System Design Specification Appendix E: INTEGRATED WARFARE SYSTEMS, Combat Systems, Weapon Systems
System Design Specification Appendix E: INTEGRATED WARFARE SYSTEMS, Combat Systems, Weapon Systems
System Design Specification Appendix E: INTEGRATED WARFARE SYSTEMS, Combat Systems, Weapon Systems
System Design Specification Guidebook Appendix E – Integrated Warfare, Combat, Weapon Systems
1. Scope
1.1. Introduction
2. Operational Requirements
2.1. Missions
2.2. Threat
2.3. Environment
2.4. Requirements
2.4.1. Performance Requirements Derivation of Performance Requirements from Concept of Operations (CONOPS)
and Capabilities Development Document (CDD) KPPs KSAs Additional / Derived Attributes
2.4.2. Capabilities Derivation of Functional Requirements from Concept of Operations (CONOPS)
and Capabilities Development Document (CDD) KPPs KSAs Additional / Derived Attributes
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3. List of Reference Documents – provide an itemized list of specifications developed during Systems
Engineering. List them in order as they are cited. A specification tree should be included.
3.1. System Requirements Document (SRD) - The Functional Baseline is documented in the SRD.
The System/Subsystem Specification specifies the requirements for a system or subsystem and
the methods to be used to ensure that each requirement has been met. Requirements pertaining
to the system or subsystem's external interfaces may be presented in the SRD or in one or more
Interface Requirements Specifications (IRSs) All functional requirements shall be traceable to
higher-level capabilities and shall be verifiable by a specific test method. All elements of the
SRD will be reviewed at the System Requirements Review (SRR) and the follow-on System
Functional Review (SFR). A template for the Systems Requirements Documents can be found
in the System/Subsystem Specification (DI-IPSC-81431A)1.
3.2. System/Subsystem Design Document (SSDD) - The SSDDs (DI-IPSC-81432) can be used as a
guide to SSDD development. Requirements pertaining to the system or subsystem's external
interfaces may be presented in the SSDD or in one or more IRSs referenced from the SSDD.
The SSDD, possibly supplemented by IRS and Interface Design Document (IDD) is used as
the basis for design and qualification testing of a system or subsystem.
3.3. Element Requirement Specifications – Uses the same System/Subsystem Specification (DI-
IPSC-81431A) as the System Requirements Document but provides a lower level of
requirements detail.
3.4. Interface Requirements Specifications (IRS) - The IRS (DI-IPSC-81434) specifies the
requirements imposed on one or more systems, subsystems, hardware configuration items,
(HWCIs), computer software configuration items, (CSCIs), manual operations, or other system
components to achieve one or more interfaces among these entities. An IRS can cover any
number of interfaces. The IRS can be used to supplement the SSDD and SRS as the basis for
design and qualification testing of systems and CSCI.
3.5. Interface Design Document (IDD) - The IDD (DI-IPSC-81436) describes the interface
characteristics of one or more systems, subsystems, HWCIs, CSCIs, manual operations, or
other system components. An IDD may also describe any number of interfaces. The IDD can
be used to supplement the System/Subsystem Design Description (SSDD) (DI-IPSC-81432) or
Software Design Description (SDD) (DI-IPSC-81435). The IDD and its companion IRS serve
to communicate and control interface design decisions.
3.6. Software Requirements Specifications (SRS) – The SRS (DI-IPSC-81433) specifies the
requirements for a Computer Software CSCI and the methods to be used to ensure that each
Military standard data item descriptions are publicly available at through the Defense
Standardization Program.
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4.2. Statutory and Regulatory Requirements – This paragraph should address the satisfaction of
statutory and regulatory requirements specified in DoDI 5000.2 enclosure 3 (see attachment 1).
5. Weapon System Requirements - This section shall be divided into the following paragraphs to
specify the system requirements, that is, those characteristics of the system that are conditions for its
acceptance. Each requirement shall be assigned a project-unique identifier to support testing and
traceability and shall be stated in such a way that an objective test can be defined for it. Each
requirement shall be annotated with associated qualification method(s) (see section 7) and, for
subsystems, traceability to system requirements (see section 6.7), if not provided in those sections.
The degree of detail to be provided shall be guided by the following rule: Include those
characteristics of the system that are conditions for system acceptance; defer to design descriptions
those characteristics that the acquirer is willing to leave up to the developer. If there are no
requirements in a given paragraph, the paragraph shall so state. If a given requirement fits into more
than one paragraph, it may be stated once and referenced from the other paragraphs.
