Refraction and Accommodation
Refraction and Accommodation
Refraction and Accommodation
of the eye
1) Normal refractive condition
and accommodation
(1). Ocular refractive system
The ocular refractive system is composed
of the cornea,the aqueous humor,the lens
and the vitreous.
Refractive system
1) Normal refractive condition
and accommodation
People can see object clearly,for the light
rays sent out by object pass through eye
refractive system,form images on retinal
Refractive condition is decided by the
refractive power and length of ocular axis.
Reduced eye : Including a node,a
principle node(refracting surface) and two
Refractive power
Refractive power is diopter (D), if the focal
length of a spherical lens is 1m, its refractive
power is one diopter ( D ) .
D =1/ f
Corneal refractive system : 43.05D
Lens refractive system : 19.11D
Total refractive power of globe : 58.64D
( 2 ) Emmetropia and
Emmetropia: The condition is the
absence of refractive error. Or
nonaccommodated paralle light rays
refracted by ocular refractive system
accurately focus on the retina which
is called emmetropia.
( 2 ) accommodation
Accommodation : in order to see near
object clearly,the eye increases lens curvature
to strengthen ocular refractive power to
make near object form clear image on the
Accommodation is the eye’s way of
changing its focusing distance: the
lens thickens, increasing its ability
to focus at near. A young person’s
ability to accommodate allows him
or her to see clearly far away and
up close. At about the age of 40,
the lens becomes less flexible and
accommodation is gradually lost,
making close-range work
increasingly difficult. This is
known as presbyopia.
( 2 ) accommodation
Accommodative scope : the differce
between far and near points .
Far point: Under nonaccommodated
condition,the farthest point the eye can see
clearly is called far point.
Near point:Under largest accommodation,
the point the eye can see nearest distance
is called near point.
( 2 ) accommodation
Near reflect : When both eyes gaze at
a quite near object simultaneously,
besides accommodation,and
corresponding diminution of binocular
pupils,there are contraction of both
medial rectus muscles and adduction
of both eyes( convergence).
2) Ametropia ( nonemmetropia )
Ametropioa : The refractive power
and the length of the globe are not
correlated so that parallel light
rays refracted by ocular refractive
system do not come to focus on the
retina(fovea centralis). Including
hyperopia,myopia and
astigmatism.Or is the presence of
refractive error.
( 1 ) Myopia(nearsighted
Under nonaccommodated
condition,parallel light rays refracted
by ocular refractive system come to
focus in front of the retina
★ Mild : below -3D
★ Moderate : from-3D to -6D
★ High myopia : more than -6D
The far point is in finited distance
( 1 ) Myopia(nearsighted
( 1 ) Myopia(nearsighted
Nearsightedness or myopia, occurs
when light entering the eye focuses in
front of the retina instead of directly
on it. This is caused by a cornea that
is steeper, or an eye that is longer,
than a normal eye. Nearsighted
people typically see well up close, but
have difficulty seeing far away.
( 1 ) Myopia(nearsighted
This problem is often discovered in
school-age children who report
having trouble seeing the
( 1 ) Myopia(nearsighted
Nearsightedness is detected with a
vision test and refraction.
《 Etiology 》
‹1›.Axial myopia: Axial of the eye
is quite long,but the refractive
power is normal.
*The eye longer than average
*Most high myopia are axial
《 Etiology 》
‹2›.Refractive myopia: The axis is
normal but the refractive power
Refractive myopia
* The curvature of cornea is large
*The curvature of lens increase
* Spasm of accommodation
《 Clinical findings 》
‹1›.Visual acuity Near vision may be
in normal, distance vision is bad.
‹2›. Asthenopia It is as a result of the
disturbance of balance between
accommodation and convergence,
overusing of convergence, not or less
use of accommodation.
《 Clinical findings 》
‹3›. Exotropia Due to contradiction
between accommodation and
convergence, with the time going,
hypofunction of convergence is induced
to bring about exotropia .
《 Clinical findings 》
‹4›.Fundus chang A grey crescent
in temporal side of the disc may be
occurred , choroidal atrophy,
posterior sclera staphyloma, macular
hemorrhage, lattice degeneration,
retinal tear and retinal detachment
may be seen.
‹5›.Vitreous liquefaction and opacity
《 Correction of myopia 》
In order to let the parallel light
rays focus on the retina, it is
necessary to place a concave lens
in front of the eye. Besides wearing
of glasses,there is contact lens
which is worn onto the cornea .
《 Correction of myopia 》
The treatment for nearsightedness
depends on several factors such as the
patient’s age, activities, and occupation.
Vision can corrected with glasses, contacts,
or surgery. Refractive procedures such as
LASIK can be considered for adults when
the prescription has remained stable for at
least one year.
Refractive procedures
Clear Lens Replacement (CLR)