Ab1001 - R/3 Overview & Architecture - V1.0: India Sap Coe, Slide 1
Ab1001 - R/3 Overview & Architecture - V1.0: India Sap Coe, Slide 1
Ab1001 - R/3 Overview & Architecture - V1.0: India Sap Coe, Slide 1
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R/3 means Real-time 3-tier Architecture R/3 software supports all of a companys business transactions and links them together using real-time integration. Real-time integration means that each change or update in one application causes the automatic change or update of the data in the other applications involved.
mySAP.com World
SAP has been traditionally involved in helping customers modernize their back-office operations by integrating business processes, mostly with its standard Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software solution called SAP R/3. The evolving customer-centric Internet business world, with its HTTP and XML communication protocols and need to do business anywhere and at any time, has enabled business collaboration to take place. The traditional SAP R/3 ERP system is an online transaction processing system (OLTP). With the proliferation of mySAP.com, all these more or less separate products are repositioned from a functionality centric approach to a new, user role-based centric approach based on business scenarios.
R/3 also represents 3-tiered Client-Server Architecture.
The Application Layer : Uses the Application logic of Program to collect and process the process request.
The Database Layer : Stores and Retrieves all Data.
1. Presentation / GUI Layer : The presentation or GUI layer typically receives keyboard/mouse data from a user and sends that data in the form of process requests to the application layer for further processing. When layer receives output from the application layer it reformats the data and presents textual and graphical data to the users PC screen. 2. Application Layer : The application layer consists of R/3's core components. The majority of R/3 business logic processing occurs in the application server layer. This is where the work processes are managed by the dispatcher. 3. Database Layer : The database layer contains an engine whose sole mission is to store and retrieve data on behalf of the application layer. SAP R/3 uses the industry standard database access language SQL (pronounced SEE-QUEL - Structured Query Language) as an interface to access its supporting database
Physical Distribution of R/3 s Logical Layers
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Presentation Presentation servers: servers: Systems capable Systems capable of of providing providing a a graphical graphical interface. interface.
Application Application servers: servers: Specialized systems Specialized systems multiple multiple CPUs CPUs and and vast vast amounts amounts of of RAM. RAM.
Database Database servers: servers: Specialized Specialized systems systems with with fast fast and and large large hard hard drives. drives.
By now you are aware of
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Why R/3 ?
The main purpose of an R/3 system is to provide a suite of tightly integrated, large-scale business applications. The standard set of applications delivered with each R/3 system are the following: PP (Production Planning) MM (Materials Management) SD (Sales and Distribution) FI (Financial Accounting) CO (Controlling) AM (Fixed Assets Management) PS (Project System) WF (Workflow) IS (Industry Solutions) HR (Human Resources) PM (Plant Maintenance) QM (Quality Management) These applications are called the functional areas, or application areas, or at times the functional modules of R/3. All of these terms are synonymous with each other.
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Why R/3 ?
In above scenario where information flow is required on immediate base only R/3 is viable option
Why R/3 ?
Why R/3 ?
By now you know What is R/3 ? What does R/3 mean ? Why & in what situation is R/3 required ?
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The Application Layer components are installed across one or more high - end servers. The Database Layer components are installed on one high - end database server.
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It runs in the address space of the process, using resources allocated to the process. Each thread is capable of completing a different task that its process requests.
The specific tasks of the dispatcher are: To maximize efficient distribution of process requests to work processes To monitor the use of the R/3 buffers To ensure process requests are sent back to presentation level when completed. Managing of communications activities.
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Enables you to process directly queries that were placed from the Internet/Intranet via a browser.
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SAP R/3 is SAP's integrated software solution for client/server and distributed open systems. SAP's R/3 is the world's most-used standard business software for client/server computing. R/3 meets the needs of a customer from the small grocer with 3 users to the multi-billion dollar companies. The software is highly customizable using SAP's proprietary programming language, ABAP/4. R/3 is scalable and highly suited for many types and sizes of organizations.
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SAP R/3 : Systems Applications & Product in Real-time 3-tier Architecture. Pronunciation: SAP (Ess Aay Pee).