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Debre Markos University Burie Campus Department of Computer Science Group-5

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1. Zigyibel Girma TER/175/10

2. Memeriew Abich TER/158/10
3. Getnet Fenta TER/148/06
4. Tafach Eshetu TER/168/06
5. Agerbejsh
Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

TABLE Contents:- pages

Chapter One:...............................................................................................................................................2
1.2 Background of the project................................................................................................................2
1.3. Statement of the problem.................................................................................................................4
1.5. Objective of the project...................................................................................................................4
1.5.1. General Objective....................................................................................................................5
1.5.2. Specific Objective....................................................................................................................5
1.6. Feasibility study...............................................................................................................................5
1.6.1.oprational feasibility………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……5

1.6.2.Technical feasibility…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………5

1.6.3.Economic feasibility………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……6

1.6.4.Political feasibility…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……6

1.6.5.Sechedule feasibility…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…7

1.7.Scope of the project...............................................................................................................................8

1.8.Significanc of the project.......................................................................................................................8
1.9.Target Beneficiaries of the system……………………………………………………………………………………………..……..9

1.10. Methodology ...................................................................................................................................9

1.10.1. Fact-finding techniques............................................................................................................9
1.10.2. System Analysis and design...................................................................................................10
1.10.3.Development Tools/Programs....................................................................................................10
-Software requirements and its environment……………………………………………………………………….…………10

-Hardware requirement …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..10

1.10.4.Required Resources with Costs………………………………………………………………………………………………….11

1.11. Reference…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….12


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C


Chapter make it possible to save and back up

One all transactions in case of cost share
management to keep the data in a
1.1. Introduction centralized way which is available to
all the users.
Online cost sharing management
system is a system which concerned
1.2. Background of the project
with how cost share could be Cost sharing is considered as a government
managed and controlled in a web
loan program for higher education students
based way by the employees of the
this Burie Campus. Currently, the to cover partial cost of services like health
workers of the campus gives service care, food, education and dormitory. Any
use manual way of information student who has either graduated or under
gathering and documenting, no
graduated from higher education of the
reliable communication between
different offices, as well as there is public institution is required to share the
lack of security. cost sharing of his/her education, training
and other Services based on cost sharing
This project will intend to advocate principle .
for the need of cost sharing to change
the manual system to automated Cost sharing management system is one of
system cost share management the activities in the higher educational
system. organizations. Debre Markos University
Automated systems make it possible Burie Campus is one of the higher
to have a better accuracy, to increase educational organizations in Ethiopia. It was
the quality of the work, to reduce the established in 2005E.c, at Amhara region
time it takes, to minimize cost, to especially in West Gojjam, far from Addis
keep the security and organization of Ababa 441K.M. It has one campuses . our
data in most advantageous condition,
project specially focuses on Burie Campus
to make data transfer easier and also
Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

has three faculties. Those are

technology ,Agriculture and FB. In this
campus there are so many management
systems. Cost sharing management system is
one of them.

Burie Campus cost sharing management

system works manually. Since the system is
manual, customers face different problems
related to waste time, resource and consume
manpower. By observing the overall
problems of Burie cost sharing management
system we are going to solve this problem
by developing online cost sharing
management system. In our project
developing online cost sharing management
system is better than that of the existing
manual system in different ways related to
the customer obtain information online ,to
minimize power, wastage of time and
money in addition to this online cost
sharing system is more reliable than that of
the existing system .


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

1.3. Statement of the problem

Name ID Function
In Burie Campus there are many students
on the
those who are enrolled in different fields of project
study. Those students are expected to share
Zigyibel TER/175/10 Project
the cost of living in the university related to Girma manager
food, shelter, education and materials. Now Getnet TER/148/10 Designer
a day’s Burie cost sharing management Fenta
system is very tedious since the system is Memeriew TER/158/10 Data
manual. Due to these there are many Abich collector
problems in manual way of recording and Tafach TER/168/10 Developer
reporting student’s data. The aim of our Eshetu
project is to make the system automated and Agerbejsh TER/121/10 Assistant
very comfortable to the users and employees Tegegn manager
that help to keep data safe, reduce man
power, reduce time, reduce paper wastage
and reduce duplication of data.

