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Clinical Anatomy of The Esophagus and Stomach

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Prof.Dr. Turgut IPEK, M.D.
 The esophagus is a muscular tube that starts
as the continuation of the pharynx and ends as
the cardia of the stomach.
 The esophagus is firmly attached at its upper
end to the cricoid cartilage and at its lower
end to the diaphragm.
 Three normal areas of esophagus narrowing
are evident on the barium esophagogram or
during esophagoscopy. The uppermost
narrowing is located at the entrance into the
esophagus and is caused by the
cricopharyngeal muscle. Its luminal diameter
is 1.5 cm, and it is the narrowest point of the
 The middle narrowing is due to an indentation
of the anterior and left lateral esophageal wall
caused by the crossing of the left main stem
bronchus and aortic arch. The luminal
diameter is 1.6 cm.
 The lowermost narrowing is at the hiatus of
the diaphragm and is caused by the
gastroesophageal sphincter mechanism. The
luminal diameter at this point varies
somewhat depending on the distention of the
esophagus by the passage of food, but has
been measured at 1.6 to 1.9 cm.
 The cervical portion of the esophagus is
approximately 5 cm long and descends between the
trachea and the vertebral column from the level of
siwth cervical vertebrae to the level of the interspace
betweenthe first and second thoracic vertebrae
posteriorly or of the suprasternal notch
anteriorly.Laterally, on the left and right sides of the
cervical esophagus are the carotid sheaths and the
lobes of the thyroid gland.
 The thoracic portion of the esophagus is
approximately 20 cm long. It starts at the
thoracic inlet. In the upper portion of the
thorax, it is in intimate relationship with the
posterior wall of the trachea and the
prevertebral fascia. Just above the tracheal
bifurcation, the esophagus passes to the right
of the aorta.
 Dorsally, the thoracic esophagus follows the
curvature of the spine and remains in close contact
with the vertebral bodies. From the eighth thoracic
vertebrae downward, the esophagus moves vertically
away from the spine to pass through the hiatus of the
diaphragm. The thoracic duct passes through the
hiatus of the diaphragm on the anterior surface of the
vertebral column behind the aorta and under the
right crus. In the thorax the thoracic duct lies dorsal
to the esophagus between the azygos vein on the
right and the descending thoracic aorta on the left.
 The abdominal portion of the esophagus is
approximately 2 cm long. It starts as the
esophagus passes through the diaphragmatic
hiatus and is surrounded by the
phrenoesophageal membrane.
 The musculature of the esophagus can be divided
into an outer longitudinal and an inner circular layer.
The upper 2 to 6 cm of the esophagus contains only
striated muscle fibers. From there on smooth muscle
fibers gradually become more abundant. Most of the
clinically significant esophageal motility disorders
involve only the smooth muscle in the lower two-
thirds of the esophagus. When a surgical esophageal
myotomy is indicated, the incision needs to extend
only this distance.
 Contraction of the longitudinal muscle fibers
shortens the esophagus. The circular muscle
layer of the esophagus is thicker than the
outer longitudinal layer.
 The cervical portion of the esophagus receives its
main blood supply from the inferior thyroid artery.
The thoracic portion receives its blood supply from
the bronchial arteries, with 75 percent of
individualshaving one right-sided and two left-sided
branches. Two esophageal branches arise directly
from the aorta. The abdominal portion of the
esophagus receives its blood supply from the
ascending branch of the left gastric artery and from
inferior phrenic arteries.
 Blood from the cappillaries of the esophagus
flows into a submucosal venous plexus and
then into a periesophageal venous plexus
from which the esophageal veins originate. In
the cervical region, the esophageal veins
empty into the inferior thyroid vein; in the
thoracic region into the bronchial, azygos, or
hemiazygos veins; and in the abdominal
region into the coronary vein.
 The parasympathetic innervation of the pharynx and
esophagus is provided mainly by the vagus nerves.
 The cricopharyngeal sphincter and the cervical
portion of the esophagus receive branches fromboth
recurrent laryngeal nerves, which originate from the
vagus nerves
- the right recurrent nerve at the lower margin of the
subclavian artery, the left at the lower margin of the
aortic arch.
 The lymphatics located in the submucosa of
the esophagus are so dense and
interconnected that they constitute a single
 In hte upper two-third of the esophagus the
lymphatic flow is mostly cephalad, and in the
lower third caudad.
