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Principles and Algorithms: Data Mining

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8/31/2013 Data Mining: Principles and Algorithms 1

Data Mining:
Principles and Algorithms

Chapter 10.1
Mining Object, Spatial, and Multimedia Data
Jiawei Han
Department of Computer Science
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
8/31/2013 Data Mining: Principles and Algorithms 2
8/31/2013 Data Mining: Principles and Algorithms 3
Mining Object, Spatial and Multi-Media Data
Mining object data sets
Mining spatial databases and data warehouses
Spatial DBMS
Spatial Data Warehousing
Spatial Data Mining
Spatiotemporal Data Mining
Mining multimedia data
8/31/2013 Data Mining: Principles and Algorithms 4
Mining Complex Data Objects:
Generalization of Structured Data
Set-valued attribute
Generalization of each value in the set into its corresponding
higher-level concepts
Derivation of the general behavior of the set, such as the number
of elements in the set, the types or value ranges in the set, or the
weighted average for numerical data
E.g., hobby = {tennis, hockey, chess, violin, PC_games}
generalizes to {sports, music, e_games}
List-valued or a sequence-valued attribute
Same as set-valued attributes except that the order of the
elements in the sequence should be observed in the generalization
8/31/2013 Data Mining: Principles and Algorithms 5
Generalizing Spatial and Multimedia Data
Spatial data:
Generalize detailed geographic points into clustered regions, such
as business, residential, industrial, or agricultural areas,
according to land usage
Require the merge of a set of geographic areas by spatial
Image data:
Extracted by aggregation and/or approximation
Size, color, shape, texture, orientation, and relative positions and
structures of the contained objects or regions in the image
Music data:
Summarize its melody: based on the approximate patterns that
repeatedly occur in the segment
Summarized its style: based on its tone, tempo, or the major
musical instruments played
8/31/2013 Data Mining: Principles and Algorithms 6
Generalizing Object Data
Object identifier
generalize to the lowest level of class in the class/subclass
Class composition hierarchies
generalize only those closely related in semantics to the current one
Construction and mining of object cubes
Extend the attribute-oriented induction method
Apply a sequence of class-based generalization operators on
different attributes
Continue until getting a small number of generalized objects
that can be summarized as a concise in high-level terms
Examine each attribute, generalize it to simple-valued data
Construct a multidimensional data cube (object cube)
Problem: it is not always desirable to generalize a set of values
to single-valued data
8/31/2013 Data Mining: Principles and Algorithms 7
Ex.: Plan Mining by Divide and Conquer
Plan: a sequence of actions
E.g., Travel (flight): <traveler, departure, arrival, d-time, a-time,
airline, price, seat>
Plan mining: extraction of important or significant generalized
(sequential) patterns from a planbase (a large collection of plans)
E.g., Discover travel patterns in an air flight database, or
find significant patterns from the sequences of actions in the
repair of automobiles
Attribute-oriented induction on sequence data
A generalized travel plan: <small-big*-small>
Divide & conquer:Mine characteristics for each subsequence
E.g., big*: same airline, small-big: nearby region
8/31/2013 Data Mining: Principles and Algorithms 8
A Travel Database for Plan Mining
Example: Mining a travel planbase
plan# action# departure depart_time arrival arrival_time airline
1 1 ALB 800 JFK 900 TWA
1 2 JFK 1000 ORD 1230 UA
1 3 ORD 1300 LAX 1600 UA
1 4 LAX 1710 SAN 1800 DAL
2 1 SPI 900 ORD 950 AA
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
airport_code city state region airport_size
1 1 ALB 800
1 2 JFK 1000
1 3 ORD 1300
1 4 LAX 1710
2 1 SPI 900
. . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .
Travel plan table
Airport info table
8/31/2013 Data Mining: Principles and Algorithms 9
Multidimensional Analysis
Generalize the
planbase in
different directions
Look for sequential
patterns in the
generalized plans
Derive high-level
A multi-D model for the planbase
8/31/2013 Data Mining: Principles and Algorithms 10
Multidimensional Generalization

