NASA: A Techspecs
NASA: A Techspecs
NASA: A Techspecs
List Of Abbreviations
AC Alternating Current
GByte Gigabyte
IP Internet Protocol
Mbit Megabit
MByte Megabyte
msec Milliseconds
NI Network Interface
Pbyte Petabyte
PC Personal Computer
TBD To Be Designed/Determined
TByte Terabyte
VC Virtual Circuit
VP View Processor
1. Introduction
Section 1 provides a general overview of the structure of these technical specifications.
1.1. Background
The computer facilities at NASA are being systematically enhanced by incorporating the
latest in state-of-the-art computer system technologies. These improvements will enable
NASA to remain at the leading edge in scientific and engineering processing performance
and capabilities and to provide the user community of researchers and engineers with
the most advanced and powerful computer tools available. In support of this activity
NASA is establishing Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity contracts of scientific and
engineering computer systems and supporting equipment. The computer systems will
provide computational and graphics capability to the scientific and engineering
disciplines supporting NASA’s core missions. The specifications presented in this
document represent a comprehensive set of requirements intended to provide a
complete environment for computational analysis by NASA engineers and scientists.
1.5. Terminology
Key terms are described in this section and more general definitions are provided in
Section 1.6.
1.5.2. Deliverables
The delivery lists use abbreviated terminology for clarity in enumerating delivery items.
The complete specifications for these delivery items are fully described in Sections 3
through 10. As an example, the delivery list identifies the operating system as a
deliverable and the full set of specifications for that operating system is given in Section
3 as amended by Section 4. This includes items such as file system, system
administration, shells, etc.
Deliverables are divided into mandatory and non-mandatory categories:
1.7. Definitions
To clarify meaning of some terms used in this specification, some definitions are given
Add-ons: Add-ons are mandatory line items which may be added to the Base
deliverable at the discretion of the end-user.
Additional Technology A basic capability that is intended to provide the Government with added
value if the additional technology is provided in the Available Components
Advanced Technology Advanced capabilities that provide the Government with significant added
Available Bus Slots: The number of unused bus slots available for expansion after satisfying the
requirements of the minimum mandatory deliverables and the maximum
disk storage requirements for the base computer system.
Binary Compatibility: Within a class (and across subclasses in the class), source code, object code,
libraries, and linked or loaded executables, which are not device dependent,
can be freely transported from any computer system in the class to any
other system in the class and execute successfully without modification.
Base Systems The systems which must meet the minimum mandatory specifications and
be provided for on the Contract
Class Specific Specifications Set of technical specifications which specific to the given class
Computer Room Environment: Facilities in which special environmental factors are maintained, such as
controlled temperature and humidity, where noise is not limited by office
requirements, and in which reliable power systems are available and/or are
at levels other than the standard 110 volt, 60 Hz.
Core Specifications Set of technical specifications which are included in all requirements within
the specified category, class, or group
Desirable Feature A feature that the Government desires but which the vendor is not required
to provide or support
Mandatory Deliverables Products which must be included in the Contract in order to meet the
mandatory requirements of the class
Mandatory Specifications Set of technical specifications which must be meet by the mandatory
Non-Mandatory Deliverables Products which go beyond the mandatory deliverables, are identified
through the available components list and include desirable features,
additional technology and other software and hardware that provide depth
and breadth to the offering.
Non-Mandatory Desirable Feature: A capability that is desired by the Government but not required.
Office Environment: A human work area providing moderate environmental conditioning but
with limited capacity to support or provide unusual power or
temperature/humidity requirements and one which may be easily upset by
equipment emitting excessive heat and/or noise.
Open Bus Architecture: A bus with multivendor support. This means that there is an industry
published specification to enable third party connectivity.
Open Systems Environment: The comprehensive set of interfaces, services, and supporting formats, plus
user aspects, for interoperability or for portability of applications, data, or
people, as specified by information technology standards and profiles.
Source: IEEE P1003.0 POSIX Committee.
SPECmark: The SPEC benchmark suite measures overall system CPU performance
such as: The term “such as” is used to list example products which are known to
meet the stated capability and for which products which also meet the
stated capability may be substituted.
Upgrades: Upgrades are mandatory line items which upgrade; e.g. additional disk
and/or memory, the Base deliverables at the discretion of the end-user.
Virtual File System A virtual file system is an abstraction of a physical file system
implementation. It provides a consistent interface to multiple file systems,
both local and remote. This consistent interface allows the user to view the
directory tree on the running system as a single entity even when the tree is
made up of a number of diverse file system types. The interface also allows
the logical file system code in the kernel to operate without regard to the
type of file system being accessed
2. Contract Definitions
Section 2 provides general paragraph descriptions of the various SEWP classes.
provide capability for document scanning and archival and digital libraries. When used
with a DBMS, this class would most typically operate in a client/server architecture with
this class providing the server function. The client function would be provided by other
computer system classes, and existing servers and workstations on the NASA LANs.
The critical features of this class are high level of transactions per second, high volume
of network traffic, fast disk access, large amounts of memory (RAM), high volume of
memory to disk transfers, and large amounts of secondary storage. It is perceived that
the Data Server will most likely reside away from the users work area in a location easily
accessible to many LAN users. System should be capable of running Internet information
servers, examples would be WAIS and World Wide Web (WWW).
ESS, DAQ, Easyplot, and IDEAS software, and structural analysis programs such as
NASTRAN. They must also support major scientific application software packages such
as IDL, IMSL and SAS.
and complement the full implementation of UNIX based computer systems throughout
NASA. These items may be purchased by the Government separately from the computer
systems but rely on standards and standard interfaces to ensure interoperability with the
computer systems. Included in this class are both printers, multifunction machines and
plotters for outputting textual and graphical files; X terminals and other low-end client
systems to allow user connectivity to a full range of computer systems; scanners to allow
inputting of information from hard-copy forms; and PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants) and
UNIX portables to allow mobile access to individual’s computing needs.
3.1. Introduction
This section provides a general overview of the core specifications.
3.1.1. Purpose
The purpose of this section is to define the Core Specification requirements for high
performance computer systems to support technical scientific or engineering tasks at
NASA facilities.
3.1.2. Background
One of the key objectives of this procurement is to support and enhance the established
UNIX based Open Systems Environment within NASA. That Open Systems Environment
must extend over nine different computer system classes. The potential exists to award
contracts for computer systems to nine different vendors and could result in nine (or
more) different operating systems. To minimize the potential diversity in the computer
system environments, a Core Specification is provided to maximize the uniformity (and
Openness) of environments across all classes.
The Core Specifications apply to the base and mandatory products for all classes of
computer systems, unless a deviation to the Core Specifications is noted in the Class
Specific Sections. Each class will also have its own unique specifications that are
identified in Section 4.
3.1.3. Requirements
The vendor computer system base and mandatory offerings shall meet all mandatory
specifications provided in this Section (3) unless a deviation to the Core Specifications is
noted in the Class Specific Section (4). These systems are intended to meet the NASA
requirements over the life of the contract. The use of an indefinite quantity contract will
enable acquisition of systems and services, as required, via delivery orders.
3.2. Hardware
This section describes the core hardware specifications.
d. for multiprocessor computer systems, the technology associated with the multiprocessing functions;
e.g. symmetric versus non-symmetric, memory utilization, etc. (advanced technology).
e. floating point arithmetic hardware for 32-bit and 64-bit floating point numbers with a format in
compliance with the IEEE floating point standard [IEEE 754-1985(R1990)].
f. Advanced memory management capabilities (including address space) (advanced technology)
g. the following error condition handling:
1. all possible operation codes shall produce documented results.
2. the CPU shall be capable of detecting floating point arithmetic overflows/underflows in
compliance with the IEEE 754 floating point standard. It shall be possible to disable and
enable the floating point arithmetic overflow/underflow interrupts.
