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Course Tittle:-Project Title:-: Object Oriented Software Analysis and Design

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Section :-A


1. YASIN KORICHO..........................CIR/393/11
2. MIHRETU BEKELE………………CIR/376/11
3. YESEA AWOL……………………..CIR/394/11
4.YONAS BIRHANU………………….CIR/398/11
5.USMAN KEMAL…………………….CIR/392/11
6.SAMUEL WASE……………………. CIR/385/11
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................................3
2. Current system.......................................................................................................................................4
2.1 Description of the existing system...................................................................................................4
2.2. Practices to be preserved from the current system.......................................................................4
2.2.1. Problems of the current system..............................................................................................4
2.2.2 Players of the existing system..................................................................................................5
2.2.3 Business Rules...........................................................................................................................5
2.3 Alternative solutions........................................................................................................................6
3. PROPOSED SYSTEM................................................................................................................................6
3.1 Overview of proposed system.........................................................................................................6
3.3 Non-Functional Requirements.........................................................................................................8
3.5 Hardware/Software requirement....................................................................................................9
3.5.1 Hardware requirements: -........................................................................................................9
3.5.2 Software requirements.............................................................................................................9
4. Scenario...............................................................................................................................................10
4.1 Use Cases.......................................................................................................................................10
4.2.1 Use case Diagram....................................................................................................................13
4.2 Object Model................................................................................................................................13
4.2.1 Dynamic models.....................................................................................................................15
4.2.3 Sequence Diagram..................................................................................................................16
4.3 User interface................................................................................................................................18
5. Glossary................................................................................................................................................18

First of all ,We would like to express our respect to our instructor Bekretsion
for giving us this chance to work on OOSAD for the human resource
management. We will also like to thank the students for caring out with our
interview and giving detail information about this project.A warm thank is
extended to our instructor Bekretsion for sharing resources, Opinions,
knowledge,experience and skills in programming and development
methodology, so generously. We would also like to say thanks to our God, our
senior students, friends in Wolkite university and our fellow course-mates who
have one way or another extended their assistance in completing this project.

It is obvious that in all Ethiopian higher office Information Communication Technology is not
introduced as much as it is expected to be. Almost all activities are going on manually, which
leads to as wastage of time, consume man power(labor), accuracy, and speed. Human
Resource management is a strategic and coherent approach to the management of an
organization’s most valued asset. The people working there whom individually and
collectively contribute to the achievement of the organization mission and goals.
It is known that HR is the backbone of any organization, so it should be advanced and
computerized to provide the expected services and well-organized of all information of the
employees. The function of Human Resources departments is generally Focuses’ on
Managing employees of the organization. For instance functions consist of employee data
management, which includes personal Profiles, skills, capabilities, accomplishments, salary.
Others daily Attendance subsystem, leave and discipline case can be menschen as main
functions of the HR Department. HRMS can be briefly defined as
Human Resource Management (HRM) is the term used to describe formal systems devised for
the management of people within an organization. The responsibilities of a human resource manager
into three major areas: staffing, employee compensation and benefits, and defining/designing work.

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2. Current system
2.1 Description of the existing system
The existing HRM department of Gurage zone state council office is manual system to
accomplish and processes the
entire task of the organist ion this system have so many Limitation’s because of it’s dependent
on manpower and uses
manual document storage. From the existing system we can observe and gather the following
Consume a lot of manpower: - to manage humane resource it needs many employee that
control the
humane resource in the organization.
Poor document management: - documents are stored in one cabinet with different cluster
and it have
not back up and it leads to fraud and theft.
Poor information accessing: - information accessing is very slow and to get some task to
accomplished it goes through much process and this is time consuming.
Documents are susceptible for damage.

2.2. Practices to be preserved from the current system

This project will come up with a solution that can minimize the above listed problems of the
system in the hrm office
and enable the employee management system to be effective and efficient by considering
the limited resources they
have by considering those strengths of the existing system.
Service provided
Existing system Weaknesses
Time dalliance to report
High discrepancy of data during registration
Lack of data integrity
High exposure to record error
Difficulty in managing data, poor or corrupted filing system and difficulty to get employee performance
data easily as possible

2.2.1. Problems of the current system

Problems are undesirable situations that delay the university from fully achieving its
purpose, goals or objectives.
The problems that are going to be addressed under this section are: Performance,
Information, Economic, Control,
Efficiency and Service.
Performance Problem:
Response time:
Delay in producing different reports.
Delay in identifying employee status.
Inaccuracy in updating important information because of manual processing.
No centralized database
No computerized data gathering, storing, processing and disseminating facilities.
Less flow of information exchange among several sections, this leads the division to
poor coordination and
Less credible information generated by the reports – The information presented on the
report are

