Caitlyn Stromko and Karl Kleiner, York College of Pennsylvania, Department of Biological Sciences, York, PA 17403
Caitlyn Stromko and Karl Kleiner, York College of Pennsylvania, Department of Biological Sciences, York, PA 17403
Caitlyn Stromko and Karl Kleiner, York College of Pennsylvania, Department of Biological Sciences, York, PA 17403
Caitlyn Stromko* and Karl Kleiner !ork College of "ennsyl#ania De$artment of %iological Sciences !ork "& '()*+
+igrator' birds that maintain post-fledging kin associations often do so to structure the formation of their flocks. Terns, cranes, geese, swans, and other waterfowl are known to migrate together in famil' groups of parents and 'oung. "ittle is known about the kin associations of migrator' owls. 9n this stud', we used a genetic anal'sis to e1amine fort' fall migrating 4orthern Saw-whet $wls (Aegolius acadicus& from (enns'lvania and +ontana to answer the 5uestion0 do 4orthern Saw-whet $wls maintain kin associations during annual migration: - *## nucleotide base pair fragment of the t;4--8lu<control region of the mitochondrial 24- was used to detect closel' related individuals. 4o owls captured in the same net check or on the same night had the same genetic se5uence. $nl' one potential sibling pair based on sharing an identical genetic se5uence was revealed, but the two owls were caught in different states during the same migration 'ear. ,ased on our sampling it does not appear that sibling 4orthern Saw-whet $wls maintain kinship after fledging, suggesting migrator' behavior is instinctual rather than ,ntroduction learned.
,reast feathers were sampled from hatch 'ear 4orthern Saw-whet $wls caught in the same net check or on the same night during fall migrations of 2 /-2 6. ,anding stations were located in +ontana (Teton Eount'& and (enns'lvania (Eumberland, 2auphin and Schu'lkill counties&. Total genomic 24- was e1tracted and a *## nucleotide base pair fragment of the t;4-8lu<control region (7igure #& of the mitochondrial 24- was amplified through (E;.
Sorenson, 2 3
1iterature Cited sharing an identical genetic se5uence was revealed, but the two owls were caught in -ndersson, and .allander, >. 2 /. Kin selection different +. states during the same migration and reciprocit' in flight formation: ,ehavioral 'ear.
?colog' #@(#&0 #@) A #62
+itochondrial 24- was used for its characteristic maternal inheritance. Sibling owls will 'ield identical nucleotide base se5uences, as ma' closel' related kin. (E; products were purified and se5uenced, and the se5uences were aligned to produce a ph'logenetic tree (7igure 2& to detect closel' related individuals. 7urther alignments were conducted to evaluate genetic relatedness of owls based on the results of the ph'logenetic tree.
7igure 2. (h'logenetic tree of owls banded at three sites in (enns'lvania and one site in +ontana.
,arlow, +. #!!). +ovements of caspian terns (sterna caspia& from a colon' near 9nvercargill, 4ew Bealand, and some notes behavior on their behavior. These data hint at nomadic in 4otornis /@0 #!3 A 22$wls. 4orthern Saw-whet ,lack, >. +. and $wen, +. #!)!. (arent-offspring relationships in wintering barnacle geese. -nimal ,ehavior 3*0 #)* A #!). "ee, >., "ee, C . and Datchwell, ,.>. 2 # . 4atal dispersal and philopatr' in a group-living but noncooperative passerine bird, the vinousthroated parrotbill. -nimal ,ehaviour *!0 # #* A # 23. $%Toole, ".T., Kenned', (."., Knight, ;.". and +c?wen, ".E. #!!!. (ostfledging behavior of golden eagles. .ilson ,ulletin ###(/& 0 /*2 A /** (a'ne, ;.,., (a'ne, ".". and 2oehlert, S.+. #!)*. Song, mate choice and the 5uestion of kin recognition in a migrator' songbird. -nimal ,ehavior 3@0 3@ A /* Sorenson, +.2. 2 3. -vian mt24- primers. -vailable from0 http0<<<msoren<, -ccessed 2 #2 +arch 2!. Tth, B., ,kon', F., "endvai, -.B., SGab, K., (HnGes, B. and "iker, -. 2 !. .hom do the sparrows follow: The effect of kinship of social preference in house sparrow flocks. ,ehavioural (rocesses )2 0 #*3 A #**
+igrator' birds that maintain post-fledging kin The fort' owls were sampled from #2 net
associations often do so to structure the formation of their flocks ("ee et al. 2 # &. Terns, cranes, geese, swans, and other waterfowl are known to migrate together in famil' groups of parents and 'oung (,lack and $wen #!)!, ,arlow #!!), -ndersson and .allander 2 /&. checks across the / banding stations.
9 would like to thank Scott .eidensaul and the 4ed Smith Eenter for 4ature and -rt for their support and feather samples from (enns'lvania. The +ontana feathers are courtes' of 8raham 7r'e. 7igure 3. * 3 base pairs blah blah identical owls se5uence