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Method Statement - Cable Laying

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To provide guidelines for Laying of cables in all areas of the plant. The following are
items of work:

1. HT Cable laying.
2. LT Cable Laying for Power System.
3. LT Cable Laying for Control & Instrumentation System.
4. Cable laying related with outdoor street lighting.


1. Approved Cable Schedule

2. Approved Drawings.


Cable drum jack, Calibrated 500/1000V Megger, Cable identification tags and
clamps for fixing / dressing of cables. Continuity Tester, cable rollers etc.

Sl.No. Procedure Responsibility Check By

1. Check for proper identification nos of the trays, Site Engineer Site-in-charge
identification marks for safety related trays, cable trays
are earthed and earth continuity maintained as per
2. Cable trays shall be checked and ensured free from any Site Engineer Site-in-charge
sharp edges, obstruction and foreign materials.
3. Check the continuity of cable trays for entire route shown Site Engineer Site-in-charge
in the cable schedule prior to laying of cable as per
respective cable schedule.
4. Check the cables to be laid for mismatch with Site Engineer Site-in-charge
drawings/cable schedule.
5. Check the availability of cables as per cable schedule Site Engineer Site-in-charge
duly inspected and accepted.
6. Check the availability of cable identification tags and Site Engineer Site-in-charge
clamps for fixing cable.
7. Before laying of cable in the buildings, check Site Engineer Site-in-charge
for installation of gland, pipe,floor/wall
sealing plates as per approved drawing.
8. Provide the Correct size of heat shrinkable sleeves over Site Engineer Site-in-charge
the cable near SS gland /GI pipe sleeves wherever
cables are passing through cable penetration sealing
plates as per approved cable schedule/drawing.
9. Deviations, if any are observed, the changed route as Site Engineer Site-in-charge
suggested and approved shall be recorded and as built
drawings shall be submitted to the client.
10. As per cable schedule, shift the cable drum Site Engineer Site-in-charge
with proper size, type and length of cable
from stores to the location.
11. Ensure the healthiness of the cable by Site Engineer Site-in-charge
checking IR using 500V megger for LT power,
control, instrumentation cable and 1000V
motor operated megger for HT cable. The
observed value shall be recorded in the
proper format.

12. Maintain a Drum card for each drum Site Engineer Site-in-charge
indicating its total cable length.
Subsequently, each cable number as per
cable schedule and their respective length
should be entered in the drum card after
cutting and laying of cable from that drum.
14. The qty indicated in the cable schedule is Site Engineer Site-in-charge
only tentative. Cutting of the cable for
different length should be such that the
wastage is minimum.
Sl.No. Procedure Responsibility Check By
15. Place the Cable drums on the jacks. Cable Site Engineer Site-in-charge
shall be unrolled from drum/by rolling the
drum on jacks to avoid kinking.
16. Remove the cable from drum by rotating the Site Engineer Site-in-charge
drum in such direction so that cable shall
come out from the top of drum and physical
verification should be done.
17. Lay the identified cable in the cable trays as Site Engineer Site-in-charge
per the cable route given in the respective
cable schedule. In case of C&I cables, the
channel cable should not be laid in the non-
channel cable trays.
18. Remove any kinking of cable from the cut Site Engineer Site-in-charge
19. Take proper care to avoid mixing and Site Engineer Site-in-charge
crossing of HT, LT & Control cables and
different divisions of cables.
20. Maintain the minimum separation distance Site Engineer Site-in-charge
between the cables as specified in the
contract specification and design notes /
installation notes.
21. While cable pulling following care should be Site Engineer Site-in-charge
a) 6.6KV, 3 core HT cables shall be laid in
single layer only without exception. These
cables in general will be laid with spacing
equal to the diameter of the cable.
b) 1100V grade power cable of OD above
35mm shall be laid touching in single layer in
c) 1100V-grade power cables of OD 35mm
and below shall be laid in double layer and
touching each other.
d) Control and instrumentation cables shall
be laid touching upto a maximum of two
layers or upto 70% volume wise in each tray
whichever is higher.
e) The sequence of cable laying shall be in a
such a way to avoid criss-crossing of cables
or jumping over the other cables, while taking
out from main run.
f) In case the single core cable passing
through the pipe sleeves, all the three cores
pertaining to three phases (1set) shall be laid
in one sleeve only.
g) Extra cable length shall be kept on
trayel/load/equipment side for termination.
Incase of Control cable extra length shall be
Height + Width + Depth of the trayel while
Incase of Power cable extra length shall be
decided on the basis of distance of Busbar
from gland plate.
22. Provide Safety related Cables with division Site Engineer Site-in-charge
identification with red colour paint at regular
intervals along the length, entry and exist
point of enclosed area as per specification.
23. While cables are passing through the Site Engineer Site-in-charge
gland/plate holes in Reactor building, ensure
the provision of proper size and type of
sleeves and sufficient length (more than one
mould length)of cables shall be kept for cable
24. Provide the laid cables with anodized Site Engineer Site-in-charge
aluminum tags with cable number as per
cable schedule at regular intervals of 15mts
Sl.No. Procedure Responsibility Check By
and at Exit/Entry of wall, floor area and at
emanating and termination ends and dressed
neatly with PVC wires.
25. Do the aluminium tags binding by GI wire as Site Engineer Site-in-charge
per drawing
26. In case of cables to be laid in the Site Engineer Site-in-charge
pipes/conduits, take care to avoid any sharp
edges at the pipe ends.
27. These pipes / conduits should be provided Site Engineer Site-in-charge
with identification number and colour band as
per installation notes & drawings.
28. Pipe / conduits should be suitably supported Site Engineer Site-in-charge
parallel on structure / wall or supported with
ISMC channel as per drawing.
29. In case of cables to be laid on wall or Site Engineer Site-in-charge
structure by cleating, take the cable to avoid
sharp bends and provide proper size of GI
saddles and spacers at the intervals as per
30. Directly buried cable should be laid as per Site Engineer Site-in-charge
approved drawing and cable route markers
shall be provided at intervals of every 15 mts
on each cable length.
31. A 100mm & 50mm layer of sand above and Site Engineer Site-in-charge
below the cable and 20mm thick concrete
tiles for HV/Burnt bricks for LV should be
placed over the entire length of buried. Place
cable Bricks widthwise.
32. Also provide 2 to 3 mts slack extra cable Site Engineer Site-in-charge
length at either side of each straight through
cable joint points to enable easy pulling and
re joining in case of failure of joints.
33. Where under ground cables cross roads and Site Engineer Site-in-charge
water, oil, gas or sewage pipes, lay the cable
in hume pipes.
34. For road crossings the pipe for the cable Site Engineer Site-in-charge
shall be burried at not less than 600mm from
ground level unless otherwise noted in the
drawings. Prefer Hume pipes to steel pipes
from the point of view of corrosion.
35. For sealing arrangement at entry points, Site Engineer Site-in-charge
suitable pipe sleeves, should be provided in
building walls/slabs for passage of cables
into a building from cable trays in cable
trenches located outside the building.
36. Raise the Cable trenches by 300mm at entry Site Engineer Site-in-charge
points to avoid flooding.

