Action Research For HDP
Action Research For HDP
Action Research For HDP
At the end of this session,
you will be able to
Define action research
Differentiate between formal/applied and Action research
Identify the steps in writing Action research
Prepare action research proposal in group
Present and defend the proposal to the whole class
Evaluate others work
Learning tasks
Group work:
Previous experience of Action Research
Group definition of Action Research
Share some initial ideas for action research projects
Tuesday, July 08, 2014 Action research for Defense College
What is research?
Is a systematic approach that designed to collect, analyses, interpret and
use data to:
Understand ,
predict an educational, psychological and social and political phenomena.
In general assumptions:
Teachers and educational administrators work best on problems they have identified for
Teachers and educational administrators become more effective when encouraged to examine
and assess their own work and then consider ways of working differently;
Teachers and educational administrators help each other by working collaboratively;
Working with colleagues helps teachers to share ideas about their professional development.
Tuesday, July 08, 2014 Action research for Defense College
Action research is a powerful tools for change and improvement
at the local level.
To do action research is to plan, act observe and reflect more
carefully, more systematically, and more rigorously than one
usually does in everyday life.
How can we reduce the HDP candidates drop out resulted by lack of
some requirements from their portfolio?
The idea of action research
is that educational problems
and issues are best
identified and investigated
scientifically and
systematically where the
action is; at the classroom
and to the teaching and
learning process.
Tuesday, July 08, 2014 Action research for Defense College
By integrating research into
these settings and engaging
those who work at this level in
research activities,
findings can be applied
immediately and problems
solved more quickly
(Guskey, 2000).
Tuesday, July 08, 2014 Action research for Defense College
Learning Tasks
As a university teacher, what benefits do you expect from
conducting action research?
To what extent are you interested/motivated to conduct
action research at your course/department/college? And
Tuesday, July 08, 2014 Action research for Defense College
Tuesday, July 08, 2014 Action research for Defense College
Connecting theory to practice
Improvement of classroom practices in:
Instructional planning, Instructional management, Disciplinary
issues, Teaching methods, Learning styles
Assessment of/for learning
Teacher empowerment teachers talent and creativity,
depth and breadth
Professional growth:
Builds a collegial networking system
Why action research, because
Tuesday, July 08, 2014 Action research for Defense College
In short:
Explain the characterizing features of action research.
(in group: Brainstorm)
Tuesday, July 08, 2014 Action research for Defense College
Characteristics of Action Research
is a process that improves education by incorporating
It is a process involving educators working together to
improve their own practices. By them on them for them
It is collaborative ( students, staffs, admin, parents, etc)
practical and relevant to classroom teachers
develops critical reflection about ones teaching;
It is planned, systematic, process of planning, acting,
observing, reflecting, and replanning
Sharing the report and so on
Tuesday, July 08, 2014 Action research for Defense College
The difference between applied and action research
Areas Formal/Applied Research Action Research
Training needed by the
Extensive On own or with consultation
Goals of research Knowledge that is
Knowledge to apply to the
local situation
Methods of identifying the
problem to be studied
Review of pervious
Problems currently faced
Procedure for literature
Extensive/wide range More brief
Sampling Approach Random or representative
Students or clients with
whom they work
Research design Precise control, long time
Looser procedures, change during
study: quick time frame: control
through triangulation
Data Analysis Statistical test; quantitative
Focus on practical, not statistical
significance; present raw material
Application of results Emphasis on theoretical
Emphasis on practical significance
Process of Action Research
What is your experience on the core elements need
in action research?
Tuesday, July 08, 2014 Action research for Defense College
The Process of Action Research
Identify the problem; select an area of focus.
Collect the data.
Organize, analyze & interpret the data.
Take the action (apply the findings).
