Chapter 13 Zakat
Chapter 13 Zakat
Chapter 13 Zakat
Meaning of Zakat
General Meaning a compulsory levy imposed on the Muslims so as to take surplus money or wealth from the comparatively well-to-do members of the Muslim society and give it to the destitute and needed. Literal Meaning (Arabic word) 1. Growth or increase Giving Zakat will increase in prosperity in the world and religious merit in the hereafter. 2. Purity Purifies from sins (take from their property (sadaqah) in order to purify them (tuzakkhihim) Al-Quran 9:104.
Note: Both meanings have spiritual connotations.
Gold and Silver (including jewellery and money) Surah At-Taubah verse 35 Agriculture Produce (dates, wheat, etc.) Surah Al-Anam verse 141
Based on Ijma, Qiyas and Ijtihad of Contemporary Ulama Income (e.g., salaries and wages) Financial Securities (e.g., shares and bonds) Islamic Financial insurances) Institutions (e.g., banks,
2. The valuation of Assets based on current or market value Show the most accurate and relevant value of assets Measure the net worth of the individual/company
3. Yearly principle Assets should be owned for one full year (haul) Zakat charged only once a year (except for agriculture produce)
Effective beginning 1 Muharram 1420H or 1 January 1999 However, in many Muslim countries the standards served only as guidelines which they are not supposed to be complied with This is due to the required compliance with the respective countries Central Bank guidelines and by-laws.
Jan 31 Feb 28 March 31 April 30 May 31 June 30 July 31 Aug 31 Sept 30 Oct 31 Nov 30 Dec 31 Total = 365
Muharram 30 Safar 29 Rabiul Awwal 30 Rabiul Akhir 29 Jamadil Awal 29 Jamadil Akhir 30 Rejab 29 Syaaban 30 Ramadhan 30 Syawal 29 Zulkaedah 30 Zulhijjah 29 Total = 354
Assumptions: Urudh At-Tijarah or Net Trade (Current) Assets (Hanafi, Syafie Mazhab) Zakah Base: (Trade Assets/Current Assets) less (or minus) (Trade Liabilities/Current or Short-Term Liabilities)
Liabilities to be deducted
Current or short term liabilities (payables or creditors, etc.) Equity of unrestricted investment accounts Equity owned by the government Equity owned by endowment funds (Waqf)
Paid-up capital Reserves Retained Earnings Net Income (profit for the year) Long Term Liabilities (due more than a year)
Fixed Assets
Net Fixed Assets after depreciation (e.g., Land, Buildings, etc.) Long Term Investment Losses (if there is any)
Zakat Obligations for Islamic Financial Institutions Obligations to pay should be charged directly to the shareholders and depositors Shareholders authorising the Islamic Banks to do so on their behalf Islamic Fiqh Academy recognised Zakat due to be paid by the enterprise as a corporate entity
Zakat Obligations for Islamic Financial Institutions Islamic Banks must pay Zakah when: the law requires them to pay required by its Charter or by-laws, and when the general assembly (AGM) and shareholders has passed resolution require them to pay If the Islamic bank pay Zakah then the shareholders and depositors do not have to pay
Method used in the determination of zakat base Its responsibility towards payment of zakat on business; and Major components of zakat
Current zakat expense Zakat payment Zakat liability Any adjustments recognised in the period for zakat of prior periods
Zakat rate