03 - Par A - Bridges
03 - Par A - Bridges
03 - Par A - Bridges
1.0 All Bridge Works shall be designed and constructed as per the
Specifications and Codes of practice mentioned below as amended
from time to time till the date of opening of Tender.
(ii) Indian Railways Standard Code of practice for the design of sub
structures and foundation of Bridges (Bridge Sub structure and
foundation code)
(iii) Rules specifying the loads for designing the superstructure and
sub structure of bridges and for assessing the strength of
existing bridges (Bridge Rules).
(viii) Indian Railways Standard Code of Practice for the design of Steel
or Wrought Iron Bridges carrying Rail, Road or Pedestrian Traffic
(Steel Bridge Code).
2.2.1 In order to facilitate the setting out of work, the centre line of the bridge
must be accurately established by the contractor and got approved by
the Engineer.
For carrying out accurate survey work, survey tower shall be built one
on each bank and one inside the river where required and possible.
The tower shall be built in duplicate, securely founded and braced, the
inner tower shall support the instrument only and the outer shall
support the observer. The two towers should be entirely independent of
each other. The height of the tower shall not be less than the pier
height. The contractor shall be solely responsible for planning and
erection of suitable types of towers, which should be maintained
throughout the construction period.
4.0 RATE
All the above mentioned items of work are incidental to the construction
work and shall not be paid separately unless specifically mentioned in
Bill of Quantities.
The contractor shall remove all vegetation, trees, structures and any
foreign material at the site. The area shall be stripped to remove roots
of grass/trees, and other organic materials shall be burnt and /or
removed to approved disposal areas or other locations as indicated by
the Engineer. Cost of labour, tools, transport etc. required for this is
deemed to be included in the overall rate.
The contractor shall control the grading in the vicinity of all excavations
so that the surface of the ground in vicinity is properly sloped or diked
to prevent surface water from running into the excavated areas during
1.5 Sides and bottoms of excavation shall be cut sharp and true.
Undercutting shall not be permitted. Earth sides of excavation shall not
be used in lieu of form work for placement of concrete unless
authorized, in special cases, by the Engineer, where limitations of
space for larger excavation necessitate such a decision.
1.6 When machines are used for excavation, the last 300 mm before
reaching the required level shall be excavated by hand or by such
equipment that will leave the soil at the required final level, in its natural
a) Ordinary Soil : All kinds of soil except soil containing 50% or more
kankar and/or shingle and rock.
1.15 Measurement
1.16.2 Excavation
The specifications for excavation items 1.0 to 1.14 above shall apply to
excavation work in rock also, except for the bottom of excavation,
where depending on the type of rock, over breaks upto a maximum
depth of 0.3 m below the required level may be allowed by the
Engineer at his discretion and paid accordingly. Concrete backfill in
such over breaks shall also be paid for. No payment shall, however, be
allowed for backfilling, if such over breaks are required to be brought to
grade by filling with only soil including its proper compaction.
1.16.3 Blasting material required for excavation work included in this tender
shall be arranged by the contractor from any authorized dealer of such
approved material. Necessary assistance in the form of approval for
procurement of the material will be given by the Employer. The
contractor shall be fully responsible for entering into agreement with
1.16.4 Blasting: All rules under the Explosives Act or other local rules in force
shall be fully observed. All blasting works shall be done in accordance
with the stipulations contained in the Indian Standards Specification
No. IS:4081. Blasting shall be done by employing qualified personnel
and under careful supervision. Blasting shall only be carried out at
certain specified times as directed by the Engineer. Proper precautions
for safety of persons and property shall be taken. Where blasting is to
be carried out in the proximity of other structures, sand bags etc. shall
be used on top of the blast holes to prevent the rock fragments from
causing damage to adjacent structures and other property. The unit
rate for excavation involving blasting shall be inclusive of the cost of
providing all necessary material, labour and arranging for such
The number of blasts to be fired and the actual number of shots heard
shall be compared and the person responsible shall satisfy himself by
examination that all blasts have exploded before any person working
in the area is permitted to re approach the work site. The withdrawal of
the unexploded charge shall not be permitted under any
circumstances. The tamping of the unexploded charge shall be flooded
with water and the hole marked in distinguishable manner. Another
hole shall be made at a distance of about 450 mm off the old hole and
fired in the usual way. This process shall be continued till the original
blast is exploded.
1.16.8 All excavated materials obtained from excavation shall remain with
Employer. The useful portion shall be separated from the useless ones
and deposited in regular stacks at places indicated and as directed by
the Engineer.
1.17 Measurement
ii) When “hard rock” and “decomposed or soft rock” are mixed
together, the entire quantity of excavation done below rock level
shall be recorded from cross-section taken before commencement
and after completion of rock excavation, payment lines being as
provided in clauses 1.15 and 1.16.2. The hard rock excavated
shall be stacked, measured and reduced by 50% to allow for
bulking and voids to arrive at the quantity payable under “hard
rock”. The difference between the entire excavation below rock
level (between the pay lines) and the quantity payable under “hard
rock” shall be paid for as “decomposed or soft rock”.
vi) When the excavation in rock is paid for as a single item for all
classes of rock, the measurement will be made based on cross
sectional area after recording rock level at commencement and
1.18.1 Wherever water table is met with during the excavation, the contractor
shall immediately report the fact to the Engineer who shall arrange to
record the exact level of the water table. The decision of the Engineer
in the matter shall be final.
1.18.2 The contractor shall dewater and maintain the water table below the
bottom of the excavation level during excavation, concreting and
backfilling .
1.18.3 The extra payment if specified to be made for excavation below the
level of water table and up to the designed level shall cover all labour,
materials and equipment for dewatering and maintaining dry working
area during excavation, concreting, water-proofing treatment, if
required and back filing. The extra payment shall be made only after
the completion of the structure upto at least 1m above water table upto
the designed level and backfilling, if any, upto that level.
2.1 A backing of dry rubble walling will be provided behind abutments and
wing walls for facilitating proper drainage. It shall be provided to
dimensions in accordance with the drawings.
3.1 The contractor shall furnish all labour, equipment and materials
required for complete performance of the work in accordance with the
drawings and as described herein.
3.2 After completion of foundation footings, and abutments and wings walls
and other construction below the elevation of the final grades and prior
to backfilling, all forms, temporary shoring, timber etc. shall be removed
and the excavation cleaned of all trash, debris, and perishable
materials. Backfilling shall begin only with the approval of the Engineer.
3.3 Backfilling shall be done with inorganic materials, obtained from the
excavation or borrow pits, if suitable and subject to the approval of the
3.4 Backfill shall not be dropped directly upon or against any structure or
facility where there is danger of displacement or damage.
3.12 Measurements
4.1 General
Weep Holes shall be provided in abutment wing wall and return wall
and backfill as shown on drawing or directed by the Engineer to drive
moisture from the backfilling. Weep holes shall be provided with PVC
pipe as shown in the drawing.
Weep holes shall be measured in running meter. The rate shall include
cost of materials, carriage, all leads and lifts tools and plants complete
in all respects including cleaning of weep holes.
Every bar shall be inspected before assembling on the work and any
defective, brittle, excessively rusted or burnt bars shall be removed.
Cracked ends of bars shall be cut out.
The various physical test shall be carried out as per IS: 226, IS: 1608,
IS:1599, IS:1387.
The bars shall be cleaned with dry gunny bags if they are coated lightly
with rust or other impurities. On no account shall the bars be oiled or
painted nor shall mould oil used on the formwork be allowed to come in
contact with the bars. Cement wash to bars will not be permitted.
The unit rate for RCC work shall include cost of bending, placing,
welding if required and fixing & binding in position of reinforcement as
shown on the drawings and as directed by the Engineer. It shall also
include cost of all devices for keeping reinforcement in approved
position, cost of jointing as per approved method and all wastage,
overlaps and spacer bars.
iii. Dry uniformly graded silica sand is used for blast cleaning which
should be free from contaminants.
ii. A rapid setting primer shall be applied over the prepared surface
of the reinforcing steel either by brushing or dipping.
9.3 Job Site Precautions to be observed in the use of Fusion bonded Epoxy
Coating System
Training shall be imparted to field staff regarding use of FBE coated
bars so that care is exercised to ensure that the coating is not
damaged till concreted.
The bars shall be cut and bent under factory controlled conditions. For
bending the bars, Teflon coated covered pins shall be used at the bar
bending bench.
Bars shall be stocked on wooden battens separated from each other to
protect them from rubbing.
When handling bars, care should be taken to avoid bundle to bundle or
bar to bar abrasion which may require lifting equipment with a spreader
beam to sling from multiple pick-up points.
i. The cement used shall be any of the following, with the prior approval of the
Engineer :
(f) Portland slag cement conforming to IS:455 (see Note 1,4,5 & 6
Note 1: Maximum of 50% blast furnace slag with OPC cement at site
shall not normally be permitted. However, in exceptional cases for
bridges requiring higher levels of durability using blended cement
which is not available from manufacturers blending at site may be
permitted subject to ensuring dedicated facilities and complete
mechanized process control to achieve specified quality with the
special permission of “Chief Engineer/Chief Bridge Engineer” with
“PCE/CE (Coordination) or CAO(Con)”.
Note 2: Portland Pozzolana cement shall not be used for PSC works.
When Portland Pozzolana cement is used in plain and reinforced
concrete, it is to be ensured that proper damp curing of concrete at
least for 14 days and supporting form work shall not be removed till
concrete attains at least 75% of the design strength.
(ii) Sand, if found too coarse, shall be suitably blended with finer sand
obtained from approved sources to obtain the desired grading.
The provision of two types of sand, their stacking separately and
their mixing in the specified proportions shall be at the contractor's
The sand shall not contain silt, shale, clay and other week
particles more than a total of 3% by weight.
i) Water used for washing of aggregates and for mixing and curing
concrete shall be clean and free from injurious amounts of oils,
acids, alkalis, salts, sugar, organic materials or other substances
that may be deleterious to concrete or steel. As a guide the
following concentrations represent the maximum permissible
values: -
a) To neutralize 200ml sample of water,using phenolphthalein
as an indicator, it should not require more than 2ml of 0.1
normal NaOH. The details of test shall be as given in IS:
b) To neutralize 200ml sample of water using methyl orange as
an indicator, it should not require more than 10ml of 0.1
normal HCl. The details of test shall be as given in IS: 3025.
The sample of water taken for testing shall represent the water
proposed to be used for concreting, due account being paid to
seasonal variation. The sample shall not receive any treatment,
before testing other than that envisaged in the regular supply of
water proposed for use in concrete. The sample shall be stored in a
clean container previously rinsed out with similar water.
The initial setting time of test block made with the appropriate
cement and the water proposed to be used shall not be less than 30
minutes and shall not differ by ±30 minutes from the initial setting
time of control test block prepared and tested in accordance with
the requirements of IS:4031.
5.1 General
The Engineer may permit the use of admixtures for imparting special
characteristics to the concrete or mortar on satisfactory evidence that
the use of such admixtures does not adversely affect the properties of
concrete or mortar particularly with respect to strength, volume change
durability and has no deleterious effect on reinforcement.
6.1 General
6.2 Aggregates
6.3 Cement
The Contractor shall make a monthly return to the Engineer on the date
corresponding to the interim certificate date, showing the quantities of
cement received and issued during the month and in stock at the end
of the month.
A sample shall be tested from every batch of cement delivered on site
or once for every 1000 bags whichever is more frequent. Tests shall be
carried out for fineness, initial and final setting time, and compressive
strength (IS: 4031) and the result approved by the Engineer before use
of the cement in permanent works. Samples shall be taken immediately
on receipt of cement at site. The methods and procedure of sampling
shall be in accordance with IS: 3535. The Engineer may specify other
forms of sampling and tests including chemical analysis, (IS: 4032)
from his opinion the cement is of doubtful quality; the costs of such
additional tests shall be borne by the contractor.
The concrete mix proportions chosen should be such that the concrete
is of adequate workability for the placing conditions of the concrete and
can properly be compacted with the means available.
