Diet Design Tools and Guidelines
Diet Design Tools and Guidelines
Diet Design Tools and Guidelines
Economic Status
What & How Much To Eat?
Learn the body’s nutrient needs
Categorize the body’s nutrient needs
Learn the foods that meet these needs
Learn how to think critically about food
choices, read labels, and evaluate foods
Apply the above information to create a
personalized food plan
Healthful Nutrition for Fitness and Sport
Categorizing the Body’s Nutrient Needs
40-45 Essential Six General
Nutrients Classes of
Glucose Nutrients
2 Fatty Acids Carbohydrates
9 Amino Acids
(EAA) Protein
13 Vitamins Vitamins
About 21
Minerals Minerals
Water Water
General Functions of Nutrients
in Foods
Provide Water
Provide Fuel for Entire Body
Provide Building Blocks
Provide Metabolic Regulators
A Calorie
A measurement of energy measured
in a bomb calorimeter
“the amount of heat it takes to raise
the temperature of 1 gram of water
by 1 degree Celsius”
Food is measured in kilocalories
“Calories” with a large “C” on
nutrition label are in kcal
The Energy Nutrients
E n e r g y N u t r ie n t s
( E n e r g y = C a lo r ie s in N u t r it io n )
T h e T o t a l M a k e s U p Y o u r D a ily C a lo r ic In t a k e
A lc o h o l is a T o x in A d d in g 7 C a lo r ie s p e r G r a m
C a rb o h y d ra te s P r o t e in Fat
4 C a lo r ie s p e r G r a m 4 C a lo r ie s p e r G r a m 9 C a lo r ie s p e r G r a m
6 0 - 7 0 % o f C a lo r ie s 1 0 - 1 5 % o f T o t a l C a lo r ie s L e s s th a n 3 0 %
T y p e is V e r y Im p o r t a n t U s e P r o t e in C a lc u la t io n f o r T o t a l P r e f e r a b ly 2 0 %
Energy Nutrients
Carbohydrates (4 kcalories per gram)
» 65-75% of kcalories
» Complex Vs. Simple
Lipids (9 kcalories per gram)
» 20% of kcalories (govt. recs 20-35%)
» Unsaturated Vs. Saturated
Proteins (4 kcalories per gram)
» 10-15% of kcalories
Transformation of Energy
1,000 calories = 1 kcal = 1(food)
Food Label Energy Nutrient Calculations
Nutrition Facts
Amount per Serving
Calories 80
Total Fat 1g
Total Carbohydrate 15g
Protein 3 g
Per serving
CHO: 15g x 4 kcal/g = 60 kcal
PRO: 3g x 4 kcal/g = 12 kcal
FAT: 1g x 9 kcal/g = 9 kcal
TOTAL: 81 kcal, rounded down to 80
The Standard American Diet
❚ ~16% of kcals as proteins
❙ 2/3 from animal sources
❚ ~50% of kcals as CHOs
❙ 1/2 from simple sugars
❙ Rest mainly refined flours
❚ ~33% of kcals as Fats
❙ ~2/3 from animal fats
Calculating Percent Kcal
CHO 290 grams x 4 kcal/g = 1160 kcal
Fat 60 grams x 9 kcal/g = 540 kcal
Protein 70 grams x 4 kcal/g = 280 kcal
Total 1980 kcal
% kcal from CHO = 1160 / 1980 = 59%
% kcal from fat = 540 / 1980 = 27%
% kcal from protein = 280 / 1980 = 14 %
The Non-Energy Yielding
Compose of various Minerals:
chemical elements
Vital to life
Needed in tiny
amounts Needed in tiny
Fat soluble amounts
Water soluble Trace minerals
Yields no energy Major minerals
Yields no energy
Compose of H2O
Vital to life
Is a solvent, lubricant, medium for
transport, and temperature regulator
Makes up majority (2/3) of our body
Yields no energy
Learning Human Nutrient Needs
DRI (Dietary Reference Intakes)
RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowances)
Established by Food and Nutrition Board of National
Academy of Sciences and updated every 4-5 years
Meets general nutrition needs of healthy adults
RDA for 19 nutrients Fig. 2.p057
AI (Adequate Intake)
Set when scientific data insufficient
Example: Copper, Biotin, Chromium
UL (Tolerable Upper Intake Levels)
Upper Intakes for possible toxic nutrients
Standards For Food Labeling
RDA not used on food label since it is gender
and age specific
FDA developed the Daily Values
Reference Daily Intake (RDI) for vitamins and
Daily Reference Value (DRV) for nutrients
without RDAs
Only used on food labels
DRV for 2000 kcal
History of USDA’s Food Guidance
Food for
Children 1992
Food Guides
To translate science into practical terms
To help people meet the nutritional needs for
carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins, &
1990-2005 USDA Food Guide
What Counted as a Serving in the Old Pyramid?
