mandatory)RMV UCELLOLC(Mandatory) ID of a cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. YES YES UCELLOLC DlOlcFTFRstrctTimes DL OLC fast TF restrict times UCELLOLC(Optional)MODTF restriction refers to a situation where, when the cell is overloaded and co ADD DL fast UCELLOLC(Optional) NO NO UCELLOLC UlOlcFTFRstrctTimes UL OLC fast TF restrict times UCELLOLC(Optional)MODTF restriction refers to a situation where, when the cell is overloaded and co ADD UL fast UCELLOLC(Optional) NO NO UCELLOLC DlOlcFTFRstrctRabNumDL OLC fast TF restrict RAB number ADD UCELLOLC(Optional)MODTF restriction refers to a situation where, when the cell is overloaded and co DL fast UCELLOLC(Optional) NO NO UCELLOLC UlOlcFTFRstrctRabNumUL OLC fast TF restrict RAB number ADD UCELLOLC(Optional)MODTF restriction refers to a situation where, when the cell is overloaded and co UL fast UCELLOLC(Optional) NO NO UCELLOLC RateRstrctCoef DL TF rate restrict coefficient UCELLOLC(Optional)MODTF restriction refers to a situation where, when the cell is overloaded and co ADD DL fast UCELLOLC(Optional) NO NO UCELLOLC RecoverCoef DL TF rate recover coefficient UCELLOLC(Optional)MODTF restriction refers to a situation where, when the cell is overloaded and co ADD DL fast UCELLOLC(Optional) NO NO UCELLOLC RateRstrctTimerLen DL TF rate restrict timer length ADD UCELLOLC(Optional)MODTF restriction refers to a situation where, when the cell is overloaded and co DL fast UCELLOLC(Optional) NO NO UCELLOLC RateRecoverTimerLen DL TF rate recover timer ADD UCELLOLC(Optional)MODTF restriction refers to a situation where, when the cell is overloaded and co length DL fast UCELLOLC(Optional) NO NO UCELLOLC DlOlcTraffRelRabNum DL OLC traff release RAB number ADD UCELLOLC(Optional)MOD UCELLOLC(Optional) User release is an extreme method in reducing the cell load and recovering the sys NO NO UCELLOLC UlOlcTraffRelRabNum UL OLC traff release RAB number ADD UCELLOLC(Optional)MOD UCELLOLC(Optional) User release is an extreme method in reducing the cell load and recovering the sys NO NO UCELLOLC SeqOfUserRel Sequence of user release ADD UCELLOLC(Optional) parameter indicatesNO This whether NO MBMS service is released first or user first wh the UCELLOLC MbmsOlcRelNum MBMS services number released ADD UCELLOLC(Optional) MBMS service release isNO extreme method in reducing the cell load and recoverin an NO UCELLOLC TransCchUserNum Transfer Common Channel User number ADD UCELLOLC(Optional)MOD UCELLOLC(Optional) numberValue range: 0~10 Content: When the sys Transfer Common Channel User NO NO UCELLOLC FACHPwrReduceValue Fach power reduce value ADD UCELLOLC(Optional)MOD UCELLOLC(Optional) This parameter defines the reduceNO NO value in reducing FACH power Action. UCELLPUC CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLPUC(Mandatory)MOD UCELLPUC(Mandatory)RMV UCELLPUC(Mandatory) ID of a cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. YES YES UCELLPUC SpucLight Load level division threshold 2UCELLPUC(Optional)MOD UCELLPUC(Optional) cell load level is "Light" or not. It is denoted by the r ADD It is used to decide whether the NO NO UCELLPUC SpucHeavy Load level division threshold 1UCELLPUC(Optional)MOD UCELLPUC(Optional) cell load level is "Heavy" or not. It is denoted by the ADD It is used to decide whether the NO NO UCELLPUC SpucHyst Load level division hysteresis UCELLPUC(Optional)MOD UCELLPUC(Optional) cell load level. It is denoted by the ratio of NodeB ADD Hysteresis used to determine the NO NO UCELLPUC OffSinterLight Sintersearch offset 1 ADD UCELLPUC(Optional)MOD UCELLPUC(Optional) NO load level is "Light" (Note: Sintersearch is u Offset of Sintersearch when center cell NO UCELLPUC OffSinterHeavy Sintersearch offset 2 ADD UCELLPUC(Optional)MOD UCELLPUC(Optional) NO load level is "Heavy" (Note: Sintersearch is Offset of Sintersearch when center cell NO UCELLPUC OffQoffset1Light Qoffset1 offset 1 ADD UCELLPUC(Optional)MOD UCELLPUC(Optional) NO load is lighter than that of the center cell (N Offset of Qoffset1 when neighboring cell NO UCELLPUC OffQoffset2Light Qoffset2 offset 1 ADD UCELLPUC(Optional)MOD UCELLPUC(Optional) NO load is lighter than that of the center cell (N Offset of Qoffset2 when neighboring cell NO UCELLPUC OffQoffset1Heavy Qoffset1 offset 2 ADD UCELLPUC(Optional)MOD UCELLPUC(Optional) NO load is heavier than that of the center cell ( Offset of Qoffset1 when neighboring cell NO UCELLPUC OffQoffset2Heavy Qoffset2 offset 2 ADD UCELLPUC(Optional)MOD UCELLPUC(Optional) NO load is heavier than that of the center cell ( Offset of Qoffset2 when neighboring cell NO UCELLQOSHO CellId Cell ID MOD UCELLQOSHO(Mandatory)RMV UCELLQOSHO(Mandatory)ADD UCELLQOSHO(Mandatory) Unique ID of a cell YES YES UCELLQOSHO DlRscpQosHyst Down Link RSCP Used-Freq THD Hyst MOD UCELLQOSHO(Optional)ADDhysteresis of downlink RSCP Qos.This parameter controls the used freq Frequency UCELLQOSHO(Optional) NO NO UCELLQOSHO DLQosMcTimerLen Down Link Qos MeasureMOD UCELLQOSHO(Optional)ADD UCELLQOSHO(Optional) Timer Length Timer length for downlink Qos measurement.This parameter controls the time lengt NO NO UCELLQOSHO ULQosMcTimerLen Up Link Qos Measure Timer Length MOD UCELLQOSHO(Optional)ADD UCELLQOSHO(Optional) Timer length for uplink Qos measurement.This parameter controls the time lengths NO NO UCELLQOSHO UsedFreqMeasQuantityForQos3A 3A Used-Freq Measure Quantity for Qos MOD UCELLQOSHO(Optional)ADD UCELLQOSHO(Optional) This parameter configures the used frequency measurement quantity to trigger the NO NO UCELLQUALITYMEAS CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Mandatory)MOD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Mandatory)RMV3GPP TS 25.401. ID of a cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see UCELLQUALITYME YES YES UCELLQUALITYMEAS UlAmrTrigTime6A1 AMR Trigger Time 6A1 ADD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional)MODmeasured value of AMR keeps fulfilling the 6A1 measurement c Duration when the UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional) NO NO UCELLQUALITYMEAS UlAmrTrigTime6A2 AMR Trigger Time 6A2 ADD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional)MODmeasured value of AMR keeps fulfilling the 6A2 measurement c Duration when the UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional) NO NO UCELLQUALITYMEAS UlAmrTrigTime6B1 AMR Trigger Time 6B1 ADD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional)MODmeasured value of AMR keeps fulfilling the 6B1 measurement c Duration when the UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional) NO NO UCELLQUALITYMEAS UlAmrTrigTime6B2 AMR Trigger Time 6B2 ADD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional)MODmeasured value of AMR keeps fulfilling the 6B2 measurement c Duration when the UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional) NO NO UCELLQUALITYMEAS UlAmrTrigTime6D AMR Trigger Time 6D ADD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional)MODmeasured value of AMR keeps fulfilling the 6D measurement co Duration when the UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional) NO NO UCELLQUALITYMEAS UlVpTrigTime6A1 VP Trigger Time 6A1 ADD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional)MODmeasured value of VP keeps fulfilling the 6A1 measurement con Duration when the UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional) NO NO UCELLQUALITYMEAS UlVpTrigTime6B1 VP Trigger Time 6B1 ADD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional)MODmeasured value of VP keeps fulfilling the 6B1 measurement con Duration when the UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional) NO NO UCELLQUALITYMEAS UlVpTrigTime6D VP Trigger Time 6D ADD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional)MODmeasured value of VP keeps fulfilling the 6D measurement cond Duration when the UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional) NO NO UCELLQUALITYMEAS UlBeTrigTime6A1 BE Trigger Time 6A1 ADD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional)MODmeasured value of BE keeps fulfilling the 6A1 measurement con Duration when the UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional) NO NO UCELLQUALITYMEAS UlBeTrigTime6B1 BE Trigger Time 6B1 ADD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional)MODmeasured value of BE keeps fulfilling the 6B1 measurement con Duration when the UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional) NO NO UCELLQUALITYMEAS UlBeTrigTime6A2 BE Trigger Time 6A2 ADD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional)MODmeasured value of BE keeps fulfilling the 6A2 measurement con Duration when the UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional) NO NO UCELLQUALITYMEAS UlBeTrigTime6B2 BE Trigger Time 6B2 ADD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional)MODmeasured value of BE keeps fulfilling the 6B2 measurement con Duration when the UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional) NO NO UCELLQUALITYMEAS UlBeTrigTime6D BE Trigger Time 6D ADD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional)MODmeasured value of BE keeps fulfilling the 6D measurement cond Duration when the UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional) NO NO UCELLQUALITYMEAS UlMeasFilterCoef UL Measurement Filter Coefficient ADD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional)MOD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional) Smooth filtering coefficient for UL measured values. The smooth filtering algorithm NO NO UCELLQUALITYMEAS DlMeasFilterCoef DL TCP Measurement Filter Coefficient ADD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional)MOD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional) Smooth filtering coefficient for DL measured values. The smooth filtering algorithm NO NO UCELLQUALITYMEAS DlAmrTrigTimeE AMR Trigger Time of Event E UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional)MOD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional) threshold Ea or below the thr ADD Duration from when the AMR TX power is beyond the NO NO UCELLQUALITYMEAS ChoiceRptUnitForAmrE AMR Reporting Period Unit forUCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional)MOD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional) ADD Event E This parameter specifiesNO reporting period of the event E of the AMR service. Th the NO
TenMsecForAmrE AMR Event E Reporting Period ADD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional)MOD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Mandatory) This parameter is valid when the corresponding parameter related to the reporting p NO NO MinForAmrE AMR Event E Reporting Period minute ADD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Mandatory)MOD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Mandatory) related to the reporting p This parameter is valid when the corresponding parameter NO YES DlVpTrigTimeE VP Trigger Time of Event E UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional)MOD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional) ADD Duration from when the VP TX power is beyond the threshold Ea or below the thres NO NO ChoiceRptUnitForVpE VP Reporting Period Unit for Event E ADD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional)MOD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO reporting period of the event E of the VP service. The the NO TenMsecForVpE VP Event E Reporting Period UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional)MOD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Mandatory) ADD This parameter is valid when the corresponding parameter related to the reporting p NO NO MinForVpE VP Event E Reporting Period minute ADD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Mandatory)MOD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Mandatory) related to the reporting p This parameter is valid when the corresponding parameter NO YES DlBeTrigTimeE BE Trigger Time of Event E UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional)MOD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional) ADD Duration from when the BE TX power is beyond the threshold Ea to when the event NO NO ChoiceRptUnitForBeE BE Reporting Period Unit for Event E ADD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional)MOD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO reporting period of the event E of the BE service. The the NO TenMsecForBeE BE Event E Reporting Period UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional)MOD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Mandatory) ADD This parameter is valid when the corresponding parameter related to the reporting p NO NO MinForBeE BE Event E Reporting Period minute ADD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Mandatory)MOD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Mandatory) related to the reporting p This parameter is valid when the corresponding parameter NO YES DlBeTrigTimeF BE Trigger Time of Event F UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional)MOD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional) than the threshold is allowe ADD Duration within which theNO measured power being lower NO ChoiceRptUnitForBeF BE Reporting Period Unit for Event F ADD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional)MOD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO reporting period of the event F of the BE service. The the NO TenMsecForBeF BE Event F Reporting Period UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Optional)MOD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Mandatory) ADD This parameter is valid when the corresponding parameter related to the reporting p NO NO MinForBeF BE Event F Reporting Period minute ADD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Mandatory)MOD UCELLQUALITYMEAS(Mandatory) related to the reporting p This parameter is valid when the corresponding parameter NO YES CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLREDIRECTION(Mandatory)MOD UCELLREDIRECTION(Mandatory)RMV UCELLREDIRECTIO Unique ID of a cell YES YES TrafficType Traffic class ADD UCELLREDIRECTION(Mandatory)MOD UCELLREDIRECTION(Mandatory)RMV UCELLREDIRECTIO Traffic class whose RRCYES redirection parameters are to be set YES RedirSwitch Redirection Switch ADD UCELLREDIRECTION(Optional)MODredirection algorithm is valid for the specified service. The algorit Whether the RRC UCELLREDIRECTION(Optional) NO NO RedirFactorOfNorm Redirection Factor Of Normal UCELLREDIRECTION(Optional)MOD UCELLREDIRECTION(Optional) the load of the serving cell is ADD Possibility of redirecting the UE to NO NO another cell. When RedirFactorOfLDR Redirection Factor Of LDR ADD UCELLREDIRECTION(Optional)MOD UCELLREDIRECTION(Optional) the UL load state or DL load Possibility of redirecting the UE to NO NO another cell. When RedirBandInd ReDirection target band indicator ADD UCELLREDIRECTION(Optional)MOD the target UL and DL UARFCNs to which the UE is redirected. I Frequency band of UCELLREDIRECTION(Optional) NO NO ReDirUARFCNUplinkIndRedirection Target UL Frequency Index ADD UCELLREDIRECTION(Optional)MOD UL UARFCN to which the UE is redirected needs to be configur Whether the target UCELLREDIRECTION(Optional) NO NO ReDirUARFCNUplink Redirection target uplink ADD UCELLREDIRECTION(Optional)MOD UCELLREDIRECTION(Optional) range of the UL UARFCN d UARFCN Target UL UARFCN for the RRC redirection. The value NO NO ReDirUARFCNDownlink Redirection target downlink UARFCN ADD UCELLREDIRECTION(Optional)MOD UCELLREDIRECTION(Optional) values of "RedirBandInd" cor Target DL UARFCN for the RRC redirection. Different NO NO CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLRLACTTIME(Mandatory)RMV UCELLRLACTTIME(Mandatory) of this parameter, refer to 3GPP Uniquely identifying a cell. For detailed information YES YES CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLRLPWR(Mandatory)MOD UCELLRLPWR(Mandatory)RMVparameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. ID of a cell. For detailed information about this UCELLRLPWR(Mandatory) YES YES CNDomainId CN domain ID ADD UCELLRLPWR(Mandatory)MOD UCELLRLPWR(Mandatory)RMV UCELLRLPWR(Mandatory) Identifying the type of a CN. YES YES MaxBitRate Max bit rate of service ADD UCELLRLPWR(Mandatory)MOD UCELLRLPWR(Mandatory)RMV UCELLRLPWR(Mandatory) kbit/s This parameter denotes the rate of services. The typical services include 12.2 NO YES RlMaxDlPwr RL Max DL TX power ADD UCELLRLPWR(Mandatory)MOD UCELLRLPWR(Optional)DL RL power to be assigned.This paramete This parameter specifiesNO maximum the YES RlMinDlPwr RL Min DL TX power ADD UCELLRLPWR(Mandatory)MOD UCELLRLPWR(Optional) RL power to be assigned.This parameter This parameter specifiesNO minimum DL the YES DlSF Downlink spreading factor ADD UCELLRLPWR(Mandatory)MOD UCELLRLPWR(Optional) This parameter refers to NO downlink spreading factor used by the RL carrying sing the YES CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLSELRESEL(Mandatory)MOD UCELLSELRESEL(Mandatory)RMV UCELLSELRESEL(Mandato ID of a cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. YES YES QualMeas Cell Sel-reselection quality measure ADD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional)MOD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional) Measurement quantity ofNO selection and reselection. It can be set to CPICH Ec/N cell NO IdleQhyst1s Hysteresis 1 for idle mode DD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional)MOD value of the serving FDD cells in idle mode in case the quality meas A The hysteresis UCELLSELRESEL(Optional) NO NO ConnQhyst1s Hysteresis 1 for connect ADD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional)MOD value of the serving FDD cells in connected mode in case the qualit mode The hysteresis UCELLSELRESEL(Optional) NO NO IdleQhyst2s Hysteresis 2 for idle mode DD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional)MOD value of the serving FDD cells in idle mode in case the quality meas A The hysteresis UCELLSELRESEL(Optional) NO NO ConnQhyst2s Hysteresis 2 for connect ADD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional)MOD value of the serving FDD cells in connected mode in case the qualit mode The hysteresis UCELLSELRESEL(Optional) NO NO Treselections Reselection delay time ADD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional)MOD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional) by the UE) of a neighboring cell is bet If the signal quality (CPICH Ec/No NO NO measured Qqualmin Min quality level ADD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional)MOD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional) The minimum required quality threshold corresponding to CPICH Ec/No. The UE ca NO NO Qrxlevmin Min Rx level ADD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional)MOD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional) The minimum required RX threshold corresponding to CPICH RSCP. The UE can c NO NO QrxlevminExtSup Min Rx level Extend Support UCELLSELRESEL(Optional)MOD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional) ADD Indicating whether the actual value of Qrxlevmin should be added with the value of NO NO DeltaQrxlevmin Delta Min Rx level ADD UCELLSELRESEL(Mandatory)MODrequiredNO levelYES Actual minimum UCELLSELRESEL(Mandatory) RX = minimum required RX level + extended minimu MaxAllowedUlTxPower Max allowed UE UL TX power UCELLSELRESEL(Optional)MODallowed uplink transmit power of a UE in the cell, which is related to ADD The maximum UCELLSELRESEL(Optional) NO NO IdleSintrasearch Intra-freq cell reselectionADD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional)MOD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional) in idle mode. When the quality (CPICH threshold for idle mode Threshold for intra-frequency cell reselection NO NO IdleSintersearch Inter-freq cell reselectionADD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional)MOD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional) in idle mode. When the quality (CPICH threshold for idle mode Threshold for inter-frequency cell reselection NO NO ConnSintrasearch Intra-freq cell reselectionADD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional)MOD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional) in connected mode. When the quality threshold for connect mode Threshold for intra-frequency cell reselection NO NO ConnSintersearch Inter-freq cell reselectionADD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional)MOD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional) in connected mode. When the quality threshold for connect mode Threshold for inter-frequency cell reselection NO NO SsearchRat Inter-RAT cell reselection threshold ADD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional)MOD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional) the quality (CPICH Ec/No measured Threshold for inter-RAT cell reselection. When NO NO SpeedDependentScalingFactor dependent scaling factor for reselection delay a high-mobility UE, multiples this parameter by its reselection delay to reduce th Speed ADD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional)MOD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional) For NO NO InterFreqTreselScalingFactor Inter-frequency scaling factor for reselection delayThis parameter UCELLSELRESEL(Optional) ADD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional)MOD is used to increase time of inter-frequency reselection. It is not conf NO NO InterRatTreselScalingFactor Inter-RAT scaling factor for reselection delay ADD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional)MOD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional) This parameter is used to increase time of inter-RAT reselection. It is not configured NO NO NonhcsInd Non-HCS indicator ADD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional)MOD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional) Indicating whether the non-HCS speed estimation parameter should be configured. NO NO Tcrmaxnonhcs Non-HCS max TCR ADD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional)MOD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional) If the number of cell reselection exc Maximum duration of non-HCS cell reselection. NO NO Ncrnonhcs Non-HCS NCR ADD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional)MOD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional) This parameter, along with Tcrmaxn Maximum number of non-HCS cell reselection. NO NO Tcrmaxhystnonhcs Non-HCS TCR max hysteresis ADD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional)MOD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional) Hysteresis time before non-HCS resuming slow movement. When UE is in high-spe NO NO Qhyst1spch Hysteresis 1 for UE in CELL_PCH or URA_PCH state parameter UCELLSELRESEL(Optional) ADD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional)MOD indicatesNO in the CELL_PCH or URA_PCH connection mode, th This that NO Qhyst1sfach Hysteresis 1for UE in CELL_FACH state ADD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional)MOD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional) This parameter indicatesNO in the CELL_FACH connection mode, the measureme that NO Qhyst2spch Hysteresis 2 for UE in CELL_PCH or URA_PCH state parameter UCELLSELRESEL(Optional) ADD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional)MOD indicatesNO in the CELL_PCH or URA_PCH connection mode, th This that NO Qhyst2sfach Hysteresis 2 for UE in CELL_FACH state ADD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional)MOD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional) This parameter indicatesNO in the CELL_FACH connection mode, the measureme that NO Treselectionspch Reselection delay time for UE UCELLSELRESEL(Optional)MOD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional)delay in the CELL_PCH or URA_PCH ADD in PCH state This parameter indicatesNO UE reselection the NO Treselectionsfach Reselection delay time for UE UCELLSELRESEL(Optional)MOD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional)delay in the CELL_FACH connection m ADD in CELL_FACH state parameter indicatesNO UE reselection This the NO SPriority Absolute priority level of the serving cell ADD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional)MOD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional) level of the serving cell when the UE This parameter indicatesNO absolute priority the NO ThdPrioritySearch1 RSCP threshold for low-prio-freq measurement initiation ADD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional)MOD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional) RSCP value that triggers the UE to m This parameter specifiesNO minimum CPICH the NO ThdPrioritySearch2 Ec/No threshold for low-prio-freq measurement initiation ADD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional)MOD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional) Ec/No value that triggers the UE to m This parameter specifiesNO minimum CPICH the NO ThdServingLow RSCP threshold for low-prio-freq reselection ADD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional)MOD UCELLSELRESEL(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO CPICH RSCP value of the serving cell below which th the NO
CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLSIBSWITCH(Mandatory)MOD UCELLSIBSWITCH(Mandatory)RMV UCELLSIBSWITCH(Mand ID of a cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. YES YES SibCfgBitMap SIB Switch ADD UCELLSIBSWITCH(Optional)MOD UCELLSIBSWITCH(Optional) Determine whether some system information blocks are broadcast in this cell. If the NO NO CellId Cell ID ADD UCELLURA(Mandatory)RMV UCELLURA(Mandatory) about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. ID of a cell. For detailed information YES YES URAId URA ID ADD UCELLURA(Mandatory)RMV the UTRAN registration YES The URA is only used by the UTRAN and t Identity of UCELLURA(Mandatory)area. YES CellId Cell ID ADD UCHPWROFFSET(Mandatory)RMV UCHPWROFFSET(Mandatory) ID of a cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. YES YES PICHPowerOffset PICH Power Offset ADD UCHPWROFFSET(Optional) between the transmit power of PICH and that of PCPICH. For details, re Difference NO NO AICHPowerOffset AICH Power Offset ADD UCHPWROFFSET(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO power offset between the transmit power of an AICH a the NO CellIDChgSwitch Cell ID Changing Switch SET UCIDCHG(Optional)ndicating whether to useNO I changing cell id in UU interface. NO CellIDChgPeriod Cell ID Changing Period SET UCIDCHG(Optional)ndicate the period of cellNO changing. time length I ID NO DlSFTurnPoint DL SF Threshold SET UCMCF(Optional) Downlink compressed mode (CM)NO NO implementation mode selection threshold. When UlSFTurnPoint UL SF threshold SET UCMCF(Optional) Uplink CM implementation mode selection threshold. When the uplink spreading fa NO NO CmcfCellType CM Cell Type SET UCMCF(Optional) CM type of the cell.The CM parameters are configured on the basis of the CM type NO NO DlSFLimitCMInd Dl SF Limit CM Ind SET UCMCF(Optional) Whether the CM is limited by the downlink spreading factor (SF). Starting the comp NO NO LimitCMDlSFThd Dl SF Threshold to Limit SET UCMCF(Mandatory) ownlink SF threshold for enabling compressed mode (CM).When the parameter " CM D NO YES HsdpaCMPermissionInd CM Permission Ind on HSDPA SET UCMCF(Optional) Whether the compressed mode (CM) can coexist with the HSDPA service. If this pa NO NO HsupaCMPermissionInd CM Permission Ind on HSUPA SET UCMCF(Optional) Whether the compressed mode (CM) can coexist with the HSUPA service. If this pa NO NO EHSPACMPermissionInd Permission Ind on HSPA+ CM SET UCMCF(Optional) Whether the compressed mode (CM) can coexist with the HSPA+ service. If this pa NO NO CNDomainId CN domain ID ADD UCNDOMAIN(Mandatory)MOD UCNDOMAIN(Mandatory)RMV UCNDOMAIN(Mandatory) Identifying the type of a CN. YES YES T3212 Periodical location update timer ADD UCNDOMAIN(Optional)MOD UCNDOMAIN(Optional)NO Periodical location update is implemented by MS through the location update proce NO ATT Attach/detach allowed indication ADD UCNDOMAIN(Optional)MOD whether attach/detach is allowed. NOT_ALLOWED indicates that MS can Indicating UCNDOMAIN(Optional)NO NO NMO Network mode of operation UCNDOMAIN(Optional)MOD UCNDOMAIN(Optional)NO to the actual network situation . If there is t ADD This parameter should be set according NO DRXCycleLenCoef DRX cycle length coefficient UCNDOMAIN(Optional)MOD UCNDOMAIN(Optional)NO ADD CN domain specific Discontinuous Reception (DRX) cycle length coefficient broadc NO CnOpIndex Cn Operator Index ADD UCNNODE(Mandatory)MOD UCNNODE(Mandatory)RMV UCNNODE(Mandatory) Represent an index for a CN operator. YES YES CNDomainId CN domain ID ADD UCNNODE(Mandatory)MOD UCNNODE(Mandatory) YES Identifying the type of a CN. NO Switch3GPP25415CR0125 Switch3GPP25415CR0125 UCNNODE(Optional)MOD UCNNODE(Optional) ADD This parameter is valid only when NO NO "CNDomainId" is set to CS_DOMAIN. When the RsvdPara1 Reserved parameter 1 ADD UCNNODE(Optional)MOD UCNNODE(Optional) Reserved parameter 1. NO NO RsvdPara2 Reserved parameter 2 ADD UCNNODE(Optional)MOD UCNNODE(Optional) Reserved parameter 2. NO NO CnOpIndex Cn Operator Index ADD UCNOPALLCELLBLK(Mandatory)MOD UCNOPALLCELLBLK(Mandatory)RMV UCNOPALLCELLBLK( Represent an index for a CN operator. YES YES DomainType Blocked Domain Type ADD UCNOPALLCELLBLK(Mandatory)MOD UCNOPALLCELLBLK(Mandatory) This parameter specifiesYESblocked domain type. the YES ProcessDuration Processing Duration ADD UCNOPALLCELLBLK(Mandatory)MOD UCNOPALLCELLBLK(Optional) cell blocking in the RNC. This parameter specifiesNO processing duration of the the YES OperatorType Operator Type ADD UCNOPERATOR(Mandatory)MOD UCNOPERATOR(Mandatory) Identify operator type,as follows:Primary operator: Each RAN system has only one p NO YES CnOperatorName Cn Operator Name ADD UCNOPERATOR(Mandatory)MOD UCNOPERATOR(Mandatory) Cn Operator Name. NO YES MCC MCC ADD UCNOPERATOR(Mandatory) Mobile country code. This parameter identifies the country where a mobile subscrib NO YES MNC MNC ADD UCNOPERATOR(Mandatory) Mobile network code. This parameter identifies the public land mobile network (PLM NO YES CnOpIndex Cn Operator Index ADD UCNOPERATOR(Optional) an index for a CN operator.If "OperatorType" is set to PRIM, the value ra Represent NO NO CnOpIndex Cn Operator Index MOD UCNOPERATOR(Mandatory) an index for a CN operator. Represent YES YES CnOpIndex Cn Operator Index RMV UCNOPERATOR(Mandatory) an index for a CN operator. Represent YES YES CnOpGrpIndex Cn Operator Group Index ADD UCNOPERGROUP(Mandatory)MOD UCNOPERGROUP(Mandatory)RMV UCNOPERGROUP(Manda Represent an index for a CN Operator Group. YES YES CnOpGrpName Cn Operator Group Name DD UCNOPERGROUP(Mandatory)MOD UCNOPERGROUP(Optional) A Cn Operator Group Name. NO YES CnOpNum Operator Number ADD UCNOPERGROUP(Mandatory) Identify Operator Number in Operator Group. NO YES CnOpIndex1 Operator 1 Index ADD UCNOPERGROUP(Mandatory) index for a CN operator 1. Represent an NO YES CnOpIndex2 Operator 2 Index ADD UCNOPERGROUP(Mandatory) index for a CN operator 2. Represent an NO YES CnOpIndex3 Operator 3 Index ADD UCNOPERGROUP(Mandatory) index for a CN operator 3. Represent an NO YES CnOpIndex4 Operator 4 Index ADD UCNOPERGROUP(Mandatory) index for a CN operator 4. Represent an NO YES CnOpIndexComm Common Operator IndexADD UCNOPERGROUP(Optional) an index for a Common CN Operator. Represent NO NO ZeroRateUpFailToRelTimerLen 0 kbit/s Timer LengthUCOIFTIMER(Optional)the PS BE service atNO Release SET for Failed to Rate Up For a rate of NO 0 kbit/s, this parameter is used for the rate upsizi ChannelRetryTimerLen Channel Retry Timer Length UCOIFTIMER(Optional) parameter specifiesNO valueNO the channel retry timer. The timer will start wh SET This the of ChannelRetryHoTimerLen Channel Retry Ho Timer SET UCOIFTIMER(Optional) parameter specifiesNO valueNO the channel retry handover timer. When hand Length This the of RabModifyTimerLen Rab Modify Timer Length SET UCOIFTIMER(Optional) timer is started when the RNC initiates the RAB Modify procedure. If RAB Mod The NO NO T302 Timer 302 SET UCONNMODETIMER(Optional) after the UE transmits the CELL UPDATE/URA UPDATE message T302 is started NO NO N302 Constant 302 SET UCONNMODETIMER(Optional) Maximum number of retransmissions of CELL UPDATE/URA UPDATE.Protocol de NO NO T304 Timer 304 SET UCONNMODETIMER(Optional) after the UE sendsNO UE CAPABILITY INFORMATION message a T304 is started NO the N304 Constant 304 SET UCONNMODETIMER(Optional) Maximum number of retransmissions of UE CAPABILITY INFORMATION. Protocol NO NO T305 Timer 305 SET UCONNMODETIMER(Optional) after the UE receives CELL UPDATE CONFIRM/URA UPDATE CO T305 is started NO NO T307 Timer 307 SET UCONNMODETIMER(Optional) after T305 has expired and the UE detects "out of service area". It is T307 is started NO NO T308 Timer 308 SET UCONNMODETIMER(Optional) after the UE transmits RRC CONNECTION RELEASE COMPLETE T308 is started NO NO N308 Constant 308 SET UCONNMODETIMER(Optional) Maximum number of retransmission of RRC CONNECTION RELEASE COMPLET NO NO T309 Timer 309 SET UCONNMODETIMER(Optional) after the UE is reselected to a cell belonging to another radio acces T309 is started NO NO T312 Timer 312 SET UCONNMODETIMER(Optional) when UENO to NO T312 is started starts establish a DCH, and stopped when UE detects c N312 Constant 312 SET UCONNMODETIMER(Optional) Maximum number of successive "in sync" indications received from L1. NO NO T313 Timer 313 SET UCONNMODETIMER(Optional) after the UE detects consecutive N313 "out of sync" indications from T313 is started NO NO N313 Constant 313 SET UCONNMODETIMER(Optional) Maximum number of successive "out of sync" indications received from L1. Protoco NO NO T314 Timer 314 SET UCONNMODETIMER(Optional) when theNO T314 is started criteria for radio link failure are fulfilled and only radio bear NO T315 Timer 315 SET UCONNMODETIMER(Optional) when theNO T315 is started criteria for radio link failure are fulfilled, and only the radio NO
UCONNMODETIMER N315 Constant 315 SET UCONNMODETIMER(Optional) Maximum number of successive "in sync" indications received from L1 when T313 NO NO UCONNMODETIMER T316 Timer 316 SET UCONNMODETIMER(Optional) after the UE detects "out of service area" in URA_PCH or CELL_PC T316 is started NO NO UCONNMODETIMER T381 Timer 381 SET UCONNMODETIMER(Optional) after the RNC send message "RRC CONNECTION SETUP"(or "CE T381 is started NO NO UCONNMODETIMER N381 Constant 381 SET UCONNMODETIMER(Optional) Maximum number of resend timesNOmessage "RRC CONNECTION SETUP" or "C NO of UCONNMODETIMER T323 Timer 323 SET UCONNMODETIMER(Optional) If the UE checks that no PS/CS data is transmitted, the UE will send the SIGNALLIN NO NO UCORRMALGOSWITCH CfgSwitch Channel Configuration Strategy Switch SET UCORRMALGOSWITCH(Optional) Channel configuration strategy switch group.1) CFG_DL_BLIND_DETECTION_SW NO NO UCORRMALGOSWITCH DraSwitch Dynamic Resource Allocation UCORRMALGOSWITCH(Optional) allocation switch group.1) DRA_AQM_SWITCH: When the switc SET Switch Dynamic resource NO NO UCORRMALGOSWITCH CsSwitch CS Algorithm Switch SET UCORRMALGOSWITCH(Optional) CS algorithm switch group.1) CS_AMRC_SWITCH: When the switch is on and the NO NO UCORRMALGOSWITCH PcSwitch Power Control Switch SET UCORRMALGOSWITCH(Optional) Power control switch group.1) PC_CFG_ED_POWER_INTERPOLATION_SWITCH NO NO UCORRMALGOSWITCH CmpSwitch Compatibility Switch SET UCORRMALGOSWITCH(Optional) Compatibility switch group.1) CMP_IU_IMS_PROC_AS_NORMAL_PS_SWITCH: W NO NO UCORRMALGOSWITCH MapSwitch Service Mapping Strategy Switch SET UCORRMALGOSWITCH(Optional) strategy switch group.1) MAP_HSUPA_TTI_2MS_SWITCH: Whe Service mapping NO NO UCORRMALGOSWITCH PsSwitch PS Rate Negotiation Switch UCORRMALGOSWITCH(Optional) SET PS rate negotiation switch group.1) PS_BE_EXTRA_LOW_RATE_ACCESS_SWIT NO NO UCORRMALGOSWITCH DrSwitch Direct Retry Switch SET UCORRMALGOSWITCH(Optional) group.1) DR_RRC_DRD_SWITCH(DRD switch for RRC connec Direct retry switch NO NO UCORRMALGOSWITCH HoSwitch HandOver Switch SET UCORRMALGOSWITCH(Optional) group.1) HO_ALGO_HCS_SPEED_EST_SWITCH: When the sw HandOver switch NO NO UCORRMALGOSWITCH SrnsrSwitch SRNSR Algorithm Switch SET UCORRMALGOSWITCH(Optional) switchNO SRNSR algorithm group.1) NO SRNSR_DSCR_IUR_RESRCE_SWITCH: When UCORRMALGOSWITCH CmcfSwitch CMCF Algorithm Switch SET UCORRMALGOSWITCH(Optional) switch group.1) CMCF_DL_HLS_SWITCH: When the switch is on CMCF algorithm NO NO UCORRMALGOSWITCH ReservedSwitch0 CORRM Algorithm Reserved Switch 0 SET UCORRMALGOSWITCH(Optional) reserved switch 0. The switch is reserved for further change req CORRM algorithm NO NO UCORRMALGOSWITCH ReservedSwitch1 CORRM Algorithm Reserved Switch 1 SET UCORRMALGOSWITCH(Optional) reserved switch 1. The switch is reserved for further change req CORRM algorithm NO NO UCORRMALGOSWITCH ReservedU32Para0 CORRM Algorithm Reserved U32 Para 0 SET UCORRMALGOSWITCH(Optional) reserved U32 para 0. The para of 32 bits is reserved for further c CORRM algorithm NO NO UCORRMALGOSWITCH ReservedU32Para1 CORRM Algorithm Reserved U32 Para 1 SET UCORRMALGOSWITCH(Optional) reserved U32 para 1. The para of 32 bits is reserved for further c CORRM algorithm NO NO UCORRMALGOSWITCH ReservedU8Para0 CORRM Algorithm Reserved U8 Para 0 SET UCORRMALGOSWITCH(Optional) reserved U8 para 0. The para of 8 bits is reserved for further cha CORRM algorithm NO NO UCORRMALGOSWITCH ReservedU8Para1 CORRM Algorithm Reserved U8 Para 1 SET UCORRMALGOSWITCH(Optional) reserved U8 para 1. The para of 8 bits is reserved for further cha CORRM algorithm NO NO UCTCH CellId Cell ID ADD UCTCH(Mandatory)RMVaUCTCH(Mandatory) ID of cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. YES YES UCTCH FachId FACH ID ADD UCTCH(Mandatory)RMV UCTCH(Mandatory) bearing the common transport channel in a cell Uniquely identifying a FACH YES YES UCZ CnOpIndex Cn Operator Index ADD UCZ(Mandatory)RMV UCZ(Mandatory) for a CN operator. Represent an index YES YES UCZ LAC Location Area Code ADD UCZ(Mandatory) Identifies a location area YES for a Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) of the GSM code YES UCZ SAC Service Area Code ADD UCZ(Mandatory) MCC,MNC,LAC and SAC together compose the Service Area ID (SAI). SAI = MCC YES YES UCZ CZ Classified Zone ID ADD UCZ(Mandatory)RMV UCZ(Mandatory) a classified zone. The value of Classified Zone ID is denoted by Uniquely identifying YES YES UDCCC UlDcccRateThd Uplink Bit Rate Threshold for DCCC SET UDCCC(Optional) For a BE service that has a low maximum rate, the DCCC algorithm is not obviousl NO NO UDCCC DlDcccRateThd Downlink Bit Rate Threshold for DCCC SET UDCCC(Optional) For a BE service that has a low maximum rate, the DCCC algorithm is not obviousl NO NO UDCCC LittleRateThd Low Activity Bit Rate Threshold SET UDCCC(Optional) When the BE service rate decreases to the DCCC threshold rate, the UE, however NO NO UDCCC DcccStg DCCC Strategy SET UDCCC(Optional) Strategy for adjustment of the rateNOthe PS BE service when the UE is in the CELL NO of UDCCC HsupaDcccStg HSUPA DCCC Strategy SET UDCCC(Optional) Strategy of the UE for rate adjustment over the EDCH. RATE_UP_AND_DOWN_O NO NO UDCCC BePwrMargin BE Event F Reporting Power Margin SET UDCCC(Optional) The relative power margin of single BE traffic, used to calculate the triggering thres NO NO UDCCC CombPwrMargin Comb Event F ReportingSET UDCCC(Optional) The relative power margin of combined traffics, used to calculate the triggering thre Power Margin NO NO UDCCC UlRateUpAdjLevel Uplink Rate Increase Adjust Level SET UDCCC(Optional) This parameter determines whether the UL rate is raised to the maximum rate in on NO NO UDCCC UlRateDnAdjLevel Uplink Rate Decrease Adjust Level SET UDCCC(Optional) This parameter determines whether the UL rate is lowered to the minimum rate in o NO NO UDCCC UlMidRateCalc Uplink Mid Bit Rate Calculate UDCCC(Optional) This parameter determines whether the uplink intermediate rate uses automatic or SET Method NO NO UDCCC UlMidRateThd Uplink Mid Bit Rate ThresholdUDCCC(Mandatory) hreshold of the UL intermediate rate when the 3-step mode is used for UL rate ad SET T NO YES UDCCC DlRateUpAdjLevel Downlink Rate Increase Adjust Level SET UDCCC(Optional) This parameter determines whether the DL rate is raised to the maximum rate in on NO NO UDCCC DlRateDnAdjLevel Downlink Rate DecreaseSET UDCCC(Optional) This parameter determines whether the DL rate is lowered to the minimum rate in o Adjust Level NO NO UDCCC DlMidRateCalc Downlink Mid Bit Rate Calculate Method SET UDCCC(Optional) This parameter determines whether automatic or manual mode is used for 3-step a NO NO UDCCC DlMidRateThd Downlink Mid Bit Rate Threshold SET UDCCC(Mandatory) hreshold of the DL intermediate rate when the 3-step mode is used for DL rate ad T NO YES UDCCC FailTimeTh DCCC Rate Up Fail Time Threshold SET UDCCC(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO threshold of allowed times of rate increase consecutiv the NO UDCCC MoniTimeLen DCCC Rate Up Fail Monitor Time length SET UDCCC(Optional) Length of the period within which the times of consecutive failure to increase the rat NO NO UDCCC DcccUpPenaltyLen DCCC Rate Up Fail Penalty Time Length SET UDCCC(Optional) Length of the penalty period withinNO NO which the rate of a BE service cannot be increas UDCCC UlFullCvrRate Uplink Full Coverage Bit SET UDCCC(Optional) Maximum UL rate when coverage NO entire cell is ensured under certain load. F Rate NO of the UDCCC DlFullCvrRate Downlink Full Coverage Bit Rate SET UDCCC(Optional) Maximum DL rate duringNO network planning when coverage of the entire cell is ensu NO UDCCC DchThrouMeasPeriod DCH Throu Meas PeriodSET UDCCC(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO period of DCH throughput ratio measurement.Macd pe the NO UDISTANCEREDIRECTION RedirSwitch Redirection Switch SET UDISTANCEREDIRECTION(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO whether the distance based RRC redirection algorithm is v NO UDISTANCEREDIRECTION DelayThs Propagation delay threshold UDISTANCEREDIRECTION(Optional) works only when the propagation delay between UE and Nod SET Redirection algorithm NO NO UDISTANCEREDIRECTION RedirFactorOfLDR Redirection Factor Of LDR UDISTANCEREDIRECTION(Optional)state or DL load state of the serving cell is LDR(basic congestion SET When the UL load NO NO UDISTANCEREDIRECTION RedirFactorOfNorm Redirection Factor Of Normal UDISTANCEREDIRECTION(Optional) serving cell is within the normal range, a UE may be redirecte SET When the load of the NO NO UDPUCFGDATA DlR99CongCtrlSwitch Switch Of DL R99 CongestionUDPUCFGDATA(Optional) switch is on, the congestion detection and control for DL R99 service is s SET Control When the NO NO UDPUCFGDATA TpeSwitch TPE Switch SET UDPUCFGDATA(Optional) TCP Accelerator functionNO switch.1) TPE_DOWNLINK_SWITCH: When the switch is NO UDPUCFGDATA ServicePriAdjCoef Service Priority AdjustingSET UDPUCFGDATA(Optional) the coefficient for adjusting service priority weight in the matching record.( Coefficient Specifies NO NO UDPUCFGDATA CellCountersMeasOBJCtrlSwitch Performance Measurement Switch SET UDPUCFGDATA(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO whether to enable the counters contained in the measurem NO UDPUCFGDATA RsvdPara1 Reserved Parameter1 SET UDPUCFGDATA(Optional) This parameter is saved NOthe coming usage. for NO UDPUCFGDATA RsvdPara2 Reserved Parameter2 SET UDPUCFGDATA(Optional) This parameter is saved NOthe coming usage. for NO UDPUCFGDATA RsvdPara3 Reserved Parameter3 SET UDPUCFGDATA(Optional) This parameter is saved NOthe coming usage. for NO UDPUCFGDATA RsvdPara4 Reserved Parameter4 SET UDPUCFGDATA(Optional) This parameter is saved NOthe coming usage. for NO UDPUCFGDATA RsvdPara5 Reserved Parameter5 SET UDPUCFGDATA(Optional) This parameter is saved NOthe coming usage. for NO UDPUCFGDATA RsvdPara6 Reserved Parameter6 SET UDPUCFGDATA(Optional) This parameter is saved NOthe coming usage. for NO UDPUCFGDATA RsvdPara7 Reserved Parameter7 SET UDPUCFGDATA(Optional) This parameter is saved NOthe coming usage. for NO
RsvdPara8 Reserved Parameter8 SET UDPUCFGDATA(Optional) This parameter is saved NOthe coming usage. for NO RsvdPara9 Reserved Parameter9 SET UDPUCFGDATA(Optional) This parameter is saved NOthe coming usage. for NO RsvdPara10 Reserved Parameter10 SET UDPUCFGDATA(Optional) This parameter is saved NOthe coming usage. for NO RsvdPara11 Reserved Parameter11 SET UDPUCFGDATA(Optional) This parameter is saved NOthe coming usage. for NO RsvdPara12 Reserved Parameter12 SET UDPUCFGDATA(Optional) This parameter is saved NOthe coming usage. for NO RsvdPara13 Reserved Parameter13 SET UDPUCFGDATA(Optional) This parameter is saved NOthe coming usage. for NO RsvdPara14 Reserved Parameter14 SET UDPUCFGDATA(Optional) This parameter is saved NOthe coming usage. for NO RsvdPara15 Reserved Parameter15 SET UDPUCFGDATA(Optional) This parameter is saved NOthe coming usage. for NO RsvdPara16 Reserved Parameter16 SET UDPUCFGDATA(Optional) This parameter is saved NOthe coming usage. for NO DRMaxGSMNum Maximum Times of Inter-RAT UDRD(Optional) Maximum number of inter-RAT RAB directed retries. It decides the size of the cand SET Direct Retry NO NO ServiceDiffDrdSwitch Service Steering DRD Switch UDRD(Optional) Whether the service steering DRDNO SET NO algorithm is applied. Cell-level service steering D LdbDRDSwitchDCH Load balance DRD switch for UDRD(Optional) Whether the load balancing DRD algorithm is applied to DCH services. - ON: The lo SET DCH NO NO LdbDRDSwitchHSDPA Load balance DRD switch for UDRD(Optional) Whether the load balancing DRD algorithm is applied to HSDPA services.- ON: The SET HSDPA NO NO LdbDRDchoice Load Balancing DRD Choice UDRD(Optional) Whether load balancing DRD is based on power or on user number. - Power: Powe SET NO NO ConnectFailRrcRedirSwitch Redirection Switch SET UDRD(Optional) RRC redirection switch used in the case of admission failure. It is valid only when th RRC for Admission Failure NO NO LdbDRDOffsetDCH Load balance DRD offset for DCH SET UDRD(Optional) Threshold of remnant load offset between the current cell and the target cell when l NO NO LdbDRDOffsetHSDPA Load balance DRD offset for HSDPA SET UDRD(Optional) Threshold of remnant load offset between the current cell and the target cell when l NO NO LdbDRDLoadRemainThdDCH balance DRD power remain threshold for DCH Dl load SET UDRD(Optional) Downlink load threshold to trigger NO balancing DRD for DCH services. The load NO load LdbDRDLoadRemainThdHSDPA Dl load balance DRD power remain threshold for HSDPA load threshold to trigger NO balancing DRD for HSDPA services. The loa SET UDRD(Optional) Downlink NO load LdbDRDTotalPwrProThdLoad balance DRD total power protect threshold Threshold of the total downlink remnant power difference between the current cell a SET UDRD(Optional) NO NO CodeBalancingDrdSwitch Code Balancing DRD Switch UDRD(Optional) Whether to apply the code balancing DRD algorithm. The "DR_RAB_SING_DRD_S SET NO NO DeltaCodeOccupiedRateDelta of Code Occupancy ET UDRD(Optional) Threshold of code occupancy offset between the current cell and the target cell whe S NO NO CodeBalancingDrdMinSFThd Minimum SF Threshold for Code Balancing DRD One of the triggering conditions of NO balancing DRD. The other condition is the c SET UDRD(Optional) NO code CodeBalancingDrdCodeRateThd Code Occupancy Thres for Code Balancing DRD One of the triggering conditions of NO balancing DRD. The other condition is the m SET UDRD(Optional) NO code ReDirBandInd ReDirection target band indicator SET UDRD(Optional) Frequency band of the target UL and DL UARFCNs to which the UE is redirected. I NO NO ReDirUARFCNUplinkIndRedirection Target UL Frequency Index SET UDRD(Optional) Whether the target UL UARFCN to which the UE is redirected needs to be configur NO NO ReDirUARFCNUplink Redirection target uplink SET UDRD(Optional) Target uplink UARFCN of a cell for RRC redirection. The value range of the UL UAR UARFCN NO NO ReDirUARFCNDownlink Redirection target downlink UARFCN SET UDRD(Optional) Target DL UARFCN for the RRC redirection. Different values of "RedirBandInd" cor NO NO ULLdbDRDSwitchDcHSDPA load balance DRD Switch for DC-HSDPA This parameter specifiesNO Uplink SET UDRD(Optional) whether to enable the uplink load balance for DC-HSDPA NO ULLdbDRDOffsetDcHSDPA Uplink load balance DRD Offset for DC-HSDPA If the difference of the remaining number of equivalent users in the uplink between SET UDRD(Optional) NO NO ULLdbDRDLoadRemainThdDcHSDPA Uplink load balance DRD remain threshold for DC-HSDPA SET UDRD(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO threshold of triggering the uplink load balance for DC-H the NO BasedOnMeasHRetryDRDSwitch Measurement-Based DRD Switch SET UDRD(Optional) Controls the validity of the measurement-based DRD algorithm. Assume that the D NO NO LegacyHDrdSwitchOfSTTD Switch for LegacyHSET UDRDMIMO(Optional) DRD under STTD Whether to enable DRD NOtechnological satisfaction of non-MIMO legacyH in STT for NO LegacyHDrdSwitchOfSCPICH Switch for LegacyHSET UDRDMIMO(Optional) DRD under P and S CPICH Whether to enable DRD NOtechnological satisfaction of non-MIMO legacyH in prim for NO CQIRefValueOfSTTD CQI reference value for STTDUDRDMIMO(Optional) SET Reference CQI for determining the channel condition by comparing with the CQI thr NO NO CQIRefValueOfSCPICH CQI reference value for P andUDRDMIMO(Optional) SET S CPICH Reference CQI for determining the channel condition by comparing with the CQI thr NO NO ExcellentCQIThdOfSTTD Excellent CQI Threshold SET UDRDMIMO(Optional) threshold for determining thatNO channel condition is Excellent. for STTD CQI NO the GoodCQIThdOfSTTD Good CQI Threshold for SET UDRDMIMO(Optional) threshold for determining thatNO channel condition is Good. STTD CQI NO the BadCQIThdOfSTTD Bad CQI Threshold for STTD UDRDMIMO(Optional) threshold for determining thatNO channel condition is Bad. SET CQI NO the ExcellentCQIThdOfSCPICH Excellent CQI Threshold SET UDRDMIMO(Optional) threshold for determining thatNO channel condition is Excellent. for P and S CPICH CQI NO the GoodCQIThdOfSCPICH Good CQI Threshold for SET UDRDMIMO(Optional) threshold for determining thatNO channel condition is Good. P and S CPICH CQI NO the BadCQIThdOfSCPICH Bad CQI Threshold for PSET S CPICH and UDRDMIMO(Optional) threshold for determining thatNO channel condition is Bad. CQI NO the CQIMeasFilterCoef CQI Measurement Filter Coefficient SET UDRDMIMO(Optional) Filtering coefficient in CQI measurement. NO NO CQITrigTimeE CQI Trigger Time Of Event E UDRDMIMO(Optional) duration that the CQI keeps higher than Ea threshold or lower than Eb threshol SET The NO NO ChoiceRptUnitForCQIE CQI Reporting Period Unit ForUDRDMIMO(Optional) for the CQI reporting period after event E is reported. The unit can be 10 ms or SET Event E Unit NO NO TenMsecForCQIE CQI Event E Reporting PeriodUDRDMIMO(Optional) is reported periodically after event Ea is reported. This parameter specifies the SET In 10ms CQI NO NO MinForCQIE CQI Event E Reporting PeriodUDRDMIMO(Mandatory)is reported periodically after event Ea is reported. This parameter specifies the SET In Minute CQI NO YES CQITrigTimeF CQI Trigger Time Of Event F UDRDMIMO(Optional) duration that the CQI keeps higher than Fa threshold or lower than Fb threshol SET The NO NO ChoiceRptUnitForCQIF CQI Reporting Period Unit ForUDRDMIMO(Optional) for the CQI reporting period after event F is reported. The unit can be 10 ms or SET Event F Unit NO NO TenMsecForCQIF CQI Event F Reporting PeriodUDRDMIMO(Optional) is reported periodically after event Fa is reported. This parameter specifies the SET In 10ms CQI NO NO MinForCQIF CQI Event F Reporting PeriodUDRDMIMO(Mandatory)is reported periodically after event Fa is reported. This parameter specifies the SET In Minute CQI NO YES DsacAutoSwitch Switch for auto DSAC SET UDSACAUTOALGO(Optional) enable the automatically triggered DSAC algorithm. Whether to NO NO CsRestriction Restriction for CS SET UDSACAUTOALGO(Mandatory) Whether to impose the access restriction on the CS domain. NO YES PsRestriction Restriction for PS SET UDSACAUTOALGO(Mandatory) Whether to impose the access restriction on the PS domain. NO YES NumberOfACs Number of restrained Access UDSACAUTOALGO(Mandatory) number of access classes that are restricted at a time according to the SET Class every time Specifies the NO YES AcRange Range of restrained Access Class SET UDSACAUTOALGO(Mandatory) restricted access class according to the flexible polling restriction mod Specifies the NO YES AcIntervalOfCells Access Class RestrictionSET UDSACAUTOALGO(Mandatory) interval between consecutive pollings imposed on the PS domain and interval between Cells Specifies the NO YES AcRstrctIntervalLen Interval length of DomainSET UDSACAUTOALGO(Mandatory) interval delay between consecutive pollings according to the flexible p Specific Access Class Restrictionthe Specifies NO YES TrafficClass Traffic class SET UDTXDRXPARA(Mandatory) whose DTX_DRX parameters are to be set Traffic class YES YES EdchTtiType Edch TTI type SET UDTXDRXPARA(Mandatory) type E-DCH TTI YES YES Dtxvalid DTX Parameter Switch SET UDTXDRXPARA(Optional) the parameters NO Whether related to the DTX are valid. Value OFF indicates that the NO InactThsForCycle2 Threshold For DPCCH Transmission Cycle 2 SET UDTXDRXPARA(Optional) of consecutive EDCH TTIs carrying no data, which triggers the interval at w Number NO NO DtxLongPreamble Number of Preamble Timeslots in the Case of DtxCycle2 of preamble timeslots sent before data is transmitted on the DPCCH when SET UDTXDRXPARA(Optional) Number NO NO MacInactiveThreshold MAC Inactivity ThresholdSET UDTXDRXPARA(Optional)during which no data is transmitted on the E-DCH. For details, see 3GPP TS Period NO NO
UDTXDRXPARA CqiDtxTimer CQI Activity Timer SET UDTXDRXPARA(Optional) of subframes transmitted NO the priority of reporting CQI is higher than t Number NO when UDTXDRXPARA DpcchBurst1 DPCCH Transmission Burst 1UDTXDRXPARA(Optional) of consecutive subframesNO can be transmitted on the UL DPCCH durin SET Number NO that UDTXDRXPARA DpcchBurst2 DPCCH Transmission Burst 2UDTXDRXPARA(Optional) of consecutive subframesNO can be transmitted on the UL DPCCH durin SET Number NO that UDTXDRXPARA Drxvalid DRX Parameter Switch SET UDTXDRXPARA(Optional) the parameters NO Whether related to the DRX are valid. The parameters related to the NO UDTXDRXPARA DrxCycle DRX Cycle SET UDTXDRXPARA(Optional) patterns (that is, the number of subframes) that can be received on the HS-S Size of NO NO UDTXDRXPARA InactThsForDrxCycle DRX Inactivity ThresholdSET UDTXDRXPARA(Optional) of consecutive subframesNO the UE needs to monitor on each HS-SCCH Number NO that UDTXDRXPARA InactThsForGrantMonitoring Inactivity Threshold for UE Grant Monitoring SET UDTXDRXPARA(Optional) of subframes that the UE NO Number NO needs to monitor on the E-AGCH of the serving r UDTXDRXPARA DrxGrantMonitoring UE DRX Grant Monitoring Decision SET UDTXDRXPARA(Optional) the UE monitors the transmission on the E-AGCH in the serving EDCH ce Whether NO NO UDTXDRXPARA CQIFbCkinInDTXDRXmode Feedback Cycke in DTX-DRX mode CQI SET UDTXDRXPARA(Optional) CQI feedback cycle in DTX-DRX mode. Currently, the value of this parameter can b NO NO UDTXDRXPARA DtxCycle1 DPCCH Transmission Cycle 1 SET UDTXDRXPARA(Optional) patterns, that is, the number of subframes that can be transmitted on the UL Size of NO NO UDTXDRXPARA DtxCycle2 DPCCH Transmission Cycle 2 SET UDTXDRXPARA(Optional) patterns, that is, the number of subframes that can be transmitted on the UL Size of NO NO UDTXDRXPARA MacDtxCycle MAC Transmission Cycle SET UDTXDRXPARA(Optional) DTX cycle at the MAC layer when NO MAC layer supports UL E-DCH deactivation. NO the UEDCHRATEADJUSTSET EdchRateAdjustSet HSUPA UpLink Rate Adjust Set SET UEDCHRATEADJUSTSET(Optional) rateNO HSUPA traffic uplink adjustment set. It contains rates for rate adjustment for up NO UEDCHTTIRECFG PriorityOpt Highest User Priority Guarantee Option SET UEDCHTTIRECFG(Optional) This parameter is used only for the TTI dynamic adjustment algorithm (2ms to 10 m NO NO UEDCHTTIRECFG BeThd6A1 6A1 threshold for BE SET UEDCHTTIRECFG(Optional) for triggering event 6A1NO BE services. Event 6A1 is reported through a Threshold NO for UEDCHTTIRECFG BeThd6B1 6B1 threshold for BE SET UEDCHTTIRECFG(Optional) for triggering event 6B1NO BE services. Event 6B1 is reported through a Threshold NO for UEDCHTTIRECFG BeThd6A2 6A2 threshold for BE SET UEDCHTTIRECFG(Optional) for triggering event 6A2NO BE services. Event 6A2 is reported through a Threshold NO for UEDCHTTIRECFG BeThd6B2 6B2 threshold for BE SET UEDCHTTIRECFG(Optional) for triggering event 6B2NO BE services. Event 6B2 is reported through a Threshold NO for UEXT2GCELL GSMCellIndex GSM Cell Index ADD UEXT2GCELL(Mandatory)RMV UEXT2GCELL(Mandatory)MOD UEXT2GCELL(Mandatory) Unique ID of a GSM cell YES YES UEXT2GCELL GSMCellName GSM Cell Name ADD UEXT2GCELL(Mandatory)MOD UEXT2GCELL(Optional) A name identifying a GSM cell uniquely. NO YES UEXT2GCELL NBscIndex Neighboring BSC Index ADD UEXT2GCELL(Mandatory)MOD neighboringNO that the GSM cell belongs to. The Index of UEXT2GCELL(Optional) BSC YES UEXT2GCELL LdPrdRprtSwitch Switch of Periodic Load Reporting ADD UEXT2GCELL(Mandatory)MOD UEXT2GCELL(Optional) Inquiring load of GSM cell when the switch is on. NO YES UEXT2GCELL MCC Mobile country code ADD UEXT2GCELL(Mandatory)MODthe country to which the RNC belongs. The code of UEXT2GCELL(Optional) NO YES UEXT2GCELL MNC Mobile network code ADD UEXT2GCELL(Mandatory)MODthe mobile communication network to which the RNC belongs. The code of UEXT2GCELL(Optional) NO YES UEXT2GCELL CnOpGrpIndex CN Operator Group Index DD UEXT2GCELL(Mandatory)MOD UEXT2GCELL(Optional) A Indicating a Cn Operator NO Group. YES UEXT2GCELL LAC Location Area Code ADD UEXT2GCELL(Mandatory)MOD UEXT2GCELL(Optional) cell. Note: H'0000 and H'FFFE are reserved Location Area Code (LAC) of the GSM NO YES UEXT2GCELL CfgRacInd RAC Configuration Indication UEXT2GCELL(Mandatory)MOD UEXT2GCELL(Optional) ADD This parameter identifiesNO whether YES to configure RAC. If the RNC supports the PS do UEXT2GCELL RAC Routing area code ADD UEXT2GCELL(Mandatory)MOD UEXT2GCELL(Mandatory) This parameter defines aNO routing area within a location area for the PLMN of GSM-M YES UEXT2GCELL CID GSM cell ID ADD UEXT2GCELL(Mandatory)MODGSM cell. NO Identifying a UEXT2GCELL(Optional) YES UEXT2GCELL NCC Network Color Code ADD UEXT2GCELL(Mandatory)MOD UEXT2GCELL(Optional) in the neighboring area. Uniquely identifying the different network NO YES UEXT2GCELL BCC BS Color Code ADD UEXT2GCELL(Mandatory)MOD UEXT2GCELL(Optional) station with the same carrier. Uniquely identifying a neighboring YES NO base UEXT2GCELL BcchArfcn Inter-RAT Cell Frequency Number ADD UEXT2GCELL(Mandatory)MOD UEXT2GCELL(Optional) the inter-RAT cell.BCCH: Broadcast Control Identifying BCCH frequency number of NO YES UEXT2GCELL BandInd Inter-RAT Cell Frequency Band Indicator ADD UEXT2GCELL(Optional)MODinter-RAT cell NO When the UEXT2GCELL(Optional) frequency number is within the range 512-810, the parame NO UEXT2GCELL RatCellType Inter-RAT cell type ADD UEXT2GCELL(Mandatory)MOD UEXT2GCELL(Optional) NO_CAPABILITY indicates that the capaci Identifying the type of theNO inter-RAT cell YES UEXT2GCELL UseOfHcs Use of HCS ADD UEXT2GCELL(Optional)MOD UEXT2GCELL(Optional) This parameter indicatesNO whether NO is used. HCS UEXT2GCELL HCSPrio HCS Priority Level ADD UEXT2GCELL(Optional)MOD UEXT2GCELL(Optional) This parameter indicatesNO HCSNO the priority level The smaller the coverage of the cell UEXT2GCELL Qhcs Quality Threshold for HCS Reselection ADD UEXT2GCELL(Optional)MOD UEXT2GCELL(Optional) Quality threshold for HCS reselection. NO NO UEXT2GCELL NcMode Network Control Mode ADD UEXT2GCELL(Optional)MODthe network control mode. Indicating UEXT2GCELL(Optional) NO NO UEXT2GCELL SuppRIMFlag Inter-RAT cell support RIM indicator ADD UEXT2GCELL(Optional)MOD whether the inter-RAT cell supports RIM. (RIM is used to obtain the SI/P Identifying UEXT2GCELL(Optional) NO NO UEXT2GCELL SuppPSHOFlag Inter-RAT cell support PS HO UEXT2GCELL(Optional)MOD whether the inter-RAT cell supports PS HO. TRUE indicates that the inte ADD indicator Identifying UEXT2GCELL(Optional) NO NO UEXT2GCELL CIO Cell Individual Offset ADD UEXT2GCELL(Optional)MOD UEXT2GCELL(Optional) feature.This parameter is used for the inter-RA It is set according to the topographic NO NO UEXT3GCELL NRncId Neighboring RNC ID ADD UEXT3GCELL(Mandatory)RMV NeighboringYES Identifying a UEXT3GCELL(Mandatory)MOD UEXT3GCELL(Mandatory) RNC. YES UEXT3GCELL CellId Cell ID of Neighboring RNC UEXT3GCELL(Mandatory)RMV UEXT3GCELL(Mandatory)MOD UEXT3GCELL(Mandatory) ADD Uniquely identifying a neighboring YES cell. YES RNC UEXT3GCELL CellHostType Cell Host Type ADD UEXT3GCELL(Optional)MOD UEXT3GCELL(Optional) parameter specifies the host type of a cell in th Specifies the host type of a cell. This NO NO UEXT3GCELL CellName Cell Name ADD UEXT3GCELL(Mandatory) a cell name NO Identifying YES UEXT3GCELL CnOpGrpIndex CN Operator Group Index DD UEXT3GCELL(Mandatory) A This parameter specifiesNO indexYES operator group that serves the cell. the of the UEXT3GCELL PScrambCode DL Primary Scrambling Code UEXT3GCELL(Mandatory)MOD UEXT3GCELL(Optional) ADD Primary downlink scrambling code. NO YES UEXT3GCELL BandInd Band Indicator ADD UEXT3GCELL(Mandatory)MOD UEXT3GCELL(Optional) frequency bands during cell setup. This parameter specifiesNO selected the YES UEXT3GCELL UARFCNUplinkInd UL Frequency Ind ADD UEXT3GCELL(Optional)MOD UEXT3GCELL(Optional) configure the UL frequency of the cell.TRUE in This parameter indicatesNO whether NO to UEXT3GCELL UARFCNUplink Uplink UARFCN ADD UEXT3GCELL(Optional)MOD UEXT3GCELL(Optional) This parameter defines the UL frequency of a cell. If the UL frequency is unspecified NO NO UEXT3GCELL UARFCNDownlink Downlink UARFCN ADD UEXT3GCELL(Optional)MOD UEXT3GCELL(Optional) This parameter indicatesNO DL frequency of a cell. Depending on the value of [Ban the NO UEXT3GCELL TxDiversityInd TX Diversity Indication ADD UEXT3GCELL(Mandatory)MOD UEXT3GCELL(Optional) This parameter indicatesNO whether YES transmission diversity configuration of the cell's d UEXT3GCELL LAC Location Area Code ADD UEXT3GCELL(Mandatory)MOD UEXT3GCELL(Optional) code. This parameter identifiesNO a location area YES UEXT3GCELL CfgRacInd RAC Configuration Indication UEXT3GCELL(Mandatory)MOD UEXT3GCELL(Optional) ADD This parameter identifiesNO whether YES to configure RAC. If the RNC supports the PS do UEXT3GCELL RAC Routing area code ADD UEXT3GCELL(Mandatory)MOD UEXT3GCELL(Mandatory) code. This parameter indicatesNO routing area the YES UEXT3GCELL QqualminInd Min Quality Level Ind ADD UEXT3GCELL(Optional)MOD UEXT3GCELL(Optional) configure the minimum quality level. When it is This parameter indicatesNO whether NO to UEXT3GCELL Qqualmin Min Quality Level ADD UEXT3GCELL(Mandatory)MOD UEXT3GCELL(Mandatory) access threshold of the cell. The UE can This parameter defines the CPICH Ec/No NO YES UEXT3GCELL QrxlevminInd Min RX Level Ind ADD UEXT3GCELL(Optional)MOD UEXT3GCELL(Optional) configure the minimum RX level. When it is se This parameter indicatesNO whether NO to UEXT3GCELL Qrxlevmin Min RX level ADD UEXT3GCELL(Mandatory)MOD UEXT3GCELL(Mandatory) access threshold of the cell.This parame This parameter defines the CPICH RSCP NO YES UEXT3GCELL QrxlevminExtSup Min Rx level Extend Support UEXT3GCELL(Optional)MOD UEXT3GCELL(Optional) actual value of Qrxlevmin should be added w ADD This parameter indicatesNO whether NO the UEXT3GCELL DeltaQrxlevmin Delta Min Rx level ADD UEXT3GCELL(Mandatory)MOD UEXT3GCELL(Mandatory) the minimum required RX level ([Qrxlevmi The actual minimum required RX level = NO YES UEXT3GCELL MaxAllowedUlTxPowerInd Allowed UE UL TX PowerUEXT3GCELL(Optional)MOD UEXT3GCELL(Optional) configure the maximum TX power. Max ADD Ind This parameter indicatesNO whether NO to UEXT3GCELL MaxAllowedUlTxPower Max Allowed UE UL TX PowerUEXT3GCELL(Mandatory)MOD UEXT3GCELL(Mandatory) ADD This parameter specifiesNO maximum allowed uplink TX power of a UE in the cell. the YES UEXT3GCELL UseOfHcs Use of HCS ADD UEXT3GCELL(Optional)MOD UEXT3GCELL(Optional) This parameter indicatesNO whether NO is used. HCS
HCSPrio HCS Priority Level ADD UEXT3GCELL(Optional)MOD UEXT3GCELL(Optional) This parameter indicatesNO HCSNO the priority level The smaller the coverage of the cell Qhcs Quality Threshold for HCS Reselection ADD UEXT3GCELL(Optional)MOD UEXT3GCELL(Optional) Quality threshold for HCS reselection. NO NO SuppDpcmodeChgFlag Support DPC mode Change ind ADD UEXT3GCELL(Optional)MOD UEXT3GCELL(Optional) support the mode change of downlink power c This parameter indicatesNO whether NO to STTDSupInd STTD Support Indicator ADD UEXT3GCELL(Optional)MOD UEXT3GCELL(Optional) This parameter indicatesNO whether NO TX diversity is supported. STTD CP1SupInd CP1 Support Indicator ADD UEXT3GCELL(Optional)MOD UEXT3GCELL(Optional) closed loop TX diversity mode 1 supported. This parameter indicatesNO whether NO the ClosedLoopTimeAdjustMode Loop Time Adjust Mode Closed ADD UEXT3GCELL(Mandatory)MOD UEXT3GCELL(Mandatory) The parameter takes for NO adjusting YESphase and amplitude of the DL dedicated cha the DpchDivModforOther DPCH Tx Diversity ModeADD UEXT3GCELL(Optional)MOD UEXT3GCELL(Optional) for Other User Specifies the TX diversity mode on DPCH for the non-MIMO users and non-DC-HS NO NO FdpchDivModforOther FDPCH Tx Diversity Mode for UEXT3GCELL(Optional)MOD UEXT3GCELL(Optional) ADD Other User Specifies the TX diversity mode on F-DPCH for the non-MIMO users and non-DC-H NO NO DpchDivModforMIMO DPCH Tx Diversity ModeADD UEXT3GCELL(Optional)MOD UEXT3GCELL(Optional) mode for the MIMO users. for MIMO User Specifies the TX diversity on DPCH NO NO FdpchDivModforMIMO FDPCH Tx Diversity Mode for UEXT3GCELL(Optional)MOD UEXT3GCELL(Optional) ADD MIMO User Specifies the TX diversity mode on F-DPCH for the MIMO users.According to the pr NO NO DivModforDCHSDPA Tx Diversity Mode for DC-HSDPA User ADD UEXT3GCELL(Optional)MOD UEXT3GCELL(Optional)the DC-HSDPA users.According to the protocol Specifies the TX diversity mode for NO NO CellCapContainerFdd Cell Capability ContainerADD UEXT3GCELL(Mandatory)MOD UEXT3GCELL(Optional) 1)DELAY_ACTIVATION_SUPPORT (delay activation support indicator):when the in NO YES OverLayMobilityFlag OverLay Network Mobility FlagUEXT3GCELL(Optional) flag of the overlay network.This flag is valid when the OVERLAY switch is s ADD Mobility NO NO HarqPreaCap HARQ Preamble Capability Indication ADD UEXT3GCELL(Optional)MOD UEXT3GCELL(Optional) cell of the neighboring RNC supports the HAR This parameter indicatesNO whether NO the CIO Cell oriented Cell Individual Offset ADD UEXT3GCELL(Optional)MOD UEXT3GCELL(Optional) The CIO value specified NO parameter cooperates with the neighboring cell orie in this NO EFachSupInd EFachSupInd ADD UEXT3GCELL(Mandatory)MOD UEXT3GCELL(Optional)indicator is TRUE, it indicates that the cell su E_FACH support indicator. When YES NO the APFlag APFlag ADD UEXT3GCELL(Optional)MOD UEXT3GCELL(Optional) the indicator is "TRUE", it indicates that the Access point (AP) cell indicator. When NO NO VPLimitInd VPLimitInd ADD UEXT3GCELL(Optional)MOD UEXT3GCELL(Optional) Indicates whether the videophone NO service is limited in a cell. When the indicat NO (VP) CellId Cell ID ADD UFACH(Mandatory)RMVa cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. ID of UFACH(Mandatory) YES YES PhyChId SCCPCH ID ADD UFACH(Mandatory) niquely identifying a common physical channel in a cell U YES YES TrChId FACH ID ADD UFACH(Mandatory)RMV UFACH(Mandatory) in a cell. Configured according to the product specifica Uniquely identifying a FACH YES YES RateMatchingAttr Rate Matching Attribute ADD UFACH(Optional) The rate matching factor NO transport channel.For detailed information of this para of a NO ToAWS Time of Arrival Window Startpoint ADD UFACH(Mandatory) positive value relative to Time of arrival window endpoint (ToAWE). It indicates th A NO YES ToAWE Time of Arrival Window Endpoint ADD UFACH(Mandatory) positive value relative to Latest Time of Arrival (LToA). It indicates the endpoint o A NO YES MaxFachPower Max Transmit Power of FACH UFACH(Optional) The offset between the FACH transmit power and P-CPICH transmit power in a cel ADD NO NO MaxCmchPi Max Common Channel Priority ADD UFACH(Optional) Maximum common channel priority supported by FACH NO NO MinCmchPi Min Common Channel PriorityUFACH(Optional) Minimum common channel priority supported by FACH. ADD NO NO SigRbInd Bearing Signal IndicationADD UFACH(Optional) Indicating whether the FACH bears signalling NO NO ChCodingType Channel Code Type ADD UFACH(Optional) The coding type of a transport channel. For detailed information of this parameter, r NO NO CodingRate Coding Rate ADD UFACH(Optional) The coding rate of a transport channel. For detailed information of this parameter, r NO NO TrafficClass Traffic class SET UFACHBANDWIDTH(Mandatory) specifiesYEStraffic class. According to the QoS requirements of ser This parameter the YES UserPriority User Priority SET UFACHBANDWIDTH(Mandatory) is defined according to the Allocation/Retention Priority (ARP) from User priority that YES YES BandWidthForFACH Bandwidth of Fach SET UFACHBANDWIDTH(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO maximum available bandwidth for each traffic class in the NO CellId Cell ID ADD UFACHDYNTFS(Mandatory)RMV UFACHDYNTFS(Mandatory) parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. ID of a cell. For detailed information about this YES YES TrChId FACH ID ADD UFACHDYNTFS(Mandatory)RMV UFACHDYNTFS(Mandatory) Uniquely identifying a FACH in a cell. Configured according to the product specifica YES YES RLCSize RLC Size ADD UFACHDYNTFS(Mandatory)RMV UFACHDYNTFS(Mandatory) This parameter defines the RLC size corresponding to each transport format. For a YES YES TFsNumber Number of TFs ADD UFACHDYNTFS(Mandatory) This parameter defines the number of the transport formats corresponding to the R YES YES TbNumber1 TB Number of TF1 ADD UFACHDYNTFS(Optional) This parameter defines the number of the transport blocks corresponding to the TF NO NO TbNumber2 TB Number of TF2 ADD UFACHDYNTFS(Optional) This parameter defines the number of the transport blocks corresponding to the TF NO NO TbNumber3 TB Number of TF3 ADD UFACHDYNTFS(Optional) This parameter defines the number of the transport blocks corresponding to the TF NO NO CellId Cell ID ADD UFACHLOCH(Mandatory)RMV For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. ID of a cell. UFACHLOCH(Mandatory) YES YES TrChId FACH ID ADD UFACHLOCH(Mandatory)RMV UFACHLOCH(Mandatory) Uniquely identifying a FACH in a cell. Configured according to the product specifica YES YES FdpchPO2 F-DPCH Power Offset SET UFDPCHPARA(Optional) between TPC command power in F-DPCH channel and reference F-DPCH T Offset NO NO FdpchMaxRefPwr FDPCH Maximum Reference UFDPCHRLPWR(Optional) SET Power This parameter specifiesNO maximum reference power for the F-DPCH, relative to the NO FdpchMinRefPwr FDPCH Minimum Reference Power SET UFDPCHRLPWR(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO minimum reference power for the F-DPCH. This param the NO DefaultConstantValue Default Constant Value SET UFRC(Optional) Constant that is used by NO RNC NO the to calculate the DPCCH_Power_Offset which is f PwrCtrlAlg Power control algorithm selection SET UFRC(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO the UE interprets the received Transmit Power Contro how NO UlTpcStepSize UL Closed Loop Power Control Step SET UFRC(Optional) Step of the closed-loop power control performed on UL DPCH. For details, see 3GP NO NO FddTpcDlStepSize FDD DL power control step size SET UFRC(Optional) Step of the closed-loop power control performed on DL DPCH in Frequency Divisio NO NO DpcMode DL power control mode SET UFRC(Optional) DL power control mode. NO - SINGLE_TPC, a fast power control mode, indicates that NO DlSaveCodeResourceSwitch DL AMR-NB Code-Resource-Saving switch SET UFRC(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO whether the DL code-resource-saving mode is applicable NO DlDpchPlSaveMode DL DPCH puncturing limit in the saving mode SET UFRC(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO puncturing limit used in the spreading factor calculatio the NO DrxCycleLenCoef Paging DRX cycle coefficient UFRC(Optional) SET UTRAN-specific Discontinuous Reception (DRX) cycle length coefficient. In connec NO NO UlBeTraffInitBitrate UL BE traffic Initial bit rate ET UFRC(Optional) S UL initial access rate of PS background or interactive service. When DCCC functio NO NO DlBeTraffInitBitrate DL BE traffic Initial bit rate ET UFRC(Optional) S DL initial access rate of PS background or interactive service. When DCCC functio NO NO UlStrTransModeOnHsupa treaming traffic transmissionUFRC(Optional) S SET mode on HSUPA E-DCH data transfer mode of streaming services. It is valid only when streaming se NO NO Hsupa10msSchPrdForNonGrant TTI 10ms schedule period without grant Time interval of sending HSUPA scheduling information alone for TTI 10ms when t HSUPA SET UFRC(Optional) NO NO Hsupa2msSchPrdForNonGrant TTI 2ms schedule period without grant Time interval of sending HSUPA scheduling information alone for TTI 2ms when th HSUPA SET UFRC(Optional) NO NO Hsupa10msSchPrdForGrant HSUPA TTI 10ms schedule period with grant SET UFRC(Optional) Time interval of sending HSUPA scheduling information for TTI 10ms when the use NO NO Hsupa2msSchPrdForGrant HSUPA TTI 2ms schedule period with grant SET UFRC(Optional) Time interval of sending HSUPA scheduling information for TTI 2ms when the user NO NO HsupaInitialRate Initial rate of HSUPA BE SET UFRC(Optional) traffic HSUPA BE traffic initial bit rate. When DCCC algorithm switch and HSUPA DCCC NO NO DlBeH2DInitialRate DL Rate of HSDPA BE on DCH SET UFRC(Optional) DL initial access rate used when HSDPA BE services switch to the DCH. NO NO ImsBearEnhancedSwitch IMS Bearer Enhancement Switch SET UFRC(Optional) Whether it is allowed to use the initial rate of IMS signaling set on the LMT, that is, t NO NO ImsInitialAccessRate Ims initial rate SET UFRC(Mandatory) Initial access rate of IMS NO signaling. When the "IMS Bearer Enhancement Switch" is YES
UFRC VoipHsupaTti HSUPA TTI type of VOIP traffic SET UFRC(Optional) TTI type used for VoIP services over the E-DCH NO NO UFRC StreamHsupa2msTtiRateThs Threshold of Streaming Services on 2ms TTI of HSUPA of 2ms TTI on the E-DCH for the PS streaming service. The 2ms TT Rate SET UFRC(Optional) Rate threshold NO NO UFRC BeHsupa2msTtiRateThsRate threshold of BE on 2ms TTI of HSUPA SET UFRC(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO rate threshold of 2ms TTI on the E-DCH for HSUPA B the NO UFRC EcN0Ths Ec/N0 threshold SET UFRC(Optional) Threshold for determining the signal quality in a cell. If the reported Ec/No exceeds NO NO UFRC EcN0EffectTime Ec/N0 effective time SET UFRC(Optional) Time duration when the reported Ec/No is valid. The reported Ec/No is valid for the NO NO UFRC MacPduMaxSizeForDlL2Enhance DL L2 enhance max PDU size Cell_DCH SET UFRC(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO maximum size of PDUs transmitted at the MAC layer w the NO UFRC RlcPduMaxSizeForUlL2Enhance UL L2 enhance max RLC PDU size This parameter specifiesNO maximum RLC PDU size when the UE is in CELL_DC Cell_DCH SET UFRC(Optional) the NO UFRC RlcPduMinSizeForUlL2Enhance UL L2 enhance min RLC PDU size Cell_DCH SET UFRC(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO minimum RLC PDU size when the UE is in CELL_DC the NO UFRC MacPduMaxSizeForEFach Cell_FACH L2 enhance max PDU size SET UFRC(Optional) Maximum size of PDUs transmitted at the MAC layer when the UE is in the CELL_F NO NO UFRC MIMOor64QAMSwitch Prefered MIMO or 64QAM character SET UFRC(Optional) According to the R8 protocol, MIMO and 64QAM can be used together. When the c NO NO UFRC DtxDrxEnablingDelay Delay Time for DTX_DRX to Take Effect SET UFRC(Optional) Delay time for DTX_DRXNO being effective after it is enabled. For details, see 3GPP T NO UFRC RetryCapability HSPA Technologies Retried by UEs SET UFRC(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO which HSPA technologies can be retried by UEs. When th NO UFRC DpcchSlotFmtForHspa Prefered DPCCH slot format for HSPA SET UFRC(Optional) Whether the DPCCH slot format 1NODPCCH slot format 4 is used when all the traf NO or UFRC CSVoiceHsupaTti HSUPA TTI type of CS voice traffic SET UFRC(Optional) TTI type used for CS services over the uplink HSPA channel. NO NO UFRC CSVoiceHspaUlRelDelay Voice Hspa Ul Relative Delay CS SET UFRC(Optional) Relative delay for jitter correction of the CS traffic over the uplink HSPA channel. Th NO NO UFRC CSVoiceHspaDlRelDelay Voice Hspa Dl Relative Delay CS SET UFRC(Optional) Relative delay for jitter correction of the CS traffic over the downlink HSPA channel NO NO UFRC UlIMSTransModeOnHsupa signalling transmission mode on HSUPA IMS SET UFRC(Optional) E-DCH data transfer mode of IMS NO NO signaling services. It is valid only when IMS signa UFRC UlSRBTransModeOnHsupa transmission mode SET UFRC(Optional) SRB on HSUPA E-DCH data transfer mode of SRBs. It is valid only when SRBs are mapped onto th NO NO UFRC MIMO64QAMorDCHSDPASwitch MIMO_64QAM SET UFRC(Optional) Prefered or DC_HSDPA character This parameter specifiesNO priority of MIMO_64QAM or DC-HSDPA. According to the NO UFRC PTTArpPriorityLevel PTT ARP Priority SET UFRC(Optional) Identifies the PTT traffic. NO RNC identifies the PTT traffic based on the informatio The NO UFRC PTTArpPreEmptCap PTT ARP Preemption Capability SET UFRC(Optional) Identifies the PTT traffic. NO RNC identifies the PTT traffic based on the informatio The NO UFRC PTTArpPreEmptVuln PTT ARP Preemption Vulnerability SET UFRC(Optional) Identifies the PTT traffic. NO RNC identifies the PTT traffic based on the informatio The NO UFRC PTTArpQueuingAllowed PTT ARP Queuing Allowed UFRC(Optional) SET Identifies the PTT traffic. NO RNC identifies the PTT traffic based on the informatio The NO UFRC PTTDrxCycleLenCoef DRX cycle coefficient of PTT user SET UFRC(Optional) UTRAN-specific Discontinuous Reception (DRX) cycle length coefficient for PTT Us NO NO UFRC PTTHsupaTti PTT HSUPA TTI type SET UFRC(Optional) TTI type used for the PTT services over the E-DCH NO NO UFRC DefaultSPIWeight Default SPI Weight SET UFRC(Optional) This parameter is used to specify SPI Weight when the licence for SPI Weight-base NO NO UFRCCHLTYPEPARA CSVoiceChlType CS voice channel type SET UFRCCHLTYPEPARA(Optional) of CS voice services. DCH indicates that both uplink and downlink are Channel type NO NO UFRCCHLTYPEPARA VoipChlType VOIP channel type SET UFRCCHLTYPEPARA(Optional) that preferably carries VoIP services. - DCH: Both uplink and down Type of channel NO NO UFRCCHLTYPEPARA PTTChlType PTT channel type SET UFRCCHLTYPEPARA(Optional) specifiesNO channel type of PTT services.- DCH: Both uplink and d This parameter the NO UFRCCHLTYPEPARA ImsChlType IMS channel type SET UFRCCHLTYPEPARA(Optional) of IMS signaling. - DCH: Both uplink and downlink are preferably carr Channel type NO NO UFRCCHLTYPEPARA SrbChlType Type of Channel Preferably Carrying Signaling RB SET UFRCCHLTYPEPARA(Optional) that preferably carries the signaling RB.- DCH: Both uplink and dow Type of channel NO NO UFRCCHLTYPEPARA SrbChlTypeRrcEffectFlag Effective Flag of Signaling RBUFRCCHLTYPEPARA(Optional)configured type of channel that preferably carries the signaling RB is e SET Channel Type Whether the NO NO UFRCCHLTYPEPARA UlBeTraffDecThs UL BE traffic DCH decision threshold SET UFRCCHLTYPEPARA(Optional) for the decision to set up a PS domain background/interactive servic Rate threshold NO NO UFRCCHLTYPEPARA DlBeTraffDecThs DL BE traffic DCH decision threshold SET UFRCCHLTYPEPARA(Optional) for the decision to set up a PS domain background/interactive servic Rate threshold NO NO UFRCCHLTYPEPARA DlStrThsOnHsdpa DL streaming traffic threshold UFRCCHLTYPEPARA(Optional) for decision to use NO SET on HSDPA Rate threshold NO HS-DSCH to carry DL PS streaming services. W UFRCCHLTYPEPARA DlBeTraffThsOnHsdpa DL BE traffic threshold on HSDPA SET UFRCCHLTYPEPARA(Optional) for decision to use NO Rate threshold NO HS-DSCH to carry DL PS background/interactive UFRCCHLTYPEPARA UlStrThsOnHsupa UL streaming traffic threshold UFRCCHLTYPEPARA(Optional) for decision to use NO SET on HSUPA Rate threshold NO E-DCH to carry PS streaming services. When the UFRCCHLTYPEPARA UlBeTraffThsOnHsupa UL BE traffic threshold on HSUPA SET UFRCCHLTYPEPARA(Optional) specifiesNO rate threshold for decision to use E-DCH to carry UL P This parameter the NO UHCSHO TFastSpdEst Time Window for UE Fast Speed Decision SET UHCSHO(Optional)Time window for estimating whether the UE is in high-mobility state.The start point NO NO UHCSHO NFastSpdEst Threshold for UE Fast Speed UHCSHO(Optional)Threshold for determining whetherNO UE is in high-mobility state.After the UE repo SET Decision NO the UHCSHO TCycleSlow Period for UE Slow Speed Decision SET UHCSHO(Optional)Period for determine whether the UE is in low-mobility state. The RNC periodically d NO NO UHCSHO TSlowSpdEst Time Window for UE Slow Speed Decision SET UHCSHO(Optional)Time window for deciding whetherNO UE is in low-mobility state. Every time the slo NO the UHCSHO NSlowSpdEst Threshold for UE Slow SpeedUHCSHO(Optional)Threshold for determining whetherNO UE is in low-mobility state. After the UE repo SET Decision NO the UHCSHO TRelateLength Time Window For Ping-Pong Handover Decision in Best Cell for determining whether ping-pong handover occurs in the best cell du SET UHCSHO(Optional)Time window NO NO UHOCOMM DivCtrlField Softer Handover CombinationUHOCOMM(Optional) SET Indication Switch There are two combination methods for uplink combination of soft handover: one is NO NO UHOCOMM HspaTimerLen HSPA Hysteresis Timer Length SET UHOCOMM(Optional) HSPA serving cell change is usually triggered by event 1D. To avoid frequent servin NO NO UHOCOMM CoexistMeasThdChoice Inter-Freq and Inter-RAT SET UHOCOMM(Optional) Choice Coexist Measure Threshold parameter specifiesNO event 2D/2F measurement threshold of which measur This the NO UHOCOMM MaxEdchCellInActiveSetMax Number of Cell in EDCH UHOCOMM(Optional) parameter determines the maximum number of links in the EDCH active set. W SET Active Set This NO NO UHOCOMM IFAntiPingpangTimerLength Timer Length of AntiSET UHOCOMM(Optional) Handover The Pingpong NCOV Interfreq After the coverage based handover succeeds, to avoid the handover of the UE to a NO NO UHSSCCHLESSOPPARA TrafficClass Traffic class SET UHSSCCHLESSOPPARA(Mandatory) HS-SCCH Less Operation parameters are to be set Traffic class whose YES YES UHSSCCHLESSOPPARA UseMacehs Mac-ehs Flag SET UHSSCCHLESSOPPARA(Mandatory) Whether the MAC-ehs entity is applied. Mac-ehs is enhanced Mac-hs and is used f YES YES UHSSCCHLESSOPPARA AlignMode Align Type SET UHSSCCHLESSOPPARA(Mandatory) Whether the configured HS-SCCH Less Operation parameters adopt the octet-align YES YES UHSSCCHLESSOPPARA TbIndexNum Configured TBS Count for HS-SCCH Less Mode Number of Mac-hs transport blocks that can be used in HS-SCCH Less Operation m SET UHSSCCHLESSOPPARA(Optional) NO NO UHSSCCHLESSOPPARA TbSizeIndex1 TB Size Index 1 SET UHSSCCHLESSOPPARA(Optional) Index of the Mac-hs transport block size that can be used in HS-SCCH Less Opera NO NO UHSSCCHLESSOPPARA HspdcchSecondCodeSupp1 Support second code Flag for UHSSCCHLESSOPPARA(Optional) SET Tb1 Whether the Mac-hs transport block transmitted in HS-SCCH Less Operation mode NO NO UHSSCCHLESSOPPARA TbSizeIndex2 TB Size Index 2 SET UHSSCCHLESSOPPARA(Optional) Index of the Mac-hs transport block size that can be used in HS-SCCH Less Opera NO NO UHSSCCHLESSOPPARA HspdcchSecondCodeSupp2 Support second code Flag for UHSSCCHLESSOPPARA(Optional) SET Tb2 Whether the Mac-hs transport block transmitted in HS-SCCH Less Operation mode NO NO UHSSCCHLESSOPPARA TbSizeIndex3 TB Size Index 3 SET UHSSCCHLESSOPPARA(Optional) Index of the Mac-hs transport block size that can be used in HS-SCCH Less Opera NO NO UHSSCCHLESSOPPARA HspdcchSecondCodeSupp3 Support second code Flag for UHSSCCHLESSOPPARA(Optional) SET Tb3 Whether the Mac-hs transport block transmitted in HS-SCCH Less Operation mode NO NO UHSSCCHLESSOPPARA TbSizeIndex4 TB Size Index 4 SET UHSSCCHLESSOPPARA(Optional) Index of the Mac-hs transport block size that can be used in HS-SCCH Less Opera NO NO UHSSCCHLESSOPPARA HspdcchSecondCodeSupp4 Support second code Flag for UHSSCCHLESSOPPARA(Optional) SET Tb4 Whether the Mac-hs transport block transmitted in HS-SCCH Less Operation mode NO NO UIDLEMODETIMER T300 Timer 300 SET UIDLEMODETIMER(Optional) T300 is started when UENO sends the RRC CONNECTION REQUEST message. It is NO UIDLEMODETIMER N300 Constant 300 SET UIDLEMODETIMER(Optional)number of retransmissions of the RRC CONNECTION REQUEST messa Maximum NO NO UIDLEMODETIMER T312 Timer 312 SET UIDLEMODETIMER(Optional) T312 is started when UENO to NO starts establish a DCH, and stopped when UE detects c
UIDLEMODETIMER N312 Constant 312 SET UIDLEMODETIMER(Optional)number of successive "in sync" indications received from L1. Maximum NO NO UIMEITAC TAC_FUNC The function of the TAC ADD UIMEITAC(Mandatory)MOD UIMEITAC(Mandatory)RMV UIMEITAC(Mandatory) The function of the TAC.If Fast_Dormancy is selected, the TAC specifies the UEs th YES YES UIMEITAC TAC TAC ADD UIMEITAC(Mandatory)MOD UIMEITAC(Mandatory)RMV UIMEITAC(Mandatory) Station Equipment Id Type Allocation Code (TAC) is part of the International Mobile YES YES UIMEITAC Description Description ADD UIMEITAC(Mandatory)MOD UIMEITAC(Optional) Description UE type. NO YES UIMEITAC FastDormancy Fast Dormancy Switch ADD UIMEITAC(Optional)MOD UIMEITAC(Optional) function for one type UE. The switch of Fast Dormancy NO NO UIMEITAC PROCESSSWITCH Process switch ADD UIMEITAC(Optional)MOD UIMEITAC(Optional)this switch is on, the UE transits from CELL_PCH or UR 1)FD_P2D_SWITCHWhen NO NO UIMSIIDNNSCNIDMAP CnOpIndex Cn Operator Index ADD UIMSIIDNNSCNIDMAP(Mandatory)RMV UIMSIIDNNSCNIDMAP(Mandatory) Represent an index for a CN operator. YES YES UIMSISNAMAP ImsiMin The start of IMSI ADD UIMSISNAMAP(Mandatory)RMV UIMSISNAMAP(Mandatory) The minimum of one IMSI range. YES YES UIMSISNAMAP ImsiMax The end of IMSI ADD UIMSISNAMAP(Mandatory)RMV UIMSISNAMAP(Mandatory) The maximum of one IMSI range. YES YES UIMSISNAMAP MCC Mobile country code ADD UIMSISNAMAP(Mandatory)RMV UIMSISNAMAP(Mandatory) belongs. The code of the country to which the RNC YES YES UIMSISNAMAP MNC Mobile network code ADD UIMSISNAMAP(Mandatory)RMV UIMSISNAMAP(Mandatory) The code of the mobile communication network to which the RNC belongs. YES YES UIMSISNAMAP SnaExistInd SNAC Configuration Indication ADD UIMSISNAMAP(Mandatory)RMV UIMSISNAMAP(Mandatory) Indicating whether the SNAC need be configured. TRUE: The SNAC need be con YES YES UIMSISNAMAP SNAC Sharing Network Area Code UIMSISNAMAP(Mandatory)RMV UIMSISNAMAP(Mandatory) ADD Sharing Network Area Code. YES YES UINTERFREQHOCOV InterFreqReportMode Inter-frequency Measure SET UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) measurement report mode.If this parameter is set to PERIODICAL_ Report Mode Inter-frequency NO NO UINTERFREQHOCOV InterFreqFilterCoef Inter-frequency Measure SET UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) specifiesNO Layer 3 filter coefficient for the inter-frequency measur Filter Coeff This parameter the NO UINTERFREQHOCOV PrdReportInterval Inter-frequency Measure SET UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) Periodical MeasurementInterval between periodicNO Report Period reporting for the inter-frequency handover. In periodic repo NO UINTERFREQHOCOV HystFor2B 2B Hysteresis SET UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) triggering event 2B.The value of this parameter is associated with the Hysteresis for NO NO UINTERFREQHOCOV HystFor2D 2D Hysteresis SET UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) triggering event 2D.The value of this parameter is associated with the Hysteresis for NO NO UINTERFREQHOCOV HystFor2F 2F Hysteresis SET UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) triggering event 2F.The value of this parameter is associated with the Hysteresis for NO NO UINTERFREQHOCOV HystForPrdInterFreq HHO Hysteresis SET UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) the inter-frequency hard handover triggered by the periodic measurem Hysteresis in NO NO UINTERFREQHOCOV WeightForUsedFreq Weight for Used frequency UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) WeightForUsedFreq is the frequency weighting factor used to calcu SET The parameter NO NO UINTERFREQHOCOV TimeToTrig2B Event 2B Trigger Delay SET UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) Interval time between the detection of event 2B and sending of measurement repor NO NO UINTERFREQHOCOV TimeToTrig2D Event 2D Trigger Delay SET UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) Interval time between detection of NO 2D and sending of the measurement repor NO event UINTERFREQHOCOV TimeToTrig2F Event 2F Trigger Delay SET UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) Interval time between detection of NO 2F and sending of the measurement repor NO event UINTERFREQHOCOV TimeToTrigForPrdInterFreq Period Trigger Delay UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) HHO SET Interval between reception of periodical reports and triggering of the inter-frequency NO NO UINTERFREQHOCOV InterFreqCSThd2DEcN0Inter-freq CS Measure Start Ec/No THD SET UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) of triggering the inter-frequency measurement for CS services.The Ec/No threshold NO NO UINTERFREQHOCOV InterFreqCSThd2FEcN0 Inter-freq CS Measure Stop Ec/No THD SET UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) of stopping the inter-frequency measurement for CS services.The Ec/No threshold NO NO UINTERFREQHOCOV InterFreqR99PsThd2DEcN0 Inter-freq R99 PS Measure Start Ec/No THD SET UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) of triggering the inter-frequency measurement for PS non-HSPA se Ec/No threshold NO NO UINTERFREQHOCOV InterFreqHThd2DEcN0 Inter-freq H Measure Start Ec/No THD SET UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) of triggering the inter-frequency measurement for HSPA services.T Ec/No threshold NO NO UINTERFREQHOCOV InterFreqR99PsThd2FEcN0 Inter-freq R99 PS Measure Stop Ec/No THD SET UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) of stopping the inter-frequency measurement for PS non-HSPA se Ec/No threshold NO NO UINTERFREQHOCOV InterFreqHThd2FEcN0 Inter-freq H Measure Stop Ec/No THD SET UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) of stopping the inter-frequency measurement for HSPA services.Th Ec/No threshold NO NO UINTERFREQHOCOV InterFreqCSThd2DRSCP Inter-freq CS Measure Start RSCP THD SET UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) RSCP threshold of triggering the inter-frequency measurement for CS services.The NO NO UINTERFREQHOCOV InterFreqCSThd2FRSCPInter-freq CS Measure Stop RSCP THD SET UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) RSCP threshold of stopping the inter-frequency measurement for CS services.The NO NO UINTERFREQHOCOV InterFreqR99PsThd2DRSCP Inter-freq R99 PS Measure Start RSCP THD SET UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) RSCP threshold of triggering the inter-frequency measurement for PS non-HSPA se NO NO UINTERFREQHOCOV InterFreqHThd2DRSCP Inter-freq H Measure Start RSCP THD SET UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) RSCP threshold of triggering the inter-frequency measurement for HSPA services.T NO NO UINTERFREQHOCOV InterFreqR99PsThd2FRSCP Inter-freq R99 PS Measure Stop RSCP THD SET UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) RSCP threshold of stopping the inter-frequency measurement for PS non-HSPA se NO NO UINTERFREQHOCOV InterFreqHThd2FRSCP Inter-freq H Measure Stop RSCP THD SET UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) RSCP threshold of stopping the inter-frequency measurement for HSPA services.Th NO NO UINTERFREQHOCOV TargetFreqCsThdEcN0 Inter-freq CS Target Frequency Trigger Ec/No THD SET UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)the target frequency for triggering inter-frequency measurement based Threshold of NO NO UINTERFREQHOCOV TargetFreqR99PsThdEcN0 Inter-freq R99 PS TargetSET UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)the target frequency for triggering inter-frequency measurement based Frequency Trigger Ec/No THD Threshold of NO NO UINTERFREQHOCOV TargetFreqHThdEcN0 Inter-freq HSPA Target Frequency Trigger Ec/No Threshold of the target frequency for triggering inter-frequency measurement based SET UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) THD NO NO UINTERFREQHOCOV TargetFreqCsThdRscp Inter-freq CS Target Frequency Trigger RSCP THD SET UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)the target frequency for triggering inter-frequency measurement based Threshold of NO NO UINTERFREQHOCOV TargetFreqR99PsThdRscp Inter-freq R99 PS TargetSET UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)the target frequency for triggering inter-frequency measurement based Frequency Trigger RSCP THD Threshold of NO NO UINTERFREQHOCOV TargetFreqHThdRscp Inter-freq HSPA Target Frequency Trigger RSCP Threshold of the target frequency for triggering inter-frequency measurement based SET UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) THD NO NO UINTERFREQHOCOV UsedFreqCSThdEcN0 Inter-freq CS Used frequency UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)used frequency quality for triggering inter-frequency measurement bas SET trigger Ec/No THD Threshold of NO NO UINTERFREQHOCOV UsedFreqR99PsThdEcN0 Inter-freq R99 PS Used frequency trigger Ec/No THD SET UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)used frequency quality for triggering inter-frequency measurement bas Threshold of NO NO UINTERFREQHOCOV UsedFreqHThdEcN0 Inter-freq H Used frequency trigger Ec/No THD Threshold of used frequency quality for triggering inter-frequency measurement bas SET UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) NO NO UINTERFREQHOCOV UsedFreqCSThdRSCP Inter-freq CS Used frequency UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)used frequency quality for triggering inter-frequency measurement bas SET trigger RSCP THD Threshold of NO NO UINTERFREQHOCOV UsedFreqR99PsThdRSCP Inter-freq R99 PS Used frequency trigger RSCP THD SET UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional)used frequency quality for triggering inter-frequency measurement bas Threshold of NO NO UINTERFREQHOCOV UsedFreqHThdRSCP Inter-freq H Used frequency trigger RSCP THD Threshold of used frequency quality for triggering inter-frequency measurement bas SET UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) NO NO UINTERFREQHOCOV InterFreqMeasTime Inter-freq Measure TimerSET UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) timer for the inter-frequency measurement.If the inter-frequency hand Length Length of the NO NO UINTERFREQHOCOV PeriodFor2B 2B Event Retry Period SET UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) Sets the interval between the failure in the inter-frequency handover triggered by th NO NO UINTERFREQHOCOV AmntOfRpt2B 2B Event Retry Max Times UINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) SET Maximum number of inter-frequency handover re-attempts after event 2B is reporte NO NO UINTERFREQHOCOV TimeToInterfreqHO Inter-freq Coverage HandoverUINTERFREQHOCOV(Optional) before triggering the inter-frequency coverage handover. If the inter SET Trigger Delay Maximum delay NO NO UINTERFREQHONCOVInterFreqFilterCoef Inter-frequency Measure SET UINTERFREQHONCOV(Optional) specifiesNO Layer 3 filter coefficient for the inter-frequency measur Filter Coeff This parameter the NO UINTERFREQHONCOVHystfor2C 2C Hysteresis SET UINTERFREQHONCOV(Optional) for event 2C.The NO of this parameter is associated with the slo Hysteresis used NO value UINTERFREQHONCOVTrigTime2C Event 2C Trigger Delay SET UINTERFREQHONCOV(Optional) Interval time between detection of NO 2C and sending of the measurement repor NO event UINTERFREQHONCOVInterFreqNCovHOThdEcN0 Inter-freq measure targetSET UINTERFREQHONCOV(Optional) frequency trigger Ec/No Threshold of signal quality of the target frequency for triggering inter-frequency mea THD NO NO UINTERFREQHONCOVInterFreqMeasTime Inter-freq Measure TimerSET UINTERFREQHONCOV(Optional) Length Length of the timer for the inter-frequency measurement.If the inter-frequency hand NO NO UINTERFREQHONCOVPeriodFor2C 2C Event Retry Period SET UINTERFREQHONCOV(Optional) the handover re-attempts for event 2C. If the inter-frequency hand Interval between NO NO UINTERFREQHONCOVAmntOfRpt2C Event 2C Retry Max Times UINTERFREQHONCOV(Optional) SET Maximum number of handover attempts for event 2C. This parameter specifies the NO NO UINTERFREQNCELL RNCId RNC ID ADD UINTERFREQNCELL(Mandatory)RMV UINTERFREQNCELL(Mandatory)MOD UINTERFREQNCELL( ID of an RNC YES YES UINTERFREQNCELL CellId Cell ID ADD UINTERFREQNCELL(Mandatory)RMV UINTERFREQNCELL(Mandatory)MOD UINTERFREQNCELL( Unique ID of a cell YES YES UINTERFREQNCELL NCellRncId RNC ID of a neighboring ADD UINTERFREQNCELL(Mandatory)RMV UINTERFREQNCELL(Mandatory)MOD UINTERFREQNCELL( cell Unique RNC ID of a neighboring cell YES YES UINTERFREQNCELL NCellId Neighboring Cell ID ADD UINTERFREQNCELL(Mandatory)RMV UINTERFREQNCELL(Mandatory)MOD UINTERFREQNCELL( Unique ID of a neighboring cell YES YES