7.3 Durability
One of the main characteristics influencing the durability of any concrete is its
permeability. Therefore, tests for permeability shall be carried out for
concrete bridges as recommended in clause 7.4.1. with strong, dense
aggregates a suitably low permeability is achieved by having a sufficiently low
water-cement ratio, by ensuring as thorough compaction of the concrete as
possible and by ensuring sufficient hydration of cement through proper curing
Permeability Test
(i) Permeability test shall be mandatory for all RCC/PSC bridges under
severe and extreme environment;
(ii) Under moderate environment, permeability test shall be mandatory for all
major bridges and for other bridges permeability test is desirable to the
extent possible.
(iii) Permeability test is required for RCC/PSC structural element only.
The limits for maximum water cement ratio for design mix shall be
based on environmental conditions as defined in Clause 7.3. The limits
for maximum water-cement ratio for different environmental conditions
shall be as given in Table below:
Concrete of grades M-10, M-15 & M-20 are normally used in mass
concrete work and usually mixed by volumetric batching also. The mix
for this would be:
M-10 - 1:3:6
M-15 - 1:2:4
M-20 - 1:1.5:3
2. The mix shall be designed to produce the grade of concrete having the
required workability, durability and a characteristic strength not less than
appropriate value given in following Table. The procedure given in
IS:10262 may be followed for mix design.
Mixers which have been out of use for more than 30 minutes shall be
thoroughly cleaned before putting in a new batch. Unless otherwise
agreed to by the Engineer, the first batch of concrete from the mixer
shall contain only two thirds of the normal quantity of coarse aggregate.
11.1 General
The construction joints shall comply with the provisions given at para
11.2, 11.3 & 11.4.Properly designed reinforcement shall be provided
for transfer of full tensile stress across the joints prior to casting of the
next lift.
The best time for treating the joint is a matter of judgment because it
depends on the rate of setting and hardening (which is itself dependent
on the temperature of the concrete). Before further concrete is cast, the
surface should be thoroughly cleaned to remove debris and
accumulated rubbish, one effective method being air jet.
Where there is likely to be a delay before placing the next concrete lift,
protruding reinforcement should be protected. Before the next lift is
placed, rust loose mortar, or other contamination should be removed
from the bars and where conditions are particularly aggressive and
there has been a substantial delay between lifts, the concrete should
be cut back to expose the bars for a length of about 50 mm to ensure
that contaminated concrete is removed.
When the formwork is fixed for the next lift, it should be inspected to
ensure that no leakage can occur from the fresh concrete. It is a good
practice to fix a 6 mm thick sponge which seals the gap completely.
The top section of the tremie shall have a hopper large enough to hold
one full batch of the mix or the entire contents of the transporting
bucket as the case may be. The tremie pipe shall not be less than
200mm in diameter and shall be large enough to allow a free flow of
concrete and strong enough to withstand the external pressure of the
water in which it is suspended, even if a partial vacuum develops inside
the pipe. Preferably, flanged steel pipe of adequate strength for the job
shall be used. A separate lifting device shall be provided for each
tremie pipe with its hopper at the upper end. Unless the lower end of
the pipe is equipped with an approved automatic check valve, the
upper end of the pipe shall be plugged with a wadding of gunny
sacking or other approved material before delivering the concrete to
the tremie pipe through the hopper, so that when the concrete is forced
down from the hopper to the pipe, it will force the plug (and along with it
any water in the pipe) down the pipe and out of the bottom end, thus
establishing a continuous stream of concrete. It will be necessary to
raise slowly the tremie in order to allow a uniform flow of concrete, but
it shall not be emptied so that water is not allowed to enter above the
concrete in the pipe, at all times after placing of concrete is started and
until all the required quantity has been placed. The lower end of the
tremie pipe shall be kept below the surface of the plastic concrete. This
will cause the concrete to build up from below instead of flowing out
over the surface and thus avoid formation of layers of laitance. If the
charge in the tremie is lost while depositing, the tremie shall be raised
13.1 General
e) Low temperature
f) Vibration and impact which. may disrupt the concrete and
interfere with its bond to the reinforcement..
Where members are of considerable size and length, with high cement
content accelerated curing methods maybe applied, as approved by
the Engineer.
13.2 Moist Curing - The concrete should be kept constantly wet for a
minimum period of 14 (fourteen) days. Water should applied on
unformed surfaces as soon as it can be done without marring the
surface and on formed surfaces immediately after the forms are
stripped. The concrete shall be kept constantly wet by ponding or
covered with a layer of sacking canvas, hessian or a similar absorbant
material. When air temperature is expected to drop below 5 0 C during
the curing period, additional covering of cotton/gunny bags straw or
other suitable blanketting material shall be provided so that concrete
temperature at surface does not fall below 100 C.
13.3 Curing Compound – Curing compound shall be used only with the
prior approval of the Engineer. Approved curing compounds may be
used in lieu of moist curing with the permission of the engineer. Such
compounds shall be applied to all exposed surfaces of the concrete
alongwith stripping of form work. Tests shall be done to ascertain:
All construction and expansion joints in the completed work shall be left
carefully tooled and free from any mortar and concrete. Expansion joint
filler shall be left exposed for its full length with clean and true edges.
Concrete under acceptance shall be notionally divided into lots for the
purpose of sampling, before commencement of work. The delimitation
of lots shall be determined by the following:
ii) At least one cube forming an item of the sample representing the
lot shall be taken from concrete of the same grade and mix
proportions cast on any day.
Three test specimens shall be made from each sample for testing at 28
day. Additional cubes may be required for various purposes such as to
determine the strength of concrete at 7 days for any other purpose.
15.3 Frequency
1-5 1
6-15 2
16-30 3
31-50 4
16.1 Compressive strength - When both the following conditions are met,
the concrete complies with the specified compressive strength:
a) The mean strength determined from any group of four consecutive
test results complies with the appropriate limits in column A of table
given below;
b) Any individual test result complies with the appropriate limits in
Column B of table given below.
16.2 Flexural strength - When both the following conditions are met, the
concrete complies with the specified flexural strength:
(a) The mean strength determined from any group of four consecutive
test results exceeds the specified characteristic strength by at least
0.3 N/mm2.
(b) The strength determine from any test result is not less than the
specified characteristic strength less 0.3 N/mm2.
(i) If cracks develop in concrete construction, which in the opinion
of the Engineer may be detrimental to the strength of the
construction, the Contractor at his own expense shall test the
construction item. If under such test loads the cracks develop
further, the Contractor shall dismantle the construction, carry
away the debris, replace the construction and carry out all
consequential work thereto.
(ii) If any cracks develop in the concrete construction, which in the
opinion of the Engineer, are not detrimental to the stability of the
construction, the Contractor at his own expense shall grout the
cracks with polymer cement grout of approved quality and also
at his own expense and risk shall make good to the satisfaction
of the Engineer, which in the opinion of the Engineer has
suffered damage either in appearance or stability owing to such
cracks. The Engineer's decision as to the extent of the liability of
the Contractor in the above matter shall be final and binding.
19.2 General
19.4 Materials – All the materials shall conform to the specified quality
consistent with the intended purpose and actual site condition as
19.5 False work Plans – False work plans shall include the following
19.6 Formwork
19.6.1 General – The formwork shall conform to the shapes, lines and
dimensions shown on the drawings such that the relevant tolerances of
finished concrete as specified are achieved.
The contractor shall furnish the design and drawing of complete form
work (i.e. the forms as well as their supports) for approval of the
Engineer before any erection is taken up. If proprietary system of
formwork is used, the contractor shall furnish detailed information to
the Engineer for approval.
19.6.5 Stripping Time- Forms shall not be struck until the concrete has
reached a strength at least twice the stress to which the concrete may
be subjected at the time of removal of formwork. The strength referred
to shall be that of concrete using the same cement and aggregates,
with the same proportions and cured under conditions of temperature
and moisture similar to those existing on the work. Where possible, the
formwork shall be left longer as it would assist the curing.
Where the shape of the element is such that the formwork has
reentrant angles, the formwork shall be removed as soon as possible
after the concrete has set, to avoid shrinkage cracking occurring due to
the restraint imposed.
For slip form the rate of slipping the formwork shall be designed for
each individual case taking into account various parameters including
the grade of concrete, concrete strength, concrete temperature,
ambient temperature, concrete admixtures, etc.
For specialized formwork, the form lining material may be steel sheet of
appropriate thickness. Steel sheeting is preferred because large
number of repetitions are involved. A method of erection has been
suggested in the chapter on Erection methodology .The Contractor
may adopt the same after firming it up or go in for an alternative safe &
stable method of erection.
2.1 Concrete
2.1.1 Cement
2.1.2 Aggregates
2.1.3 Water
Water free from impurities and as per clause 4.3 of IRS Concrete
Bridge code shall only be permitted.
2.1.4 Admixture
2.2.2 All prestressing steel shall be procured in coils not less than 2440 mm
diameter and shall be straightened and degreased(if present) by an
approved method before use.
2.4 Sheathing
2.5 Anchorage
2.5.2 The anchorage shall be safe and secure against both dynamic and
static loads as well as against impact.
2.5.3 “Where embedded anchorage are provided, its spacing, reinforcement details,
concrete strength, cover and other dimensions shall conform to the manufacturer‟s
specification/specialized literature.”
3.1 Form work shall conform to clause 6.2 to 6.5 of IRS concrete Bridge
Code 1997 for all PSC/RCC works. These specifications shall be read
in conjunction with the IS specifications and MORTH Specifications.
3.2 The form work, false work, staging scheme etc. shall be designed by
the Contractor and approved by the Engineer before starting of work.
(ii) The tensioning equipment shall be such that it can apply controlled
total force gradually on the concrete without inducting dangerous
secondary stresses in steel, anchorage or concrete and
4.1.2 The force in the tendons during the tensioning shall be measured by
direct-reading load cells or obtained indirectly from gauges fitted in the
hydraulic system to determine the pressure in the jacks. Facilities shall
be provided for the measurement of the extension of the tendon and of
any movement of the tendon in the gripping devices. The load
measuring device shall be calibrated to an accuracy within +2% and
checked at intervals to the approval of the Engineer. Elongation of
tendon shall be measured to an accuracy within + 2% or 2 mm
whichever is more accurate.
4.1.4 The alignment and position of ducts within the girder are critical.
Short kinks and wobbles shall be avoided. The trajectory of ducts
shall not depart from the curve or straight lines shown in the drawing by
more than 1 in 240. The cable position shall not deviate by more than
5 mm from the designed trajectory vertically.
4.1.5 Anchorage devices for all post tensioning systems must be aligned with
the direction of the axis of the tendons at the point of attachment.
Concrete surfaces, against which the anchorage devices bear must be
normal to this line of direction. Accurate measurement of anchorage
losses due to slippage or other causes shall be made and compared
with the assumed losses and necessary adjustments or correction shall
be made in the stressing operation.
4.1.6 The clear cover shall be uniform and as per the drawings. Concrete
cover blocks used, shall be of the same concrete mix as the member
5.1 Normally, concreting of Box girder shall be done in one single pour
only. However, if the arrangements of casting of PSC box girder
proposed by the tenderer require two stage concreting, the scheme
should be submitted with details for obtaining prior approval of the
Engineer. For concreting of Box girder, if use of approved quality of
super-plasticizer cum retarders or any other additives is considered
inevitable without sacrificing strength, specific prior approval of
Engineer shall be taken. The cost of such additives shall be borne by
the Contractor within his quoted rates.
5.3 Special care shall be taken for curing of concrete in order to ensure
maximum durability and to minimise cracking. Concrete surface shall
be kept continuously wet for a period of at least 15 days. Rapid
lowering of concrete temperature which may induce a thermal shock
shall be avoided. Any modern methods of curing including application
of coats on the concrete surface can be adopted with the prior approval
of the Engineer.
5.4 The minimum and maximum cement content for PSC work shall be 430
kg and 500 kg per cubic metre of concrete respectively. Similarly, the
corresponding figures for RCC work shall be 400 kg and 500 kg per
cubic metre respectively.
5.7 During concreting, care shall be taken to ensure that the sheathing is
not damaged. Needle vibrators shall be used with extreme care by
well experienced staff only, to ensure the above requirements.