Tuesday, July 08, 2014 Action research for Defense College
Further readings look the HDP Handbook
page 105-107
Identify the
problem or area
Objective/signeficance Collect data
Organize, analyze
& interpret
Take action;
apply findings
The same cycle continues in every new plan
Tuesday, July 08, 2014 Action research for Defense College
Tuesday, July 08, 2014 Action research for Defense College
give a context to the report. introduce yourselves and explain the back ground to the
What is the research issues
Identifying the Problem
First, select a general idea or area of focus:
should involve teaching and learning
should be within your locus of control
should be something you feel passionate about
should be something you would like to change or improve
Tuesday, July 08, 2014 Action research for Defense College
Identifying the Problem
Second, do Reconnaissance:
Explore your understanding of theories, your educational values,
how your work fits into the larger context of schooling, the
historical context of your school, the history of the development
of your ideas about teaching and learning
Describe the Who, What, When & Where of the situation you
want to change
Explain the Why of the situation
Tuesday, July 08, 2014 Action research for Defense College
In short Identify and Select the Area of
Determine & describe the
current situation
Explore opportunities
Assess possibilities
Examine constraints
Tuesday, July 08, 2014 Action research for Defense College
Objective/ segnificance
Clearly state the basic
purpose and goals of this
Who will be beneficiaries
of this research project
Tuesday, July 08, 2014 Action research for Defense College
Collect the Data
Using a variety of data collection strategies, gather
information that will contribute to the findings
Data should be analyzed as it is collected
Tuesday, July 08, 2014 Action research for Defense College
Organize, Analyze & Interpret the Data
As the data is collected, it is also
continually organized & analyzed
As new perspectives are gained on
the original area of focus, the
problem statement may change
Interpretation is based on ongoing
analysis & continually reviewing the
area of focus
Tuesday, July 08, 2014 Action research for Defense College
Take Action; Apply Findings
Draw conclusions from the
data analyzed
Translate conclusions into
actions or behaviors
Plan how to implement the
actions or behaviors
Do it!
Tuesday, July 08, 2014 Action research for Defense College
Take Kemmis as one of the model:
Tuesday, July 08, 2014 Action research for Defense College
Simple approach for Writing AR Proposal
What is your research issue?
Why do you interest in this area?
What kind of evidence could we produce to show what is
happening?/what methods you will use?
How will you analyze your data?
What will you do about what you find?
What kind of evidence can you produce to show what you doing have
an impact?
How will you evaluate that impact?
How do you ensure that any judgments you may make are reasonable
fair and accurate?
Give a context to the report. introduce yourselves and
explain the back ground to the report.
How can we reduce the HDP candidates drop out resulted
by the lack of some requirements from their portfolio?
Explaining about HDP,
Its objectives,
When it is started?
How many HDP graduates are there since then?
What challenges has been faced so far?
Introducing the researchers Name and title- the research is conducted
by the group of HDL (Tsigereda, Ato Birhane, Ato Fedil)
This research focus on How can we reduce the HDP candidates drop
out resulted by the lack of requirements from their portfolio?
What is your research issue?
Focus on one area that you want to investigate and be
sure that you can do something about it.
Start your research question How can I/we
Keep it small ,focused and manageable
Possible area for AR
Aspects of instructional planning Eg. Lesson plan skill
Contents to teach:-Eg. reading skill, electrical design skill
Instructional/teaching methods:-Eg. contribution of group member;
participation in classroom
Learning assessments :-Eg. Performance
Classroom management or environment:-
Eg. misbehavior, lateness, missing classes
Instructional materials:- reference books, teaching aids
Gender issues .Eg. Participation ,performance; repeation, dismissal
How can we reduce the HDP candidates drop out
resulted by the lack of some requirements from their
Select specific problem that you have faced in your classroom
(2 min)
I would like to improve
We are unhappy about
I am really curious about.
I want to learn more about..
I would like to bring change in
Why have you chosen this issue?
Why are you interested in this area?
What are your values regarding the issues?
What is the objective of the research?
Reason:-As HDL I have observed that some candidates did not
graduate for the lack of some portfolio requirements though
they attend the whole sessions.
The objective :- is to reduce the drop out of candidates
resulted by lack of requirements of their portfolios
State the one reason why you are interested in the problem
State the objective of the research. (2min)
What kind of evidence can we produce to show what is
How can you show things as they are before you take action?
Who will be your research PARTICIPANT?
Which data will you collect? how you collect them?
Mention some methods of data gathering
Action research can be designed:
Studying local practices
Involving individual or team
based inquiry
Focusing on teachers
development and student
Implementing a plan of action
Leading to the teacher a
Participatory (Community based
Studying social issues that
constrains individual life
Emphasizing equal collaboration
Focusing on life enhancing
Resulting in the emancipated
Tuesday, July 08, 2014 Action research for Defense College
Tuesday, July 08, 2014 Action research for Defense College
Action research data
gathering techniques
( through
observation and
field notes)
active observation
Passive observer
Enquiring ( when
the researcher
formal interview
Attitude scales
(Likert )
Examine ( using
and making
Audio and
Gathering data
Research diary
Audio recording
Document analysis
It is used to find out what people think and do and why
Things to think about before the interview
How will I put interviewees at ease?