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inconsistent meaning the information are gathered by referring to different documents
which are stored in
- 24 -manual or paper form. Therefore, as time goes, the information on the paper may get
lost. Hence, the
information is not as such trustworthy.
To provide information, it may take inevitably long time by searching the necessary facts
to which it is
intended for.
Stored data Problem:
Data is stored repeatedly in different files formats – The same information is stored in
many copies
repeatedly in different forms.
Data is not secured. Due to this, some secret information is opened for unauthorized
users or agents.
Economics Problem:
Economic problem is mainly concerned with cost control and profit incremental issues.
Manual handling of data is expensive as compared to automated system. In general,
cost in terms of time is
very high.
As the business entry increases, the existing manual system will incur cost to handle
those requirements.
As the number of employees to handle the task of manual processing increases, the
university will spend a lot
of money for its staff.
Control Problem:
High probability of losing important employee documents due to less control on the
Data is highly exposed to unauthorized access and update.
Since data is stored in different places, it leads to data inconsistency.

2.2.2 Players of the existing system

Players represent internal entities that interact with the system. Since we are mainly
concerned only with the HRM life
event we will deal only with persons involved on those office.
Actors Parts of the existing system
Record office yes
Manager yes
Finance person yes
Team coordinator yes
Employee yes

Table 1.show players in the existing system.

2.2.3 Business Rules
Hrm Business rules explain the organization’s policies and rules that govern their day-to-day
activities specifically the
departments of human resource management.
Business rule of the hrm of the organization are:-
Employee in the organization should have present 30 day of work in the month except
employee in health
problem and other social natural and economic problems.
Employee should have tack 30 day leave out of 12 month of work.
Employee who have discipline case should have punished depended on the strength of
the discipline case.

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Employees have the right to ask their experience in their position of work.
Employees should have report any problems depend on working environment and
personal problems.
Employees should have obey the obligation to the rule and regulation of the organization.
Employees who have experience in the organization can ask any benefit related to the
experience of the
Employee profile should retrieve wen it is available.
Employee’s document can’t access without employee information.
Employees have the right to ask leave.

2.3 Alternative solutions

After the team has identified the real problem of the existing system which is manual system, the team
suggests an alternative
option to overcome the problem.
These alternative options are:-Changing the manual system into web based environment.
Changing the manual system into a web based system that works on web based
Uses computerized and automated way to achieve its vision and mission.
An effective and centered management will be applied.
The system can generate almost all related tasks in short period of time.
Can generate and store information’s to the database.
The team has analyzed all of the alternative options based on the ability of performance, information flow
and service to the
users and efficiency. This analysis has enforced to select the web based system

3.1 Overview of proposed system
The current system of wsc hrms office has a number of problems due to its manual usage. To handle these
problems the office
must have change the current system to an automated system. To this effect, the accuracy of information,
timelines (both in
being up-to-date and available when required) , ease processing documents, ease of taking out data or
information from storage, and providing good service
We use MVC architecture to develop this project

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3.2 Functional requirements
Functional requirement describes functionality or system

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 Req1.the system shall have news page for displaying job vacancy.
 Req2.the system shall allow the employee to view job vacancy.
 Req3. The system shall allow employees to view discipline cases.
 Req4. The system shall allow hr admin to manage employee profile.
 Req5. The system shall allow employee to request leave.
 Req6. The system shall allow hr admin to manage employee leave
 Req7. The system shall allow hr admin to manage job vacancy.
 Req8. The system shall allow hr admin to manage user account.
 .Req9. The system shall allow to show approval and disapproval massage for
employee leave request
 Req10. The system shall allow the employee to logout/login.
 Req11.the system shall allow manager to view employee profile.
 Req12. The system shall allow hr admin to configure the system.

3.3 Non-Functional Requirements

Easy to use.
Fast and reliable.
Serve the user efficiently.
Proposed system will be better due to reduction of error. All operation can be done
correctly and it ensures
that whatever information is coming from the data base is accurate.
The reliability of the proposed system will be better due to proper storage of
information when users access
the application.
The system must ensure allocation and use of services being requested for the users by
using minimum
memory storage, cost, time and human power.
It will let the user to access the needed information more quickly.
Reduce consumption of resource to maintain.
Error handling
To reduce input fault, the system will:-
Enable the user to confirm that details are correct before creation, deletion or
modification occurs.
Respond to error inputs by asking the user to reenter data in the correct format.
The system should display error message if the user input invalid character.
No Redundancy:
In the proposed system can be avoided reputation of data anywhere in the database.
All data in the system will be available all the time.
Only authorized users of the system (administrator) can able to update, modify, delete
or access data. Access
is denied for unauthorized and unauthenticated users of the system.

