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Power - Agriculture Sector: - Indian Navy (Retd)

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Power Agriculture Sector

Capt.J.RamaRao.VSM:FIE Indian Navy (Retd) Chairman, Energy Conservation Mission The Institution of Engineers (India), AP State Centre Hyderabad www.save-today-survive-tomorrow.com

Inefficiency in Utilization

Per Capita Consmpn.



2.70 1.47

5.35 --

14.70 28.57 3.70 1.55

(Times more than India) Energy Intensity (Times more in India) The per capita energy consumption of primary energy in India is only 277 kg of oil equivalent. Energy intensity is energy consumption per unit of GDP High energy intensity indicates inefficient use of energy with a substantial scope for energy savings.

Energy saving potential (%) in various sectors of the economy

Source Planning Commission

Economy as a Whole Agriculture Industry Domestic and Commercial Transport

Up to 23%

Up to 25% Up to 20% Up to 20%

Potential for Electrical Energy Savings *Sixteenth Electric Power Survey

End-use type
Motors/drive system Lighting

Potential savings (MkWh)

80,000 10,000

Energy intensive industries



Target for Savings

Saving of at least 20 % during 10 th Plan (2002-2007) 19,000 MkWh at the consumption end. Equivalent to adding new capacity of about 4,000 MW (T&D Losses of 20.5% and PLF 68%) Avoids investment to the extent of Rs.24,000 Crores (Rs 4+2 Per MW) Avoidance of GHG , Environmental Pollution from coal based power plants

Potential in AP State
Out of about 42,000 Mkwh of energy handled, 30,000 Mkwh is available to the consumers after accounting for losses. Even If 1% of this energy can be saved by DSM measures, it works out to 300 Mkwh , equivalent to new capacity of about 60 MW, requiring investment of Rs.360 Crores If the potential saving of 20% achieved by 2007, avoidance of Rs.7,500 Crores

Lack of Accountability
Power sector problems are aggravated due to lack of accountability for T&D losses and accurate energy balancing * The data in respect of AP (%)

Year 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-1003

Metered 42.45 43.56 41.13 42.70 41.58 42.26 43.27 45.97

T&d 18.85 32.04 33.17 31.80 36.90 33.88 31.48 28.40

Agriculture 38.70 24.40 25.70 25.50 21.52 23.86 25.25 25.63

Lack of Accountability (Contd)

It is clear that the un metered energy of about 55% is being appropriated between T&D Losses and agricultural consumption. It is very likely that agricultural consumption is being shown higher to cover up T&D losses and pilferage. There does not seem to be break up of losses Voltage wise-400,220, 132, 33, 11 KV , transformation and line losses , circle wise etc How can there be accountability without authentic measured and recorded data?.How can remedial measures be focused to problematic areas?

Free Power
Free power and supply side focus, breeds wastage and inefficiency. Energy waste bleeds the economy, resulting in unsustainable resource depletion and environmental damage. Enhances risks of import of high cost oil and makes the products & services uncompetitive in global market .

Unmetered Energy
Supply of unmetered energy, when given free,dilutes accountability in power sector management. Investment decisions for improvement of Supply Side Management may prove to be wasteful and not be cost effective.

Power to Agriculture Sector

In predominantly agro-based economies like India,subsidies to agriculture sector cannot be done away. The help to the Farmer must be extended in areas like stable and assured quality electrical power, water, quality inputs,marketing, remunerative prices for the produce, insurance from the vagaries of nature and other risks.The factors must be comprehensively addressed rather than





The power tariff policy to agriculture sector is not to be viewed with the objective of increasing the revenue of the utilities. It should be aimed at encouraging energy efficiency , making utilities accountable and arresting water depletion.

Once revised tariff policy is announced for agriculture sector, it should not be revised for at least 3 years.. All agriculture services, like any other services, should be metered. First 2,500 units consumption per annum be given free , the next 1,500 units be charged at 20 paisa per unit fixed by APERC, the next 1,000 units be charged at 50 paisa per unit and the consumption over and above 5,000 units per annum be charged at 100 paisa per unit. Services using ISI Mark energy efficient, motors, pumps & other accessories and operating at PF more than 0.9 be made eligible for the tariff at 50% of the tariff normally applicable as mentioned above. (Contd)

Suggestions (Contd)
There may be no differentiation between large, medium and small holdings. Each farmer will be eligible for the above subsidized tariff for a single service anywhere in the State. Additional services of the same farmer are to charged at the rate of Rs 1 per unit for the entire consumption with the , with the eligibility of 50% reduction for the use of Energy efficient pump sets etc. The above graded tariff is not to be made applicable to Corporate Farming, Farm houses, other Business Houses carrying on commercial activities.Aquaculture etc. They are to be charged as per industry tariff with suitable incentives for using energy efficient equipment and for operating at PF more than 0.90.

Suggestions (Contd)
Services of lift irrigation schemes and 11kv agriculture services be charged at 100 paisa per unit for the entire consumption, with the eligibilityof50% reduction for the use of energy efficient equipment and operating at more than 0.9 PF. Water efficient Sprinkler & Drip Irrigation systems be supplied to up land farmers at subsidy rates for energy saving and Water Consumption. Water intensive crops under bore wells, in the areas identified to be overexploited ground water sources, may be discouraged by ensuring remunerative returns for the produce of less water intensive crops.

Energy Saved is Energy Generated Efficiency is Readily available & the Cheapest source of energy Parasparam Bhavayantah Sreyah Param Avapsyatha

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