Plan# Loc_Seq Size_Seq State_Seq
1 ALB - JFK - ORD - LAX - SAN S - L - L - L - S N - N - I - C - C
2 SPI - ORD - JFK - SYR S - L - L - S I - I - N - N
. . .
. . .
. . .
Multi-Dimensional generalization of the planbase
Plan# Size_Seq State_Seq Region_Seq
1 S - L+ - S N+ - I - C+ E+ - M - P+
2 S - L+ - S I+ - N+ M+ - E+
. . .
. . .
. . .
Merging consecutive, identical actions in plans
%] 75 [ ) ( ) (
) , ( _ ) , ( _ ) , , (
y region x region
L y size airport S x size airport y x flight
. .
8/31/2013 Data Mining: Principles and Algorithms 11
Generalization-Based Sequence Mining
Generalize planbase in multidimensional way using
dimension tables
Use # of distinct values (cardinality) at each level to
determine the right level of generalization (level-
Use operators merge +, option [] to further generalize
Retain patterns with significant support
8/31/2013 Data Mining: Principles and Algorithms 12
Generalized Sequence Patterns
AirportSize-sequence survives the min threshold (after
applying merge operator):
-S [35%], L
-S [30%], S-L
[24.5%], L
After applying option operator:
-[S] [98.5%]
Most of the time, people fly via large airports to get to
final destination
Other plans: 1.5% of chances, there are other patterns:
S-S, L-S-L
8/31/2013 Data Mining: Principles and Algorithms 13
Mining Object, Spatial and Multi-Media Data
Mining object data sets
Mining spatial databases and data warehouses
Spatial DBMS
Spatial Data Warehousing
Spatial Data Mining
Spatiotemporal Data Mining
Mining multimedia data
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What Is a Spatial Database System?
Geometric, geographic or spatial data: space-related data
Example: Geographic space (2-D abstraction of earth surface),
VLSI design, model of human brain, 3-D space representing the
arrangement of chains of protein molecule.
Spatial database system vs. image database systems.
Image database system: handling digital raster image (e.g.,
satellite sensing, computer tomography), may also contain
techniques for object analysis and extraction from images and
some spatial database functionality.
Spatial (geometric, geographic) database system: handling
objects in space that have identity and well-defined extents,
locations, and relationships.
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GIS (Geographic Information System)
GIS (Geographic Information System)
Analysis and visualization of geographic data
Common analysis functions of GIS
Search (thematic search, search by region)
Location analysis (buffer, corridor, overlay)
Terrain analysis (slope/aspect, drainage network)
Flow analysis (connectivity, shortest path)
Distribution (nearest neighbor, proximity, change detection)
Spatial analysis/statistics (pattern, centrality, similarity, topology)
Measurements (distance, perimeter, shape, adjacency, direction)
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Spatial DBMS (SDBMS)
SDBMS is a software system that
supports spatial data models, spatial ADTs,
and a query language supporting them
supports spatial indexing, spatial operations
efficiently, and query optimization
can work with an underlying DBMS
Oracle Spatial Data Catridge
ESRI Spatial Data Engine
8/31/2013 Data Mining: Principles and Algorithms 17
Modeling Spatial Objects
What needs to be represented?
Two important alternative views
Single objects: distinct entities arranged in space each
of which has its own geometric description
modeling cities, forests, rivers
Spatially related collection of objects: describe space
itself (about every point in space)
modeling land use, partition of a country into
8/31/2013 Data Mining: Principles and Algorithms 18
Modeling Single Objects: Point, Line and Region
Point: location only but not extent
Line (or a curve usually represented by a polyline, a
sequence of line segment):
moving through space, or connections in space (roads,
rivers, cables, etc.)
Something having extent in 2D-space (country, lake,
park). It may have a hole or consist of several disjoint
8/31/2013 Data Mining: Principles and Algorithms 19
Modeling Spatially Related Collection of Objects