5.1. Required states and modes - If the system is required to operate in more than one state or mode
having requirements distinct from other states or modes, this paragraph shall identify and
define each state and mode. Examples of states and modes include: idle, ready, active, post-use
analysis, training, degraded, emergency, back-up, wartime, peacetime. The distinction between
states and modes is arbitrary. A system may be described in terms of states only, modes only,
states within modes, modes within states, or any other scheme that is useful. If no states or
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5.2. System capability requirements - This paragraph shall be divided into subparagraphs to itemize
the requirements associated with each capability of the system. A "capability" is defined as a
group of related requirements. The word "capability" may be replaced with "function,"
"subject," "object," or other term useful for presenting the requirements.
5.2.1. Air Warfare – This section should include hard-kill and soft -kill performance
requirements against Anti-Ship Cruise Missile Threats, Manned and Unmanned Aircraft,
Land Attack Cruise Missiles and High Divers in various environmental and jamming
conditions. The requirements should include planning, sensing, control and engagement
capabilities. The performance requirements should cover detection ranges, number and
types of tracks, reaction time, coverage, firepower, simultaneous engagements, probability
of kill, system availability etc.
5.2.2. Ballistic Missile Defense - This section should include hard-kill and soft-kill
performance requirements against Short Range Ballistic Missile, Medium Range Ballistic
Missiles, Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles and Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles in
various environmental and jamming conditions. The requirements should include
planning, sensing, control and engagement capabilities. The performance requirements
should cover detection ranges, number and types of tracks, reaction time, coverage,
firepower, simultaneous engagements, probability of kill, system availability etc.
5.2.3. Surface Warfare - This section should include hard-kill and soft-kill performance
requirements against Small Boats (manned and unmanned), patrol boats and Naval Ships
in various environmental and jamming conditions. The requirements should include
planning, sensing, control and engagement capabilities. The performance requirements
should cover detection ranges, number and types of tracks, reaction time, coverage,
firepower, simultaneous engagements, probability of kill, system availability etc.
5.2.4. Undersea Warfare - This section should include hard-kill and soft-kill performance
requirements against submarines, unmanned underwater vehicles, and mines in various
environmental and jamming conditions. The requirements should include planning,
sensing, control and engagement capabilities. The performance requirements should
cover detection ranges, number and types of tracks, reaction time, coverage, firepower,
simultaneous engagements, probability of kill, system availability etc.
5.2.5. Strike Warfare - This section should include hard-kill and soft-kill performance
requirements against Land Based targets (mobile and fixed) in various environmental and
jamming conditions. The requirements should include planning, sensing, control and
engagement capabilities. The performance requirements should cover detection ranges,
number and types of tracks, reaction time, coverage, firepower, simultaneous
engagements, probability of kill, system availability etc.
5.2.6. Naval Surface Fire Support - This section should include gun and missile performance
requirements against land targets (mobile and fixed) in support of USMC call for fire in
various environmental and jamming conditions. The requirements should include
planning, sensing, control and engagement capabilities. The performance requirements
should cover detection ranges, number and types of tracks, reaction time, coverage,
firepower, simultaneous engagements, probability of kill, system availability etc.
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5.3. System external interface requirements - This paragraph shall be divided into subparagraphs to
specify the requirements, if any, for the system’s external interfaces. This paragraph may
reference one or more Interface Requirements Specifications (IRSs) or other documents
containing these requirements.
5.3.1. Interface identification and diagrams. This paragraph shall identify the required external
interfaces of the system. The identification of each interface shall include a project-unique
identifier and shall designate the interfacing entities (systems, configuration items, users,
etc.) by name, number, version, and documentation references, as applicable. The
identification shall state which entities have fixed interface characteristics (and therefore
impose interface requirements on interfacing entities) and which are being developed or
modified (thus having interface requirements imposed on them). One or more interface
diagrams shall be provided to depict the interfaces.
5.3.2. (Project-unique identifier of interface). This paragraph (beginning with 5.3.2) shall
identify a system external interface by project-unique identifier, shall briefly identify the
interfacing entities, and shall be divided into subparagraphs as needed to state the
requirements imposed on the system to achieve the interface. Interface characteristics of
the other entities involved in the interface shall be stated as assumptions or as "When [the
entity not covered] does this, the system shall...," not as requirements on the other entities.
This paragraph may reference other documents (such as data dictionaries, standards for
communication protocols, and standards for user interfaces) in place of stating the
information here. The requirements shall include the following, as applicable, presented in
any order suited to the requirements, and shall note any differences in these characteristics
from the point of view of the interfacing entities (such as different expectations about the
size, frequency, or other characteristics of data elements).
5.4. System internal interface requirements. This paragraph shall specify the requirements, if any,
imposed on interfaces internal to the system. If all internal interfaces are left to the design or to
requirement specifications for system components, this fact shall be so stated. If such
requirements are to be imposed, paragraph 5.3 provides a list of topics to be considered.