Problems associated with the current manual


 It is very bulky and time consuming

 It is difficult to update, delete, and
search data
 Wastage of resource like paper, labor 1.5. Objective of the project
 Loss of data
1.5.1. General Objective
 Inefficient way of managing records
The general objective of our project is to

1.4.Team Composition develop online automated system for the

manual cost sharing management system.


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

1.5.2. Specific Objective the organization structure. The new system

We can achieve the general objective by is operationally feasible in terms of
fulfilling the specific objective listed reliability, maintainability, supportability,
below:- usability and flexibility. The new system
will be:-
 To understand the problems in the  Operated by any users
existing system  User friendly
 To plan the solution for the problems  Easier for navigate the page
1.6.2. Technical feasibility
 To design and develop the system
It is the process of evaluating the
 Develop database for the system
organization ability to construct a proposed
 To determine how data will be entered
system. Our project is technically feasible,
into our system
because it can generate outputs in a given
 Finally deployment
time, easy to communicate and generally it

satisfies the end-user’s requirement. And
also our new system can work the current
1.6. Feasibility Study technologyandourfocusistodevelopwellorg
Feasibility is assessing the visibility of this
project through different factor. Accessing
efficient and effective for managing the
feasibility means answering question to the
cost share.
utility and usability of the system that is
going to be developed. We have analyzed 1.6.3. Economical feasibility
the feasibility of the system in terms of
economic feasibility, technical feasibility, The Economic feasibility analysis includes a
operational feasibility, legal feasibility, and concern of cost benefit analysis, long term
time feasibility of the new system. usage, cost of resources needed for
development and implementation of the
1.6.1. Operational feasibility
project. In existing manual cost sharing
It Measures how the proposed system to
management system the cost sharing officers
solve the problem of the existing system.
have to maintain a large number of papers or
The new cost share management system is
forms. This can be avoided by putting the
operationally feasible and it doesn’t affect


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

data in the computer format that is cheaper

and reliable. Since the cost of resources for
development of system satisfies the
organization, the software is economically
feasible. It has two benefits.
 Tangible benefits:-
 Reduction of resource wastage
 Reduction of space needed to
record data.
 Intangible benefit:-.The system we are
developing has many intangible benefits
that revolve around mental satisfaction
of users. those are:-
 Give better and effective service
 Error reduction.
 Increase efficiency
 Increase security


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

Table1. 1 Tangible cost of project

Tools Item Quantity Programme All group 10000

r members
Copy/print 3
Hard Ware Tools

Paper 1 packet
Total ----- 0
Pen 6
Mobile card 20
Flash 2
Computer 1
1.7. Scope of the project
Software Tools

MS word Free
The proposed system includes the following
E-draw max, Visual Free
features for the cost sharing management
Paradigm and
Microsoft Visio.
Apache Free
MYSQL server 2012 Free  Manage cost share status
Total cost

 upload student information

Intangible cost:-this is cost that refers to the
knowledge, skill and talents of project teams
 Manage account status
in developing the system.

Table1. 2 Intangible cost of project

 Manage payment status

Task Participan Approximat

 Manage feedback
t e cost ( birr)

 The system works only for Burie campus

System All 5000
cost sharing management system
analyst group
1.8. Significance of the project

System All group 5000

Burie online cost sharing management
designer members
system provides many advantages for the
Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

students and employees. This means, increase number of customer and lose of paper
because they use manual system.
anywhere and anytime students are
authorized to use this system effectively
1.10. Methodology
through internet accesses. This system is
The methods that facilitate us to capture
expected to bring remarkable change on cost
information about requested system is called
sharing management system. Thus, it will
Methodology. Starting from proposed
document the student information in an
system we gathered information and data
organized manner. Among this main
through different mechanisms.
significance some of them are listed below:-
 Minimize errors 1.10.1. Fact-finding techniques
To develop online cost sharing management
 Eliminate paper based recording
system the primary task is collecting
 Reduce resource wastage
required data from different sources to
 Easy to use the system
perform further tasks. The data will be
 Minimize work load
gathered by using the following techniques:-
 The system can be accessed by multiple
users concurrently Primary data sources:-

Observation:-We have observed some data

1.9. Target Beneficiaries of the physically by going to their office directly.
system We select observation to know the real
world environment of the organization
manual working. In the observation part we
observe how the manual cost sharing
The beneficiaries of this project are:-
management system is working.