CIOOffset Neighboring Cell Oriented CIO ADD UINTERFREQNCELL(Optional)MOD UINTERFREQNCELL(Optional) Neighboring cell orientedNO CIO.This parameter specifies the neighboring cell oriente NO SIB11Ind SIB11 Indicator ADD UINTERFREQNCELL(Optional)MOD to send the system information block 11 (SIB11) including neighb Indicates whether UINTERFREQNCELL(Optional) NO NO IdleQoffset1sn IdleQoffset1sn ADD UINTERFREQNCELL(Optional)MOD UINTERFREQNCELL(Mandatory) in cell selection or reselectio Cell offset used for CPICH RSCP measurement value NO NO IdleQoffset2sn IdleQoffset2sn ADD UINTERFREQNCELL(Optional)MOD UINTERFREQNCELL(Mandatory) in cell selection or reselectio Cell offset used for CPICH Ec/No measurement value NO NO SIB12Ind SIB12 Indicator ADD UINTERFREQNCELL(Optional)MOD to send the SIB12 indication including the neighboring cell inform Indicates whether UINTERFREQNCELL(Optional) NO NO ConnQoffset1sn ConnQoffset1sn ADD UINTERFREQNCELL(Optional)MOD UINTERFREQNCELL(Mandatory) in cell selection or reselectio Cell offset used for CPICH RSCP NO NO measurement value ConnQoffset2sn ConnQoffset2sn ADD UINTERFREQNCELL(Optional)MOD UINTERFREQNCELL(Mandatory) in cell selection or reselectio Cell offset used for CPICH Ec/No measurement value NO NO TpenaltyHcsReselect HCS Cell Reselect Penalty Timer ADD UINTERFREQNCELL(Optional)MOD UINTERFREQNCELL(Optional) parameter is set to a greater va Specifies the penalty time for cell reselection. If this NO NO TempOffset1 HCS Cell Reselect TempOffset1 ADD UINTERFREQNCELL(Optional)MOD UINTERFREQNCELL(Mandatory) in HCS cell selection. If this p Cell offset used for CPICH RSCP measurement value NO NO TempOffset2 HCS Cell Reselect TempOffset2 ADD UINTERFREQNCELL(Optional)MOD UINTERFREQNCELL(Mandatory) in HCS cell selection. If this p Cell offset used for CPICH Ec/No measurement value NO NO HOCovPrio Priority of Coverage-Based Inter-Frequency Handover for neighboring cell supporting coverage-based inter-frequency handover. T ADD UINTERFREQNCELL(Optional)MOD UINTERFREQNCELL(Optional) Priority NO NO BlindHoFlag Blind Handover Flag ADD UINTERFREQNCELL(Optional)MOD UINTERFREQNCELL(Optional) indicates that the cell is not c Whether to perform blindNO handover.The value FALSE NO BlindHOQualityConditionBlind Handover Quality Condition ADD UINTERFREQNCELL(Optional)MOD UINTERFREQNCELL(Optional)If this parameter is not set to -115 Quality condition for triggering the NO handover. NO blind NPrioFlag Neighboring Cell Priority ADD UINTERFREQNCELL(Optional)MOD UINTERFREQNCELL(Optional) Flag Priority flag of neighboring cellsThe value TRUE indicates that the neighboring cell NO NO NPrio Priority of Neighboring Cell UINTERFREQNCELL(Mandatory)MOD UINTERFREQNCELL(Mandatory) ADD The priority that corresponds to the neighboring cell is valid only when the paramete NO YES DRDEcN0Threshhold Drd Ec/N0 Threshold ADD UINTERFREQNCELL(Optional)MOD UINTERFREQNCELL(Optional) DRD Ec/No threshold forNO determining whether to perform the blind handover. If the NO MBDRFlag Flag of MBDR Cell ADD UINTERFREQNCELL(Optional)MOD UINTERFREQNCELL(Optional) Whether the cell supports the measure-based directed retry (MBDR) algorithm. The NO NO MBDRPrio MBDR Cell Periority ADD UINTERFREQNCELL(Optional)MOD UINTERFREQNCELL(Optional) when the "MBDRFlag" parame Priority of a MBDR cell. This parameter is valid only NO NO DrdOrLdrFlag DrdOrLdrFlag ADD UINTERFREQNCELL(Optional)MOD UINTERFREQNCELL(Optional) Specify the flags of the cells that the DRD measurement or LDR measurement is pe NO NO InterNCellQualReqFlag Neighboring Cell Quality ADD UINTERFREQNCELL(Optional)MOD the signal quality in neighboring cells is guaranteed. If the parame Guarantee Indication Indicates whether UINTERFREQNCELL(Optional) NO NO Qqualmin Min Quality Level ADD UINTERFREQNCELL(Optional)MOD UINTERFREQNCELL(Mandatory) reselection. The neighboring Minimum CPICH Ec/No for the neighboring cell on cell NO NO Qrxlevmin Min RX Level ADD UINTERFREQNCELL(Optional)MOD UINTERFREQNCELL(Mandatory) reselection. The neighboring Minimum CPICH RSCP for the neighboring cell on cell NO NO InterRatReportMode Inter-RAT Report Mode SET UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) Inter-RAT measurement reporting NO NO mode.When PERIODICAL_REPORTING is sele FilterCoefOf2D2F 2D/2F Filter Coefficient SET UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) L3 filtering coefficient for NO 2DNOevent 2F measurementIf this parameter is set event or MeasQuantityOf3A 3A Measure Quantity SET UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) quantity used in coverage-based inter-RAT measurement in event 3A Measurement NO NO InterRATFilterCoef Inter-RAT Filter Coefficient UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) SET This parameter specifiesNO Layer 3 filter coefficient for the inter-RAT measuremen the NO WeightForUsedFreq Weight for Used Frequency UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) SET The parameter WeightForUsedFreq is the frequency weighting factor used to calcu NO NO InterRATPeriodReportInterval Inter-RAT Period Reporting Interval SET UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) the UE reports inter-RAT measurement results to the RNC.This param Interval that NO NO Hystfor2D 2D Hysteresis SET UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) event 2D. This parameter is used to avoid the ping-pong reporting of Hysteresis for NO NO Hystfor2F 2F Hysteresis SET UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) event 2F.The value NO parameter is associated with slow fading. I Hysteresis for NO of this Hystfor3A 3A Hysteresis SET UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) event 3A.The value NOthis parameter is associated with slow fading. Hysteresis for NO of HystforInterRAT Inter-RAT Hysteresis SET UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) inter-RAT periodicalNO Hysteresis for NO reporting.This parameter is used to avoid incorre TrigTime2D 2D Event Trigger Delay Time UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) between detection of NO 2D and sending of the measurement repor SET Interval time NO event TrigTime2F 2F Event Trigger Delay Time UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) between detection of NO 2F and sending of the measurement repor SET Interval time NO event TrigTime3A 3A Event Trigger Delay Time UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) between detection of NO 3A and sending of the measurement repor SET Interval time NO event TimeToTrigForNonVerifyTime to Trigger Handover to Non-Verified GSM Cell delay for triggering NO SET UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) Time handovers to GSM cells with non-verified BSIC.During the NO TimeToTrigForVerify Time to Trigger Handover to Verified GSM Cell Time delay for triggering NO SET UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) handovers to GSM cells with verified BSIC.During the peri NO BSICVerify BSIC Verify Switch SET UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) Switch for verifying the Base Station Identity Code (BSIC). This parameter is used t NO NO InterRATCSThd2DEcN0Inter-RAT CS Measure Start Ec/No THD SET UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) triggering inter-RAT measurement for CS services when measuremen Threshold of NO NO InterRATCSThd2FEcN0 Inter-RAT CS Measure Stop Ec/No THD SET UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) stopping inter-RAT measurement for CS services when measurement Threshold of NO NO InterRATR99PsThd2DEcN0 Inter-RAT R99 PS Measure Start Ec/No THD SET UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) triggering inter-RAT measurement for PS domain non-HSPA services Threshold of NO NO InterRATHThd2DEcN0 Inter-RAT HSPA Measure Start Ec/No THD SET UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) triggering inter-RAT measurement for HSPA services when measurem Threshold of NO NO InterRATR99PsThd2FEcN0 Inter-RAT R99 PS Measure Stop Ec/No THD SET UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) triggering inter-RAT measurement for PS domain non-HSPA services Threshold of NO NO InterRATHThd2FEcN0 Inter-RAT HSPA Measure Stop Ec/No THD SET UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) stopping inter-RAT measurement for HSPA services when measureme Threshold of NO NO InterRATCSThd2DRSCP Inter-RAT CS Measure Start RSCP THD SET UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) triggering inter-RAT measurement for CS services when measuremen Threshold of NO NO InterRATCSThd2FRSCPInter-RAT CS Measure Stop RSCP THD SET UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) stopping inter-RAT measurement for CS services when measurement Threshold of NO NO InterRATR99PsThd2DRSCP Inter-RAT R99 PS Measure Start RSCP THD SET UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) triggering inter-RAT measurement for PS domain non-HSPA services Threshold of NO NO InterRATHThd2DRSCP Inter-RAT HSPA Measure Start RSCP THD SET UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) triggering inter-RAT measurement for HSPA services when measurem Threshold of NO NO InterRATR99PsThd2FRSCP Inter-RAT R99 PS Measure Stop RSCP THD SET UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) stopping inter-RAT measurement for PS domain non-HSPA services w Threshold of NO NO InterRATHThd2FRSCP Inter-RAT HSPA Measure Stop RSCP THD SET UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) stopping inter-RAT measurement for HSPA services when measureme Threshold of NO NO TargetRatCsThd Inter-RAT CS Handover Decision THD SET UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) Quality requirement for the cell of another RAT during inter-RAT handover for CS do NO NO TargetRatR99PsThd Inter-RAT R99 PS Handover Decision THD SET UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) Quality requirement for the cell of another RAT during inter-RAT handover for PS do NO NO TargetRatHThd Inter-RAT HSPA Handover Decision THD SET UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) Quality requirement for the cell of another RAT during inter-RAT handover for HSPA NO NO UsedFreqCsThdEcN0 Inter-RAT CS Used Frequency Trigger Ec/No THD SET UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) threshold for used frequency of CS services.For CS services, if Ec/No Ec/No quality NO NO UsedFreqR99PsThdEcN0 Inter-RAT R99 PS Used SET UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) threshold for used frequency of PS domain non-HSPA services.For P Frequency Trigger Ec/No THD quality Ec/No NO NO UsedFreqHThdEcN0 Inter-RAT HSPA Used Frequency Trigger Ec/No THD quality threshold for used frequency of HSPA services.For HSPA services, if SET UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) Ec/No NO NO UsedFreqCsThdRscp Inter-RAT CS Used Frequency Trigger RSCP THD SET UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) threshold for used frequency of CS domain services. For CS services RSCP quality NO NO UsedFreqR99PsThdRscp Inter-RAT R99 PS Used SET UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) threshold for used frequency of PS domain non-HSPA services. For P Frequency Trigger RSCP THD quality RSCP NO NO UsedFreqHThdRscp Inter-RAT HSPA Used Frequency Trigger RSCP THD quality threshold for used frequency of HSPA services. For HSPA services, if SET UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) RSCP NO NO InterRATMeasTime Inter-RAT Measure Timer Length SET UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) timer for inter-RAT measurement.After inter-RAT measurement starts Length of the NO NO InterRATPingPongTimerInter-RAT Ping-Pong Timer UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) timer to avoid ping-pong handovers between 2G and 3G networks.Wh SET Length of the NO NO InterRATPingPongHyst Inter-RAT Ping-Pong Hysteresis SET UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) avoid ping-pong handover between 2G and 3G networks. When a UE Hysteresis to NO NO PeriodFor3A 3A Event Retry Period SET UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) Interval between handover attempts for event 3A. This parameter specifies the inte NO NO AmntOfRpt3A 3A Event Maximum Retry Times SET UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) Maximum number of handover attempts after inter-RAT handover triggered by even NO NO
InterRatPhyChFailNum Inter-RAT HO Physical Channel Failure THD SET UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional) Maximum number of inter-RAT handover failures allowed due to physical channel fa NO NO PenaltyTimeForPhyChFail Inter-RAT HO Physical Channel Failure Penalty Timer SET UINTERRATHOCOV(Optional)the penalty for inter-RAT handover failure due to physical channel failure Duration of NO NO InterRATFilterCoef Inter-RAT Filter Coefficient UINTERRATHONCOV(Optional) specifiesNO Layer 3 filter coefficient for the inter-RAT measuremen SET This parameter the NO Hystfor3C 3C Hysteresis SET UINTERRATHONCOV(Optional) for event 3C.The NO of this parameter is associated with the slo Hysteresis used NO value TrigTime3C Event 3C Trigger Delay SET UINTERRATHONCOV(Optional)between detection of NO 3C and sending of the measurement repor Interval time NO event BSICVerify BSIC Verify Switch SET UINTERRATHONCOV(Optional) Switch for verifying the Base Station Identity Code (BSIC). This parameter is used t NO NO InterRATNCovHOCSThd Inter-RAT CS Handover Decision THD SET UINTERRATHONCOV(Optional) Quality requirement for the cell of another RAT during inter-RAT handover for CS do NO NO InterRATNCovHOPSThdInter-RAT PS Handover Decision THD SET UINTERRATHONCOV(Optional) Quality requirement for the cell of another RAT during inter-RAT handover for CS do NO NO InterRATHOAttempts Inter-RAT Handover MaxSET UINTERRATHONCOV(Optional) Attempt Times Maximum number of inter-RAT handover attempts after the non-coverage-based ha NO NO InterRATMeasTime Inter-RAT Measure Timer Length SET UINTERRATHONCOV(Optional) timer for inter-RAT measurement.After inter-RAT measurement starts Length of the NO NO SndLdInfo2GsmInd Send Load Info to GSM Ind UINTERRATHONCOV(Optional) SET If this parameter is set toNO "ON", the RNC informs the GSM network of the load carri NO NcovHoOn2GldInd NCOV Reloc Ind Based on GSM Cell Load SET UINTERRATHONCOV(Optional) When this parameter is set to "ON", the RNC will stop the non-coverage based inte NO NO CSHOOut2GloadThd CS Domain Reloc GSM Load UINTERRATHONCOV(Optional) specifiesNO threshold for 2G load of relocation target, in an inter-R SET THD This parameter the NO PSHOOut2GloadThd PS Domain Reloc GSM Load UINTERRATHONCOV(Optional) specifiesNO threshold for 2G load of relocation target, in an inter-R SET THD This parameter the NO PeriodFor3C Event 3C Retry Period SET UINTERRATHONCOV(Optional) Interval between the handover re-attempts for event 3C. This parameter specifies th NO NO AmntOfRpt3C Event 3C Retry Max Times UINTERRATHONCOV(Optional) SET Maximum number of handover re-attempts for event 3C. This parameter specifies t NO NO InterRatPhyChFailNum Inter-RAT HO Physical Channel Failure THD SET UINTERRATHONCOV(Optional) Maximum number of inter-RAT handover failures allowed due to physical channel fa NO NO PenaltyTimeForPhyChFail Inter-RAT HO Physical Channel Failure Penalty Timer SET UINTERRATHONCOV(Optional) penalty for inter-RAT handover failure due to physical channel failure Duration of the NO NO FilterCoef Intra-frequency L3 Filter Coefficient SET UINTRAFREQHO(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO Layer 3 filter coefficient for the intra-frequency measur the NO IntraFreqMeasQuantity Intra-frequency Measurement UINTRAFREQHO(Optional) of the triggered NO SET Quantity Quantity measurements for intra-frequency handovers. This param NO PeriodMRReportNumfor1A Event 1A to Periodical Report UINTRAFREQHO(Optional) number of reporting event 1A after the reporting mode is changed to peri SET Number Maximum NO NO ReportIntervalfor1A Event 1A to Periodical Report UINTRAFREQHO(Optional) which event 1A is reported after the reporting mode is changed to period SET Period Interval at NO NO PeriodMRReportNumfor1C Event 1C to Periodical ReportUINTRAFREQHO(Optional) number of reporting event 1C after the reporting mode is changed to peri SET Number Maximum NO NO ReportIntervalfor1C Event 1C to Periodical ReportUINTRAFREQHO(Optional) which event 1A is reported after the reporting mode is changed to period SET Period Interval at NO NO PeriodMRReportNumfor1J Event 1J to Periodical Report UINTRAFREQHO(Optional) number of reporting event 1J after the reporting mode is changed to perio SET Number Maximum NO NO ReportIntervalfor1J Event 1J to Periodical Report UINTRAFREQHO(Optional) which event 1J is reported after the reporting mode is changed to periodi SET Period Interval at NO NO IntraRelThdFor1ACSVP VP Service Event 1A RelativeUINTRAFREQHO(Optional) threshold for event 1A decision when VP service is performed. If this para SET Threshold Relative NO NO IntraRelThdFor1ACSNVP Non-VP Service Event 1AUINTRAFREQHO(Optional) threshold for event 1A decision when non-VP service is performed in CS d CS SET Relative THD Relative NO NO IntraRelThdFor1APS PS Service Event 1A RelativeUINTRAFREQHO(Optional) threshold for event 1A decision when PS service is performed. If this param SET Threshold Relative NO NO IntraRelThdFor1BCSVP VP Service Event 1B RelativeUINTRAFREQHO(Optional) threshold for event 1B decision when VP service is performed. If this param SET Threshold Relative NO NO IntraRelThdFor1BCSNVP Non-VP Service Event 1BUINTRAFREQHO(Optional) threshold for event 1B decision when non-VP service is performed in CS d CS SET Relative Threshold Relative NO NO IntraRelThdFor1BPS PS Service Event 1B RelativeUINTRAFREQHO(Optional) threshold for event 1B decision when PS service is performed. If this param SET Threshold Relative NO NO IntraAblThdFor1FEcNo Event 1F Absolute Ec/No Threshold SET UINTRAFREQHO(Optional) Ec/No absolute threshold for event 1F in the SHO algorithm. This parameter must b NO NO IntraAblThdFor1FRSCP Event 1F Absolute RSCP Threshold SET UINTRAFREQHO(Optional) RSCP absolute threshold for event 1F in the SHO algorithm. This parameter must b NO NO HystFor1A 1A Hysteresis SET UINTRAFREQHO(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO hysteretic value for event 1A. The value of this parame the NO HystFor1B 1B Hysteresis SET UINTRAFREQHO(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO hysteretic value for event 1B. The value of this parame the NO HystFor1C 1C Hysteresis SET UINTRAFREQHO(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO hysteretic value for event 1C. The value of this parame the NO HystFor1D 1D Hysteresis SET UINTRAFREQHO(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO hysteretic value for event 1D. The value of this parame the NO HystFor1F 1F Hysteresis SET UINTRAFREQHO(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO hysteretic value for event 1F. The value of this parame the NO HystFor1J 1J Hysteresis SET UINTRAFREQHO(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO hysteretic value for event 1J. The value of this parame the NO Weight Weighted factor SET UINTRAFREQHO(Optional) calculating the relative threshold of the soft handover based on the measu Used for NO NO TrigTime1A Event 1A Triggering Delay UINTRAFREQHO(Optional) SET This parameter specifiesNO interval time between detection of event 1A and sendin the NO TrigTime1B Event 1B Triggering Delay UINTRAFREQHO(Optional) SET This parameter specifiesNO interval time between detection of event 1B and sendi the NO TrigTime1C Event 1C Triggering Delay UINTRAFREQHO(Optional) SET This parameter specifiesNO interval time between detection of event 1C and sendi the NO TrigTime1D Event 1D Triggering Delay UINTRAFREQHO(Optional) SET This parameter specifiesNO interval time between detection of event 1D and sendi the NO TrigTime1F Event 1F Triggering Delay SET UINTRAFREQHO(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO interval time between detection of event 1F and sendin the NO TrigTime1J Event 1J Triggering Delay ET UINTRAFREQHO(Optional) S This parameter specifiesNO interval time between detection of event 1J and sendin the NO ShoFailPeriod Max Evaluation Period ofSET UINTRAFREQHO(Optional) evaluation period of SHO failure. When the rate reduction evaluation is p SHO Failure Maximum NO NO ShoFailNumForDwnGrd Threshold Number of SHO Failure SET UINTRAFREQHO(Optional) number of SHO failures. This parameter specifies the maximum number Maximum NO NO RelThdForDwnGrd Relative Threshold of SHO Failure SET UINTRAFREQHO(Optional) threshold for immediate rate reduction after soft handover failure. The rate Relative NO NO DcccShoPenaltyTime Period of Penalty Timer for SHO Failure After Down Rateof penalty timer for SHO failure after rate reduction in the active set. When t SET UINTRAFREQHO(Optional) Length NO NO SHOQualmin Min Quality THD for SHO SET UINTRAFREQHO(Optional) 1A, 1C, and 1D NO reported to the RNC, the target cell can be added to th If events are NO MaxCellInActiveSet Max Number of Cell in Active Set SET UINTRAFREQHO(Optional) number of cells in an active set. This parameter is used to achieve the ba Maximum NO NO BlindHORSCP1FThreshold Event 1F Blind HandoverSET UINTRAFREQHO(Optional) of the quality of the cell NO Trigger Condition Threshold NO reporting event 1F for triggering blind handover. T BlindHOIntrafreqMRInterval Intra-Frequency MeasurementUINTRAFREQHO(Optional) SET Report Interval of Blind parameter specifiesNO interval between intra-frequency measurement reports This HO the NO BlindHOIntrafreqMRAmount Intra-Frequency Masurement Report Amount of Blind Handover SET UINTRAFREQHO(Optional)the algorithm of the load reshuffling (LDR) intra-frequency blind handover. T Used in NO NO RNCId RNC ID ADD UINTRAFREQNCELL(Mandatory)RMV UINTRAFREQNCELL(Mandatory)MOD UINTRAFREQNCELL( ID of an RNC YES YES CellId Cell ID ADD UINTRAFREQNCELL(Mandatory)RMV UINTRAFREQNCELL(Mandatory)MOD UINTRAFREQNCELL( Unique ID of a cell YES YES NCellRncId RNC ID of a neighboring ADD UINTRAFREQNCELL(Mandatory)RMV UINTRAFREQNCELL(Mandatory)MOD UINTRAFREQNCELL( cell Unique RNC ID of a neighboring cell YES YES NCellId Neighboring Cell ID ADD UINTRAFREQNCELL(Mandatory)RMV UINTRAFREQNCELL(Mandatory)MOD UINTRAFREQNCELL( Unique ID of a neighboring cell YES YES CIOOffset Neighboring Cell Oriented CIO ADD UINTRAFREQNCELL(Optional)MOD UINTRAFREQNCELL(Optional) Neighboring cell orientedNO CIO.This parameter specifies the neighboring cell oriente NO CellsForbidden1A Affect 1A Threshold FlagADD UINTRAFREQNCELL(Optional)MOD UINTRAFREQNCELL(Optional) when the cell is added to the ac Determines whether event 1A threshold is affected NO NO CellsForbidden1B Affect 1B Threshold FlagADD UINTRAFREQNCELL(Optional)MOD UINTRAFREQNCELL(Optional) affect the relative threshold of th Flag of whether adding aNO into the active set will cell NO SIB11Ind SIB11 Indicator ADD UINTRAFREQNCELL(Optional)MOD to send the system information block 11 (SIB11) including neighb Indicates whether UINTRAFREQNCELL(Optional) NO NO
IdleQoffset1sn IdleQoffset1sn ADD UINTRAFREQNCELL(Optional)MOD UINTRAFREQNCELL(Mandatory) in cell selection or reselectio Cell offset used for CPICH RSCP measurement value NO NO IdleQoffset2sn IdleQoffset2sn ADD UINTRAFREQNCELL(Optional)MOD UINTRAFREQNCELL(Mandatory) in cell selection or reselectio Cell offset used for CPICH Ec/No measurement value NO NO SIB12Ind SIB12 Indicator ADD UINTRAFREQNCELL(Optional)MOD to send the SIB12 indication including the neighboring cell inform Indicates whether UINTRAFREQNCELL(Optional) NO NO ConnQoffset1sn ConnQoffset1sn ADD UINTRAFREQNCELL(Optional)MOD UINTRAFREQNCELL(Mandatory) in cell selection or reselectio Cell offset used for CPICH RSCP NO NO measurement value ConnQoffset2sn ConnQoffset2sn ADD UINTRAFREQNCELL(Optional)MOD UINTRAFREQNCELL(Mandatory) in cell selection or reselectio Cell offset used for CPICH Ec/No measurement value NO NO TpenaltyHcsReselect HCS Cell Reselect Penalty Timer ADD UINTRAFREQNCELL(Optional)MOD UINTRAFREQNCELL(Optional) parameter is set to a greater va Specifies the penalty time for cell reselection. If this NO NO TempOffset1 HCS Cell Reselect TempOffset1 ADD UINTRAFREQNCELL(Optional)MOD UINTRAFREQNCELL(Mandatory) in HCS cell selection. If this p Cell offset used for CPICH RSCP measurement value NO NO TempOffset2 HCS Cell Reselect TempOffset2 ADD UINTRAFREQNCELL(Optional)MOD UINTRAFREQNCELL(Mandatory) in HCS cell selection. If this p Cell offset used for CPICH Ec/No measurement value NO NO NPrioFlag Neighboring Cell Priority ADD UINTRAFREQNCELL(Optional)MOD UINTRAFREQNCELL(Optional) Flag Priority flag of neighboring cellsThe value TRUE indicates that the neighboring cell NO NO NPrio Priority of Neighboring Cell UINTRAFREQNCELL(Mandatory)MOD UINTRAFREQNCELL(Mandatory) ADD Priority of neighboring cells. The priority assigned to a neighboring cell is valid only NO YES MbmsNCellInd MBMS Neighboring Cell Indicator ADD UINTRAFREQNCELL(Optional)MOD UINTRAFREQNCELL(Optional) Indicator of MBMS neighboring cell NO NO Seed Seed of the Pseudo-random Sequence GeneratorSeedUIPDL(Optional) NO sequence generator. It can prevent idle period of differ ADD UIPDL(Mandatory)MOD of the pseudo-random YES CnOpIndex Cn Operator Index ADD UIPSERVICEQOS(Mandatory)MOD UIPSERVICEQOS(Mandatory)RMV UIPSERVICEQOS(Mandator Indicating a CN operator.YES YES RecIndex Record Index ADD UIPSERVICEQOS(Optional)MOD UIPSERVICEQOS(Mandatory)RMVincludes the following parameter Indicates a matching record. This matching record UIPSERVICEQOS(Mandatory) YES NO MatchType Match Type ADD UIPSERVICEQOS(Mandatory)MOD UIPSERVICEQOS(Optional) This parameter can be set to IP, P Specifies the match type NO matching record. in the YES IPAddress IP Address ADD UIPSERVICEQOS(Mandatory)MODaddress NO matching record. The service priority weight for the I Specifies the IP UIPSERVICEQOS(Optional) in the YES PortNum IP Port ADD UIPSERVICEQOS(Mandatory)MOD UIPSERVICEQOS(Optional) Specifies the port number in the matching record. The service priority weight for the NO YES ProtocolType IP Protocol Type ADD UIPSERVICEQOS(Mandatory)MOD UIPSERVICEQOS(Optional) Specifies the type of the IP protocol in the matching record. Only the TCP and UDP NO YES NBscIndex Neighboring BSC Index ADD UIURGCONN(Mandatory)RMV UIURGCONN(Mandatory)MOD UIURGCONN(Mandatory) Represent an index for a Neighboring BSC. YES YES IntraMbscInd Intra-MBSC Indication ADD UIURGCONN(Mandatory)MOD UIURGCONN(Optional) Indicating whether the Neighboring BSC is in the same RNC. NO YES CnOpIndex Cn Operator Index SET UIUTIMERANDNUM(Mandatory) index for a CN operator. Represent an NO YES KpiAlarmSwitch RNC Report KPI Alarm Switch SET UKPIALMTHD(Optional) Report KPI Alarm Switch RRC NO NO KpiAlarmChkTimes the Period of KPI Alarm Check SET UKPIALMTHD(Optional)period of KPI alarm check, the period must be a multiple of five minutes. The NO NO RrcConnEstabSuccRatioThd Threshold of RRC ConnectionUKPIALMTHD(Optional) SET Setup Successful Ratio Threshold of RRC connection setup successful ratio per CPUS to report KPI alarm. NO NO RrcConnEstabAttMinNum minimum of Rrc connection request Per CPUS. minimum number of NO connection request per CPUS to report KPI alarm. In The SET UKPIALMTHD(Optional) The RRC NO AmrRabEstabSuccRatioThd Threshold of AMR RAB SetupUKPIALMTHD(Optional) SET Successful Ratio Threshold of AMR RAB setup successful ratio per CPUS to report KPI alarm. In a c NO NO AmrRabEstabAttMinNum Minimum Number of AMR RAB Establish Request SET UKPIALMTHD(Optional)minimum number of NO RAB establish request per CPUS to report KPI alarm The AMR NO VpRabEstSuccRatioThd Threshold of VP RAB Setup Successful Ratio SET UKPIALMTHD(Optional) Threshold of VP RAB setup successful ratio per CPUS to report KPI alarm. In a che NO NO VpRabEstAttMinNum Minimum Number of VP RAB UKPIALMTHD(Optional)minimum number of NO RAB NO SET Establish Request The VP establish request per CPUS to report KPI alarm. HsdpaRabEstSuccRatioThd Threshold of HSDPA RAB Setup Successful Ratio SET UKPIALMTHD(Optional) Threshold of HSDPA RAB setup successful ratio per CPUS to report KPI alarm. In NO NO HsdpaRabEstAttMinNumMinimum Number of HSDPA RAB Establish Request minimum number of NO SET UKPIALMTHD(Optional) The HSDPA RAB establish request per CPUS to report KPI al NO HsupaRabEstSuccRatioThd Threshold of HSUPA RAB Setup Successful Ratio SET UKPIALMTHD(Optional) Threshold of HSUPA RAB setup successful ratio per CPUS to report KPI alarm. In NO NO HsupaRabEstAttMinNumMinimum Number of HSUPA RAB Establish Request minimum number of NO SET UKPIALMTHD(Optional) The HSUPA RAB establish request per CPUS to report KPI al NO PsRabEstSuccRatioThd Threshold of PS RAB Setup Successful Ratio SET UKPIALMTHD(Optional) Threshold of PS RAB setup successful ratio per CPUS to report KPI alarm. In a che NO NO PsRabEstAttMinNum Minimum Number of PS RAB UKPIALMTHD(Optional)minimum number of NO RAB NO SET Establish Request The PS establish request per CPUS to report KPI alarm. AmrRabAbnormRelRatioThd Threshold of AMR Call Drop Ratio SET UKPIALMTHD(Optional) Threshold of AMR call drop ratio per CPUS to report KPI alarm.In a checking period NO NO AmrRabRelMinNum Minimum Number of AMR Call Release SET UKPIALMTHD(Optional)minimum number of NO callNO The AMR release per CPUS to report KPI alarm.In a check VpRabAbnormRelRatioThd Threshold of VP Call Drop Ratio SET UKPIALMTHD(Optional) Threshold of VP call drop ratio perNO NO CPUS to report KPI alarm.In a checking period, VpRabRelMinNum Minimum Number of VP Call Release SET UKPIALMTHD(Optional)minimum number of NO call release per CPUS to report KPI alarm.In a checkin The VP NO PsRabAbnormRelRatioThd Threshold of PS Call Drop Ratio SET UKPIALMTHD(Optional) Threshold of PS call drop ratio perNO NO CPUS to report KPI alarm.In a checking period, PsRabRelMinNum Minimum Number of PS Call Release SET UKPIALMTHD(Optional)minimum number of NO call release per CPUS to report KPI alarm.In a checkin The PS NO CnOpIndex Cn Operator Index ADD ULAC(Mandatory)RMV ULAC(Mandatory) a CN operator. Represent an index for YES YES LAC Location Area Code ADD ULAC(Mandatory)RMV ULAC(Mandatory) YES for a Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) of the GSM Identifies a location area code YES PlmnValTagMin Min PLMN Value Tag ADD ULAC(Mandatory) Minimum PLMN tag value corresponding to a LAC. It is defined by the operator. For NO YES PlmnValTagMax Max PLMN Value Tag ADD ULAC(Mandatory) Maximum PLMN tag value corresponding to a LAC. It is defined by the operator. Fo NO YES LAC Location area code ADD ULASNAMAP(Mandatory)RMV ULASNAMAP(Mandatory) Identifying a location area within the PLMN of GSM-MAP type. It is defined by the o YES YES SNAC Sharing Network Area Code ULASNAMAP(Mandatory)RMV ULASNAMAP(Mandatory) ADD Sharing Network Area Code. YES YES MCC Mobile country code ADD ULASNAMAP(Mandatory)RMV ULASNAMAP(Mandatory) The code of the country to which the RNC belongs. YES YES MNC Mobile network code ADD ULASNAMAP(Mandatory)RMV ULASNAMAP(Mandatory) network to which the RNC belongs. The code of the mobile communication YES YES LdrFirstPri first priority for load reshufflingULDCALGOPARA(Optional) SET If congestion is triggered NOmultiple resources such as credit and code at the same by NO LdrSecondPri second priority for load reshuffling SET ULDCALGOPARA(Optional) If congestion is triggered NOmultiple resources such as credit and code at the same by NO LdrThirdPri third priority for load reshuffling SET ULDCALGOPARA(Optional) If congestion is triggered NOmultiple resources such as credit and code at the same by NO LdrFourthPri fourth priority for load reshuffling SET ULDCALGOPARA(Optional) If congestion is triggered NOmultiple resources such as credit and code at the same by NO LdcSwitch load control algorithm switch ULDCALGOPARA(Optional) above represent the following algorithms:NODEB_CREDIT_LDR_SWIT SET The values NO NO IntraFreqLdbPeriodTimerLen Intra-frequency LDB period timer length SET ULDCPERIOD(Optional) Identifying the period of the Intra-frequency load balance algorithm. When the cell lo NO NO PucPeriodTimerLen PUC period timer length SET ULDCPERIOD(Optional) Identifying the potential user control period. When the cell load is high, the cell sele NO NO LdrPeriodTimerLen LDR period timer length SET ULDCPERIOD(Optional) Identifying the period of the LDR execution. When basic congestion occurs, executi NO NO OlcPeriodTimerLen OLC period timer length SET ULDCPERIOD(Optional) Identifying the period of the OLC execution. When overload occurs, execution of O NO NO UlBasicCommMeasFilterCoeff UL basic common measure filter coeff SET ULDM(Optional) L3 filtering coefficient. The larger the value of this parameter, the stronger the smoo NO NO ChoiceRprtUnitForUlBasicMeas for UL basic meas rprt cycle Time unit SET ULDM(Optional) If you set this parameter NO to TEN_MSEC, use [UL basic meas rprt cycle,Unit:10ms] t NO TenMsecForUlBasicMeas L basic meas rprt cycleSET ULDM(Mandatory) UL basic common measurement report cycle. For detailed information of this param U 10ms NO YES MinForUlBasicMeas UL basic meas rprt cycleSET ULDM(Mandatory) UL basic common measurement report cycle. For detailed information of this param minu NO YES DlBasicCommMeasFilterCoeff DL basic common measure filter coeff SET ULDM(Optional) L3 filtering coefficient. The larger the value of this parameter, the stronger the smoo NO NO ChoiceRprtUnitForDlBasicMeas for DL basic meas rprt cycle Time unit SET ULDM(Optional) If you set this parameter NO to TEN_MSEC, use [DL basic meas rprt cycle,Unit:10ms] t NO
ULDM TenMsecForDlBasicMeas L basic meas rprt cycleSET ULDM(Mandatory) DL basic common measurement report cycle. For detailed information of this param D 10ms NO YES ULDM MinForDlBasicMeas DL basic meas rprt cycleSET ULDM(Mandatory) DL basic common measurement report cycle. For detailed information of this param minu NO YES ULDM PeriodProtectTimerCoeffPeriod common measure protect timer coeff SET ULDM(Optional) Period common measurement protection timer coefficient. Timer length of common NO NO ULDM LdbAvgFilterLen LDB smoothing filter length ULDM(Optional) Length of smoothing filter window NO SET NO of intra-frequency load balancing (LDB). ULDM PucAvgFilterLen PUC smoothing filter length ULDM(Optional) Length of smoothing filter window NO SET NO of potential user control (PUC). ULDM UlLdrAvgFilterLen UL LDR smoothing filter length SET ULDM(Optional) Length of smoothing filter window NO NO of uplink LDR. ULDM DlLdrAvgFilterLen DL LDR smoothing filter length SET ULDM(Optional) Length of smoothing filter window NO NO of downlink LDR. ULDM UlOlcAvgFilterLen UL OLC smoothing filter SET ULDM(Optional) Length of smoothing filter window NO length NO of uplink OLC. ULDM DlOlcAvgFilterLen DL OLC smoothing filter SET ULDM(Optional) Length of smoothing filter window NO length NO of downlink OLC. ULDM UlCacAvgFilterLen UL CAC smoothing filter SET ULDM(Optional) Length of smoothing filter window NO length NO of uplink CAC. ULDM DlCacAvgFilterLen DL CAC smoothing filter SET ULDM(Optional) Length of smoothing filter window NO length NO of downlink CAC. ULDM ChoiceRprtUnitForHsdpaPwrMeas of HSDPA need pwrULDM(Optional) If you set this parameter NO Time unit SET meas cycle to TEN_MSEC, use [HSDPA need pwr meas cycle,Unit:10 NO ULDM TenMsecForHsdpaPwrMeas HSDPA need pwr meas cycle ULDM(Mandatory) HSDPA power requirement measurement report period For detailed information of SET 10ms NO YES ULDM MinForHsdpaPwrMeas HSDPA need pwr meas cycle ULDM(Mandatory) HSDPA power requirement measurement report period For detailed information of SET minu NO YES ULDM HsdpaNeedPwrFilterLenHSDPA need power filterSET ULDM(Optional) Length of smoothing filter window NO len NO of HSDPA power requirement. ULDM ChoiceRprtUnitForHsdpaRateMeas HSDPA bit rate meas cycle Time unit of SET ULDM(Optional) If you set this parameter NO to TEN_MSEC, use [HSDPA bit rate meas cycle,Unit:10m NO ULDM TenMsecForHsdpaPrvidRateMeas rate meas cycle 10ms HSDPA bit SET ULDM(Mandatory) This parameter specifiesNO HSDPA bit rate measurement report period. For detail the YES ULDM MinForHsdpaPrvidRateMeas HSDPA bit rate meas cycle minu SET ULDM(Mandatory) This parameter specifiesNO HSDPA bit rate measurement report period. For detail the YES ULDM HsdpaPrvidBitRateFilterLen HSDPA bit rate filter len SET ULDM(Optional) Length of smoothing filter window NO NO of HSDPA bit rate. ULDM MaxMeasContInvalidTimes number of continuous invalid measurement Max allowed number of continuous invalid measurement reports. For detailed inform Max SET ULDM(Optional) NO NO ULDM UlOlcMeasFilterCoeff UL overload measure filter coeff SET ULDM(Optional) L3 filtering coefficient. The larger the value of this parameter, the stronger the smoo NO NO ULDM ChoiceRprtUnitForUlOlcMeas unit for UL OLC meas rprt cycle Time SET ULDM(Optional) If you set this parameter NO to TEN_MSEC, use [UL OLC meas rprt cycle,Unit:10ms] to NO ULDM TenMsecForUlOlcMeas UL OLC meas rprt cycle 10ms SET ULDM(Mandatory) Measurement report period of event E triggered by UL OLC. For detailed informatio NO YES ULDM MinForUlOlcMeas UL OLC meas rprt cycle minu ULDM(Mandatory) Measurement report period of event E triggered by UL OLC. For detailed informatio SET NO YES ULDM UlOlcTrigHyst UL OLC trigger hysteresis ET ULDM(Optional) UL OLC trigger hysteresis.This parameter can avoid touching off OLC event continu S NO NO ULDM DlOlcMeasFilterCoeff DL overload measure filter coeff SET ULDM(Optional) L3 filtering coefficient. The larger the value of this parameter, the stronger the smoo NO NO ULDM ChoiceRprtUnitForDlOlcMeas unit for DL OLC meas rprt cycle Time SET ULDM(Optional) If you set this parameter NO to TEN_MSEC, use [DL OLC meas rprt cycle,Unit:10ms] to NO ULDM TenMsecForDlOlcMeas DL OLC meas rprt cycle 10ms SET ULDM(Mandatory) Measurement report period of event E triggered by DL OLC. For detailed informatio NO YES ULDM MinForDlOlcMeas DL OLC meas rprt cycle minu ULDM(Mandatory) Measurement report period of event E triggered by DL OLC. For detailed informatio SET NO YES ULDM DlOlcTrigHyst DL OLC trigger hysteresis ET ULDM(Optional) DL OLC trigger hysteresis.This parameter can avoid touching off OLC event continu S NO NO ULDM ChoiceRprtUnitForHsupaRateMeas HSUPA bit rate meas cycle Time unit of SET ULDM(Optional) If you set this parameter NO to TEN_MSEC, use [HSDPA bit rate meas cycle,Unit:10m NO ULDM TenMsecForHsupaPrvidRateMeas rate meas cycle 10ms HSUPA bit SET ULDM(Mandatory) This parameter specifiesNO HSUPA bit rate measurement report period. For detail the YES ULDM MinForHsupaPrvidRateMeas HSUPA bit rate meas cycle minu SET ULDM(Mandatory) This parameter specifiesNO HSUPA bit rate measurement report period. For detail the YES ULDM HsupaPrvidBitRateFilterLen HSUPA bit rate filter len SET ULDM(Optional) Length of smoothing filter window NO NO of HSUPA bit rate. ULOCELL LoCell Local Cell ID ADD ULOCELL(Mandatory)RMV ULOCELL(Mandatory) For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3 Uniquely identifying a local cell. YES YES UMBMSALARMPARA MbmsInactTmr Set mbms data check timer UMBMSALARMPARA(Mandatory) alarm forNO mbms data for MBMS traffic. SET A timer used to no YES UMBMSALARMSERVICE bmsMCC M Mobile country code ADD UMBMSALARMSERVICE(Mandatory)RMV UMBMSALARMSERVICE(Mandatory) mobile country code of the RNC. YES YES UMBMSALARMSERVICE bmsMNC M Mobile network code ADD UMBMSALARMSERVICE(Mandatory)RMVthe RNC. YES mobile network code of UMBMSALARMSERVICE(Mandatory) YES UMBMSALARMSERVICE bmsServiceId M MBMS ServiceId ADD UMBMSALARMSERVICE(Mandatory)RMV UMBMSALARMSERVICE(Mandatory) MBMS Service Identity. YES YES UMBMSFACH ServiceType Service Type SET UMBMSFACH(Mandatory) This parameter specifiesNO traffic class of the MBMS service carried on the comm the YES UMBMSFACH ServiceBitRate Service Bit Rate SET UMBMSFACH(Mandatory) This parameter specifiesNO rate of the MBMS service carried on the common chan the YES UMBMSFACH FachMaxPower Fach Max Power SET UMBMSFACH(Optional) parameter specifiesNO maximum power of the FACH. This the NO UMBMSFACH MtchMinPerc0 Mtch Minimal Power Percent for Priority 0 SET UMBMSFACH(Optional) parameter specifiesNO minimum coverage percentage of the MTCH correspo This the NO UMBMSFACH MtchMinPerc15 Mtch Minimal Power Percent for Priority 15 SET UMBMSFACH(Optional) parameter specifiesNO minimum coverage percentage of the MTCH correspo This the NO UMBMSFACH ToAWS Time of Arrival Window Startpoint SET UMBMSFACH(Optional) A positive value relative to Time of arrival window endpoint (ToAWE). It indicates th NO NO UMBMSFACH ToAWE Time of Arrival Window Endpoint SET UMBMSFACH(Optional) A positive value relative to Latest Time of Arrival (LToA). It indicates the endpoint o NO NO UMBMSPERF ChIdx Channel Index SET UMBMSPERF(Mandatory) performance channel index MBMS NO YES UMBMSPERF ChSwitch Channel Switch SET UMBMSPERF(Mandatory) This switch determines whether toYES statistics of the performance based on the M NO take UMBMSPERF MCC Mobile country code SET UMBMSPERF(Mandatory) of the country to which the RNC belongs. The code NO YES UMBMSPERF MNC Mobile network code SET UMBMSPERF(Mandatory) of the mobile communication network to which the RNC belongs. The code NO YES UMBMSPERF ServiceId Service ID SET UMBMSPERF(Mandatory) This parameter define MBMS service ID in PLMN ID . NO YES UMBMSSA CnOpIndex Cn Operator Index ADD UMBMSSA(Mandatory)RMV UMBMSSA(Mandatory) YES Represent an index for a CN operator. YES UMBMSSA MbmsSaId MBMS SA ID ADD UMBMSSA(Mandatory)RMV UMBMSSA(Mandatory) YES of this parameter, refer to the 3GPP 25.346. MBMS SA ID. For detailed information YES UMBMSSCCPCH ServiceType Service Type SET UMBMSSCCPCH(Mandatory) This parameter specifiesNO traffic class of the MBMS service carried on the comm the YES UMBMSSCCPCH ServiceBitRate Service Bit Rate SET UMBMSSCCPCH(Mandatory) This parameter specifiesNO rate of the MBMS service carried on the common chan the YES UMBMSSCCPCH STTDInd STTD Indicator SET UMBMSSCCPCH(Optional) This parameter indicatesNO whether NO SCCPCH shall use STTD or not. For detailed the UMBMSSWITCH MbmsSwitch MBMS Control Switch SET UMBMSSWITCH(Mandatory) enabling of the MBMS function; OFF denotes disabling of the MBMS fu ON denotes NO YES UMBMSSWITCH MbmsIubSharingSwitch MBMS Iub Sharing Switch ET UMBMSSWITCH(Optional) S ON denotes enabling of the MBMS Iub transmission resource sharing function; OFF NO NO UMBMSSWITCH MschSwitchForNonMtchMulti Switch For NonMtchMulti Sccpch Msch SET UMBMSSWITCH(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO whether to add the MSCH logical channel on the SCCPCH NO UMBMSSWITCH MschSwitchForMtchMultiMsch Switch For MtchMulti Sccpch SET UMBMSSWITCH(Optional) This switch specifies whether to add the MSCH logical channel on the SCCPCH. W NO NO UMBSCCRRM MbscServiceDiffLdbSwitch Service Distribution and Load UMBSCCRRM(Optional)parameter defines the switch NO SET Balancing Switch This NO of service distribution and load balancing algorith UMBSCCRRM Mbsc3G2GLdBlcCsDeltaThrd Difference Threshold Between 3G And 2G Of CSparameter defines the load difference threshold between 3G cell and 2G cell w Load SET UMBSCCRRM(Optional) Service This NO NO UMBSCCRRM Mbsc3G2GLdBlcPsDeltaThrd PS Load Difference Threshold Between 3G And 2G Ofparameter defines the load difference threshold between 3G cell and 2G cell w SET UMBSCCRRM(Optional) Ps Service This NO NO UMBSCCRRM CommonMeasurementPeriod Load Measurement Report Period 2G Cell SET UMBSCCRRM(Optional)parameter defines the period NO measurement reporting from BSC to RNC This NO of the
UMBSCCRRM MbscNcovHoOn2GldInd Non-Coverage HandoverSET UMBSCCRRM(Optional) switch is ON, the load state of target 2G cell will be considered during Non-co Based on 2G Load Indication If the NO NO UMBSCCRRM LoadHoOn3G2GldInd Load-base Handover Based on 3G2G Load Difference switch is ON, the load difference between 3G cell and target 2G cell will be co SET UMBSCCRRM(Optional) Indication If the NO NO UMBSCCRRM Mbsc2GLoadAdjustCoeffAdjustment Coefficient of 2G Load Value SET UMBSCCRRM(Optional)parameter defines the adjustment coefficient of load value of 2G cell, which us This NO NO UMBSCCRRM MbscReqGeranInfoSwitch ERAN System Information Exchange Switch If the switch is ON, the NACC procedure does not require the support of the CN. Ins G SET UMBSCCRRM(Optional) NO NO UMBSCCRRM MbscNonLdrRedirFactorUn-LDR Redirection Factor UMBSCCRRM(Optional)argument is used as a factor NO SET This NO involved in SERVICE-BASED and LOAD-BASED UMBSCCRRM MbscLdrRedirFactor LDR Redirection Factor SET UMBSCCRRM(Optional)argument is used as a factor NO This NO involved in SERVICE-BASED and LOAD-BASED UMCCHPERIODCOEF McchModPeriodCoef Mcch Mod Period Coefficient UMCCHPERIODCOEF(Optional) specifiesNO coefficient of modification period of the MCCH. SET This parameter the NO UMCCHPERIODCOEF McchAccessPeriodCoef Mcch Access Period Coefficient SET UMCCHPERIODCOEF(Optional) specifiesNO coefficient of access period of the MCCH. This parameter the NO UMCCHPERIODCOEF McchRepPeriodCoef Mcch Repetition Period Coefficient SET UMCCHPERIODCOEF(Optional) specifiesNO coefficient of repetition period of the MCCH. This parameter the NO UMCDRD BlindDrdExceptHRetrySwitch Aperiodic DRD Retry Switch UMCDRD(Optional)When the measurement-based DRD is performed, this parameter is used to determ SET NO NO UMCDRD HRetryTimerLength DRD Measurement Period Retry Timer Length SET UMCDRD(Optional)Specifies the time lengthNOthe measurement-based DRD periodic retry timer. After of NO UMCDRD PrdReportInterval Inter-Frequency Periodic SET UMCDRD(Optional)Interval between sendingNOperiodic measurement reports.This parameter has imp Measurement Report Interval of NO UMCDRD TargetFreqThdRscp Target Frequency RSCPSET UMCDRD(Optional)RSCP Threshold for the target cell. This parameter is used to estimate the signal q Trigger Threshold NO NO UMCDRD TargetFreqThdEcN0 Target Frequency EcNo Trigger Threshold SET UMCDRD(Optional)Ec/No Threshold for the target cell. This parameter is used to estimate the signal qu NO NO UMCDRD DrdFaiPenaltyPeriodNum DRD Measurement Failure Punish Periods SET UMCDRD(Optional)Number of retry periods in the interval between a failure of a measurement-based D NO NO UMCLDR InterFreqMeasTime Inter-freq Measure TimerSET UMCLDR(Optional)This parameter defines the timer length for inter-frequency measurement.After inter Length NO NO UMCLDR PrdReportInterval Inter-freq Measure Periodical Report Period SET UMCLDR(Optional)The interval between twoNO reports is the configured value. This parameter has impac NO UMCLDR TargetFreqThdRscp Inter-freq Target Frequency Trigger RSCP THD SET UMCLDR(Optional)Estimate the signal quality of the periodic reports. The inter-frequency handover is t NO NO UMCLDR TargetFreqThdEcN0 Inter-freq Target Frequency Trigger Ec/No THD SET UMCLDR(Optional)Estimate the signal quality of the periodic reports. The inter-frequency handover is t NO NO UMGWTST TstSwitch MGWTST SWITCH SET UMGWTST(Mandatory) Indicating whether setting MGWTST Switch on. NO YES UMGWTST TstImsi MGWTST USER IMSI SET UMGWTST(Mandatory) MGWTST user IMSI in aNO number segment. YES UMSCHFACH FachMaxPower Fach Max Power SET UMSCHFACH(Optional) parameter describes Fach Max Power. This NO NO UMTCH ServiceType Service Type SET UMTCH(Mandatory) his parameter specifiesNO traffic class of the MBMS service carried on the comm T the YES UMTCH ServiceBitRate Service Bit Rate SET UMTCH(Mandatory) his parameter specifiesNO rate of the MBMS service carried on the common chan T the YES UMTCH MtchRohcSwitch Mtch Rohc Switch SET UMTCH(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO whether to apply Robust Header Compression (ROHC) on NO UNBNODESYNCMONPARA NodeSyncTime Measurement Start TimeADD UNBNODESYNCMONPARA(Mandatory)MOD UNBNODESYNCMONPARA(Optional) Measurement start time (HH:MM:SS) NO YES UNBNODESYNCMONPARA NodeSyncPeriod Measurement Period ADD UNBNODESYNCMONPARA(Mandatory)MOD UNBNODESYNCMONPARA(Optional) Period of node synchronization YES NO UNBSC NBscIndex Neighboring BSC Index ADD UNBSC(Mandatory)RMV UNBSC(Mandatory) Represent an index for a Neighboring BSC. YES YES UNCELLDETECTSWITCH IntraFreqNCellDetectSwitch Intra-Frequency Neighboring Cell Detect Switch Controls whether the subsystem in a certain subrack supports the detection function SET UNCELLDETECTSWITCH(Optional) NO NO UNCELLDETECTSWITCH InterFreqNCellDetectSwitch Inter-Frequency Neighboring Cell Detect Switch Controls whether the subsystem in a certain subrack supports the detection function SET UNCELLDETECTSWITCH(Optional) NO NO UNCELLDETECTSWITCH InterRatNCellDetectSwitch Inter-Rat Neighboring Cell Detect Switch SET UNCELLDETECTSWITCH(Optional) the subsystem in a certain subrack supports the detection function Controls whether NO NO UNODEB TnlBearerType IUB Trans Bearer Type ADD UNODEB(Optional)MOD UNODEB(Optional) Transport type of the Iub NO interface NO UNODEB TRANSDELAY IUB Trans Delay ADD UNODEB(Optional)This parameter specifiesNO round-trip transport delay of Iub interface when the tra the NO UNODEB HostType NodeB Host Type ADD UNODEB(Optional)MOD UNODEB(Optional) NodeB host type in RNC Node Redundancy function. This parameter specifiesNO the NO UNODEB PeerRncId Peer RNC ID ADD UNODEB(Mandatory)MOD UNODEB(Mandatory) This parameter specifiesNO RNCYES the peer RNC in the RNC POOL. the ID of UNODEB PeerNodebId Peer NodeB ID ADD UNODEB(Mandatory)MOD UNODEB(Mandatory) of the RNC POOL. In RNC Node Redundancy functio ID configured in another RNC NO YES UNODEB SharingType Sharing Type Of NodeB ADD UNODEB(Mandatory)MOD UNODEB(Optional) sharing type of a NodeB. The value "DEDICATED" ind This parameter specifiesNO the YES UNODEB CnOpIndex Cn Operator Index ADD UNODEB(Mandatory)MOD UNODEB(Mandatory)operator. Represent an index for a CN NO YES UNODEBALGOPARA NodeBLdcAlgoSwitch NodeB LDC algorithm switch UNODEBALGOPARA(Optional)MOD UNODEBALGOPARA(Optional) the NodeB Iub load is heavy, us ADD IUB_LDR (Iub congestion control algorithm): When NO NO UNODEBALGOPARA NodeBHsdpaMaxUserNum NodeB Max HSDPA User Number ADD UNODEBALGOPARA(Optional)MOD UNODEBALGOPARA(Optional)If the HSDPA user access is reje Maximum number of HSDPA users of the NodeB. NO NO UNODEBALGOPARA NodeBHsupaMaxUserNum NodeB Max HSUPA User Number ADD UNODEBALGOPARA(Optional)MOD UNODEBALGOPARA(Optional)If the HSUPA user access is reje Maximum number of HSUPA users of the NodeB. NO NO UNODEBALGOPARA HsupaCeConsumeSelection HSUPA Credit ConsumeADD UNODEBALGOPARA(Optional)MOD UNODEBALGOPARA(Optional) Type When the dynamic CE algorithm on NodeB is applied, the CE consumption of HSU NO NO UNODEBALGOPARA RsvdPara1 Reserved parameter 1 ADD UNODEBALGOPARA(Optional)MOD UNODEBALGOPARA(Optional) Reserved Parameter1. NO NO UNODEBALGOPARA RsvdPara2 Reserved parameter 2 ADD UNODEBALGOPARA(Optional)MOD UNODEBALGOPARA(Optional) Reserved parameter 2. NO NO UNODEBALGOPARA RsvdPara3 Reserved parameter 3 ADD UNODEBALGOPARA(Optional)MOD UNODEBALGOPARA(Optional) Reserved parameter 3. NO NO UNODEBESN NODEBID NodeB ID MOD UNODEBESN(Mandatory)RMV UNODEBESN(Mandatory)ADD UNODEBESN(Mandatory) NodeB ID NO YES UNODEBIP NODEBID NodeB ID MOD UNODEBIP(Mandatory)RMV UNODEBIP(Mandatory)ADD UNODEBIP(Mandatory) NodeB ID NO YES UNODEBLDR DlLdrFirstAction DL LDR first action ADD UNODEBLDR(Optional)MOD UNODEBLDR(Optional) is taken.BERATERED: Channels are reconfigur NOACT: No load reshuffling actionNO NO UNODEBLDR DlLdrSecondAction DL LDR second action ADD UNODEBLDR(Optional)MOD UNODEBLDR(Optional) as DlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, ho This parameter has the same content NO NO UNODEBLDR DlLdrThirdAction DL LDR third action ADD UNODEBLDR(Optional)MOD UNODEBLDR(Optional) as DlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, ho This parameter has the same content NO NO UNODEBLDR DlLdrFourthAction DL LDR fourth action ADD UNODEBLDR(Optional)MOD UNODEBLDR(Optional) as DlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, ho This parameter has the same content NO NO UNODEBLDR DlLdrFifthAction DL LDR fifth action ADD UNODEBLDR(Optional)MOD UNODEBLDR(Optional) as DlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, ho This parameter has the same content NO NO UNODEBLDR DlLdrSixthAction DL LDR Sixth action ADD UNODEBLDR(Optional)MOD UNODEBLDR(Optional) as DlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, ho This parameter has the same content NO NO UNODEBLDR DlLdrBERateReductionRabNum DL LDR-BE rate reduction RAB number ADD UNODEBLDR(Optional)MOD UNODEBLDR(Optional) Number of RABs selected in a DL NO BE traffic rate reduction. In the actual syste NO LDR UNODEBLDR DlLdrPsRTQosRenegRabNum un-ctrl RT Qos re-nego RAB num DL LDR ADD UNODEBLDR(Optional)MOD UNODEBLDR(Optional) Number of RABs selected in a DL NO uncontrolled real-time traffic QoS renegotia NO LDR UNODEBLDR DlCSInterRatShouldBeHOUeNum DL CS should be ho user number ADD UNODEBLDR(Optional)MOD UNODEBLDR(Optional) Number of users selected in a DL NO CS domain inter-RAT SHOULDBE load han NO LDR UNODEBLDR DlPSInterRatShouldBeHOUeNum DL PS should be ho userADD UNODEBLDR(Optional)MOD UNODEBLDR(Optional) number Number of users selected in a DL NO PS domain inter-RAT SHOULDBE load han NO LDR UNODEBLDR DlCSInterRatShouldNotHOUeNum DL CS should not be ho user number ADD UNODEBLDR(Optional)MOD UNODEBLDR(Optional) Number of users selected in a DL NO CS domain inter-RAT SHOULDNOTBE load NO LDR UNODEBLDR DlPSInterRatShouldNotHOUeNum DL PS should not be ho user number ADD UNODEBLDR(Optional)MOD UNODEBLDR(Optional) Number of users selected in a DL NO PS domain inter-RAT SHOULDNOTBE load NO LDR UNODEBLDR UlLdrFirstAction UL LDR first action ADD UNODEBLDR(Optional)MOD UNODEBLDR(Optional) is taken.BERATERED: Channels are reconfigur NOACT: No load reshuffling actionNO NO UNODEBLDR UlLdrSecondAction UL LDR second action ADD UNODEBLDR(Optional)MOD UNODEBLDR(Optional) as UlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, ho This parameter has the same content NO NO UNODEBLDR UlLdrThirdAction UL LDR third action ADD UNODEBLDR(Optional)MOD UNODEBLDR(Optional) as UlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, ho This parameter has the same content NO NO UNODEBLDR UlLdrFourthAction UL LDR fourth action ADD UNODEBLDR(Optional)MOD UNODEBLDR(Optional) as UlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, ho This parameter has the same content NO NO UNODEBLDR UlLdrFifthAction UL LDR fifth action ADD UNODEBLDR(Optional)MOD UNODEBLDR(Optional) as UlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, ho This parameter has the same content NO NO
UNODEBLDR UlLdrSixthAction UL LDR Sixth action ADD UNODEBLDR(Optional)MOD UNODEBLDR(Optional) as UlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, ho This parameter has the same content NO NO UNODEBLDR UlLdrBERateReductionRabNum UL LDR-BE rate reduction RAB number ADD UNODEBLDR(Optional)MOD UNODEBLDR(Optional) Number of RABs selected in a UL NO BE traffic rate reduction. In the actual syste NO LDR UNODEBLDR UlLdrPsRTQosRenegRabNum un-ctrl RT Qos re-nego RAB num UL LDR ADD UNODEBLDR(Optional)MOD UNODEBLDR(Optional) Number of RABs selected in a UL NO uncontrolled real-time traffic QoS renegotia NO LDR UNODEBLDR UlCSInterRatShouldBeHOUeNum UL CS should be ho user number ADD UNODEBLDR(Optional)MOD UNODEBLDR(Optional) Number of users selected in a UL NO CS domain inter-RAT SHOULDBE load han NO LDR UNODEBLDR UlPSInterRatShouldBeHOUeNum UL PS should be ho userADD UNODEBLDR(Optional)MOD UNODEBLDR(Optional) number Number of users selected in a UL NO PS domain inter-RAT SHOULDBE load han NO LDR UNODEBLDR UlCSInterRatShouldNotHOUeNum UL CS should not be ho user number ADD UNODEBLDR(Optional)MOD UNODEBLDR(Optional) Number of users selected in a UL NO CS domain inter-RAT SHOULDNOTBE load NO LDR UNODEBLDR UlPSInterRatShouldNotHOUeNum UL PS should not be ho user number ADD UNODEBLDR(Optional)MOD UNODEBLDR(Optional) Number of users selected in a UL NO PS domain inter-RAT SHOULDNOTBE load NO LDR UNODEBLDR UlLdrCreditSfResThd Ul LDR Credit SF reserved threshold ADD UNODEBLDR(Optional)MOD of SF reserved in uplinkNO Threshold UNODEBLDR(Optional) credit LDR. The uplink credit LDR is triggered w NO UNODEBLDR DlLdrCreditSfResThd Dl LDR Credit SF reserved threshold ADD UNODEBLDR(Optional)MOD of SF reserved in downlink credit LDR. The downlink credit LDR is trigge Threshold UNODEBLDR(Optional) NO NO UNODEBLDR UlTtiCreditSfResThd Ul TTI HO Credit SF reserved UNODEBLDR(Optional)MOD UNODEBLDR(Optional) used for judging the uplink credit state for TTI s ADD threshold The threshold of the reserved SF is NO NO UNODEBNAME NewNodeBName NodeB New Name MOD UNODEBNAME(Mandatory)identifying the name of a YES Uniquely NO NodeB UNODEBOLC IubDlOlcRelRabNum DL OLC released RAB number ADD UNODEBOLC(Optional)MOD UNODEBOLC(Optional) traffic release.One RAB represents one servic Number of RABs selected in one DL NO NO UNODEBOLC IubUlOlcRelRabNum UL OLC released RAB number ADD UNODEBOLC(Optional)MOD UNODEBOLC(Optional) traffic release. Number of RABs selected in one UL NO NO UNRELATION RNCId RNC ID RMV UNRELATION(Optional)an RNC ID of NO NO UNRELATION CellId Cell ID RMV UNRELATION(Mandatory)cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. ID of a NO YES UNRELATION NCellType Neighboring Cell Type RMV UNRELATION(Mandatory) Neighboring relation typeNObe removed to YES UNRIGLBCNIDMAP CnOpIndex Cn Operator Index ADD UNRIGLBCNIDMAP(Mandatory)RMV UNRIGLBCNIDMAP(Mandatory) Represent an index for a CN operator. YES YES UNRIGLBCNIDMAP NRI Network resource identity ADD UNRIGLBCNIDMAP(Mandatory)RMV UNRIGLBCNIDMAP(Mandatory) of CS domain and PS domain a Identifying a network resource:1. The NRI numbers YES YES UNRNC NRncId Neighboring RNC ID ADD UNRNC(Mandatory)MOD UNRNC(Mandatory)RMV UNRNC(Mandatory) Neighboring RNC ID. YES YES UNRNC SHOTRIG SHO cross IUR trigger ADD UNRNC(Mandatory)MOD UNRNC(Optional)NO soft handover cross the Iur interface between the RNC Indicating whether to trigger YES UNRNC HHOTRIG HHO cross IUR trigger ADD UNRNC(Mandatory)MOD UNRNC(Optional)NO hard handover cross the Iur interface between the RNC Indicating whether to trigger YES UNRNC ServiceInd CN domain indication ADD UNRNC(Mandatory)MOD UNRNC(Optional)NO CS, PS or both domains. Indicating whether to support YES UNRNC IurExistInd IUR Interface Existing Indication ADD UNRNC(Mandatory)MOD UNRNC(Optional)NOneighbouring RNC's DSP index. Indicating whether to config YES UNRNC RncProtclVer RNC protocol version ADD UNRNC(Mandatory)MOD UNRNC(Optional)NO the YES Protocol version supported by neighboring RNC. UNRNC SuppIurCch IUR CCH support flag ADD UNRNC(Optional)MOD UNRNC(Optional) NO establishing IUR-CCH between the RNC and the neig Indicating whether to support NO UNRNC HhoRelocProcSwitch Relocation with HHO process UNRNC(Optional)MOD UNRNC(Optional) NO ADD switch 32-bit unsigned integer.1) DL_DCCH_SWITCH. When it is checked, SRNC will incl NO UNRNC PsBeProcType Handover Type for PS BE Traffic ADD UNRNC(Optional)MOD UNRNC(Optional) NO relocation procedure with DSCR procedure between t Indicating whether to replace NO UNRNC IurHsdpaSuppInd Hsdpa cap ind over IUR for NRNC ADD UNRNC(Optional)MOD UNRNC(Optional) NO Hsdpa over Iur interface of the Neighboring RNC. Indicating whether to support NO UNRNC IurHsupaSuppInd Hsupa cap ind over IUR for NRNC ADD UNRNC(Optional)MOD UNRNC(Optional) NO Hsupa over Iur interface of the Neighboring RNC. Indicating whether to support NO UNRNC IubUPPrivateInterfaceSwitchPrivate Interface Switch of UNRNC(Optional)MOD UNRNC(Optional)Iub privatedNO of User Plane exist in Iur message between Iub ADD User Plane Indicating whether the NO IEs UNRNC CSVoiceOverHspaSuppInd procedure before reloc when CsOverHspa Indicates whether degrade HSPA to DCH procedure is performed before the reloca H2D ADD UNRNC(Optional)MOD UNRNC(Optional) NO NO UNRNC RsvdPara1 Reserved parameter 1 ADD UNRNC(Optional)MOD UNRNC(Optional) NO Reserved parameter 1. NO UNRNC RsvdPara2 Reserved parameter 2 ADD UNRNC(Optional)MOD UNRNC(Optional) NO Reserved parameter 2. NO UNRNC IubCPPrivateInterfaceSwitchPrivate Interface Switch of UNRNC(Optional)MOD UNRNC(Optional)Iub privatedNO of Control Plane exist in Iur message betwee Iub ADD Control Plane Indicating whether the NO IEs UNRNCURA NRncId Neighboring RNC ID ADD UNRNCURA(Mandatory)RMV UNRNCURA(Mandatory) Neighboring RNC ID. YES YES UNRNCURA URAId URA ID ADD UNRNCURA(Mandatory)RMV UNRNCURA(Mandatory) URA ID. YES YES UNRNCURA CnOpIndex Cn Operator Index ADD UNRNCURA(Mandatory) Represent an index for a CN operator. NO YES UOPERATORCFGPARA CnOpIndex Cn Operator Index SET UOPERATORCFGPARA(Mandatory) for a CN operator. Represent an index YES YES UOPERATORSHARINGMODE RANSharingSupport RAN Sharing Support SET UOPERATORSHARINGMODE(Optional) NO When RAN Sharing Supported, RNC can configure multi-plmn. NO UOPERATORSHARINGMODE MOCNSupport MOCN Support SET UOPERATORSHARINGMODE(Optional) NOwhether the RNC supports the MOCN function. When M This parameter determines NO UOPERATORSHARINGMODE InterPlmnHoAllowedIntraRat RAT Inter Plmn Ho SET UOPERATORSHARINGMODE(Optional) NO Intra Allowed This parameter specifies whether intra-RAT handover of the UE among different op NO UOPERATORSHARINGMODE InterPlmnHoAllowedInterRat RAT Inter Plmn Ho SET UOPERATORSHARINGMODE(Optional) NO Inter Allowed This parameter specifies whether inter-RAT handover of the UE among different op NO UOPERATORSHARINGMODE DefaultCnOp Default CnOperator SET UOPERATORSHARINGMODE(Optional) NO default operator that RNC chooses in the MOCN cell. This parameter specifies the NO UOPERATORSHARINGMODE MocnControlSwitch Mocn Control Switch SET UOPERATORSHARINGMODE(Optional) NO MOCN Control Switch.1) COMM_MOCN_NRI_GLOBAL_CONFIG_MODE_SWITC NO UOPERSCHEDULEPRIOMAP CnOpIndex CN Operator Index ADD UOPERSCHEDULEPRIOMAP(Mandatory)RMV UOPERSCHEDULEPRIOMAP(Mandatory) Index of the CN operator. ES Y YES UOPERSCHEDULEPRIOMAP TrafficClass Traffic Class ADD UOPERSCHEDULEPRIOMAP(Mandatory)RMV only applies to interactive and background services, a Traffic class. This parameter UOPERSCHEDULEPRIOMAP(Mandatory) YES YES UOPERSCHEDULEPRIOMAP UserPriority User Priority ADD UOPERSCHEDULEPRIOMAP(Mandatory)RMV UOPERSCHEDULEPRIOMAP(Mandatory) (ARP) from User priority that is defined according to the Allocation/Retention Priority YES YES UOPERSCHEDULEPRIOMAP THPClass Traffic Handling Priority Class UOPERSCHEDULEPRIOMAP(Mandatory)RMV UOPERSCHEDULEPRIOMAP(Mandatory) ADD Traffic Handling Priority (THP) class that the THP priority is mapped to. This param YES YES UOPERSCHEDULEPRIOMAP SPI Scheduling Priority Indicator UOPERSCHEDULEPRIOMAP(Mandatory) NO ADD Scheduling priority of interactive and background services. Value 11 indicates the h YES UOPERSPIWEIGHT CnOpIndex CN Operator Index ADD UOPERSPIWEIGHT(Mandatory)RMV UOPERSPIWEIGHT(Mandatory) Index of the CN operator. ES Y YES UOPERSPIWEIGHT SPI Scheduling Priority Indicator UOPERSPIWEIGHT(Mandatory)RMV of interactive and background services. Value 15 indicates the h ADD Scheduling priority UOPERSPIWEIGHT(Mandatory) YES YES UOPERSPIWEIGHT SpiWeight SPI Weight ADD UOPERSPIWEIGHT(Mandatory)weight for service scheduling priority. This weight is used in two algori Specifies the NO YES UOPERTHPCLASS CnOpIndex CN Operator Index ADD UOPERTHPCLASS(Mandatory)MOD UOPERTHPCLASS(Mandatory)RMV UOPERTHPCLASS(Mand Index of the CN operator. ES Y YES UOPERTHPCLASS THP1Class User Class of Traffic Handling UOPERTHPCLASS(Optional)MOD UOPERTHPCLASS(Optional) ADD Priority 1 Priority class associated NO PS interactive service whose traffic handling priority is with NO UOPERTHPCLASS THP2Class User Class of Traffic Handling UOPERTHPCLASS(Optional)MOD UOPERTHPCLASS(Optional) ADD Priority 2 Priority class associated NO PS interactive service whose traffic handling priority is with NO UOPERTHPCLASS THP3Class User Class of Traffic Handling UOPERTHPCLASS(Optional)MOD UOPERTHPCLASS(Optional) ADD Priority 3 Priority class associated NO PS interactive service whose traffic handling priority is with NO UOPERTHPCLASS THP4Class User Class of Traffic Handling UOPERTHPCLASS(Optional)MOD UOPERTHPCLASS(Optional) ADD Priority 4 Priority class associated NO PS interactive service whose traffic handling priority is with NO UOPERTHPCLASS THP5Class User Class of Traffic Handling UOPERTHPCLASS(Optional)MOD UOPERTHPCLASS(Optional) ADD Priority 5 Priority class associated NO PS interactive service whose traffic handling priority is with NO UOPERTHPCLASS THP6Class User Class of Traffic Handling UOPERTHPCLASS(Optional)MOD UOPERTHPCLASS(Optional) ADD Priority 6 Priority class associated NO PS interactive service whose traffic handling priority is with NO UOPERTHPCLASS THP7Class User Class of Traffic Handling UOPERTHPCLASS(Optional)MOD UOPERTHPCLASS(Optional) ADD Priority 7 Priority class associated NO PS interactive service whose traffic handling priority is with NO UOPERTHPCLASS THP8Class User Class of Traffic Handling UOPERTHPCLASS(Optional)MOD UOPERTHPCLASS(Optional) ADD Priority 8 Priority class associated NO PS interactive service whose traffic handling priority is with NO UOPERTHPCLASS THP9Class User Class of Traffic Handling UOPERTHPCLASS(Optional)MOD UOPERTHPCLASS(Optional) ADD Priority 9 Priority class associated NO PS interactive service whose traffic handling priority is with NO UOPERTHPCLASS THP10Class User Class of Traffic Handling UOPERTHPCLASS(Optional)MOD UOPERTHPCLASS(Optional) ADD Priority 10 Priority class associated NO PS interactive service whose traffic handling priority is with NO UOPERTHPCLASS THP11Class User Class of Traffic Handling UOPERTHPCLASS(Optional)MOD UOPERTHPCLASS(Optional) ADD Priority 11 Priority class associated NO PS interactive service whose traffic handling priority is with NO
User Class of Traffic Handling UOPERTHPCLASS(Optional)MOD UOPERTHPCLASS(Optional) ADD Priority 12 Priority class associated NO PS interactive service whose traffic handling priority is with NO User Class of Traffic Handling UOPERTHPCLASS(Optional)MOD UOPERTHPCLASS(Optional) ADD Priority 13 Priority class associated NO PS interactive service whose traffic handling priority is with NO User Class of Traffic Handling UOPERTHPCLASS(Optional)MOD UOPERTHPCLASS(Optional) ADD Priority 14 Priority class associated NO PS interactive service whose traffic handling priority is with NO User Class of Traffic Handling UOPERTHPCLASS(Optional)MOD UOPERTHPCLASS(Optional) ADD Priority 15 Priority class associated NO PS interactive service whose traffic handling priority is with NO CN Operator Index ADD UOPERUSERGBR(Mandatory)MOD UOPERUSERGBR(Mandatory)RMV UOPERUSERGBR(Mandat Index of the CN operator. ES Y YES Traffic Class ADD UOPERUSERGBR(Mandatory)MOD UOPERUSERGBR(Mandatory)RMV UOPERUSERGBR(Mandat Traffic class which includes Best Effort(BE) and PTT. BE services comprise interac YES YES Traffic Handling Priority Class UOPERUSERGBR(Mandatory)MOD UOPERUSERGBR(Mandatory)RMV UOPERUSERGBR(Mandat ADD Traffic Handling Priority (THP) class that the THP priority is mapped to. This param YES YES Bearer Type ADD UOPERUSERGBR(Mandatory)MOD UOPERUSERGBR(Mandatory)RMV UOPERUSERGBR(Mandat Bearer type of the service. R99 indicates that the service is carried on a non-HSPA YES YES User Priority ADD UOPERUSERGBR(Mandatory)MODis defined according to the Allocation/Retention Priority (ARP) from User priority that UOPERUSERGBR(Mandatory)RMV UOPERUSERGBR(Mandat YES YES Uplink GBR for BE service ADD UOPERUSERGBR(Optional)MOD UOPERUSERGBR(Optional) Uplink guaranteed bit rate (GBR) of the BE service. GBR is the minimum bit rate th NO NO Downlink GBR for BE service UOPERUSERGBR(Optional)MOD UOPERUSERGBR(Optional) service. GBR is the minimum bit rate ADD Downlink guaranteed bit NO (GBR) of the BE rate NO CN Operator Index ADD UOPERUSERHAPPYBR(Mandatory)RMV UOPERUSERHAPPYBR(Mandatory) Index of the CN operator. ES Y YES Traffic class ADD UOPERUSERHAPPYBR(Mandatory)RMV UOPERUSERHAPPYBR(Mandatory) Traffic class YES YES User Priority ADD UOPERUSERHAPPYBR(Mandatory)RMV UOPERUSERHAPPYBR(Mandatory) User priority that is defined according to the Allocation/Retention Priority (ARP) from YES YES Traffic Handling Priority Class UOPERUSERHAPPYBR(Mandatory)RMV UOPERUSERHAPPYBR(Mandatory) ADD Traffic Handling Priority (THP) class that the THP priority is mapped to. This param YES YES Happy bit rate ADD UOPERUSERHAPPYBR(Optional) bit rate of the best effort (BE) service with different user priorities Defines the happy NO NO CN Operator index ADD UOPERUSERPRIORITY(Mandatory)MOD UOPERUSERPRIORITY(Mandatory)RMV UOPERUSERPR Specifies the index of the telecom YES YES operator. User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 1 ADD UOPERUSERPRIORITY(Optional)MOD UOPERUSERPRIORITY(Optional) 1. User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority NO NO User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 2 ADD UOPERUSERPRIORITY(Optional)MOD UOPERUSERPRIORITY(Optional) 2. User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority NO NO User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 3 ADD UOPERUSERPRIORITY(Optional)MOD UOPERUSERPRIORITY(Optional) 3. User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority NO NO User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 4 ADD UOPERUSERPRIORITY(Optional)MOD UOPERUSERPRIORITY(Optional) 4. User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority NO NO User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 5 ADD UOPERUSERPRIORITY(Optional)MOD UOPERUSERPRIORITY(Optional) 5. User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority NO NO User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 6 ADD UOPERUSERPRIORITY(Optional)MOD UOPERUSERPRIORITY(Optional) 6. User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority NO NO User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 7 ADD UOPERUSERPRIORITY(Optional)MOD UOPERUSERPRIORITY(Optional) 7. User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority NO NO User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 8 ADD UOPERUSERPRIORITY(Optional)MOD UOPERUSERPRIORITY(Optional) 8. User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority NO NO User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 9 ADD UOPERUSERPRIORITY(Optional)MOD UOPERUSERPRIORITY(Optional) 9. User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority NO NO User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 10 User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority 10. ADD UOPERUSERPRIORITY(Optional)MOD UOPERUSERPRIORITY(Optional) NO NO User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 11 User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority 11. ADD UOPERUSERPRIORITY(Optional)MOD UOPERUSERPRIORITY(Optional) NO NO User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 12 User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority 12. ADD UOPERUSERPRIORITY(Optional)MOD UOPERUSERPRIORITY(Optional) NO NO User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 13 User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority 13. ADD UOPERUSERPRIORITY(Optional)MOD UOPERUSERPRIORITY(Optional) NO NO User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 14 User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority 14. ADD UOPERUSERPRIORITY(Optional)MOD UOPERUSERPRIORITY(Optional) NO NO User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 15 User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority 15. ADD UOPERUSERPRIORITY(Optional)MOD UOPERUSERPRIORITY(Optional) NO NO Integrate Priority Configured Reference ADD UOPERUSERPRIORITY(Optional)MOD UOPERUSERPRIORITY(Optional) in the priority sequence Reference used to determine which priority is arranged first NO NO Indicator of Carrier Type ADD UOPERUSERPRIORITY(Optional)MOD is prior when NO and TrafficClass are both identical. Priority Decide which carrier UOPERUSERPRIORITY(Optional) NO ARP Cell ID ADD UPCCPCH(Mandatory)RMV UPCCPCH(Mandatory) YES ID of a cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. YES PCCPCH ID ADD UPCCPCH(Optional) Uniquely identifying a PCCPCH inNO YES a cell Cell ID ADD UPCH(Mandatory)RMV UPCH(Mandatory) information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. ID of a cell. For detailed YES YES SCCPCH ID ADD UPCH(Mandatory) Uniquely identifying an SCCPCH corresponding to a paging indication channel in a YES YES PCH ID ADD UPCH(Optional)RMV UPCH(Mandatory) PCH in a cell Uniquely identifying a YES NO Rate Matching Attribute ADD UPCH(Optional) The rate matching factor NO transport channel.For detailed information of this para of a NO Time of Arrival Window Startpoint ADD UPCH(Optional) Start point of the arrival window of NO data frame. Normally, it is forecasted that a D NO DL Time of Arrival Window Endpoint ADD UPCH(Optional) End point of the arrival window of DL data frame. Normally, it is forecasted that a D NO NO PCH Power ADD UPCH(Optional) Offset of the PCH transmit power from the PCPICH transmit power in a cell. For de NO NO Cell ID ADD UPCHDYNTFS(Mandatory)RMV UPCHDYNTFS(Mandatory) this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. ID of a cell. For detailed information about YES YES PCH ID ADD UPCHDYNTFS(Optional)RMV UPCHDYNTFS(Mandatory) Uniquely identifying a PCH in a cell YES NO RLC Size ADD UPCHDYNTFS(Mandatory)RMV UPCHDYNTFS(Mandatory) This parameter defines the RLC size corresponding to each transport format. For a YES YES Number of TFs ADD UPCHDYNTFS(Mandatory) This parameter defines the number of the transport formats corresponding to the ab YES YES TB Number of TF1 ADD UPCHDYNTFS(Optional) This parameter defines the number of the transport blocks corresponding to the TF NO NO TB Number of TF2 ADD UPCHDYNTFS(Optional) This parameter defines the number of the transport blocks corresponding to the TF NO NO Cell ID ADD UPCPICH(Mandatory)RMV UPCPICH(Mandatory) YES ID of a cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. YES PCPICH ID ADD UPCPICH(Optional) niquely identifying a PCPICH in a cell U YES NO PCPICH Transmit PowerADD UPCPICH(Optional) X power of the PCPICHNOa cell.NO parameter should be set based on the actua T in This Max Transmit Power of PCPICH ADD UPCPICH(Optional) aximum TX power of the PCPICH in a cell. This parameter should be set based o M NO NO Min Transmit Power of PCPICH ADD UPCPICH(Optional) inimum TX power of the PCPICH in a cell. This parameter should be set based on M NO NO Cell ID MOD UPCPICHPWR(Mandatory) For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. ID of a cell. YES YES Max Transmit Power of PCPICH MOD UPCPICHPWR(Optional) Maximum TX power of the PCPICH in a cell. This parameter should be set based o NO NO Min Transmit Power of PCPICH MOD UPCPICHPWR(Optional) TX power of the PCPICH in a cell. This parameter should be set based on Minimum NO NO Cell ID ADD UPICH(Mandatory)RMV a cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. ID of UPICH(Mandatory) YES YES SCCPCH ID ADD UPICH(Mandatory)Uniquely identifying an SCCPCH corresponding to a paging indication channel in a YES YES PICH ID ADD UPICH(Optional)RMV UPICH(Mandatory)PICH in a cell Uniquely identifying a YES NO PICH Mode ADD UPICH(Optional) Indicating the number of NO contained in each frame of the PICH For detailed infor PIs NO STTD Indicator ADD UPICH(Optional) This parameter indicatesNO whether NO SCCPCH shall use STTD or not. For detailed the Cell ID MOD UPICHPWROFFSET(Mandatory) detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. ID of a cell. For YES YES PICH Power Offset MOD UPICHPWROFFSET(Mandatory) Difference between the transmit power of PICH and that of PCPICH NO YES
UPLMNVALTAGRANGEModType Modification Type MOD UPLMNVALTAGRANGE(Mandatory) Modification type. NO YES UPLMNVALTAGRANGECnOpIndex CN Operator index MOD UPLMNVALTAGRANGE(Mandatory) of the telecom YES Specifies the index YES operator. UPLMNVALTAGRANGELAC Location area code MOD UPLMNVALTAGRANGE(Mandatory) area within the PLMN of GSM-MAP type. It is defined by the o Identifying a location YES YES UPLMNVALTAGRANGERAC Routing area code MOD UPLMNVALTAGRANGE(Mandatory) areaNOa location area within the PLMN of GSM-MAP type. It is Identifying a routing in YES UPLMNVALTAGRANGEPlmnValTagMin Min PLMN value tag MOD UPLMNVALTAGRANGE(Optional) The minimum PLMN value tag corresponding to a LAC or RAC. It is defined by the NO NO UPLMNVALTAGRANGEPlmnValTagMax Max PLMN value tag MOD UPLMNVALTAGRANGE(Optional) The maximum PLMN value tag corresponding to a LAC or RAC. It is defined by the NO NO UPOOLPRIMHOSTPOLICY ReHostPolicy Re-host Policy Type SET UPOOLPRIMHOSTPOLICY(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO re-host policy type for NodeB. The value "REHOSTRIGHT NO UPOOLPRIMHOSTPOLICY Delay Delay Time Length SET UPOOLPRIMHOSTPOLICY(Mandatory) This parameter specifiesNO delayYES When the RNC recovers from disaster and the time. UPOOLPRIMHOSTPOLICY AbsTime Specify Time SET UPOOLPRIMHOSTPOLICY(Mandatory) This parameter specifiesNO time to execute re-host policy for the primary hosted N the YES UPRACH CellId Cell ID MOD UPRACH(Mandatory)RMV UPRACH(Mandatory) ID of a cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. YES YES UPRACH PhyChId PRACH ID MOD UPRACH(Mandatory)RMV UPRACH(Mandatory) in aYES Uniquely identifying a PRACH YES cell UPRACH PreambleSignatures Preamble Signatures MOD UPRACH(Optional) equence Number of an NO S availableNO preamble signature. A maximum of 16 signature UPRACH RACHSubChNo RACH Sub Channel No. MOD UPRACH(Optional) equence Number of an NO S availableNO channel. A maximum of 12 sub channels (fro sub UPRACHACTOASCMAP CellId Cell ID ADD UPRACHACTOASCMAP(Mandatory)MOD UPRACHACTOASCMAP(Mandatory)RMV UPRACHACTO ID of a cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. YES YES UPRACHACTOASCMAP PhyChId PRACH ID ADD UPRACHACTOASCMAP(Optional)MOD PRACH in aNO Uniquely identifying a UPRACHACTOASCMAP(Mandatory)RMV UPRACHACTOA YES cell. UPRACHACTOASCMAP Ac09ToAsc AC 0~9 to ASC mappingADD UPRACHACTOASCMAP(Optional)MOD UPRACHACTOASCMAP(Optional) It defines the mapping ofNO 0~9 to ASCs. For detailed information of this paramete AC NO UPRACHACTOASCMAP Ac10ToAsc AC 10 to ASC mapping ADD UPRACHACTOASCMAP(Optional)MOD UPRACHACTOASCMAP(Optional) It defines the mapping ofNO 10 toNO AC ASCs. For detailed information of this parameter UPRACHACTOASCMAP Ac11ToAsc AC 11 to ASC mapping ADD UPRACHACTOASCMAP(Optional)MOD UPRACHACTOASCMAP(Optional) It defines the mapping ofNO 11 toNO AC ASCs. For detailed information of this parameter UPRACHACTOASCMAP Ac12ToAsc AC 12 to ASC mapping ADD UPRACHACTOASCMAP(Optional)MOD UPRACHACTOASCMAP(Optional) It defines the mapping ofNO 12 toNO AC ASCs. For detailed information of this parameter UPRACHACTOASCMAP Ac13ToAsc AC 13 to ASC mapping ADD UPRACHACTOASCMAP(Optional)MOD UPRACHACTOASCMAP(Optional) It defines the mapping ofNO 13 toNO AC ASCs. For detailed information of this parameter UPRACHACTOASCMAP Ac14ToAsc AC 14 to ASC mapping ADD UPRACHACTOASCMAP(Optional)MOD UPRACHACTOASCMAP(Optional) It defines the mapping ofNO 14 toNO AC ASCs. For detailed information of this parameter UPRACHACTOASCMAP Ac15ToAsc AC 15 to ASC mapping ADD UPRACHACTOASCMAP(Optional)MOD UPRACHACTOASCMAP(Optional) It defines the mapping ofNO 15 toNO AC ASCs. For detailed information of this parameter UPRACHASC CellId Cell ID ADD UPRACHASC(Mandatory)MODFor detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. ID of a cell. UPRACHASC(Mandatory)RMV UPRACHASC(Mandatory) YES YES UPRACHASC PhyChId PRACH ID ADD UPRACHASC(Optional)MOD UPRACHASC(Mandatory)RMV UPRACHASC(Mandatory) Uniquely identifying a PRACH in aNO YES cell UPRACHASC AccessServiceClass Access Service Class ADD UPRACHASC(Mandatory)MOD UPRACHASC(Mandatory)RMV UPRACHASC(Mandatory) Identifying an ASC YES YES UPRACHASC AvailablesignatureStartIndex Available Signature StartADD UPRACHASC(Optional)MOD the available signature NO index of an ASC. For detailed information of Index Identifying UPRACHASC(Optional) NO start UPRACHASC AvailablesignatureEndIndex Available Signature End ADD UPRACHASC(Optional)MOD the available signature NO index of an ASC. For detailed information of Index Identifying UPRACHASC(Optional) NO end UPRACHASC AvailableSubchannelCtrlWord Available Subchannel Control UPRACHASC(Optional)MOD the available sub channels of an ASC. When a UE has been accessed t ADD Word Identifying UPRACHASC(Optional) NO NO UPRACHASC PersistScalingFactor Persist Scaling Factor ADD UPRACHASC(Mandatory) to calculate theNO It is used corresponding dynamic persist scaling factor for ASC2~A YES UPRACHBASIC CellId Cell ID ADD UPRACHBASIC(Mandatory) For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. ID of a cell. YES YES UPRACHBASIC PhyChId PRACH ID ADD UPRACHBASIC(Optional) identifying a PRACH in aNO Uniquely YES cell UPRACHBASIC PreambleSignatures Preamble Signatures ADD UPRACHBASIC(Mandatory) Number of an NO Sequence availableYES preamble signature. A maximum of 16 signature UPRACHBASIC RACHSubChNo RACH Sub Channel No. ADD UPRACHBASIC(Mandatory) Number of an NO Sequence availableYES channel. A maximum of 12 sub channels (fro sub UPRACHBASIC Constantvalue Constant Value for CalculatingUPRACHBASIC(Optional) ADD Initial TX Power This parameter specifiesNO a constant used at calculation of the initial transmit power NO UPRACHBASIC PreambleRetransMax Max Preamble Retransmission ADD UPRACHBASIC(Optional) The maximum number of preambles transmitted in a preamble ramping cycle. For d NO NO UPRACHBASIC PowerRampStep Power Increase Step ADD UPRACHBASIC(Optional) The power ramp step of the random access preambles transmitted before the UE re NO NO UPRACHBASIC CTFCSize CTFC Length of TFCS ADD UPRACHBASIC(Optional) number of bitsNOthe Calculated Transport Format Combination (CTFC) o Maximum of NO UPRACHSLOTFORMATCellId Cell ID ADD UPRACHSLOTFORMAT(Mandatory)RMV UPRACHSLOTFORMAT(Mandatory) 3GPP TS 25.401. ID of a cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see YES YES UPRACHSLOTFORMATPhyChId PRACH ID ADD UPRACHSLOTFORMAT(Optional)RMV UPRACHSLOTFORMAT(Mandatory) Uniquely identifying a PRACH in aNO YES cell UPRACHSLOTFORMATSlotFormatNum Number of PRACH Slot Formats ADD UPRACHSLOTFORMAT(Mandatory) PRACH timeslot formats. For detailed information of this param Number of available YES YES UPRACHSLOTFORMATSlotFormat1 Slot Format 1 ADD UPRACHSLOTFORMAT(Optional) of available PRACH timeslot formats. For detailed information o Sequence number NO NO UPRACHSLOTFORMATSlotFormat2 Slot Format 2 ADD UPRACHSLOTFORMAT(Optional) of available PRACH timeslot formats. For detailed information o Sequence number NO NO UPRACHSLOTFORMATSlotFormat3 Slot Format 3 ADD UPRACHSLOTFORMAT(Optional) of available PRACH timeslot formats. For detailed information o Sequence number NO NO UPRACHSLOTFORMATSlotFormat4 Slot Format 4 ADD UPRACHSLOTFORMAT(Optional) of available PRACH timeslot formats. For detailed information o Sequence number NO NO UPRACHTFC CellId Cell ID ADD UPRACHTFC(Mandatory)RMV For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. ID of a cell. UPRACHTFC(Mandatory) YES YES UPRACHTFC PhyChId PRACH ID ADD UPRACHTFC(Optional)RMVidentifying a PRACH in aNO Uniquely UPRACHTFC(Mandatory) YES cell UPRACHTFC CTFC Calculated Transport Format Combination ADD UPRACHTFC(Mandatory)RMV UPRACHTFC(Mandatory) Uniquely identifying a TFC on the physical channel. The specific parameter value d YES YES UPRACHTFC PowerOffsetPpm Power Offset ADD UPRACHTFC(Mandatory) The power offset between the last YES NO access preamble and the message control part. UPRACHTFC GainFactorBetaC Gain Factor BetaC ADD UPRACHTFC(Mandatory) This parameter specifiesNO power assignment factor of the control part. For detaile the YES UPRACHTFC GainFactorBetaD Gain Factor BetaD ADD UPRACHTFC(Optional)power occupancy factor of the data part. For detailed information of this param The NO NO UPRACHUUPARAS CellId Cell ID MOD UPRACHUUPARAS(Mandatory) detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. ID of a cell. For NO YES UPRACHUUPARAS PhyChId PRACH ID MOD UPRACHUUPARAS(Mandatory) Uniquely identifying a PRACH in aYES NO cell UPRACHUUPARAS Constantvalue Constant Value for CalculatingUPRACHUUPARAS(Optional) MOD Initial TX Power This parameter specifiesNO a constant used at calculation of the initial transmit power NO UPRACHUUPARAS PowerRampStep Power Increase Step MOD UPRACHUUPARAS(Optional)ramp step of the random access preambles transmitted before the UE re The power NO NO UPRACHUUPARAS PreambleRetransMax Max Preamble RetransmissionUPRACHUUPARAS(Optional) number of preambles transmitted in a preamble ramping cycle. For d MOD The maximum NO NO UPSCH CellId Cell ID ADD UPSCH(Mandatory)RMVaUPSCH(Mandatory) ID of cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. YES YES UPSCH PhyChId PSCH ID ADD UPSCH(Optional) Uniquely identifying a PSCH in a cell YES NO UPSCH PSCHPower PSCH Transmit Power ADD UPSCH(Optional) Offset of the PSCH transmit power from the PCPICH transmit power in a cell. NO NO UPSINACTTIMER PsInactTmrForCon Conversational service T1 ET UPSINACTTIMER(Optional) S When detecting that the Ps' Conversational User had no data to transfer for a long NO NO UPSINACTTIMER ProtectTmrForCon Conversational service T2 ET UPSINACTTIMER(Optional) S After sending release request to RRC layer, if the Conversational Radio Access Be NO NO UPSINACTTIMER PsInactTmrForStr Streaming service T1 SET UPSINACTTIMER(Optional) When detecting that the Ps' Streaming User had no data to transfer for a long time NO NO UPSINACTTIMER ProtectTmrForStr Streaming service T2 SET UPSINACTTIMER(Optional) After sending release request to RRC layer, if the Streaming Radio Access Bear ha NO NO UPSINACTTIMER PsInactTmrForInt Interactive service T1 SET UPSINACTTIMER(Optional) When detecting that the Ps' Interactive User had no data to transfer for a long time NO NO UPSINACTTIMER ProtectTmrForInt Interactive service T2 SET UPSINACTTIMER(Optional) After sending release request to RRC layer, if the Interactive Radio Access Bear ha NO NO
PsInactTmrForBac Background service T1 SET UPSINACTTIMER(Optional) When detecting that the Ps' Background User had no data to transfer for a long tim NO NO ProtectTmrForBac Background service T2 SET UPSINACTTIMER(Optional) After sending release request to RRC layer, if the Background Radio Access Bear h NO NO PsInactTmrForPreFstDrm FAST DORMANCY USER T1UPSINACTTIMER(Optional) SET in CELL-PCH This parameter specifiesNO valueNO the CELL-PCH inactivity timer for UEs enable the of ProtectTmrForImsSig IMS signal T2 SET UPSINACTTIMER(Optional) After sending release request to RRC layer, if the IMS Radio Access Bear for signa NO NO PSInactTmrForImsSig IMS signal T1 SET UPSINACTTIMER(Optional) When detecting that the Ps' IMS signal had no data to transfer for a long time which NO NO PsInactTmrForFstDrmDch FAST DORMANCY USER T1UPSINACTTIMER(Optional) SET in CELL-DCH This parameter specifiesNO valueNO the CELL-DCH inactivity timer for UEs enable the of PsInactTmrForFstDrmFach FAST DORMANCY USER T1UPSINACTTIMER(Optional) SET in CELL-FACH This parameter specifiesNO valueNO the CELL-FACH inactivity timer for UEs enab the of PTTDH2FStateTransTimer DCH/HSPA to FACH State Transition Timer Interval between the reporting of event 4B and the triggering the state transition of t PTT SET UPTTSTATETRANS(Optional) NO NO PTTCpc2FStateTransTimer CPC_HSPA to FACH State Transition TimerInterval between the reporting of event 4B and the triggering of the state transition o PTT SET UPTTSTATETRANS(Optional) NO NO PTTDH2EFachStateTransTimer PTT DCH/HSPA to E_FACH State Transition Timer SET UPTTSTATETRANS(Optional) Interval between the reporting of event 4B and the triggering of the state transition o NO NO PTTCpc2EFachStateTransTimer PTT CPC_HSPA to E_FACH UPTTSTATETRANS(Optional) SET State Transition Timer Interval between the reporting of event 4B and the triggering of the state transition o NO NO PTTDH2FTvmThd PTT D/H2F 4B Threshold SET UPTTSTATETRANS(Optional) reporting the event 4B in DCH/HSPA. When the traffic of the PTT use Threshold for NO NO PTTDH2FTvmTimeToTrig D/H2F 4B Time PTT SET UPTTSTATETRANS(Optional) which the traffic of the PTT user is constantly lower than the event 4B Period during NO NO PTTDH2FTvmPTAT PTT D/H2F 4B Pending Time UPTTSTATETRANS(Optional) which the event 4B is suspended. After reporting a 4B event triggered SET Period during NO NO PTTE2FThrouMeasPeriod E-DCH Throu MeasSET UPTTSTATETRANS(Optional) PTT Period Period in which the E-DCH throughput is measured. To implement the state transiti NO NO PTTE2FThrouThd PTT E-DCH2F 4B Threshold UPTTSTATETRANS(Optional) reporting the event 4B relevant to the E-DCH throughput. When the u SET Threshold for NO NO PTTE2FThrouTimeToTrig TT E-DCH2F 4B Period Amount P SET UPTTSTATETRANS(Optional)periods in which the E-DCH throughput of the PTT services are measure Number of NO NO PTTE2FThrouPTAT PTT E-DCH2F 4B Pending Period Amount SET UPTTSTATETRANS(Optional)periods during which the event 4B is suspended. After reporting a 4B ev Number of NO NO PTTF2PStateTransTimer TT FACH to PCH StateSET UPTTSTATETRANS(Optional) P Transition Timer Interval between the reporting of event 4B and the triggering the state transition of t NO NO PTTF2PTvmThd PTT F2P 4B Threshold SET UPTTSTATETRANS(Optional) reporting the event 4B. When the traffic of the PTT user in CELL_FAC Threshold for NO NO PTTF2PTvmTimeToTrigPTT F2P 4B Time SET UPTTSTATETRANS(Optional) which the traffic of the PTT user is constantly lower than the event 4B Period during NO NO PTTF2PTvmPTAT PTT F2P 4B Pending Time UPTTSTATETRANS(Optional) which the event 4B is suspended. After reporting a 4B event triggered SET Period during NO NO PTTF2DHTvmThd PTT F2D/HSPA 4A ThresholdUPTTSTATETRANS(Optional) reporting the 4A event. When the traffic of the PTT user in CELL_FAC SET Threshold for NO NO PTTF2DHTvmTimeToTrig F2D/HSPA 4A Time PTT SET UPTTSTATETRANS(Optional) which the traffic of the PTT user is constantly greater than the 4A eve Period during NO NO BEQosPerform QOS Switch for BE Traffic SET UQOSACT(Optional) When the parameter is set to YES, the QOS control algorithm is used for BE servic NO NO AMRQosPerform QOS Switch for AMR Traffic UQOSACT(Optional) SET When the parameter is set to YES, the QOS control algorithm is used for AMR serv NO NO VPQosPerform QOS Switch for VP Traffic SET UQOSACT(Optional) When the parameter is set to YES, the QoS control algorithm is used for VP service NO NO BeUlAct1 First Action for BE UplinkSET UQOSACT(Optional) first action selected by the QoS control algorithm when the UL QoS of BE serv QOS The NO NO BeUlAct2 Second Action for BE Uplink QOS SET UQOSACT(Optional) second action selected by theNO control algorithm when the UL QoS of BE s The NO QoS BeUlAct3 Third Action for BE Uplink QOS SET UQOSACT(Optional) third action selected NO the QoS control algorithm when the UL QoS of BE serv The by NO BeUlRateAdjTimerLen Wait Timer for BE UplinkSET UQOSACT(Optional) Rate Timer to trigger the next QoS enhancement action for UL BE services. This parame NO NO BeDlAct1 First Action for BE Downlink QOS SET UQOSACT(Optional) first action selected by the QoS control algorithm when the DL QoS of BE serv The NO NO BeDlAct2 Second Action for BE Downlink QOS SET UQOSACT(Optional) second action selected by theNO control algorithm when the DL QoS of BE s The NO QoS BeDlAct3 Third Action for BE Downlink QOS SET UQOSACT(Optional) third action selected NO the QoS control algorithm when the DL QoS of BE serv The by NO BeUlEvTrigInd Indicator for BE Uplink QOS Event SET UQOSACT(Optional) BE service, When the parameter is set to SINGLE, an UL event 6A1 or 5A can For NO NO SrncBeDlRlcQosSwitch Srnc Parameter for BE Downlink RLC QOS SET UQOSACT(Optional) When the parameter is set to YES, QoS control for DL BE services is based on the NO NO DrncBeDlRlcQosSwitch DRNC Parameter for BESET UQOSACT(Optional) the parameter is set to NO QoS control for DL BE services based on RLC retran Downlink RLC QOS If YES, NO UlQosAmrAdjSwitch Adjustment Switch for AMR Uplink Rate SET UQOSACT(Optional) Rate adjustment switch of link stability control for UL QoS of AMR services. When t NO NO AmrUlRateAdjTimerLen Wait Timer for AMR Uplink Rate SET UQOSACT(Optional) Timer for triggering a second adjustment of the UL AMR mode. This parameter spe NO NO UlQosAmrInterFreqHoSwitch InterFreq HO For Switch SET UQOSACT(Optional) for Uplink AMR Inter-frequency handoverNO switch ofNO stability control for UL QoS of AMR services link UlQosAmrInterRatHoSwitch InterRat HO Switch for Uplink UQOSACT(Optional) SET AMR Inter-RAT handover switch of link stability control for UL QoS of AMR services. Whe NO NO UlQosWAmrAdjSwitch Switch of WAMR Uplink Rate UQOSACT(Optional) SET Adjustment Rate adjustment switch of link stability control for UL QoS of WAMR services. Whe NO NO WAmrUlRateAdjTimerLen Wait Timer for WAMR Uplink UQOSACT(Optional) SET Timer for triggering a second adjustment of the UL WAMR mode. This parameter s NO NO UlQosWAmrInterFreqHoSwitch HO Switch for Uplink WAMR InterFreq SET UQOSACT(Optional) Inter-frequency handoverNO switch ofNO stability control for UL QoS of WAMR servic link UlQosWAmrInterRatHoSwitch HO Switch for Uplink UQOSACT(Optional) InterRat SET WAMR Inter-RAT handover switch of link stability control for UL QoS of WAMR services. W NO NO DlQosAmrAdjSwitch Switch of AMR Downlink SET UQOSACT(Optional) Rate Adjustment Rate adjustment switch of link stability control for DL QoS of AMR services. When t NO NO DlQosAmrInterFreqHoSwitch InterFreq HO Switch for Downlink AMR SET UQOSACT(Optional) Inter-frequency handoverNO switch ofNO stability control for DL QoS of AMR services link DlQosAmrInterRatHoSwitch InterRat HO Switch for Downlink AMR SET UQOSACT(Optional) Inter-RAT handover switch of link stability control for DL QoS of AMR services. Whe NO NO DlQosWAmrAdjSwitch Switch for WAMR Downlink Rate SET UQOSACT(Optional) Rate adjustment switch of link stability control for DL QoS of WAMR services. Whe NO NO DlQosWAmrInterFreqHoSwitch HO Switch for WAMR Downlink InterFreq SET UQOSACT(Optional) Inter-frequency handoverNO switch ofNO stability control for DL QoS of WAMR servic link DlQosWAmrInterRatHoSwitch HO Switch for WAMR Downlink InterRat SET UQOSACT(Optional) Inter-RAT handover switch of link stability control for DL QoS of WAMR services. W NO NO UlQosVpInterFreqHoSwitch InterFreq HO Switch for Uplink VP SET UQOSACT(Optional) Inter-frequency handoverNO switch ofNO stability control for UL QoS of VP services. W link DlQosVpInterFreqHoSwitch InterFreq HO Switch for Downlink VP SET UQOSACT(Optional) Inter-frequency handoverNO switch ofNO stability control for DL QoS of VP services. W link BeUlQos6A1McSwitch Measurement of 6A1 Switch UQOSACT(Optional) SET Event 6A1 measurementNO switch when BeUlEvTrigInd is set to SINGLE for BE servi NO BeUlQos5AMcSwitch Measurement of 5A Switch UQOSACT(Optional) SET Event 5A measurement switch when BeUlEvTrigInd is set to SINGLE for BE service NO NO BeUlQos6DMcSwitch Measurement of 6D Switch UQOSACT(Optional) event 6D measurement switch NO BE service. If this parameter is set to YES, ev SET UL NO for BEInterIurRateUpTimer Timer for BE Inter Iur Rate UQOSACT(Optional) SET Timer for rejecting rate increase after rate decrease is performed across the Iur inte NO NO DlRscpQosHyst Down Link RSCP Used-Freq THD Hyst SET UQOSHO(Optional)Frequency hysteresis of downlink RSCP Qos.This parameter controls the used freq NO NO DLQosMcTimerLen Down Link Qos MeasureSET UQOSHO(Optional)Timer length for downlink Qos measurement.This parameter controls the time lengt Timer Length NO NO ULQosMcTimerLen Up Link Qos Measure Timer Length SET UQOSHO(Optional)Timer length for uplink Qos measurement.This parameter controls the time lengths NO NO UsedFreqMeasQuantityForQos3A 3A Used-Freq Measure Quantity for Qos SET UQOSHO(Optional)This parameter configures the used frequency measurement quantity to trigger the NO NO UlAmrTrigTime6A1 AMR Trigger Time 6A1 SET UQUALITYMEAS(Optional) when the measured value of AMR keeps fulfilling the 6A1 measurement c Duration NO NO UlAmrTrigTime6A2 AMR Trigger Time 6A2 SET UQUALITYMEAS(Optional) when the measured value of AMR keeps fulfilling the 6A2 measurement c Duration NO NO UlAmrTrigTime6B1 AMR Trigger Time 6B1 SET UQUALITYMEAS(Optional) when the measured value of AMR keeps fulfilling the 6B1 measurement c Duration NO NO
UQUALITYMEAS UlAmrTrigTime6B2 AMR Trigger Time 6B2 SET UQUALITYMEAS(Optional) when the measured value of AMR keeps fulfilling the 6B2 measurement c Duration NO NO UQUALITYMEAS UlAmrTrigTime6D AMR Trigger Time 6D SET UQUALITYMEAS(Optional) when the measured value of AMR keeps fulfilling the 6D measurement co Duration NO NO UQUALITYMEAS UlVpTrigTime6A1 VP Trigger Time 6A1 SET UQUALITYMEAS(Optional) when the measured value of VP keeps fulfilling the 6A1 measurement con Duration NO NO UQUALITYMEAS UlVpTrigTime6B1 VP Trigger Time 6B1 SET UQUALITYMEAS(Optional) when the measured value of VP keeps fulfilling the 6B1 measurement con Duration NO NO UQUALITYMEAS UlVpTrigTime6D VP Trigger Time 6D SET UQUALITYMEAS(Optional) when the measured value of VP keeps fulfilling the 6D measurement cond Duration NO NO UQUALITYMEAS UlBeTrigTime6A1 BE Trigger Time 6A1 SET UQUALITYMEAS(Optional) when the measured value of BE keeps fulfilling the 6A1 measurement con Duration NO NO UQUALITYMEAS UlBeTrigTime6B1 BE Trigger Time 6B1 SET UQUALITYMEAS(Optional) when the measured value of BE keeps fulfilling the 6B1 measurement con Duration NO NO UQUALITYMEAS UlBeTrigTime6A2 BE Trigger Time 6A2 SET UQUALITYMEAS(Optional) when the measured value of BE keeps fulfilling the 6A2 measurement con Duration NO NO UQUALITYMEAS UlBeTrigTime6B2 BE Trigger Time 6B2 SET UQUALITYMEAS(Optional) when the measured value of BE keeps fulfilling the 6B2 measurement con Duration NO NO UQUALITYMEAS UlBeTrigTime6D BE Trigger Time 6D SET UQUALITYMEAS(Optional) when the measured value of BE keeps fulfilling the 6D measurement cond Duration NO NO UQUALITYMEAS UlMeasFilterCoef UL Measurement Filter Coefficient SET UQUALITYMEAS(Optional) filtering coefficient for UL measured values. The smooth filtering algorithm Smooth NO NO UQUALITYMEAS DlMeasFilterCoef DL TCP Measurement Filter Coefficient SET UQUALITYMEAS(Optional) filtering coefficient for DL measured values. The smooth filtering algorithm Smooth NO NO UQUALITYMEAS DlAmrTrigTimeE AMR Trigger Time of Event E UQUALITYMEAS(Optional) from when the AMR TX power is beyond the threshold Ea or below the thr SET Duration NO NO UQUALITYMEAS ChoiceRptUnitForAmrE AMR Reporting Period Unit for Event E SET UQUALITYMEAS(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO reporting period of the event E of the AMR service. Th the NO UQUALITYMEAS TenMsecForAmrE AMR Event E Reporting Period SET UQUALITYMEAS(Optional) This parameter is valid when the corresponding parameter related to the reporting p NO NO UQUALITYMEAS MinForAmrE AMR Event E Reporting Period minute SET UQUALITYMEAS(Mandatory) This parameter is valid when the corresponding parameter related to the reporting p NO YES UQUALITYMEAS DlVpTrigTimeE VP Trigger Time of Event E UQUALITYMEAS(Optional) from when the VP TX power is beyond the threshold Ea or below the thres SET Duration NO NO UQUALITYMEAS ChoiceRptUnitForVpE VP Reporting Period Unit for Event E SET UQUALITYMEAS(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO reporting period of the event E of the VP service. The the NO UQUALITYMEAS TenMsecForVpE VP Event E Reporting Period UQUALITYMEAS(Optional) SET This parameter is valid when the corresponding parameter related to the reporting p NO NO UQUALITYMEAS MinForVpE VP Event E Reporting Period UQUALITYMEAS(Mandatory) SET minute This parameter is valid when the corresponding parameter related to the reporting p NO YES UQUALITYMEAS DlBeTrigTimeE BE Trigger Time of Event E UQUALITYMEAS(Optional) from when the BE TX power is beyond the threshold Ea to when the event SET Duration NO NO UQUALITYMEAS ChoiceRptUnitForBeE BE Reporting Period Unit for Event E SET UQUALITYMEAS(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO reporting period of the event E of the BE service. The the NO UQUALITYMEAS TenMsecForBeE BE Event E Reporting Period UQUALITYMEAS(Optional) SET This parameter is valid when the corresponding parameter related to the reporting p NO NO UQUALITYMEAS MinForBeE BE Event E Reporting Period UQUALITYMEAS(Mandatory) SET minute This parameter is valid when the corresponding parameter related to the reporting p NO YES UQUALITYMEAS DlBeTrigTimeF BE Trigger Time of Event F UQUALITYMEAS(Optional) within which theNO SET Duration measured power being lower than the threshold is allowe NO UQUALITYMEAS ChoiceRptUnitForBeF BE Reporting Period Unit for Event F SET UQUALITYMEAS(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO reporting period of the event F of the BE service. The the NO UQUALITYMEAS TenMsecForBeF BE Event F Reporting Period UQUALITYMEAS(Optional) SET This parameter is valid when the corresponding parameter related to the reporting p NO NO UQUALITYMEAS MinForBeF BE Event F Reporting Period minute SET UQUALITYMEAS(Mandatory) This parameter is valid when the corresponding parameter related to the reporting p NO YES UQUEUEPREEMPT PreemptAlgoSwitch Preempt algorithm switch SET UQUEUEPREEMPT(Optional) whether preemption isNO Determines NO supported. When this switch is enabled, the RN UQUEUEPREEMPT MbmsPreemptAlgoSwitch bms PreemptAlgoSwitch UQUEUEPREEMPT(Optional) M SET Indicates whether the MBMS supports resource preemption. When the switch is en NO NO UQUEUEPREEMPT PreemptRefArpSwitch PreemptRefArpSwitch SET UQUEUEPREEMPT(Optional) Indicating whether ARP-based preemption between TCs is supported. This switch o NO NO UQUEUEPREEMPT QueueAlgoSwitch Queue algorithm switch SET UQUEUEPREEMPT(Optional) Indicating whether queueNOsupported. When a user initiates a call, if cell resources is NO UQUEUEPREEMPT QueueLen Queue length SET UQUEUEPREEMPT(Optional) Queue length. The total number ofNO NO users in queue of each cell should not exceed th UQUEUEPREEMPT PollTimerLen Poll timer length SET UQUEUEPREEMPT(Optional) of the queue poll. The queue is polled for every time specified in this p Timer length NO NO UQUEUEPREEMPT MaxQueueTimeLen Max queuing time lengthSET UQUEUEPREEMPT(Optional) Maximum queue time of NO When a user initiates a call, it joins the queue due t users. NO UQUEUEPREEMPT EmcPreeRefVulnSwitch Preemptvulnerability for Emergency call switch When the switch is enabled, usersNO SET UQUEUEPREEMPT(Optional) NO attempting emergency call can preempt the reso URAC CnOpIndex Cn Operator Index ADD URAC(Mandatory)RMV URAC(Mandatory) a CN operator. Represent an index for YES YES URAC LAC Location Area Code ADD URAC(Mandatory)RMV URAC(Mandatory) YES for a Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) of the GSM Identifies a location area code YES URAC RAC Routing Area Code ADD URAC(Mandatory)RMV URAC(Mandatory) YES location area for a Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN Identifying a routing area in a YES URAC PlmnValTagMin Min PLMN Value Tag ADD URAC(Mandatory) Minimum PLMN tag value corresponding to a LAC. It is defined by the operator. For NO YES URAC PlmnValTagMax Max PLMN Value Tag ADD URAC(Mandatory) Maximum PLMN tag value corresponding to a LAC. It is defined by the operator. Fo NO YES URACH CellId Cell ID ADD URACH(Mandatory)MOD URACH(Mandatory)RMV URACH(Mandatory) ID of a cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. YES YES URACH PhyChId PRACH ID ADD URACH(Optional) Uniquely identifying a PRACH in aNO YES cell URACH TrChId RACH ID ADD URACH(Optional)MOD URACH(Mandatory)RMV in a NO Uniquely identifying an RACH URACH(Mandatory) YES cell URACH RateMatchingAttr Rate Matching Attribute ADD URACH(Optional) This parameter defines the rate matching factor of the RACH. NO NO URACH NB01min Random Back-off Lower ADD URACH(Optional)MOD URACH(Optional)access back-off delay. For details, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.3 Limit Lower limit of random NO NO URACH NB01max Random Back-off Upper ADD URACH(Optional)MOD URACH(Optional)access back-off delay. For details, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.3 Limit Upper limit of random NO NO URACH Mmax Max Preamble Loop ADD URACH(Optional)MOD parameter specifies NO maximum number of preambles to be used in one prea The URACH(Optional) the NO URACHDYNTFS CellId Cell ID ADD URACHDYNTFS(Mandatory)RMV URACHDYNTFS(Mandatory) parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. ID of a cell. For detailed information about this YES YES URACHDYNTFS TrChId RACH ID ADD URACHDYNTFS(Optional)RMV URACHDYNTFS(Mandatory) Uniquely identifying an RACH in a NO YES cell URACHDYNTFS RLCSize RLC Size ADD URACHDYNTFS(Mandatory)RMV URACHDYNTFS(Mandatory) This parameter defines the RLC size corresponding to each transport format. For a YES YES URACHDYNTFS TFsNumber Number of TFs ADD URACHDYNTFS(Mandatory) This parameter defines the number of the transport formats corresponding to the ab YES YES URACHDYNTFS TbNumber1 TB Number of TF1 ADD URACHDYNTFS(Optional) This parameter defines the number of the transport blocks corresponding to the TF NO NO URACHDYNTFS TbNumber2 TB Number of TF2 ADD URACHDYNTFS(Optional) This parameter defines the number of the transport blocks corresponding to the TF NO NO URACHMEASUREPARA EcN0MaxUpAdjStep Maximum Ec/N0 Up Step SET URACHMEASUREPARA(Optional)specifiesNO maximum value that Ec/No can be stepped up in the l This parameter the NO URACHMEASUREPARA EcN0MaxDownAdjStep Maximum Ec/N0 Down Step URACHMEASUREPARA(Optional)specifiesNO maximum value that Ec/No can be stepped down in th SET This parameter the NO URACHMEASUREPARA EcN0AdjStep Ec/N0 Adjustment Step SET URACHMEASUREPARA(Optional)is used to count the adjusted step of Ec/No in the link quality adjust This parameter NO NO URACHMEASUREPARA TagetRlcRetrans Target RLC Retransmission Rate SET URACHMEASUREPARA(Optional)specifiesNO target number of the RLC retransmissions. In the link q This parameter the NO URACHMEASUREPARA EcN0AdjTimerLen Ec/N0 Adjustment Measurement Period SET URACHMEASUREPARA(Optional)specifiesNO adjustment cycle of Ec/No. This parameter is also use This parameter the NO URACHMEASUREPARA MaxEcN0Value Maximum Ec/N0 Value SET URACHMEASUREPARA(Optional)specifiesNO maximum value of Ec/No in the E-FACH Ec/No adjust This parameter the NO URACHMEASUREPARA MinEcN0Value Minimum Ec/N0 Value SET URACHMEASUREPARA(Optional)specifiesNO minimum value of Ec/No in the E-FACH Ec/No adjustm This parameter the NO UREDIRECTION TrafficType Traffic Type SET UREDIRECTION(Mandatory) whose RRCYES Traffic class redirection parameters are to be set YES UREDIRECTION RedirSwitch Redirection Switch SET UREDIRECTION(Optional) the RRC redirection algorithm is valid for the specified service. The algorit Whether NO NO UREDIRECTION RedirFactorOfNorm Redirection Factor Of Normal UREDIRECTION(Optional) of redirecting the UE to NO SET Possibility NO another cell. When the load of the serving cell is
