The Mines Act
The Mines Act
The Mines Act
behalf of the owner, takes part in the management, control, supervision or direction of the mine or any part thereof
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for the purpose of searching for or obtaining minerals (incl) all borings, boreholes, oil wells, etc.
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manager of every mine shall each be responsible to see that all operations are conducted in accordance with the provisions of this Act and of the regulations, rules, byelaws and orders made there under.
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resulting loss of life or serious bodily injury, a notice should be sent to the concerned authority and a copy of it should be pasted on a special notice board Sec.24 a notice should be sent to the concerned authorities when any person contracts any disease connected with the mining operations Section 25. Notice of certain diseases sending notice of notified disease to the Chief Inspector and to such other authorities in such form and within such time as may be prescribed
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3. Hours of work Sec.28 a person should not be allowed to work for more than 6 days in a week Sec.29 in case of work on his day of rest, he should be given compensatory day of rest within the following two months Sec.30 48 hrs/ week or not more than 9 hrs/day. After 5 hours of work, rest for hour. Spread over should not be more than 12 hrs including period of rest. Further, consecutive shifts for the same type of workers employed above ground should not overlap.
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mine should not work for more than 48 hrs in a week or for more than 8 hrs/day
Sec.33 wages should be paid at double the rate of
4. Employment of Adolescents
Sec.40 no person below the age of 16 should be allowed to work in a mine. An adolescent between 16 and 18 years can be allowed to work in a mine, if he has been certified fit
Sec.44 an adolescent should not be allowed to work for more than 4 hrs in any day above ground or a mine b/w 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. above ground. The period of work of an adolescent should be limited to two shifts which should not be spread over for more than 5 hours each.
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Sec.45 a woman should not be allowed to work in any part of a mine which is below ground. Above ground also she should be employed b/w 6 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Sec.46 a women should be allowed an interval of not less than 11 hrs b/w the termination of employment on any one day and the commencement of the next period of employment
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years should not be allowed to work in any mine nor allowed to be present in any part of mine which is below ground or in any open cast working in which any mining work is done.
6. Registration of workers Sec.48 registers are to be maintained separately for workers below ground; above ground in open cast working and above ground in other cases. No person whose name is not in the register should be allowed to work
Sec.52 every person employed in a mine who has completed a calendar year of service should be allowed leave with wages @ one day for every 15 days of work (for below ground) and one day for every 20 days for other cases
8. Welfare amenities
Rule 62- shelters for taking food and rest (for 50 workers near loading, workshops and opencast) (for every 25 or more near mine entrances) Rule 64 canteen for 250 or more workers Rule 72- qualified welfare officers for 500 or more.
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Workmen. Rule 29 P - Annual Report on Radiological Results of Medical Examinations Rule 29 Q- Appointment of Workmen Inspectors.
Rule 30 Drinking water bottles for underground
workers - 5-6 Ibs. water bottles to each worker employed underground. 3 litres per person employed in a mine where ever the wet bulb temperature exceeds 30C.
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arrangements for Ambulance Van may be made providing an Ambulance Van at the mine itself, or for a group of mines either collectively or through a Central Agency like Coal/Mica Mines Welfare Fund Organisation, State Govt. Agency, St. John Ambulance Association etc.
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Mines Rules 1955 -- Rule 42 First Aid Services Rule 45 A - Record of Blood Grouping Identity Cards
to Workmen Rule 62 - Rest shelters Rule 72 - Appointment of Welfare Officers Rule 75 - Proper maintenance of Attendance Register at mines Rule 78 - Attendance of Labour Employed by Contractor Rule 81 - Kit for determination of blood alcohol concentration
(1) a sufficient supply of sand or in combustible dust or sufficient portable fire extinguishers shall be provided at every entrance to a mine, at every landing and the bottom of every shaft or winze in use, at every engine room and at every other place where timber, canvas, grease, oil or other inflammable material is stored.
Regulation 122. Apparatus for testing for Carbon
Monoxide In every mine to which regulation 123 (1) and 142 apply there shall be kept at the mine, constantly available for use, two or more suitable birds or other means of detecting carbon monoxide gas approved by the Chief Inspector.
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MMR 1961 -- Regulation 124. Precautions against dust minimising of emissions of dust and suppression of dust which enters the air at any work place below ground or on surface. Regulation 125. Precautions against irruption of gas Where any working is extended to within 30 metres of any stoped -out area or disused workings containing or likely to contain an accumulation of
inflammable or noxious gases, there shall be maintained at least one bore-hole not less than 1.5 metres in advance of the working.
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workings shall be made in any mine vertically below (a) any part of any river, canal, lake, tank or other surface reservoir; or (b) any spot lying within a horizontal distance of 15 metres from either bank of a river or canal or from the boundary of a lake, tank or other surface reservoir;
Regulation 128. Danger from underground inundation. No
working which has approached within a distance of 60 metres of any disused or abandoned workings (not being workings which have been examined and found to be free from accumulation of water or other liquid matter), whether in the same mine or in an adjoining mine, shall be extended further except with the prior permission in writing of the Chief Inspector.
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owner, agent or manager intends or proposed, by introducing water from the surface or from any other part of the mine or from an adjacent mine, to flood any part of the workings of his mine, he shall give in writing not less than 14 days notice of such intention or proposal to the Chief Inspector.
Regulation 131. Standard of ventilation. (1) It shall be the
duty of the owner, agent or manager of every mine to take such steps as are necessary for securing that there is constantly produced ion all parts of the mine belowground, ventilation adequate to clear away smoke, steam and dust; to dilute gases that are inflammable or noxious so as to render them harmless; to provide air containing a sufficiency of oxygen; and to prevent such excessive rise of temperature or humidity as may be harmful to the health of persons. 2/16/2014
Officer.- In the case of any mine having extensive workings below ground, if the Chief Inspector by an order in writing so requires, the manager shall be assisted by a Ventilation Officer, holding such qualification as the Chief Inspector may specify in the order, who shall be responsible for supervising the maintenance of the ventilation system of the mine in accordance with the provisions of these regulations.
Regulation 146. General lighting .- (1) Adequate
belowground. (1) No internal combustion engine or steam boiler shall be used belowground in a mine expect with the permission in writing of the Chief Inspector and subject to such conditions as he may specify therein. Regulation 182. Use, Supply maintenance of protective Footwear. (1) No person shall go into a mine, unless he wears a protective footwear of such type approved by the Chief Inspector. Regulation 182A. Use and supply of helmet. (1) No person shall go into, or work, in or be allowed to go into or work in, a mine, other than the precincts of a mine occupied by an office building, canteen, creche, rest shelter, first aid room or any other building of a similar type, unless he wears a helmet of such type as may be approved by the Chief Inspector.
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MMR 1961 182B. Supply of other protective equipment. (1) Where is appears to the Regional
Inspector or the Chief Inspector that any person or class of persons employed in a mine is exposed to undue hazard by reason of the nature of his employment, he may, by a general or special order in writing, require the owner, agent or manager of the mine to supply to such person or class of persons, free of charge, gloves, goggles, shin guards, or such other protective equipment as may be specified in the order.
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Distribution Plan. During the first week of every month a sketch plan showing the manpower distribution plan.
Regulation 190. Place of accident. the
plan. (1) The manger shall prepare a general plan of action for use in time of emergency. The plan shall outline the duties and responsibilities of each mine official and men including the telephone operators, so that each person shall know his duties in case fire, explosion or other emergency occurs. The emergency plan shall also provide for mock rehearsals at regular intervals.
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The end