Yinebeb and Yimer - FINAL PDF
Yinebeb and Yimer - FINAL PDF
Yinebeb and Yimer - FINAL PDF
We are hereby declare that the Industrial internship report was carried out and written
by us under the guidance of Mr. Ephrem, MSc at Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, Stream of Communication Engineering in Dilla University
and the help of our practical supervisors.
Name ID/NO
1. Yinebeb Tariku…………………………………………………….1833/15
2. Yimer Mohammed…………………………………………………1830/15
Place: Dilla
Any accomplishment requires the blessing of the God. This work is not any different
to that. So the first thanks goes to God. We also thanks our adviser Mr. Ephrem and
from hosting company Dilla University Information Communication Technology
Staff members Mr.Nebyu and Mr.Bzuneh and all the members of Networking,
Maintenance and software development team for their continuous comments in every
steps of the practice work that they forwards throughout the semester.
Last but not least we would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our supervisors
specially Mr. Nebyu from information communication and technology staff by
guiding all of practical works as well as theoretical ideas and highly great Advice and
motivation to success for this internship. It would have been difficult to complete our
internship reports successfully without their support.
We have been working as an internship student at Dilla university information
communication and technology for about four months. The internship program has
increased our practical knowledge on the electrical and computer engineering field
and it also helped to know the basic skills that we would have to be a competent
engineer in the practical world.
The purpose of this report is to put in writing the work experience that we had
performed and the learning attained from performing specific tasks while working in
professional environment. In the first part our report, we briefly described the
background of internship hosting company, including its history, vision, mission value
and objectives of the company, its main products and services, the overall
organization and work flow in the site.
The second part of this report explains the overall internship experience we have
gained during our internship practical periods. We started by telling how we get in to
in to the company, in which section of the company we have been working in and the
work type we have been executing. We also explained clearly what the general work
flow in our site look like. The challenges we have faced during our internship period
are also covered in this report.
The third part of this report briefly mentions about the overall benefits we gained
from our internship in terms of improving our practical skills ,interpersonal
communication skills, team playing skills, leadership skills, upgrading our theoretical
knowledge and ethics. Here, the challenges we faced during internship are also
Table of Contents
DECLARATION ........................................................................................................ i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................................... ii
CHAPTER TWO....................................................................................................... 5
2.4 How does the Work Flow Look Like in the Company? ..................................... 6
2.9 Measures that we have taken in order to overcome these Challenge ................ 26
5.1 Conclusions.................................................................................................... 37
REFERENCES........................................................................................................ 39
List of Table
Table 1 over all Organization Work Flow................................................................... 4
List of Figures
Figure 1 DUICT structure .......................................................................................... 3
Figure 2 High level map business process section work flow ..................................... 7
Figure 3 straight through and cross over cabling ........................................................ 8
Figure 4 Connection of router and PC to configure .................................................... 9
Figure 5 Regional settings of window server 2012 ................................................... 14
Figure 6 Creation a password for administrator account window server 2012 .......... 15
Figure 7 system interface of window server 2012 .................................................... 15
Figure 8 ipv4 properties ........................................................................................... 16
Figure 9 server managers (dashboard) ..................................................................... 17
Figure 10 roles and features (server roles DHCP) .................................................... 18
Figure 11 server managers (dashboard).................................................................... 19
Figure 12 roles and features (server roles) ............................................................... 20
Figure 13 GNS3 Main interface ............................................................................... 23
Figure 14 functions of its tool state .......................................................................... 24
Figure 15 VMWare infrastructure ............................................................................ 25
ADDS………………………………Active Directory Domain Services
ADS…………………………………Active Directory Service
AP…………………….………….…Access point
ARP…………………….………..….Address Resolution Protocol
DC……………………….……….….Domain Controller
DHCP…………………….…….……Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DNS………………………..….…….Domain Name System
DORA……………………..….…….Discover Offer Request Acknowledgement
DUICT…………………...Dilla University Information Communication Technology
GIS…………………………..…….Geographical Information System
GNS3………………………..…….Graphical Network Simulator 3
GUI……………………….….……Graphical User Interface
ICT…………………………..…….Information Communication Technology
IOS……………………….....…….Inter networking Operating System
IP………………………..…….……Internet Protocol
IPAM………………………………Internet protocol Address Management
ISP…………………………………Internet Service Provider
LAN………………………………..Local Area Network
OU…………………………………Organizational unit
RJ………………………………….Registered Jack
STP………………………….…....Shielded Twisted Pair
UIL………………………….……University Industrial Linkage
UTP…………………………..…..Unshielded Twisted Pair
VLANs…………………………..Virtual Local Area Networks
VM………………………………Virtual Machine
VPCS……………………………Virtual Personal Computer Simulator
Ensure that ICT is fully integrated into every operations of the University in order
to speed up and improve quality of activities of Dilla University.