3. the CPU shall be capable of detecting memory access violations, illegal instruction execution,
and privileged instruction usage by non-privileged users. The CPU or OS shall interrupt
program execution on detection of any of these conditions.
c. Each subclass b system shall provide 1 Centronics compatible DB25 parallel port.
c. a graphics controller
d. a graphics monitor with at least the following capabilities:
1. vertical scanning frequency of at least 72 Hz noninterlaced.
2. capable of being powered down without disrupting the system.
3. all subclass b systems must provide an optional 19 inch or greater or greater monitor.
4. all subclass a systems must provide an optional 21-inch or greater monitor.
5. Energy Star compliant (desirable)
3.3.1. Overview
This section describes required functions and features that normally are performed by
the system software. The operating system software shall support the hardware. The
system software shall support a set of development tools and utilities to augment the
capabilities of the operating system and the required language processors. These
software tools shall provide fast, efficient mechanisms to develop application programs,
backup and restore files, debug programs, and supply other useful system functions.
b. POSIX [IEEE POSIX 1003.1-1990]; compliant. The Government will accept the vendor’s self
certification for POSIX compliance
The operating system shall include the capabilities, functions and services as specified in
the following sections. Resource Management
The following resource management features shall be provided:
a. The operating system shall be responsible for coordination and management of the system’s resources
including processor, memory, peripherals and communication subsystems.
b. The operating system shall allow the simultaneous use of these multiple system resources by various
users/programs while at the same time protecting each user’s resources from other users, avoiding
resource deadlocks, and allowing interprocess communications.
c. The operating system shall provide memory and process memory management functions including
program segmentation, relocation, and protection.
d. Advanced implementations of system resource, memory, and program management (advanced
b. Compatible file systems which support the above requirements in part a) with demonstrable advanced
capabilities and/or performance (advanced technology)
c. the Network File System (NFS) Version 3 [RFC 1813];
d. other advanced multiplatform networked file systems, such as the Andrew File System and the Distributed
File System, or capabilities which improve the basic NFS functions (advanced technology).
d. Graphics debug interfaces and other tools or capabilities which enhance the coding, testing, and
execution of FORTRAN, C, and/or C++ programs (advanced technology).
e. A system linker utility. The link utility shall be able to link object code from the FORTRAN, C and
C++ compilers to form an executable file. The user shall not have to perform tasks other than
compiling and linking to form an executable file from a combination of C, C++ and FORTRAN source
f. System libraries that:
1. provide user access to a timer with millisecond resolution and allow user setting of the system
clock to a millisecond resolution.
2. provide the ability for user processes to share memory.
3. support the socket interface for the Internet Protocols IP, ICMP, TCP, and UDP.
1. install the complete operating system and computer system software from a local tape or CD ROM
drive or from over the network.
2. restore the system disk from a copy stored on a remote system. (desirable)
3. perform unattended scheduled automatic system backup.
c. delivery and installation of software from tape (as specified in 3.2.2.c. and 3.2.2.d.) or CD ROM (as
specified in 3.2.2.e.)
In addition to the operating system license, each computer system shall provide:
c. a central license manager.
3.4.1. General
Each of the systems will be connected to Local Area Networks. All computer systems
shall support an Ethernet and a FDDI interface. Network interfaces compatible with
campus network technologies shall be supported. Native support of Internet Protocols
(IP) is required for compatibility with existing network and computing platforms.
b. provide an ANSI standard Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) adapter [ANSI X3T9.5]. The FDDI
adapter shall comply with all appropriate ANSI standards for FDDI:
1. ANSI FDDI X3T9.5 Station Management (SMT) specification (version 7.3 or greater)
2. ISO 9314-3 FDDI Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) standard.
a. PMDs which must be supported and one of which must be provided are:
1. multimode fiber (PMD);
2. twisted pair (TP-PMD) (unshielded twisted pair support is only required for office
environment subclasses).
b. All other PMD’s, e.g. single mode fiber(SM-PMD), low cost fiber (LCF-PMD),
unshielded twisted pair where office environment not required, etc. (desirable)
3.5. Documentation
The contractor shall provide complete sets of operator, programmer, software system,
utility, installation, and user manuals. The contractor shall also provide other necessary
documentation for all hardware and software delivered under this contract in accordance
with the contractor’s product line documentation standards. If the contractor’s software
and/or hardware documentation is written other than described below, an alternative set
of manuals shall be provided. The manuals shall include, but not be limited to, the
documentation described in the following paragraphs.
All provided documentation shall be available either on line or in hardcopy. On-line
documentation must be readable via a GUI interface with intelligent search capabilities
and must have the ability to be easily printed in readable form on a local Postscript
Documentation be available both on-line and in hardcopy form (desirable).
b. Interface manuals detailing all electrical and mechanical aspects of system interfaces, e.g. I/O
channels, peripheral devices, and communication interface devices.
3.6 Security
All computer systems must provide the following security related technology:
a. port-blocking software such as tcp-wrappers and portmapper
All computer systems must support the following security related technology:
c. Secure shell client and server software, protocol 1 and protocol 2 such as F-Secure
1. public domain versions of secure shell such as OpenSSH (desirable)
f. enhanced methods of identification and authentication (such as biometric and physical card-keys)
(advanced technology)
g. fine-grained access control features for operating system services such as C2 security (and more
stringent security standards) (advanced technology)
i. enhanced password change software, including the capability to add a user defined dictionary,
minimum requirements for password rules, etc (advanced technology)
c. Technician
1. Provides high level functional and IT analysis, design, development, integration, documentation,
and implementation assistance on problems which require a thorough knowledge of the related
technical subject matter for effective system deployment. Participates in all phases of systems
development. Applies principles and methods of the functional area to difficult problems in
technical areas to arrive at automated solutions. Designs and prepares technical reports and
related documentation, and makes charts and graphs to record results. Prepares and delivers
presentations and briefings as required by the task order.
2. Educational Requirements: High school graduate or equivalent.
3. Experience Requirements: Ten years of intensive and progressive experience in functional or IT
analysis/programming of subject matter closely related to the work to be automated.
4.1.1. Purpose
The purpose of this section is to define the specific requirements for the Electronic CAD
Circuit Design Computer Systems as described in Section 2. The following hardware and
software specifications are required of these Class 1 computer systems over and above,
or in place of the core specifications defined in Section 3.
d. 3 available bus slots (2 available slots if Ethernet connection is embedded in the system).
e. ability to simultaneously connect the system to both FDDI and Ethernet to support 1000-Base-T
f. 2 CPUs
b. hard disk storage with a minimum of 8 GByte of available user space remaining after installation of all
minimum required software as specified in the delivery list (operating system, system swap space, on-
line system documentation, linker, drivers, X windows, etc.).
1. disk storage expandable to at least 36 GByte.
b. The minimum SpecRate values for the class a computer system is:
1. 290 SPEC CINT95rate
2. 410 SPEC CFP95rate
c. The minimum NASA I/O value for the class a computer system is 100 mallards
b. The minimum Spec values for the class b computer system is:
1. 18 SPEC CINT95
2. 20 SPEC CFP95
c. The minimum NASA I/O value for the class b computer system is 100 mallards
Synopsis CINT95 CFP95 mallards
Subclass(a) 45 min 290 (Rate) 410 (Rate) 100
Subclass(b) 60 min 18 20 100
Mem. Mem. Disk Disk Slots CPUs
Expand Expand
Subclass(a) 2 GB 4 GB 18GB 60GB 3 2
Subclass(b) 1 GB 2 GB 8GB 36GB 2 1
4.2.1. Purpose
The purpose of this section is to define the specific requirements for the mechanical
computer aided design (CAD) and computer aided engineering (CAE) Computer Systems
as described in Section 2. The following hardware and software specifications are
required of these Class 2 computer systems over and above, or in place of the core
specifications defined in Section 3.
b. hard disk storage with a minimum of 8 GByte of available user space remaining after installation of all
minimum required software as specified in the delivery list (operating system, system swap space, on-
line system documentation, linker, drivers, X windows, etc.).
