This document provides an overview of solid waste management. It discusses the key principles and stages of solid waste management, including waste generation, handling, separation, collection, transport, processing, treatment, and final disposal. It also defines different types of solid waste and outlines the learning objectives which include explaining the waste management hierarchy, waste generation theory, and how to characterize and calculate solid waste generation. Flow charts are provided showing the solid waste management system and processes.
This document provides an overview of solid waste management. It discusses the key principles and stages of solid waste management, including waste generation, handling, separation, collection, transport, processing, treatment, and final disposal. It also defines different types of solid waste and outlines the learning objectives which include explaining the waste management hierarchy, waste generation theory, and how to characterize and calculate solid waste generation. Flow charts are provided showing the solid waste management system and processes.
This document provides an overview of solid waste management. It discusses the key principles and stages of solid waste management, including waste generation, handling, separation, collection, transport, processing, treatment, and final disposal. It also defines different types of solid waste and outlines the learning objectives which include explaining the waste management hierarchy, waste generation theory, and how to characterize and calculate solid waste generation. Flow charts are provided showing the solid waste management system and processes.
This document provides an overview of solid waste management. It discusses the key principles and stages of solid waste management, including waste generation, handling, separation, collection, transport, processing, treatment, and final disposal. It also defines different types of solid waste and outlines the learning objectives which include explaining the waste management hierarchy, waste generation theory, and how to characterize and calculate solid waste generation. Flow charts are provided showing the solid waste management system and processes.
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SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT Waste Generation Waste handling, separation, storage and processing at the source Collection Transfer and Transport Disposal Separation and processing and transformation of solid waste SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES PROCESSING & TREATMENT FINAL DISPOSAL
Introduction Framework Waste quantities and characteristics Storage & Collection
MRF Composting Waste-to-Energy RDF Sanitary landfill NON-TECHNICAL CONSIDERATION Regulatory Financial Policies Management/ System Learning outcomes To explain different the different types of wastes
To define domestic/household/industrial solid wastes
To explain and describe waste generation theory ( able to calculate waste generation per capita)
To describe and analyze waste management hierarchy Definitions Solid wastes (non hazardous) - wastes arising from human activities and are normally solid as opposed to liquid or gaseous and are discarded as useless or unwanted.
Focused on urban waste (MSW) generated in residential and commercial environments.
Construction wastes from work on individual residences and commercial buildings
Agricultural wastes from agricultural residues, manures
Yard waste from grass, leaves
Food waste from household, restaurants, etc.
Add on data on municipal solid waste composition/generation in malaysia pie chart (SOURCES: WORLD BANK, 2000) 20??.........City of Garbage!!!!! Why bother??? FLASH FLOOD 1960s VECTOR & VERMINS DISEASES Waste generation theory Raw Materials Manufacturing Processing and recovery Secondary manufacturing consumer Final disposal Raw materials, products and recovered materials Waste materials
Residential Commercial Institutional Construction & demolitions Municipal services Agricultural Industrial Municipal Solid Waste Treatment plant sites (incinerators) Types & sources Details: table 3-1 p.41 (textbook) WASTE CHARACTERIZATION Physical Chemical Biological A. Specific weight B. Moisture content C. Particle size distribution D. Field capacity E. Permeability A. Proximate analysis B. Ultimate analysis C. Energy content
A. Volatiles solids B. Lignin contents C. Biodegradable fraction A. Odors
Physical properties A. Specific weight lb/yd 3 , a volume measure and, therefore, subject to interpretation and variable. Beware of reporting: loose, as found in containers, un-compacted, compacted. Refer Table 4-1 for typical specific weight range
B. Moisture content Wet-weight relationship: M , eq.4-1, p.72 Varies from 15-40%, use 21%, food and yard wastes very high-70%; paper, plastics and inorganics very low-3%. Important consideration for transformation processes: energy recovery (incineration) and composting. Rain soaked trash will way more than its dry counterpart, a consideration at the weighing scales C. Particle size distribution Imprint consideration in the recovery of materials, pre-processing antecedent to a classification or sorting process Screens D. Field Capacity (FC) The amount of moisture that can be retained in a waste sample subject to the downward pull of gravity. Water in excess of FC will flow out of the waste as leachate. 50-60% for uncompacted, commingled waste from residential and commercial sources. E. Permeability Measures the movement of gasses and liquids in landfills. K, eq. 4-7, p.76 k= 10-11 to 10-12 m2 in the vertical and 10-10 in the horizontal. Chemical properties A. Proximate analysis Includes the following tests: Moisture Volatile combustible matter Fixed carbon (combustible residue after volatile matter is removed) Ash (weight of residue after combustion in an open crucible B. Ultimate analyses Determination of the percent C, H, O, N, S, and ash. Opportunity to calculate chemical formula, which then can be used in various chemical and biological reactions. Elemental analyser C. Energy content Potentially critical element in incineration. Can be measured or calculated. DuLong Formula: Btu/lb = 145C +610(H2 - O2/8) + 40S +10N eq.4-10, p.86 Constituents are % by weight D. Fusing point of ash Define as T at which the ah resulting from the burning of waste will form of solid (clinker) by fusion and agglomeration Typical fusing T for the formation of clinker from solid waste range from2000-2200F (1100-1200C) Biological properties
o VS, volatile solids, ignition at 550C is often used as a measure of the biodegradability of the organic fraction.
