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Ambo University: Final Internship Report

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Final internship report January 1, 2021

Ambo University



Dambi Dollo Ethio Telecommunication Corporation

Department: computer science

Name Id.no

August, 2021
Ambo, Ethiopia

Final internship report January 1, 2021

It’s my pleasure to thanks Madda Walabu University for setting up this internship program. Also
thanks to Ethio telecom for allowing me to work and introduce me with the technologies
currently being used and I would like to give special thanks to employee of Ethio telecom Mr.
Ermias, Ms. Rahel and all of Ethio telecom employee. Thanks to our supervisors for helping us
and guiding us from the beginning of this internship program and until day of presentation.
Moreover I would like to thanks my families for everything they have done for me.

Executive summery

Final internship report January 1, 2021

By taken the aim of the internship practice in to consideration as I’m the one the students in
Madda Walabu University I spent that last semester in this program. This intern ship practice is
takes place in Ethio telecom, one of the companies in the country. In this report to explain in
detail almost all things related to intern ship experience starting from how im join Ethio telecom
up to the final day i leave in the company including all the actions between these times. As the
outline for this report states and for the sake of clear and precise understanding of the written
matter to divide into chapters. In the first chapter to elaborates the hosting company detail. This
part describe the brief history, the main products or services, the main customers or the end users
of its products or services, the overall organizational strategy, organizational structure and work
flow of the company. In the second chapter is also about the overall experience I have gained,
section of the company that i were working in and its work flow, the task i have allocated, the
challenge i faced and measures taken in order to overcome these challenges while doing my task.
In the third chapter also describes the benefits i have gained from the internship program. Such
as benefits gained in terms of improving practical skills, theoretical knowledge, and inter
personal communication skills and understanding about work ethics related issues. Finally there
is conclusion and recommendations on the overall program and for the company as seen from my
point of view.

Final internship report January 1, 2021

Executive summery.......................................................................................................................ii
List of Figure................................................................................................................................iii
List of Table..................................................................................................................................iv
CHAPTER ONE............................................................................................................................0
1. Background of Ethio Telecom..................................................................................................0
1.1. History of Ethio telecom.......................................................................................................0

1.2. Objectives of Ethio telecom..................................................................................................1

1.3. Vision....................................................................................................................................2

1.4. Mission..................................................................................................................................2

1.5. Values and principles of the Organization............................................................................2

1.6. services and products of company.....................................................................................2

1.6The overall organizational structure of company...................................................................5

1.9. Work flow of the company...................................................................................................6

CHAPTER TWO...........................................................................................................................7
2. over all about internship...........................................................................................................7
2.1. Objective of internship..........................................................................................................7

2.1.1 General Objective.................................................................................................................7

2.1.2 Specific Internship objectives.............................................................................................7

2.1.3 The way I got to the company.............................................................................................8

2.4 In which section of the company I have been working.......................................................11

CHAPTER THREE.....................................................................................................................18
3. The overall benefits I have gained from internship............................................................18
3.1. Practical skill.......................................................................................................................18

3.2. Theoretical skill..................................................................................................................18

Final internship report January 1, 2021

3.3 Work Ethics.........................................................................................................................18

CHAPTER FOUR.......................................................................................................................19
4. Conclusion and Recommendation..........................................................................................19
4.1. Conclusion..........................................................................................................................19

4.2 Recommendation.................................................................................................................19

ADSL Asynchronous digital subscriber line

CC&B Customer Center & Billing

CDMA Code Division Multiple Access
CLIP Caller Line Identification Presentation
CRBT Customized Ring Back Tone
ETC Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation
EVDO Evolution Data Optimized
FDRE Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
GOTA Global Open Trucking Architecture
GSM Global System For Mobile
IPCC Internet Protocol Contact Center
KB Knowledge Base
NGCC Next Generation Call Center
PIN Personal Identification Number

