This document provides an overview of the architectural components and storage structures of an Oracle database. It discusses the Oracle instance, database, and server. It describes the physical components like datafiles, tablespaces, segments, extents, and blocks. It also covers logical storage relationships and the system global area (SGA), undo management, managing tables and indexes, and data integrity features like constraints. The document is intended to provide advanced knowledge of Oracle databases.
This document provides an overview of the architectural components and storage structures of an Oracle database. It discusses the Oracle instance, database, and server. It describes the physical components like datafiles, tablespaces, segments, extents, and blocks. It also covers logical storage relationships and the system global area (SGA), undo management, managing tables and indexes, and data integrity features like constraints. The document is intended to provide advanced knowledge of Oracle databases.
This document provides an overview of the architectural components and storage structures of an Oracle database. It discusses the Oracle instance, database, and server. It describes the physical components like datafiles, tablespaces, segments, extents, and blocks. It also covers logical storage relationships and the system global area (SGA), undo management, managing tables and indexes, and data integrity features like constraints. The document is intended to provide advanced knowledge of Oracle databases.
This document provides an overview of the architectural components and storage structures of an Oracle database. It discusses the Oracle instance, database, and server. It describes the physical components like datafiles, tablespaces, segments, extents, and blocks. It also covers logical storage relationships and the system global area (SGA), undo management, managing tables and indexes, and data integrity features like constraints. The document is intended to provide advanced knowledge of Oracle databases.
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Advanced Oracle
Prepared by: Shayne Capo
Senior Database Administrator Opera Global Technical Services
Opera Global Technical Services Opera Global Technical Services Oracle Architectural Components Opera Global Technical Services Architectural Components There are several files, processes and memory structures in an Oracle Server. Some of them are used when processing a SQL statement (or manipulating an application like Opera). Others are used to improve the performance of the database, ensure that the database can be recovered in the event of a software or hardware error, or perform other tasks necessary to maintain the database. The Oracle server consists of: Oracle Instance Oracle database Opera Global Technical Services Oracle Server
Opera Global Technical Services Oracle instance A combination of background processes and memory structures that access an Oracle database Instance must be started before accessing the database Every time started, a System Global Area (SGA) is allocated and Oracle background processes are started Background processes perform functions on behalf of the invoking process They consolidate functions that would otherwise be handled by multiple Oracle programs running for each user Always opens one and only one database Opera Global Technical Services Oracle Instance Opera Global Technical Services Oracle Database The physical structure consists of 3 file types + other file structures
Opera Global Technical Services Overview of Primary Components System Global Area (SGA) Shared Pool Library Cache Data Dictionary Cache Database Buffer Cache Redo Log Buffer Cache Large Pool Java Pool Background Processes DBWn, PMON, CKPT, LGWR, SMON Program Global Area (PGA)
Opera Global Technical Services
Opera Global Technical Services Oracle Storage Structures
Opera Global Technical Services Physical vs. Logical