1. internal disk storage expandable to at least 18 GByte
2. disk storage expandable to at least 64 GByte.
c. at least 2 CPUs
d. at least 3 available bus slots
b. hard disk storage with a minimum of 8 GByte of available user space remaining after installation of all
minimum required software as specified in the delivery list (operating system, system swap space, on-
line system documentation, linker, drivers, X windows, etc.).
1. disk storage expandable to at least 32 GByte.
b. MSC PATRAN CAE tool. PATRAN s is a commercially available software product from the MacNeal
Schwendler Corporation
c. SDRC’s I-DEAS Master Series family of CAE/CAD tools. IDEAS Master Series is a commercially
available software product from Structural Dynamics Research Corporation.
d. CADSI’s DADS CAE tool. DADS is a commercially available software product from CADSI.
e. Parametric Technology’s Pro/E package. Pro/E is a commercially available software product from
Parametric Technology.
g. MATLAB. MATLAB is a commercially available software product from The MathWorks Inc
4.2.4. Performance
This section describes the performance values required for the Class 2 computer
systems. Performance for Class 2/a
a. The maximum allowed CPU time for the NASTRAN benchmark for the class a computer system is 11
b. The minimum allowed overall composite score for the SPEC Pro-E benchmark for the class a
computer system is 2.3
c. The minimum SpecRate values for the class a computer system is:
1. 320 SPEC CINT95rate
2. 480 SPEC CFP95rate
d. The minimum NASA I/O value for the class a computer system is 150 mallards
b. The minimum allowed overall composite score for the SPEC Pro-E benchmark for the class b
computer system is 1.7
c. The minimum Spec values for the class b computer system is:
1. 10 SPEC CINT95
2. 12 SPEC CFP95
d. The minimum NASA I/O value for the class b computer system is 150 mallards
NASTRAN Pro-E CINT95 CFP95 mallards
Subclass(a) 11 min 2.3 320 (Rate) 480 (Rate) 150
Subclass(b) 28 min 1.7 10 12 150
Mem. Mem. Disk Disk Slots CPUs
Expand Expand
Subclass(a) 512 MB 2 GB 8GB 64GB 3 2
Subclass(b) 256 MB 1GB 8GB 32GB 2 1
4.3.1. Purpose
The purpose of this section is to define the specific requirements for the mass storage
servers as described in Section 2. The following hardware and software specifications
are required of these Class 3 computer systems over and above, or in place of the core
specifications defined in Section 3.
All Class 3 computer systems (Class 3/a and 3/b) shall support the following minimum
capabilities, unless noted as a desirable:
d. Hierarchical Mass Storage Systems:
1. UniTree. UniTree is a commercially available software product from UniTree Software Inc (UTSI)
2. One other hierarchical mass storage system with the ability to at least:
a. locate, mount, read and write(except CD-ROMs) tapes or disks in the jukeboxes.
b. support UNIX native file system user calls and commands, e.g. “ls”, “touch”, etc.
c. support access at hard disk storage speed to the most frequently/recently accessed files.
d. ‘vault’ media and provide a means of notifying the operator to retrieve a ‘vaulted’ media
when an ‘old’ file is requested.
e. employ a ‘nameserver’ and ‘tapeserver’ or similar means for locating files on media.
f. utilities for backup and recovery of critical databases
g. repacking function (repack tapes to remove deleted files)
h. logging major activities of software components for system monitoring.
i. write multiple tape copies of a file
j. scalable up to at least 10 Pbyte, providing the user a way to build up to
full use of the mass storage system
k. write multiple tape copies of a file simultaneously
l. write multiple simultaneous streams of new data
e. EMC RAID arrays
1. Other Ultra-SCSI and fibre-attached disk and RAID arrays (desirable)
f. STK 9840, IBM 3590 E1A, STK 3490E, and STK D3(Redwood) tape drives
1. Other Ultra-SCSI and fibre-attached tape drives (desirable)
h. Optical jukeboxes
i. SAN Technology
c. hard disk storage with a minimum of 16 GBytes of available user space remaining after installation of
all minimum required software as specified in the delivery list (operating system, system swap space,
on-line system documentation, linker, drivers, X windows, etc.).
1. Disk storage shall be expandable to at least 64 GBytes. This requirement is exclusive of the
requirement for a mass storage and RAID disk system.
2. Disk storage shall have mirroring capability
e. 8 CPUs
1. expandable to at least 12 CPUs
f. In addition to the core network interfaces described in section 3.4.2., class 3/a systems shall provide
the following network interfaces:
1. HiPPI
g. Class 3/a systems shall optionally provide the following network interfaces either in place of or in
addition to the HiPPI requirement:
1. Gigabit Ethernet
2. ATM OC12
c. hard disk storage with a minimum of 8 GBytes of available user space remaining after installation of
all minimum required software as specified in the delivery list (operating system, system swap space,
on-line system documentation, linker, drivers, X windows, etc.).
1. Disk storage shall be expandable to at least 32 GBytes. This requirement is exclusive of the
requirement for a mass storage and RAID disk system.
2. Disk storage shall have mirroring capability
e. 4 CPUs
1. expandable to at least 6 CPUs
f. In addition to the core network interfaces described in section 3.4.2., class 3/b systems shall provide
the following network interfaces:
1. ATM OC3
b. The minimum SpecRate values for the class a computer system is:
1. 650 SPEC CINT95rate
2. 775 SPEC CFP95rate
c. The minimum NASA I/O value for the class a computer system is 350 mallards
b. The minimum SpecRate values for the class b computer system is:
1. 250 SPEC CINT95rate
2. 400 SPEC CFP95rate
c. The minimum NASA I/O value for the class b computer system is 250 mallards
Unitree Unitree Unitree Unitree CINT95 CFP95 mallards
put get migrate stage
Subclass(a) 8.5 MB/s 12 MB/s 8 MB/s 9 MB/s 650 (Rate) 775 (Rate) 350
Subclass(b) 7.5 MB/s 10 MB/s 6 MB/s 7 MB/s 250 (Rate) 400 (Rate) 250
Mem. Mem. Disk Disk Slots CPUs CPU
Expand Expand expand
Subclass(a) 8 GB 12 GB 16GB 64GB 16 8 12
Subclass(b) 4 GB 6 GB 8GB 32GB 8 4 6
4.4.1. Purpose
The purpose of this section is to define the specific requirements for the Network Data
Server Computer Systems as described in Section 2. The following hardware and
software specifications are required of these Class 4 computer systems over and above,
or in place of the core specifications defined in Section 3.
f. Network File System (NFS) hardware and/or software performance enhancement (desirable).
g. binary compatibility between 4/a and 4/b systems (desirable)
h. a virtual file system manager (desirable).
i. [Core Specification replaced by]: A FORTRAN 90 compiler, ANSI compliant [ANSI X3.
198-1992]. The FORTRAN compiler shall include:
1. run time libraries.
2. FORTRAN source language compatible symbolic debugger with capability to read core dumps.
Shall display source code, program variables (including register contents), debugger commands,
and debugger output.
3. an optional 1 user license
4. an optional 10 user license
j. Java Interpreter
k. CD Read / Write Drives (desirable)
b. hard disk storage with a minimum of 16 GBytes of available user space remaining after installation of
all minimum required software as specified in the delivery list (operating system, system swap space,
on-line system documentation, linker, drivers, X windows, etc.).
1. Disk storage shall be expandable to at least 900 GBytes. This requirement is exclusive of the
requirement for a mass storage system.
2. Disk storage be expandable to 2 Tbytes (desirable)
c. at least 2 additional SCSI III, Fibre Channel or higher performance host adapter interfaces.
d. at least 16 available bus slots (15 available slots if Ethernet connection is embedded in the system).
e. at least 2 CPUs
1. expandable to at least 24 CPUs
2. expandable to at least 30 CPUs (desirable)
g. dual-ported (i.e. connectivity to 2 or more host systems) external peripheral storage devices (desirable).
b. hard disk storage with a minimum of 8 GBytes of available user space remaining after installation of
all minimum required software as specified in the delivery list (operating system, system swap space,
on-line system documentation, linker, drivers, X windows, etc.).