Students:-gets fast access to see what Interview: -The other method we have used
types of goods they want.
to get information about the general view of
the system is by interviewing employee of
Manager: - System reduces time
wastage and work load. cost share office and some students. It is fact
finding technique where by the system
Campus: - Provide more effective analyst collects information from individual
system and reduce need of man power,
face to face interaction. It gives us an


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

opportunity to motivate the interviewee to documentations and trainings to improve the

respond freely and openly. quality of a software development effort.We
use object oriented system analysis and
We have asked different questions:-
design (OOSAD) methodology because of
its more acceptable due to its greater
 What is the current problem of the
advantage of polymorphism, abstraction and
manual system?
encapsulation .

An object oriented system analysis and

 How do you work currently? Or design methodology suitable for this
particular project because:-

 Increased reusability
 How to process the current system?
 Users usually understand the objects
Document analysis:-we also collected
certain relevant information from written
 It highly reduces the interaction gap
documents in the cost share office. Not only
between the reality and models
that but also we tried to review other
 Object oriented system analysis and
relevant documents to develop our project
design methodology is more user
Secondary data source:-  Tackle more challenging problems

Internet:-internet aids us to see the 1.10.3. development

available sample on the internet and to tools/Programs
We have used the following software and
download different types of tutorials which
hard ware tools to do our project:-
help to do our project.

Software tools:-

 Microsoft Office Visio2010 – to design

1.10.2. System Analysis and
scheduling phase
It is a recommended collection of phases,  Client side: JavaScript, CSS, HTML.
procedures, rules, techniques, tools,  Server side:-PHP


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

 Edraw max:- for UML modeling and Fig 1.1.Required Resources and Cost

 Notepad++:- to write implementation or
 Microsoft word 2007 for documentation
 Microsoft power point 2007 for
 Apache: web server
 MYSQL-database:-for storing data in the
 PHP engine :-for running PHP scripts
 Web browser :-to run our program or
code from the server side
Hard ware tools:-
 Personal computer
 Flash disk(8GB)
 Hard disk(500GB)
 Paper and pen
 Printer
 Scanner

1.10.4 Required Resources with Costs

resources amount

pen 1

Single paper 50

Caling 10 times

Total cost


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

from year to year based on economic


As the system is manual there are different
1. The Elements of UML Style, Scott drawbacks among those:-
W. Ambler Ronin International,
Cambridg university.2003  Poor way of data handling
2. FDRE (Federal Democratic Republic  Resource wastages like time, paper, pen,
of Ethiopia). (2003b). Council of and labor
Ministers Higher Education Cost  Data Redundancy and Inconsistence
sharing Regulations No. 91/2003, Problem.
Negarit Gazette, Addis Ababa.
3. Use case: -Users of Existing System
 To provide job opportunity for
se last retrieved on Dec, 23, 2016.
many employees

2.3. System requirement

Chapter _Two specification
A requirement is a feature that the system
System Analysis must have or a constraint that it must satisfy

2.1. Overview of the Existing to be accepted by the cost sharing officer. It

determines the needs of everyone who will
be the user of the proposed system of our
project such as students, registrar officer,
Currently Burie cost sharing management
Inland Revenue officers and cost sharing
system works manually. Every student fill
officers. Generally the requirement of the
cost sharing for his/her partial cost of
new system can be viewed as follow:-
education, dormitory, and meal services
once at each year until she/he graduated. 2.3.1. Functional requirement
The cost sharing credit charge can change The functional requirement is the study of
what a system should be able to do, the


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

functions it should perform and describes  Post notice

the interactions between the system and its  View filled cost share
environment. The proposed system has the  Upload student list
following functional requirements:-  View student list
 Register payer
Fill cost share online
 Update Payment
 View Payment
 Update cost
 Create account
 Register cost
 Update account
 View cost
 View account
 Print cost share
 Disable/Enable account
 Print payment
 Manage feedback
 View notice

2.3.2. Non-functional requirement

Non-functional requirements describe how the system works, while functional requirements
describe what the system should do. They specify criteria that judge the operation of system
qualities to capture the required properties of the system. Then the team is going to develop its
own non-functional requirements, such as:-
Security: Security is major problem now a day. People’s knowledge and ability to bypass
security measures is also one constraint to build more secured systems. Besides the usual
authorization and authentication (deals with identifying a user and what a user is allowed to do
respectively) such as username and passwords. The new cost sharing management system
considers these security risks.

