NASA: 80033main 61200astrogram
NASA: 80033main 61200astrogram
NASA: 80033main 61200astrogram
A time to dream...!
Touch us gently, Time!
Let us glide adown thy stream
Gently, -- as we sometimes glide
Through a quiet Dream.
-- Bryan W. Procter
The NASA tent and exhibits were the to be taken home and en-
usual big hit of the Sunnyvale Art and joyed.
Wine Festival held on Saturday and Sun- A display featuring Ames
day, June 3-4, 2000. Coordinated by Jeff accomplishments during the
Cross of Ames' Office of Communication Center's 60-year history was a
(Public Affairs), this year's exhibits fo- particularly popular draw. In
cused on nanotechnology, biotechnol- addition, well over 100 guests
ogy, information systems, Astrobiology took the opportunity to drop
and aerospace research. by the booth staffed by the
An estimated 10,000 plus visitors friends of the California Air
passed through the Ames tent, observed and Space Center and regis-
the exhibits, asked questions of volunteer ter to get updates on progress, schedule year.
staff, watched videos in the enclosed and upcoming events. Ames’ Office of Communication has a
theater, and tried out their hand at an Other Ames exhibits drawing special regular series of summer events and ven-
interactive computer software program attention were those on Lunar Prospector, ues for which it coordinates Center par-
designed to "build your own aircraft." the Space Station centrifuge, CTAS, the ticipation. Volunteers are always needed.
While parents typically spent time civil tiltrotor, and aviation system capacity. The events present a great opportunity to
reading the details of Ames projects, re- This was the sixth year of Ames active get out and meet the public and let them
search and technology development on participation in the Sunnyvale event. Judg- know of your pride in NASA and Ames.
the numerous displays and exhibits, the ing by the supportive comments and reac- To be a part of the Ames team, please call
visiting children seemed most excited to tion of the visiting crowds, there is no Jeff Cross at ext. 4-6571 or e-mail him at:
pick up the glider kits and other interac- reason to anticipate that the seventh time
tive educational tools that were available won’t be even bigger and better than this BY DAVID MORSE
Ames Classifieds
Ads for the next issue should be sent to by the Monday follow-
Homeless cats looking for love! A handsome tabby
Maine Coon cat, a small orange striped cat, a
mustachioed outdooor cat, and kittens urgently need
Ames Retirements
ing publication of the present issue and must be homes. Please lv message at their foster home at (408) Name Code Date
resubmitted for each issue. Ads must involve personal 739-3171.
needs or items; (no commercial/third-party ads) and Betty J. Baldwin SSA 6/02/00
will run on space-available basis only. First-time ads are Top of the line Sears/Kenmore heavy duty washing
given priority. Ads must include home phone num- machine. Bought last summer, used about 6 months.
bers; Ames extensions and email addresses will be $600 new, asking $450. Lots of temperature & washing
accepted for carpool and lost & found ads only. Due choices including delicate. Auto softener feature. Also,
to the volume of material received, we are unable to
AAE employee
basic white dryer for $50. Ken (650) 520 4536.
verify the accuracy of the statements made in the ads.
Fitness trampoline. Foldable, still in box. $200. Call
Housing (415) 826-3041.
For sale by owner: $549K, small horse ranch near
Watsonville. Royal oaks, California/scenic area. 3 acres w/
49er tickets, sec. 53. Pre-season, vs. Denver 8/25.
$80/pair. Call (510) 656-7654.
day set
trees & lots of open space. 3 bd/2 ba home/family rm w/ Whirlpool washer and dryer, white, heavy duty,
On Tuesday, June 20, from 10 a.m.
fireplace. Front/rear decks w/hot tub rm. 2 car garage about 4 years old. $300 set. Call (408) 736-3465. until 2 p.m., the Ames Aerospace Encoun-
w/laundry rm & storage rm. Barn, tack rm, corrals, ter (AAE) will be holding another in their
workshop/electricity. Property fenced & outside lighting. Wedding dress for sale. Purchased in 1999, has been
Ron (408) 736-2150. Lv msg or call (831) 722-0130. cleaned, size 10, white, medium size train, sleeveless, off series of "Ames Employee Days at the
the shoulder, v-neck, open low back, (tapered waist- AAE." The Encounter is located on the 2nd
Housing needed: N/S Commuter couple seek dog- sequence and pearl beads) satin dress, tulle overlay with floor of Bldg. 226. All on-site personnel are
friendly room/shared housing near Ames. We will only
be around 3-4 nights a week. Rudy Aquilina (415) 282-
satin trim, asking $350. Lourdes (408) 526-9661. invited to attend and bring their family
4564. Pair of 49er tickets, sec. 62, 9/10 Carolina, 10/1 and friends for a self-paced tour (allow
Housing needed: female and male full-time
Arizona, $50 ea. 10/8 Raiders, $70 ea. 10/29 St Louis, about an hour).