Final internship report January 1, 2021

List of Figure
Figure 1: Organization Objectives of the company ...................................................................4
Figure 2: Work flow of the company ....................................................................................... 15
Figure 3: customer service division .......................................................................................... 18
Figure 4: Structure of call center ............................................................................................. 19
Figure 5: The organization structure of information system ................................................ 25
Figure 6: Structure of GSM networking ................................................................................ 29
Figure 7: Use case diagram ....................................................................................................... 40
Figure 8: Flow chart of login ..................................................................................................... 46
FIGURE 9: Flow chart of import file ....................................................................................... 47
Figure 10: Flow chart of fetch data .......................................................................................... 48
Figure 11: Flow chart of archive data ...................................................................................... 49
Figure 12: F low chart of send report ....................................................................................... 50
Figure 13: ER diagram of the databas ................................................................................... 51
Figure 14: Data base system ...................................................................................................... 52
List of Table
Table 1.1: Organization structure of Ethio Telecom ...............................................................14
Table 2.1: Customer call center reason category .....................................................................35
Table 4.1: Login access .............................................................................................................. 41
Table 4.2: Fetch data access .......................................................................................................42
Table 4.3: Import data access ................................................................................................... 43

Final internship report January 1, 2021

Final internship report 2021


1. Background of Ethio Telecom

1.1. History of Ethio telecom
The history of Ethio telecom starts in recent days after a reformation takes place from the
previous company titled Ethiopian Telecommunications Corporations which is now a day does
not exist. In this section before to see the short history of Ethio Telecom and the long history of
telecommunications in Ethiopia since it is the back bone of the current existence of Ethio
Telecom as telecommunications company.

1.1.1. Telecommunications in Ethiopia

The introduction of telecommunications services in Ethiopia dates back to 1894, seventeen years
after the invention of telephone technology in the world. Like many modern technologies, it was
Minilik II, the King of Ethiopia, who introduced telephone technology to the country around
1894, with the installation of 477 km long telephone and telegram lines from Harar to Addis
Ababa (The capital city of Ethiopia).However the first Ethiopian pioneer of telephony was his
cousin Ras Mekonnen who came back with telephone apparatus in 1889 after his visit of Italy.
Gradually, the technological scheme was proved to contribute to the integration of the Ethiopian
society when the extensive open wire line system was laid out linking the Ethiopian capital city
with all the important administrative towns of the country. Which becomes the Ethiopian
Telecommunication Authority (ETA) in 1981 after several change of names, has undertaken a
number of development projects and was in charge of both the operation and regulation of
telecommunications service in Ethiopia. It is obvious that the telecommunications service had
made a major change of technological advancement in telecommunications sector ranging from
automatic to digital technology. The Ethiopian Telecommunications Authority was also replaced
by the Ethiopian Telecommunications Corporation(ETC) by regulation number 10/1996 of the
Council of Ministers to which all the rights and obligations of the former Ethiopian
Telecommunication authority were transferred to the Corporation.

By the year of 2005 on January ETC transferred from narrow band system to broad band service.

As of 2007, IP based Next Generation Network of Fixed Telephone Lines, Third Generation
Network (3G) of mobile service based on Wideband Code Division Multiple Access(WCDMA),
Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) and Dense Wavelength Division Multiple (DWDM)
based Optical Fiber Transmission have been introduced in Ethiopia. At last when we come to
recent days we can see the transformation from ETC to Ethio Telecom. As a continuation of the
last five years plan and after concentrating its efforts on educations health and agriculture, the
Ethiopian government have decided to focus on the improvement of telecommunication service,
considering them as a key in the development of Ethiopia.

Ethio telecom was born on Monday 29th November 2010, from this ambition of supporting the
steady growth of our country as public enterprise on proclamation no 197/2010 of council of
ministers. Ethio Telecom as a company is governed by the supervision authority (board of
directors). The organizational structure, vision and mission, end users and services and products
will be covered in the next sections of this chapter.

