Basic Biologic Interactions of Radiation
Basic Biologic Interactions of Radiation
Basic Biologic Interactions of Radiation
Keep in Mind...
All radiation interactions are probability functions We can predict overall effects, but cannot predict specific events: which cell or DNA molecule will be affected
Keep in Mind...
Time frame Energy is transferred from photon/particle very quickly (10-17 to 10-15 seconds) Chain of events may appear to be simultaneous
Keep in Mind...
Keep in Mind...
Radiation damage to the cell cannot be distinguished from damage caused by other sources such as chemicals, heat, or trauma This concept makes it difficult to tell what caused damage - especially when studying effects of low-level radiation
Keep in Mind...
Radiation effects exhibit a latent period during which no evidence of damage is present Latent period may last from few minutes to decades (length is dependent on dose and type of cells involved)
Initial Changes:
Begin at subcellular level Depend upon where initial interactions* occur * Initial interactions may be caused by excitation or ionization of medium or target
Usually a critical biologic macromolecule (e.g., DNA)
Radiolysis of Water
Involves the production of a free radical (highly reactive species) Free radicals are designated by a dot and contain a single unpaired electron in outer electron shell
Radiolysis of Water
HOH --> HOH+ + e HOH+ --> H+ + OH. OH. + OH . = H2O2
Hydrogen peroxide is very toxic!
X-rays and gamma rays are low-LET radiations Alpha and fast neutrons are high-LET radiations LET directly related to ionization and therefore, biological damage
High-LET results in high RBE Is similar to Quality Factor (Q) RBE = dose of 250-keV x-ray to produce same effect divided by dose of test radiation to produce same effect Same biological endpoint (effect) is constant; not doses
DNA Damage
Much of damage may be repairable Different kinds of damage (base damage, single-strand breaks, doublestrand breaks, and crosslinking)
Chromosome Damage
Broken pieces may correctly rejoin Piece is lost (acentric fragment) Rearrangement of broken ends yield rings, dicentrics, etc. Rearrangements not visible, but genetic material has been affected resulting in a mutation
Accident Dosimetry
Membrane Leakage
Please refer to definitions in glossary of textbook
Coming Attractions...
Bean lab results next week Will be starting Drosophila lab Research paper assigned Exam #1 coming up