Security Testing
Security Testing
Security Testing
Introduction Need of security testing Security testing approach Types of security testing Web application security
Security test helps in finding out loopholes that can cause loss of important information and allow any intruder/outsider enter into the systems. which might result into loss/theft of highly sensitive information or destruction of the system by an intruder/outsider. Security Testing helps in finding out all the possible vulnerabilities of the system and help developers in fixing those problems. Security testing is conducted in system testing phase.
Security testing is the process that determines that confidential data stays confidential (i.e. it is not exposed to individuals/ entities for which it is not meant) Users can perform only those tasks that they are authorized to perform (e.g. a user should not be able to deny the functionality of the web site to other users, a user should not be able to change the functionality of the web application in an unintended way etc.). As more and more vital data is stored in web applications and the number of transactions on the web increases, proper security testing of web applications is becoming very important.
If involved right from the first phase of system development life cycle, security testing can help in eliminating the flaws into design and implementation of the system and in turn help the organization in blocking the potential security loopholes in the earlier stage. This is beneficial to the organization almost in all aspects (financially, security and even efforts point of view).
The basic security concepts that need to be covered security testing are:
Confidentiality A security measure which protects against the disclosure of information to parties other than the intended recipient that is by no means the only way of ensuring the security. Integrity
A measure intended to allow the receiver to determine that the information which it is providing is correct.
Authentication and Authorization Authentication is the mechanism where by systems may securely identify their users.
Authorization is the mechanism by which a system determines what level of access a particular authenticated user should have to secured resources controlled by the system
Security Scanning: It is all about scanning and verification of the system and applications. During security scanning, auditors inspect and try to find out the weaknesses in the OS, applications and network's). Vulnerability Scanning: Vulnerability scanning involves scanning of the application for all known vulnerabilities. This scanning is generally done through various vulnerability scanning software. Risk Assessment: Risk assessment is a method of analyzing and deciding the risk that depends upon the type of loss and the possibility/probability of loss occurrence. Risk assessment is carried out in the form of various interviews, discussions and analysis of the same. It helps in finding out and preparing possible backup-plan for any type of potential risk, hence contributing towards the security conformance. Posture Assessment & Security Testing: This is a combination of Security Scanning, Risk Assessment and Ethical Hacking in order to reach a conclusive point and help your organization know its stand in context with Security.
It is the practice of testing a computer system, network or web application to find vulnerabilities that an attacker could exploit. Pen test can be automated or they can be performed manually. The test consist of identifying possible entry points, attempting to break in and reporting back the findings. The main objective of penetration testing is to determine security weakness. Penetration tests are sometimes called white attacks because in a pen test the good guys are trying to break in.
The best way to ensure security is to involve the security related assessments, audits and various types of testing right from the first phase of system development. The level and form of processes used in security testing of any system varies depending upon the phase, condition and type of system under testing.
Check for Authentication [Valid User or Not] Check for Authorization [Functionality between the Users] Check for "password encryption" Check whether User can copy / Paste functionality? Does it allow in Password / CVV / Credit Card No. Field? Check for System Crash [Network Failure, Server Failure] Check for "Direct Page Access" [Should go to login page] Check for "Session Expiry time" after Logout [After "Logout" in the page can we do any functionality]
Reduce cost of recovery and fixes Ensure customer trust Ensure web site adoption
Now a day, almost all organizations across the world are equipped with hundreds of computers connected to each other through intranets and various types of LANs inside the organization itself and through Internet with the outer world and are also equipped with data storage & handling devices. The information that is stored in these storage devices and the applications that run on the computers are highly important to the organization from the business, security and survival point of view. Any organization small or big in size, need to secure the information it possesses and the applications it uses in order to protect its customers information safe and suppress any possible loss of its business. Security testing ensures that the systems and applications used by the organizations are secure and not vulnerable to any type of attack.
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