o Lignin a polymeric material containing aromatic rings with methoxyl group (-OCH3),-present in some paper products such as newsprint and fiberboard)
o Biodegradable Fraction (BF) biodegradability of organic compounds (see table 4.7, pg 88) based on lignin content.
BF = 0.83 - 0.028 LC eq.4-11, p.88
o Odors typically result from the anaerobic decomposition of the organic fraction. - Sulfate is reduced to sulfides and the to H 2 S. - Organic compounds containing a sulfur radical can lead to the formation of methyl mercaptan and aminobutyric acid. -detail pg. 89
100% MSW 90-97% Treated Via MRF, RDF, Incineration, Combustion 3-10% Disposed In SLF Waste management Hierarchy W2W Waste Recycled Material (e.g Plastics) Recovered Material (e.g Gold, Silver, Platinum) New Products Methane Gas Electricity (Combustion) Products Energy Wealth: Economy Environment Social (Sustainability) FOUR Rs: REDUCTION Reduce the amount material used Increasing the lifetime of the product Eliminating the need for product
REUSE Paper bags, newspapers, etc
RECOVERY Process the refuse without prior separation. The desired material are separated at a central facilities (i.e MRF) Case Study Discuss in a group a case study of solid waste management for the following continents : Malaysia, Japan, USA, UK, Australia, UAE. Highlight the following elements in your discussion: Waste generation Waste collection, treatment & disposal system Problems and challenges occurs
Presentation in a group consist of SWM for each country (2 hours)
Expression for unit waste generation rates Methods to estimate waste quantities 1) Load-count analysis 2) Weight-volume analysis 3) Material-balance analysis
Calculation of waste generation per capita IMPORTANCE OF WASTE QUANTITIES Compliance with federal and state waste diversion programs In selecting specific equipment In designing of waste collection routes Materials recovery facilities (MRFs) Disposal facilities
Expression for Unit Waste Generation Rates Residential Relative stability of residential wastes in a given location, lb/ Commercial Relate the quantities with the number of customers, lb/capita.dy Industrial Basis of some repeatable measure of production. lb/automobile or lb/plant Agricultural Basis of some repeatable measure of production. lb of manure/ ton of material Lb of waste/ ton of raw material Estimation of Solid Waste Quantities
a) Load-count / weight-volume analysis the number of individual loads and waste characteristics (types, estimated volume)
b) Material mass balance analysis determine the generation and movement of solid wastes at each generation source. (ex. 6-2, pg132)
c) statistical analysis to determine the statistical characteristics and the distribution of the waste.
Load count analysis- Example 6.1
Material Balance analysis
Simplified statement
M in M ou
Accumulation = inflow - outflow + generation dM / dt = M in - M out + r w
dM = rate of change of the weight of material stored (accumulated) within the study unit, lb/day Min = sum of all the material flowing into the study unit, lb/day Mout = sum of all the material flowing out of study unit, lb/day rw = rate of waste generation, lb/day t = time, day
Note: Always write rw as positive in the parent equation and make a negative substitution as required in the final analysis.