1. Disk storage shall be expandable to at least 120 GBytes. This requirement is exclusive of the
requirement for a mass storage system.
c. at least 1 RAID device (supporting RAID levels 0, 1,and 5) with at least 50 GB disk array
1. support for RAID level 3 (desirable)
d. an optional second SCSI III, Fibre Channel or higher host adapter interface
e. at least 5 available bus slots (4 available slots if Ethernet connection is embedded in the system).
f. at least 1 CPU
1. expandable to at least 6 CPUs
2. expandable to at least 8 CPUs (desirable)
b. The subclass 4/a computer systems must support (including availability of functions described in
c. The subclass 4/a computer systems must support one or more of the following mass storage systems
1. STK 9840 robotic device
2. IBM 3590/3590E robotic device
3. multiple media types (e.g. ADIC) jukebox
4. other state-of-the-art drives, and desktop jukeboxes
5. other state-of-the-art jukeboxes
d. The jukeboxes must attach to the computer systems with at least a SCSI III interface. The following
sizes of jukeboxes must be supported for magneto-optical, CD-ROM and DLT media:
1. for a large library system with a storage capacity of at least 1 TByte, expandable to at least 100
Tbytes; and
2. for all supported jukeboxes, a small library system with a storage capacity of at least 10 GByte,
expandable to at least 60 GBytes.
e. the file management storage system must be hierarchical, such as UNITREE or EPOCH. The
hierarchical storage management software must have the ability to:
1. locate, mount, read and write(except CD-ROMs) tapes or disks in the jukeboxes.
2. ability to support UNIX native file system user calls and commands, e.g. “ls”, “touch”, etc.
3. support access at hard disk storage speed to the most frequently/recently accessed files.
4. ‘vault’ media and provide a means of notifying the operator to retrieve a ‘vaulted’ media when an
‘old’ file is requested.
5. employ a ‘nameserver’ or similar means for locating files on media.
6. utilities for backup and recovery of critical databases
7. repacking function (repack tapes to remove deleted files)
8. logging major activities of software components for system monitoring.
f. The hierarchical storage management system should be scalable up to at least 50 TB providing the user
a way to build up to full use of the mass storage system.
g. dual (or multiple) tape copies of a file; multiple server capabilities (server functions spread over
multiple machines) as described in the IEEE Mass Storage Reference Model; support for higher
scalability (e.g. storage capacity up to 1 Pbyte) and other advanced functions / capabilities for the
hierarchical storage management system (advanced technology).
b. The maximum times for the NASA Sybase based database on the class a computer system are:
1. 170 sec for the small database load time for tables and indices
2. 25000 ms for the small database query time
3. 3100 sec for the large database load time for tables and indices
4. 200000 ms for the large database query time
c. The minimum SpecRate values for the class a computer system is:
1. 480 SPEC CINT95rate
2. 320 SPEC CFP95rate
d. The minimum NASA I/O value for the class a computer system is 350 mallards
b. The maximum times for the NASA Sybase based database on the class b computer system are:
1. 300 sec for the small database load time for tables and indices
2. 33500 ms for the small database query time
3. 5500 sec for the large database load time for tables and indices
4. 240000 ms for the large database query time
c. The minimum Spec values for the class b computer system is:
1. 15 SPEC CINT95
2. 24 SPEC CFP95
d. The minimum NASA I/O value for the class b computer system is 150 mallards
tpmC Small db Small db Large db Large db CINT95 CFP95 mallards
bcp load query bcp load query
Subclass(a) 6000 170 sec 25000 ms 3100 sec 200000 ms 320 480 350
(Rate) (Rate)
Subclass(b) 2000 300 sec 29000 ms 5500 sec 240000 ms 15 24 150
Mem. Mem. Disk Disk Slots CPUs CPU
Expand Expand expand
Subclass(a) 1 GB 2 GB 16GB 900GB 16 2 24
Subclass(b) 256 MB 512 MB 8GB 120GB 5 1 6
4.5.1. Purpose
The purpose of this section is to define the specific requirements for the High
Performance Visualization Computer Systems as described in Section 2. The following
hardware and software specifications are required of these Class 5 computer systems
over and above, or in place of the core specifications defined in Section 3.
b. a second SCSI III, Ultra-SCSI, Fibre Channel compatible interface optionally ordered for one of the
available bus slots
c. at least 16 million simultaneously displayable colors and a monitor with a minimum of 1.2 million
displayable pixels.
d. a 3-D graphics system supporting double-buffered 24 bit images with a 24 bit Z-buffer
b. hard disk storage with a minimum of 9 Gbyte of available user space remaining after installation of all
minimum required software as specified in the delivery list (operating system, system swap space, on-
line system documentation, linker, drivers, X windows, etc.).
1. internal disk storage expandable to at least 18 Gbyte
2. disk storage expandable to at least 64 Gbyte
b. hard disk storage with a minimum of 9 Gbyte of available user space remaining after installation of all
minimum required software as specified in the delivery list (operating system, system swap space, on-
line system documentation, linker, drivers, X windows, etc.).
1. disk storage expandable to at least 32 Gbyte.
c. minification / magnification filters for texture mapping (linear, constant and smooth) with texture sizes
of at least 512 x 512.
a. The minimum Spec values for the class a computer system is:
1. 16 SPEC CINT95
2. 22 SPEC CFP95
b. The minimum NASA I/O value for the class a computer system is 150 mallards
b. The minimum NASA I/O value for the class b computer system is 150 mallards
CINT95 CFP95 mallards
Subclass(a) 16 22 150
Subclass(b) 13 20 150
Mem. Mem. Disk Disk Slots CPUs CPU
Expand Expand expand
Subclass(a) 1 GB 4GB 9 GB 64 GB 3 1 4
Subclass(b) 512 MB 2 GB 9 GB 32GB 2 1 2
4.6.1. Purpose
The purpose of this section is to define the specific requirements for the Computer
Servers as described in Section 2. The following hardware and software specifications
are required of these Class 6 computer systems over and above, or in place of the core
specifications defined in Section 3.
b. the capability of performing 64-bit and 128-bit floating point arithmetic [replaces core specification
1. be capable of reading/writing IEEE 754 floating point standard values.
2. perform 64-bit and 128-bit floating point arithmetic in hardware (desirable)
d. Each system shall provide 3480/3490 tape systems [replace core specification 3.2.2.c and 3.2.2.d]
1. support for other high performance tape systems (desirable)
e. [Core Specifications 3.2.3.b and 3.2.3.c are not required for Class 6]
f. binary compatibility between Class 6/a and 6/b (desirable).
g. operate in an computer room environment.
h. In addition to Resource Management Core Specifications (Section Class 6/a and 6/b servers
must provide:
1. Any process shall be able to access at least 80% of physical memory within a shared memory node
in which a node is defined to be a unit of 1 to N central processing units directly attached to some
amount of physical memory.
2. Batch queuing system
a. POSIX 1003.2d compliance (desirable)
3. Techniques for system resource; memory; and batch program management including batch
queuing and scheduling, priority and resource control; and executing program management
including dynamic priority handling.
j. In addition to File System Core Specifications (Section Class 6/a and 6/b servers must provide:
1. the capability to create file systems and individual files in excess of 10 GB.
b. hard disk storage with a minimum of 500 GByte of available user space remaining after installation of
all minimum required software as specified in the delivery list (operating system, system swap space,
on-line system documentation, linker, drivers, X windows, etc.).
1. disk storage expandable to at least 1000 GByte.
c. minimum of 64 CPUs
1. expandable to at least 256 CPUs.
b. hard disk storage with a minimum of 200 GByte of available user space remaining after installation of
all minimum required software as specified in the delivery list (operating system, system swap space,
on-line system documentation, linker, drivers, X windows, etc.).