11/12 Kansas City, 11/19 Atlanta, 12/10 New Orleans, The Encounter is booked year round
employed students seeking permanent apartment (1 bd/ 12/17 Chicago $50 ea. Jon (408) 985-7323 H.
1ba bath) between Cupertino and San Jose. Need with 4th to 6th grade student fieldtrips.
housing by August 31. Apartments only, no rooms or Generator/Coleman Powermate, 120 volts, 2250 Please note that children must be ac-
roommates. Beth (408) watts, 18.75 amps, 5 H.P. gas engine, like new, low
hours. $300. Dan (408) 998-3077.
companied by an adult at all times and
Rooms for rent: 3 pleasant, sunny, furnished that employees are responsible for arrang-
bedrooms for rent in the Campbell/Los Gatos corner of Pair of Tickets to Jazz at Filoli (Sold Out!), $55 each, ing to bring their guests onto Moffett
San José. Clean, considerate, professional household. No includes 2 box lunches. The Claudia Villela Group plays
smoking/pets. Long term rental or p/t permanant at the Filoli Gardens in Woodside, off of Cañada Road. Field.
commuter preferred, short term possible. Rental Sunday, July 9, 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Gates open at For more information about this event,
agreement and deposits required. Shared bath or room 12:30. Email:, or email: or call
with bath. Call (408) 266-7272 and leave clear msg. call (650) 854-1928. ext. 4-1110.
Large room in 4 bd/ba home, excellent Mtn View The last Ames Employee Day at the
area. Washer, drier, fireplace, microwave, new carpet.
Vacation rental AAE for the year will be July 26, from 10
Lake Tahoe-Squaw Valley Townhse, 3br/2ba, balcony
Tidy person & nonsmoker. $450 + share utilities. Avail. view, horseback riding, hiking, biking, golf, river rafting, a.m. until 2 p.m.
8/1. Call (650) 964-1900. tennis, ice skating and more. Summer rates. Call (650)
House for rent, 3bd/2 ba, 2 car garage, fireplace, 968-4155 or email:
livingroom, large upgraded kitchen, remodeled Lake Tahoe-Squaw Valley-Olympic Village Inn for 4
bathroom, new carpet, large back yard. Near schools.
people. Full kitchen, TV/VCR, spa, BBQ, free bikes, walk to
No pets. $1,750 per month. First and last month’s rent
plus deposit to move in. Available July 1. Call (650)
lifts. $450 for 4 nights/5 days, 6/18/00 to 6/22/00,
Sunday to Thursday. Juliet (650) 321-9008 or email:
Astrogram deadlines
968-1347. for more details. All Ames employees are invited to submit
Transportation articles relating to Ames projects and activities
Camper van, high top, self-contained. 90K mls on
Lost & Found for publication in the Astrogram. When submit-
Moffett Field Lost and Found may be reached at ext.
'87 Ford Econoline engine. 15K $. Call (415) 826-3041. 4-5416 at any time. Residents and employees at Ames ting stories or ads for publication, submit your
‘70 VW convertible classic, original owner, no smog may also use Internet browser at: material, along with any questions, in MS word
needed; transmission ok; needs work on top & possibly codejp/pages/lostFound.html to view a list of found by e-mail to: on
engine. $2,000. Esther or Art at (650) 961-2732. property and obtain specific instructions for reporting lost or before the deadline.
or found property and how to recover found property.
‘93 Yamaha WaveVenture 700, 3 seater, 65 hrs,
Call Moffett Field security police investigations section at Deadline Publication
1996 Shoreline trailer, cover, vests, etc. $3,000. Great
ext. 4-1359 or email at:
condition! Randy (408) 734-9550. Tues, Jun 13 Mon, Jun 26
‘95 Chevy Blazer LT , 4X4, 79K mls. Fully loaded, Ames radio information Tues, Jun 27 Mon, Jul 10
roof rack, offroad & tow packages, cass., ac, pl, pw, abs for employees Tues, Jul 25 Mon, Aug 7
brakes,, tilt, c/c, chrimen red & dk. gray. Asking
1700KHz AM radio--information announcements
$14,500 or B/O. Bob (408) 736-4039.
for Ames employees during emergencies.