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Energy Conserrvation Presentation

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Energy Conservation &

LiFE – Lifestyle for Environment

Kiran Adam
M. Tech. (Power System)
• Energy conservation means reduction in use of energy
consumption and is measured in physical terms.
• Energy conservation is the practice of decreasing the
quantity of energy used while achieving a similar
outcome of end use.
• This practice may result in increase of financial capital,
environmental value, national security, personal
security and human comfort.
• Energy conservation also means reduction or
elimination of unnecessary energy used and wasted.
Need of Energy Conservation
• Fossil fuels like coal, oil that has taken years to
form is on the verge of depleting soon.
• In last 200 years we have consumed 60% of all
• For sustainable development we need to
adopt energy efficiency measures.
• Today 85% of primary energy sources come
from non-renewable and fossil sources. These
reserves increasing consumption and will exist
for future generations.
• The objective of energy conservation is
to reduce wasteful energy consumption by
using fewer energy services or using them
more effectively. 
• Energy conservation can help to save
money, preserve natural resources, reduce
greenhouse gas emissions, improve energy
security, and enhance quality of life. 
Area of application of Energy Conservation
Electricity consumption (2021-22) in Maharashtra (MSEDCL)

No. of Consumer Consumption Use in

Types of Consumer In Percentage (in MUs) Percentage
Sr no. consumer
1 Domastic 2,17,62,140 74.53 22.411 18.37
2 Commerecial 20,99,200 7.19 6.096 5
3 Industrial 4,55,271 1.53 50.563 41.44
4 Agriculture 45,20,620 15.48 36.241 29.7
5 Other 3,63,405 1.24 6.701 5.49
  Total 2,92,00,636 100 122012 100
Energy Conservation
Electrical Energy Conservation implies:
1.Efficient use of available electrical energy.
2.Innovation and Adoption of new technology
for minimizing losses and misuses in all
sectors – Industrial, Transport, Agriculture and
Residential etc.
3.Saving electricity leads to reduction in
environmental pollution, which is good for
society as a whole.
Energy Scene in India

• India has 01% of the total World’s energy resource

but 16% of the World’s population.
• Since independence and even today, the energy
policy is oriented towards increasing the supply of
coal, oil and electricity.
• Our oil consumption has increased 5 folds in the past
27 years, after the energy crisis of 1973.About 72% of
our oil requirement is met through imports.
• It is definitely, better to improve energy efficiency
rather than setup energy generation facilities to
supply inefficient plants and inefficient equipments
Energy Scene …
• It is a vital infrastructure input for economical
development of the country.
India’s Total Installed Capacity by Power Source (GW)
Source As of April 2020 As of April 2021 As of March 2022 % of Energy Mix

Coal 205.13 209.297 204.08 52.8

Gas 24.95 24.92 24.90 6.3

Diesel 0.53 0.51 0.51 0.1

Hydro 45.69 46.20 46.72 11.7

Nuclear 6.78 6.78 6.78 1.7

Renewable 87.26 95.01 109.88 27.5

Total 370.34 382.73 399.47 100

Source: Ministry of Power & Central Electricity Authority

Energy Scene …
• Thermal power generation in Maharashtra is
about 85 % with an efficiency of 30 to 35 %
SLDC - Generation Report
Basic needs 0f Energy conservation

• One unit consumption of energy require 4 units of

primary fuel at generating station– Expensive physical
• Capacity cost about Rs 4 to 5 crores/MW with
transmission & distribution cost further increase to
60% -- Expensive economic resource
• No arrangement available to store generated
electrical power – Demand & Supply has to match
instant to instant.
• Capacity created at Peak period remains ideal at off
peak period

The key elements of the energy policy followed by the

Developing countries are :
Stages of Energy Conservation

• House Keeping – proper procedure, utilization and

equipment’s maintenance.
• Process Improvement – modification of existing
equipments and process
• Equipment replacement – by energy saver Equipments
• Use of Non conventional energy –solar,wind
• energy and gobar gas plant,
• Effective use of day lighting
• Task lighting
Electrical Energy Analysis