1.2. Objectives of Ethio telecom

Figure 1: organizational objective

1.3. Vision
To be a world class provider of telecoms services.

1.4. Mission

Provides a universal application and network infrastructure telecommunications implement

critical enterprise and business processes in satisfying customers, enhancing service capability
throughout Ethiopia.

1.5. Values and principles of the Organization

Lead with vision

Be committed to understand, meet and exceed the telecommunications needs and
expectations of the country at large and of customer in particular.
Respect customers and recognize that their revenues allow Ethio telecom to operate.
Recognize that the employees of Ethio telecom as most valuable asset and create
conducive working environment that allows them to develop and grow.
Be committed to high-level performance, customer service quality, organizational
excellence and continuous improvement.
They will make every effort to achieve a superior financial return.
 Integrity
Be ethical and honest in all assignments.
 Accountability
Be accountable to all stakeholders

1.6. services and products of company

Ethio Telecom as a company have many product and services offered to its customers. Even if
there are some difference on which products must be accessed by which customer (since there

are two types of customers in Ethio Telecom which will be discussed in the next sections) the
overall description of main products and services is as follows.

1. Mobile services

A. GSM Mobile (prepaid/ postpaid)

The service is given using SIM (Subscriber Identity Module). It has voice, data, SMS, and other
value added capabilities, in order to use the service in pre-paid scenario; it is required to charge
using stretchable cards and for post paid services, users are charged at the end of every month
(usage charge + rent) .

Services offered in addition to voice are

SMS (short messaging service)

•Before using this service the message service center should be set by putting +25191129970
Call divert
•It allows an incoming call to called party to be redirected to another mobile or fixed telephone

•It can be activated from the phone.

Call waiting

•Is a feature that alerts someone using the phone to an incoming call and allows switching
between calls.

•It can be activated from the phone.

Call Barring

•This service enables to restrict or bar certain or all types of calls to and from your mobile phone

•To use this service it needs to visit nearby sales office and subscription is required

General Packet Radio Service (GPRS)

•It is a mobile data service available to users of GSM mobile phones.

•It provides moderate speed data by using unused microwave resources in the GSM network

•To use GPRS setting access point to APN etc.com is required.

2. Internet and data

A. Broad band internet:

The term broadband refers to the wide bandwidth characteristics of a transmission

medium and ability to transport multiple signals and traffic types simultaneously.
Advantage of broadband Compared to narrowband

 Less interference
 Signal strength
 Much greater distances
 Higher frequency range
 Greater bandwidth
 Faster connection speeds
Broad band internet is a relatively fast than narrow band internet service provided thoroughly
wired and wireless connections.

A, Wired broad band internet

The wired broad band is provided through copper or fiber cables with different access methods
( ADSL ). It can be provided with different speed depending on customer’s requirement and the
access they use. Customers can buy CPEs (Customer Premises Equipment) or rent from Ethio

Through ADSL customers will get a better, affordable, reliable and faster internet connects.

B .Broad band data (MPLS-VPN)

Virtual private network VPN is a network that uses a public telecommunication

infrastructure, such as internet to provide remote offices or individual users with secure access to
their organizations network and data. ET gives VPN service mainly through MPLS
(multiprotocol labeled switch) network. MPLS-VPN is a virtual private network a multi-protocol
labeled switch to deliver data, voice and video service using a shared telecom infrastructure. Its
goal is to provide the organizations with the same, secure capabilities but at a much lower cost.

1.6The overall organizational structure of company

The organizational structure of the company can be depicted as shown in the following table

Main divisions Other division

 Network
 Residential Marketing & Sales  Women Affairs & Developments
 Enterprise  Ethics & Anti-corruption
 Marketing & Communication
 Customer Services
 Information System
 Finance
 Corporate Communication
 Human Resources
 Sourcing & Facility
 Legal
 Internal Audit
 Quality & Process
 Security

Table 1.1 organizational structure of Ethio telecom

1.9. Work flow of the company

The work flow of the company is depicted on the figure below.