Modeling spatially related collection of objects: plane partitions and
A partition: a set of region objects that are required to be disjoint
(e.g., a thematic map). There exist often pairs of objects with a
common boundary (adjacency relationship).
A network: a graph embedded into the plane, consisting of a set of
point objects, forming its nodes, and a set of line objects describing
the geometry of the edges, e.g., highways. rivers, power supply
Other interested spatially related collection of objects: nested
partitions, or a digital terrain (elevation) model.
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Spatial Data Types and Models
Field-based model: raster
framework: partitioning
of space
Object-based model: vector
point, line, polygon,
Objects, Attributes
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Spatial Query Language
Spatial query language
Spatial data types, e.g. point, line segment, polygon,
Spatial operations, e.g. overlap, distance, nearest
Callable from a query language (e.g. SQL3) of
underlying DBMS
FROM Senator S
WHERE S.district.Area() > 300
SQL3 (a.k.a. SQL 1999) is a standard for query
OGIS is a standard for spatial data types and operators
Both standards enjoy wide support in industry
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Spatial Data Types by OGIS
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Query Processing
Efficient algorithms to answer spatial queries
Common Strategy: filter and refine
Filter: Query Region overlaps with MBRs (minimum
bounding rectangles) of B, C, D
Refine: Query Region overlaps with B, C
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Join Query Processing
Determining Intersection Rectangle
Plane Sweep Algorithm
Place sweep filter identifies 5 intersections for
refinement step
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File Organization and Indices
SDBMS: Dataset is in the secondary storage, e.g. disk
Space Filling Curves: An ordering on the locations in a
multi-dimensional space
Linearize a multi-dimensional space
Helps search efficiently
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File Organization and Indices
Spatial Indexing
B-tree works on spatial data with space filling curve
R-tree: Heighted balanced extention of B+ tree
Objects are represented as MBR
provides better performance
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Spatial Query Optimization
A spatial operation can be processed using
different strategies
Computation cost of each strategy depends on
many parameters
Query optimization is the process of
ordering operations in a query and
selecting efficient strategy for each operation
based on the details of a given dataset
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Spatial Data Warehousing
Spatial data warehouse: Integrated, subject-oriented, time-variant,
and nonvolatile spatial data repository
Spatial data integration: a big issue
Structure-specific formats (raster- vs. vector-based, OO vs.
relational models, different storage and indexing, etc.)
Vendor-specific formats (ESRI, MapInfo, Integraph, IDRISI, etc.)
Geo-specific formats (geographic vs. equal area projection, etc.)
Spatial data cube: multidimensional spatial database
Both dimensions and measures may contain spatial components
8/31/2013 Data Mining: Principles and Algorithms 29
Dimensions and Measures in Spatial
Data Warehouse
e.g. 25-30 degrees
generalizes tohot
(both are strings)
e.g. Seattle generalizes
to description Pacific
Northwest (as a string)
e.g. Seattle generalizes
to Pacific Northwest (as
a spatial region)
numerical (e.g. monthly revenue
of a region)
distributive (e.g. count, sum)
algebraic (e.g. average)
holistic (e.g. median, rank)
collection of spatial pointers
(e.g. pointers to all regions
with temperature of 25-30
degrees in July)
8/31/2013 Data Mining: Principles and Algorithms 30
Spatial-to-Spatial Generalization
Generalize detailed
geographic points into
clustered regions, such as
businesses, residential,
industrial, or agricultural
areas, according to land
Requires the merging of a
set of geographic areas by
spatial operations