• Measuring the energy consumption & losses

associated with each equipments and process.
• Identification of possible scope of energy
• Computation of Connected load, the
Maximum demand, Load and power factor.
Electrical Load Management
• It means the scheduling of loads and maintaining the load factor
nearly 100% so that peak demand and demand charges can be
• Load scheduling is subjected to operational constraint and
possibility of load scheduling. Demand can be controlled by:
• 1.Time Control – can be exercised, if cyclic energy consumption is
• 2.Manual Control – monitoring the variation in demand and sheds
some load to keep Maximum demand within limit
• 3.Centralized Load Control –Monitoring the energy consumption
to be done centrally to keep MD within limit.
• 4.Power Factor – Industrial loads are inductive so PF will be low
causing more energy consumption. It is to be improved by
providing shunt bank condenser at the end of the feeder.
Electrical Energy Saving Approach
• Lighting
• Industrial Motors
• Air-conditioning
• Water supply system (Pumps)
• Electric heating & Electrolysis
Energy Conservation In Lighting system

• Good lighting is required to improve the quality of work,

to reduce human’s / workers fatigue, to reduce
accidents, to protect his eyes and nervous system .
• Many techniques have been put to reduce the energy
consumption in Lighting. The cost effectiveness of these
methods depends upon energy costs, utility of system
and cost of installation of new system.
• The power consumption by the industrial lighting is
nearly 2 to 10 % of total power consumption, depending
on type of industries.
Energy Conservation In Lighting system

• Optimum use of natural

• Replacing incandescent
lamps by Compact
Fluorescent Lamps (CFL's)
• Replacing conventional
fluorescent lamp by energy
efficient fluorescent lamp
Energy Conservation In Lighting system

• Replacing filament lamps on panels by LED

• Replacement of conventional ballast by Electronic ballast
• Installation of separate transformer for lighting
• Control over energy consumption pattern
• Periodic survey and adequate maintenance program
• Optimum Optical efficacy
• Good house keeping
• Best designed system
• Need based lighting by control of switching operation
• For interior lighting effect of room surface finishes is essential
Energy conservation in water supply
pumping installations
• Electrical Pumps of varying capacities are commonly
used for pumping water from the source to the
overhead tank. The efficiency of the pumping station
varies from 10 to 70%.Prevention of wastage and
leakage can save energy up to 5%.Overhead storage
tanks should be located at minimum height
commensurate with pressure requirement.
Regulation of discharge may be done by matching
pumps and motors with required volume and
pressure instead of using partial closed valve, which
waste the energy considerably.
Energy conservation in Air-conditioning System.

• Air-conditioning is another intensive operation.

• A combination of central AC with packed individual units may prove
more energy efficient.
• It is proved that 1degree centigrade less cooling temp. can mean 8 to
10% less energy consumption.
• Inside temp.25 dig most reasonable for both human and deg.C. In
• Hence thermostatic control may be set from 23 to 25 winter room need
not to be heated upto18deg.C.
• Regular maintenance of the AC equipments are required for the saving of
energy. The other means to achieve economies in energy consumption
1. Locating heaters etc outside AC areas
2. Prevention leakage of air from and into the AC areas.
3. Intake air to be limited to minimum.
4. Electronic voltage control for speed control of blowers to be provided
5. Air filters to be cleaned regularly.
Energy Conservation in Electrical Utility

• In India the power transmission and

distribution (T&D) system is a three tire
structure comprising of state grids, regional
grids and distribution network.
• To meet the energy demand power system
networks are interconnected through INTRA-
Energy Conservation in Electrical Utility