Core Values
DU ICT obligations will be executed with commitment and professionalism.
DU ICT will maintain a sense of self respect, discipline, and responsibility.
DU ICT commits them to the practice of teamwork.
DU ICT embraces efficacy and excellence.
towards the safe way of communication on the internet. It is the office's ultimate
objective to strive to enhance the quality of the service and maintain the already
existing service intact.
Maintenance work for all the computers, printers and some other related
electronic tools in the university.
Protecting computers in the university from various computer security threats.
Developing important applications for the University.
Providing ICT related training and consultancy.
Facilitating teaching and learning technologies.
Providing internet service for the university staff.
Publishing and maintaining the university's website.
Providing ICT support in cases of seminars, workshops and other events.
Establishing computer laboratories and providing support.
Facilitating the delivery of the ICT and other computer courses.
Providing assistance in the purchase of computers and other related electronic
Infrastructure Teaching and Support and
and Services Learning Maintenance
Team Technologies Team
2.1 Objectives of the Internship
The four-month internship program comprises of general and specific objectives, both
added to produce skilled man power in engineering aspects.
General objective
Dilla University College of engineering and technology aims that this
internship program enables engineering students under the college to relate
their theoretical knowledge to the real world of practical works.
Specific objective
The students, during the internship, are aimed to play a great role in improving
their practical, theoretical, interpersonal communications, team playing,
entrepreneurship and leader ship skills, understanding about work ethics
related issues, responsibility etc.
To allow the student to prepare for their future non- internship job by seeking
potential places of employment, practicing resume and cover latter
preparation, gaining references, and interviewing if applicable.
To adapt working environment.
2.4 How does the Work Flow Look Like in the Company?
DUICT is the magnificent institution that provides invincibility services for DU
communities. The ICT of DU is leaded by bureau of DUICT directorate. These
bureaus have different professionals. These employees (professionals) are the
accessories of this company.
ICT Question
Switches: micro-segment LAN's by sending data only to the computer that needs
Wireless access points (APs): connect wireless devices. Routers use IP addresses
to forward traffic to other networks in a home or small office, a route often
includes a switch, a firewall and an AP. Cabling
Coaxial and twisted-pair cables use electrical signals over copper to transmit data.
Fiber-optic cables use light signals to transmit data. These cables differ in
bandwidth, size, and cost.
Twisted-pair cables are terminated with an RJ-45 connector.
Twisted-pair comes in two types:
Unshielded Twisted-Pair (UTP)
Shielded Twisted-Pair (STP)
Straight-through cable (standard B both end):-Used for connecting different types of
devices like switch to router Ethernet port, computer to switch ,computer to hub.
Crossover cable (Standard A one end Standard B anther end):-Used for connecting
same types of devices like switch to switch, switch to hub, computer to router
Ethernet port ,router to router Ethernet port, computer to computer.
(for different devices) and strait through (for the same devices) cables with
different standards.
Trunking:-is used to hold many cables together, and used to move cables from
one place to another. In trunking we did my best to help my group mates. While
working on trunking the work will be based on the floor design.
Punching:-It is a task used to prepare nodes by punching the prepared cable in to
the jack using a tool called puncher and we did my best while punching.
Other than preparing nodes we made punching to prepare patch panels too, which
used as a connector with switch after that we can check the LAN cable installation.
Testing:-is done to check whether the cable crimp is correct or not.
Ping Command:-Using the ping command is an effective way to test
connectivity. The test is often referred to as testing the protocol stack. We know
how to test using a command ping. We can ping being in any device and by
giving IP address of the device to be tested for its correct combination. Testing
Switch Connectivity.
YT(config)#interface fastEthernet 0
YT(config-if)#ip address
YT(config-if)#no shutdown
Save the configuration
Save the running configuration to the startup configuration at the privileged
EXEC mode:
YT#copy running-config startup-config
Display the FastEthernet 0 configuration information
YT#show interface fastethernet 0
Note: This will show the details of the Ethernet interface.
Display help for the banner motd command
The login banner should be a warning not to attempt login unless authorized. In
the following space, enter an appropriate warning banner. The message can
contain any printable character, other than the delimiting character, as well as
spaces and carriage returns.
The basic network troubleshooting commands that are built-in the Windows based
operating systems are List below.
