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Discourse Analysis and Phonology

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Chapter four

Discourse Analysis and Phonology

Under the heading of phonology in this chapter
we shall take a brief look at what has
traditionally been thought of as 'pronunciation',
but devote most of our attention to intonation.
This is partly because the most exciting
developments in the analysis of discourse have
been in intonation studies rather than at the
segmental level (the study of phonemes and
their articulation) and partly because intonation
teaching, where it has taken place, has
proceeded on the basis of assumptions that are
open to challenge from a discourse analyst's
Traditional pronunciation teaching has found
its strength in the ability of linguists to
segment the sounds of language into discrete
items called phonemes which, when used in
the construction of words, produce
meaningful contrasts with other words.
The phonemes /p/ and /b/ in English give us
contrasts such as pump and bump, pat and
bat, etc.

Seen from the viewpoint of connected
stretches of naturally occurring discourse, the
problem becomes more complex. When words
follow one another in speech, phonemes may
undergo considerable changes .
As G. Brown (1977: 57) : 'every consonant and
every vowel will be affected by its neighboring
consonants and vowels and by the rhythmic
structure in which it occurs . '
Brown lists many examples of such assimilations,
and of elisions (where sounds from the citation
form are `missed out' in connected speech: 'most
men' will be said without a /t/ in natural,
conversational speech).

When we listen to a stretch of spoken English discourse,
we often feel that there is a rhythm or regularity to it,
which gives it a characteristic sound, different from other
languages and not always well-imitated by foreign
learners. The impression of rhythm may arise out of a
feeling of alternation between strong and weak 'beats' in
various patterned recurrences:
/ -- -- / -- -- / -- --
( 4.1 ) Most of the people were visitors.
-- / -- / -- / -- /
( 4.2 ) A friend of mine has bought a boat.

Brown (1977) found such recurring patterns in her
recordings of broadcast talk. But other natural speech is
often not as regular as this, nor will the patterns
necessarily recur in the same way at different times.

Traditionally, rhythm has been considered an
important element in the teaching of spoken
English. This is probably due to two main factors.
Firstly, there does seem to be rhythmicality in
varying degrees in long stretches of speech,
especially carefully considered deliveries such as
broadcast talks, fluent reading aloud, speeches
and monologues, as well as some ordinary
Secondly, the concept of English as a stress-timed
language, deeply rooted in theoretical and applied
linguistics, has dominated approaches to the
teaching of rhythm.

Stress: refers to the degree of force used in
producing a syllable.
Prominence: syllables which stand out in the
flow of talk, or duration, or pitch variation
compared with surrounding syllables (and our
perception of this phenomenon will usually
be due to a variety of such features), will be
referred to as prominent syllables.
The distinction between them is:
word stress appears in the citation forms of the
words (sometimes called their isolate
prominence given to syllables depends on the
choice of the speaker to make certain words
1 represents so-called primary stress, and 2
secondary stress.
but it is clear that prominence can occur
differently on these two syllables, or indeed
not at all, depending on the speaker's choice as
to where the main stress( the "sentence stress",
or "tonic") is placed in the utterance.
(the main stresses are underlined)
1. ACtually, she's japaNESE
2. a JApanese SHIP-owner's been KIDnapped
3. i thought SHE was japanese, NOT HIM
When and why do speakers attach prominence to syllables and,
thereby, to the words that contain those syllables in their utterances?
1. a CUP of TEA
2. the THIRD of APril
3. WHERE'S the BREADknife?

The non-prominent words( a, of, the) are, as it were,
taken for granted; they do not represent any choice
from a list of alternatives:" a cup of tea" is not an
alternative to " a cup by/ from tea" in most conceivable
circumstances. But, equally, "the breadknife" is not in
any real sense a selection from my/ your/ a/ Mrs Jone's
breadknife in most situations, since the speaker
assumes, or projects the assumption that the missing
knife is the one in normal use in the household and that
it does not need to be specially identified more than by
So , we can see from the examples that small,
function-words are made non-prominent usually.

