Names :
Dinesh Sodhani Ajay Makhecha Murlidhar Yadav Meena Trivedi Poonam Babariya Deepa Kakkad Salman Ansari WRO 0375529 WRO 0318239 WRO 0373168 WRO 0381157 WRO 0381158 WRO 0414143 WRO 0411375
Index :
Introduction to GATT Major Provisions of GATT The 128 countries that had signed GATT by 1994 World Trade Organisation Functions Features / Charachteristic Implementation and Monitoring Basic Principles China and The GATT/WTO Differences between GATT and WTO From GATT to WTO
The General Agreement of Trade and Tariff was first signed in 1947. Was signed, To provide an international forum That encouraged free trade between member states By regulating and reducing tarrifs on trade goods Providing a common mechanism for resolving trade disputes.
What is GATT ?
Technically, GATT was viewed as an agreement under the provisions of US Reciprocal Trade Act of 1934, and hence did not require approval of Congress. It was considered a provisional agreement that would be replaced once the ITO became operational to take over its functions. So GATT began its provisional existence on January 1, 1948, when 23 contracting parties signed the refused in 1950 to ratify the treaty establishing the ITO.
2. Quantitative Restrictions GATT in general prohibits the use of quantitative restrictions on imports and exports. Exceptions (i) agriculture - when government needs to remove surplus of agricultural and fisheries products. Important to US (ii) balance of payments - to safeguard balance of payments. If a country's foreign exchange reserve is low.
3. Developing Countries
Special Provisions to promote the Trade of Developing Countries. In 1965, the contracting parties added Part IV (Trade and Development) to GATT. (i) Developed economies will give high priority to reduction/elimination of tariffs on products of LDCs. (ii) refrain from introducing tariffs and NTBs to such imports.
Administering WTO trade agreements Forum for trade negotiations Handling trade disputes Monitoring national trade policies Technical assistance and training for developing countries Co-operation with other international organizations
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations. The goal is to help producers of goods and services, exporters, and importers conduct their business. The World Trade Organization (WTO) deals with the global rules of trade between nations. Its main function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.
Basic Principles
The WTO establishes a framework for trade policies; it does not define or specify outcomes. That is, it is concerned with setting the rules of the trade policy game, not with the results of the game. Five principles are of particular importance in understanding both the pre-1994 GATT and the WTO: Non discrimination, reciprocity, enforceable commitments, transparency, and safety valves.
WTO failed to liberalize trade in agricultural products to any significant degree. This was one of the major goals of the Uruguay Round. Steady erosion of MFN principle by the EU, and to a less extent by the NAFTA. Article XXIV permits member countries to form a CU or FTA. The EU adopted VILs to keep out agricultural products, lowered duties to many African.
We herewith can safely conclude that WTO is better and more powerful than GATT. WTO surely made a whole world a village. In future also WTO will make trade between countries more smoother and faster and it will play more vital role in future also.