General Anesthesia: Presented By: Shalakha Bhardwaj BDS Final Year (2007-2011)
General Anesthesia: Presented By: Shalakha Bhardwaj BDS Final Year (2007-2011)
General Anesthesia: Presented By: Shalakha Bhardwaj BDS Final Year (2007-2011)
Introduction and History of General anesthesia Properties of ideal General anesthetic Classification of General anesthetic agents Mechanism of Anesthesia Stages of Anesthesia Inhalation anesthetic agents Intravenous anesthetic agents Techniques of inhalation of anesthetics Induction, Maintenance and Extubation Anaesthetic Machine (Boyles equipment) Complications of General anesthesia Pre-anesthetic medication General anesthesia- facts and fiction
General anaesthetics (GAs) are drugs which produce reversible loss of all sensations and consciousness. It usually involves a loss of memory and awareness with insensitivity to painful stimuli, during a surgical procedure
General anesthesia
multidrug approach to managing the patient needs. Balanced anesthesia takes advantage of drugs beneficial effects while minimizing each agents adverse qualities.
agent will not meet the ideal, a combination of drugs is used to take advantage of their best properties and minimize the undesirable side effects.
Ether synthesized in 1540 by cordus Ether used as anesthetic in 1842 by dr. Crawford W.Long Ether publicized as anesthetic in 1846 by dr. William morton. Ether is no longer used in modern practice, yet considered to be the first ideal anesthetic Chloroform used as anesthetic in 1853 by dr. John snow Endotracheal tube discovered in 1878 Thiopental first used in 1934 Curare first used in 1942 - opened theAge of anesthesia
Margin of safety should be wide - no fall in BP. Heart, liver and other organs should not be affected. It should be potent so that low concentrations are needed and oxygenation of the patient does not suffer. Rapid adjustments in depth of anaesthesia should be possible. It should be cheap, stable and easily stored. It should not react with rubber tubing or soda lime.
General anesthesia Inhalational
Inducing agents Slower acting volatile Liquids
Nitrous oxide
Dissociative anesthesia
opiod analgesia
GABAA Receptor (Ligand-gated ion channels) chloride channels gated by the inhibitory GABAA receptor GABAA receptor found throughout the CNS. Located in the post-synaptic membrane. GABAA Receptor mediates the effects of gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA), the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain
c b
Each subunit has N-terminal extracellular chain which contains the Ligand-binding site 4 hydrophobic sections cross the membrane 4 times: one extracellular and two intracellular loops connecting these regions, plus an extracellular C-terminal chain
Receptor capable of binding 2 GABA molecules, between an alpha and beta subunit Binding of GABA causes a conformational change in receptor Opens central pore, chloride ions pass down electrochemical gradient ,net inhibitory effect, reducing activity of the neuron
They do not compete with GABA for its binding on the receptor. They inhibit the response to painful stimuli by interacting with beta3 subunit of GABAA receptor.
Stage of Analgesia
Stage of Delirium
From loss of consciousness to beginning of regular respiration Patient may shout, struggle and hold his breath; muscle tone increases, jaws are tightly closed, breathing is jerky; vomiting, involuntary micturition or defecation may occur . Heart rate and BP may rise and pupils dilate due to sympathetic stimulation No operative procedure carried out Can be cut short by rapid induction, premedication
Surgical anaesthesia
Extends from onset of regular respiration to cessation of spontaneous breathing. This has been divided into 4 planes which may be distinguished as: Plane 1 roving eye balls. This plane ends when eyes become fixed. Plane 2 loss of corneal and laryngeal reflexes. Plane 3 pupil starts dilating and light reflex is lost. Plane 4 Intercostal paralysis, shallow abdominal respiration, dilated pupil.
Medullary paralysis
Cessation of breathing to failure of circulation and death. Pupil is widely dilated, muscles are totally flabby, pulse is thready or imperceptible and BP is very low
The rate of initial redistribution following the administration of a single iv bolus of drug is defined by the half life (t1/2a) and is generally about 8 min for most anesthetics Distribution of an anesthetic agent depends upon the blood supply of that part.
Since drugs with long elimination half-lives (t1/2_) will have slow rates of clearance, their use by repeated IV bolus or continuous infusion to maintain anesthesia has been restricted. Long-term application with limited concern for the pharmacokinetics of the agents may lead to delayed awakening , As large quantities of these drugs may accumulate in Reservoir tissues, such as skeletal muscle and fat.
