Meaning of Cash Reserve Ratio and Statutory Liquidity....
Meaning of Cash Reserve Ratio and Statutory Liquidity....
Meaning of Cash Reserve Ratio and Statutory Liquidity....
that the banks have to keep with RBI. This Ratio is basically to secure solvency of the bank and to drain out the excessive money from the banks.
SLR- Statutory Liquidity Ratio is determined and maintained by the
SLR in India of last five year: Year 2008: 24.00% Year 2009: 25.00% Year 2010: 24.00% Year 2011: 24.00% Year 2012: currently SLR is 23.00% CRR in India of last fiveYear: Year 2008: 7.75% 5.5 Year 2009: 5.00% Year 2010: 5.50% - 6.00 Year 2011: 6.00% Year 2012:currently CRR is 4.75%
To curb Inflation
Objectives of SLR:
Statutory Liquidity Ratio is maintained in order to control the expansion of Bank Credit. By changing the level of Statutory Liquidity Ratio, Reserve bank of India can increase or decrease bank credit expansion. Statutory Liquidity Ratio in a way ensures the solvency of commercial banks. By determining Statutory Liquidity Ratio, Reserve Bank of India, in a way, compels the commercial banks to invest in government securities like government bonds.