Performance: The response time that the system uses to process, query and retrieve cost sharing
data and information from database is very short. That means it takes short response time for a
given piece of work. The designed system will use low utilization of system resource in terms of
space and time. Many tasks can be performed on the same time that in turns provide time and
cost effective services.

Usability: The online cost sharing management system is simple to understand, easy to use and
user friendly because it making questioners in native language.


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

Efficiency: Accommodating vast amount of information on a computer and processes cost

sharing management system in fraction of seconds.


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

Modification/ maintainability

Through time there should be changes in when the user needs another additional functionalities
and new features, when the cost share administrator identifies the system need to be modified,
while the cost share system work style is changed and depending on different reasons. This can
be easily done because the whole system development tasks divided into several smaller work
parts. Since the system was modularized not the whole system should be maintained rather only
the specific modules that need modification will be modified and maintained. Some of the user
interface and basic modification can be performed by the collection of developers but the system
developers are the right persons to update the system.

Graphical user interface: The system we are going to develop will have a user friendly
graphical user interface (GUI) which allows users to interact with the system easily. The user is
expected to have knowledge of using device and also navigating through this device interfaces.

Error handling: - When a user interacts with the system errors may occur. To control this kind
of inaccuracies system will generate different user friendly messages. To do this, most of the
system execution buttons will be controlled according to the sequence which the user is expected
to follow, or this can be done by generating different system responses to the input of the user.


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

2.4. Business rules

The organization has rules and regulations that should be performed when they give a service for
the students. Those are:-
BR1: All enrolled students are eligible to enter into an agreement for cost sharing and future

BR2: Every student should fill cost sharing for his/her partial cost of education, dormitory, and
meal services once per year.

BR3: When students transfer from one university to other university, they expected to fill cost
sharing for total year stayed even one semester fill half annual cost sharing.

BR4: When students dismissed from the university by academic, discipline, other cases; he/she
doesn’t expected to fill cost sharing at that year.

BR5: Any beneficiary student who completes his education shall be given a document stating the
amount owed in cost sharing.

BR6: Every graduate student should fill cost sharing for all years unless he/she can’t get
Temporary degree.

BR7: Every alumnus person to finish the payment he/she get the official transcript otherwise
he/she can’t get.

2.5. Change cases

2.5.1. System requirement analysis
The existing student cost sharing management system has its own strength, weakness,
opportunity and threat.

 The system does not depend on the power is off /on

 Not consider any internet connection.


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

 Time consuming, when processing cost share

 Lack of centralized data source
 Loss of vital documents
 To provide job opportunity for many employees.
 The manual system easily attack by human or natural disasters like fire, theft

2.5.2. Actor and Use case Identification

-Use case diagram

It describes the interaction between the user and system in a more detailed way than an essential
use case. There are four actors in the current proposed system those are:-

 Student
 Cost sharing officer
 Registrar officer
 Inland Revenue officer


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

Create <<use>>
Upload Student

Manage View Account

View Notice

Enable/Disable rar
Account Update Office
Manage Cost
Account r
Login View Cost
Cost <<use>> Sahre
Sharin Update Cost
g Offi View
FeedBack Fill Cost

Student List Send

Cost Share

Manage Inland
Print Payment Reven

Post Notice r

View Update
Payment Payment Register

Figure2. 1 System Use case Diagram for OCSMS


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

-Use case descriptor

ID: Give an identification number that enables you to make the use case traceable.
Name: The name that you have used in the use case model.
Actor: who interacts with the system either internally or externally?
Pre-condition: what is the expected situation before the use case can be started.
Main scenario (Basic flow of event): which use case performs when it is started?
Alternative scenario (alternative course of action):it is optional but it is the activity done
when basic course of actions failed.
Post-condition: what is expected?


