Business Ethics 2
Business Ethics 2
Business Ethics 2
The senses say, myself first. Ethics says, I must hold myself last. - Swami Vivekananda.
What is Ethics?
Ethics is a system of moral principles, rules and conduct. Emerged from Latin word Ethicus or Greek word Ethicos. The Latin and the Greek words originated from Ethos meaning character.
Definition of Ethics
Ethics is a field of social science of systematic knowledge of human moral behaviour and conduct Ethics is a branch of philosophy that deals with values as they relate to human conduct. Ethics differentiates what is right and what is wrong in human conduct.
Other views are inferior I have the answers I need no other authority
Business Ethics
Business ethics is the application of ethical principles and methods of analysis to business. Business ethics are divided in two types:
Overt Covert
Objectives of Ethics
Personal level Internal policy level Societal level Stakeholders level
Sources of Ethics
Genetic inheritance Religion The legal system Philosophical system Code of conduct Cultural Experience
For and Against
Business Ethics
Arguments for:
1. Business is unavoidably involved in social issues. 2. Business has the resources to tackle todays complex societal problems. 3. A better society means a better environment for doing business. 4. Corporate social action will prevent government intervention.
Arguments against:
1. Profit maximization ensures the efficient use of societys resources. 2. As an economic institution, business lacks the ability to pursue social goals. 3. Business already has enough power. 4. Because managers are not elected, they are not directly accountable to the people.
Ethical Dimension...
Behaviors and activities that are expected or prohibited by organizational members, the community, and society (not codified into law) Standards, norms, or expectations that reflect the concern of major stakeholders
Social Responsibility...
An organizations obligation to maximize its positive impact on stakeholders and to minimize its negative impact Includes legal, ethical, economic, and philanthropic (discretionary) dimensions
The classical economists such as Adam Smith considered economics a branch of ethics. Business activity would grind to a halt without trust, fair dealings, and honest communication.
In his 1995 book, Trust: The Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity, Francis Fukuyama writes: "One of the most important lessons we can learn from an examination of economic life is that a nations well being as well as its ability to compete, is conditioned by a single, pervasive cultural characteristic: the level of trust inherent in the society." Joseph Stiglitz clarified the market adjustment in which poorly informed agents extract information from the better informed, unemployment and credit rationing.
Economic Responsibilities...
How resources for the production of goods and services are distributed within the social system? Do you think consumers favor socially responsible companies or are they most enamored with companies that maximize profits? Michael Spence- how firms may use dividends to signal their profitability to agents in the stock market.
Economic Responsibilities
Protective tariffs compared to a blockade.
In war, a country blockades a foreign country so it cant import commodities from world markets for military purposes or for the people.
In peacetime, domestic producers and boughtoff legislators do to their own country what enemies would do in wartime. They eliminate the possibility of buying desirable world-market goods, stopping foreign products at the nations ports.
Economic Responsibilities(contd.,)
for what it does to our own nation, and for what it does to other nations, which have worked hard to develop good products for the buyer and a living for our trade partners (laborers and managers) abroad.
Ethics in Accountancy
All the business transactions need to be correctly recorded in the books of accounts. Passing entries for rectification of errors. Preparing a trial balance. Preparing trading and P/L account to show the net results of the business. Preparing balance sheet showing the financial position of the business.
Competitive Issues
Competitive Issues
As the speed of comparable tangible assets acquisition accelerates and the pace of imitation quickens, firms that want to sustain distinctive global competitive advantages need to protect, exploit and enhance their unique intangible assets, particularly integrity (building firms of integrity is the hidden logic of business ethics).
Competitive Issues
Behavior that is trusting, trustworthy, and cooperative,
not opportunistic, will give the firm a competitive advantage. Sustainable global competitive advantage occurs when a company implements a value-creating strategy which other companies are unable to imitate. For example, a company with superior business leadership skills in enhancing integrity capacity increases its reputation capital with multiple stakeholders and positions itself for competitive advantage
Competitive Issues
Business ethics as competitive advantage involves effective building of relationships with a companys stakeholders based on its integrity that maintains such relationships.
Philanthropic Issues
Involves businesss contribution to the local community and society Quality of life issues Philanthropic issues Strategic philanthropy
Home Depot Microsoft, Hewlett Packard, IBM Avon
Perceptions of Corruptness...
Least Corrupt:
Denmark Finland Sweden New Zealand Iceland Canada Singapore Netherlands Norway Switzerland
Most Corrupt:
Cameroon Paraguay Honduras Tanzania Nigeria Indonesia Colombia Venezuela Ecuador Russia
Factors Influencing Organizational Ethical Behavior... Ethical Issue Intensity + Individual Factors + Corporate Culture (including significant others and opportunity) = Ethical or Unethical Behavior
Ethical-Issue Intensity Individual Factors Organizational Factors Opportunity Business Ethics Evaluations and Intentions
Individual Factors
People often base their decisions regarding ethical issues on their own values and principles of right or wrong Research on gender and ethical decision making women are generally more ethical than males Education, Nationality, and Age are other individual factors Locus of control relates to individual differences in relation to a generalized belief about how one is affected by internal versus external events or reinforcements Can be external or internal
Organizational Factors
Corporate culture is a set of values, norms, and artifacts that members (employees) of an organization share Those who have influence in a work group (e.g. managers, coworkers, subordinates) are referred to as significant others Obedience to authority helps to explain why many employees simply follow the directives of a superior
Source: Digital Vision
Describes the conditions in an organization that limit/permit ethical/unethical behavior Relates to individuals immediate job context
Where they work, with whom they work, and the nature of the work
Opportunities for misconduct can be reduced by establishing formal codes, policies, and enforced rules
Source: Triangle Images
Corporate Governance
An important issue: the earnings of business. Corporations have not been permitted to function without public oversight since the early 1900s. A congressional wave of corporate regulatory legislation. Corporate governance pertains to
the use of resources, investments and leadership selection and oversight.
To Conclude
An integrity approach to business can yield strengthened competitiveness: it facilitates the delivery of quality products in an honest, reliable way. This approach can enhance work life by making the workplace more fun and challenging. It can improve relationships with stakeholders and can instill a more positive mindset that fosters creativity and innovations among the stakeholders. The purpose of ethics is to enhance our lives and our relationships both inside and outside of the organization.