UREDIRECTION RedirFactorOfLDR Redirection Factor Of LDR UREDIRECTION(Optional) of redirecting the UE to NO SET Possibility NO another cell. When the UL load state or DL load UREDIRECTION RedirBandInd Redirection target band indicator SET UREDIRECTION(Optional) Frequency band of the target UL and DL UARFCNs to which the UE is redirected. I NO NO UREDIRECTION ReDirUARFCNUplinkIndRedirection Target UL Frequency Index SET UREDIRECTION(Optional) the target UL UARFCN to which the UE is redirected needs to be configur Whether NO NO UREDIRECTION ReDirUARFCNUplink Redirection target uplink SET UREDIRECTION(Optional) UARFCN This parameter specifiesNO target UL UARFCN for the RRC redirection. The value the NO UREDIRECTION ReDirUARFCNDownlink Redirection target downlink UARFCN SET UREDIRECTION(Optional)DL UARFCN for the RRC redirection. Different values of "RedirBandInd" cor Target NO NO URESERVEOVSF CellId Cell ID ADD URESERVEOVSF(Mandatory)RMV URESERVEOVSF(Mandatory) ID of a cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. YES YES URESERVEOVSF DLOVSFSF Reserved DL code OVSF ADD URESERVEOVSF(Mandatory)RMV URESERVEOVSF(Mandatory) the DL code to be reserved. For d Orthogonal Variable Spreading Factor (OVSF) of YES YES URESERVEOVSF DLCODENO Reserved DL code No ADD URESERVEOVSF(Mandatory)the DL code. For details, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.213 protocol. Number of NO YES URESERVEOVSF DLCODENO Reserved DL code No RMV URESERVEOVSF(Optional) the DL code. For details, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.213 protocol. Number of NO NO URNCALLCELLBLK DomainType Blocked Domain Type ADD URNCALLCELLBLK(Mandatory)MOD URNCALLCELLBLK(Optional) This parameter specifiesYESblocked domain type. the YES URNCALLCELLBLK ProcessDuration Processing Duration ADD URNCALLCELLBLK(Mandatory)MOD URNCALLCELLBLK(Optional)of the cell blocking in the RNC. This parameter specifiesNO processing duration the YES URNCBASIC RncId RNC ID ADD URNCBASIC(Mandatory)MOD URNCBASIC(Optional) Uniquely identifying an RNC. YES YES URNCCBCPUID CnOpIndex Cn Operator Index ADD URNCCBCPUID(Mandatory)RMV index for a CN operator. Represent an URNCCBCPUID(Mandatory) YES YES URNCCBPARA CBSwitch CB Switch SET URNCCBPARA(Optional) of the inner CBS function. NO switch NO URNCCBPARA CTCHSwitch CTCH switch of cell broadcast SET URNCCBPARA(Optional) switch of cell broadcast. NO CTCH NO URNCCBPARA CodeScheme Code Scheme SET URNCCBPARA(Optional) the message code scheme.The enum value is as below:0000 German 0001 Englis NO NO URNCCBPARA RepeatPeriod Repeat Period SET URNCCBPARA(Optional) Period of send Write-Replace. Repeat NO NO URNCCBPARA RepeatNum Repeat Number SET URNCCBPARA(Optional) Number of send Write-Replace. Repeat NO NO URNCCELLSHUTDOWNPARA DynCellShutDownSwitchCell Dynamic ShutDown SET URNCCELLSHUTDOWNPARA(Optional) the Cell dynamic shutdown algorithm of the local RNC cell is Switch for RNC When the switch is on, NO NO URNCCELLSHUTDOWNPARA DynCellOpenJudgeTimerlen Period Judge Timer Length for Cell Dynamic Open SET URNCCELLSHUTDOWNPARA(Optional) NO shut down, this parameter is used to repeatedly dete When the cell is automatically NO URNCCELLSHUTDOWNPARA DynCellShutdownProtectTimerlen Protect Timer Length for SET Dynamic ShutDownWhen the cell is automatically enabled, the cell can be automatically disabled again Cell URNCCELLSHUTDOWNPARA(Optional) NO NO URNCMBMSPARA MbmsTransMode Mbms Transfer Mode SET URNCMBMSPARA(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO transport mode of MBMS services. The point-to-multip the NO URNCMBMSPARA MtchMultiplexThd MTCH Multiplex Threshold URNCMBMSPARA(Optional) SET This parameter specifiesNO MTCH multiplexing threshold. When the rate of an MB the NO URNCMBMSPARA CombNCellPercent Combine Neighbour CellSET URNCMBMSPARA(Optional) service, if the NO of the intra-frequency cells where the service is trans Percent For a PTM ratio NO URNCMBMSPARA XOffset X Offset SET URNCMBMSPARA(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO X offset for connected mode. For a PTM service in a c the NO URNCMBMSPARA NCountingThd Counting Threshold SET URNCMBMSPARA(Optional) number of UEs responding to counting/recounting is greater than or equa When the NO NO URNCMBMSPARA NPtpToPtmOffset Ptp To Ptm Offset SET URNCMBMSPARA(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO NPTP-PTM offset. During recounting in PTP mode, if the NO URNCMBMSPARA UpLimitCountingTime Up Limit Counting Time SET URNCMBMSPARA(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO coefficient of the maximum duration of each counting. the NO URNCMBMSPARA RecountingPeriod Recounting Period SET URNCMBMSPARA(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO interval between recounting operations. the NO URNCMBMSPARA PunishTime Punish Time SET URNCMBMSPARA(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO coefficient of the penalty time after the PTP RB admis the NO URNCMBMSPARA PtmPreemptSwitch Ptm Preempt Switch SET URNCMBMSPARA(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO whether MBMS PTM streaming bearers can pre-empt othe NO URNCMBMSPARA PtmStrmPasiSwitch Ptm Stream Passivity Switch URNCMBMSPARA(Optional) SET This parameter specifiesNO whether MBMS PTM streaming bearers can be pre-empte NO URNCMBMSPARA PtmNullStrmPasiSwitch Ptm Null Stream Passivity Switch SET URNCMBMSPARA(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO whether MBMS PTM non-streaming bearers can be pre-e NO URNCMBMSPARA MbmsPtpUlBitRate Mbms Ptp UpLink Bit Rate URNCMBMSPARA(Optional) SET This parameter specifiesNO uplink bit rate of the MBMS service in PTP mode. The the NO URNCPOOL RncPoolIndex RncPool Index ADD URNCPOOL(Mandatory)MOD an index for a RNC . YES Represent URNCPOOL(Mandatory)RMV URNCPOOL(Mandatory) YES URNCPOOL RncPoolName RncPool Name ADD URNCPOOL(Mandatory)MODname. RNC Pool URNCPOOL(Optional)YES NO URNCPOOL BeatSendingDis HeatBeat Sending Time Interval ADD URNCPOOL(Optional)MOD URNCPOOL(Optional) NO heartbeat to the peer RNC in the same RNC Interval for the local RNC sending the NO URNCPOOL BeatDectThred HeatBeat Lost Times Threshold ADD URNCPOOL(Optional)MOD URNCPOOL(Optional) NO Threshold of continuous NO heartbeat detecting between the two RNCs in a RNC failed URNCPOOL BeatRecvrThred HeatBeat Recover Times Threshold ADD URNCPOOL(Optional)MOD URNCPOOL(Optional) NO peer RNC for a successive number of times If the heartbeats are detected from the NO URNCPOOL IuStatePolicyForPool Iu State Policy For RncPool URNCPOOL(Optional)MOD RNC state is affected by the Iu interface service state. If the value is NONE ADD How the URNCPOOL(Optional) NO NO URNCPOOLMEMBER RncPoolIndex RncPool Index ADD URNCPOOLMEMBER(Mandatory)RMV for a RNC . YES Represent an index URNCPOOLMEMBER(Mandatory) YES URRCESTCAUSE RrcCause Cause of RRC connection establishment SET URRCESTCAUSE(Mandatory) Cause of RRC connection establishment, that is, the value of the establishment cau YES YES URRCESTCAUSE SigChType Channel type for RRC establishment SET URRCESTCAUSE(Optional)type and bit rateNO RRC NO Channel for connection establishment. - FACH: The RRC con URRCESTCAUSE EFachSwitch Switch for RRC established on E_FACH SET URRCESTCAUSE(Optional) the RRC connection is established preferentially on the E-FACH. If this pa Whether NO NO URRCTRLSWITCH PROCESSSWITCH Process switch SET URRCTRLSWITCH(Optional) 1)INVOKE_TRACE_SWITCH. When it is checked, RNC will start Invoke Trace pro NO NO URRCTRLSWITCH RsvdPara1 Reserved parameter 1 SET URRCTRLSWITCH(Optional)parameter 1. NO Reserved NO USAC CnOpIndex Cn Operator Index ADD USAC(Mandatory)RMV USAC(Mandatory) a CN operator. Represent an index for YES YES USAC LAC Location Area Code ADD USAC(Mandatory)RMV USAC(Mandatory) YES for a Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) of the GSM Identifies a location area code YES USAC SAC Service Area Code ADD USAC(Mandatory)RMV USAC(Mandatory) YES MCC,MNC,LAC and SAC together compose the Service Area ID (SAI). SAI = MCC YES USAMBMSPARA CnOpIndex Cn Operator Index ADD USAMBMSPARA(Mandatory)MOD USAMBMSPARA(Mandatory)RMV USAMBMSPARA(Mandatory) Represent an index for a CN operator. YES YES USAMBMSPARA MbmsSaId MBMS SA ID ADD USAMBMSPARA(Mandatory)MOD USAMBMSPARA(Mandatory)RMV USAMBMSPARA(Mandatory) MBMS SA ID. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to the 3GPP 25.346. YES YES USAMBMSPARA MbmsTransMode Mbms Transfer Mode ADD USAMBMSPARA(Optional)MOD USAMBMSPARA(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO transport mode of MBMS services. The point-to-multip the NO USAMBMSPARA NCountingThd Counting Threshold ADD USAMBMSPARA(Optional)MOD USAMBMSPARA(Optional) When the number of UEs responding to counting/recounting is greater than or equa NO NO USAMBMSPARA NPtpToPtmOffset Ptp To Ptm Offset ADD USAMBMSPARA(Optional)MOD USAMBMSPARA(Optional)offset. During recounting in PTP mode, if This parameter specifiesNO NPTP-PTM the NO USAS CnOpIndex CN Operator Index ADD USAS(Mandatory) Represent an index for a CN operator. NO YES USAS SASId SAS ID ADD USAS(Mandatory)RMV USAS(Mandatory) YES ID of an SAS. YES USAS Dpx DSP Index ADD USAS(Mandatory) Index of a destination signaling point (DSP). NO YES USATLDCPERIOD IntraFreqLdbPeriodTimerLen Intra-frequency LDB period timer length SET USATLDCPERIOD(Optional) the period of the Intra-frequency load balance algorithm. When the cell lo Identifying NO NO USATLDCPERIOD PucPeriodTimerLen PUC period timer length SET USATLDCPERIOD(Optional) the potential user control period. When the cell load is high, the cell sele Identifying NO NO USATLDCPERIOD LdrPeriodTimerLen LDR period timer length SET USATLDCPERIOD(Optional) the period of the LDR execution. When basic congestion occurs, executi Identifying NO NO USATLDCPERIOD OlcPeriodTimerLen OLC period timer length SET USATLDCPERIOD(Optional) the period of the OLC execution. When overload occurs, execution of O Identifying NO NO USATLDM UlBasicCommMeasFilterCoeff UL basic common measure filter coeff SET USATLDM(Optional) filtering coefficient. The larger the value of this parameter, the stronger the smoo L3 NO NO USATLDM ChoiceRprtUnitForUlBasicMeas for UL basic meas rprt cycle Time unit SET USATLDM(Optional) you set this parameter NO If to TEN_MSEC, use [UL basic meas rprt cycle,Unit:10ms] t NO USATLDM TenMsecForUlBasicMeas L basic meas rprt cycleSET USATLDM(Mandatory) basic common measurement report cycle. For detailed information of this param U 10ms UL NO YES
USATLDM MinForUlBasicMeas UL basic meas rprt cycleSET USATLDM(Mandatory) basic common measurement report cycle. For detailed information of this param minu UL NO YES USATLDM DlBasicCommMeasFilterCoeff DL basic common measure filter coeff SET USATLDM(Optional) filtering coefficient. The larger the value of this parameter, the stronger the smoo L3 NO NO USATLDM ChoiceRprtUnitForDlBasicMeas for DL basic meas rprt cycle Time unit SET USATLDM(Optional) you set this parameter NO If to TEN_MSEC, use [DL basic meas rprt cycle,Unit:10ms] t NO USATLDM TenMsecForDlBasicMeas L basic meas rprt cycleSET USATLDM(Mandatory) basic common measurement report cycle. For detailed information of this param D 10ms DL NO YES USATLDM MinForDlBasicMeas DL basic meas rprt cycleSET USATLDM(Mandatory) basic common measurement report cycle. For detailed information of this param minu DL NO YES USATLDM PeriodProtectTimerCoeffPeriod common measure protect timer coeff SET USATLDM(Optional) Period common measurement protection timer coefficient. Timer length of common NO NO USATLDM LdbAvgFilterLen LDB smoothing filter length USATLDM(Optional) SET Length of smoothing filter window NO NO of intra-frequency load balancing (LDB). USATLDM PucAvgFilterLen PUC smoothing filter length USATLDM(Optional) SET Length of smoothing filter window NO NO of potential user control (PUC). USATLDM UlLdrAvgFilterLen UL LDR smoothing filter length SET USATLDM(Optional) Length of smoothing filter window NO NO of uplink LDR. USATLDM DlLdrAvgFilterLen DL LDR smoothing filter length SET USATLDM(Optional) Length of smoothing filter window NO NO of downlink LDR. USATLDM UlOlcAvgFilterLen UL OLC smoothing filter SET USATLDM(Optional) length Length of smoothing filter window NO NO of uplink OLC. USATLDM DlOlcAvgFilterLen DL OLC smoothing filter SET USATLDM(Optional) length Length of smoothing filter window NO NO of downlink OLC. USATLDM UlCacAvgFilterLen UL CAC smoothing filter SET USATLDM(Optional) length Length of smoothing filter window NO NO of uplink CAC. USATLDM DlCacAvgFilterLen DL CAC smoothing filter SET USATLDM(Optional) length Length of smoothing filter window NO NO of downlink CAC. USATLDM ChoiceRprtUnitForHsdpaPwrMeas of HSDPA need pwrUSATLDM(Optional) you set this parameter NO Time unit SET meas cycle If to TEN_MSEC, use [HSDPA need pwr meas cycle,Unit:10 NO USATLDM TenMsecForHsdpaPwrMeas HSDPA need pwr meas cycle USATLDM(Mandatory) SET 10ms HSDPA power requirement measurement report period For detailed information of NO YES USATLDM MinForHsdpaPwrMeas HSDPA need pwr meas cycle USATLDM(Mandatory) SET minu HSDPA power requirement measurement report period For detailed information of NO YES USATLDM HsdpaNeedPwrFilterLenHSDPA need power filterSET USATLDM(Optional) len Length of smoothing filter window NO NO of HSDPA power requirement. USATLDM ChoiceRprtUnitForHsdpaRateMeas HSDPA bit rate meas cycle Time unit of SET USATLDM(Optional) you set this parameter NO If to TEN_MSEC, use [HSDPA bit rate meas cycle,Unit:10m NO USATLDM TenMsecForHsdpaPrvidRateMeas rate meas cycle 10ms HSDPA bit SET USATLDM(Mandatory) parameter specifiesNO HSDPA bit rate measurement report period. For detail This the YES USATLDM MinForHsdpaPrvidRateMeas HSDPA bit rate meas cycle minu SET USATLDM(Mandatory) parameter specifiesNO HSDPA bit rate measurement report period. For detail This the YES USATLDM HsdpaPrvidBitRateFilterLen HSDPA bit rate filter len SET USATLDM(Optional) Length of smoothing filter window NO NO of HSDPA bit rate. USATLDM MaxMeasContInvalidTimes number of continuous invalid measurement Max allowed number of continuous invalid measurement reports. For detailed inform Max SET USATLDM(Optional) NO NO USATLDM UlOlcMeasFilterCoeff UL overload measure filter coeff SET USATLDM(Optional) filtering coefficient. The larger the value of this parameter, the stronger the smoo L3 NO NO USATLDM ChoiceRprtUnitForUlOlcMeas unit for UL OLC meas rprt cycle Time SET USATLDM(Optional) you set this parameter NO If to TEN_MSEC, use [UL OLC meas rprt cycle,Unit:10ms] to NO USATLDM TenMsecForUlOlcMeas UL OLC meas rprt cycle 10ms SET USATLDM(Mandatory) Measurement report period of event E triggered by UL OLC. For detailed informatio NO YES USATLDM MinForUlOlcMeas UL OLC meas rprt cycle minu USATLDM(Mandatory) SET Measurement report period of event E triggered by UL OLC. For detailed informatio NO YES USATLDM UlOlcTrigHyst UL OLC trigger hysteresis ET USATLDM(Optional) OLC trigger hysteresis.This parameter can avoid touching off OLC event continu S UL NO NO USATLDM DlOlcMeasFilterCoeff DL overload measure filter coeff SET USATLDM(Optional) filtering coefficient. The larger the value of this parameter, the stronger the smoo L3 NO NO USATLDM ChoiceRprtUnitForDlOlcMeas unit for DL OLC meas rprt cycle Time SET USATLDM(Optional) you set this parameter NO If to TEN_MSEC, use [DL OLC meas rprt cycle,Unit:10ms] to NO USATLDM TenMsecForDlOlcMeas DL OLC meas rprt cycle 10ms SET USATLDM(Mandatory) Measurement report period of event E triggered by DL OLC. For detailed informatio NO YES USATLDM MinForDlOlcMeas DL OLC meas rprt cycle minu USATLDM(Mandatory) SET Measurement report period of event E triggered by DL OLC. For detailed informatio NO YES USATLDM DlOlcTrigHyst DL OLC trigger hysteresis ET USATLDM(Optional) OLC trigger hysteresis.This parameter can avoid touching off OLC event continu S DL NO NO USCCPCH CellId Cell ID MOD USCCPCH(Mandatory)RMV USCCPCH(Mandatory) YES ID of a cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. YES USCCPCH PhyChId SCCPCH ID MOD USCCPCH(Mandatory)RMVidentifying a common physical channel in a cell Uniquely USCCPCH(Mandatory) YES YES USCCPCH PCHPower PCH Power MOD USCCPCH(Optional) Offset of the PCH transmit power from the PCPICH transmit power in a cell. For de NO NO USCCPCHBASIC CellId Cell ID ADD USCCPCHBASIC(Mandatory) For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. ID of a cell. YES YES USCCPCHBASIC PhyChId SCCPCH ID ADD USCCPCHBASIC(Mandatory) Uniquely identifying an SCCPCH corresponding to a paging indication channel in a YES YES USCCPCHBASIC SCCPCHOffset SCCPCH Offset ADD USCCPCHBASIC(Optional) offset between the SCCPCH and PCCPCH in the cell. As defined by the Sequential NO NO USCCPCHBASIC ScrambCode Scrambling Code ADD USCCPCHBASIC(Mandatory) code of the SCCPCH.YES Scrambling NO 0: primary scrambling code; 1~15: secondary scr USCCPCHBASIC STTDInd STTD Indicator ADD USCCPCHBASIC(Optional) This parameter indicatesNO whether NO SCCPCH shall use STTD or not. For detailed the USCCPCHBASIC CTFCSize CTFC Length of TFCS ADD USCCPCHBASIC(Optional) TFC (CTFC) length of the Transport Format Combination Set (TFCS) on Calculated NO NO USCCPCHBASIC SlotFormat Slot Format ADD USCCPCHBASIC(Mandatory) This parameter defines the slot format used by the SCCPCH. The configuration of t NO YES USCCPCHBASIC TFCIpresence TFCI Existing Indicator ADD USCCPCHBASIC(Mandatory) This parameter indicatesNO whether YES the SCCPCH involves the TFCI. When the down USCCPCHBASIC MbmsChInd Mbms Channel Indicator ADD USCCPCHBASIC(Optional) whether the CCH carries the MCCH of the MBMS Indicating NO NO USCCPCHTFC CellId Cell ID ADD USCCPCHTFC(Mandatory)RMV USCCPCHTFC(Mandatory) this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. ID of a cell. For detailed information about YES YES USCCPCHTFC PhyChId SCCPCH ID ADD USCCPCHTFC(Mandatory)RMV USCCPCHTFC(Mandatory) Uniquely identifying a common physical channel in a cell YES YES USCCPCHTFC CTFC Calculated Transport Format Combination ADD USCCPCHTFC(Mandatory)RMV USCCPCHTFC(Mandatory) channel. The specific parameter value d Uniquely identifying a TFC on the physical YES YES USCHEDULEPRIOMAP TrafficClass Traffic Class SET USCHEDULEPRIOMAP(Mandatory) parameter only applies to interactive and background services, a Traffic class. This YES YES USCHEDULEPRIOMAP UserPriority User Priority SET USCHEDULEPRIOMAP(Mandatory) is defined according to the Allocation/Retention Priority (ARP) from User priority that YES YES USCHEDULEPRIOMAP THPClass Traffic Handling Priority ClassUSCHEDULEPRIOMAP(Mandatory)Priority (THP) class that the THP priority is mapped to. This param SET Traffic Handling YES YES USCHEDULEPRIOMAP SPI Scheduling Priority Indicator USCHEDULEPRIOMAP(Mandatory) of interactive and background services. Value 11 indicates the h SET Scheduling priority NO YES USCPICH CellId Cell ID RMV USCPICH(Optional) of a cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. ID YES NO USMLC SmlcMethod UE Positioning Method SET USMLC(Optional) Method of positioning the UE NO NO USMLC AGPSMethodType A-GPS Method Type SET USMLC(Optional) UE positioning mode when the A-GPS method is selected. The UE supports both U NO NO USMLC AGPSAddAssDataSendFlag A-GPS Additional Data Send Flag SET USMLC(Optional) This parameter indicatesNO whether NO GPS Additional Assistance Data Request is s the USMLC UeAssAgpsAssDataSwitch UE-assisted A-GPS Data Send switch SET USMLC(Optional) Switch for sending A-GPS assistance data in UE-assisted mode. This parameter sp NO NO USMLC UeBasAgpsAssDataSwitch UE-based A-GPS Data Send Switch SET USMLC(Optional) Switch for sending A-GPS assistance data in UE-based mode. This parameter spe NO NO USMLC MaxGpsSats Maximum Num of GPS Satellites SET USMLC(Optional) Maximum number of satellites whose ephemeris can be delivered when the A-GPS NO NO USMLC OTDOAMethodType OTDOA Method Type SET USMLC(Optional) UE positioning mode when the OTDOA method is selected. The UE supports both NO NO USMLC CELLIDRTTMethodTypeCELLID+RTT Method Type USMLC(Optional) UE positioning mode when the CELLID+RTT method is selected. The UE supports SET NO NO USMLC EmergLCSSwitch Emergency LCS Switch SET USMLC(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO whether the RNC specially handles the LCS requests of e NO USMLC InterRatHOPermit Emergency LCS Inter-Rat Handover Permit SET USMLC(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO whether the inter-RAT handover, for example, to the GSM NO USMLC InterRatHOType Inter-Rat Handover TypeSET USMLC(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO type of inter-RAT handover that is performed when the the NO
OptionalIESendSwitch Optional IE Send Switch SET USMLC(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO whether the IE is reported to the CN. NO ForcedSHOSwitch ForcedSho Switch in CELLID+RTT Method SET USMLC(Optional) When the CELLID+RTT NO method is selected, this parameter specifies whether force NO IntraRelThdFor1A 1A Event Relative Threshold USMLC(Mandatory)Relative threshold of the NO 1A. SET event YES IntraRelThdFor1B 1B Event Relative Threshold USMLC(Mandatory)Relative threshold of the NO 1B. SET event YES TrigTime1A 1A Event Trigger Delay Time USMLC(Mandatory)Delay to trigger the eventNO The YES of this parameter is related to slow fading. SET 1A. value TrigTime1B 1B Event Trigger Delay Time USMLC(Mandatory)Delay to trigger the eventNO The YES of this parameter is related to slow fading. SET 1B. value SHOQualmin Min Quality THD for SHO SET USMLC(Mandatory)Minimum quality threshold of soft handover. NO YES LcsWorkMode Location Working Mode SET USMLC(Optional) Working mode of positioning for RNC. This parameter is used to determine whethe NO NO RNCId RNC ID ADD USMLCCELL(Mandatory)MOD USMLCCELL(Mandatory)RMV USMLCCELL(Mandatory) ID of an RNC YES YES CellEnvironment Cell Environment Case ADD USMLCCELL(Optional)MOD USMLCCELL(Optional) NO area. Environment type of the cell coverage NO CellidRttActivateFlag CELLID+RTT Method Active Flag ADD USMLCCELL(Optional)MOD USMLCCELL(Optional) NO Flag of CELLID+RTT location activation. NO OtdoaActivateFlag OTDOA Method Active Flag USMLCCELL(Optional)MOD USMLCCELL(Optional) NO ADD Flag of OTDOA location activation. NO AgpsActivateFlag A-GPS Method Active Flag USMLCCELL(Optional)MOD USMLCCELL(Optional) NO ADD Flag of A-GPS location activation. NO SpgId Service priority group Identity USPG(Mandatory)MOD USPG(Mandatory)RMV USPG(Mandatory) ADD Identifies a group of cellsYES have specific capabilities for different service types. Y that YES PriorityServiceForR99RTService priority of R99 RT service ADD USPG(Optional)MOD USPG(Optional) with a specific "Service Priority Group Identity" for R99 real-tim Capability of the cells NO NO PriorityServiceForR99NRT Service priority of R99 NRT service ADD USPG(Optional)MOD USPG(Optional) with a specific "Service Priority Group Identity" for R99 non-re Capability of the cells NO NO PriorityServiceForHSDPA Service priority of HSDPA service ADD USPG(Optional)MOD USPG(Optional) with a specific "Service Priority Group Identity" for HSDPA se Capability of the cells NO NO PriorityServiceForHSUPA Service priority of HSUPA service ADD USPG(Optional)MOD USPG(Optional) with a specific "Service Priority Group Identity" for HSUPA se Capability of the cells NO NO PriorityServiceForExtRab Service priority of Other service ADD USPG(Optional)MOD USPG(Optional) with a specific "Service Priority Group Identity" for extension s Capability of the cells NO NO SPI Scheduling Priority Indicator USPIWEIGHT(Mandatory) SET Scheduling priority of interactive and background services. Value 15 indicates the h YES YES SpiWeight SPI Weight SET USPIWEIGHT(Mandatory) the weight for service scheduling priority. This weight is used in two algori Specifies NO YES SqiGoodThres SQI Good Judgment Threshold SET USQICOUNT(Optional) the calculated SQINOgreater than the threshold, the voice quality is good. When is NO SqiBadThres SQI Bad Judgment ThresholdUSQICOUNT(Optional) the calculated SQINOlower than the threshold, the voice quality is bad. When SET When is NO SRNSRExpiryTime SRNS Relocation Expiry SET USRNSR(Optional)Sets the duration that the MS cannot be relocate again after a successful relocation Time NO NO SRNSRDelayOffset Estimated Non-Measurement USRNSR(Optional)When "Transfer Delay Measured by FP Node Between SRNC and DRNC" + "Estim SET Delay Offset NO NO SRNSRIurReselectTimerLen SRNSR Iur Reselection TimerUSRNSR(Optional)Sets the interval between the two SRNS relocations based on the Iur resource optim SET NO NO SRNSRTrigTimer Relocation Trigger TimerSET USRNSR(Optional)Sets the value of the timer for the relocation triggered after the common channel on After IurCCH NO NO SrnsrSeparateDuration Duration of Triggering Static Relocation SET USRNSR(Optional)Defines the value of the separation timer enabled after the SRNC is separated from NO NO SrnsRabCnDomainTypeSRNS Relocation-Allowed Traffic Type SET USRNSR(Optional)Sets the relocation-allowed traffic type. If the parameter is set to "RT", only the realNO NO CellId Cell ID ADD USSCH(Mandatory)RMVaUSSCH(Mandatory) ID of cell. For detailed information about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. YES YES PhyChId SSCH ID ADD USSCH(Optional) Uniquely identifying an SSCH in a NO YES cell SSCHPower SSCH Transmit Power ADD USSCH(Optional) Offset of the SSCH transmit power from the PCPICH transmit power in a cell. NO NO RrcUeRspTmr RRC UE response timer SET USTATETIMER(Optional) used to wait for RRC connection setup complete message from UE in RRC A timer NO NO RrcIuRelCmdTmr RRC IU release command timer SET USTATETIMER(Optional) used to wait for the Iu release command message responding to Iu release A timer NO NO RrcRelRetranTmr RRC release retransmission timer SET USTATETIMER(Optional) used to retransmit the RRC CONNECTION RELEASE message to UE. A timer NO NO RrcPaingType1Tmr RRC paging type 1 response timer SET USTATETIMER(Optional) used to wait for the response to paging type 1 in RRC procedure. A timer NO NO RrcInitDtTmr RRC initial DT timer SET USTATETIMER(Optional) used to wait for initial direct transmission. A timer NO NO RrcRlcAckCmpTmr RRC RLC completion acknowledgement timer A timer used to wait for the acknowledgement of radio link control (RLC) completion SET USTATETIMER(Optional) NO NO RbSetupRspTmr Wait RB setup response SET USTATETIMER(Optional) to RNC wait for the RB setup response from UE in the RB procedure.Refer timer A timer NO NO UeCapEnqRspTmr UE capability enquiry response timer SET USTATETIMER(Optional) used to wait UE capability NO A timer NO enquiry response . RbRecfgRspTmr Wait RB reconfiguration response timer SET USTATETIMER(Optional) used to wait for the RB reconfiguration response from UE in the RB procedu A timer NO NO RbRelRspTmr Wait RB release response timer SET USTATETIMER(Optional) to RNC wait for the RB release response from UE in the RB procedure.Refe A timer NO NO RlSetupRspTmr RL setup response timerSET USTATETIMER(Optional) to RNC wait for the response to radio link setup request in the radio link pro A timer NO NO RlRecfgReadyTmr RL reconfiguration timer SET USTATETIMER(Optional) to RNC wait for the response to radio link reconfiguration prepare in the rad A timer NO NO RlRelRspTmr RL release timer SET USTATETIMER(Optional) to RNC wait for the response to radio link deletion request in the radio link p A timer NO NO RlRstrTmr RL restoration timer SET USTATETIMER(Optional) to RNC wait for radio link restoration indication in the radio link procedure. A timer NO NO DrlAal2EstIndTmr DRL AAL2 establishment indication timer SET USTATETIMER(Optional) to DRNC wait forNO A timer AAL2 setup indication. NO DrlRecfgCmitTmr DRL reconfiguration commit timer SET USTATETIMER(Optional) to DRNC wait forNO A timer rnsap radio link reconfiguration commit from SRNC. NO HoCellUpdateRspTmr HO cell update responseSET USTATETIMER(Optional) to RNC wait for the response to the cell update confirm from UE in forward timer A timer NO NO HoPagingRspTmr HO paging response timer USTATETIMER(Optional) to RNC wait for paging response in forward handover procedure. SET A timer NO NO HoRelocReqTmr HO relocation request timer USTATETIMER(Optional) to RNC wait for relocation NO SET A timer NO request in forward handover procedure. HoAsuTmr HO active set update response timer SET USTATETIMER(Optional) to RNC wait for the response to active set update in soft handover procedur A timer NO NO HoWtTrchRecfgRspTmr HO wait timer for TrCh or RB reconfiguration response to RNC wait for the response to the TrCh reconfiguration or RB reconfigura SET USTATETIMER(Optional) A timer NO NO HoPhychRecfgTmr HO PhyCh reconfiguration timer SET USTATETIMER(Optional) to RNC wait for the response to physical channel reconfiguration in hard ha A timer NO NO RelocCmdTmr Relocation Command timer USTATETIMER(Optional) to RNC wait for the relocation command message in relocation procedure. SET A timer NO NO RelocIuRelCmdTmr Relocation Iu release command timer SET USTATETIMER(Optional) to RNC wait for the Iu release command message in relocation procedure. A timer NO NO RelocDataFwdTmr Relocation data forwarding timer SET USTATETIMER(Optional) used for data forwarding in relocation procedure. A timer NO NO RelocAnotherTmr Relocation another request timer SET USTATETIMER(Optional) to RNC wait for another relocation request in relocation procedure. A timer NO NO RelocCommitTmr Relocation commit timer SET USTATETIMER(Optional) to RNC wait for rnsap relocation commit message in relocation procedure. A timer NO NO RelocMobilConfTmr Relocation mobile info confirmation timer SET USTATETIMER(Optional) to RNC wait for mobile information confirmation in relocation procedure. A timer NO NO RelocPhychRecfgTmr Relocation PhyCh reconfiguration timer SET USTATETIMER(Optional) to RNC wait for the response to physical channel reconfiguration in relocatio A timer NO NO RelocUtranHoCmpTmr Relocation Inter-RAT HOSET USTATETIMER(Optional) to RNC wait for inter-RAT NO completion timer A timer NO handover completion in relocation procedure. RelocFailIuRelCmdTmr Relocation failed IU release command timer SET USTATETIMER(Optional) to DRNC wait forNOrelease command in the failed relocation procedure. A timer Iu NO SysHoPsResumeTmr PS resume timer after SYSHO SET USTATETIMER(Optional) to RNC wait for PS RESUME after successful CS InterRAT handover. A timer NO NO
RrcSecrtModeCmpTmr RRC security mode completion timer SET USTATETIMER(Optional) to RNC wait for the response to security mode command from UE in securit A timer NO NO UeCntCheckRspTmr UE counter check response timer SET USTATETIMER(Optional) to RNC wait for the response to counter check in security mode procedure. A timer NO NO CmchRsrcRspTmr CMCH RSRC response timer USTATETIMER(Optional) to RNC wait for the response to common transport channel resources reque SET A timer NO NO IuCSRelNoRABTmr Iu CS Release protectionSET USTATETIMER(Optional) to Iu CS ReleaseNO timer A timer protection NO IuPSRelNoRABTmr Iu PS Release protectionSET USTATETIMER(Optional) to Iu PS ReleaseNO timer A timer protection NO RrcConnRejWaitTmr Wait Time In RRC Connection Reject Message Wait time in RRC connection reject message, the time period the UE has to wait be SET USTATETIMER(Optional) NO NO THP1Class User Class of Traffic HandlingUTHPCLASS(Optional) SET Priority 1 Priority class associated NO PS interactive service whose traffic handling priority is with NO THP2Class User Class of Traffic HandlingUTHPCLASS(Optional) SET Priority 2 Priority class associated NO PS interactive service whose traffic handling priority is with NO THP3Class User Class of Traffic HandlingUTHPCLASS(Optional) SET Priority 3 Priority class associated NO PS interactive service whose traffic handling priority is with NO THP4Class User Class of Traffic HandlingUTHPCLASS(Optional) SET Priority 4 Priority class associated NO PS interactive service whose traffic handling priority is with NO THP5Class User Class of Traffic HandlingUTHPCLASS(Optional) SET Priority 5 Priority class associated NO PS interactive service whose traffic handling priority is with NO THP6Class User Class of Traffic HandlingUTHPCLASS(Optional) SET Priority 6 Priority class associated NO PS interactive service whose traffic handling priority is with NO THP7Class User Class of Traffic HandlingUTHPCLASS(Optional) SET Priority 7 Priority class associated NO PS interactive service whose traffic handling priority is with NO THP8Class User Class of Traffic HandlingUTHPCLASS(Optional) SET Priority 8 Priority class associated NO PS interactive service whose traffic handling priority is with NO THP9Class User Class of Traffic HandlingUTHPCLASS(Optional) SET Priority 9 Priority class associated NO PS interactive service whose traffic handling priority is with NO THP10Class User Class of Traffic HandlingUTHPCLASS(Optional) SET Priority 10 Priority class associated NO PS interactive service whose traffic handling priority is with NO THP11Class User Class of Traffic HandlingUTHPCLASS(Optional) SET Priority 11 Priority class associated NO PS interactive service whose traffic handling priority is with NO THP12Class User Class of Traffic HandlingUTHPCLASS(Optional) SET Priority 12 Priority class associated NO PS interactive service whose traffic handling priority is with NO THP13Class User Class of Traffic HandlingUTHPCLASS(Optional) SET Priority 13 Priority class associated NO PS interactive service whose traffic handling priority is with NO THP14Class User Class of Traffic HandlingUTHPCLASS(Optional) SET Priority 14 Priority class associated NO PS interactive service whose traffic handling priority is with NO THP15Class User Class of Traffic HandlingUTHPCLASS(Optional) SET Priority 15 Priority class associated NO PS interactive service whose traffic handling priority is with NO RabIndex Service parameter indexRMV UTYPRAB(Mandatory) number uniquely identifying YES Index YES the configuration of the typical service RabIndex Service parameter indexADD UTYPRABBASIC(Mandatory)MOD UTYPRABBASIC(Mandatory) Index number uniquely identifying YES YES the configuration of the typical service TrafficClass Traffic Class ADD UTYPRABBASIC(Mandatory) According to the QoS requirements of services, there are four traffic c Traffic class. NO YES Ssd Signal Source Description DD UTYPRABBASIC(Mandatory) A Type of signal source. - SPEECH: YES NO speech service - UNKNOWN: non-speech servic MaxBitRate Max rate ADD UTYPRABBASIC(Mandatory)MOD UTYPRABBASIC(Optional) Maximum bit rate of the service YES NO CNDomainId CN domain ID ADD UTYPRABBASIC(Mandatory) service is CS serviceYES service- CS_DOMAIN: Circuit Switched do Whether the NO or PS BetaC Reference BetaC ADD UTYPRABBASIC(Mandatory)MOD UTYPRABBASIC(Optional) Power occupancy of the control part of reference TFC. For details, see 3GPP TS 25 NO YES BetaD Reference BetaD ADD UTYPRABBASIC(Mandatory)MOD UTYPRABBASIC(Optional) TFC. For details, see 3GPP TS 25.2 Power occupancy of the data part YES NO of reference SHInd Service Handover Indicator UTYPRABBASIC(Mandatory)MOD UTYPRABBASIC(Optional) ADD Service handover attribute. If the HO_INTER_RAT_RNC_SERVICE_HO_SWITCH NO YES Req2GCap 2G Cell Capability Required for Inter-RAT Handover ADD UTYPRABBASIC(Mandatory)MOD UTYPRABBASIC(Optional) inter-RAT handover from 3G network Minimum capability of the 2G cell required for NO YES UlFpMode UL FP Mode ADD UTYPRABBASIC(Mandatory)MOD this type NO UL FP mode of UTYPRABBASIC(Optional) about normal mode and silent mode, s of RAB. For details YES AppliedDirect RAB Applied Direction ADD UTYPRABBASIC(Mandatory)MOD UTYPRABBASIC(Optional) Direction in which the current typical RAB parameters are applied NO YES RabIndex Service parameter indexADD UTYPRABDCCCMC(Mandatory)MOD UTYPRABDCCCMC(Mandatory) the typical service Index number uniquely identifying YES YES the configuration of Direction Direction ADD UTYPRABDCCCMC(Mandatory)MOD UTYPRABDCCCMC(Mandatory) Direction that the traffic volume measurement is applicable to. DOWNLINK indicate YES YES Event4aThd Traffic Measurement Event 4AUTYPRABDCCCMC(Optional)MOD UTYPRABDCCCMC(Optional) traffic volume, that is, the upper lim ADD threshold Threshold of triggering event 4A related to DCH NO NO Event4bThd Traffic Measurement Event 4BUTYPRABDCCCMC(Mandatory)MOD UTYPRABDCCCMC(Optional) ADD threshold Threshold of triggering event 4B related to DCH traffic volume, that is, the lower lim NO YES TimetoTrigger4A Pending Time After TriggeringUTYPRABDCCCMC(Optional)MOD UTYPRABDCCCMC(Optional) the DCH exceeds the upper thre ADD of Event 4A[ms] Time from the moment when the traffic volume on NO NO PendingTime4A Pending time after trigger 4A UTYPRABDCCCMC(Optional)MOD UTYPRABDCCCMC(Optional) event 4A related to DCH traffic vo ADD Number of measurementNO periods during which no NO TimetoTrigger4B Pending Time After TriggeringUTYPRABDCCCMC(Optional)MOD UTYPRABDCCCMC(Optional) the DCH falls below the lower thr ADD of Event 4B[ms] Time from the moment when the traffic volume on NO NO PendingTime4B Pending time after trigger 4B UTYPRABDCCCMC(Optional)MOD UTYPRABDCCCMC(Optional) event 4B related to DCH traffic vo ADD Number of measurementNO periods during which no NO EdchTimetoTrigger4A Number of MRs Before Triggering of Event 4A onNumber of measurementNO ADD UTYPRABDCCCMC(Optional)MOD UTYPRABDCCCMC(Optional) EDCH periods from the moment when the E-DCH rate falls below NO EdchPendingTime4A Number of MRs Between TwoUTYPRABDCCCMC(Optional)MOD UTYPRABDCCCMC(Optional) event 4A related to EDCH throug ADD Events 4A on EDCH Number of measurementNO periods during which no NO EdchTimetoTrigger4B Number of MRs Before Triggering of Event 4B onNumber of measurementNO ADD UTYPRABDCCCMC(Optional)MOD UTYPRABDCCCMC(Optional) EDCH periods from the moment when the E-DCH rate falls below NO EdchPendingTime4B Number of MRs Between TwoUTYPRABDCCCMC(Optional)MOD UTYPRABDCCCMC(Optional) event 4B related to EDCH throug ADD Events 4B on EDCH Number of measurementNO periods during which no NO DchThrouTimetoTrigger4B Number of MRs Before Triggering of Event 4B onNumber of measurementNO ADD UTYPRABDCCCMC(Optional)MOD UTYPRABDCCCMC(Optional) DCH periods from the moment when the DCH rate falls below t NO DchThrouPendingTime4B umber of MRs Between TwoUTYPRABDCCCMC(Optional)MOD UTYPRABDCCCMC(Optional) event 4B related to DCH through N ADD Events 4B on DCHNumber of measurementNO periods during which no NO RabIndex Service parameter indexADD UTYPRABHSPA(Mandatory)MODuniquely identifying YES Index number UTYPRABHSPA(Mandatory)RMV UTYPRABHSPA(Mandatory) YES the configuration of the typical service TrchType Transport channel type ADD UTYPRABHSPA(Mandatory)MOD UTYPRABHSPA(Mandatory)RMV UTYPRABHSPA(Mandatory) Type of transport channel YES YES HsdschMacdPduSizeNum Number of HS-DSCH MAC-D PDU Size The ADD UTYPRABHSPA(Optional)MOD UTYPRABHSPA(Optional) Currently, only PS conversational service Number of HS-DSCH MAC-d PDU sizes. NO NO HsdschMacdPduSize1 HS-DSCH MAC-D PDU size1 UTYPRABHSPA(Optional)MODPDU size on the HS-DSCH. For BE services, the size of MAC-d PDUs ADD First MAC-d UTYPRABHSPA(Optional) NO NO HsdschMacdPduSize2 HS-DSCH MAC-D PDU size2 UTYPRABHSPA(Optional)MOD UTYPRABHSPA(Optional) ADD Second MAC-d PDU size on the HS-DSCH. For BE services, the size of MAC-d PD NO NO HsdschMacdPduSize3 HS-DSCH MAC-D PDU size3 UTYPRABHSPA(Optional)MOD UTYPRABHSPA(Optional) For BE services, the size of MAC-d PDUs ADD Third MAC-d PDU size on the HS-DSCH. NO NO HsdschMacdPduSize4 HS-DSCH MAC-D PDU size4 UTYPRABHSPA(Optional)MOD UTYPRABHSPA(Optional) For BE services, the size of MAC-d PDU ADD Fourth MAC-d PDU size NOthe HS-DSCH. on NO HsdschMacdPduSize5 HS-DSCH MAC-D PDU size5 UTYPRABHSPA(Optional)MODPDU size on the HS-DSCH. For BE services, the size of MAC-d PDUs ADD Fifth MAC-d UTYPRABHSPA(Optional) NO NO HsdschMacdPduSize6 HS-DSCH MAC-D PDU size6 UTYPRABHSPA(Optional)MOD PDU size on the HS-DSCH. For BE services, the size of MAC-d PDUs ADD Sixth MAC-d UTYPRABHSPA(Optional) NO NO HsdschMacdPduSize7 HS-DSCH MAC-D PDU size7 UTYPRABHSPA(Optional)MOD UTYPRABHSPA(Optional) ADD Seventh MAC-d PDU size on the HS-DSCH. For BE services, the size of MAC-d PD NO NO HsdschMacdPduSize8 HS-DSCH MAC-D PDU size8 UTYPRABHSPA(Optional)MOD UTYPRABHSPA(Optional) For BE services, the size of MAC-d PDU ADD Eighth MAC-d PDU size NOthe HS-DSCH. on NO EdchMacdPduSizeNum The Number of E-DCH MAC-D PDU Size ADD UTYPRABHSPA(Optional)MOD UTYPRABHSPA(Optional) Number of E-DCH MAC-d PDU sizes. Currently, only PS conversational services ca NO NO EdchMacdPduSize1 E-DCH MAC-D PDU size1 ADD UTYPRABHSPA(Optional)MODPDU size used by HSUPA services. The size must be a multiple of 8 b First MAC-d UTYPRABHSPA(Optional) NO NO EdchMacdPduSize2 E-DCH MAC-D PDU size2 ADD UTYPRABHSPA(Optional)MOD UTYPRABHSPA(Optional) services. The size must be a multiple of Second MAC-d PDU size used by NO NO HSUPA EdchMacdPduSize3 E-DCH MAC-D PDU size3 ADD UTYPRABHSPA(Optional)MOD UTYPRABHSPA(Optional) services. The size must be a multiple of 8 b Third MAC-d PDU size used by HSUPA NO NO EdchMacdPduSize4 E-DCH MAC-D PDU size4 ADD UTYPRABHSPA(Optional)MOD UTYPRABHSPA(Optional) services. The size must be a multiple of 8 Fourth MAC-d PDU size NO by HSUPA used NO EdchMacdPduSize5 E-DCH MAC-D PDU size5 ADD UTYPRABHSPA(Optional)MODPDU size used by HSUPA services. The size must be a multiple of 8 b Fifth MAC-d UTYPRABHSPA(Optional) NO NO
UTYPRABHSPA EdchMacdPduSize6 E-DCH MAC-D PDU size6 ADD UTYPRABHSPA(Optional)MOD PDU size used by HSUPA services. The size must be a multiple of 8 b Sixth MAC-d UTYPRABHSPA(Optional) NO NO UTYPRABHSPA EdchMacdPduSize7 E-DCH MAC-D PDU size7 ADD UTYPRABHSPA(Optional)MOD UTYPRABHSPA(Optional) Seventh MAC-d PDU size used by HSUPA services. The size must be a multiple of NO NO UTYPRABHSPA EdchMacdPduSize8 E-DCH MAC-D PDU size8 ADD UTYPRABHSPA(Optional)MOD UTYPRABHSPA(Optional) services. The size must be a multiple of 8 Eighth MAC-d PDU size NO by HSUPA used NO UTYPRABHSPA EdchMacdPduSize9 E-DCH MAC-D PDU size9 ADD UTYPRABHSPA(Optional)MOD UTYPRABHSPA(Optional) services. The size must be a multiple of 8 Ninth MAC-d PDU size used by HSUPA NO NO UTYPRABHSPA EdchMacdPduSize10 E-DCH MAC-D PDU size10 UTYPRABHSPA(Optional)MOD UTYPRABHSPA(Optional) services. The size must be a multiple of 8 ADD Tenth MAC-d PDU size used by HSUPA NO NO UTYPRABHSPA EdchMacdPduSize11 E-DCH MAC-D PDU size11 UTYPRABHSPA(Optional)MOD UTYPRABHSPA(Optional) ADD Eleventh MAC-d PDU size used by HSUPA services. The size must be a multiple o NO NO UTYPRABHSPA EdchMacdPduSize12 E-DCH MAC-D PDU size12 UTYPRABHSPA(Optional)MOD UTYPRABHSPA(Optional) services. The size must be a multiple of ADD Twelfth MAC-d PDU sizeNO by NO used HSUPA UTYPRABHSPA HBDelaycnd Happy bit delay time ADD UTYPRABHSPA(Optional)MOD UTYPRABHSPA(Optional) bit. If all the buffered user data can be tran Delay time of decision for HSUPA NO NO happy UTYPRABOLPC RabIndex Service parameter indexADD UTYPRABOLPC(Mandatory)MOD UTYPRABOLPC(Mandatory) Index number uniquely identifying YES YES the configuration of the typical service UTYPRABOLPC SubflowIndex Traffic Subflow Index ADD UTYPRABOLPC(Mandatory)MOD UTYPRABOLPC(Mandatory) Logical serial number of a subflowYES typical RAB. A bearer may use several su YES for the UTYPRABOLPC TrchType Transport channel type ADD UTYPRABOLPC(Mandatory)MODtransport channel for the typical RAB Type of uplink UTYPRABOLPC(Mandatory) YES YES UTYPRABOLPC DelayClass Delay Class ADD UTYPRABOLPC(Mandatory)MOD UTYPRABOLPC(Mandatory) indicates a specified delay time rang Delay class number. Each delay class number YES YES UTYPRABOLPC BLERQuality Target value of service DCH_BLER ADD UTYPRABOLPC(Mandatory)MOD UTYPRABOLPC(Optional) target BLER of DCH on the radio interfa Target transmission quality of DCH, that is, NO YES UTYPRABOLPC EdchSirMaxDownStep Maximum E-DCH SIR decrease step ADD UTYPRABOLPC(Mandatory)MOD UTYPRABOLPC(Optional) Maximum allowed SIR decrease step for HSUPA within an adjustment period of ou NO YES UTYPRABOLPC MaxEdchRetransNum Maximum Number of E-DCH PDU retransfer ADD UTYPRABOLPC(Mandatory)MOD UTYPRABOLPC(Optional) the MAC-es flow that carries this servic Maximum times of HARQ retransmission of NO YES UTYPRABOLPC EdchTargetLittleRetransNum Little Target Number of E-DCH PDU retransfer Edch ADD UTYPRABOLPC(Mandatory)MOD of E-DCH PDU retransfer when small probability retransmission is a Target number UTYPRABOLPC(Optional) NO YES UTYPRABOLPC EdchTargetLargeRetransNum Target Large Number of UTYPRABOLPC(Mandatory)MOD of E-DCH PDU retransfer when large probability retransmission is a Edch ADD E-DCH PDU retransfer number UTYPRABOLPC(Optional) Target NO YES UTYPRABQUALITYMEAS RabIndex Service parameter indexADD UTYPRABQUALITYMEAS(Mandatory)MODYES Index number uniquely identifying YES UTYPRABQUALITYMEAS(Mandatory) service the configuration of the typical UTYPRABQUALITYMEAS UlThd6A1 Uplink Event 6A1 Relative Threshold ADD UTYPRABQUALITYMEAS(Mandatory)MODNO Measurement reporting threshold for triggering event 6A1. The event reporting mod UTYPRABQUALITYMEAS(Optional) YES UTYPRABQUALITYMEAS UlThd6A2 Uplink Event 6A2 Relative Threshold ADD UTYPRABQUALITYMEAS(Mandatory)MODNO Measurement reporting threshold for triggering event 6A2. The event reporting mod UTYPRABQUALITYMEAS(Optional) YES UTYPRABQUALITYMEAS UlThd6B1 Uplink Event 6B1 Relative Threshold ADD UTYPRABQUALITYMEAS(Mandatory)MODNO Measurement reporting threshold for triggering event 6B1. The event reporting mod UTYPRABQUALITYMEAS(Optional) YES UTYPRABQUALITYMEAS UlThd6B2 Uplink Event 6B2 Relative Threshold ADD UTYPRABQUALITYMEAS(Mandatory)MODNO Measurement reporting threshold for triggering event 6B2. The event reporting mod UTYPRABQUALITYMEAS(Optional) YES UTYPRABQUALITYMEAS StaBlkNum5A Statistic Block Number for 5A Event ADD UTYPRABQUALITYMEAS(Mandatory)MODNO starts counting the number of faulty CRCs within a s When a DCH is set up, the UE YES UTYPRABQUALITYMEAS(Optional) UTYPRABQUALITYMEAS Thd5A Event 5A Threshold ADD UTYPRABQUALITYMEAS(Mandatory)MODNO starts counting the number of faulty CRCs within a s When a DCH is set up, the UE YES UTYPRABQUALITYMEAS(Optional) UTYPRABQUALITYMEAS HangBlockNum5A Interval Block Number ADD UTYPRABQUALITYMEAS(Mandatory)MODNO a pending timer is started, during which event 5A will n When event 5A is triggered, UTYPRABQUALITYMEAS(Optional) YES UTYPRABQUALITYMEAS ThdEa Event Ea Relative Threshold UTYPRABQUALITYMEAS(Mandatory)MODNO than the Ea absolute threshold, event Ea is triggered ADD If DL code TX power is higher UTYPRABQUALITYMEAS(Optional) YES UTYPRABQUALITYMEAS ThdEb Event Eb Relative Threshold UTYPRABQUALITYMEAS(Mandatory)MODNO than YESEb absolute threshold, event Eb is triggered. ADD If DL code TX power is lower UTYPRABQUALITYMEAS(Optional) the UTYPRABRLC RabIndex Service parameter indexADD UTYPRABRLC(Mandatory)MOD UTYPRABRLC(Mandatory)RMV UTYPRABRLC(Mandatory) Index number uniquely identifying YES YES the configuration of the typical service UTYPRABRLC SubflowIndex Traffic Subflow Index ADD UTYPRABRLC(Mandatory)MOD number of a subflowYES typical RAB. A bearer may use several su Logical serial UTYPRABRLC(Mandatory)RMV UTYPRABRLC(Mandatory) YES for the UTYPRABRLC TrchType Transport channel type ADD UTYPRABRLC(Mandatory)MOD transport channel. When this typical traffic is applied on UL, it refers to Type of local UTYPRABRLC(Mandatory)RMV UTYPRABRLC(Mandatory) YES YES UTYPRABRLC OppositeTrchType Opposite direction transport channel type ADD UTYPRABRLC(Mandatory)MOD UTYPRABRLC(Mandatory)RMV traffic is applied on UL, it refers to th Peer transport channel type. When this typical UTYPRABRLC(Mandatory) NO YES UTYPRABRLC DelayClass Delay Class ADD UTYPRABRLC(Mandatory)MOD UTYPRABRLC(Mandatory)RMV UTYPRABRLC(Mandatory)time rang Delay class number. Each delay class number indicates a specified delay YES YES UTYPRABRLC RlcMode RLC mode selection ADD UTYPRABRLC(Mandatory)MOD UTYPRABRLC(Mandatory) Work mode of RLC entity. - AM: Acknowledged Mode. Automatic Repeat Request ( NO YES UTYPRABRLC AmRlcCfgPara RLC AM Mode Parameters Selection ADD UTYPRABRLC(Mandatory)MOD UTYPRABRLC(Mandatory) are of three categories, that is, paramet AM RLC parameter types. The parameters NO YES UTYPRABRLC TimeToMoniter Delay Time of RetransmissionUTYPRABRLC(Optional)MOD between retransmission ratio detection and RLC establishment or recon ADD Detection[ms] Delay time UTYPRABRLC(Optional) NO NO UTYPRABRLC MoniterPrd re-TX monitor period ADD UTYPRABRLC(Optional)MOD UTYPRABRLC(Optional) Sampling period of the RLC retransmission ratio monitoring NO NO UTYPRABRLC ReTransRatioFilterCoef Filter Coefficient of RLC Retransmission Ratio Filter coefficient of RLC retransmission ratio measurement. The filter coefficient is u ADD UTYPRABRLC(Optional)MOD UTYPRABRLC(Optional) NO NO UTYPRABRLC EventAThred Event A threshold ADD UTYPRABRLC(Optional)MOD UTYPRABRLC(Optional) limit of RLC retransmission ratio. When the Threshold of event A, that is, the upper NO NO UTYPRABRLC TimeToTriggerA Hysteresis of Event A ADD UTYPRABRLC(Optional)MODconsecutive periods during which the percentage of retransmitted RLC P Number of UTYPRABRLC(Optional) NO NO UTYPRABRLC PendingTimeA Event A pending time after trigger ADD UTYPRABRLC(Optional)MODpending periods after event A related to RLC retransmission ratio is trigg Number of UTYPRABRLC(Optional) NO NO UTYPRABRLC EventBThred Event B threshold ADD UTYPRABRLC(Optional)MOD UTYPRABRLC(Optional) limit of RLC retransmission ratio. hen the mo Threshold of event B, that is, the lower NO NO UTYPRABRLC TimeToTriggerB Hysteresis of Event B ADD UTYPRABRLC(Optional)MODconsecutive periods during which the percentage of retransmitted RLC P Number of UTYPRABRLC(Optional) NO NO UTYPRABRLC PendingTimeB Event B pending time after trigger ADD UTYPRABRLC(Optional)MODpending periods after event B related to RLC retransmission ratio is trigg Number of UTYPRABRLC(Optional) NO NO UTYPRABRLC EventAReportDelay Event A report delay ADD UTYPRABRLC(Optional)MOD the moment when event A is triggered to the moment when the event is Delay from UTYPRABRLC(Optional) NO NO UUEA EncryptionAlgo Encryption algorithm SET UUEA(Optional) The encryption algorithmNO supported by RNC. Both UEA0 and UEA1 can be selecte NO UUESTATETRANS CellReSelectCounter Cell Reselection CounterSET UUESTATETRANS(Optional) the UE in theNO Threshold If the times CELL_PCH state performs cell reselection is greater than NO UUESTATETRANS D2F2PTvmThd BE D2F/R or F/R2P 4B Threshold SET UUESTATETRANS(Optional) This parameter is used to check whether the UE in the low activity state. If the UE is NO NO UUESTATETRANS D2FTvmTimeToTrig BE D2F/R 4B Time SET UUESTATETRANS(Optional) traffic volume is below the 4B threshold and remains so for the period sp When the NO NO UUESTATETRANS D2FTvmPTAT BE D2F/R 4B Pending Time UUESTATETRANS(Optional) SET Pending time after the traffic volume event 4B for state transition from DCH to FAC NO NO UUESTATETRANS F2PTvmTimeToTrig BE F2P 4B Time SET UUESTATETRANS(Optional) traffic volume is below the 4B threshold and remains so for the period sp When the NO NO UUESTATETRANS F2PTvmPTAT BE F2P 4B Pending Time ET UUESTATETRANS(Optional) S Pending time after the traffic volume event 4B for state transition from FACH to PC NO NO UUESTATETRANS BeF2DTvmThd BE F/R2D 4A Threshold SET UUESTATETRANS(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO threshold of the traffic volume of 4A event for triggerin the NO UUESTATETRANS BeF2DTvmTimeToTrig BE F/R2D 4A Time SET UUESTATETRANS(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO occurrence time of 4A event for triggering the transitio the NO UUESTATETRANS BeH2FTvmThd BE HS-DSCH2F 4B Threshold SET UUESTATETRANS(Optional) This parameter is used to check whether the UE in the low activity state. If the UE is NO NO UUESTATETRANS BeH2FTvmTimeToTrig BE HS-DSCH2F 4B Time ET UUESTATETRANS(Optional) traffic volume is below the 4B threshold and remains so for the period sp S When the NO NO UUESTATETRANS BeH2FTvmPTAT BE HS-DSCH2F 4B Pending Time SET UUESTATETRANS(Optional) Pending time after the traffic volume event 4B for state transition from HSPA to FAC NO NO UUESTATETRANS BeF2HTvmThd BE F2HS-DSCH 4A Threshold SET UUESTATETRANS(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO threshold of the traffic volume of 4A event for triggerin the NO UUESTATETRANS BeF2HTvmTimeToTrig BE F2HS-DSCH 4A Time ET UUESTATETRANS(Optional) S This parameter specifiesNO occurrence time of 4A event for triggering the transitio the NO UUESTATETRANS RtDH2FTvmThd RT D/HSPA2F 4B Threshold UUESTATETRANS(Optional) SET This parameter is used to check whether the UE in the low activity state. If the UE is NO NO UUESTATETRANS RtDH2FTvmTimeToTrig RT D/HSPA2F 4B Time SET UUESTATETRANS(Optional) traffic volume is below the 4B threshold and remains so for the period sp When the NO NO UUESTATETRANS RtDH2FTvmPTAT RT D/HSPA2F 4B Pending Time SET UUESTATETRANS(Optional) Pending time after the traffic volume event 4B for state transition from DCH or HSP NO NO UUESTATETRANS RtF2DHTvmThd RT F2D/HSPA 4A Threshold UUESTATETRANS(Optional) SET This parameter specifiesNO threshold of the traffic volume of 4A event for triggerin the NO UUESTATETRANS RtF2DHTvmTimeToTrig RT F2D/HSPA 4A Time SET UUESTATETRANS(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO occurrence time of 4A event for triggering the transitio the NO UUESTATETRANS E2FThrouMeasPeriod E-DCH Throu Meas Period UUESTATETRANS(Optional) SET Period of E-DCH throughput ratio measurement. This parameter specifies the perio NO NO
UUESTATETRANS E2FThrouThd E-DCH2F 4B Threshold SET UUESTATETRANS(Optional) This parameter is used to check whether the UE in the low activity state. If the UE is NO NO UUESTATETRANS E2FThrouTimeToTrig E-DCH2F 4B Period Amount UUESTATETRANS(Optional) periods before the throughput ratio event 4B for state transition from E-D SET Number of NO NO UUESTATETRANS E2FThrouPTAT E-DCH2F 4B Pending Period UUESTATETRANS(Optional) pending periods after the throughput event 4B for state transition from E SET Amount Number of NO NO UUESTATETRANS BeF2ETvmThd BE F2E-DCH 4A Threshold UUESTATETRANS(Optional) SET This parameter specifiesNO threshold of the traffic volume of 4A event for triggerin the NO UUESTATETRANS BeF2ETvmTimeToTrig BE F2E-DCH 4A Time SET UUESTATETRANS(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO occurrence time of 4A event for triggering the transitio the NO UUESTATETRANS BeF2CpcHTvmThd BE F2CPC_HS-DSCH 4A Threshold SET UUESTATETRANS(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO threshold of the traffic volume of 4A event for triggerin the NO UUESTATETRANS BeF2CpcHTvmTimeToTrig F2CPC_HS-DSCH 4A Time BE SET UUESTATETRANS(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO occurrence time of 4A event for triggering the transitio the NO UUESTATETRANS RtF2CpcTvmThd RT F2CPC_HSPA 4A Threshold SET UUESTATETRANS(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO threshold of the traffic volume of 4A event for triggerin the NO UUESTATETRANS RtF2CpcTvmTimeToTrigRT F2CPC_HSPA 4A Time UUESTATETRANS(Optional) SET This parameter specifiesNO occurrence time of 4A event for triggering the transitio the NO UUESTATETRANS BeF2CpcETvmThd BE F2CPC_E-DCH 4A Threshold SET UUESTATETRANS(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO threshold of the traffic volume of 4A event for triggerin the NO UUESTATETRANS BeF2CpcETvmTimeToTrig FACH2CPC_E-DCH SET UUESTATETRANS(Optional) BE 4A Time This parameter specifiesNO occurrence time of 4A event for triggering the transitio the NO UUESTATETRANS BeEFach2DTvmThd BE E_FACH2D 4A Threshold UUESTATETRANS(Optional) SET This parameter specifiesNO threshold of the traffic volume of 4A event for triggerin the NO UUESTATETRANS BeEFach2DTvmTimeToTrigE_FACH2D 4A TimeSET UUESTATETRANS(Optional) BE This parameter specifiesNO occurrence time of 4A event for triggering the transitio the NO UUESTATETRANS BeEFach2HTvmThd BE E_FACH2HS-DSCH SET UUESTATETRANS(Optional) 4A Threshold This parameter specifiesNO threshold of the traffic volume of 4A event for triggerin the NO UUESTATETRANS BeEFach2HTvmTimeToTrigE_FACH2HS-DSCH SET UUESTATETRANS(Optional) BE 4A Time This parameter specifiesNO occurrence time of 4A event for triggering the transitio the NO UUESTATETRANS RtEFach2DHTvmThd RT E_FACH2D/HSPA 4A Threshold SET UUESTATETRANS(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO threshold of the traffic volume of 4A event for triggerin the NO UUESTATETRANS RtEFach2DHTvmTimeToTrig RT E_FACH2D/HSPA 4A Time SET UUESTATETRANS(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO occurrence time of 4A event for triggering the transitio the NO UUESTATETRANS BeEFach2CpcTvmThd BE E_FACH2CPC 4A Threshold SET UUESTATETRANS(Optional) This parameter specifiesNO threshold of the traffic volume of 4A event for triggerin the NO UUESTATETRANS BeEFach2CpcTvmTimeToTrig BE E_FACH2CPC 4A Time UUESTATETRANS(Optional) SET This parameter specifiesNO occurrence time of 4A event for triggering the transitio the NO UUESTATETRANS RtEFach2CpcTvmThd RT E_FACH2CPC_HSPA 4A UUESTATETRANS(Optional) SET Threshold This parameter specifiesNO threshold of the traffic volume of 4A event for triggerin the NO UUESTATETRANS RtEFach2CpcTvmTimeToTrig RT E_FACH2CPC_HSPA 4A UUESTATETRANS(Optional) SET Time This parameter specifiesNO occurrence time of 4A event for triggering the transitio the NO UUESTATETRANS FastDormancyF2DHTvmThd Dormancy User FACH/E_FACH2DCH/HSPA 4A Threshold specifiesNO threshold of the traffic volume of 4A event for triggerin Fast SET UUESTATETRANS(Optional) This parameter the NO UUESTATETRANSTIMER CellReSelectTimer Cell Reselection Timer SET UUESTATETRANSTIMER(Optional) reselection frequency timer. This parameter is used together with Length of the cell NO NO UUESTATETRANSTIMER BeD2FStateTransTimer BE DCH to FACH Transition Timer SET UUESTATETRANSTIMER(Optional) Timer for state transition NO DCH to FACH of BE services, used to check whethe from NO UUESTATETRANSTIMER BeF2PStateTransTimer BE FACH or E_FACH to SET UUESTATETRANSTIMER(Optional) PCH Transition Timer Timer for state transition NO FACH or E_FACH to PCH of BE services, used to ch from NO UUESTATETRANSTIMER BeH2FStateTransTimer BE HS-DSCH to FACH Transition Timer SET UUESTATETRANSTIMER(Optional) Timer for state transition NO HS-DSCH to FACH of BE services, used to check wh from NO UUESTATETRANSTIMER RtDH2FStateTransTimerRealtime DCH or HSPA To FACH Transition Timer SET UUESTATETRANSTIMER(Optional) Timer for state transition NO DCH or HSPA to FACH of real-time services, used to from NO UUESTATETRANSTIMER BeE2FStateTransTimer BE E-DCH to FACH State Transition Timer SET UUESTATETRANSTIMER(Optional) Timer for state transition NO E-DCH to FACH of BE services, used to check wheth from NO UUESTATETRANSTIMER BeCpc2FStateTransTimer CPC to FACH Transition Timer BE SET UUESTATETRANSTIMER(Optional) Timer for state transition NO CPC to FACH of BE services, used to check whether from NO UUESTATETRANSTIMER RtCpc2FStateTransTimer Realtime CPC to FACH Transition Timer SET UUESTATETRANSTIMER(Optional) Timer for state transition NO CPC to FACH of real-time services, used to check w from NO UUESTATETRANSTIMER BeD2EFachStateTransTimer BE DCH to E_FACH Transition Timer SET UUESTATETRANSTIMER(Optional) Timer for state transition NO DCH to E_FACH of BE services, used to check whet from NO UUESTATETRANSTIMER BeH2EFachStateTransTimer BE HSPA to E_FACH Transition Timer SET UUESTATETRANSTIMER(Optional) Timer for state transition NO HSPA to E_FACH of BE services, used to check whe from NO UUESTATETRANSTIMER RtDH2EFachStateTransTimer Realtime DCH or HSPA to E_FACH Transition Timer for state transition NO DCH or HSPA to E_FACH of real-time services, used SET UUESTATETRANSTIMER(Optional) Timer from NO UUESTATETRANSTIMER BeCpc2EFachStateTransTimer to E_FACH Transition Timer BE CPC SET UUESTATETRANSTIMER(Optional) Timer for state transition NO CPC to E_FACH of BE services, used to check whet from NO UUESTATETRANSTIMER RtCpc2EFachStateTransTimer CPC to E_FACH Transition Timer Realtime SET UUESTATETRANSTIMER(Optional) Timer for state transition NO CPC to E_FACH of real-time services, used to check from NO UUIA IntegrityProtectAlgo Integrity protection algorithm UUIA(Optional) SET The integrity protection algorithm supported by RNC. Only UIA1 is supported curren NO NO UURA URAId URA ID ADD UURA(Mandatory)RMV UURA(Mandatory) YES Identity of the UTRAN registration YES The URA is only used by the UTRAN and t area. UURA CnOpIndex Cn Operator Index ADD UURA(Mandatory) Represent an index for a CN operator. YES YES UUSERGBR TrafficClass Traffic Class SET UUSERGBR(Mandatory) class which includes Best Effort(BE) and PTT. BE services comprise interac Traffic YES YES UUSERGBR THPClass Traffic Handling Priority ClassUUSERGBR(Mandatory) Handling Priority (THP) class that the THP priority is mapped to. This param SET Traffic YES YES UUSERGBR BearType Bearer Type SET UUSERGBR(Mandatory) type of the service. R99 indicates that the service is carried on a non-HSPA Bearer YES YES UUSERGBR UserPriority User Priority SET UUSERGBR(Mandatory) priority that is defined according to the Allocation/Retention Priority (ARP) from User NO YES UUSERGBR UlGBR Uplink GBR for BE service UUSERGBR(Optional) SET Uplink guaranteed bit rate (GBR) of the BE service. GBR is the minimum bit rate th NO NO UUSERGBR DlGBR Downlink GBR for BE service UUSERGBR(Optional) SET Downlink guaranteed bit NO (GBR) of the BE service. GBR is the minimum bit rate rate NO UUSERHAPPYBR TrafficClass Traffic class SET UUSERHAPPYBR(Mandatory) Traffic class YES YES UUSERHAPPYBR UserPriority User Priority SET UUSERHAPPYBR(Mandatory) that is defined according to the Allocation/Retention Priority (ARP) from User priority YES YES UUSERHAPPYBR THPClass Traffic Handling Priority ClassUUSERHAPPYBR(Mandatory) SET Traffic Handling Priority (THP) class that the THP priority is mapped to. This param YES YES UUSERHAPPYBR HappyBR Happy bit rate SET UUSERHAPPYBR(Optional) happy bit rate of the best effort (BE) service with different user priorities Defines the NO NO UUSERMBR SingalUlMBR Uplink MBR of Signal SET UUSERMBR(Optional) parameter specifiesNO UL MBR of signal for DRNC HSPA User. This the NO UUSERMBR SingalDlMBR Downlink MBR of Signal SET UUSERMBR(Optional) parameter specifiesNO DL MBR of signal for DRNC HSPA User. This the NO UUSERMBR StreamUlMBR Uplink MBR of Streaming SET UUSERMBR(Optional) parameter specifiesNO UL MBR of streaming for DRNC HSPA User. This the NO UUSERMBR StreamDlMBR Downlink MBR of Streaming UUSERMBR(Optional) parameter specifiesNO DL MBR of streaming for DRNC HSPA User. SET This the NO UUSERMBR ConverUlMBR Uplink MBR of Conversation UUSERMBR(Optional) parameter specifiesNO UL MBR of conversation for DRNC HSPA User. SET This the NO UUSERMBR ConverDlMBR Downlink MBR of Conversation SET UUSERMBR(Optional) parameter specifiesNO DL MBR of conversation for DRNC HSPA User. This the NO UUSERPRIORITY ARP1Priority User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 1 SET UUSERPRIORITY(Optional) User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority 1. NO NO UUSERPRIORITY ARP2Priority User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 2 SET UUSERPRIORITY(Optional) User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority 2. NO NO UUSERPRIORITY ARP3Priority User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 3 SET UUSERPRIORITY(Optional) User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority 3. NO NO UUSERPRIORITY ARP4Priority User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 4 SET UUSERPRIORITY(Optional) User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority 4. NO NO UUSERPRIORITY ARP5Priority User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 5 SET UUSERPRIORITY(Optional) User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority 5. NO NO UUSERPRIORITY ARP6Priority User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 6 SET UUSERPRIORITY(Optional) User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority 6. NO NO UUSERPRIORITY ARP7Priority User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 7 SET UUSERPRIORITY(Optional) User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority 7. NO NO UUSERPRIORITY ARP8Priority User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 8 SET UUSERPRIORITY(Optional) User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority 8. NO NO UUSERPRIORITY ARP9Priority User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 9 SET UUSERPRIORITY(Optional) User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority 9. NO NO UUSERPRIORITY ARP10Priority User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 10 User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority 10. SET UUSERPRIORITY(Optional) NO NO
ARP11Priority User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 11 User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority 11. SET UUSERPRIORITY(Optional) NO NO ARP12Priority User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 12 User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority 12. SET UUSERPRIORITY(Optional) NO NO ARP13Priority User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 13 User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority 13. SET UUSERPRIORITY(Optional) NO NO ARP14Priority User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 14 User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority 14. SET UUSERPRIORITY(Optional) NO NO ARP15Priority User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 15 User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority 15. SET UUSERPRIORITY(Optional) NO NO PriorityReference Integrate Priority Configured Reference SET UUSERPRIORITY(Optional) used to determine which priority is arranged first in the priority sequence Reference NO NO CarrierTypePriorInd Indicator of Carrier Type SET UUSERPRIORITY(Optional) Priority Decide which carrier is prior when NO and TrafficClass are both identical. NO ARP VIPIMSI IMSI ADD UVIPIMSI(Mandatory)RMV the UE IMSI of UVIPIMSI(Mandatory) YES YES NbmWpsAlgorithmSwitch WPS Algorithm Switch UWPSALGO(Optional) (Wireless Priority Service) isNO Set SET WPS NO NS/EP (National Security/Emergency Preparedn NbmWpsAlgorithmPriority WPS user priority SET UWPSALGO(Optional) parameter is used to identify WPS users with priority. For instance, if priorities Set This NO NO
Feature Name Value Type GUI Value Range Actual Value Range Unit Default Value Paging UE in Idle, CELL_PCH, URA_PCH State (Type 1) Interval Type 0~2 0~2 None BSC/RNC Clock Interval Type 0~4095 0~4095 None None Configuration Management Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None License Management Enumeration Type UMTS(UMTS) UMTS None None License Management Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES) NO, YES None YES None Interval Type 0~3 0~3 None None License Management Interval Type 0~80400 0~80400 Erl None License Management Interval Type 0~12000000 0~12000000 kbit/s None License Management Interval Type 0~12000000 0~12000000 kbit/s None None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None None Interval Type 0~255 0~255 None None Interval Type -350~150 -35~15, step: 0.1 dB None Interval Type 0~4095 0~4095 None None Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Inter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter-RAT -50~50 Interval Type Handover Based on DL QoSInter-RAT Handover Based on Service -50~50 dB Inter RNC Cell Update Interval Type -50~50 -50~50 dB Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update Interval Type -58~-13 -115~-25, step:2 Actual value = -115 + (58 + GUI value) * 2 dBm HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure)Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter D20, D30, Update10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 s Enumeration Type D0, D10, RNC Cell D40,0, D50, D60 D0 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure)Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, INFINITY Enumeration Type D3~0 D6~1 D9~2 D12~33, D15~4 D18~5 D21~6 INFINITY dB D3 Inter Frequency Load BalanceHCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure) Enumeration Type FALSE, TRUE FALSE, TRUE None FALSE 3G/2G Common Load Management Interval Type 0~30 0~30 None None DRD Introduction Package Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update Enumeration Type FALSE(Do not send), TRUE(Send) FALSE, TRUE None TRUE Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update Enumeration Type FALSE(Do not send), TRUE(Send) FALSE, TRUE None FALSE Intra Node B Softer HandoverInter RNCType HandoverInterTRUE Enumeration Soft FALSE, Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage FALSE, TRUE None FALSE Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~31 0~31 None None None Enumeration Type FALSE(Do not send), TRUE(Send) FALSE, TRUE None FALSE None Interval Type 0~15 0~15 None Access Class Restriction Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON None OFF Access Class Restriction Interval Type 1~10 0.1~1, step:0.1 % Access Class Restriction Interval Type 1~36000 10~360000, step:10 ms Access Class Restriction Interval Type 6~3600 6~3600 s Access Class Restriction Interval Type 1~3600 1~3600 s Admission Control Enumeration Type NOPRIORITY(NOPRIORITY), GOLD(GOLD), SILVER(SILVER), COPPER(COPPER) NOPRIORITY, GOLD, SILVER, COPPER None None Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 None Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 None Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 None Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 None Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 None Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 None Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 None Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 None Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 None Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 None Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 None Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 None Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 None Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 None None Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 None Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 None Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 None Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 None Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 None Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 None Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 None None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~255 0~255 None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~255 0~255 None Open Loop Power ControlInner Loop Power Control Interval Type 0~1 0~1 None Physical Channel Management Enumeration Type TRUE, FALSE TRUE, FALSE None FALSE None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Open Loop Power ControlInterval Type -22~5 -22~5 dB
5 0
0 0 -50
0 2 50 10 1 10 10 50 50 100 100 100 100 10 10 10 10 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 4 6 1
AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates Control Interval Type 0~559 0~55.9, step: 0.1 dB 50 AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates Control Interval Type 0~559 0~55.9, step: 0.1 dB 50 AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates Control Interval Type 1~560 0.1~56, step: 0.1 dB 120 AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates Control Interval Type 1~560 0.1~56, step: 0.1 dB 120 AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates Control Interval Type 1~64000 1~64000 ms 1000 AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates Control Interval Type 1~4294967295 1~4294967295 ms 3000 AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates Control Type Enumeration NBAMR_BITRATE_4.75K, NBAMR_BITRATE_5.15K, NBAMR_BITRATE_5.90K, NBAMR_BITRATE_6.70K, NBAMR_BITRATE_7 4.75, 5.15, 5.90, 6.70, 7.40, 7.95, 10.20, 12.20 NBAMR_BITRATE_12.20K kbit/s AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates Control Type Enumeration NBAMR_BITRATE_4.75K, NBAMR_BITRATE_5.15K, NBAMR_BITRATE_5.90K, NBAMR_BITRATE_6.70K, NBAMR_BITRATE_7 4.75, 5.15, 5.90, 6.70, 7.40, 7.95, 10.20, 12.20 NBAMR_BITRATE_12.20K kbit/s AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates Control Type Enumeration NBAMR_BITRATE_4.75K, NBAMR_BITRATE_5.15K, NBAMR_BITRATE_5.90K, NBAMR_BITRATE_6.70K, NBAMR_BITRATE_7 4.75, 5.15, 5.90, 6.70, 7.40, 7.95, 10.20, 12.20 NBAMR_BITRATE_12.20K kbit/s AMR-WB (Adaptive Multi Rate Wide Band)AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates Control step: 0.1 Interval Type 0~559 0~55.9, dB 50 AMR-WB (Adaptive Multi Rate Wide Band)AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates Control step: 0.1 Interval Type 0~559 0~55.9, dB 50 AMR-WB (Adaptive Multi Rate Wide Band)AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates Control step: 0.1 Interval Type 1~560 0.1~56, dB 120 AMR-WB (Adaptive Multi Rate Wide Band)AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates Control step: 0.1 Interval Type 1~560 0.1~56, dB 120 AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates Control Interval Type 1~64000 1~64000 ms 1000 AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates Control Interval Type 1~4294967295 1~4294967295 ms 3000 AMR-WB (Adaptive Multi Rate Wide Band)AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates Control8.85, 12.65, 14.25, kbit/s WBAMR_BITRATE_12.65K, WBAMR_BITRATE_14.25K, WBAMR_BITRA Enumeration Type WBAMR_BITRATE_6.60K, WBAMR_BITRATE_8.85K, 18.25, 19.85, 23.05, 23.85 6.60, 15.85, WBAMR_BITRATE_23.85K AMR-WB (Adaptive Multi Rate Wide Band)AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates Control8.85, 12.65, 14.25, kbit/s WBAMR_BITRATE_12.65K, WBAMR_BITRATE_14.25K, WBAMR_BITRA Enumeration Type WBAMR_BITRATE_6.60K, WBAMR_BITRATE_8.85K, 18.25, 19.85, 23.05, 23.85 6.60, 15.85, WBAMR_BITRATE_23.85K AMR-WB (Adaptive Multi Rate Wide Band)AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates Control8.85, 12.65, 14.25, kbit/s WBAMR_BITRATE_12.65K, WBAMR_BITRATE_14.25K, WBAMR_BITRA Enumeration Type WBAMR_BITRATE_6.60K, WBAMR_BITRATE_8.85K, 18.25, 19.85, 23.05, 23.85 6.60, 15.85, WBAMR_BITRATE_23.85K None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~255 0~255 None 0 Open Loop Power ControlInterval Type -350~150 -35~15, step: 0.1 dB -20 Admission Control Bit Field Type NODEB_CREDIT_CAC_SWITCH(NodeB Credit CAC Switch) NODEB_CREDIT_CAC_SWITCH None None Admission Control Bit Field Type RSVDBIT1(Reserved Switch 1), RSVDBIT2(Reserved Switch RSVDBIT4, None RSVDBIT1, RSVDBIT2, None RSVDBIT3, 2), RSVDBIT3(ReservedRSVDBIT6,RSVDBIT4(Reserved Switch 4), RSVDBIT5, Switch 3), RSVDBIT7, RSVDBIT8, RSVDB Admission Control Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 None 0 Admission Control Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 None 0 Flow Control Bit Field Type SYS_LEVEL(SYS_LEVEL), NODEB_LEVEL(NODEB_LEVEL), CELL_LEVEL(CELL_LEVEL) SYS_LEVEL, NODEB_LEVEL, CELL_LEVEL None None Flow Control Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON None ON Flow Control Interval Type 1~5 1~5 s 3 Flow Control Interval Type 1~500 1~500 None 180 Flow Control Interval Type 1~500 1~500 None 60 Flow Control Interval Type 1~500 1~500 None 60 Flow Control Interval Type 1~500 1~500 None 100 Flow Control Interval Type 1~200 1~200 None 60 Flow Control Interval Type 1~200 1~200 None 20 Flow Control Interval Type 1~200 1~200 None 20 Flow Control Interval Type 1~100 1~100 None 45 Flow Control Interval Type 1~100 1~100 None 15 Flow Control Interval Type 1~100 1~100 None 15 RAN Sharing Introduction Interval Type PackageMOCN Introduction Package 0~3 0~3 None None Warning of Disaster Interval Type 0~127 0~127 None None Warning of Disaster Interval Type 0~3 0~3 None None Warning of Disaster Enumeration Type LAC(Lac), RNC(Rnc), CELL(Cell) CELL LAC, RNC, None None Warning of Disaster Interval Type 1~65533, 65535 1~65533, 65535 None None Warning of Disaster Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Warning of Disaster Interval Type 0~199 0~199 None None Warning of Disaster Interval Type 0~999 0~999 None None Warning of Disaster Enumeration Type CellImmediate, PLMNNormal, SANormal, CellNormal SANormal, CellNormal CellImmediate, PLMNNormal, None None Warning of Disaster Enumeration Type High, Background, Normal, Default, Butt High, Background, Normal, Default, Butt None Normal Warning of Disaster Interval Type 1~4096 1~4096 s 1 Warning of Disaster Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None 10 Warning of Disaster Enumeration Type English, Italian, French, Spanish, Italian, French, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Portuguese, Finnish, Norwegian, Greek, Turkish English, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Portuguese, Finnish, Norwegian, Greek, Turkish, Hungarian, Polish, UC None None Warning of Disaster Interval Type 0~127 0~127 None None Warning of Disaster Enumeration Type Earthquake, Tsunami, Hurricane, Other Earthquake, Tsunami, Hurricane, Other None None Warning of Disaster Any Type None chars with length of 0~80None None Warning of Disaster Any Type None 0~80 characters None None None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None None String Type None 1~64 characters None None Open Loop Power ControlInterval Type 0~500 0~50, step: 0.1 dBm 430 3GPP Specifications Enumeration Type Band1, Band2, Band3, Band4, Band5, Band6, Band7, Band8, Band9, BandIndNotUsedBand9, BandIndNotUsed Band1, Band2, Band3, Band4, Band5, Band6, Band7, Band8, None None RNC Node Redundancy Enumeration Type INVALID(Invalid), VALID(Valid)Invalid Valid, None Invalid RNC Node Redundancy Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None MOCN Introduction Package Interval Type 0~31 0~31 None None 3GPP Specifications Enumeration Type TRUE, FALSE TRUE, FALSE None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~16383 0~16383 None None
3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~16383 0~16383 None None Physical Channel Management Enumeration Type CHIP0, CHIP256, CHIP512, CHIP768, CHIP1024, CHIP1280, CHIP1536, None CHIP0, CHIP256, CHIP512, CHIP768, CHIP1024, CHIP1280, CHIP1536, CHIP1792, CHIP2048, CHIP230 chip CHIP1792, CHIP2048, CHIP2304 Physical Channel Management Type Interval 1~256 1~256 None 5 Physical Channel Management Type Interval 1~256 1~256 None 50 Physical Channel Management Type Interval 0~255 0~25.5, step: 0.1 s 50 Physical Channel Management Type Interval 0~511 0~511 None None Physical Channel ManagementRRU Redundancy TRUE, FALSE Enumeration Type TRUE, FALSE None None HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure) Type Interval 1~8 1~8 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~268435455 0~268435455 None None 3GPP SpecificationsShared Network Support in Connected Mode Interval Type 1~65533, 65535 {1~65533}, {65535} None None None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None 3GPP Specifications Enumeration Type NOT_REQUIRE, REQUIRE NOT_REQUIRE, REQUIRE None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~255 0~255 None None Physical Channel Management Enumeration Type STTD_Supported, STTD_not_Supported STTD_not_Supported STTD_Supported, None STTD_not_Supported Physical Channel Management Enumeration Type CP1_Supported, CP1_not_Supported CP1_Supported, CP1_not_Supported None CP1_not_Supported Open Loop Power ControlEnumeration Type OFFSET1, OFFSET2 OFFSET1, OFFSET2 None OFFSET1 Physical Channel Management Enumeration Type None, STTD, CP1 None, STTD, CP1 None None SRB over HSDPA Enumeration Type None, STTD None, STTD None None 22 MIMO Enumeration Type None, STTD, CP1 None, STTD, CP1 None None SRB over HSDPA Enumeration Type None, STTD None, STTD None None HSDPA Introduction Package Enumeration Type None, STTD None, STTD None None Intra Node B Softer HandoverIntraType B Softer HandoverInter RNC Soft HandoverInter 0.5 Interval Node -20~20 -10~10, step: FrequencydB Hard Handover Based on CoverageInter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL 0 Video Telephony FallbackEnumeration Type for Inter-RAT FALSE to Speech (AMR) TRUE, HO TRUE, FALSE None FALSE 3GPP Specifications Enumeration Type D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, None D7, D8 D7, D8 None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Cell Broadcast Service Enumeration Type TRUE, FALSE TRUE, FALSE None FALSE Cell Broadcast Service Interval Type 0~3 0~3 None None Cell Broadcast Service Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Open Loop Power ControlInterval Type -100~500 -10~50, step: 0.1 dBm 330 Open Loop Power ControlInterval Type -350~150 -35~15, step: 0.1 dB -50 Open Loop Power ControlInterval Type -350~150 -35~15, step: 0.1 dB -50 None Interval Type -350~150 -35~15, step: 0.1 dB 0 Open Loop Power ControlInterval Type -350~150 -35~15, step: 0.1 dB -20 None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Access Class Restriction Enumeration Type RESERVED, NOT_RESERVED RESERVED, NOT_RESERVED None NOT_RESERVED Access Class Restriction Enumeration Type RESERVED, NOT_RESERVED RESERVED, NOT_RESERVED None NOT_RESERVED Access Class Restriction Enumeration Type BARRED, NOT_BARREDARRED, NOT_BARREDone B N NOT_BARRED Access Class Restriction Enumeration Type BARRED, NOT_BARREDARRED, NOT_BARREDone B N NOT_BARRED Access Class Restriction Enumeration Type BARRED, NOT_BARREDARRED, NOT_BARREDone B N NOT_BARRED Access Class Restriction Enumeration Type BARRED, NOT_BARREDARRED, NOT_BARREDone B N NOT_BARRED Access Class Restriction Enumeration Type BARRED, NOT_BARREDARRED, NOT_BARREDone B N NOT_BARRED Access Class Restriction Enumeration Type BARRED, NOT_BARREDARRED, NOT_BARREDone B N NOT_BARRED Access Class Restriction Enumeration Type BARRED, NOT_BARREDARRED, NOT_BARREDone B N NOT_BARRED Access Class Restriction Enumeration Type BARRED, NOT_BARREDARRED, NOT_BARREDone B N NOT_BARRED Access Class Restriction Enumeration Type BARRED, NOT_BARREDARRED, NOT_BARREDone B N NOT_BARRED Access Class Restriction Enumeration Type BARRED, NOT_BARREDARRED, NOT_BARREDone B N NOT_BARRED Access Class Restriction Enumeration Type BARRED, NOT_BARREDARRED, NOT_BARREDone B N NOT_BARRED Access Class Restriction Enumeration Type BARRED, NOT_BARREDARRED, NOT_BARREDone B N NOT_BARRED Access Class Restriction Enumeration Type BARRED, NOT_BARREDARRED, NOT_BARREDone B N NOT_BARRED Access Class Restriction Enumeration Type BARRED, NOT_BARREDARRED, NOT_BARREDone B N NOT_BARRED Access Class Restriction Enumeration Type BARRED, NOT_BARREDARRED, NOT_BARREDone B N NOT_BARRED Access Class Restriction Enumeration Type BARRED, NOT_BARREDARRED, NOT_BARREDone B N NOT_BARRED Access Class Restriction Enumeration Type BARRED, NOT_BARREDARRED, NOT_BARREDone B N None Access Class Restriction Enumeration Type ALLOWED, NOT_ALLOWED ALLOWED, NOT_ALLOWED None ALLOWED Access Class Restriction Enumeration Type D10, D20, D40, D80, D160, D320, D640, D1280 s 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320, 640, 1280 D320 Access Class Restriction Enumeration Type BARRED, NOT_BARREDARRED, NOT_BARREDone B N None Access Class Restriction Enumeration Type ALLOWED, NOT_ALLOWED ALLOWED, NOT_ALLOWED None NOT_ALLOWED
Access Class Restriction Enumeration Type D10(10 seconds), D20(20 seconds),80, 160, 320, s 10, 20, 40, D40(40 seconds), 1280 640, D80(80 seconds), D160(160 seconds), D320(320 seconds), D640(640 seco D1280 None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None 3GPP SpecificationsShared Network Support in Connected Mode Interval Type 1~65533, 65535 {1~65533}, {65535} None None None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None 3GPP Specifications Enumeration Type NOT_REQUIRE, REQUIRE NOT_REQUIRE, REQUIRE None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~255 0~255 None None None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Admission ControlLoad Measurement Bit Field Type CRD_ADCTRL(Credit Admission Control HSDPA_UU_ADCTRL, HSUPA_UU_ADCTRL, Load Admission Control Algorithm), HSUP CRD_ADCTRL, Algorithm), HSDPA_UU_ADCTRL(HSDPA UU MBMS_UU_ADCTRL, HSDPA_GBP_MEA None None Admission Control Enumeration Type ALGORITHM_OFF, ALGORITHM_FIRST, ALGORITHM_SECOND,ALGORITHM_SECOND, ALGORITHM_THIRD ALGORITHM_OFF, ALGORITHM_FIRST, ALGORITHM_THIRD None None Admission Control Enumeration Type ALGORITHM_OFF, ALGORITHM_FIRST, ALGORITHM_SECOND,ALGORITHM_SECOND, ALGORITHM_THIRD ALGORITHM_OFF, ALGORITHM_FIRST, ALGORITHM_THIRD None None Load ReshufflingLoad MeasurementIntra Frequency Load BalancePotential INTRA_FREQUENCY_LDB, PUC, UL_UU_LDR, None ControlUL_UU_OLC, DL_UU_OLC, OLC_EVENT Bit Field Type INTRA_FREQUENCY_LDB(Intra Frequency LDBNone User ControlOverload Control Algorithm), PUC(Potential User DL_UU_LDR, Algorithm), UL_UU_LDR(Uplink UU LDR HSDPA Mobility Management Enumeration Type ALGORITHM_REQUIRED, ALGORITHM_DEPEND_ON_LCG ALGORITHM_REQUIRED, ALGORITHM_DEPEND_ON_LCG None ALGORITHM_DEPEND_ON_LCG Downlink Enhanced L2Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACHDownlink 64 QAM22 MIMOCPCMIMO(CellNone Function Switch),None Bit Field Type 64QAM(Cell 64QAM Function Switch), -E_FACH,MIMO - HS-SCCH less E_FACH(Cell E_FACH Function Switch), DTX_DRX(Ce 64QAM, MIMO, DTX / DRXCPC DTX_DRX, HS_SCCH_LESS_OPERATION, DL_L2ENHANCED, 64QAM_MIMO operationDC-HSDPA HSDPA Enhanced PackageSRB over HSDPA Enumeration Type E_F_DPCH_OFF, E_F_DPCH_ON E_F_DPCH_OFF, E_F_DPCH_ON None E_F_DPCH_OFF Admission Control Bit Field Type TX_DIVERSITY_ON_TO_OFF(TX diversity capability is on to off), TX_DIVERSITY_OFF_TO_ON(TX diversity capability is off to on) TX_DIVERSITY_ON_TO_OFF, TX_DIVERSITY_OFF_TO_ON None None Inter Frequency Load Balance Enumeration Type NBM_LDC_ALL_UE(Select all users), NBM_LDC_MATCH_UE_ONLY(Select users match target cell support only), NBM_LDC_MA NBM_LDC_ALL_UE, NBM_LDC_MATCH_UE_ONLY, NBM_LDC_MATCH_UE_FIRST None NBM_LDC_MATCH_UE_ONLY Admission Control Bit Field Type RSVDBIT1(Reserved Switch 1), RSVDBIT2(Reserved Switch RSVDBIT4, None RSVDBIT1, RSVDBIT2, None RSVDBIT3, 2), RSVDBIT3(ReservedRSVDBIT6,RSVDBIT4(Reserved Switch 4), RSVDBIT5, Switch 3), RSVDBIT7, RSVDBIT8, RSVDB Admission Control Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 None 0 Admission Control Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 None 0 None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates Control Type Enumeration NBAMR_BITRATE_4.75K, NBAMR_BITRATE_5.15K, NBAMR_BITRATE_5.90K, NBAMR_BITRATE_6.70K, NBAMR_BITRATE_7 4.75, 5.15, 5.90, 6.70, 7.40, 7.95, 10.20, 12.20 NBAMR_BITRATE_12.20K kbit/s AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates Control Type Enumeration NBAMR_BITRATE_4.75K, NBAMR_BITRATE_5.15K, NBAMR_BITRATE_5.90K, NBAMR_BITRATE_6.70K, NBAMR_BITRATE_7 4.75, 5.15, 5.90, 6.70, 7.40, 7.95, 10.20, 12.20 NBAMR_BITRATE_12.20K kbit/s AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates Control Type Enumeration NBAMR_BITRATE_4.75K, NBAMR_BITRATE_5.15K, NBAMR_BITRATE_5.90K, NBAMR_BITRATE_6.70K, NBAMR_BITRATE_7 4.75, 5.15, 5.90, 6.70, 7.40, 7.95, 10.20, 12.20 NBAMR_BITRATE_12.20K kbit/s None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None AMR-WB (Adaptive Multi Rate Wide Band)AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates Control8.85, 12.65, 14.25, kbit/s WBAMR_BITRATE_12.65K, WBAMR_BITRATE_14.25K, WBAMR_BITRA Enumeration Type WBAMR_BITRATE_6.60K, WBAMR_BITRATE_8.85K, 18.25, 19.85, 23.05, 23.85 6.60, 15.85, WBAMR_BITRATE_23.85K AMR-WB (Adaptive Multi Rate Wide Band)AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates Control8.85, 12.65, 14.25, kbit/s WBAMR_BITRATE_12.65K, WBAMR_BITRATE_14.25K, WBAMR_BITRA Enumeration Type WBAMR_BITRATE_6.60K, WBAMR_BITRATE_8.85K, 18.25, 19.85, 23.05, 23.85 6.60, 15.85, WBAMR_BITRATE_23.85K AMR-WB (Adaptive Multi Rate Wide Band)AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates Control8.85, 12.65, 14.25, kbit/s WBAMR_BITRATE_12.65K, WBAMR_BITRATE_14.25K, WBAMR_BITRA Enumeration Type WBAMR_BITRATE_6.60K, WBAMR_BITRATE_8.85K, 18.25, 19.85, 23.05, 23.85 6.60, 15.85, WBAMR_BITRATE_23.85K None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Admission Control Enumeration Type TU, RA, HT TU, RA, HT None TU Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 75 Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 75 Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 60 Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 80 Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 80 Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 75 Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 80 Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 85 Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 83 Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 90 Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 0 Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 0 Admission Control Interval Type 1~200 1~200 None 95 Admission Control Interval Type 1~200 1~200 None 80 Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 100 Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 100 Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 100 Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 0 Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 70 Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 30 Admission Control Interval Type 0~128 0~128 None 64 Open Loop Power ControlAdmission Control Interval Type -50~33 -50~33 dBm 24 Open Loop Power ControlInterval Type -50~33 -50~33 dBm 24 Open Loop Power ControlInterval Type -50~33 -50~33 dBm 24 Open Loop Power ControlInterval Type -50~33 -50~33 dBm 24 Admission ControlLoad Measurement Interval Type 0~621 -112~-50, step:0.1 dBm 61 Admission Control Interval Type -30~30 -30~30 dB -13 Admission ControlLoad Measurement Type Enumeration OFF, ON OFF, ON None ON Admission ControlLoad Measurement Interval Type 1~6000 1~6000 s 120 Admission ControlLoad Measurement Interval Type 0~10 0~10 None 0 Admission Control Interval Type 0~128 0~128 None 20 Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 0 Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 0 Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 20 Admission Control Interval Type 0~63 0~63 None 16
Admission Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 60 Admission Control Interval Type 0~63 0~63 None 40 Admission Control Enumeration Type SF4(SF4), SF8(SF8), SF16(SF16), SF16, SF32, SF64, SF128,SF128(SF128), SF256(SF256), SFOFF(SFOFF) SF4, SF8, SF32(SF32), SF64(SF64), SF256, SFOFF None SF16 Admission Control Enumeration Type SF4(SF4), SF8(SF8), SF16(SF16), SF16, SF32, SF64, SF128,SF128(SF128), SF256(SF256), SFOFF(SFOFF) SF4, SF8, SF32(SF32), SF64(SF64), SF256, SFOFF None SF32 Admission ControlLoad MeasurementType Compound hour, min, sec hour{0~23}, min{0~59}, sec{0~59} None None Admission ControlLoad MeasurementType Compound hour, min, sec hour{0~23}, min{0~59}, sec{0~59} None None Admission ControlLoad Measurement Interval Type 1~100 0.1~10, step:0.1 dBm 5 Admission ControlLoad Measurement Interval Type 1~400 0.1~40, step:0.1 dB 100 Admission Control Interval Type 0~48 0~48 None 48 None Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 40 None Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 100 None Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 100 None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None 3GPP SpecificationsStreaming QoS ClassIntra RNC Cell UpdateIntra RNC 0~65535 Interval Type 0~65535 URA UpdateInter RNC URA UpdateDynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC)Shared Network Supp None None RAN Sharing Introduction Interval Type PackageMOCN Introduction Package 0~3 0~3 None None Intra Node B Softer Handover Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Inter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Enumeration Type WALKING_SPEED_AND_HOT_SPOT_CELL, MID_SPEED_AND_HOT_SPOT_CELL, HIGH_SPEED_AND_HOT_SPOT_CELL, L WALKING_SPEED_AND_HOT_SPOT_CELL, MID_SPEED_AND_HOT_SPOT_CELL, HIGH_SPEED_AN None WALKING_SPEED_AND_HOT_SPOT_CELL Inter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage 256 None Enumeration Type D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D256 64, 128, 8, 16, 32, D64 Inter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage 256 None Enumeration Type D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D256 64, 128, 8, 16, 32, D64 None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Dynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC) 0~100 Interval Type 0~10, step: 0.1 dB 10 Dynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC) 0~100 Interval Type 0~10, step: 0.1 dB 20 Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC) D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384 256, 384 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, kbit/s D64 Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC) D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384 256, 384 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, kbit/s D64 None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Inter-RAT Redirection Based on Distance Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON None OFF Inter-RAT Redirection Based on Distance Interval Type 0~255 0~765, step: 3 chip 255 Inter-RAT Redirection Based on Distance Interval Type 0~100 0~100 % 50 Inter-RAT Redirection Based on Distance Interval Type 0~100 0~100 % 0 None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Inter System Direct Retry Interval Type 0~5 0~5 None 2 Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC Connection OFF Enumeration Type ON, Setup ON, OFF None OFF DRD Introduction Package Enumeration Type ON, OFF ON, OFF None OFF HSDPA DRD Enumeration Type ON, OFF ON, OFF None OFF DRD Introduction Package Enumeration Type Power, UserNumber Power, UserNumber None UserNumber DRD Introduction Package Interval Type 0~100 0~100 % 35 HSDPA DRD Interval Type 0~100 0~100 % 100 DRD Introduction Package Enumeration Type ON, OFF ON, OFF None OFF DRD Introduction Package Enumeration Type SF4, SF8, SF16, SF32, SF64,SF8, SF16, SF32, SF64, SF128, SF256 SF4, SF128, SF256 None SF8 DRD Introduction Package Interval Type 0~100 0~100 % 13 DRD Introduction PackageInter System Type Enumeration Redirect Band1, Band2, Band3, Band4, Band5, Band6, Band7, Band8, Band9, DependOnNCell,Band9, DependOnNCell, BandIndNotUsed Band1, Band2, Band3, Band4, Band5, Band6, Band7, Band8, BandIndNotUsed None DependOnNCell Inter System Redirect Enumeration Type TRUE, FALSE TRUE, FALSE None None Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC Connection Setup Interval Type 0~16383 0~16383 None None DRD Introduction Package Interval Type 0~16383 0~16383 None None Inter System Direct Retry Enumeration Type ON, OFF ON, OFF None OFF Inter System Direct Retry Interval Type 0~100 0~100 % 25 None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Inter Frequency Load Balance Enumeration Type ON, OFF ON, OFF None OFF Inter Frequency Load Balance Enumeration Type ON, OFF ON, OFF None OFF Inter Frequency Load Balance Interval Type 0~30 0~30 None 10 Inter Frequency Load Balance Interval Type 0~30 0~30 None 10 Inter Frequency Load Balance Interval Type 0~30 0~30 None 25 Inter Frequency Load Balance Interval Type 0~30 0~30 None 17 Inter Frequency Load Balance Interval Type 0~30 0~30 None 15 Inter Frequency Load Balance Interval Type 0~30 0~30 None 25 Inter Frequency Load Balance Interval Type 0~30 0~30 None 20 Inter Frequency Load Balance Interval Type 0~30 0~30 None 15 None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Domain Specific Access Control (DSAC) Interval Type 0~3 0~3 None None Domain Specific Access Control (DSAC) Enumeration Type FALSE, TRUE FALSE, TRUE None None Domain Specific Access Control (DSAC) Enumeration Type FALSE, TRUE FALSE, TRUE None None Domain Specific Access Control (DSAC) Enumeration Type RestrictionFixed, RestrictionFlexible RestrictionFixed, RestrictionFlexible None None Domain Specific Access Control (DSAC) Bit Field Type AC0(Access Class 0 Restriction), AC1(Access AC4, AC5, AC6, AC7,AC2(AccessAC10, AC11, AC12, AC13, AC14, AC15 3 Restr AC0, AC1, AC2, AC3, Class 1 Restriction), AC8, AC9, Class 2 Restriction), AC3(Access Class None None Domain Specific Access Control (DSAC) Interval Type 1~16 1~16 None None
Domain Specific Access Control (DSAC) Bit Field Type AC0(Access Class 0 Restriction), AC1(Access AC4, AC5, AC6, AC7,AC2(AccessAC10, AC11, AC12, AC13, AC14, AC15 3 Restr AC0, AC1, AC2, AC3, Class 1 Restriction), AC8, AC9, Class 2 Restriction), AC3(Access Class None None Domain Specific Access Control (DSAC) Interval Type 6~3600 6~3600 s None None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Multi-Carrier Switch off Based on Traffic Load Enumeration Type OFF(switch off), ON_1(switch on1), ON_2(switch None ON_3(switch on3) None OFF, ON_1, ON_2, ON_3 on2), Multi-Carrier Switch off Based on Traffic Load Compound Type hour, min 00:00~23:59 min None Multi-Carrier Switch off Based on Traffic Load Compound Type hour, min 00:00~23:59 min None Multi-Carrier Switch off Based on Traffic Load Compound Type hour, min 00:00~23:59 min None Multi-Carrier Switch off Based on Traffic Load Compound Type hour, min 00:00~23:59 min None Multi-Carrier Switch off Based on Traffic Load Compound Type hour, min 00:00~23:59 min None Multi-Carrier Switch off Based on Traffic Load Compound Type hour, min 00:00~23:59 min None Multi-Carrier Switch off Based on Traffic Load Enumeration Type FORCESHUTDOWN(ForceShutDown), CONDITIONALSHUTDOWN(ConditionalShutDown) FORCESHUTDOWN, CONDITIONALSHUTDOWN None CONDITIONALSHUTDOWN Multi-Carrier Switch off Based on Traffic Load Interval Type 0~5 0~5 None 1 Multi-Carrier Switch off Based on Traffic Load Interval Type 0~5 0~5 None 0 Multi-Carrier Switch off Based on Traffic Load Interval Type 0~5 0~5 None 0 Multi-Carrier Switch off Based on Traffic Load Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 20 None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Type Interval -350~150 -35~15, step:0.1 dB 10 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Type Interval -350~150 -35~15, step:0.1 dB -30 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Type Interval -350~150 -35~15, step:0.1 dB 0 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Type Interval 1~1000 1~1000 kbit/s 32 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Type Interval 1~2000 1~2000 kbit/s 512 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Type Interval 1~1000 1~1000 kbit/s 32 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Type Interval 1~2000 1~2000 kbit/s 512 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Type Interval 1~1000 1~1000 kbit/s 32 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Type Interval 1~2000 1~2000 kbit/s 512 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Type Interval 1~1000 1~1000 kbit/s 32 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Type Interval 1~2000 1~2000 kbit/s 512 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Type Interval 1~1000 1~1000 kbit/s 32 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Type Interval 1~2000 1~2000 kbit/s 512 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Type Interval 1~1000 1~1000 kbit/s 32 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Type Interval 1~2000 1~2000 kbit/s 512 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Type Interval 1~1000 1~1000 kbit/s 32 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Type Interval 1~2000 1~2000 kbit/s 512 None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None UE State in Connected Mode (CELL-DCH, CELL-PCH,D16 Enumeration Type D8, URA-PCH, CELL-FACH) 8, 16 kbit/s D8 UE State in Connected Mode (CELL-DCH, CELL-PCH,D16 Enumeration Type D8, URA-PCH, CELL-FACH) 8, 16 kbit/s D8 None Enumeration Type FALSE, TRUE FALSE, TRUE None FALSE 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB 0~49 Interval Type Assignment -24.5~0, step: 0.5 dB 41 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB 0~65535 Interval Type Assignment 0~65535 ms 5000 None Interval Type 0~4095 0~4095 None None None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None 3GPP Specifications Enumeration Type Band1, Band2, Band3, Band4, Band5, Band6, Band7, Band8, Band9, BandIndNotUsedBand9, BandIndNotUsed Band1, Band2, Band3, Band4, Band5, Band6, Band7, Band8, None None 3GPP Specifications Enumeration Type TRUE, FALSE TRUE, FALSE None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~16383 0~16383 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~16383 0~16383 None None A-GPS Based LCS Enumeration Type INACTIVE, ACTIVE INACTIVE, ACTIVE None ACTIVE None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure)Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update Enumeration Type USED, NOT_USED USED, NOT_USED None NOT_USED HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure)Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell UpdateMulti Frequency Band None Interval Type 0~7 0~7 Networking Management 0 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure)Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update Interval Type -53~45 -105~91, step:2 dB 0 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure)Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell UpdateMulti Frequency Band dB Interval Type -53~45 -105~91, step:2 Networking Management 0 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure)Multi Frequency Band Networking Management Interval Type 0~99 0~99 dB/ dBm 20 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure) Enumeration Type NOT_USED, D30(30 seconds), D60(60 seconds), D120(120 seconds), D180(180 seconds), D240(240 seconds) NOT_USED, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240 s D60 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure) Type Interval 1~16 1~16 None 8 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure) Enumeration Type NOT_USED, D10(10 seconds), D20(20 seconds),40, 50, 60, 70 NOT_USED, 10, 20, 30, sD30(30 seconds), D40(40 seconds), D50(50 seconds), D60(60 seconds), D70(70 D20 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure)Multi Frequency Band Networking Management step:2 Interval Type -16~10 -32~20, dB 0 Intra Node B Softer Handover Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure) Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON None OFF HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure) Type Interval 0~511 0~511 s 180 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure) Type Interval 1~16 1~16 None 15 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure) Type Interval 0~255 0~255 s 60 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure) Type Interval 0~511 0~511 s 240 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure) Type Interval 1~16 1~16 None 3 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure) Type Interval 0~120 0~120 s 10