It is prepared by priestly in 1776 and anesthetic properties described by davy in 1799. It is characterized by inert nature with minimal metabolism. It is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and does not burn. The mac value is 105%. It is a weak anesthetic, powerful analgesic. It has low blood solubility (quick recovery)
Nitrous Oxide Systemic Effects Effects on heart rate and blood pressure May cause myocardial depression in sick patients Little effect on respiration Safe, efficacious agent Nitrous oxide concentration should be regulated during different stages of sedation as described
Induction Slow-0.5-1 lit/min Rapid-2-4 lit/min 40%nitrous oxide 60%oxygen 20-30% nitrous oxide
Nitrous Oxide Side Effects Manufacturing impurities toxic Beginning of case: second gas effect End of case: Diffusion hypoxia may be encountered. To avoid diffusion hypoxia, the anesthesiologist may employ 100% oxygen rather than room air after discontinuing administration of the anesthetic gas Mixture. Inhibits vitamin B-12 metabolism Dentists, OR personnel, abusers at risk
It is synthesized in 1956 by suckling. It substituted ethane. It is a volatile liquid easily vaporized, stable, and nonflammable. It is the most potent inhalational anesthetic having a mac of 0.75%.It is efficacious in depressing consciousness It is very soluble in blood and adipose.
Halothane systemic effects Inhibits sympathetic response to painful stimuli Inhibits sympathetic driven baroreflex response (hypovolemia) Sensitizes myocardium to effects of exogenous catecholamines-ventricular arrhythmias Johnson found median effective dose 2.1 mg/kg Limit dose to 300 ug over one hour Other medications decreases respiratory drive-- central response to CO2 and peripheral to O2 Respirations shallow-- atelectasis Depresses protective airway reflexes Depresses myocardium-- lowers BP and slows conduction Mild peripheral vasodilation
Halothane side effects Halothane hepatitis -- 1/10,000 cases fever, jaundice, hepatic necrosis, death metabolic breakdown products are hapten-protein conjugates immunologically mediated assault Exposure dependent Malignant hyperthermia-- 1/60,000 with succinylcholine to 1/260,000 without halothane in 60%, succinylcholine in 77% Classic-- rapid rise in body temperature, muscle rigidity, tachycardia, rhabdomyolysis, acidosis, hyperkalemia, DIC most common masseter rigidity family history high association with muscle disorders autosomal dominant inheritance Diagnosis--previous symptoms, increase CO2,rise in CPK levels, myoglobinuria, muscle biopsy Physiology--hypermetabolic state by inhibition of calcium reuptake in sarcoplasmic reticulum
Developed in 1963 by Terrell, released for use in 1972.It is a stable, nonflammable liquid having a pungent odor and a MAC of 1.68%.
Enflurane Systemic Effects Potent inotropic and chronotropic depressant and decreases systemic vascular resistance-- lowers blood pressure and conduction dramatically
Inhibits sympathetic baroreflex response Sensitizes myocardium to effects of exogenous catecholamines arrhythmias Respiratory drive is greatly depressed-- central and peripheral responses increases dead space widens A-a gradient produces hypercarbia in spontaneously breathing patient
Enflurane Side Effects Metabolism one-tenth that of halothane does not release quantity of hepatotoxic metabolites Metabolism releases fluoride ion-- renal toxicity Epileptiform EEG patterns
Synthesized in 1965 by Terrell, introduced into practice in 1984 .it is Nonflammable having a pungent odour It is less soluble than halothane or Enflurane having a MAC of 1.30 %
Isoflurane Systemic Effects Depresses respiratory drive and ventilatory responses-- less than Enflurane Myocardial depressant-- less than Enflurane Inhibits sympathetic baroreflex response-- less than Enflurane Sensitizes myocardium to catecholamines -- less than halothane or Enflurane Produces most significant reduction in systemic vascular resistance- coronary steal syndrome, increased ICP Excellent muscle relaxant-- potentiates effects of neuromuscular blockers Isoflurane Side Effects Little metabolism (0.2%) -- low potential of organotoxic metabolites No EEG activity like Enflurane Bronchoirritating, laryngospasm
Advantage-it may be used to maintain anesthesia after induction with an alternative IV or inhalational agent, preserving the advantage of rapid recovery. Disadvantage- is that Desflurane irritates the respiratory tract; thus, it is not preferred for induction of anesthesia using an inhalational technique. Sevoflurane (Ultane) it is the most recently introduced inhalation anesthetic. It has low tissue and blood solubility,which allows for rapid induction and emergence and makes it useful for outpatient and ambulatory procedures.
Advantage- non pungent, a characteristic that permits a smooth inhalation induction, and is particularly useful in pediatric anesthesia.