Figure 2: Work flow of the company


2. over all about internship

2.1. Objective of internship

 To gain experience in design, implementation, and evaluation of worksite.
 Observe a corporate fitness center operation.
 Enhance written and verbal communication skills.
 Assist in program or product development.
 To attend one professional meeting.

2.1.1 General Objective

The main objective of the internship was to gain an experienced practical knowledge in
Different electrical equipment’s and control automation systems by inter-relating with the
Theoretical knowledge and to upgrade our technology. Internships will provide us the
Opportunity to test their interest in a particular career before permanent commitments is made.
Apart from this it has the following advantages

 We will develop skills and techniques directly applicable to the careers we hold.
 Internships will provide us the opportunity to develop attitudes conducive to effective
. interpersonal relationships
 will provide us to have depth knowledge of the formal functional activities of
a participating organization.
 Internship programs will help to develop problem solving skills.

2.1.2 Specific Internship objectives

 To provide intensive field experience allowing for hands-on computer work.
 To gain a better understanding of the design, structure and information system of an
industrial organization.
 To develop an understanding of an organization's various management and technical
skills, the communications techniques and the decision-making processes.
 To apply the theoretical knowledge (theory, skill development, professionalism) to be
familiar with different electrical instruments, their application in the real world and their
control system design and installation to achieve our goals.
 To develop leadership skill and interaction with co-workers.
 To relate practical knowledge interacting with theoretical knowledge.
 To apply what was learned during coursework (skill development and professionalism)
to the real world.
2.1.3 The way I got to the company
The university industry linkage program is planned to create a good interaction between
universities and industries, and also create students that have the capability of facing and solving
practical problems. Because of these reasons, Dambi dolo ethio telecom has given a great deal of
attention to this program in helping students, starting from searching companies that are willing
to be part of this program up to giving essential documents and schedules. So I get into the
company by giving internship place request letter of my University to company head office.
Then they observe the request letter and they had given their acceptance letter. When I come
back to their company to begin the internship program, I should bring the acceptance letter of the
company. Then I started my internship program.

2.3 Overall System Components found in Dambi dolo Ethio telecom IT Center working
2.3.1 Building Network Installation
Building NW installation is simply inserting a NW service in to the Building or making the NW
available within the building. NW installation is mainly important for resources sharing.
CAT6UTP cable is used for the connection in our case. Because UTP cables are economically
feasible and well protected.CAT6 UTP cable has 4 pairs twisted. Out of these 4 pairs; 2 pairs are
used for TX (transmission of text) and the remaining 2 pairs are used for RX (receiving of text).
The 4 pairs are punched to the outlet according to the given order of standard B. actually the
outlet has two standards: namely standard A and standard B. It has been also seen that 2 pairs of
wires (white orange, orange, white green and green) are used to test the presence of adapter with
in a computer. There are two types of connections in the case of NW installation. These are:
straight through and cross over. Straight through is used to connect different devices (e.g.
computer with printer) and cross over is used to connect similar devices (e.g. computer to
computer). But for now straight through connection is our issue. The placement of colors in both
connections is shown in table 1 below.

Table 1:- :- Orders of wires at the RJ_45
Straight through connection Cross over connection
White orange White green
Orange Green
White green White orange
Blue Blue
White blue White blue
Green Orange
White brown White brown
Brown Brown
Networks are extremely complex but are the very back bone of every business. We at NIS fully
understand the requirements of our clients which is why you the client are our first priority. In
general network installation is the interconnection of different data center and share the
information technically. During the interconnection of the data centers all the clients connects
each other and also to the server that controls all the data that flowing through it. So everyone
who install network should have to know how to interconnect and considers any engineering
aspect as well as economic aspects to keep up with safety.
Overall tasks performed are briefly explained below:-
2.3.2 Cabling
Cables are used to connect one network device to other network devices or to connect two or
more computers to share printer, scanner etc. Different types of network cables like
Coaxialcable, Optical fiber cable, Twisted Pair cables are used depending on the network's
topology, protocol and size. The devices can be separated by a few meters (e.g. via Ethernet) or
nearly unlimited distances (e.g. via the interconnections of the Internet).There are several types
of cable which are commonly used with LANs. In some cases, a network will utilize only one
type of cable, other networks will use a variety of cable types. The type of cable chosen for a
network is related to the network's topology, protocol, and size.
Depending on devices they connect to share data by twisted pair cable, cabling of twisted pair
cabling is divided into two major parts:
 Straight through
 Crossover

