Assosa University: Collage of Computing and Informatics Department of Information Technology
Assosa University: Collage of Computing and Informatics Department of Information Technology
Assosa University: Collage of Computing and Informatics Department of Information Technology
Assosa, Ethiopia
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Acronym and Abbreviation
HTML: hypertext markup language
CSS: cascading style sheet
Js: java script
MySQL: my structure query language
Php: hypertext pre-process
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List of tables
Table 1 : Table of schedule.....................................................................................................10
Table 2 : Table of budget........................................................................................................10
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List of Tables............................................................................................................................2
Chapter one...............................................................................................................................5
1.1. Introduction....................................................................................................................5
1.7. Scope.............................................................................................................................8
1.8.1. Methodologies.........................................................................................................8
1.8.2. Tools.......................................................................................................................9
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Chapter one
1.1. Introduction
Travel and Tourism management system: This is an online project developed using
Php and MySQL. The purpose of this project is to provide the complete information
about the vehicles available for a tour.
There are 2 different types of users. First the customer visits the site and enters the
place from where to where he wishes to travel. He also provides the date as when he
would like to travel. Then he sends these details to the travel and tourism agency.
The employee of travel and tourism agency receives the mail and check which vehicle
is available for that day and reverts back to the customer along with the quotation. If
the customer agrees for any one of the quotation, he can reply back along with agreed
quotation. Then the agency will take down all the details of the customer and will
send a confirmation message to the customer. On the day of the tour, the customer
first must show the confirmation message to the driver for clarity and only then he
will agree to drive after looking at the confirmation message. This software is user
friendly and helps in finding the vehicle sooner rather than wandering manually
everywhere to find for vehicles.
Before the tour starts, half payment has to be done. After the customer returns or
reaches his final destination, he must pay full amount either through cash or through
cards. After the travelling the customer can come back to the site and enter his
feedback about the travel and tourism agency. If any good feedback will be taken
positively and if any negative feedback too will be taken positively and try to improve
what had lacked. The report is also generated periodically and the database will be
cleared according to the time span for faster performance.
This system provides better services for booking tickets& planning for visiting places
& hotels facility & transportation mode.
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can choose from small budget rooms (350 birr) to luxury complexes. Breakfast is
served as part of the room package. It is a centrally located popular hotel with
functional broadband wifi service. Enjoy your trip. Construction of hotel was started
in in around 2006 E.C in the center city of Assosa town. It is found in the south part
657km far from Addis Ababa. Bamboo paradise hotel consists more than 42
employees. The hotel offers many services for customer such as bed, café, and
restaurant. And tour and travel service for the costumers.
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Project Outcomes There are some objectives or outcomes has each project. So, my
Project has some outcomes or objectives. These objectives are given below briefly.
This system provides better services for booking tickets & planning for visiting places
& hotels facility & transportation mode
This System will provide to connect directly Customers and Agent through
Provide facilities to modify and delete tourist’s data as well as client data.
Provide feedback mechanism for tourist.
This System provides some social media links.
This System provides information about the Inbound and Outbound Tour
This System maintains & controls the database of tourists’ information
This System display attractive tourist places. This System give a variety of
travel services that will sure to match all your priorities.
The main objective of this project is to develop a web based tour and travel system
that automates the process and activity a travail agency and costumer details for
bamboo paradise.
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1.7. Scope
This system provides better services for booking tickets & planning for visiting places
& hotels facility & transportation mode.
This System helps to make strong relationship with customers so that they can enjoy
that holiday of their dreams.
This System also helps to develop tourism with different cultures so that they enrich
the tourists experience and build pride.
This System will provide display platform in where a tourist can find their tour places
according to their choices. Finally, I can say that This System will provide easy and
efficient work for the agency.
In our system, we designed to use Object Oriented System Analysis and Development
methodology (OOSAD).
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1.8.2. Tools
The implementation of our system software will be user friendly and has been
developed by using the following tools.
Client Side scripting language such as: HTML, CSS, and JAVASCRIPT
HTML- to define the content of web pages
CSS- to specify the layout of web pages
Server side scripting language: PHP
Database: MYSQL for accessing databases.
Gant chart for drawing schedule
Notepad++, for write code
Microsoft office preparing the document
Microsoft viso for modeling system diagram
1.9. Significant of the Project
Faster processing time and more accurate data for travel requests
Ability for travelers to track authorization and reimbursement request status
through the system rather than via phone calls or campus mail
Major technological upgrades to the current travel system
Full Access Information
Reduce resource wastage
Create security of data and system: - the system allows authorized person to
access information only related with his/her permission.
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1.10. Work Plan (Time Table) Schedule
It is the schedule which is used to describe when each type of project activity is
Table 1: Table of schedule
ID Task Task Name Duration Start Finish
Mode Qtr 1, 2012 Qtr 2, 2012 Qtr 3, 2012 Qtr 4, 2012 Qtr 1, 2013
Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb
1 title selection 5 days Tue 2/21/12 Sun 2/26/12
2 Proposal preparation 6 days Fri 2/24/12 Sun 3/4/12
3 Requirement gathering 30 days Mon 3/5/12 Fri 4/13/12
and analysis
4 Designing the system 30 days Fri 4/13/12 Thu 5/24/12
5 Implementation(coding)60 days Fri 5/25/12 Thu 8/16/12
6 Testing 20 days Fri 8/17/12 Thu 9/13/12
7 Implementation of 15 days Mon Fri 10/19/12
database testing and
8 evaluation
Presentation 1 day Sat 10/20/12Sat 10/20/12
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[1] Brunt, P., 1997. Market Research in Travel and Tourism.
[5] Conlin, M. V. and Baum, T. (1995): Island Tourism; Management Principals and
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