5.8 The HTS strands shall be moved in both directions during the
concreting operations, which can easily be done by light hammering
5.10 All precast slabs/parapet blocks used in gang paths etc. are to be table
5.11.2 The concrete shall be verified for permeability and the procedure shall
confirm to Appendix G of IRS concrete bridge code- 1997. The
frequency of test shall be depends upon the change in design mix or
change in source of material used in the work. However, the Engineer
shall select random batches of concrete for examination at his
discretion and any time during concreting. Sampling shall generally be
done at the point of discharge from the mixer and at placing point.
Test specimen of 200 mm dia and 120 mm thick shall be used. After
24 hours of casting of specimen, central circular area of 100 mm dia
meter shall be roughened with a wire brush on the side on which the
water pressure is to be applied. The unroughened part of the side of
the test specimen which is subjected to water pressure is to be sealed
with two coats of cement water paste (W/C = 0.4). Procedure
After 28 days curing, test specimen shall be fitted into a test apparatus
where water pressure acts on the required face and remaining faces
can be observed.
At first, a pressure of 1 bar shall be applied for 48 hours, then 3 bar for
24 hours and 7 bar for 24 hours.
5.12.1 For all structural concreting work the Contractor shall provide
automatic or any other suitable weigh-batching plant of sufficient
capacity. The plant used shall conform to IS: 4925.
5.12.2 The Contractor shall provide Concrete mixers (IS:1791 – Batch type
concrete mixers, IS : 2438-Roller Pan Mixer) and Vibrators (IS:2505-
Concrete Vibrators Immersion Type, IS:2506-Screed board concrete
vibrators, IS: 4656-Form Vibrators for Concrete) as per site
requirement supplied by only the recognised manufacturers.
7.2 All precautions shall be taken to ensure that the sheathings do not get
contaminated with deleterious chemicals, salts, etc. during
manufacture, storage and installation.
7.3 Any slack in the pre-stressing tendon shall first be taken up by applying
a small tension. For arriving at the extent of correction and the actual
total elongation, the following procedure (as per clause of
IRS Concrete Bridge Code) shall be followed;
(iii) even then, if the variation does not come within 5% then the
cable is to be rejected.
7.4 Large tensioning forces, which are necessary for all pre-stressing
operations make all such constructions very hazardous. The
Contractor is, therefore, required to establish good safety devices and
following instructions shall be complied with:
ii) Jacks shall be secured in such a manner that they will be held in
position, should they lose their grip on the tendons.
vii) After prestressing, concrete shall neither be drilled nor any portion
cut nor chipped away nor disturbed, without express approval of
the Engineer.
7.6 It shall be noted that the system of jacking the cable wholly (i.e. for
pulling all the wires/strands of each cable together and anchoring) be
adopted for the PSC girders and the quoted rates shall take care of
8.2 Materials
8.2.1 Water
Water free from impurities and as per clause 4.3 of IRS Concrete
Bridge code shall only be permitted.
8.2.2 Cement
8.2.4 Admixtures
8.3.1 All ducts should have grout openings at both ends. For this purpose
special openings shall be provided where such openings are not
available at end anchorages. For draped (curved) cables crown points
shall have a grout vent. For draped cables longer than 50m grout vents
or drain holes may be provided at or near the lowest points. All grout
openings or vents shall include provisions for preventing grout leakage.
8.3.2 Standard details of fixing couplers, inlets, outlets and air vents to the
duct anchorage shall be followed as recommended by the supplier of
the system of prestressing.
8.3.4 Ducts require very careful handling as, being of thin metal are
susceptible to leakage due to corrosion in transit or storage.
Tearing/ripping in handling particularly when placed adjoining
reinforcement steel by pulling apart of joints while inserting tendons,
prior to concreting or by accidental puncturing while drilling for form,
ties/inserts needs to be carefully prevented. Ducts are also liable to
damage by rough use of internal vibrator and sparks from welding
being done close by.
8.4 Equipment
Standard details of fixing inlets, and air vents to the sheathing and/or
anchorage should be followed as specified by the supplier of the
system of prestressing. In general, all connections shall be of the
“Quick Couple” type and at change of diameters, suitable reducers
shall be provided.
8.6.1 Proportions of the materials shall be based on field trials made on the
grout mix before commencement of grouting, but subject to the limits
specified above. The materials should be measured by weight.
8.6.2 Water shall be added to the mixer first, followed by cement. Admixture
if any may be added as approved by the Engineer.
8.6.3 Mixing time depends upon the type of the mixer but will normally be
between 2 and 3 minutes. However, mixing should be for such a
duration as to obtain uniform and thoroughly blended grout without
excessive temperature increase or loss of expansive properties of the
admixtures. The grout should be continuously agitated until it is
8.6.4 Once mixed, no water shall be added to the grout to increase its
8.7.1 General Grouting shall be carried out as early as possible but not later than one
week of stressing a tendon. Whenever this stipulation cannot be
complied with for unavoidable reasons, adequate temporary protection
of the steel against corrosion by methods or products which will not
1. Application of some patented water soluble oils for coating of
steel/VPI powder injections/sending in of hot, dry and oil free
compressed air through the vents at frequent intervals have shown
some good results. Any traces of oil if applied to steel for preventing corrosion should be
removed before grouting operation. Ducts shall be flushed with water for cleaning as well as for wetting the
surfaces of the duct walls. Water used for flushing should be of the
same quality as used for grouting. It may, however, contain about 1
per cent of slaked lime or quick lime. All water should be drained
through the lowest drain pipe or by blowing compressed air through the
duct. The water in the duct should be blown out with oil free compressed air.
Blowing out water from duct for cables longer than 50m draped up at
both ends by compressed air may not be effective Outlet/vent provided
at or near the lowest point shall be used to drain out water from duct. The connection between the nozzle of the injection pipe and duct
should be such that air cannot be sucked in. All outlet points including vent openings should be kept open prior to
the commencement of injection of grout. Before grouting, all air in the pump and hose should be expelled. The
suction circuit of the pump should be airtight.
8.8.1 When the ambient temperature during the day is likely to exceed 40
degree C, grouting should be done in the early morning or late evening
8.8.2 When the cables are threaded after concreting, the duct must be
temporarily protected during concreting by inserting a stiff rod or a rigid
PVC pipe or any other suitable method.
8.8.3 During concreting, care shall be taken to ensure that the sheathing is
not damaged. Needle vibrators shall be used with extreme care by
well experienced staff only to ensure the above requirements.
8.8.4 It is a good practice to move the cables in both directions during the
concreting operations. This can easily be done by light hammering the
ends of the wires/strands during concreting. It is also advisable that 3
to 4 hours after concreting the cable should be moved both ways
through a distance of about 20 cms. With such movement, any
leakage of mortar which has taken place in spite of all precautions
loses bond with the cables, thus reducing the chance of blockages.
This operation can also be done by fixing prestressing jacks at one
end, pulling the entire cable and then repeating the operation by fixing
8.8.5 In case of stage prestressing, cables tensioned in the first stage should
not remain ungrouted till all cables are stressed. It is a good practice
while grouting any duct in stage prestressing to keep all the remaining
ducts filled up with water containing 1 percent lime or by running water
through such ducts till the grout has set. After grouting the particular
cable the water in the other cables should be drained and removed
with compressed air to prevent corrosion.
8.8.6 Care should be taken to avoid leaks from one duct to another at joints
of precise members.
8.8.7 End faces where anchorages are located are vulnerable points of entry
of water. They have to be necessarily protected with an effective
barrier. Recesses should be packed with mortar/concrete and should
preferably be panted with water proof paint.
ix) Any other items required direction for ensuring quality, process,
and smooth functioning of the work.
a) Date of tensioning/grouting
a) Date of calibration.
c) Method of calibration.
The supplier of the bearings shall despatch the bearings in its true
position from the workshop with its top and bottom plates suitably
clamped. Dismantling of bearings at site shall not be permitted under
normal circumstances.
The load shall be transferred on to the bearing only when the bedding
materials has developed sufficient strength.
The details of seating of pot and other bearings shall be strictly as per
manufacturer‟s recommendations.
High tensile (prestressing) steel shall be paid for separately and its
length shall be measured as actually incorporated in the finished work.
From the length so measured its weight shall be calculated in tonnes
on theoretical basis and paid for. Anchorage devices, additional length
of cables for attaching jack, ducts or sheathing, grout, non-prestressed
steel reinforcement fixed to the anchorage devices, making of recesses
and filling the same, protection by painting with epoxy and furnishing
samples for testing shall all be deemed to be included in the item of
high tensile steel and shall not be measured separately.
15.0 RATE
The contract unit rate for high tensile steel shall cover the cost of
material, labour, tools and plant required for manufacturing, placing,
tensioning anchoring and grouting the high tensile steel in the
prestressed concrete as shown on the drawings and as per
specifications herein above or as directed by the Engineer.
1.1 Content
2.1 Installation of piles shall be carried out as per pile layout drawings,
installation criteria and the instructions of the Engineer.
2.3 The Contractor shall ensure and guarantee the “safe load” capacities
both for initial test piles and working piles, as mentioned in the
schedule of items.
2.4 Before installing the initial test pile, Contractor shall finalise the pile
testing arrangement and get the approval from the Engineer.
2.7 The Engineer reserves the right to reject any pile which in his opinion is
defective on account of safe load carrying capacity, structural integrity,
position, alignment, concrete quality etc. Piles that are defective shall
be pulled out or left in place as judged convenient by the Engineer,
without affecting the performance of adjacent piles. The Contractor
shall install additional piles to substitute the defective piles, as per the
directions of the Engineer, at no extra cost to the owner. Further, the
cost of additional piles and increase in the pile cap size, if any, on
account of additional piles shall be borne by the Contractor. Cement
and steel used on account of additional piles and / or increase in the
pile cap size shall be subject to provision of panel recovery at the rate
specified under relevant clauses of special conditions of contract. If
any bore hole is defective or is abandoned, it shall be filled up with lean
concrete 1:4:8 at contractor‟s cost.
2.8 In case, the Contractor fails to establish the safe load carrying capacity
based on initial pile load test, the owner shall have full rights to get the
work of piling done by any other agency of repute, all at the risks and
cost of the Contractor.
2.9 Each pile shall be identified with a reference number. The convenience
of installation may be taken into account while scheduling the sequence
of piling in a group.
2.10 Level marks shall be accurately painted on each pile immediately after its
installation. Subsequently, if any pile displays any tendency to heave up
due to installation of other piles or due to any other reasons, the same
shall be reinstalled firms as per the directions of the Engineer without any
extra cost.
2.11 The Contractor shall record all the information during installation of
piles. Typical data sheet for recording pile data shall be as shown at
Annexure-1. On completion of each pile installation, pile record in
triplicate shall be submitted to the Engineer within two days of
completion of concreting of the pile.
2. 2.1 Piles shall be installed as accurately vertical (for vertical piles) as well
as to specified rake (for raker piles) as possible. The permissible limits
for deviation with respect to position and (inclination) alignment shall
confirm to IS: 2911.
b) Working level shall be above the cut-off-level. After the initial boring of
about 1m, temporary guide casing of suitable length shall be lowered in
the pile bore for vertical pile. The diameter of guide casing shall be
such as to give the necessary finished diameter of the concrete pile.
The centre line of guide casing shall be checked before continuing
further boring. Guide casing shall be minimum of 1.0m length.
Additional length of casing may be used depending on the condition of
the strata, ground water level etc. For raker piles, permanent guide
case shall be provided upto the founding level.
d) The size of cutting tools shall not be less than the diameter of the pile
by more than 75mm. However, the pile bore shall be of the specified
g) The piles shall be founded on hard or soft rock or other suitable strata
as per the directions of the Engineer. Where the pile is required to be
founded in hard rock, a minimum anchorage of 0.5 m shall be provided.
h) Drilling mud (bentonite slurry) shall be used for stabilizing the sides of
the pile bore. Drilling mud to be used shall meet the requirements, as
given below.
(i) After completion of the pile bore upto the required depth, the pile
bore shall be cleaned by three stage flushing of slurry using airlift
technique. The bottom of the pile bore shall be thoroughly cleaned
by airlift technique. Cleaning shall ensure that the pile bore is
completely free from sludge / bored material, debris of rock /
boulder etc. Necessary checks shall be made so as to confirm the
thorough cleaning of the pile bore.
ii) Pile bore shall be cleaned by fresh drilling mud through tremie pipe
before and after placing the reinforcement and just before the start
of concreting.