5.5. System internal data requirements. This paragraph shall specify the requirements, if any,
imposed on data internal to the system. Included shall be requirements, if any, on databases and
data files to be included in the system.
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5.7. Safety requirements. This paragraph shall specify the system requirements, if any, concerned
with preventing or minimizing unintended hazards to personnel, property, and the physical
environment. Examples include restricting the use of dangerous materials; classifying
explosives for purposes of shipping, handling, and storing; abort/escape provisions from
enclosures; gas detection and warning devices; grounding of electrical systems;
decontamination; and explosion proofing. This paragraph shall include the system
requirements, if any, for nuclear components, including, as applicable, requirements for
component design, prevention of inadvertent detonation, and compliance with nuclear safety
5.8. Security and privacy requirements. This paragraph shall specify the system requirements, if
any, concerned with maintaining security and privacy. The requirements shall include, as
applicable, the security/privacy environment in which the system must operate, the type and
degree of security or privacy to be provided, the security/privacy risks the system must
withstand, required safeguards to reduce those risks, the security/privacy policy that must be
met, the security/privacy accountability the system must provide, and the criteria that must be
met for security/privacy certification/accreditation.
5.9. System environment requirements. This paragraph shall specify the requirements, if any,
regarding the environment in which the system must operate. Examples for a software system
are the computer hardware and operating system on which the software must run. (Additional
requirements concerning computer resources are given in the next paragraph). Examples for a
hardware-software system include the environmental conditions that the system must withstand
during transportation, storage, and operation, such as conditions in the natural environment
(wind, rain, temperature, geographic location), the induced environment (motion, shock, noise,
electromagnetic radiation), and environments due to enemy action (explosions, radiation).
5.10. Computer resource requirements. This paragraph shall be divided into the following
subparagraphs. Depending upon the nature of the system, the computer resources covered in
these subparagraphs may constitute the environment of the system (as for a software system) or
components of the system (as for a hardware-software system).
5.10.1. Computer hardware requirements. This paragraph shall specify the requirements, if any,
regarding computer hardware that must be used by, or incorporated into, the system. The
requirements shall include, as applicable, number of each type of equipment, type, size,
capacity, and other required characteristics of processors, memory, input/output devices,
auxiliary storage, communications/network equipment, and other required equipment.
5.10.2. Computer hardware resource utilization requirements. This paragraph shall specify the
requirements, if any, on the system’s computer hardware resource utilization, such as
maximum allowable use of processor capacity, memory capacity, input/output device
capacity, auxiliary storage device capacity, and communications/network equipment
capacity. The requirements (stated, for example, as percentages of the capacity of each
computer hardware resource) shall include the conditions, if any, under which the resource
utilization is to be measured.
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5.10.3. Computer software requirements. This paragraph shall specify the requirements, if any,
regarding computer software that must be used by, or incorporated into, the system.
Examples include operating systems, database management systems,
communications/network software, utility software, input and equipment simulators, test
software, and manufacturing software. The correct nomenclature, version, and
documentation references of each such software item shall be provided.
5.10.4. Computer communications requirements. This paragraph shall specify the additional
requirements, if any, concerning the computer communications that must be used by, or
incorporated into, the system. Examples include geographic locations to be linked;
configuration and network topology; transmission techniques; data transfer rates;
gateways; required system use times; type and volume of data to be transmitted/received;
time boundaries for transmission/reception/response; peak volumes of data; and diagnostic
5.11. System quality factors. This paragraph shall specify the requirements, if any, pertaining
to system quality factors. Examples include quantitative requirements concerning system
functionality (the ability to perform all required functions), reliability (the ability to perform
with correct, consistent results -- such as mean time between failure for equipment),
maintainability (the ability to be easily serviced, repaired, or corrected), availability (the ability
to be accessed and operated when needed), flexibility (the ability to be easily adapted to
changing requirements), portability of software (the ability to be easily modified for a new
environment), reusability (the ability to be used in multiple applications), testability (the ability
to be easily and thoroughly tested), usability (the ability to be easily learned and used), and
other attributes.
5.12. Design and construction constraints. This paragraph shall specify the requirements, if
any, that constrain the design and construction of the system. For hardware-software systems,
this paragraph shall include the physical requirements imposed on the system. These
requirements may be specified by reference to appropriate commercial or military standards
and specifications.
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5.13. Personnel-related requirements. This paragraph shall specify the system requirements, if
any, included to accommodate the number, skill levels, duty cycles, training needs, or other
information about the personnel who will use or support the system. Examples include
requirements for the number of work stations to be provided and for built-in help and training
features. Also included shall be the human factors engineering requirements, if any, imposed on
the system. These requirements shall include, as applicable, considerations for the capabilities
and limitations of humans, foreseeable human errors under both normal and extreme
conditions, and specific areas where the effects of human error would be particularly serious.