Disadvantage-it undergoes hepatic biotransformation (about 3% of the inhaled dose), and it is somewhat degraded by conventional CO2 absorbents. The degradation product from the absorbent has been reported to be nephrotoxic, although the report is controversial and not substantiated by more recent studies.
It is an ultrashort acting thiobarbiturate, highly soluble in water yielding a very alkaline solution, which must be prepared freshly before injection. Dose-3-5 mg/kg
Thiopental Systemic Effects Varied effects on cardiovascular system in people-- mild direct cardiac depression-- lowers blood pressure-- compensatory tachycardia (baroreflex) Dose-dependent depression of respiration through medullary and pontine respiratory centers Thiopental Side Effects Noncompatibility Tissue necrosisgangrene Tissue stores Post-anesthetic course
Its Structure similar to ketoconozole .it is a Direct CNS depressant (thiopental) and GABA agonist
Etomidate Systemic Effects Little change in cardiac function in healthy and cardiac patients
Etomidate Side Effects Pain on injection (propylene glycol) Myoclonic activity Nausea and vomiting (50%) Cortisol suppression
Structurally it is similar to Interrupts cerebral association pathways resulting in dissociative anesthesia. It stimulates central sympathetic pathways. Dose 0.5-2mg/kg
Advantage- its potential for administration by the IM route. This is particularly useful in anesthetizing children, since anesthesia can be induced relatively Quickly in a child who resists an inhalation induction or the insertion of an IV line. Ketamine has a limited but useful role as an IM induction agent and in pediatrics. Disadvantage- ketamine and its propensity evoke excitatory and hallucinatory Phenomena as the patient emerge from anesthesia. Patients in the recovery period may be agitated, scream and cry, hallucinate, or experience vivid dreams. These episodes may be controlled to some extent by maintaining A quiet reassuring atmosphere in which the patient can awaken or if necessary by administering tranquilizing doses of diazepam.
Rapid onset and have a short duration of action. Myocardial depression and peripheral vasodilation may occur. Insoluble in water, causing pain in 50% of patients. Side effects are Minimal (nausea and vomiting) Propofol can be used to supplement inhalational anesthesia in longer procedures. Both continuous infusion of Propofol for conscious sedation and with opioids for the maintenance of anesthesia for cardiac surgery are acceptable techniques. Dose-2-2.5mg/kg
They Produce sedation and amnesia, Potentiate GABA receptors and have a Slower onset and emergence.
Often used as premedication or seizure activity, rarely for induction Minimal systemic effects- respirations decreased with narcotic usage Not water soluble- venous irritation Metabolized by liver- not redistributed Dosage-oral/rectal0.2-0.5mg/kg -IV 0.25 mg/kg
Slower onset of action (10-20 minutes)-- not used for induction Used as adjunct for anxiolytic and sedative properties Not water soluble-- venous irritation
More potent than diazepam or lorazepam,Induction slow, recovery prolonged May depress respirations when used with narcotics Minimal cardiac effects Dosage pediatrics dose: 0.05-0.1mg/kg(iv/im)
Delirium, convulsions. Excitatory effects are generally seen with i.v. anaesthetics especially if phenothiazines or hyoscine have been given in premedication. These are suppressed by opioids. Fire and explosion - rare now due to use of noninflammable agents. After anaesthesia Nausea and vomiting. Persisting sedation: impaired psychomotor function. Pneumonia, atelectasis. Organ toxicities: liver, kidney damage.
1. Patients with certain physical, mental, or medically compromising conditions. 2. Patients with dental restorative or surgical needs for whom local anesthesia is ineffective because of acute infection, anatomic variations, or allergy. 3. The extremely uncooperative, fearful, anxious, physically resistant, or uncommunicative child or adolescent with substantial dental needs for whom There is no expectation that the behavior will soon
5. Patients with immediate comprehensive oral or dental needs who otherwise would not receive comprehensive dental care. 6. Patients requiring dental care for whom the use of general anesthesia may protect the developing psyche and/or reduce medical risks.
Patients for whom general anesthesia is usually contraindicated include those with a medical contraindication to general anesthesia and healthy and cooperative patients with minimal dental needs.