 The efferent lymphatics from the cervical
esophagus drain into the paratracheal and
deep cervical lymph nodes, and those from
the upper thoracic esophagus empty mainly
into the paratracheal lymph nodes. Efferent
lymphatics from the lower thoracic esophagus
drain into the subcarinal nodes and nodes in
the inferior pulmonary ligaments.
 The fundus is lined by a highly specialized
epithelium that secretes HCL, pepsin , and intrinsic
factor. The mucosa of the antrum participates in the
process of gastric acid secretion by releasing the
secretagogue, gastrin, into the circulation.
 The stomach, therefore, can be considerer as two
organs: its proximal portiın is designed for storage
and digestion, and its distal part is adapted to the role
of mixing and evacuation.
Blood Supply and Lymphatics
 The lesser curve of the stomach is supplied primarily
by the left gastric artery, which arises from the celiac
axis. The right gastric artery, arising from the
ascending hepatic artery, is usually a small vessel
that provides branches to the first part of the
duodenum and the pylorus. Right and left
gastroepiploic aretries arise from the gastroduodenal
and splenic arteries, respectively. They from an
arcade along the greater curve, the right providing
blood to the antrum and the left supplying the lower
portion of the fundus.
 The short gastric arteries arising from the
splenic artery are small and relatively
insignificant in terms of the amount of blood
that they deliver to the most proximal portion
of the body of the stomach.
 The lymphatic drainage of the stomach follows the
distribution of the blood supply.
 Lymph from the upper lesser curvature of the
stomach drains into the left gastric and paracardial
nodes. The antral segment on the lesser curve drains
into the right suprapancreatic nodes. Lesions high on
the greater curvature flow into the left gastroepiploic
and splenic nodes, while the distribution of flow
along the right gastroepiploic enters nodes at the
base of the vascular pedicle serving this area.
 Motor aspects as well as secretory aspects of gastric
function are controlled by the autonomic nervous
system. The vagus nerves provide a predominant
part of this innervation. Each vagus has a single
branch within the abdomen: the hepatic arising from
the left anterior vagus, and the celiac from the right
posterior vagus. Each vagus terminates in the
anterior and posterior nerves of Laterjet,
 Knowledge of the anatomy of these nerves
has resulted in a new technique, highly
selective vagotomy, for treatment of peptic
ulcer. In this procedure, the antral branches
called the “crow’s foot” are preserved, while
the more proximal branches are divided as
they enter the stomach.
 The right posterior vagus may occasionally
give off a small branch that courses to the left
behind the esophagus to join the cardia. This
branch has been termed the “criminal nerve of
Grassi” in recognition of its important role in
the etiology of recurrent ulcer when it is left
 The gastric glands consist of six major cell
types: surface, mucous neck, progenitor,
chief, parietal, and endocrine cells.
 The entrance of ingestants into the stomach is
controlled by a highly specialized 5-cm area
of smooth muscle, termed the lower
esophageal sphincter. This sphincter, which
presents a high-pressure zone between the
esophagus and stomach, relaxes to allow the
passage of foodstuffs. It then contracts to
prevent the regurgitation of gastric contents
into the esophagus.
 The small bowel extends from the pylorus to
the cecum. Carefulestimates provide a
duodenal length of 20 cm, a jejunal length of
100 to 100 cm, and an ileal length of 150 to
160 cm. The jejunoileum extends from the
peritoneal fold that supports the duodenal-
jejunal junction (the ligament of Treitz)
downward to the ileocecal valve.
 The jejunum has a larger circumference and is
thicker than the ileum, and it may be identified at
operation because of this and also because the
mesenteric vessels usually from only one or two
arcades and send out long straight vasa recta to the
mesenteric border of jejunum. By contrast, the blood
supply to the ileum may have four or five separate
arcades, the vasa recta are shorter, and, most
important, there is usually much more fat in the
mesentery of the ileum than in that of the jejunum.
 Except for the proximal duodenum, which is
supplied by branches of the celiac axis, the
blood supply of the small bowel is entirely
from the superior mesenteric artery, which is
the second major branch of the
infradiaphragmatic aorta. The superior
mesenteric artery also supplies the appendix,
cecum, and ascending and proximal
transverse colons.
 Venous drainage of the segments of the small
bowel is in parallel with the arterial supply.
The superior mesenteric vein joins the splenic
behind the neck of the pancreas to from the
portal vein.
