Presentation Skills by Avnit Chaudhary
Presentation Skills by Avnit Chaudhary
Presentation Skills by Avnit Chaudhary
Have you ever been to an oral presentation that dealt with interesting science but could not pay attention?
Is it you? Or is it the speaker?
If you could make a graph of student attention over time in a 1 hour class, what do you think it would look like? 100% Attention
Start of class
End of class
Did people come to see your talk specifically? Almost everyone listens in the beginning.
Present message, make it clear the audience cant afford to miss the rest!
Better Approach
Divide your presentation in several parts, each ended by an intermediate conclusion
Distracted people can always easily catch up with you Important items said many times
Common Errors
Speaker lives in his own little world Presentation structure, reasoning, unclear Visual aids confusing or unreadable
Too small, too crowded, etc. Too many too fast (one per minute a good rule of thumb) Avoid too many passive sentences From this figure it was deduced that to This figure implies that
Common Errors
Speaker reads speech from paper
Written language more formal and complex than verbal Reading written text usually a lot faster than impromptu speaking Never read from paper, even if speaking in a second language! Notes are OK, though
How Fast?
Not too fast, please.!
If the talk is rehearsed too much, may speak too fast Even though this may allow all material to be covered in the time limit, it is not in the interest of the audience
Audience Involvement
Invite Participation
Are there any questions? is usually not good enough
Background Information
Audiences love background information Good for attendees not specifically there for your subject
Give them the impression they will learn something Means you must cover general aspects, good introduction Will appreciate subtleties of your work if they understand the background
Up to 30% of your talk but not much more (unless your whole talk is a background talk!)
Fine for written reports, readers can skip around in the report as necessary Cant skip around in an oral presentation!
If the oral presentation follows the same format as the written report
Listeners must remember details of the methods when the results are presented Asking a lot of the audience to remember facts and figures until they are tied together at the end Group together each sub-problem, sub-method, sub-results Overall conclusions at end
If English is not your first language, please have someone else check your presentation!
You should realize that the two key issues in the preparation of a talk are:
The message: What do I want the audience to know when I am finished? The audience: How do I present my talk such that the audience will understand and remember what I have to say?
Presentation Tips
Start on time
Dont wait until the last minute to start your presentation Collect background, related material, relevant conclusions Imagine the audience and what to consider as background
The Message
Try to capture the message of your presentation in a single sentence Difficult to do requires solid understanding of material Example:
Example: I want to convince the audience that among a class of bimetallic catalysts the combination of Fe-Ir/SiO2 shows the best catalytic performance for CO hydrogenation and that it works because the adsorption energy of carbon monoxide is efficiently diminished with respect to that on the single metals.
Many people will be very interested in a concise summary of the status in your area Presentation should not be a suspense thriller!
Dont Do This
An often heard, but poor start of a presentation is:
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I am ... and Id like to tell you something about my Ph.D. project at the Group of Archaic Chemistry at the University of Science City. The title of my talk is . I will start with an Introduction, then explain the experimental techniques, next present the most important results, and finally I hope to draw a few conclusions and I want to acknowledge a few people. So let us start with the Introduction
Graphs - Bad
100 90 90
60 Blue Balls Red Balls 38.6 34.6 30.6 30 20.4 20 27.4 20.4 31.6
Graphs - Bad
Minor gridlines are unnecessary Font is too small Colors are illogical Title is missing Shading is distracting
Graphs - Good
Items Sold in First Quarter of 2002
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 January February March April
Blue Balls Red Balls
Do not use structured backgrounds and do not waste too useful space on logos, etc. Use pictures, figures, with a title, a short, clear caption Avoid data in tables or in text If you use text than no more than 8-12 lines per slide in 4-5 bullets Avoid complete sentences, use headlines
PowerPoint Specifics
Dont overcrowd your slides with pictures Those transition animations are so cool, why not use them all?
Even better, you can attach sounds to the animations and make the letters fly out one at a time
PowerPoint lets you make text with a font size of 8, so it should be okay
Fonts - Good
Use at least an 18-point font Use different size fonts for main points and secondary points
this font is 24-point, the main point font is 28point, and the title font is 36-point
Fonts - Bad
If you use a small font, your audience wont be able to read what you have written
Color - Good
Use a color of font that contrasts sharply with the background
Ex: blue font on white background
Color - Bad
Using a font color that does not contrast with the background color is hard to read Using color for decoration is distracting and annoying. Using a different color for each point is unnecessary
Using a different color for secondary points is also unnecessary
Every presentation needs a theme, but you don't have to deliver it at the start. Once you identify your theme, make sure you deliver it several times throughout your presentation.
2. Demonstrate enthusiasm
Show your passion for the project Most speakers have room to add some flair to their presentations.
extraordinary, amazing, cool, insanely great Your audience wants to be wowed, not put to sleep. Inject your own personality into it.
Most speakers get into presentation mode and feel as though they have to strip the talk of any fun.
If you are not enthusiastic about your own products or services, how do you expect your audience to be?
There is a trend in public speaking to paint a picture for audiences by creating more visual graphics. Inspiring presenters are short on bullet points and big on graphics.
Game Slides
True or False: It is a good idea to vary the font face and background images to keep our viewers interested.
True or False: To make sure readers can understand your message be sure to add enough text that explains in detail what your program/code/algorithm/etc. is doing
What is the maximum number of lines of text you should put on a single slide?
Name at least TWO things that are bad about the following graph.
True or False: You should memorize your presentation so you can deliver it smoothly.
True or False:
Audience attention is usually high at the beginning of a talk and decreases toward the end of the talk
Name at least TWO things that could be improved on the following slide:
Moose Tracker 3000
The moose tracker 3000 project is designed to track moose in their natural environment. Using the ISO 9000 protocol we measure the carrying capacity implemented by the Hanley TGR-49R/Z method. Moose were selected in the HUD3 range and monitored by GPS collar for 120 days. Samples collected by the NDF technique indicate that the herbivores can metabolize class 3 plants more efficiently than previously thought.