8/31/2013 Data Mining: Principles and Algorithms 31
Example: British Columbia Weather
Pattern Analysis
A map with about 3,000 weather probes scattered in B.C.
Daily data for temperature, precipitation, wind velocity, etc.
Data warehouse using star schema
A map that reveals patterns: merged (similar) regions
Interactive analysis (drill-down, slice, dice, pivot, roll-up)
Fast response time
Minimizing storage space used
A merged region may contain hundreds of primitive regions
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Star Schema of the BC Weather Warehouse
Spatial data warehouse
Fact table Dimension table
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Dynamic Merging of Spatial Objects

Materializing (precomputing) all?too
much storage space
On-line merge?slow, expensive
Precompute rough approximations?
accuracy trade off
A better way: object-based, selective
(partial) materialization
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Methods for Computing Spatial Data Cubes
On-line aggregation: collect and store pointers to spatial
objects in a spatial data cube
expensive and slow, need efficient aggregation
Precompute and store all the possible combinations
huge space overhead
Precompute and store rough approximations in a spatial
data cube
accuracy trade-off
Selective computation: only materialize those which will
be accessed frequently
a reasonable choice
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Spatial Association Analysis
Spatial association rule: A B [s%, c%]
A and B are sets of spatial or non-spatial predicates
Topological relations: intersects, overlaps, disjoint, etc.
Spatial orientations: left_of, west_of, under, etc.
Distance information: close_to, within_distance, etc.
s% is the support and c% is the confidence of the rule
1) is_a(x, large_town) ^ intersect(x, highway) adjacent_to(x, water)
[7%, 85%]
2) What kinds of objects are typically located close to golf courses?
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Progressive Refinement Mining of
Spatial Association Rules
Hierarchy of spatial relationship:
g_close_to: near_by, touch, intersect, contain, etc.
First search for rough relationship and then refine it
Two-step mining of spatial association:
Step 1: Rough spatial computation (as a filter)
Using MBR or R-tree for rough estimation
Step2: Detailed spatial algorithm (as refinement)
Apply only to those objects which have passed the rough spatial
association test (no less than min_support)
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Mining Spatial Co-location Rules
Co-location rule is similar to association rule but explore
more relying spatial auto-correlation
It leads to efficient processing
It can be integrated with progressive refinement to
further improve its performance
Spatial co-location mining idea can be applied to
clustering, classification, outlier analysis and other
potential mining tasks
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Spatial Autocorrelation
Spatial data tends to be highly self-correlated
Example: Neighborhood, Temperature
Items in a traditional data are independent of each
other, whereas properties of locations in a map are
often auto-correlated.
First law of geography:
Everything is related to everything, but nearby things are
more related than distant things.
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Spatial Autocorrelation (contd)
8/31/2013 Data Mining: Principles and Algorithms 40
Methods in classification
Decision-tree classification, Nave-Bayesian classifier +
boosting, neural network, logistic regression, etc.
Association-based multi-dimensional classification -
Example: classifying house value based on proximity
to lakes, highways, mountains, etc.
Assuming learning samples are independent of each
Spatial auto-correlation violates this assumption!
Popular spatial classification methods
Spatial auto-regression (SAR)
Markov random field (MRF)
Spatial Classification
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Spatial Auto-Regression
Linear Regression
Y=X| + c
Spatial autoregressive regression (SAR)
Y = WY + X| + c
W: neighborhood matrix.
models strength of spatial dependencies
c error vector
The estimates of and | can be derived using maximum
likelihood theory or Bayesian statistics
8/31/2013 Data Mining: Principles and Algorithms 42
Markov Random Field Based Bayesian Classifiers
Bayesian classifiers

A set of random variables whose interdependency relationship is
represented by an undirected graph (i.e., a symmetric
neighborhood matrix) is called a Markov Random Field.

denotes set of labels in the neighborhood of s
excluding labels
at s
| L
) can be estimated from training data by examine the
ratios of the frequencies of class labels to the total number of
, L
) can be estimated using kernel functions from the
observed values in the training dataset
(X) Pr
Li) | Pr(Ci Li) Ci, | Pr(X
Li) X, | Pr(Ci =
8/31/2013 Data Mining: Principles and Algorithms 43
SAR v.s. MRF