Straight through
Straight through cable is a type of twisted pair copper wire cable for LAN use for which the RJ-
45 connectors at each end have the same pin out. The wires on the cable are crossed over so that
they receive signal pins on the connector on one end are connected to the transmit signal pins on
the connector on the other end. Straight-through cable is used to connect computers and other
end-user devices (e.g., printers) to networking devices such as hubs and switches. It can also be
used to directly connect like devices (e.g., two hubs or two switches) if the cable is plugged
intoan uplink port on one (but not both) of the devices.
In general straight through cable we used to connect like:-
 Computers with switch
 Routers with switch
 Switch with hub
Table 2:- straight through cable color arrangement
RJ45 No.1 Pin# Pin# RJ45 No.1
White Green 1 1 White Green
Green 2 2 Green
White Orange 3 3 White orange
Blue 4 4 Blue
White Blue 5 5 White Blue
Orange 6 6 Orange
White Brown 7 7 White Brown
Brown 8 8 Brown
Cross over cable
Cross over cable is a type of twisted pair copper wire cable for LAN use for which the second
and third pairs on one end of the cable will be reversed on the other end. Cross over cabling is
used as a backbone cable to connect two or more switches in LAN, or connect two isolated hosts
to create a mini-LAN. Crossover cable is used to connect two like devices without the use of an
uplink port.
In general we used Cross over cable to connect like:
 Two computers
 Two routers
 Two switch
 Two PC’
Table 3:- cross over cooler of cable arrangement
RJ45 NO.1 Pin# Pin# RJ45No.1
White Green 1 1 White Green
Green 2 2 Green
White orange 3 3 White orange
Blue 4 4 Blue
White Blue 5 5 White Blue
Orange 6 6 Orange
White Brown 7 7 White Brown
Brown 8 8 Brown

2.4 In which section of the company I have been working

The company has many divisions (section) that are stated above on the organizational structure
but UIL students are allowed to work on only nine sections.

Those are:
 Customer services
 Information system
 The Network PMO Department 7
 The Network Engineering Department
 The Network O&M Department
 The Fixed Access Network Department
There was lottery provided to select what section (division) students going to join. So randomly I
picked to customer service, information system, network operation and maintenance.
1. Customer service
Customer service is a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction
that is the feeling that a product or service has met the customer expectation.
The importance of customer service may vary by product or service, industry and customer. The
perception of success of such interactions will be dependent on employees who can adjust
themselves to the personality of the guest. customer service plays an important role in an
organization`s ability to generate income and revenue.

Figure 3: Customer Service Division

A. Front Office (FO) Department

Front Office (FO) department is led by an officer. The department has two sections: Contact
Center Section and TT Section. Here are summary activities of the sections:

1. Contact Center Section:

As the name indicates it is a section where our customers can contact Ethio telecom for
complaint, enquiry, request, feedback, and so on. The means of contact so far is via phone and
will be a multiple channel contact center very soon.