What question will I ask?
In what order will I ask question?
What exactly do I hope to find out each question?
Is the question open enough to encourage participation and general
Sample of interview guideline
What do you feel about group discussion method?
Do you often contribute to the group discussion? why?
Lecture or group discussion .Which method that you prefer
to learn? WHY?
Questionnaires are conducted in order to provide the researcher
with numerical data in particular issue
Example of questionnaire
1. agree strongly 2.agree
3.disagree 4. disagree strongly
1 2 3 4
1. I enjoy lecturing than group discussion
2. I do not contribute much for group discussion or group work
3.My teacher is ready to help us in our education
4.I prefer continuous assessment than formative ones
This method is used to observe people in their natural setting. It
focuses more on their everyday normal life.
Example of observation checklists
From your observation
answer yes or no after
each item below
Yes/no comments
Was there high teacher
Did students work together?
did students explore their own
Were the activities decided by
the teacher ?
Did the teacher and student
decide how to work?
Research diary
This method is used
To keep a detailed history of your research process as it unfolds;
To enable you to have an overview of progress over a period of
Document Analysis
Students' performance
Teachers' evaluation or other
What to put in your diary - some examples:
What youve done on a day-to-day basis, described in practical
Notes from discussions or useful conversations;
Ideas that you might want to remember or follow up;
Reports of observations, experiments, events
Strategic plans for developing ideas;
Personal views and opinions;
Problem analysis;
To do lists or action plans
Obtain data from
more than one
source and show
how all the data
supports your
Tuesday, July 08, 2014 Action research for Defense College
Ethical Consideration
Ethical practice is moral stance is help to
achieve high professional standards of
technical procedures, and also respect and
protection for the people actively consenting
to be studied
Informed the participants that all information would
be used for research purposes only.
Got the permission of the participants before
recording their voice.
Informed the respondents that their names would be
Checked their willingness to offer information
Tuesday, July 08, 2014 Action research for Defense College
How do you prove scientifically if the problem exists or
Evidence:-Record review to see how many drop out are there
as a result of the requirements not attendance.
Participants:- Dropout from last year
How you will analyze your data?
What will you do after gathering data?
What methods of data analysis will you use?
What methods of analysis will you use ?(2min)
What will you do about what you find?
Question your interpretation of data and discuss with
Decide on the strategy and try it out
Giving consistent reminder for the candidates about the
importance of fulfilling requirements for their graduation.
And following them up if they provide the requirements timely.
Propose two actions to solve the problem you identified.(2min)
What kind of evidence can you produce to show that what you
are doing is having an impact
Gather data regularly and keep records of how you are
monitoring and evaluating each cycle
Checking frequently if the requirements are completed and
submitted timely.
State how you will monitor and check the action progress
How you evaluate that impact?
Use the data to say how your practice has changed
Say what has improved and how based on the evidence
How will you ensure that any judgments you may make are
reasonably fair and accurate?
Consider working with critical friend
Write resources and reference
Evidence:-Record review to see how many drop out are there
as a result of the requirements not attendance.
In what evidence that will you prove your action has
brought changes.(2 min)
Check if your proposal is SMART
Reporting AR project
1. Context
Where did you conduct the AR?
2.Statement and rationale of the problem
- what did you investigate?
-why you chose the problem
-what sort of data did you collect?
-How did you collect the data
4.The findings
What have you found out?
What did you do to improve/change the practice?
6. Evaluation
How you check the progress as result of the action you took
What change you have seen?
How will the research affect what you will do next?
How do you evaluate an action research
Does the project clearly address a problem or issue in practice
that needs to be solved?
Does that action researcher collect sufficient data to help
address the problem?
Did the researcher collaborate with others during the study?
Did the plan of action advanced by the researcher build logically
from the data?
Is there evidence that the plan of action contributed to the
researchers reflection as a professional?
Has the researcher enhabced the licves of the participants by
empowering them, changing them, or providing them with new
Tuesday, July 08, 2014 Action research for Defense College
AR evaluation.contd
Did the action research actually lead them to change or did
a solution to a problem make a difference?
Did the author report the action research to audiences who
might use the information?
Tuesday, July 08, 2014 Action research for Defense College
Tuesday, July 08, 2014 Action research for Defense College