Intra Node B Softer Handover Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on CoverageInter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage INTERRAT(inter-RAT handover only), SIMINTERFREQRAT(inter-frequency and inter Enumeration Type INTERFREQ(inter-frequency handover INTERRAT, SIMINTERFREQRAT SIMINTERFREQRAT INTERFREQ, only), None Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on CoverageInter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Enumeration Type COEXIST_MEAS_THD_CHOICE_INTERFREQ(Choosing the inter-frequency oriented parameters), COEXIST_MEAS_THD_CHOI COEXIST_MEAS_THD_CHOICE_INTERFREQ, COEXIST_MEAS_THD_CHOICE_INTERRAT None COEXIST_MEAS_THD_CHOICE_INTERFREQ Inter-RAT Handover Based on Service Type Enumeration OFF, ON OFF, ON None OFF Inter-RAT Handover Based on Service Type Enumeration OFF, ON OFF, ON None OFF None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None 15 Codes per CellHSDPA EnumerationAllocation and RNC-Controlled Dynamic Code Allocation Static Code Type Manual(Manual), Automatic(Automatic) Manual, Automatic None Automatic 15 Codes per CellHSDPA Interval TypeAllocation and RNC-Controlled Dynamic Code Allocation Static Code 1~15 1~15 None 5 15 Codes per CellHSDPA Interval TypeAllocation and RNC-Controlled Dynamic Code Allocation Static Code 1~15 1~15 None 5 15 Codes per CellHSDPA Interval TypeAllocation and RNC-Controlled Dynamic Code Allocation Static Code 1~15 1~15 None 1 HSDPA Introduction PackageCode Resource ManagementTime and HS-PDSCH Codes Multiplex None Interval Type 1~15 1~15 4 HSDPA Power Control Interval Type -500~0 -50~0, step:0.1 dB 0 HSDPA Introduction PackageHSDPA Power Control Enumeration Type Minus3.0DB(-3.0dB), Minus2.5DB(-2.5dB), Minus2.0DB(-2.0dB), Minus1.5DB(-1.5dB), Minus1.0DB(-1.0dB), Minus0.5DB(-0.5dB), 0 -3~19, step:0.5 dB 2.5dB HSDPA Static Code Allocation and RNC-Controlled Dynamic Code Allocation Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON) OFF, ON None ON HSDPA Static Code Allocation and RNC-Controlled Dynamic Code Allocation Interval Type 1~16 1~16 None 3 Code Resource Management Interval Type 0~300 0~300 s 5 None Enumeration Type Minus3.0DB(-3.0dB), Minus2.5DB(-2.5dB), Minus2.0DB(-2.0dB), Minus1.5DB(-1.5dB), Minus1.0DB(-1.0dB), Minus0.5DB(-0.5dB), 0 -3~19, step:0.5 dB 2.5dB None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None HSUPA Introduction Package Interval Type 1~8 1~8 None 1 HSUPA Introduction Package Interval Type 1~8 1~8 None 1 HSUPA Power Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 75 HSUPA Power Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 0 None Interval Type 0~4095 0~4095 None None Multi-Carrier Switch off Based on Traffic Load Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Intra Node B Softer Handover Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Enumeration Type PERIODICAL_REPORTING(Periodical reporting), EVENT_TRIGGER(Event trigger) PERIODICAL_REPORTING, EVENT_TRIGGER PERIODICAL_REPORTING None Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on CoverageInter Frequency Hard HandoverD8, 5, 6,D11, D13, D15, 15, 17, 19 Cell Structure) Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, 0, 1,D7,3,Based on DL 9, None (Hierarchical D6, 2, 4, D9, 7, 8, QoSHCS D17, D19 11, 13, D3 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Enumeration Type NON_PERIODIC_REPORT(Non periodical reporting),250, 500,D500~2 D1000~3 D2000~4 D3000~5 D4000~6 D6000~7 D8000~8 NON_PERIODIC_REPORT, D250~1 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 6000, 8000, 12000, 16000, 20000, 24000, ms D500 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~29 0~14.5, step:0.5 dB/ dBm 4 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~29 0~14.5, step:0.5 dB/ dBm 4 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~29 0~14.5, step:0.5 dB/ dBm 4 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~29 0~14.5, step:0.5 dB/ dBm 0 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~20 0~2, step:0.1 None 0 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on CoverageInter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoS Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D0 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 Enumeration Type D0, D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D320 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 Enumeration Type D0, D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D1280 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~64000 0~64000 ms 0 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -14 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -12 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -14 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -14 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -12 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -12 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -95 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -92 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -95 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -95 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -92 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -92 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -12 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -12 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -12 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -92 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -92 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -92 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -12 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -12 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -12 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -92 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -92 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -92 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on CoverageInter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoSHCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure) Interval Type 0~512 0~512 s 60 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on CoverageInter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoS Interval Type 1~64 500~32000, step:500 ms 1
Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on CoverageInter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoS Interval Type 0~63 0~62, 63: Infinity None 4 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~1000 0~1000 ms 0 Intra Node B Softer Handover Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on CoverageInter Frequency Hard HandoverD8, 5, 6,D11, D13, D15, 15, 17, 19 Cell Structure) Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, 0, 1,D7,3,Based on DL 9, None (Hierarchical D6, 2, 4, D9, 7, 8, QoSHCS D17, D19 11, 13, D3 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure) Type Interval 0~29 0~14.5, step:0.5 dB 6 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure) Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D640 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure) Type Interval -24~0 -24~0 dB -16 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on CoverageInter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoSHCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure) Interval Type 0~512 0~512 s 60 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure) Type Interval 1~64 500~32000, step:500 ms 4 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure) Type Interval 0~63 0~62, 63: Infinity None 1 Intra Node B Softer Handover Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Enumeration Type PERIODICAL_REPORTING(Periodical reporting), EVENT_TRIGGER(Event trigger) PERIODICAL_REPORTING, EVENT_TRIGGER PERIODICAL_REPORTING None Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, 0, 1,D7,3, 4, 5, 6,D11, D13, D15, 15, 17, 19 D6, 2, D8, D9, 7, 8, 9, None D17, D19 11, 13, D3 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Enumeration Type CPICH_EC/NO, CPICH_RSCP, AUTO CPICH_RSCP, AUTO CPICH_EC/NO, None AUTO Inter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter-RAT D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, 0, 1,D7,3, 4, 5, 6,D11, D13, D15, 15, 17, 19 Enumeration Type Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based on Load D6, 2, D8, D9, 7, 8, 9, None D17, D19 11, 13, D3 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~20 0~2, step:0.1 None 0 Inter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter-RAT NON_PERIODIC_REPORT(Non periodical reporting),250, 500,D500~2 D1000~3 D2000~4 D3000~5 D4000~6 D6000~7 D8000~8 Enumeration Type Handover Based on DL QoS NON_PERIODIC_REPORT, D250~1 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 6000, 8000, 12000, 16000, 20000, 24000, ms D1000 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~29 0~14.5, step:0.5 dB/ dBm 4 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~29 0~14.5, step:0.5 dB/ dBm 4 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~15 0~7.5, step:0.5 dB 4 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~15 0~7.5, step:0.5 dB 0 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D320 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D1280 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D0 Inter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter-RAT 0~64000, 65535 on DL QoS Interval Type Handover Based 0~64000, 65535 ms 0 Inter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter-RAT 0~64000 Based on DL QoS Interval Type Handover 0~64000 ms 0 Inter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter-RAT REQUIRED(Verify mode), NOT_REQUIRE(Non-verify mode) Enumeration Type Handover Based on ServiceInter-RATNOT_REQUIRE on Load REQUIRED, Handover Based None REQUIRED Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -14 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -12 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -15 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -15 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -13 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -13 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -100 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -97 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -110 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -110 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -107 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -107 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~63 lower than -110, -110~-48(Actual value meets the condition: Actual Value = GUI Value - 111) dBm 16 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~63 lower than -110, -110~-48(Actual value meets the condition: Actual Value = GUI Value - 111) dBm 16 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~63 lower than -110, -110~-48(Actual value meets the condition: Actual Value = GUI Value - 111) dBm 16 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -12 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -13 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -13 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -97 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -107 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -107 Inter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter-RAT 0~512 Interval Type Handover Based on DL QoSInter-RAT Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based on Load 0~512 s 60 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 s 0 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~15 0~7.5, step:0.5 dBm 0 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 1~64 500~32000, step:500 ms 1 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~63 0~62, 63: Infinity None 4 Inter-RAT Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based on Load 0~63 Interval Type 0~63 None 3 Inter-RAT Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based on Load 0~65535 Interval Type 0~65535 s 30 Intra Node B Softer Handover Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Inter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter-RAT D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, 0, 1,D7,3, 4, 5, 6,D11, D13, D15, 15, 17, 19 Enumeration Type Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based on Load D6, 2, D8, D9, 7, 8, 9, None D17, D19 11, 13, D3 Inter-RAT Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based on Load 0~7.5, step:0.5 Interval Type 0~15 dB 0 Inter-RAT Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, on Load D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D640 Inter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter-RAT REQUIRED(Verify mode), NOT_REQUIRE(Non-verify mode) Enumeration Type Handover Based on ServiceInter-RATNOT_REQUIRE on Load REQUIRED, Handover Based None REQUIRED Inter-RAT Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based on Load lower than -110, -110~-48(Actual value meets the condition: Actual Value = GUI Value - 111) Interval Type 0~63 dBm 21 Inter-RAT Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based on Load lower than -110, -110~-48(Actual value meets the condition: Actual Value = GUI Value - 111) Interval Type 0~63 dBm 21 Inter-RAT Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based on Load 1~16 Interval Type 1~16 None 16 Inter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter-RAT 0~512 Interval Type Handover Based on DL QoSInter-RAT Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based on Load 0~512 s 60
Inter-RAT Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based on LoadLoad Based 3G-2G Handover Enhancement Based on Iur-g Interval Type 0~100 0~100 % 80 Inter-RAT Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based on LoadLoad Based 3G-2G Handover Enhancement Based on Iur-g Interval Type 0~100 0~100 % 60 Inter-RAT Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based on Load 500~32000, step:500 Interval Type 1~64 ms 4 Inter-RAT Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based on Load 0~62, 63: Infinity Interval Type 0~63 None 1 Inter-RAT Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based on Load 0~63 Interval Type 0~63 None 3 Inter-RAT Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based on Load 0~65535 Interval Type 0~65535 s 30 None Interval Type 0~4095 0~4095 None None Intra Node B Softer Handover Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Intra Node B Softer HandoverInter RNCType HandoverD1, D2, D3, D4, D5, 0, 1,D7,3, 4, 5, 6,D11, D13, D15, 15, 17, 19 Enumeration Soft D0, D6, 2, D8, D9, 7, 8, 9, None D17, D19 11, 13, D3 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInter RNCType Handover Enumeration Soft CPICH_EC/NO, CPICH_RSCP CPICH_EC/NO, CPICH_RSCP None CPICH_EC/NO Intra Node B Softer HandoverInter RNCType Handover D2~1 D4~2 D8~3 D16~4 D32~532, 64, INFINITY Enumeration Soft D1~0 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, D64~6 INFINITY None D16 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInter RNCType Handover Enumeration Soft NON_PERIODIC_REPORT, D250~1 D500~2 D1000~3 D2000~4 D4000~5 D8000~6 D16000 NON_PERIODIC_REPORT, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000 ms D4000 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInter RNCType Handover D2~1 D4~2 D8~3 D16~4 D32~532, 64, INFINITY Enumeration Soft D1~0 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, D64~6 INFINITY None D16 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInter RNCType Handover Enumeration Soft NON_PERIODIC_REPORT, D250~1 D500~2 D1000~3 D2000~4 D4000~5 D8000~6 D16000 NON_PERIODIC_REPORT, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000 ms D4000 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInter RNCType Handover D2~1 D4~2 D8~3 D16~4 D32~532, 64, INFINITY Enumeration Soft D1~0 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, D64~6 INFINITY None D64 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInter RNCType Handover Enumeration Soft NON_PERIODIC_REPORT, D250~1 D500~2 D1000~3 D2000~4 D4000~5 D8000~6 D16000 NON_PERIODIC_REPORT, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000 ms D1000 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInterType Soft Handover Interval RNC 0~29 0~14.5, step:0.5 dB 6 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInterType Soft Handover Interval RNC 0~29 0~14.5, step:0.5 dB 6 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInterType Soft Handover Interval RNC 0~29 0~14.5, step:0.5 dB 6 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInterType Soft Handover Interval RNC 0~29 0~14.5, step:0.5 dB 12 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInterType Soft Handover Interval RNC 0~29 0~14.5, step:0.5 dB 12 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInterType Soft Handover Interval RNC 0~29 0~14.5, step:0.5 dB 12 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInterType Soft HandoverInter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval RNC -24~0 -24~0 dB -24 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInterType Soft HandoverInter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval RNC -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -115 None Interval Type 0~15 0~7.5, step:0.5 dB 0 None Interval Type 0~15 0~7.5, step:0.5 dB 0 None Interval Type 0~15 0~7.5, step:0.5 dB 8 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInterType Soft Handover Interval RNC 0~15 0~7.5, step:0.5 dB 8 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInterType Soft HandoverInter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval RNC 0~15 0~7.5, step:0.5 dB 8 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInterType Soft Handover Interval RNC 0~15 0~7.5, step:0.5 dB 8 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInterType Soft Handover Interval RNC 0~20 0~2, step:0.1 None 0 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInter RNCType HandoverD10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 Enumeration Soft D0, D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D320 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInter RNCType HandoverD10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 Enumeration Soft D0, D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D640 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInter RNCType HandoverD10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 Enumeration Soft D0, D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D640 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInter RNCType HandoverD10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 Enumeration Soft D0, D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D640 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInter RNCType HandoverInter Frequency D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120,on 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 Enumeration Soft D0, D10, D20, D40, Hard D80, D100, 60, 80, Coverage D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 Handover Based D160, D200, ms D640 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInter RNCType HandoverD10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 Enumeration Soft D0, D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D640 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInterType Soft Handover Interval RNC -24~0 -24~0 dB -24 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInterType Soft Handover Interval RNC 1~6 1~6 None 3 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -115 None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Intra Frequency Load Balance Interval Type 0~100 0~10, step:0.1 dB 2 Intra Frequency Load Balance Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 90 Intra Frequency Load Balance Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 30 None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Load Reshuffling Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 55 Load Reshuffling Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 45 Load Reshuffling Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 70 Load Reshuffling Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 60 Overload Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 95 Overload Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 85 Overload Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 95 Overload Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 85 Load Measurement Interval Type 10~600000 10~600000 ms 1000 Load Measurement Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 70 Load Measurement Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 50 None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load handover), BERateRed(BECSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO NoAct, InterFreqLDHO, BERateRed, QoSRenego, traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time None CodeAdj Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load handover), BERateRed(BECSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO NoAct, InterFreqLDHO, BERateRed, QoSRenego, traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time None InterFreqLDHO Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load handover), BERateRed(BECSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO NoAct, InterFreqLDHO, BERateRed, QoSRenego, traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time None BERateRed Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load handover), BERateRed(BECSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO NoAct, InterFreqLDHO, BERateRed, QoSRenego, traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time None NoAct Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load handover), BERateRed(BECSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO NoAct, InterFreqLDHO, BERateRed, QoSRenego, traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time None NoAct Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load handover), BERateRed(BECSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO NoAct, InterFreqLDHO, BERateRed, QoSRenego, traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time None NoAct Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load handover), BERateRed(BECSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO NoAct, InterFreqLDHO, BERateRed, QoSRenego, traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time None NoAct
Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load handover), BERateRed(BECSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO NoAct, InterFreqLDHO, BERateRed, QoSRenego, traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time None NoAct Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load handover), BERateRed(BECSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO NoAct, InterFreqLDHO, BERateRed, QoSRenego, traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time None NoAct Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load handover), BERateRed(BECSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO NoAct, InterFreqLDHO, BERateRed, QoSRenego, traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time None NoAct Load Reshuffling Interval Type 1~10 1~10 None 1 Load Reshuffling Interval Type 1~10 1~10 None 1 Load Reshuffling Interval Type 1~10 1~10 None 3 Load Reshuffling Interval Type 1~10 1~10 None 1 Load Reshuffling Interval Type 1~10 1~10 None 1 Load Reshuffling Interval Type 1~10 1~10 None 3 Load Reshuffling Interval Type 1~10 1~10 None 1 Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load handover), BERateRed(BECSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO NoAct, InterFreqLDHO, BERateRed, QoSRenego, traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time None InterFreqLDHO Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load handover), BERateRed(BECSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO NoAct, InterFreqLDHO, BERateRed, QoSRenego, traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time None BERateRed Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load handover), BERateRed(BECSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO NoAct, InterFreqLDHO, BERateRed, QoSRenego, traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time None NoAct Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load handover), BERateRed(BECSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO NoAct, InterFreqLDHO, BERateRed, QoSRenego, traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time None NoAct Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load handover), BERateRed(BECSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO NoAct, InterFreqLDHO, BERateRed, QoSRenego, traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time None NoAct Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load handover), BERateRed(BECSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO NoAct, InterFreqLDHO, BERateRed, QoSRenego, traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time None NoAct Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load handover), BERateRed(BECSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO NoAct, InterFreqLDHO, BERateRed, QoSRenego, traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time None NoAct Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load handover), BERateRed(BECSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO NoAct, InterFreqLDHO, BERateRed, QoSRenego, traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time None NoAct Load Reshuffling Interval Type 1~10 1~10 None 1 Load Reshuffling Interval Type 1~10 1~10 None 1 Load Reshuffling Interval Type 1~10 1~10 None 3 Load Reshuffling Interval Type 1~10 1~10 None 1 Load Reshuffling Interval Type 1~10 1~10 None 1 Load Reshuffling Interval Type 1~10 1~10 None 3 Load Reshuffling Interval Type 1~10 1~10 None 1 Load Reshuffling Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 20 Load Reshuffling Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 20 Load Reshuffling Interval Type 0~400000 0~400000 bit/s 200000 Load Reshuffling Interval Type 0~400000 0~400000 bit/s 200000 Load Reshuffling Interval Type 1~15 1~15 None 1 Load ReshufflingCode Resource Management Enumeration Type SF4(SF4), SF8(SF8), SF16(SF16), SF16, SF32, SF64, SF128,SF128(SF128), SF256(SF256) SF4, SF8, SF32(SF32), SF64(SF64), SF256 None SF8 Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type FALSE(FALSE), TRUE(TRUE) TRUE FALSE, None FALSE Load Reshuffling Interval Type 1~3 1~3 None 1 Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type SF4(SF4), SF8(SF8), SF16(SF16), SF16, SF32, SF64, SF128,SF128(SF128), SF256(SF256) SF4, SF8, SF32(SF32), SF64(SF64), SF256 None SF8 Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type SF4(SF4), SF8(SF8), SF16(SF16), SF16, SF32, SF64, SF128,SF128(SF128), SF256(SF256) SF4, SF8, SF32(SF32), SF64(SF64), SF256 None SF8 Load Reshuffling Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 13 Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type FALSE(FALSE), TRUE(TRUE) TRUE FALSE, None FALSE Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON) OFF, ON None OFF Load Reshuffling Bit Field Type R99_CONVERSATIONAL(R99 Conversational), R99_STREAMING(R99R99_BE, HSDPA_CONVERSATIONAL, HSDPA_STREAM R99_CONVERSATIONAL, R99_STREAMING, Streaming), R99_BE(R99 BE), HSDPA_CONVERSATION None None Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type 8SF4(8SF4), 7SF4(7SF4), 6SF4(6SF4), 5SF4(5SF4), 4SF4(4SF4), 3SF4(3SF4), 2SF4(2SF4), SF4(SF4), SF8(SF8), SF16(SF16), S 8SF4, 7SF4, 6SF4, 5SF4, 4SF4, 3SF4, 2SF4, SF4, SF8, SF16, SF32, SF64, SF128, SF256 None SF8 Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type BLINDHO(BLINDHO), MEASUREHO(MEASUREHO) BLINDHO, MEASUREHO None BLINDHO Intra Node B Softer Handover Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None None Bit Field Type CSAMR_INTERFREQ(CS AMR inter-frequency switch), CSNONAMR_INTERFREQ(CS non AMR inter-frequency switch), PSR99_ CSAMR_INTERFREQ, CSNONAMR_INTERFREQ, PSR99_INTERFREQ, PSHSPA_INTERFREQ None None None Interval Type 0~100 0~100 None 80 None Interval Type 0~100 0~100 None 80 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on CoverageInter Frequency Hard HandoverD8, 5, 6,D11, D13, D15, 15, 17, 19 Cell Structure) Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, 0, 1,D7,3,Based on DL 9, None (Hierarchical D6, 2, 4, D9, 7, 8, QoSHCS D17, D19 11, 13, D3 None Enumeration Type PERIODICAL_REPORTING(Periodical reporting), EVENT_TRIGGER(Event trigger) PERIODICAL_REPORTING, EVENT_TRIGGER EVENT_TRIGGER None None Enumeration Type CPICH_EC/NO, CPICH_RSCP, BOTH CPICH_RSCP, BOTH CPICH_EC/NO, None CPICH_EC/NO Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Enumeration Type NON_PERIODIC_REPORT(Non periodical reporting),250, 500,D500~2 D1000~3 D2000~4 D3000~5 D4000~6 D6000~7 D8000~8 NON_PERIODIC_REPORT, D250~1 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 6000, 8000, 12000, 16000, 20000, 24000, ms D500 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~64000 0~64000 ms 0 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~29 0~14.5, step:0.5 dB/ dBm 0 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure) Type Interval 0~29 0~14.5, step:0.5 dB 6 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure) Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D640 None Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -16 None Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dB -92 None Interval Type 0~3 0~3 None 1 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~512 0~512 s 3 Intra Node B Softer Handover Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None None Bit Field Type CSAMR_INTERRAT(CSCSAMR_INTERRAT AMR inter-RAT switch) None None None Interval Type 0~100 0~100 None 80 None Interval Type 0~100 0~100 None 80 Inter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter-RAT D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, 0, 1,D7,3, 4, 5, 6,D11, D13, D15, 15, 17, 19 Enumeration Type Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based on Load D6, 2, D8, D9, 7, 8, 9, None D17, D19 11, 13, D3 None Enumeration Type PERIODICAL_REPORTING(Periodical reporting), EVENT_TRIGGER(Event trigger) PERIODICAL_REPORTING, EVENT_TRIGGER EVENT_TRIGGER None Inter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter-RAT NON_PERIODIC_REPORT(Non periodical reporting),250, 500,D500~2 D1000~3 D2000~4 D3000~5 D4000~6 D6000~7 D8000~8 Enumeration Type Handover Based on DL QoS NON_PERIODIC_REPORT, D250~1 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 6000, 8000, 12000, 16000, 20000, 24000, ms D1000
Inter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter-RAT REQUIRED(Verify mode), NOT_REQUIRE(Non-verify mode) Enumeration Type Handover Based on ServiceInter-RATNOT_REQUIRE on Load REQUIRED, Handover Based None REQUIRED Inter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter-RAT 0~64000, 65535 on DL QoS Interval Type Handover Based 0~64000, 65535 ms 0 Inter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter-RAT 0~64000 Based on DL QoS Interval Type Handover 0~64000 ms 0 Inter-RAT Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based on Load 0~7.5, step:0.5 Interval Type 0~15 dB 0 Inter-RAT Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, on Load D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D640 None Interval Type 0~63 lower than -110, -110~-48(Actual value meets the condition: Actual Value = GUI Value - 111) dBm 21 None Interval Type 0~3 0~3 None 1 None Enumeration Type ALL_USER(All User), HALF(Half), THIRD(THIRD), QUARTER(QUARTER) ALL_USER, HALF, THIRD, QUARTER None ALL_USER None Interval Type 0~512 0~512 s 3 None Interval Type 0~300 0~300 s 30 None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None MBMS Introduction Package Enumeration Type STREAMING, BACKGROUND STREAMING, BACKGROUND None None MBMS Introduction Package Enumeration Type D16, D32, D64, D128, D256 32, 64, 128, 256 16, kbit/s None Open Loop Power ControlInterval Type -350~150 -35~15, step: 0.1 dB 10 MBMS Load Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 % 80 MBMS Load Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 % 50 Physical Channel Management Type Interval 0~1279 0~1279 ms 35 Physical Channel Management Type Interval 0~2559 0~2559 ms 10 None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None MBMS Phase 2 Enumeration Type PTM, PTP, ENHANCEDPTM, DYNAMIC PTM, PTP, ENHANCEDPTM, DYNAMIC None PTM MBMS Enhanced Broadcast Mode Interval Type 2~10 2~10 None 4 MBMS Enhanced Broadcast Mode Interval Type 1~5 1~5 None 3 None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None RAN Sharing Introduction Interval Type PackageMOCN Introduction Package 0~3 0~3 None None MBMS Introduction Package Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None MBMS Introduction Package Enumeration Type STREAMING, BACKGROUND STREAMING, BACKGROUND None None MBMS Introduction Package Enumeration Type D16, D32, D64, D128, D256 32, 64, 128, 256 16, kbit/s None Physical Channel Management Enumeration Type TRUE, FALSE TRUE, FALSE None FALSE None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None MBMS Introduction Package Interval Type 0~255 0~255 None None MBMS Introduction Package Interval Type -10~5 -10~5 dB -7 MBMS Introduction Package Enumeration Type FALSE(Not Use), TRUE(Use) TRUE FALSE, None FALSE 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~255 1~255 None None MBMS Introduction Package Interval Type 1~32 1~32 None None MBMS FLC(Frequency Layer Convergence)/FLD(Frequency Layer Dispersion) ON Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON) OFF, None ON None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Inter System Direct Retry Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON None OFF Inter System Direct Retry Interval Type 1~255 1~255 s 10 Inter System Direct Retry Enumeration Type D250, D500, D1000, D2000, D3000, D4000, D6000, D8000,6000, 8000, 12000,D20000,20000, 24000, 28000, 32000, 64000 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, D12000, D16000, 16000, D24000, D28000, D32000, D64000 ms D3000 Inter System Direct Retry Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -92 Inter System Direct Retry Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -12 Inter System Direct Retry Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 None 10 Intra Node B Softer Handover Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 1~255 1~255 s 6 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Enumeration Type D250, D500, D1000, D2000, D3000, D4000, D6000, D8000,6000, 8000, 12000,D20000,20000, 24000, 28000, 32000, 64000 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, D12000, D16000, 16000, D24000, D28000, D32000, D64000 ms D3000 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -92 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -12 None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Load Measurement Enumeration Type REQUIRE, NOT_REQUIRE REQUIRE, NOT_REQUIRE None REQUIRE Load Measurement Enumeration Type NOT_REQUIRE, INTER_FREQ, INTER_RAT, INTER_FREQ_AND_INTER_RAT NOT_REQUIRE, INTER_FREQ, INTER_RAT, INTER_FREQ_AND_INTER_RAT None INTER_FREQ_AND_INTER_RAT Load Measurement Enumeration Type REQUIRE, NOT_REQUIRE, INTER_FREQ, INTER_RAT, INTER_FREQ_AND_INTER_RAT REQUIRE, NOT_REQUIRE, INTER_FREQ, INTER_RAT, INTER_FREQ_AND_INTER_RAT None None None Interval Type 0~4095 0~4095 None None None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None None String Type None 1~64 characters None None None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None None Interval Type 0~7 0~7 None None None Interval Type 0~31 0~62, step:2 dB 2 None Interval Type 0~31 0~62, step:2 dB 2 None Enumeration Type D6(D6), D15(D15), D25(D25), D50(D50), D75(D75), D100(D100) D6, D15, D25, D50, D75,None D100 D6 None Interval Type -70~-22 -140~ -44, step:2 dBm -70 None Enumeration Type FALSE(FALSE), TRUE(TRUE) TRUE FALSE, None TRUE None Enumeration Type D0(D0), D1(D1), D2(D2),D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, None D8, D9, D10, D11, D9(D9), D10(D10), D11(D11), D12(D12), D13(D13), D D3(D3), D4(D4), D5(D5), D6(D6), D7(D7), D8(D8), D12, D13, D14, D15, D16 D6, D7, D0
None Interval Type 1~504 1~504 None None None Interval Type 1~504 1~504 None None None Interval Type 1~504 1~504 None None None Interval Type 1~504 1~504 None None None Interval Type 1~504 1~504 None None None Interval Type 1~504 1~504 None None None Interval Type 1~504 1~504 None None None Interval Type 1~504 1~504 None None None Interval Type 1~504 1~504 None None None Interval Type 1~504 1~504 None None None Interval Type 1~504 1~504 None None None Interval Type 1~504 1~504 None None None Interval Type 1~504 1~504 None None None Interval Type 1~504 1~504 None None None Interval Type 1~504 1~504 None None None Interval Type 1~504 1~504 None None None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Overload Control Interval Type 0~100 0~100 None 3 Overload Control Interval Type 0~100 0~100 None 3 Overload Control Interval Type 1~10 1~10 None 3 Overload Control Interval Type 1~10 1~10 None 3 Overload Control Interval Type 1~99 0.01~0.99, step:0.01 % 68 Overload Control Interval Type 100~200 1~2, step:0.01 % 130 Overload Control Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 ms 3000 Overload Control Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 ms 5000 Overload Control Interval Type 0~10 0~10 None 0 Overload Control Interval Type 0~10 0~10 None 0 Overload Control Enumeration Type MBMS_REL(MBMS service), USER_REL(UE) None MBMS_REL, USER_REL MBMS_REL Overload Control Interval Type 0~8 0~8 None 1 Overload Control Interval Type 0~10 0~10 None 1 Overload Control Interval Type 0~30 0~3, step:0.1 dB 0 None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Potential User Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 45 Potential User Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 70 Potential User Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 % 5 Potential User Control Interval Type -10~10 -20~20, step:2 dB -2 Potential User Control Interval Type -10~10 -20~20, step:2 dB 2 Potential User Control Interval Type -20~20 -20~20 dB -4 Potential User Control Interval Type -20~20 -20~20 dB -4 Potential User Control Interval Type -20~20 -20~20 dB 4 Potential User Control Interval Type -20~20 -20~20 dB 4 Intra Node B Softer Handover Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoSInter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS Interval Type -15~15 -15~15 dB 5 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoSInter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS Interval Type 0~512 0~512 s 20 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoSInter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS Interval Type 0~512 0~512 s 20 Inter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS Type Enumeration CPICH_EC/NO, CPICH_RSCP CPICH_EC/NO, CPICH_RSCP None CPICH_RSCP None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates Control Type Enumeration D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D320 AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates Control Type Enumeration D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D320 AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates Control Type Enumeration D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D320 AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates Control Type Enumeration D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D320 AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates Control Type Enumeration D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D240 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoS D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 Enumeration Type D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D640 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoS D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 Enumeration Type D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D640 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoS D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 Enumeration Type D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D240 Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC) D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D640 Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC) D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D2560 Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC) D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D1280 Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC) D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D1280 Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC) D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D240 Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC) D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, 0, 1,D7,3, 4, 5, 6,D11, D13, D15, 15, 17, 19 D6, 2, D8, D9, 7, 8, 9, None D17, D19 11, 13, D19 Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC)Inter-RAT Handover Based0, 1,D7,3, 4, 5, 6,D11, D13, D15, 15, 17, 19 D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, DL QoS D9, 7, 8, 9, None D17, D19 on 2, D8, 11, 13, D1 AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates ControlInter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step: 10 ms 64 AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates ControlInter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS Enumeration Type TEN_MSEC, MIN TEN_MSEC, MIN None TEN_MSEC
AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates ControlInter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoSInter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step: 10 ms 480 AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates ControlInter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS Interval Type 1~60 1~60 min None Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoS 1~6000 Interval Type 10~60000, step: 10 ms 64 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoS TEN_MSEC, MIN Enumeration Type TEN_MSEC, MIN None TEN_MSEC Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoS 1~6000 Interval Type 10~60000, step: 10 ms 480 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoS 1~60 Interval Type 1~60 min None Dynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC)Inter-RAT Handover Based10~60000, step: 10 Interval Type 1~6000 on DL QoS ms 64 Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC)Inter-RAT Handover BasedTEN_MSEC, MIN TEN_MSEC, MIN on DL QoS None TEN_MSEC Dynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC)Inter Frequency Hard Handover Basedstep: 10QoSInter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, on DL ms 480 Dynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC)Inter-RAT Handover Based1~60 QoS Interval Type 1~60 on DL min None Dynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC)Inter-RAT Handover Based10~60000, step: 10 Interval Type 1~6000 on DL QoS ms 64 Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC)Inter-RAT Handover BasedTEN_MSEC, MIN TEN_MSEC, MIN on DL QoS None TEN_MSEC Dynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC) 1~6000 Interval Type 10~60000, step: 10 ms 480 Dynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC)Inter-RAT Handover Based1~60 QoS Interval Type 1~60 on DL min None None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC Connection SetupPSR99, PSHSPA VP, PSR99, PSHSPA Enumeration Type AMR, VP, AMR, None None Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC Connection Setup Enumeration Type OFF, ONLY_TO_INTER_FREQUENCY, ONLY_TO_INTER_RAT ONLY_TO_INTER_RAT OFF, ONLY_TO_INTER_FREQUENCY, None None Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC Connection Setup Interval Type 0~100 0~100 % None Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC Connection Setup Interval Type 0~100 0~100 % None Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC Connection Setup Enumeration Type Band1, Band2, Band3, Band4, Band5, Band6, Band7, Band8, Band9, DependOnNCell, BandIndNotUsed BAND1, BAND2, BAND3, BAND4, BAND5, BAND6, BAND7, BAND8, BAND9, DependOnNCell, BANDIND None None Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC Connection Setup Enumeration Type FALSE, TRUE FALSE, TRUE None None Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC Connection Setup Interval Type 0~16383 0~16383 None None Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC Connection Setup Interval Type 0~16383 0~16383 None None 3GPP SpecificationsStreaming QoS ClassIntra RNC Cell UpdateIntra RNC 0~65535 Interval Type 0~65535 URA UpdateInter RNC URA UpdateDynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC)Shared Network Supp None None None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Admission Control Enumeration Type CS_DOMAIN, PS_DOMAIN CS_DOMAIN, PS_DOMAIN None None Admission Control Interval Type 0~16000000 0~16000000 bit/s None Open Loop Power ControlAdmission Control Interval Type -350~150 -35~15, step:0.1 dB None Open Loop Power ControlInterval Type -350~150 -35~15, step:0.1 dB None Code Resource Management Enumeration Type D4(SF4), D8(SF8), D16(SF16), D32(SF32), D64(SF64),SF128, SF256, D256(SF256), D512(SF512) SF4, SF8, SF16, SF32, SF64, D128(SF128), SF512 None None None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update Enumeration Type CPICH_ECNO(CPICH Ec/N0), CPICH_RSCP(CPICH RSCP) CPICH_ECNO, CPICH_RSCP None CPICH_ECNO Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell UpdateMulti Frequency Band Networking Management Interval Type 0~20 0~40, step:2 dB 2 Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell UpdateIntra RNC URA UpdateInter RNC URA UpdateMulti Frequency Band Networking Management Interval Type 0~20 0~40, step:2 dB 2 Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell UpdateMulti Frequency Band Networking Management Interval Type 0~20, 255 {0~40}, {255}, step:2 dB 1 Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell UpdateIntra RNC URA UpdateInter RNC URA{255}, step:2 Frequency Band Networking Management Interval Type 0~20, 255 {0~40}, UpdateMulti dB 1 Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell UpdateHCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure)Multi Frequency Band s Interval Type 0~31 0~31 Networking Management 1 Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -18 Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update Interval Type -58~-13 -115~-25, step:2 dBm -58 Intra RNC Cell Update Enumeration Type TRUE, FALSE TRUE, FALSE None FALSE Intra RNC Cell Update Interval Type -2~-1 -4~-2, step:2 None None Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update Interval Type -50~33 -50~33 dBm 24 Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell UpdateMulti Frequency Band Networking Management Interval Type -16~10, 127 {-32~20}, {127}, step:2 dB 5 Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell UpdateMulti Frequency Band Networking Management Interval Type -16~10, 127 {-32~20}, {127}, step:2 dB 4 Intra RNC Cell UpdateMulti Frequency Band Networking Management Interval Type -16~10, 127 {-32~20}, {127}, step:2 dB 5 Intra RNC Cell UpdateMulti Frequency Band Networking Management Interval Type -16~10, 127 {-32~20}, {127}, step:2 dB 4 Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell UpdateHCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure)Multi Frequency Band dB Interval Type -16~10, 127 {-32~20}, {127}, step:2 Networking Management 2 Intra RNC Cell Update Interval Type 0~10, 255 {0~1}, {255}, step:0.1 None 255 Intra RNC Cell Update Interval Type 4~19, 255 {1~4.75}, {255}, step:0.25 None 255 Intra RNC Cell Update Interval Type 4~19, 255 {1~4.75}, {255}, step:0.25 None 255 Intra RNC Cell Update Enumeration Type CONFIGURED, NOT_CONFIGURED CONFIGURED, NOT_CONFIGURED None NOT_CONFIGURED Intra RNC Cell Update Enumeration Type NotUsed, D30(30 seconds), D60(60 seconds), D120(120 seconds), D180(180 seconds), D240(240 seconds) NotUsed, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240 s NotUsed Intra RNC Cell Update Interval Type 1~16 1~16 None 8 Intra RNC Cell Update Enumeration Type NotUsed, D10(10 seconds), D20(20 seconds),40, s 60, 70 NotUsed, 10, 20, 30, D30(30 seconds), D40(40 seconds), D50(50 seconds), D60(60 seconds), D70(70 se 50, NotUsed Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell UpdateIntra RNC URA UpdateInter RNC URA{255} Interval Type 0~40, 255 {0~40}, UpdateMulti Frequency Band Networking Management dB 255 Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell UpdateMulti Frequency Band Networking Management Interval Type 0~40, 255 {0~40}, {255} dB 255 Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell UpdateIntra RNC URA UpdateInter RNC URA{255} Interval Type 0~40, 255 {0~40}, UpdateMulti Frequency Band Networking Management dB 255 Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell UpdateMulti Frequency Band Networking Management Interval Type 0~40, 255 {0~40}, {255} dB 255 Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update Interval Type 0~31, 255 {0~31}, {255} s 255 Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update Interval Type 0~31, 255 {0~6.2}, {255}, step:0.2 s 255 Intra RNC Cell Update Interval Type 0~7 0~7 None 4 Intra RNC Cell Update Interval Type 0~31 {0~62}, step:2 dB 2 Intra RNC Cell Update Interval Type 0~7 {0~7} dB 2 Intra RNC Cell Update Interval Type 0~31 {0~62}, step:2 dB 1
None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None System Information Broadcasting Type Bit Field SIB2, SIB4, SIB12, SIB18, SIB19, SIB11BIS SIB18, SIB19, SIB11BIS SIB2, SIB4, SIB12, None None None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Open Loop Power ControlInterval Type -10~5 -10~5 dB -7 Open Loop Power ControlInterval Type -22~5 -22~5 dB -6 Admission Control Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON None OFF Admission Control Interval Type 1~31 1~31 d 10 Inter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage 256 None Enumeration Type D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D256 64, 128, 8, 16, 32, D64 Inter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage 256 None Enumeration Type D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D256 64, 128, 8, 16, 32, D64 Inter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Enumeration Type WALKING_SPEED_AND_HOT_SPOT_CELL, MID_SPEED_AND_HOT_SPOT_CELL, HIGH_SPEED_AND_HOT_SPOT_CELL, L WALKING_SPEED_AND_HOT_SPOT_CELL, MID_SPEED_AND_HOT_SPOT_CELL, HIGH_SPEED_AN None WALKING_SPEED_AND_HOT_SPOT_CELL Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on CoverageInter-RAT HandoverTRUE(Limited) Enumeration Type FALSE(Not Limited), Based on Coverage FALSE, TRUE None FALSE Inter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage 256 None Enumeration Type D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D256 64, 128, 8, 16, 32, D8 Inter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter Frequency Hard Handover Based on CoverageHSDPANone Enumeration Type FALSE(Forbidden), TRUE(Permit) FALSE, TRUE Mobility ManagementHSUPA Mobility Management TRUE Inter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter Frequency Hard Handover Based on CoverageHSDPANone Enumeration Type Limited, Permit, BasedOnUECap(Based On UE Capability)ManagementHSUPA Mobility Management Limited, Permit, BasedOnUECap Mobility BasedOnUECap Inter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Enumeration Type FALSE(Forbidden), TRUE(Permit) FALSE, TRUE None FALSE 3GPP SpecificationsDynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC)IP-Based GSM and UMTS Co-Transmission on MBSC SideMOCN Introduction PackageRNC Node Redundancy Enumeration Type CS_DOMAIN, PS_DOMAIN CS_DOMAIN, PS_DOMAIN None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~255 0~1530 step:6 min 10 Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier)3GPP SpecificationsConversational QoS ClassInteractive QoS ClassIntegrityALLOWED Enumeration Type NOT_ALLOWED, ALLOWED NOT_ALLOWED, ALLOWED None ProtectionEncryptionATM over E1T1 on Iub InterfaceATM 3GPP Specifications Enumeration Type MODE1, MODE2 MODE1, MODE2 None MODE2 System Information Broadcasting Type Interval 6~9 6~9 None 6 RAN Sharing Introduction Interval Type PackageMOCN Introduction Package 0~3 0~3 None None 3GPP SpecificationsDynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC)IP-Based GSM and UMTS Co-Transmission on MBSC SideMOCN Introduction PackageRNC Node Redundancy Enumeration Type CS_DOMAIN, PS_DOMAIN CS_DOMAIN, PS_DOMAIN None None 3GPP Specifications Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON None None 3GPP Specifications Bit Field Type RSVDBIT1_BIT1, RSVDBIT1_BIT2, RSVDBIT1_BIT3, RSVDBIT1_BIT4, RSVDBIT1_BIT5, RSVDBIT1_BIT6, RSVDBIT1_BIT7, RS Each bit can be set ON or OFF None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 None 0 RAN Sharing Introduction Interval Type PackageMOCN Introduction Package 0~3 0~3 None None Domain Specific Access Control (DSAC) Enumeration Type PsBlk(BLOCK PS), CsAndPsBlk(BLOCK CS AND PS) PsBlk, CsAndPsBlk None None Domain Specific Access Control (DSAC) Interval Type 2~30 2~30 min None 3GPP Specifications Enumeration Type PRIM(Primary Operator),PRIM, SEC, OUTER, COMM SEC(Secondary Operator), OUTER(Outer Operator), COMM(Common Operator) None None RAN Sharing Introduction String Type PackageMOCN Introduction Package None 1~31 characters None None None String Type None 3 digits None None None String Type None 2~3 digits None None RAN Sharing Introduction Interval Type PackageMOCN Introduction Package 0~3, 5~31 0~3, 5~31 None None RAN Sharing Introduction Interval Type PackageMOCN Introduction Package 0~3 0~3 None None IP-Based GSM and UMTS Co-Transmission on MBSC SideLCS Classified ZonesDedicated Carrier for Each OperatorMOCN None Interval Type 0~3, 5~31 0~3, 5~31 None Introduction PackageRNC Node Redundancy MOCN Introduction Package Interval Type 0~31 0~31 None None MOCN Introduction PackageDedicated Carrier for Each Operator String Type None 1~31 characters None None MOCN Introduction PackageDedicated Type for Each OperatorRAN Sharing2, 3, 4 Enumeration Carrier ONE(One), TWO(Two), THREE(Three), PackageNone 1, Introduction FOUR(Four) None MOCN Introduction PackageDedicated Carrier for Each 5~31 Interval Type 0~3, OperatorRAN Sharing Introduction PackageNone 0~3, 5~31 None MOCN Introduction PackageDedicated Carrier for Each 5~31 Interval Type 0~3, OperatorRAN Sharing Introduction PackageNone 0~3, 5~31 None MOCN Introduction PackageDedicated Carrier for Each 5~31 Interval Type 0~3, OperatorRAN Sharing Introduction PackageNone 0~3, 5~31 None MOCN Introduction PackageDedicated Carrier for Each 5~31 Interval Type 0~3, OperatorRAN Sharing Introduction PackageNone 0~3, 5~31 None MOCN Introduction Package Interval Type 5~31, 255 5~31, 255 None 255 None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 s 180 Interactive and Background TrafficType on HSDPAHSDPA DRDInteractive0~180 Interval Class 0~180 and Background Traffic Class on HSUPAHSUPA 2ms TTIStreaming Traffic Class on HSDPAStreaming Tr s 5 HSUPA 2ms TTIHSUPA 2ms/10ms TTI HandoverSRB over HSUPASRB over HSDPADownlink 64 QAM22 MIMODownlink Enhanced L2CPC - DTX / DRXCPC - HS-SCCH less ope Interval Type 0~999 0~999 s 2 None Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 s 5 3GPP Specifications Enumeration Type D100, D200, D400, D600, D800, D1000, D1200, D1400,1200, 1400, 1600,D2000D3000, D4000, D6000, D8000 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, ms 1000, D1600, D1800, D2000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 6000, 8000 1800, 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~7 0~7 None 3 3GPP Specifications Enumeration Type D100, D200, D400, D1000, D2000 400, 1000, 2000 100, 200, ms D2000 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~7 0~7 None 3 3GPP Specifications Enumeration Type INFINITY, D5, D10, D30,INFINITY, 5, D360, D720None D60, D120, 10, 30, 60, 120, 360, 720 D30 3GPP Specifications Enumeration Type D5, D10, D15, D20, D30,5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50 s D40, D50 D30 3GPP Specifications Enumeration Type D40, D80, D160, D320 40, 80, 160, 320 ms D40 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~8 1~8 None 1 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~8 1~8 s 5 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~15 1~15 s 6 3GPP Specifications Enumeration Type D1, D2, D4, D10, D20, D50, D100, D200, D400, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000 D1 1, 2, 4, 10, 20, 50, 100, D600, D800, D1000 None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~15 0~15 s 3 3GPP Specifications Enumeration Type D1, D2, D4, D10, D20, D50, D100, D200 100, 200 1, 2, 4, 10, 20, 50, None D50 3GPP Specifications Enumeration Type D0, D2, D4, D6, D8, D12, D16, D20 12, 16, 20 s 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, D0 3GPP Specifications Enumeration Type D0, D10, D30, D60, D180, D600, D1200, D1800 1200, 1800 0, 10, 30, 60, 180, 600, s D0
3GPP Specifications Enumeration Type D1, D2, D4, D10, D20, D50, D100, D200, D400, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000 D1 1, 2, 4, 10, 20, 50, 100, D600, D800, D1000 None 3GPP Specifications Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D30, D40,0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, INFINITY D50, INFINITY s D30 3GPP Specifications Enumeration Type D0, D100, D200, D300, D400, D500, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, D1200, D1500, D2000 0, 100, 200, D600, D700, D800, D900, D1000, 1000, 1200, 1500, 2000 ms D600 3GPP Specifications Enumeration Type D1, D2, D3, D4 1, 2, 3, 4 None D1 3GPP Specifications Enumeration Type D0, D5, D10, D20, D30, D60, 10, 20, 30, 60, 90, 120, INVALID 0, 5, D90, D120, INVALID s INVALID Multiple RAB Package (PS RAB 2)Combination of Two PS ServicesCombination of One CS Service and Two PS ServicesCombination of Three PS ServicesCombination of One C Bit Field Type CFG_DL_BLIND_DETECTION_SWITCH, CFG_HSDPA_64QAM_SWITCH, CFG_HSDPA_DC_SWITCH, CFG_HSDPA_MIMO_S CFG_DL_BLIND_DETECTION_SWITCH, CFG_HSDPA_64QAM_SWITCH, CFG_HSDPA_DC_SWITCH, None None HSDPA State TransitionHSUPA DCCCHSUPA 2ms/10ms TTI HandoverActive Queue Management (AQM)Dynamic Channel None Bit Field Type DRA_AQM_SWITCH, DRA_BASE_ADM_CE_BE_TTI_L2_OPT_SWITCH, DRA_BASE_ADM_CE_BE_TTI_RECFG_SWITCH, DR DRA_AQM_SWITCH, DRA_BASE_ADM_CE_BE_TTI_L2_OPT_SWITCH, DRA_BASE_ADM_CE_BE_TT None Configuration Control (DCCC)Overbooking on ATM Trans TFO/TrFOAMR/WB-AMR Bit Field Rates Control CS_AMRC_SWITCH, CS_HANDOVER_TO_UTRAN_DEFAULT_CFG_SWITCH, CS_IUUP_V2_SUPPORT_SWITCH Speech Type CS_AMRC_SWITCH, CS_HANDOVER_TO_UTRAN_DEFAULT_CFG_SWITCH, CS_IUUP_V2_SUPPOR None None Outer Loop Power ControlInner Loop Power ControlDownlink Power BalanceHSUPA Power Control NonePC_DL_INNER_LOOP_PC_ACTIVE_SWITCH, PC_DOWNLINK_POWER_ Bit Field Type PC_CFG_ED_POWER_INTERPOLATION_SWITCH, PC_CFG_ED_POWER_INTERPOLATION_SWITCH, PC_DL_INNER_LOOP_PC_ACTIVE_SWITCH, PC None HSDPA Mobility ManagementHSUPA Mobility ManagementDC-HSDPAIntraCMP_IU_IMS_PROC_AS_NORMAL_PS_SWITCH, CMP_IU_QOS_ASYMMETRY_IND_COMPAT_SWIT Bit Field Type CMP_IU_IMS_PROC_AS_NORMAL_PS_SWITCH, CMP_IU_QOS_ASYMMETRY_IND_COMPAT_SWITCH, CMP_IU_SYSHOIN_ Node B Softer HandoverInter RNC Soft HandoverHCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure) None None HSUPA 2ms TTIStreaming Traffic Class on HSDPAStreaming Traffic Class MAP_HSUPA_TTI_2MS_SWITCH, MAP_INTER_RAT_PS_IN_CHANLE_LIMIT_SWITCH, MAP_PS_BE_ Bit Field Type MAP_HSUPA_TTI_2MS_SWITCH, MAP_INTER_RAT_PS_IN_CHANLE_LIMIT_SWITCH, MAP_PS_BE_ON_E_FACH_SWITCH, on HSUPADownlink Enhanced CELL_FACH None None Dynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC)RAB Quality of Service Renegotiation over Iu InterfacePS_BE_INIT_RATE_DYNAMIC_CFG_SWITCH, PS_BE_IU_QOS_NEG_SWIT Bit Field Type PS_BE_EXTRA_LOW_RATE_ACCESS_SWITCH, PS_BE_EXTRA_LOW_RATE_ACCESS_SWITCH, PS_BE_INIT_RATE_DYNAMIC_CFG_SWITCH, PS_B None None HSDPA DRDService Steering and Load Sharing in DR_RRC_DRD_SWITCH, DR_RAB_SING_DRD_SWITCH, DR_RAB_COMB_DRD_SWITCH Bit Field Type RRC Connection SetupIntra System Direct RetryInter System Direct RetryInter System Redirect DR_RRC_DRD_SWITCH, DR_RAB_SING_DRD_SWITCH, DR_RAB_COMB_DRD_SWITCH None None HSDPA Mobility ManagementHSUPA Mobility ManagementInter Frequency HO_ALGO_HCS_SPEED_EST_SWITCH, HO_ALGO_LDR_ALLOW_SHO_SWITCH, HO_ALGO_MBMS Bit Field Type HO_ALGO_HCS_SPEED_EST_SWITCH, HO_ALGO_LDR_ALLOW_SHO_SWITCH, HO_ALGO_MBMS_FLC_SWITCH, HO_ALG Load BalanceIntra Node None B Softer HandoverIntra Node B Softer HandoverInter RNC Soft HandoverIntra Fre None SRNS Relocation Introduction PackageSRNS Relocation (UE Not Involved)SRNS Relocation SRNSR_DSCR_LOC_SEPRAT_SWITCH,Cell/URA UpdateLossless SRNS Relocation Bit Field Type SRNSR_DSCR_IUR_RESRCE_SWITCH, with Hard HandoverSRNS Relocation with SRNSR_DSCR_PROPG_DELAY_SWITCH SRNSR_DSCR_IUR_RESRCE_SWITCH, SRNSR_DSCR_LOC_SEPRAT_SWITCH, SRNSR_DSCR_PR None None HSDPA Mobility ManagementHSUPA Mobility ManagementInter Frequency CMCF_DL_HLS_SWITCH, CMCF_UL_HLS_SWITCH, CMCF_UL_PRECFG_TOLERANCE_SWITCH, CM Bit Field Type CMCF_DL_HLS_SWITCH, CMCF_UL_HLS_SWITCH, CMCF_UL_PRECFG_TOLERANCE_SWITCH, CMCF_WITHOUT_UE_CA Hard Handover Based on CoverageInter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter Frequency Hard Handov None None None Bit Field Type RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT1, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT2, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT3, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT4, R RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT1, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT2, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT3, RESERV None None None Bit Field Type RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT1, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT2, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT3, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT4, R RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT1, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT2, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT3, RESERV None None None Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 None 0 None Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 None 4294967295 None Interval Type 0~255 0~255 None 0 None Interval Type 0~255 0~255 None 255 None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Transport Channel Management Type Interval 1~32 1~32 None None RAN Sharing Introduction Interval Type PackageMOCN Introduction Package 0~3 0~3 None None 3GPP SpecificationsShared Network Support in Connected Mode Interval Type 1~65533, 65535 {1~65533}, {65535} None None None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None LCS Classified Zones Interval Type 0~4799 0~4799 None None Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC) D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384 256, 384 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, kbit/s D64 Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC) D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384 256, 384 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, kbit/s D64 Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC) D0, D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144,64, 128, 144, 256, 384 0, 8, 16, 32, D256, D384 kbit/s D64 Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC) RATE_UP_AND_DOWN_ON_DCH, RATE_UP_ONLY_ON_DCH RATE_UP_AND_DOWN_ON_DCH, RATE_UP_ONLY_ON_DCH None RATE_UP_AND_DOWN_ON_DCH HSUPA DCCC Enumeration Type RATE_UP_AND_DOWN_ON_EDCH, RATE_UP_ONLY_ON_EDCH RATE_UP_AND_DOWN_ON_EDCH, RATE_UP_ONLY_ON_EDCH None RATE_UP_AND_DOWN_ON_EDCH Dynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC) 0~100 Interval Type 0~10, step: 0.1 dB 10 Dynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC) 0~100 Interval Type 0~10, step: 0.1 dB 20 Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC) 2_Rates, 3_Rates 2_Rates, 3_Rates None 3_Rates Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC) 2_Rates, 3_Rates 2_Rates, 3_Rates None 3_Rates Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC) AUTO_CALC, HAND_APPOINT 0, 1 None HAND_APPOINT Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC) D16, D32, D64, D128, D144,32, 64, 128, 144, 256, 384 16, D256, D384 kbit/s D128 Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC) 2_Rates, 3_Rates 2_Rates, 3_Rates None 3_Rates Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC) 2_Rates, 3_Rates 2_Rates, 3_Rates None 3_Rates Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC) AUTO_CALC, HAND_APPOINT 0, 1 None HAND_APPOINT Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC) D16, D32, D64, D128, D144,32, 64, 128, 144, 256, 384 16, D256, D384 kbit/s D128 Dynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC) 1~255 Interval Type 1~255 None 4 Dynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC) 1~65535 Interval Type 1~65535 s 60 Dynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC) 1~65535 Interval Type 1~65535 s 30 Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC) D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384 256, 384 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, kbit/s D64 Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC) D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384 256, 384 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, kbit/s D64 Dynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC) 1~1000 Interval Type 10~10000, step: 10 ms 100 Inter-RAT Redirection Based on Distance Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON None OFF Inter-RAT Redirection Based on Distance Interval Type 0~255 0~765, step: 3 chip 255 Inter-RAT Redirection Based on Distance Interval Type 0~100 0~100 % 50 Inter-RAT Redirection Based on Distance Interval Type 0~100 0~100 % 0 Overbooking on IP TransmissionOverbooking on ATM Transmission DL R99 congestion control is off), ON(The switch of DLOFF congestion control is on) Enumeration Type OFF(The switch of OFF, ON None R99 TCP Accelerator Bit Field Type TPE_DOWNLINK_SWITCH, TPE_UPLINK_SWITCH TPE_UPLINK_SWITCH TPE_DOWNLINK_SWITCH, None TPE_DOWNLINK_SWITCH:OFF,TPE_UPLINK_SWITC None Interval Type 1~100 10%~1000%, Step:10% % 10 None Enumeration Type Qos(Enable the countersQos, Spi, Spi(Enable theNone of QoS), QosAndSpi, BothOFF of SPI), QosAndSpi(Enable the counters of QoS and SPI), BothOFF(Dis counters Qos None Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 None 0 None Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 None 0 None Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 None 0 None Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 None 0 None Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 None 0 None Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 None 0 None Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 None 0
None Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 None 0 None Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 None 0 None Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 None 0 None Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 None 0 None Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 None 0 None Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 None 0 None Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 None 0 None Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 None 0 None Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 None 0 Inter System Direct Retry Interval Type 0~5 0~5 None 2 Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC Connection OFF Enumeration Type ON, Setup ON, OFF None OFF DRD Introduction Package Enumeration Type ON, OFF ON, OFF None OFF HSDPA DRD Enumeration Type ON, OFF ON, OFF None OFF DRD Introduction Package Enumeration Type UserNumber, Power Power, UserNumber None UserNumber Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC Connection SetupInter System Redirect Allowed_To_Inter_RAT Allowed_To_Inter_RAT Enumeration Type OFF, Only_To_Inter_Frequency, OFF, Only_To_Inter_Frequency, None Only_To_Inter_Frequency DRD Introduction Package Interval Type 0~100 0~100 % 10 HSDPA DRD Interval Type 0~100 0~100 % 10 DRD Introduction Package Interval Type 0~100 0~100 % 35 HSDPA DRD Interval Type 0~100 0~100 % 100 DRD Introduction Package Interval Type 0~100 0~100 % 30 DRD Introduction Package Enumeration Type ON, OFF ON, OFF None OFF DRD Introduction Package Interval Type 0~100 0~100 % 7 DRD Introduction Package Enumeration Type SF4, SF8, SF16, SF32, SF64,SF8, SF16, SF32, SF64, SF128, SF256 SF4, SF128, SF256 None SF8 DRD Introduction Package Interval Type 0~100 0~100 % 13 DRD Introduction PackageInter System Type Enumeration Redirect Band1, Band2, Band3, Band4, Band5, Band6, Band7, Band8, Band9, DependOnNCell,Band9, DependOnNCell, BandIndNotUsed Band1, Band2, Band3, Band4, Band5, Band6, Band7, Band8, BandIndNotUsed None DependOnNCell Inter System Redirect Enumeration Type TRUE, FALSE TRUE, FALSE None None Inter System Redirect Interval Type 0~16383 0~16383 None None Inter System Redirect Interval Type 0~16383 0~16383 None None Inter System Direct Retry Enumeration Type ON, OFF ON, OFF None OFF Inter System Direct Retry Interval Type 0~100 0~100 % 10 Inter System Direct Retry Interval Type 0~100 0~100 % 25 Inter System Direct Retry Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON None OFF Inter Frequency Load Balance Enumeration Type ON, OFF ON, OFF None OFF Inter Frequency Load Balance Enumeration Type ON, OFF ON, OFF None OFF Inter Frequency Load Balance Interval Type 0~30 0~30 None 10 Inter Frequency Load Balance Interval Type 0~30 0~30 None 10 Inter Frequency Load Balance Interval Type 0~30 0~30 None 25 Inter Frequency Load Balance Interval Type 0~30 0~30 None 17 Inter Frequency Load Balance Interval Type 0~30 0~30 None 15 Inter Frequency Load Balance Interval Type 0~30 0~30 None 25 Inter Frequency Load Balance Interval Type 0~30 0~30 None 20 Inter Frequency Load Balance Interval Type 0~30 0~30 None 15 Inter Frequency Load Balance Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, 0, 1,D7,3, 4, 5, 6,D11, D13, D15, 15, 17, 19 D6, 2, D8, D9, 7, 8, 9, None D17, D19 11, 13, None Inter Frequency Load Balance Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step: 10 ms None Inter Frequency Load Balance Enumeration Type TEN_MSEC, MIN TEN_MSEC, MIN None None Inter Frequency Load Balance Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step: 10 ms None Inter Frequency Load Balance Interval Type 1~60 1~60 min None Inter Frequency Load Balance Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step: 10 ms None Inter Frequency Load Balance Enumeration Type TEN_MSEC, MIN TEN_MSEC, MIN None None Inter Frequency Load Balance Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step: 10 ms None Inter Frequency Load Balance Interval Type 1~60 1~60 min None Domain Specific Access Control (DSAC) Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON None ON Domain Specific Access Control (DSAC) Enumeration Type FALSE, TRUE FALSE, TRUE None TRUE Domain Specific Access Control (DSAC) Enumeration Type FALSE, TRUE FALSE, TRUE None TURE Domain Specific Access Control (DSAC) Interval Type 1~16 1~16 None 2 Domain Specific Access Control (DSAC) Bit Field Type AC0(Access Class 0 Restriction), AC1(Access AC4, AC5, AC6, AC7,AC2(AccessAC10, AC11, AC12, AC13, AC14, AC15 3 Restr AC0, AC1, AC2, AC3, Class 1 Restriction), AC8, AC9, Class 2 Restriction), AC3(Access Class None None Domain Specific Access Control (DSAC) Interval Type 1~36000 0.01~360, step: 0.01 s 100 Domain Specific Access Control (DSAC) Interval Type 6~3600 6~3600 s 10 CPC - DTX / DRX Enumeration Type CONVERSATIONAL, STREAMING, INTERACTIVE, BACKGROUND, NBAMR, WBAMR CONVERSATIONAL, STREAMING, INTERACTIVE, BACKGROUND, NBAMR, WBAMR None None HSUPA Introduction Package Enumeration Type EDCH_10MS, EDCH_2MS EDCH_10MS, EDCH_2MS None None CPC - DTX / DRX Enumeration Type ON, OFF ON, OFF None ON CPC - DTX / DRX Enumeration Type D1, D4, D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D256 128, 256 1, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, None None CPC - DTX / DRX Enumeration Type D2, D4, D15 2, 4, 15 slot D2 CPC - DTX / DRX Enumeration Type D1, D2, D4, D8, D16, D32, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, INFINITY 1, D64, D128, D256, D512, INFINITY None None
CPC - DTX / DRX Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D4, D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D256,None INFINITY 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, INFINITY None D512, CPC - DTX / DRX Enumeration Type D1, D2, D5 1, 2, 5 None D1 CPC - DTX / DRX Enumeration Type D1, D2, D5 1, 2, 5 None D1 CPC - DTX / DRX Enumeration Type ON, OFF ON, OFF None ON CPC - DTX / DRX Enumeration Type D4, D5, D8, D10, D16, D205, 8, 10, 16, 20 4, None D5 CPC - DTX / DRX Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D4, D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D256,None 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 D512 D4 CPC - DTX / DRX Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D4, D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D256 None 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 D2 CPC - DTX / DRX Enumeration Type TRUE, FALSE TRUE, FALSE None TRUE CPC - DTX / DRX Enumeration Type D0, D2, D4, D8, D10, D20, 2, 4, 8, 10, D160, D16,ms 16, 32, 64 0, D40, D80, 20, 40, 80, 160, D64 D32, D2 CPC - DTX / DRX Enumeration Type D1, D4, D5, D8, D10, D16, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 20 1, D20 None D5 CPC - DTX / DRX Enumeration Type D4, D5, D8, D10, D16, D20, D32, D40, D64, D80,None80, 128, 160 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 20, 32, 40,D128, D160 64, D20 CPC - DTX / DRX Enumeration Type D1, D4, D5, D8, D10, D16, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 20 1, D20 None D5 HSUPA DCCCDynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC) RATE_16KBPS, RATE_32KBPS,None Bit Field Type RATE_8KBPS, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, 256, 384, 608, 1280, 2048, 2720, 5440, 11480 RATE_64KBPS, RATE_128KBPS, RATE_144KBPS, RATE_256KBPS, RATE_3 None None Enumeration Type Gold, Silver, Copper Gold, Silver, Copper None Gold None Interval Type 0~82 0~82 dB 3 None Interval Type 0~82 0~82 dB 3 None Interval Type 0~82 0~82 dB 4 None Interval Type 0~82 0~82 dB 4 None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage String Type None 1~64 characters None None Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~32 0~32 None None 3G/2G Common Load Management Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON None None Shared Network Support in Connected ModeDedicated Carrier for Each OperatorMOCN IntroductionNone String Type None 000~999 PackageLoad Based 3G-2G Handover Enhancement Based on Iur-g None Shared Network Support in Connected ModeDedicated Carrier for Each OperatorMOCN IntroductionNone String Type None 00~99, 000~999 PackageLoad Based 3G-2G Handover Enhancement Based on Iur-g None Inter RNC Soft HandoverMOCN Mobility Management Interval Type 0~31 0~31 None None 3GPP SpecificationsShared Network Support in Connected Mode Interval Type 1~65533, 65535 1~65533, 65535 None None SRNS Relocation Introduction PackageType Enumeration NOT_REQUIRE(Not configure RAC information), None NOT_REQUIRE, REQUIRE REQUIRE(Configure RAC information) None Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~255 0~255 None None Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~7 0~7 None None Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~7 0~7 None None Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~1023 0~1023 None None Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Enumeration Type GSM900_DCS1800_BAND_USED(Use GSM900M or 1800MPCS1900_BAND_USED GSM900_DCS1800_BAND_USED, frequency band), PCS1900_BAND_USED(Use GSM1900M frequenc None GSM900_DCS1800_BAND_USED Inter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter-RAT NO_CAPABILITY(Cell capability unknown), GSM,Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based on Load Enumeration Type Handover Based on DL QoSInter-RAT Handover None EDGE NO_CAPABILITY, GSM~1 GPRS~2 EDGE GPRS, None HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure)Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update Enumeration Type USED(HCS cell), NOT_USED(Non HCS cell) USED, NOT_USED None NOT_USED HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure)Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update Interval Type 0~7 0~7 None 0 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure)Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update Interval Type 0~99 When CPICH Ec/No (FDD) is employed, unit for Qhcs is dB, physical value for each parameter value is:0: dB/ dBm 20 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Enumeration Type NC0, NC1, NC2, RESETNC0, NC1, NC2, RESETNone NC0 NACC(Network Assisted Cell Change)NACC Procedure Optimization Based on Iur-g between GSM and UMTS Enumeration Type FALSE, TRUE FALSE, TRUE None FALSE PS Handover Between UMTS and GPRS Enumeration Type FALSE, TRUE FALSE, TRUE None FALSE Inter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter-RAT -50~50 Interval Type Handover Based on DL QoSInter-RAT Handover Based on Service -50~50 dB 0 None Interval Type 0~4095 0~4095 None None None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None RNC Node Redundancy Enumeration Type SINGLE_HOST, DOUBLE_HOST SINGLE_HOST, DOUBLE_HOST None SINGLE_HOST None String Type None 1~64 characters None None Inter RNC Soft HandoverMOCN Mobility Management Interval Type 0~31 0~31 None None None Interval Type 0~511 0~511 None None Operating Multi-band Enumeration Type Band1, Band2, Band3, Band4, Band5, Band6, Band7, Band8, Band9, BandIndNotUsedBand9, BandIndNotUsed Band1, Band2, Band3, Band4, Band5, Band6, Band7, Band8, None None None Enumeration Type TRUE, FALSE TRUE, FALSE None None None Interval Type 0~16383 0~16383 None None None Interval Type 0~16383 0~16383 None None Physical Channel ManagementRRU Redundancy TRUE, FALSE Enumeration Type TRUE, FALSE None None 3GPP SpecificationsShared Network Support in Connected Mode Interval Type 1~65533, 65535 1~65533, 65535 None None SRNS Relocation Introduction PackageType Enumeration NOT_REQUIRE(Not configure RAC information), None NOT_REQUIRE, REQUIRE REQUIRE(Configure RAC information) None None Interval Type 0~255 0~255 None None Inter RNC Cell Update Enumeration Type TRUE(Configure the minimum quality threshold), FALSE(Not configure the minimum quality threshold) TRUE, FALSE None FALSE Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB None Inter RNC Cell Update Enumeration Type TRUE(Configure the minimum signal level for access), FALSE(Not configure the minimum signal level for access) TRUE, FALSE None FALSE Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update Interval Type -58~-13 -58~-13 dBm None Inter RNC Cell Update Enumeration Type TRUE, FALSE TRUE, FALSE None FALSE Inter RNC Cell Update Interval Type -2~-1 -4~-2, Step:2 dBm None None Enumeration Type TRUE(Configure the maximum uplink power of UE), FALSE(Not configure the maximum uplink power of UE) TRUE, FALSE None FALSE Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update Interval Type -50~33 -50~33 dBm None HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure)Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update Enumeration Type USED(HCS cell), NOT_USED(Non HCS cell) USED, NOT_USED None NOT_USED
HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure)Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update Interval Type 0~7 0~7 None 0 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure)Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update Interval Type 0~99 When CPICH Ec/No (FDD) is employed, unit for Qhcs is dB, physical value for each parameter value is:0: dB/ dBm 20 None Enumeration Type FALSE, TRUE TRUE, FALSE None FALSE Physical Channel Management Enumeration Type STTD_Supported, STTD_not_Supported STTD_not_Supported STTD_Supported, None STTD_not_Supported Physical Channel Management Enumeration Type CP1_Supported, CP1_not_Supported CP1_Supported, CP1_not_Supported None CP1_not_Supported Open Loop Power ControlEnumeration Type OFFSET1, OFFSET2 OFFSET1, OFFSET2 None OFFSET1 Physical Channel Management Enumeration Type None, STTD, CP1 None, STTD, CP1 None None SRB over HSDPA Enumeration Type None, STTD None, STTD None None 22 MIMO Enumeration Type None, STTD, CP1 None, STTD, CP1 None None SRB over HSDPA Enumeration Type None, STTD None, STTD None None HSDPA Introduction Package Enumeration Type None, STTD None, STTD None None Inter RNC Soft HandoverDirect Signaling Connection Re-establishment (DSCR) Bit Field Type DELAY_ACTIVATION_SUPPORT(delay activation support indication), HSDSCH_SUPPORT(HSDSCH support indication), FDPCH DELAY_ACTIVATION_SUPPORT, HSDSCH_SUPPORT, FDPCH_SUPPORT, EDCH_SUPPORT, EDCH None None None Enumeration Type FORBIDDEN, NOT_FORBIDDEN FORBIDDEN, NOT_FORBIDDEN None NOT_FORBIDDEN None Enumeration Type Mode0, Mode1 Mode0, Mode1 None Mode0 Intra Node B Softer HandoverIntraType B Softer HandoverInter RNC Soft HandoverInter FrequencydB Interval Node -20~20 -10~10, step:0.5 Hard Handover Based on CoverageInter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL 0 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Enumeration Type TRUE, FALSE TRUE, FALSE None None SRNS Relocation Introduction PackageType Enumeration TRUE, FALSE TRUE, FALSE None FALSE None Enumeration Type TRUE, FALSE TRUE, FALSE None FALSE None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~255 0~255 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~32 1~32 None None Transport Channel Management Type Interval 1~256 1~256 None 230 Physical Channel Management Type Interval 0~1279 0~1279 ms 35 Physical Channel Management Type Interval 0~2559 0~2559 ms 10 Open Loop Power ControlInterval Type -350~150 -35~15, step: 0.1 dB 10 Logical Channel Management Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, 0, 1,D7,3, 4, 5, 6,D10, D11, D12, 12, 13, 14, D15 D15 D6, 2, D8, D9, 7, 8, 9, None D13, D14, 15 10, 11, Logical Channel Management Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, 0, 1,D7,3, 4, 5, 6,D10, D11, D12, 12, 13, 14, D15 D14 D6, 2, D8, D9, 7, 8, 9, None D13, D14, 15 10, 11, Logical Channel Management Enumeration Type FALSE, TRUE FALSE, TRUE None TRUE Transport Channel Management Enumeration Type NO_CODING, CONVOLUTIONAL, TURBO NO_CODING, CONVOLUTIONAL, TURBO None CONVOLUTIONAL Transport Channel Management Enumeration Type D1/2, D1/3 1/2, 1/3 None D1/2 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Enumeration Type CONVERSATIONAL, STREAMING, INTERACTIVE, BACKGROUND CONVERSATIONAL, STREAMING, INTERACTIVE, BACKGROUND None None Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Enumeration Type GOLD, SILVER, COPPER GOLD, SILVER, COPPER None None Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Type Interval 1~1000 1~1000 kbit/s None None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~32 1~32 None None Transport Channel Management Type Interval 0~4992 0~4992 bit None Transport Channel Management Enumeration Type D1, D2, D3 1, 2, 3 None None Transport Channel Management Type Interval 0~512 0~512 None None Transport Channel Management Type Interval 0~512 0~512 None 1 Transport Channel Management Type Interval 0~512 0~512 None 2 None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~32 1~32 None None Inner Loop Power Control Interval Type 0~24 0~6, step: 0.25 dB 12 Open Loop Power ControlInterval Type -350~150 -35~15, step:0.1 dB -30 SRB over HSDPA Interval Type -350~150 -35~15, step:0.1 dB -200 Open Loop Power ControlInterval Type -35~-10 -35~-10 dB -22 Inner Loop Power Control Enumeration Type ALGORITHM1, ALGORITHM2 ALGORITHM1, ALGORITHM2 None ALGORITHM1 Inner Loop Power Control Interval Type 1~2 1~2 dB 1 Inner Loop Power Control Enumeration Type STEPSIZE_0.5DB, STEPSIZE_1DB, STEPSIZE_1.5DB, STEPSIZE_2DBSTEPSIZE_1DB 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 dB Inner Loop Power Control Enumeration Type SINGLE_TPC, TPC_TRIPLET_IN_SOFT, TPC_AUTO_ADJUST TPC_AUTO_ADJUST SINGLE_TPC, TPC_TRIPLET_IN_SOFT, None SINGLE_TPC None Enumeration Type ON, OFF OFF, ON None ON None Interval Type 10~25 0.4~1, step: 0.04 None 11 Paging UE in Idle, CELL_PCH, URA_PCH State (Type 1)Paging UE in CELL_FACH, CELL_DCH State (Type 2) Interval Type 3~9 3~9 None 6 Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC) D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384 256, 384 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, kbit/s D64 Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC) D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384 256, 384 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, kbit/s D64 Streaming Traffic Class on HSUPA Enumeration Type SCHEDULED, NON-SCHEDULED SCHEDULED, NON-SCHEDULED None NON-SCHEDULED HSUPA Introduction Package Enumeration Type D10, D20, D50, D100, D200,20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 10, D500, D1000 ms D50 HSUPA Introduction Package Enumeration Type D2, D10, D20, D50, D100, D200, D500, D1000 500, 1000 2, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, ms D50 HSUPA Introduction Package Enumeration Type D10, D20, D50, D100, D200,20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 10, D500, D1000 ms D100 HSUPA Introduction Package Enumeration Type D2, D10, D20, D50, D100, D200, D500, D1000 500, 1000 2, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, ms D100 HSUPA DCCC Enumeration Type D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384, D608, 384, 608, 1280, D2720, D5440 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, 256, D1280, D2048, 2048, 2720, 5440 kbit/s D256 HSDPA Introduction Package Enumeration Type D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384 256, 384 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, kbit/s D128 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB OFF, ON Enumeration Type Assignment OFF, ON None OFF 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB D32, D64 Enumeration Type Assignment 32, 64 kbit/s D32
VoIP over HSPA/HSPA+ Enumeration Type EDCH_TTI_10ms, EDCH_TTI_2ms EDCH_TTI_10ms, EDCH_TTI_2ms None EDCH_TTI_10ms Streaming Traffic Class on HSUPAHSUPA 2ms TTI D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384, D608 384, 608 Enumeration Type D8, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, 256, kbit/s D384 Interactive and Background Traffic Class on HSUPAHSUPA D32, TTI D128, D144, D256, D384, D608, 384, 608, 1280, D27202720 Enumeration Type D8, D16, 2ms D64, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, 256, D1280, D2048, 2048, kbit/s None 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB 0~49 Interval Type Assignment -24.5~0, step:0.5 dB 41 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB 0~65535 Interval Type Assignment 0~65535 ms 5000 Downlink Enhanced L2 Interval Type 4~1504 4~1504 byte 502 Downlink Enhanced L2 Interval Type 4~402 4~402 byte 302 Downlink Enhanced L2 Interval Type 4~402 4~402 byte 42 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Type Interval 4~1504 4~1504 byte 42 HSPA+ Downlink 28Mbps Enumeration Type per UserHSPA+ Downlink 21Mbps per UserDownlink 64 64QAM MIMO None MIMO, 64QAM MIMO, QAM22 MIMO CPC - DTX / DRX Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D4, D8, D16, D32, D64, D128 64, 128 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, frame D32 SRB over HSDPAHSUPA Bit Field Type over HSUPADownlink Enhanced L2Downlink 64 QAM22 SRB_OVER_HSUPA, TTI_2MS, MIMO, 64QAM, L2_ENHANCE, DTX_DRX, HSSC 2ms TTISRB SRB_OVER_HSDPA, SRB_OVER_HSUPA, TTI_2MS, MIMO, 64QAM, DL_L2_ENHANCE, DTX_DRX, HSSCCH_LESS_OPERAT SRB_OVER_HSDPA, MIMOCPC - DTX / DRXCPC - HS-SCCH less operationDC-HSDPA None None HSDPA Introduction PackageHSUPA Introduction Package Enumeration Type SLOT_FORMAT_1, SLOT_FORMAT_4 SLOT_FORMAT_1, SLOT_FORMAT_4 None SLOT_FORMAT_1 CS voice over HSPA/HSPA+ Enumeration Type EDCH_TTI_10ms, EDCH_TTI_2ms EDCH_TTI_10ms, EDCH_TTI_2ms None EDCH_TTI_10ms CS voice over HSPA/HSPA+ Interval Type -100~100 -100~100 ms 5 CS voice over HSPA/HSPA+ Interval Type -100~100 -100~100 ms 5 IMS Signaling over HSPAEnumeration Type SCHEDULED, NON-SCHEDULED SCHEDULED, NON-SCHEDULED None SCHEDULED SRB over HSUPA Enumeration Type SCHEDULED, NON-SCHEDULED SCHEDULED, NON-SCHEDULED None SCHEDULED HSPA+ Downlink 28Mbps Enumeration Type per UserHSPA+ Downlink 21Mbps per UserDC-HSDPA MIMO_64QAM, DC_HSDPA MIMO_64QAM, DC_HSDPA None DC_HSDPA None Interval Type 1~15 1~15 None 1 None Enumeration Type NOT_TRIGGER, TRIGGER NOT_TRIGGER, TRIGGER None NOT_TRIGGER None Enumeration Type NOT_PRE_EMPTABLE,NOT_PRE_EMPTABLE,None PRE_EMPTABLE PRE_EMPTABLE NOT_PRE_EMPTABLE None Enumeration Type NOT_ALLOWED, ALLOWED NOT_ALLOWED, ALLOWED None NOT_ALLOWED None Interval Type 3~9 3~9 None 5 None Enumeration Type EDCH_TTI_10ms, EDCH_TTI_2ms EDCH_TTI_10ms, EDCH_TTI_2ms None EDCH_TTI_2ms Differentiated Service Based on SPI Weight Interval Type 1~100 1~100 % 100 CS voice over HSPA/HSPA+ Enumeration Type DCH(UL_DCH,DL_DCH), HSPA(UL_EDCH,DL_HSDSCH) DCH, HSPA None DCH VoIP over HSPA/HSPA+ Enumeration Type DCH(UL_DCH,DL_DCH), HSDPA(UL_DCH,DL_HSDSCH), HSPA(UL_EDCH,DL_HSDSCH) DCH, HSDPA, HSPA None DCH None Enumeration Type DCH(UL_DCH,DL_DCH), HSDPA(UL_DCH,DL_HSDSCH), HSPA(UL_EDCH,DL_HSDSCH) DCH, HSDPA, HSPA None HSPA IMS Signaling over HSPAEnumeration Type DCH(UL_DCH,DL_DCH), HSDPA(UL_DCH,DL_HSDSCH), HSPA(UL_EDCH,DL_HSDSCH) DCH, HSDPA, HSPA None DCH 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB DCH(UL_DCH,DL_DCH), HSDPA(UL_DCH,DL_HSDSCH), HSUPA(UL_EDCH,DL_DCH), HSPA(UL_EDCH,DL_HSDSCH) Enumeration Type Assignment DCH, HSDPA, HSUPA, HSPA None DCH 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB TRUE, FALSE Enumeration Type Assignment TRUE, FALSE None FALSE UE State in Connected Mode (CELL-DCH, CELL-PCH,D16 Enumeration Type D8, URA-PCH, CELL-FACH) 8, 16 kbit/s D8 UE State in Connected Mode (CELL-DCH, CELL-PCH,D16 Enumeration Type D8, URA-PCH, CELL-FACH) 8, 16 kbit/s D8 HSDPA Introduction PackageStreamingType Class on HSDPA D64, D128, D144, D256, D384 256, 384 Enumeration Traffic D8, D16, D32, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, kbit/s D64 HSDPA Introduction PackageInteractiveType Background Traffic Class on HSDPA 32,D256, D384, D512, 384, 512, 768, D1536, D1800, D2048, D3600, D7200, D8640, D10100, D1390 Enumeration and D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, 64, 128, 144, 256, D768, D1024, 1024,D64 1800, 2048, 3600, 7200, 8640, 10100, 13900 8, 16, kbit/s 1536, HSUPA Introduction PackageStreamingType Class on HSUPA D64, D128, D144, D256, D384 256, 384 Enumeration Traffic D8, D16, D32, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, kbit/s D256 HSUPA Introduction PackageInteractiveType Background Traffic Class on HSUPA 32,D256, D384, D608, 384, 608, 1280, D2720, D5440 Enumeration and D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, 64, 128, 144, 256, D1280, D2048, 2048, 2720, 5440 8, 16, kbit/s D608 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure) Type Interval 0~511 0~511 s 180 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure) Type Interval 1~16 1~16 None 15 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure) Type Interval 0~255 0~255 s 60 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure) Type Interval 0~511 0~511 s 240 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure) Type Interval 1~16 1~16 None 3 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure) Type Interval 0~120 0~120 s 10 Intra Node B Softer HandoverIntra Node B Softer HandoverInterchooses whether MUST, MUST_NOT one Enumeration Type MAY(NodeB RNC Soft Handover MAY, combine at NodeB), MUST(Must combine at NodeB), MUST_NOT(Must combine at RNC) N MAY HSDPA Mobility ManagementHSUPA Mobility Management Interval Type 0~1024 0~1024 s 0 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on CoverageInter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Enumeration Type COEXIST_MEAS_THD_CHOICE_INTERFREQ(Choosing the inter-frequency oriented parameters), COEXIST_MEAS_THD_CHOI COEXIST_MEAS_THD_CHOICE_INTERFREQ, COEXIST_MEAS_THD_CHOICE_INTERRAT None COEXIST_MEAS_THD_CHOICE_INTERFREQ HSUPA Mobility Management Interval Type 1~4 1~4 None 3 HSDPA Mobility ManagementHSUPA Mobility Management Interval Type 0~120 0~120 s 30 CPC - HS-SCCH less operation Enumeration Type CONVERSATIONAL, STREAMING, INTERACTIVE, BACKGROUND, NBAMR, WBAMR CONVERSATIONAL, STREAMING, INTERACTIVE, BACKGROUND, NBAMR, WBAMR None None CPC - HS-SCCH less operation Enumeration Type NOTUSED, USED NOTUSED, USED None None None Enumeration Type BIT_ALIGN(Bit aligned mode), OCTET_ALIGN(Octet aligned mode) BIT_ALIGN, OCTET_ALIGN None None CPC - HS-SCCH less operation Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D3, D4 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 None None CPC - HS-SCCH less operation Enumeration Type D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, 1, 2,D8,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, D16,None D18, D19, D20,23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, D25, D26, D D7, 3, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14, D15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, D21, D22, D23, D24, 29, 30, 31, 3 None D17, CPC - HS-SCCH less operation Enumeration Type FALSE, TRUE FALSE, TRUE None None CPC - HS-SCCH less operation Enumeration Type D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, 1, 2,D8,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, D16,None D18, D19, D20,23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, D25, D26, D D7, 3, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14, D15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, D21, D22, D23, D24, 29, 30, 31, 3 None D17, CPC - HS-SCCH less operation Enumeration Type FALSE, TRUE FALSE, TRUE None None CPC - HS-SCCH less operation Enumeration Type D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, 1, 2,D8,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, D16,None D18, D19, D20,23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, D25, D26, D D7, 3, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14, D15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, D21, D22, D23, D24, 29, 30, 31, 3 None D17, CPC - HS-SCCH less operation Enumeration Type FALSE, TRUE FALSE, TRUE None None CPC - HS-SCCH less operation Enumeration Type D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, 1, 2,D8,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, D16,None D18, D19, D20,23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, D25, D26, D D7, 3, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14, D15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, D21, D22, D23, D24, 29, 30, 31, 3 None D17, CPC - HS-SCCH less operation Enumeration Type FALSE, TRUE FALSE, TRUE None None 3GPP Specifications Enumeration Type D100, D200, D400, D600, D800, D1000, D1200, D1400,1200, 1400, 1600,D2000D3000, D4000, D6000, D8000 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, ms 1000, D1600, D1800, D2000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 6000, 8000 1800, 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~7 0~7 None 3 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~15 1~15 s 6
3GPP Specifications Enumeration Type D1, D2, D4, D10, D20, D50, D100, D200, D400, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000 D1 1, 2, 4, 10, 20, 50, 100, D600, D800, D1000 None Fast Dormancy Enhancement Enumeration Type Fast_Dormancy, HSDPA_RB_Setup_Cmp_CRC None Fast_Dormancy, HSDPA_RB_Setup_Cmp_CRC None Fast Dormancy Enhancement Interval Type 0~99999999 0~99999999 None None Fast Dormancy Enhancement Type String None 1~64 length of byte None None Fast Dormancy Enhancement Enumeration Type OFF, ON ON, OFF None OFF Fast Dormancy Enhancement Bit Field Type FD_P2D_SWITCH, RSVDBIT1_BIT2, RSVDBIT1_BIT3, RSVDBIT1_BIT4, RSVDBIT1_BIT5, RSVDBIT1_BIT6, RSVDBIT1_BIT7, R This parameter is set to 0 or 1 according to the related domains. None None RAN Sharing Introduction Interval Type PackageMOCN Introduction Package 0~3 0~3 None None IMSI Based Handover String Type None 15-bit decimal numerals None None IMSI Based Handover String Type None 15-bit decimal numerals None None Shared Network Support in Connected ModeDedicated Carrier for Each OperatorMOCN IntroductionNone String Type None 000~999 PackageLoad Based 3G-2G Handover Enhancement Based on Iur-g None Shared Network Support in Connected ModeDedicated Carrier for Each OperatorMOCN IntroductionNone String Type None 00~99, 000~999 PackageLoad Based 3G-2G Handover Enhancement Based on Iur-g None Shared Network Support in Connected ModeIMSI Based Handover Enumeration Type TRUE, FALSE TRUE, FALSE None None Shared Network Support in Connected Mode Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Enumeration Type PERIODICAL_REPORTING(Periodical reporting), EVENT_TRIGGER(Event trigger) PERIODICAL_REPORTING, EVENT_TRIGGER PERIODICAL_REPORTING None Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on CoverageInter Frequency Hard HandoverD8, 5, 6,D11, D13, D15, 15, 17, 19 Cell Structure) Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, 0, 1,D7,3,Based on DL 9, None (Hierarchical D6, 2, 4, D9, 7, 8, QoSHCS D17, D19 11, 13, D3 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Enumeration Type NON_PERIODIC_REPORT(Non periodical reporting),250, 500,D500~2 D1000~3 D2000~4 D3000~5 D4000~6 D6000~7 D8000~8 NON_PERIODIC_REPORT, D250~1 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 6000, 8000, 12000, 16000, 20000, 24000, ms D500 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~29 0~14.5, step:0.5 dB/ dBm 4 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~29 0~14.5, step:0.5 dB/ dBm 4 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~29 0~14.5, step:0.5 dB/ dBm 4 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~29 0~14.5, step:0.5 dB/ dBm 0 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~20 0~2, step:0.1 None 0 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on CoverageInter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoS Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D0 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 Enumeration Type D0, D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D320 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 Enumeration Type D0, D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D1280 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~64000 0~64000 ms 0 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -14 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -12 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -14 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -14 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -12 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -12 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -95 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -92 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -95 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -95 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -92 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -92 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -12 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -12 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -12 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -92 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -92 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -92 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -12 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -12 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -12 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -92 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -92 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -92 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on CoverageInter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoSHCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure) Interval Type 0~512 0~512 s 60 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on CoverageInter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoS Interval Type 1~64 500~32000, step:500 ms 1 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on CoverageInter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoS Interval Type 0~63 0~62, 63: Infinity None 4 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~1000 0~1000 ms 0 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on CoverageInter Frequency Hard HandoverD8, 5, 6,D11, D13, D15, 15, 17, 19 Cell Structure) Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, 0, 1,D7,3,Based on DL 9, None (Hierarchical D6, 2, 4, D9, 7, 8, QoSHCS D17, D19 11, 13, D3 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure) Type Interval 0~29 0~14.5, step:0.5 dB 6 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure) Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D640 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure) Type Interval -24~0 -24~0 dB -16 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on CoverageInter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoSHCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure) Interval Type 0~512 0~512 s 60 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure) Type Interval 1~64 500~32000, step:500 ms 4 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure) Type Interval 0~63 0~62, 63: Infinity None 1 None Interval Type 0~4095 0~4095 None None Intra Node B Softer Handover Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None None Interval Type 0~4095 0~4095 None None None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None