Examples include requirements for adjustable-height work stations, color and duration of error
messages, physical placement of critical indicators or buttons, and use of auditory signals.
5.14. Training-related requirements. This paragraph shall specify the system requirements, if
any, pertaining to training. Examples include training devices and training materials to be
included in the system.
5.15. Logistics-related requirements. This paragraph shall specify the system requirements, if
any, concerned with logistics considerations. These considerations may include: system
maintenance, software support, system transportation modes, supply-system requirements,
impact on existing facilities, and impact on existing equipment.
5.16. Demilitarization and Disposal. This paragraph shall specify how demilitarization will
be controlled and how disposal will be carried out to minimize the Navy’s liability due to
environmental, safety, security, and health issues.
5.17. Other requirements. This paragraph shall specify additional system requirements, if any,
not covered in the previous paragraphs. Examples include requirements for system
documentation, such as specifications, drawings, technical manuals, test plans and procedures,
and installation instruction data, if not covered in other contractual documents.
5.18. Packaging requirements. This section shall specify the requirements, if any, for
packaging, labeling, and handling the system and its components for delivery. Applicable
military specifications and standards may be referenced if appropriate.
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5.20. Certification requirements. This paragraph shall specify all certification requirements
and the applicable technical warrant holders. It should be noted if additional systems or
components require fabrication for delivery to test and the proposed timing of the certification
6. System Design
6.1. System Components – High-level diagram and description of the segments, elements, and
components of the warfare system. A diagram should be included.
Identify the component of the system (element hardware configuration items, software
configuration items, etc).
Show the static (such as “consists of”) relationship(s) of the components. Multiple relationships
may be presented (using multiple diagrams), depending on the selected design methodology.
State the purpose of each component and identify the system requirements and system-wide
design decisions allocated to it.
Identify each component’s develop status/type, if known (such as new development, existing
component to be reused as it, existing design or component to be reengineered, component to
be developed for reuse, component planned for Build N, etc.) For existing design components,
the description shall be provided identifying information, such as name, version, documentation
references, location, etc.
For each computer system or other aggregate of computer hardware resources identified for
use in the system, describe its computer hardware resources (such as processors, memory,
input/output devices, auxiliary storage, and communications/network equipment). Each
description shall, as applicable, identify the configuration items that will use the resource,
describe the allocation of the resource utilization to each configuration item (CSCI) that will use
the resource (for example, 20% of the resource’s capacity allocated to CSCI 1, 30% to CSCI
2), describe the conditions under which the utilization will be measured, and describe the
characteristics of the resource:
o Computer processors
o Memory
o Input/output devices
o Auxiliary storage
o Communications/network equipment
o Growth and diagnostics capabilities
Present a specification tree for the system/subsystem
A sample list of Segments/Elements/Components to consider is presented below
6.2.1. Processors
6.2.2. Networks
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6.7. Requirements traceability Matrix – Summary matrix of the traceability from each subsystem
(section 6) to the system requirements it addresses (section 5).
7. Qualification provisions. This section shall define a set of qualification methods and shall specify
for each requirement in Section 5 the method(s) to be used to ensure that the requirement has been
met. A table may be used to present this information, or each requirement in Section 5 may be
annotated with the method(s) to be used.
Demonstration: The operation of the system, or a part of the system, that relies on observable
functional operation not requiring the use of instrumentation, special test equipment, or
subsequent analysis.
Test: The operation of the system, or a part of the system, using instrumentation or other
special test equipment to collect data for later analysis.
Analysis: The processing of accumulated data obtained from other qualification methods.
Examples are reduction, interpolation, or extrapolation of test results.
Inspection: The visual examination of system components, documentation, etc.
Special qualification methods. Any special qualification methods for the system, such as
special tools, techniques, procedures, facilities, acceptance limits, use of standard samples,
preproduction or periodic production samples, pilot models, or pilot lots.
8. Producibility
8.1. Data Rights
8.2. Parts/Components Strategy
8.2.1. Commonality of parts / subsystems
8.2.2. Advanced Material Purchases
8.2.3. Unique and Long lead Resources (castings / materials / etc)
8.2.4. Standard index / Restrictions
8.2.5. Quantity Buy
8.2.6. Strategic Sourcing
8.2.7. Equipment Management
8.2.8. Commodity Management
8.2.9. In-Service Support
8.2.10. PBL / ISEA decisions
8.3. Product Data Environment
8.3.1. CAD
8.3.2. CAM
8.3.3. Data Management
8.3.4. Selected Record Drawing Index
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