Opera Global Technical Services Datafiles A datafile is a physical structure Can hold data for only one tablespace Can resize dynamically Space allocated upon creation Opera database datafiles: System01.dbf, sysaux01.dbf, tempseg01.dbf, undotbs01.dbf, findata01.dbf, finindx01.dbf, logdata01.dbf, logindx01.dbf, namedata01.dbf, nameindx01.dbf, opera_data01.dbf, opera_indx01.dbf, oxi_data01.dbf, oxi_indx01.dbf, quickdata01.dbf, quickindx01.dbf, ratedata01.dbf, rateindx01.dbf, resvdata01.dbf, resvindx01.dbf, tools01.dbf Opera Global Technical Services Tablespaces Largest logical unit Can reside in one or more datafiles May contain one or more segments Can be taken offline Can be made readonly (SYSREAD) OPERA database tablespaces: system, sysaux, tempseg, undotbs, findata, finindx, logdata, logindx, namedata, nameindx, opera_data, opera_indx, oxi_data, oxi_indx, quickdata, quickindx, ratedata, rateindx, resvdata, resvindx, tools
Opera Global Technical Services Logical Overview SEGMENTS Second largest logical unit Can belong to only one tablespace, but can reside in multiple datafiles Is made up of one or more extents EXTENTS Third largest logical unit Can belong to only one segment and cannot spawn datafiles Is made up of contiguous Oracle Blocks When segments grow, new extents are added BLOCKS Smallest logical unit Can belong to only one extent Corresponds to one or more operating system blocks DB_BLOCK_SIZE=8m in OPERA Opera Global Technical Services Storage Structures In Depth
Opera Global Technical Services Storage Relationships
Opera Global Technical Services Types of Segments
Opera Global Technical Services Storage Clause Precedence
Opera Global Technical Services Extent Allocation/Deallocation
Opera Global Technical Services Block Contents Header Top of the block Data block address Table directory Row directory Transaction slots Free Space Middle of the block Data Bottom of the block Opera Global Technical Services Automatic Space Management Automatic segment-space management can only be enabled at the tablespace level for locally managed tablespaces:
CREATE TABLESPACE "OPERA_DATA" LOGGING DATAFILE 'G:\oracle\oradata\QA10\OPERA_DATA01.dbf' SIZE 512M AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 100M MAXSIZE 4096M, 'G:\oracle\oradata\QA10\OPERA_DATA02.dbf' SIZE 5M AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 100M MAXSIZE 4096M EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL UNIFORM SIZE 1M SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO ; Opera Global Technical Services Storage Information Information about storage can be obtained by querying the following:
UNDO Management
Opera Global Technical Services Managing UNDO Data Automatic: Introduced in 9i Uses undo segments System rollback segment Cannot store any other objects Extents are locally managed
Manual: Only option for 8i Uses rollback segments
Opera Global Technical Services Managing UNDO Data
Opera Global Technical Services Read Consistency
Opera Global Technical Services Transaction Rollback
Opera Global Technical Services Automatic UNDO Management Configure parameters in the initialization file:
###################################### # System Managed Undo and Rollback Segments ###################################### undo_management=AUTO undo_tablespace_UNDOTBS1 undo_retention=3600
Create at least one Undo tablespace SYSTEM: Used in the SYSTEM tablespace Non-SYSTEM: Used by other tablespaces Auto: Uses UNDO tablespace Manual: Uses Rollback Segments
Opera Global Technical Services UNDO Tablespaces Only one Undo tablespace can be assigned to a database at a time Can have more than one undo tablespace, but only one tablespace will be active Switch active undo tablespace using the following command: ALTER SYSTEM SET UNDO_TABLESPACE=undotbs2; RAC databases have one undo tablespace per instance Opera Global Technical Services UNDO Information Information about undo segments can be obtained by querying the following:
Opera Global Technical Services Table Storage Options
Opera Global Technical Services Structure of a Row
Opera Global Technical Services Row Migration and Chaining
Opera Global Technical Services Creating Tables CREATE TABLE employee(id NUMBER(8) NOT NULL, last_name VARCHAR2(30)) TABLESPACE userdata; CREATE TABLE emp AS SELECT * FROM employee;
Opera Global Technical Services Creating Temporary Tables Contain session private data held by the duration of the transaction or session
Opera Global Technical Services Moving Tables Non-partitioned tables can be moved to another tablespace with the following statement:
Useful for reorganizing and eliminating row migration Opera Global Technical Services Truncating Tables TRUNCATE TABLE test;