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

Table2. 1 Use Case Description for Login

Name Login
Use case id UC01
Brief description When the user enter user name, password and select user type, it
checks the input from database, if it is valid the user can access, if not
it displays error message.
Actors Cost sharing officer, student, Inland revenue officer, and registrar
Pre condition User must be authorized user who has username and password
Post condition The user is authenticated and the system displays all features available
for the role for the user is associated.
Basic flow of events User action System response
1. The student, cost sharing officer, 2. The system display login
Inland revenue officer, and registrar form
officers are want to login to the system. 4. The system verifies that
3. The cost sharing officer, student, all the filled have been
inland revenue officer and registrar filled out and valid.
officer Enter user name ,password and 5. The system successfully
select user type then request to login logged in.
6. Use case ends.
Alternate Flow of events
Title Description
A. the user fill invalid 1. The system display message “invalid username or password or
data user type”
2. The system prompts the user to reenter the valid information
3. Use case continues with step 2


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

Table2. 2 Use case Description for Create Account

Name Create account

Use case id UC02
Brief description the cost share officers create account for their staff workers, for
registrar officer and for inland revenue officer
Actor(s) Cost sharing officer
Pre condition they must be authorized
Post condition Create account for users
Basic flow of events User action System response
1. The Cost sharing officer request to 1. The system display
create account create account Form
2. The Cost sharing officer fill 2. The system display
information that included id, full name, message “account created
sex, phone, user name and select user successfully”
type 3. use case ends
3.the Cost sharing officer request to
Alternate flow of events
Title Description
A. The cost sharing officer inserts 1. The system display message “account not
invalid user account information successfully created”
2. The system prompts the user to reenter the valid
3. Use case continues with step 2


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

Table2. 3 Use case Description for Update Account

Name Update account

Use case id UC03
Brief description The user update their account created before because of security
Actor(s) Student ,inland revenue officer and registrar officer
Pre condition They must be authenticated
Post condition The authenticated users able to update their account
Basic flow of events User actions System response
1.the user with the system to update 1.the system display the form
account 2. the system validate the
2.the user entered the required entered data
information that include 3. the system display
2.1 user name message ”successfully
2.2 old password updated”
2.3 new password 4.use case ends
2.4 confirm new password
3. the user request to update

Alternate flow of event

Title description
A. Enter invalid data entry 1. The system describes which entered data was
2. Re-enter the valid data
3. Go to step 2


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

Table2. 4 Use case Description for View Account

Name View account

Use case id UC04
Brief description User may graduate or stop because of some problems so user account
will be disable.
Actor(s) Cost sharing officer
Pre condition The account should be created
Post condition the account is enable or disable
Basic flow of events
Include:- User action System response
Disable account 1.the Cost sharing officer want to 1.the system display the
Enable account enable or disable user account form
2.The Cost sharing officer search any 2.the system validate the
user account he/she wants using id existence of the account and
3.User request to enable or disable the display searched account
searched account 3. the system display
message for enabled or
disabled action
4. use case ends
Alternate flow of events
Title Description
A. the cost sharing officer enter invalid id 1. system display error message
2. the system prompts to re-enter field
3. use case continues with step 2


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

Table2. 5 Use case Description for Fill Cost Sharing

Use case Name Fill cost Sharing

Use case id UC05

Brief description The students fill cost sharing form based on cost sharing principles

Actor(s) Student
Pre condition student wants to fill cost share agreement form
Post condition Store the agreement into database
Basic flow of events User actions System response
1.Students want to fill agreement of cost 2. the system displays the
sharing form
3. Student fills all necessary information to 6. The system make sure
the form such as all inputs are filled (check
3.1 date of withdrawal(date, month, year, the input is valid or not)
semester) 7. The system saves the
3. 2.transfered from other university(name, input data and the
college, department) following information
3.2.1 date of transfer(date, semester) 7.1 year, price for(food,
3.2.2 total cost before coming dormitory, education,
3.3.type of service you choice total) Into DB
3.3.1.In kind(food only, boarding only, 8. The system display”
food and boarding) fill successfully” message
3.3.2.In cash(food only, boarding only, 9. Use case ends
food and boarding)
3.5 If the student is graduate class he/she
fill in addition to the above
3.6. duration of year
4. choose photo if any
5. student press submit button after filling
the form