Intra Node B Softer HandoverIntraType B Softer HandoverInter RNC Soft HandoverInter FrequencydB Interval Node -20~20 -10~10, step:0.5 Hard Handover Based on CoverageInter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL 0 Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update Enumeration Type FALSE(Do not send), TRUE(Send) FALSE, TRUE None TRUE Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update Interval Type -50~50 -50~50 dB 0 Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update Interval Type -50~50 -50~50 dB 0 Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update Enumeration Type FALSE(Do not send), TRUE(Send) FALSE, TRUE None FALSE Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update Interval Type -50~50 -50~50 dB 0 Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update Interval Type -50~50 -50~50 dB 0 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure)Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter D20, D30, Update10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 s Enumeration Type D0, D10, RNC Cell D40,0, D50, D60 D0 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure)Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, INFINITY Enumeration Type D3~0 D6~1 D9~2 D12~33, D15~4 D18~5 D21~6 INFINITY dB D3 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure)Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, INFINITY Enumeration Type D2~0 D3~1 D4~2 D6~3 D8~4 D10~5 D12~6 INFINITY 2, dB D2 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~3 0~3 None 2 Inter Frequency Load BalanceHCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure) Enumeration Type FALSE, TRUE FALSE, TRUE None FALSE Inter Frequency Load BalanceHCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure) Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -92 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInter RNCType HandoverInterTRUE Enumeration Soft FALSE, Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage FALSE, TRUE None FALSE Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~63 0~63 None None Intra System Direct Retry Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -18 None Enumeration Type FALSE(Do not send), TRUE(Send) FALSE, TRUE None FALSE None Interval Type 0~15 0~15 None 0 None Enumeration Type FALSE(Do not send), TRUE(Send) FALSE, TRUE None FALSE Inter RNC Cell Update Enumeration Type FALSE(Not Configure the Qqualmin and Qrxlevmin), TRUE(Configure the Qqualmin and Qrxlevmin) FALSE, TRUE None FALSE Inter RNC Cell Update Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -24 Inter RNC Cell Update Interval Type -58~-13 -115~-25 dBm -58 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Enumeration Type PERIODICAL_REPORTING(Periodical reporting), EVENT_TRIGGER(Event trigger) PERIODICAL_REPORTING, EVENT_TRIGGER PERIODICAL_REPORTING None Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, 0, 1,D7,3, 4, 5, 6,D11, D13, D15, 15, 17, 19 D6, 2, D8, D9, 7, 8, 9, None D17, D19 11, 13, D3 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Enumeration Type CPICH_EC/NO, CPICH_RSCP, AUTO CPICH_RSCP, AUTO CPICH_EC/NO, None AUTO Inter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter-RAT D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, 0, 1,D7,3, 4, 5, 6,D11, D13, D15, 15, 17, 19 Enumeration Type Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based on Load D6, 2, D8, D9, 7, 8, 9, None D17, D19 11, 13, D3 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~20 0~2, step:0.1 None 0 Inter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter-RAT NON_PERIODIC_REPORT(Non periodical reporting),250, 500,D500~2 D1000~3 D2000~4 D3000~5 D4000~6 D6000~7 D8000~8 Enumeration Type Handover Based on DL QoS NON_PERIODIC_REPORT, D250~1 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 6000, 8000, 12000, 16000, 20000, 24000, ms D1000 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~29 0~14.5, step:0.5 dB/ dBm 4 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~29 0~14.5, step:0.5 dB/ dBm 4 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~15 0~7.5, step:0.5 dB 4 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~15 0~7.5, step:0.5 dB 0 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D320 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D1280 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D0 Inter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter-RAT 0~64000, 65535 on DL QoS Interval Type Handover Based 0~64000, 65535 ms 0 Inter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter-RAT 0~64000 Based on DL QoS Interval Type Handover 0~64000 ms 0 Inter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter-RAT REQUIRED(Verify mode), NOT_REQUIRE(Non-verify mode) Enumeration Type Handover Based on ServiceInter-RATNOT_REQUIRE on Load REQUIRED, Handover Based None REQUIRED Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -14 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -12 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -15 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -15 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -13 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -13 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -100 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -97 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -110 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -110 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -107 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -107 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~63 lower than -110, -110~-48(Actual value meets the condition: Actual Value = GUI Value - 111) dBm 16 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~63 lower than -110, -110~-48(Actual value meets the condition: Actual Value = GUI Value - 111) dBm 16 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~63 lower than -110, -110~-48(Actual value meets the condition: Actual Value = GUI Value - 111) dBm 16 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -12 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -13 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -13 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -97 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -107 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -107 Inter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter-RAT 0~512 Interval Type Handover Based on DL QoSInter-RAT Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based on Load 0~512 s 60 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 s 0 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~15 0~7.5, step:0.5 dBm 0 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 1~64 500~32000, step:500 ms 1 Inter-RAT Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 0~63 0~62, 63: Infinity None 4
Inter-RAT Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based on Load 0~63 Interval Type 0~63 None 3 Inter-RAT Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based on Load 0~65535 Interval Type 0~65535 s 30 Inter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter-RAT D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, 0, 1,D7,3, 4, 5, 6,D11, D13, D15, 15, 17, 19 Enumeration Type Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based on Load D6, 2, D8, D9, 7, 8, 9, None D17, D19 11, 13, D3 Inter-RAT Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based on Load 0~7.5, step:0.5 Interval Type 0~15 dB 0 Inter-RAT Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, on Load D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D640 Inter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter-RAT REQUIRED(Verify mode), NOT_REQUIRE(Non-verify mode) Enumeration Type Handover Based on ServiceInter-RATNOT_REQUIRE on Load REQUIRED, Handover Based None REQUIRED Inter-RAT Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based on Load lower than -110, -110~-48(Actual value meets the condition: Actual Value = GUI Value - 111) Interval Type 0~63 dBm 21 Inter-RAT Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based on Load lower than -110, -110~-48(Actual value meets the condition: Actual Value = GUI Value - 111) Interval Type 0~63 dBm 21 Inter-RAT Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based on Load 1~16 Interval Type 1~16 None 16 Inter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter-RAT 0~512 Interval Type Handover Based on DL QoSInter-RAT Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based on Load 0~512 s 60 Inter-RAT Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based on Load OFF, ON Enumeration Type OFF, ON None OFF Inter-RAT Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based on Load OFF, ON Enumeration Type OFF, ON None ON Inter-RAT Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based on LoadLoad Based 3G-2G Handover Enhancement Based on Iur-g Interval Type 0~100 0~100 % 80 Inter-RAT Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based on LoadLoad Based 3G-2G Handover Enhancement Based on Iur-g Interval Type 0~100 0~100 % 60 Inter-RAT Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based on Load 500~32000, step:500 Interval Type 1~64 ms 4 Inter-RAT Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based on Load 0~62, 63: Infinity Interval Type 0~63 None 1 Inter-RAT Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based on Load 0~63 Interval Type 0~63 None 3 Inter-RAT Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Based on Load 0~65535 Interval Type 0~65535 s 30 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInter RNCType HandoverD1, D2, D3, D4, D5, 0, 1,D7,3, 4, 5, 6,D11, D13, D15, 15, 17, 19 Enumeration Soft D0, D6, 2, D8, D9, 7, 8, 9, None D17, D19 11, 13, D3 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInter RNCType Handover Enumeration Soft CPICH_EC/NO, CPICH_RSCP CPICH_EC/NO, CPICH_RSCP None CPICH_EC/NO Intra Node B Softer HandoverInter RNCType Handover D2~1 D4~2 D8~3 D16~4 D32~532, 64, INFINITY Enumeration Soft D1~0 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, D64~6 INFINITY None D16 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInter RNCType Handover Enumeration Soft NON_PERIODIC_REPORT, D250~1 D500~2 D1000~3 D2000~4 D4000~5 D8000~6 D16000 NON_PERIODIC_REPORT, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000 ms D4000 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInter RNCType Handover D2~1 D4~2 D8~3 D16~4 D32~532, 64, INFINITY Enumeration Soft D1~0 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, D64~6 INFINITY None D16 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInter RNCType Handover Enumeration Soft NON_PERIODIC_REPORT, D250~1 D500~2 D1000~3 D2000~4 D4000~5 D8000~6 D16000 NON_PERIODIC_REPORT, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000 ms D4000 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInter RNCType Handover D2~1 D4~2 D8~3 D16~4 D32~532, 64, INFINITY Enumeration Soft D1~0 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, D64~6 INFINITY None D64 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInter RNCType Handover Enumeration Soft NON_PERIODIC_REPORT, D250~1 D500~2 D1000~3 D2000~4 D4000~5 D8000~6 D16000 NON_PERIODIC_REPORT, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000 ms D1000 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInterType Soft Handover Interval RNC 0~29 0~14.5, step:0.5 dB 6 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInterType Soft Handover Interval RNC 0~29 0~14.5, step:0.5 dB 6 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInterType Soft Handover Interval RNC 0~29 0~14.5, step:0.5 dB 6 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInterType Soft Handover Interval RNC 0~29 0~14.5, step:0.5 dB 12 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInterType Soft Handover Interval RNC 0~29 0~14.5, step:0.5 dB 12 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInterType Soft Handover Interval RNC 0~29 0~14.5, step:0.5 dB 12 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInterType Soft HandoverInter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval RNC -24~0 -24~0 dB -24 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInterType Soft HandoverInter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval RNC -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -115 None Interval Type 0~15 0~7.5, step:0.5 dB 0 None Interval Type 0~15 0~7.5, step:0.5 dB 0 None Interval Type 0~15 0~7.5, step:0.5 dB 8 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInterType Soft Handover Interval RNC 0~15 0~7.5, step:0.5 dB 8 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInterType Soft HandoverInter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval RNC 0~15 0~7.5, step:0.5 dB 8 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInterType Soft Handover Interval RNC 0~15 0~7.5, step:0.5 dB 8 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInterType Soft Handover Interval RNC 0~20 0~2, step:0.1 None 0 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInter RNCType HandoverD10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 Enumeration Soft D0, D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D320 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInter RNCType HandoverD10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 Enumeration Soft D0, D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D640 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInter RNCType HandoverD10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 Enumeration Soft D0, D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D640 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInter RNCType HandoverD10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 Enumeration Soft D0, D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D640 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInter RNCType HandoverInter Frequency D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120,on 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 Enumeration Soft D0, D10, D20, D40, Hard D80, D100, 60, 80, Coverage D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 Handover Based D160, D200, ms D640 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInter RNCType HandoverD10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 Enumeration Soft D0, D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D640 None Interval Type 0~120 0~120 s 60 None Interval Type 0~63 0~63 None 3 None Interval Type -29~29 -14.5~14.5, step:0.5 dB 2 None Interval Type 0~255 0~255 s 30 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInterType Soft Handover Interval RNC -24~0 -24~0 dB -24 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInterType Soft Handover Interval RNC 1~6 1~6 None 3 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -115 Inter Frequency Load BalanceIntra Frequency Load Balance Enumeration Type D250, D500 250, 500 ms D250 Inter Frequency Load BalanceIntra Frequency Load Balance D8 Enumeration Type D1, D2, D4, 1, 2, 4, 8 None D2 None Interval Type 0~4095 0~4095 None None Intra Node B Softer Handover Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None None Interval Type 0~4095 0~4095 None None None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Intra Node B Softer HandoverIntraType B Softer HandoverInter RNC Soft HandoverInter FrequencydB Interval Node -20~20 -10~10, step:0.5 Hard Handover Based on CoverageInter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL 0 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInter RNCType Handover Enumeration Soft AFFECT, NOT_AFFECTAFFECT, NOT_AFFECTNone AFFECT Intra Node B Softer HandoverInter RNCType Handover Enumeration Soft AFFECT, NOT_AFFECTAFFECT, NOT_AFFECTNone AFFECT Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update Enumeration Type FALSE(Do not send), TRUE(Send) FALSE, TRUE None TRUE
Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update Interval Type -50~50 -50~50 dB 0 Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update Interval Type -50~50 -50~50 dB 0 Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update Enumeration Type FALSE(Do not send), TRUE(Send) FALSE, TRUE None FALSE Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update Interval Type -50~50 -50~50 dB 0 Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update Interval Type -50~50 -50~50 dB 0 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure)Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter D20, D30, Update10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 s Enumeration Type D0, D10, RNC Cell D40,0, D50, D60 D0 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure)Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, INFINITY Enumeration Type D3~0 D6~1 D9~2 D12~33, D15~4 D18~5 D21~6 INFINITY dB D3 HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure)Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, INFINITY Enumeration Type D2~0 D3~1 D4~2 D6~3 D8~4 D10~5 D12~6 INFINITY 2, dB D2 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInter RNCType HandoverInterTRUE Enumeration Soft FALSE, Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage FALSE, TRUE None FALSE Intra Node B Softer HandoverInterType Soft Handover Interval RNC 0~30 0~30 None None MBMS FLC(Frequency Layer Convergence)/FLD(Frequency Layer Dispersion) Enumeration Type FALSE, TRUE FALSE, TRUE None TRUE OTDOA Based LCS Interval Type 0~63 0~63 None None None Interval Type 0~3 0~3 None None None Interval Type 0~19 0~19 None None None Enumeration Type IP, Port, IPAndPort IP, Port, IPAndPort None None None IP Address Type None None None Interval Type 0~65534 0~65534 None None None Enumeration Type TCP, UDP TCP, UDP None None Load Based 3G-2G Handover Enhancement Based on Iur-g Interval Type 1~32 1~32 None None Load Based 3G-2G Handover Enhancement Based on Iur-g Enumeration Type FALSE, TRUE TRUE, FALSE None None RAN Sharing Introduction Interval Type PackageMOCN Introduction Package 0~3 0~3 None None 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB OFF, ON Enumeration Type Assignment OFF, ON None ON 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, 1, 2,D8,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10None Enumeration Type Assignment D7, 3, D9, D10 D6 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB 0~100 Interval Type Assignment 0~100 % 60 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB 0~65534 Interval Type Assignment 0~65534 None 200 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB 0~100 Interval Type Assignment 0~100 % 60 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB 0~65534 Interval Type Assignment 0~65534 None 100 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB 0~100 Interval Type Assignment 0~100 % 60 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB 0~65534 Interval Type Assignment 0~65534 None 100 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB 0~100 Interval Type Assignment 0~100 % 60 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB 0~65534 Interval Type Assignment 0~65534 None 100 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB 0~100 Interval Type Assignment 0~100 % 60 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB 0~65534 Interval Type Assignment 0~65534 None 100 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB 0~100 Interval Type Assignment 0~100 % 60 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB 0~65534 Interval Type Assignment 0~65534 None 100 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB 0~100 Interval Type Assignment 0~100 % 40 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB 0~65534 Interval Type Assignment 0~65534 None 200 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB 0~100 Interval Type Assignment 0~100 % 40 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB 0~65534 Interval Type Assignment 0~65534 None 200 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB 0~100 Interval Type Assignment 0~100 % 40 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB 0~65534 Interval Type Assignment 0~65534 None 200 RAN Sharing Introduction Interval Type PackageMOCN Introduction Package 0~3 0~3 None None 3GPP SpecificationsShared Network Support in Connected Mode Interval Type 1~65533, 65535 {1~65533}, {65535} None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~256 1~256 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~256 1~256 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~65533, 65535 1~65533, 65535 None None Shared Network Support in Connected Mode Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Shared Network Support in Connected ModeDedicated Carrier for Each OperatorMOCN IntroductionNone String Type None 000~999 PackageLoad Based 3G-2G Handover Enhancement Based on Iur-g None Shared Network Support in Connected ModeDedicated Carrier for Each OperatorMOCN IntroductionNone String Type None 00~99, 000~999 PackageLoad Based 3G-2G Handover Enhancement Based on Iur-g None Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type IUBLDR(Iub load reshuffling), CODELDR(Code load reshuffling), UULDR(Uu load reshuffling), CREDITLDR(Credit load reshuffling) IUBLDR, CODELDR, UULDR, CREDITLDR None IUBLDR Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type IUBLDR(Iub load reshuffling), CODELDR(Code load reshuffling), UULDR(Uu load reshuffling), CREDITLDR(Credit load reshuffling) IUBLDR, CODELDR, UULDR, CREDITLDR None CREDITLDR Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type IUBLDR(Iub load reshuffling), CODELDR(Code load reshuffling), UULDR(Uu load reshuffling), CREDITLDR(Credit load reshuffling) IUBLDR, CODELDR, UULDR, CREDITLDR None CODELDR Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type IUBLDR(Iub load reshuffling), CODELDR(Code load reshuffling), UULDR(Uu load reshuffling), CREDITLDR(Credit load reshuffling) IUBLDR, CODELDR, UULDR, CREDITLDR None UULDR Load Reshuffling Bit Field Type NODEB_CREDIT_LDR_SWITCH(NodeB Credit LDR Switch), LCG_CREDIT_LDR_SWITCH(Local Cell Group Credit LDR Switch), NODEB_CREDIT_LDR_SWITCH, LCG_CREDIT_LDR_SWITCH, LC_CREDIT_LDR_SWITCH None None Intra Frequency Load Balance Interval Type 1~86400 1~86400 s 1800 Potential User Control Interval Type 6~86400 6~86400 s 1800 Load Reshuffling Interval Type 1~86400 1~86400 s 10 Overload Control Interval Type 100~86400000 100~86400000 ms 3000 Load Measurement Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, None D17,D9, D11, D13, D15, D17, D19 D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D13, D15, D8, D19 D6, D7, D6 Load Measurement Enumeration Type TEN_MSEC, MIN TEN_MSEC, MIN None TEN_MSEC Load Measurement Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step:10 ms 100 Load Measurement Interval Type 1~60 1~60 min 20 Load Measurement Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, None D17,D9, D11, D13, D15, D17, D19 D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D13, D15, D8, D19 D6, D7, D6 Load Measurement Enumeration Type TEN_MSEC, MIN TEN_MSEC, MIN None TEN_MSEC
Load Measurement Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step:10 ms 100 Load Measurement Interval Type 1~60 1~60 min 20 Load Measurement Interval Type 2~65535 2~65535 None 150 Load Measurement Interval Type 1~32 1~32 None 6 Load Measurement Interval Type 1~32 1~32 None 6 Load Measurement Interval Type 1~32 1~32 None 5 Load Measurement Interval Type 1~32 1~32 None 5 Load Measurement Interval Type 1~32 1~32 None 5 Load Measurement Interval Type 1~32 1~32 None 5 Load Measurement Interval Type 1~32 1~32 None 5 Load Measurement Interval Type 1~32 1~32 None 5 Load Measurement Enumeration Type TEN_MSEC, MIN TEN_MSEC, MIN None TEN_MSEC Load Measurement Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step:10 ms 100 Load Measurement Interval Type 1~60 1~60 min 10 Load Measurement Interval Type 1~32 1~32 None 5 Load Measurement Enumeration Type TEN_MSEC, MIN TEN_MSEC, MIN None TEN_MSEC Load Measurement Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step:10 ms 100 Load Measurement Interval Type 1~60 1~60 min 10 Load Measurement Interval Type 1~32 1~32 None 5 Load Measurement Interval Type 2~255 2~255 None 3 Load Measurement Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, None D17,D9, D11, D13, D15, D17, D19 D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D13, D15, D8, D19 D6, D7, D3 Load Measurement Enumeration Type TEN_MSEC, MIN TEN_MSEC, MIN None TEN_MSEC Load Measurement Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step:10 ms 20 Load Measurement Interval Type 1~60 1~60 min 20 Load Measurement Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step:10 None 100 Load Measurement Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, None D17,D9, D11, D13, D15, D17, D19 D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D13, D15, D8, D19 D6, D7, D3 Load Measurement Enumeration Type TEN_MSEC, MIN TEN_MSEC, MIN None TEN_MSEC Load Measurement Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step:10 ms 20 Load Measurement Interval Type 1~60 1~60 min 20 Load Measurement Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step:10 None 100 Load Measurement Enumeration Type TEN_MSEC, MIN TEN_MSEC, MIN None TEN_MSEC Load Measurement Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step:10 ms 100 Load Measurement Interval Type 1~60 1~60 min 1 Load Measurement Interval Type 1~32 1~32 None 5 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~268435455 0~268435455 None None MBMS Introduction Package Interval Type 1~10 1~10 min 2 MBMS Introduction Package String Type None 000~999 None None MBMS Introduction Package String Type None 000~999 None None MBMS Introduction Package Interval Type 0~16777215 0~16777215 None None MBMS Introduction Package Enumeration Type STREAMING, BACKGROUND STREAMING, BACKGROUND None None MBMS Introduction Package Enumeration Type D16, D32, D64, D128, D256 32, 64, 128, 256 16, kbit/s None Open Loop Power ControlInterval Type -350~150 -35~15, step:0.1 dB None MBMS Load Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 % 80 MBMS Load Control Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 % 50 Physical Channel Management Type Interval 0~1279 0~1279 ms 35 Physical Channel Management Type Interval 0~2559 0~2559 ms 10 MBMS Channel Audience Enumeration Type Rating Statistics CH0(Channel 0), CH1(Channel 1), CH2(Channel None CH0, CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4 CH3(Channel 3), CH4(Channel 4) 2), None MBMS Channel Audience Enumeration Type Rating Statistics OFF(OFF), ON(ON) OFF, ON None None Shared Network Support in Connected ModeDedicated Carrier for Each OperatorMOCN IntroductionNone String Type None 000~999 PackageLoad Based 3G-2G Handover Enhancement Based on Iur-g None Shared Network Support in Connected ModeDedicated Carrier for Each OperatorMOCN IntroductionNone String Type None 00~99, 000~999 PackageLoad Based 3G-2G Handover Enhancement Based on Iur-g None MBMS Introduction Package Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 None None RAN Sharing Introduction Interval Type PackageMOCN Introduction Package 0~3 0~3 None None MBMS Introduction Package Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None MBMS Introduction Package Enumeration Type STREAMING, BACKGROUND STREAMING, BACKGROUND None None MBMS Introduction Package Enumeration Type D16, D32, D64, D128, D256 32, 64, 128, 256 16, kbit/s None Physical Channel Management Enumeration Type TRUE, FALSE TRUE, FALSE None FALSE MBMS Introduction Package Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON) OFF, ON None None FACH Transmission Sharing for MBMS Type Enumeration OFF(OFF), ON(ON) OFF, ON None OFF MBMS Phase 2 Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON) OFF, ON None OFF MBMS Phase 2 Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON) OFF, ON None OFF MBSC Load BalancingMBSC Service DistributionLoad Based 3G-2G Handover Enhancement BasedLOAD-BASED, DYNAMIC-BASED Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), SERVICE-BASED(SERVICE-BASED), on Iur-gGSM and UMTS Load Balancing Based on Iur-gGSM and UMTS Traffic S OFF, SERVICE-BASED,None LOAD-BASED(LOAD-BASED), DYNAMIC-BASED(DYNAMIC-BASED) OFF Load Based 3G-2G Handover Enhancement Based on Iur-gGSM and UMTS Load Balancing Based None Interval Type -100~100 -100~100 on Iur-g 10 Load Based 3G-2G Handover Enhancement Based on Iur-gGSM and UMTS Load Balancing Based None Interval Type -100~100 -100~100 on Iur-g 30 MBSC Load BalancingMBSC Service DistributionMBSC Handover based on Load Enhancement Interval Type 1~20 1~20 s 3
Load Based 3G-2G Handover Enhancement Based on Iur-g ON(ON) Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), OFF, ON None OFF Load Based 3G-2G Handover Enhancement Based on Iur-g ON(ON) Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), OFF, ON None OFF MBSC Load BalancingMBSC Handover based on Load Enhancement Interval Type 0~10 0~10 None 10 Load Based 3G-2G Handover Enhancement Based on Iur-gNACC Procedure OptimizationNACC Procedure Optimization Based on Iur-g between GSM and UMTS Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON None OFF MBSC Load BalancingMBSC Service DistributionMBSC Handover based on Load Enhancement Interval Type 0~100 0~100 None 0 MBSC Load BalancingMBSC Service DistributionMBSC Handover based on Load Enhancement Interval Type 0~100 0~100 None 50 MBMS Introduction Package Interval Type 7~10 7~10 None 7 MBMS Introduction Package Interval Type 0~3 0~3 None 3 MBMS Introduction Package Interval Type 0~3 0~3 None 1 Inter System Direct Retry Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON None OFF Inter System Direct Retry Interval Type 1~255 1~255 s 10 Inter System Direct Retry Enumeration Type D250, D500, D1000, D2000, D3000, D4000, D6000, D8000,6000, 8000, 12000,D20000,20000, 24000, 28000, 32000, 64000 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, D12000, D16000, 16000, D24000, D28000, D32000, D64000 ms D3000 Inter System Direct Retry Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -92 Inter System Direct Retry Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -12 Inter System Direct Retry Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 None 10 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type 1~255 1~255 s 6 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Enumeration Type D250, D500, D1000, D2000, D3000, D4000, D6000, D8000,6000, 8000, 12000,D20000,20000, 24000, 28000, 32000, 64000 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, D12000, D16000, 16000, D24000, D28000, D32000, D64000 ms D3000 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 dBm -92 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on Coverage Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -12 Cell Broadcast Service Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON None OFF Cell Broadcast Service String Type None 15-bit numerical (0 to 9) string None None Open Loop Power ControlInterval Type -350~150 -35~15, step:0.1 dB -30 MBMS Introduction Package Enumeration Type STREAMING, BACKGROUND STREAMING, BACKGROUND None None MBMS Introduction Package Enumeration Type D16, D32, D64, D128, D256 32, 64, 128, 256 16, kbit/s None MBMS Phase 2 Enumeration Type True, False TRUE, FALSE None FALSE 3GPP Specifications Compound Type hour, min, sec 00:00:00~23:59:59 s None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~288 5~1440, step:5 min None Load Based 3G-2G Handover Enhancement Based on Iur-g Interval Type 1~32 1~32 None None None Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON None OFF None Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON None OFF None Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON None OFF IP Transmission Introduction on Iub Interface Enumeration Type ATM_TRANS(ATM circuit transmission), IP_TRANS(IP transmission), ATMANDIP_TRANS(ATM and IP transmission), HYBRID_IP ATM_TRANS, IP_TRANS, ATMANDIP_TRANS, HYBRID_IP_TRANS None ATM_TRANS ATM Transmission Introduction Package Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 ms 10 RNC Node Redundancy Enumeration Type SINGLEHOST(SingleHost), PRIMHOST(PrimHost), SECHOST(SecHost) SINGLEHOST SINGLEHOST, PRIMHOST, SECHOST None RNC Node Redundancy Interval Type 0~4095 0~4095 None None RNC Node Redundancy Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Transmission Recourse Sharing on Iub/Iur Interface Enumeration Type DEDICATED(Dedicated), RANSHARING(RAN Sharing), MOCN(MOCN) None Dedicated, RANSharing,None MOCN RAN Sharing Introduction Interval Type PackageMOCN Introduction Package 0~3 0~3 None None Load ReshufflingOverloadBit Field Type Control IUB_LDR(IUB LDR Algorithm), NODEB_CREDIT_LDR(NodeB Credit LDRNone IUB_OLC IUB_LDR, NODEB_CREDIT_LDR, LCG_CREDIT_LDR, None Algorithm), LCG_CREDIT_LDR(LCG Credit LDR Algorit HSDPA Admission Control Interval Type 0~3840 0~3840 None 3840 HSUPA Admission Control Interval Type 0~3840 0~3840 None 3840 Admission Control Enumeration Type MBR, GBR MBR, GBR None MBR Admission Control Bit Field Type RSVDBIT1(Reserved Switch 1), RSVDBIT2(Reserved Switch RSVDBIT4, None RSVDBIT1, RSVDBIT2, None RSVDBIT3, 2), RSVDBIT3(ReservedRSVDBIT6,RSVDBIT4(Reserved Switch 4), RSVDBIT5, Switch 3), RSVDBIT7, RSVDBIT8, RSVDB Admission Control Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 None 0 Admission Control Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 None 0 NodeB Self-discovery Based on IP Mode Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None NodeB Self-discovery Based on IP Mode Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), BERateRed(BE traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time traff Qos re-negotiation), CSInterRatShou NoAct, BERateRed, QoSRenego, CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, CSInterRatSho None BERateRed Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), BERateRed(BE traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time traff Qos re-negotiation), CSInterRatShou NoAct, BERateRed, QoSRenego, CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, CSInterRatSho None NoAct Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), BERateRed(BE traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time traff Qos re-negotiation), CSInterRatShou NoAct, BERateRed, QoSRenego, CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, CSInterRatSho None NoAct Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), BERateRed(BE traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time traff Qos re-negotiation), CSInterRatShou NoAct, BERateRed, QoSRenego, CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, CSInterRatSho None NoAct Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), BERateRed(BE traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time traff Qos re-negotiation), CSInterRatShou NoAct, BERateRed, QoSRenego, CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, CSInterRatSho None NoAct Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), BERateRed(BE traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time traff Qos re-negotiation), CSInterRatShou NoAct, BERateRed, QoSRenego, CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, CSInterRatSho None NoAct Load Reshuffling Interval Type 1~10 1~10 None 1 Load Reshuffling Interval Type 1~10 1~10 None 1 Load Reshuffling Interval Type 1~10 1~10 None 3 Load Reshuffling Interval Type 1~10 1~10 None 1 Load Reshuffling Interval Type 1~10 1~10 None 3 Load Reshuffling Interval Type 1~10 1~10 None 1 Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), BERateRed(BE traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time traff Qos re-negotiation), CSInterRatShou NoAct, BERateRed, QoSRenego, CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, CSInterRatSho None BERateRed Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), BERateRed(BE traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time traff Qos re-negotiation), CSInterRatShou NoAct, BERateRed, QoSRenego, CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, CSInterRatSho None NoAct Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), BERateRed(BE traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time traff Qos re-negotiation), CSInterRatShou NoAct, BERateRed, QoSRenego, CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, CSInterRatSho None NoAct Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), BERateRed(BE traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time traff Qos re-negotiation), CSInterRatShou NoAct, BERateRed, QoSRenego, CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, CSInterRatSho None NoAct Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), BERateRed(BE traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time traff Qos re-negotiation), CSInterRatShou NoAct, BERateRed, QoSRenego, CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, CSInterRatSho None NoAct
Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), BERateRed(BE traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time traff Qos re-negotiation), CSInterRatShou NoAct, BERateRed, QoSRenego, CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO, CSInterRatSho None NoAct Load Reshuffling Interval Type 1~10 1~10 None 1 Load Reshuffling Interval Type 1~10 1~10 None 1 Load Reshuffling Interval Type 1~10 1~10 None 3 Load Reshuffling Interval Type 1~10 1~10 None 1 Load Reshuffling Interval Type 1~10 1~10 None 3 Load Reshuffling Interval Type 1~10 1~10 None 1 Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type SF4(SF4), SF8(SF8), SF16(SF16), SF16, SF32, SF64, SF128,SF128(SF128), SF256(SF256) SF4, SF8, SF32(SF32), SF64(SF64), SF256 None SF8 Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type SF4(SF4), SF8(SF8), SF16(SF16), SF16, SF32, SF64, SF128,SF128(SF128), SF256(SF256) SF4, SF8, SF32(SF32), SF64(SF64), SF256 None SF8 Load Reshuffling Enumeration Type 8SF4(8SF4), 7SF4(7SF4), 6SF4(6SF4), 5SF4(5SF4), 4SF4(4SF4), 3SF4(3SF4), 2SF4(2SF4), SF4(SF4), SF8(SF8), SF16(SF16), S 8SF4, 7SF4, 6SF4, 5SF4, 4SF4, 3SF4, 2SF4, SF4, SF8, SF16, SF32, SF64, SF128, SF256 None SF8 None String Type None 1~64 characters None None Overload Control Interval Type 0~10 0~10 None 1 Overload Control Interval Type 0~10 0~10 None 1 None Interval Type 0~4095 0~4095 None None None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None None Enumeration Type IntraFreqNCell(IntraFreq IntraFreqNCell, InterFreqNCell, InterRatNCell Neighbor Cell), InterFreqNCell(InterFreq Neighbor Cell), InterRatNCell(GSM Neighboring Cell) None None RAN Sharing Introduction Interval Type PackageMOCN Introduction Package 0~3 0~3 None None Iu FlexMOCN IntroductionInterval Type Package 0~1023 0~1023 None None 3GPP SpecificationsInterface Message TracingInter RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC URA UpdateDirect Signaling Connection Re-establishment (DSCR)RNC Node Redundancy Interval Type 0~4095 0~4095 None None Inter RNC Soft HandoverInterface Message TracingRNC Node Redundancy Bit Field Type CS_SHO_SWITCH, HSPA_SHO_SWITCH, NON_HSPA_SHO_SWITCH None CS_SHO_SWITCH, HSPA_SHO_SWITCH, NON_HSPA_SHO_SWITCH None Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on CoverageInterON Enumeration Type OFF, Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoSIntra Frequency Hard HandoverRNC Node Redundancy OFF, ON None None 3GPP Specifications Enumeration Type SUPPORT_CS, SUPPORT_PS, SUPPORT_CS_AND_PS SUPPORT_CS, SUPPORT_PS, SUPPORT_CS_AND_PS None None SRNS Relocation Introduction PackageInter RNC Soft HandoverRNC NodeTRUE, FALSE Enumeration Type TRUE, FALSE Redundancy None None 3GPP Specifications Enumeration Type R99, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8R99, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8None None 3GPP SpecificationsInter RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC URA Update Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, YES None NO SRNS Relocation with Hard Handover Bit Field Type DL_DCCH_SWITCH, IUR_TRG_SWITCH DL_DCCH_SWITCH, IUR_TRG_SWITCH None None Direct Signaling Connection Re-establishment (DSCR) Enumeration Type CORRM_SRNSR_PSBE_RELOC, CORRM_SRNSR_PSBE_DSCR CORRM_SRNSR_PSBE_RELOC, CORRM_SRNSR_PSBE_DSCR None CORRM_SRNSR_PSBE_RELOC HSDPA over Iur Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON None OFF HSUPA over Iur Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON None OFF 3GPP Specifications Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON None OFF HSDPA Dynamic Power Allocation Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON None OFF 3GPP Specifications Bit Field Type RSVDBIT1_BIT1, RSVDBIT1_BIT2, RSVDBIT1_BIT3, RSVDBIT1_BIT4, RSVDBIT1_BIT5, RSVDBIT1_BIT6, RSVDBIT1_BIT7, RS This parameter is set to 0 or 1 according to the related domains. None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 None 0 3GPP Specifications Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON None OFF 3GPP SpecificationsInterface Message TracingInter RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC URA UpdateDirect Signaling Connection Re-establishment (DSCR)RNC Node Redundancy Interval Type 0~4095 0~4095 None None Intra RNC URA UpdateInter RNC URA Update Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None IP-Based GSM and UMTS Co-Transmission on MBSC SideLCS Classified ZonesDedicated Carrier for Each OperatorMOCN None Interval Type 0~3, 5~31 0~3, 5~31 None Introduction PackageRNC Node Redundancy RAN Sharing Introduction Interval Type PackageMOCN Introduction Package 0~3 0~3 None None Dedicated Carrier for Each OperatorMOCN IntroductionYES Enumeration Type NO, PackageRAN Sharing Introduction PackageNone NO, YES NO MOCN Introduction PackageMOCN Mobility ManagementMOCN Load BanlanceYES Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, None NO Mobility Control and Service DifferentiationDedicated Carrier for Each OperatorMOCN Introduction PackageMOCN Mobility Management Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, YES None YES Mobility Control and Service DifferentiationDedicated Carrier for Each OperatorMOCN Introduction PackageMOCN Mobility Management Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, YES None YES MOCN Introduction Package Interval Type 0~3, 255 0~3, 255 None 255 MOCN Introduction Package Field Type Bit COMM_MOCN_NRI_GLOBAL_CONFIG_MODE_SWITCH, COMM_MIB_MULTI_PLMN_LIST_ALLOWED_SWITCH, SPARE_1_S COMM_MOCN_NRI_GLOBAL_CONFIG_MODE_SWITCH, COMM_MIB_MULTI_PLMN_LIST_ALLOWED None None None Interval Type 0~3 0~3 None None Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Enumeration Type INTERACTIVE, BACKGROUND INTERACTIVE, BACKGROUND None None Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Enumeration Type GOLD, SILVER, COPPER GOLD, SILVER, COPPER None None Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Medium, Low Enumeration Type High, High, Medium, Low None None Differentiated Service Based on SPI Weight Interval Type 2~11 2~11 None None None Interval Type 0~3 0~3 None None Differentiated Service Based on SPI Weight Interval Type 0~15 0~15 None None Differentiated Service Based on SPI Weight Interval Type 1~100 1~100 % None None Interval Type 0~3 0~3 None None Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Medium, Low Enumeration Type High, High, Medium, Low None High Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Medium, Low Enumeration Type High, High, Medium, Low None High Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Medium, Low Enumeration Type High, High, Medium, Low None High Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Medium, Low Enumeration Type High, High, Medium, Low None High Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Medium, Low Enumeration Type High, High, Medium, Low None High Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Medium, Low Enumeration Type High, High, Medium, Low None Medium Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Medium, Low Enumeration Type High, High, Medium, Low None Medium Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Medium, Low Enumeration Type High, High, Medium, Low None Medium Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Medium, Low Enumeration Type High, High, Medium, Low None Medium Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Medium, Low Enumeration Type High, High, Medium, Low None Medium Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Medium, Low Enumeration Type High, High, Medium, Low None Low
Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Medium, Low Enumeration Type High, High, Medium, Low None Low Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Medium, Low Enumeration Type High, High, Medium, Low None Low Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Medium, Low Enumeration Type High, High, Medium, Low None Low Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Medium, Low Enumeration Type High, High, Medium, Low None Low None Interval Type 0~3 0~3 None None Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Enumeration Type INTERACTIVE, BACKGROUND, IMSSIGNALLING, PTT IMSSIGNALLING, PTT INTERACTIVE, BACKGROUND, None None Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Medium, Low Enumeration Type High, High, Medium, Low None None Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources HSPA Enumeration Type R99, R99, HSPA None None Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Enumeration Type GOLD, SILVER, COPPER GOLD, SILVER, COPPER None None Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144,64, 128, 144, 256, 384, 608, D2048, D2720, D5440 Enumeration Type D0, 0, 8, 16, 32, D256, D384, D608, D1280, 1280, 2048, 2720, 5440 kbit/s D64 Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144,64, 128, 144, 256, 384, 512, 768, 1024, 1536, 1800, 2048, D3600, D7200, D8640, D10100, D1 Enumeration Type D0, 0, 8, 16, 32, D256, D384, D512, D768, D1024, D1536, D1800, D2048, 3600, 7200, 8640, 10100, 13900, 1 kbit/s D64 None Interval Type 0~3 0~3 None None HSDPA Flow Control Enumeration Type INTERACTIVE, BACKGROUND INTERACTIVE, BACKGROUND None None Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Enumeration Type GOLD, SILVER, COPPER GOLD, SILVER, COPPER None None Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Medium, Low Enumeration Type High, High, Medium, Low None None HSDPA Flow Control Interval Type 0~27900 0~27900 kbit/s 0 Domain Specific Access Control (DSAC) Interval Type 0~3 0~3 None None Load ReshufflingOverloadEnumeration Type Pre-EmptionTraffic Priority Mapping onto Copper ControlQueuing and Gold, Silver, Copper Gold, Silver, Transmission Resources None Gold Load ReshufflingOverloadEnumeration Type Pre-EmptionTraffic Priority Mapping onto Copper ControlQueuing and Gold, Silver, Copper Gold, Silver, Transmission Resources None Gold Load ReshufflingOverloadEnumeration Type Pre-EmptionTraffic Priority Mapping onto Copper ControlQueuing and Gold, Silver, Copper Gold, Silver, Transmission Resources None Gold Load ReshufflingOverloadEnumeration Type Pre-EmptionTraffic Priority Mapping onto Copper ControlQueuing and Gold, Silver, Copper Gold, Silver, Transmission Resources None Gold Load ReshufflingOverloadEnumeration Type Pre-EmptionTraffic Priority Mapping onto Copper ControlQueuing and Gold, Silver, Copper Gold, Silver, Transmission Resources None Gold Load ReshufflingOverloadEnumeration Type Pre-EmptionTraffic Priority Mapping onto Copper ControlQueuing and Gold, Silver, Copper Gold, Silver, Transmission Resources None Silver Load ReshufflingOverloadEnumeration Type Pre-EmptionTraffic Priority Mapping onto Copper ControlQueuing and Gold, Silver, Copper Gold, Silver, Transmission Resources None Silver Load ReshufflingOverloadEnumeration Type Pre-EmptionTraffic Priority Mapping onto Copper ControlQueuing and Gold, Silver, Copper Gold, Silver, Transmission Resources None Silver Load ReshufflingOverloadEnumeration Type Pre-EmptionTraffic Priority Mapping onto Copper ControlQueuing and Gold, Silver, Copper Gold, Silver, Transmission Resources None Silver Load ReshufflingOverloadEnumeration Type Pre-EmptionTraffic Priority Mapping onto Copper ControlQueuing and Gold, Silver, Copper Gold, Silver, Transmission Resources None Silver Load ReshufflingOverloadEnumeration Type Pre-EmptionTraffic Priority Mapping onto Copper ControlQueuing and Gold, Silver, Copper Gold, Silver, Transmission Resources None Copper Load ReshufflingOverloadEnumeration Type Pre-EmptionTraffic Priority Mapping onto Copper ControlQueuing and Gold, Silver, Copper Gold, Silver, Transmission Resources None Copper Load ReshufflingOverloadEnumeration Type Pre-EmptionTraffic Priority Mapping onto Copper ControlQueuing and Gold, Silver, Copper Gold, Silver, Transmission Resources None Copper Load ReshufflingOverloadEnumeration Type Pre-EmptionTraffic Priority Mapping onto Copper ControlQueuing and Gold, Silver, Copper Gold, Silver, Transmission Resources None Copper Load ReshufflingOverloadEnumeration Type Pre-EmptionTraffic Priority Mapping onto Copper ControlQueuing and Gold, Silver, Copper Gold, Silver, Transmission Resources None Copper Load ReshufflingOverloadEnumeration Type Pre-EmptionTraffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources ControlQueuing and ARP, TrafficClass ARP, TrafficClass None ARP Load ReshufflingOverloadEnumeration Type Pre-EmptionTraffic Priority MappingDCH,Transmission Resources ControlQueuing and NONE, DCH, HSPA NONE, onto HSPA None NONE None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~255 0~255 None 3 None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~255 0~255 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~32 1~32 None 3 Transport Channel Management Type Interval 1~256 1~256 None 230 Physical Channel Management Type Interval 0~1279 0~1279 ms 35 Physical Channel Management Type Interval 0~2559 0~2559 ms 10 Open Loop Power ControlInterval Type -350~150 -35~15, step: 0.1 dB -20 None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~32 1~32 None 3 Transport Channel Management Type Interval 0~4992 0~4992 bit None Transport Channel Management Enumeration Type D1, D2 1~2 None None Transport Channel Management Type Interval 0~1 0~1 None None Transport Channel Management Type Interval 1 1 None 1 None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~255 0~255 None 2 Open Loop Power ControlInterval Type -100~500 -10~50, step: 0.1 dBm 330 Open Loop Power ControlInterval Type -100~500 -10~50, step: 0.1 dBm 346 Open Loop Power ControlIntra Frequency Load Balance Interval Type -100~500 -10~50, step: 0.1 dBm 313 None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Open Loop Power ControlInterval Type -100~500 -10~50, step: 0.1 dBm 346 Open Loop Power ControlIntra Frequency Load Balance Interval Type -100~500 -10~50, step: 0.1 dBm 313 None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~255 0~255 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~255 0~255 None 10 Paging UE in Idle, CELL_PCH, URA_PCH State (Type 1) Enumeration Type V18, V36, V72, V144 18, 36, 72, 144 None V36 Physical Channel Management Enumeration Type TRUE, FALSE TRUE, FALSE None FALSE None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Open Loop Power ControlInterval Type -10~5 -10~5 dB -7
Admission Control Enumeration Type LAC, RAC LAC, RAC None None Domain Specific Access Control (DSAC) Interval Type 0~3 0~3 None None Admission Control Interval Type 1~65533, 65535 {{1~65533}, {65535}} None None Admission Control Interval Type 0~255 {0~255} None None Admission Control Interval Type 1~256 {1~256} None None Admission Control Interval Type 1~256 {1~256} None None RNC Node Redundancy Enumeration Type REHOSTRIGHNOW(RehostRighNow), REHOSTDELAY(RehostDelay), REHOSTWHEN(RehostWhen) REHOSTRIGHNOW, REHOSTDELAY, REHOSTWHEN None REHOSTRIGHNOW RNC Node Redundancy Interval Type 0~3600 0~3600 s 0 RNC Node Redundancy Compound Type hour, min, sec 00:00:00~23:59:59 s None None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~255 0~255 None None Open Loop Power ControlBit Field Type SIGNATURE0, SIGNATURE1, SIGNATURE2, SIGNATURE3, SIGNATURE4, SIGNATURE5, SIGNATURE6, SIGNATURE7, SIGN SIGNATURE0, SIGNATURE1, SIGNATURE2, SIGNATURE3, SIGNATURE4, SIGNATURE5, SIGNATUR None None 3GPP Specifications Bit Field Type SUBCHANEL0, SUBCHANEL1, SUBCHANEL2, SUBCHANEL3, SUBCHANEL4, SUBCHANEL5, SUBCHANEL6, SUBCHANEL7, SUBCHANEL0, SUBCHANEL1, SUBCHANEL2, SUBCHANEL3, SUBCHANEL4, SUBCHANEL5, SUBCH None None None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Access Class Restriction Interval Type 0~255 0~255 None 4 Access Class Restriction Enumeration Type ASC0, ASC1, ASC2, ASC3, ASC4, ASC5, ASC6,None ASC0, ASC1, ASC2, ASC3, ASC4, ASC5, ASC6,ASC0 ASC7 ASC7 Access Class Restriction Enumeration Type ASC0, ASC1, ASC2, ASC3, ASC4, ASC5, ASC6,None ASC0, ASC1, ASC2, ASC3, ASC4, ASC5, ASC6,ASC0 ASC7 ASC7 Access Class Restriction Enumeration Type ASC0, ASC1, ASC2, ASC3, ASC4, ASC5, ASC6,None ASC0, ASC1, ASC2, ASC3, ASC4, ASC5, ASC6,ASC0 ASC7 ASC7 Access Class Restriction Enumeration Type ASC0, ASC1, ASC2, ASC3, ASC4, ASC5, ASC6,None ASC0, ASC1, ASC2, ASC3, ASC4, ASC5, ASC6,ASC0 ASC7 ASC7 Access Class Restriction Enumeration Type ASC0, ASC1, ASC2, ASC3, ASC4, ASC5, ASC6,None ASC0, ASC1, ASC2, ASC3, ASC4, ASC5, ASC6,ASC0 ASC7 ASC7 Access Class Restriction Enumeration Type ASC0, ASC1, ASC2, ASC3, ASC4, ASC5, ASC6,None ASC0, ASC1, ASC2, ASC3, ASC4, ASC5, ASC6,ASC0 ASC7 ASC7 Access Class Restriction Enumeration Type ASC0, ASC1, ASC2, ASC3, ASC4, ASC5, ASC6,None ASC0, ASC1, ASC2, ASC3, ASC4, ASC5, ASC6,ASC0 ASC7 ASC7 None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~255 0~255 None 4 System Information Broadcasting Enumeration Type ASC0, ASC1, ASC2, ASC3, ASC4, ASC5, ASC6,None ASC0, ASC1, ASC2, ASC3, ASC4, ASC5, ASC6,None ASC7 ASC7 System Information Broadcasting Type Interval 0~15 0~15 None 0 System Information Broadcasting Type Interval 0~15 0~15 None 7 System Information Broadcasting Type Interval 0~15 0~15 None 15 System Information Broadcasting Enumeration Type D0.9, D0.8, D0.7, D0.6, D0.5,0.8, 0.7, 0.6, D0.20.4, 0.3, 0.2 0.9, D0.4, D0.3, 0.5, None None None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~255 0~255 None 4 Open Loop Power ControlBit Field Type SIGNATURE0, SIGNATURE1, SIGNATURE2, SIGNATURE3, SIGNATURE4, SIGNATURE5, SIGNATURE6, SIGNATURE7, SIGN SIGNATURE0, SIGNATURE1, SIGNATURE2, SIGNATURE3, SIGNATURE4, SIGNATURE5, SIGNATUR None None 3GPP Specifications Bit Field Type SUBCHANEL0, SUBCHANEL1, SUBCHANEL2, SUBCHANEL3, SUBCHANEL4, SUBCHANEL5, SUBCHANEL6, SUBCHANEL7, SUBCHANEL0, SUBCHANEL1, SUBCHANEL2, SUBCHANEL3, SUBCHANEL4, SUBCHANEL5, SUBCH None None Open Loop Power ControlInterval Type -35~-10 -35~-10 dB -20 Open Loop Power ControlInterval Type 1~64 1~64 None 20 Open Loop Power ControlInterval Type 1~8 1~8 dB 2 Transport Channel Management Enumeration Type BIT2, BIT4, BIT6, BIT8, BIT12, BIT16, 16, 24 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, BIT24 bit BIT2 None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~255 0~255 None 4 Physical Channel Management Enumeration Type D1, D2, D3, D4 D1, D2, D3, D4 None None Physical Channel Management Type Interval 0~3 0~3 None 0 Physical Channel Management Type Interval 0~3 0~3 None 1 Physical Channel Management Type Interval 0~3 0~3 None 2 Physical Channel Management Type Interval 0~3 0~3 None 3 None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~255 0~255 None 4 Transport Channel Management Type Interval 0~16777215 0~16777215 None None Open Loop Power ControlInterval Type -5~10 -5~10 dB None Physical Channel ManagementOpen Loop Power Control Interval Type 1~15 1~15 None None Physical Channel ManagementOpen Loop Power Control Interval Type 0~15 0~15 None 15 None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~255 0~255 None None Open Loop Power ControlInterval Type -35~-10 -35~-10 dB -20 Open Loop Power ControlInterval Type 1~8 1~8 dB 2 Open Loop Power ControlInterval Type 1~64 1~64 None 20 None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~255 0~255 None 0 Open Loop Power ControlInterval Type -350~150 -35~15, step: 0.1 dB -50 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB 0~14400 Interval Type Assignment 0~14400 s 20 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB 0~60 Interval Type Assignment 0~60 s 20 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB 0~14400 Interval Type Assignment 0~14400 s 20 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB 0~60 Interval Type Assignment 0~60 s 20 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB 0~14400 Interval Type Assignment 0~14400 s 20 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB 0~60 Interval Type Assignment 0~60 s 20
3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB 0~14400 Interval Type Assignment 0~14400 s 20 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB 0~60 Interval Type Assignment 0~60 s 20 Fast Dormancy Enhancement Interval Type 0~64800 0~64800 s 360 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB 0~60 Interval Type Assignment 0~60 s 20 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB 0~64800 Interval Type Assignment 0~64800 s 20 Fast Dormancy Enhancement Interval Type 0~64800 0~64800 s 4 Fast Dormancy Enhancement Interval Type 0~64800 0~64800 s 10 None Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 s 3 None Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 s 3 None Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 s 3 None Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 s 3 None Enumeration Type D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D256, D512, D1024, D2k, 1024,D4k,3k, 4k, 6k, D8 12k, 16k, D24k, D32k, D48k, D64k, D96k, D128k, D1 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, D3k, 2k, D6k, D8k, 8k, byte D12k, D16k, 24k, 32k, 48k, 64k, 96k, 128k, 192k, 256k, None Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D1280 None Enumeration Type D250, D500, D1000, D2000, D4000, D8000, D16000 8000, 16000 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, ms D1000 None Interval Type 1~10000 10~100000, step: 10 ms 110 None Interval Type 0~38400 0~384000, step: 10 bit/s 10 None Interval Type 0~1023 0~1023 None 1 None Interval Type 0~1023 0~1023 None 1 None Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 s 10 None Enumeration Type D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D256, D512, D1024, D2k, 1024,D4k,3k, 4k, 6k, D8 12k, 16k, D24k, D32k, D48k, D64k, D96k, D128k, D1 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, D3k, 2k, D6k, D8k, 8k, byte D12k, D16k, 24k, 32k, 48k, 64k, 96k, 128k, 192k, 256k, None Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D80 None Enumeration Type D250, D500, D1000, D2000, D4000, D8000, D16000 8000, 16000 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, ms D250 None Enumeration Type D16, D32, D64, D128, D256,32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2k,D6k,4k, 6k, 8k, 12k, 16k, 24k, D32k, D48k, D64k, D96k, 192k, 256k, 38 16, D512, D1024, D2k, byte D4k, 3k, D8k, D12k, D16k, D24k, 32k, 48k, 64k, 96k, 128k, D128k, D192k D3k, D16 None Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D0 Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC)Inter Frequency Hard HandoverYES on DL QoSInter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS NO, YES NO, Based None YES AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates Control Type Enumeration NO, YES NO, YES None NO Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoS NO, YES Enumeration Type NO, YES None NO Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC)Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoSInter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS None, RateDegrade, InterFreqHO, InterRatHOInterFreqHO, InterRatHO None None, RateDegrade, None Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC)Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoSInter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS None, RateDegrade, InterFreqHO, InterRatHOInterFreqHO, InterRatHO None None, RateDegrade, None Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC)Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoSInter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS None, RateDegrade, InterFreqHO, InterRatHOInterFreqHO, InterRatHO None None, RateDegrade, None Dynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC)Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoSInter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS Interval Type 20~64000 20~64000 ms 3000 Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC)Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoSInter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS None, RateDegrade, InterFreqHO, InterRatHOInterFreqHO, InterRatHO RateDegrade None, RateDegrade, None Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC)Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoSInter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS None, RateDegrade, InterFreqHO, InterRatHOInterFreqHO, InterRatHO None None, RateDegrade, None Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC)Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoSInter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS None, RateDegrade, InterFreqHO, InterRatHOInterFreqHO, InterRatHO None None, RateDegrade, None Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC)Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoSInter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS SINGLE, COMBINE SINGLE, COMBINE None SINGLE Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC) NO, YES NO, YES None YES Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC)Inter-RAT Handover BasedNO,DL QoS NO, YES on YES None NO AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates ControlInter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS YES Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, None NO AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates Control Interval Type 20~64000 20~64000 ms 3000 AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates ControlInter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS YES Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, None NO AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates ControlInter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS YES Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, None NO AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates ControlInter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS YES Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, None NO AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates ControlInter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS Interval Type 20~64000 20~64000 ms 3000 AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates ControlInter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS YES Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, None NO AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates ControlInter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS YES Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, None NO AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates Control Type Enumeration NO, YES NO, YES None NO AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates ControlInter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS YES Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, None NO Inter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS Type Enumeration NO, YES NO, YES None NO AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates Control Type Enumeration NO, YES NO, YES None NO AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates ControlInter Frequency Hard Handover Based on YES Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, DL QoS None NO Inter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS Type Enumeration NO, YES NO, YES None NO Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoS NO, YES Enumeration Type NO, YES None NO Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoS NO, YES Enumeration Type NO, YES None NO Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC)Inter Frequency Hard HandoverYES on DL QoSInter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS NO, YES NO, Based None YES Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC)Inter Frequency Hard HandoverYES on DL QoSInter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS NO, YES NO, Based None YES Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC)Inter Frequency Hard HandoverYES on DL QoSInter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS NO, YES NO, Based None NO Dynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC) 0~1024 Interval Type 0~1024 s 20 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoSInter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS Interval Type -15~15 -15~15 dB 5 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoSInter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS Interval Type 0~512 0~512 s 20 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoSInter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS Interval Type 0~512 0~512 s 20 Inter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS Type Enumeration CPICH_EC/NO, CPICH_RSCP CPICH_EC/NO, CPICH_RSCP None CPICH_RSCP AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates Control Type Enumeration D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D320 AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates Control Type Enumeration D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D320 AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates Control Type Enumeration D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D320
AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates Control Type Enumeration D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D320 AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates Control Type Enumeration D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D240 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoS D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 Enumeration Type D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D640 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoS D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 Enumeration Type D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D640 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoS D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 Enumeration Type D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D240 Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC) D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D640 Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC) D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D2560 Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC) D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D1280 Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC) D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D1280 Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC) D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D240 Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC) D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, 0, 1,D7,3, 4, 5, 6,D11, D13, D15, 15, 17, 19 D6, 2, D8, D9, 7, 8, 9, None D17, D19 11, 13, D19 Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC)Inter-RAT Handover Based0, 1,D7,3, 4, 5, 6,D11, D13, D15, 15, 17, 19 D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, DL QoS D9, 7, 8, 9, None D17, D19 on 2, D8, 11, 13, D1 AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates ControlInter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step: 10 ms 64 AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates ControlInter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS Enumeration Type TEN_MSEC, MIN TEN_MSEC, MIN None TEN_MSEC AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates ControlInter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoSInter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step: 10 ms 480 AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates ControlInter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS Interval Type 1~60 1~60 min None Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoS 1~6000 Interval Type 10~60000, step: 10 ms 64 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoS TEN_MSEC, MIN Enumeration Type TEN_MSEC, MIN None TEN_MSEC Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoS 1~6000 Interval Type 10~60000, step: 10 ms 480 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoS 1~60 Interval Type 1~60 min None Dynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC)Inter-RAT Handover Based10~60000, step: 10 Interval Type 1~6000 on DL QoS ms 64 Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC)Inter-RAT Handover BasedTEN_MSEC, MIN TEN_MSEC, MIN on DL QoS None TEN_MSEC Dynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC)Inter Frequency Hard Handover Basedstep: 10QoSInter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, on DL ms 480 Dynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC)Inter-RAT Handover Based1~60 QoS Interval Type 1~60 on DL min None Dynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC)Inter-RAT Handover Based10~60000, step: 10 Interval Type 1~6000 on DL QoS ms 64 Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC)Inter-RAT Handover BasedTEN_MSEC, MIN TEN_MSEC, MIN on DL QoS None TEN_MSEC Dynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC) 1~6000 Interval Type 10~60000, step: 10 ms 480 Dynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC)Inter-RAT Handover Based1~60 QoS Interval Type 1~60 on DL min None Queuing and Pre-EmptionEnumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON None OFF Queuing and Pre-EmptionEnumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON None OFF Queuing and Pre-EmptionEnumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON None ON Queuing and Pre-EmptionEnumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON None OFF Queuing and Pre-EmptionInterval Type 5~20 5~20 None 5 Queuing and Pre-EmptionInterval Type 1~80 10~800, step:10 ms 50 Queuing and Pre-EmptionInterval Type 1~60 1~60, step:1 s 5 Queuing and Pre-EmptionEnumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON None ON RAN Sharing Introduction Interval Type PackageMOCN Introduction Package 0~3 0~3 None None 3GPP SpecificationsShared Network Support in Connected Mode Interval Type 1~65533, 65535 {1~65533}, {65535} None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~255 0~255 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~256 1~256 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~256 1~256 None None None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~255 0~255 None 4 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~32 1~32 None 1 Transport Channel Management Type Interval 1~256 1~256 None 1 System Information BroadcastingOpen Loop Power Control Interval Type 0~50 0~50 frame 0 System Information BroadcastingOpen Loop Power Control Interval Type 0~50 0~50 frame 0 System Information BroadcastingOpen Loop Power Control Interval Type 1~32 1~32 None 8 None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~32 1~32 None 1 Transport Channel Management Type Interval 0~4992 0~4992 bit None Transport Channel Management Enumeration Type D1, D2 1~2 None None Transport Channel Management Type Interval 0~512 0~512 None 1 Transport Channel Management Type Interval 0~512 0~512 None 2 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Type Interval 0~5000 0~5, step: 0.001 dB 5000 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Type Interval 0~5000 0~5, step: 0.001 dB 3000 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Type Interval 0~5000 0~5, step: 0.001 dB 500 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Type Interval 1~1000 0.1~100, step: 0.1 % 10 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Type Interval 1~1000 10~10000, step: 10 ms 100 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Type Interval 0~49 -24.5~0, step: 0.5 Actual value = (GUI value - 49(offset))*0.5 dB 49 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Type Interval 0~49 -24.5~0, step: 0.5 Actual dB value = (GUI value - 49(offset))*0.5 21 Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC Connection SetupPSR99, PSHSPA VP, PSR99, PSHSPA Enumeration Type AMR, VP, AMR, None None Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC Connection Setup Enumeration Type OFF, ONLY_TO_INTER_FREQUENCY, ONLY_TO_INTER_RAT ONLY_TO_INTER_RAT OFF, ONLY_TO_INTER_FREQUENCY, None None Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC Connection Setup Interval Type 0~100 0~100 % 0
Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC Connection Setup Interval Type 0~100 0~100 % None Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC Connection Setup Enumeration Type Band1, Band2, Band3, Band4, Band5, Band6, Band7, Band8, Band9, DependOnNCell, BandIndNotUsed BAND1, BAND2, BAND3, BAND4, BAND5, BAND6, BAND7, BAND8, BAND9, DependOnNCell, BANDIND None DependOnNCell Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC Connection Setup Enumeration Type FALSE, TRUE FALSE, TRUE None None Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC Connection Setup Interval Type 0~16383 0~16383 None None Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC Connection Setup Interval Type 0~16383 0~16383 None None None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Code Resource Management Enumeration Type SF4, SF8, SF16, SF32, SF64,SF8, SF16, SF32, SF64, SF128, SF256 SF4, SF128, SF256 None None Code Resource Management Interval Type 0~255 0~255 None None Code Resource Management Interval Type 0~511 {0~511} None None Domain Specific Access Control (DSAC) Enumeration Type PsBlk(BLOCK PS), CsAndPsBlk(BLOCK CS AND PS) PsBlk, CsAndPsBlk None None Domain Specific Access Control (DSAC) Interval Type 2~30 2~30 min None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~4095 0~4095 None None RAN Sharing Introduction Interval Type PackageMOCN Introduction Package 0~3 0~3 None None Simplified Cell Broadcast Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON) OFF, ON None OFF Cell Broadcast Service Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON) OFF, ON None OFF Simplified Cell Broadcast Enumeration Type GERMAN(German), ENGLISH(English), ITALIAN(Italian), FRENCH(French), SPANISH(Spanish), DUTCH(Dutch), SWEDISH(Swe GERMAN, ENGLISH, ITALIAN, FRENCH, SPANISH, DUTCH, SWEDISH, DANISH, PORTUGUESE, FINN None ENGLISH Cell Broadcast Service Interval Type 1~4096 1~4096 s 300 Cell Broadcast Service Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None 0 Multi-Carrier Switch off Based on Traffic Load Enumeration Type OFF(switch off), ON(switch on) OFF, ON None OFF Multi-Carrier Switch off Based on Traffic Load Interval Type 1~3600 1~3600 s 20 Multi-Carrier Switch off Based on Traffic Load Interval Type 60~3600 60~3600 s 180 MBMS Phase 2 Enumeration Type PTM, PTP, ENHANCEDPTM, DYNAMIC PTM, PTP, ENHANCEDPTM, DYNAMIC None PTM MBMS Phase 2 Enumeration Type D16, D32, D64, D128, D256 32, 64, 128, 256 16, kbit/s D16 MBMS Soft/Selective Combining Type Interval 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 % 70 MBMS Phase 2 Interval Type 1~5 1~5 None 3 MBMS Enhanced Broadcast Mode Interval Type 2~10 2~10 None 4 MBMS Enhanced Broadcast Mode Interval Type 1~5 1~5 None 3 MBMS Phase 2 Interval Type 2~20 2~20 None 2 MBMS Enhanced Broadcast Mode Interval Type 1~360 10~3600, step: 10 s 6 MBMS Admission ControlInterval Type 0~60 0~60 s 10 MBMS Admission ControlEnumeration Type ON, OFF ON, OFF None OFF MBMS Admission ControlEnumeration Type ON, OFF ON, OFF None ON MBMS Admission ControlEnumeration Type ON, OFF ON, OFF None ON MBMS Enhanced Broadcast Mode Enumeration Type D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, 256 kbit/s D16 RNC Node Redundancy Interval Type 0 0 None None RNC Node Redundancy String Type None 1~20 characters None None RNC Node Redundancy Interval Type 1~60 1~60 s 1 RNC Node Redundancy Interval Type 1~10 5 None 5 3GPP SpecificationsRNC Interval Type Node Redundancy 1~10 2 None 2 RNC Node Redundancy Enumeration Type NONE, IUCS, IUPS, IUCS_IUPSIUCS, IUPS, IUCS_IUPS NONE, None IUCS_IUPS RNC Node Redundancy Interval Type 0 0 None None 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB ORIGCONVCALLEST, ORIGSTREAMCALLEST,None Enumeration Type Assignment ORIGCONVCALLEST, ORIGSTREAMCALLEST,None ORIGINTERCALLEST, ORIGBKGCALLEST, ORIGSUBSTRAFFCALLEST, TER ORIGINTERCALLEST, ORIGBKGCALLEST, ORIGSUB 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB FACH, DCH_3.4K_SIGNALLING, DCH_6.8K_SIGNALLING, DCH_13.6K_SIGNALLING, DCH_27.2K_SIGNALLING Enumeration Type Assignment FACH, DCH_3.4K_SIGNALLING, DCH_6.8K_SIGNALLING, DCH_13.6K_SIGNALLING, DCH_27.2K_SIG None None Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON None None 3GPP SpecificationsUplink Flow Control of User Plane Bit Field Type INVOKE_TRACE_SWITCH, SYS_INFO_UPDATE_FOR_IU_RST, DRNC_DIRECT_DSCR, RNC_SHARE_SWITCH, RNCAP_IMS This parameter is set to 0 or 1 according to the related domains. None None 3GPP Specifications Bit Field Type RSVDBIT1_BIT1, NAS_QOS_MOD_SWITCH,to 0 or 1 according to the related domains. This parameter is set RSVDBIT1_BIT3, RSVDBIT1_BIT4, RSVDBIT1_BIT5, RSVDBIT1_BIT6, RSVDBIT None None RAN Sharing Introduction Interval Type PackageMOCN Introduction Package 0~3 0~3 None None 3GPP SpecificationsShared Network Support in Connected Mode Interval Type 1~65533, 65535 {1~65533}, {65535} None None None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None RAN Sharing Introduction Interval Type PackageMOCN Introduction Package 0~3 0~3 None None MBMS Introduction Package Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None MBMS Phase 2 Enumeration Type PTM, PTP, ENHANCEDPTM, DYNAMIC PTM, PTP, ENHANCEDPTM, DYNAMIC None PTM MBMS Enhanced Broadcast Mode Interval Type 2~10 2~10 None 4 MBMS Enhanced Broadcast Mode Interval Type 1~5 1~5 None 3 RAN Sharing Introduction Interval Type PackageMOCN Introduction Package 0~3 0~3 None None Iupc Interface for LCS service Interval Type 0~3 0~3 None None Iupc Interface for LCS service Interval Type 0~186 0~186 None None Intra Frequency Load Balance Interval Type 1~86400 1~86400 s 1800 Potential User Control Interval Type 6~86400 6~86400 s 1800 Load Reshuffling Interval Type 1~86400 1~86400 s 10 Overload Control Interval Type 100~86400000 100~86400000 ms 3000 Load Measurement Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, None D17,D9, D11, D13, D15, D17, D19 D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D13, D15, D8, D19 D6, D7, D6 Load Measurement Enumeration Type TEN_MSEC, MIN TEN_MSEC, MIN None TEN_MSEC Load Measurement Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step:10 ms 100
Load Measurement Interval Type 1~60 1~60 min 20 Load Measurement Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, None D17,D9, D11, D13, D15, D17, D19 D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D13, D15, D8, D19 D6, D7, D6 Load Measurement Enumeration Type TEN_MSEC, MIN TEN_MSEC, MIN None TEN_MSEC Load Measurement Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step:10 ms 100 Load Measurement Interval Type 1~60 1~60 min 20 Load Measurement Interval Type 2~65535 2~65535 None 150 Load Measurement Interval Type 1~32 1~32 None 6 Load Measurement Interval Type 1~32 1~32 None 6 Load Measurement Interval Type 1~32 1~32 None 5 Load Measurement Interval Type 1~32 1~32 None 5 Load Measurement Interval Type 1~32 1~32 None 5 Load Measurement Interval Type 1~32 1~32 None 5 Load Measurement Interval Type 1~32 1~32 None 5 Load Measurement Interval Type 1~32 1~32 None 5 Load Measurement Enumeration Type TEN_MSEC, MIN TEN_MSEC, MIN None TEN_MSEC Load Measurement Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step:10 ms 100 Load Measurement Interval Type 1~60 1~60 min 10 Load Measurement Interval Type 1~32 1~32 None 5 Load Measurement Enumeration Type TEN_MSEC, MIN TEN_MSEC, MIN None TEN_MSEC Load Measurement Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step:10 ms 100 Load Measurement Interval Type 1~60 1~60 min 10 Load Measurement Interval Type 1~32 1~32 None 5 Load Measurement Interval Type 2~255 2~255 None 3 Load Measurement Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, None D17,D9, D11, D13, D15, D17, D19 D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D13, D15, D8, D19 D6, D7, D3 Load Measurement Enumeration Type TEN_MSEC, MIN TEN_MSEC, MIN None TEN_MSEC Load Measurement Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step:10 ms 20 Load Measurement Interval Type 1~60 1~60 min 20 Load Measurement Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step:10 None 100 Load Measurement Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, None D17,D9, D11, D13, D15, D17, D19 D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D13, D15, D8, D19 D6, D7, D3 Load Measurement Enumeration Type TEN_MSEC, MIN TEN_MSEC, MIN None TEN_MSEC Load Measurement Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step:10 ms 20 Load Measurement Interval Type 1~60 1~60 min 20 Load Measurement Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step:10 None 100 None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~255 0~255 None None Open Loop Power ControlInterval Type -350~150 -35~15, step: 0.1 dB -20 None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~255 0~255 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~149 0~149 chip 50 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~15 0~15 None None Physical Channel Management Enumeration Type TRUE, FALSE TRUE, FALSE None FALSE Transport Channel Management Enumeration Type BIT2, BIT4, BIT6, BIT8, BIT12, BIT16, 16, 24 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, BIT24 bit BIT4 Physical Channel Management Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, 0, 1,D7,3, 4, 5, 6,D10, D11, D12, 12, 13, 14, D15, D16, D17 D6, 2, D8, D9, 7, 8, 9, None D13, D14, 15, 16, 17 10, 11, None Physical Channel Management Enumeration Type EXISTS, NOT_EXISTS EXISTS, NOT_EXISTS None None MBMS Introduction Package Enumeration Type COMMON, MCCH COMMON, MCCH None COMMON None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~255 0~255 None None Transport Channel Management Type Interval 0~16777215 0~16777215 None None Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Enumeration Type INTERACTIVE, BACKGROUND INTERACTIVE, BACKGROUND None None Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Enumeration Type GOLD, SILVER, COPPER GOLD, SILVER, COPPER None None Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Medium, Low Enumeration Type High, High, Medium, Low None None Differentiated Service Based on SPI Weight Interval Type 2~11 2~11 None None None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None Cell ID + RTT Function Based LCSOTDOA BasedCELLID_CENTER, CELLID_RTT, Iur Bit Field Type LCSA-GPS Based LCSLCS over OTDOA, AGPS A-GPS, OTDOA, CELLID_RTT, CELLID_CENTER None None A-GPS Based LCS Enumeration Type UE_BASED, UE_ASSISTED, UE_BASED_PREFERRED, UE_ASSISTED_PREFERRED UE_BASED, UE_ASSISTED, UE_BASED_PREFERRED, UE_ASSISTED_PREFERRED None UE_BASED A-GPS Based LCS Enumeration Type NODELIVERY, DELIVERY NODELIVERY, DELIVERY None NODELIVERY A-GPS Based LCS Bit Field Type REFERENCE_TIME_FOR_GPS, REFERENCE_LOCATION_FOR_GPS, None REFERENCE_TIME_FOR_GPS, REFERENCE_LOCATION_FOR_GPS, DGPS_CORRECT, GPS_NAVG None DGPS_CORRECT, GPS_NAVGMODEL, GPS_IONOSP A-GPS Based LCS Bit Field Type REFERENCE_TIME_FOR_GPS, REFERENCE_LOCATION_FOR_GPS, None REFERENCE_TIME_FOR_GPS, REFERENCE_LOCATION_FOR_GPS, DGPS_CORRECT, GPS_NAVG None DGPS_CORRECT, GPS_NAVGMODEL, GPS_IONOSP A-GPS Based LCS Interval Type 4~16 4~16 None 16 Cell ID + RTT Function Based LCSOTDOA BasedUE_BASED, Based LCS UE_BASED, UE_ASSISTED, UE_BASED_PREFERRED, UE_ASSISTED_PREFERRED Enumeration Type LCSA-GPS UE_ASSISTED, UE_BASED_PREFERRED, UE_ASSISTED_PREFERRED None UE_ASSISTED Cell ID + RTT Function Based LCS Enumeration Type UE_BASED, UE_ASSISTED, UE_BASED_PREFERRED, UE_ASSISTED_PREFERRED UE_BASED, UE_ASSISTED, UE_BASED_PREFERRED, UE_ASSISTED_PREFERRED None UE_ASSISTED Emergency Call Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON None OFF Cell ID + RTT Function Based LCSOTDOA BasedNO, YES Enumeration Type LCSA-GPS Based LCS NO, YES None YES Cell ID + RTT Function Based LCSOTDOA BasedDRD, MEAS_BASED DRD, MEAS_BASED None Enumeration Type LCSA-GPS Based LCS DRD
Cell ID + RTT Function Based LCSOTDOA BasedR5_POSDATA_SWITCH, LAST_KNOWN_SERVICE_AREA_SWITCH None Bit Field Type LCSA-GPS Based LCS R5_POSDATA_SWITCH, LAST_KNOWN_SERVICE_AREA_SWITCH None Cell ID + RTT Function Based LCS Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON None OFF Cell ID + RTT Function Based LCS Interval Type 0~29 0~14.5, step: 0.5 dB 12 Cell ID + RTT Function Based LCS Interval Type 0~29 0~14.5, step: 0.5 dB 18 Cell ID + RTT Function Based LCS Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D160 Cell ID + RTT Function Based LCS Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D1280 Cell ID + RTT Function Based LCS Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 dB -20 Cell ID + RTT Function Based LCS Enumeration Type RNC_CENTRIC(RNC CENTRIC Mode), SAS_CENTRIC(SAS CENTRIC Mode), SAS_CENTRIC_PREFERRED(SAS CENTRIC PR RNC_CENTRIC, SAS_CENTRIC, SAS_CENTRIC_PREFERRED None RNC_CENTRIC None Interval Type 0~4095 0~4095 None None Cell ID + RTT Function Based LCS Enumeration Type NLOS_ENVIRONMENT,NLOS_ENVIRONMENT,MIXED_ENVIRONMENTMIXED_ENVIRONMENT LOS_ENVIRONMENT, None LOS_ENVIRONMENT, Cell ID + RTT Function Based LCS Enumeration Type INACTIVE, ACTIVE INACTIVE, ACTIVE None ACTIVE OTDOA Based LCS Enumeration Type INACTIVE, ACTIVE INACTIVE, ACTIVE None ACTIVE A-GPS Based LCS Enumeration Type INACTIVE, ACTIVE INACTIVE, ACTIVE None ACTIVE Differentiated Service Based on SPI Weight Interval Type 1~8 1~8 None None Differentiated Service Based on SPI Weight Interval Type 0~7 0~7 None 1 Differentiated Service Based on SPI Weight Interval Type 0~7 0~7 None 1 Differentiated Service Based on SPI Weight Interval Type 0~7 0~7 None 1 Differentiated Service Based on SPI Weight Interval Type 0~7 0~7 None 1 Differentiated Service Based on SPI Weight Interval Type 0~7 0~7 None 1 Differentiated Service Based on SPI Weight Interval Type 0~15 0~15 None None Differentiated Service Based on SPI Weight Interval Type 1~100 1~100 % None None Interval Type 0~500 0~5, step: 0.01 None 313 None Interval Type 0~500 0~5, step: 0.01 None 200 SRNS Relocation (UE NotInterval Type Involved) 1~255 1~255 s 60 SRNS Relocation (UE NotInterval Type Involved) 0~400 0~400 ms 400 SRNS Relocation (UE NotInterval Type Involved) 1~100 1~100 s 5 SRNS Relocation (UE NotInterval Type Involved) 1~65535 1~65535 s 60 SRNS Relocation (UE NotInterval Type Involved) 1~255 1~255 s 30 SRNS Relocation (UE NotEnumeration Type Involved) RT(Real time service), NRT(Non real time service), ALL(All service) RT, NRT, ALL None NRT None Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~255 0~255 None 1 Open Loop Power ControlInterval Type -350~150 -35~15, step: 0.1 dB -50 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 ms 5000 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 ms 5000 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 ms 350 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 ms 5000 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 ms 5000 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~3000 1~3000 ms 1000 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 300~300000 300~300000 ms 5000 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 ms 5000 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 300~300000 300~300000 ms 5000 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 300~300000 300~300000 ms 5000 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 ms 5000 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 ms 5000 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 ms 5000 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~300000 1~300000 ms 11000 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 ms 5000 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 ms 5000 Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 ms 5000 Intra RNC Cell UpdateInter RNC Cell Update Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 ms 5000 SRNS Relocation with Cell/URA Update Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 ms 5000 Intra Node B Softer HandoverInterType Soft Handover Interval RNC 1~300000 1~300000 ms 5000 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on CoverageInter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoSIntra Frequency Hard Handover Interval Type 1~300000 1~300000 ms 5000 Inter Frequency Hard Handover Based on CoverageInter Frequency Hard Handover Based on DL QoSIntra Frequency Hard Handover Interval Type 1~300000 1~300000 ms 5000 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~20000 1~20000 ms 10000 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~60000 1~60000 ms 45000 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~20000 1~20000 ms 20000 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 ms 5000 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~20000 1~20000 ms 15000 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 ms 5000 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 ms 5000 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~20000 1~20000 ms 10000 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 ms 3000 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~255 1~255 min 10
3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 ms 5000 Encryption Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 ms 5000 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 ms 5000 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 s 300 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 s 300 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~15 0~15 s 4 Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Medium, Low Enumeration Type High, High, Medium, Low None High Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Medium, Low Enumeration Type High, High, Medium, Low None High Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Medium, Low Enumeration Type High, High, Medium, Low None High Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Medium, Low Enumeration Type High, High, Medium, Low None High Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Medium, Low Enumeration Type High, High, Medium, Low None High Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Medium, Low Enumeration Type High, High, Medium, Low None Medium Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Medium, Low Enumeration Type High, High, Medium, Low None Medium Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Medium, Low Enumeration Type High, High, Medium, Low None Medium Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Medium, Low Enumeration Type High, High, Medium, Low None Medium Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Medium, Low Enumeration Type High, High, Medium, Low None Medium Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Medium, Low Enumeration Type High, High, Medium, Low None Low Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Medium, Low Enumeration Type High, High, Medium, Low None Low Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Medium, Low Enumeration Type High, High, Medium, Low None Low Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Medium, Low Enumeration Type High, High, Medium, Low None Low Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Medium, Low Enumeration Type High, High, Medium, Low None Low Conversational QoS ClassStreaming QoS ClassInteractive QoS ClassBackground QoS Class Interval Type 0~99 0~99 None None Conversational QoS ClassStreaming QoS ClassInteractive QoS ClassBackground QoS 21~28, 40~69, 70~99 Interval Type 0~6, 11~19, 21~28, 40~69, 70~99 Class 0~6, 11~19, None None Conversational QoS ClassStreaming QoS ClassInteractive QoS ClassBackground QoS INTERACTIVE, BACKGROUND Enumeration Type CONVERSATIONAL, STREAMING, Class CONVERSATIONAL, STREAMING, INTERACTIVE, BACKGROUND None None Conversational QoS ClassStreaming QoS ClassInteractive QoS ClassBackground QoS Class Enumeration Type SPEECH, UNKNOWN SPEECH, UNKNOWN None None 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB 0~256000000 Interval Type Assignment 0~256000000 bit/s None 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB CS_DOMAIN, PS_DOMAIN Enumeration Type Assignment CS_DOMAIN, PS_DOMAIN None None Inner Loop Power Control Interval Type 1~15 1~15 None None Inner Loop Power Control Interval Type 1~15 1~15 None None Inter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter-RAT HO_TO_GSM_SHOULD_BE_PERFORM, Between UMTS and GPRSInter-RAT Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Ba Enumeration Type Handover Based on DL QoSPS Handover HO_TO_GSM_SHOULD_NOT_BE_PERFORM, HO_TO_GSM_SHALL_NOT_BE_PER HO_TO_GSM_SHOULD_BE_PERFORM, HO_TO_GSM_SHOULD_NOT_BE_PERFORM, HO_TO_GSM None None Inter-RAT Handover Based on CoverageInter-RAT GSM, GPRS, EDGE DL QoSPS Handover Between UMTS and GPRSInter-RAT Handover Based on ServiceInter-RAT Handover Ba Enumeration Type Handover Based on GSM, GPRS, EDGE None None Conversational QoS ClassStreaming QoS ClassInteractive QoS ClassBackground QoS Class Enumeration Type NORMAL, SILENT NORMAL, SILENT None None 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2 kbit/s RRC Connection and RAB APPLIED_ON_UPLINK, APPLIED_ON_UPLINK, None Enumeration Type Assignment APPLIED_ON_DOWNLINK, APPLIED_ON_BOTH APPLIED_ON_BOTH APPLIED_ON_DOWNLINK, None Conversational QoS ClassStreaming QoS ClassInteractive QoS ClassBackground QoS Class Interval Type 0~99 0~99 None None Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC)HSUPA DCCC UPLINK, DOWNLINK UPLINK, DOWNLINK None None Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC) D16, D32, D64, D128, D256,32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2K, D6K, D8K, D12K, D16K, D24K, D32K, D48K, D64K, D96K, D128K, D 16, D512, D1024, D2K, byte D4K, 3K, 4K, 6K, 8K, 12K, 16K, 24K, 32K, 48K, 64K, 96K, 128K, 192K, 256 D3K, D1024 Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC) D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D256, D512, D1024, D2K, 1024, D4K, D6K, D8K,8K, 12K, 16K, D24K, D32K, D48K, D64K, D96K, D128K 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, D3K, 2K, 3K, 4K, 6K, D12K, D16K, 24K, 32K, 48K, 64K, 96K, 128K, 192K, 2 byte None Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC) D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000, D10000, D15000, D20000, D2 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000, 10000, 15000, 20000, 25000, 3 ms None Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC) D250, D500, D1000, D2000, D4000, D8000, D16000 8000, 16000 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, ms D4000 Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC) D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000, D10000, D15000, D20000, D2 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000, 10000, 15000, 20000, 25000, 3 ms D2560 Dynamic Channel Configuration ControlType Enumeration (DCCC) D250, D500, D1000, D2000, D4000, D8000, D16000 8000, 16000 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, ms D4000 HSUPA DCCC Interval Type 0~1023 0~1023 None 2 HSUPA DCCC Interval Type 0~1023 0~1023 None 16 HSUPA DCCC Interval Type 0~1023 0~1023 None 2 HSUPA DCCC Interval Type 0~1023 0~1023 None 16 Dynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC) 0~1023 Interval Type 0~1023 None 2 Dynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC) 0~1023 Interval Type 0~1023 None 16 Conversational QoS ClassStreaming QoS ClassInteractive QoS ClassBackground QoS Class Interval Type 0~99 0~99 None None HSDPA Introduction PackageHSUPA Introduction Package Enumeration Type TRCH_HSDSCH, TRCH_EDCH_2MS, TRCH_EDCH_10MS TRCH_HSDSCH, TRCH_EDCH_2MS, TRCH_EDCH_10MS None None HSDPA Introduction Package Enumeration Type D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, 1, 2,D8 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 D7, 3, None D1 HSDPA Introduction Package Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 bit 336 HSDPA Introduction Package Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 bit None HSDPA Introduction Package Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 bit None HSDPA Introduction Package Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 bit None HSDPA Introduction Package Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 bit None HSDPA Introduction Package Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 bit None HSDPA Introduction Package Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 bit None HSDPA Introduction Package Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 bit None HSUPA Introduction Package Enumeration Type D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, 1, 2,D8,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 D7, 3, D9, D10, D11, D12 None D1 HSUPA Introduction Package Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 bit 336 HSUPA Introduction Package Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 bit None HSUPA Introduction Package Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 bit None HSUPA Introduction Package Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 bit None HSUPA Introduction Package Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 bit None
HSUPA Introduction Package Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 bit None HSUPA Introduction Package Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 bit None HSUPA Introduction Package Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 bit None HSUPA Introduction Package Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 bit None HSUPA Introduction Package Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 bit None HSUPA Introduction Package Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 bit None HSUPA Introduction Package Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 bit None HSDPA Flow Control Enumeration Type D2, D10, D20, D50, D100, D200, D500, D1000 500, 1000 2, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, ms D50 Conversational QoS ClassStreaming QoS ClassInteractive QoS ClassBackground QoS Class Interval Type 0~99 0~99 None None Conversational QoS ClassStreaming QoS ClassInteractive QoS ClassBackground QoS Class Interval Type 0~2 0~2 None None Outer Loop Power ControlEnumeration Type TRCH_DCH, TRCH_EDCH_2MS, TRCH_EDCH_10MS TRCH_DCH, TRCH_EDCH_2MS, TRCH_EDCH_10MS None None Conversational QoS ClassStreaming QoS ClassInteractive QoS ClassBackground QoS ClassSatellite Transmission on Iub Interface Interval Type 1~5 1~5 None None Outer Loop Power ControlInterval Type -63~0 5*10^(-7)~1 None None HSUPA Power Control Interval Type 0~5000 0~5, step: 0.001 dB None HSUPA Power Control Interval Type 0~15 0~15 None None HSUPA Power Control Interval Type 0~15000 0~15, step: 0.001 None None HSUPA Power Control Interval Type 0~15000 0~15, step: 0.001 None None Conversational QoS ClassStreaming QoS ClassInteractive QoS ClassBackground QoS Class Interval Type 0~99 0~99 None None AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates ControlDynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC)Inter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoSNone Interval Type 0~82 0~82 dB AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates ControlDynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC)Inter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoSNone Interval Type 0~82 0~82 dB AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates ControlDynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC)Inter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoSNone Interval Type 0~82 0~82 dB AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates ControlDynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC)Inter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoSNone Interval Type 0~82 0~82 dB Dynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC)Inter-RAT Handover Based1~512 QoS Interval Type 1~512 on DL None None Dynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC) 1~512 Interval Type 1~512 None None Dynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC) 1~512 Interval Type 1~512 None None AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates ControlDynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC)Inter Frequency Hard Handover BasedNone QoSInter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS Interval Type 0~56 0~28, step: 0.5 dB on DL AMR/WB-AMR Speech Rates ControlDynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC)Inter Frequency Hard Handover BasedNone QoSInter-RAT Handover Based on DL QoS Interval Type 0~56 0~28, step: 0.5 dB on DL Conversational QoS ClassStreaming QoS ClassInteractive QoS ClassBackground QoS Class Interval Type 0~99 0~99 None None Conversational QoS ClassStreaming QoS ClassInteractive QoS ClassBackground QoS Class Interval Type 0~2 0~2 None None Conversational QoS ClassStreaming QoS ClassInteractive QoS TRCH_HSDSCH, TRCH_EDCH_2MS, TRCH_EDCH_10MSNone Enumeration Type TRCH_DCH, ClassBackground QoS Class TRCH_DCH, TRCH_HSDSCH, TRCH_EDCH_2MS, TRCH_EDCH_10MS None None Enumeration Type TRCH_DCH, TRCH_HSDSCH TRCH_DCH, TRCH_HSDSCH None None Conversational QoS ClassStreaming QoS ClassInteractive QoS ClassBackground QoS ClassSatellite Transmission on Iub Interface Interval Type 1~5 1~5 None None Conversational QoS ClassStreaming QoS ClassInteractive QoS ClassBackground QoS Class Enumeration Type AM, UM, TM AM, UM, TM None None None Enumeration Type SENDER_PARA, RECEIVE_PARA, FLOWCONTROL_PARA SENDER_PARA, RECEIVE_PARA, FLOWCONTROL_PARA None None Flow Control Interval Type 0~500000 0~500000 ms 5000 Flow Control Interval Type 40~60000 40~60000 ms 1000 Flow Control Interval Type 0~10 0~10 None 1 Flow Control Interval Type 0~1000 0~100, step: 0.1 % 160 Flow Control Interval Type 1~100 1~100 None 2 Flow Control Interval Type 0~1000 0~1000 None 1 Flow Control Interval Type 0~1000 0~100, step: 0.1 % 80 Flow Control Interval Type 1~100 1~100 None 14 Flow Control Interval Type 0~1000 0~1000 None 1 Flow Control Interval Type 0~1000 0~100, step: 0.1 ms 50 Encryption Bit Field Type UEA0, UEA1 For each switch of this parameter, the value can be: ON or OFF. None None UE State in Connected Mode (CELL-DCH, CELL-PCH, URA-PCH, CELL-FACH) Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 None 9 UE State in Connected Mode (CELL-DCH, CELL-PCH,D16, D32, D64, D128, D256, D512, D1024, D2k, 1024,D4k,3k, 4k, 6k, D6412k, 16k, D24k, D32k, D48k, D64k, D96k, D128k, D1 Enumeration Type D8, URA-PCH, CELL-FACH) 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, D3k, 2k, D6k, D8k, 8k, 8, 16, byte D12k, D16k, 24k, 32k, 48k, 64k, 96k, 128k, 192k, 256k, UE State in Connected Mode (CELL-DCH, CELL-PCH,D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 Enumeration Type D0, URA-PCH, CELL-FACH) D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 D80, ms D5000 UE State in Connected Mode (CELL-DCH, CELL-PCH, URA-PCH, CELL-FACH)500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000 Enumeration Type D250, D500, D1000, D2000, D4000, D8000, D16000 250, ms D1000 UE State in Connected Mode (CELL-DCH, CELL-PCH,D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 Enumeration Type D0, URA-PCH, CELL-FACH) D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 D80, ms D5000 UE State in Connected Mode (CELL-DCH, CELL-PCH, URA-PCH, CELL-FACH)500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000 Enumeration Type D250, D500, D1000, D2000, D4000, D8000, D16000 250, ms D16000 UE State in Connected Mode (CELL-DCH, CELL-PCH, URA-PCH, D128, D256,32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2k,D6k,4k, 6k, 8k, 12k, 16k, 24k, D32k, D48k, D64k, D96k, 192k, 256k, 38 Enumeration Type D16, D32, D64, CELL-FACH) 16, D512, D1024, D2k, byte D4k, 3k, D8k, D12k, D16k, D24k, 32k, 48k, 64k, 96k, 128k, D128k, D192k D3k, D1024 UE State in Connected Mode (CELL-DCH, CELL-PCH,D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 Enumeration Type D0, URA-PCH, CELL-FACH) D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 D80, ms D0 UE State in Connected Mode (CELL-DCH, CELL-PCH,D16, D32, D64, D128, D256, D512, D1024, D2k, 1024,D4k,3k, 4k, 6k, D6412k, 16k, D24k, D32k, D48k, D64k, D96k, D128k, D1 Enumeration Type D8, URA-PCH, CELL-FACH)HSDPA State 256, 512, D3k, 2k, D6k, D8k, 8k, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, Transition byte D12k, D16k, 24k, 32k, 48k, 64k, 96k, 128k, 192k, 256k, UE State in Connected Mode (CELL-DCH, CELL-PCH,D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, Transition 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 Enumeration Type D0, URA-PCH, CELL-FACH)HSDPA State D160, 120, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, ms D5000 UE State in Connected Mode (CELL-DCH, CELL-PCH, URA-PCH, CELL-FACH)HSDPA State Transition8000, 16000 Enumeration Type D250, D500, D1000, D2000, D4000, D8000, D16000 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, ms D1000 HSDPA State Transition Enumeration Type D16, D32, D64, D128, D256,32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2k,D6k,4k, 6k, 8k, 12k, 16k, 24k, D32k, D48k, D64k, D96k, 192k, 256k, 38 16, D512, D1024, D2k, byte D4k, 3k, D8k, D12k, D16k, D24k, 32k, 48k, 64k, 96k, 128k, D128k, D192k D3k, D1024 HSDPA State Transition Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D0 UE State in Connected Mode (CELL-DCH, CELL-PCH,D16, D32, D64, D128, D256, D512, D1024, D2k, 1024,D4k,3k, 4k, 6k, D6412k, 16k, D24k, D32k, D48k, D64k, D96k, D128k, D1 Enumeration Type D8, URA-PCH, CELL-FACH) 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, D3k, 2k, D6k, D8k, 8k, 8, 16, byte D12k, D16k, 24k, 32k, 48k, 64k, 96k, 128k, 192k, 256k, UE State in Connected Mode (CELL-DCH, CELL-PCH,D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 Enumeration Type D0, URA-PCH, CELL-FACH) D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 D80, ms D5000 UE State in Connected Mode (CELL-DCH, CELL-PCH, URA-PCH, CELL-FACH)500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000 Enumeration Type D250, D500, D1000, D2000, D4000, D8000, D16000 250, ms D16000 UE State in Connected Mode (CELL-DCH, CELL-PCH, URA-PCH, D128, D256,32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2k,D6k,4k, 6k, 8k, 12k, 16k, 24k, D32k, D48k, D64k, D96k, 192k, 256k, 38 Enumeration Type D16, D32, D64, CELL-FACH) 16, D512, D1024, D2k, byte D4k, 3k, D8k, D12k, D16k, D24k, 32k, 48k, 64k, 96k, 128k, D128k, D192k D3k, D1024 UE State in Connected Mode (CELL-DCH, CELL-PCH,D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 Enumeration Type D0, URA-PCH, CELL-FACH) D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 D80, ms D0 UE State in Connected Mode (CELL-DCH, CELL-PCH, URA-PCH, CELL-FACH)HSUPAstep: 10 Interval Type 1~10000 10~100000, DCCCDynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC) 30 ms