Li) | Pr(Ci , Li) Ci, | Pr(X
Li) | Pr(Ci , Li) Ci, | Pr(X
Li) X, | Pr(Ci
8/31/2013 Data Mining: Principles and Algorithms 44
Detect changes and trends along a spatial dimension
Study the trend of non-spatial or spatial data
changing with space
Application examples
Observe the trend of changes of the climate or
vegetation with increasing distance from an ocean
Crime rate or unemployment rate change with regard
to city geo-distribution
Spatial Trend Analysis
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Spatial Cluster Analysis
Mining clustersk-means, k-medoids,
hierarchical, density-based, etc.
Analysis of distinct features of the
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Constraints-Based Clustering
Constraints on individual objects
Simple selection of relevant objects before clustering
Clustering parameters as constraints
K-means, density-based: radius, min-# of points
Constraints specified on clusters using SQL
Sum of the profits in each cluster > $1 million
Constraints imposed by physical obstacles
Clustering with obstructed distance
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Constrained Clustering: Planning ATM
Spatial data with obstacles
Clustering without taking
obstacles into consideration
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Spatial Outlier Detection
Global outliers: Observations which is inconsistent with
the rest of the data
Spatial outliers: A local instability of non-spatial attributes
Spatial outlier detection
Graphical tests
Variogram clouds
Moran scatterplots
Quantitative tests
Spatial Statistic Z(S(x))
Quantitative tests are more accurate than Graphical tests
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Spatial Outlier DetectionVariogram Clouds
Graphical method
For each pair of locations, the
square-root of the absolute
difference between attribute
values at the locations versus
the Euclidean distance
between the locations are
Nearby locations with large
attribute difference indicate a
spatial outlier
Quantitative method
Compute spatial statistic
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Spatial Outlier DetectionMoran Scatterplots
Graphical tests
A plot of normalized
attribute value Z against the
neighborhood average of
normalized attribute values

The upper left and lower
right quadrants indicate a
spatial outlier
Computation method
Fit a linear regression line
Select points (e.g. P, Q, S)
which are from the
regression line greater than
specified residual error u
u i f
i f Z

) (
)] ( [
8/31/2013 Data Mining: Principles and Algorithms 51
Mining Spatiotemporal Data
Spatiotemporal data
Data has spatial extensions and changes with
Ex: Forest fire, moving objects, hurricane &
Automatic anomaly detection in massive moving
Moving objects are ubiquitous: GPS, radar, etc.
Ex: Maritime vessel surveillance
Problem: Automatic anomaly detection
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Analysis: Mining Anomaly in
Moving Objects
Raw analysis of collected data does not fully
convey anomaly information
More effective analysis relies on higher semantic
A speed boat moving quickly in open water
A fishing boat moving slowly into the docks
A yacht circling slowly around landmark during
night hours
8/31/2013 Data Mining: Principles and Algorithms 53
Framework: Motif-Based Feature Analysis
Motif-based representation
A motif is a prototypical movement pattern
View a movement path as a sequence of motif
Motif-oriented feature space
Automated motif feature extraction
Semantic-level features
Anomaly detection via classification
High dimensional classifier
8/31/2013 Data Mining: Principles and Algorithms 54
Movement Motifs
Prototypical movement of
Right-turn, U-turn
Can be either defined by
an expert or discovered
automatically from data
Defined in our
Extracted in movement
Path becomes a set of
motif expressions
8/31/2013 Data Mining: Principles and Algorithms 55
Motif Expression Attributes
Each motif expression has
attributes (e.g., speed,
location, size)
Attributes express how a
motif was expressed
Conveys semantic
information useful for
a tight circle at 30mph
near landmark Y.
A tight circle at 10mph
in location X
8/31/2013 Data Mining: Principles and Algorithms 56
Motif-Oriented Feature Space
Attributes describe how motifs are expressed
Let there be A attributes, each path is a set of
, v
, v
, , v
), (m
, v
, v
, , v
Nave Feature space construction
1. Let each distinct (m
, v
, v
, , v
) be a
2. If path exhibits a particular motif-expression,
its value is 1. Otherwise, its value is 0.
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Analyzing Nave Feature Space
Let there be M distinct motifs and V different
possible values for each of the A attributes
Size of feature space is
M * V