Deletes all rows Truncate its indexes Delete triggers are not fired No undo is generated A table referenced by a foreign key can not be truncated
Opera Global Technical Services Dropping Tables DROP TABLE test CASCADE CONSTRAINTS;
Extents released CASCADE CONSTRAINTS option must be used if the table is being referenced by a foreign key
Opera Global Technical Services Dropping Columns ALTER TABLE test DROP COLUMN comments CASCADE CONSTRAINTS CHECKPOINT 1000;
All data from the column is removed CHECKPOINT command can be used to minimize undo usage (expressed in number of rows) Opera Global Technical Services Drop Column, UNUSED option ALTER TABLE test SET UNUSED COLUMN comments CASCADE CONSTRAINTS;
Data is not removed Column becomes invisible Unused columns can be dropped with the following command:
ALTER TABLE test DROP UNUSED COLUMN comments CHECKPOINT 1000; Opera Global Technical Services Table Information Information about tables can be obtained by querying the following:
Managing Indexes
Opera Global Technical Services Index Classifications Logical Single column or concatenated Unique or nonunique Function-based Domain Physical Partitioned or nonpartitioned B-tree (normal or reverse key) Bitmap
Opera Global Technical Services B-Tree Index
Opera Global Technical Services Bitmap Index
Opera Global Technical Services B-Tree vs. Bitmap
Opera Global Technical Services Creating Indexes Balance query and DML operations Place in separate tablespace Use uniform extent sizes NOLOGGING option for large indexes CREATE [BITMAP] INDEX index_name ON table_name(column [ASC|DESC], [column]) [TABLESPACE tablespace_name] [NOSORT] [storage_clause][LOGGING|NOLOGGING];
Opera Global Technical Services Managing Indexes Moving the index to a new tablespace: ALTER INDEX index_name REBUILD TABLESPACE tablespace_name; Rebuilding an index online: ALTER INDEX index_name REBUILD ONLINE; Reducing fragmentation: ALTER INDEX index_name COALESCE; Dropping an index: DROP INDEX index_name;
Opera Global Technical Services Index Information Information about indexes can be obtained by querying the following:
Data Integrity
Opera Global Technical Services Data Integrity
Opera Global Technical Services Types of Constraints
Opera Global Technical Services Constraint States
Opera Global Technical Services EXCEPTIONS Table Create the table running the utlexcpt1.sql script Enable the constraint: ALTER TABLE table_name ENABLE VALIDATE CONSTRAINT constraint_name EXCEPTIONS INTO system.exceptions; Use a subquery to find the offending rows: SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE ROWID IN (SELECT ROWID FROM exceptions); Modify the data with DML and re-enable the constraint
Opera Global Technical Services Constraint Checking Constraints can be set up as immediate or deferred Deferred constraints useful when both parent and child keys are entered at the same time ALTER SESSION SET CONSTRAINTS to make constraints immediate or deferred
Opera Global Technical Services Foreign Key Guidelines
Opera Global Technical Services Constraint Information Information about constraints can be obtained by querying the following:
Opera Global Technical Services
Data Dictionary
Opera Global Technical Services
Redo Logs
Opera Global Technical Services Redo Logs Record all changes made to data Provides a means to recover the database Can be organized into groups (multiplexing) Minimum of two groups required
Opera Global Technical Services How Redo Logs Work Written in a cyclic fashion When one group is full LGWR moves to the next group Log switch and checkpoint occurs Opera Global Technical Services Redo Log Information Information about the redo logs can be obtained by querying the following:
Opera Global Technical Services Archived Redo Logs Filled online redo logs can be archived The two advantages are: A backup of the datafiles + redo logs + archive logs can be used to restore the database up to the last committed transaction. The backup can be made online. When running in ARCHIVELOG mode a redo log file cannot be overwritten until Checkpoint has completed Redo Log has been archived By default the database is created in NOARCHIVELOG mode Opera Global Technical Services Archive Parameters Archiving uses the ARCn background process to write the redo logs to archive initOPERA.ora archive parameters: #log_archive_dest_1 = "location=D:\oracle\admin\opera\archive mandatory REOPEN=120" #log_archive_format=ARC%S_%R.%T