 All activities of the contact center are managed system wise all KPIs are managed and
controlled system based in three sites .
 The structure of contact center

Figure 4: Structure of call center

IPCC (Internet Protocol Contact Center)


 IP Contact Center (IPCC) is an intelligent device platform with personalized processing


 It integrates the access processing technologies of media such as the Internet, VoIP,
Email, fax and video. Basic Concepts of IPCC

Here are summary activities of the sections:-

B. Operations Support Department

The operations support has its own mission Support the operational functions to optimize quality
and productivity in delivering the service to the customer
Generally, operations support department has the following major activities:-

 Quality management for the Customer Services departments

 Coordinate with IT for tools implementation and improvements
1. Process and Quality Section activities are:-
 To keep updated the Knowledge Base
 To secure the quality KPIs measurement and follow up
 To conduct Quality assessments using different tools, like: Quiz, Call Quality monitoring
 Coordinate transversally within the Division
2. Technical Support Section activities are:-

Technical support services attempt to help the user solve specific problems with a product rather
than providing training, customization, or other support service

Under technical support there are four teams such as:-

 Incidents Management support

 IT Applications support
 Telephony support
 Knowledgebase support

2 Information system

Figure 5: the organization structure of information system

The Information System Division is structured around six main functions:
 IT Service Strategy & Program Management department
 IT Service Design department
 Office Automation department
 IT Service Operation department
 IT& N security department
 IT Services Transition department
2.5.1 IT Service Strategy & Program Management department
The IT Service Strategy & Program Management department implements and supports project
management methodology to enable Information System Division to deliver projects faster,
cheaper, with higher quality and within estimates and expectations.
• Generating and implementing IT strategy:
• Defining services based on business outcomes
• Developing service portfolio
• Preparing for implementation
2.5.2 IT Service Design department
To design and deliver IT service solutions design complying with a state of the art level of
quality that meet the current and future needs of the business
2.5.3.Network Operation and Maintenance Department

This Network Operation and Maintenance Department contain five subclasses.

These are;-

1. Core Network
2. GSM Mobile (Global System for Mobile Communication)
GSM is the world’s most popular standard for mobile telephone systems. The GSM standard has
been an advantage to both consumers, who may benefit from the ability to roam and switch
carriers without replacing phones, and also to network operators, who can choose equipment
from many GSM equipment vendors. The standard includes a worldwide emergency telephone
number feature.

Figure 6: Structure of GSM network

The basic elements of GSM mobile consist of the following elements.

1. Mobile station (mobile phone and SIM)

2. BSS (BTS and BSC)
3. NSS (MSC and VLR)
4. HLR

Generally, the element of the GSM mobile and their description is described bellow

1. Mobile Station

The mobile station (MS) comprises all user equipment and software needed for
communication with a mobile network. The mobile station refers to global system connected
to the mobile network. The MS consists of two parts.

 Mobile Phone
 SIM Card
2. Base Station Subsystem (BSS)

The base station subsystem (BSS) is the section of network which is responsible for handling
traffic and signaling between a phone and the network switching subsystem. Controls the
radio link with MS. Contain two parts, described below.

A) Base Transceiver Station (BTS)

BTS, contains the equipment for transmitting and receiving radio signals (transceivers), antennas,
and equipment for encrypting and decrypting communications with the base station
controller(BSC).A base transceiver station (BTS) or cell site is a piece of equipment that
facilitates wireless communication between user equipment (UE) like mobile phone. Handles
radio link protocols with MS.

b) Base Station Controller (BSC)

BSC has tens or even hundreds of BTSs under its control. The BSC handles allocation of radio
channels, receives measurements from the mobile phones, and controls handovers from BTS to
BTS. A key function of the BSC is to act as a concentrator where many different low capacity
connections to BTSs (with relatively low utilization) become reduced to a smaller number of
connections towards the mobile switching center(MSC) (with a high level of utilization). BSC
manages radio networks.