Alternate flow of events

Title Description


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

A. Enter invalid data entry 1.system display error message

2.the system prompts to re-enter field
3.use case continues with step 2


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

Table2. 6 Use case Description for Register Cost

Name Register Cost

Use case id UC06
Brief description the cost sharing officer register the cost of food, dormitory, education
base on the year and department
Actor(s) Cost sharing officer
Pre condition the cost sharing officer must login successfully
Post condition The cost data has been registered
Basic flow of events User action System response
1.The Cost sharing officer want to 2.The system displays register
register cost form
3.the Cost sharing officer fills all 5. the system validate the
necessary information to the form entered data and then display
such as:- ”successfully registered”
3.1. Select department message

3.2. Select year 6.Use case ends

Enter price for:-

1.3. Education
1.4. Food
1.5. Dormitory
4.the Cost sharing officer request to
Alternate flow of event
Title Description
A. Enter invalid data 1.system display error message
2.the system prompts to re-enter field
3.use case continues with step 2


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

Table2. 7 Use case Description for Update Cost

Name Update Cost

Use case id UC07
Brief description It allows the cost sharing officer to update the cost
Actor(s) Cost sharing officer
Pre condition the cost sharing officer must login successfully
Post condition The cost of food, education, dormitory data has been updated
Basic flow of events User action System response
1.The Cost sharing officer want to 2.The system displays update
update cost form
3. the Cost sharing officer fills all 5. the system validate the
necessary information to the form entered data and then display
such as:- ”successfully updated” message
3.1. Select department 6.Use case ends
3.2. Select year
Enter price for:-
1.3. Education
1.4. Food
1.5. Dormitory
4.the user request to update
Alternate flow of event
Title Description
A. Enter invalid data 1.system display error message
2.the system prompts to re-enter field
3.use case continues with step 2


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

Table2. 8 Use case for Upload Student List

Name Upload Student List

Use case id UC08
Brief description The registrar Upload student list into database then the system create
account for each students automatically
Actor(s) Registrar
Pre condition the Registrar officer must login successfully
Post condition the student information has been recorded success fully
Basic flow of events User action System response

Include:- 1. the registrar officer want to upload 2. the system display the form
New student list student information 5. The system automatically
Graduate student list 3. A. the registrar officer upload the creates account for each
new student file from excel that include student’s that have not an
3.1. Full name, id, sex account before. using(id as a
3.2. Region, woreda, phone number user name& mother first name
3.3. University name, faculty, year of as a password)
entrance, department, academic year 5.1 the system also updates
3.4 Mother adopters (full name, phone his previous information if it
number) is different
3. B. the registrar officer upload the 6.the system save information
Graduate student file from excel that into database
include( id, full name , faculty,
7. the system display
department, graduation year , total cost
“Successfully upload”
4.the registrar request to upload
8.use case ends

Alternate flow of events

Title Description
A. The user 1 the system display invalid entry message
select invalid 2 The system prompts to re-enter the valid data


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

data entry 3 use case continue with step 2

Table2. 9 Use case Description for Send Feedback

Name Send Feedback

Use case id UC09
Brief description Describing about strength and weakness of the system
Actor(s) Student
Pre condition The student successfully login
Post condition Give comment
Basic flow of events User action System response
1. the Student request to 2. The system display the form
comment 4. The system save comments
3. the student write 5. The system display “successfully
comment and then request sent” message
to submit 6. The use case ends
Alternate flow of events
Title Description
A. if the text area is empty 1. The system display “please write
comment” message
2. the system prompts to re-enter field if it
is error
3. use case continues with step 2


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

Table2. 10 Use case Description for View Feedback

Name View Feedback

Use case id UC10
Brief description the cost sharing officer can view the feedback
sent by students
Actor(s) Cost sharing officer
Pre condition The feedback requested from the student
Post condition To view the feedback
Basic flow of events User actions System
1.The Cost sharing 2.The system displays
officer want to view the requested feedback
the feedback 4.Use case ends
3.The Cost sharing
officer view
feedback and then
give response


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

Table2. 11 Use case Description for Post Notice

Name Post Notice

Use case id UC11
Brief description The cost sharing officer and Inland Revenue Officer post notice
Actor(s) cost sharing officer, Inland Revenue Officer
Pre condition They are successfully login
Post condition Post notice they required
Basic flow of events User action System response
1. cost sharing officer and want to post 2.the system displays
notice notice form
3. Cost sharing office, Inland Revenue 5.the system display
Officer r enter the required data such as:- “successfully sent
3.1. Notice number message”