UE State in Connected Mode (CELL-DCH, CELL-PCH, URA-PCH, CELL-FACH) Interval Type 0~384 0~384 kbit/s 8 UE State in Connected Mode (CELL-DCH, CELL-PCH, URA-PCH, CELL-FACH)HSUPA DCCCDynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC) Interval Type 0~1023 0~1023 None 2 UE State in Connected Mode (CELL-DCH, CELL-PCH, URA-PCH, CELL-FACH)HSUPA DCCCDynamic Channel Configuration Control (DCCC) Interval Type 0~1023 0~1023 None 4 UE State in Connected Mode (CELL-DCH, CELL-PCH, URA-PCH, D128, D256,32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2k,D6k,4k, 6k, 8k, 12k, 16k, 24k, D32k, D48k, D64k, D96k, 192k, 256k, 38 Enumeration Type D16, D32, D64, CELL-FACH) 16, D512, D1024, D2k, byte D4k, 3k, D8k, D12k, D16k, D24k, 32k, 48k, 64k, 96k, 128k, D128k, D192k D3k, D1024 UE State in Connected Mode (CELL-DCH, CELL-PCH,D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 Enumeration Type D0, URA-PCH, CELL-FACH) D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 D80, ms D0 CPC - DTX / DRXCPC - HS-SCCH lessType Enumeration operation D16, D32, D64, D128, D256,32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2k,D6k,4k, 6k, 8k, 12k, 16k, 24k, D32k, D48k, D64k, D96k, 192k, 256k, 38 16, D512, D1024, D2k, byte D4k, 3k, D8k, D12k, D16k, D24k, 32k, 48k, 64k, 96k, 128k, D128k, D192k D3k, D1024 CPC - DTX / DRXCPC - HS-SCCH lessType Enumeration operation D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D0 CPC - DTX / DRXCPC - HS-SCCH lessType Enumeration operation D16, D32, D64, D128, D256,32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2k,D6k,4k, 6k, 8k, 12k, 16k, 24k, D32k, D48k, D64k, D96k, 192k, 256k, 38 16, D512, D1024, D2k, byte D4k, 3k, D8k, D12k, D16k, D24k, 32k, 48k, 64k, 96k, 128k, D128k, D192k D3k, D1024 CPC - DTX / DRXCPC - HS-SCCH lessType Enumeration operation D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D0 CPC - DTX / DRXCPC - HS-SCCH lessType Enumeration operation D16, D32, D64, D128, D256,32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2k,D6k,4k, 6k, 8k, 12k, 16k, 24k, D32k, D48k, D64k, D96k, 192k, 256k, 38 16, D512, D1024, D2k, byte D4k, 3k, D8k, D12k, D16k, D24k, 32k, 48k, 64k, 96k, 128k, D128k, D192k D3k, D1024 CPC - DTX / DRXCPC - HS-SCCH lessType Enumeration operation D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D0 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Enumeration Type D16, D32, D64, D128, D256,32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2k,D6k,4k, 6k, 8k, 12k, 16k, 24k, D32k, D48k, D64k, D96k, 192k, 256k, 38 16, D512, D1024, D2k, byte D4k, 3k, D8k, D12k, D16k, D24k, 32k, 48k, 64k, 96k, 128k, D128k, D192k D3k, D1024 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D0 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Enumeration Type D16, D32, D64, D128, D256,32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2k,D6k,4k, 6k, 8k, 12k, 16k, 24k, D32k, D48k, D64k, D96k, 192k, 256k, 38 16, D512, D1024, D2k, byte D4k, 3k, D8k, D12k, D16k, D24k, 32k, 48k, 64k, 96k, 128k, D128k, D192k D3k, D1024 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D0 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Enumeration Type D16, D32, D64, D128, D256,32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2k,D6k,4k, 6k, 8k, 12k, 16k, 24k, D32k, D48k, D64k, D96k, 192k, 256k, 38 16, D512, D1024, D2k, byte D4k, 3k, D8k, D12k, D16k, D24k, 32k, 48k, 64k, 96k, 128k, D128k, D192k D3k, D1024 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D0 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACHCPC -Type / DRXCPCD32, D64, D128, D256,32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2k,D6k,4k, 6k, 8k, 12k, 16k, 24k, D32k, D48k, D64k, D96k, 192k, 256k, 38 Enumeration DTX D16, - HS-SCCH less operation 16, D512, D1024, D2k, byte D4k, 3k, D8k, D12k, D16k, D24k, 32k, 48k, 64k, 96k, 128k, D128k, D192k D3k, D1024 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACHCPC -Type / DRXCPC - HS-SCCH less operation 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 Enumeration DTX D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D0 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACHCPC -Type / DRXCPCD32, D64, D128, D256,32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2k,D6k,4k, 6k, 8k, 12k, 16k, 24k, D32k, D48k, D64k, D96k, 192k, 256k, 38 Enumeration DTX D16, - HS-SCCH less operation 16, D512, D1024, D2k, byte D4k, 3k, D8k, D12k, D16k, D24k, 32k, 48k, 64k, 96k, 128k, D128k, D192k D3k, D1024 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACHCPC -Type / DRXCPC - HS-SCCH less operation 40,D120, D160, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, D5000 Enumeration DTX D0, D10, D20, D40, D60,0, 10, 20, D80, D100, 60, 80, 100, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, 5000 ms D0 Fast Dormancy Enhancement Enumeration Type D16, D32, D64, D128, D256,32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2k,D6k,4k, 6k, 8k, 12k, 16k, 24k, D32k, D48k, D64k, D96k, 192k, 256k, 38 16, D512, D1024, D2k, byte D4k, 3k, D8k, D12k, D16k, D24k, 32k, 48k, 64k, 96k, 128k, D128k, D192k D3k, D3k UE State in Connected Mode (CELL-DCH, CELL-PCH, URA-PCH, CELL-FACH) Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 s 180 UE State in Connected Mode (CELL-DCH, CELL-PCH, URA-PCH, CELL-FACH) Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 s 5 UE State in Connected Mode (CELL-DCH, CELL-PCH, URA-PCH, CELL-FACH) Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 s 65535 UE State in Connected Mode (CELL-DCH, CELL-PCH, URA-PCH, CELL-FACH)HSDPA State Transition Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 s 5 UE State in Connected Mode (CELL-DCH, CELL-PCH, URA-PCH, CELL-FACH) Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 s 180 UE State in Connected Mode (CELL-DCH, CELL-PCH, URA-PCH, CELL-FACH) Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 s 5 CPC - DTX / DRXCPC - HS-SCCH less operation 1~65535 Interval Type 1~65535 s 5 CPC - DTX / DRXCPC - HS-SCCH less operation 1~65535 Interval Type 1~65535 s 180 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Type Interval 1~65535 1~65535 s 5 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Type Interval 1~65535 1~65535 s 5 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Type Interval 1~65535 1~65535 s 180 CPC - DTX / DRXCPC - HS-SCCH less operationDownlink Enhanced CELL_FACH Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 s 5 Downlink Enhanced CELL_FACHCPC - DTX / DRXCPC - HS-SCCH less operation Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 s 180 Integrity Protection Bit Field Type UIA1 For each switch of this parameter, the value can be: ON or OFF. None UIA1-1 3GPP Specifications Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 None None RAN Sharing Introduction Interval Type PackageMOCN Introduction Package 0~3 0~3 None None Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Enumeration Type INTERACTIVE, BACKGROUND, IMSSIGNALLING, PTT IMSSIGNALLING, PTT INTERACTIVE, BACKGROUND, None None Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Medium, Low Enumeration Type High, High, Medium, Low None None Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources HSPA Enumeration Type R99, R99, HSPA None None Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Enumeration Type GOLD, SILVER, COPPER GOLD, SILVER, COPPER None None Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144,64, 128, 144, 256, 384, 608, D2048, D2720, D5440 Enumeration Type D0, 0, 8, 16, 32, D256, D384, D608, D1280, 1280, 2048, 2720, 5440 kbit/s D64 Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144,64, 128, 144, 256, 384, 512, 768, 1024, 1536, 1800, 2048, D3600, D7200, D8640, D10100, D1 Enumeration Type D0, 0, 8, 16, 32, D256, D384, D512, D768, D1024, D1536, D1800, D2048, 3600, 7200, 8640, 10100, 13900, 1 kbit/s D64 HSDPA Flow Control Enumeration Type INTERACTIVE, BACKGROUND INTERACTIVE, BACKGROUND None None Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Enumeration Type GOLD, SILVER, COPPER GOLD, SILVER, COPPER None None Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources Medium, Low Enumeration Type High, High, Medium, Low None None HSDPA Flow Control Interval Type 0~27900 0~27900 kbit/s 0 Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources D13.6, D27.2 Enumeration Type D3.4, 3.4, 13.6, 27.2 kbit/s D3.4 Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources D13.6, D27.2 Enumeration Type D3.4, 3.4, 13.6, 27.2 kbit/s D3.4 Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144,64, 128, 144, 256, 384 Enumeration Type D0, 0, 8, 16, 32, D256, D384 kbit/s D16 Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144,64, 128, 144, 256, 384 Enumeration Type D0, 0, 8, 16, 32, D256, D384 kbit/s D16 Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144,64, 128, 144, 256, 384 Enumeration Type D0, 0, 8, 16, 32, D256, D384 kbit/s D16 Traffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144,64, 128, 144, 256, 384 Enumeration Type D0, 0, 8, 16, 32, D256, D384 kbit/s D16 Load ReshufflingOverloadEnumeration Type Pre-EmptionTraffic Priority Mapping onto Copper ControlQueuing and Gold, Silver, Copper Gold, Silver, Transmission Resources None Gold Load ReshufflingOverloadEnumeration Type Pre-EmptionTraffic Priority Mapping onto Copper ControlQueuing and Gold, Silver, Copper Gold, Silver, Transmission Resources None Gold Load ReshufflingOverloadEnumeration Type Pre-EmptionTraffic Priority Mapping onto Copper ControlQueuing and Gold, Silver, Copper Gold, Silver, Transmission Resources None Gold Load ReshufflingOverloadEnumeration Type Pre-EmptionTraffic Priority Mapping onto Copper ControlQueuing and Gold, Silver, Copper Gold, Silver, Transmission Resources None Gold Load ReshufflingOverloadEnumeration Type Pre-EmptionTraffic Priority Mapping onto Copper ControlQueuing and Gold, Silver, Copper Gold, Silver, Transmission Resources None Gold Load ReshufflingOverloadEnumeration Type Pre-EmptionTraffic Priority Mapping onto Copper ControlQueuing and Gold, Silver, Copper Gold, Silver, Transmission Resources None Silver Load ReshufflingOverloadEnumeration Type Pre-EmptionTraffic Priority Mapping onto Copper ControlQueuing and Gold, Silver, Copper Gold, Silver, Transmission Resources None Silver Load ReshufflingOverloadEnumeration Type Pre-EmptionTraffic Priority Mapping onto Copper ControlQueuing and Gold, Silver, Copper Gold, Silver, Transmission Resources None Silver Load ReshufflingOverloadEnumeration Type Pre-EmptionTraffic Priority Mapping onto Copper ControlQueuing and Gold, Silver, Copper Gold, Silver, Transmission Resources None Silver Load ReshufflingOverloadEnumeration Type Pre-EmptionTraffic Priority Mapping onto Copper ControlQueuing and Gold, Silver, Copper Gold, Silver, Transmission Resources None Silver
Load ReshufflingOverloadEnumeration Type Pre-EmptionTraffic Priority Mapping onto Copper ControlQueuing and Gold, Silver, Copper Gold, Silver, Transmission Resources None Copper Load ReshufflingOverloadEnumeration Type Pre-EmptionTraffic Priority Mapping onto Copper ControlQueuing and Gold, Silver, Copper Gold, Silver, Transmission Resources None Copper Load ReshufflingOverloadEnumeration Type Pre-EmptionTraffic Priority Mapping onto Copper ControlQueuing and Gold, Silver, Copper Gold, Silver, Transmission Resources None Copper Load ReshufflingOverloadEnumeration Type Pre-EmptionTraffic Priority Mapping onto Copper ControlQueuing and Gold, Silver, Copper Gold, Silver, Transmission Resources None Copper Load ReshufflingOverloadEnumeration Type Pre-EmptionTraffic Priority Mapping onto Copper ControlQueuing and Gold, Silver, Copper Gold, Silver, Transmission Resources None Copper Load ReshufflingOverloadEnumeration Type Pre-EmptionTraffic Priority Mapping onto Transmission Resources ControlQueuing and ARP, TrafficClass ARP, TrafficClass None ARP Load ReshufflingOverloadEnumeration Type Pre-EmptionTraffic Priority MappingDCH,Transmission Resources ControlQueuing and NONE, DCH, HSPA NONE, onto HSPA None NONE Cell Broadcast Service String Type None digits with length of 6~15None None Emergency Call Enumeration Type ALGORITHM_OFF(WPS Algorithm Switch OFF), None ALGORITHM_OFF, ALGORITHM_ON ALGORITHM_ON(WPS ALGORITHM_OFF Algorithm Switch ON) Emergency Call Bit Field Type PRIORITY1(WPS USERPRIORITY1,1), PRIORITY2(WPS USER PRIORITY 2), PRIORITY3(WPS USER PRIORITY PRIORITY8, P PRIORITY PRIORITY2, PRIORITY3, PRIORITY4, PRIORITY5, PRIORITY6, PRIORITY7, 3), PRIORITY None None
Recommended Value 1 None None UMTS YES None None None None None 5 0 None None None 0 0 -50 D0 D3 FALSE None -18 TRUE FALSE FALSE None FALSE 0 OFF 2 50 30 1 None 10 10 50 50 100 100 100 100 10 10 10 10 100 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 None 4 6 1 FALSE None -6
Impact RNC None None BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 Cell Physical channel Cell RNC Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC Cell Cell Physical channel Cell Physical channel Cell Physical channel
Parameter Relationship Interrupted After Modification Service Interruption Scope Interruption Duration(Min) None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when "TpenaltyHcsReselect" is not set to D0. No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This paramter is valid only when impact on the UEset idle mode) No (No "BlindHoFlag" is Not to TRUE. in involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter needs to No (Noonly when the parameter mode) be set impact on the UE in idle "AcRstrctSwitch"Not involved UACALGO" command is set to ON. Not involved in the "SET This parameter needs to No (Noonly when the parameter mode) be set impact on the UE in idle "AcRstrctSwitch"Not involved UACALGO" command is set to ON. Not involved in the "SET This parameter needs to No (Noonly when the parameter mode) be set impact on the UE in idle "AcRstrctSwitch"Not involved UACALGO" command is set to ON. Not involved in the "SET None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid only when "AFSetObj" is set toinvolved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not NOPRIORITY. Not involved This parameter is valid only when "AFSetObj" is set toinvolved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not NOPRIORITY. Not involved This parameter is valid only when "AFSetObj" is set toinvolved SILVER, or Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not GOLD, COPPER. This parameter is valid only when "AFSetObj" is set toinvolved SILVER, or Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not GOLD, COPPER. This parameter is valid only when "AFSetObj" is set toinvolved SILVER, or Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not GOLD, COPPER. This parameter is valid only when "AFSetObj" is set toinvolved SILVER, or Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not GOLD, COPPER. This parameter is valid only when "AFSetObj" is set toinvolved SILVER, or COPPER. No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not GGOLD, Not involved This parameter is valid only when "AFSetObj" is set toinvolved SILVER, or Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not GOLD, COPPER. This parameter is valid only when "AFSetObj" is set toinvolved SILVER, or Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not GOLD, COPPER. This parameter is valid only when "AFSetObj" is set toinvolved SILVER, or Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not GOLD, COPPER. This parameter is valid only when "AFSetObj" is set toinvolved SILVER, or Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not GOLD, COPPER. This parameter is valid only when "AFSetObj" is set toinvolved SILVER, or Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not GOLD, COPPER. This parameter is valid only when "AFSetObj" is set toinvolved SILVER, or Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not GOLD, COPPER. This parameter is valid only when "AFSetObj" is set toinvolved SILVER, or Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not GOLD, COPPER. This parameter is valid only when "AFSetObj" is set toinvolved SILVER, or Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not GOLD, COPPER. This parameter is valid only when "AFSetObj" is set toinvolved SILVER, or Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not GOLD, COPPER. This parameter is valid only when "AFSetObj" is set toinvolved SILVER, or Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not GOLD, COPPER. This parameter is valid only when "AFSetObj" is set toinvolved SILVER, or Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not GOLD, COPPER. This parameter is valid only when "AFSetObj" is set toinvolved SILVER, or Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not GOLD, COPPER. This parameter is valid only when "AFSetObj" is set toinvolved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not GOLD,SILVER, or COPPER. Not involved This parameter is valid only when "AFSetObj" is set toinvolved SILVER, or Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not GOLD, COPPER. None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved
50 RNC The following relationship must be satisfied: "DlThdE1" <= "DlThdE2" < "DlThdF2" <= "DlThdF1". No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 50 RNC The following relationship must be satisfied: "DlThdE1" <= "DlThdE2" < "DlThdF2" <= "DlThdF1". No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 120 RNC The following relationship must be satisfied: "DlThdE1" <= "DlThdE2" < "DlThdF2" <= "DlThdF1". No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 120 RNC The following relationship must be satisfied: "DlThdE1" <= "DlThdE2" < "DlThdF2" <= "DlThdF1". No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 1000 RNC The following relationship must be satisfied: "UlModeChangeTimerLen" <=Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved "DlModeChangeTimerLen". 3000 RNC The following relationship must be satisfied: "UlModeChangeTimerLen" <=Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved "DlModeChangeTimerLen". NBAMR_BITRATE_12.20K Cell The following relationship must be satisfied:"GoldMaxMode" >= "SilverMaxMode" >= "CopperMaxMode". No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved NBAMR_BITRATE_12.20K Cell The following relationship must be satisfied:"GoldMaxMode" >= "SilverMaxMode" >= "CopperMaxMode". No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved NBAMR_BITRATE_12.20K Cell The following relationship must be satisfied:"GoldMaxMode" >= "SilverMaxMode" >= "CopperMaxMode". No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 50 RNC The following relationship must be satisfied: "DlThdE1" <= "DlThdE2" < "DlThdF2" <= "DlThdF1". No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 50 RNC The following relationship must be satisfied: "DlThdE1" <= "DlThdE2" < "DlThdF2" <= "DlThdF1". No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 120 RNC The following relationship must be satisfied: "DlThdE1" <= "DlThdE2" < "DlThdF2" <= "DlThdF1". No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 120 RNC The following relationship must be satisfied: "DlThdE1" <= "DlThdE2" < "DlThdF2" <= "DlThdF1". No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 1000 RNC The following relationship must be satisfied: "UlModeChangeTimerLen" <=Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved "DlModeChangeTimerLen". 3000 RNC The following relationship must be satisfied: "UlModeChangeTimerLen" <=Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved "DlModeChangeTimerLen". WBAMR_BITRATE_23.85K Cell The following relationship must be satisfied:"GoldMaxMode" >= "SilverMaxMode" >= "CopperMaxMode". No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved WBAMR_BITRATE_23.85K Cell The following relationship must be satisfied:"GoldMaxMode" >= "SilverMaxMode" >= "CopperMaxMode". No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved WBAMR_BITRATE_23.85K Cell The following relationship must be satisfied:"GoldMaxMode" >= "SilverMaxMode" >= "CopperMaxMode". No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved 0 Transport channel None Not involved Not involved Not involved -20 Transport channel None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved ON RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 0 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 0 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved SYS_LEVEL:ONNODEB_LEVEL:ONCELL_LEVEL:ON RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved ON RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 3 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 180 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 60 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 60 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 100 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 60 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 20 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 20 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 45 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 15 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 15 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved 0 RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved 0 RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved CELL RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved None RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved None RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved None RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved 0 RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved CellNormal RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved Normal RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved 1 RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved 10 RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved English RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved 0 RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved Earthquake RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved None RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved None RNC Not Involved Not involved Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 430 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell None Yes Cell Interruption until the cell is activated again. Invalid Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Cell None Yes Cell Interruption until the cell is activated again. None Cell When "UARFCNUplinkInd" is set to TRUE, this parameter need to manualInterruption until the cellto automatic again. Yes Cell configure;or else need is activated configure with the res
Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell NodeB RNC RNC RNC RNC Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Physical channel Physical channel Physical channel Cell Transport channel Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell
None Yes Cell Interruption until the cell is activated again. None Yes Cell Interruption until the cell is activated again. None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Yes Cell Interruption until the cell is activated again. None Yes Cell Interruption until the cell is activated again. None Yes Cell Interruption until the cell is activated again. None Yes Cell Interruption until the cell is activated again. None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Yes Cell Interruption until the cell is activated again. None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This paramter is valid only when "TxDiversityInd" is set to TRUE. Yes Cell Interruption until the cell is activated again. This paramter is valid only when "TxDiversityInd" is set to TRUE. Yes Cell Interruption until the cell is activated again. This paramter is valid only when "CLTAModeInd" Not involved Not involved is set to TRUE. Not involved This paramter is valid only when "TxDiversityInd" is set to TRUE.This paramter is set to STTD only is activated again. Yes Cell Interruption until the cell when "STTDSupInd" is set to STT This paramter is valid only when "TxDiversityInd" is set to TRUE.This paramter is set to STTD only is activated again. Yes Cell Interruption until the cell when "STTDSupInd" is set to STT This paramter is valid only when "TxDiversityInd" is set to TRUE.This paramter is set to STTD only is activated again. Yes Cell Interruption until the cell when "STTDSupInd" is set to STT This paramter is valid only when "TxDiversityInd" is set to TRUE.This paramter is set to STTD only is activated again. Yes Cell Interruption until the cell when "STTDSupInd" is set to STT This paramter is valid only when "TxDiversityInd" is set to TRUE.This paramter is set to STTD only is activated again. Yes Cell Interruption until the cell when "STTDSupInd" is set to STT None Yes Cell Interruption until the cell is activated again. None Yes Cell Interruption until the cell is activated again. None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved 1. The value of this parameter must satisfy the UE in idlerelationship:"Min Transmit Power of PCPICH" <= "PCPICH Transmit Power" No (No impact on following mode) Not involved Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid only when "IdleCellBarred" in idle to BARRED. No (No impact on the UE is set mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid only when "IdleCellBarred" in idle to BARRED. No (No impact on the UE is set mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid only when "ConnCellBarred" is set to BARRED. Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
D1280 Cell None Cell None RNC None RNC None RNC None RNC None Cell None Cell None Cell None Cell None Cell ALGORITHM_DEPEND_ON_LCG Cell None Cell E_F_DPCH_OFF Cell None Cell NBM_LDC_MATCH_UE_ONLY Cell None Cell 0 Cell 0 Cell None Cell NBAMR_BITRATE_12.20K Cell NBAMR_BITRATE_12.20K Cell NBAMR_BITRATE_12.20K Cell None Cell WBAMR_BITRATE_23.85K Cell WBAMR_BITRATE_23.85K Cell WBAMR_BITRATE_23.85K Cell None Cell TU Cell 75 Cell 75 Cell 60 Cell 80 Cell 80 Cell 75 Cell 80 Cell 85 Cell 83 Cell 90 Cell 0 Cell 0 Cell 95 Cell 80 Cell 100 Cell 100 Cell 100 Cell 0 Cell 70 Cell 30 Cell 64 Cell 24 Cell 24 Cell 24 Cell 24 Cell 61 Cell -13 Cell ON Cell 120 Cell 0 Cell 20 Cell 0 Cell 0 Cell 20 Cell 16 Cell
This parameter is valid only when "ConnCellBarred" is set to BARRED. Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Yes Cell Interruption until the cell is activated again. None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved If the Downlink CAC algorithm switch select the equivalent user number algorithm,then Intra Frequency LDB Algorithm must be close No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved PUC should not be adopted (No impact on the UEreselection information has been configured but Inter-freq cell reselection threshold No if cell's selection and Notidle mode) in involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved The following relationship must be satisfied:"GoldMaxMode" >= "SilverMaxMode" >= "CopperMaxMode". No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied:"GoldMaxMode" >= "SilverMaxMode" >= "CopperMaxMode". No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied:"GoldMaxMode" >= "SilverMaxMode" >= "CopperMaxMode". No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved The following relationship must be satisfied:"GoldMaxMode" >= "SilverMaxMode" >= "CopperMaxMode". No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied:"GoldMaxMode" >= "SilverMaxMode" >= "CopperMaxMode". No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied:"GoldMaxMode" >= "SilverMaxMode" >= "CopperMaxMode". No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) No (No impact the following involved Not relationship:"UlNonCtrlThdForHo" > "UlNonCtrlThdForAMR";"UlNonCtrlThdFor Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) No (No impact the following involved Not relationship:"UlNonCtrlThdForHo" > "UlNonCtrlThdForNonAMR";"UlNonCtrlTh Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) No (No impact the following involved Not relationship:MAX("UlNonCtrlThdForHo", "UlNonCtrlThdForAMR", "UlNonCtrlTh Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) No (No impact the following involved Not relationship:"DlHOThd" > "DlConvAMRThd";"DlConvAMRThd" > "DlOtherThd" Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) No (No impact the following involved Not relationship:"DlHOThd" > "DlConvNonAMRThd";"DlConvNonAMRThd" > "DlOt Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) No (No impact the following involved Not relationship:"DlConvAMRThd" > "DlOtherThd";"DlConvNonAMRThd" > "DlOthe Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) No (No impact the following involved Not relationship:"UlCellTotalThd" > "UlNonCtrlThdForHo" ;"UlNonCtrlThdForHo" > Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) No (No impact the following involved Not relationship:"DlCellTotalThd" >= "DlHOThd" ;"DlHOThd" > "DlConvAMRThd";"D Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) No (No impact the following involved Not relationship:"UlOlcTrigThd"(See "ADD UCELLLDM") >= "UlCellTotalThd";"UlCe Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) No (No impact the following involved Not relationship:"DlOlcTrigThd"(See "ADD UCELLLDM") >= "DlCellTotalThd";"DlCe Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) No (No impact the following involved Not relationship:"MtchMaxPwr" >= "MtchRsvPwr". Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) No (No impact the following involved Not relationship:"MtchMaxSf" >= "MtchRsvSf" Not involved
60 Cell 40 Cell SF16 Cell SF32 Cell 01&00&00 Cell 06&00&00 Cell 5 Cell 100 Cell 48 Cell 40 Cell 100 Cell 100 Cell None Cell None Cell None RNC None Cell WALKING_SPEED_AND_HOT_SPOT_CELL Cell D64 Cell D64 Cell None Cell 10 Cell 20 Cell D64 Cell D64 Cell None None None Cell None Cell None Cell None Cell None None 2 Cell OFF Cell OFF Cell OFF Cell UserNumber Cell 35 Cell 100 Cell OFF Cell SF8 Cell 13 Cell DependOnNCell Cell None Cell None Cell None Cell ON RNC 25 RNC None None OFF RNC OFF RNC 10 RNC 10 RNC 25 RNC 17 RNC 15 RNC 25 RNC 20 RNC 15 RNC None Cell None Cell None Cell None Cell None Cell None Cell None Cell
The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) No (No impact the following involved Not relationship:"MtchMaxPwr" >= "MtchRsvPwr" Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) No (No impact the following involved Not relationship:"MtchMaxSf" >= "MtchRsvSf" Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) No (No impact the following involved Not relationship:"UlHoCeResvSf" >= "UlLdrCreditSfResThd". Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) No (No impact the following involved Not relationship:"DlHoCeCodeResvSf" >= "DlLdrCreditSfResThd";"DlHoCeCodeRe Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) No (No impact the following involved Not relationship:"BgnEndTime" >"MBgnStartTime" . Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) No (No impact the following involved Not relationship:"BgnEndTime" >"MBgnStartTime" . Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) No (No impact the following involved Not relationship:"BgnAbnormalThd" >= "BgnUpdateThd" Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) No (No impact the following involved Not relationship:"BgnAbnormalThd" >= "BgnUpdateThd" Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved This parameter is available if theimpactof "BEQosPerform" in "SET UQOSACT" is YES. No (No value on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is available if theimpactof "BEQosPerform" in "SET UQOSACT" is YES. No (No value on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is available if theimpactof "BEQosPerform" in "SET UQOSACT" is YES. No (No value on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is available if theimpactof "BEQosPerform" in "SET UQOSACT" is YES. No (No value on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved If this parameter is set through both the on theUCELLDRD" and "SET UDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD UCEL No (No impact "ADD UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved If this parameter is set through both the on theUCELLDRD" and "SET UDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD UCEL No (No impact "ADD UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved If this parameter is set through both the on theUCELLDRD" and "SET UDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD UCEL No (No impact "ADD UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved If this parameter is set through both the on theUCELLDRD" and "SET UDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD UCEL No (No impact "ADD UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved If this parameter is set through both the on theUCELLDRD" and "SET UDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD UCEL No (No impact "ADD UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved If this parameter is set through both the on theUCELLDRD" and "SET UDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD UCEL No (No impact "ADD UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved If this parameter is set through both the on theUCELLDRD" and "SET UDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD UCEL No (No impact "ADD UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved If this parameter is set through both the on theUCELLDRD" and "SET UDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD UCEL No (No impact "ADD UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved If this parameter is set through both the on theUCELLDRD" and "SET UDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD UCEL No (No impact "ADD UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved If this parameter is set through both the on theUCELLDRD" and "SET UDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD UCEL No (No impact "ADD UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved If this parameter is set through both the on theUCELLDRD" and "SET UDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD UCEL No (No impact "ADD UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved If this parameter is set through both the on theUCELLDRD" and "SET UDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD UCEL No (No impact "ADD UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved If this parameter is set through both the on theUCELLDRD" and "SET UDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD UCEL No (No impact "ADD UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved If this parameter is set through both the on theUCELLDRD" and "SET UDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD UCEL No (No impact "ADD UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved If this parameter is set through both the on theUCELLDRD" and "SET UDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD UCEL No (No impact "ADD UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved If this parameter is set through both the on theUCELLDRD" and "SET UDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD UCEL No (No impact "ADD UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved When "RestrictionType" in "ADD UCELLDSACMANUALPARA" is RestrictionFixed, AcRestriction should be configured. When "Restr No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved Only when "RestrictionType"(Impact on the UE in Not involved No in "ADD UCELLDSACMANUALPARA" is RestrictionFixed, this parameter should be configured. idle mode) Not involved
None Cell None Cell None Cell None Cell None Cell None Cell None Cell None Cell None Cell None Cell CONDITIONALSHUTDOWN Cell 1 Cell 0 Cell 0 Cell 20 Cell None Cell 10 Cell -30 Cell 0 Cell 32 Cell 512 Cell 32 Cell 512 Cell 32 Cell 512 Cell 32 Cell 512 Cell 32 Cell 512 Cell 32 Cell 512 Cell 32 Cell 512 Cell None None D8 Cell D8 Cell FALSE Cell 41 Cell 5000 Cell None RNC None Cell None Cell None Cell None Cell None Cell ACTIVE Cell None Cell NOT_USED Cell 0 Cell 0 Cell 0 Cell 20 Cell D60 Cell 8 Cell D20 Cell 0 Cell None Cell OFF Cell 180 Cell 15 Cell 60 Cell 240 Cell 3 Cell 10 Cell
Only when "RestrictionType"(Impact on the UE in Not involved No in "ADD UCELLDSACMANUALPARA" is RestrictionFixed, this parameter should be configured. idle mode) Not involved Only when "RestrictionType"(Impact on the UE in Not involved No in "ADD UCELLDSACMANUALPARA" is RestrictionFixed, this parameter should be configured. idle mode) Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This paramter is valid only when impact on the UE in idle mode) is set toNot involved No (No "Cell Dynamic ShutDown Switch" Not involved ON_1 or ON_2 or ON_3;The value of this parameter mus This paramter is valid only when impact on the UE in idle mode) is set toNot involved No (No "Cell Dynamic ShutDown Switch" Not involved ON_1 or ON_2 or ON_3;The value of this parameter mus This paramter is valid only when impact on the UE in idle mode) is set toNot involved No (No "Cell Dynamic ShutDown Switch" Not involved ON_2 or ON_3;The value of this parameter must fulfill the This paramter is valid only when impact on the UE in idle mode) is set toNot involved No (No "Cell Dynamic ShutDown Switch" Not involved ON_2 or ON_3;The value of this parameter must fulfill the This paramter is valid only when impact on the UE in idle mode) is set toNot involvedvalue of this parameter must fulfill the following No (No "Cell Dynamic ShutDown Switch" Not involved ON_3;The This paramter is valid only when impact on the UE in idle mode) is set toNot involvedvalue of this parameter must fulfill the following No (No "Cell Dynamic ShutDown Switch" Not involved ON_3;The This paramter is valid only when impact on the UE in idle mode) is set toNot involved No (No "Cell Dynamic ShutDown Switch" Not involved ON_1 or ON_2 or ON_3. This paramter is valid only when impact on the UE in idle mode) is set to ConditionalShutDown. No (No "Cell Dynamic ShutDown Type" Not involved Not involved This paramter is valid only when impact on the UE in idle mode) is set to ConditionalShutDown. No (No "Cell Dynamic ShutDown Type" Not involved Not involved This paramter is valid only when impact on the UE in idle mode) is set to ConditionalShutDown. No (No "Cell Dynamic ShutDown Type" Not involved Not involved This paramter is valid only when impact on the UE in idle mode) is set to ConditionalShutDown. No (No "Cell Dynamic ShutDown Type" Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter must satisfy (No following relationship:involved No the impact on the UE in idle mode) Not "CCCHMBR" >= "CCCHGBR" Not involved This parameter must satisfy (No following relationship:involved No the impact on the UE in idle mode) Not "CCCHMBR" >= "CCCHGBR" Not involved This parameter must satisfy (No following relationship:involved No the impact on the UE in idle mode) >= "SRBGBR" Not "SRBMBR" Not involved This parameter must satisfy (No following relationship:involved No the impact on the UE in idle mode) >= "SRBGBR" Not "SRBMBR" Not involved This parameter must satisfy (No following relationship:involved No the impact on the UE in idle mode) Not "CONVMBR" >= "CONVGBR" Not involved This parameter must satisfy (No following relationship:involved No the impact on the UE in idle mode) Not "CONVMBR" >= "CONVGBR" Not involved This parameter must satisfy (No following relationship:involved No the impact on the UE in idle mode) Not "STREAMMBR" >= Not involved "STREAMGBR" This parameter must satisfy (No following relationship:involved No the impact on the UE in idle mode) Not "STREAMMBR" >= Not involved "STREAMGBR" This parameter must satisfy (No following relationship:involved No the impact on the UE in idle mode) Not "INTERACTMBR" >= "INTERACTGBR" Not involved This parameter must satisfy (No following relationship:involved No the impact on the UE in idle mode) Not "INTERACTMBR" >= "INTERACTGBR" Not involved This parameter must satisfy (No following relationship:involved >= "BGGBR" involved No the impact on the UE in idle mode) Not "BGMBR" Not This parameter must satisfy (No following relationship:involved >= "BGGBR" involved No the impact on the UE in idle mode) Not "BGMBR" Not This parameter must satisfy (No following relationship:involved No the impact on the UE in idle mode) >= "IMSGBR" Not "IMSMBR" Not involved This parameter must satisfy (No following relationship:involved No the impact on the UE in idle mode) >= "IMSGBR" Not "IMSMBR" Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved If this parameter is set through both the on theUFRCCHLTYPEPARA" and Not involved No (No impact "SET UE in idle mode) Not involved "ADD UCELLFRC" commands, the parameter set through If this parameter is set through both the on theUFRCCHLTYPEPARA" and Not involved No (No impact "SET UE in idle mode) Not involved "ADD UCELLFRC" commands, the parameter set through The code-resource-saving modeimpact on the to narrowband AMR services only when this parameter is set to TRUE and the "DlSave No (No is applicable UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved If this parameter is set through both the on theUFRCCHLTYPEPARA" and Not involved No (No impact "SET UE in idle mode) Not involved "ADD UCELLFRC" commands, the parameter set through If this parameter is set through both the on theUFRC"idle mode) UCELLFRC" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD UCEL No (No impact "SET UE in and "ADD Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None Yes Cell Interruption until the cell is activated again. None Yes Cell Interruption until the cell is activated again. When "UARFCNUplinkInd" is set to TRUE, this parameter need to manualInterruption until the cellto automatic again. Yes Cell configure;or else need is activated configure with the res None Yes Cell Interruption until the cell is activated again. None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is required when impact on the UE in idle mode) to USED but not required when the "UseOfHcs" parameter is set to No (No the "UseOfHcs" parameter is set Not involved Not involved This parameter is required when impact on the UE in idle mode) to USED but not required when the "UseOfHcs" parameter is set to No (No the "UseOfHcs" parameter is set Not involved Not involved This parameter is required when impact on the UE in idle mode) to USED but not required when the "UseOfHcs" parameter is set to No (No the "UseOfHcs" parameter is set Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid only when "UseOfHcs" is set to USED. No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is required when impact on the UE in idle mode) to USED but not required when the "UseOfHcs" parameter is set to No (No the "UseOfHcs" parameter is set Not involved Not involved This parameter is required when impact on the UE in idle mode) to USED but not required when the "UseOfHcs" parameter is set to No (No the "UseOfHcs" parameter is set Not involved Not involved This parameter is required when impact on the UE in idle mode) to USED but not required when the "UseOfHcs" parameter is set to No (No the "UseOfHcs" parameter is set Not involved Not involved This parameter is required when impact on the UE in idle mode) to USED but not required when the "UseOfHcs" parameter is set to No (No the "UseOfHcs" parameter is set Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid when theimpact on the UE in idle mode) to ON and "UseOfHcs" is set to USED in "ADD UCELLHCS". The No (No HCS_SPD_EST_SWITCH is set Not involved Not involved The value of the parameter mustimpact on the UE in below: "NFastSpdEst"*"TSlowSpdEst" >= "NSlowSpdEst"*"TFastSpdEst". No (No satisfy the function idle mode) Not involved Not involved The value of the parameter mustimpact on the UE in below: "NFastSpdEst"*"TSlowSpdEst" >= "NSlowSpdEst"*"TFastSpdEst". No (No satisfy the function idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The value of the parameter mustimpactthe following condition: "NFastSpdEst"*"TSlowSpdEst" >= "NSlowSpdEst"*"TFastSpdEst" No (No meet on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The value of the parameter mustimpactthe following condition: "NFastSpdEst"*"TSlowSpdEst" >= "NSlowSpdEst"*"TFastSpdEst" No (No meet on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved
None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved SIMINTERFREQRAT Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved COEXIST_MEAS_THD_CHOICE_INTERFREQ None Cell No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved OFF Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved OFF Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved Automatic Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved 5 Cell This paramter is valid only when impact on the UE in idle to Manual. No (No "AllocCodeMode" is set mode) Not involved Not Involved 5 Cell This paramter is valid only when impact on the UE in idle to Automatic and Not value of this parameter must satisfy the following relati No (No "AllocCodeMode" is set mode) Not involved the Involved 1 Cell This paramter is valid only when impact on the UE in idle to Automatic and Not value of this parameter must satisfy the following relati No (No "AllocCodeMode" is set mode) Not involved the Involved 4 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved 0 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved 2.5dB Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved ON Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved 3 Cell This paramter is valid only when impact on the UE in idle mode) to ON. Not Involved No (No "CodeAdjForHsdpaSwitch" is set Not involved 5 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved 1 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved 1 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 75 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved 0 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved PERIODICAL_REPORTING Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved For low speed(5km/h):Range is D4~D6, the recommended value is D5;for No (No speed(50km/h):Range is mode) the recommended value is D4;for high speed(120km/h):Range is D Cell None middle impact on the UE in idle D3~D4, Not involved Not involved D500 Cell This parameter is valid when "InterFreqReportMode" idle mode) No (No impact on the UE in is set to PERIODICAL_REPORTING. Not involved Not involved 4 Cell This parameter is valid when "InterFreqReportMode" idle mode) No (No impact on the UE in is set to EVENT_TRIGGER. Not involved Not involved 4 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 4 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 0 Cell This parameter is valid when "InterFreqReportMode" idle mode) No (No impact on the UE in is set to PERIODICAL_REPORTING. Not involved Not involved 0 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved D0 Cell This parameter is valid when "InterFreqReportMode" idle mode) No (No impact on the UE in is set to EVENT_TRIGGER. Not involved Not involved D320 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved D1280 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 0 Cell This parameter is valid when "InterFreqReportMode" idle mode) No (No impact on the UE in is set to PERIODICAL_REPORTING. Not involved Not involved -14 Cell The value of this parameter must be smaller than Notidle mode) No (No impact on the UE"InterFreqCsThd2FEcN0". involved in involved Not -12 Cell The value of this parameter must be larger the UE in idle mode) No (No impact on than "InterFreqCsThd2DEcN0". Not involved Not involved -14 Cell The value of this parameter must be smaller than Notidle mode) No (No impact on the UE"InterFreqR99PsThd2FEcN0". in involved Not involved -14 Cell The value of this parameter must be smaller than Notidle mode) No (No impact on the UE"InterFreqHThd2FEcN0". involved in involved Not -12 Cell The value of this parameter must be greater than Notidle mode) No (No impact on the UE"InterFreqR99PsThd2DEcN0". in involved Not involved -12 Cell The value of this parameter must be greater than Notidle mode) No (No impact on the UE"InterFreqHThd2DEcN0". involved in involved Not -95 Cell The value of this parameter must be smaller than Notidle mode) No (No impact on the UE"InterFreqCsThd2FRscp". involved in involved Not -92 Cell The value of this parameter must be greater than Notidle mode) No (No impact on the UE"InterFreqCsThd2DRscp". involved in involved Not -95 Cell The value of this parameter must be smaller than Notidle mode) No (No impact on the UE"InterFreqR99PsThd2FRscp". in involved Not involved -95 Cell The value of this parameter must be smaller than Notidle mode) No (No impact on the UE"InterFreqHThd2FRscp".Not involved in involved -92 Cell The value of this parameter must be greater than Notidle mode) No (No impact on the UE"InterFreqR99PsThd2DRscp". in involved Not involved -92 Cell The value of this parameter must be larger the UE in idle mode) No (No impact on than "InterFreqHThd2DRscp". Not involved Not involved -12 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved -12 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved -12 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved -92 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved -92 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved -92 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved -12 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved -12 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved -12 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved -92 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved -92 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved -92 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 60 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 1 Cell This parameter is valid only when "InterFreqReportMode"mode) to "EVENT_TRIGGER". No (No impact on the UE in idle is set Not involved Not involved
4 Cell This parameter is valid when "InterFreqReportMode" idle mode) No (No impact on the UE in is set to EVENT_TRIGGER. Not involved Not involved 0 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved For low speed(5km/h):Range is D4~D6, the recommended value is D5;for No (No speed(50km/h):Range is mode) the recommended value is D4;for high speed(120km/h):Range is D Cell None middle impact on the UE in idle D3~D4, Not involved Not involved 6 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved D640 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved -16 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 60 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 4 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 1 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved PERIODICAL_REPORTING Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved D3 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved AUTO Cell This parameter is valid when "InterRatReportMode" isinvolved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not set to EVENT_TRIGGER. Not involved D3 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 0 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved D1000 Cell This parameter is valid when "InterRatReportMode" isinvolved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not set to PERIODICAL_REPORTING. Not involved 4 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 4 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 4 Cell This parameter is valid when "InterRatReportMode" isinvolved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not set to EVENT_TRIGGER. Not involved 0 Cell This parameter is valid when "InterRatReportMode" isinvolved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not set to PERIODICAL_REPORTING. Not involved D320 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved D1280 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved D0 Cell This parameter is valid when "InterRatReportMode" isinvolved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not set to EVENT_TRIGGER. Not involved 0 Cell This parameter is valid when "InterRatReportMode" isinvolved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not set to PERIODICAL_REPORTING. Not involved 0 Cell This parameter is valid when "InterRatReportMode" isinvolved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not set to PERIODICAL_REPORTING. Not involved REQUIRED Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved -14 Cell The value of this parameter must be smaller than Notidle mode) No (No impact on the UE"InterRatCsThd2FEcN0". involved in involved Not -12 Cell The value of this parameter must be larger the UE in idle mode) No (No impact on than "InterRatCsThd2DEcN0". Not involved Not involved -15 Cell The value of this parameter must be smaller than Notidle mode) No (No impact on the UE"InterRatR99PsThd2FEcN0". in involved Not involved -15 Cell The value of this parameter must be smaller than Notidle mode) No (No impact on the UE"InterRatHThd2FEcN0". Not involved in involved -13 Cell The value of this parameter must be larger the UE in idle mode) No (No impact on than "InterRatR99PsThd2DEcN0". involved Not involved Not -13 Cell The value of this parameter must be larger the UE in idle mode) No (No impact on than "InterRatHThd2DEcN0". Not involved Not involved -100 Cell The value of this parameter must be smaller than Notidle mode) No (No impact on the UE"InterRatCsThd2FRscp".Not involved in involved -97 Cell The value of this parameter must be larger the UE in idle mode) No (No impact on than "InterRatCsThd2DRscp". Not involved Not involved -110 Cell The value of this parameter must be smaller than Notidle mode) No (No impact on the UE"InterRatR99PsThd2FRscp".involved in involved Not -110 Cell The value of this parameter must be smaller than Notidle mode) No (No impact on the UE"InterRatHThd2FRscp". Not involved in involved -107 Cell The value of this parameter must be larger the UE in idle mode) No (No impact on than "InterRatR99PsThd2DRscp". involved Not involved Not -107 Cell The value of this parameter must be larger the UE in idle mode) No (No impact on than "InterRatHThd2DRscp". Not involved Not involved 16 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 16 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 16 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved -12 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved -13 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved -13 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved -97 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved -107 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved -107 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 60 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 0 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 0 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 1 Cell This parameter is valid when "InterRatReportMode" isinvolved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not set to EVENT_TRIGGER. Not involved 4 Cell This parameter is valid when "InterRatReportMode" isinvolved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not set to EVENT_TRIGGER. Not involved 3 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 30 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved D3 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 0 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved D640 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved REQUIRED Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 21 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 21 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 16 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 60 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved
80 60 4 1 3 30 None None D3 CPICH_EC/NO D16 D4000 D16 D4000 D64 D1000 6 6 6 12 12 12 -24 -115 0 0 8 8 8 8 0 D320 D640 D640 D640 D640 D640 -24 3 -115 None 2 90 30 None 55 45 70 60 95 85 95 85 1000 70 50 None CodeAdj InterFreqLDHO BERateRed NoAct NoAct NoAct NoAct
Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell RNC Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell
This parameter is valid when "NcovHoOn2GldInd" in idle mode) No (No impact on the UE "SET UINTERRATHONCOV" is set to ON. Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid when "NcovHoOn2GldInd" in idle mode) No (No impact on the UE "SET UINTERRATHONCOV" is set to ON. Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The value of this parameter must be seton the UE theinvolved formula: ("IntraRelThdFor1ACSVP" - "Hystfor1A" / 2) < ("IntraRelThd No (No impact based onNotidle mode) in following Not involved The value of this parameter must be seton the UE theinvolved formula: ("IntraRelThdFor1ACSNVP" - "Hystfor1A" / 2) < ("IntraRelTh No (No impact based onNotidle mode) in following Not involved The value of this parameter must be seton the UE theinvolved formula: ("IntraRelThdFor1APS" - "Hystfor1A"/2) < ("IntraRelThdFor1 No (No impact based onNotidle mode) in following Not involved The value of this parameter must be seton the UE theinvolved formula: ("IntraRelThdFor1ACSVP" - "Hystfor1A"/2) < ("IntraRelThdF No (No impact based onNotidle mode) in following Not involved The value of this parameter must be seton the UE theinvolved formula: ("IntraRelThdFor1ACSNVP" - "Hystfor1A"/2) < ("IntraRelThd No (No impact based onNotidle mode) in following Not involved The value of this parameter must be seton the UE theinvolved formula: ("IntraRelThdFor1APS" - "Hystfor1A"/2) < ("IntraRelThdFor1 No (No impact based onNotidle mode) in following Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) "CellOverrunThd" >= "CellUnderrunThd". No (No impact the following involved Not relationship: Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) "CellOverrunThd" >= "CellUnderrunThd". No (No impact the following involved Not relationship: Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) "UlLdrTrigThd" >= "UlLdrRelThd";"UlOlcTrigThd" > "UlLdrTrigThd" No (No impact the following involved Not relationship: Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) "UlLdrTrigThd" >= "UlLdrRelThd";"UlOlcRelThd" >= "UlLdrRelThd No (No impact the following involved Not relationship: Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) "DlLdrTrigThd" >= "DlLdrRelThd";"DlOlcTrigThd" > "DlLdrTrigThd" No (No impact the following involved Not relationship: Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) "DlLdrTrigThd" >= "DlLdrRelThd";"DlOlcRelThd" >= "DlLdrRelThd No (No impact the following involved Not relationship: Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) "UlOlcTrigThd" > "UlLdrTrigThd";"UlOlcTrigThd" >= "UlOlcRelThd No (No impact the following involved Not relationship: Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) "UlOlcTrigThd" >= "UlOlcRelThd";"UlOlcRelThd" >= "UlLdrRelThd No (No impact the following involved Not relationship: Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) "DlOlcTrigThd" >= "DlOlcRelThd";"DlOlcTrigThd" > "DlLdrTrigThd No (No impact the following involved Not relationship: Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) "DlOlcTrigThd" >= "DlOlcRelThd";"DlOlcRelThd" >= "DlLdrRelThd No (No impact the following involved Not relationship: Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) "HsupAuRetrnsLdTrigThd" >= "HsupAuRetrnsLdRelThd" No (No impact the following involved Not relationship: Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) "HsupAuRetrnsLdTrigThd" >= "HsupAuRetrnsLdRelThd" No (No impact the following involved Not relationship: Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved
Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 1 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 1 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 3 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 1 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 1 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 3 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 1 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved InterFreqLDHO Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved BERateRed Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved NoAct Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved NoAct Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved NoAct Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved NoAct Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved NoAct Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved NoAct Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 1 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 1 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 3 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 1 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 1 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 3 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 1 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 20 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 20 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 200000 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 200000 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 1 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved SF8 Cell The value of this parameter must not beon the UE in"DlHoCeCodeResvSf"Not"ADD UCELLCAC". No (No impact larger than idle mode) Not involved in involved The comparison b FALSE Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 1 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved SF8 Cell The value of this parameter must not beon the UE in"UlHoCeResvSf". No (No impact larger than idle mode) Not involved Not involved The comparison between th SF8 Cell The value of this parameter must not beon the UE in"DlHoCeCodeResvSf"Not"ADD UCELLCAC". No (No impact larger than idle mode) Not involved in involved The comparison b 13 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved FALSE Cell This parameter is valid only when INTER_FREQ_HHO_SWITCH of the "HoSwitch" in "SET UCORRMALGOSWITCH" is set to ON. No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved OFF Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell None Not involved Not involved Not involved 2SF4 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved BLINDHO Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved CSAMR_INTERFREQ:OFF, CSNONAMR_INTERFREQ:OFF, PSR99_INTERFREQ:OFF, PSHSPA_INTERFREQ:OFF Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 80 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 80 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved For low speed(5km/h):Range is D4~D6, the recommended value is D5;for No (No speed(50km/h):Range is mode) the recommended value is D4;for high speed(120km/h):Range is D Cell None middle impact on the UE in idle D3~D4, Not involved Not involved EVENT_TRIGGER Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved CPICH_EC/NO Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved D500 Cell This parameter is valid when "InterFreqReportMode" idle mode) No (No impact on the UE in is set to PERIODICAL_REPORTING. Not involved Not involved 0 Cell This parameter is valid when "InterFreqReportMode" idle mode) No (No impact on the UE in is set to PERIODICAL_REPORTING. Not involved Not involved 0 Cell This parameter is valid when "InterFreqReportMode" idle mode) No (No impact on the UE in is set to PERIODICAL_REPORTING. Not involved Not involved 6 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved D640 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved -16 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved -92 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 1 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 3 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved CSAMR_INTERRAT:OFF ell C None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 80 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 80 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved D3 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved EVENT_TRIGGER Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved D1000 Cell This parameter is valid when "InterRatReportMode" isinvolved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not set to PERIODICAL_REPORTING. Not involved
Cell 0 Cell 0 Cell 0 Cell D640 Cell 21 Cell 1 Cell ALL_USER Cell 3 Cell 30 Cell None Cell None RNC None RNC 10 Cell 80 Cell 50 Cell 35 Cell 10 Cell None Cell PTM RNC 4 RNC 3 RNC None Cell None RNC None RNC None Cell None RNC None RNC FALSE Physical channel None Cell None Cell -7 Cell FALSE Cell None Cell None Cell ON Cell None None OFF Cell 10 Cell D3000 RNC -92 Cell -12 Cell 10 Cell None Cell 6 Cell D3000 Cell -92 Cell -12 Cell None Cell REQUIRE Cell INTER_FREQ_AND_INTER_RAT Cell INTER_FREQ_AND_INTER_RAT Cell None RNC None Cell None Cell None Cell None Cell None Cell 2 Cell 2 Cell D6 Cell -70 Cell TRUE Cell D0 Cell
None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid when "InterRatReportMode" isinvolved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not set to PERIODICAL_REPORTING. Not involved This parameter is valid when "InterRatReportMode" isinvolved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not set to PERIODICAL_REPORTING. Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved The value of this parameter must fulfill the following condition: "MtchMinPerc0"involved Not involved Not involved Not >= "MtchMinPerc15". The value of this parameter must fulfill the following condition: "MtchMinPerc0"involved Not involved Not involved Not >= "MtchMinPerc15". None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This paramter is valid only when impact on the UE in idle mode) No (No "STTD support indicator" of "ADD UCELLSETUP" is set to STTD_Supported. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved This parameter is consistent involved Not with "FACH ID" in "ADD UFACH", "ADD UFACHDYNTFS", and "ADD UFACHLOCH". Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved If this parameter is set through both the "ADD UCELLMCDRD" and "SET UMCDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD Not involved Not involved Not involved If this parameter is set through both the "ADD UCELLMCDRD" and "SET UMCDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD Not involved Not involved Not involved If this parameter is set through both the "ADD UCELLMCDRD" and "SET UMCDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD Not involved Not involved Not involved If this parameter is set through both the "ADD UCELLMCDRD" and "SET UMCDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD Not involved Not involved Not involved If this parameter is set through both the "ADD UCELLMCDRD" and "SET UMCDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD Not involved Not involved Not involved If this parameter is set through both the "ADD UCELLMCDRD" and "SET UMCDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD Not involved Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is required when impact on the UE in idle mode) parameter is set to INTER_FREQ, INTER_RAT or INTER_FREQ_A No (No the "InterFreqInterRatMeasInd" Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved
None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None 3 3 3 3 68 130 3000 5000 0 0 MBMS_REL 1 1 0 None 45 70 5 -2 2 -4 -4 4 4 None 5 20 20 CPICH_RSCP None D320 D320 D320 D320 D240 D640 D640 D240 D640 D2560 D1280 D1280 D240 D19 D1 64 TEN_MSEC
Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell
None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) No (No impact the following involved Not relationship:"SpucHeavy" >= "SpucLight";"SpucLight" >= "SpucHyst". Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) No (No impact the following involved Not relationship:"SpucHeavy" >= "SpucLight";100 >= "SpucHeavy" + "SpucHyst". Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) No (No impact the following involved Not relationship:"SpucLight" involved Not >= "SpucHyst";100 >= "SpucHeavy" + "SpucHyst". None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid when "InterRatReportMode" ininvolved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not "SET UINTERRATHOCOV" or "ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV" is set to EVE Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved
480 Cell Cell 64 Cell TEN_MSEC Cell 480 Cell None Cell 64 Cell TEN_MSEC Cell 480 Cell None Cell 64 Cell TEN_MSEC Cell 480 Cell None Cell None None None Cell None Cell 0 Cell AMR:50;Other:0 Cell DependOnNCell Cell None Cell None Cell None Cell None Cell None Cell None RAB None RAB None Cell None Cell None Cell None Cell CPICH_ECNO Cell 2 Cell 2 Cell 1 Cell 1 Cell 1 Cell -18 Cell -58 Cell FALSE Cell None Cell 24 Cell 5 Cell 4 Cell 5 Cell 4 Cell 2 Cell 255 Cell 255 Cell 255 Cell NOT_CONFIGURED Cell NotUsed Cell 8 Cell NotUsed Cell 255 Cell 255 Cell 255 Cell 255 Cell 255 Cell 255 Cell 4 Cell 2 Cell 2 Cell 1 Cell None
None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 1. This parameter is valid when "RedirSwitch" is set toinvolved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not ONLY_TO_INTER_FREQUENCY or ONLY_TO_INTER_RAT. 2. If the value o Not involved 1. This parameter is valid when "RedirSwitch" is set toinvolved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not ONLY_TO_INTER_FREQUENCY or ONLY_TO_INTER_RAT. 2. If the value o Not involved 1. This parameter is valid when "RedirSwitch" is set toinvolved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not ONLY_TO_INTER_FREQUENCY or ONLY_TO_INTER_RAT. 2. If the value o Not involved 1. This parameter is valid when "RedirBandInd" isNotidle mode) No (No impact on the UE not involved in set to BandIndNotUsed. involvedvalue of this parameter is set in both the "SET Not 2. If the 1. This parameter is valid when "RedirUARFCNUplinkInd" is set to TRUE. Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved 2. This parameter is valid when "RedirBandInd" is set to B 1. This parameter is valid when "RedirSwitch" is set toinvolved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not ONLY_TO_INTER_FREQUENCY or ONLY_TO_INTER_RAT. 2. If the value o Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The value of this parameter must not beon the UE in idle mode) No (No impact smaller than involved Not "RlMinDlPwr". Not involved The value of this parameter must not beon the UE in"RlMaxDlPwr". No (No impact larger than idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when "QualMeas" is set to CPICH_ECNO. No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when "QualMeas" is set to CPICH_ECNO. No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved This parameter is required when the on the UE in Not involved No (Impact "QrxlevminExtSup" parameter is set to TRUE but not required when the "QrxlevminExtSup" para idle mode) Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when "NonhcsInd" in Not to CONFIGURED. Not involved No (Impact on the UE is set involved idle mode) This parameter is valid only when "NonhcsInd" in Not to CONFIGURED. Not involved No (Impact on the UE is set involved idle mode) This parameter is valid only when "NonhcsInd" in Not to CONFIGURED. Not involved No (Impact on the UE is set involved idle mode) None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved
Cell Cell Cell RNC Cell -7 Cell -6 Cell OFF RNC 10 RNC D64 Cell D64 Cell WALKING_SPEED_AND_HOT_SPOT_CELL Cell FALSE RNC D8 RNC TRUE RNC BasedOnUECap RNC FALSE RNC None RNC 10 RNC ALLOWED RNC MODE2 RNC 6 RNC None RNC None RNC OFF RNC None RNC None RNC None RNC None RNC None RNC None RNC None RNC None Cell None Cell None RNC None RNC None RNC None RNC None RNC None RNC None RNC None RNC None RNC None RNC None RNC 180 RNC 5 RNC 2 RNC 5 RNC D2000 RNC 3 RNC D2000 RNC 3 RNC D30 RNC D30 RNC D40 RNC 1 RNC 5 RNC 6 RNC D1 RNC 3 RNC D50 RNC D0 RNC D0 RNC
None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid when "CellIDChgSwitch" is in idle mode) No (No impact on the UE ON Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved T3212 needs to be set when(Impact on the UE "ADD UCNDOMAIN" is set Not involved No "CNDomainId" in in Not involved idle mode) to CS_DOMAIN; T3212 does not need to be set when "CN ATT needs to be set when "CNDomainId" in "ADD UCNDOMAIN" is set toNot involved ATT does not need to be set when "CNDom No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) CS_DOMAIN; NMO needs to be set when "CNDomainId" the UE in idle mode) No (No impact on in "ADD UCNDOMAIN" is set to PS_DOMAIN; NMO does not need to be set when "CNDo Not involved Not involved DRXCycleLenCoef needs to (Impactonlythe UE"CNDomainId" in "ADD UCNDOMAIN" is set to CS_DOMAIN or PS_DOMAIN. No be set on when in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved When "CNDomainId" in "ADD UCNNODE" theset to CS_DOMAIN, Switch3GPP25415CR0125 needs to be set. No (No impact on is UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved T314 should be set greater than impact on the UE in idle mode) No (No T302*N302 Not involved Not involved T315 should be set greater than impact on the UE in idle mode) No (No T302*N302 Not involved Not involved
D1 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved D30 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved D600 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved D1 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved INVALID RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved CFG_DL_BLIND_DETECTION_SWITCH:ON, CFG_HSDPA_64QAM_SWITCH:ON, CFG_HSDPA_DC_SWITCH:OFF, CFG_HSDPA_MIMO_SWITCH:ON, CFG_HSDPA_MIMO_W RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved DRA_AQM_SWITCH:OFF, DRA_BASE_ADM_CE_BE_TTI_L2_OPT_SWITCH:ON, DRA_BASE_ADM_CE_BE_TTI_RECFG_SWITCH:ON, DRA_BASE_COVER_BE_TTI_L2_OPT RNC DRA_THROU_DCCC_SWITCH,DRA_BASE_ADM_CE_BE_TTI_RECFG_SWITCH,DRA_BASE_COVER_BE_TTI_RECFG_SWITC No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved CS_AMRC_SWITCH:OFF, CS_HANDOVER_TO_UTRAN_DEFAULT_CFG_SWITCH:ON, CS_IUUP_V2_SUPPORT_SWITCH:OFF RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved PC_CFG_ED_POWER_INTERPOLATION_SWITCH:OFF, PC_DL_INNER_LOOP_PC_ACTIVE_SWITCH:ON, PC_DOWNLINK_POWER_BALANCE_SWITCH:ON, PC_EFACH_E RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved CMP_IU_IMS_PROC_AS_NORMAL_PS_SWITCH:OFF, CMP_IU_QOS_ASYMMETRY_IND_COMPAT_SWITCH:OFF, CMP_IU_SYSHOIN_CMP_IUUP_FIXTO1_SWITCH:OFF, CM RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved MAP_HSUPA_TTI_2MS_SWITCH:OFF, MAP_INTER_RAT_PS_IN_CHANLE_LIMIT_SWITCH:OFF, MAP_PS_BE_ON_E_FACH_SWITCH:OFF, MAP_PS_STREAM_ON_E_FACH RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved PS_BE_EXTRA_LOW_RATE_ACCESS_SWITCH:OFF, PS_BE_INIT_RATE_DYNAMIC_CFG_SWITCH:OFF, PS_BE_IU_QOS_NEG_SWITCH:OFF, PS_RAB_DOWNSIZING_SW RNC PS_RAB_DOWNSIZING_SWITCH is validthe UEDRA_DCCC_SWITCH in "DraSwitch" is set to ON. No (No impact on when Notidle mode) in involved Not involved DR_RRC_DRD_SWITCH:ON,DR_RAB_SING_DRD_SWITCH:ON,DR_RAB_COMB_DRD_SWITCH:OFFmode) RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle Not involved Not involved HO_ALGO_HCS_SPEED_EST_SWITCH:OFF, HO_ALGO_LDR_ALLOW_SHO_SWITCH:ON, UE in idle mode) RNC None No (No impact on the HO_ALGO_MBMS_FLC_SWITCH:OFF, HO_ALGO_OVERLAY_SWITCH:OFF, HO_ Not involved Not involved SRNSR_DSCR_IUR_RESRCE_SWITCH:OFF, SRNSR_DSCR_LOC_SEPRAT_SWITCH:ON, SRNSR_DSCR_PROPG_DELAY_SWITCH:OFF, SRNSR_DSCR_SEPRAT_DUR_S RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved CMCF_DL_HLS_SWITCH:ON, CMCF_UL_HLS_SWITCH:ON, CMCF_UL_PRECFG_TOLERANCE_SWITCH:OFF, CMCF_WITHOUT_UE_CAP_REPORT_SWITCH:OFF RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT1:OFF, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT2:OFF, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT3:OFF, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT4:OFF, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT5 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT1:ON, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT2:ON, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT3:ON, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT4:ON, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT5:ON RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 0 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 4294967295 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 0 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 255 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None Physical channel None Not involved Not involved Not involved None RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved D64 RNC When the value of "UlMidRateCalc" is HAND_APPOINT, mode) No (No impact on the UE in idle the following relationship must be satisfied:"UlDcccRateThd" <= "UlMidRate Not involved Not involved D64 RNC When the value of "DlMidRateCalc" is HAND_APPOINT, mode) No (No impact on the UE in idle the following relationship must be satisfied:"DlDcccRateThd" <= "DlMidRate Not involved Not involved D64 RNC The low activity rate adjustment functionon the UE when "LittleRateThd" >=Not involved No (No impact is invalidNotidle mode) in involved "UlDcccRateThd" and "LittleRateThd" >= "DlDcccRateTh RATE_UP_AND_DOWN_ON_DCH RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved RATE_UP_AND_DOWN_ON_EDCH RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 10 Cell This parameter is available if theimpactof "BEQosPerform" in "SET UQOSACT" is YES. No (No value on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 20 Cell This parameter is available if theimpactof "BEQosPerform" in "SET UQOSACT" is YES. No (No value on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 3_Rates RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 3_Rates RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved HAND_APPOINT RNC The parameter is valid when(No impact on the UEin "SETmode) No "UlRateUpAdjLevel" Notidle UDCCC" is set to 3_Rates, or "UlRateDnAdjLevel" in "SET UDCCC" is set in involved Not involved D128 RNC The parameter is valid when(No impact on the in "SETinvolved is set to HAND_APPOINT, and the following relationship must be sa No "UlMidRateCalc" UE in idle mode) Not UDCCC" Not involved 3_Rates RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 3_Rates RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved HAND_APPOINT RNC This parameter is valid when theimpact on the UE in idle"SET UDCCC" is Not to 3_Rates, or when "DlRateDnAdjLevel" in "SET UDC No (No "DlRateUpAdjLevel" involved Not in mode) set involved D128 RNC This parameter is valid when theimpact on the UE in "SET UDCCC" is set Not involved No (No "DlMidRateCalc"Notidle mode) involved to HAND_APPOINT, and the following relationship must b 4 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 60 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 30 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved D64 Cell This parameter is available if theimpactof "BEQosPerform" in "SET UQOSACT" is YES. No (No value on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved D64 Cell This parameter is available if theimpactof "BEQosPerform" in "SET UQOSACT" is YES. No (No value on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 100 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved OFF RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved TPE_DOWNLINK_SWITCH:OFF,TPE_UPLINK_SWITCH:OFF RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 10 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved Qos RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 0 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 0 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 0 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 0 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 0 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 0 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 0 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved
RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved RNC If this parameter is set through both the on theUCELLDRD" and "SET UDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD UCEL No (No impact "ADD UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved OFF RNC If this parameter is set through both the on theUCELLDRD" and "SET UDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD UCEL No (No impact "ADD UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved OFF RNC If this parameter is set through both the on theUCELLDRD" and "SET UDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD UCEL No (No impact "ADD UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved OFF RNC If this parameter is set through both the on theUCELLDRD" and "SET UDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD UCEL No (No impact "ADD UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved UserNumber RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved Only_To_Inter_Frequency RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 10 RNC This parameter is valid only when the "LdbDRDSwitchDCH" parameter is set to ON. No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 10 RNC This parameter is valid only when the "LdbDRDSwitchHSDPA" parameter Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved is set to ON. 35 RNC This parameter is valid only when the "LdbDRDSwitchDCH" parameter is set to ON. No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 100 RNC This parameter is valid only when the "LdbDRDSwitchHSDPA" parameter Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved is set to ON. 30 RNC This parameter is valid only when the "LdbDRDchoice" parameter is set toNot involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved POWER. OFF RNC If this parameter is set through both the on theUCELLDRD" and "SET UDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD UCEL No (No impact "ADD UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 7 RNC This parameter is valid only when the "CodeBalancingDrdSwitch" parameter isinvolved through the "SET UDRD" command. No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not set to ON SF8 RNC If this parameter is set through both the on theUCELLDRD" and "SET UDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD UCEL No (No impact "ADD UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 13 RNC If this parameter is set through both the on theUCELLDRD" and "SET UDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD UCEL No (No impact "ADD UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved DependOnNCell RNC If this parameter is set through both the on theUCELLDRD" and "SET UDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD UCEL No (No impact "ADD UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC If this parameter is set through both the on theUCELLDRD" and "SET UDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD UCEL No (No impact "ADD UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC If this parameter is set through both the on theUCELLDRD" and "SET UDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD UCEL No (No impact "ADD UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC If this parameter is set through both the on theUCELLDRD" and "SET UDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD UCEL No (No impact "ADD UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved ON RNC If this parameter is set through both the on theUCELLDRD" and "SET UDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD UCEL No (No impact "ADD UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 10 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 25 RNC If this parameter is set through both the on theUCELLDRD" and "SET UDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD UCEL No (No impact "ADD UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved OFF RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved OFF RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved OFF RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 10 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 10 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 25 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 17 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 15 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 25 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 20 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 15 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 11 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 100 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved TEN_MSEC RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 500 RNC Valid when "ChoiceRptUnitForCQIE" is set theTEN_MSEC No (No impact on to UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC Valid when "ChoiceRptUnitForCQIE" is set theMIN in idle mode) No (No impact on to UE Not involved Not involved 100 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved TEN_MSEC RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 500 RNC Valid when "ChoiceRptUnitForCQIF" is set theTEN_MSEC No (No impact on to UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC Valid when "ChoiceRptUnitForCQIF" is set theMINNotidle mode) No (No impact on to UE in involved Not involved ON RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved TRUE RNC When "DsacAutoSwitch"is set toimpact on the UE inneed mode) No (No ON,the parameter idle configuring;else,need not. Not involved Not involved TRUE RNC When "DsacAutoSwitch"is set toimpact on the UE inneed mode) No (No ON,the parameter idle configuring;else,need not. Not involved Not involved 2 RNC When "DsacAutoSwitch"is set toimpact on the UE inneed mode) No (No ON,the parameter idle configuring;else,need not. Not involved Not involved AC0-1&AC1-1&AC2-1&AC3-1&AC4-1&AC5-1&AC6-1&AC7-1&AC8-1&AC9-1(No impact on the UE inneed mode) RNC When "DsacAutoSwitch"is set to ON,the parameter idle configuring;else,need not. No Not involved Not involved 100 RNC When "DsacAutoSwitch"is set toimpact on the UE inneed mode) No (No ON,the parameter idle configuring;else,need not. Not involved Not involved 10 RNC When "DsacAutoSwitch"is set toimpact on the UE inneed mode) No (No ON,the parameter idle configuring;else,need not. Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved ON RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC This parameter is valid when "Dtxvalid" is set to ON. idle mode) No (No impact on the UE in involved Not Not involved D2 RNC This parameter is valid when "Dtxvalid" is set to ON. idle mode) No (No impact on the UE in involved Not Not involved None RNC This parameter is valid when "Dtxvalid" is set to ON. idle mode) No (No impact on the UE in involved Not Not involved
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
None D1 D1 ON D5 D4 D2
RNC This parameter is valid when "Dtxvalid" is set to ON. idle mode) No (No impact on the UE in involved Not Not involved RNC This parameter is valid when "Dtxvalid" is set to ON. idle mode) No (No impact on the UE in involved Not Not involved RNC This parameter is valid when "Dtxvalid" is set to ON. idle mode) No (No impact on the UE in involved Not Not involved RNC This parameter is valid when "Dtxvalid" is set to ON. idle mode) No (No impact on the UE in involved Not Not involved RNC This parameter is valid when "Dtxvalid" is set to ON. idle mode) No (No impact on the UE in involved Not Not involved RNC This parameter is valid when "Dtxvalid" is set to ON. idle mode) No (No impact on the UE in involved Not Not involved RNC This parameter is valid when "Dtxvalid" is set to ON. idle mode) No (No impact on the UE in involved Not Not involved TRUE RNC This parameter is valid when "Dtxvalid" is set to ON. idle mode) No (No impact on the UE in involved Not Not involved D2 RNC This parameter is valid when "Dtxvalid" is set to ON. idle mode) No (No impact on the UE in involved Not Not involved D5 RNC This parameter is valid when "Dtxvalid" is set to ON. idle mode) No (No impact on the UE in involved Not Not involved D20 RNC This parameter is valid when "Dtxvalid" is set to ON. idle mode) No (No impact on the UE in involved Not Not involved D5 RNC This parameter is valid when "Dtxvalid" is set to ON. idle mode) No (No impact on the UE in involved Not Not involved RATE_8KBPS: not selectedRATE_16KBPS: not selectedRATE_32KBPS: No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) RNC None not selectedRATE_64KBPS: involved Not not selectedRATE_128KBPS: selectedRATE_144KBPS: not selectedRATE_25 Not involved Gold None None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 3 None This parameter must be smaller than or on the to "BeThd6B1" No (No impact equal UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 3 None This parameter must be greater than or on theto "BeThd6A1";This parameter must be smaller than "BeThd6A2"; No (No impact equal UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 4 None This parameter must be smaller than or on the to "BeThd6B2";This parameter must be greater than "BeThd6B1"; No (No impact equal UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 4 None This parameter must be greater than or on theto "BeThd6A2" No (No impact equal UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell If this paramter is not zero, it(No valid only when "NBscIndex" in "ADD UNBSC"involved No is impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not is added. OFF Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved None RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Cell This paramter is valid only when impact on the UE in "ADD UCNOPERGROUP" is added. No (No "CnOpGrpIndex"Notidle mode) in involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell This paramter is valid only when impact on theis set toinvolved No (No "CfgRacInd" UE in idle mode) Not REQUIRE. Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved GSM900_DCS1800_BAND_USED Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved NOT_USED Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 0 Cell This paramter is valid only when impact on the UE in idle mode) No (No "UseOfHcs" is set to involved Not TRUE. Not involved 20 Cell This parameter is valid only when "UseOfHcs" is set to TRUE. No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved NC0 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved FALSE Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved FALSE Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 0 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved SINGLE_HOST Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell This paramter is valid only when impact on the UE in "ADD UCNOPERGROUP" is added. No (No "CnOpGrpIndex"Notidle mode) in involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell None Yes Cell Interruption until the cell is activated again. None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved FALSE Cell None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None Cell This paramter is valid only when "QqualminInd"in Not involved No (Impact on the UE isidle mode) set to TRUE. Not involved FALSE Cell None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None Cell This paramter is valid only when "QrxlevminInd" is setinvolved No (Impact on the UE in Not mode) idle to TRUE. Not involved FALSE Cell This paramter is valid only when impact on the UE in idle TRUE. No (No "QrxlevminInd" is setinvolved Not to mode) Not involved None Cell This paramter is valid only when impact on the UE in is set to TRUE. No (No "QrxlevminExtSup" idle mode) Not involved Not involved FALSE Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell This paramter is valid only when impact on the UE in idle mode) set to TRUE. involved No (No "MaxAllowedUlTxPowerInd" is Not involved Not NOT_USED Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved
0 Cell This paramter is valid only when impact on the UE in idle mode) No (No "UseOfHcs" is set to involved Not TRUE. Not involved 20 Cell This parameter is valid only when "UseOfHcs" is set to TRUE. No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved FALSE Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved STTD_not_Supported Cell This paramter is valid only when "TxDiversityInd" is set to TRUE. Yes Cell Interruption until the cell is activated again. CP1_not_Supported Cell This paramter is valid only when "TxDiversityInd" is set to TRUE. Yes Cell Interruption until the cell is activated again. OFFSET1 Cell This paramter is valid only when "CLTAModeInd" Not involved Not involved is set to TRUE. Not involved None Cell This paramter is valid only when "TxDiversityInd" is set to TRUE.This paramter is set to STTD only is activated again. Yes Cell Interruption until the cell when "STTDSupInd" is set to STT None Cell This paramter is valid only when "TxDiversityInd" is set to TRUE.This paramter is set to STTD only is activated again. Yes Cell Interruption until the cell when "STTDSupInd" is set to STT None Cell This paramter is valid only when "TxDiversityInd" is set to TRUE.This paramter is set to STTD only is activated again. Yes Cell Interruption until the cell when "STTDSupInd" is set to STT None Cell This paramter is valid only when "TxDiversityInd" is set to TRUE.This paramter is set to STTD only is activated again. Yes Cell Interruption until the cell when "STTDSupInd" is set to STT None Cell This paramter is valid only when "TxDiversityInd" is set to TRUE.This paramter is set to STTD only is activated again. Yes Cell Interruption until the cell when "STTDSupInd" is set to STT None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved NOT_FORBIDDEN Cell This parameter is valid when theimpact on the UE in idle mode) OVERLAY_SWITCH is in "HoSwitch" in "SET UCORRMALGOSW No (No OVERLAY_SWITCH is ON The Not involved Not involved Mode0 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 0 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved FALSE Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved FALSE Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None Cell None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Physical channel None Not involved Not involved Not involved 230 Transport channel None Not involved Not involved Not involved 35 Transport channel None Not involved Not involved Not involved 10 Transport channel None Not involved Not involved Not involved 10 Cell None Not involved Not involved Not involved D15 Transport channel None Not involved Not involved Not involved D14 Transport channel None Not involved Not involved Not involved TRUE Transport channel None Not involved Not involved Not involved CONVOLUTIONAL Transport channel None Not involved Not involved Not involved D1/2 Transport channel Configured only when the "Channel Code Type" is configured as CONVOLUTIONAL. Not involved Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved CONVERSATIONAL:7; STREAMING:8; INTERACTIVE:64; BACKGROUND:64 impact on the UE in idle mode) RNC None No (No Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None Physical channel None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Transport channel None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Transport channel None Not involved Not involved Not involved Configured to 1 when "Number of TFs" is 1;Configured to 0 when "NumberNotTFs" is 2 or 3 Transport channel None of involved Not involved Not involved 1 Transport channel This paramter is valid only when "Number of TFs"Notset to D2 or D3. Not involved is involved Not involved 2 Transport channel This paramter is valid only when "Number of TFs"Notset to D3. Not involved is involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None Physical channel None Not involved Not involved Not involved 12 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved -30 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved -200 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved -22 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved ALGORITHM1 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 1 RNC This parameter can only No set to 1 when the "PwrCtrlAlg" parameter is set to ALGORITHM2. be (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved STEPSIZE_1DB RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved SINGLE_TPC RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved ON RNC The code-resource-saving modeimpact on the to narrowband AMR services only when this parameter is set to ON and the "AllowedS No (No is applicable UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 11 RNC This parameter is valid only when the code-resource-saving mode is applicable to narrowband AMR services, that is, when the "DlSa No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 6 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved D64 RNC This parameter is valid only when the DRA_DCCC_SWITCH under the "DraSwitch" parameter is switched on through the "SET UCO No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved D64 RNC This parameter is valid only when the DRA_DCCC_SWITCH under the "DraSwitch" parameter is switched on through the "SET UCO No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved NON-SCHEDULED RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved D50 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved D50 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved D100 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved D100 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved D256 RNC This parameter can be used (No selection of the initialidle mode) No for impact on the UE in involved Not rate for HSUPA BE services only when the DRA_DCCC_SWITCH under the "D Not involved D128 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved OFF RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved D32 RNC This parameter is required when impact on the UE in idle mode) parameter is set to ON. No (No the "ImsBearEnhancedSwitch" Not involved Not involved
RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 41 RNC If this parameter is set through both the on theUFRC"idle mode) UCELLFRC" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD UCEL No (No impact "SET UE in and "ADD Not involved Not involved 5000 Cell If this parameter is set through both the on theUFRC"idle mode) UCELLFRC" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD UCEL No (No impact "SET UE in and "ADD Not involved Not involved 502 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 302 RNC RlcPduMaxSizeForUlL2Enhanceimpact on the UE in idle mode) RlcPduMinSizeForUlL2Enhance No (No is must bigger than or equal to Not involved Not involved 42 RNC RlcPduMaxSizeForUlL2Enhanceimpact on the UE in idle mode) RlcPduMinSizeForUlL2Enhance No (No is must bigger than or equal to Not involved Not involved 42 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved MIMO RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved D32 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved SRB_OVER_HSDPA:ON, SRB_OVER_HSUPA:ON, TTI_2MS:ON, MIMO:ON, 64QAM:ON, the UE in idle mode)DTX_DRX:ON,involved RNC None No (No impact on L2_ENHANCE:ON, Not involved Not HSSCCH_LESS_OPERATION:ON, MIMO_64QAM:O SLOT_FORMAT_1 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved EDCH_TTI_10ms RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 5 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 5 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved SCHEDULED RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved SCHEDULED RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved DC_HSDPA RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 1 RAB None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved NOT_TRIGGER RAB None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved NOT_PRE_EMPTABLE RAB None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved NOT_ALLOWED RAB None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 5 RAB None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved EDCH_TTI_2ms RAB None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 100 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved DCH RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved DCH RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved HSPA RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved DCH RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved DCH RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved FALSE RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved D8 RNC If this parameter is set through both the on theUFRCCHLTYPEPARA" and Not involved No (No impact "SET UE in idle mode) Not involved "ADD UCELLFRC" commands, the parameter set through D8 RNC If this parameter is set through both the on theUFRCCHLTYPEPARA" and Not involved No (No impact "SET UE in idle mode) Not involved "ADD UCELLFRC" commands, the parameter set through D64 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved D64 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved D256 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved D608 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 180 Cell The value of the parameter mustimpact on the UE in below: "NFastSpdEst"*"TSlowSpdEst" >= "NSlowSpdEst"*"TFastSpdEst". No (No satisfy the function idle mode) Not involved Not involved 15 Cell The value of the parameter mustimpact on the UE in below: "NFastSpdEst"*"TSlowSpdEst" >= "NSlowSpdEst"*"TFastSpdEst". No (No satisfy the function idle mode) Not involved Not involved 60 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 240 Cell The value of the parameter mustimpactthe following condition: "NFastSpdEst"*"TSlowSpdEst" >= "NSlowSpdEst"*"TFastSpdEst" No (No meet on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 3 Cell The value of the parameter mustimpactthe following condition: "NFastSpdEst"*"TSlowSpdEst" >= "NSlowSpdEst"*"TFastSpdEst" No (No meet on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 10 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved MAY RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 0 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved COEXIST_MEAS_THD_CHOICE_INTERFREQ None Cell No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 3 RNC The value of this parameter must not largerthe UE in idle mode) No (No impact on than "MaxCellInActiveSet" of "SETinvolved Not involved Not UINTRAFREQHO" or "ADD UCELLINTRAFREQHO" 30 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC "TbSizeIndex1" < "TbSizeIndex2" < "TbSizeIndex3" <idle mode) No (No impact on the UE in involved Not "TbSizeIndex4" Not involved None RNC This parameter is valid when theimpact on parameteridleset to D1, D2, D3,NotD4. No (No "TbNum" the UE in involved Not is mode) or involved None RNC "TbSizeIndex1" < "TbSizeIndex2" < "TbSizeIndex3" <idle mode) No (No impact on the UE in involved Not "TbSizeIndex4" Not involved None RNC This parameter is valid when theimpact on parameteridleset to D2, D3, or D4. involved No (No "TbNum" the UE in involved Not is mode) Not None RNC "TbSizeIndex1" < "TbSizeIndex2" < "TbSizeIndex3" <idle mode) No (No impact on the UE in involved Not "TbSizeIndex4" Not involved None RNC This parameter is valid when theimpact on parameteridleset to D3 or D4. Not involved No (No "TbNum" the UE in involved Not is mode) None RNC "TbSizeIndex1" < "TbSizeIndex2" < "TbSizeIndex3" <idle mode) No (No impact on the UE in involved Not "TbSizeIndex4" Not involved None RNC This parameter is valid when theimpact on parameteridleset to D4. No (No "TbNum" the UE in involved Not is mode) Not involved D2000 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 3 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 6 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved
D1 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC This parameter is valid when involved Not the "TAC_FUNC" parameter in "ADD UIMEITAC"involved Fast_Dormancy. Not involved Not is set to None RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved None RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved None RNC This parameter is valid when involved Not the "FastDormancy"Not involved "ADD UIMEITAC" is set to ON. parameter in Not involved None RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved None RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved None RNC The parameter must be less than or equal to "ImsiMax" in "ADD UIMSISNAMAP". Not involved Not involved Not involved None RNC The parameter must be greater than or equal to "ImsiMin" in "ADD UIMSISNAMAP". Not involved Not involved Not involved None RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved None RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved None RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved None RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved PERIODICAL_REPORTING Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved For low speed(5km/h):Range is D4~D6, the recommended value is D5;for No (No speed(50km/h):Range is mode) the recommended value is D4;for high speed(120km/h):Range is D Cell None middle impact on the UE in idle D3~D4, Not involved Not involved D500 Cell This parameter is valid when "InterFreqReportMode" idle mode) No (No impact on the UE in is set to PERIODICAL_REPORTING. Not involved Not involved 4 Cell This parameter is valid when "InterFreqReportMode" idle mode) No (No impact on the UE in is set to EVENT_TRIGGER. Not involved Not involved 4 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 4 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 0 Cell This parameter is valid when "InterFreqReportMode" idle mode) No (No impact on the UE in is set to PERIODICAL_REPORTING. Not involved Not involved 0 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved D0 Cell This parameter is valid when "InterFreqReportMode" idle mode) No (No impact on the UE in is set to EVENT_TRIGGER. Not involved Not involved D320 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved D1280 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 0 Cell This parameter is valid when "InterFreqReportMode" idle mode) No (No impact on the UE in is set to PERIODICAL_REPORTING. Not involved Not involved -14 Cell The value of this parameter must be smaller than Notidle mode) No (No impact on the UE"InterFreqCsThd2FEcN0". involved in involved Not -12 Cell The value of this parameter must be larger the UE in idle mode) No (No impact on than "InterFreqCsThd2DEcN0". Not involved Not involved -14 Cell The value of this parameter must be smaller than Notidle mode) No (No impact on the UE"InterFreqR99PsThd2FEcN0". in involved Not involved -14 Cell The value of this parameter must be smaller than Notidle mode) No (No impact on the UE"InterFreqHThd2FEcN0". involved in involved Not -12 Cell The value of this parameter must be greater than Notidle mode) No (No impact on the UE"InterFreqR99PsThd2DEcN0". in involved Not involved -12 Cell The value of this parameter must be greater than Notidle mode) No (No impact on the UE"InterFreqHThd2DEcN0". involved in involved Not -95 Cell The value of this parameter must be smaller than Notidle mode) No (No impact on the UE"InterFreqCsThd2FRscp". involved in involved Not -92 Cell The value of this parameter must be greater than Notidle mode) No (No impact on the UE"InterFreqCsThd2DRscp". involved in involved Not -95 Cell The value of this parameter must be smaller than Notidle mode) No (No impact on the UE"InterFreqR99PsThd2FRscp". in involved Not involved -95 Cell The value of this parameter must be smaller than Notidle mode) No (No impact on the UE"InterFreqHThd2FRscp".Not involved in involved -92 Cell The value of this parameter must be greater than Notidle mode) No (No impact on the UE"InterFreqR99PsThd2DRscp". in involved Not involved -92 Cell The value of this parameter must be larger the UE in idle mode) No (No impact on than "InterFreqHThd2DRscp". Not involved Not involved -12 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved -12 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved -12 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved -92 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved -92 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved -92 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved -12 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved -12 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved -12 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved -92 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved -92 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved -92 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 60 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 1 Cell This parameter is valid only when "InterFreqReportMode"mode) to "EVENT_TRIGGER". No (No impact on the UE in idle is set Not involved Not involved 4 Cell This parameter is valid when "InterFreqReportMode" idle mode) No (No impact on the UE in is set to EVENT_TRIGGER. Not involved Not involved 0 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved For low speed(5km/h):Range is D4~D6, the recommended value is D5;for No (No speed(50km/h):Range is mode) the recommended value is D4;for high speed(120km/h):Range is D Cell None middle impact on the UE in idle D3~D4, Not involved Not involved 6 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved D640 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved -16 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 60 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 4 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 1 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved
0 Cell Cell 0 Cell 0 Cell FALSE Cell 0 Cell 0 Cell D0 Cell D3 Cell D2 Cell 2 Cell FALSE Cell -92 Cell FALSE Cell None Cell -18 Cell FALSE Cell 0 Cell FALSE Cell FALSE Cell -24 Cell -58 Cell PERIODICAL_REPORTING Cell D3 Cell AUTO Cell D3 Cell 0 Cell D1000 Cell 4 Cell 4 Cell 4 Cell 0 Cell D320 Cell D1280 Cell D0 Cell 0 Cell 0 Cell REQUIRED Cell -14 Cell -12 Cell -15 Cell -15 Cell -13 Cell -13 Cell -100 Cell -97 Cell -110 Cell -110 Cell -107 Cell -107 Cell 16 Cell 16 Cell 16 Cell -12 Cell -13 Cell -13 Cell -97 Cell -107 Cell -107 Cell 60 Cell 0 Cell 0 Cell 1 Cell 4 Cell TRUE
None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when "SIB11Ind" is set to TRUE. No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when "SIB11Ind" is set to TRUE. No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when "SIB12Ind"on the UE in idle mode) No (No impact is set to TRUE. Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid when "SIB12Ind"on the UE in idle mode) No (No impact is set to TRUE. Not involved Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when "TpenaltyHcsReselect" is not set to D0. No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when "TpenaltyHcsReselect" is not set to D0. No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid only when "BlindHOFlag" isin idle mode) No (No impact on the UE set to TRUE. Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid only when "NPrioFlag" is set to TRUE. No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved This paramter is valid only when "InterNCellQualReqFlag" is set to TRUE. Not involved No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) This paramter is valid only when "InterNCellQualReqFlag" is set to TRUE. Not involved No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid when "InterRatReportMode" isinvolved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not set to EVENT_TRIGGER. Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid when "InterRatReportMode" isinvolved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not set to PERIODICAL_REPORTING. Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid when "InterRatReportMode" isinvolved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not set to EVENT_TRIGGER. Not involved This parameter is valid when "InterRatReportMode" isinvolved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not set to PERIODICAL_REPORTING. Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid when "InterRatReportMode" isinvolved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not set to EVENT_TRIGGER. Not involved This parameter is valid when "InterRatReportMode" isinvolved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not set to PERIODICAL_REPORTING. Not involved This parameter is valid when "InterRatReportMode" isinvolved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not set to PERIODICAL_REPORTING. Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The value of this parameter must be smaller than Notidle mode) No (No impact on the UE"InterRatCsThd2FEcN0". involved in involved Not The value of this parameter must be larger the UE in idle mode) No (No impact on than "InterRatCsThd2DEcN0". Not involved Not involved The value of this parameter must be smaller than Notidle mode) No (No impact on the UE"InterRatR99PsThd2FEcN0". in involved Not involved The value of this parameter must be smaller than Notidle mode) No (No impact on the UE"InterRatHThd2FEcN0". Not involved in involved The value of this parameter must be larger the UE in idle mode) No (No impact on than "InterRatR99PsThd2DEcN0". involved Not involved Not The value of this parameter must be larger the UE in idle mode) No (No impact on than "InterRatHThd2DEcN0". Not involved Not involved The value of this parameter must be smaller than Notidle mode) No (No impact on the UE"InterRatCsThd2FRscp".Not involved in involved The value of this parameter must be larger the UE in idle mode) No (No impact on than "InterRatCsThd2DRscp". Not involved Not involved The value of this parameter must be smaller than Notidle mode) No (No impact on the UE"InterRatR99PsThd2FRscp".involved in involved Not The value of this parameter must be smaller than Notidle mode) No (No impact on the UE"InterRatHThd2FRscp". Not involved in involved The value of this parameter must be larger the UE in idle mode) No (No impact on than "InterRatR99PsThd2DRscp". involved Not involved Not The value of this parameter must be larger the UE in idle mode) No (No impact on than "InterRatHThd2DRscp". Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid when "InterRatReportMode" isinvolved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not set to EVENT_TRIGGER. Not involved This parameter is valid when "InterRatReportMode" isinvolved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not set to EVENT_TRIGGER. Not involved
3 Cell 30 Cell Cell 0 Cell Cell Cell 21 Cell 21 Cell 16 Cell 60 Cell RNC RNC 80 Cell 60 Cell 4 Cell 1 Cell 3 Cell 30 Cell RNC Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell 6 Cell 6 Cell 6 Cell 12 Cell 12 Cell 12 Cell -24 Cell -115 Cell 0 Cell 0 Cell 8 Cell 8 Cell 8 Cell 8 Cell 0 Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell 60 RNC 3 RNC 2 RNC 30 RNC -24 Cell 3 Cell -115 Cell RNC RNC RNC Cell RNC Cell 0 Cell Cell Cell Cell
None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid when "NcovHoOn2GldInd" in idle mode) No (No impact on the UE "SET UINTERRATHONCOV" is set to ON. Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid when "NcovHoOn2GldInd" in idle mode) No (No impact on the UE "SET UINTERRATHONCOV" is set to ON. Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The value of this parameter must be seton the UE theinvolved formula: ("IntraRelThdFor1ACSVP" - "Hystfor1A" / 2) < ("IntraRelThd No (No impact based onNotidle mode) in following Not involved The value of this parameter must be seton the UE theinvolved formula: ("IntraRelThdFor1ACSNVP" - "Hystfor1A" / 2) < ("IntraRelTh No (No impact based onNotidle mode) in following Not involved The value of this parameter must be seton the UE theinvolved formula: ("IntraRelThdFor1APS" - "Hystfor1A"/2) < ("IntraRelThdFor1 No (No impact based onNotidle mode) in following Not involved The value of this parameter must be seton the UE theinvolved formula: ("IntraRelThdFor1ACSVP" - "Hystfor1A"/2) < ("IntraRelThdF No (No impact based onNotidle mode) in following Not involved The value of this parameter must be seton the UE theinvolved formula: ("IntraRelThdFor1ACSNVP" - "Hystfor1A"/2) < ("IntraRelThd No (No impact based onNotidle mode) in following Not involved The value of this parameter must be seton the UE theinvolved formula: ("IntraRelThdFor1APS" - "Hystfor1A"/2) < ("IntraRelThdFor1 No (No impact based onNotidle mode) in following Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved
0 Cell This parameter is valid when "SIB11Ind" is set to TRUE. No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved 0 Cell This parameter is valid when "SIB11Ind" is set to TRUE. No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved FALSE Cell None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved 0 Cell This parameter is valid when "SIB12Ind"on the UE in idle mode) No (No impact is set to TRUE. Not involved Not involved 0 Cell This parameter is valid when "SIB12Ind"on the UE in idle mode) No (No impact is set to TRUE. Not involved Not involved D0 Cell None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved D3 Cell This parameter is valid when "TpenaltyHcsReselect" is not set to D0. No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved D2 Cell This parameter is valid when "TpenaltyHcsReselect" is not set to D0. No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved FALSE Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell This parameter is valid only when "NPrioFlag" is set to TRUE. No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved TRUE Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None NodeB None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved ON RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved D6 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 60 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 200 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 60 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 100 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 60 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 100 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 60 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 100 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 60 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 100 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 60 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 100 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 40 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 200 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 40 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 200 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 40 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 200 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC The value of this parameter must satisfy the following involved Not involved Not relationship:"PlmnValTagMax" > "PlmnValTagMin". Not involved None RNC The value of this parameter must satisfy the following involved Not involved Not relationship:"PlmnValTagMax" > "PlmnValTagMin". Not involved None RNC LAC needs to be set when "QryType" in "DSP USNAINFO" is set to BY_LAC or BY_SNAC; LAC does not need to be set when "QryT Not involved Not involved Not involved None RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved None RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved None RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved IUBLDR RNC "LdrFirstPri","LdrSecondPri","LdrThirdPri","LdrFourthPri" must be set differently. No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved CREDITLDR RNC "LdrFirstPri","LdrSecondPri","LdrThirdPri","LdrFourthPri" must be set differently. No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved CODELDR RNC "LdrFirstPri","LdrSecondPri","LdrThirdPri","LdrFourthPri" must be set differently. No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved UULDR RNC "LdrFirstPri","LdrSecondPri","LdrThirdPri","LdrFourthPri" must be set differently. No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved NODEB_CREDIT_LDR_SWITCH:disabled.LCG_CREDIT_LDR_SWITCH:disabled.LC_CREDIT_LDR_SWITCH:disabled. Not involved RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved 1800 RNC When "ChoiceRprtUnitForDlBasicMeas"on the UE in idle mode) of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship:"IntraFreqLdb No (No impact is set to MIN,the value Not involved Not involved 1800 RNC When "ChoiceRprtUnitForDlBasicMeas"on the UE in idle mode) of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship:"PucPeriodTi No (No impact is set to MIN,the value Not involved Not involved 10 RNC When "ChoiceRprtUnitForUlBasicMeas"on the UE in idle mode) No (No impact and "ChoiceRprtUnitForDlBasicMeas" are set to MIN,the value of this parameter must satisf Not involved Not involved 3000 RNC When "ChoiceRprtUnitForUlBasicMeas"on the UE in idle mode) No (No impact and "ChoiceRprtUnitForDlBasicMeas" are set to MIN,the value of this parameter must satisf Not involved Not involved D6 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved TEN_MSEC RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 20 RNC This parameter is valid only when "ChoiceRprtUnitForUlBasicMeas" is set Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved to TEN_MSEC,and it must satisfy the following relationship None RNC This parameter is valid only when "ChoiceRprtUnitForUlBasicMeas" is set Not involved must satisfy the following relationship:"MinFo No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved to MIN,and it D6 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved TEN_MSEC RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved
D1 TEN_MSEC None D1 TEN_MSEC None TEN_MSEC None None None None None None None None
None None None None None None None None None FALSE ON OFF OFF OFF None None None None
20 RNC RNC 150 RNC 32 RNC 32 RNC 5 RNC 5 RNC 5 RNC 5 RNC 5 RNC 5 RNC RNC 100 RNC RNC 5 RNC RNC 100 RNC RNC 5 RNC 3 RNC RNC RNC 20 RNC RNC 100 RNC RNC RNC 20 RNC RNC 100 RNC RNC 100 RNC RNC 5 RNC NodeB 2 None MBMS Service MBMS Service MBMS Service RNC RNC RNC 80 Cell 50 Cell 35 Transport channel 10 Transport channel RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC Physical channel RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC
This parameter is valid only when "ChoiceRprtUnitForDlBasicMeas" is set Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved to TEN_MSEC,and it must satisfy the following relationship This parameter is valid only when "ChoiceRprtUnitForDlBasicMeas" is set Not involved must satisfy the following relationship:"MinFo No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved to MIN,and it None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid only when "ChoiceRprtUnitForHsdpaPwrMeas" is set to TEN_MSEC. No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid only when "ChoiceRprtUnitForHsdpaPwrMeas" is set to MIN. No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid only when "ChoiceRprtUnitForHsdpaRateMeas" is Not to TEN_MSEC. No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved set involved This parameter is valid only when "ChoiceRprtUnitForHsdpaRateMeas" is Not to MIN. No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved set involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid only when "ChoiceRprtUnitForUlOlcMeas" is set to Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved TEN_MSEC. This parameter is valid only when "ChoiceRprtUnitForUlOlcMeas" is set to Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved MIN. None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid only when "ChoiceRprtUnitForDlOlcMeas" is set to Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved TEN_MSEC. This parameter is valid only when "ChoiceRprtUnitForDlOlcMeas" is set to Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved MIN. None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid only when "ChoiceRprtUnitForHsupaRateMeas" is Not to TEN_MSEC. No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved set involved This parameter is valid only when "ChoiceRprtUnitForHsupaRateMeas" is Not to MIN. No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved set involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Yes Cell Interruption until the cell is activated again. This parameter is used with (No "ADD UMBMSALARMSERVICE" command toinvolvedthe no MBMS data check. If the "ADD UMBMS No the impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not enable None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The value of this parameter must fulfill the following condition: "MtchMinPerc0"involved Not involved Not involved Not >= "MtchMinPerc15". The value of this parameter must fulfill the following condition: "MtchMinPerc0"involved Not involved Not involved Not >= "MtchMinPerc15". None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid olny when "MBMS ControlNotidle mode) No (No impact on the UE Switch" is ON. in involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved
None None None None 0 50 7 3 1 OFF 10 D3000 -92 -12 10 6 D3000 -92 -12 OFF None -30 None None FALSE None None None OFF OFF OFF ATM_TRANS 10 SINGLEHOST None None DEDICATED None None 3840 3840 MBR None 0 0 None None BERateRed NoAct NoAct NoAct NoAct NoAct 1 1 3 1 3 1 BERateRed NoAct NoAct NoAct NoAct
RNC RNC RNC RNC None None RNC RNC RNC Cell Cell RNC Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell RNC None RNC RNC RNC RNC NodeB NodeB RNC Subsystem Subsystem Subsystem NodeB NodeB NodeB RNC NodeB NodeB RNC NodeB NodeB NodeB NodeB NodeB NodeB NodeB BSC6900 BSC6900 NodeB NodeB NodeB NodeB NodeB NodeB NodeB NodeB NodeB NodeB NodeB NodeB NodeB NodeB NodeB NodeB NodeB
None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This paramter is valid only when impact on the UE in idle mode) No (No "MbscNcovHoOn2GldInd" in "SET UMBSCCRRM" is set ON. Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The relationship of parameters must be on the follows:"Mcch Mod Period Coefficient" > "DRX cycle length coefficient" in "ADD UCND No (No impact set as UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The relationship of parameters must be on the follows:"Mcch Access Period Coefficient" > "Mcch Repetition Period Coefficient". No (No impact set as UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The relationship of parameters must be on the follows:"Mcch Access Period Coefficient" > "Mcch Repetition Period Coefficient". No (No impact set as UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved If this parameter is set through both the "ADD UCELLMCDRD" and "SET UMCDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD Not involved Not involved Not involved If this parameter is set through both the "ADD UCELLMCDRD" and "SET UMCDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD Not involved Not involved Not involved If this parameter is set through both the "ADD UCELLMCDRD" and "SET UMCDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD Not involved Not involved Not involved If this parameter is set through both the "ADD UCELLMCDRD" and "SET UMCDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD Not involved Not involved Not involved If this parameter is set through both the "ADD UCELLMCDRD" and "SET UMCDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD Not involved Not involved Not involved If this parameter is set through both the "ADD UCELLMCDRD" and "SET UMCDRD" commands, the parameter set through the "ADD Not involved Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid when "TstSwitch" isthe UEON.involved No (No impact on set to Notidle mode) in Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 1. If the NodeB is configured involved NCP through "ADD UNCP" or configuredinvolved CCP through "ADD UCCP", the transmission Not with the Not involved Not with the None Not involved Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved
NodeB None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved NodeB None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved NodeB None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved NodeB None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved NodeB None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved NodeB None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved NodeB None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved SF8 NodeB None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved SF8 NodeB None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 2SF4 NodeB None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None NodeB None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 1 NodeB None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 1 NodeB None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None Cell None Not involved Not involved Not involved None RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved None RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved None RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved CS_SHO_SWITCH:ON, RNC HSPA_SHO_SWITCH:ON, NON_HSPA_SHO_SWITCH:ON on the UE in idle mode) None No (No impact Not involved Not involved ON RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved TRUE RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved NO RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved CORRM_SRNSR_PSBE_RELOC RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved OFF RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved OFF RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved OFF RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved OFF RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved OFF RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved None RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved None RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved None RNC None Not involved Not involved Not involved NO RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved NO RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved YES RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved YES RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 255 RNC When "MOCNSupport" in "SET UOPERATORSHARINGMODE" is set to YES,involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not DefaultCnOp optionally needs to be set.Otherwise,it d COMM_MOCN_NRI_GLOBAL_CONFIG_MODE_SWITCH:ON, COMM_MIB_MULTI_PLMN_LIST_ALLOWED_SWITCH:ON involved RNC When "MOCNSupport" in "SET UOPERATORSHARINGMODE" is set to YES, MocnControlSwitch needs to be set.Otherwise,it does No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC This parameter forms anNo (No impacttable with "UserPriority", "THPClass", and "SPI". SPI mapping on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC This parameter forms anNo (No impacttable with "TrafficClass", "THPClass", and "SPI". SPI mapping on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC This parameter is required when impact on the UE in idle mode) set to INTERACTIVE. The mapping relationship between the traffic h No (No the "TrafficClass" parameter is Not involved Not involved None RNC This parameter forms anNo (No impacttable with "TrafficClass", "UserPriority", involved SPI mapping on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not and "THPClass". None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved High RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved High RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved High RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved High RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved High RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved Medium RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved Medium RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved Medium RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved Medium RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved Medium RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved Low RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 1 1 3 1 3 1
Low Low Low Low None None None None None D64 D64 None None None None
RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved RNC This parameter is required when impact on the UE in idle mode) set to INTERACTIVE. The mapping relationship between the traffic h No (No the "TrafficClass" parameter is Not involved Not involved RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved RNC For the BE users with the same "TrafficClass", UE in idle mode) "BearType" values, make sure: "UlGBR" of GOLD users ("UserPriori No (No impact on the "THPClass" and Not involved Not involved RNC For the BE users with the same "TrafficClass", UE in idle mode) "BearType" values, make sure: "DlGBR" of GOLD users ("UserPriori No (No impact on the "THPClass" and Not involved Not involved RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved RNC This parameter is required when impact on the UE in idle mode) set to INTERACTIVE. The mapping relationship between the traffic h No (No the "TrafficClass" parameter is Not involved Not involved 0 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved ARP RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved NONE RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved 3 Cell None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved 8 Cell None Not involved Not involved Not involved 3 Cell None Not involved Not involved Not involved 230 Transport channel None Not involved Not involved Not involved 35 Cell None Not involved Not involved Not involved 10 Cell None Not involved Not involved Not involved -20 Cell None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved 3 Cell None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Transport channel None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Transport channel None Not involved Not involved Not involved Configured to 1 when TFsNumber is 1;ConfiguredNonewhen TFsNumber is 2. involved Cell to 0 Not Not involved Not involved 1 Cell None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved 2 Cell None Not involved Not involved Not involved 330 Physical channel 1. The value of this parameter must satisfy the UE in idlerelationship:"Min Transmit Power of PCPICH" <= "PCPICH Transmit Power" No (No impact on following mode) Not involved Not involved 346 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 313 Cell The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) No (No impact the following involved Not relationship:"Min Transmit Power of PCPICH" <= "Max Transmit Power of PCP Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved 346 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 313 Cell The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) No (No impact the following involved Not relationship:"Min Transmit Power of PCPICH" <= "Max Transmit Power of PCP Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved 8 Cell None Not involved Not involved Not involved 10 Cell None Not involved Not involved Not involved V36 Physical channel None Not involved Not involved Not involved FALSE Physical channel None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved -7 Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved
Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 0 RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None Cell None Not involved Not involved Not involved SIGNATURE0, SIGNATURE1, SIGNATURE2, SIGNATURE3, SIGNATURE4, SIGNATURE5, SIGNATURE6, SIGNATURE7 involved Physical channel None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not SELECT ALL Physical channel None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None Cell None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved ASC0 Cell The ASCs are configured through "ADDthe UE in Not involved No (Impact on UPRACHASC". idle mode) Not involved ASC0 Cell The ASCs are configured through "ADDthe UE in Not involved No (Impact on UPRACHASC". idle mode) Not involved ASC0 Cell The ASCs are configured through "ADDthe UE in Not involved No (Impact on UPRACHASC". idle mode) Not involved ASC0 Cell The ASCs are configured through "ADDthe UE in Not involved No (Impact on UPRACHASC". idle mode) Not involved ASC0 Cell The ASCs are configured through "ADDthe UE in Not involved No (Impact on UPRACHASC". idle mode) Not involved ASC0 Cell The ASCs are configured through "ADDthe UE in Not involved No (Impact on UPRACHASC". idle mode) Not involved ASC0 Cell The ASCs are configured through "ADDthe UE in Not involved No (Impact on UPRACHASC". idle mode) Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved 4 Cell None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 0 Cell "Available Signature Start Index"should the no greater involved No (Impact on be UE in Not mode) idle than "Available Signature End Index". Not involved 7 Cell "Available Signature EndNo (Impact on be less than the number of preamble signatures. The preamble signature is configured by "Pr Index"should the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved 15 Physical channel None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None Physical channel This parameter is valid when involved Service Class" is set to ASC2,ASC3,ASC4,ASC5,ASC6 or ASC7. Not "Access Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved 4 Cell None Not involved Not involved Not involved SIGNATURE0, SIGNATURE1, SIGNATURE2, SIGNATURE3, SIGNATURE4, SIGNATURE5, SIGNATURE6, SIGNATURE7 involved Physical channel None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not SELECT ALL Physical channel None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved -20 Cell None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved 20 Cell None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved 2 Cell None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved BIT2 Physical channel None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved 4 Cell None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Physical channel None Not involved Not involved Not involved 0 Physical channel None Not involved Not involved Not involved 1 Physical channel None Not involved Not involved Not involved 2 Physical channel None Not involved Not involved Not involved 3 Physical channel None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved 4 Cell None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Physical channel None Not involved Not involved Not involved In signaling transmissionPhysical channel mode, set PowerOffsetPpm to -3; in service transmission mode, set PowerOffsetPpm to -2. None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Physical channel Either "Gain Factor BetaC" or "Gain Factor BetaD" should be set to 15. Not involved Not involved Not involved 15 Physical channel Either "Gain Factor BetaC" or "Gain Factor BetaD" should be set to 15. Not involved Not involved Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None Cell None Not involved Not involved Not involved -20 Cell None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved 2 Cell None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved 20 Cell None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None Cell None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved 0 Cell None Not involved Not involved Not involved -50 Physical channel None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved 20 RNC 1. For the detection timers that do not needthe configure conversational services, the related T1 and T2 must be 0 at the same time.2 No (No impact on to UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 20 RNC 1. For the detection timers that do not needthe configure conversational services, the related T1 and T2 must be 0 at the same time. 2 No (No impact on to UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 20 RNC 1. For the detection timers that do not needthe configure streaming services, the related T1 and T2 must be 0 at the same time. 2. Fo No (No impact on to UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 20 RNC 1. For the detection timers that do not needthe configure streaming services, the related T1 and T2 must be 0 at the same time. 2. Fo No (No impact on to UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 20 RNC 1. For the detection timers that do not needthe configure interactive services, the related T1 and T2 must be 0 at the same time. 2. Fo No (No impact on to UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 20 RNC 1. For the detection timers that do not needthe configure interactive services, the related T1 and T2 must be 0 at the same time. 2. Fo No (No impact on to UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved
20 20 360 20 20 4 10 3 3 3 3 D8 D1280 D1000 110 10 1 1 10 D8 D80 D250 D16 D0 YES NO NO None None None 3000 RateDegrade None None SINGLE YES NO NO 3000 NO NO NO 3000 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES YES NO 20 5 20 20 CPICH_RSCP D320 D320 D320
1. For the detection timers that do not needthe configure background services, the related T1 and T2 must be 0 at the same time. 2. F No (No impact on to UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 1. For the detection timers that do not needthe configure background services, the related T1 and T2 must be 0 at the same time. 2. F No (No impact on to UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 1. For the detection timers that do not needthe configure IMS signaling services, the related T1 and T2 must be 0 at the same time. 2. No (No impact on to UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved 1. For the detection timers that do not needthe configure IMS signaling services, the related T1 and T2 must be 0 at the same time. 2. No (No impact on to UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied:"PTTDH2FTvmThd" < "PTTF2DHTvmThd". No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied:"PTTF2PTvmThd" < "PTTF2DHTvmThd" No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied:"PTTDH2FTvmThd" < "PTTF2DHTvmThd";"PTTF2PTvmThd" < "PTTF2DHTvmThd" No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved Valid when "BEQosPerform"(No impact on the UE in idle mode) No is set to YES;"BeUlAct2"involved Not and "BeUlAct3" must beinvolved Not None when "BeUlAct1" is set to None;"BeUlAct2" and Valid when "BEQosPerform"(No impact on the UE in idle mode) No is set to YES;"BeUlAct2"involved None whenNot involved is set to None;"BeUlAct2" must not be equal w Not must be "BeUlAct1" Valid when "BEQosPerform"(No impact on the UE in idle mode) No is set to YES;"BeUlAct3"involved None whenNot involved or "BeUlAct2" is set to None;"BeUlAct3" must Not must be "BeUlAct1" Valid when "BEQosPerform"(Noset to YES. the UE in idle mode) No is impact on Not involved Not involved Valid when "BEQosPerform"(No impact on the UE in idle mode) No is set to YES;"BeDlAct2"involved Not and "BeDlAct3" must beinvolved Not None when "BeDlAct1" is set to None;"BeDlAct2" and Valid when "BEQosPerform"(No impact on the UE in idle mode) No is set to YES;"BeDlAct2"involved None whenNot involved is set to None;"BeDlAct2" must not be equal w Not must be "BeDlAct1" Valid when "BEQosPerform"(No impact on the UE in idle mode) No is set to YES;"BeDlAct3"involved None whenNot involved or "BeDlAct2" is set to None;"BeDlAct3" must Not must be "BeDlAct1" Valid when "BEQosPerform"(Noset to YES. the UE in idle mode) No is impact on Not involved Not involved Valid when "BEQosPerform"(Noset to YES. the UE in idle mode) No is impact on Not involved Not involved Valid when "BEQosPerform"(Noset to YES. the UE in idle mode) No is impact on Not involved Not involved Valid when "AMRQosPerform" isimpact YES. UE in idle mode) No (No set to on the Not involved Not involved Valid when "AMRQosPerform" isimpact YES. UE in idle mode) No (No set to on the Not involved Not involved Valid when "AMRQosPerform" isimpact YES. UE in idle mode) No (No set to on the Not involved Not involved Valid when "AMRQosPerform" isimpact YES. UE in idle mode) No (No set to on the Not involved Not involved Valid when "AMRQosPerform" isimpact YES. UE in idle mode) No (No set to on the Not involved Not involved Valid when "AMRQosPerform" isimpact YES. UE in idle mode) No (No set to on the Not involved Not involved Valid when "AMRQosPerform" isimpact YES. UE in idle mode) No (No set to on the Not involved Not involved Valid when "AMRQosPerform" isimpact YES. UE in idle mode) No (No set to on the Not involved Not involved Valid when "AMRQosPerform" isimpact YES. UE in idle mode) No (No set to on the Not involved Not involved Valid when "AMRQosPerform" isimpact YES. UE in idle mode) No (No set to on the Not involved Not involved Valid when "AMRQosPerform" isimpact YES. UE in idle mode) No (No set to on the Not involved Not involved Valid when "AMRQosPerform" isimpact YES. UE in idle mode) No (No set to on the Not involved Not involved Valid when "AMRQosPerform" isimpact YES. UE in idle mode) No (No set to on the Not involved Not involved Valid when "AMRQosPerform" isimpact YES. UE in idle mode) No (No set to on the Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid when theimpact on the UE in idle to YES. No (No "VPQosPerform" is set mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid when theimpact on the UE in idle to YES. No (No "VPQosPerform" is set mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid when theimpact on the UE in idle to YES and "BeUlEvTrigInd" is set to SINGLE. No (No "BEQosPerform" is set mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid when theimpact on the UE in idle to YES and "BeUlEvTrigInd" is set to SINGLE. No (No "BEQosPerform" is set mode) Not involved Not involved Valid when "BEQosPerform"(Noset to YES. the UE in idle mode) No is impact on Not involved Not involved Valid when "BEQosPerform"(Noset to YES. the UE in idle mode) No is impact on Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid when "InterRatReportMode" ininvolved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not "SET UINTERRATHOCOV" or "ADD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV" is set to EVE Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved
D320 D240 D640 D640 D240 D640 D2560 D1280 D1280 D240 D19 D1 64 TEN_MSEC 480 None 64 TEN_MSEC 480 None 64 TEN_MSEC 480 None 64 TEN_MSEC 480 None OFF OFF ON OFF 5 50 5 ON None None None None None None 4 1 1 0 0 8 None 1 None None 1 2 5000 3000 500 10 100 49 21 None None 0
Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Transport channel Transport channel Transport channel Transport channel RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC Cell RNC
None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The value of this parameter must be seton the UE in following conditions: 100 x "MaxQueueTimeLen" > "PollTimerLen". No (No impact to meet the idle mode) Not involved Not involved The value of this parameter must be seton the UE in following conditions: 100 x "MaxQueueTimeLen" > "PollTimerLen". No (No impact to meet the idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following involved Not involved Not relationship:"PlmnValTagMax" > "PlmnValTagMin". Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following involved Not involved Not relationship:"PlmnValTagMax" > "PlmnValTagMin". Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved The value of this parameter must be set to meet the following conditions:"Random Back-offthe cell Limit" >= "Random Back-off Lowe Yes Cell Interruption until Upper is activated again. The value of this parameter must be set to meet the following conditions:"Random Back-offthe cell Limit" >= "Random Back-off Lowe Yes Cell Interruption until Upper is activated again. None Yes Cell Interruption until the cell is activated again. None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved [Maximum Ec/N0 Up Step] is notimpact on the [Ec/N0idle mode) Step] Not involved No (No smaller than UE in involved Not Adjustment [Maximum Ec/N0 Down Step] is not smaller than [Ec/N0 Adjustment Step] Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved 1. [Maximum Ec/N0 Up Step] is not smallerthe UE in idleAdjustment Step].2. [Maximum Ec/N0 Down Step] is not smaller than [Ec/N0 No (No impact on than [Ec/N0 mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved [Maximum Ec/N0 Value] Nolargerimpact on the UE in idle mode) is (No than [Minimum Ec/N0 Value] Not involved Not involved [Maximum Ec/N0 Value] Nolargerimpact on the UE in idle mode) is (No than [Minimum Ec/N0 Value] Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid when "RedirSwitch"theset Notidle mode) No (No impact on is UEto ONLY_TO_INTER_FREQUENCY or ONLY_TO_INTER_RAT. in involved Not involved
AMR:50; Other:0 DependOnNCell None None None None None None None None None None None OFF OFF ENGLISH 300 0 OFF 20 180 PTM D16 70 3 4 3 2 6 10 OFF ON ON D16 0 None 1 5 2 IUCS_IUPS 0 None None None None None None None None None None PTM 4 3 None None None 1800 1800 10 3000 D6 TEN_MSEC 20
This parameter is valid when "RedirSwitch"theset Notidle mode) No (No impact on is UEto ONLY_TO_INTER_FREQUENCY or ONLY_TO_INTER_RAT. in involved Not involved This parameter is valid when "RedirSwitch"theset Notidle mode) No (No impact on is UEto ONLY_TO_INTER_FREQUENCY or ONLY_TO_INTER_RAT. in involved Not involved This parameter is valid when "RedirBandInd" isUE in idle mode) No (No impact on the not set to BandIndNotUsed. involved Not involved Not 1. This parameter is valid when "RedirUARFCNUplinkInd" is set to TRUE. Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved 2. This parameter is valid when "RedirBandInd" is set to B This parameter is valid when "RedirSwitch"theset Notidle mode) No (No impact on is UEto ONLY_TO_INTER_FREQUENCY or ONLY_TO_INTER_RAT. in involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) No (No impact the following involved Not relationship:"DLOVSFSF">"DLCODENO". Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) No (No impact the following involved Not relationship:"DLOVSFSF">"DLCODENO". Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfyon the UE in idle mode) No (No impact the following involved Not relationship:"DLOVSFSF">="DLCODENO". Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved After running the "ADD UCBSADDR" command to in idle mode) server address, you should not set this parameter to ON; After settin No (No impact on the UE add the CBS Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This paramter is valid only when impact on the UE in idle mode) for RNC" is set to ON. No (No "Cell Dynamic ShutDown Switch Not involved Not involved This paramter is valid only when impact on the UE in idle mode) for RNC" is set to ON. No (No "Cell Dynamic ShutDown Switch Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter defines an offset impact on the UE in idle mode) parameter. involved No (No relative to the "NCountingThd" Not involved Not None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The value of this parameter must be smaller than Notidle mode) "RecountingPeriod" parameter under the "SET URNCMBMSPARA No (No impact on the UEthe involved the in value of Not involved The value of this parameter must be larger the UE invaluemode) "UpLimitCountingTime" parameter under the "SET URNCMBMSPAR No (No impact on than the idle of the Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved When the "RrcCause" parameter is set to EMERGCALLEST or MBMSCALLEST, this parameter cannot be set to FACH. No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not Involved None Not involved Not involved Not Involved When "ChoiceRprtUnitForDlBasicMeas"on the UE in idle mode) of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship:"IntraFreqLdb No (No impact is set to MIN,the value Not involved Not involved When "ChoiceRprtUnitForDlBasicMeas"on the UE in idle mode) of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship:"PucPeriodTi No (No impact is set to MIN,the value Not involved Not involved When "ChoiceRprtUnitForUlBasicMeas"on the UE in idle mode) No (No impact and "ChoiceRprtUnitForDlBasicMeas" are set to MIN,the value of this parameter must satisf Not involved Not involved When "ChoiceRprtUnitForUlBasicMeas"on the UE in idle mode) No (No impact and "ChoiceRprtUnitForDlBasicMeas" are set to MIN,the value of this parameter must satisf Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid only when "ChoiceRprtUnitForUlBasicMeas" is set Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved to TEN_MSEC,and it must satisfy the following relationship
None D6 TEN_MSEC 20 None 150 32 32 5 5 5 5 5 5 TEN_MSEC 100 None 5 TEN_MSEC 100 None 5 3 D1 TEN_MSEC 20 None 100 D1 TEN_MSEC 20 None 100 None None -20 None 8 50 None FALSE BIT4 None EXISTS COMMON None None None None None None None None All UE_BASED NODELIVERY None None 16 UE_ASSISTED UE_ASSISTED OFF YES DRD
RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Physical channel Physical channel Physical channel Physical channel Physical channel Physical channel Cell Cell Cell Physical channel RNC RNC RNC RNC Cell RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC
This parameter is valid only when "ChoiceRprtUnitForUlBasicMeas" is set Not involved must satisfy the following relationship:"MinFo No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved to MIN,and it None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid only when "ChoiceRprtUnitForDlBasicMeas" is set Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved to TEN_MSEC,and it must satisfy the following relationship This parameter is valid only when "ChoiceRprtUnitForDlBasicMeas" is set Not involved must satisfy the following relationship:"MinFo No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved to MIN,and it None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid only when "ChoiceRprtUnitForHsdpaPwrMeas" is set to TEN_MSEC. No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid only when "ChoiceRprtUnitForHsdpaPwrMeas" is set to MIN. No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid only when "ChoiceRprtUnitForHsdpaRateMeas" is Not to TEN_MSEC. No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved set involved This parameter is valid only when "ChoiceRprtUnitForHsdpaRateMeas" is Not to MIN. No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved set involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid only when "ChoiceRprtUnitForUlOlcMeas" is set to Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved TEN_MSEC. This parameter is valid only when "ChoiceRprtUnitForUlOlcMeas" is set to Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved MIN. None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid only when "ChoiceRprtUnitForDlOlcMeas" is set to Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved TEN_MSEC. This parameter is valid only when "ChoiceRprtUnitForDlOlcMeas" is set to Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved MIN. None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid only when "Slot Format" isNot involvedmore than D8. involved Not involved equal to or Not None Not involved Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved This parameter forms anNo (No impacttable with "UserPriority", "THPClass", and "SPI". SPI mapping on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter forms anNo (No impacttable with "TrafficClass", "THPClass", and "SPI". SPI mapping on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is required when impact on the UE in idle mode) set to INTERACTIVE. The mapping relationship between the traffic h No (No the "TrafficClass" parameter is Not involved Not involved This parameter forms anNo (No impacttable with "TrafficClass", "UserPriority", involved SPI mapping on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not and "THPClass". None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved
R5_POSDATA_SWITCH RNC OFF RNC 12 RNC 18 RNC D160 RNC D1280 RNC -20 RNC RNC_CENTRIC RNC None RNC MIXED_ENVIRONMENTCell ACTIVE Cell ACTIVE Cell ACTIVE Cell None RNC 1 RNC 1 RNC 1 RNC 1 RNC 1 RNC None RNC None RNC 313 None 200 None 60 RNC 400 RNC 5 RNC 60 RNC 30 RNC NRT RNC None Cell 1 Physical channel -50 Physical channel 5000 RNC 5000 RNC 350 RNC 5000 RNC 5000 RNC 1000 RNC 5000 RNC 5000 RNC 5000 RNC 5000 RNC 5000 RNC 5000 RNC 5000 RNC 11000 RNC 5000 RNC 5000 RNC 5000 RNC 5000 RNC 5000 RNC 5000 RNC 5000 RNC 5000 RNC 10000 RNC 45000 RNC 20000 RNC 5000 RNC 15000 RNC 5000 RNC 5000 RNC 10000 RNC 3000 RNC 10 RNC
None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid when theimpact on the UE in idle mode) or CELL_ANTENNA. No (No "CellLocCfgType" is involved Not set to BOTH Not involved This parameter is valid when theimpact on the UE in idle mode) or CELL_ANTENNA. No (No "CellLocCfgType" is involved Not set to BOTH Not involved This parameter is valid when theimpact on the UE in idle mode) or CELL_ANTENNA. No (No "CellLocCfgType" is involved Not set to BOTH Not involved This parameter is valid when theimpact on the UE in idle mode) or CELL_ANTENNA. No (No "CellLocCfgType" is involved Not set to BOTH Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved "SqiGoodThres" > "SqiBadThres" No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved "SqiGoodThres" > "SqiBadThres" No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid only when "SRNSR_DSCR_PROPG_DELAY_SWITCH" of "SrnsrSwitch" in "SET UCORRMALGOSWITCH" No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid only when "SRNSR_DSCR_IUR_RESRCE_SWITCH" of "SrnsrSwitch" in "SET UCORRMALGOSWITCH" is No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid only when "SRNSR_DSCR_SEPRAT_DUR_SWITCH"involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not of "SrnsrSwitch" in "SET UCORRMALGOSWITCH" is None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not Involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None No (Impact on the UE in Not involved idle mode) Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The retransmit mechanism is used if theon the UE is sent mode) No (No impact signalingNotidle by adopting RLCNot involved in involved UM on Uu interface during channel handover.In this case, None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The retransmit mechanism is used if theon the UE is sent mode) No (No impact signalingNotidle by adopting RLCNot involved in involved UM on Uu interface during channel handover.In this case, The retransmit mechanism is used if theon the UE is sent mode) No (No impact signalingNotidle by adopting RLCNot involved in involved UM on Uu interface during channel handover.In this case, None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved
RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC RNC High RNC High RNC High RNC High RNC High RNC Medium RNC Medium RNC Medium RNC Medium RNC Medium RNC Low RNC Low RNC Low RNC Low RNC Low RNC None RNC None RNC None RAB None RAB None RAB None RAB None RAB None RAB HO_TO_GSM_SHOULD_NOT_BE_PERFORM RAB None RAB SILENT RAB None RAB None RNC None RAB D1024 RAB None RAB None RAB D4000 RAB D2560 RAB D4000 RAB 2 RAB 16 RAB 2 RAB 16 RAB 2 RAB 16 RAB None RNC None RAB D1 RAB 336 RAB None RAB None RAB None RAB None RAB None RAB None RAB None RAB D1 RAB 336 RAB None RAB None RAB None RAB None RAB
None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter must not No (No to CS_DOMAIN wheninvolved be set impact on the UE in idle mode) Not the "TrafficClass" parameter is set to INTERACTIVE or BACKGROUND. Not involved There must be one parameter set to 15,on the UE in idle mode) No (No impact this parameter or the parameter "BetaD". Not involved Not involved There must be one parameter set to 15,on the UE in idle mode) No (No impact this parameter or the parameter "BetaC". Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid when HO_INTER_RAT_RNC_SERVICE_HO_SWITCH under the "HoSwitch" parameter is set to on through No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The value of this parameter must be larger the UE invaluemode) "Event4bThd" involved No (No impact on than the idle of the Not involved Not parameter. The value of this parameter must be smaller than Notidle mode) "Event4aThd" parameter. No (No impact on the UEthe involved the in value of Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is required when impact on the UE in idle mode) to TRCH_HSDSCH but not required when the "TrchType" paramete No (No the "TrchType" parameter is set Not involved Not involved This parameter is associated with the setting ofUE in idle mode) No (No impact on the the "HsdschMacdPduSizeNum" parameter. It is required when the "HsdschMacdPdu Not involved Not involved This parameter is associated with the setting ofUE in idle mode) No (No impact on the the "HsdschMacdPduSizeNum" parameter. It is required when the "HsdschMacdPdu Not involved Not involved This parameter is associated with the setting ofUE in idle mode) No (No impact on the the "HsdschMacdPduSizeNum" parameter. It is required when the "HsdschMacdPdu Not involved Not involved This parameter is associated with the setting ofUE in idle mode) No (No impact on the the "HsdschMacdPduSizeNum" parameter. It is required when the "HsdschMacdPdu Not involved Not involved This parameter is associated with the setting ofUE in idle mode) No (No impact on the the "HsdschMacdPduSizeNum" parameter. It is required when the "HsdschMacdPdu Not involved Not involved This parameter is associated with the setting ofUE in idle mode) No (No impact on the the "HsdschMacdPduSizeNum" parameter. It is required when the "HsdschMacdPdu Not involved Not involved This parameter is associated with the setting ofUE in idle mode) No (No impact on the the "HsdschMacdPduSizeNum" parameter. It is required when the "HsdschMacdPdu Not involved Not involved This parameter is associated with the setting ofUE in idle mode) No (No impact on the the "HsdschMacdPduSizeNum" parameter. It is required when the "HsdschMacdPdu Not involved Not involved This parameter is required when impact on the UE in idle mode) to TRCH_EDCH_2MS or TRCH_EDCH_10MS but not required wh No (No the "TrchType" parameter is set Not involved Not involved This parameter is associated with the setting ofUE in idle mode) No (No impact on the the "EdchMacdPduSizeNum" parameter. It is required when the "EdchMacdPduSizeN Not involved Not involved This parameter is associated with the setting ofUE in idle mode) No (No impact on the the "EdchMacdPduSizeNum" parameter. It is required when the "EdchMacdPduSizeN Not involved Not involved This parameter is associated with the setting ofUE in idle mode) No (No impact on the the "EdchMacdPduSizeNum" parameter. It is required when the "EdchMacdPduSizeN Not involved Not involved This parameter is associated with the setting ofUE in idle mode) No (No impact on the the "EdchMacdPduSizeNum" parameter. It is required when the "EdchMacdPduSizeN Not involved Not involved This parameter is associated with the setting ofUE in idle mode) No (No impact on the the "EdchMacdPduSizeNum" parameter. It is required when the "EdchMacdPduSizeN Not involved Not involved
None None None None None None None D50 None None None None None None None None None None None None None None 500 280 512 None None None None None None None None None 5000 1000 1 160 2 1 80 14 1 50 UEA0-1; UEA1-1 9 D64 D5000 D1000 D5000 D16000 D1024 D0 D64 D5000 D1000 D1024 D0 D64 D5000 D16000 D1024 D0 30
This parameter is associated with the setting ofUE in idle mode) No (No impact on the the "EdchMacdPduSizeNum" parameter. It is required when the "EdchMacdPduSizeN Not involved Not involved This parameter is associated with the setting ofUE in idle mode) No (No impact on the the "EdchMacdPduSizeNum" parameter. It is required when the "EdchMacdPduSizeN Not involved Not involved This parameter is associated with the setting ofUE in idle mode) No (No impact on the the "EdchMacdPduSizeNum" parameter. It is required when the "EdchMacdPduSizeN Not involved Not involved This parameter is associated with the setting ofUE in idle mode) No (No impact on the the "EdchMacdPduSizeNum" parameter. It is required when the "EdchMacdPduSizeN Not involved Not involved This parameter is associated with the setting ofUE in idle mode) No (No impact on the the "EdchMacdPduSizeNum" parameter. It is required when the "EdchMacdPduSizeN Not involved Not involved This parameter is associated with the setting ofUE in idle mode) No (No impact on the the "EdchMacdPduSizeNum" parameter. It is required when the "EdchMacdPduSizeN Not involved Not involved This parameter is associated with the setting ofUE in idle mode) No (No impact on the the "EdchMacdPduSizeNum" parameter. It is required when the "EdchMacdPduSizeN Not involved Not involved This parameter is required when impact on the UE in idle mode) to TRCH_EDCH_2MS or TRCH_EDCH_10MS but not required wh No (No the "TrchType" parameter is set Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is required when impact on the UE in idle mode) to TRCH_DCH. The setting of the "SirAdjustStep" parameter is ass No (No the "TrchType" parameter is set Not involved Not involved This parameter is required when impact on the UE in idle mode) No (No "TrchType" is set to TRCH_EDCH_2MS or TRCH_EDCH_10MS. Not involved Not involved This parameter is required when impact on the UE in idle mode) No (No "TrchType" is set to TRCH_EDCH_2MS or TRCH_EDCH_10MS. Not involved Not involved 1. The value of this parameter must be smaller UE inthat of "MaxEdchRetransNum".2. The value of this parameter must be smaller th No (No impact on the than idle mode) Not involved Not involved 1. If "TrchType" is set to TRCH_EDCH_2MS orUE in idle mode) No (No impact on the TRCH_EDCH_10MS, this parameter is required and must be set to a value smaller th Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied:"UlThd6A1" <= "UlThd6B1". Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied:"UlThd6A2" <= "UlThd6B2";"UlThd6A2" > "UlThd6B1". No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied:"UlThd6A1" <= "UlThd6B1";"UlThd6A2" > "UlThd6B1". No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied:"UlThd6A2" <= "UlThd6B2". Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied:"StaBlkNum5A" >= "Thd5A". Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied:"StaBlkNum5A" >= "Thd5A". Not involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied:"ThdEa" <= "ThdEb". No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied:"ThdEa" <= "ThdEb". No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is required when impact on the UE in idle mode) to AM. Not involved No (No the "RlcMode" parameter is set Not involved This parameter is required when impact on the UE in idle mode) to AM and "AmRlcCfgPara" to FLOWCONTROL_PARA. No (No the "RlcMode" parameter is set Not involved Not involved This parameter is required when impact on the UE in idle mode) to AM and "AmRlcCfgPara" to FLOWCONTROL_PARA. No (No the "RlcMode" parameter is set Not involved Not involved This parameter is required when impact on the UE in idle mode) to AM and "AmRlcCfgPara" to FLOWCONTROL_PARA. No (No the "RlcMode" parameter is set Not involved Not involved This parameter is required when impact on the UE in idle mode) to AM and "AmRlcCfgPara" to FLOWCONTROL_PARA. No (No the "RlcMode" parameter is set Not involved Not involved This parameter is required when impact on the UE in idle mode) to AM and "AmRlcCfgPara" to FLOWCONTROL_PARA. No (No the "RlcMode" parameter is set Not involved Not involved This parameter is required when impact on the UE in idle mode) to AM and "AmRlcCfgPara" to FLOWCONTROL_PARA. No (No the "RlcMode" parameter is set Not involved Not involved This parameter is required when impact on the UE in idle mode) to AM and "AmRlcCfgPara" to FLOWCONTROL_PARA. No (No the "RlcMode" parameter is set Not involved Not involved This parameter is required when impact on the UE in idle mode) to AM and "AmRlcCfgPara" to FLOWCONTROL_PARA. No (No the "RlcMode" parameter is set Not involved Not involved This parameter is required when impact on the UE in idle mode) to AM and "AmRlcCfgPara" to FLOWCONTROL_PARA. No (No the "RlcMode" parameter is set Not involved Not involved This parameter is required when impact on the UE in idle mode) to AM and "AmRlcCfgPara" to FLOWCONTROL_PARA. No (No the "RlcMode" parameter is set Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied:"D2F2PTvmThd" < "F2DTvmThd";"D2F2PTvmThd" < "BeEFach2DTvmThd". No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied:"D2F2PTvmThd" < "F2DTvmThd".involved No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied:"BeH2FTvmThd" < "BeF2HTvmThd";"BeH2FTvmThd" < "BeEFach2HTvmThd";"BeH2FT No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied:"BeH2FTvmThd" < "BeF2HTvmThd". No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied:"RtDH2FTvmThd" < "RtF2DHTvmThd";"RtDH2FTvmThd" < "RtEFach2DHTvmThd";"RtD No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied:"RtDH2FTvmThd" < "RtF2DHTvmThd". No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved
D1024 D0 D1024 D0 D1024 D0 D1024 D0 D1024 D0 D1024 D0 D1024 D0 D1024 D0 D1024 D0 D3k
UIA1-1 None None None None None None D64 D64 None None None D3.4 D3.4 D16 D16 D16 D16 None None None None None None None None None None
None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied:"BeH2FTvmThd" < "BeF2CpcTvmThd". No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied:"RtDH2FTvmThd" < "RtF2CpcTvmThd". No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied:"D2F2PTvmThd" < "BeEFach2DTvmThd". No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied:"BeH2FTvmThd" < "BeEFach2HTvmThd". No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied:"RtDH2FTvmThd" < "RtEFach2DHTvmThd". No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied:"BeH2FTvmThd" < "BeEFach2CpcTvmThd". No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied:"RtDH2FTvmThd" < "RtEFach2CpcTvmThd". No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied:"D2F2PTvmThd" < "FastDormancyF2DHTvmThd";"RtDH2FTvmThd" < "FastDormancyF No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is required when impact on the UE in idle mode) set to INTERACTIVE. The mapping relationship between the traffic h No (No the "TrafficClass" parameter is Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved For the BE users with the same "TrafficClass", UE in idle mode) "BearType" values, make sure: "UlGBR" of GOLD users ("UserPriori No (No impact on the "THPClass" and Not involved Not involved For the BE users with the same "TrafficClass", UE in idle mode) "BearType" values, make sure: "DlGBR" of GOLD users ("UserPriori No (No impact on the "THPClass" and Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved This parameter is required when impact on the UE in idle mode) set to INTERACTIVE. The mapping relationship between the traffic h No (No the "TrafficClass" parameter is Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Not involved
None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved ARP RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved NONE RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None RNC None Not involved Not involved ALGORITHM_OFF RNC None No (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved PRIORITY2-1&PRIORITY3-1&PRIORITY4-1&PRIORITY5-1&PRIORITY6-1 (No impact on the UE in idle mode) RNC None No Not involved
Not involved Not involved Not involved Not involved Not involved Not involved Not involved Not involved Not involved Not involved
Caution Validation of Modification Radio Network Performance Impact on None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The cell should be activated after the parameter modification. None The parameter modification has no impact on the None no impact on the equipment. The parameter modification has equipment. This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. A greater value of this parameter indicates that this GSM cell is more possibly selected as the target cell for the handover. If the value None The parameter modification has no impact onof the parameter, the lower the probability of selecting neighboring cells. The smaller the value the parameter, th The larger the value the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has nois the neighboring cell of the serving cell for the blind handover, it is considered as the target cell for the blind handover and If this cell impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has nohands over the equipment. The RNC impact on the UE preferentially to the neighboring cell with a high priority. It is recommended that the GSM cell that includ None The parameter modification has novalue of on the equipment. A greater impact this parameter indicates that the inter-RAT DRD is less possibly triggered. A smaller value of this parameter indica None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no algorithm of neighboring cell combination is enabled, the total number of the neighboring cells connected through links ma When the impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no algorithm of neighboring cell combination is enabled, the total number of the neighboring cells connected through links ma When the impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impacttoo small, the UEs on the cell edge cannot receive the acquisition indication properly. This problem affects the cove If the value is set on the equipment.
None Not involved The higher the value of this parameter is, the lower the absolute threshold is. In this case, there are greater possibilities of meeting th None Not involved The higher the value of this parameter is, the lower the absolute threshold is. In this case, there are less possibilities of meeting the r None Not involved The higher the value of this parameter is, the lower the absolute threshold is. In this case, there are less possibilities of meeting the r None Not involved The higher the value of this parameter is, the lower the absolute threshold is. In this case, there are greater possibilities of meeting th None Not involved None If the TFO/TrFO is not configured, it is recommended that the timer should be set to 3000ms. If the TFO/TrFO is configured, it is recommended that the timer should be set to 7000 ms Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved The higher the value of this parameter is, the lower the absolute threshold is. In this case, there are greater possibilities of meeting th None Not involved The higher the value of this parameter is, the lower the absolute threshold is. In this case, there are less possibilities of meeting the r None Not involved The higher the value of this parameter is, the lower the absolute threshold is. In this case, there are less possibilities of meeting the r None Not involved The higher the value of this parameter is, the lower the absolute threshold is. In this case, there are greater possibilities of meeting th None Not involved None If the TFO/TrFO is not configured, it is recommended that the timer should be set to 3000ms. If the TFO/TrFO is configured, it is recommended that the timer should be set to 7000 ms Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None None The parameter modification has no impacttoo small, the UEs on the cell edge cannot receive the system messages properly. This problem affects the coverag If the value is set on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact the the equipment. It is configured in on network planning. The cell should be deactivated in should be activated after the parameter modification. The cell advance. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None The cell should be deactivated in should be activated after the parameter modification. The cell advance. None The cell should be deactivated in should be activated after the parameter modification. The cell advance. None
The cell should be deactivated in should be activated after the parameter modification. The cell advance. None The cell should be deactivated in should be activated after the parameter modification. The cell advance. None None The parameter modification has no impact on is, the stricter the synchronization process becomes, and the more difficult the synchronization occurs. The lowe The higher the value the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. out-of-sync decision is likely to happen. If the value is excessively low, out-of-sync is not likely If the value is excessively high, the link None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. are few chances for the radio link to get synchronized. If the value is excessively high, the radio l If the value is excessively low, there The cell should be deactivated in should be activated after the parameter modification. The cell advance. None The cell should be deactivated in should be activated after the parameter modification. The cell advance. None The cell should be deactivated in should be activated after the parameter modification. The cell advance. None The cell should be deactivated in should be activated after the parameter modification. The cell advance. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The cell should be deactivated in should be activated after the parameter modification. The cell advance. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The cell should be deactivated in should be activated after the parameter modification. The cell advance. None The cell should be deactivated in should be activated after the parameter modification. The cell advance. None The cell should be deactivated in should be activated after the parameter modification. The cell advance. None The cell should be deactivated in should be activated after the parameter modification. The cell advance. None The cell should be deactivated in should be activated after the parameter modification. The cell advance. None The cell should be deactivated in should be activated after the parameter modification. The cell advance. None The cell should be deactivated in should be activated after the parameter modification. The cell advance. None The cell should be deactivated in should be activated after the parameter modification. The cell advance. None The cell should be deactivated in should be activated after the parameter modification. The cell advance. The larger the sum, the higher the handover priority of the neighboring cell. The smaller the sum, the lower the handover priority of th The cell should be deactivated in should be activated after the parameter modification. The cell advance. None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None None The parameter modification has no impact on the power of the PCPICH is configured too large, the cell capacity will be decreased because a lot of system res If the maximum transmit equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. the edge of cells fail in network searching, resulting in influence on coverage of the downlink co If the value is excessively low, UEs at None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. the edge of cells fail in network searching, resulting in influence on coverage of the downlink co If the value is excessively low, UEs at The parameter modification has no impact on the None no impact on the equipment. The parameter modification has equipment. None The parameter modification has no impacttoo small, the UEs on the cell edge cannot receive the system messages properly. This problem affects the coverag If the value is set on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The cell should be deactivated in should be activated after the parameter modification. The cell advance. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact high the system load after admission may be over large, which impacts system stability and leads to system conges If the value is too on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact high the system load after admission may be over large, which impacts system stability and leads to system conges If the value is too on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact high the system load after admission may be over large, which impacts system stability and leads to system conges If the value is too on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact high the system load after admission may be over large, which impacts system stability and leads to system conges If the value is too on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact high the system load after admission may be over large, which impacts system stability and leads to system conges If the value is too on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact high the system load after admission may be over large, which impacts system stability and leads to system conges If the value is too on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact high the system load after admission may be over large, which impacts system stability and leads to system conges If the value is too on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact high the system load after admission may be over large, which impacts system stability and leads to system conges If the value is too on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact high the system load after admission may be over large, which impacts system stability and leads to system conges If the value is too on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact high the system load after admission may be over large, which impacts system stability and leads to system conges If the value is too on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact high, power resources are wasted, which impacts system capacity. If the value is too low, resources can be fully use If the value is too on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact high, the system load after admission may be over large, which impacts system stability and leads to system conge If the value is too on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact high, the system load after admission may be over large, which impacts system stability and leads to system conge If the value is too on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact high, the possibility of rejecting HSUPA schedule services increases, which impacts access success rate. If the val If this value is too on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact high, the possibility of rejecting HSUPA schedule services increases, which impacts access success rate. If the val If this value is too on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact high, the possibility of rejecting HSUPA schedule services increases, which impacts access success rate. If the val If this value is too on the equipment. If the value is too high, the possibility of wrong rejection tono impact on the equipment. leading to waste in uplink resources. If the value is too low, the uplink resources is insufficient. The parameter modification has uplink admissions increases, None None The parameter modification has no impact high, admission requirement of the HSDPA streaming service is strict, which improves the service quality of the HS If the value is too on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact high, admission requirement of the HSDPA BE service is strict, which improves the service quality of the HSDPA B If the value is too on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact low,the equipment. capacity may be reduces, leading to waste in HSDPA resources. If the value is too high, HSDP If the value is too on the cell HSDPA None The parameter modification has no impact onof this parameter is, the wider the coverage of the corresponding services will be. When the uplink coverage is t The larger the value the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact onof this parameter is, the wider the coverage of the corresponding services will be. When the uplink coverage is t The larger the value the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact onof this parameter is, the wider the coverage of the corresponding services will be. When the uplink coverage is t The larger the value the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact onof this parameter is, the wider the coverage of the corresponding services will be. When the uplink coverage is t The larger the value the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact high, HSUPA services may be congested. If the value is too low, the cell HSDPA capacity may be reduces, leading If the value is too on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact onthe value is in {SF4,SF8,SF16,SF32,SF64,SF128,SF256,SFOFF}, the less code and credit resources reserved f The backer position the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact onthe value is in {SF4,SF8,SF16,SF32,SF64,SF128,SF256,SFOFF}, the less code and credit resources reserved f The backer position the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. With the RTWP anti-interference switch enabled, if this parameter is set to a small value, the number of equivalent users will be easy None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. value, the guaranteed power of HSDPA users is high, and the power available for DCH users is If this parameter is set to a too great None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. value, the guaranteed power of HSUPA users is high, and the power available for DCH users is If this parameter is set to a too great None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The cell should be deactivated in should be activated after the parameter modification. The cell advance. None The cell should be deactivated in should be activated after the parameter modification. The cell advance. None The cell should be deactivated in should be activated after the parameter modification. The cell advance. None The cell should be deactivated in should be activated after the parameter modification. The cell advance. None None Not involved None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has start intra-frequency and inter-frequency measurements easily when this parameter is large. So that better cells can be select UE will no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has start inter-system equipment. UE will no impact on the measurements easily when this parameter is large. So that better cells can be selected. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modificationthe hierarchical on the equipment. parameter is set to ON, the following functions are provided: 1. Reducing the number of soft han In has no impact networking, if this None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a small value, the quick handover may not be triggered. That is, the UE cannot be handed over to a cell with None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. value, the fast-speed handover may not be triggered. That is, the UE cannot be handed over to If this parameter is set to a very great None The parameter modification hassmaller value of this parameter, a more reliable result can be obtained from UE slow speed decision. In this case, however, hi With a no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. value, the slow-speed handover may not be triggered. That is, the UE cannot be handed over t If this parameter is set to a very great None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. value, the slow-speed handover may not be triggered. That is, the UE cannot be handed over t If this parameter is set to a very small None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. RNC may mistakenly determine that ping-pong handover to the best cell occurs. If this paramete If this parameter is set too large, the
None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. exist, inter-frequency handovers may be triggered. If only inter-RAT neighboring cells exist, in If only inter-frequency neighboring cells None The parameter modification has no value ofon the equipment.changed, the event 2D/2F thresholds are changed accordingly. As a result, inter-frequency or int When the impact this parameter is None The parameter modification has no switch is set toequipment. When this impact on the ON, the number of inter-RAT handovers for CS services may increase. When this switch is set to OFF, the None The parameter modification has no switch is set toequipment. When this impact on the ON, the number of inter-RAT handovers for PS services may increase. When this switch is set to OFF, the None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modificationthe early stage of network deployment, or when the traffic model of subscribers in a cell is not known, the parameter can be set to At has no impact on the equipment. None The cell should be activated after the parameter modification. the HSDPA code resources will be limited and the HSDPA performance is affected. If the param If the parameter value is set too low, None The cell should be activated after the parameter modification. None None The cell should be activated after the parameter modification. None None The cell should be activated after the parameter modification. In the scenarios like outdoor macro cells with power restricted, it is less likely to schedule multiple subscribers simultaneously, so two None The cell should be activated after the parameter modification.(negative value), the total HSPA power will be too low, thus impacting the throughput of HSDPA If the parameter value is set too low None The cell should be activated after the parameter modification. the CQI in some scenarios will exceed the range of 0 to 30. As a result, the NodeB MAC-hs c If the parameter value is unreasonable, None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The cell should be activated after the parameter modification. the downlink codes are wasted. If the parameter value is set too low, the uplink throughput of th If the parameter value is set too high, None The cell should be activated after the parameter modification. the downlink codes are wasted. If the parameter value is set too low, the uplink throughput of th If the parameter value is set too high, None The cell should be activated after the parameter modification. there is a risk that the cell throughput will be too low. If the parameter value is set too high, there If the parameter value is set too low, None The parameter modification has no impact on the set too low, the power of the non-serving radio link will be low and the data rate on non-serving E-DCH will b If the parameter value is equipment. This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the effect of smoothing signals and the ability of anti-fast-fading improve. However, the abil None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the quality of the current frequency is higher in the same condition. In this case, inter-freque None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. After handover, the inter-frequency measurement may be started again, and thus ping-pong handover may perform. In order to preve None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. After handover, the inter-frequency measurement may be started again, and thus ping-pong handover may perform. In order to preve None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. After handover, the inter-frequency measurement may be started again, and thus ping-pong handover may perform. In order to preve None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. After handover, the inter-frequency measurement may be started again, and thus ping-pong handover may perform. In order to preve None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. After handover, the inter-frequency measurement may be started again, and thus ping-pong handover may perform. In order to preve None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. After handover, the inter-frequency measurement may be started again, and thus ping-pong handover may perform. In order to preve None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has thisimpact on the equipment. Setting no parameter to a smaller value reduces the impact of long duration of compression mode on the serving cell. In this case, h None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, handover attempts increase when the inter-frequency handover fails. In this case, the UE c
None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None
The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the effect of smoothing signals and the ability of anti-fast-fading improve. However, the abil The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has thisimpact on the equipment. Setting no parameter to a smaller value reduces the impact of long duration of compression mode on the serving cell. In this case, h The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact thethe equipment. The advantage of on periodical reporting mode is that it can be used for repeated handover re-attempts on the same cell when the h The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a larger value, call drops are likely to occur because handover is not performed in time. If this parameter is The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. the network environment (for example, the Ec/No measurement quantity is used for event 3A m If the parameter value does not match The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the effect of smoothing signals and the ability of anti-fast-fading improve. However, the abil The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the estimated general quality of the current frequency in the same condition is higher. In thi The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The setting of this parameter has impact on the Uu signaling traffic. If the period is too short and the reporting frequency is too high, t The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. consider the radio conditions (slow fading), actual handover distance, and moving speed of the U The setting of this parameter should The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. consider the radio conditions (slow fading), actual handover distance, and moving speed of the U The setting of this parameter should The parameter modification has no of this parameter is associated with slow fading. If this parameter is set to a larger value, the cell of another RAT where the The value impact on the equipment. The parameter modification has no of this parameter is associated with slow fading. If this parameter is set to a larger value, the cell of another RAT where the The value impact on the equipment. The parameter modification has no of this parameter is associated with slow fading. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the probability of incorrect decis The value impact on the equipment. The parameter modification has no of this parameter is associated with slow fading. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the probability of incorrect hand The value impact on the equipment. The parameter modification has no impact on the a larger value, handover is unlikely to be triggered. However, call drops may increase as the parameter valu If the parameter is set to equipment. The parameter modification has no impact on the a larger value, handover is unlikely to be triggered. However, call drops may increase as the parameter valu If the parameter is set to equipment. The parameter modification has no impact on the a larger value, handover is unlikely to be triggered. However, call drops may increase as the parameter valu If the parameter is set to equipment. The parameter modification has no impact on the "NOT_REQUIRED", handovers are likely to be triggered, but the handover reliability is lower than the situati If the parameter is set to equipment. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. the proportion of the UEs in compressed mode in a cell and the success rate of the hard handov The setting of this parameter affects The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. the proportion of the UEs in compressed mode in a cell and the success rate of the hard handov The setting of this parameter affects The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. the proportion of the UEs in compressed mode in a cell and the success rate of the hard handov The setting of this parameter affects The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. the proportion of the UEs in compressed mode in a cell and the success rate of the hard handov The setting of this parameter affects The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. the proportion of the UEs in compressed mode in a cell and the success rate of the hard handov The setting of this parameter affects The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. the proportion of the UEs in compressed mode in a cell and the success rate of the hard handov The setting of this parameter affects The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. the proportion of the UEs in compressed mode in a cell and the success rate of the hard handov The setting of this parameter affects The parameter modification has no impact on the 2F is set to a larger value, more UEs will enter compressed mode, thus affecting user experience. If the thre If the threshold for event equipment. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. the proportion of the UEs in compressed mode in a cell and the success rate of the hard handov The setting of this parameter affects The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. the proportion of the UEs in compressed mode in a cell and the success rate of the hard handov The setting of this parameter affects The parameter modification has no impact on the 2F is set to a larger value, more UEs will enter compressed mode, thus affecting user experience. If the thre If the threshold for event equipment. The parameter modification has no impact on the 2F is set to a larger value, more UEs will enter compressed mode, thus affecting user experience. If the thre If the threshold for event equipment. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. number of hard handovers. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, hard handover is likely to b The setting of this parameter affects The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. number of hard handovers. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, hard handover is likely to b The setting of this parameter affects The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. number of hard handovers. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, hard handover is likely to b The setting of this parameter affects The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a larger value, event 3A is likely to be triggered. However, handover is likely to be triggered when the freque The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a larger value, event 3A is likely to be triggered. However, handover is likely to be triggered when the freque The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a larger value, event 3A is likely to be triggered. However, handover is likely to be triggered when the freque The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a larger value, event 3A is likely to be triggered. However, handover is likely to be triggered when the freque The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a larger value, event 3A is likely to be triggered. However, handover is likely to be triggered when the freque The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a larger value, event 3A is likely to be triggered. However, handover is likely to be triggered when the freque The parameter modification has no impact on the a smaller value, the UE cannot finish inter-RAT handover. If the parameter is set to a larger value, the user e If the parameter is set to equipment. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a larger value, the UEs handed out from the 2G network are unlikely to be handed back to the 2G network. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a larger value, the UEs handed over from the 2G network are unlikely to be handed over back to the 2G net The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, handover attempts increase when the inter-RAT handover fails. In this case, the UE can be The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a larger value, handover attempts increase when the inter-RAT handover fails. In this case, the UE can be q The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, many users will not be handed over to the 2G network in time. If this parameter is set to a l The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a larger value, many users will not be handed over to the 2G network in time. If this parameter is set to a sm The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the effect of smoothing signals and the ability of anti-fast-fading improve. However, the abil The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the "NOT_REQUIRED", handovers are likely to be triggered, but the handover reliability is lower than the situati If the parameter is set to equipment. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the a smaller value, the UE cannot finish inter-RAT handover. If the parameter is set to a larger value, the user e If the parameter is set to equipment.
