Harmful algal blooms (HABs), also known as red tides, are algal blooms that negatively impact other organisms through production of toxins, mechanical damage, oxygen depletion, or other means. HABs are caused by factors like eutrophication, water pollution, optimal temperatures, and stable nutrient-rich conditions. They can cause shellfish poisoning in humans, respiratory issues, and economic losses through fishery and tourism impacts. Prevention strategies include reducing nutrient runoff through better agricultural practices and wastewater treatment.
Harmful algal blooms (HABs), also known as red tides, are algal blooms that negatively impact other organisms through production of toxins, mechanical damage, oxygen depletion, or other means. HABs are caused by factors like eutrophication, water pollution, optimal temperatures, and stable nutrient-rich conditions. They can cause shellfish poisoning in humans, respiratory issues, and economic losses through fishery and tourism impacts. Prevention strategies include reducing nutrient runoff through better agricultural practices and wastewater treatment.
Harmful algal blooms (HABs), also known as red tides, are algal blooms that negatively impact other organisms through production of toxins, mechanical damage, oxygen depletion, or other means. HABs are caused by factors like eutrophication, water pollution, optimal temperatures, and stable nutrient-rich conditions. They can cause shellfish poisoning in humans, respiratory issues, and economic losses through fishery and tourism impacts. Prevention strategies include reducing nutrient runoff through better agricultural practices and wastewater treatment.
Harmful algal blooms (HABs), also known as red tides, are algal blooms that negatively impact other organisms through production of toxins, mechanical damage, oxygen depletion, or other means. HABs are caused by factors like eutrophication, water pollution, optimal temperatures, and stable nutrient-rich conditions. They can cause shellfish poisoning in humans, respiratory issues, and economic losses through fishery and tourism impacts. Prevention strategies include reducing nutrient runoff through better agricultural practices and wastewater treatment.
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Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB)
And its effects on the environment
Harmful Algae Blooms A harmful algal bloom (HAB) is an algal bloom that causes negative impacts to other organisms via production of natural toxins, mechanical damage to other organisms, or by other means. HABs are often associated with large-scale marine mortality events and have been associated with various types of shellfish poisonings. Description Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) (also known as red tides)is an algal bloom that causes negative impacts to other organisms via: Production of natural toxins Mechanical damage to other organisms Hypoxia (Oxygen Depletion) By other means In recent years, there has been growing alarm over what appears to he an "epidemic" of HABs worldwide.
Causes of HAB Harmful algal blooms can be due to a number of reasons: Eutrophication Water pollution Transfer of shellfish for aquaculture Transportation from ships' ballast water Low Turbidity Optimal temperature (Eg :25 C are optimal for the growth of bluegreen algae) Stable conditions (low flows, long retention times, light winds and minimal turbulence) The growth of marine phytoplankton (both non-toxic and toxic) is generally limited by the availability of nitrates and phosphates, which can be abundant in coastal upwelling zones as well as in agricultural run-off and other human activities.
How do cyanobacterial blooms form? Cyanobacteria also known as blue-green bacteria, blue-green algae, and Cyanophyta, is a phylum of bacteria that obtain their energy through photosynthesis. The name "cyanobacteria" comes from the color of the bacteria. Cyanobacterial blooms occur when algae that are normally present grow exuberantly. Within a few days, a bloom can cause clear water to become cloudy. The blooms usually float to the surface and can be many inches thick, especially near the shoreline. Cyanobacterial blooms can form in warm, slow-moving waters that are rich in nutrients such as fertilizer runoff or septic tank overflows. Blooms can occur at any time, but most often occur in late summer or early fall. Effects of HAB on Human Health Humans get infected primarily by HAB toxins that are present in shellfish. Some HAB toxins can become airborne during a bloom and people can become ill by inhaling toxins. Shellfish poisoning Amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP) Diarrheal shellfish poisoning (DSP) Neurotoxic shellfish poisoning (NSP) Paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) Ciguatera sh poisoning Pfiesteria Most symptoms of HAB act primarily on the nervous system and are permanent. Common symptoms of HAB are diarrhoea, vomiting, abdominal pain, nausea and headaches.
Effects Of HAB on the Economy Closures of shellfish beds Lost production in fisheries Severe reductions in local/regional tourism and associated service industries Public illness Medical treatments Advisories Prevention of HAB Replanting of riparian forests (forest adjacent to a body of water) Silt fence Detention basin Retention basin Water treatment Reducing the nutrient load of a water body: Avoiding the excessive use of fertilisers and manures on agricultural land within the catchment. Protecting soil from erosion. Treating sewage to remove the nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus.