Power and Politics
Power and Politics
Power and Politics
Power refers to a capacity that one has to influence someone elses behaviour so that others do thing one intends. This definition implies:
A potential that need not be actualized to be effective. A dependency relationship. The assumption that others have some discretion over his or her own behaviour.
Leaders achieve goals and power is a means of facilitating their achievement. Power does not require goal compatability, merely dependence. Leadership on the other hand requires some congruence between the goals of the leader and the led. Leadership focusses on downward influence on ones subordinates, power does not. Leadership research emphasizes style, power research focusses on tactics for gaining compliance.
1. COERCIVE POWER power that is based on fear. 2. REWARD POWER compliance achieved based on the ability to distribute rewards that others view as valuable. 3. LEGITIMATE POWER the power a person receives as a result of his or her position in the formal hierarchy of organisation.
4. EXPERT POWER it is the influence wielded as a result of expertise, special skills or knowledge. 5. REFERENT POWER influence based on possession by an individual of desirable resources or personal traits.
Ways in which individuals translate power bases into specific actions. There are seven identified tactical dimensions: 1. REASON: use of facts and data to make a logical or rational presentation of ideas. 2. FRIENDLINESS: use of flattery, creation of goodwill, acting humble and being friendly prior to making a request.
3. COALITION: getting the support of other people in the organisation to back up the request. 4. BARGAINING: use of negotiation through the exchange of benefits or favours. 5. ASSERTIVENESS: use of direct and forceful approach such as demanding compliance with requests, repeating reminders, ordering individuals to do what is asked and pointing out that rules require compliance. 6. HIGHER AUTHORITY: gaining the support of higher levels in the organisation to back up requests.
7. SANCTIONS: use of organizationally derived rewards and punishments such as preventing or promising a salary increase, threatening to give an unsatisfactory performance evaluation or with holding a promotion. Contingency variables that affect the selection of a power tactic: 1. The managers relative power 2. The objectives for wanting to influence. 3. The expectations of target persons willingness to comply. 4. The organizations culture.
POLITICAL BEHAVIOUR 1. LEGITIMATE POLITICAL BEHAVIOUR refers to normal everyday politics. 2. ILLEGITIMATE POLITICAL BEHAVIOUR extreme political behaviour that violates the implied rules of the game.
ORGANIZATIONAL FACTORS: - reallocation of resources. - promotion opportunities. - low trust. - role ambiguity. - unclear performance evaluation system. - zero- sum reward practices. - democratic decision making. - high performance pressures. - self sewing seniors.
The process by which individuals attempt to control the impression others form of them. IMPRESSION MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES 1. CONFORMITY: agreeing with someone elses opinion in order to gain his or her approval. 2. EXCUSES: explanations of a predicament creating behavior aimed at minimizing the apparent severity of the predicament.
3. APOLOGIES: admitting responsibility for an undesirable event and simultaneously seeking to get a pardon for the action. 4. ACCLAIMING: explanation of favourable events to maximize the desirable implications for oneself. 5. FLATTERY: complementing others about their virtues in an effort to make oneself appear perceptive and likeable. 6. FAVOURS: doing something nice for someone to gain that persons approval. 7. ASSOCIATION: enhancing or saving ones image by managing information about people and things with which one is associated.
AVOIDING ACTION 1. OVERCONFORMING: rigid adherence to rules, policies and precedents avoid the need to consider the nuances of a particular case. 2. PASSING THE BUCK: transfer the responsibility for the execution of a task or decision to someone else. 3. PLAYING DUMB: form of strategic helplessness, avoiding any unwanted task by falsely pleading ignorance or inability.
4. DEPERSONALIZATION: treat other people as objects or numbers, distancing oneself from problems and avoiding having to consider the idiosyncrasies of particular people or the impact of events on them. 5. STRETCHING AND SMOOTHING: stretching refers to prolonging a task so that one appears to be occupied, smoothing refers to covering up fluctuations in effort or output. 6. STALLING: this foot-dragging tactic requires one to appear more or less supportive publicly while doing little or nothing privately.
AVOIDING BLAME 1. BUFFERING: the practise of rigorously documenting activity to project an image of competence and throughness. 2. PLAYING SAFE: this encompasses tactics designed to evade situations that may reflect unfavorably on you. 3. JUSTIFYING: this tactic includes developing explanations that lessen your responsibility for negative outcome and apologising to demonstrate remorse.
4. SCAPEGOATING: classic effort to place the blame for a negative outcome on external factors that are not entirely blameworthy. 5. MISREPRESENTING: this involves manipulation of information by distortion, embellishment, deception, selective presentation and obfuscation. 6. ESCALATION OF COMMITMENT: one way to vindicate an initially poor decision and a failing course of action is to escalate support for decision.