2.4.1 Bored spoil material and contaminated mud shall be disposed off up to
a lead of 2 kms as directed by Engineer.
3.1 Technical specification for cast-in-situ concrete and allied works along
with IS: 2911 shall be applicable to concrete works for piles.
3.1.2 The slump of concrete shall vary between 150 to 180 mm for bored
3. 2 Concreting shall not be done until the Engineer is satisfied that the
termination level of pile, is as per the installation criteria mentioned else
where in the specification.
3.4.1 Concreting by tremie shall continue to allow the initial pours of concrete
mixed with bentonite slurry, sludge and cut spoils from the bore over
flows and the consistency and quality of the over flowing concrete is
comparable to that of designed mix. The length of over flow will be
decided by the Engineer.
3.5.2 The top of concrete in pile as cast shall be above the cut-off-level by
1.0 metre (maximum) to remove all laitance and weak concrete and to
ensure good concrete at cut-off-level, for proper embedment into the
pile cap.
3.5.3 Cement being used for concreting this extra length of pile above the
cut-off-level, as per the requirements of technical specification shall
only be considered as the material being used for the work, for the
purposes of reconciliation of cement consumption.
3.5.5 All loose material on the top of pile head after chipping to the desired
level shall be removed and disposed off upto a lead of 2Kms as
directed by the Engineer.
4.1 Technical specification for cast-in-situ concrete and allied works along
with IS:2911 shall be applicable for reinforcement for piles.
4.3 The longitudinal reinforcement shall project 50 times its diameter above
cut-off-level unless otherwise indicated.
4.4 The minimum clear spacing between the two adjacent main
reinforcement bars shall normally be 100 mm for the full depth of cage
and they shall be held firmly in position by tack welding suitable
stiffeners. For links, the spacing shall not be less than 150mm and in
no case more than 250mm.
5.1 If any pile, already cast as per construction drawing, requires any extra
casting due to any change in cut-off-level, then the pile shall be built up
by using at least one grade higher concrete than specified for piles,
ensuring proper continuity with the existing concrete and to the
satisfaction of the Engineer. Necessary reinforcement, as per design
Volume I – Part A - Bridges Page 84 of 162
Specifications RVNL
requirement and suitable shuttering shall be provided, before casting
the concrete. Surrounding soil shall also be built up to the required
level by proper compaction, to ensure lateral capacity of the pile.
6.1 If any pile already cast requires breaking, due to subsequent change of
cut-off-level, then the same shall be carried out, not before seven days
of casting without affecting the quality of existing pile, such as
loosening, cracking etc., and to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
7.1 Bore hole shall be made as per IS: 1892 for determining (which is one
of the criteria of establishing) start of socking horizon and termination
level of piles. Standard Penetration Test (SPT), as per IS: 2131, in a
bore hole shall be conducted at 1.0 m interval in the overburden soil
and rock portion having core recovery < 30%.
7.2 Number of bore holes for determining termination shall vary depending
on the site condition and as decided by the Engineer. In case of
uniform strata, 1 borehole may be sufficient for 40-50 piles or in a pile
group. In case of erratic strata, the number of boreholes may be 1 in
20 to 40 piles. However, at the location of initial load test piles, one
such borehole shall be done at each location.
8.1 This part of the specification covers the requirements for initial and
routine load tests on reinforced concrete single vertical piles of
specified diameter to assess their vertical, horizontal (lateral) and pull
out load carrying capacities.
8.3 The Contractor shall carryout all works meant within this specification,
even if not explicitly mentioned under the scope. All the works shall be
carried out to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
8.4 All pile testing shall conform to IS: 2911(Part IV) and modified to the
extent given below.
8.6 The complete jacking system including the hydraulic jack, hydraulic
pump and pressure gauge shall be calibrated as unit. The complete
unit shall be calibrated over its complete range of travel for increasing
and decreasing loads same as that of test loads. The calibration
certificate shall be submitted to the Engineer.
8.7 The reaction load to be made available for the test shall be atleast 25%
greater than the maximum jacking force. The reaction system as
relevant shall be designed for the total reaction load. All reaction loads
shall be stable and balanced during all operations of testing. During
testing, stability of reaction system shall be ensured.
8.9 The displacement of pile (in vertical, horizontal and uplift) shall be
measured using dial gauges having a least count of 0.01mm.
b) Incase of initial vertical load test, where the water table level is
higher than the COL, Contractor may use anchor piles / rock
anchors for testing purposes. Engineer at his discretion, may
decide to raise the COL above water table.
8.10 Full details of the equipment proposed to be used, the test setup and
pile testing scheme alongwith detailed design, drawings shall be
submitted to the Engineer, before making arrangements to carryout the
tests, for his approval. Approval of the Engineer shall also be obtained
after the test set up is complete prior to commencement of loading.
8.11 All operations in connection with pile load test shall be carried out in a
safe manner so as to prevent the exposure of people to hazard and
also to ensure the safety of men and material.
8.13 If any initial pile load test gets abandoned and / or is not successfully
completed then the Contractor shall install another test pile and repeat
the initial test after correcting the fault, at his own cost. Extra cement
and steel consumed on account of repeat of initial load test shall be
considered as wastage for reconciliation of reinforcement steel and
8.14.2 Pile installation data as applicable shall be furnished along with the
load test results in triplicate, to the Engineer.
8.15.1 The Contractor shall carry out two categories of load tests i.e. initial
load test and routine load test.
8.15. 2 Initial load test shall be conducted to assess the safe load carrying
capacity of pile before start of installation of working Piles. This shall
include the following type of tests.
8.15.3 Routine load tests shall be conducted to verify the load capacity of
working pile. This shall include the following types of tests :
8.16.1 The test piles for routine load test shall be identified by the Engineer.
For initial load test, test piles shall be installed as directed by the
8.16.2 A minimum time period of four weeks shall be allowed between the
time of pile casting and testing. Test pile head shall be prepared for
testing purposes only, one week after casting the pile.
8.16.3 Test piles shall be cut off at the proper level and provided with a proper
cap / head, so as to provide a plane bearing surface for the test plate
and for proper arrangements for seating of the jack and dial gauges.
A steel plate of sufficient thickness but not less than 50mm shall be
centered on the pile head / cap to prevent it from crushing under
applied load. The size of the circular test plate shall not be less than
the pile size nor less than the area covered by the base of the hydraulic
jack (s).
The test load on pile shall be applied in one of the following ways as
approved by the Engineer.
The test shall be carried out by the direct loading method in successive
increments for initial and routine load test.
e) Where yielding of the soil / rock does not occur, full test
load shall be maintained on the pile head for a minimum
period of 24 hrs, after the last increment of load has been
applied. Settlement /values shall be recorded at every 6
hrs interval during this period.
The safe vertical load carrying capacity of single pile from the initial and
routine vertical load tests shall be the least of the following values :
a) The test plate shall be set in high strength grout to provide full
bearing against the projected areas of the pile. The size of the
circular test plate shall be adequate to accommodate the
spherical bearing and transfer the load to the pile.
a) The test procedure shall be similar to that for vertical load test.
The safe lateral load carrying capacity of single pile from the initial
lateral load test shall be the least of following values:
i ) 50 percent of the final load, at which the total deflection is 12mm.
However, for routine lateral load test, ( i ) shall not be applicable and
shall be assessed for ( ii ) only.
10.1 Rates
10.1.1 The contract unit rate for cast-in-situ driven and bored piles shall
include the cost of concrete and all other items. The contract unit rate
shall also include costs of all labour, materials, equipments and all
other incidentals involved.
The contract unit rate for installation of piles shall include full
compensation for furnishing all labour, materials, tools and equipment
and incidentals for doing all the works involved in driving or making
bores for cast-in-situ driven and bored concrete piles, cutting off pile
heads, all complete in place to the specified penetration of piles. The
rates quoted shall include boring for piles through all types of strata
including stiff clay, shales, soft rock, disintegrated rock, hard rock etc.,
including disposal of spoils obtained from the bore. Providing
temporary liner/casing and its withdrawal and placing reinforcement in
position shall also be deemed to be included in the rate for installation
of piles and no additional payment shall be made for the same.
The contract unit rate for permanent steel liners shall include
cost of all labour, materials, fabrication, placing the steel liner to the
required depth and cutting of liners at cut off level as shown on the
drawings and as ordered by the Engineer.
The contract unit rate for concrete in pile cap shall cover all
costs of labour, materials, tools, plant and equipment, form work and
staging including placing in position, sampling and testing and
supervision complete in all respect.
10.1.2 Unit rates for Initial pile load test shall also include for :
10.1.3 Unit rates for routine pile load test shall also include for :
a) Preparing the scheme for pile testing and getting the same
approved, from the Engineer, including submission of test
c) All additional excavation and back filling, over and above the pile
cap size, required for routine load test.
10.1.4 Unit rate for concreting in pile shall also include for extra length of the
pile above Cut-Off-Level.
10.2 Measurements
This clause shall be read in conjunction with the clause for the
measurements given in Bill of Quantities.
10.2.1 The item of pile installation by boring through soil including weathered
rock shall be measured in linear measurement for the length bored
from ground level through soil / weathered rock up to approved start of
socketing level of the pile in metres.
10.2.6 The item of breaking off of piles, due to subsequent change in design
cut-off-level shall be measured in cubic metres.
10.2.7 The item of initial vertical, lateral and pullout load tests shall be
measured in numbers of initial load tests. However, any tests
abandoned and / or not successfully completed shall not be measured.
10.2.8 The item of routine vertical and lateral load tests shall be measured in
numbers of routine load tests. However, any tests abandoned and / or
not successfully completed shall not be measured.
1. Reference No. Location (Co-ordinates) ______ area.
2. Sequence of piling
3. Pile diameter & type
4. Working level (Platform level)
5. Cut off level (COL)
6. Actual length below COL
7. Pile termination level (a) Start of socket ( Level)
b) Termination of pile (Level):
8. Top of finished concrete level
9. Date and time of start and completion of boring.
10. Depth of ground water table in the vicinity.
11. Type of soil/ rock at pile tip
12. Method of boring operation
13. Details of drilling mud as used:
i) Freshly supplied mud
Liquid limit
Sand content
Marsh viscosity
Swelling index
PH value
ii) Contaminated mud.
Sand content
14.1 Standard Penetration Test (SPT)
Penetration for 100 blows at
Socketing Level for reference pile:
14.2 Unconfined Compression Strength (UCS)
Value in rock (from the nearest bore hole):
Core recovery (from the nearest bore hole):
14.3 Rate of drilling in mm / hr.:
a) At start of socketing horizon
b) At termination level
16. Date and time of start and completion of concreting.
17. Method of placing concrete
18. Concrete quantity
Actual :
Theoretical :
19. Ref. number of test cubes
20. Grade and slump of concrete
21. Results of test cubes
Pile No.:
Date of cast:
Method of boring:
Type of pile:
Type of test:
Loading method: Direct / Cyclic details :
Commencement of test:
Completion of test :
Brief description of testing arrangement:
Tension or Compression piles:
Capacity of jack:
Jack constant:
Weight of kentledge
Reaction pile deload (if any)
i. Time Vs Settlement.
Separation of skin friction & end bearing of pile, in case of cyclic initial vertical load
IS:2722 Indian
- Standard Specifications for Portable Swing Weight
batches for concrete (Single and Double Bucket
4.1 Description
4.2 General
The process of taking down the well to the founding level is known as
well sinking. After reaching the founding level, the hollow inside the
well, (“dredge hole”) is plugged at the bottom by concrete (“bottom
plug”). The dredge hole is then filled with approved filling material upto
the level indicated on the drawing and provided with a concrete plug
(“top plug”).
In case the borehole data shows the presence of steeply dipping rock,
chiseling may have to be resorted to so as to obtain proper seating of
the foundation. The necessity of adopting pneumatic sinking shall be
decided by the Engineer.
Before the work is started the whole of the work site shall be cleared by
the contractor at his own cost.