1. disk storage expandable to at least 500 GByte.
c. minimum of 32 CPUs
1. expandable to at least 128 CPUs.
c. The servers must support one or more of the following mass storage systems (desirable):
1. D3 (e.g. STK) drives, and jukeboxes
2. VHS tape drives, and jukeboxes
3. NTP (e.g. IBM) drives, and jukeboxes
4. multiple media types (e.g. ADIC) jukebox
5. other state-of-the-art drives, and stackers (desktop jukeboxes)
6. other state-of-the-art jukeboxes
d. large library systems with storage capacity of at least 5 Tbytes, expandable to at least 100 Tbytes must
be supported
e. The hierarchical storage management system should be scalable up to at least 500 TB providing the
user a way to build up to full use of the mass storage system.
1. scalability up to the 1 Pbyte range (advanced technology)
dyco 41.5 69
lrl1 38.9 102
raf3 131.7 2
lrl8 137.7 5
mr2 389.8 14
rs1 452.6 2
Both class 6a and 6b systems shall complete the entire workload as listed
above in 2300 wall clock seconds.
b. The minimum NASA I/O value for the class a and b computer systems is 150 mallards
Application mallards
wallclock (sec)
Subclass(a) 2300 150
Subclass(b) 2300 150
Mem. Mem. Disk Disk CPUs CPU
Expand Expand expand
Subclass(a) 32 GB 64 GB 500GB 1000GB 64 256
Subclass(b) 16 GB 32 GB 200 GB 500GB 32 128
4.7.1. Purpose
The purpose of this section is to define the specific requirements for the Science and
Engineering Research Computer Systems as described in Section 2. The following
hardware and software specifications are required of these Class 7 computer systems
over and above, or in place of the core specifications defined in Section 3.
b. at least 16 million simultaneously displayable colors and a monitor with a minimum of 1600x1200
c. DVD drives
b. hard disk storage with a minimum of 10 GByte of available user space remaining after installation of
all minimum required software as specified in the delivery list (operating system, system swap space,
on-line system documentation, linker, drivers, X windows, etc.).
1. disk storage expandable to at least 200 GBytes
c. a 3-D graphics system supporting double-buffered 24 bit images with a 24 bit Z-buffer
d. [Core Specification replaced by]: A FORTRAN 90 compiler, ANSI compliant [ANSI X3.
198-1992]. The FORTRAN compiler shall include:
1. run time libraries.
2. a FORTRAN source language compatible symbolic debugger with capability to read core dumps.
Shall display source code, program variables (including register contents), debugger commands,
and debugger output.
c. 3D Sound Card
f. hard disk storage with a minimum of 10 GByte of available user space remaining after installation of
all minimum required software as specified in the delivery list (operating system, system swap space,
on-line system documentation, linker, drivers, X windows, etc.).
1. disk storage expandable to at least 20 GBytes
d. IMSL Math Library (MATH, STAT and special functions for both C and FORTRAN)
e. SAS
f. Matlab
g. Mathematica
h. AutoCAD
j. database client libraries (allowing database applications to run on the computer systems while
accessing remote database servers) including, but not limited to:
1. Sybase
2. Oracle
k. Axum V.5.0
l. Slidewrite
m. Scientific Work
n. Hyperchem Win 95
b. The minimum Spec values for the class a computer system running a UNIX OS is:
1. 15 SPEC CINT95
2. 20 SPEC CFP95
c. The minimum NASA I/O value for the class a computer system running a UNIX OS is 100 mallards
b. The minimum Spec values for the class b computer system running a UNIX OS is:
1. 10 SPEC CINT95
2. 12 SPEC CFP95
c. The minimum NASA I/O value for the class b computer system running a UNIX OS is 100 mallards
wmr29pc CINT95 CFP95 mallards
Subclass(a) 75 sec 15 20 100
Subclass(b) 100 sec 10 12 100
Mem. Mem. Disk Disk Slots
Expand Expand
Subclass(a) 256 MB 1 GB 10 GB 200 GB 5
Subclass(b) 128 MB 768 MB 10 GB 20 GB 5
4.8.1. Purpose
The purpose of this section is to define the specific requirements for the Earth Science
Computer Systems as described in Section 2. The following hardware and software
specifications are required of these Class 8 computer systems over and above, or in
place of the core specifications defined in Section 3.
g. [Core Specification replaced by]: A FORTRAN 90 compiler, ANSI compliant [ANSI X3.
198-1992]. The FORTRAN compiler shall include:
1. run time libraries.
2. a FORTRAN source language compatible symbolic debugger with capability to read core dumps.
Shall display source code, program variables (including register contents), debugger commands,
and debugger output
3. an optional 1 user license
4. an optional 10 user license
All Class 8 computer systems shall support the following minimum capabilities, unless
noted as a desirable:
h. DVD drive (desirable)
b. hard disk storage with a minimum of 18 GByte of available user space remaining after installation of
all minimum required software as specified in the delivery list (operating system, system swap space,
c. at least 16 million simultaneously displayable colors and a monitor with a minimum of 1600x1200
d. a 3-D graphics system supporting double-buffered 24 bit images with a 24 bit Z-buffer
e. optionally rack-mountable and run “headless” (with serial console and no keyboard/monitor required)
f. dual CPU
g. Approach for clustering multiple computers, particularly approach for shared file system across a
cluster (advanced technology)
The Class 8/a computer system shall support the following minimum capabilities, unless
noted as a desirable:
h. hot-swappable, RAID disk arrays.
i. journaled filesystems
k. 8mm jukeboxes
l. DLT jukeboxes
b. hard disk storage with a minimum of 18 GByte of available user space remaining after installation of
all minimum required software as specified in the delivery list (operating system, system swap space,
on-line system documentation, linker, drivers, X windows, etc.).
1. disk storage expandable to at least 200 GBytes
c. at least 16 million simultaneously displayable colors and a monitor with a minimum of 1280x1024
1. Sybase
2. Oracle
b. The minimum SPECrate values for the class a computer system is:
1. 250 SPEC CINT95rate
2. 360 SPEC CFP95rate
c. The minimum NASA I/O value for the class a computer system is 100 mallards
b. The minimum Spec values for the class b computer system is:
1. 16 SPEC CINT95
2. 22 SPEC CFP95
c. The minimum NASA I/O value for the class b computer system is 100 mallards
IDL runtime CINT95 CFP95 mallards
Subclass(a) 1000 sec 250 (Rate) 360 (Rate) 100
Subclass(b) 11000 sec 16 22 100
Mem. Mem. Disk Disk CPUs
Expand Expand
Subclass(a) 1 GB 4 GB 18GB 2 TB 2
Subclass(b) 512 MB 2 GB 18GB 200 GB 1
4.9.1. Purpose
The purpose of this section is to define the specific requirements for the Space Science
Computer Systems as described in Section 2. The following hardware and software
specifications are required of these Class 9 computer systems over and above, or in
place of the core specifications defined in Section 3.
d. [Core Specification replaced by]: A FORTRAN 90 compiler, ANSI compliant [ANSI X3.
198-1992]. The FORTRAN compiler shall include:
1. run time libraries.
2. a FORTRAN source language compatible symbolic debugger with capability to read core dumps.
Shall display source code, program variables (including register contents), debugger commands,
and debugger output.
3. an optional 1 user license
4. an optional 10 user license
b. hard disk storage with a minimum of 20 GByte of available user space remaining after installation of
all minimum required software as specified in the delivery list (operating system, system swap space,
on-line system documentation, linker, drivers, X windows, etc.).