Power losses in T&D system can be

classified as Technical losses and
Commercial losses.
Technical Losses in T&D System
• Power losses occurring in T&D sector due to
imperfection in technical aspect which indirectly cause
loss of investment in this sector, are technical losses.
• These technical losses are due to inadequate system
planning, improper voltage and also due to poor power
factor etc.
Commercial Losses
• Commercial losses are those, which are directly
responsible for wastage of money invested in
transmission and distribution system.
• These losses are effects of inefficient management,
improper maintenance etc.
• Metering losses includes loss due to inadequate
billings, faulty metering, overuse, because of meters
not working properly and outright theft.
• Many of the domestic energy meters fail because of
poor quality of the equipment.
Energy Conservation Techniques
• Optimization of loading of transformer
- By proper Location of Transformer preferably close to the load
center, considering other features like centralized control, operational
flexibility etc. This will bring down the distribution loss in cables.
• Replacing By Energy Efficient Transformers
- By using energy efficient transformers efficiency improves to 95 % to
- By using Amorphous transformers efficiency improves to 97 % to
- By using Epoxy Resin cast/ Encapsulated Dry type transformer-
efficiency improves to 93 % to 97%.
Energy Conservation In Distribution Line
• Optimization of distribution system :- The optimum
distribution system is the economical combination of
primary line (HT), distribution transformer and secondary
line (LT), To reduce this loss and improve voltage HT/LT
line length ratio should be optimized.
• Balancing of phase load :-
As a result of unequal loads on individual phase sequence,
components causes over heating of transformers, cables,
conductors, motors. Thus, increasing losses and resulting
in the motor malfunctioning under unbalanced voltage
Energy Conservation In Distribution Line
• Harmonics:
- With increase in use of non-linear devices,
distortion of the voltage and current waveforms
occurs, known as Harmonics.
- Due to presence of harmonic currents excessive
voltage and current in transformers terminals,
malfunctioning of control equipments and Energy
meter, over effect of power factor correction
apparatus, interference with telephone circuits and
broad casting occurs.
- Distribution Static Compensator (DASTACOM) and
Harmonic filters can reduce this harmonics.
Energy Conservation In Distribution Line
• Energy Conservation by using power factor
controller :-
Low power factor will lead to increased
current and hence increase losses and will
affect the voltage. We can use Power Factor
Controller or Automatic Power Factor
Controller that can be located near receiving
substations, load centers or near loads.
Energy Conservation In Distribution Line Cont..
• Energy Conservation By Demand side
management control
- Demand-side management is used to describe the actions of
a utility, beyond the customer's meter, with the objective of
altering the end-use of electricity - whether it be to increase
demand, decrease it, shift it between high and low peak
periods, or manage it when there are intermittent load
demands - in the overall interests of reducing utility costs.
• By using DSM saving potential in…
Industry and Agriculture - 30-35%
Commercial / Govt. establishments and residential houses. -25-30%
Solar System installation at Urjha Bhavan
Solar Installation in various Admin
• The process of Energy generation, transmission and utilization leads to
significant environment, pollution.
• The Green house effect due to increase in the level of CO2, Methane
and other gases is leading to global warming.
• The CO2 level in the atmosphere has increased from 280 ppm in 1980 to
about 420 ppm at present.
• The average temperature of the EARTHS’S atmosphere is likely to
Increase by 1.5 to 04 deg.C in the next 05 years, if emission of Green
house is not curbed.
• Global warming may lead to rise in sea levels, significant change in rain
fall patterns, increase in frequency of heat waves, storms and other
unpredictable consequences.
• The production of Chloro Fluoro Carbons ( CFCS),which affects the ozone
layer has been phased out and at the time developing countries have
agreed to reduced Carbon emission.
• The World is moving towards a SUBSTAINTIAL ENERGY FUTURE With
Energy-Related Environmental issues
• The use of fossil fuel (coal, oil & gas) has been harmful to environment.
Their use lead to such rapid industrial development that effects on the
environment were not studied or even considered until recently. Besides
fossile fuels, nuclear energy also poses environmental risks Of all the
energy-related environmental issues, there are 9 that are causing the
greatest concern at the moment. They are:

- Green house effect – effect of the increased CO2& other gases collected
in the earth atmosphere.
- Acid rain – rain that contains chemical pollution falls to earth. Dilute
acid with absorption of SO2 & NOx-ingredient
-Nuclear waste
- Water pollution
- Depletion of ozone layer
- Smog
- Accident
- Power lines & pipe lines
- Water storages.
LiFE - Lifestyle for Environment
• The concept of ‘Lifestyle for the
Environment (LiFE) was introduced by
Prime Minister Narendra Modi at UN
Climate Change Conference COP26 in
Glasgow on 1st November 2021,
calling upon the global community of
individuals and institutions to drive
LiFE as an international mass
movement towards “mindful and
deliberate utilisation, instead of
mindless and destructive
consumption” to protect and preserve
the environment. LiFE puts individual
and collective duty on everyone to live
a life that is in tune with Earth and does
not harm it. Those who practice such a
lifestyle are recognised as Pro Planet
People under LiFE.
LiFE - Lifestyle for Environment
• The idea promotes an environmentally conscious lifestyle
that focuses on
‘mindful and deliberate utilisation’ instead of ‘mindless and
wasteful consumption.
• With the launch of the Mission, the prevalent "use-and-
dispose" economy governed by mindless and destructive
consumption will be replaced by a circular economy, defined
by conscious and deliberate consumption.
LiFE - Lifestyle for Environment
• Objectives
- It seeks to leverage the strength of social networks
to influence social norms surrounding climate.
- The Mission plans to create and nurture a global
network of individuals, namely ‘Pro- Planet People’
- P3 will have a shared commitment to adopt and
promote environmentally friendly lifestyles.
- Through the P3 community, the Mission seeks to
create an ecosystem that will reinforce and enable
environmentally friendly behaviours to be
LiFE - Lifestyle for Environment
• This initiative encourages a lifestyle that focuses on mindful
and deliberate utilization of resources and aims to change the
present 'use and dispose of' consumption habits. The idea
behind is to encourage individuals to adopt simple changes in
their daily life that can contribute to climate change.
• Another part of the LiFE mission is to use the strength of
social networks to bring a change in the climate landscape.
The mission also plans to create a global army of
environment enthusiasts who shall be known as ‘Pro-Planet
People’, committed to adopting and promoting environment-
friendly lifestyles
LiFE …
• Changing our lifestyle, however, is not easy. Our
habits are deeply ingrained in our daily lives and
are continually reinforced through several
elements of our environment. Translating our
intention to do good for the environment is not
always easy to translate into action. However, it is
not impossible. By taking one action at a time and
making one change daily, we can change our
lifestyle and inculcate long-term environment-
friendly habits. Studies suggest that practising an
action for a minimum of 21 days helps make it a
• In that context, the LiFE 21-Day Challenge is
launched to enable Indians to take one simple
environment-friendly action per day for 21
days and eventually develop an environment-
friendly lifestyle. It is a challenge to change
one small thing in your life daily and become
Pro Planet People.
Area - Three Pillars of LiFE
• Focus on Individual Behaviours
Awareness about the harmful effects of single-use plastic; knowledge about
sustainable modes of transportation such as bicycles, e-bikes, e-cars;
consciousness about wastage of water; knowledge about environment related
labels (organic, plastic-free, no harm, energy star labels, etc.); consumption habits
and making them greener – assessing personal carbon footprint; use of natural
energy (wind energy, solar power, hydraulic energy); knowledge about conscious
dressing (giving up leather, fur, animal tested products) etc.
• Co-create Globally
Scalable ideas for change on a global level. For example, knowledge about adverse
impacts of carbon-polluting industries, awareness about planet-friendly
investments, implementing smart energy consumption etc.
• Leverage Local Cultures
Awareness about community gardens, knowledge about creating products from
waste, literacy about clothes recycling, importance of urban farming (hydroponics
farming), reducing food wastage, community strengthening activities,
environment lessons to be taught at education institutions, youth involvement
Climate Crisis
• the Union Minister of Power and New & Renewable Energy
launched the Agni Tattva - Energy
• for LiFE campaign, to create awareness of the core concept of Agni
Tattva, an element that is
• synonymous with energy and is amongst the five elements of
• The Panchmahabhoot comprises of Earth (Prithvi), Water (Jal), Fire
(Agni), Air (Vayu) and Aether/ Space (Aakash)

• It would provide a platform to deliberate upon the learning and

experiences of subjectexperts and specialists and explore
solutions for a sustainable future for all.
• Further, it will cover several important topics focusing on health,
transport, consumptionand production, security, environment,
and spirituality.
Individual Action is the Core of Climate
Individual Action is the Core of Climate
India’s Climate – Friendly Approaches
Several Daily practices for the Natural
• Thank you

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