Desarrollo Tema Liferay
Desarrollo Tema Liferay
Desarrollo Tema Liferay
Step 1
Header: Notice that in this section the header has a green line on the top which covers the whole screen, so in order to do this we need to wrap the header with another container. The header contains logo, call to action, navigation and search.
Pay attention to the naming of id or class in every screenshot I made, these will be the names we will use when we markup the HTML.
Service: this section contains 2 columns for web design and vector design.
Media: this section is divided into 3 columns for video, Twitter, and Facebook.
Notice the above section slides, services, and media are positioned in the center, so we will wrap them with a div and name it container.
Widget: this section is divided into 3 columns for links, blog, and location. Also you will notice it is covered with a gray dotted pattern that covers the whole screen.
Client: In this section you will notice there is a solid gray border on the bottom that covers the entire screen and a list of clients logo.
Footer: Finally, the footer which contain 2 columns for copyright, footer links, and back to top arrow.
Utility macros
What's a macro?
A macro is a function that does text manipulation inside of Velocity. You can feed it parameters, and it will print out a string for you. Macros are not like traditional methods or functions, in that they don't return data, and while they can manipulate text based upon the parameters you pass in, it can only print. #css(FILE_NAME) Creates a link element like so: <link href="FILE_NAME" rel="stylesheet" type="text/stylesheet" /> #js(FILE_NAME) Creates a script element like so: <script src="FILE_NAME" type="text/javascript"></script> #language(LANGUAGE_KEY) Prints out the language string related to the LANGUAGE_KEY. This replaces the following functionality: $languageUtil.get($company.getCompanyId(), $locale, LANGUAGE_KEY)
Misc variables
$update_available_url The url where the "Update Available" link points to
<img src="$themeDisplay.getPathThemeImages()/custom/image_name.png" id="logo" />
You can add all your javascript files to the js folder in your theme like: sample-theme/docroot/_diffs/js/jquery-1.8.2.min.js And then to make it available for everybody you can write any of the following lines in the <head> section of the template files portal_normal.vm and portal_pop_up.vm present in the directory sampletheme/docroot/_diffs/templates/: #js ("$javascript_folder/jquery-1.8.2.min.js") Or <script 1.8.2.min.js"></script> src="$javascript_folder/jquery-
Next, upload few images that you want to display in the slider in the
Document and Media Library.