Contractor shall set out the work according to the plan and as directed
by the Engineer or his representative. Reference pegs are to be made
permanent and kept clear of all obstruction. It is the responsibility of the
contractor without any extra payment to fix the centerline and position
of the piers during the course of the work. A base line will be fixed by
the Railway and Contractor should make use of this base line for fixing
the centerline of the piers. If required, the contractor shall lay
subsidiary base lines as required during execution of the work.
Contractor shall obtain the approval in writing from the Engineer for the
correctness of the setting out and the reference marks, before
commencing the actual execution of the works. However, such
approval shall not relieve the contractor of his responsibility in correct
setting out of the work.
Necessary reference points shall be fixed, away from the zone of blow-
ups or possible settlement resulting from well sinking operations. Such
reference points shall be connected to the permanent theodolite
stations with the base line on the banks. The centre of the individual
wells shall be marked with reference to these stations. The distance,
wherever practicable, shall be checked with the help of accurate tapes
and precision survey instruments.
Reference points shall also be fixed to mark X-X axis (usually traffic
direction) and Y-Y axis (normal to X-X axis) accurately.
Floating caissons may be of steel. They should have at least 1.5m free
board above water level and increased, if considered necessary, in
case there is a possibility of caissons sinking suddenly owing to
reasons such as scour likely to result from the lowering of caissons,
effect of waves, sinking in very soft strata etc.
4.4 Equipment
The cutting edge shall generally be laid about 300mm or more above
prevalent water level.
All excavated earth / sand and spoils after dredging shall be deposited
properly at a place or places including the bridge approaches upto 60
m distance, clear of the water way as directed by the Engineer. No
extra payment for the lead, lift, ascent or descent for this work will be
made to the contractor.
The cutting edge and well curbs shall be assembled on timber laid on
the leveled sand bed. Before commencing the erection, the contractor
shall carry out such load tests of the ground as may be necessary to
determine the satisfactory spacing of the timbers and the stability of
island during erection and concreting of well curb.
Concrete in curbs shall not be placed until the erection of steel work
and reinforcements has been completed and approved by the
Engineer or his representative. Concrete shall be placed in a
continuous operation in layers not exceeding 300 mm in depth
extending around the whole length of the curb each layer being
systematically compacted applying mechanical vibration in order to
reduce voids and increase the density. The entire concreting in the
well curb shall be completed in a continuous manner.
The well curb may be precast or cast-in-situ. Steel formwork for well
curb shall be fabricated strictly in conformity with the drawing. The
outer face of the curb shall be vertical. Steel reinforcements shall be
assembled as shown on the drawings. The bottom ends of vertical
bond rods of steining shall be fixed securely to the cutting edge with
check nuts or by weld.
Steining built in the first lift above the well curb shall not be more than 2
metres and in subsequent lifts it shall not exceed the diameter of the
well or the depth of well sunk below the adjoining bed level at any time.
For stability, the first lift of steining shall be cast only after sinking the
curb at least partially for stability. Concreting of steining may be carried
out in subsequent lifts of about 2 to 2.5 metres. Attempts should be
made to minimize the number of construction joints. The concreting
layers shall be limited to about 450 mm restricting the free fall of
concrete to not more than 1.5m. Laitance formed at the top surface of a
lift shall be removed to expose coarse aggregates before setting of
concrete at the proposed construction joint. As far as possible,
construction joints shall not be kept at the location of laps in the
vertical steining bars.
The steining of the well shall be built in one straight line from bottom to
top such that if the well is tilted, the next lift of steining will be aligned in
the direction of the tilt. The work will be checked carefully with the aid
of straight edges of lengths approved by the engineer. Plumb bob or
spirit level shall not be used for alignment. After sinking of a stage is
complete, damaged portions if any, of steining at top of the previous
stage shall be properly repaired before constructing the next stage.
After reaching the founding level, the well steining shall be inspected to
check for any damage or cracks. The Engineer will direct and the
contractor shall execute the remedial measures before acceptance of
the well steining. In case the well cannot be accepted even with any
remedial measures, then the well shall stand rejected. The cost of any
8.1 General
The well shall as far as possible be sunk true and vertical through all
types of strata.
The well shall be sunk by excavating material uniformly from inside the
dredge hole. Use of water jetting explosive and divers may be adopted
for sinking of wells through difficult strata with prior approval of the
engineer. Since the wells are located close to existing bridge on wells,
sinking by Jacking Down Method shall be preferred.
Where tilts are present or there is danger of well developing a tilt, the
position of the load shall be regulated in such a manner as to provide
greater sinking effort on the higher side of the well.
Mild explosive charges may be used as an aid for sinking of the well
only with prior permission of the Engineer. Blasting of any sort shall
If blasting has been used after the well has reached the design
foundation level, normally 24 hrs shall be allowed to lapse before the
bottom plug is laid.
The charges shall be exploded well below the cutting edge by making a
sump so as to avoid chances of any damage to the curb or to the
steining of the well. A minimum sump of 1 meter depth should be made
before resorting to blasting. Use of large charges, 0.7 kgs or above,
may not be allowed except under expert direction and with the
permission from the Engineer. Suitable pattern of charges may be
arranged with delay detonators to reduce the number of charges fired
at a time. The burden of the charge may be limited to 1 metre and the
spacing of holes may normally be kept as 0.5 to 0.6 metre.
All safety precautions shall be taken as per IS:4081 “Safety Code for
blasting and related drilling operations”, to the extent applicable,
whenever blasting is resorted to.
There should be no equipment inside the well nor shall there be any
labour in the close vicinity of the well at the time of exploding the
Use of divers may be made both for sinking purpose like removal of
obstructions, rock blasting and for inspection. All safety precautions
shall be taken as per any acceptable safety code for sinking with divers
or any statutory regulations in force.
Only person trained for the diving operations shall be employed and
shall be certified to be fit for diving by an approved doctor.
They shall work under expert supervision. The diving and other
equipment shall be of acceptable standard and certified to this effect by
an approved independent agency. It shall be well maintained for safe
Arrangement for ample supply of low pressure clean cool air shall be
ensured through an armoured flexible hose pipe. Stand by compressor
plant shall be provided in case of breakdown.
8.6.1 General
i) The well has to be sunk through soft rock and stray hard rock
ii) The Engineer is satisfied that all other methods employed by
Contractor consistently have failed to sink the well satisfactorily further
Shafts shall be provided, with a safe, proper and suitable staircase for
its entire length including landing platforms which are not more than
6metres apart. Where this is impracticable due to space constraint,
suitable ladders along with landing platforms shall be installed. These
shall be kept clear and in good condition at all times and shall be
constructed, inspected and maintained to the entire satisfaction of the
A 1.0 m wide platform with 1.0m high railing shall be provided all round
the caisson air locks.
Where 15 or more men are employed, caisson shall have 2 locks, one
of which shall be used as a man lock.
Lock shall be located so that the lowest part of the bottom door shall
not be less than 1 metre above high water level.
8.6.3 Valves
Every employee absent from work for 10 or more consecutive days due
to illness or any other disability shall be required to pass the regular
physical examination by the doctor before being permitted to return to
The doctor, at all times, shall keep a complete and full record of
examinations made by him, which shall contain dates of examinations,
a clear and full description of the person examined. His age and
physical condition at the time of examination and a statement as to the
period such a person has been engaged in such employment. Records
shall be kept at the place where the work is in progress and shall be
subject to inspection by authorized officers.
If the air pressure exceeds 0.2 Mpa gauge or if 50 or more men are
employed, it is obligatory for the person in charge of medical lock to be
a doctor experienced in this type of work.
All cases of compressed air illness shall be reported and copies of all
such reports shall be kept in a file at the place of work.
8.6.5 Lighting
8.6.7 Sanitation
Care shall be taken to keep all parts of the caisson and other working
compartments including locker rooms, dry rooms, rest rooms, and
other equipment in a good sanitary condition and free from refuse,
decaying or other objectionable matter. No nuisance shall be tolerated
in the air chamber. Smoking shall be strictly prohibited and all matches
and smoking materials shall be left out of the locker rooms.
(c) Inflammable materials shall not be taken into air locks and
smoking shall be prohibited. Wherever gases are suspected to
be issuing out of dredge hole, the same shall be analyzed by
trained personnel and necessary precautions adopted to avoid
hazard to life and equipment.
(a) When the wells have to be sunk close to each other and clear
distance between them is not greater than the diameter of wells,
sinking shall be taken up on all wells and they shall be sunk
alternately so that sinking of wells proceeds uniformly.
Simultaneously and even dredging shall be carried out in the
wells in such a manner that the difference in the levels of the
sump and cutting edge in the adjacent wells does not exceed
half the clear gap between them. Plugging of all the wells shall
be done together.
(f) Very deep sump shall not be made below the well curb, as it
entails risk of jumping (sudden sinking) of the well. The depth of
sump shall be generally limited to one-sixth of the outer
diameter/least lateral dimension of the well in plan. Normally,
the depth of sump shall not exceed 3.0 metres below the level of
the cutting edge unless otherwise specifically permitted by the
(g) In case a well sinks suddenly with a jerk, the steining of the well
shall be examined to the satisfaction of the Engineer to see that
no damage has occurred to it.
(h) In pneumatic sinking, the well shall not, at any time, be dropped
to a depth greater than 500 mm by the method of “blowing
The inclination of the well from the vertical is known as tilt and the
horizontal displacement of the centre of the well at the founding level
from its theoretical positions is known as shift.
Unless otherwise specified, the tilt of any well shall not exceed 1
(horizontal) in 100 (Vertical), and the shift at the well base shall not be
Tilts and shifts shall be carefully checked and recorded in the format as
per Appendix-1200/I-1 & Appendix-1200/II of MOST specifications for
Road & Bridge works regularly during sinking operations. For the
purpose of measuring the tilts along the two axis of the bridge, reduced
level of the marks painted on the surface of the steining of the well
shall be taken. For determination of shift, locations of the ends of the
two diameters shall be precisely measured along the two axis, with
reference to fixed reference points.
If the resultant tilt and/or shift of any well exceeds the specified
permissible values, generally it should not exceed 1 in 100 and
D/40(where D-width or diameter of well) or 150mm whichever is higher
respectively. The well so sunk shall be regarded as not conforming to
specifications and a sub-standard work. The Engineer in his sole
discretion, may consider accepting such a well Provided.
In case the Engineer, in his discretion, rejects the well, the contractor
shall dismantle the rejected well to the extent directed by the Engineer
In case of seating of wells in hard rocky strata, where the rock profile is
steeply sloping, pneumatic methods of sinking may be adopted to seat
the well evenly as directed by the Engineer. The decision of adopting
pneumatic sinking shall be taken by the Engineer. The cutting edge
may also be embedded for a suitable depth in the rocky strata, as
decided by the Engineer keeping in view the quality of rock. As an
additional measure of safety, the well shall be anchored to the rocky
strata by anchor bars provided in the steining of the well, as shown on
the drawing irrespective of the fact that tension develops or not at the
base of the well under design loads. After the well has been evenly
seated on good hard rock, arrangements shall be made to facilitate
proper inspection in dry and visible conditions before the bottom plug is
For bottom plug, the concrete mix shall be designed (in dry condition)
to attain the concrete strength as mentioned on the drawing and shall
contain 10 percent more cement than that required for the same mix
placed dry, to cater for underwater concreting. However, the total
cement content shall not be less than 380 kg/cu.m of concrete with a
slump in the range of 150 mm to 200 mm. Admixture may be added to
the concrete to impart the required characteristics indicated herein.
Concrete for the bottom plug shall be laid by tremie pipe method.
Tremie concrete when started shall be continued without interruption
for full concreting in the bottom plug. The concrete production
equipment and placement equipment should be sufficient to enable
under water concreting within stipulated time. Necessary standby
equipment should be available for emergency situation.
Before commencing plugging, all loose material from the bottom of the
well shall be removed.
Least disturbance shall be caused to the water inside the well while
laying concrete in the bottom plug.
In order to check any rise in the level of the bottom plug soundings
should be taken at the close of concreting and once every day for the
subsequent 3 days.