1. disk storage expandable to at least 1 Tbytes
1. stereo-ready
2. minimum of 1900x1200 resolution
3. at least 16 million simultaneously displayable colors
e. 2 CPUs
1. minimum of 1 Gflops per CPU
f. Approach for larger, efficient storage; improved graphics performance; parallelizing compiler,
including the use of distributed memory and remote CPUs; desktop 100GB backup device (advanced
The Class 9/a computer system shall support the following minimum capabilities, unless
noted as a desirable:
g. DVD drives (desirable)
h. 4mm DAT, 8mm, or DLT jukeboxes or other suitable large-volume backup devices
b. hard disk storage with a minimum of 5 GByte of available user space remaining after installation of all
minimum required software as specified in the delivery list (operating system, system swap space, on-
line system documentation, linker, drivers, X windows, etc.).
1. disk storage expandable to at least 20 GBytes
b. The minimum SPECrate values for the class a computer system is:
c. The minimum NASA I/O value for the class a computer system is 100 mallards
b. The minimum Spec values for the class b computer system is:
1. 15 SPEC CINT95
2. 20 SPEC CFP95
c. The minimum NASA I/O value for the class b computer system is 100 mallards
Space Science CINT95 CFP95 mallards
Subclass(a) 43 minutes 250 (Rate) 360 (Rate) 100
Subclass(b) 53 minutes 15 20 100
Mem. Mem. Disk Disk CPUs
Expand Expand
Subclass(a) 2 GB 8 GB 20 GB 1 TB 2
Subclass(b) 128 MB 1 GB 5 GB 20 GB 1
5(a) 1 GB 4GB 9 GB 64 GB 3 1 4
5(b) 512 MB 2 GB 9 GB 32GB 2 1 2
8(a) 1 GB 4 GB 18GB 2 TB - 2
8(b) 512 MB 2 GB 18GB 200 GB - 1
9(a) 2 GB 8 GB 20 GB 1 TB - 2
9(b) 128 MB 1 GB 5 GB 20 GB - 1
5.1. X Terminals
X Terminals are graphical devices attached directly to the network and operate as X
Servers to X Clients operating on conventional computer systems. Two X Terminal
configurations shall be offered. Each shall support the Core X Terminal requirement as
well as requirements unique to each X Terminal configuration.
c. a graphics controller capable of at least 256 colors simultaneously displayable from a palette of at least
16 million available colors.
d. X Window Server software (X-11R6 or greater)
e. a serial interface as described in Section 3.2.3.b.
f. an Ethernet network interface as specified in Section 3.4.2.a. and a sufficient set of Internet Protocols
(IP) (as specified in Section 3.4.4) as required to support X Window Server software services and
connectivity to X Clients on the network.
g. A parallel interface
h. a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) agent [RFC 1157; RFC 1213] for remote monitoring
i. Energy Star compliant
j. both a ROM based and host based boot
k. X11 security/authority support (desirable)
l. SLIP support (desirable)
m. Support for the following server extensions:
1. PHIGS Extensions to X (PEX) (desirable)
2. Distributed/Open Graphics Library, DGL/OpenGL (desirable)
d. 24-bit graphics with simultaneous display of at least 4096 (out of a palette of 16.7 million colors) for
True Color support (this may be offered in place of the core graphics controller in Section 5.1.1.d.).
5.2. Printers
Three printers shall be offered. Capabilities shall be as specified in the following
sections. Each printer shall meet the Core Printer Specification and the unique
requirements in the printer specific section.
e. non-proprietary utilities.
f. Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) agent [RFC 1157; RFC 1213] for remote monitoring.
g. Energy Star compliance.
h. PCL5 and PCL6 emulation
The Monochrome Laser Printer shall also meet the following performance benchmark:
i. a PPST Index Result of at least 25 on the NASA supplied PostScript benchmark (Benchmark 3,
PostScript Performance Speed Test—PPST)
The High Speed Monochrome Laser Printer must also provide multifunctional capability:
i. Digital devices that allow work group environments to utilize a single device to copy, print, fax, scan,
and distribute.
The High Speed Laser Printer shall also meet the following performance benchmark:
j. a PPST Index Result of at least 42 on the NASA supplied PostScript benchmark (Benchmark 3,
PostScript Performance Speed Test—PPST)
h. a duty cycle of 25,000 color pages and 100,000 B/W pages per month.
i. at least 300 Adobe (or equivalent) Type-1 fonts.
j. auto-duplex capabilities
k. optional “B” size (11” x 17”) paper (desirable)
The Color Postscript Printer shall also meet the following performance benchmark:
l. a PPST Index Result of at least 36 on the NASA supplied PostScript benchmark (Benchmark 3,
PostScript Performance Speed Test—PPST)
5.3. Plotters
Two large-format plotters shall be offered. Capabilities shall be as specified in the
following sections. Each plotter shall meet the Core plotter specifications and the plotter
unique requirements in the plotter specific sections.
In addition to the Core Plotter Specifications, the Monochrome Large-Format Plotter shall
e. commonly available plain paper roll and sheet media
d. in draft mode the printer should have the ability to run at better than 100 square feet per hour
e. in enhanced quality mode, the printer should have the ability to run at least 40 square feet per hour
f. Minimum of 4 colors and an industry acceptable color management approach to addressing color
In addition to the Core Plotter Specifications, the Color Large-Format Plotter shall
k. both sheet and roll media
5.4. Scanners
Three scanners shall be offered. Capabilities shall be as specified in the following
sections. Each scanner shall meet the Core scanner specifications and the scanner
unique requirements in the scanner specific sections.
e. monochrome
1. color (desirable)
b. POSIX [IEEE POSIX 1003.1-1990]; compliant. The Government will accept the vendor’s self
certification for POSIX compliance
c. re-chargeable batteries that can sustain continuous operation (e.g., communications, word processing,
etc.) for a minimum of one hour wall clock time.
1. 120v recharger for office use
k. at least 256 colors simultaneously displayable from a palette of at least 16 million available colors.
n. compliance with all FCC regulations and FAA regulations regarding in-flight use onboard commercial
At least two versions of the Personal Digital Assistants (PDA) must be provided:
j. monochrome.
k. multi-color display
5.7.1 Trackballs
Three button, precise cursor control device will include:
a. Elevated hand support for maximum stress reduction
b. Programmable feature for left or right hand users
c. Windows 95 (or higher) and MAC versions
d. FCC Class B Certified
e. Serial and PS/2 port options
f. Stationary models meeting above requirements (desirable)
5.7.4. Speakers
High quality multi-media stereo speakers to include:
a. Speaker controls to include volume and sound quality
b. Hard wire technology only
c. Mute button
d. Minimum of 2.5W
e. Headphone output option
5.9. Documentation
The contractor shall provide in the Available Components list complete sets of operator,
programmer, software system, utility, installation, user manuals and other necessary
documentation for all hardware and software delivered under this contract in accordance
with the contractor’s product line documentation standards. If the contractor’s software
and/or hardware documentation is written other than described below, an alternative set
of manuals shall be provided. The manuals shall include, but not be limited to, the
documentation described in the following paragraphs.
c. Hardware Engineer
1. Provides functional and empirical analysis related to the design, development, and implementation
of hardware for products including, but not limited to, the circuit design of components,
development of structure specifications of a personal computer, and the design of a computer
display unit. Participates in the development of test strategies, devices, and systems. Possesses
and applies a comprehensive knowledge of a particular field of specialization to the completion of
significant assignments. Plans and conducts assignments, generally involving the larger and more
important projects or more than one project. Evaluates progress and results and recommends
major changes in procedures. May lead or direct projects.
2. Educational Requirements: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university in
computer science, mathematics, or engineering or a mathematics-intensive discipline, or an
applicable training certificate from an accredited institution.
3. Experience Requirements: Ten years of intensive and progressive experience in a computer related
field including development and design of complex hardware and communications systems.
b. All FDDI equipment shall include the following requirements for multimode PMD FDDI interfaces:
1. Medium Interface Connector (MIC) shall be the Fixed Shroud Duplex (FSD) connector with
appropriate keys or SC terminator.