But there are also some exceptions:
1. Does the soup contain meat?( customer or
waiter in restaurant)
2. Sorry to ring you so late.( you telephone a
friend at 11.30 p.m.)
3. Will you accept a cheque?( at a car-hire office)
Intonation: involves the occurrence of
recurring fall-rise patterns, each of which is
used with a set of relatively consistent
meanings, either on single words or on
groups of words of varying length
(Cruttenden, 1997: 7).

Many phonologists believe that it is possible to
devide speech up into small units in which each
unit has at least one main, or nuclear
This prominence will be marked by some
variation in pitch, either predominantly rising
or falling.
The unit thus defined may then have other,
non-nuclear, prominences( usually just one),
and other, non-prominent syllables.
The nuclear prominence is the last prominence
in the unit, and such units are usually called
tone units or tone groups.
Tone groups often have a slight pause after
them, and are claimed to correspond most
frequently in natural data with grammatical
The tone group is central to the school of
linguists who see intonation as being concerned
with the information structure of urrerances.
For Halliday, tone groups are informational
units; the speaker decides how to segment the
information to be transmitted and encodes
each segment as a seperate tone group.
The nuclear prominence (or tonic) projects
what the speaker decides is new( in the sense
of "newsworthy") in the tone group.
1. / she WORKS for the GOvernment /--the
newsworthy focus was on government

2./ i KNOW the FACE / but i CAN't put a NAME to
it/-- on face and name

3. / WHERE's that FRIEND of yours /-- on friend
4.7.1 Types of tones
4.7.2 Grammatical approaches
4.7.3 Attitudinal approaches
4.7.4 Interactive approaches

The prominent syllables in an utterance are
the carriers of any significant variation in
pitch that the speaker might use.
At recognizable points in the utterance, the
pitch level may rise, fall, or be carefully kept
Phonologists disagree as to the number of
discrete types of significant falling, rising
and level tones that are used in English;
some distinguish between as many as eight,
others work with four or five.
For our practical purposes five will be a useful
number to consider.
These are:
1 . Fall
2 . Risefall
3 . Fallrise
4 . Rise
5 . Level

( 4.39 )
A: / are there MANY good REcord shops in
town ? /

B: / i DON'T know about MANY / but i've SEEN
one /

A: / MM /

B: / WELL / i've SEEN ONE /

One widely held view is that intonation has a
grammatical function, that is to say, that there
are 'correct' intonations for things such as
questions, sentence-tags, subordinate clauses,
and so on. Most common among these views is
that 'yesno' type interrogatives end in a rising
tone, as in:

( 4.40 ) / IS it INteresting? /

( 4.41 ) /d'you feel ANGry? /

. C. C. Fries's (1964) data had 61 per cent of
questions with a falling tone, and he concluded
that 'there seem to be no intonation sequences on
questions that are not also found on other types
of utterances, and no intonation sequences on
other types of utterances that are not found on
questions'. Other researchers have come to just
the same conclusion.
The more we look at intonation and grammar, the
more we are forced to conclude that they are
separate systems which work independently, but
in harmony, to contribute to discourse meaning.

By far the most common view of intonation is
that it is related to attitude and/or emotion,
that some intonations express 'surprise', or
'detachment', and so on. This seems
particularly so when we look at utterances
such as:

( 4.44 ) / JOHN! / HOW nice to SEE you! /
(high fall: surprise)

( 4.45 ) / he's COming on FRIday / ISn't that
GOOD! / (risefall: excitement)