None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, many users will not be handed over to the 2G network in time. If this parameter is set to a l None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a larger value, many users will not be handed over to the 2G network in time. If this parameter is set to a sm This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the effect of smoothing signals and the ability of anti-fast-fading improve. However, the abil None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the coverage area where a soft handover can be performed reduces, for an incoming UE. H None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the coverage area where a soft handover can be performed reduces, for an incoming UE. H None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the coverage area where a soft handover can be performed reduces, for an incoming UE. H None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the coverage area where a soft handover can be performed reduces, for an incoming UE. H None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. value, the handover algorithm becomes slow in responding to the signal change, and thus call d If this parameter is set to a too great None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the coverage area where a soft handover can be performed reduces, for an incoming UE. H None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the thresholds for triggering soft handover for events 1A and 1B are greater under the same None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the average number of handovers decreases, but call drops may occur.According to TS 25. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the average number of handovers decreases, but call drops may occur.According to TS 25. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the average number of handovers decreases, but call drops may occur.According to TS 25. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the average number of handovers decreases, but call drops may occur.According to TS 25. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the average number of handovers decreases, but call drops may occur.According to TS 25. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the average number of handovers decreases, but call drops may occur.According to TS 25. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact great, the cell pilot may change fiercely, which is easy to lead to user call drops. If the value is too small, the cell pilo If the value is too on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no cell breathing algorithm is activated, if the value is too small, the physical coverage of the cell is limited so as to avoid cell c When the impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no cell breathing algorithm is activated, if the value is too small, the physical coverage of the cell is limited so as to avoid cell c When the impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no the LDR trigger and release thresholds are, the easier the system enters the preliminary congestion status, the harder it is The lower impact on the equipment. 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None The parameter modification has no the OLC trigger threshold is, the easier the system is in the overload status. An excessively low value of the OLC trigger th The lower impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no the OLC trigger threshold is, the easier the system is in the overload status. An excessively low value of the OLC trigger th The lower impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. 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The higher the parameter is, the higher The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. the service rate of the user in handover is, and the more obviously the cell load is decreased. The higher the parameter is, the higher The parameter modification has no the parameter equipment. bigger the scope for selecting the MBMS services is, the more cell load is decreased, the more The lower impact on the value is, the The parameter modification has no the code resource LDR trigger threshold is set, the easier the downlink code resource enters the initial congestion status, t The lower impact on the equipment. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no the parameter equipment. easier the credit enters the congestion status, the easier the LDR action is triggered, and the e The lower impact on the value is, the The parameter modification has no the parameter equipment. easier the credit enters the congestion status, the easier the LDR action is triggered, and the e The lower impact on the value is, the The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. easier it is to find the qualified target cell for blind handover. Excessively small values of the pa The smaller this parameter value, the The parameter modification has no value is on the equipment. be selected for inter-frequency handover during code resource congestion, which can easily rele When the impact TRUE, users can The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.7SF4 < ... < SF128 < SF256If the parameter is set too big, the TTI switchove cannot be triggered Presupposition for analysis: 8SF4 < The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the effect of smoothing signals and the ability of anti-fast-fading improve. However, the abil The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. 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None The parameter modification has no impact on the "NOT_REQUIRED", handovers are likely to be triggered, but the handover reliability is lower than the situati If the parameter is set to equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the a larger value, handover is unlikely to be triggered. However, call drops may increase as the parameter valu If the parameter is set to equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the a larger value, handover is unlikely to be triggered. However, call drops may increase as the parameter valu If the parameter is set to equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. 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None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None All the switches have multiple choices. SELECT ALL means turning on all the switches; CLEAR ALL means turning off all the switches; GRAYED ALL means keeping the original state Not involved None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None None Not involved None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the effect of smoothing signals and the ability of anti-fast-fading improve. However, the abil None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the quality of the current frequency is higher in the same condition. In this case, inter-freque None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. After handover, the inter-frequency measurement may be started again, and thus ping-pong handover may perform. In order to preve None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. After handover, the inter-frequency measurement may be started again, and thus ping-pong handover may perform. In order to preve None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. After handover, the inter-frequency measurement may be started again, and thus ping-pong handover may perform. In order to preve None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. After handover, the inter-frequency measurement may be started again, and thus ping-pong handover may perform. In order to preve None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. After handover, the inter-frequency measurement may be started again, and thus ping-pong handover may perform. In order to preve None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. After handover, the inter-frequency measurement may be started again, and thus ping-pong handover may perform. In order to preve None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has thisimpact on the equipment. Setting no parameter to a smaller value reduces the impact of long duration of compression mode on the serving cell. In this case, h None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, handover attempts increase when the inter-frequency handover fails. In this case, the UE c None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the effect of smoothing signals and the ability of anti-fast-fading improve. However, the abil None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has thisimpact on the equipment. Setting no parameter to a smaller value reduces the impact of long duration of compression mode on the serving cell. In this case, h None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
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The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the probability for selecting the neighboring cell as the target cell reduces. If this parameter The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the probability for selecting the neighboring cell as the target cell reduces. If this parameter The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has nois the neighboring cell of the serving cell for the blind handover, it is considered as the target cell for the blind handover and If this cell impact on the equipment. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no algorithm of neighboring cell combination is enabled, the total number of the neighboring cells connected through links ma When the impact on the equipment. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the probability of selecting the neighboring cell becomes low. If this parameter is set to a sm The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the probability of selecting the neighboring cell becomes low. If this parameter is set to a sm The parameter modification has no impact thethe equipment. The advantage of on periodical reporting mode is that it can be used for repeated handover re-attempts on the same cell when the h The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a larger value, call drops are likely to occur because handover is not performed in time. If this parameter is The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. the network environment (for example, the Ec/No measurement quantity is used for event 3A m If the parameter value does not match The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the effect of smoothing signals and the ability of anti-fast-fading improve. However, the abil The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the estimated general quality of the current frequency in the same condition is higher. In thi The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The setting of this parameter has impact on the Uu signaling traffic. If the period is too short and the reporting frequency is too high, t The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. consider the radio conditions (slow fading), actual handover distance, and moving speed of the U The setting of this parameter should The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. consider the radio conditions (slow fading), actual handover distance, and moving speed of the U The setting of this parameter should The parameter modification has no of this parameter is associated with slow fading. If this parameter is set to a larger value, the cell of another RAT where the The value impact on the equipment. The parameter modification has no of this parameter is associated with slow fading. If this parameter is set to a larger value, the cell of another RAT where the The value impact on the equipment. The parameter modification has no of this parameter is associated with slow fading. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the probability of incorrect decis The value impact on the equipment. The parameter modification has no of this parameter is associated with slow fading. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the probability of incorrect hand The value impact on the equipment. The parameter modification has no impact on the a larger value, handover is unlikely to be triggered. However, call drops may increase as the parameter valu If the parameter is set to equipment. The parameter modification has no impact on the a larger value, handover is unlikely to be triggered. However, call drops may increase as the parameter valu If the parameter is set to equipment. The parameter modification has no impact on the a larger value, handover is unlikely to be triggered. However, call drops may increase as the parameter valu If the parameter is set to equipment. The parameter modification has no impact on the "NOT_REQUIRED", handovers are likely to be triggered, but the handover reliability is lower than the situati If the parameter is set to equipment. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. the proportion of the UEs in compressed mode in a cell and the success rate of the hard handov The setting of this parameter affects The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. the proportion of the UEs in compressed mode in a cell and the success rate of the hard handov The setting of this parameter affects The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. the proportion of the UEs in compressed mode in a cell and the success rate of the hard handov The setting of this parameter affects The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. the proportion of the UEs in compressed mode in a cell and the success rate of the hard handov The setting of this parameter affects The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. the proportion of the UEs in compressed mode in a cell and the success rate of the hard handov The setting of this parameter affects The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. the proportion of the UEs in compressed mode in a cell and the success rate of the hard handov The setting of this parameter affects The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. the proportion of the UEs in compressed mode in a cell and the success rate of the hard handov The setting of this parameter affects The parameter modification has no impact on the 2F is set to a larger value, more UEs will enter compressed mode, thus affecting user experience. If the thre If the threshold for event equipment. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. the proportion of the UEs in compressed mode in a cell and the success rate of the hard handov The setting of this parameter affects The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. the proportion of the UEs in compressed mode in a cell and the success rate of the hard handov The setting of this parameter affects The parameter modification has no impact on the 2F is set to a larger value, more UEs will enter compressed mode, thus affecting user experience. If the thre If the threshold for event equipment. The parameter modification has no impact on the 2F is set to a larger value, more UEs will enter compressed mode, thus affecting user experience. If the thre If the threshold for event equipment. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. number of hard handovers. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, hard handover is likely to b The setting of this parameter affects The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. number of hard handovers. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, hard handover is likely to b The setting of this parameter affects The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. number of hard handovers. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, hard handover is likely to b The setting of this parameter affects The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a larger value, event 3A is likely to be triggered. However, handover is likely to be triggered when the freque The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a larger value, event 3A is likely to be triggered. However, handover is likely to be triggered when the freque The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a larger value, event 3A is likely to be triggered. However, handover is likely to be triggered when the freque The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a larger value, event 3A is likely to be triggered. However, handover is likely to be triggered when the freque The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a larger value, event 3A is likely to be triggered. However, handover is likely to be triggered when the freque The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a larger value, event 3A is likely to be triggered. However, handover is likely to be triggered when the freque The parameter modification has no impact on the a smaller value, the UE cannot finish inter-RAT handover. If the parameter is set to a larger value, the user e If the parameter is set to equipment. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a larger value, the UEs handed out from the 2G network are unlikely to be handed back to the 2G network. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a larger value, the UEs handed over from the 2G network are unlikely to be handed over back to the 2G net The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, handover attempts increase when the inter-RAT handover fails. In this case, the UE can be The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a larger value, handover attempts increase when the inter-RAT handover fails. In this case, the UE can be q
None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, many users will not be handed over to the 2G network in time. If this parameter is set to a l None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a larger value, many users will not be handed over to the 2G network in time. If this parameter is set to a sm None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the effect of smoothing signals and the ability of anti-fast-fading improve. However, the abil None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the "NOT_REQUIRED", handovers are likely to be triggered, but the handover reliability is lower than the situati If the parameter is set to equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the a smaller value, the UE cannot finish inter-RAT handover. If the parameter is set to a larger value, the user e If the parameter is set to equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, many users will not be handed over to the 2G network in time. If this parameter is set to a l None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a larger value, many users will not be handed over to the 2G network in time. If this parameter is set to a sm None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the effect of smoothing signals and the ability of anti-fast-fading improve; however, the abili None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the coverage area where a soft handover can be performed reduces, for an incoming UE. H None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the coverage area where a soft handover can be performed reduces, for an incoming UE. H None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the coverage area where a soft handover can be performed reduces, for an incoming UE. H None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the coverage area where a soft handover can be performed reduces, for an incoming UE. H None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. value, the handover algorithm becomes slow in responding to the signal change, and thus call d If this parameter is set to a too great None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the coverage area where a soft handover can be performed reduces, for an incoming UE. H None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the thresholds for triggering soft handover for events 1A and 1B are greater under the same None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the average number of handovers decreases, but call drops may occur.According to TS 25. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the average number of handovers decreases, but call drops may occur.According to TS 25. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the average number of handovers decreases, but call drops may occur.According to TS 25. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the average number of handovers decreases, but call drops may occur.According to TS 25. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the average number of handovers decreases, but call drops may occur.According to TS 25. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the average number of handovers decreases, but call drops may occur.According to TS 25. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the interval between intra-frequency measurement reports is shorter, that is, the intra-frequ None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None This parameter cannot be modified. 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None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the probability for selecting the neighboring cell as the target cell reduces. If this parameter None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the probability for selecting the neighboring cell as the target cell reduces. If this parameter None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no algorithm of neighboring cell combination is enabled, the total number of the neighboring cells connected through links ma When the impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
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None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None After modification, the RNC should should be reset to validate the parameter modification. The RNC be reset. None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on parameter leads to a higher probability of using PTP transmission on the network. Power control is available for A larger value of this the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to ON, pre-emption is triggered when PTM streaming bearer admission fails. That is, a lower-priority MBMS be None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. streaming bearer might be pre-empted by an MBMS bearer of a higher priority or a non-MBMS b If this parameter is set to ON, a PTM None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. non-streaming bearer might be pre-empted by an MBMS bearer of a higher priority or a non-MB If this parameter is set to ON, a PTM None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. uplink bandwidth of an MBMS service in PTP mode is high. Therefore, it is recommended the d It is a waste of uplink resources if the None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None All the switches have multiple choices. SELECT ALL means turning on all the switches; CLEAR ALL means turning off all the switches; GRAYED ALL means keeping the original state Not involved None None Not involved None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on parameter leads to a higher probability of using PTP transmission on the network. Power control is available for A larger value of this the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None This parameter is not modified. Not involved None This parameter is not modified. Not involved None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
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None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved The greater the value of this parameter is, the more easily the event 1A is triggered. None Not involved The lower the value of this parameter is, the more easily the event 1B is triggered. None Not involved The greater the value of this parameter is, the less probable the incorrect decision is. Yet the response of the event to the change of None Not involved The greater the value of this parameter is, the less probable the incorrect decision is. Yet the response of the event to the change of None Not involved None None Not involved None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the None Not involved equipment. The parameter modification has no impact on the None Not involved equipment. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, ping-pong relocations may occur, thus affecting network performance. If this parameter is s None The parameter modification has thisimpact on the equipment. within the valid range makes it less likely to trigger static relocation even when the current tran Setting no parameter to a small value None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. basis of "Interval of Iur Resource Congestion Reporting". The difference between the previous tw The parameter should be set on the None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, more UEs may occupy common channels on the Iur interface, and thus a large number of I None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. This parameter determines the number of UEs over the Iur interface. If the parameter is set to a greater value, a large number of unn None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.initiated by the RT or NRT service, the corresponding service may occupy more Iur resources. If the relocation is not allowed to be None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. the edge of cells fail in network searching, resulting in influence on coverage of the downlink co If the value is excessively low, UEs at None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None
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None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved If the value of this parameter is too high, congestion may occur over the FACH channel. None Not involved If the value of this parameter is too high, the 4A event reporting will be delayed. This may result in congestion over the FACH channe None Not involved If the value of this parameter is too high, congestion may occur over the FACH channel. None Not involved If the value of this parameter is too high, the 4A event reporting will be delayed. This may result in congestion over the FACH channe None Not involved If the value of this parameter is too high, congestion may occur over the FACH channel. None Not involved If the value of this parameter is too high, the 4A event reporting will be delayed. This may result in congestion over the FACH channe None Not involved If the value of this parameter is too high, congestion may occur over the FACH channel. None Not involved If the value of this parameter is too high, the 4A event reporting will be delayed. This may result in congestion over the FACH channe None Not involved If the value of this parameter is too high, congestion may occur over the E-FACH channel. None Not involved If the value of this parameter is too high, the 4A event reporting will be delayed. This may result in congestion over the E-FACH chan None Not involved If the value of this parameter is too high, congestion may occur over the E-FACH channel. None Not involved If the value of this parameter is too high, the 4A event reporting will be delayed. This may result in congestion over the E-FACH chan None Not involved If the value of this parameter is too high, congestion may occur over the E-FACH channel. None Not involved If the value of this parameter is too high, the 4A event reporting will be delayed. This may result in congestion over the E-FACH chan None Not involved If the value of this parameter is too high, congestion may occur over the E-FACH channel. None Not involved If the value of this parameter is too high, the 4A event reporting will be delayed. This may result in congestion over the E-FACH chan None Not involved If the value of this parameter is too high, congestion may occur over the E-FACH channel. None Not involved If the value of this parameter is too high, the 4A event reporting will be delayed. This may result in congestion over the E-FACH chan None Not involved If the value of this parameter is too high, congestion may occur over the E-FACH channel. None Not involved None None Not involved If the value of this parameter is too low, it can not judge whether the UE is in low activity state. If the value of this parameter is too hig When this parameter is set to 65535, it is regarded the value of this parameter isFACH or it can not to PCH is not low activity state. If the value of this parameter is too hig Not involved If that the state transition from too low, E_FACH judge whether the UE is None Not involved If the value of this parameter is too low, it can not judge whether the UE is in low activity state. If the value of this parameter is too hig None Not involved If the value of this parameter is too low, it can not judge whether the UE is in low activity state. If the value of this parameter is too hig None Not involved If the value of this parameter is too low, it can not judge whether the UE is in low activity state. If the value of this parameter is too hig None Not involved If the value of this parameter is too low, it can not judge whether the UE is in low activity state. If the value of this parameter is too hig None Not involved If the value of this parameter is too low, it can not judge whether the UE is in low activity state. If the value of this parameter is too hig None Not involved If the value of this parameter is too low, it can not judge whether the UE is in low activity state. If the value of this parameter is too hig None Not involved If the value of this parameter is too low, it can not judge whether the UE is in low activity state. If the value of this parameter is too hig None Not involved If the value of this parameter is too low, it can not judge whether the UE is in low activity state. If the value of this parameter is too hig None Not involved If the value of this parameter is too low, it can not judge whether the UE is in low activity state. If the value of this parameter is too hig None Not involved If the value of this parameter is too low, it can not judge whether the UE is in low activity state. If the value of this parameter is too hig None Not involved None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None This parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None Not involved None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. 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lected as the target cell for the handover. If the value of this parameter is too great, a GSM cell that fails to provide qualified services may be selected as the target cell for the handover, thus leading to c boring cells. The smaller the value the parameter, the higher the probability of doing so.
nsidered as the target cell for the blind handover and inter-system DRD. If the coverage of the WCDMA cell is not completely included in that of the GSM cell, the blind handover or inter-system DRD ma ority. It is recommended that the GSM cell that includes the entire WCDMA cell be assigned with a higher priority. Otherwise, the UE may be handed over to the GSM cell that does not include the entire bly triggered. A smaller value of this parameter indicates that the inter-RAT DRD is more possibly triggered, however, with a low success rate.
of the neighboring cells connected through links may exceed 32 if more than one link is in the active link set. RNC consider this parameter as a condition for neighboring cell selection. That is, a neighbo of the neighboring cells connected through links may exceed 32 if more than one link is in the active link set. RNC consider this parameter as a condition for neighboring cell selection. That is, a neighbo
on indication properly. This problem affects the coverage of the downlink common channel and furthermore the coverage of the cell. If the value is set too great, it causes interference to other channels,
his case, there are greater possibilities of meeting the requirement for lowering the AMR speech rate. Thus, it is easier to lower the AMR speech rate. his case, there are less possibilities of meeting the requirement for stopping AMR speech rate adjustment. Thus, it is easier to lower the AMR speech rate. his case, there are less possibilities of meeting the requirement for raising the AMR speech rate. Thus, it is more difficult to raise the AMR speech rate. his case, there are greater possibilities of meeting the requirement for stopping AMR speech rate increase. Thus, it is more difficult to raise the AMR speech rate.
his case, there are greater possibilities of meeting the requirement for lowering the wideband AMR speech rate. Thus, it is easier to lower the wideband AMR speech rate. his case, there are less possibilities of meeting the requirement for stopping wideband AMR speech rate adjustment. Thus, it is easier to lower the wideband AMR speech rate. his case, there are less possibilities of meeting the requirement for raising the wideband AMR speech rate. Thus, it is more difficult to raise the wideband AMR speech rate. his case, there are greater possibilities of meeting the requirement for stopping wideband AMR speech rate increase. Thus, it is more difficult to raise the wideband AMR speech rate.
messages properly. This problem affects the coverage of the downlink common channel and furthermore the coverage of the cell. If the value is set too great, it causes interference to other channels, oc
e more difficult the synchronization occurs. The lower the value is, the easier the synchronization occurs. If the link quality is poor, a simple synchronization requirement leads to waste of the UE power a the value is excessively low, out-of-sync is not likely to happen. But if the link quality is poor, it may result in a waste of the UE power and increased uplink interference. chronized. If the value is excessively high, the radio link failure process is probably delayed, and the downlink interference increases.
smaller the sum, the lower the handover priority of the neighboring cell. Usually it is configured to 0. The larger the parameter, the easier of the handover to the neighboring cell. The smaller the paramet
apacity will be decreased because a lot of system resources will be occupied and the interference with the downlink traffic channels will be increased. resulting in influence on coverage of the downlink common channel. This finally affects the cell coverage. If the value is excessively high, the power resources are wasted, and other channels are interfe resulting in influence on coverage of the downlink common channel. This finally affects the cell coverage. If the value is excessively high, the power resources are wasted, and other channels are interfe
messages properly. This problem affects the coverage of the downlink common channel and furthermore the coverage of the cell. If the value is set too great, it causes interference to other channels, oc
impacts system stability and leads to system congestion. If the value is too low, the possibility of user rejects may increase, resulting in waste in idle resources. impacts system stability and leads to system congestion. If the value is too low, the possibility of user rejects may increase, resulting in waste in idle resources. impacts system stability and leads to system congestion. If the value is too low, the possibility of user rejects may increase, resulting in waste in idle resources. impacts system stability and leads to system congestion. If the value is too low, the possibility of user rejects may increase, resulting in waste in idle resources and the failure to achieving network plann impacts system stability and leads to system congestion. If the value is too low, the possibility of user rejects may increase, resulting in waste in idle resource and the failure to achieving the network pla impacts system stability and leads to system congestion. If the value is too low, the possibility of user rejects may increase, resulting in waste in idle resources and the failure to achieving network plann impacts system stability and leads to system congestion. If the value is too low, the possibility of user rejects may increase, resulting in waste in idle resources. impacts system stability and leads to system congestion. If the value is too low, the possibility of user rejects may increase, resulting in waste in idle resources. impacts system stability and leads to system congestion. If the value is too low, the possibility of user rejects may increase, resulting in waste in idle resources. impacts system stability and leads to system congestion. If the value is too low, the possibility of user rejects may increase, resulting in waste in idle resources. city. If the value is too low, resources can be fully used and coverage may be impacted in case of insufficient resources.
h impacts system stability and leads to system congestion. If the value is too low, the possibility of user rejects may increase, resulting in waste in idle resources. h impacts system stability and leads to system congestion. If the value is too low, the possibility of user rejects may increase, resulting in waste in idle resources. eases, which impacts access success rate. If the value is too low, too many HSUPA schedule users may be admitted, which impacts the admitted users and results in overload and system congestion. eases, which impacts access success rate. If the value is too low, too many HSUPA schedule users may be admitted, which impacts the admitted users and results in overload and system congestion. eases, which impacts access success rate. If the value is too low, too many HSUPA schedule users may be admitted, which impacts the admitted users and results in overload and system congestionR
s strict, which improves the service quality of the HSDPA streaming service but also may lead to HSDPA capacity waste. If the value is too low, admission requirement of the HSDPA streaming service , which improves the service quality of the HSDPA BE service but also may lead to HSDPA capacity waste. If the value is too low, admission requirement of the HSDPA BE service is loose, which allows e in HSDPA resources. If the value is too high, HSDPA services may be congested. nding services will be. When the uplink coverage is too large, the uplink coverage and downlink coverage of the service can become unbalanced. If the values of these parameters are too small, the upli nding services will be. When the uplink coverage is too large, the uplink coverage and downlink coverage of the service can become unbalanced. If the values of these parameters are too small, the upli nding services will be. When the uplink coverage is too large, the uplink coverage and downlink coverage of the service can become unbalanced. If the values of these parameters are too small, the upli nding services will be. When the uplink coverage is too large, the uplink coverage and downlink coverage of the service can become unbalanced. If the values of these parameters are too small, the upli
w, the cell HSDPA capacity may be reduces, leading to waste in HSUPA resources.
FOFF}, the less code and credit resources reserved for handover UEs. The possibility of rejecting handover UE admissions increases and performance of UEs cannot be guaranteed. The more frontal po FOFF}, the less code and credit resources reserved for handover UEs. The possibility of rejecting handover UE admissions increases and performance of UEs cannot be guaranteed. The more frontal po
all value, the number of equivalent users will be easy to be judged as overlarge. That is, the probability of accepting an admission request becomes low, and OLC operations will be performed. In this ca rs is high, and the power available for DCH users is low. As a result, the capacity of the cell decreases. rs is high, and the power available for DCH users is low. As a result, the capacity of the cell decreases.
parameter is large. So that better cells can be selected. that better cells can be selected.
ns are provided: 1. Reducing the number of soft handovers for a slowly-moving UE2. Handing a slowly-moving UE to a cell with large coverage, thus lowering the load of a cell with small coverage. . That is, the UE cannot be handed over to a cell with large coverage. This leads to the decrease in the number of soft handovers.If this parameter is set to a large value, the quick handover may be trigg triggered. That is, the UE cannot be handed over to a cell with large coverage. This leads to the decrease in the number of soft handovers. If this parameter is set to a very small value, the fast-speed h m UE slow speed decision. In this case, however, higher load may be carried by the CPU. e triggered. That is, the UE cannot be handed over to a cell with small coverage. Under this situation, the load of a cell with large coverage cannot be reduced. e triggered. That is, the UE cannot be handed over to a cell with small coverage. Under this situation, the load of a cell with large coverage cannot be reduced.If this parameter is set to a very great value ong handover to the best cell occurs. If this parameter is set too small, ping-pong handover cannot be prevented. Thus, it is recommended that this parameter be set according to the cell radius.
triggered. If only inter-RAT neighboring cells exist, inter-RAT handovers may be triggered. If both inter-frequency and inter-RAT neighboring cells exist and this parameter is set to SIMINTERFREQRAT(i anged accordingly. As a result, inter-frequency or inter-RAT handover conditions are affected. es may increase. When this switch is set to OFF, the number of inter-RAT handovers for CS services may decrease. es may increase. When this switch is set to OFF, the number of inter-RAT handovers for PS services may decrease.
s in a cell is not known, the parameter can be set to Automatic to have the HSDPA channel codes automatically allocated. If the traffic model of subscribers in a cell is stable and known, the parameter c nd the HSDPA performance is affected. If the parameter value is set too high, the HSDPA code resources are wasted, thus increasing the admission rejection rate for R99 services.
schedule multiple subscribers simultaneously, so two HS-SCCHs are configured. In the scenarios like indoor pico with code restricted, it is more likely to schedule multiple subscribers simultaneously, so be too low, thus impacting the throughput of HSDPA subscribers at the border of a cell. e range of 0 to 30. As a result, the NodeB MAC-hs cannot schedule the subscriber in time or cannot schedule multiple subscribers with the difference of channel conditions.
meter value is set too low, the uplink throughput of the HSUPA is restricted. meter value is set too low, the uplink throughput of the HSUPA is restricted. e too low. If the parameter value is set too high, there is a risk for high interference. be low and the data rate on non-serving E-DCH will be reduced, thus impacting the transport rate of the UE in soft handover state. If the parameter value is too high, the non-serving RL cannot send RG
ability of anti-fast-fading improve. However, the ability of tracing the signal change becomes low, and call drops are likely to occur because handover is not performed in time. If this parameter is set to a
igher in the same condition. In this case, inter-frequency handover is not likely to be triggered. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the quality of the current frequency is lower in the same condition
s ping-pong handover may perform. In order to prevent ping-pong handover, this parameter can be set greater than the start threshold for event 2D or equal to the threshold of event 2F. s ping-pong handover may perform. In order to prevent ping-pong handover, this parameter can be set greater than the start threshold for event 2D or equal to the threshold of event 2F. s ping-pong handover may perform. In order to prevent ping-pong handover, this parameter can be set greater than the start threshold for event 2D or equal to the threshold of event 2F. s ping-pong handover may perform. In order to prevent ping-pong handover, this parameter can be set greater than the start threshold for event 2D or equal to the threshold of event 2F. s ping-pong handover may perform. In order to prevent ping-pong handover, this parameter can be set greater than the start threshold for event 2D or equal to the threshold of event 2F. s ping-pong handover may perform. In order to prevent ping-pong handover, this parameter can be set greater than the start threshold for event 2D or equal to the threshold of event 2F.
compression mode on the serving cell. In this case, however, the compression mode may be disabled before the inter-frequency handover of the UE. For the coverage-based inter-frequency handover, c inter-frequency handover fails. In this case, the UE can be quickly handed over to the target cell whose load is reduced, thus lowering the probability of call drops. More handover re-attempts, however, c
ability of anti-fast-fading improve. However, the ability of tracing the signal change becomes low, and call drops are likely to occur because handover is not performed in time. If this parameter is set to a
compression mode on the serving cell. In this case, however, the compression mode may be disabled before the inter-frequency handover of the UE. For the coverage-based inter-frequency handover, c
d handover re-attempts on the same cell when the handover fails, and that the subsequent algorithms can be flexibly developed. In addition, the UE needs not to be informed when the parameters are c ndover is not performed in time. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, unnecessary inter-RAT handovers may increase. e Ec/No measurement quantity is used for event 3A measurement in areas with low RSCP), inter-RAT handover may fail. ability of anti-fast-fading improve. However, the ability of tracing the signal change becomes low, and call drops are likely to occur because handover is not performed in time. If this parameter is set to a rent frequency in the same condition is higher. In this case, inter-RAT handover is unlikely to be triggered. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the estimated general quality of the current frequenc is too short and the reporting frequency is too high, the RNC may have high load in processing signaling. If the period is too long, the network cannot detect the signal changes in time, which may delay actual handover distance, and moving speed of the UE.If this parameter is set to a greater value, the probability of ping-pong reporting or wrong decision is lower, but the event may not be triggered in tim actual handover distance, and moving speed of the UE.If this parameter is set to a greater value, the probability of ping-pong reporting or wrong decision is lower, but the event may not be triggered in tim et to a larger value, the cell of another RAT where the UE needs to be handed over to must be of good quality. Therefore, the criteria for triggering the inter-RAT handover decision is hard to be fulfilled, a et to a larger value, the cell of another RAT where the UE needs to be handed over to must be of good quality. Therefore, the criteria for triggering the inter-RAT handover decision is hard to be fulfilled, a et to a greater value, the probability of incorrect decision becomes low; however, the handover algorithm becomes slow in responding to signal change. et to a greater value, the probability of incorrect handover decision becomes low; however, the handover algorithm becomes slow in responding to signal change. This leads to the decrease in the numbe wever, call drops may increase as the parameter value increases. wever, call drops may increase as the parameter value increases. wever, call drops may increase as the parameter value increases. d, but the handover reliability is lower than the situation the parameter is set to "REQUIRED". ode in a cell and the success rate of the hard handover. If this parameter is set to a greater value, hard handover is likely to be triggered, but ping-pong handover may occur. If this parameter is set to a s ode in a cell and the success rate of the hard handover. If the threshold for event 2F is set to a larger value, more UEs will enter compressed mode, thus affecting user experience. If the threshold for eve ode in a cell and the success rate of the hard handover. If this parameter is set to a greater value, hard handover is likely to be triggered, but ping-pong handover may occur. If this parameter is set to a s ode in a cell and the success rate of the hard handover. If this parameter is set to a greater value, hard handover is likely to be triggered, but ping-pong handover may occur. If this parameter is set to a s ode in a cell and the success rate of the hard handover. If the threshold for event 2F is set to a larger value, more UEs will enter compressed mode, thus affecting user experience. If the threshold for eve ode in a cell and the success rate of the hard handover. If the threshold for event 2F is set to a larger value, more UEs will enter compressed mode, thus affecting user experience. If the threshold for eve ode in a cell and the success rate of the hard handover. If this parameter is set to a greater value, hard handover is likely to be triggered, but ping-pong handover may occur. If this parameter is set to a s sed mode, thus affecting user experience. If the threshold for event 2F is set to a smaller value, it becomes difficult for UEs to trigger inter-RAT measurement, thus decreasing handovers. ode in a cell and the success rate of the hard handover. If this parameter is set to a greater value, hard handover is likely to be triggered, but ping-pong handover may occur. If this parameter is set to a s ode in a cell and the success rate of the hard handover. If this parameter is set to a greater value, hard handover is likely to be triggered, but ping-pong handover may occur. If this parameter is set to a s sed mode, thus affecting user experience. If the threshold for event 2F is set to a smaller value, it becomes difficult for UEs to trigger inter-RAT measurement, thus decreasing handovers. sed mode, thus affecting user experience. If the threshold for event 2F is set to a smaller value, it becomes difficult for UEs to trigger inter-RAT measurement, thus decreasing handovers. r is set to a smaller value, hard handover is likely to be triggered, but ping-pong handover may occur. If this parameter is set to a greater value, hard handover is unlikely to be triggered, but call drops ma r is set to a smaller value, hard handover is likely to be triggered, but ping-pong handover may occur. If this parameter is set to a greater value, hard handover is unlikely to be triggered, but call drops ma r is set to a smaller value, hard handover is likely to be triggered, but ping-pong handover may occur. If this parameter is set to a greater value, hard handover is unlikely to be triggered, but call drops ma er, handover is likely to be triggered when the frequency quality in the current system is acceptable for the UE if the value of this parameter is set too large. er, handover is likely to be triggered when the frequency quality in the current system is acceptable for the UE if the value of this parameter is set too large. er, handover is likely to be triggered when the frequency quality in the current system is acceptable for the UE if the value of this parameter is set too large. er, handover is likely to be triggered when the frequency quality in the current system is acceptable for the UE if the value of this parameter is set too large. er, handover is likely to be triggered when the frequency quality in the current system is acceptable for the UE if the value of this parameter is set too large. er, handover is likely to be triggered when the frequency quality in the current system is acceptable for the UE if the value of this parameter is set too large. er. If the parameter is set to a larger value, the user experience is affected. k are unlikely to be handed back to the 2G network. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the effect of penalty is unobvious, causing ping-pong handover between 2G and 3G networks. ork are unlikely to be handed over back to the 2G network. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the risk for ping-pong handovers increases. inter-RAT handover fails. In this case, the UE can be quickly handed over to the target cell whose load is reduced, thus lowering the probability of call drops. More handover re-attempts, however, cause ter-RAT handover fails. In this case, the UE can be quickly handed over to the target cell whose load is reduced, thus lowering the probability of call drops. More handover re-attempts, however, cause th the 2G network in time. If this parameter is set to a larger value, the penalty effect is unobvious. he 2G network in time. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the penalty effect is unobvious.
ability of anti-fast-fading improve. However, the ability of tracing the signal change becomes low, and call drops are likely to occur because handover is not performed in time. If this parameter is set to a
d, but the handover reliability is lower than the situation the parameter is set to "REQUIRED".
er. If the parameter is set to a larger value, the user experience is affected.
the 2G network in time. If this parameter is set to a larger value, the penalty effect is unobvious. he 2G network in time. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the penalty effect is unobvious.
ability of anti-fast-fading improve. However, the ability of tracing the signal change becomes low, and call drops are likely to occur because handover is not performed in time. If this parameter is set to a
ver can be performed reduces, for an incoming UE. However, the coverage area for an outgoing UE enlarges. If the UEs which enter the area are equal to those who leave the area, the ratio of SHOs re ver can be performed reduces, for an incoming UE. However, the coverage area for an outgoing UE enlarges. If the UEs which enter the area are equal to those who leave the area, the ratio of SHOs re ver can be performed reduces, for an incoming UE. However, the coverage area for an outgoing UE enlarges. If the UEs which enter the area are equal to those who leave the area, the ratio of SHOs re ver can be performed reduces, for an incoming UE. However, the coverage area for an outgoing UE enlarges. If the UEs which enter the area are equal to those who leave the area, the ratio of SHOs re w in responding to the signal change, and thus call drops may occur. If this parameter is set to a too small value, the handover algorithm is more affected by signal fluctuation, and thus unnecessary inte ver can be performed reduces, for an incoming UE. However, the coverage area for an outgoing UE enlarges. If the UEs which enter the area are equal to those who leave the area, the ratio of SHOs re ver for events 1A and 1B are greater under the same conditions. In this case, the probability for adding a cell to the active set decreases, and that for removing a cell from the active set increases. If this eases, but call drops may occur.According to TS 25.133 V3.6.0, intra-frequency measurement physical layer updates the measurement result once every 200 ms. Therefore, the time-to-trigger mechani eases, but call drops may occur.According to TS 25.133 V3.6.0, intra-frequency measurement physical layer updates the measurement result once every 200 ms. Therefore, the time-to-trigger mechani eases, but call drops may occur.According to TS 25.133 V3.6.0, intra-frequency measurement physical layer updates the measurement result once every 200 ms. Therefore, the time-to-trigger mechani eases, but call drops may occur.According to TS 25.133 V3.6.0, intra-frequency measurement physical layer updates the measurement result once every 200 ms. Therefore, the time-to-trigger mechani eases, but call drops may occur.According to TS 25.133 V3.6.0, intra-frequency measurement physical layer updates the measurement result once every 200 ms. Therefore, the time-to-trigger mechani eases, but call drops may occur.According to TS 25.133 V3.6.0, intra-frequency measurement physical layer updates the measurement result once every 200 ms. Therefore, the time-to-trigger mechani
o user call drops. If the value is too small, the cell pilot may change smoothly. However, the response speed of the cell breathing algorithm is decreased, impacting the algorithm performance. cal coverage of the cell is limited so as to avoid cell capacity waste. If the value is too great, the physical coverage is expanded and interference over other cells is increased. cal coverage of the cell is limited so as to avoid cell capacity waste. If the value is too great, the physical coverage is expanded and interference over other cells is increased.
ers the preliminary congestion status, the harder it is released from this status, the easier the LDR action is triggered, and the more likely the users are affected. But, the admission success rate becomes ers the preliminary congestion status, the harder it is released from this status, the easier the LDR action is triggered, and the more likely the users are affected. But, the admission success rate becomes ers the preliminary congestion status, the harder it is released from this status, the easier the LDR action is triggered, and the more likely the users are affected. But, the admission success rate becomes ers the preliminary congestion status, the harder it is released from this status, the easier the LDR action is triggered, and the more likely the users are affected. But, the admission success rate becomes tatus. An excessively low value of the OLC trigger threshold is very detrimental to the system performance. The lower the OLC release threshold is, the harder the system releases the overload. tatus. An excessively low value of the OLC trigger threshold is very detrimental to the system performance. The lower the OLC release threshold is, the harder the system releases the overload. tatus. An excessively low value of the OLC trigger threshold is very detrimental to the system performance. The lower the OLC release threshold is, the harder the system releases the overload. tatus. An excessively low value of the OLC trigger threshold is very detrimental to the system performance. The lower the OLC release threshold is, the harder the system releases the overload.
s, and the more obviously the cell load is decreased. However, high value of the parameter gives rise to the fluctuation and congestion of the target cell load. The lower the parameter is, the smaller amp s, and the more obviously the cell load is decreased. However, high value of the parameter gives rise to the fluctuation and congestion of the target cell load. The lower the parameter is, the smaller amp ervices is, the more cell load is decreased, the more effect there is on the MBMS service. At the same time, the cell overload is significantly decreased while the impact on the MBMS services becomes k code resource enters the initial congestion status, the easier the LDR action is triggered, and the easier the subscriber perception is affected. On the other hand, a lower code resource LDR trigger thre
us, the easier the LDR action is triggered, and the easier the user experience is affected. A lower code resource LDR trigger threshold, however, causes a higher admission success rate because the re us, the easier the LDR action is triggered, and the easier the user experience is affected. A lower code resource LDR trigger threshold, however, causes a higher admission success rate because the re or blind handover. Excessively small values of the parameter, however makes the target cell easily enters the congestion status. The higher the parameter value, the more difficult it is for the inter-freque ring code resource congestion, which can easily release code congestion and use multi-frequency resources. However, the risk of inter-frequency blink handover increases.
is set too big, the TTI switchove cannot be triggered until there is insufficient credit remaining. In this case, the TTI switchover is triggered too late. If the parameter is set too small, the TTI switchover m
ability of anti-fast-fading improve. However, the ability of tracing the signal change becomes low, and call drops are likely to occur because handover is not performed in time. If this parameter is set to a
e compressed mode on the serving cell. In this case, however, the compressed mode might be stopped earlier and as a result the UE cannot trigger inter-frequency handover. If the parameter is set to a
ability of anti-fast-fading improve. However, the ability of tracing the signal change becomes low, and call drops are likely to occur because handover is not performed in time. If this parameter is set to a
is too short and the reporting frequency is too high, the RNC may have high load in processing signaling. If the period is too long, the network cannot detect the signal changes in time, which may delay
d, but the handover reliability is lower than the situation the parameter is set to "REQUIRED". wever, call drops may increase as the parameter value increases. wever, call drops may increase as the parameter value increases.
e MBMS service in the case of heavy load in the cell. e MBMS service in the case of heavy load in the cell.
mission on the network. Power control is available for PTP transmission, and thus the power consumption in PTP mode is lower than that in PTM mode. In PTP mode, however, the quantities of code, CE
e compressed mode on the serving cell. In this case, however, the compressed mode might be stopped earlier and as a result the UE cannot trigger inter-frequency handover.
cy handover based on Qos, and event 3A, inter-RAT handover based on Qos, can be triggered, and thus the more timely the handover to the target cell can be performed.
s. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. s. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. s. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. s. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. s. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. s. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. s. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. s. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. s. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. s. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. s. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. s. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. s. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. less the random interference is. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. less the random interference is. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower.
wer on a single radio link is too high. Thus, the downlink capacity is affected. If the value of this parameter is set to a too small value, the coverage area of services is decreased, and the risk of call drop ownlink transmit power becomes large. Thus, the possibility of downlink transmit power drift is increased. If the value of this parameter is set to a too great value, the downlink transmit power on a single
ndication properly. This problem may cause a misoperation of reading the PCH, waste the battery of the UE, affect the coverage of the downlink common channel, and finally affect the cell coverage. If t on indication properly. This problem affects the coverage of the downlink common channel and furthermore the coverage of the cell. If the value is set too great, it causes interference to other channels,
reducing the delay of inter-RAT PS handovers. GSM network. The smaller the value of the parameter is, the harder it is to be handed over to the GSM network.
p on the cell. The smaller the value of the parameter is, the easier it is for the UE to camp on the cell. But if the value is excessively small, it is possible that the UE cannot receive the system messages c
p on the cell. The smaller the value of the parameter is, the easier it is for the UE to camp on the cell. But if the value is excessively small, it is possible that the UE cannot receive the system messages c
l to receive the services and signaling carried over the FACH, in a correct way. This will impact the downlink common channel coverage and thus the cell coverage.If MaxFachPower is set excessively hi
. That is, the UE cannot be handed over to a cell with large coverage. This leads to the decrease in the number of soft handovers.If this parameter is set to a large value, the quick handover may be trigg triggered. That is, the UE cannot be handed over to a cell with large coverage. This leads to the decrease in the number of soft handovers. If this parameter is set to a very small value, the fast-speed h m UE slow speed decision. In this case, however, higher load may be carried by the CPU. e triggered. That is, the UE cannot be handed over to a cell with small coverage. Under this situation, the load of a cell with large coverage cannot be reduced. e triggered. That is, the UE cannot be handed over to a cell with small coverage. Under this situation, the load of a cell with large coverage cannot be reduced.If this parameter is set to a very great value ong handover to the best cell occurs. If this parameter is set too small, ping-pong handover cannot be prevented. Thus, it is recommended that this parameter be set according to the cell radius.
ability of anti-fast-fading improve. However, the ability of tracing the signal change becomes low, and call drops are likely to occur because handover is not performed in time. If this parameter is set to a
igher in the same condition. In this case, inter-frequency handover is not likely to be triggered. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the quality of the current frequency is lower in the same condition
s ping-pong handover may perform. In order to prevent ping-pong handover, this parameter can be set greater than the start threshold for event 2D or equal to the threshold of event 2F. s ping-pong handover may perform. In order to prevent ping-pong handover, this parameter can be set greater than the start threshold for event 2D or equal to the threshold of event 2F. s ping-pong handover may perform. In order to prevent ping-pong handover, this parameter can be set greater than the start threshold for event 2D or equal to the threshold of event 2F. s ping-pong handover may perform. In order to prevent ping-pong handover, this parameter can be set greater than the start threshold for event 2D or equal to the threshold of event 2F. s ping-pong handover may perform. In order to prevent ping-pong handover, this parameter can be set greater than the start threshold for event 2D or equal to the threshold of event 2F. s ping-pong handover may perform. In order to prevent ping-pong handover, this parameter can be set greater than the start threshold for event 2D or equal to the threshold of event 2F.
compression mode on the serving cell. In this case, however, the compression mode may be disabled before the inter-frequency handover of the UE. For the coverage-based inter-frequency handover, c inter-frequency handover fails. In this case, the UE can be quickly handed over to the target cell whose load is reduced, thus lowering the probability of call drops. More handover re-attempts, however, c
ability of anti-fast-fading improve. However, the ability of tracing the signal change becomes low, and call drops are likely to occur because handover is not performed in time. If this parameter is set to a
compression mode on the serving cell. In this case, however, the compression mode may be disabled before the inter-frequency handover of the UE. For the coverage-based inter-frequency handover, c
oring cell as the target cell reduces. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the probability for selecting the neighboring cell as the target cell increases. oring cell as the target cell reduces. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the probability for selecting the neighboring cell as the target cell increases.
nsidered as the target cell for the blind handover and inter-system DRD. If the coverage of the WCDMA cell is not completely included in that of the GSM cell, the blind handover or inter-system DRD ma
of the neighboring cells connected through links may exceed 32 if more than one link is in the active link set. RNC consider this parameter as a condition for neighboring cell selection. That is, a neighbo
ring cell becomes low. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the probability of selecting the neighboring cell becomes high. ring cell becomes low. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the probability of selecting the neighboring cell becomes high. d handover re-attempts on the same cell when the handover fails, and that the subsequent algorithms can be flexibly developed. In addition, the UE needs not to be informed when the parameters are c ndover is not performed in time. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, unnecessary inter-RAT handovers may increase. e Ec/No measurement quantity is used for event 3A measurement in areas with low RSCP), inter-RAT handover may fail. ability of anti-fast-fading improve. However, the ability of tracing the signal change becomes low, and call drops are likely to occur because handover is not performed in time. If this parameter is set to a rent frequency in the same condition is higher. In this case, inter-RAT handover is unlikely to be triggered. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the estimated general quality of the current frequenc is too short and the reporting frequency is too high, the RNC may have high load in processing signaling. If the period is too long, the network cannot detect the signal changes in time, which may delay actual handover distance, and moving speed of the UE.If this parameter is set to a greater value, the probability of ping-pong reporting or wrong decision is lower, but the event may not be triggered in tim actual handover distance, and moving speed of the UE.If this parameter is set to a greater value, the probability of ping-pong reporting or wrong decision is lower, but the event may not be triggered in tim et to a larger value, the cell of another RAT where the UE needs to be handed over to must be of good quality. Therefore, the criteria for triggering the inter-RAT handover decision is hard to be fulfilled, a et to a larger value, the cell of another RAT where the UE needs to be handed over to must be of good quality. Therefore, the criteria for triggering the inter-RAT handover decision is hard to be fulfilled, a et to a greater value, the probability of incorrect decision becomes low; however, the handover algorithm becomes slow in responding to signal change. et to a greater value, the probability of incorrect handover decision becomes low; however, the handover algorithm becomes slow in responding to signal change. This leads to the decrease in the numbe wever, call drops may increase as the parameter value increases. wever, call drops may increase as the parameter value increases. wever, call drops may increase as the parameter value increases. d, but the handover reliability is lower than the situation the parameter is set to "REQUIRED". ode in a cell and the success rate of the hard handover. If this parameter is set to a greater value, hard handover is likely to be triggered, but ping-pong handover may occur. If this parameter is set to a s ode in a cell and the success rate of the hard handover. If the threshold for event 2F is set to a larger value, more UEs will enter compressed mode, thus affecting user experience. If the threshold for eve ode in a cell and the success rate of the hard handover. If this parameter is set to a greater value, hard handover is likely to be triggered, but ping-pong handover may occur. If this parameter is set to a s ode in a cell and the success rate of the hard handover. If this parameter is set to a greater value, hard handover is likely to be triggered, but ping-pong handover may occur. If this parameter is set to a s ode in a cell and the success rate of the hard handover. If the threshold for event 2F is set to a larger value, more UEs will enter compressed mode, thus affecting user experience. If the threshold for eve ode in a cell and the success rate of the hard handover. If the threshold for event 2F is set to a larger value, more UEs will enter compressed mode, thus affecting user experience. If the threshold for eve ode in a cell and the success rate of the hard handover. If this parameter is set to a greater value, hard handover is likely to be triggered, but ping-pong handover may occur. If this parameter is set to a s sed mode, thus affecting user experience. If the threshold for event 2F is set to a smaller value, it becomes difficult for UEs to trigger inter-RAT measurement, thus decreasing handovers. ode in a cell and the success rate of the hard handover. If this parameter is set to a greater value, hard handover is likely to be triggered, but ping-pong handover may occur. If this parameter is set to a s ode in a cell and the success rate of the hard handover. If this parameter is set to a greater value, hard handover is likely to be triggered, but ping-pong handover may occur. If this parameter is set to a s sed mode, thus affecting user experience. If the threshold for event 2F is set to a smaller value, it becomes difficult for UEs to trigger inter-RAT measurement, thus decreasing handovers. sed mode, thus affecting user experience. If the threshold for event 2F is set to a smaller value, it becomes difficult for UEs to trigger inter-RAT measurement, thus decreasing handovers. r is set to a smaller value, hard handover is likely to be triggered, but ping-pong handover may occur. If this parameter is set to a greater value, hard handover is unlikely to be triggered, but call drops ma r is set to a smaller value, hard handover is likely to be triggered, but ping-pong handover may occur. If this parameter is set to a greater value, hard handover is unlikely to be triggered, but call drops ma r is set to a smaller value, hard handover is likely to be triggered, but ping-pong handover may occur. If this parameter is set to a greater value, hard handover is unlikely to be triggered, but call drops ma er, handover is likely to be triggered when the frequency quality in the current system is acceptable for the UE if the value of this parameter is set too large. er, handover is likely to be triggered when the frequency quality in the current system is acceptable for the UE if the value of this parameter is set too large. er, handover is likely to be triggered when the frequency quality in the current system is acceptable for the UE if the value of this parameter is set too large. er, handover is likely to be triggered when the frequency quality in the current system is acceptable for the UE if the value of this parameter is set too large. er, handover is likely to be triggered when the frequency quality in the current system is acceptable for the UE if the value of this parameter is set too large. er, handover is likely to be triggered when the frequency quality in the current system is acceptable for the UE if the value of this parameter is set too large. er. If the parameter is set to a larger value, the user experience is affected. k are unlikely to be handed back to the 2G network. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the effect of penalty is unobvious, causing ping-pong handover between 2G and 3G networks. ork are unlikely to be handed over back to the 2G network. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the risk for ping-pong handovers increases. inter-RAT handover fails. In this case, the UE can be quickly handed over to the target cell whose load is reduced, thus lowering the probability of call drops. More handover re-attempts, however, cause ter-RAT handover fails. In this case, the UE can be quickly handed over to the target cell whose load is reduced, thus lowering the probability of call drops. More handover re-attempts, however, cause th
the 2G network in time. If this parameter is set to a larger value, the penalty effect is unobvious. he 2G network in time. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the penalty effect is unobvious. ability of anti-fast-fading improve. However, the ability of tracing the signal change becomes low, and call drops are likely to occur because handover is not performed in time. If this parameter is set to a
d, but the handover reliability is lower than the situation the parameter is set to "REQUIRED".
er. If the parameter is set to a larger value, the user experience is affected.
the 2G network in time. If this parameter is set to a larger value, the penalty effect is unobvious. he 2G network in time. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the penalty effect is unobvious. ability of anti-fast-fading improve; however, the ability of tracing the signal change becomes low and call drops are likely to occur because handover is not performed in time. If this parameter is set to a
ver can be performed reduces, for an incoming UE. However, the coverage area for an outgoing UE enlarges. If the UEs which enter the area are equal to those who leave the area, the ratio of SHOs re ver can be performed reduces, for an incoming UE. However, the coverage area for an outgoing UE enlarges. If the UEs which enter the area are equal to those who leave the area, the ratio of SHOs re ver can be performed reduces, for an incoming UE. However, the coverage area for an outgoing UE enlarges. If the UEs which enter the area are equal to those who leave the area, the ratio of SHOs re ver can be performed reduces, for an incoming UE. However, the coverage area for an outgoing UE enlarges. If the UEs which enter the area are equal to those who leave the area, the ratio of SHOs re w in responding to the signal change, and thus call drops may occur. If this parameter is set to a too small value, the handover algorithm is more affected by signal fluctuation, and thus unnecessary inte ver can be performed reduces, for an incoming UE. However, the coverage area for an outgoing UE enlarges. If the UEs which enter the area are equal to those who leave the area, the ratio of SHOs re ver for events 1A and 1B are greater under the same conditions. In this case, the probability for adding a cell to the active set decreases, and that for removing a cell from the active set increases. If this eases, but call drops may occur.According to TS 25.133 V3.6.0, intra-frequency measurement physical layer updates the measurement result once every 200 ms. Therefore, the time-to-trigger mechani eases, but call drops may occur.According to TS 25.133 V3.6.0, intra-frequency measurement physical layer updates the measurement result once every 200 ms. Therefore, the time-to-trigger mechani eases, but call drops may occur.According to TS 25.133 V3.6.0, intra-frequency measurement physical layer updates the measurement result once every 200 ms. Therefore, the time-to-trigger mechani eases, but call drops may occur.According to TS 25.133 V3.6.0, intra-frequency measurement physical layer updates the measurement result once every 200 ms. Therefore, the time-to-trigger mechani eases, but call drops may occur.According to TS 25.133 V3.6.0, intra-frequency measurement physical layer updates the measurement result once every 200 ms. Therefore, the time-to-trigger mechani eases, but call drops may occur.According to TS 25.133 V3.6.0, intra-frequency measurement physical layer updates the measurement result once every 200 ms. Therefore, the time-to-trigger mechani
easurement reports is shorter, that is, the intra-frequency measurement takes a shorter period; however, the measurement results are more affected by signal changes. This may cause incorrect handov
oring cell as the target cell reduces. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the probability for selecting the neighboring cell as the target cell increases. oring cell as the target cell reduces. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the probability for selecting the neighboring cell as the target cell increases.
of the neighboring cells connected through links may exceed 32 if more than one link is in the active link set. RNC consider this parameter as a condition for neighboring cell selection. That is, a neighbo
e MBMS service in the case of heavy load in the cell. e MBMS service in the case of heavy load in the cell.
e compressed mode on the serving cell. In this case, however, the compressed mode might be stopped earlier and as a result the UE cannot trigger inter-frequency handover.
s can be measured. The extra measurement may prolong the measurement period and affect the timely handover. s can be measured. The extra measurement may prolong the measurement period and affect the timely handover.
is set too big, the TTI switchove cannot be triggered until there is insufficient credit remaining. In this case, the TTI switchover is triggered too late. If the parameter is set too small, the TTI switchover m
message properly. This problem affects the coverage of the downlink common channel and furthermore the coverage of the cell. If the value is set too great, it causes interference to other channels, occu
apacity will be decreased because a lot of system resources will be occupied and the interference with the downlink traffic channels will be increased.
ay fail to ramp to the required value. This may result in UE access failure. If it is too large, the UE will repeatedly increase the power and make access attempts, which may result in interference to other U ned, but it is more likely to cause power waste. If it is too small, the access procedure will be extended in time, but transmit power resources will be saved. This parameter must be set carefully. In additio
nk capacity may be affected. If the value is excessively high, coverage may be affected.
ned, but it is more likely to cause power waste. If it is too small, the access procedure will be extended in time, but transmit power resources will be saved. This parameter must be set carefully. In additio ay fail to ramp to the required value. This may result in UE access failure. If it is too large, the UE will repeatedly increase the power and make access attempts, which may result in interference to other U
resulting in influence on coverage of the downlink common channel. This finally affects the cell coverage. If the value is excessively high, the power resources are wasted, and other channels are interfe
ty state cannot be determined. If the value of this parameter is too high, the dedicated channel resources are wasted. This parameter should be set on the basis of the PTT service model. ty state cannot be determined. If the value of this parameter is too high, the dedicated channel resources are wasted. This parameter should be set on the basis of the PTT service model. ty state cannot be determined. If the value of this parameter is too high, the dedicated channel resources are wasted. This parameter should be set on the basis of the PTT service model. ty state cannot be determined. If the value of this parameter is too high, the dedicated channel resources are wasted. This parameter should be set on the basis of the PTT service model.
cy handover based on Qos, and event 3A, inter-RAT handover based on Qos, can be triggered, and thus the more timely the handover to the target cell can be performed.
s. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. s. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. s. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower.
s. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. s. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. s. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. s. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. s. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. s. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. s. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. s. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. s. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. s. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. less the random interference is. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. less the random interference is. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower.
duced. If the parameter value is excessively high, the UE probably spends a long time attempting repeatedly to access, which increases the uplink interference.
mission on the network. Power control is available for PTP transmission, and thus the power consumption in PTP mode is lower than that in PTM mode. In PTP mode, however, the quantities of code, CE
rer admission fails. That is, a lower-priority MBMS bearer or a non-MBMS bearer is released. Thus, the ongoing service is disrupted and call drop even occurs. an MBMS bearer of a higher priority or a non-MBMS bearer in the case of congestion. Thus, the MBMS service is disrupted, which has a relatively great impact because the PTM bearer serves more than by an MBMS bearer of a higher priority or a non-MBMS bearer in the case of congestion. Thus, the MBMS service is disrupted, which has a relatively great impact because the PTM bearer serves more TP mode is high. Therefore, it is recommended the default value be used.
mission on the network. Power control is available for PTP transmission, and thus the power consumption in PTP mode is lower than that in PTM mode. In PTP mode, however, the quantities of code, CE
message properly. This problem affects the coverage of the downlink common channel and furthermore the coverage of the cell. If the value is set too great, it causes interference to other channels, occu
n is. Yet the response of the event to the change of measured signals becomes slower accordingly. n is. Yet the response of the event to the change of measured signals becomes slower accordingly.
affecting network performance. If this parameter is set to a greater value, relocations may hardly occur, thus causing call drops. to trigger static relocation even when the current transmission delay does not meet the QoS requirement. This affects user experience. Setting this parameter to a larger value causes frequent static relo n Reporting". The difference between the previous two values cannot be too large. Individually changing a parameter will cause the time difference in the congestion reporting and the relocation triggerin els on the Iur interface, and thus a large number of Iur resources are occupied. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, almost no UE occupies common channel, and thus Iur resources are wasted. meter is set to a greater value, a large number of unnecessary Iur resources are occupied. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the ping-pong relocation may occur. sponding service may occupy more Iur resources.
resulting in influence on coverage of the downlink common channel. This finally affects the cell coverage. If the value is excessively high, the power resources are wasted, and other channels are interfe
activity state. If the value of this parameter is too high, the dedicated channel resources are wasted. This parameter should be set on the basis of the BE service model. activity state. If the value of this parameter is too high, the common channel resources are wasted. This parameter should be set on the basis of the BE service model. activity state. If the value of this parameter is too high, the dedicated channel resources are wasted. This parameter should be set on the basis of the BE service model. activity state. If the value of this parameter is too high, the dedicated channel resources are wasted. This parameter should be set on the basis of the real-time service model. activity state. If the value of this parameter is too high, the dedicated channel resources are wasted. This parameter should be set on the basis of the BE service model. activity state. If the value of this parameter is too high, the dedicated channel resources are wasted. This parameter should be set on the basis of the BE service model. activity state. If the value of this parameter is too high, the dedicated channel resources are wasted. This parameter should be set on the basis of the real-time service model. activity state. If the value of this parameter is too high, the dedicated channel resources are wasted. This parameter should be set on the basis of the BE service model. activity state. If the value of this parameter is too high, the dedicated channel resources are wasted. This parameter should be set on the basis of the BE service model. activity state. If the value of this parameter is too high, the dedicated channel resources are wasted. This parameter should be set on the basis of the real-time service model. activity state. If the value of this parameter is too high, the dedicated channel resources will be wasted. This parameter should be set on the basis of the BE service model. activity state. If the value of this parameter is too high, the dedicated channel resources are wasted. This parameter should be set on the basis of the real-time service model.
d as the target cell for the handover, thus leading to call drops.A smaller value of this parameter indicates that this GSM cell is less possibly selected as the target cell for the handover. If the value of this
GSM cell, the blind handover or inter-system DRD may fail, thus leading to call drops. over to the GSM cell that does not include the entire WCDMA cell, thus leading to call drops, handover failures, or DRD failures.
ition for neighboring cell selection. That is, a neighboring cell with a high priority is preferentially selected. If a neighboring cell is not configured with the priority identifier, the lowest priority is assigned to ition for neighboring cell selection. That is, a neighboring cell with a high priority is preferentially selected. If a neighboring cell is not configured with the priority identifier, the lowest priority is assigned to
et too great, it causes interference to other channels, occupies the downlink transmit power, and affects the cell capacity.
nd AMR speech rate. deband AMR speech rate. and AMR speech rate. the wideband AMR speech rate.
oo great, it causes interference to other channels, occupies the downlink transmit power, and affects the cell capacity.
ization requirement leads to waste of the UE power and increase of uplink interference. uplink interference.
over to the neighboring cell. The smaller the parameter, the harder the handover to the neighboring cell.
esources are wasted, and other channels are interfered seriously, thus the cell capacity is influenced. esources are wasted, and other channels are interfered seriously, thus the cell capacity is influenced.
oo great, it causes interference to other channels, occupies the downlink transmit power, and affects the cell capacity.
resources and the failure to achieving network planning target. resource and the failure to achieving the network planning target. resources and the failure to achieving network planning target.
ers and results in overload and system congestion. ers and results in overload and system congestion. ers and results in overload and system congestionRecommended.
ssion requirement of the HSDPA streaming service is loose, which allows more HSDPA streaming services but QoS of the HSDPA streaming service cannot be guaranteed. ment of the HSDPA BE service is loose, which allows more BE services but QoS of the HSDPA BE service cannot be guaranteed.
he values of these parameters are too small, the uplink coverage will probably be smaller than the downlink coverage of the service. he values of these parameters are too small, the uplink coverage will probably be smaller than the downlink coverage of the service. he values of these parameters are too small, the uplink coverage will probably be smaller than the downlink coverage of the service. he values of these parameters are too small, the uplink coverage will probably be smaller than the downlink coverage of the service.
ce of UEs cannot be guaranteed. The more frontal position the value is, the more the possibility of rejecting new UEs is and some idle resources are wasted. ce of UEs cannot be guaranteed. The more frontal position the value is, the more the possibility of rejecting new UEs is and some idle resources are wasted.
ow, and OLC operations will be performed. In this case, cell capacity may not be fully used. If this parameter is set to a great value, the number of equivalent users will be hard to be judged as overlarge.
lowering the load of a cell with small coverage. set to a large value, the quick handover may be triggered easily. This may lead to the great increase in the load of the cell with a large coverage. rameter is set to a very small value, the fast-speed handover may be triggered easily. This may lead to the great increase in the load of the cell with large coverage.
e reduced.If this parameter is set to a very great value, the UE can be easily handed over to a cell with small coverage. This may lead to the increase in the number of soft handovers. arameter be set according to the cell radius.
t and this parameter is set to SIMINTERFREQRAT(inter-frequency and inter-RAT handover), both inter-frequency measurement and inter-RAT measurement can be performed.The compressed mode is
cribers in a cell is stable and known, the parameter can be set to Manual to select the static allocation mode. Manual allocation leads to restriction of HSDPA code resource or leaves HSDPA code reso n rejection rate for R99 services.
y to schedule multiple subscribers simultaneously, so four HS-SCCHs are configured. If excessive HS-SCCHs are configured, the code resource is wasted. If insufficient HS-SCCHs are configured, the H
e of channel conditions.
lue is too high, the non-serving RL cannot send RG to the UE even in overloaded situation.
r is not performed in time. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the number of unnecessary hard handovers and ping-pong handovers increases.
f the current frequency is lower in the same condition. In this case, inter-frequency handover is likely to be triggered. Generally, this parameter is set to 0 or 1. Whether the handover is easy or difficult to
r equal to the threshold of event 2F. r equal to the threshold of event 2F. r equal to the threshold of event 2F. r equal to the threshold of event 2F. r equal to the threshold of event 2F. r equal to the threshold of event 2F.
For the coverage-based inter-frequency handover, call drops may occur. of call drops. More handover re-attempts, however, cause the increase in the RNC load.
r is not performed in time. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the number of unnecessary hard handovers and ping-pong handovers increases.
needs not to be informed when the parameters are changed. The drawback of periodical reporting is that it requires large amount of signaling and increases the load on the air interface and for signaling
r is not performed in time. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the number of unnecessary Inter-RAT handovers increases. the estimated general quality of the current frequency in the same condition is lower. In this case, inter-frequency handover is likely to be triggered. When the parameter value is set to 0, the quality of the detect the signal changes in time, which may delay the inter-RAT handover and thus cause call drops. sion is lower, but the event may not be triggered in time. sion is lower, but the event may not be triggered in time. inter-RAT handover decision is hard to be fulfilled, and the call drop rate will increase. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, ping-pong handover is likely to occur. inter-RAT handover decision is hard to be fulfilled, and the call drop rate will increase. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, ping-pong handover is likely to occur.
ng handover may occur. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, hard handover is unlikely to be triggered, but call drops may occur. hus affecting user experience. If the threshold for event 2F is set to a smaller value, it becomes difficult for UEs to trigger inter-RAT measurement, thus decreasing handovers. ng handover may occur. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, hard handover is unlikely to be triggered, but call drops may occur. ng handover may occur. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, hard handover is unlikely to be triggered, but call drops may occur. hus affecting user experience. If the threshold for event 2F is set to a smaller value, it becomes difficult for UEs to trigger inter-RAT measurement, thus decreasing handovers. hus affecting user experience. If the threshold for event 2F is set to a smaller value, it becomes difficult for UEs to trigger inter-RAT measurement, thus decreasing handovers. ng handover may occur. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, hard handover is unlikely to be triggered, but call drops may occur. surement, thus decreasing handovers. ng handover may occur. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, hard handover is unlikely to be triggered, but call drops may occur. ng handover may occur. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, hard handover is unlikely to be triggered, but call drops may occur. surement, thus decreasing handovers. surement, thus decreasing handovers. handover is unlikely to be triggered, but call drops may occur. handover is unlikely to be triggered, but call drops may occur. handover is unlikely to be triggered, but call drops may occur.
drops. More handover re-attempts, however, cause the increase in the RNC load. drops. More handover re-attempts, however, cause the increase in the RNC load.
r is not performed in time. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the number of unnecessary Inter-RAT handovers increases.
r is not performed in time. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the number of unnecessary soft handovers and ping-pong handovers increases.
ual to those who leave the area, the ratio of SHOs remains unchanged. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the ability of resisting signal fluctuation improves and the number of ping-pong handover ual to those who leave the area, the ratio of SHOs remains unchanged. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the ability of resisting signal fluctuation improves and the number of ping-pong handover ual to those who leave the area, the ratio of SHOs remains unchanged. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the ability of resisting signal fluctuation improves and the number of ping-pong handover ual to those who leave the area, the ratio of SHOs remains unchanged. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the ability of resisting signal fluctuation improves and the number of ping-pong handover cted by signal fluctuation, and thus unnecessary inter-frequency blind handovers may be triggered. ual to those who leave the area, the ratio of SHOs remains unchanged. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the ability of resisting signal fluctuation improves and the number of ping-pong handover removing a cell from the active set increases. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the probability for adding a cell to the active set increases, and that for removing a cell from the active set decrea every 200 ms. Therefore, the time-to-trigger mechanism is invalid if the interval is shorter than 200 ms. The time-to-trigger interval should be close to a multiple of 200 ms.In addition, the UE at different ra every 200 ms. Therefore, the time-to-trigger mechanism is invalid if the interval is shorter than 200 ms. The time-to-trigger interval should be close to a multiple of 200 ms.In addition, the UE at different ra every 200 ms. Therefore, the time-to-trigger mechanism is invalid if the interval is shorter than 200 ms. The time-to-trigger interval should be close to a multiple of 200 ms.In addition, the UE at different ra every 200 ms. Therefore, the time-to-trigger mechanism is invalid if the interval is shorter than 200 ms. The time-to-trigger interval should be close to a multiple of 200 ms.In addition, the UE at different ra every 200 ms. Therefore, the time-to-trigger mechanism is invalid if the interval is shorter than 200 ms. The time-to-trigger interval should be close to a multiple of 200 ms.In addition, the UE at different ra every 200 ms. Therefore, the time-to-trigger mechanism is invalid if the interval is shorter than 200 ms. The time-to-trigger interval should be close to a multiple of 200 ms.In addition, the UE at different ra
ed, impacting the algorithm performance. other cells is increased. other cells is increased.
e affected. But, the admission success rate becomes higher since the resources are preserved. The carrier shall make a trade-off between these factors. e affected. But, the admission success rate becomes higher since the resources are preserved. The carrier shall make a trade-off between these factors. e affected. But, the admission success rate becomes higher since the resources are preserved. The carrier shall make a trade-off between these factors. e affected. But, the admission success rate becomes higher since the resources are preserved. The carrier shall make a trade-off between these factors. he harder the system releases the overload. he harder the system releases the overload. he harder the system releases the overload. he harder the system releases the overload.
ell load. The lower the parameter is, the smaller amplitude of the load decreases as a result of the inter-frequency load handover, and the easier it is to maintain the stability of the target cell load. ell load. The lower the parameter is, the smaller amplitude of the load decreases as a result of the inter-frequency load handover, and the easier it is to maintain the stability of the target cell load. ed while the impact on the MBMS services becomes bigger. The higher the parameter value is, the smaller the scope for selecting the MBMS services is, the less cell load is decreased, the more effect t e other hand, a lower code resource LDR trigger threshold causes a higher admission success rate because more code resource is reserved.
ses a higher admission success rate because the resource is reserved. The parameter should be set based on the operator's requirement. ses a higher admission success rate because the resource is reserved. The parameter should be set based on the operator's requirement. meter value, the more difficult it is for the inter-frequency blind handover occurs, and the easier it is to guarantee the stability of the target cell. nk handover increases.
the parameter is set too small, the TTI switchover may be triggered even when there is sufficient credit remaining.
r is not performed in time. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the number of unnecessary hard handovers and ping-pong handovers increases.
inter-frequency handover. If the parameter is set to a great value, the services may not be set up successfully.
r is not performed in time. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the number of unnecessary Inter-RAT handovers increases. detect the signal changes in time, which may delay the inter-RAT handover and thus cause call drops.
e. In PTP mode, however, the quantities of code, CE, and other transmission resources increase with the number of users. Therefore, the setting of this parameter should take into consideration various
inter-frequency handover.
ea of services is decreased, and the risk of call drops is increased. great value, the downlink transmit power on a single radio link may exceeds the required transmit power, thus wasting the downlink power.
mon channel, and finally affect the cell coverage. If the value is too great, it causes interference to other channels, occupies the downlink transmit power, and affects the cell capacity. et too great, it causes interference to other channels, occupies the downlink transmit power, and affects the cell capacity.
e that the UE cannot receive the system messages carried by PCCPCH.When this parameter is not set to any value, the UE adopts the corresponding value of the current serving cell, added through th
e that the UE cannot receive the system messages carried by PCCPCH.When this parameter is not set to any value, the UE adopts the corresponding value of the current serving cell, added through th
cell coverage.If MaxFachPower is set excessively high, other channels will be interfered and more downlink power resources will be occupied. This will consequently impact the cell capacity.
set to a large value, the quick handover may be triggered easily. This may lead to the great increase in the load of the cell with a large coverage. rameter is set to a very small value, the fast-speed handover may be triggered easily. This may lead to the great increase in the load of the cell with large coverage.
e reduced.If this parameter is set to a very great value, the UE can be easily handed over to a cell with small coverage. This may lead to the increase in the number of soft handovers. arameter be set according to the cell radius.
r is not performed in time. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the number of unnecessary hard handovers and ping-pong handovers increases.
f the current frequency is lower in the same condition. In this case, inter-frequency handover is likely to be triggered. Generally, this parameter is set to 0 or 1. Whether the handover is easy or difficult to
r equal to the threshold of event 2F. r equal to the threshold of event 2F. r equal to the threshold of event 2F. r equal to the threshold of event 2F. r equal to the threshold of event 2F. r equal to the threshold of event 2F.
For the coverage-based inter-frequency handover, call drops may occur. of call drops. More handover re-attempts, however, cause the increase in the RNC load.
r is not performed in time. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the number of unnecessary hard handovers and ping-pong handovers increases.
GSM cell, the blind handover or inter-system DRD may fail, thus leading to call drops.
ition for neighboring cell selection. That is, a neighboring cell with a high priority is preferentially selected. If a neighboring cell is not configured with the priority identifier, the lowest priority is assigned to
needs not to be informed when the parameters are changed. The drawback of periodical reporting is that it requires large amount of signaling and increases the load on the air interface and for signaling
r is not performed in time. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the number of unnecessary Inter-RAT handovers increases. the estimated general quality of the current frequency in the same condition is lower. In this case, inter-frequency handover is likely to be triggered. When the parameter value is set to 0, the quality of the detect the signal changes in time, which may delay the inter-RAT handover and thus cause call drops. sion is lower, but the event may not be triggered in time. sion is lower, but the event may not be triggered in time. inter-RAT handover decision is hard to be fulfilled, and the call drop rate will increase. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, ping-pong handover is likely to occur. inter-RAT handover decision is hard to be fulfilled, and the call drop rate will increase. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, ping-pong handover is likely to occur.
ng handover may occur. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, hard handover is unlikely to be triggered, but call drops may occur. hus affecting user experience. If the threshold for event 2F is set to a smaller value, it becomes difficult for UEs to trigger inter-RAT measurement, thus decreasing handovers. ng handover may occur. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, hard handover is unlikely to be triggered, but call drops may occur. ng handover may occur. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, hard handover is unlikely to be triggered, but call drops may occur. hus affecting user experience. If the threshold for event 2F is set to a smaller value, it becomes difficult for UEs to trigger inter-RAT measurement, thus decreasing handovers. hus affecting user experience. If the threshold for event 2F is set to a smaller value, it becomes difficult for UEs to trigger inter-RAT measurement, thus decreasing handovers. ng handover may occur. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, hard handover is unlikely to be triggered, but call drops may occur. surement, thus decreasing handovers. ng handover may occur. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, hard handover is unlikely to be triggered, but call drops may occur. ng handover may occur. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, hard handover is unlikely to be triggered, but call drops may occur. surement, thus decreasing handovers. surement, thus decreasing handovers. handover is unlikely to be triggered, but call drops may occur. handover is unlikely to be triggered, but call drops may occur. handover is unlikely to be triggered, but call drops may occur.
drops. More handover re-attempts, however, cause the increase in the RNC load. drops. More handover re-attempts, however, cause the increase in the RNC load.
r is not performed in time. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the number of unnecessary Inter-RAT handovers increases.
is not performed in time. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the number of unnecessary soft handovers and ping-pong handovers increases.Note that this parameter has great impact on the over
ual to those who leave the area, the ratio of SHOs remains unchanged. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the ability of resisting signal fluctuation improves and the number of ping-pong handover ual to those who leave the area, the ratio of SHOs remains unchanged. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the ability of resisting signal fluctuation improves and the number of ping-pong handover ual to those who leave the area, the ratio of SHOs remains unchanged. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the ability of resisting signal fluctuation improves and the number of ping-pong handover ual to those who leave the area, the ratio of SHOs remains unchanged. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the ability of resisting signal fluctuation improves and the number of ping-pong handover cted by signal fluctuation, and thus unnecessary inter-frequency blind handovers may be triggered. ual to those who leave the area, the ratio of SHOs remains unchanged. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the ability of resisting signal fluctuation improves and the number of ping-pong handover removing a cell from the active set increases. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the probability for adding a cell to the active set increases, and that for removing a cell from the active set decrea every 200 ms. Therefore, the time-to-trigger mechanism is invalid if the interval is shorter than 200 ms. The time-to-trigger interval should be close to a multiple of 200 ms.In addition, the UE at different ra every 200 ms. Therefore, the time-to-trigger mechanism is invalid if the interval is shorter than 200 ms. The time-to-trigger interval should be close to a multiple of 200 ms.In addition, the UE at different ra every 200 ms. Therefore, the time-to-trigger mechanism is invalid if the interval is shorter than 200 ms. The time-to-trigger interval should be close to a multiple of 200 ms.In addition, the UE at different ra every 200 ms. Therefore, the time-to-trigger mechanism is invalid if the interval is shorter than 200 ms. The time-to-trigger interval should be close to a multiple of 200 ms.In addition, the UE at different ra every 200 ms. Therefore, the time-to-trigger mechanism is invalid if the interval is shorter than 200 ms. The time-to-trigger interval should be close to a multiple of 200 ms.In addition, the UE at different ra every 200 ms. Therefore, the time-to-trigger mechanism is invalid if the interval is shorter than 200 ms. The time-to-trigger interval should be close to a multiple of 200 ms.In addition, the UE at different ra
by signal changes. This may cause incorrect handovers. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the interval between intra-frequency measurement reports is longer, and the measurement results are
ition for neighboring cell selection. That is, a neighboring cell with a high priority is preferentially selected. If a neighboring cell is not configured with the priority identifier, the lowest priority is assigned to
inter-frequency handover.
the parameter is set too small, the TTI switchover may be triggered even when there is sufficient credit remaining.
o great, it causes interference to other channels, occupies the downlink transmit power, and affects the cell capacity.
attempts, which may result in interference to other UEs. aved. This parameter must be set carefully. In addition, the higher the parameter value is, the smaller impact "Constant Value for Calculating Initial TX Power" has on the network performance.
aved. This parameter must be set carefully. In addition, the higher the parameter value is, the smaller impact "Constant Value for Calculating Initial TX Power" has on the network performance. attempts, which may result in interference to other UEs.
esources are wasted, and other channels are interfered seriously, thus the cell capacity is influenced.
n the basis of the PTT service model. n the basis of the PTT service model. n the basis of the PTT service model. n the basis of the PTT service model.
e. In PTP mode, however, the quantities of code, CE, and other transmission resources increase with the number of users. Therefore, the setting of this parameter should take into consideration various
at impact because the PTM bearer serves more than one user. y great impact because the PTM bearer serves more than one user.
e. In PTP mode, however, the quantities of code, CE, and other transmission resources increase with the number of users. Therefore, the setting of this parameter should take into consideration various
o great, it causes interference to other channels, occupies the downlink transmit power, and affects the cell capacity.
arameter to a larger value causes frequent static relocations when the current transmission delay meets the QoS requirement. This affects RNC performance. the congestion reporting and the relocation triggering, and thus the algorithm cannot be efficiently performed. mmon channel, and thus Iur resources are wasted. ocation may occur.
esources are wasted, and other channels are interfered seriously, thus the cell capacity is influenced.
e BE service model. BE service model. e BE service model. e real-time service model. e BE service model. e BE service model. e real-time service model. e BE service model. e BE service model. e real-time service model. the BE service model. e real-time service model.
as the target cell for the handover. If the value of this parameter is too small, the MS may fail to be handed over to the GSM cell timely, thus leading to call drops.
he priority identifier, the lowest priority is assigned to this cell. If a low priority is improperly assigned to the neighboring cell to be measured, the handover to this cell may fail. This leads to call drops. he priority identifier, the lowest priority is assigned to this cell. If a low priority is improperly assigned to the neighboring cell to be measured, the handover to this cell may fail. This leads to call drops.
e cannot be guaranteed.
uivalent users will be hard to be judged as overlarge. That is, the probability of accepting an admission request becomes high, and OLC operations may be cancelled. In this case, cell load may become
urement can be performed.The compressed mode is used in many scenarios. Therefore, user experience may be affected.
asted. If insufficient HS-SCCHs are configured, the HS-PDSCH code resource or power resource is wasted. Both affect the cell throughput rate.
o 0 or 1. Whether the handover is easy or difficult to trigger is not decided by setting this parameter.
reases the load on the air interface and for signaling processing.The advantage of event-triggered reporting is that the signaling transmission and processing load are saved. Comparing the signal qualit
hen the parameter value is set to 0, the quality of the best cell in an active set is regarded as the general quality of an active set.
us decreasing handovers.
on improves and the number of ping-pong handovers decreases. However, the handover algorithm becomes slow in responding to the signal change. on improves and the number of ping-pong handovers decreases. However, the handover algorithm becomes slow in responding to the signal change. on improves and the number of ping-pong handovers decreases. However, the handover algorithm becomes slow in responding to the signal change. on improves and the number of ping-pong handovers decreases. However, the handover algorithm becomes slow in responding to the signal change.
on improves and the number of ping-pong handovers decreases. However, the handover algorithm becomes slow in responding to the signal change. nd that for removing a cell from the active set decreases. a multiple of 200 ms.In addition, the UE at different rates may react differently to the same interval. For the fast-moving UE, the call drop rate is more sensitive to the interval, whereas, for the slow-movin a multiple of 200 ms.In addition, the UE at different rates may react differently to the same interval. For the fast-moving UE, the call drop rate is more sensitive to the interval, whereas, for the slow-movin a multiple of 200 ms.In addition, the UE at different rates may react differently to the same interval. For the fast-moving UE, the call drop rate is more sensitive to the interval, whereas, for the slow-movin a multiple of 200 ms.In addition, the UE at different rates may react differently to the same interval. For the fast-moving UE, the call drop rate is more sensitive to the interval, whereas, for the slow-movin a multiple of 200 ms.In addition, the UE at different rates may react differently to the same interval. For the fast-moving UE, the call drop rate is more sensitive to the interval, whereas, for the slow-movin a multiple of 200 ms.In addition, the UE at different rates may react differently to the same interval. For the fast-moving UE, the call drop rate is more sensitive to the interval, whereas, for the slow-movin
to maintain the stability of the target cell load. to maintain the stability of the target cell load. s is, the less cell load is decreased, the more effect there is on the MBMS services, and the quality of services with high priority, however, can be guaranteed.
his parameter should take into consideration various resources, especially bottleneck resources of operators. The value of this parameter should not be too large.
ng value of the current serving cell, added through the ADD UCELLSELRESEL command. Generally, this parameter is not set to any value.
ng value of the current serving cell, added through the ADD UCELLSELRESEL command. Generally, this parameter is not set to any value.
o 0 or 1. Whether the handover is easy or difficult to trigger is not decided by setting this parameter.
he priority identifier, the lowest priority is assigned to this cell. If a low priority is improperly assigned to the neighboring cell to be measured, the handover to this cell may fail. This leads to call drops.
reases the load on the air interface and for signaling processing.The advantage of event-triggered reporting is that the signaling transmission and processing load are saved. Comparing the signal qualit
hen the parameter value is set to 0, the quality of the best cell in an active set is regarded as the general quality of an active set.
us decreasing handovers.
ote that this parameter has great impact on the overall performance of the handover. Therefore, set this parameter with caution.
on improves and the number of ping-pong handovers decreases. However, the handover algorithm becomes slow in responding to the signal change. on improves and the number of ping-pong handovers decreases. However, the handover algorithm becomes slow in responding to the signal change. on improves and the number of ping-pong handovers decreases. However, the handover algorithm becomes slow in responding to the signal change. on improves and the number of ping-pong handovers decreases. However, the handover algorithm becomes slow in responding to the signal change.
on improves and the number of ping-pong handovers decreases. However, the handover algorithm becomes slow in responding to the signal change. nd that for removing a cell from the active set decreases. a multiple of 200 ms.In addition, the UE at different rates may react differently to the same interval. For the fast-moving UE, the call drop rate is more sensitive to the interval, whereas, for the slow-movin a multiple of 200 ms.In addition, the UE at different rates may react differently to the same interval. For the fast-moving UE, the call drop rate is more sensitive to the interval, whereas, for the slow-movin a multiple of 200 ms.In addition, the UE at different rates may react differently to the same interval. For the fast-moving UE, the call drop rate is more sensitive to the interval, whereas, for the slow-movin a multiple of 200 ms.In addition, the UE at different rates may react differently to the same interval. For the fast-moving UE, the call drop rate is more sensitive to the interval, whereas, for the slow-movin a multiple of 200 ms.In addition, the UE at different rates may react differently to the same interval. For the fast-moving UE, the call drop rate is more sensitive to the interval, whereas, for the slow-movin a multiple of 200 ms.In addition, the UE at different rates may react differently to the same interval. For the fast-moving UE, the call drop rate is more sensitive to the interval, whereas, for the slow-movin
t reports is longer, and the measurement results are less affected by signal changes. This may increase the success rate of blind handovers. In this case, however, the intra-frequency measurement tak
he priority identifier, the lowest priority is assigned to this cell. If a low priority is improperly assigned to the neighboring cell to be measured, the handover to this cell may fail. This leads to call drops.
his parameter should take into consideration various resources, especially bottleneck resources of operators. The value of this parameter should not be too large.
his parameter should take into consideration various resources, especially bottleneck resources of operators. The value of this parameter should not be too large.
over to this cell may fail. This leads to call drops. over to this cell may fail. This leads to call drops.
ocessing load are saved. Comparing the signal quality between intra-frequency and inter-frequency handovers, the ping-pong effect in handover is prevented to some extent. The drawback of event-trigg
sensitive to the interval, whereas, for the slow-moving UE, the call drop rate is less sensitive to the interval. Slow moving can also reduce ping-pong handovers and incorrect handovers. Therefore, for th sensitive to the interval, whereas, for the slow-moving UE, the call drop rate is less sensitive to the interval. Slow moving can also reduce ping-pong handovers and incorrect handovers. Therefore, for th sensitive to the interval, whereas, for the slow-moving UE, the call drop rate is less sensitive to the interval. Slow moving can also reduce ping-pong handovers and incorrect handovers. Therefore, for th sensitive to the interval, whereas, for the slow-moving UE, the call drop rate is less sensitive to the interval. Slow moving can also reduce ping-pong handovers and incorrect handovers. Therefore, for th sensitive to the interval, whereas, for the slow-moving UE, the call drop rate is less sensitive to the interval. Slow moving can also reduce ping-pong handovers and incorrect handovers. Therefore, for th sensitive to the interval, whereas, for the slow-moving UE, the call drop rate is less sensitive to the interval. Slow moving can also reduce ping-pong handovers and incorrect handovers. Therefore, for th
ocessing load are saved. Comparing the signal quality between intra-frequency and inter-frequency handovers, the ping-pong effect in handover is prevented to some extent. The drawback of event-trigg
sensitive to the interval, whereas, for the slow-moving UE, the call drop rate is less sensitive to the interval. Slow moving can also reduce ping-pong handovers and incorrect handovers. Therefore, for th sensitive to the interval, whereas, for the slow-moving UE, the call drop rate is less sensitive to the interval. Slow moving can also reduce ping-pong handovers and incorrect handovers. Therefore, for th sensitive to the interval, whereas, for the slow-moving UE, the call drop rate is less sensitive to the interval. Slow moving can also reduce ping-pong handovers and incorrect handovers. Therefore, for th sensitive to the interval, whereas, for the slow-moving UE, the call drop rate is less sensitive to the interval. Slow moving can also reduce ping-pong handovers and incorrect handovers. Therefore, for th sensitive to the interval, whereas, for the slow-moving UE, the call drop rate is less sensitive to the interval. Slow moving can also reduce ping-pong handovers and incorrect handovers. Therefore, for th sensitive to the interval, whereas, for the slow-moving UE, the call drop rate is less sensitive to the interval. Slow moving can also reduce ping-pong handovers and incorrect handovers. Therefore, for th
ase, however, the intra-frequency measurement takes a longer period of time, and the handover may fail to be triggered timely.
evented to some extent. The drawback of event-triggered reporting is that the event is reported only once and cannot be changed to periodical reporting.
handovers and incorrect handovers. Therefore, for the cell where most UEs are in fast movement, this parameter can be set to a smaller value, whereas for the cell where most UEs are in slow moveme handovers and incorrect handovers. Therefore, for the cell where most UEs are in fast movement, this parameter can be set to a smaller value, whereas for the cell where most UEs are in slow moveme handovers and incorrect handovers. Therefore, for the cell where most UEs are in fast movement, this parameter can be set to a smaller value, whereas for the cell where most UEs are in slow moveme handovers and incorrect handovers. Therefore, for the cell where most UEs are in fast movement, this parameter can be set to a smaller value, whereas for the cell where most UEs are in slow moveme handovers and incorrect handovers. Therefore, for the cell where most UEs are in fast movement, this parameter can be set to a smaller value, whereas for the cell where most UEs are in slow moveme handovers and incorrect handovers. Therefore, for the cell where most UEs are in fast movement, this parameter can be set to a smaller value, whereas for the cell where most UEs are in slow moveme
evented to some extent. The drawback of event-triggered reporting is that the event is reported only once and cannot be changed to periodical reporting.
handovers and incorrect handovers. Therefore, for the cell where most UEs are in fast movement, this parameter can be set to a smaller value, whereas for the cell where most UEs are in slow moveme handovers and incorrect handovers. Therefore, for the cell where most UEs are in fast movement, this parameter can be set to a smaller value, whereas for the cell where most UEs are in slow moveme handovers and incorrect handovers. Therefore, for the cell where most UEs are in fast movement, this parameter can be set to a smaller value, whereas for the cell where most UEs are in slow moveme handovers and incorrect handovers. Therefore, for the cell where most UEs are in fast movement, this parameter can be set to a smaller value, whereas for the cell where most UEs are in slow moveme handovers and incorrect handovers. Therefore, for the cell where most UEs are in fast movement, this parameter can be set to a smaller value, whereas for the cell where most UEs are in slow moveme handovers and incorrect handovers. Therefore, for the cell where most UEs are in fast movement, this parameter can be set to a smaller value, whereas for the cell where most UEs are in slow moveme
eas for the cell where most UEs are in slow movement, this parameter can be set to a greater value.In addition, different events require different values of the time-to-trigger parameter: the eas for the cell where most UEs are in slow movement, this parameter can be set to a greater value.In addition, different events require different values of the time-to-trigger parameter: the eas for the cell where most UEs are in slow movement, this parameter can be set to a greater value.In addition, different events require different values of the time-to-trigger parameter: the eas for the cell where most UEs are in slow movement, this parameter can be set to a greater value.In addition, different events require different values of the time-to-trigger parameter: the eas for the cell where most UEs are in slow movement, this parameter can be set to a greater value.In addition, different events require different values of the time-to-trigger parameter: the eas for the cell where most UEs are in slow movement, this parameter can be set to a greater value.In addition, different events require different values of the time-to-trigger parameter: the
eas for the cell where most UEs are in slow movement, this parameter can be set to a greater value.In addition, different events require different values of the time-to-trigger parameter: the eas for the cell where most UEs are in slow movement, this parameter can be set to a greater value.In addition, different events require different values of the time-to-trigger parameter: the eas for the cell where most UEs are in slow movement, this parameter can be set to a greater value.In addition, different events require different values of the time-to-trigger parameter: the eas for the cell where most UEs are in slow movement, this parameter can be set to a greater value.In addition, different events require different values of the time-to-trigger parameter: the eas for the cell where most UEs are in slow movement, this parameter can be set to a greater value.In addition, different events require different values of the time-to-trigger parameter: the eas for the cell where most UEs are in slow movement, this parameter can be set to a greater value.In addition, different events require different values of the time-to-trigger parameter: the
es of the time-to-trigger parameter: the es of the time-to-trigger parameter: the es of the time-to-trigger parameter: the es of the time-to-trigger parameter: the es of the time-to-trigger parameter: the es of the time-to-trigger parameter: the
es of the time-to-trigger parameter: the es of the time-to-trigger parameter: the es of the time-to-trigger parameter: the es of the time-to-trigger parameter: the es of the time-to-trigger parameter: the es of the time-to-trigger parameter: the