Basic Math Decimals
Basic Math Decimals
Basic Math Decimals
The word "Decimal" really means "based on 10" (From Latin decima: a tenth part). We sometimes say "decimal" when we mean anything to do with our numbering system, but a "Decimal Number" usually means there is a Decimal Point.
Application of Decimals
If we are using money, it would look like this:
RM100 + RM30 + RM7 + RM0.80 + RM0.02 = RM137.82
Ordering Decimals
Order the following decimals: 0.402, 0.42, 0.375, 1.2, 0.850
Units Decimal point Tenths Hundredths Thousandths
0 0 0 1 0
. . . . .
4 4 3 2 8
0 2 7 0 5
2 0 5 0 0
Adding Decimals
Example: Add 1.452 to 1.3
Line the decimals up: "Pad" with zeros: Add: 1.452 + 1.3 1.452 + 1.300 1.452 + 1.300 2.752
That's all there is to it - just remember to line up the decimals, then add normally!
Subtracting Decimals
Example: Subtract 0.03 from 1.1
Line the decimals up: "Pad" with zeros: 1.1 - 0.03 1.10 - 0.03
Multiplying Decimals
Example: Multiply 0.03 by 1.1
start with:
multiply without decimal points:
0.03 1.1
3 11= 33
0.03 has 2 decimal places, and 1.1 has 1 decimal place, so the answer has 3 decimal places:
Multiply without the decimal point, then re-insert it in the correct spot!
Dividing Decimals
Example: Divide 9.1 by 7
Ignore the decimal point and use Long Division: 13 7 )91 7 21 21 0 Put the decimal point in the answer directly above the decimal point in the dividend: 1.3 7 )9.1
The answer is 1.3
The trick is to convert the number you are dividing by to a whole number first, by shifting the decimal point of both numbers to the right:
Now you are dividing by a whole number, and can continue as normal.
move the decimal point 2 places to the right, and add the "%" sign!
Rearrange the decimals in ascending and descending order.
Add and subtract the following decimals.
Multiply and divide the following decimals.
1) 7.15 and 5
Multiply : 35.75 Divide : 1.43
2) 66.6 and 12
Multiply : 799.2 Divide : 5.55