The attitudinal/emotive approach to intonation is
deeply entrenched in English language teaching.
Boyle (1987) says that 'stress and intonation are
employed in that area of language which deals with
attitudes, moods, emotions'.
We must conclude that it is probably a fruitless
enterprise to teach intonation as `attitude' or
'emotion'. How people express attitudes and
emotions is a complex combination of vocal cues,
intonation, lexis, non-verbal behavior and
contextual factors.
The interpretation of tone choice that seems most
reliable and which seems to make most sense, given
what we have said about the fundamentally
interactive nature of the other parts of the
intonation system (prominence, tonic placement) is
to see tones as fulfilling an interactive role in the
signaling of the 'state of play' in discourse.
The speaker has to judge how to deliver the tone
group. Should it be delivered as open-ended, as
incomplete in some way, as non-conducive with
regard to a possible, as background to what is the
main message, as referring to common ground?
Or on the other hand, should it be delivered as
possessing a finality or completeness, as 'telling'
rather than simply referring to background, as
conducive towards the response of the hearer, or as
the main core of the message?
Tone choice in English seems to fulfill these
opposing functions, and Cruttenden (1981) has
referred to a major distinction between open and
closed meanings, while Brazil (1985a and b) talks of
referring and proclaiming functions.
The relative level of pitch between one part of an utterance and
another can often be heard to change, to jump upwards, or to drop
and trail off. We are all familiar with utterances where the
speaker's pitch level suddenly rises, as in B's reply in (4.57), where
we can show the jump by moving to the line above in our

( 4.57 ) A: / IS that COUsin of yours still here ? /

SISter NOT my
B: / she's my/ COUsin! /

B seems to be expressing something contrary to A's expectations;
there is a contrast between cousin and sister. Sometimes, though,
the pitch level drops:
( 4.58 ) /WELL / THAT'S IT then /
THAT'S FInished

Here the speaker is indicating that 'that's finished'
does not add anything new to the discourse, but
rather that it is to be heard as functionally
equivalent to 'that's it then', as saying more or less
the same thing. These two choices Brazil (1985a
and b) refers to as high key and low key,
respectively. When speakers are speaking in the
middle of their average pitch range, they are
speaking in mid-key, and the utterance simply adds
more to the ongoing discourse. These three
functions, high for contrastiveness, mid for
addition, and low for reiteration are the key system
of English; they represent a further layer of speaker
choice in intonation.

A final observation needs to be made concerning
how pitch-level choices operate across speaker
Matching or concord in pitch between speakers is a
phenomenon noted by Brown, Currie and Kenworthy
(1980: 23-4), and dealt with by Brazil (1985a and b)
under the heading of termination.
Brown's team show with their data how speakers
sometimes begin a new topic by asking a question
which begins high in the speaker's pitch range, and
how this high pitch is echoed by the hearer with
high pitch at the beginning of the answer.

A typical topic-opening sequence might be:

( 4.59 ) A: / HAVE you ever been to /
NO NEver
B: / / /
A: / it's a GREAT COUNtry / REAIly /
This kind of 'termination' choice exercises
constraints on the listener as to what sort of key
will be used in the answer. In example (4.59), the
speaker expects the hearer to produce a high-key,
contrastive answer (a true yesno polarity).

Lower-level learners often have to encode utterances in L2 word-
by-word, and under such conditions, appropriate tone-grouping,
prominence, tone and key may simply not be realized. This fact
might argue for giving learners the opportunity to practice
intonation using words and phrases they are already familiar with
and do not have to struggle too much with on the level of lexico-
grammatical encoding.
There are certainly practical conclusions to be drawn from the
interactive descriptions we have examined. For one thing, the
simple fall and the fallrise are definitely the most useful tones to
present and practice first, since they fulfill such basic, everyday
functions, and they can be presented in contrast with each other in
the same utterance or exchange, as in examples (4.51-55).
The key system is also relatively straightforward and easily
graspable, and contextualized dialogues and situations can be
devised to elicit different keys. Pitch rise and drops at topic and
sub-topic boundaries can be practiced in prepared talks and
anecdote-telling. Such discrete-level practice is probably more
manageable than trying to elicit the whole complex system of
choices in one go.

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