Lecture 9 Evans Diagrams
Lecture 9 Evans Diagrams
Lecture 9 Evans Diagrams
Tafel Equation
Butler-Volmer Equation
where: I = electrode current, m!s Io= e"change current densit#, m!$m% E = electrode !otential, V Eeq= equili&rium !otential, V = electrode active surface area, m% T = a&solute tem!erature, ' n = num&er of electrons involved in the electrode reaction ( = (arada# constant ) = universal gas constant * = so-called s#mmetr# factor or charge transfer coefficient dimensionless The equation is named after chemists +ohn lfred Valentine
These equations can be rearranged to give the Tafel equation which was obtained experimentally
= a + b log i
a= b= 0.059 0.059 ln io or a = ln io n (1 ) n 0.059 0.059 or (1 ) n n
#lectrochemical reaction which has a large exchange current density( i0( This means that a small applied voltage results in an appreciable increase in current$
#lectrode reactions which have a high exchange current density are not easily polarised$ #xamples are the hydrogen evolution reaction on )t and 'g l * e 3 g 4 0lThe +*,+!-)t. and 'g,'g l make good reference electrodes because they are not easily polarised
#lectrochemical reaction in which the i0 value is very low$ This means that it takes an appreciable over& potential to produce a significant current$
This electrode is easily polarisable since a small current would result in a significant change in voltage
t low over!otential the Butler Volmer equation is linear 5/tern 6ear# equation7
nF i = io RT
/chematics of two distinct corrosion !rocesses1 5a7 The corrosion !rocess , 4 ; ,n4 4 ) showing the se!aration of anodic and cathodic sites1 5&7 The corrosion !rocess involving two 9: cathodic reactions1
The cathodic and anodic reactions are drawn together on the same graph to show how the currents are equal at the corrosion potential
ia = ic = icorr
Ecorr is a mi"ed !otential which lies &etween 5Ee7c and 5Ee7a1 In this case it is closer to 5Ee7a &ecause the i= and
the 8inetics of the anodic reaction is faster1 The metal dissolution is driven &# the anodic activation over!otential
The cathodic reaction is driven &# the cathodic activation over!otential The thermod#namic driving force
?E = 5Ee7c - 5Ee7a
is usuall# large enough to !ut Ecorr in the Tafel region for &oth reactions, i1e1 the reverse reaction is negligi&le1
Evans Diagrams
2t is convenient to represent the linear plots of i and E as log i/E plots with the negative cathodic current plotted positively( i$e$ both the anodic and cathodic current appear in the positive quadrant$ The linear region gives us the Tafel slopes The i0 for the individual reactions can be obtained by extrapolating back to -Ee.a and -Ee.c if these values are known$
Evans Diagrams
The intersection of the two curves at Ecorr gives us icorr ;f course #ou do not see the !ortion of the E$logic and E$logia at !otentials more !ositive and more negative of Ecorr res!ectivel#1 .owever, it is im!ortant to realise that the# e"ist1 I &elieve it is worthwhile to loo8 at #our Tafel t#!e measurements as a linear re!resentation of current and voltage1 The logarithmic !lots involve a mathematical mani!ulation of data and errors can &e introduced1 <evertheless Evans Diagrams are a convenient
Evans Diagrams
2n this case the cathodic reaction with the higher oxidation potential is controlling the reaction
Evans Diagrams
2n this example because of the faster kinetics$ the cathodic reaction taking place at the lower oxidation -*ve. )otential is influencing the corrosion rate more(
Evans Diagrams
The situation in the !revious e"am!le often occurs for a metal corroding in acid, com!ared with the metal corroding in dissolved o"#gen1 Des!ite the thermod#namic driving force, Ee, &eing greater for o"#gen than .%$.4, the acid corrosion is faster1 In some cases the o"#gen and acid have a s#nergistic effect1 (or e"am!le in the case of <i corrosion1 The reaction is quite slow in sul!huric acid 5=1@ ,7 and it is also slow in water saturated with air at !. A1 In the latter case a !assive !rotective o"ide film is formed1 .owever, in the !resence of sul!huric acid and air1 The corrosion rate is relativel# ra!id1 The acid dissolves the !rotective o"ide film allowing o"#gen to corrode
Evans Diagrams
The relative corrosion rates of metals de!ends on the i0 and mass transfer1 With acid corrosion: %.4 4 e B .%
The Tafel slo!e 9%= mV$decade (or o"#gen corrosion ;% 4 .% ; 4 :e B :;. I= is difficult to difficult to determine &ecause it is ver# low, &ut it is of the order of D9=-9= The Tafel slo!e E9%= mV$decade cm-%
Evans Diagrams
The slowest reaction controls the rate of corrosion$ 3ormally this is the cathodic reaction$ 2n this example4 ' small changes in kinetics of cathode have a large effect on corrosion rate$ ' small changes in kinetics of anode have small effect on corrosion
(i )
c 5im
Evans Diagrams
'nodic ontrol athodic ontrol
0ixed ontrol
The peak height of the adsorption,desorption processes is directly proportional to scan( i$e$( the charge i# or area under the curve$ This contrasts with a diffusion process where the peak height is proportional to the square root of the scan rate$
%xygen #volution %! J
;eduction of adsorbed + -)t&+. +ydrogen #volution +! J ;eduction of adsorbed oxide film -)t&%.