Ping/Ipconfig,ipconfig/release or ipconfig/renew
Generally before check above commands first check the cable is correctly plug, the ip
address assign in network adapter setting and also check the proxy of the browser.
IP address management:
Windows Server 2012 has an IP address management role for discovering,
Monitoring, auditing, and managing the IP address space used on a corporate
Network. The IPAM is used for the management and monitoring of Domain
Name System (DNS) and Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
Servers both IPv4 and IPv6 are fully supported.
Active Directory:
Windows Server 2012 has a number of changes to Active Directory from the
version shipped with Windows Server 2008. The Active Directory Domain
Services installation wizard has been replaced by a new section in Server
Manager, and a GUI has been added to the Active Directory Recycle Bin.
Multiple password policies can be set in the same domain.
The installation process will stop to allow you to verify regional information.
Regional settings for language, time and currency format and keyboard. Select
the language, time/currency, and input method for your locale. Click next, and
then click Install now.
Select the operating system you want to install: Windows Server 2012 Standard
Evaluation (Server with a GUI) x64.
Tick the “I accept the license terms” box and click Next.
You are doing a new install, so choose the second option (Custom: Install
Windows only (advanced)).
Assuming that you have put in a single new/blank drive into your computer, you
will see a screen like the following:
We wait to finish installing and Windows needs to restart
In this step (settings) you should insert a password for the built in administrator
account that you can use to sign in to this computer.
Wait until finishing the settings and then Installing complete, so if you want to
sign in to the server system: Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete
Enter the password you made to the administrator account and this is system
In Network and Sharing Center, click on change adapter settings on the left; take
note that if the port is setup correctly the basic network information should not
have a red cross in the connection between internet and network.
Go to properties, in the list, scroll down and find Internet Protocol
Version4 and double click on the text. This is where your ip written.
DHCP Offer Any DHCP servers on the network that receive the discover
message will send an offer to the client basically stating, “I am a DHCP server
and you can have this IP address.”
DHCP Request The client sends out a DHCP request message stating which
offer (IP address) it wishes to receive. Keep in mind that the client may receive
many offers, so when the client sends out the DHCP request message confirming
which offer it is taking, all other DHCP servers retract their offers.
DHCP Acknowledgment After the DHCP server receives the DHCP request
message from the client requesting to have the IP address that was offered, the
DHCP server then sends a final acknowledgment message indicating to the client
that the address is theirs and how long they are to have the address (known as a
lease time). The DHCP acknowledgment message also contains any additional IP
address options for the client, such as the router address and the DNS server
From the Select Server Roles screen, choose DNS Server (select the check box).
You are prompted to add the DNS Server Tools; choose Add Feature and then
choose next.
Deployment configuration
Select forest and domain functional level to enable additional domain and forest-wide
Active Directory features for our scenario select Windows Server 2016, also our
domain will play DNS role and global catalog. Finally create password for AD restore
Domain controller options
Now choose DNS option, additional option, select paths and review option as
well as select group policy management to start the installation.
GNS3 allows the emulation of Cisco IOSs on your Windows or Linux based
computer. Emulation is possible for a long list of router platforms and firewalls. There
are a number of router simulators on the market, but they are limited to the commands
that the developer chooses to include. Almost always there are commands or
parameters hat are not supported when working on a practice lab. In these simulators
you are only seeing a representation of the output of a simulated router. The accuracy
of that representation is only as good as the developer makes it. With GNS3 you are
running an actual Cisco IOS, so you will see exactly what the IOS produces and will
have access to any command or parameter supported by the IOS. In addition, GNS3 is
an open source, free program for you to use. However, due to licensing restrictions,
you will have to provide your own Cisco IOSs to use with GNS3. Also, GNS3 will
provide around 1,000 packets per second throughput in a virtual environment. A
normal router will provide a hundred to a thousand times greater throughput. GNS3
does not take the place of a real router, but is meant to be a tool for learning and
testing in a lab environment. Using GNS3 in any other way would be considered
To activate or install GNS3 on your computer see the following major tasks:
1. Pre-installation tasks
Router image files
Downloading GNS3
2. The installation process
Installing on windows
Installing on OS X
Installing o Linux Mint
Virtual Box: This provides emulation of juniper routers, Vyatta routers and Linux
hosts and windows hosts. Depending on your OS your terminal applications might be
Gnome terminal, Putty, secure CRT, supper putty, Teraterm, windows Telnet client or
even Xterm are some kinds of terminal applications to give you access of GNS3.