Now Bread, Cereal, Rice, and Pasta
in 1 slice of bread 1 ounce of ready to-eat 1/2 cup of cooked
cereal cereal, rice, or
1 cup of raw leafy 1/2 cup of other 3/4 cup of
vegetables vegetables, cooked or vegetable juice
1 medium apple, 1/2 cup of chopped, 3/4 cup of fruit
banana, orange cooked, or canned fruit juice
Milk, Yogurt, and Cheese
1 cup of milk or yogurt 1-1/2 ounces of natural 2 ounces
cheese processed cheese
Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dry Beans, Eggs, and Nuts
2-3 ounces of cooked 1/2 cup of cooked dry beans or ½ cup tofu
lean meat, poultry, fish counts as a serving. 2 tablespoons of peanut
butter or 1/3 cup of nuts count as 1 ounce of
“meat” according to the USDA.
Old USDA Categories (3)
Low Mod High
1,600 2,200 2,800
Grain Group Servings 6 9 11
Vegetable Group Servings 3 4 5
Fruit Group Servings 2 3 4
Milk Group Servings 2-3 2-3 2-3
Meat Group (ounces) 5 6 7
Key food group messages from the
Dietary Guidelines and MyPyramid:
Focus on fruits.
Percent change
0 Consumpt
Fruits Vegetables Grains Meat & Beans Milk
Fat, Oil & Added Sugars
Allowances Compared to Consumption
Bars show percent change needed in consumption to meet recommendations
Females 31-50 Males 31-50
Percent Change
0 Consumpt
-50 s
48% 11%
30% 17%
*Females 31-50
MyPyramid Tips
Plan your meals and take your own
Include vegetable protein often
Eat a colorful salad daily including
dark green/yellow/orange/red /purple
veggies and fruits
Include a vitamin C rich food every
Choose whole grains
The Healthful House of Food and
Fitness by Cherie Moore
Cherie’s Food Guide On The Web
Using Exchange Lists to Plan Your
What is the Exchange System?
Who Developed the Exchange System?
American Diabetes Association
American Dietetics Association
Who could use these Exchange Lists?
Someone striving for weight loss
Exchange System-Important Points
to Make it Work
Strict attention to portion sizes
Not categorized by vitamins and minerals
Categorized by the energy (Calories) and
energy nutrients (carbs, fats, and proteins)
Some foods in different categories than the food
pyramid (cheese, corn, and olives)
Six general exchange categories (fat, starch,
vegetable, fruit, milk, “meat”)
Exchange System Lists
Exchange Lists Categories
Starch (80 kcal)
15 grams carbohydrate
3 grams protein
0-1 grams fat
Vegetable (25 kcal)
5 grams carbohydrate
2 grams protein
0 grams fat
Exchange Lists Categories
Fruit (60 kcal)
15 grams carbohydrate
0 grams protein
0 grams fat
Protein- legumes, meats, cheeses (55-100 kcal)
0 grams carbohydrate
7 grams protein
1-8 grams fat (depending on whether food is very lean,
lean, medium fat or high fat)
Exchange Lists Categories
Milk (90-150 kcal)
12 grams carbohydrate
8 grams protein
0-8 grams fat (depending on amount of fat in milk)
Fat (45 kcal)
0 grams carbohydrate
0 grams protein
5 grams fat