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Profit & Loss Aptitude Questions

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The document content provides 15 multiple choice questions related to profit and loss calculations. Key concepts covered include profit/loss percentage, cost price, selling price, discounts and blending/mixing of goods.

13. A merchant blends two varieties of tea from two different tea gardens, one costing Rs.45 per kg and other Rs.60 per kg in the ratio of 7: 3 respectively. He sells the blended variety at Rs. 54.45 per kg. His profit percent is 10%.

15. A publisher sells books to retail dealer at Rs.5 a copy but allows 25 copies to count as 24. If the retailer sells each of the 25 copies at Rs.6, the profit percent made by him is 25%.

12.07.2011 PROFIT & LOSS WORKSHEET II 1. If C.P of 21 oranges is equal to S.

P of 18 oranges, then profit percent is (A) 16 2/3% (B) 20% (C) 25% (D) 14 2/3% 2. A man sold two horses for Rs.3000 each gaining 25% on the one and losing 25% on the other. His loss percent is (A) 6.25% (B) 5% (c) 10% (D) 8% 3. A man buys lemon at the rate of 9 for 80P and sells them at 11 for 120P. His gain per lemon is (A) 200/99 (B) 100/3 (C) 50/33 (D) 25/99 4. A man sells an article at 5% above its C.P. If he had bought it at 5% less than what he paid for it and sold it for Rs.2 less, he would have gained 10%. Find the C.P of the article. (A) 300 (B) 400 (C) 600 (D) 500 5. If a person makes a profit of 10% on one-fourth of the quantity sold and a loss of 20% on the rest, then what is his average percent profit or loss? (A) 12.5% Loss (B) 12.5% Gain (C) 10% Loss (D) 10% Gain 6. An article was sold at a profit of 10%. Had it been sold at a loss of 20% the S.P would have been Rs.90 less. Find the C.P of the article? (A) 500 (B) 200 (C) 300 (D) 100 7. A person sold his watch for Rs.75 and got a % profit equal to C.P. Find the C.P of the watch. (A) 40 (B) 50 (C) 80 (D) 20 8. A merchant sold two dresses for Rs.2400 each. He made a 25% profit on one and lost 20% on the other. What was his net gain or loss on the sale of two dresses? (A) 100 (B) 120 (C) 150 (D) 180 9. If goods be purchased for Rs.450 and one-third be sold at a loss of 10% at what gain % should the remainder be sold so as to gain 20% on the whole transaction? (A) 35% (B) 45% (C) 65% (D) 80% 10. A man loses Rs.20 by selling a toy at Rs.3 per piece and gains Rs.30 by selling the same piece at Rs.3.25 per piece. The no. of pieces sold by the man is? (A) 150 (B) 300 (C) 350 (D) 200 11. A sold an article to B at a gain of 15% B sold it to C at a gain of 20%. If C paid Rs.897/- then A would have paid. (A) 750 (B) 650 (C) 700 (D) 600 12. A man bought a horse and sold it at a gain of 10%. If he had bought the horse at 20% less and sold it for Rs.100 more, he would have a profit of 40%. The C.P of the horse is. (A) 5000 (B) 4500 (C) 4000 (D) 3000

13. A merchant blends two varieties of tea from two different tea gardens, one costing Rs.45 per kg and other Rs.60 per kg in the ratio of 7: 3 respectively. He sells the blended variety at Rs. 54.45 per kg. His profit percent is. (A) 20% (B) 10% (C) 30% (D) 40% 14. A shopkeeper professes to sell his articles on C.P but he uses false weight of 900gm for 1 kg. His gain percent is. (A) 11 1/9% (B) 11 2/9% (C) 15 1/9% (D) 13 2/9% 15. A publisher sells books to retail dealer at Rs.5 a copy but allows 25 copies to count as 24. If the retailer sells each of the 25 copies at Rs.6, the profit percent made by him is (A) 55% (B) 25% (C) 35% (D) 20% ASSIGNMENT SHEET II 16. A dishonest dealer professes to sell his goods at C.P but uses a weight of 960 gms for a kg weight. Find his gain % (A) 4 1/6 (B) 3 1/6 (C) 2 1/6 (D) 1 1/6 17. The price of a jewel passing through 3 hands rises on the whole by 65%. If the first and the 2nd sellers earned 20% & 25% profit respectively, find the % profit earned by the third seller. (A) 15 (B) 10% (C) 5% (D) 12% 18. A man bought a horse and a carriage for Rs.3000. He sold the horse at a gain of 20% and the carriage at a loss of 10% thereby gaining 2% on the whole. Find the cost of the horse. (A) 1600 (B) 1400 (C) 1200 (D) 1100 19. Find the single discount equivalent to a series discount 20%, 10% & 5%. (A) 31.6 (B) 23 (C) 20.5 (D) 48.1 20. A man sold two flats for Rs.6, 75, 555 each. On one he gains 16% while on the other he loses 16%. How much does he gain or lose in the whole transaction? (A) 2.56% Gain (B) 2.56% Loss (C) 3.6% Gain (D) 3.6% Loss 21. A trader allows a discount of 5% for cash payment. How much % above the C.P must he mark his goods to make a profit of 10%? (A) 12.8 (B) 10.5 (C) 15.7 (D) 115.7 22. A sells to B at a profit of 20% & B sells to C at a profit of 25%. If C pays Rs.225 for what did A pay for it? (A) 150 (B) 160 (C) 185 (D) 155 23. A shopkeeper earns a profit of 12% after selling a book at 10% discount on the selling price. The ratio of the cost price and printed price of the book is? (A) 50: 61 (B) 45: 56 (C) 56: 45 (D) 45: 67 24. An article is sold at a profit of 13% If both cost price and selling price are Rs.36 less, the profit would be 6% more, find the cost price. (A) Rs. 113 (B) Rs.114 (C) Rs. 123 (D) Rs. 212

25. Mahesh purchased a watch at a discount of 10% at marked price. He sold it for Rs.768 and earned profit of 20% on the marked price. At what price did the purchase he watch. (A) Rs.640 (B) Rs.576 (C) Data Inadequate (D) None of these

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