2. Network interfaces shall be offered either as FDDI Single Attachment Station (SAS) cabling, or
Dual Attachment Station (DAS) cabling, selectable by the Government for each interface at time
of purchase. The requirement may be met with a DAS that can be configured as SAS.
a. Network interfaces shall be offered with separate SAS and DAS interfaces (desirable)
3. All Dual Attachment Stations (DAS) interfaces shall provide dual home cleave B attachment to
the network.
4. All DAS interfaces shall include an electrical interface for station (optical) bypass (OBR)
c. All FDDI equipment shall provide the capability for TPPMD SAS interfaces.
d. All FDDI interfaces shall provide visual indicators which display the following status:
1. power - displays whether or not the line power is supplied to the interface.
2. operational - displays whether or not the interface is fully functional, including the readiness
of each and all ports.
3. Station Configuration - displays the connection state of each M port, where applicable and the
following conditions:
a. whether or not the interface is operational but not connected
b. if the interface is connected. For a DAS interface, display whether both fiber paths are
connected or only one is connected
c. presence of an error condition
4. Signal Detect - displays whether or not the port is detecting a light signal, including a high
error signal.
6.1.4. Documentation
The contractor shall provide in the Available Components list complete sets of operator,
programmer, software system, utility, installation, user manuals and other necessary
documentation for all hardware and software delivered under this contract in accordance
with the contractor’s product line documentation standards. If the contractor’s software
and/or hardware documentation is written other than described below, an alternative set
of manuals shall be provided. The manuals shall include, but not be limited to, the
documentation described in the following paragraphs. Hardware Documentation
The hardware documentation shall include, as appropriate:
a. System hardware manuals describing system architecture (including but not limited to slot usage,
maximum number of ports, etc.), CPU, memory, and peripheral devices.
b. Interface manuals detailing all electrical and mechanical aspects of system and network interface
6.1.6. Bridging
Bridging is required in all hubs and routers and all bridging shall provide the capability
a. disabling of any Spanning Tree Algorithm [ISO 8802/1; IEEE 802.1] incorporated within the bridge.
b. Protocol filtering which is based upon user defined filtering masks.
c. interface line speed filtering and 80% of interface line speed forwarding, with minimum data packet
sizes applicable to the interface type.
6.2.1. Configuration
a. FDDI Concentrators shall be configurable with at least 8 SAS ports and 1 DAS port:
1. The SAS ports’ PMDs shall be configurable by at least 8 at a time and different for the DAS port
2. SC based mini, duplex MICs are an option for the multimode PMDs
3. 8 DAS ports (desirable)
b. FDDI Concentrators shall include the latest release of the IETF FDDI MIB RFC.
b. The Concentrators shall provide an SNMP interface that receives and executes commands to report the
status of any Slave station, add and remove any connected Slave station.
c. The SNMP interface shall also receive and execute commands to verify and modify any of the FDDI
operational configuration parameters.
c. all Ethernet uplink ports and uplink port modules shall be capable of supporting trunking (Spanning
Tree disabling and aggregate bandwidth utilization over multiple physical uplink ports).
a. SUN
b. SGI
c. Compaq Alpha Servers
d. HP
e. IBM
Network interface cards shall be provided which work on the following bus architectures :
f. ISA and PCI bus architecture PCs
g. bus architectures for Macintosh models earlier than Power Macintosh G3 (i.e., Macintosh SE, NUBUS,
etc.) (desirable)
In addition to the Ethernet requirement (Section, each Network Router shall
support connectivity with the following:
a. 10/100BaseT Autosensing
b. 100BaseFX
c. Gigabit Ethernet
c. OC12 NIs
d. Non-ATM interfaces such as Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, and Ethernet (desirable)
c. OC12 NIs
d. Non-ATM interfaces such as Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, and Ethernet (desirable)
e. OC-24
c. OC12 NIs
d. Non-ATM interfaces such as Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, and Ethernet (desirable)
e. OC-192 (desirable)
f. [network core specification is not required for the Large Capacity ATM Switch]
d. support for as few as four ports for small group applications utilizing high bandwidth or hundreds or
thousands of ports for a small- to medium-sized PBX type of application
i. Upload recorded signaling to a PC via serial interface for further analysis using supplied software
j. Place calls to an external number (specified by the user) in, at a minimum, each of these modes:
uncompressed speech, 64K data, and 56 restricted data.
k. Perform Bit Error Rate Testing of supported ISDN circuits (BRI or PRI) during a call.
entry; systems resources denial; system information corruption; unlawful use of system resources;
vulnerability to electronic disruption.
2. Educational Requirements: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university in
electrical, electronic or computer engineering, computer science, or a related field.
3. Experience Requirements: This position requires a minimum of seven years of substantial
experience in system security analysis and implementation; design assurance or testing for
information assurance products and systems; integration or testing for information assurance
products and systems. Experience in heterogeneous computer networking technology and work in
protocol and/or interface standards specification is recommended.
c. Network Engineer
1. Tests and analyzes all elements of the network facilities including power, software,
communications devices, lines, modems and terminals and for the overall integration of the
enterprise network. Responsible for the planning, design, installation, maintenance, management
and coordination of the network. Monitors and controls the performance and status of the network
resources. Utilizes software and hardware tools, identifies and diagnoses complex problems and
factors affecting network performance. Maintains technical currency and studies vendor products
to determine those which best meet client needs. Provides guidance and direction for less
experienced network support technicians
2. Educational Requirements: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university in
computer science, information systems, engineering or a mathematics-intensive discipline or an
applicable technical training certificate from an accredited training institution.
3. Experience Requirements: Seven years of increasingly complex and progressive experience in
computer system/network engineering. Includes two years of specialized experience related to the
The following licensing options must be provided for all anti-virus software solutions:
d. single licenses,
e. 10 license packages,
f. 100 license packages,
At least 1 solution must be provided for each of the following UNIX OS’s:
g. SUN
h. SGI
i. HP
j. IBM
n. Macintosh OS
At least 1 solution must be provided for each of the following UNIX OS’s:
g. SUN
h. SGI
i. HP
j. IBM
At least 1 solution must be provided for each of the following UNIX OS’s:
g. SUN
h. SGI
i. HP
j. IBM
At least 1 solution must be provided for each of the following UNIX OS’s:
h. SUN
i. SGI
j. HP
k. IBM
6. Windows 95/98
7. Windows NT/2000
8. Macintosh OS
At least 1 solution must be provided for each of the following UNIX OS’s:
f. SUN
g. SGI
h. HP
i. IBM
At least 1 solution must be provided for each of the following UNIX OS’s:
e. SUN
f. SGI
g. HP
h. IBM
At least 1 solution must be provided for each of the following UNIX OS’s:
g. SUN
h. SGI
i. HP
j. IBM
At least 1 solution must be provided for each of the following UNIX OS’s:
f. SUN
g. SGI
h. HP
i. IBM
j. COMPAQ Alpha,
7. Windows NT/2000
8. Macintosh OS
development and implementation of doctrine and policies. Provides leadership and guidance in
the development, design and application of solutions implemented by more junior staff members.
May have management responsibilities when assigned. Coordinates with senior representatives
within the customer organizations to address program goals, milestones, resources and risks.
Applies expertise to government and commercial common user systems, as well as to dedicated
special purpose systems requiring specialized security features and procedures. Examples could
include classified intelligence and command and control-related networks.
2. Educational Requirements: Master’s degree from an accredited college or university in Computer
Science, Information Systems, Engineering, Business, or other related scientific or technical
disciplines. Requires an expert understanding of security policy advocated by the U.S.
3. Experience Requirements: This position requires 10 years of substantial experience in
development and implementation of information assurance technology programs and policy.
workstations, and personal computers. Designs, develops, engineers, and implements solutions
that meet security requirements. Responsible for integration and implementation of the computer
system security solution. Gathers and organizes technical information about an organization’s
mission goals and needs, existing security products, and ongoing programs in computer security.