Sand shall be clean and free from earth, clay, clods, roots, boulders,
shingles, etc and shall be compacted as directed. Sand filling shall be
carried out upto the level shown on the drawing, or as directed by the
After filling sand upto the required level a plug of concrete shall be
provided over it as shown on the drawing, or as directed by the
A reinforced cement concrete well cap will be provided over the top of
the steining in accordance with the drawing. Formwork will be prepared
conforming to the shape of well cap. Concreting shall be carried out in
dry condition. A properly designed false steining may be provided
where possible to ensure that the well cap is laid in dry conditions.
The bottom of the well cap shall be laid preferably as low as possible,
taking into account the water level prevalent at the time of casting. The
The permissible tilt and shift shall not exceed 1 (horizontal) in 100
(vertical) and the shift at the well base shall not be more than 150 mm
in any resultant direction.
For the well steining and well cap the permissible tolerance shall be as
The work shall conform to these specifications and shall meet the
prescribed standards of acceptance.
(b) The concrete in curb, well steining and well cap shall be
measured in cubic metres in each of the items. The
reinforcement shall be measured in tonnes separately in each of
the items.
17.0 RATE
(a) The contract unit rates of cutting edge shall cover all costs of
labour, material, tools, plant and equipment, including placing in
position, sampling and testing and supervision all as per
respective Section of work and as described in this section.
(b) The contract unit rates for concrete in curb, steining, bottom
plug, top plug and well cap, shall cover all cost of labour,
materials, tools, plant and equipment, formwork and staging
including placing in position, sampling and testing and
supervision, as per respective section of structural concrete and
as described in this section.
(c) The contract unit rates for reinforcement in curb, steining and
well cap shall cover all cost of labour, materials, tools, plant and
equipment, including bending to shape, placing in position,
sampling, testing and supervision all as per respective sections
of steel reinforcement and as described in this section. Dredged
material if conforming to specification can be used for filling.
(d) The contract unit rates for sand filling shall cover the costs of
labour, material tools and equipment including placing in
position, sampling, testing and supervision all as described in
this section. Dredged material, if conforming to specification can
be used for filling.
(e) The contract unit rates for sinking shall cover the cost of labour
tools and equipment and plant and for all operations and other
incidentals for sinking of well including setting out and
preparation for sinking and seating excepting provisions of
pneumatic sinking as described in this section.
2.1 General
The fabrication of the girders and its accessories shall be carried out by
the Contractor in his factory premises or in a well-established fabrication
workshop to be set up by the Contractor at bridge site or any other
location as approved by the Engineer. The workshop staff shall have
requisite experience, proven skill and experience in the technique of
fabricating large components. Accuracy of fabrication shall be realized
through controlled high precision jigs, fixtures and templates, which shall
be inspected and passed by Engineer / any other inspection agency as
nominated by Engineer. The fabrication shall be preceded by Quality
Plans to be submitted by the Contractor and every activity shall be
documented in detail. The Quality Plans shall clearly indicate how
individual processes such as cutting of raw steel, marking, drilling,
assembly, riveting/welding, painting, handling etc shall be monitored for
quality. The quality parameters for monitoring shall be identified
alongwith monitoring frequency and quality records to be maintained.
The officials responsible for monitoring these identified quality
parameters shall also be specified in these quality plans. The Contractor
shall get these quality plans approved from Engineer before start of
fabrication work. The Engineer shall be empowered to check the
manufacturing process from time to time to ensure that the work is
executed as per approved quality plans. The quality records shall be
submitted to Engineer for record, after completion of fabrication work.
For Engineer‟s use and record, the Contractor shall supply free of
charge, four sets of prints on strong paper and one set of neatly
executed tracings of all approved detailed drawings and fabrication
drawings, soon after communication of approval, for use at site.
The through type triangulated steel girders are designed for Heavy
Mineral Broad Gauge Loading as per Indian Railway Bridge Rules and
Standard Specifications. All panel joints are designed for vertical and
transverse forces including secondary moments.
The structure shall be fabricated to camber as per steel bridge code and
as provided in the approved drawings. The deflection of the girder is
expected not to exceed the values as given in the approved drawings.
All members of the girder and joints are to be either riveted or welded as
shown in the approved structural drawings. No welding except where
approved by the Engineer is to be carried out at site. All welding and
riveting are to be carried out as per relevant IRS Specifications.
4.1 Steel
The steel shall comply in all respects with the requirements of approved
drawings and relevant codes and specifications and shall be procured
from primary approved manufacturers only such as
SAIL/TISCO/JINDAL/RINL/IISCO. However, only certain isolated
sections of structural steel, not being rolled by primary approved
manufacturers, can be procured from the authorized re=rollers of
p[rimary approved manufacturers or authorized licencee of BIS having
traceability system and who use billets produced by primary approved
manufacturers. Traceabililty shall be ensured by an officer specially
authorized by the concerned CPM of the PIU on case to case basis for
this purpose. (a/c no. 14) It may be noted that quality of steel used for
fabrication shall be the essence of the contract & shall be rigidly
followed. Steel sections to be supplied by the manufacturers shall be
Ultrasonically tested as per codal provisions at the manufacturer‟s
premises before dispatch. The Contractor on receipt of supply in his
factory premises/fabrication workshop shall carryout random USFD
testing as per standards laid down in various codes and verify them with
the list received from manufacturers. Only tested steel shall be used for
fabrication. All rolled sections shall bear cast mark and shall be of such
length as to avoid butt welded joints in components of truss. Such rolled
Steel for rivets shall conform to IS:1148 for M.S and IS:1149 for H.T.S.
4.2 Sleepers
All materials for the work shall pass tests and/or analysis prescribed by
the relevant IS specifications or such other equivalent specifications.
For all materials including rivets and bolts, the Contractor shall furnish
copies of test certificates from the manufacturers including proof sheets,
mill sheets etc. showing that the materials have been tested in
All rolled sections shall lbe within rolling tolerance stipulated as peer
IS:1852 and shall be defects free. Rolling tolerance including weight per
meter for each type of rolled section shall be tested by taking one sample
per 40 MT or part thereof.
All straight bars and plates except small pieces are to be transported in
convenient bundles temporarily riveted or bolted together or bound with
wrought iron or suitable wire as the Engineer may direct. All rivets, bolts,
nuts, washers, plates under 300mm square and small articles generally
are to be packed separately for each span in cases each weighing when
full not more than 350 kg or in strong petroleum casks, or barrels as
approved by Engineer. If not entirely filled by the contents the space left
shall be closely packed with wood shaving or other suitable material.
Bolts and rivets of different sizes shall be separately packed in bags,
each bag having a label indicating its contents. A list of contents shall be
placed on top of each case or cask.
All rolled steel received from supplier shall be carefully unloaded to avoid
twisting, bending and damage to mill scale, stacking area shall be
Where the work has been passed in the manufacturer‟s factory premises
as strictly interchangeable, all members bearing the same marks can be
stacked together without reference to any particular position. Care must
be taken by the Contractor that the parts at site are available in proper
sequence. Every portion of work shall be distinctly stenciled with paint
and marked with the punch not less than 15mm dia for guidance in
erection in the field, and stamped with the letters specified in the
drawings. In the case of non-interchangeable work, the system of
marking shall be as shown in drawing.
All field rivets for site riveting, service bolts and drift for assembly of girder,
shall be stored under cover.
The Contractor shall supply without charge, three complete lists of the
rivets, bolts, service bolts, washers and drifts required for erecting the
work at site, showing the parts of the work to which the various rivets and
bolts belong and having each item marked so as to indicate the particular
case in which it will be found. List of total rivets required for one girder
stating length, numbers, and wastage allowance of 12.5% shall be
prepared and supplied along with the span components, the requirements
for service bolts = 45% and drifts = 15% covering 60% of field holes in one
span plus wastage allowance of 12.5%. Actual requirement for the work
shall be assessed by the Contractor who shall arrange accordingly.
Contractor shall use steel tape conforming to IS: 1270 duly tested and
issued with certificate of accuracy by an accredited National testing house
for templating, fabrication of drilling jig etc. The tape shall be calibrated
under a tension of 1.8 kg at 16.7 degree C.
All marking and checking of master gussets, camber layout, etc shall
preferably be at the mean temperature of the fabrication zone.
All rolled sections and plates shall be straight and free from defects like
twists and bends before they are used for marking and cutting.
If any rolled section of plate has minor defects, it shall with the approval of
the Engineer, be cold straightened by pressure with the help of plate and
section straightening machine. Pressure applied for straightening shall be
such as not to damage the surface or microstructure of grains in the steel
While chalk marking for flame cutting, following cutting allowance shall be
added to the prescribed dimensions:
Up to 12 mm +3mm
Above 12 and up to 25 mm +5mm
Above 25mm +7mm
Templates made from 3 to 4 mm thick steel plate shall be used for cutting
Gussets. Long length cutting by marking with white chalk and string may
be followed.
Minimum edge distance while preparing profile for gussets, cleats and
edges of components from center of rivet hole to a flame cut edge shall be
1.75 times the diameter of hole, and for machined edge or rolled edge
shall be 1.5 times the diameter of rivet holes, (machined edge means first
edge distance kept 1.75 times diameter of hole for flame cutting and
reduced to 1.5 times diameter of hole by removal of material by
Considering the length and height of span, jigs and fixtures shall be used
to guide and support drilling of holes and fixtures during entire fabrication
work, assembly of components, before riveting / welding of components.
Drilling jigs shall be fabricated with the help of Master gussets fabricated
as templates for all panel joints of truss. Jigs after manufacture shall be
checked and approved by Engineer / any other Inspecting agency as
nominated by the Engineer. Only approved and stamped jigs shall be used
for fabrication. First component after drilling of holes through approved jig
for each specific component of truss, shall be checked with the help of
Master gusset by the Inspecting Officer before further fabrication.
5.2 Template
The Contractor shall supply and provide templates at his own cost. No
separate payment shall be made for this and accepted rates shall be
deemed to include this aspect. The templates used for the work shall be of
steel of similar category as the member and shall be of tested quality. In
case where actual materials from a bridge have been used as templates
for drilling similar pieces the inspecting officer will decide whether they are
fit to be used as part of finished structure.
Camber layout shall be drawn to full scale from end of girder to half span.
This camber layout once approved shall be used for fabrication of master
gusset profiles and end profile of each member. It shall be used for
Master gussets at every panel joint of top chord, bottom chord and middle
web panel shall be marked accurately on camber layout drawn on
template floor.
All precautions shall be taken while drawing camber layout for correct
setting of angle of intersection of chord and web member and great
accuracy shall be ensured while transferring the same on master gusset.
While marking centre point of field rivet holes on master gusset, if there is
symmetry of holes on vertical axis, marking shall be made only on half the
master gusset across vertical axis, and holes drilled by inscribing each
hole. Subsequently remaining half portion shall be drilled through gusset
using the same half portion master gusset. This will help realize symmetry
of holes in gusset and fairing of field rivet hole during girder assembly.
Holes for riveting in members shall be carried out by drilling through jig
only. No punching or hand drilling of holes is permitted. Sub-punching to a
diameter 6mm less than that of finished holes may be permitted by
Inspecting Officer except in the main truss members of open web girders.
When the holes are to be sub-punched they shall be marked off with a
centre punch and made with a nipple punch or preferably, shall be
punched in a machine in which the position of the hole is automatically
regulated. The punching shall be so accurate that when the work has been
put together before drilling, a gauge 1.5 mm less in diameter than the size
of the punched holes can be passed easily through all the holes.
Drilling jig should be provided with an internal turned and case hardened
bush at all holes in jig, for retaining accuracy of all similar units fabricated.
Bushes will have a tolerance of –0.0/+0.1 mm for shop riveting. The
tolerance shall be periodically checked & replaced when the tolerance
exceeds –0.00/+0.4 mm (for hardening). Before fixing to jig, bushes shall
be checked with a plug gauge to ensure these tolerances.
Drilling of all holes through jig by radial drilling machine for fabrication of
top and bottom chords of all members will be allowed. Web members and
floor system having welded construction, field holes for riveting shall be
drilled through jig.
Holes for rivets shall be 1.5 mm greater than the diameter of rivet bars
used. Holes for turned bolts, for field connection, where specified on
drawing shall be drilled in the shop 1 mm less than diameter of holes
shown on the drawing and should be reamed at site to suit diameter of
turned bolt.