 The small bowel contains major deposits of
lymphatic tissue, particularly in the Peyer’s
patches of the ileum.
 The small bowel mucosa is characterized by
transverse folds (plicae circulares or valves of
Kerckring), but actually these are absent in
the duodenal bulb and in the distal ileum.
 The innervation of the small bowel comes both
sympathetic and parasymphatetic systems.
Parasympathetic fibers come from the vagus and
traverse the celiac ganglia. They affect secretion and
motility and probably all phases of bowel activity.
Vagal afferent fibers are present but apperently do
not carry pain impulses. The symphatetic fibers
come from the three sets of splanchnic nerves. Pain
from the intestine is mediated through general
visceral afferent fibers in the symphatetic system.
 The wall of the small bowel has four layers- the
serosa, the muscularis, the submucosa, and the
 The crypts of Lieberkühn contain four types of cells-
goblet cells that secrete mucus, enterochromaffin
cells whose endocrine function is unknown, Paneth
cells that secrete zymogen granules and whose
function is also unknown, and undifferentiated
epithelial cells whose function is to provide for cell
renewal. The major known functions of the villi are
digestion and absorbtion.
 True division into right and left lobes is in line with
fossa for the inferior vena cava posteriorly and the
gallbladder fossa anteroinferiorly.

Biliary Drainage
 The anterior and posterior sectoral ducts in the right
lobe join to form the right hepatic duct, while the
medial and lateral segmental ducts in the left lobe
terminate in the left hepatic duct in the porta hepatis.
Blood Supply
 The afferent blooh supply to the liver arises
from two sources: (1) the hepatic artery,
which carries oxygenated blood and accounts
for approximately 25 percent of hepatic blood
flow, and (2) the portal vein, which accounts
for approximately 75 percent of hepatic blood
flow and drains the splanchnic circulation.
 The common hepatic artery originates from
the celiac axis and, after contributing the
gastroduodenal and right gastric artery,
ascends in the hepatoduodenal ligament to the
left of the common bile duct and anterior in
the portal vein. It bifurcates into a right and
left branch to the left of the main lobar
 Intrahepatic anastomoses between the right
and left hepatic arteries do not occur. The
cystic artery is usually an extrahepatic branch
of the right hepatic artery.
 The portal venous system contains no valves.
It returns to the liver the blood that the celiac,
superior mesenteric, and inferior mesenteric
arteries supply to the gastrointestinal tract,
pancreas, and spleen.
 In the porta hepatis the vein divides into two
branches, which course to each lobe. The
average length of the main portal vein is 6.5
cm, and the average diameter is 0.8 cm.
 The hepatic venous systembegins as a central
vein of the liver lobule and represents the
only vessel in human beings into which the
sinusoids empty. The major hepatic veins are
classified as right, left and middle.
 In human beings there are no valves in the
hepatic venous system. Total hepatic blood
flow can measured by means of hepatic vein
catheterization and the use of the Fick
principle. The average value is 1500
mL/min/1.73 m2 of body surface.
 The gallbladder is a saclike, hollow organ measuring
about 10 cm in length that lies in a fossa on the
undersurface of the liver.
 The gallbladder is attached to the liver by loose
areolar tissue rich in small blood vessels and
 The gallbladder has a fundus, body, infundibulum,
and neck.
 The infundibulum, also known Hartmann’s pouch, is
a small bulbous diverticulum, typically lying on tha
inferior surface of the gallbladder.
 The cystic duct is the tubular structure that connects
the gallbladder to the common bile duct. The so-
called spiral valves of Heister are situated within the
cystic duct; they appear to play an important role in
the passage of bile into and out of the gallbladder.
 The major blood supply to the gallbladder is through
the cystic artery, which is typically a branch of the
right hepatic artery.
 The cystic artery runs close to the cystic duct in the
triangle of Calot. This anatomic area is defined by
the edge of the liver, the common hepatic bile duct,
and cystic duct. The venous drainage of the
gallbladder is variable and generally does not run
parallel with the arteries. Drainage is into the right
branch of the portal vein.