V is usually very large due to high granularity of
E.g., seconds for time or meters for location
Modest values for A and M could lead to
extremely high dimensional feature space
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More on Nave Feature Space
High dimensional feature space could make
effective learning hard
More importantly, high granular features make
generalization impossible!
, v
, 10:01am, , v
) vs (m
, v
, 10:02am, , v
Learning on one feature has no effect on another
Intuition: should have features that describe
general high-level concepts
Early Morning instead of 2:03am, 2:04am,
Near Location X instead of 50m west of Location X
Solution: Clustering on nave feature space
8/31/2013 Data Mining: Principles and Algorithms 59
Motif Feature Extraction
For each motif attribute, cluster values to form
higher level concepts
Frequency and distribution in learning data
dictates the final clusters
Hierarchical micro-clustering
Small clusters so concepts are not merged
Hierarchy allows flexibility in describing objects
For example: afternoon vs. early
afternoon and late afternoon
8/31/2013 Data Mining: Principles and Algorithms 60
Feature Clustering
Rough, fast micro-clustering method based on BIRCH
A micro-cluster is represented by a CF Vector: CF = (n,
Centroid and radius can be calculated from CF vector
CF Additive Theorem allows two CF Vectors to be
combined quickly and losslessly
CF Tree is a hierarchy of CF Vectors
A parent CF Vector holds information for all
descendent CF Vectors
Leaf CF Vector corresponds to a set of actual points
8/31/2013 Data Mining: Principles and Algorithms 61
More on Feature Clustering
Build CF Tree from raw data, much like B-tree
Two parameters in clustering
B: branching factor of CF Tree
T: radius threshold of CF Vector
Parameters control how fine micro-clusters are
Hierarchical agglomerative clustering on leaves of
CF Tree
Entire process is efficient: O(N)
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Extracted Feature Space
Leaf nodes in final clustering become the new
More general than the original nave feature
Dimensionality could still be moderately high
Use Support Vector Machine for classification
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Synthetic Data
Generated at motif-expression level
Abnormal paths are injected with abnormal
SVM using nave feature space
SVM using extracted feature spaces of varying
refinement levels
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8/31/2013 Data Mining: Principles and Algorithms 65
Experiment (2)
8/31/2013 Data Mining: Principles and Algorithms 66
Summary: Moving Object Anomaly Detection
Higher level semantic analysis of moving objects
yields better results
Automated feature extraction
Future work
Automatic determination of t parameter
Better use of feature space hierarchy
Other analysis, such as clustering and local
outlier detection for anomaly detection
Mining other knowledge for moving objects
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Mining Object, Spatial and Multi-Media Data
Mining object data sets
Mining spatial databases and data warehouses
Spatial DBMS
Spatial Data Warehousing
Spatial Data Mining
Spatiotemporal Data Mining
Mining multimedia data
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Similarity Search in Multimedia Data
Description-based retrieval systems
Build indices and perform object retrieval based on
image descriptions, such as keywords, captions, size,
and time of creation
Labor-intensive if performed manually
Results are typically of poor quality if automated
Content-based retrieval systems
Support retrieval based on the image content, such
as color histogram, texture, shape, objects, and
wavelet transforms
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Queries in Content-Based Retrieval Systems
Image sample-based queries
Find all of the images that are similar to the given
image sample
Compare the feature vector (signature) extracted from
the sample with the feature vectors of images that
have already been extracted and indexed in the image
Image feature specification queries
Specify or sketch image features like color, texture, or
shape, which are translated into a feature vector
Match the feature vector with the feature vectors of
the images in the database
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Approaches Based on Image Signature
Color histogram-based signature
The signature includes color histograms based on color
composition of an image regardless of its scale or
No information about shape, location, or texture
Two images with similar color composition may contain
very different shapes or textures, and thus could be
completely unrelated in semantics
Multifeature composed signature
Define different distance functions for color, shape,
location, and texture, and subsequently combine them
to derive the overall result
8/31/2013 Data Mining: Principles and Algorithms 71
Wavelet Analysis
Wavelet-based signature
Use the dominant wavelet coefficients of an image as
its signature
Wavelets capture shape, texture, and location
information in a single unified framework
Improved efficiency and reduced the need for
providing multiple search primitives
May fail to identify images containing similar objects
that are in different locations.
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One Signature for the Entire Image?
Walnus: [NRS99] by Natsev, Rastogi, and Shim
Similar images may contain similar regions, but a region
in one image could be a translation or scaling of a
matching region in the other

