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B.E. Sem-I & II Remedial Examination Nov/ Dec. 2010

Subject code: 110005 Subject Name: Elements of Electrical Engineering

Date:02 /12/ 2010 Total Marks: 70 Time: 10.30 am 01.00 pm

1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Q.1 (a) Derive an expression for temperature coefficient at temperature t, t = 0 / (1+ 05 0.t). Where notations have usual meanings. (b) Find the resistance between terminals A and B as shown in figure 1. All values 05 are in ohms.
R5= 7 R2= 21 R8= 18

R3= 21

R4= 21

R1= 5

R7= 18

R10= 8

R6= 7
Fi gure 1

R9= 18

(c) State and explain the Kirchoffs current and voltage laws Q.2 (a) Derive an expression for the voltage across the capacitor during charging through the resistor at any instant Vc = V (1-e-t/T) where V is the battery source voltage and T is the time constant of the circuit. (b) Two capacitors C1= 4F and C2= 2 F are connected in parallel across a 200V DC supply find (1) Equivalent capacitance (2) charge across each capacitor (3) If this parallel capacitor combination connected in series with 6F then what would be the equivalent capacitance of circuit becomes? OR (b) A magnetic circuit is existed by a 90 turn coil. The cross sectional area and length of the magnetic circuit is 5 square cm and 25cm respectively. When the current is 2A, the total flux is 0.3mWb. Find (1) H (2) Relative permeability of core. (a) Explain Magnetic Hystersis phenomena using hysteresis loop. (b) Compare similarities and dissimilarities between electrical and magnetic circuit. (c) Explain different types of capacitors in brief. OR (a) State the Lenzs law and explain statically induced emf. (b) What are the faradays laws of electromagnetic of induction and derive an expression e = -N d/dt where notations have usual meanings (c) Define (1) MMF (2) Magnetic flux density (3) Retentivity (4) Reluctance

04 07




05 05 04 05 05 04



(a) Explain the phenomena of generation of Alternating voltages and currents and 06 derive expression for it with suitable diagrams (b) Two impedance Z1= (10 +j15) and Z2= (6-j8) are connected in parallel 04 and this combination takes 20A find the supply voltage? (c) Define the following terms with respect to AC waveforms (1) Form factor (2) 04 Frequency


(a) A resistance of 10, an inductance of 0.2H and a capacitance of 100F are 06 connected in series across 220V, 50Hz mains. Determine the following (1) Impedance (2) current (3) voltage across R,L,and C (4) Power Factor (b) A circuit consists of a resistance of 4 and inductance of 1H and a variable 04 capacitance in series across a 100V, 50Hz supply calculate (1) the value of capacitance to produce resonance (2) the voltage across capacitor (c) Define the following terms with respect to AC waveforms (1) phase (2) Time 04 period (a) A balanced star connected load of (4+j3) per phase is connected to a balance 3 phase 400V supply. Fine the line current, power factor, active power and reactive power. (b) What is Battery? Explain the construction and working of any battery. (c) Draw the stair case wiring diagram. Which protective devices are utilized to protect house wring against overload/ short circuit? OR (a) Explain the types of lighting schemes with suitable diagrams (b) Explain the construction of a cable with functions of its various parts with the help of neat diagram. (c) What is an electric shock? Why grounding is required?



04 04


06 04 04

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