Opera Global Technical Services Enable Archiving Set initOPERA.ora archiving parameters Mount the database in exclusive mode D:\>sqlplus sys/opera10g as sysdba SQL>Startup mount exclusive Set the database in ARCHIVELOG mode SQL>ALTER DATABASE ARCHIVELOG; Startup the database SQL>ALTER DATABASE OPEN;
Opera Global Technical Services Disable Archiving Remove initOPERA.ora archiving parameters Mount the database in exclusive mode D:\>sqlplus sys/opera10g as sysdba SQL>Startup mount exclusive Set the database in NOARCHIVELOG mode SQL>ALTER DATABASE NOARCHIVELOG; Startup the database SQL>ALTER DATABASE OPEN;
Opera Global Technical Services Tablespaces And Datafiles
Opera Global Technical Services Tablespaces and Datafiles All objects in the database are stored logically in TABLESPACES and physically in DATAFILES TABLESPACES: - Belong to only one Database - Consist of one or more Datafiles - Are divided in Segments, Extents and Blocks DATAFILES - Belong to only one Tablespace - Physical files on the operating system Opera Global Technical Services Locally Managed Tablespaces Reduced contention on the data dictionary No undo data generation when space allocation or deallocation occurs No coalescing required UNIFORM sized extents are more reusable
Opera Global Technical Services Dictionary Managed Tablespaces Extents managed in the data dictionary Each segment may have a different storage clause Coalescing required
CREATE TABLESPACE opera_data DATAFILE g:\oracle\oradata\opera\opera_data01.dbf SIZE 512M EXTENT MANAGEMENT DICTIONARY DEFAULT STORAGE (initial 1M NEXT 1M PCTINCREASE 0); Opera Global Technical Services Temporary Tablespace Used for sort operations Cannot store any permanent objects Locally managed extents Tempfiles are always NOLOGGING
Default temporary tablespace define at database creation. Can change the default temporary tablespace ALTER DATABASE DEFAULT TEMPORARY TABLESPACE tempseg; Cannot be taken offline or dropped until a new temporary tablespace is available Opera Global Technical Services Read Only Tablespace The following command makes a tablespace read only:
This causes a checkpoint Data within the tablespace is available only for Selects Objects can be dropped SYS_READ tablespace Opera Global Technical Services Resizing Tablespaces ALTER DATABASE ALTER TABLESPACE Can change the size of a tablespace by: Alter the size of the datafile Alter the datafile to have AUTOEXTEND turned on Add a datafile ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE g:\oracle\oradata\opera\opera_data01.dbf RESIZE 4096m; ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE g:\oracle\oradata\opera\opera_data01.dbf AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 100m MAXSIZE 4096m; ALTER TABLESPACE opera_data ADD DATAFILE g:\oracle\oradata\opera\opera_data02.dbf size 2048m;
Opera Global Technical Services Moving or Renaming Datafiles Shutdown the database Physically on the OS move the datafile Startup mount the database Execute: ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE g:\oracle\oradata\opera\opera_data01.dbf TO h:\oracle\oradata\opera_data01.dbf; Open the database Opera Global Technical Services Tablespace Information Information about tablespaces and datafiles can be obtained in the following views: Tablespaces DBA_TABLESPACES V$TABLESPACE Datafiles DBA_DATA_FILES V$DATAFILE Temporary files DBA_TEMP_FILES V$TEMPFILE Opera Global Technical Services
Opera Global Technical Services Oracle Net Services
Opera Global Technical Services Oracle 9i/10g Standard
Opera Global Technical Services Oracle RAC Option
Opera Global Technical Services Oracle Net Models Locally Managed: Files reside on each computer listener.ora (server) tnsnames.ora (client) sqlnet.ora (server and client)
Centrally Managed: LDAP directory server ldap.ora (server and client) Oracle Names server names.ora (server and client)
Opera Global Technical Services Opera Local Naming
Opera Global Technical Services Establishing a Connection
Opera Global Technical Services Default Listener Parameters
Opera Global Technical Services Listener Contents Listener contains the following entries: Listeners name Protocol addresses that it is accepting connection requests on Services it is listening for Control parameters