Wavelet-based signature with region-based granularity
Define regions by clustering signatures of windows of
varying sizes within the image
Signature of a region is the centroid of the cluster
Similarity is defined in terms of the fraction of the area
of the two images covered by matching pairs of
regions from two images
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Multidimensional Analysis of
Multimedia Data
Multimedia data cube
Design and construction similar to that of traditional
data cubes from relational data
Contain additional dimensions and measures for
multimedia information, such as color, texture, and
The database does not store images but their descriptors
Feature descriptor: a set of vectors for each visual
Color vector: contains the color histogram
MFC (Most Frequent Color) vector: five color centroids
MFO (Most Frequent Orientation) vector: five edge orientation
Layout descriptor: contains a color layout vector and an
edge layout vector
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Multi-Dimensional Search in
Multimedia Databases
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Color histogram Texture layout
Multi-Dimensional Analysis in
Multimedia Databases
8/31/2013 Data Mining: Principles and Algorithms 76
Refining or combining searches
Search for blue sky
(top layout grid is blue)
Search for blue sky and
green meadows
(top layout grid is blue
and bottom is green)
Search for airplane in blue sky
(top layout grid is blue and
keyword = airplane)
Mining Multimedia Databases
8/31/2013 Data Mining: Principles and Algorithms 77
By Format
By Colour
Cross Tab
Group By
By Colour
By Format & Colour
By Format & Size
By Colour & Size
By Format
By Size
The Data Cube and
the Sub-Space Measurements
Format of image
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Mining Multimedia Databases
8/31/2013 Data Mining: Principles and Algorithms 78
Mining Multimedia Databases in

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Classification in MultiMediaMiner
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Special features:
Need # of occurrences besides Boolean existence, e.g.,
Two red square and one blue circle implies theme
Need spatial relationships
Blue on top of white squared object is associated
with brown bottom
Need multi-resolution and progressive refinement
It is expensive to explore detailed associations
among objects at high resolution
It is crucial to ensure the completeness of search at
multi-resolution space
Mining Associations in Multimedia Data
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Spatial Relationships from Layout
property P1 next-to property P2 property P1 on-top-of property P2
Different Resolution Hierarchy
Mining Multimedia Databases
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From Coarse to Fine Resolution Mining
Mining Multimedia Databases
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Challenge: Curse of Dimensionality
Difficult to implement a data cube efficiently given a large
number of dimensions, especially serious in the case of
multimedia data cubes
Many of these attributes are set-oriented instead of
Restricting number of dimensions may lead to the
modeling of an image at a rather rough, limited, and
imprecise scale
More research is needed to strike a balance between
efficiency and power of representation
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Mining object data needs feature/attribute-based
generalization methods
Spatial, spatiotemporal and multimedia data mining is one
of important research frontiers in data mining with broad
Spatial data warehousing, OLAP and mining facilitates
multidimensional spatial analysis and finding spatial
associations, classifications and trends
Multimedia data mining needs content-based retrieval and
similarity search integrated with mining methods
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References on Spatial Data Mining
H. Miller and J. Han (eds.), Geographic Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Taylor
and Francis, 2001.
Ester M., Frommelt A., Kriegel H.-P., Sander J.: Spatial Data Mining: Database
Primitives, Algorithms and Efficient DBMS Support, Data Mining and Knowledge
Discovery, 4: 193-216, 2000.
J. Han, M. Kamber, and A. K. H. Tung, "Spatial Clustering Methods in Data Mining: A
Survey", in H. Miller and J. Han (eds.), Geographic Data Mining and Knowledge
Discovery, Taylor and Francis, 2000.
Y. Bedard, T. Merrett, and J. Han, "Fundamentals of Geospatial Data Warehousing for
Geographic Knowledge Discovery", in H. Miller and J. Han (eds.), Geographic Data
Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Taylor and Francis, 2000
K. Koperski and J. Han. Discovery of spatial association rules in geographic information
databases. SSD'95.
Shashi Shekhar and Sanjay Chawla, Spatial Databases: A Tour , Prentice Hall, 2003
(ISBN 013-017480-7). Chapter 7.: Introduction to Spatial Data Mining
X. Li, J. Han, and S. Kim, Motion-Alert: Automatic Anomaly Detection in Massive Moving
Objects, IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI'06).
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