Left Ventricular Hypertrophy: Detection, Significance and Treatment
Left Ventricular Hypertrophy: Detection, Significance and Treatment
Left Ventricular Hypertrophy: Detection, Significance and Treatment
Pathophysiology of LVH
High BP LV wall stress Wall stress 1/ wall thickness LV wall thickening wall stress Myocyte hypertrophy and collagen matrix Mediators:
Definition of LVH
Healthy cohort of subjects No high BP, diabetes, CV disease, obesity LVH defined as LVMI > mean + 2SD
Framingham Study LVMI > 131g/m2 males; > 100g/m2 females Cornell, New York LVMI > 134g/m2 males; > 110g/m2 females
Levy et al. Am J Cardiol 1987;59:956-60. Devereux et al. JACC 1984;4:1222-30.
Age Gender Race Genetic factors Blood pressure Obesity Physical activity
Linear (Relationship between mean 24 hour SBP and LVMI) Linear (Relationship between mean 24 hour SBP and LVMI)
LVMI (g/m2)
LVMI (gm2)
Devereux et al 1983, Murphy et al 1985, Levy et al 1990, Lee et al 1992, Devereux et al 1993, Schillaci et al 1994, Crow et al 1995, Norman et al 1995, Chapman et al (in press)
*Adjusted for age, BP, HR, cholesterol, smoking, angina and ECG ischaemia
Cardiovascular outcome Coronary heart disease Stroke Peripheral arterial disaese Cardiac failure
sensitivity improved correlation with morbidity & mortality assessment of function (systolic and diastolic) addition to individuals risk profile
skilled operator time cost
CVD All 2.17 CVD death All 14.0 All death All 3.5
M-mode echocardiograms
Septum (SWT)
Peak of QRS Endocardium excluded from SWT and PWT Endocardium included in LVID
LV cavity (LVID)
LV mass = 1.04[(SWT+LVID+PWT)3 - (LVID)3 - 14g Divide by body surface area to get LV mass index
Septum (SWT)
Start of QRS Endocardium included in SWT and PWT Endocardium excluded from LVID
LV cavity (LVID)
LVM = 0.8{1.04[ (SWT+LVID+PWT)3 - (LVID)3]} + 0.6 g
LVMI (g/m2)
Redrawn from Levy et al, NEJM 1990; 322: 1561-6.
CVD All 2.17 CVD death All 14.0 All death All 3.5
Cardiovascular events
% patients
LVMI (g/m2)
Koren et al. Ann Int Med 1991; 114: 345-352.
% from baseline
Indapamide SR Enalapril
Possible white coat hypertension ? To stratify class of antihypertensive agent to be used (increasing data suggesting LVH regression should be a goal of treatment)