The work shall include supply of all rivets, bolts, nuts, washers etc required
for complete erection at site with allowance for wastage. The Contractor
shall be responsible for supplying site rivets of correct length. The length
of such rivets shall be verified in the presence of Engineer‟s representative
by snapping a few rivets of each length to check whether the holes have
been completely filled in by rivet material. Particularly in case of rivets with
long grips (with grip exceeding 6 times the diameter), specimen rivets shall
be cut to see if the holes are totally filled even though the rivets are tight
under the usual hammer tests.
All rivets to be used shall be checked with profile gauge for its true shape,
contours of head, concentricity of head, diameter as well as correct length
to match the thickness of joint. Calibrated gauges for rivet dimensions and
contours shall be provided by the Contractor for use of the Inspecting
Officer and the Engineer.
Service bolts and nuts, ordinary plates, washers and drifts for use in the
erection of the work shall also be supplied by the Contractor at his own
cost. On completion of the work these materials may be taken back by the
The dimension on the drawings refer to the diameters of the rivet holes as
finished rivets. The rivets shall be made to relevant IS specification. The
clearance i.e. the difference in diameter of rivet measured under head
(before heating ) and rivet hole shall not be less than 0.75 mm. The
Riveting shall not be started until such time as Engineer or his authorized
representative has personally satisfied himself that the alignment of the
girders is correct, the vertical members plumb correctly, the camber is
according to that shown on the camber diagram with camber jacks
screwed tight, all the mating surfaces are secure and in full contact with
service bolts and field rivet holes in alignment.
All rivets shall be properly heated to straw heat for the full length of the
shank, firmly backed and closed. The head of the rivet, particularly in long
rivets, shall be heated more than the point and in no case shall the point
be heated more than the head. Before placing the rivet in drilled holes the
rivets shall be smartly jerked to shake off oxide scale. Where it is
impossible to back up by normal method of holding up, double gunning
may be resorted to. Alternatively pneumatic holding device may be used.
All rivets when driven shall completely fill the holes, have the heads
concentric with the shanks and shall be in full contact with the surface.
Driven rivets when struck sharply on the dolly side head with a 110 gm
rivet-testing hammer shall be free from movement and vibration. While
riveting built up members, great care shall be exercised to ensure that the
set of holes for field rivets in each flange of the built up member is aligned,
dead square in relation to that in the other flange and not aborted. Use of
special jigs shall be made to ensure this fit.
All sparking, loose and burnt rivets, and rivets with cracks, badly formed
eccentric or deficient heads shall be cut out and replaced by others.
Permissible deviation of driven rivets shall be as per IRS B1-2001. Rivets
shall also be cut out when required for the examination of the work. The
Engineer shall approve actual method of cutting out. Recupping and
caulking shall in no circumstances be resorted to.
Care must be taken to use rivets of correct dimensions but burrs or lips
around the rivet heads shall not be removed.
When all the rivets at a joint have been finally passed they shall be painted
as per specification.
All welding work shall be as per IRS Standard and by such process that
the workmanship is flawless. All welding shall be by automatic and semi-
automatic submerged arc welding process, except where inaccessible.
Site welding shall be avoided, but if necessary, shall be carried out only on
secondary members having low stresses to transmit across the joint for
which approval of the Engineer shall be required.
The sequence of welding and welding pass shall be done as per IRS B1 –
The stud and the surface to which studs are welded shall be free from
scale, moisture, rust and other foreign material. The stud base shall not be
painted, galvanised or cadmium plated prior to welding.
The welds shall be visually free from cracks and shall be capable of
developing at least the nominal ultimate strength of studs.
The procedural trial for welding the stud shall be carried out when
specified by the Engineer.
- Tensile test
- Bend test
- Impact test
- Load test.
Preparation of joint face: Except for special types of edge preparation such
as single or double „U‟ & „J‟ joints, the fusion edges of all plates which are
to be joined by welding shall be prepared by using mechanically controlled
automatic flame cutting equipment with the cutting allowance as per
clause 4.7 and the extra length machined to obtain correct length.
Fusion faces and the surrounding surface upto 50 mm shall be free from
mill scale, moisture, oil, paint dirt or any other substance which may affect
the quality of the weld, and same shall be removed by grinding or flame
cleaning/grit blasting.
Details of joint, fusion faces, root face and gap shall be as per details
given in fabrication drawing or as stipulated in IS:9595.
Run in and run out plate shall be provided for fabrication of built up
members or truss to ensure that weld will start on run in plate and weld will
stop on run out plate and thus avoid crater defects on the components.
The size and length of weld shall not be less than those specified in the
drawing nor shall they be in excess of the requirement without prior
approval of the Inspecting Officer. The location of weld shall not be
changed without prior approval of the Engineer.
This is the most important factor in ensuring good performance of the steel
girder. The surface should be clean, dry and free from contaminants and it
should be rough enough to ensure adhesion of the paint film. However it
should not be so rough that the film cannot cover the surface peaks.
The cleaning of the surface shall be done initially with the use of emery
paper, wire brushes, scrapers etc. for spot cleaning to remove rust, scale
etc. Subsequently, sand blasting of the surface shall be done to remove
rust, mill scale along with some of the base metal. This will be achieved by
high velocity impact of abrasive material against the surface in accordance
with the provisions of IS:6586, which will also create a base for good
adhesion. The abrasive material once used for cleaning heavily
contaminated surface should not be reused even though re-screened.
Washed salt free angular silica sand of mesh size 12 to 30 with a minimum
of 40% retained on a 20 mesh screen shall be used for blasting. The
material specifications and other requirements shall be as provided in
Indian Railways Bridge Manual, 1998.
All site rivets, bolts, nuts and washers shall be thoroughly cleaned and
dipped in boiled linseed oil. All machined surfaces are to be well coated
with a mixture of white lead conforming to IS:34 and Mutton tallow
conforming to IS:887 as per specifications before desptach to site. Nothing
extra shall be payable to Contractor on this account.
All the components in the floor and deck system including steel channel
sleepers in open web girders and all members in plate & composite girders
shall be metalized as per IRS specifications. Other components of open
web girders and all trolley refuges shall be painted with epoxy based
paints as per specifications.
The wire method shall be used for the purpose of metallising, the diameter
of the wire being 3mm or 5mm. Specified thickness of coating shall be
applied in multiple layers and in no case less than 2 passes of the metal
spraying unit shall be made over every part of the surface. The surface
Atleast one layer of the coating must be applied within four hours of
blasting and the surface must be completely coated to the specified
thickness within 8 hours of blasting.
After metallising, any oil, grease etc. shall be removed by thorough wash
with a suitable thinner as approved by the Engineer and shall be allowed
to dry for 15 minutes. The first coat shall be applied by airless spray, of
wash primer conforming to SSPCPT-3 53T or Etch primer conforming to
IS:5666 until no visible traces exist.
The second coat shall be zinc chromatic primer conforming to IS:104 and
shall be applied by airless spray. The zinc chrome shall conform to type 2
of IS:51.
The Engineer reserve the right to select the colour scheme for the third
and fourth coats.
6.3 Miscellaneous
Final dry film thickness in case of metallising shall be average 150 microns
and shall be measured before application of final finishing two coats.
6.4 Inspection
Articles that have been rejected, shall have the defective sections blasted
to clean off all sprayed material prior to re-spraying. Where the rejection
has been solely due to too thin a coating, sprayed metal of the same
quality may be added provided that the surface has been kept dry and is
free from visible contamination.
Paint and other accessories including those for metallising work will be
supplied by the Contractor. Paints manufactured by the firms approved by
the Engineer shall be used.
The Engineer reserves the right to get the paint tested at Contractor‟s
expenses as considered necessary by the Engineer. If the test results do
not conform to relevant IS specifications fully, then the lot of paint shall be
- Consistency test
- Scratch test.
The Engineer reserves the right to reject the lot of paint even on the basis
of field results.
Painting shall not be commenced till the surface preparation has been
approved by the Engineer or his representative or inspecting officer.
Round and oval brushes of approved quality conforming to IS: 487 may
also be used as per the instructions of the Engineer or his representative
or inspecting officer.
All new brushes should be soaked in raw linseed oil conforming to IS: 77
for at least 24 hours before use.
A little blue paint shall be added, in the first coat of aluminium paint to
distinguish it from second coat. For paints of other colours for final and
finishing two coats, suitable pigment shall be used as per instruction of the
Engineer, to distinguish the first coat from the second coat.
The applied coat of paint shall be uniform, and free from brush marks,
sack marks, blemishes, scratching, non-uniform thickness, holes, log
marks, fuel staining, cracking, scaling, and other defects.
Paint shall be applied only on dry and clean surface free from moisture or
dust (including scrapping dust).
Paint should be used within the prescribed shelf life from the date of
Each coat of paint shall be left dry till it sufficiently hardens before the
subsequent coat is applied. Each coat of paint shall be inspected by the
Engineer or inspecting officer and certified as satisfactory before applying
subsequent coat.
6.8 Since the bridge is in the close vicinity of the sea, the protective coating
by metalising by sprayed aluminum as given in the Appendix-VII of IRS-
B1-2001 followed by painting as per painting schedule given in clause
39.2.1 (i) (ii) (iii) of IRS-B1-2001 shall be applied.
6.9 Payment
7.1 General
The Contractor shall provide at his own cost all tools, machinery,
equipment and erection material, including all temporary works and shall
assemble all components in every respect as stipulated in the contract and
in accordance with approved drawings and specifications.
Before starting the work the Contractor shall seek the Engineer‟s approval
as to the method he proposes to follow and the type and suitability of
equipment he proposes to use for assembly of girder components and
launching of girder. The approval of the Engineer shall however not in any
way relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for the adequacy and safety
of methods and/or equipments he proposes to use for carrying our work in
full accordance with drawings and specifications.
All temporary works shall be properly designed and fabricated & erected
with great care for the loads, which they will be called upon to support.
Adequate allowance and provision for the effect of lateral forces and wind
loads shall be made to meet unforeseen conditions.
When chains are used for lashing, care must be taken to protect the edges
of members from twisting and distortion, damage to paint and similar
The method used for lifting and slinging flexible members shall be brought
to the notice of the Engineer and shall be subject to his approval.
For erection of Open Web Girder span, appendix III of IRS B1 – 2001 shall
be followed.
(i) The joints at the end of each top & bottom chord shall be drifted,
bolted and preferably stitch riveted to their Geometrical outline.
(ii) The procedure during assembly shall consist of placing camber jacks
in position to support the structure. The camber jacks shall be set
such that they provide sufficient height to allow for lowering of panel
points to obtain and maintain the required camber. Throughout the
process of assembly, tilt, shift, twisting etc. shall be repeatedly
checked. The jacks shall be spaced so that they will support the ends
of the main girders and the panel points.
(iv) The vertical and diagonal web members, except the end verticals
shall then be erected with gusset connection outward from centre in
their proper position on the bottom chords. Temporary gussets with
correct hole position as on master gusset shall be fixed to connect
the top end of diagonals. Strainers shall be used to realize matching
of holes in the gussets at top & bottom of the diagonals & verticals, to
ensure that the angles between the members at the bottom joints are
as given by the nominal outline of the girders. The verticals and
diagonals shall then be riveted to the lower chord.
(v) All panel points, except the central one shall now be lowered by an
amount sufficient to produce the correct camber on the main girders
as shown on the camber diagram.
(vi) The top chord shall thereafter be erected piece by piece, working
symmetrically outwards from the centre without loss of camber
(viii) The ends posts shall be erected last. The upper end connection
should preferably be made first and if there is no splicing in the end
vertical, the final closure be made at the bottom connection. If there
is splicing, it shall be made at the splicing.
Any apparent error in shop work which prevents the assembling and fitting
of the mating parts by the proper use of drifts, shall be investigated
7.3.2 Reaming
The studs whose welds have failed the tests given in (a) and (b) shall be
All other aspects not stated above shall comply with IRS-BI-2001 and
Welded Bridge Code.