There are two more companion applications that are not essential but often used in
conjunction with GNS3.this applications are as follows:
opportunity to grow both personally and professionally, we found our self-faced with
challenges that we don’t feel able to handle before intern. Since we are a student, we
were new for many things .Below we try to mention some of the challenge that we
have faced:
Shortage of time
Weather condition
Financial problem
We are confident to say something, to suggest our opinion for every question or idea
those are forwarded to us; it is nothing but due to the skill that we have developed
throughout the internship program. Getting experience is a great way to build
confidence. What's more, if we have an impressive resume, we will be more confident
in my chances of securing a job. After we have done an internship, if an interviewer
asks if you know how to do something, we won’t say “um (doubt), yes, we think we
would be able to do that but can say “absolutely and supplement our assertion with
examples. For something that takes inputs there is something in return, a benefit. In
our internship too, there were some benefits gained accordingly. The benefits we
gained and their detail explanation are given below:
Improving Practical skills
Applying Theoretical Knowledge
Interpersonal communication skills
Team playing Skill
Leadership skills
Develop Work ethics skills
Entrepreneur skills
We improved our leadership skill which means knowing and understanding group
resources, controlling the group, counseling, setting examples, planning, evaluation,
sharing leadership. Specially controlling is the most often an overt behavior of
leadership. There is also specific action that we usually took to exert influence over
the team.
4.1.1 Network Installation and Configuration in GIS Lab Room
Computer networks have become extremely important in our present-day society. A
majority of companies depend on the proper functioning of their networks for
communications, administration, automation, e-business solutions, etc. The Local
Area Network (LAN) is the most basic and important computer network owned by
individual companies and could be used for interconnection with wide area networks.
Resource sharing is probably equally as important where a LAN serves as the access
vehicle for an intranet or the Internet. A simulation tool offers a way to predict the
impact on the network of a hardware upgrade, a change in topology, an increase in
traffic load or the use of a new application. So in this paper, a LAN network is
designed using Cisco Packet Tracer. The paper describes how the tool can be used to
develop a simulation model of the LAN for the POST graduate building in GIS lab
room in DU main campus. The study provides an insight into various concepts such
as topology design, install and configuration.
Keywords: Computer Networks, LAN, Ping Test, installation, packet tracer.
The need of computer networking was born out of the need to use personal computers
for sharing information within an organization in form of messages, sharing files and
data bases and so forth. Whether the organization is located in one building or spread
over a large campus, the need for networking the computers cannot be over
emphasized. As the name implies, a Local Area Network (LAN) interconnects
computers in a limited geographic area. It provides high-bandwidth communication
over inexpensive transmission media. The main purpose of a network is to reduce
isolated users and work groups. All systems should be capable of communicating with
others and should provide desired information. A simulation tool offers a way to
predict the impact on the network of a hardware upgrade, a change in topology, an
increase in traffic load or the use of a new application. So in this paper, a LAN
network is designed using Cisco Packet Tracer.
The procedure that what we take to do this simple project on Network installation
was first we try to read such like documents from the web and we asked a questions
that we face difficulties for our staff workers. Then we try to know the function of
equipment that is used to design LAN service and what is their function.
Body of the project
The paper describes how the PT tool can be used to develop a simulation model of the
LAN for the GIS lab room of the University of Dilla main campus. The study
provides an insight into various concepts such as topology design, IP address
configuration and how to send information in form of packet in a single network and
the use of Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs) to separate the traffic generated by
the different departments. VLANs are a new type of LAN architecture using
intelligent, high-speed switches. The simulation results and performance analyses
showed that the design was successful.
How to install a small Internet Network
This project focuses on the installation of a simple internet network in GIS lab room.
Before we install the project we should learn
RJ45 (RJ means registered jack) is a standardized physical network interface for
connecting telecommunications or data equipment. It has 8 contacts and 8 positions.
B - Ethernet Cable:
An ethernet cable is one of the most popular forms of network cable used on wired
networks. Ethernet cables connect devices together within a local area network, like
PCs, routers, and switches. Given that these are physical cables, they do have their
limitations, both in the distance that they can stretch and still carry proper signals, and
their durability. This is one reason there are different types of Ethernet cables; to
perform certain tasks in particular situations.
C- RJ45 plug :
RJ45 plug is a female connector. It has 8 positions and 8 contacts. It is important, how
we wire it. The same colors must be connected together.
D - Wire canal:
A configuration switch works like a normal switch. You can plug in more ethernet
cables and use internet on more computers.
Step 1- Draw the Electric Scheme
We should draw the electric scheme of a small internet network connection.
