The Payment of Gratuity ACT, 1972: Presented By: Gokulanathan V
The Payment of Gratuity ACT, 1972: Presented By: Gokulanathan V
The Payment of Gratuity ACT, 1972: Presented By: Gokulanathan V
Presented By:
It is a lump sum payment made by an employer as the retrial reward for his past service when his employment is terminated.
Note: The employer has to determine the amount of gratuity & give notice irrespective of the fact whether an application for payment of gratuity has been made or not.
Payment of Gratuity
Time limit Within 30 days of gratuity becoming payable
Maximum Amount The gratuity payable to an employee shall not exceed Rs. 3,50,000. Under the terms of an award, settlement or contract, an employee may be entitled to better terms of gratuity. Such an award, settlement or contract shall be valid & effectual.
Gratuity to whom???
Gratuity shall be paid to : The Employee
Nominee of the Employee (if deceased employee had made a nomination) Legal heir of the Employee (if deceased employee had not made any nomination)
If the nominee or legal heir is a minor, the amount of gratuity shall be deposited with controlling authority which shall invest the same for the benefit of minor in bank or financial institution, as may be prescribed, until such minor attains majority.
Note: Wages = Last Drawn Month = Period of 26 Days 15 days wages = Last drawn wages 15/26
Piece-Rated Employee
Last drawn wages 15/26 Completed years of Service (incl. a part of year in excess of 6 months)
Note: Last drawn Wages = Total wages received during 3 months immediately preceding termination /Days actually worked Last drawn wages shall not include overtime wages.
Seasonal Establishment
Such an employee shall be paid gratuity at the rate of 7 days wages for each season.
Then the gratuity payable to the employee shall be forfeited to the extent of such damage or loss.
Nomination (Sec. 6)
Every employee, who has completed 1 year of service, is compulsorily required to make a nomination (Form F). The nomination must be made within 30 days of completion of one year of service.
The nomination must be made in favour of one or more members of the family (nomination shall be void if it is made in favour of a person who is not a member of his family)
Nomination (Sec. 6)
If at the time of making nomination the employee does not have family, the nomination may be made in favour of any person. The employee may distribute the amount of gratuity amongst more than one nominee. The nomination made by an employee may be varied by him at anytime.
Nomination (Sec. 6)
If the nominee dies before the death of employee, the employee shall make a fresh nomination.
Nomination comes into operation from the date of receipt of the same by the employer. Every nomination, fresh nomination or modification of nomination, as the case may be, shall be sent by the employee to his employer, who shall keep the same in his safe custody.
AG may define the area to which the authority of an inspector shall extend. Where two or more inspectors are appointed for the same area, AG may distribute or allocate work to be performed by them (i.e., AG may define the limits within which the inspector shall exercise jurisdiction).
Sec. 7A & 7B
Powers of Inspector : To call such information from the employer as he considers necessary. To enter into or inspect, at all reasonable times, any premises of any establishment, factory, mine oilfield, plantation port or railway company or shop to which this Act applies, any books, registers, records, notices and other documents.
Penalties (Sec. 9)
Knowingly making false statement/ false representation to avoid to make payment imprisonment up to 06 months, or with fine which may extend to Rs.10,000/- or both.
Failure to comply with any provision of this Act Shall be punishable with imprisonment upto 1 year but will not be less than 3 months or with fine, which will not be less than Rs.10,000/- but may extend upto Rs. 20,000/- or with both.
Any offence relating to Non-payment of any gratuity Employer shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than 6 months but may extend to 2 years, unless the court for reasons recorded decides for a lesser term of imprisonment or a fine, which would meet.