Working With Communities
Working With Communities
Working With Communities
improve health
Liliane Luwaga
What is a community?
A group of people that may or may not be
spatially connected, but who share common
interests, concerns or identities.
Communities may be local, national or
international or even global in nature and may
have either specific or broad interests
(Laverack, 2007)
Community participation
A process that increases a communitys
capacity to identify and solve problems. Such
participation can lead to equitable and
sustainable improvements in health.
Active involvement in planning,
implementation, monitoring, evaluation and
decision making on matters related to their
health and development
Community participation
Change from Top down planning approaches
expert makes the decisions (indoctrination the
process of telling people what to do)
Community participation: Bottom up approach
members of the community make the decisions
Self help programs e.g. Community contributing
Calling people for a community meeting does not
mean that community participation has taken
Desired outcomes
Responsibility sharing
A sense of ownership
Self reliance
Acquisition of skills and competences
Efficiency and effectiveness in implementation
Equitable distribution of resources
Constraints to CP
Inappropriate attitudes and beliefs
Focus of training institutions on curative
services with little emphasis on preventive
and promotive services
Inadequate communication and feedback
between health structures and communities
Steps to facilitate CP
Baseline survey
Awareness creation
Facilitate the community to start own
Overlapping Concepts
Community Participation- actively and genuinely
involved in the process e.g. defining issues of
concern to them, making decisions, planning, etc
Community Involvement being included as a
necessary part of something
Community empowerment control, (gain
confidence, self esteem, understanding and
power necessary to articulate their concerns,
ensue that action is taken to address them)
Thank you