Performs risk analyses of computer systems and applications during all phases of the system
development life cycle. Applies principles, methods, and knowledge of security to specific areas
task order requirements. Test developed systems at each point of entry for ease of unregulated
entry; systems resources denial; system information corruption; unlawful use of system resources;
vulnerability to electronic disruption.
2. Educational Requirements: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university in
electrical, electronic or computer engineering, computer science, or a related field.
3. Experience Requirements: This position requires a minimum of seven years of substantial
experience in system security analysis and implementation; design assurance or testing for
information assurance products and systems; integration or testing for information assurance
products and systems. Experience in heterogeneous computer networking technology and work in
protocol and/or interface standards specification is recommended..
j. Storage Technology that addresses virtual tape, solid state, electronic DASD, and sharing of disk
storage between mainframe and UNIX computer systems (advanced technology)
c. Read/Write CD drive.
e. desktop library systems which handle the following media and capacity:
1. 8-mm: 1 TB uncompressed;
2. CD-ROM: 6GB uncompressed;
3. DLT: 240GB uncompressed;
f. Small robotic devices which handle the following media and capacity (uncompressed values):
1. magneto-optical: at least 1 TB, expandable to 10 TB
2. IBM 3590/3590E: at least 200 GB, expandable to 400 GB
3. DLT: at least 1 TB, expandable to 4.5TB
4. LTO Ultrium: at least 700 GB, expandable to 7 TB
5. CD-ROM: at least 30 GB, expandable to .1 TB
6. STK 9840: at least 3 TB, expandable to 20 TB
g. Large robotic devices which handle the following media and capacity (uncompressed values):
1. magneto-optical: at least 10 TB, expandable to 100 TB
2. IBM 3590/3590E: at least 150 TB, expandable to 2 PB
3. DLT: at least 120 TB, expandable to 1.5 PB
4. LTO Ultrium: at least 14 TB, expandable to 600 TB
5. CD-ROM: at least .1 TB, expandable to .5 TB
6. STK 9840: at least 75 TB, expandable to 1 PB
i. Support for:
1. proposed jukebox / robotic devices on non-UNIX OS’s, particularly IBM OS-390 and Cray
OS (advanced technology)
2. hardware performance enhancements such as controller caching and in-line compression,
(advanced technology)
c. Other software in support of RAID and DASD technology; e.g. IXFP and SVAA along with tape
software such as ACSLS and STKNET (advanced technology)
b. Storage/Hardware Engineer
1. Tests and analyzes all elements of the storage facilities including power, software, mass storage
devices, communications devices, computer systems and terminals and for the overall integration
of the enterprise network. Responsible for the planning, design, installation, maintenance,
management and coordination of the storage systems. Monitors and controls the performance and
status of the storage resources. Utilizes software and hardware tools, identifies and diagnoses
complex problems and factors affecting storage performance. Maintains technical currency and
studies vendor products to determine those which best meet client needs. Provides guidance and
direction for less experienced storage support technicians.
2. Educational Requirements: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university in
computer science, information systems, engineering or a mathematics-intensive discipline or an
applicable technical training certificate from an accredited training institution.
3. Experience Requirements: Seven years of increasingly complex and progressive experience in
computer system/network engineering. Includes two years of specialized experience related to the
c. Technician
1. Provides high level functional and IT analysis, design, development, integration, documentation,
and implementation assistance on problems which require a thorough knowledge of the related
technical subject matter for effective system deployment. Participates in all phases of systems
development. Applies principles and methods of the functional area to difficult problems in
technical areas to arrive at automated solutions. Designs and prepares technical reports and
related documentation, and makes charts and graphs to record results. Prepares and delivers
presentations and briefings as required by the task order.
2. Educational Requirements: High school graduate or equivalent.
3. Experience Requirements: Ten years of intensive and progressive experience in functional or IT
analysis/programming of subject matter closely related to the work to be automated.
g. Digital Betacam
h. Audio Acquisition
1. Production Console 24 Fader Digital Console complete with
a. 24 - Mic preamps with selectable phantom power
b. 30- AES/EBU inputs, for inserts, recorders, etc. (64 single channels)
c. 16- AES/EBU inputs with “SFC” (32 single channels)
d. 12- Analog Stereo line I/O’s for inserts, etc.
e. 8- Analog mono Masters outputs
f. 4- AES/EBU Master outputs
g. 4- AES/EBU Subgroups outputs
h. 4- Analog Aux Sends
b. Telecine
c. HD/SD Converters
1. HDTV Up converter
2. HDTV Down-Converter
d. Format Converters
1. Frame w/ Redundant Power Supply
2. 422 to NTSC/PAL encoder
3. NTSC to Serial Digital Converter
e. HD Non-Linear Editor
f. HD Waveform/Videoscope
1. NTSC Waveform Monitor/Vectorscope
2. Serial Component Measurement Monitor
3. HDSI Component Measurement Monitor
g. Graphics Generator
1. HD Character Generator and Still Store
l. Audio Limiter
m. Audio Equalizer
n. Teleprompter
o. Sync System
1. Redundant Power Supply
2. Clock Auto Change
3. Master Clock System Driver
4. Computer Interface
5. Modem Board
6. GPS Receiver and Antenna
7. Time Code Converter
8. HDTV Sync Generator
9. Change Over Unit
10. AES Reference Generator
p. Distribution Amplifiers
1. Mono Power Distribution Amplifier
2. AES/EBU Distribution Amplifier Dual
3. Analog Video Distribution Amplifier
4. Digital Video Re-clocking Distribution Amplifier
5. Serial Digital Video Monitoring Distribution Amplifier
6. Analog Audio Stereo Distribution Amplifier
7. HD/SDI Distribution Amplifier
q. Intercom
1. Main Frame
2. Interface Frame
3. IFB Modules
4. Redundant Power Supply 2 Channel IC Combiner
b. NTSC Encoder
b. HDTV Demodulator
c. ATSC Analyzer
d. HD Monitors
1. 10” Dual B&W Monitor
2. 15” Color Monitor
3. 20” Color Monitor
4. 30” Color Monitor w/ Remote Control
c. Six degree of freedom tracking mechanism (at least 30Hz update rate)
e. Haptic devices
1. Tactile gloves
2. Tactile pads
3. Force feedback wand
10. References
ANSI X3.64-1979/R1990 Keyboard encoding standard
ANSI X3.T9/88 Version 7.1 or newer draft of the High Performance Parallel Interface (HiPPI)
ANSI X3.91M-1987 [R1997] SMD
ANSI X3T9.5 Fiber Data Distribution Interconnect (FDDI) Committee
ANSI X3.139-1987 FDDI Media Access Control (MAC)
ANSI X3.148-1988 FDDI Physical Layer Protocol (PHY)
ANSI X3.253:1995 SCSI-3 Parallel Interface (SPI)
ANSI/ISO 14882:1998 Programming Language C++
ANSI/ISO 9899-1990 C Language Standard
ANSI X3T9.5/84-49; ISO/IEC 9314-6:1998
Station Management (SMT)
ANSI X3.166-1990 FDDI Physical Layer Medium Dependent (PMD)
ANSI X3.9-1978/R 1989 FORTRAN 77 Standard
ANSI X3.198:1992 [R1997] Programming Language Fortran 90
ANSI T1.606 Frame Relay Protocols with LMI Extensions
EIA RS-232-C Interface between Data Terminal Equipment and Data Communication
Employing Binary Data Interchange.
Internets: MIB II
RFC 1406 Definitions of Managed Objects for the DS1 and E1 Interface Types.
RFC 1238 Connectionless Network Protocol MIB
RFC 1239 Reassignment of experimental MIB’s to standard MIB’s
RFC 1742 AppleTalk Management Information Base II.
RFC 1850 OSPF Version 2 Management Information Base
RFC 1323 TCP extensions for high performance \
RFC 1332 Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) Initial Configuration Options
RFC 2046 Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Two: Media Types
RFC 1661/1662 PPP
RFC 2153 PPP Vendor Extensions
RFC 1771-1774 Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) (Status: DRAFT STANDARD)
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