Opera Global Technical Services Dynamic Service Registration Initialization file contains the following entries: SERVICE_NAMES INSTANCE_NAME LOCAL_LISTENER for non-default listener REMOTE_LISTENER for RAC Opera Global Technical Services LSNRCTL Utility Listener Control Utility enables manupulation of the listener through the command line LSNRCTL> command_name LSNRCTL> help The following operations are available An asterisk (*) denotes a modifier or extended command:
start stop status services version reload save_config trace change_password quit exit set* show* Opera Global Technical Services Cost Based Optimizer
Opera Global Technical Services Query Optimization A query is a non-procedural request of information from the database. To process a query the kernel has to characterize the retrieval strategy or formulate an execution plan for fetching the candidate rows. Typically, to execute a query, several execution plans may be feasible. For example, tables participating in a join could be processed in a number of different orders depending on the join conditions and the join methods implemented in the kernel. To choose between alternative plans, the kernel must use some realistic unit to measure the resources used by each plan. It can then choose between competing plans on the basis of costs and discard all except the one which consumes the least. Opera Global Technical Services Cost Based Optimizer Oracle addresses query optimization by incorporating a Cost Engine in the kernel to estimate and select execution plans on the basis of costs. Costs quantify the resource consumption of the query. Resources used by a query can be broken into three principal parts I/O cost CPU Costs Network Costs Opera Global Technical Services Cost Based vs. Rule Based The RBO has a set number of rules that SQL uses to create an execution plan. For example: The RBO designates whether an index is used/not used or which table in the FROM clause should be the primary table in a union. There are approximately 16 different rules from which the RBO can choose. The CBO operates very differently from the RBO. CBO uses actual table statistics to determine the best execution plan. These statistics are gathered running Gather Schema Statistics. Opera Global Technical Services Analyze Objects To enable costing of execution plans, detailed statistical descriptions of the data relating to objects in the query is required. The statistics are generated by the ANALYZE facility. There are two modes in which analyze may be performed COMPUTE Compute scans each member of the object ESTIMATE Estimate mode looks at a sample of the total. If there are no statistics, then the cost optimizer uses hardcoded estimates or "guesses". Opera Global Technical Services Gather Statistics Command execute dbms_stats.gather_database_stats(options=>'GATHE R',estimate_percent=>dbms_stats.auto_sample_size, method_opt=> 'FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE AUTO', cascade=>true); Opera Global Technical Services GATHER_STATS_JOB GATHER_STATS_JOB runs every night at midnight to gather stale statistics Verify the job by viewing the DBA_SCHEDULER_JOBS view: SELECT * FROM DBA_SCHEDULER_JOBS WHERE JOB_NAME = 'GATHER_STATS_JOB'; Verify statistics in a schema are current by querying LAST_ANALYZED column in dba_tables select distinct(last_analyzed), owner from dba_tables;
Opera Global Technical Services Daylight Savings Time
Opera Global Technical Services DST Changes The Energy Policy Act of 2005 was signed into law in August 2005 to extend daylight saving time.
Beginning in 2007, daylight saving time in the U.S. will begin on the second Sunday in March and end the first Sunday in November rather than beginning on the first Sunday in April and ending the last Sunday in October, as it did in the past.
Under the new rules for 2007, DST will start on March 11, 2007 end on November 04, 2007. As a result the database may report incorrect time zone data between 03/11/2007 04/01/2007 and between 10/28/2007 11/04/2007 (and on different dates in subsequent years), unless the required patches are applied. Opera Global Technical Services What is the database timezone? The database time zone is not as important as it sounds. First of all it does not influence functions like sysdate, or systimestamp. These function take their contents (date and time, and in the case of systimestamp also time zone) completely from the OS without any "Oracle" intervention.