3. Instructions
to parent or responsible individual: the dentist should provide verbal and written instructions to the parents in a language that the parent understands. It should include explicit and include an explanation of preanesthetic, potential or anticipated postoperative behaviour, and limitation of activities 4. Dietary instructions: general anesthetic agents must be proceeded by an evaluation of the patients dietary intake
Breast milk
Infant formula Non human milk
4 hours
6 hours 6 hours
Light meal
Fasting guidelines
6 hours
The dental procedure must be postponed if the recommendations are not followed because of increase in risk of aspiration if there is
Allergies and previous allergy and adverse drug reaction Current medication if any disease, disorder and other physical abnormalities Previous hospitalization, including the date, purpose and hospital course History of previous treatment under general anesthesia and sedation and any associated complications
2) Physical evalution
weight in kilograms Vital signs, including heart rate, respiratiory rate and blood pressure. Evaluation of airway patency and tonsil size. Risk assessment (Asa classification)
systemic agents
inhalational agents
- lytic cocktail
- barbiturates - chloral hydrate - anyihistaminics - benzodiazepines
Preanaesthetic medication
Preanaesthetic medication refers to the use of drugs before anaesthesia to make it more pleasant and safe.
Morphine (10 mg) or pethidine (50-100 mg),i.m. allay anxiety and apprehension of the operation, produce pre and postoperative analgesia, smoothen induction, reduce the dose of anaesthetic required and supplement poor analgesic (thiopentone, halothane) or weak(N20) anaesthetics. Postoperative restlessness is also reduced.
Antianxiety drugs
produce tranquility and smoothen induction; there is loss of recall of intraoperative events (specially with lorazepam) with little respiratory depression or postoperative vomiting. They counteract CNS toxicity of local anaesthetics and are being used along with pethidine/fentanyl for a variety of minor surgical and endoscopic procedures
Barbiturates like pentobarbitone, secobarbitone or butabarbitone (100 mg oral) have been used night before (to ensure sleep) and in the morning to calm the patient. However, their popularity has decreased in the recent years because they tend to depress respiration and circulation; emergence delirium is more common and they lack analgesic or antiemetic property.
Atropine or hyoscine (0.6 mg i.m i.v.) has been used, primarily to reduce salivary and bronchial secretions.
The main aim of their use now is to prevent vagal Bradycardia and hypotension (which occur reflex due to certain surgical procedures), and prophylaxis ofLaryngospasm which is precipitated by respiratory secretions. They should not be used in febrile patients. Dryness of mouth in the pre and postoperative period may be distressing. Glycopyrrolate (0.1-0.3 mg i.m.) is a longer actingatropine substitute. It is a potent anti secretory and antibradycardiac drug; acts rapidly and is less likely to produce central effects
H2 blockers
Ranitidine (150 mg) or famotidine (20 mg) given night before and in the morning benefit by raising pH of gastric juice. Prevention of stress ulcers is another advantage. Now routinely used before prolonged surgery.
Metoclopramide 10-20 mg i.m. preoperatively is effective in reducing post operative vomiting. By enhancing gastric emptying it reduces the chances of reflux and its aspiration.
Extrapyramidal effects And motor restlessness can occur. Combined use of metoclopramide and H2 blockers is more effective. Ondansetron (4-8 mg i.v.) and Granisetron (0.1 mg) hasbeen found to be highly effective in reducing the incidence of post anaesthetic nausea and vomiting.
Through anaesthetic machines Use is made of gas cylinders, specialized graduated vaporisers, flow meters, unidirectional. Valves, corrugated rubber tubing and reservoir bag. The gases are delivered to the patient through a tightly fitting face mask or endotracheal tube. Admmlstralton of the anaesthetic can be more precisely Controlled and in many situations its concentration determmed.
1. Open system - The exhaled gases are allowed to escape through a valve and fresh anaesthetic mixture is drawn in each time. No rebreathing is allowed - flow rates are high - more drugs are consumed. However, inhaled 02 and anaesthetic concentration can be accurately measured. 2. Closed system -The patient rebreaths the exhaled gas mixture after it has circulated through sodalime which absorbs C02. Only as much 02 and anaesthetic as have been taken up by the patient are added to the circuit. The flow rates are low; specially useful for expensive and Explosive agents (little anaesthetic escapes in the surrounding air) e.g. Halothane, Enflurane, Isoflurane. However, determination of inhaled anaesthetic concentration is difficult. It should not be used for trichloroethylene which forms a
THE GAS SOURCE Piped gas-Piped gases are stored in a bank, remote from the operating room. The gases are piped into the operating room and connected to the anaesthetic machine via hoses with special connections to ensure that the nitrous oxide cannot be connected to the oxygen inlet and vice versa. Cylinders are fitted directly on to the anaesthetic machine by means of yokes. The cylinders contain gases under a very high pressure. Oxygen is compressed at a pressure of about 147 bar (2000psi). Nitrous oxide is compressed at a pressure of about 44bar (600 psi).