3.2. body 6.use case ends

3.3. Select receiver

4.the cost share officer , Inland Revenue
Officerrequest to post
Alternate flow of events If the user entered invalid data then The system describes which
entered data was invalid and Re-enter the valid data and go to step 2


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

Table2. 12 Use case Description for View Notice

Name View Notice

Use case ID UC12
Brief description The student and registrar officer view the notice posted by the cost
sharing officer
Actor(s) Student and registrar officer
Pre condition They must be authenticated
Post condition Able to access the required information
Basic flow of events User action System response
1.student and registrar officer request to view 2.the system display
notice the posted notice
3. The registrar officer and student views the 4. Use case ends.
posted notice
Alternate flow of If no information found the system will display the warning
events message like” no information are posted”


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

Table2. 13 Use case Description for Register Payer

Name Register Payer

Use case id UC13
Brief description The employee payment expense should be register with in inland
revenue officer when she/he begin to pay
Actor(s) Inland revenue officer
Pre condition The payer file must be upload by registrar officer
Post condition Register payer
Basic flow of events User action System response
1.the user want to register 2. the system display the form
payer 5.the system validate the entered
3.the inland revenue officer data and automatically perform
enter the required data such some tasks:-
as:- 5.1 stores (full name, date, total,
3.1. id graduation year, department,
3.2 .tin number facaluty) then save into DB.
4. the inland revenue officer 6. the system displays
request to register “successfully register “message
7.use case ends
Alternate flow of A. If the user entered invalid id number then the system describes
events which entered id number was invalid and Re-enter the valid
data then go to step 2.
B. If the entered id or tin register before the system display ”this
person register before” and then go to update payment expense


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

Table2. 14 Use case Description for Update Payment Expense

Name Update Payment

Use case id UC14
Brief description The student payment expense should be update with in inland revenue
officer when she/he pays
Actor(s) Inland revenue officer
Pre condition The student must be begin payment
Post condition Update student payment
Basic flow of events User action System response
1.the user want to update 2. the system display the update
payment expense payment expense form
3.the inland revenue officer 5.the system validate the entered tin and
enter the required data such then automatically perform some
as:- tasks:-
3.1. tin number 5.1 calculate interest
4. the inland revenue 5.2 store date
officer request to update 5.3 store subtrahend
6. the system displays
“successfully updated “message
7.use case ends
Alternate flow of If the user entered invalid tin number then The system describes which
events entered tin number was invalid and Re-enter the valid data then go to
step 2.


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

Table2. 15 Use case Description for View Student List

Name View Student List

Use case id UC15
Brief description The inland revenue officer, registrar officer and cost sharing officer
view student list upload by registrar
Actor(s) Inland revenue officer, registrar officer, cost sharing officer
Per condition They must be login successfully
Post condition To view students
Basic flow of events User action System
1.the users with the system to view 2.the system display the
student list form
3. the users select department or batch 5.the system validate the
4. the user request to view entered data display
student information
6.use case ends


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

Table2. 16 Use case Description for Print Cost Share

Name Print cost share

Use case id UC16
Brief description It is allow cost sharing officer print cost share
Actor(s) cost sharing officer
Pre condition They must be successfully login
Post condition print the filled cost share
Basic flow of events User action System response
1.The cost sharing officer 2.The system display the form
want to print the cost share of 4.the system validate the entered data
student’s and display the selected student
3. The cost sharing officer information
enter student id and select 6. The system print the files
year then press search 7. use case ends
5. The cost sharing officer
request to print
Alternate flow of events
Title Description
A. If the cost sharing officer 1. the system display “the student not register ”or
enter invalid id or year “the student not fill cost share at this year”
2. the system allow to re-enter
3. go to step 2


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

Table2. 17 Use case Description for View Student Cost Share

Name View cost share

Use case id UC17
Brief description The cost share must be filled by students
Actor(s) Registrar officer ,student, cost sharing officer
Pre condition The cost share must be filled by student
Post condition View student cost share
Basic flow of events User action System response
1.The user want to see student cost 2.The system display the
share form
3.The user enter the required data 5.the system validate the
include:- entered data and display the
3.1 id student cost share status
3.2 year 6.use case ends
4.the user request to search
Alternate flow of If the user entered invalid data then The system display error message
events and allow to Re-enter the valid data and then go to step 2