The only function of the database time zone is that it functions as a time zone in which the values of the "TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE" (TSLTZ) datatype are normalized when they are stored in the database.
However, these values are always converted into the session time zone on insert and retrieval, so the actual setting of the database time zone is more or less immaterial. Opera Global Technical Services DST Patch Who needs the DST patch? ONLY locations where the database is not in the same time zone as the hotel would be affected. Mostly larger sites will be impacted, like Candlewood datacenter. All sites just need to make sure they have the OS patches/updates applied. The patch is applied to the database. It replaces two files and requires the database to be restarted. The patch is included in the Micros 403 database CD. Opera Global Technical Services
OPERA_SMT Opera Global Technical Services Opera_SMT Command Line SMT now supports command line Command Line Functionality: COMPILE to compile a schema EXPORT to export a schema IMPORT to import a schema - (requires SYS password!) EPATCH to run scripts against a schema ANALYZE to analyze schema (Oracle 10g only) - (requires SYS password!) Opera Global Technical Services SMT Command Line Syntax opera_smt /cmd=<command>[;<command options>]
<parameter> ::= ['USR','PWD','ODB','SYPWD','LOG','O9I','ZIP', 'TBS','OPU','OPP','OPD','OXU','OXP','OXD','SIL','SYN','DBG'] Opera Global Technical Services SMT Command Line Parameters USR: Oracle UserName/SchemaName PWD: Oracle Schema/User Password ODP: Oracle Database Alias (as specified in TNSnames.ora) SYPWD: SYS password LOG: Log file name (always overwritten) O9I: <Y, N> Use 9i export utility (only for import into 9i database) ZIP: <Y, N> Create selfextracting Archive on export TBS: Tablespace for imported schema OPU: Opera Schema UserName (on Import if imported schema is OXI/OXIHUB) OPP: Opera Schema Password (on Import if imported schema is OXI/OXIHUB) OPD: Opera Schema Alias (on Import if imported schema is OXI/OXIHUB) SIL: <Y, N> Silent mode, no output on command window DBG: <Y, N> Debug mode Opera Global Technical Services SMT Command Line Examples Compile Opera Schema opera_smt /cmd=compile;usr=opera;pwd=opera;odb=opera;log=smt_compil e.log Compile Opera Schema and refresh all synomyms opera_smt /cmd=compile;usr=opera;pwd=opera;odb=opera;log=smt_compil e.log;syn=y Export Opera Schema opera_smt /cmd=export;usr=opera;pwd=opera;odb=opera;zip=n;log=smt_ex port.log /id:\export\opera\opera.dmp Import Opera Schema opera_smt /cmd=import;usr=newopera;pwd=newopera;odb=opera;sypwd=* *****;log=smt_import.log /id:\export\opera\opera.dmp Opera Global Technical Services
OPERA Information
Opera Global Technical Services OPERA Commands sqlplus opera/opera Select * from installed_app; select license_code from installed_app_licenses; ALTER USER user_name IDENTIFIED BY new_password; DROP USER user_name [CASCADE];
Opera Global Technical Services OPERA File Locations alertOPERA.log G:\oracle\admin\opera\bdump Arvhive logs D:\oracle\admin\opera\archive Control Files D:\oracle\oradata\opera\control01.ctl G:\oracle\oradata\opera\control02.ctl OPERA datafiles :\oracle\oradata\opera\<datafile_name>.dbf
Opera Global Technical Services Character Set UTF8 Unicode Varying width multibyte US7ASCII characters (A-Z,a-Z,0-1 and ./?,*# etc..) are in UTF8 1 byte, so for most West european languages the impact is rather limited as only "special" characters like , , will use more bytes then in a 8 bit characterset.
Information about NLS settings can be obtained by querying the following: NLS_DATABASE_PARAMETERS NLS_INSTANCE_PARAMETERS NLS_SESSION_PARAMETERS V$NLS_VALID_VALUES