Colour code for cylinders: There is an international standard for colour coding gas cylinders but not all countries follow it. In India nitrous oxide cylinder is of blue colour and oxygen cylinder is of black colour with white shoulder. Pin index system: An ever-present hazard in anaesthesia is the danger of attaching a cylinder to the yoke meant for a different gas. This is eliminated by the pin index system the system consists of two pins projecting from the yoke in the anaesthetic machine, designed to fit into matching holes in the body of the cylinder valve. For any one gas there is only one combination of pins and holes. Unless the correct cylinder valve is
The gases pass from the reducing valve, via pressure tubing, to the flow meter calibrated for each gas. The flow meters record the volume of gas flowing to the patient per minute. There are various designs for the flow meters. The flow meter in the Boyles machine is referred to as a "Rotameter". It consists of a vertical glass tube tapered at the lower end. Rotating a knob at the base of the machine permits the entry of gases into the flowmeter. In the glass tube is an indicator or a bobbin. The height of the float in the tube indicates the flow of gases through the flowmeter. The flow should be read at the top of the bobbin.
From the flowmeters the gases pass in the direction of the vaporisers. The vaporiser enables volatile agents to be introduced into the gaseous mixture. These volatile agents are liquids at room temperature and do not need to be stored under pressure. The function of the vaporiser is to vaporise this liquid.
Patient is in a stable anesthetic condition and ready for the dental procedure. Notice the position of the precordial stethoscope, blood pressure cuff, and nasotracheal tube.
Monitoring of patient
There should be quiet environment the operatory should be equipped with suction, monitoring equipments, emergency drugs, and equipments like defibrillators and a system capable of delivering oxygen under positive pressure
gas delivery machines should have an oxygen fail-safe system, and should be checked and calibrated periodically on a scheduled basis. an anesthesia chart should be maintained for monitoring the patient
Monitoring should be done according to the following criteria: 1) Level of consciousness The response of patient to the commands during procedures performed under sedation as a guide to their level of consciousness
2) Respiration pulmonary ventilation capnometer The rate and depth of respiration should be monitored. Respiratory rate in children is 10-18/min whereas depths can b judge by movements of chest and abdomen
3) Oxygenation Clinical colour of tongue and nails help to have an idea of oxygenation of blood.pulseoximetry has revolutionized modern monitoring procedures under normal circumstances, a childs oxygen saturation is 97-100%
4)hemodynamics cardioscope Pulse rate, blood pressure and continuous ECG monitoring reduces the likelihood of adverse outcomes during the procedure.ecg monitoring should be used in all patient undergoing sedation
5) Recording of monitored parameters Vital signs and respiratory variable should be recorded before initiating sedation, after administration of medication, at a regular interval during procedure, upon initiation if recovery, and immediately before discharge.
Completion of the procedure The anesthesiologist should be notified 10 minutes before the completion of the procedure so that the child can begin to be aroused and preparations can be made for estuation. The dentist should remain in the operating room during the estuation process to assist the anesthesiologist if necessary. When the childIs transported to the recovery room, the dentist should accompany the anesthesiologist and provide assistance during the transportation.
After the dentist has confirmed that the airway is patent and the vital signs are stable, and after The anesthesiologist is confident the child is recovering well; the dentist should meet with the parents or guardian to provide a brief report of the child's condition and a review of the treatment. The parents or guardian of Inpatients should be informed of the approximate time the child will be transported to the ward. The parents or guardian of outpatients should be informed of the time to meet the child in the recovery area. Prescriptions may be Written for pain control agents (i.e., acetaminophen with codeine, or ibuprofen suspension) antibiotics (i.e., amoxicillin, clindamycin)
Latest Discoveries
Explosion of new information on the structure and function of GABAa receptors. Cloning and sequencing multiple subunits-large number of different subunits allows for a great variety of different types of GABAa receptors that will likely differ in drug sensitivity. Profol delivery technology: mechanically driven pumps computer-controlled infusion systems target control infusion
Findings collectively enhance the understanding on the mechanism of action of profol Allows the medicinal chemist to rationally design analogues with the better pharmacological profiles The Wall Streat Journal: FDA wants more research on anesthesia risk to kids anesthesia can be harmful to developing brain prolonged changes in behaviour, memory and learning impairements
The Pharmacological basis of therapeutics- Goodman & Gilman Clinical Pharmacology- Bennett & Brown Essentials of medical pharmacology- Tripathi KD Basic & Clinical Pharmacology- Katzung G Petersons Principles of oral and maxillofacial surgery
Thank you