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The system should be easy to maintain and update.
Changes to the information held within the system may produce significant changes to
the users of
the system as these could lead to inconsistent data. With the system recording confidential
information of vehicle, it is vital that the users of the system can only access the information
that the
administrator allows them to do
The system does not allow all people to access it.
The user must login first to access it.
A backup or the process of backing up refer to making copies of data so that these additional
copies may be used to
restore the original after a data loss event. Even if the system fail in case of hardware frailer
or in other means the
office can recover the data.
The system should support ease of use, i.e. it shouldn’t be complex to understand and use.
The user interface should
be user friendly.
The system shall validate data entry and prompt the user when invalid data is entered.
User friendly interface
These requirements include the qualities of the system that are desirable from the end-
user’s point of view. The new
system will use windows type graphical user interface. This type of interface is chosen as it
typically involves very little
additional training and common to most computer users. This will enable the users to use
the system, and support
their work by providing a simple and easily assessable menu driven forms and user interface

3.5 Hardware/Software requirement

3.5.1 Hardware requirements: -
80 GB hard disk (HDD)
512 MB memory (RAM)
3.2 GHz processor
Good resolution monitor
Network Interface Cards (NIC)
Uninterrupted power supply (UPS)
Network cables(RJ-45 connectors, UTP CAT5 or UTP CAT6)

3.5.2 Software requirements

Microsoft office 2010.
widow operating system
edrow max.
Sniping tool.
Notepad ++.
Adobe Photoshop.
Windows 7 or Windows 8.
Web Browsers (Mozilla Firefox, Internet explorer…..etc.)

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4. Scenario
4.1 Use Cases
A use case is an interaction between users and a system. It captures the goal of the users and the
responsibility the system to its
users. It is the functionality of the system or the service provided by the system

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4.2.1 Use case Diagram

4.2 Object Model

In this case we will follow OOSE procedure. Our group member choose OOSE for analysis and design part
depending on its
Object oriented paradigm provides a clear modular structure for programs which makes it good for
defining abstract
data types where implementation details are hidden and the unit has a clearly defined interface.
Object oriented paradigm makes it easy to maintain and modify existing code as new objects can be
created with small
differences to existing ones.
Object oriented paradigm provides a good framework for code libraries where supplied software
components can be
easily adapted and modified by the programmer. This is particularly useful for developing graphical user
Good at representing objects.
Code reuse and recycling:-objects created for object oriented programs can easily be reused in other
Design benefits:-large programs are very difficult to write object oriented programming force designers
to go through
an extensive planning phase, which makes for better designs with less flaws.

Software maintenance:-an object oriented programming is much easier to modify and maintain than a
oriented program.

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Use case name New employee registration

Actor Hr admin

Description Hr admin login to the system to register new employee.

Precondition Record officer should have login user name password and role to register the employee.

Flow of action Step1, Hr admin login to the system and use login username password and select role

Step2, if it is not valid display error message to re-enter the password username and select role

Step3, if it is valid hr admin login in to the system and click administration link.

Step4, hr admin click employee link.

Step5, hr admin click add employee button

Step6, fill employee information

Step7, if it is not valid, display error message to re-enter correct information

Step8, if the information’s are valid hr admin register employee information success fully.

Step9 then goes to other links to fill all employee information.

Step10,if it is not valid

Step10, re-enter correct information

Step10, the system displays employee information on employee list

Post Condition Employee’s information successfully registered.

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(Sequence diagram and state chart diagram) at least two
4.2.1 Dynamic models
diagrams for each.
Sequence diagram for login


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4.2.3 Sequence Diagram

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4.3 User interface

5. Glossary
 Functional Requirement :the interactions between system and its
environment independent of its implementation
 Nonfunctional requirements:-aspects of system that are not directly
related to functional behavior of system
 proposed system:-The system we want to design
 Use case model :- present an outside view of the manner the elements in a
system behave and how they can be used in the context
 Object model :- Develops static structure of the software system in terms
of objects
 .Class diagrams :-models the static view of a system.
 Sequence Diagram:-interaction diagrams that illustrate the ordering of
messages according to time.
 Relationships:-show relation between various components of UML.
 Actor:-represents the roles that the users of the use cases play
 System models :- it is simplified,complete and abstraction of
organized elements of a system

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 state chart diagram:-used for modeling objects which are reactive in
 User interface :-make interaction between the system and user of
the system


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