 The wall of the gallbladder is richly
innervated with sympathetic and
parasympathetic nerve fibers. The sensation
of pain is mediated by visceral, sympathetic
fibers. The motor stimulus for gallbladder
contraction is carried through the vagus
nerves and the celiac ganglion
Bile Duct
 The biliary tract has its origin within the small intra hepatic
bile ducts. Using the classic definitions, the extrahepatic
biliary tract begins with the right and left hepatic duct. The
common hepatic duct makes up the left border of the triangle
of Calot, and is continuous with the common bile duct, and
the division, which is fairly arbitrary, occur at the level of the
cystic duct. The common bile duct is approximately 8 cm in
length and courses from the junction with the common
hepatic duct, through the substance of the pancreas and
ultimately drains into the duodenum. The common bile duct
empties into the duodenum at the papilla of Vater.
 Anomalies of the gallbladder include ectopic
locations, disorders of number of gallbladders
(agenesis or multiple), or defects in
gallbladder formation and development.
Perhaps the most common anomaly is that of
the gallbladder being located intrahepatically.
 It is arbitrarily divided into a head with its incinate
process, a neck, a body, and a tail.
 There are usually no tributaries between the anterior
surface of the superior mesenteric and portal veins
and the posterior surface of the neck.
 Bile and Pancreatic Ducts
 The common bile duct passes posterior to the head
of the pancreas on its way to the duodenum, and is
partially ar completely covered by the pancreas in
over 70 percent of cases.
 The main pancreatic duct (Wirsung) arises in
the tail of the pancreas and enters the
duodenal wall caudal to the bile duct.
 The ampulla of Vater is a dilatation of the
common pancreaticobiliary channel within
the papilla and is distal to the junction of the
two ducts. An ampulla is present in about 90
percent of cases, and it usually is quite short
(5 mm or less).
 The accessory pancreatic duct (Santorini) usually
drains the anterior and superior portion of the head
of the pancreas. In 60 percent of cases, it enters the
duodenum about 2 cm cranial and slightly anterior to
the papilla of Vater, through the minor papilla.
 Numerous variations of ductal anatomy occur, but
only pancreas divisum, which occurs in up to 10
percent of normal people, mat occasionally cause
Blood Supply
 The blood supply to the head of the gland comes
from the superior pancreaticoduodenal artery, which
arises from the gastroduodenal artery and divides
into anterior and posterior branches.
 The dorsal pancreatic artery usually arises from the
proximal 2 cm of the splenic artery and, after
supplying some branches to the head, passes to the
left to supply the body and tail of the gland. There it
is called the transverse pancreatic artery. Numerous
branches from the splenic artery anastomose with the
transverse artery and also supply the body and tail.
 The head of the pancreas is drained by veins which parallel
the arteries. The superior pancreaticoduodenal, right
gastroepiploic, and a colic vein join to form a major
gastrocolic trunk on the anterior surface of the head. This
trunk empties into the superior mesenteric vein just before it
passes under the neck of the pancreas, and may be a useful
anatomic landmark to identify the vessel during pancreatic
 Venous drainage of the body and tail of the pancreas is
directly to the splenic vein, and through the inferior
pancreatic vein to the inferior or superior mesenteric veins.
 Lymphatic drainage of the pancreas is rich
and, in general, follows venous drainage in all
directions. The superior nodes, loceted along
the superior border of the pancreas, collect
lymph from the anterior and superior upper
half of the gland.
 The inferior nodes, along the inferior margin
of the head and body, drain the anterior and
posterior lower half. Anterior nodes drain the
anterior surface of the head of the pancreas.
They are located beneath the pylorus,
anteriorly in the groove between the pancreas
and duodenum, and the root of the mesentery
of the transverse colon.
 Posterior nodes drain the posterior surface of the
head. They are found posteriorly in the groove
between the pancreas and duodenum, along the
common bile duct, the aorta as high as the origin of
the celiac axis artery, and at the origin of the
superior mesenteric artery. Splenic nodes drain the
tail of the pancreas. Lymphatic drainage is important
in regard to the spread of pancreatic cancer, which
arises most commonly in the head of the gland.
 The pancreas receives symphatetic fibers via the
splanchnic nerves and parasymphatetic innervation
by way of the vagus nerves (celiac division of the
posterior vagus trunk). The splanchnic nerves also
carry visceral afferent pain fibers which pass through
the celiac plexus and ganglia. I t is not known
whether afferent fibers of the vagus are involved in
pancreatic pain. Because pancreatic cancer and
chronic pancreatitis are often accompanied by
significant pain, efforts to relieve it sometimes
include destruction of the celiac ganglia, with
variable success.

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