Circuit Diagram:
Wire Installation:
You can follow wire installation, colors of wires and the order of the wires.
b. At one end of the wire install a RJ45 plug. Be careful to put the colors in the right
c. connect the wire with female and Connect the other end of the wire to the ethernet
socket. Be careful to put them in the same order as you put them at the other end.
Things to Be Aware Of
Be careful not to leave any open space when insulating the cables.
Be careful not to tighten the screws too much when installing the plastic.
Be careful not to damage the conductors when opening the terminals because the
cables are thin.
Be careful to use the same order of wires of both ends of a cable.
Be careful when opening the terminals because you may cut yourself.
When connecting the cables to the materials, connect them in the screw
tightening direction.
Network Topology
The inter connectivity of components, network topology describe the physical and
logical appearance and interconnection between arrangement of computers, cables
and other components in a data communication network and how it can be used for
taking a packet from one device and sending it through the network to another device
on a different network. A network topology is the physical layout of computers,
cables, and other components on a network.
4.2. Contribution
Firstly we want to say we are very lucky. Because for the last four months we were
like Dilla university ICT center professional workers, we had done many things
together with workers. The following are some of our contribution:
1. we had worked different equipment and material maintenance together with
workers such as :LAN Cabling maintenance and troubleshooting, Wall outlet and
female maintenance, Trunking maintenance.
2. We had contributed in preventive maintenance (clean before damaged) of different
equipment like cables.
3. We were support workers in different aspects like carrying equipment during work,
showing direction when they loss, giving suggestion if they are not in proper way and
we supported them in other many things.
4. We had done project as we mentioned above. So we had given such project to
workers and they had given some suggestion. We recommend them to make such
project into all areas that needs internet services.
5.1 Conclusions
When we conclude about DUICT bureau, it is one of the large organizations in DU
directorate that is exercising their role by working with the different section. It is also
responsible in the organizing the data, retrieve and disseminate information to the
public society. This organization has Good program planning, has good governance
and the effective use of training program.
Generally, the whole experience of working and learning at the same time in such
organization was great. And it is one we will never forget. The chance to interact and
to communicate (network) with people in computer technology at this level was a
great opportunity. The company allows us to use service cars as permanent worker
and they provide me computer and basic resources like documents to understand tasks
performed and their willingness to share their knowledge was unforgettable. We saw
and learn many things in this program that are tasks performed in real work and we
have increased my practical skills, team playing and communication skills. We also
understand how much work ethics is important. And we hope it will help me in the
real work on the future. Besides side by side we work on the technical works that has
Crimping, Punching, Trunking, LAN Cable installation, testing nodes for their correct
match. While performing these tasks we become familiar with devices like switches,
crimper, cutter, tester, drill, flusher, wall outlet and others that are needed for the
success of the work.
In the configuration we know some about how to configure switches and host
computers using commands. In the testing phase we know some commands like Ping
Command, which will be used to test network connectivity.
In general we got my best practical skills from the company. We get good
Communication skills from employees with their personality and creativity. The
management bodies also make me to be eager for business oriented projects and to be
hard work on my life with good leadership skill and being trusted for others.
5.2 Recommendation
Recommendation for the Company
The hosting company (DUICT) has got the following drawbacks though the
internship was good enough after we get in to the company among them;
A delayed call for hosting that mismatch’s with the university’s UIL’s
program this in return a delayed the student’s internship reporting and
presentation time for the university which is assumed to be a time killing
The hosting company accepts students then assigned each student with lottery
without considering the interns interest this is assumed to be unfair because
the intern may find his\her random placement difficult to handle hence he\she
might not be interested in that department.
As there is a little misconception of not thinking interns as normal workers in
the company, the company managers should make awareness to all workers to
make interns involved in a certain job.
Recommendation for the School
It is necessary for the school to deal with the hosting companies how the companies
will be ready for the students to upgrade their theoretical knowledge in practice after
the trainees are hosted to the assigned company. It should communicate with the
company manager for the students to get better knowledge in the intern. We also
recommend that the academic mentor should supervise the internee student more than
Recommendation for the university Industry Linkage (UIL)
It is an important indication for University Industrial Linkage (UIL) to do with the
hosting companies in order to increase the relation between UIL and the companies
and to allocate the intern students to the companies those have enough resources, but
only the availability of resources doesn’t mean creating comfort for the internees but
creating willingness of the companies is the most crucial issue.
[1] Previous Works
[2] The company Documentation
[3] The company website (www.Dilla university.com)
[4] Networking books
[5] www.Cisco.com