All items fabricated in the workshop shall be marked and packaged with
accompanying package list. The items after fabrication shall be
transported by Contractor to site by Rail/Road in a manner as to cause no
damage to the components. Contractor shall be liable for all losses and
damages in transit for the materials consigned by him till materials are
erected and work completed and taken over by the Engineer. Insurance
against loss or damage in transit, if any, shall be the responsibility of the
After identification & correct marking, all components of each girder shall
be dismantled & similar components shall be grouped together & labeled;
rivets bolts and plates of each size shall be packed separately in the
manner described elsewhere in this tender document, after approval by
the inspecting authority.
The packages shall be of such size by length & weight that they are safely
transportable by Rail/Road. The components shall be provided with
necessary packing to avoid damage to painting & members in transit.
7.6.1 Holes
After assembly, all blank holes shall be checked with plug gauge of
diameter 0.8mm less than hole diameter, to check fair matching of holes
before riveting.
7.6.2 Drifts
Drifts as per IRS specifications may be used for drawing light members
into position, but their use on heavy members should be restricted to
7.6.3 Reaming
The holes that will have to be enlarged to admit rivets should be reamed
subject to approval of Engineer/Inspecting Officer who will satisfy himself
about the extent of inaccuracy and the effect of reaming on the soundness
of the structure. The Contractor shall supply special rivets to fill reamed
holes, where reaming is approved. Record of all such variations shall be
kept . However, these provisions should not apply for under drilled holes
meant for turned bolts. Copies of all correspondence pertaining to the
recourse of reaming and the use of over size rivets shall be sent by the
Contractor for information to Engineer.
Care shall be taken to see that all burrs are removed and no surface
defects exist before the parts are assembled. The mating surfaces shall
establish full contact when assembled. In cases where the joints have to
withstand stresses arising from special methods of erection, provision is to
be made to take the whole stress that will or may occur. Cylindrical drifts
and turned bolts shall be used to withstand such stresses and no reliance
is to be placed on service bolts for this purpose. Up to a maximum of 40
percent of the holes of each member of the joint are to be filled with drifts
and balance of strength required is to be attained with turned bolts. The
position and number of the drifts and bolts will be decided by Engineer.
The launching of girders shall be done as per approved drawings. For this
purpose, the Contractor shall submit in triplicate, detailed launching
schemes of all the girders including design calculations, safety procedures
and method statement with such plans, sketches and other details as may
For the Engineer‟s use and record, the Contractor shall supply free of
charge, four sets of prints on strong paper and one set of neatly executed
tracings on linen of approved detailed drawings for assembly and
launching schemes for use at site.
The launching system shall be test tried if directed by the Engineer and no
separate payment for this shall be made.
Nothing extra will be paid to the Contractor for adopting any scheme for
launching and the costs are to be covered in the relevant item in the
schedule of items, quantities and rates. All temporary members shall be
removed after launching and may be taken back by the Contractor.
Erection gussets provided for connecting the members may be cut and
edges ground as required by the Engineer.
During erection of girders, the Contractor shall provide all facilities and
permit the Engineer to inspect the field assembly, site riveting and erection
of spans.
After inspection by the Engineer, the Contractor shall identify cause of any
defect, imperfection and/or fault noticed during such inspection and initiate
corrective action as per the direction of the Engineer. All defects,
imperfections or faults for which the Contractor is liable under the contract,
shall be made good by the Contractor to Engineer‟s satisfaction and the
cost of identifying and rectifying such defects, imperfection or faults shall
be borne by the Contractor.
A neat casting bearing the name of the Contractor, the place and date of
manufacture, the contact number and the standard of loading to be
specified by the Engineer shall be bolted conspicuously on all girders. The
drawing of the name plate shall be approved by the Engineer.
8.1 Measurement
For the purpose of payment, quoted rates apply to the weights of steel
work calculated from final working drawings based on theoretical weights
given in the producer‟s hand books and using minimum square overall
dimensions, no deductions being made for skew cuts, holes or notches.
Each gusset shall be measured as equivalent to the dimension of the
smallest enclosing rectangle. The wastage of steel in the form of skew
cuts etc shall be the property of the Contractor.
The payment for steel work as per item in the schedule of items, rates and
quantities, shall be released in stages of accepted item rates for quantities
executed, as mentioned below. The payment after receipt of material in
fabrication shop shall be made on the basis of measurements contained in
Note: Payment under stage (iv) will be merged with stage (ii) after
successful test assembly of one girder at bridge site.
Note: Payment under stage (iii) will be merged with stage (ii) after
successful test assembly of one girder.
1. After satisfactory erection of 1st span, payment under stage (i) shall
be merged with stage (ii), in para 8.2.3.
2. Prorata payment shall be made in intermediate stage as decided by
the Engineer.
3. If fabrication is done at the Contractor‟s workshop/factory premises,
the payment in stages as prescribed in Para 8.2.2(i) to (ii) shall be
released subject to submissions of the bank guarantee of equivalent
amount. The bank guarantee bond should initially be valid for a
minimum period of 18 months, which should subsequently be
extended from time to time depending upon the progress of work.
The bank guarantee bond so given to cover for the payment for Para
8.2.2.(i) to (ii) shall be released to the extant the fabricated material
reaches the concerned bridge site in good condition and certified by
authorized representative of Engineer to this effect. The Contractor
for this purpose can also give the fresh guarantee bond at any time
so that the outstanding payments, for item Para 8.2.2 (i) to (iii) to the
extent fabricated material has not reached at site, are covered by the
guarantee bond. Complete responsibility of the safe keep and
custody of the material at Contractor‟s workshop and during transit
and also on receipt at Bridge site shall be of the Contractor and the
Engineer will not have any responsibility on this account for loss or
damage. The Contractor shall make good any loss or damage to the
material at his own cost.
11.1 The railway track on this Section shall be electrified. In order to prelude
the effect of electric corrosion if any, due to long stay current due to
induction, necessary measures will be taken to equalize the electric
potential. The superstructure should be isolated from the bed block by
suitable elastomeric plates or other insulating material under the bearings.
However, for POT/PTEF bearings, this will not be required.
1.1 Pot type bearings shall consist of a metal piston supported by a disc or
unreinforced elastomer confined within a metal cylinder to take care of
rotation. Horizontal movement, if required shall with a system of sealing
rings be provided by sliding surfaces of PTFE pads sliding against
stainless steel mating surfaces. The pot bearings shall consist of cast
steel assemblies or fabricated structural steel assemblies.
1.2 Provisions of IRC –83 (Part I) shall be applicable for all metallic elements.
Provisions of IRC-83 (Part II) shall be applicable for all elastomer
elements. Provisions of IRC-83 (Part III) shall be applicable for POT/POT-
PTFE bearing. When any items are not covered by IRC:83 (Part I, Part II
and Part III), the same shall be as per guidelines given hereunder and
BS:5400 (Sections 9.1 and 9.2), except that the same shall be permitted.
If there is any conflict between BS on the one hand and IRC on the other,
the provisions of IRC will be guiding.
2.1 The surface mating with the PTFE in the sliding pair shall be corrosion
resistant stainless steel. Normally, the stainless steel shall form the upper
component. The stainless steel shall overlap the PTFE after full
movement on all sides. If stainless steel sheet is used, it should be bonded
by continuous welding along the edges. Adhesive or any other bonding
can be approved by the Engineer. The surface shall be prepared by
thorough cleaning to remove grease, dust or any other foreign substance.
2.2 PTFE modular sheets of the sliding pair shall be located by confinement
assisted by bonding. Confined PTFE shall be recessed into the metal
backing plate. The shoulders of the recess shall be sharp and square to
restrict the flow of PTFE.
2.3 The thickness of the PTFE shall not be less than 4.5 mm with projection
above the recess not exceeding 2.0mm. When the piston is subjected to
tilting, the seal must slide along the wall and alter its shape according to
the angle of tilt. At the same time, it must be sufficiently rigid to bridge the
gap between the piston and the wall of the pot. However, the percentage of
plan area of the lubrication cavities to the gross area shall not exceed 25%.
The depth of the cavity shall not exceed 2.0 mm.
2.4 The diameter of thickness ratio of the confined elastomer shall not exceed
15. The surface of the confined elastomer shall be smooth.
2.4.2 The hardness of the piston and the wall at their contact region shall be
minimum 350 BHN to reduce wear. The surface finish of the pot base in
contact with the confined elastomer shall be very smooth.
2.4.3 All bearings shall be installed with anchor and anchor screws or some
similar device such that while replacing, the bearings can be removed with
minimum lifting of the superstructure.
2.5 Materials
a) Steel
ii) Cast steel shall conform to Gr. 280-520W of IS:1030. 0.3 to 0.5 %
copper may be added to increase the corrosion resistance
c) Elastomer
The confined elastomer inside pot will have the following properties:
2.6 Workmanship
2.6.1 Welding
All irregularities, fins or risers shall be ground off flush with the adjacent
surface. Castings with visible cracks, blow holes, or similar blemishes
shall be rejected if the imperfections are located on bearing surfaces or
cannot be remedied to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Imperfections
which are not located on bearing surfaces shall be cleaned out, filled with
weld metal of the appropriate composition and ground flush with adjacent
Defects arising from the fabrication of the steel shall be inspected by the
Engineer, who will decide whether the materials may be repaired by the
Contractor or will be rejected. The cost of repairs or replacement shall be
borne by the Contractor.
All steel whether fabricated or not, shall be stored above the ground on
platforms, skids or other supports and adequately protected against
corrosion. Excessively rusted, bent or damaged steel shall be rejected.
All plates shall be flat and rolled bars and shapes straight before marking
out or being worked. Straightening shall be done by methods which shall
not damage the material. Sharp kinks and bends shall be the cause for
Steel may be flame cut to shape and length so that a regular surface,
free from excessive gouges and striations is obtained. Flame cutting by
hand shall be done only with the approval of the Engineer.
2.6.4 Tolerances
i) Plan dimensions : -0 to +5 mm
ii) Overall height: : -0 to + 3mm
iii) Height of elastomer: : ±5%
iv) Height of any steel component
a) Machined : -0 to +1 mm
b) Unmachined : Class 2 of IS : 4897
2.7 Painting
All non- working surfaces shall be coated with two coats of epoxy
primer and one or more coat each of epoxy intermediate and finish,
total thickness < 0.150µm or any other painting scheme as approved
by the Engineer.
2.7.1 Silicon grease shall be applied at the PTFE/SS interface after testing.
2.8 Test
(ii) All bearings shall be load tested to 1.1 times maximum design
capacity including seismic force. Bearing tested at higher loads
cannot be used. Manufacture‟s certificate with test proof to be
submitted along with the design to the Engineer for approval before
their use in work. If the Engineer desires the bearings to be got
tested by RDSO, Lucknow/ any other Inspecting agency, the same
shall be got done by the Contractor at its own cost..
2.9.1 General
(i) Care shall be taken during installation of the bearings to permit their
correct functioning in accordance with the design scheme.
(iii) The load shall be transferred onto the bearings only when the
bedding material has developed sufficient strength. The props for the
framework shall only be removed after lapse of appropriate time. In
special cases, this can be ensured by suitable devices like jacks,
(vi) Cement based non-shrinking grout with air releasing additive and
epoxy based grout, whichever is specified shall be first tried at the
site. For the proprietary grout mixes, appropriate instructions from
the manufacture shall be followed specially with regard to the
(ii) All the anchors shall be fitted to the lower face of the template
using the anchor screws but with steel washer replacing the
elastomer washers. Separate screws may be used in case of
inconvenience in the length of the original screws.
(iii) The template assembly shall be located with regard to level and
alignment. It shall be ensured that the top anchors lie in a
horizontal plane at the required elevation. The anchors shall be
tied/welded to reinforcement to avoid displacement during
(v) The template and the plate washers shall be removed prior to
placement of the bearing assembly with temporary clamps. The
bearing assembly shall be fitted to the anchors with the help of
anchors screws and elastomer washers. Level at the bearing shall
be checked.
(vi) The gap below the bearing assembly shall be grouted with
cement based grout.
(i) Pockets commensurate with the sizes of the anchors shall be kept
in pedestals during concreting of the same. The pedestal shall be
cast approximately 25 mm short of the required finished level.
(iii) The gap below the bearing assembly including anchor pockets shall
be grouted with cement based grout. Reference may be made to
Clause 2006.6.1(vi) of MOST specifications for Road and Bridge
Works (latest revision).