Example- material balance Ex- 6-2, pg 132 A cannery receives on a given day 12 tons of raw produce, 5 tons of Cans, 0.5 tons of cartons and 0.3 tons of miscellaneous materials. Of the 12 tons of raw produce, 10 tons become processed product, 1.2 tons end up produce waste, which is fed to cattle, and the remainder is discharged with the wastewater from the plant. Four tons of the cans are stored internally for future us, and the remaining is used for package the product. About 3 percent of the cans used are damaged. Stored separately, the damaged cans are recycled. The cartons are used for packaging the canned product, except for 5 percent that are damaged and subsequently separated for recycling . Of the miscellaneous materials, 25 percent is stored internally for future use,; 50 percent becomes waste paper, of which 35% is separated for recycling with the remainder being discharged as mixed waste; and 25 percent becomes a mixture of solid waste materials. Assume the materials separated for recycling and disposal are collected daily. Prepare a materials balance for the cannery on this day and a materials flow diagram accounting for all the materials. Also determine the amount of waste per ton of product. Solution 1. On the given day 12 tons of raw produced 5 tons of cans 0.5 tons of cartons 0.3 tons of miscellaneous materials
2. As a results of internal activities
a) 10 tons of product is produced, 1.2 tons of produced waste is generated, and the remainder of the produce is discharged with the wastewater
b) 4 tons of cans are stored and the remainder is used, of which 3 percent are damaged
c) 0.5 tons of cans are used of which 3 percent are damaged
d) 25 percent if the miscellaneous materials is stored; 50% becomes paper waste, of which 35 percent is separated and recycled, with the remainder disposed of as mixed solid waste; the remaining 25% of the Miscellaneous materials are disposed of as mixed waste.
Contd 3. Determine the required quantities a) Waste generated from raw produce i. Solid waste fed to cattle = 1.2 ton (1089 kg) ii. Waste produced discharged with wastewater = (12-10-1.2) ton= 0.8 ton (726 kg)
b) Cans i. Damaged and recycled = (0.03)(5-4) ton = 0.03 ton ( 27 kg) ii. Used for production of product = (1-0.03) = 0.97 ton (880 kg)
Cntd C) cartons i. damaged and recycled = (0.03)(0.5 ton) = 0.015 ton ( 14 kg) ii. Cartons used in product= (0.5-0.015) ton= 0.485 ton (440 kg)
d) Miscellaneous materials i. Amount stored = (0.25)(0.3ton)= 0.075 ton(68 kg) ii. Paper separated and recycled (0.50)(0.35)(0.3 ton)= 0.053 ton ( 48 kg) iii. Mixed waste (0.3-0.075)-0.053 ton = 0.172 ton(156 kg)
e) Total weight of product = (10+0.97+0.485) ton = 11.455 ton ( 10,392 kg)
f ) Total material stored = (4+0.075) ton = 4.075 ton ( 3696 kg) Cntd 4. Prepare a material balance and flow diagram for the cannery for the day A) The appropriate materials balance equation:
Amount of material stored = inflow outflow waste generation
B) the materials balance quantities are as follows: i. material stored= (4.0 + 0.075) ton = 4.075 ton ii. Material input = (12.0+5.0+0.5+0.3) ton = 17.8 ton iii. Material output = (10+0.97+0.485+1.2+0.03+0.015+0.053) ton = 12.753 ton iv. Waste generation = (0.8+0.172) ton = 0.972 ton
The final materials balance is 4.075 = 17.8-12.753-0.972 ( mass balance checks) 1. Material Flow Diagram 4.075 t Stored internally 12 t raw 5 t cans 5 t cartons 0.1 t misc. 11.455 t products 1.2 t waste fed to cattle 0.03 t cans recycled 0.015 t cartons recycled 0.053 t paper recycled 0.8 t waste Produce Discharge With wastewater 0.172 t Mixed waste Cntd. 5. Determine the amount of waste per ton of product a) Recyclable material= (1.2+0.03+0.015+0.053)ton/11.455 ton = 0.11 ton/ton
b) Mixed waste = (0.8+0.172) ton / 11.455 ton = 0.085 ton/ton Statistical analysis For many large industrial activities but impractical to provide container capacity to handle the largest conceivable quantity of SW to be generated in a given day
Must be based on the generation rates and characteristics of the collection system
Steps and formulation SEE APPENDIX D pg 917-929
Example 6.3 (pp. 134)
Factor that Effect Generation Rates Source Reduction and Recycling. Design with disposal in mind.
Public Attitudes and Legislation. If not reimbursed, the public must be recruited to a "tree saving" mentality. Legislation includes bottle laws, green waste pick-ups.
Geographic and Physical Factors. The bigger the yard and the longer the growing season, the more the waste. Seasonal, fall leaves, Christmas gifts, spring cleanup. Kitchen grinders contribute a minimal reduction.
Frequency. More waste is collected if the frequency is increased. Note that more wastes are not generated.
Variations in distribution Highly variable, local studies should be considered, collected data is expensive and of limited value; make sure that collected data is useful before collecting.
Location, warmer more affluent communities generate more wastes.
Season, T3-8, p.56, More yard and food wastes in the summer; more glass and metals in the winter.
Economics and others. Calculation of waste generation per capita