3. Network Switching Subsystem (NSS)

NSS (or GSM core network) is the component of a GSM system that carries out call switching
and mobility management functions for mobile phones roaming on the network of base stations.
It is owned and deployed by mobile phone operators and allows mobile devices to communicate
with each other and telephones in the wider Public Switched Telephone Network or (PSTN). It
contains MSC and VLR.

a. Mobile Switching Center (MSC)

MSC is the primary service delivery node for GSM/CDMA, responsible for routing voice calls
and SMS as well as other services (such as conference calls, FAX and circuit switched data.
MSC connects calls by switching the digital voice data packets from one network path to another
(also called routing). The MSC also provides the information that is needed to support mobile
service subscribers, such as user registration and authentication information.

b. Visitor Location Resister (VLR)

The CDMA VLR is a database that contains temporary information about subscribers which is
needed by the MSC in order to service visiting subscribers. When a mobile station roams into a
new MSC area, the VLR connected to that mobile switching center will request data about the
mobile station from the home location register, reducing the need for interrogation of the home
location register.


Transmission is the process of sending, propagating and receiving an analogue or digital

information signal over a physical point-to-point or point-to-multipoint transmission medium,
wired either optical fiber or wireless. Now days the most part of telecommunication uses an
optical fiber and also microwave as a medium of transmission.


3. The overall benefits I have gained from internship

In the internship program we deal about different things in Ethio telecom. In our four months of
internship we have gained valuable benefits starting from creating awareness about the external
work environment to achieve entrepreneurship skills.

3.1. Practical skill

To improve my practical skill, I try to make and use the following tasks frequently while I were
in the company.

 How to configure IP address

 Handling customers request
 Their
 Install and uninstall applications
 Technical support

3.2. Theoretical skill

To improve our theoretical skill, we make and use the following tasks frequently.

 Reading documents
 Having a knowledge on different issues about the company
 Gathering information from agents and supervisor

3.3 Work Ethics

Work discipline or desired work behavior can be achieved only by obeying and respecting the
moral or ethical standards of profession. Ethical standards enable workers to distinguish the right
or desired way of conduct from the wrong ones. This helps workers develop good working
environment and enables them to sustain good communication skills and behavior with each
other and with customers.

A worker with a right conduct or good ethical standard:

 Being not absent unless you have tangible reason Have a good
relationship with an employees


4. Conclusion and Recommendation

4.1. Conclusion
Generally, on this internship report we have covered all what we have done in our internship
practice period including the historical background of the hosting company and the overall
benefit we gained from the practice session. Ethio Telecom is a newly emerging company as a
telecommunications sector in Ethiopia after the transformation from Ethiopian
Telecommunication Corporation the former telecom company in Ethiopia

company. Ethio Telecom has two types of customers as a company, namely residential and
enterprise customers. On our stay in Ethio Telecom we have done system project. This is because
that the projects given for the students give a chance to get a clear understanding about the
theoretical knowledge they gather during the stay on their university. More than the
improvements regarding theoretical knowledge the project also give a chance for the internship
students to improve their practical skill and what will be the result when their theoretical
knowledge applied to practical session

Generally, internship program is a bridge that links the student with the company. The practical
work helps us to eliminate much confusion I had with the theoretical knowledge. Working in
Ethio telecom helps us to understand how much punctuality is needed at work places and also we
understand how much work ethics is important. Also developed many skills but mainly we have
increased on practical skills, team playing and communication skills.

4.2 Recommendation
This company has planned, scheduled and provide knowledge and experience for intern students
and give special attention for the Internship program. As we all know Ethio telecom is the only
service provider in our country. So I’m so lucky to work in this company During stay in this
company there is good and bad side that I realized. I would like recommend the company for the
future intern students.

 Selecting division should be based on interest than with lottery provided by the
company. In order to work on profession or based on department students are into.
 Our supervisors work by shift. So it makes it hard to contact them. Rather it should be
someone who works on office hour.
 Generally, we recommend to designed this project can be improved to solve specific
problem which faces in the company. Also it was better to learn about PHP, ASP.
NET and other related lab.

4.3 References

my references are the following sites as well as some information collected manually.

 Ethio telecom organizational overview for Induction training power point

 Company documents
 Fundamental data base system
 Data communication and networking text book
 Company website( www.ethiotelecom.com)


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