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

Table2. 18 Use case Description for View Payment

Name View Payment Status and print the file

Use case id UC18
Brief description The inland revenue office view payment status of the payer and print
Actor(s) Inland revenue officer
Pre condition The payer must be begin pay expense
Post condition View payment status and print Receipt
Basic flow of events User action System response
1.The Inland revenue officer want to 2.The system display the
view payment status form
3.The Inland revenue officer enter TIN 5.The system validate the
number entered data and display the
4. The Inland revenue officer request to payment status
search 7. the system print the file
6. TheInland revenue officer request to 8.use case ends
Alternate flow of If the user entered invalid TIN then the system display error message
events and allow to Re-enter the valid data and then go to step 2


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

2.5.3. Sequence diagram

A Sequence diagram is an interaction diagram that shows how objects operate with one another
and in what order. A sequence diagram shows object interactions arranged in time sequence.
Sequence diagrams are sometimes called event diagrams or event scenarios. It is also:-

Represent the details of a UML use case

Model the logic of a sophisticated procedure, function, or operation

See how tasks are moved between objects or components of a process

Plan and understand the detailed functionality of an existing or future scenario[1]


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

login login
home page DB
<<UI>> <<controller>>


enter user name


click login()
chick validity



display message

Figure2.5.3.1 Sequence diagram for login form


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

update cost update cost

share share DB
<<UI>> <<controller>>

SD for update
cost share cost
officer open

fill information


check validity

record data


Figure2.5.3.2.Sequence diagram for update cost share status


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

fill cost share fill cost share

homepage DB
<<UI>> <<controller>>


access form

fill information

click fill()

check validity

confirm and record

successfully filled

Figure2.5.3.3 Sequence diagram for student fill cost share


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

send feedback send feedback

<<UI>> <<controller>>
access text area

write comment

click send()
check validity

if it is empty

confirm and record


sent successfully

Figure2.5.3.4 Sequence diagram for send feedback


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

update payment update payment

expense expense DB
<<UI>> <<controller>>

fill information


check validity


confirm and record


Figure2.5.3.2 Sequence diagram for update payment expense


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

2.5.4. Activity diagram

Activity diagram represent work flows in a graphical way. Activity diagram is basically a flow
chart to represent the flow form one activity to another activity. Activity diagram is diagram in
UML used to describe dynamic aspects of the system. The purposes of activity diagram can be
described as:

 Demonstrate the logic of an algorithm

 Illustrate a business process or workflow between users and the system

 Simplify and improve any process by clarifying complicated use cases[1]


enter user name


yes login
initiate login is valid

Figure2. 3 Activity diagram for login


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

fill cost share


fill information

initiate send is valid store to DB

Figure2. 4 Activity diagram for fill cost share


fill information

initiate send is valid store to DB

Figure2. 5 Activity diagram for send feedback


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

update payment

fill information

click update is valid store to DB

Figure2. 6 Activity diagram for update payment expense


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C



click create is valid store to DB

Figure2. 7 Activity diagram for create Account

3.1. Analaysis Class Diagram

Class diagram provide an over view of target system by describing the object and classes inside
the system and the relationship between them.


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

Student Cost Share * 1

1 Fill * Cost Sharing Officer
-Department:String * 1
-Batch:Year Update
-Region:String 1
+Fill() *
-Academic Year:Year Register
+Register() * 1
1 View * +Print()
1 * 1
1 1
1 1

* 1 * *
Person FeedBack Account Notice
+Id:String -Id:int -NoticeNumber:String
-Full Name:String +Email:String +Create() -Date:date
-User Name:String -Date:date +View() -Body:String
-password:String +Update() * -Sender Name:String
-Sex:String +Send()
+Disable/Enable() +Post()
-Phone:int +View()
1 +View()

1 Registrar Officer
1 Payment
Inland Revenue officer

1 +TIN Number:String
Manage -Date:date
+Update() +UploadStudentFile()


Online cost sharing management system |2012E.C

Fig 2


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