37. The hume pipes are used when few cables Site Engineer Site-in-charge
have to cross the road and provide a cover of
1000mm between the road surface and the
top of hume pipe.
38. Use Trefoil clamps to clamp single core Site Engineer Site-in-charge
39. Provide Cable supports at equipment/trayel Site Engineer Site-in-charge
and JB end as per drawings and firmly clamp
the cables to these supports.
40. Use PVC wires for the Final dressing of the Site Engineer Site-in-charge
cables and perform clamping with 25x2mm
aluminum clamps at an interval of 1.25M as
per drawing.
41. Install the tray cover after final dressing & Site Engineer Site-in-charge
clamping as per drawing/specification.
42. Check the Cables for insulation resistance by Site Engineer Site-in-charge
Sl.No. Procedure Responsibility Check By
500v meggar for LV cables and 1000v meggar
for HV cables after completion of cable laying
prior to termination of cable.
43. Check all cable laying as per specifications Site Engineer Site-in-charge
and cable schedules and recorded.
44. Field routing from cable tray to equipment Site Engineer Site-in-charge
shall be done as follows:
a) If no. of cables emanating from cable tray
is 2 or less, same shall be routed through GI
pipe all along the length from transition point
at tray to termination point.
b)If no. of cables emanating from tray is 3 or more,
suitable standard tees of cable tray shall be installed
for branching of cables as per drawing.
45. Follow the Minimum Bending radius for cable Site Engineer / Site-in-charge
laying as mentioned below.
46. PRECAUTION: Site Engineer Site-in-charge
I)Mixing of channel cables and non channel
cables pertaining to C&I systems shall be
ii) Crossing of HT & LT cables should be
iii) After laying, ends of all cable lengths
shall be sealed.
iv) After cabling, incase any heavy erection
and welding takes place on above, cable shall
be protected.
v) The foreign materials if available on cable
trays before or after laying of cables should
be removed immediately.
vi) While pulling care should be taken to
avoid damage to the cables.
While working on height safety belts shall be
47. Risk Assessement & control measures: Site Engineer/ Site-in-charge
Site Safety
1. For Shifting of cable drums from storage Officer
yard to work place proper lifting tools &
tackles, hydra & truck / trailor should be
in good condition and certified by
competant person.
2. Proper rigging procedures should be
3. Hydra alone should not be used for
transportation of cable drums & the same
should be used only for loading &
4. Transportation supervisor should be made
responsible to guide the trailor & alert
the people during transportation.
5. Tag line rope to be tied to cable drum &
load to be guided by two persons.
Workers should be approximately 2-3
mtrs away from the cable drum.
6. Drum should be mounted on the proper
capacity of the cable jack with shaft.
7. Check the entire route for sharp edges,
tightness & welding of cable trays prior
to cable pulling.
8. Ensure access is available and scaffolds is
safe to use before cable laying at height.

9. Ensure usage of fall arrest system while

cable laying in vertical trays. Tying of
cable to be ensured on the highest
Sl.No. Procedure Responsibility Check By
elevation with rigid substance while
pulling the cables in vertical trays.
Ensure posture is correct while doing the
cable pulling with the help of PPE rope.
10. Full body harness should be used while
cable laying in elevated areas (more than
2 mtrs height).
11. Hand gloves to be used while pulling the
12. Proper communication to be ensured in
the cable laying group while cable

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